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/* This is where we create all the harlots */ <<set $harlotCount to 80>> <<set $allHarlots = []>> <<for _harlotNum to 0; _harlotNum lt $harlotCount; _harlotNum++>> <<set $initLink to "Harlot" + _harlotNum + "Init">> <<include $initLink>> <</for>> <<set $hcCount to 3>> <<set $hci = []>> <<set $currentHarlotIndex to 0>> <<set $hapi = []>> <<set $madamOverrideHarlotPick to -1>> <<set $overrideHarlotPicks = []>> <<set $nonOverridableRounds = [5,9,13]>> /* Init this as 0 for all harlots */ <<set $visitNumberForFactionIncrease to 0>>
''<<print "Number of harlots = " + $allHarlots.length>>'' <br> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $allHarlots.length; _i++>> <<print _i>>. <<print $allHarlots[_i].name>><br> <</for>>
/* House stats */ <<include [[HouseInit]]>> /* Initialise NPCs */ <<include [[NpcInit]]>>
The House of Hellish Harlots has claimed another victim...<br> <br> /* TODO: Remember to reset all the variables */ <<if $isHarlotTesting>> [[Other Testing->Harlot Tester]] <<else>> [[Restart?->Intro: Begin New Game]] <</if>>
© M. E. Hydra
v0.055 Demo - Rounds 1 to 5, 80 harlots
/* We include the passage displaying all the player stats here */ <<include [[Display Player Stats On Sidebar]]>>
/* We create all the possible gifts here */ <<set $giftCount to 34>> <<set $allGifts = []>> <<for _giftNum to 0; _giftNum lt $giftCount; _giftNum++>> <<set $initLink to "Gift" + _giftNum + "Init">> <<include $initLink>> <<set $allGifts[$gift.number] = $gift>> <</for>> <<set $regularGiftCount to 23>> /* Init all the category names */ <<include [[GiftCategoryNamesInit]]>>
/* Black Rose. This is the death gift - give it to any harlot to get the sexy Bad End */ <<set $gift to { number: 0, name: "Black Rose", isSingular: true, description: "a rose with black petals on a plump red cushion", categories: [2, 3] }>>
/* Chocolates */ <<set $gift to { number: 1, name: "Chocolates", isSingular: false, description: "a box of fancy chocolates", categories: [0, 4] }>>
/* Wine */ <<set $gift to { number: 2, name: "Wine", isSingular: true, description: "a bottle of wine", categories: [1, 4] }>>
/* Perfume */ <<set $gift to { number: 3, name: "Perfume", isSingular: true, description: "a bottle of exotic perfume", categories: [2, 4, 5, 8] }>>
/* Flask of Scented Oil */ <<set $gift to { number: 4, name: "Flask of Scented Oil", isSingular: true, description: "a fluted gold flask of scented oil", categories: [2, 5, 7] }>>
/* Ribbon */ <<set $gift to { number: 5, name: "Ribbon", isSingular: true, description: "a pretty white ribbon", categories: [3, 9] }>>
/* Vial of Blood */ <<set $gift to { number: 6, name: "Vial of Blood", isSingular: true, description: "a vial of red liquid that looks suspiciously like blood", categories: [12,13] }>>
/* Small fluffy thing */ <<set $gift to { number: 7, name: "Small Fluffy Thing", isSingular: true, description: "a small fluffy creature of indeterminate species in a glass jar", categories: [9, 11] }>>
/* Grapes */ <<set $gift to { number: 8, name: "Grapes", isSingular: false, description: "a bunch of deliciously ripe grapes", categories: [0] }>>
/* Eyeball */ <<set $gift to { number: 9, name: "Eyeball", isSingular: true, description: "a single eyeball on a small metal tray", categories: [12,13,14] }>>
/* Fish */ <<set $gift to { number: 10, name: "Fish", isSingular: true, description: "a raw fish on a plate", categories: [11] }>>
/* Heart */ <<set $gift to { number: 11, name: "Bleeding Heart", isSingular: true, description: "a bloody heart on a plate", categories: [12,13,14] }>>
<<print "Number of gifts = " + $allGifts.length>> <br><br> <<for _i, _gift range $allGifts>> <<print _i>>. <<print + ". ">> <<print _gift.isSingular + ". ">> <<set _giftCategories to _gift.categories>> <<include [[Gifts: Print Gift Categories]]>> <br> <</for>>
TESTING GIFTS <<include [[Test Gifts: Print All Gifts]]>> <br> <br> <<include [[Test Gifts: Print All Descriptions]]>>
TESTING HARLOTS<br> <br> <<include [[Test Harlots: Print All Harlot Names]]>> <br> <<include [[Test Harlots: Print All Harlot Gifts]]>> <br>
''<<print "Number of harlots = " + $allHarlots.length>>'' <br> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $allHarlots.length; _i++>> <<print $allHarlots[_i].name + "'s">> gifts: <<set _gis to $allHarlots[_i].gifts>> <<for _g to 0; _g lt _gis.length; _g++>> <<set _gi to _gis[_g]>> <<print $allGifts[_gi].name + ", ">> <</for>> <br> <</for>>
/* ailments */ <<include [[PlayerAilmentsInit]]>> /* Initialise player stats */ <<set $player to { baseStr: 0, baseAgi: 0, baseDex: 0, baseInt: 0, baseWill: 0, baseConst: 0, currStr: 0, currAgi: 0, currDex: 0, currInt: 0, currWill: 0, currConst: 0, maxSemenCount: 10, semenCount: 10, money: 0, mulliganTokens: 0, charms: [], hasVision: false, roomScores: [], factionAffinities: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], maxFactionAffinities: [], potionResistance: 3, potionEffects: [], ailments: [], knownAilments: [] }>> /* semen change stats */ <<set $semenChange to 0>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>>
/* Generic house stats that don't fit under any particular segment. */ <<set $currentRound to 0>> <<set $baseClubActivityMaxUnits to 4>> <<set $clubActivityMaxUnits to $baseClubActivityMaxUnits>> <<set $clubActivityUnits to $clubActivityMaxUnits>> <<set $basePostroomActivityMaxUnits to 2>> <<set $postroomActivityMaxUnits to $basePostroomActivityMaxUnits>> <<set $postroomActivityUnits to $postroomActivityMaxUnits>> <<set $currencyName to "Coin">> <<set $mulliganToken to { name: "Mulligan Token", madamSellPrice: 10, moneyBuyPrice: 8 }>> <<set $socialisingDrinks to [ { name: "Bottle of Water" }, { name: "Soft Drink" }, { name: "Beer" }, { name: "Glass of Wine" }, { name: "Tumbler of Hard Liquer" } ]>>
Player Faction Affinities:<br> <<for _faction to 0; _faction lt $player.factionAffinities.length; _faction++>> <<print _faction>>: <<print $player.factionAffinities[_faction]>><br> <</for>>
''Your Stats:''<br> <<include [[Display Semen Count]]>> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> <<set _isSubText to "Submissive">> <<else>> <<set _isSubText to "Dominant">> <</if>> <<if $player.currIsSlutty>> <<set _isSlutText to "Slutty">> <<else>> <<set _isSlutText to "Romantic">> <</if>> <<if $player.currIsSerious>> <<set _isSeriousText to "Serious">> <<else>> <<set _isSeriousText to "Humorous">> <</if>> <<if $player.currIsCautious>> <<set _isCautiousText to "Cautious">> <<else>> <<set _isCautiousText to "Impulsive">> <</if>> <<if $player.currIsBlunt>> <<set _isBluntText to "Blunt">> <<else>> <<set _isBluntText to "Tactful">> <</if>> <<if $player.currIsGloomy>> <<set _isGloomyText to "Gloomy">> <<else>> <<set _isGloomyText to "Cheerful">> <</if>> <table style="width:100%"> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">Strength:</td> <td style="text-align:right">$player.currStr</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">Agility:</td> <td style="text-align:right">$player.currAgi</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">Dexterity:</td> <td style="text-align:right">$player.currDex</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">Intelligence:</td> <td style="text-align:right">$player.currInt</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">Willpower:</td> <td style="text-align:right">$player.currWill</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">Constitution:</td> <td style="text-align:right">$player.currConst</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">_isSubText</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">_isSlutText</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">_isSeriousText</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">_isCautiousText</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">_isBluntText</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">_isGloomyText</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">Semen:</td> <td style="text-align:right">_semenText</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"><<print $currencyName + "s:">></td> <td style="text-align:right">$</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"><<print $ + "s:">></td> <td style="text-align:right">$player.mulliganTokens</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">Harlot Affec:</td> <td style="text-align:right">$allHarlots[$hi].affection</td> </tr> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">CAUnits:</td> <td style="text-align:right">$clubActivityUnits</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">PRAUnits:</td> <td style="text-align:right">$postroomActivityUnits</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <</if>> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">CHARMS</td> </tr> <<for _c to 0; _c lt $player.charms.length; _c++>> <<set _cid to $player.charms[_c]>> <tr> <td style="text-align:left">$allCharms[_cid].name</td> </tr> <</for>> </table>
/* Random Stats */ <<include [[Create Player Physical Stats: Distributed]]>> <<include [[Create Player Disposition Stats: Random]]>> <<include [[Create Player]]>> <<include [[Unset Physical Stats]]>> <<include [[Unset Disposition Stats]]>>
Player Physical Stats:<br> Base Strength = <<print $player.baseStr>><br> Base Agility = <<print $player.baseAgi>><br> Base Dexterity = <<print $player.baseDex>><br> Base Intelligence = <<print $player.baseInt>><br> Base Willpower = <<print $player.baseWill>><br> Base Constitution = <<print $player.baseConst>><br> <br> Current Strength = <<print $player.currStr>><br> Current Agility = <<print $player.currAgi>><br> Current Dexterity = <<print $player.currDex>><br> Current Intelligence = <<print $player.currInt>><br> Current Willpower = <<print $player.currWill>><br> Current Constitution = <<print $player.currConst>><br>
Player Room Scores:<br> <br> <<for _s to 0; _s lt $player.roomScores.length; _s++>> <<set _scoreObj to $player.roomScores[_s]>> <<include [[Player: Print Room Score]]>><br> <br> <</for>>
/* Generic code to include at end of harlot scenario (assuming player survives) */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].faction neq 0 and $isFactionIncrease eq true>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].isFiller>> /* Do nothing */ <<else>> <<set $player.factionAffinities[$allHarlots[$hi].faction] += 1>> <</if>> <</if>> /* Have to change it within allHarlots as otherwise we're just modifying a clone of the harlot object and the change won't be saved. */ <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited to true>> <<if $isHarlotTesting eq true>> <<include [[Test Harlot: Scenario End]]>> <<else>> [[You leave the room.->Harlot Room: Leave]] <</if>>
-ROOM SCORE------------------------------<br> <<include [[Player: Print Room Score]]>> <br> Is Faction Affinity Increase: <<print $isFactionIncrease>><br> Harlot.HasBeenVisited: <<print $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>><br> Harlot.IsRepeatable: <<print $allHarlots[$hi].isRepeatable>><br> <br> <<include [[Player: Print Faction Affinities]]>> <br> ---------------------------------------<br>
''Round:'' <<print _scoreObj.round>><br> ''Harlot:'' <<print $allHarlots[_scoreObj.harlotNumber].name>><br> ''NPC Money score:''<br> <<set _scoreArray to _scoreObj.scoreArray>> <<include [[Score Array: Print]]>>
/* Generic Harlot (the dummies) */ <<set $hi to <num>>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "<name>", shortDescription: "", faction: <num>, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [$allGifts[<val>], $allGifts[<val>]], affection: 0, introductionLink: "Dummy Harlot: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Dummy Harlot: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Dummy Harlot: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Dummy Harlot: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Dummy Harlot: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Dummy Harlot: Sell Experiences" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
/* Initialise some stats associated with the NPC Madam */ <<set $npcMadam to { name: "The Madam", isAvailable: true, isUnavailable: false, hasBeenAskedToMulliganHarlots: false, hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken: false, hasToldHowNotToMulliganHarlots: false, hasToldHowToBuyMulliganTokens: false, hasToldOfNpcMoney: false, hasToldHowToAddHarlot: false, hasExplainedSocialising: false }>>
/* This is the way to do semen count changes in Bad End scenarios or where the player isn't coming back. Updates semen count, but only checks it stays at zero */ <<set $player.semenCount += $semenChange>> <<if $player.semenCount lt 0>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <</if>> <<if $player.semenCount gt $player.maxSemenCount>> <<set $player.semenCount to $player.maxSemenCount>> <</if>>
/* Move all the semen changes to one location. Can put all the triggers on semen count stat here. Can also track if player has been drained enough to trigger a Bad End. */ /* semen choker acts here to reduce all semen lost to units of 1 */ <<if $player.charms.includes(18) and $semenChange lt -1>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Semen loss changed from $semenChange to -1 thanks to Semen Choker Charm.''<br> <br> <</if>> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <</if>> <<set $player.semenCount += $semenChange>> <<if $player.semenCount lt 0>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to true>> /* triggers bad end */ <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <</if>> <<if $player.semenCount gt $player.maxSemenCount>> <<set $player.semenCount to $player.maxSemenCount>> <</if>>
<<set $gift to { number: , name: "", description: "", categories: }>>
/* Soap */ <<set $gift to { number: 12, name: "Exotic Bottle of Soap", isSingular: true, description: "an exotic green bottle of soap with a pump", categories: [5, 7] }>>
/* Print out all values for a harlot. (A test to make sure I haven't buggered up the init passage) */ ''Harlot:'' $allHarlots[$hi].number<br> ''Name:'' $allHarlots[$hi].name<br> ''Short Description:'' $allHarlots[$hi].shortDescription<br> <br> ''Faction:'' $allHarlots[$hi].faction<br> ''Min Round:'' $allHarlots[$hi].minRound<br> ''Max Round:'' $allHarlots[$hi].maxRound<br> <br> ''Is Repeatable:'' $allHarlots[$hi].isRepeatable<br> ''Has Been Visited:'' $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited<br> <br> ''Gifts:'' <<for _g to 0; _g lt $allHarlots[$hi].gifts.length; _g++>> <<set _gi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[_g]>> <<print " " + $allGifts[_gi].name>>, <</for>><br> <br> ''Affection:'' $allHarlots[$hi].affection<br> <br>
/* Test to see all harlot properties have initialised correctly */ <<include [[Harlot: Print]]>> <br> Checking Links...<br> [[Introduction->$allHarlots[$hi].introductionLink]]<br> [[If Not Chosen->$allHarlots[$hi].ifNotChosenLink]]<br> [[If Mulliganned->$allHarlots[$hi].ifMulligannedLink]]<br> [[Socialising->$allHarlots[$hi].socialisingLink]]<br> [[NPC Gossip->$allHarlots[$hi].npcGossipLink]]<br> [[Scenario->$allHarlots[$hi].scenarioLink]]<br> [[Sell Experiences->$allHarlots[$hi].sellExpLink]]<br> <br> --NPC_Gossip Gossip----------------------------------<br> <<include [[Harlot: Print Gossip Gossip]]>> -----------------------------------------------------<br> <br> --Harlot Gossip--------------------------------------<br> <<include [[Harlot: Print Harlot Gossip]]>> -----------------------------------------------------<br> <br> [[More Testing->Harlot Tester]]
/* Each harlot may have some random gossip about other harlots. This is a short passage to inject that gossip in at random (each harlot might have multiple hints - but only a random one is displayed) */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip.length gt 0>> <<set _index to random(0, $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip.length - 1)>> <<print $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[_index]>> <</if>>
''Testing Harlot Gossip:''<br> <<for _h to 0; _h lt $allHarlots.length; _h++>> <<set $hi to _h]>> <<print $allHarlots[$hi].name>>: <<include[[Harlot Scenario: Select Harlot Gossip]]>><br> <</for>>
/* Initialise all the NPCs */ <<include [[NPC Madam: Init]]>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Init]]>> <<include [[NPC Money: Init]]>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Init]]>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Init]]>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Init]]>> <<include [[NPC Barman: Init]]>>
/* Initialise some stats associated with NPC_Gossip */ <<set $npcGossip to { name: "The Elegant Woman", realName: "NPC_Gossip", isAvailable: true, isUnavailable: false, hasBeenIntroduced: false, hasBeenVisited: false, hasBeenBoughtFirstDrink: false, hasGivenMoneyHints: false, hasTalkedAboutHouse: false, hasBeenAskedForSex: false, hasGossipedAboutBarman: false, leavingMessages: [] }>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Populate Leaving Messages]]>>
/* Hold all the regular Inits while we test them separately to see which one is breaking */ /* Flag for test purposes */ <<set $isTesting to false>> <<set $isNpcTesting to false>> <<set $isHarlotTesting to false>> /* Initialise player */ <<include [[PlayerInit]]>> /* Other pieces */ <<include [[Init New Game Stats]]>>
<<set $npcMadam.hasExplainedSocialising to true>> "Why, of course there is, my dear," $ says. "We have the bar area for that. You can take her for a drink and have a little chat. It's a perfect way to find out if you're compatible. The House wants everyone to have a good time in its rooms."<br> <br> She flutters her fan.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Madam: Socialising: Request]]>>
One of the House's scantily clad waitresses comes over to take your order.<br> <br> <<if $ eq 0>> [["You have no " + $currencyName + "s!"->Socialising: No Money]] <<else>> <<set $ -= 1>> What drink will you order?<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: Order Drinks]]>> <</if>>
Rather sheepishly, you realise you are out of <<print $currencyName + "s">>. <<include [[$socNoMoneyLink]]>>
/* Handle harlot affection changes in one place in case we need to make changes (eg items that modify the change or triggers off changes) prereq: $affectionChange, _affectionChangeReason */ <<set _txtStr to "Affection Change: " + _affectionChangeReason>> <<if $player.charms.includes(17) and $affectionChange lt 0>> <<if $isTesting>> ''_txtStr (Cancelled - $allCharms[17].name)''<br> <br> <</if>> <<else>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].affection += $affectionChange>> <<if $affectionChange gt 0>> <<set _valStr to "+" + $affectionChange>> <<else>> <<set _valStr to "" + $affectionChange>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''_txtStr (_valStr)''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>>
<<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Socialising Test Over''<br> <br> [[Other Testing->Harlot Tester]] <<else>> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->Socialising: Return To Madam]] <</if>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $hci.length; _i++>> <<capture _i>> <<set _name to $allHarlots[$hci[_i]].name>> [[_name->Socialising: Harlot Chosen][$hi to $hci[_i]]]<br> <</capture>> <</for>>
"Who would you like to talk to? I'll bring her down right away."<br> <br> //Socialising with a harlot will cost an Action and may have other effects.//<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: Choose Harlot]]>> <br> [[It's okay. I'm good.->NPC Madam: Continuation Hub]]
<<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].socialisingLink]]>>
$allHarlots[$hi].name shouts angrily at you for wasting her time. She storms back to the presentation area.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a glass of 'milk' for <<print $allHarlots[$hi].name + ".">> You talk for a while.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isTesting to true>> <<set $isNpcTesting to true>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $ to 12>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $currentRound to 1>> <<set $clubActivityUnits to 4>> <<set $postroomActivityUnits to 2>> <<set $isPostRoom to true>> <<set $npcGossip.hasBeenIntroduced to true>> <<set $npcGossip.hasBeenVisited to false>> <<set $npcGossip.hasBeenBoughtFirstDrink to false>> <<set $npcGossip.hasGivenMoneyHints to false>> <<set $npcCharm.hasBeenIntroduced to true>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Print]]>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Determine Availability]]>> <<set $hci to [0, 3, 30]>> <<set $hapi to [9, 0, 3, 5, 2, 30]>> [[Begin Tests...->NPC Gossip: Look For]]<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Print Leaving Messages]]>> <br>
--NPC Gossip--------------------------------------<br> ''name'' = <<print $>><br> ''realName'' = <<print $npcGossip.realName>><br> ''isAvailable'' = <<print $npcGossip.isAvailable>><br> ''isUnavailable'' = <<print $npcGossip.isUnavailable>><br> ''hasBeenIntroduced'' = <<print $npcGossip.hasBeenIntroduced>><br> ''hasBeenBoughtFirstDrink'' = <<print $npcGossip.hasBeenBoughtFirstDrink>><br> ''hasGivenMoneyHints'' = <<print $npcGossip.hasGivenMoneyHints>><br> ''hasTalkedAboutHouse'' = <<print $npcGossip.hasTalkedAboutHouse>><br> ''hasBeenAskedForSex'' = <<print $npcGossip.hasBeenAskedForSex>><br> ---------------------------------------------------<br> <br>
$ isn't at her usual place at the bar. You look around and can't see her anywhere. It seems she's otherwise occupied right now. You'll have to talk to someone else.<br> <br> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Gossip: Repeat]] <<else>> <<if $isPostRoom>> [[You go back to your place at the bar.->Post-Room Activities: Hub]] <<else>> [[You go back to your place at the bar.->Club Activities: Hub]] <</if>> <</if>><br> //This did not cost an Action.//
/* Gossip is always available if she hasn't yet been introduced for the first time */ <<if $npcGossip.hasBeenIntroduced eq false>> <<set $npcGossip.isAvailable to true>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is available because she hasn't been introduced yet.''<br> <</if>> /* Check if Gossip has been made unavailable because of one of the events. */ <<elseif $npcGossip.isUnavailable eq true>> <<set $npcGossip.isAvailable to false>> <<set $npcGossip.isUnavailable to false>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is unavailable because of an event.''<br> <</if>> /* follow the usual procedure for determining availability */ <<else>> <<include [[Roll for NPC Availability]]>> <<set $npcGossip.isAvailable to $isNpcAvailable>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is <<if $npcGossip.isAvailable eq false>>un<</if>>available because of availability roll.''<br> <</if>> <</if>>
/* Only show current harlot choices */ <<for _h to 0; _h lt $hci.length; _h++>> <<if $isGossipingOnHarlot and $hi eq $hci[_h]>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Skip $allHarlots[$hi].name as $ is already talking about her.''<br> <</if>> <<else>> <<capture _h>> <<set _name to $allHarlots[$hci[_h]].name>> [[_name->NPC Gossip: Harlot Chosen][$hi to $hci[_h]]]<br> <</capture>> <</if>> <</for>>
<<set $isGossipingOnHarlot to true>> <<set $refreshGossip to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Harlot index'' = $hi<br> ''Chosen Harlot'' = $allHarlots[$hi].name<br><br> <</if>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].isNonStandardGossip>> <<set _isNonStandardGossip to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Is NonStandard Gossip''<br><br> <</if>> <<else>> <<set _isNonStandardGossip to false>> <</if>> /* Don't charge actions or money here - need to check still has gossip */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip.length eq 0>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Harlot Gossip: Exhausted]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Gossip on Harlot]]>> <</if>> /* non-standard Gossip find their own way back */ <<if not _isNonStandardGossip>> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Gossip: Continuation Hub]] <</if>>
<<set $npcGossip.hasBeenVisited to true>> <br> You approach $ She puffs on her long cigarette holder. She doesn't even look at you as she places an empty cocktail glass on the wooden counter.<br> <br> "Ah perfect timing, darling," she says, talking to you while not looking at you. "I could do with another drink."<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Drink Hub Options]]>>
<<if $npcGossip.hasGivenMoneyHints>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: No Money Reminder]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: No Money Hints]]>> <</if>>
<<set $npcGossip.hasBeenBoughtFirstDrink to true>> <<set $ -= 1>> You buy $ a drink.<br> <br> "Why yes, I know all the girls, darling," $ says.<br> <br> As with $, you get the impression of a very old, experienced woman in a young and attractive body.<br> <br> "I know what makes them quiver and moan in the night, if you know what I mean," she guffaws.<br> <br> She exhales a cloud of smoke in your face. It is strangely scented – more like incense or perfume than cigarette smoke.<br> <br> "Or maybe you just want to know how to leave their room with your life and soul intact."<br> <br> She chuckles.<br> <br> [[Continue.->NPC Gossip: Gossip Hub: First Intro]]
/* This covers only the background code of leaving. It should be included by other leaving passages */ <<if not $hasUsedActionWithNpc>> <<if $isPostRoom>> <<set $postroomActivityUnits -= 1>> <<else>> <<set $clubActivityUnits -= 1>> <</if>> <</if>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Clean-Up]]>> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Gossip: Repeat]] <<else>> <<if $isPostRoom>> [[You return to your place at the bar.->Post-Room Activities: Hub]] <<else>> [[You return to your place at the bar.->Club Activities: Hub]] <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $npcGossip.hasGivenMoneyHints to true>> "No <<print $currencyName + "s?">>" $ says. "How unfortunate."<br> <br> She taps the stem of her cigarette holder, dropping ash onto the bar floor.<br> <br> "There's a man. A portly gentleman with a bowler hat and a pinstripe suit. You can't miss him. He pays very well for any information on the House's girls."<br> <br> She takes a long drag on her cigarette and plumes of smoke spill from her mouth and nostrils.<br> <br> "Not from me, though. Doesn't trust me. Says my information is unreliable."<br> <br> She scoffs.<br> <br> She turns and looks you over.<br> <br> "You might have better luck. He spends so much of his time trying to avoid <<print $ + "'s">> darlings I think he might bat for the other side. If you know what I mean."<br> <br> The corner of her lip turns up in a snide smirk. She orders a fresh drink from $ and studiously ignores you in a way that is quite deliberate.<br> <br>
"No <<print $currencyName + "s?">> $ says. "You need to find the portly gentleman. Or talk to that snake-oil potion seller. I hear she pays for semen samples."<br> <br> She orders a fresh drink from $ and studiously ignores you in a way that is quite deliberate.<br> <br>
$ is smoking and drinking at her regular spot at the bar.<br> <br> "Oh, it's you," she says.<br> <br> She clinks an empty cocktail glass down on the wooden counter.<br> <br> "Have you decided you'd rather not die horribly in this house of deadly carnal delights, or are you still too cheap to buy a lady a drink?"<br> <br> You know what she wants.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Drink Hub Options]]>>
<<set $isGossipingOnHarlot to false>> "Oh, you want the gossip on someone else? And who might that be?"<br> <br> You want to talk about:<br> [[$ + "?"->NPC Gossip: NPC Madam]]<br> [[$ + "?"->NPC Gossip: NPC Barman]]<br> <<if $npcMoney.hasBeenIntroduced>> [[$ + "?"->NPC Gossip: NPC Money]]<br> <</if>> <<if $npcNurse.hasBeenIntroduced>> [[$ + "?"->NPC Gossip: NPC Nurse]]<br> <</if>> <<if $npcPotion.hasBeenIntroduced>> [[$ + "?"->NPC Gossip: NPC Potion]]<br> <</if>> <<if $npcCharm.hasBeenIntroduced>> [[$ + "?"->NPC Gossip: NPC Charm]]<br> <</if>> [[$ + "?"->NPC Gossip: NPC Gossip]]<br> <br> [[Never mind.->NPC Gossip: Continuation Hub]]
<<include [[NPC Gossip: Pay Action]]>> <<set $isGossipingOnHarlot to false>> <<set $npcGossip.hasTalkedAboutHouse to true>> $ takes a long sip of her cocktail.<br> <br> "The House //efficiently// guards its secrets," she says. "Those of us who exist within its walls do well to remember that."<br> <br> The normally loquacious $ seems unusually reticent. She sips her drink and puffs her cigarette in silence.<br> <br> "There are //others// who are not so tightly bound by the geas of the House. Interlopers, so to speak," she says after a pause.<br> <br> Her gaze flicks to $ as he pours a drink for another patron. It is a quick eye movement, one you only just catch, but you are able to catch it. Perhaps as $ intended.<br> <br> "If you were to find such a person, you might find their tongues to be a little freer. Should you wish to discuss the House itself."<br> <br> She exhales a plume of smoke.<br> <br> "Of course, if you are more interested in discussing the House's lovely inhabitants, then the person you should be talking to – and buying drinks for – is the wonderfully charming, elegant and refined //moi//."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Gossip: Continuation Hub]]
/* This is a long list of everyone the player has been presented with */ <<for _h to 0; _h lt $hapi.length; _h++>> <<if $isGossipingOnHarlot eq true and $hi eq $hapi[_h]>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Skip $allHarlots[$hi].name as $ is already talking about her.''<br> <</if>> <<else>> <<capture _h>> <<set _name to $allHarlots[$hapi[_h]].name>> [[_name->NPC Gossip: Harlot Chosen][$hi to $hapi[_h]]]<br> <</capture>> <</if>> <</for>>
<<set $refreshGossip to true>> "I'm afraid I've told you all I know about <<print $allHarlots[$hi].name + ",\"">> $ says.<br> <br> //This did not cost you an Action or $currencyName.//<br> <br> "We can go over old gossip if you need a reminder. Or we can talk about something else."<br> <br> <<set _isNonStandardGossip to false>>
<<include [[NPC Gossip: Pay Action]]>> "What else do I know about <<print $allHarlots[$hi].name + "?">> Now let me see."<br> <br> She puffs on her cigarette.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br> <br>
<<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include[[NPC Gossip: Harlot Chosen]]>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].isNonStandardGossip>> <<set _isNonStandardGossip to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Is NonStandard Gossip''<br><br> <</if>> <<else>> <<set _isNonStandardGossip to false>> <</if>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: More Harlot Gossip]]>> /* non-standard Gossip find their own way back */ <<if not _isNonStandardGossip>> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Gossip: Continuation Hub]] <</if>>
<<include [[NPC Gossip: Pay Action]]>> $ pulls a face as she sips her cocktail.<br> <br> "Ah, our dear Madam. Hmm. What to say about her?"<br> <br> She draws on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "As much as it chafes to acknowledge, all of us are servants to a master, and the most important quality of any servant is to know their place. Even gossips. A prudent gossip knows when to tell all and when to keep her lips buttoned, lest she have them stripped off. After all, it would not be wise to tittle-tattle about someone who would quite cheerfully have all your skin flayed off, and your eyes boiled in incubus piss."<br> <br> She exhales a plume of fragrant smoke.<br> <br> "So, I will tell you that $ is a lovely and fair manager of this establishment, and wishes only for her patrons to have a good time with her highly talented girls."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Gossip: Continuation Hub]]
<<include [[NPC Gossip: Pay Action]]>> "You want me to gossip about me?"<br> <br> $ splutters on her cocktail with laughter.<br> <br> "What a positively perverse request. Okay then."<br> <br> Her lips curl up in amusement.<br> <br> "Why, she is wonderful. A charming and refined paragon of ladylike femininity."<br> <br> Her smile widens, showing her teeth.<br> <br> "I've also heard she's an absolute fiend in the sack."<br> <br> For a rare moment, she actually deigns to look at you, and you experience the full lustful intensity of her gaze. It heats you up and triggers a throb in your loins. Then she looks away with a little chuckle. She puts the stem of her cigarette holder in her mouth and takes another draw.<br> <br> "Maybe you'll find out later for yourself, but for now we have more pressing concerns."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Gossip: Continuation Hub]]
/* Mug of Coffee */ <<set $gift to { number: 13, name: "Mug of Coffee", isSingular: true, description: "a piping hot mug of fresh coffee", categories: [1] }>>
/* Twig Fetish */ <<set $gift to { number: 14, name: "Twig Fetish", isSingular: true, description: "a collection of twigs and fluff bound together by rough twine to form a vaguely humanoid shape", categories: [10, 11] }>>
/* Anna Boa */ <<set $hi to 4>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Anna Boa", shortDescription: "THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN OVERWRITTEN BY PRE_INTRODUCTION PASSAGE!", faction: 1, factionIncrease: [false], /* for repeat visits only */ isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [7, 4], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Anna Boa: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Anna Boa: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Anna Boa: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Anna Boa: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Anna Boa: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Anna Boa: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Anna Boa: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Anna Boa: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Anna Boa: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.hasSeenLamia to true>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $player.charms.push(17)>> <<set $player.hasVision to true>> <<set $player.currStr to 5>> /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> /* <<set _ailment to 6>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 4>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> /* <<set $cgi to 0>> */ <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Anna Boa */ <<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> /* affection thresholds */ <<set $okAffectionThreshold to 1>> <<set $goodAffectionThreshold to 5>> /* setting to 5 allows one miss on gift/attitude */ /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* gift (oil or fluffy) */ [1,false,false], /* wariness (wary or bold) */ [1,false,false], /* serious */ [1,false,false], /* STR 4 */ [1,false,false], /* STR 5 (also score STR 4)*/ [1,false,false], /* Bad Sex */ [1,false,false], /* Medium Sex (also score Bad) */ [1,false,false], /* Good Sex (also score Bad & Med) */ [7,false,false] /* Repeat visit sex */ ] }>> "Come in, come in," Anna Boa says as you enter.<br> <br> Her room is unusual. The most noticeable thing is that the floor is covered in a layer of fine soft sand. The next is that there is no furniture in the room aside from a potted cactus in each corner. The walls are painted light blue – like a wide desert sky – and are hung with pictures of erotica. It's very //muscular// erotica. They remind you of trashy old fantasy paperback covers, if the artists had been allowed to take cheesecake much much further.<br> <br> A ring is marked in the centre of the floor with a thin white rope. It does make you wonder exactly what Anna is into. The room looks more like a sumo wrestling dojo than a tart's boudoir.<br> <br> /* Wary */ <<if $player.currIsCautious>> "Don't cower there," Anna says. "I might mistake you for a mouse and eat you."<br> <br> You're sure you just saw a forked tongue flicker between her lips.<br> <br> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Anna Boa dislikes this">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<else>> /* Bold */ <<if not $player.currIsSubmissive>> You stride boldly into the room.<br> <br> "Mmm, confident," Anna says. "Maybe you'll make a good challenge."<br> <br> She takes off her short little leather jacket. It appears she's not about to waste any time.<br> <br> <<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Anna Boa likes this">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> /* default */ <<else>> You walk into the room. Anna is already taking off her short little leather jacket. It appears she doesn't waste any time.<br> <br> /* no affection change */ <</if>> <</if>> "What do you have for me?" she asks.<br> <br> [[Time to give her your gift.->Anna Boa: Gift]]
<<if $player.hasVision>> You take Anna out into the bar. No one seems to notice her serpentine form. You take one the round tables in the open area. <<else>> You take Anna out into the club. She prefers one of the central tables to the side booths. <</if>><br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Anna Boa: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Anna Boa: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<set _isRepeat to $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> <br> <br> <<if _isRepeat>> "Out of money? You should talk to <<print $ + ".">> He pays for information on all the girls. I think I'm a little too intimidating for him."<br> <br> She smiles.<br> <br> "Anyway, I'll see you upstairs for a rematch."<br> <br> <<else>> "Pathetic," Anna says.<br> <br> She returns to the presentation stage without you.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <</if>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with your drink and a glass of... milk for Anna. It looks like milk, but then with this place you can't be sure.<br> <br> Anna sips her drink and looks at you intently with her bright green eyes. <<if $player.hasVision>> You see her forked tongue flicker between her lips. <<else>> You're again convinced you see a forked tongue flicker between her lips. <</if>> Not only does Anna have a fantastic, athletic figure, she's also slightly intimidating, as if her presence extends outwards and encompasses the whole table. She has the look of a woman who could crumple you up into a little ball with little effort.<br> <br> <<switch $player.currStr>> <<case 1>> Finally, she speaks.<br> <br> "Look, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I think you should pick one of the other girls."<br> <br> She reaches over to place a hand on yours.<br> <br> "I play rough and you look a little fragile. I think I'd hurt you."<br> <br> <<case 4>> Anna looks you up and down.<br> <br> "Yes, I think you'll make an adequate challenge."<br> <br> She doesn't elaborate on what that 'challenge' is.<br> <br> <<case 5>> Anna looks you up and down and smiles.<br> <br> "Yes," she hisses. "Perfect. You'll be a perfect challenge. I'd very much like you to pick me."<br> <br> She doesn't elaborate on what that 'challenge' is.<br> <br> /* 2 and 3 */ <<default>> Anna looks you up and down. Her expression is neutral.<br> <br> "Are you sure you want to pick me? I play rough. You might get hurt."<br> <br> <</switch>> The drinks finished, you return to $<br> <br>
"That snake? She'll strangle the life out of you. Some girls break hearts. That one crushes ribcages."<br> <br> $ takes a drink of her cocktail.<br> <br> "She's not actually malicious, unlike a lot of the tarts here. I don't think she knows her own strength. It might be a fun experience... if you have the physique to withstand it."<br> <br> She takes another draw on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[1]>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Gift: Scented Oil]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Gift: Small Fluffy Thing]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>> /* romantic check */ <<if not $player.currIsSlutty>> The gifts presented, you step forwards to kiss Anna and give her a hug. She rebukes you and stiff arms you back.<br> <br> "We don't do lovey-dovey here," she says. "I require a different kind of foreplay to get my juices going. Now get your clothes off."<br> <br> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Anna Boa dislikes this">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <</if>> You take your clothes off and hang them on a hook by the door while Anna puts your gift to one side. The fine sand is warm between your toes. There must be some form of underfloor heating.<br> <br> <<if not $player.hasVision>> It's about this time you notice Anna has the lower body of a huge snake. She doesn't have legs. Below the hips, her torso merges with a long serpentine body and tail. It is brown, scaly and patterned with darker brown bands. It is also very thick and muscular. <<if $player.hasSeenLamia>> <br><br> Oh, another lamia. She's not the first you've seen in the House. How do they manage to hide that until you're in the room with them? <<else>> You think you would have noticed that earlier. <<set $player.hasSeenLamia to true>> <</if>><br> <br> <</if>> Anna slithers smoothly into the ring. She adopts some kind of wrestler's stance with her arms bent and set to grab you.<br> <br> "Are you ready for your squeeze?" she asks.<br> <br> [[Are you?->Anna Boa: Wrestling]]
/* Joking */ <<if not $player.currIsSerious>> You find it hard to take her stance seriously and let out a quip about it.<br> <br> Displeasure crosses Anna face. "This is not a place for flippancy."<br> <br> Her tail lashes out and cracks you in the guts. You double over as if just kicked.<br> <br> Anna pounces. <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Anna Boa dislikes this">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* Serious */ <<else>> Mixed-wrestling as foreplay? Why not.<br> <br> You adopt your own stance and enter the ring. Anna nods approvingly. You both warily circle each other.<br> <br> Anna makes a move, coming in low and much faster than you were expecting. <<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Anna Boa likes this">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <</if>> She upends you and dumps you on the ground. On the ground, Anna is all over you.<br> <br> [[You wrestle on the floor.->Anna Boa: Wrestling on Floor]]
/* submissive */ <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> You remain mostly passive, only doing enough to prevent Anna from getting a solid wrestling lock on you too quickly. She seems adept at wrestling and having a powerful woman work you over this way is a turn-on.<br> <br> Although, maybe not to Anna.<br> <br> "Put up some fight," she says in exasperation.<br> <br> That quickly becomes difficult as she loops a coil of her serpentine body around you and rolls you to the floor. <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Anna Boa dislikes this">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> /* dominant */ <<else>> Mixed-wrestling is fun, but you'd rather be the one on top. As Anna grapples with you on the floor, you use your strength to try and twist her around and get a good hold on her.<br> <br> "Oi, there will be no turning the tables here," Anna says.<br> <br> She gets serious. She loops a coil of her serpentine body around you and slams you back to the sandy floor. <</if>> Her tail is thicker than your thigh and extremely muscular.<br> <br> "Got you," Anna hisses triumphantly. "Now it's time to squeeze."<br> <br> [[You're about to get squeezed.->Anna Boa: The Squeeze]]
More coils loop around you. She starts constricting and bands of solid force tighten around your chest. It feels like lying under a pile of heavy sandbags. It's difficult to breathe.<br> <br> /* fatigue check */ <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> /* STR check */ <<if $player.currStr lt 4 or _hasAilment>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Bad Squeeze]]>> <<elseif $player.currStr lt 5>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Medium Squeeze I]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Good Squeeze]]>> <</if>>
Anna lies a little way from you. Her face is fixed in effort as she flexes her muscular coils around your chest. The pressure is relentless. It's getting hard to breathe. You kick out and try to push the heavy coils off.<br> <br> "You're not going anywhere," Anna says.<br> <br> A forked tongue flickers between her pink lips. She exerts more effort, pushing you flat to the floor and maintaining that vice-like force around your chest.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Medium Squeeze II]]>>
"This is how the squeeze works," Anna says. "Every time you exhale, your ribcage moves in and my coils move in with it."<br> <br> The force is powerful, but by flexing your chest you're able to keep her from squeezing down hard enough to stop you breathing.<br> <br> "Then..."<br> <br> Her face twists up in effort. She flexes harder. It feels like being squeezed in a vice, but you're able to keep your chest moving and suck in great lungfuls of air.<br> <br> Surprise crosses Anna's face. Then a smile.<br> <br> "Oh, you are strong. I adore the strong ones. You make me so wet." Her hand strays down to her crotch.<br> <br> Her coils no longer seem as tight as before. You still can't budge them, but as least you can breathe relatively freely.<br> <br> "Even if it does force me to cheat."<br> <br> She removes her bra to reveal a lovely pair of big boobs. She shifts position until her upper body looms over you. You're still tangled helplessly in her serpentine body.<br> <br> She clutches her boobs and bounces them together.<br> <br> "My secret weapon," she says with a smile.<br> <br> Then she presses those big tits right into your face. You catch the subtle fragrance of her scent, then nothing. She holds them there, smothering you in her warm bosom as effectively as if it was a pillow.<br> <br> "Night night," she whispers.<br> <br> <<set $affectionChange to 3>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Anna Boa likes this">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> [[You pass out.->Anna Boa: To Sex]]
Anna lies a little way from you. Her face is fixed in effort as she flexes her muscular coils around your chest. The pressure is relentless. Not only can you not breathe, it's also starting to feel extremely painful. Your ribcage feels like it's about to be crushed like an egg.<br> <br> You gasp and tap out on the sandy floor to indicate you're done. When that doesn't work, you tap her coil and stare at her frantically.<br> <br> /* check for Black Rose */ <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Horror End]]>> <</if>>
"This is how the squeeze works," Anna says. "Every time you exhale, your ribcage moves in and my coils move in with it."<br> <br> The force is utterly relentless. You beat on her coils with your fists to no effect.<br> <br> "Then, each time you breathe in, there's less and less room for your ribs to expand. Your breaths grow shallower and shallower, until..."<br> <br> You can't move your ribs at all now. No new air can enter your lungs. They start to burn. Black spots dance behind your vision. You feel lightheaded.<br> <br> "...night night."<br> <br> [[You pass out.->Anna Boa: To Sex]]
Anna disdainfully returns your stare.<br> <br> "Far too weak," she says. "You made a mistake coming here."<br> <br> Her face screws up in effort. Her coils squeeze. And squeeze. And squeeze. Something gives. Your ribs crack and splinter and break and are driven down into your lungs. The soft tissue is shredded by bone splinters. Anna watches on with steely contempt, maintaining the merciless pressure around your chest while you cough and gurgle and drown in your own blood.<br> <br> <<include [[Anna Boa: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"So weak," Anna says, "but I did say I'd go easy on you."<br> <br> Mercifully, she relaxes her coils slightly. It's still very difficult to breathe, but the pressure no longer feels bone-crushing.<br> <br> <<include [[Anna Boa: Medium Squeeze II]]>>
You wake up and find yourself completely wrapped in Anna's coils. She's wound her serpentine body all around you. And hers as well. Her upper, human half is lying on top of you and her tail is coiled around both of you, squeezing you together.<br> <br> Her squeeze is mercifully not painful this time. Just snug.<br> <br> Her face is right above yours. Her forked tongue tickles the tip of your nose.<br> <br> "Perfect timing," she says. "I'm just about to put it in."<br> <br> You ask her what the hell was going on before, when it felt like she was trying to murder you.<br> <br> "Lamia foreplay," Anna answers. "We don't get fully turned on until we've constricted our mate to unconsciousness. Well, I don't anyway."<br> <br> Her lips turn up in a smile. The forked tip of her tongue tickles the tip of your nose again.<br> <br> "Asphyxiation also brings a few other benefits," she says.<br> <br> [[You're about to find out what they are.->Anna Boa: Sex]]
You woke up just fine though."<br> <br> Her soft tits press against your chest. Her hips move up and down and your dick slides back and forth into her slick vagina. It's a gorgeous pussy – very tight and well-lubricated.<br> <br> Despite this, you get the feeling Anna isn't totally into this. She's smiling, but it seems a little forced. Her sinuous movements feel good, but also mechanical, as if she's just doing what needs to be done to get you off.<br> <br> That doesn't take long. Her tight pussy feels really nice as it strokes up and down your shaft, and it's not long before you feel a familiar twitch in your cock and balls.<br> <br> "Are you coming, babe?" Anna asks. "That's good. Pour it all out."<br> <br> She presses her hips down. Her coils tighten, squeezing both of you together.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq true>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> You have little freedom of movement when the orgasm finally crashes through you. Your cock throbs against the tight walls of Anna's pussy as you empty your balls inside her.<br> <br> /* Black Rose check */ <<if $cgi eq 0>> [[That felt good.->Anna Boa: Black Rose End]] <<else>> [[That felt good.->Anna Boa: Bad Sex End]] <</if>> <</if>>
<<set _isBest to $allHarlots[$hi].affection gte $goodAffectionThreshold>> <<if _isBest>> And I definitely want to take my time with you." <<else>> And I think I want to take my time with you." <</if>> <br> <br> Her soft tits press against your chest. Her hips move up and down and your dick slides back and forth into her slick vagina. It's a gorgeous pussy – very tight and well-lubricated. <<if _isBest>>She writhes and rubs her breasts against you. She seems to be really getting into this.<</if>> <br> <br> "Ooh, I love strangling cock. I love to squeeze and squeeze until they break and cough up their white liquid."<br> <br> <<if _isBest>> Her hands roam all over the muscles of your chest.<br> <br> "And I love the muscular ones the most," she says.<br> <br> <</if>> She wraps her arms around you and hugs you tight. Her constricting coils make it even tighter. She stops grinding her hips against you. The stimulation is all internal now. The walls of her vagina contract and squeeze your member in pulsing muscular motion. And she is very muscular in there. Her vagina gives your cock a proper working over.<br> <br> "Mmm, I think you've been appropriately softened up," Anna says. "Now for the finisher."<br> <br> Something strange happens within her vagina. Soft flanges start stroking up and down your shaft. It feels like her vagina is lined with scales, but incredibly soft and sensitive ones.<br> <br> "Lamia pussy is a little different, is it not," Anna says.<br> <br> The flange-like scales in her pussy stroke faster and faster. The stimulation flows up your penis in waves and concentrates at the tip.<br> <br> "A little special," Anna continues.<br> <br> And now the muscular pulsing sensations return to her vagina. She hugs you tightly with her upper body. Her coils constrict with the same rhythm. The desire to come builds and builds in your loins.<br> <br> "Yes," Anna hisses. "Signal your defeat."<br> <br> Her pussy squeezes and pulses. The inner flanges stroke faster and faster.<br> <br> <<if _isBest>> Then, just when you think Anna is going to stroke you all the way to orgasm, she stops. Her vagina dilates, removing the stimulation to your cock.<br> <br> "No, I don't think I'll rush this one."<br> <br> [[She wants to take this slow.->Anna Boa: Good Sex]] <<else>> /* Semen check */ <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq true>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> You can't hold out any longer. Anna holds you tight as you buck and tremble in helpless orgasm. Those stroking flanges within her vagina coax out a big load, one that leaves you panting and completely spent.<br> <br> /* Black Rose check */ <<if $cgi eq 0>> [[That felt good.->Anna Boa: Black Rose End]] <<else>> [[That felt good.->Anna Boa: Medium Sex End]] <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
The tip of her tail coils around your cock and holds it upright. She doesn't have to do much. You're rock-hard right now. She pushes her hips down and you sink into the soft folds of her pussy.<br> <br> "It can cause a few problems," Anna says. "I've had to do a few in their sleep. They take too long to wake up and $ gets displeased if we take too long with a client. /* affection check */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection lt $okAffectionThreshold>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Bad Sex]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Medium Sex]]>> <</if>>
As much as her pussy squeezes and strokes, nothing comes out of you. You've done too much tonight. You can't reach climax this this time. Anna pauses.<br> <br> "Nothing is coming out," she says. "Oh well, I shall have to give you a proper //squeeze//."<br> <br> [[Time for her 'proper' squeeze.->Anna Boa: Soul Squeeze]]
Then, after a short while to let you both recover, Anna uncoils her serpentine body from around you. You're free!<br> <br> And also quite satisfyingly spent.<br> <br> Anna helps you back to your feet and presents you your clothes.<br> <br> She is polite, but also distant. Business-like.<br> <br> You suppose she is still a prostitute, albeit a fantasy-creature prostitute with the lower half of a giant snake. It is just a job to her.<br> <br> "An adequate squeeze," she says, giving you a chaste peck on the cheek.<br> <br> Just as you're turning for the exit, she gives your bicep a little pinch.<br> <br> "Work on this," she says. "I want you to be more of a challenge next time."<br> <br> Then the spark returns to her eyes, and she gives you a tomboyish smile as she ushers you out.<br> <br> Overall, you get the impression you didn't exactly set Anna's world on fire. But you are walking out, though, which is a considerable improvement from earlier, when it looked like she was about to strangle you to death. You'll take that.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Then, after a short while to let you both recover, Anna shifts position. But rather than release you, she tightens her serpentine body.<br> <br> "And now, in accordance with your wishes, I will give you your soul squeeze."<br> <br> <<include [[Anna Boa: Soul Squeeze]]>>
Anna's hands roam all over your chest and down your sides.<br> <br> "I think we'll do this slow and lamia-style," she says. "$ won't mind if we overrun a little."<br> <br> Her pussy starts moving around your cock, very slow and very deliberately. Gentle waves of force flow up your shaft. Her eyes staring deep into yours, she rubs her soft tits against your chest. All around you, her coils start sliding and squeezing. The motions are extremely sensual and arousing.<br> <br> "Mmm yes. Slow," Anna says.<br> <br> Her vagina pulses you right to the edge and then stops. She pauses to let you cool down, and then starts squeezing again.<br> <br> "Let's build this up big."<br> <br> She repeats the cycle of slow pulsating squeezes taking you right to the brink and then pulling back just when you think you are on the verge of climax. Each time you feel the climax, when it comes, will be even bigger.<br> <br> Anna moans and sighs in your arms. "This will be big, are you ready?" she says.<br> <br> Those little flanges within her vagina start stroking your shaft again. She lets it build, up and up, but this time, when you're near the brink, she doesn't pull back and instead pulls you right into it.<br> <br> /* Semen check */ <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq true>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> And when you do finally topple over into climax, it's a massive shuddering orgasm that reverberates throughout every fibre of your being. Your loins clench hard and you spurt a massive load into her pulsating pussy. The ejaculation is dragged on and on, with more and more cum coaxed from your cock by the gentle stroking motions of her sex.<br> <br> /* Black Rose check */ <<if $cgi eq 0>> [[That felt good.->Anna Boa: Black Rose End]] <<else>> [[That felt good.->Anna Boa: Good Sex End]] <</if>> <</if>>
Then, after a short while to let you both recover, Anna <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[6][1] to true>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Good End]]>>
<<set _isBest to $allHarlots[$hi].affection gte $goodAffectionThreshold>> uncoils her serpentine body from around you. You're free!<br> <br> And also quite satisfying spent.<br> <br> Anna helps you back to your feet. She still can't keep her hands off you and seems reluctant when she finally passes you your clothes.<br> <br> <<if _isBest>> "That was a most splendid squeeze," she says. <<else>> "That was a nice squeeze," she says. <</if>> /* We maybe put her gossip about other lamias here */ <br> <br> She puts an arm around your waist and escorts you to the door.<br> <br> <<if _isBest>> "You were an excellent challenge, I'd like to squeeze you again."<br> <br> She squeezes your waist into her.<br> <br> "But harder."<br> <br> You're not sure you'd survive //harder//. You survived this time, though, which is a considerable improvement from earlier, when it looked like she was about to strangle you to death. You'll take that. <<else>> "You were a good challenge," Anna says.<br> <br> As you leave you try not to dwell on what might have happened had you been less than 'good'. <</if>> <br> <br> /* currently for both medium and good */ /* Medium+ for faction increase. Maybe only good+ to unlock extra visit */ /* this does not need to be checked as repeat visits follow different path */ <<set $isFactionIncrease to true>> <<if _isBest>> /* unlocks repeat visits */ <<set $allHarlots[$hi].isRepeatable to true>> <</if>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Anna's body warms up around you. You're not sure if it's your vision going a little crazy from the overstimulation of the climax, but it looks like faint traces of purple light are glowing between her scales.<br> <br> Anna's eyes widen and she puts a hand over her open mouth.<br> <br> "I'm so sorry," she says. "That felt so good I was about to go into soul squeeze."<br> <br> Your ejaculation finally subsides to a little dribble. The light fades from between Anna's scales. You're curious as to what she meant by 'soul squeeze'.<br> <br> Anna sees that, as she asks you, "Would you like to experience my soul squeeze? It's a pleasure beyond even what you've just experienced."<br> <br> You don't know what a 'soul squeeze' is, but pleasure beyond what you've just experienced sounds extremely tempting.<br> <br> [[Yes, you'd like to experience her 'soul squeeze'.->Anna Boa: 1st Yes to Soul Squeeze]]<br> [[No thanks.->Anna Boa: No to Soul Squeeze]]
You tell her, yes, you'd like to try out her soul squeeze.<br> <br> "Are you sure?" Anna asks you.<br> <br> Her eyes are bright, but she asks you in a way that makes you think her 'soul squeeze' might not exactly be good for you.<br> <br> [[Yes, squeeze me!->Anna Boa: 2nd Yes to Soul Squeeze]]<br> [[On second thoughts, thanks but no thanks.->Anna Boa: No to Soul Squeeze]]
You politely turn down her offer.<br> <br> "Probably for the best," Anna says. "As much as you'd enjoy it, it's not an experience you'd survive."<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[6][1] to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[7][1] to true>> She <<include [[Anna Boa: Good End]]>>
You ask her to give you her 'soul squeeze'.<br> <br> "Very well," Anna says. "I'll give you the most sensational 'soul squeeze'."<br> <br> <<include [[Anna Boa: Soul Squeeze]]>>
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Anna's eyes flare purple. The same glow lights up the edges of her scales. Her body suddenly grows very warm around you. And very close.<br> <br> Anna hugs you tight. Her coils constrict. Her vagina contracts. She begins a long, slow and irresistible //squeeze//.<br> <br> This time it feels strange, as if rather than squeezing you, she's squeezing some ephemeral part of you inside. It doesn't feel painful. In fact, it feels extremely pleasant. She squeezes tighter and tighter and it only feels more intimate.<br> <br> She squeezes, and squeezes, and something, that ephemeral shadow within you, ruptures.<br> <br> There is no pain, only a great burst of pleasure. You're coming, you think. It pours out of you in a great flood, although you're not sure what //it// is.<br> <br> Anna gives a great orgasmic cry as she completes her soul squeeze. Her coils wrap around you and she wrings out that ephemeral part of you. It bursts out into her vagina in a great gush of ecstatic bliss.<br> <br> It is also fatal.<br> <br> Anna squeezes the soul out of your body and you are no more. All that's left is an empty shell in her coils, slowly cooling.<br> <br> <<include [[Anna Boa: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
/* default behaviour if harlot not picked */ <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to $allHarlots[$hi].name + " Not Picked">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>>
/* default behaviour if harlot not picked */ <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to $allHarlots[$hi].name + " Mulliganed">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>>
/* Yellow Tulip */ <<set $gift to { number: 15, name: "Yellow Tulip", isSingular: true, description: "a bright yellow tulip", categories: [2, 3] }>>
/* Reset stats after every game over. (In theory - might need more thorough testing for some variables) */ /* Initialise NPCs */ <<include [[NpcInit]]>> /* House stats */ <<include [[HouseInit]]>> /* Initialise Gifts */ <<include [[GiftsInit]]>> /* Initialise Potions */ <<include [[PotionsInit]]>> /* Initialise Charms */ <<include [[CharmsInit]]>> /* Initialise Harlots */ <<include [[HarlotsInit]]>> /* Player Ailments (new player created later) */ <<include [[PlayerAilmentsInit]]>> <<set $currentRound to 0>>
/* Initialise some stats associated with NPC_Money */ <<set $npcMoney to { name: "The Portly Gentleman", hasBeenIntroduced: false, isAvailable: true, isUnavailable: false, hasAskedWho: false, hasAskedWhy: false, hasTriedToBuyMulliganToken: false, hasBoughtAllExperiences: false }>>
<<set $isTesting to true>> <<set $isNpcTesting to true>> <<include [[Test NPC Money: Create Test Player]]>><br> <<set $player.charms.push(12)>> <<set $player.mulliganTokens to 3>> <<set $npcMadam.hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken to true>> <<set $currentRound to 1>> <<set $clubActivityUnits to $clubActivityMaxUnits>> <<set $postroomActivityUnits to $postroomActivityMaxUnits>> <<set $isPostRoom to true>> <<set $npcMoney.isUnavailable to false>> <<set $npcMoney.hasBeenIntroduced to false>> <<include [[NPC Money: Print]]>><br> <<include [[NPC Money: Determine Availability]]>> <<if $npcMoney.hasBeenIntroduced>> [[Test Subsequent Meeting->Test NPC Money: Subsequent Meeting]]<br> <<else>> [[Test First Meeting->Test NPC Money: First Meeting]]<br> <</if>> [[Test Modify Payout.->Test NPC Money: Modify Payout]]
--NPC Money----------------------------------------<br> ''name'' = <<print $>><br> ''hasBeenIntroduced'' = <<print $npcMoney.hasBeenIntroduced>><br> ''isAvailable'' = <<print $npcMoney.isAvailable>><br> ''isUnavailable'' = <<print $npcMoney.isUnavailable>><br> <br> ''Has Asked Who'' = <<print $npcMoney.hasAskedWho>><br> ''Has Asked Why'' = <<print $npcMoney.hasAskedWhy>><br> ''Has Tried to Buy Mulligan Token'' = <<print $npcMoney.hasTriedToBuyMulliganToken>><br> ''Has Bought All Experiences'' = <<print $npcMoney.hasBoughtAllExperiences>><br> ---------------------------------------------------<br>
/* Probably triggers after the player has visited their first room. */ "Hey you. Hey, you there."<br> <br> You're walking back to your seat when you notice a portly gentleman in an expensive pinstripe suit waving at you in an attempt to attract your attention. He's sitting alone at a booth table to your right. It's the nearest table to the corridor leading to the harlot's rooms.<br> <br> "Yes you. Could I have a moment of your time?"<br> <br> [[Ignore him?->NPC Money: Ignored]]<br> [[Go over to his table?->NPC Money: Introduction]]<br>
<<if $npcMoney.isAvailable eq true>> <<goto [[NPC Money: Visit]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[NPC Money: Unavailable]]>> <</if>>
You look around for $ and are unable to find him. He's not at his usual table, or anywhere else in the bar for that matter. You wonder if he's finally been forced to take a turn with one of <<print $ + "'s">> ladies.<br> <br> Whatever it is, he doesn't appear to be available right now. You'll have to talk to someone else instead.<br> <br> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[More Testing.->Test NPC Money: Repeat]] <<else>> [[You go back to the bar.->Post-Room Activities: Hub]] <</if>><br> <br> //This did not cost an Action.//<br> <br>
$ is all smiles as you approach his table.<br> <br> "Hello, young sir. And what business would you like to conduct today?"<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Money: Hub]]>>
''TESTING: This would be when $ hails player on leaving room for the first time.''<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Money Hails Player]]>>
''TESTING: For subsequent visits to $''<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Money: Look For]]>>
<<if $npcMoney.hasBeenIntroduced eq false>> <<set $npcMoney.isAvailable to true>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is available because he hasn't been introduced yet.''<br> <br> <</if>> /* Check if NPC_Money has been made unavailable because of one of the events */ <<elseif $npcMoney.isUnavailable eq true>> <<set $npcMoney.isAvailable to false>> <<set $npcMoney.isUnavailable to false>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is unavailable because of one of the events.''<br> <br> <</if>> /* Follow the usual procedure for determining avaialability */ <<else>> <<include [[Roll for NPC Availability]]>> <<set $npcMoney.isAvailable to $isNpcAvailable>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is <<if $npcMoney.isAvailable eq false>>un<</if>>available because of availability roll.''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>>
/* Framework for sell experiences with all the math Each harlot will provide their own tweak on text */ <<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> <<include [[NPC Money: Sell Exp: Calculations]]>> <<include [[NPC Money: Modify Payout]]>> /* Harlot-Specific text and code */ <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].sellExpLink]]>> <<set $ += _score>> <<unset $rsi>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> [[Next Round->Test Harlot: Next Round]] <<else>> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Money: Continuation Hub]]<br> <</if>>
<<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> You hand over the $ and $ pushes $mulliganToken.moneyBuyPrice <<print $currencyName + "s">> across the table to you.<br> <br> "A most satisfactory transaction," he says.<br> <br> He secretes the $ away on his person.<br> <br> "Should you come across another, bring it here. I will purchase that from you for the same price."<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Money: Sell Mulligan Token: Combined Body]]>>
You ignore the man and carry on walking to your spot at the bar. The man waves and calls after you one more time before giving up and sitting back down at his table.<br> <br> You wonder what his issue is.<br> <br> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[More Testing.->Test NPC Money: Repeat]] <<else>> [[You return to your place at the bar and ponder your next move.->Post-Room Activities: Hub]] <</if>>
<<set $npcMoney.hasBeenIntroduced to true>> $ wears a bowler hat and pinstripe suit. He has quite an impressive walrus moustache. He also looks slightly anachronistic, like a Victorian banker, or rather, someone playing the role of a Victorian banker in a stageplay. Seeing you approach, he shoos away the other people at his table and makes room.<br> <br> "Hello," he says. "I couldn't help but notice you've just come back from the... ahem... ladies' quarters. I don't suppose you could furnish me with the full... harrumph... details of your encounter. I'm prepared to pay for this information."<br> <br> He splays out some <<print $currencyName + "s">>, holding them to the table beneath pudgy fingers.<br> <br> You weigh him up, trying to work out why he'd want to pay for these details.<br> <br> What will you say to him?<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Money: Hub]]>>
You ask $ who he is.<br> <br> "I'm afraid I'm just another fly, snared – like you – in her damnable web."<br> <br> He gestures over to where $ is standing and smiling at her usual spot.<br> <br> That's all he'll tell you about himself. He asks you again about the details of your recent encounter.<br> <br> What will you do?<br> <br> <<set $npcMoney.hasAskedWho to true>> <<include [[NPC Money: Hub]]>>
You are wondering if he might be some kind of pervert getting off on other people's sexual escapades, and that must have come through in your question as <<print $ + "'s">> face reddens and he looks a little flustered.<br> <br> "No, not at all. I want to survive this damnable house. Out there, I was an extremely wealthy man. In here, information is the only currency that matters."<br> <br> He beckons you closer and lowers his voice.<br> <br> "I don't know if you've already noticed, but the girls in this establishment are not girls. They are all foul demons from hell. Their seductive, fleshy forms are just lures to draw us in close so they can hoodwink the souls from our bodies. You don't know how lucky you are to walk back down here. Their rooms are death traps. Lined with velvet, maybe, and sprayed with pretty scents, but death traps nonetheless."<br> <br> His walrus moustache bristles.<br> <br> "Thankfully, they don't appear to be allowed to kill us with impunity. Otherwise we'd already be dead. There are rules, although only she seems to know them."<br> <br> He nods his head to $ again.<br> <br> [[Where do I come in on this?->NPC Money: Where do I come in]]
/* Go through Room Scores to see which still need scoring */ <<set $npcMoney.hasBoughtAllExperiences to false>> <<include [[NPC Money: Get Unscored Room Scores]]>> <<if _unscored.length eq 0>> <<set $npcMoney.hasBoughtAllExperiences to true>> You have no experiences to tell.<br> <br> <<else>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt _unscored.length; _i++>> <<set _rsi to _unscored[_i]>> <<set _hi to $player.roomScores[_rsi].harlotNumber>> <<set _name to $allHarlots[_hi].name>> <<capture _rsi>> [["Describe your experiences with " + _name + "?"->NPC Money: Sell Experiences][$rsi to _rsi]]<br> <</capture>> <</for>> <<if $npcMoney.hasTriedToBuyMulliganToken>> //This will cost an Action.//<br><br> <<else>> //This will cost an Action (for post-room activities you have $postroomActivityUnits <<if $postroomActivityUnits eq 1>>Action<<else>>Actions<</if>> remaining).//<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>>
/* Check if time is up */ <<include [[Post-Room Activity Units: Is Time Up]]>> <<if _isTimeUp>> <<include [[NPC Money: Time Up]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Money: Questions Options]]>> <<include [[NPC Money: Sell Harlot Info Options]]>> <<include [[NPC Money: Sell Mulligan Tokens Options]]>> <<include [[NPC Money: Leave Options]]>> <</if>>
You ask him where you come in on this.<br> <br> "Why, you survived," $ explains. "You walked right up into one of those death rooms and returned to tell the tale. And that's the valuable thing, the tale."<br> <br> He scrapes coins across the surface of the table.<br> <br> "The knowledge of your experiences could help someone else survive, and for that reason I'm prepared to pay you for it."<br> <br> $ seems serious.<br> <br> What will you do?<br> <br> <<set $npcMoney.hasAskedWhy to true>> <<include [[NPC Money: Hub]]>>
/* The first time you try to leave NPC_Money will try to buy mulligan token off you */ <<set $wasLeaving to true>> You're just about to get up and leave when $ stops you.<br> <br> "Oh, one more thing, I don't suppose you have any of these?"<br> <br> <<if $npcMadam.hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken>> He holds up one of the <<print $ + "s">> $ gave you.<br> <br> <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 0>> [[You do.->NPC Money: Has Mulligan Token]]<br> <<else>> [[You don't.->NPC Money: Doesn't Have Mulligan Token]]<br> <</if>> <<else>> He holds up a silver disc. It looks slightly larger than a coin. One side has the devil-girl logo you've seen all over the House. The other side shows a stone tower being hit by lightning.<br> <br> <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 1>> [[Wait, you have some of those. What are they?->NPC Money: Explains Mulligan Tokens]]<br> <<elseif $player.mulliganTokens eq 1>> [[Wait, you do. What is it?->NPC Money: Explains Mulligan Tokens]]<br> <<else>> [[No, what is it?->NPC Money: Explains Mulligan Tokens]]<br> <</if>> <</if>>
You tell $ you'd rather keep that information to yourself for now. He seems disappointed, but not overly so.<br> <br> "As you wish," he says. "If you change your mind, I'll be here. Remember, I'm prepared to pay quite handsomely for any information on <<print $ + "'s">> girls."<br> <br> [[You go to leave.->NPC Money: Leave: First Time]]
<<set $npcMoney.hasTriedToBuyMulliganToken to true>> You pull out a $ and show him.<br> <br> "You do?" $'s eyes light up. "Excellent. Excellent. Would you be willing to sell it to me?"<br> <br> His pudgy fingers push $mulliganToken.moneyBuyPrice <<print $currencyName + "s">> in your direction. The tips of his fingers never come off the coins. You get the feeling you'd need a crowbar to prise them off.<br> <br> "What do you say? $mulliganToken.moneyBuyPrice <<print $currencyName + "s">> for that $ in your hand. It's a good deal."<br> <br> What do you say?<br> <br> [["Sell him the " + $ + " for " + $mulliganToken.moneyBuyPrice + " " + $currencyName + "s?"->NPC Money: Sell First Mulligan Token]]<br> //This will cost an Action (for post-room activities you have $postroomActivityMaxUnits Actions).//<br> <br> [[Haggle on the price?->NPC Money: Haggle]]<br> [[Decline?->NPC Money: Decline to Sell Mulligan Token]]<br>
<<set $npcMoney.hasTriedToBuyMulliganToken to true>> You tell him you no longer have one.<br> <br> "A pity," $ says. "I would have bought it off you for a good price. If you do happen across another, bring it to me. I'm prepared to pay $mulliganToken.moneyBuyPrice <<print $currencyName + "s">> for each $"<br> <br> You tell him you'll think about it. Then, your business concluded, you leave <<print $ + "'s">> table.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Money: Leave]]>>
<<set $npcMoney.hasTriedToBuyMulliganToken to true>> You ask him what it is.<br> <br> "Ah, $ hasn't given you one yet," $ says. "Speak to her when you get the chance. She gives one to each new visitor. And when you've received yours, bring it to me. I'll pay you $mulliganToken.moneyBuyPrice <<print $currencyName + "s">> for it. It's practically free money!"<br> <br> <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 0>> You tell him you have <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 1>>some<<else>>one<</if>> of those. <<include [[NPC Money: Has Mulligan Token]]>> <<else>> Then, your business concluded, you leave <<print $ + "'s">> table.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Money: Leave]]>> <</if>>
It seems a reasonable deal. <<include [[NPC Money: Sell Mulligan Token]]>>
You attempt to drive up the price.<br> <br> "It's the maximum I'm prepared to offer," $ says in a tone that brooks no further argument.<br> <br> [["Sell him the " + $ + " for " + $mulliganToken.moneyBuyPrice + " " + $currencyName + "s?"->NPC Money: Sell First Mulligan Token]]<br> //This will cost an Action (for post-room activities you have $postroomActivityMaxUnits Actions)//<br> <br> [[Decline?->NPC Money: Decline to Sell Mulligan Token]]<br>
"As you wish," $ says.<br> <br> He draws the <<print $currencyName + "s">> back to him.<br> <br> "If you change your mind, I'm always here."<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Money: Leave Message]]>>
Your business concluded, you leave the table.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Money: Leave]]>>
You pull out another $<br> <br> "Another," $ says, his moustache quivering in excitement. "Why, I'll buy that one off you too."<br> <br> He pushes another $mulliganToken.moneyBuyPrice <<print $currencyName + "s">> across the table to you.<br> <br> "Another satisfactory transaction," he says as you hand the $ over.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Money: Sell Mulligan Token: Combined Body]]>>
"What other business would you like to discuss?" $ asks.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Money: Hub]]>>
<<set $player.mulliganTokens -= 1>> <<set $ += $mulliganToken.moneyBuyPrice>> <<if $wasLeaving>> <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 0>> What will you do now?<br> <br> [["Sell him another for " + $mulliganToken.moneyBuyPrice + " " + $currencyName + "s?"->NPC Money: Sell Another Mulligan Token]]<br> //This will not cost you an action.//<br> <br> [[Leave.->NPC Money: Leave Message]] <<else>> <<include [[NPC Money: Leave Message]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 0>> What will you do now?<br> <br> [["Sell him another for " + $mulliganToken.moneyBuyPrice + " " + $currencyName + "s?"->NPC Money: Sell Another Mulligan Token]]<br> //This will not cost you an action.//<br> <br> <</if>> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Money: Continuation Hub]]<br> <</if>>
/* Check a score object to determine if has been scored */ /* Assumes _scoreArray has been defined */ <<set _hasBeenScored to true>> <<for _si to 0; _si lt _scoreArray.length; _si++>> <<if _scoreArray[_si][1] eq true and _scoreArray[_si][2] eq false>> <<set _hasBeenScored to false>> <</if>> <</for>>
/* Score a score Array */ /* NOTE: This has to be done directly on player object otherwise we're only altering a copy */ /* We need the $rsi to get the right array */ <<set _score to 0>> <<for _si to 0; _si lt $player.roomScores[$rsi].scoreArray.length; _si++>> /* Only score items that haven't been scored */ <<if $player.roomScores[$rsi].scoreArray[_si][2] eq false>> /* score */ <<if $player.roomScores[$rsi].scoreArray[_si][1] eq true>> <<set _score += $player.roomScores[$rsi].scoreArray[_si][0]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$rsi].scoreArray[_si][2] to true>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>>
/* Get maximum score available for score array */ /* Assumes _scoreArray has been defined */ <<set _maxAvailablePts to 0>> <<for _si to 0; _si lt _scoreArray.length; _si++>> <<set _maxAvailablePts += _scoreArray[_si][0]>> <</for>>
[[Basic Tests->Score Array Tests: Basic]]<br> [[Player Tests->Test Scoring: Score The Array]]<br>
<<set _scoreArray to [ [1, true, false], [2, true, false], [1, true, false], [3, false, false], [2, false, false] ]>>
/* assumes _scoreArray has been defined */ <<for _si to 0; _si lt _scoreArray.length; _si++>> <<print _scoreArray[_si][0] + ", " + _scoreArray[_si][1] + ", " + _scoreArray[_si][2]>><br> <</for>>
<<set _scoreArray to [ [1, true, true], [2, true, true], [1, true, true], [3, false, false], [2, false, false] ]>>
--UNSCORED---------------------------------------<br> <<include [[Create Test Score Array 1]]>> Test Array 1:<br> <<include [[Score Array: Print]]>> <br> <<include [[Score Array: Get Max Pts]]>> Max Pts = _maxAvailablePts (Should be 9)<br> <<include [[Score Array: Has Been Scored]]>> HasBeenScored = _hasBeenScored (should be false)<br> <<include [[Score Array: Get Score Gained]]>> Score gain = _score (should be 4)<br> <br> <<include [[Score Array: Get Total Score]]>> Total Score = _totalScore (should be 4)<br> <br> --SCORED----------------------------------------<br> <<include [[Create Test Scored Array 1]]>> Test Array 1:<br> <<include [[Score Array: Print]]>> <br> <<include [[Score Array: Get Max Pts]]>> Max Pts = _maxAvailablePts (Should be 9)<br> <<include [[Score Array: Has Been Scored]]>> HasBeenScored = _hasBeenScored (should be true)<br> <<include [[Score Array: Get Score Gained]]>> Score gain = _score (should be 0)<br> <br> <<include [[Score Array: Get Total Score]]>> Total Score = _totalScore (should be 4)<br> <br> --PARTIAL SCORED-------------------------------<br> <<include [[Create Test Partial Scored Array 1]]>> Test Array 1:<br> <<include [[Score Array: Print]]>> <br> <<include [[Score Array: Get Max Pts]]>> Max Pts = _maxAvailablePts (Should be 9)<br> <<include [[Score Array: Has Been Scored]]>> HasBeenScored = _hasBeenScored (should be false)<br> <<include [[Score Array: Get Score Gained]]>> Score gain = _score (should be 5)<br> <br> <<include [[Score Array: Get Total Score]]>> Total Score = _totalScore (should be 9)<br> <br>
<<set _scoreArray to [ [1, true, true], [2, true, true], [1, true, true], [3, true, false], [2, true, false] ]>>
/* Works out what the score gained would be without actually scoring the array */ /* Assumes _scoreArray has been defined */ <<set _score to 0>> <<for _si to 0; _si lt _scoreArray.length; _si++>> /* Only score items that haven't been scored */ <<if _scoreArray[_si][2] eq false>> /* score */ <<if _scoreArray[_si][1] eq true>> <<set _score += _scoreArray[_si][0]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>>
<<set _scoreArray to [ [1, true, false], [4, true, false], [1, false, false], [1, false, false], [1, false, false] ]>>
<<include [[Create Test Score Array 1]]>> <<set _roomScore to { round: 1, harlotNumber: 1, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> <<set $player.roomScores[0] to _roomScore>> <<include [[Create Test Score Array 2]]>> <<set _roomScore to { round: 2, harlotNumber: 2, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> <<set $player.roomScores[1] to _roomScore>> --BEFORE SCORING-------------------------------<br> <<include [[Player: Print Room Scores]]>> <br> SCORING ROUND1:<br> <<set $rsi to 0>> <<include [[Score Array: Score the Array]]>> Score = _score (should be 4)<br> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[$rsi].scoreArray>> <<include [[Score Array: Has Been Scored]]>> Has Been Scored = _hasBeenScored (should be true)<br> <br> SCORING ROUND2:<br> <<set $rsi to 1>> <<include [[Score Array: Score the Array]]>> Score = _score (should be 5)<br> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[$rsi].scoreArray>> <<include [[Score Array: Has Been Scored]]>> Has Been Scored = _hasBeenScored (should be true)<br> <br> --SECOND ROUND OF SCORING--------------------<br> <<set $player.roomScores[0].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> SCORING ROUND1:<br> <<set $rsi to 0>> <<include [[Score Array: Score the Array]]>> Score = _score (should be 3)<br> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[$rsi].scoreArray>> <<include [[Score Array: Has Been Scored]]>> Has Been Scored = _hasBeenScored (should be true)<br> <br> SCORING ROUND2:<br> <<set $rsi to 1>> <<include [[Score Array: Score the Array]]>> Score = _score (should be 0)<br> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[$rsi].scoreArray>> <<include [[Score Array: Has Been Scored]]>> Has Been Scored = _hasBeenScored (should be true)<br> <br>
<<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<include [[Create Test Score Array 2]]>> <<set _roomScore to { round: 1, harlotNumber: 2, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> <<set $player.roomScores[0] to _roomScore>> <<set _roomScore to { round: 2, harlotNumber: 4, scoreArray: [ [1,true,false], /* gift (oil or fluffy) */ [1,true,false], /* wariness (wary or bold) */ [1,false,false], /* serious */ [1,true,false], /* STR 4 */ [1,true,false], /* STR 5 (also score STR 4)*/ [1,true,false], /* Bad Sex */ [1,true,false], /* Medium Sex (also score Bad) */ [1,true,false], /* Good Sex (also score Bad & Med) */ [7,false,false] /* Repeat visit sex */ ] }>> <<set $player.roomScores[1] to _roomScore>> <<set _roomScore to { round: 3, harlotNumber: 4, scoreArray: [ [1,true,false], /* gift (oil or fluffy) */ [1,true,false], /* wariness (wary or bold) */ [1,false,false], /* serious */ [1,true,false], /* STR 4 */ [1,true,false], /* STR 5 (also score STR 4)*/ [1,true,false], /* Bad Sex */ [1,true,false], /* Medium Sex (also score Bad) */ [1,true,false], /* Good Sex (also score Bad & Med) */ [7,true,false] /* Repeat visit sex */ ] }>> <<set $player.roomScores[2] to _roomScore>> <<set $player.mulliganTokens to 0>>
/* Gets the total score independent of how many times has been scored */ /* Assumes _scoreArray has been defined */ <<set _totalScore to 0>> <<for _si to 0; _si lt _scoreArray.length; _si++>> <<if _scoreArray[_si][1] eq true>> <<set _totalScore += _scoreArray[_si][0]>> <</if>> <</for>>
/* Intro to Harlot Tester */ <<set $isTesting to true>> <<set $isHarlotTesting to true>> <<include [[Harlot Tester]]>>
/* Main Harlot Tester. Prereqs: $player created, $hi (harlot number) set and all scenario-specific variables. */ ''Testing <<print $allHarlots[$hi].name + "...">>''<br> <br> ''Current Round'' = $currentRound<br> <br> <<include [[Test Harlot: Populate Room Scores]]>> ''Gift:'' $allGifts[$cgi].name<br> <br> [[TEST INIT->Test Harlot: Init]]<br> [[TEST INTRO->Test Harlot: Introduction]]<br> [[TEST SOCIALISING->Test Harlot: Socialising]]<br> [[TEST GOSSIP GOSSIP->Test Harlot: Gossip Gossip]]<br> [[TEST HARLOT SCENARIO->Test Harlot: Scenario]]<br>
/* We run this through Socialising path */ <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].socialisingLink]]>>
/* Run through NPC Gossip's choices */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip.length eq 0>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <</if>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].npcGossipLink]]>> <<if not $allHarlots[$hi].isNonStandardGossip>> [[More Gossip->Test Harlot: More Gossip]]<br> [[Other Testing->Harlot Tester]] <</if>>
/* Testing Harlot Scenario */ <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].scenarioLink]]>>
/* Testing Pre-Intro */ ''SHORT DESCRIPTION:''<br> <<if def $allHarlots[$hi].preIntroductionLink>> <<set _hi to $hi>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].preIntroductionLink]]>> <</if>> $allHarlots[$hi].shortDescription <br> <br> /* Testing Intro */ <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].introductionLink]]>> <br> [[Other Testing->Harlot Tester]]
<<set _scoreObj to $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1]>> <<include [[Room Score: Print]]>><br> <br> <<include [[Player: Print Hidden Ailments]]>><br> <br> [[Test Scoring->Test Harlot: Scoring]]<br> [[Next Round->Test Harlot: Next Round]]
/* Testing Scoring */ /* include this to make sure .isMultipleVisits gets set correctly. */ <<include [[NPC Money: Get Unscored Room Scores]]>> <<set $rsi to $currentRound - 1>> <<include [[NPC Money: Sell Experiences]]>>
<<for _g to 0; _g lt $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip.length; _g++>> <<print $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[_g]>><br> -X-<br> <br> <</for>>
<<for _g to 0; _g lt $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip.length; _g++>> <<print $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[_g]>><br> -X-<br> <br> <</for>>
<<set _isRepeat to $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> /* Madam intro */ "This is the athletic Anna Boa," $ says. "She loves giving men a good squeeze." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Anna Boa is tall, muscular and has a deep tan that suggests she spends a lot of time in the sun. She wears a short leather jacket that doesn't even reach her navel. Underneath it, her body is lean and muscular without being freakishly so. Despite her athletic appearance, she has a large pair of tits. They are contained, barely, within a plain black bra. Her matching panties are a string connected to square of black fabric covering her crotch. It looks too fashionable to be described as a loincloth, but that's essentially what it is.<br> <br> She wears a black hat with a wide brim. Her long, sandy-brown hair is tied up in pigtails. Her eyes are bright green and she has an open, friendly expression. <<if _isRepeat>> <br><br> <<if $player.hasVision>> This all contrasts with her serpentine lower half. Below the hips, her torso merges with a long serpentine body and tail. It is brown, scaly and patterned with darker brown bands. It looks very thick and muscular. <<else>> From past experience, you know she's a snake-woman, with a serpentine lower half, but when you try to look down there, your gaze slides right off. <</if>> <<else>> You're not sure, but you thought you caught a glimpse of a forked tongue flickering between her lips. <<if $player.hasVision>> <br><br> There's a reason for that. She's part snake. Below the hips, her torso merges with a long serpentine body and tail. It is brown, scaly and patterned with darker brown bands. It looks very thick and muscular. <<if $player.hasSeenLamia>> A snake girl. You know they exist in the House. <</if>> <<set $player.hasSeenLamia to true>> <</if>> <</if>> <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ <<if _isRepeat>> "Hello again," Anna Boa says. Her handshake is just as crushing as before. <<else>> "Pleased to meet you, I'm Anna," Anna Boa says. Her handshake is firm, crushing. <</if>> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"She likes putting her men in a tight hold. Maybe a little oil can help you slide out of it.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She's the type that only values power and physicality. I wouldn't bother trying to get romantic with her. She has no time for that.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Like many of her kind, she likes her food still kicking. It's totally disgusting. Then what would you expect of a cold-blooded reptile.\""}>>
''LEAVING MESSAGES:''<br> <<for _t to 0; _t lt $npcGossip.leavingMessages.length; _t++>> <<print $npcGossip.leavingMessages[_t]>><br> -X-<br> <br> <</for>>
/* Add all the leaving messages here */ <<set $npcGossip.leavingMessages[0] to "\"Suit yourself, but you'll be sorry when a lamia crushes your ribcage and you drown in your own blood,\" she says disdainfully.">> <<set $npcGossip.leavingMessages[1] to "\"As you wish. Maybe you're one of those freaks that gets off on being eaten.\" She turns her attention to a fresh drink.">> <<set $npcGossip.leavingMessages[2] to "\"How interesting. So you'd like to find out for yourself what it feels like when a carnivorous blob girl melts your dick off.\" She takes another draw on her cigarette.">> <<set $npcGossip.leavingMessages[3] to "\"Okay, but don't blame me when one of " + $ + "'s darling succubi rips the soul from your body,\" she says.">> <<set $npcGossip.leavingMessages[4] to "\"It's your decision, of course. I can't help it if you don't want to be warned of all the horrible ways you might die in here,\" she says.">> <<set $npcGossip.leavingMessages[5] to "\"So you don't want to hear about the spider girls that swallow men whole?\" She cocks her head and takes another puff on her cigarette.">> /* <<set $npcGossip.leavingMessages[0] to >> */
<<if $npcGossip.isAvailable>> <<if $npcGossip.hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Visit: First]]>> <<elseif $npcGossip.hasBeenBoughtFirstDrink eq false>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Visit: Requires Drink]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Visit: Subsequent]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Unavailable]]>> <</if>>
<<include [[NPC Gossip: Pay Action]]>> <<include[[$allHarlots[$hi].npcGossipLink]]>>
''THIS IS PLACEHOLDER TEXT.''<br> <br> /* Madam intro */ "This is <<print $allHarlots[$hi].name + ",\"">> $ says. <br> <br> /* Long description */ $allHarlots[$hi].name is $allHarlots[$hi].shortDescription <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ $allHarlots[$hi].name smiles at you. "Hello," she says. <br>
''THIS IS PLACEHOLDER TEXT.''<br> <br> /* Dummy Harlot */ <<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Only a single point for dummies */ ] }>> You meet $allHarlots[$hi].name in her room. She takes you to the bed and gives you a good hard fucking.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> You want to come, but it's been a long night in the House and you're completely spent. <<print $allHarlots[$hi].name + "'s">> vagina grips you tighter and sucks out your soul instead.<br> <br> You've been killed... by a dummy...<br> <br> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]] <<else>> You boil up and fill her with a satisfying ejaculation. Afterwards you lay on the bed for a while to get your breath back. Then you get up, put your clothes back on and head to the exit.<br> <br> <<set $isFactionIncrease to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>> <</if>>
''THIS IS PLACEHOLDER TEXT.''<br> <br> "I can't tell you anything interesting about <<print $allHarlots[$hi].name + ",\"">> $ says. "They're just a dummy. They might not even be in the final game. Oh well, if we're testing."<br> <br> She puffs out a cloud of smoke.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
''THIS IS PLACEHOLDER TEXT.''<br> <br> You take $allHarlots[$hi].name out into the bar area and find a table.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Dummy Harlot: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Dummy Harlot: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Some of these dummy harlots might get a real scenario in the finished game.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Even though they're dummies, they still take semen. Don't die to a dummy, that would be pathetic.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Why pick an inflatable sex doll dummy when you can have a real, hot-blooded succubus?\""}>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 1>> <<set $ to 1>> <<set $hi to 1>> <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
''THIS IS PLACEHOLDER TEXT.''<br> <br> <<if _score eq 1>> <<set _coinText to _score + " " + $currencyName>> <<else>> <<set _coinText to _score + " " + $currencyName + "s">> <</if>> $ is all excitement as he pulls out a small notebook. That excitement deflates the moment you mention <<print $allHarlots[$hi].name + "'s">> name.<br> <br> "She's just a dummy. This information has no value at all!"<br> <br> His moustache bristles angrily.<br> <br> "Harrumph. A deal is a deal. Here's _coinText for your troubles. Find a real succubus next time!"<br> <br> He plucks _coinText from his wallet and bounces <<if _score eq 1>>it<<else>>them<</if>> across the table to you.<br> <br>
/* Making sure the oldArrayCopy isn't modified by scoring */ <<include [[Create Test Score Array 1]]>> <<set _x to _scoreArray[0][1] and not _scoreArray [0][2]>> <<set _roomScore to { round: 1, harlotNumber: 1, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> <<set $player.roomScores[0] to _roomScore>> <<include [[Score Array: Copy Score Array]]>> --BEFORE SCORING-------------------------------<br> <<include [[Player: Print Room Scores]]>> <br> [0] Done but not scored = _x<br> <br> SCORING ROUND1:<br> <<set $rsi to 0>> <<include [[Score Array: Score the Array]]>> <br> --AFTER SCORING---------------------------------<br> <<include [[Player: Print Room Scores]]>> <br> <<set _x to _scoreArray[0][1] and not _scoreArray [0][2]>> [0] Done but not scored = _x<br> <br> ''OLD ARRAY:''<br> <<set _scoreArray to _osa>> <<include [[Score Array: Print]]>>
/* Copy a score array so NPC Money can refer to individual scored points as they were before scoring (as the array is scored before the harlot-specific scoring segment) */ <<set _osa to []>> <<for _r to 0; _r lt _scoreArray.length; _r++>> <<set _osa[_r] to []>> <<set _osa[_r][0] to _scoreArray[_r][0]>> <<set _osa[_r][1] to _scoreArray[_r][1]>> <<set _osa[_r][2] to _scoreArray[_r][2]>> <</for>>
<<include [[NPC Gossip: Pay Action]]>> "Ah, him," $ says. "He's been here a long time. He's very careful. He pays other patrons for information on <<print $ + "'s">> girls and won't pick one unless he's absolutely certain of walking out of their room afterwards."<br> <br> She draws on her cigarette.<br> <br> "Too stingy to buy me a drink though. Says my information is unreliable. Moi, unreliable? The cheek."<br> <br> Her lips turn up in a vulpine smile.<br> <br> "Well there was that occasion where I got the twins mixed up. A mistake anyone can make. That ended up being a very close call for our podgy friend."<br> <br> She laughs.<br> <br> "Hasn't spoken to me since," she adds with a frown.<br> <br> She exhales a cloud of scented cigarette smoke.<br> <br> "We know he's cheating, of course. No-one could have possibly acquired the <<print $currencyName + "s">> he has through normal means. He has powerful friends, our little disciple of Greed. Powerful enough to bring him aid here, within the House, but not powerful enough to break him out."<br> <br> She waves her cigarette holder and taps ash onto the floor.<br> <br> "Yes, he's just like you and the other schlubs," she says. "Trapped within the lovely confines of this decadent House of illicit pleasures. Unable to leave."<br> <br> She takes another draw on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> <<print "\"" + $>> changed the rules on <<print $ + "s">> because of him, did you know? He kept using them over and over to avoid making a choice. Still does. $ allows it because it amuses her. She knows he's stuck. That same caution keeping him alive is the reason he will never leave here. That amuses $ greatly. She's made him into another piece of her infernal game and he doesn't even know it."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Gossip: Continuation Hub]]
/* PLACEHOLDER Init and reset all variables here */
/* Create list of unscored room scores. If we have multiple unscored we need to score the oldest to remove them from scoring and tag the latest as a product of multiple visits. returns _unscored (array of roomScore indices) */ <<set _unscored to []>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.roomScores.length; _i++>> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[_i].scoreArray>> <<include [[Score Array: Has Been Scored]]>> <<if _hasBeenScored eq false>> <<set $player.roomScores[_i].isMultipleVisits to false>> /* check if we have another score array to be scored for this harlot */ <<for _j to 0; _j lt _unscored.length; _j++>> <<set _hn1 to $player.roomScores[_i].harlotNumber>> <<set _rsi to _unscored[_j]>> <<set _hn2 to $player.roomScores[_rsi].harlotNumber>> <<if _hn1 eq _hn2>> /* harlot match - remove from _unscored, score it, and tag most recent roomScore as for .isMultipleVisits */ <<set $rsi to _rsi>> <<include [[Score Array: Score the Array]]>> <<set _unscored.deleteAt(_j)>> <<set $player.roomScores[_i].isMultipleVisits to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Previous score array for $allHarlots[_hn1].name found: Scoring and Removing $allHarlots[_hn1].name (_rsi) from Unscored''<br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> /* add to list of unscored */ <<set _unscored.push(_i)>> <<if $isTesting>> <<set _hn to $player.roomScores[_i].harlotNumber>> ''Adding $allHarlots[_hn].name (_i) to Unscored''<br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if $isTesting>> ''_unscored.length Experiences to Score''<br><br> <</if>>
/* Default for harlots that have no gossip - they populate the array with nothing */
/* Pre-reqs: _factionNumber _isPlayerThisFaction */ <<set _isPlayerThisFaction to false>> <<set _pmfa to $player.maxFactionAffinities>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt _pmfa.length; _i++>> <<if _pmfa[_i] eq _factionNumber>> <<set _isPlayerThisFaction to true>> <</if>> <</for>>
/* For harlots that don't have any additional gossip with NPC_Gossip */ /* We need to place a filler to avoid NPC_Gossip jumping straight to she has no more gossip */ <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: ""}>>
/* algorithm to give more rounded stats */ /* total number of pts to distribute */ <<set _pts to 12>> <<set $str to 1>> <<set $agi to 1>> <<set $dex to 1>> <<set $con to 1>> <<set $int to 1>> <<set $wil to 1>> <<for _p to 0; _p lt _pts; _p++>> /* generate random number between 1 and 6 */ <<set _rng to random(1,6)>> <<switch _rng>> <<case 1>> <<set $str += 1>> <<case 2>> <<set $agi += 1>> <<case 3>> <<set $dex += 1>> <<case 4>> <<set $con += 1>> <<case 5>> <<set $int += 1>> <<case 6>> <<set $wil += 1>> <</switch>> <</for>> /* Clean-up for stats going above 5 */ <<if $str gt 5>> <<set $str to 5>> <</if>> <<if $agi gt 5>> <<set $agi to 5>> <</if>> <<if $dex gt 5>> <<set $dex to 5>> <</if>> <<if $int gt 5>> <<set $int to 5>> <</if>> <<if $con gt 5>> <<set $con to 5>> <</if>> <<if $wil gt 5>> <<set $wil to 5>> <</if>>
<<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<include [[Player: Print Full Physical Stats]]>><br> <<include [[Player: Print Full Disposition]]>><br> [[Roll again->Test Player: Default]]<br> [[Test Player Ailments->Test Player Ailments]]
/* Default Sell Experiences Passage */ /* Intro */ <<include [[Sell Exp Intro]]>> /* Main */ <<include [[Sell Exp Body]]>> /* Feedback */ <<include [[Sell Exp Feedback]]>>
/* Intro */ $ pulls out a small black notebook and looks expectantly at you.<br> <br> <<if _isRepeatVisit>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro: Repeat]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro: First Time]]>> <</if>>
/* Default Body */ Sometimes he grunts. Sometimes his moustache bristles.
/* Check if player has visited harlot previously */ <<set _isRepeatVisit to false>> <<set _visitCount to 1>> /* set index to 1 less than round being checked and count back to beginning */ <<for _i to $rsi - 1; _i gt -1; _i-->> <<if $player.roomScores[_i].harlotNumber eq $hi>> <<set _visitCount += 1>> <<set _isRepeatVisit to true>> <</if>> <</for>>
/* All the mathy bits moved to their own passage to keep things clearer */ <<set _roomScore to $player.roomScores[$rsi]>> <<set _scoreArray to _roomScore.scoreArray>> <<set $hi to _roomScore.harlotNumber>> /* MATH */ /* create a copy of the old array for NPC Money to reference if needed */ <<include [[Score Array: Copy Score Array]]>> /* check if repeat visit */ <<include [[NPC Money: Sell Exp: Is Repeat Visit]]>> /* _score */ <<include [[Score Array: Score the Array]]>> /* _totalScore */ <<include [[Score Array: Get Total Score]]>> /* _maxAvailablePts */ <<include [[Score Array: Get Max Pts]]>> <<if $isTesting>> ''RoomScore'' index = $rsi<br> ''Score Array length'' = _scoreArray.length<br> ''Is Multiple Visits'' = $player.roomScores[$rsi].isMultipleVisits<br> ''Is Repeat Visit'' = _isRepeatVisit<br> ''Visit Count'' = _visitCount<br> ''Max Avail Pts'' = _maxAvailablePts<br> ''Score'' = _score<br> ''Total Score'' = _totalScore<br> <br> <</if>>
/* Body_Begin */ You tell him what happened in <<print $allHarlots[$hi].name + "'s">> room, trying not to go into too much intimate detail. All the while $ scratches down notes in his little black notebook. <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].sellExpBodyLink]]>>
/* Feedback */ /* check first the player gave them something to score */ <<if _score eq 0>> <<include [[Sell Exp Feedback: No Score]]>> /* Player did score */ <<else>> /* FEEDBACK_BEGIN */ Then, when you're finished, he closes his notebook and brings out his wallet.<br> <br> /* FEEDBACK HERE */ <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].sellExpFeedbackLink]]>> <br> <br> /* FEEDBACK PAYOUT */ He reaches into his wallet, fetches out _score <<if _score eq 1>>$currencyName<<else>><<print $currencyName + "s">><</if>> and pushes <<if _score eq 1>>it<<else>>them<</if>> across the table to you.<br> <br> "A most satisfactory transaction," he says.<br> <br> <</if>>
/* Multiple visits */ <<if $player.roomScores[$rsi].isMultipleVisits>> $ pulls out a small black notebook and looks expectantly at you.<br> <br> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro: Multiple]]>> <<else>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].sellExpIntroLink]]>> <</if>>
/* Pre-reqs: _ailment Output: _hasAilment */ <<set _hasAilment to false>> <<set _pail to $player.ailments>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt _pail.length; _i++>> <<if _pail[_i] eq _ailment>> <<set _hasAilment to true>> <</if>> <</for>>
/* Create all the player ailments here */ <<set _ailmentCount to 12>> <<set $allAilments = []>> <<for _ail to 0; _ail lt _ailmentCount; _ail++>> <<set _initLink to "Ailment" + _ail + "Init">> <<include _initLink>> <<set $allAilments[$] to $ailment>> <</for>>
/* Boob Fetish */ <<set $ailment to { id: 1, name: "Boob Fetish", cureCost: 3 }>>
TESTING PLAYER AILMENTS<br> <br> <<include [[Test Ailments: Print All Ailments]]>>
''Number of Player Ailments = $allAilments.length''<br> <br> <<for _a, _ail range $allAilments>> <<print _a + ".">><br> <</for>>
/* print all ailments (known and unknown) the player has */ PLAYER HAS $player.ailments.length AILMENTS<br> <<set _ailments to $player.ailments>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt _ailments.length; _i++>> <<set _a to _ailments[_i]>> <<print $allAilments[_a].name>> <<if _a eq 0>> <<set _hi to $allAilments[_a].harlot>> <<print ": " + $allHarlots[_hi].name>> <</if>> <br> <</for>>
/* print all known ailments the player has */ PLAYER HAS $player.knownAilments.length AILMENTS THEY KNOW ABOUT<br> <<set _ailments to $player.knownAilments>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt _ailments.length; _i++>> <<set _a to _ailments[_i]>> <<print $allAilments[_i].name>><br> <</for>>
/* Add an ailment prereq: _ailment */ <<set $player.ailments.pushUnique(_ailment)>> <<if $isTesting or $player.charms.includes(19)>> ''You've picked up the $allAilments[_ailment].name ailment.''<br> <br> <</if>>
/* Add an known ailment prereq: _ailment */ <<set $player.knownAilments.pushUnique(_ailment)>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Player has been diagnosed with the $allAilments[_ailment].name ailment.''<br> <br> <</if>>
/* Remove an ailment - prereq: _ailment */ <<set $player.ailments.delete(_ailment)>> <<set $player.knownAilments.delete(_ailment)>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Player has been cured of the $allAilments[_ailment].name ailment''<br> <br> <</if>>
''NO AILMENTS''<br> <br> <<include [[Player: Print Player Ailments]]>><br> -------------------------------<br> <br> ''ADDING AILMENT''<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 0>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<include [[Player: Print Player Ailments]]>><br> -------------------------------<br> <br> ''DIAGNOSING AILMENT''<br> <br> <<include [[Add Player Known Ailment]]>> <<include [[Player: Print Player Ailments]]>><br> -------------------------------<br> <br> ''CURING AILMENT''<br> <br> <<include [[Remove Player Ailment]]>> <<include [[Player: Print Player Ailments]]>><br> -------------------------------
<<include [[Player: Print Hidden Ailments]]>><br> <<include [[Player: Print Known Ailments]]>><br>
"Oh, you visited $allHarlots[$hi].name multiple times. This should provide good information."<br> <br> His moustache bristles eagerly as he perches with pen and notebook.<br> <br>
<<switch _visitCount>> <<case 2>> <<set _text to "2nd">> <<case 3>> <<set _text to "3rd">> <<default>> <<set _text to _visitCount + "th">> <</switch>> "Oh, this is your _text time of visiting <<print $allHarlots[$hi].name + ".">> What did you learn this time?"<br> <br>
"Go on," he says. "Tell me of your experiences with <<print $allHarlots[$hi].name + ".\"">> <br> <br>
Afterwards, he closes his notebook with a derisory snort. His nostril hairs bristle angrily. He doesn't bring out his wallet this time.<br> <br> <<if _isRepeatVisit>> "You've told me nothing you haven't already told me," he says. "I'm no mug. I don't pay for old information I've already paid for. I'm not a charity. If you want more <<print $currencyName + "s,">> go get me some new information!" <<else>> "There is nothing here that is useful. Nothing!" he says. "I'm not a charity. If you want more <<print $currencyName + "s,">> find out something I can use!" <</if>> <br><br> And that's that.<br> <br>
/* moved code to here and encapsulated to make test code easier to track */ ''Testing Scenario over.''<br> <br> [[Output results->Harlot Scenario: Output Results]]<br> [[Next Round->Test Harlot: Next Round]]
<<set $currentRound += 1>> /* Check if harlot testing wants to change variables between rounds */ <<set $addTestingPassage to "Harlot" + $hi + "AddTesting">> <<if tale.has($addTestingPassage)>> <<include $addTestingPassage>> <<else>> ''NO CHANGES BETWEEN ROUNDS''<br><br> <</if>> <<unset $addTestingPassage>> <<include [[Harlot Tester]]>>
/* Standard faction increase check Relevant for repeat visit harlots Makes sure faction increase only happens once */ /* Check which index we're updating */ <<set _vi to $visitNumberForFactionIncrease>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].factionIncrease[_vi] eq false>> <<set $isFactionIncrease to true>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].factionIncrease[_vi] to true>> <</if>> /* Reset to 0 afterwards as this is the default value for harlots with no repeat visits */ <<set $visitNumberForFactionIncrease to 0>>
/* Generic function for scoring if player has done a certain activity with a harlot pre-reqs: _x (activity being checked for) pre-reqs: $hi (harlot) output: _hasDoneX */ <<set _hasDoneX to false>> <<for _r to 0; _r lt $player.roomScores.length; _r++>> <<if $player.roomScores[_r].harlotNumber eq $hi>> <<set _sa to $player.roomScores[_r].scoreArray>> <<if _sa[_x][1] eq true>> <<set _hasDoneX to true>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>>
/* Enslavement - to a certain harlot. Must always pick them, may trigger Bad End in room */ <<set $ailment to { id: 0, name: "Enslavement", cureCost: 5, harlot: 0 /* add more stuff later as needed */ }>>
/* Pearl Necklace */ <<set $gift to { number: 16, name: "Pearl Necklace", isSingular: true, description: "a string of pearls", categories: [3, 8] }>>
/* Check if player has enslaved ailment and is enslaved to harlot pre-req: _hi output: _isEnslaved */ <<set _isEnslaved to false>> <<set _ailment to 0>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<if $allAilments[0].harlot eq _hi>> <<set _isEnslaved to true>> <</if>> <</if>>
/* Ass Fetish */ <<set $ailment to { id: 2, name: "Ass Fetish", cureCost: 3 }>>
/* Lip Fetish */ <<set $ailment to { id: 3, name: "Lips Fetish", cureCost: 3 }>>
/* Foot Fetish */ <<set $ailment to { id: 4, name: "Foot Fetish", cureCost: 3 }>>
/* Leg Fetish */ <<set $ailment to { id: 5, name: "Leg Fetish", cureCost: 3 }>>
/* Fatigued */ <<set $ailment to { id: 6, name: "Fatigued", cureCost: 2 }>>
The waitress brings your drink and Anna's glass of what looks like milk.<br> <br> "I can't wait to get you back upstairs," Anna says to you.<br> <br> Her green eyes glimmer.<br> <br> "Most of the men in here are too flimsy. It's great to find one I can play with without worrying about breaking them."<br> <br> You're less sure about that. Your last session with Anna was... bruising. It was also fairly pleasurable.<br> <br> Anna seems to have warmed to you and is chattier this time. She seems quite enthusiastic about being picked again.<br> <br>
<<set _isRepeat to $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> <<if _isRepeat>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Socialising: Repeat Drinking]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Socialising: First Time Drinking]]>> <</if>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Anna Boa: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ /* 1st, find old score array (if multiple visits, take the last score array) */ <<for _r to 0; _r lt $player.roomScores.length; _r++>> <<if $player.roomScores[_r].harlotNumber eq $hi>> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[_r].scoreArray>> <</if>> <</for>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> You return to Anna Boa's desert room. As before, you note the lack of furniture and the layer of soft sand covering the floor. <<if $player.hasVision>> She wastes no time in rushing up to greet you. <<else>> <br><br> Anna is back in her snake form, although you suspect it is illusion rather than shapeshifting that hides her serpentine lower half. She wastes no time in rushing up to greet you. <</if>><br> <br> [[You give her your gift.->Anna Boa: Repeat Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> You give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. Anna seems a little sad to accept it.<br> <br> "One last wrestle then," she says.<br> <br> She smiles brightly at you and green eyes briefly flash purple.<br> <br> "I'll squeeze you until you pop with delight," she says.<br> <br> Then she's all over you with her hands in her desire to help you undress. <<else>> Anna shows no interest in your gift. It's you she wants. Her hands are all over you in her desire to help you undress. <</if>> <br> <br> [[Continue.->Anna Boa: Repeat Wrestling 1]]
Even though you know what to expect, you're still taken off guard by Anna's speed and suddenness. In a matter of moments she has you dumped on your back in the centre of the ring and is all over you.<br> <br> "I love being able to go all out," she says.<br> <br> Despite your best efforts, she's able to loop a couple of serpentine coils around your chest. She gives a loud cry of effort as she pulls the coils tight and exerts bone-crushing force around your chest. It's like being caught in a vice. /* fatigue check */ <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment or $player.currStr lt 5>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Repeat Horror End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Anna Boa: Repeat Wrestling 2]]>> <</if>>
It's too much for you in your current state. You can't breathe. The pressure is too much. It feels like your ribs are about to collapse.<br> <br> Frantically, you try to tap out – on the floor, on her scaly coils.<br> <br> Anna ignores you.<br> <br> "Yessss!" she hisses triumphantly as she flexes her tail further.<br> <br> Her cries escalate to an almost orgasmic pitch as she squeezes hard enough to crush your ribs like an egg. Splintered bone shards are driven into the soft tissue of your lungs, shredding them.<br> <br> Anna pauses with a confused expression.<br> <br> "What? But you were strong enough before."<br> <br> That she didn't mean to do this is little consolation as you cough and gurgle and drown in your own blood.<br> <br> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You can barely draw breath.<br> <br> "Yessss!" Anna hisses triumphantly as she flexes her tail and exerts massive pressure on your chest.<br> <br> Now you can't breathe. Your face flushes red with the blood forced into it. You fall back on the sand and your struggles weaken as Anna squeezes the resistance out of you.<br> <br> This time she doesn't squeeze you to unconsciousness. She relaxes her coils and leaves you to pant for breath on the sand.<br> <br> "Get up," she says, a fiery smile on her face. "We're not fucking yet. I want a proper sparring match first."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Anna Boa: Sparring]]
And a proper sparring match is what happens. Wrestling Anna is unorthodox. You have no idea how to manage her tail. In contrast, Anna is much practised at using it on regular humans and gleefully demonstrates on you all the various holds and pins she knows.<br> <br> "I love a good sparring match," Anna says.<br> <br> It's not completely one-sided. You're not a wimp. You get in a few good moves of your own. Anna likes that. She clearly prefers an even fight rather than dominating submissives.<br> <br> She's not above resorting to dirty tricks, though. You find this out as you get behind her and are about to get a submission with a rear naked choke hold. She slithers her tail up your leg, forces the tip into your bum and gives it a wriggle. The surprise causes you to loosen your hold and Anna is able to wriggle away.<br> <br> She turns back to you with her green eyes shining and a feral grin on her face.<br> <br> "This is getting me really turned on," she says. "How about we drop the clean stuff and get a little //dirty?//"<br> <br> [[Things are going to get a little 'dirty'.->Anna Boa: Dirty Wrestling]]
//Dirty// in this case means she starts fondling your genitals, tweaking your nipples, licking you, and even sticking a finger up your bum. You feel it's only fair to respond in kind, and take the opportunity to squeeze her breasts and grope her pussy. It leaves both of you sweaty and very aroused.<br> <br> Anna pins you to the floor with her big boobs squashed over your face. She humps her abdomen against you and your erection bounces against her underside like a spring.<br> <br> "That's enough foreplay," Anna says. "I'm so horny right now I can barely think straight."<br> <br> She squashes your erection flat against your body and wriggles from side to side.<br> <br> "And I can see you are too."<br> <br> She pulls you up and impales herself on your erection. She wraps her muscular tail around you and squeezes you against her crotch. You sink into her right to the root and feel her warm pussy all around your cock.<br> <br> "I hope you've got a lot of juice in those balls," Anna says. "Because I'm going to squeeze a big load out of them."<br> <br> [[She squeezes...->Anna Boa: Repeat Sex]]
She tightens her coils, squeezing the both of you together. As before, you feel rubbery flanges within her pussy start stroking against your shaft. Anna is in no mood to drag it out this time.<br> <br> "Yes," she sighs.<br> <br> A purple glow lights up between her scales. Her pussy contracts and squeezes your cock. Her coils squeeze tighter. You're gripped by an intangible force that concentrates in your loins. An irresistible urge to come rises in you, as if you're being squeezed like a tube of toothpaste.<br> <br> /* semen check */ <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> /* black rose takes precedence */ <<if $cgi eq 0>> "And now to finish off with a splendid soul squeeze," Anna says. "You chose well. It's the ultimate pleasure."<br> <br> [[Her eyes flash purple.->Anna Boa: Soul Squeeze]] <<elseif $isOutOfSemen>> Anna squeezes and squeezes. You resist the urge to come, or maybe you don't have anything left. Anna sees it as a challenge. The purple glow between her scales intensifies and she squeezes you harder, only it feels like you're being squeezed //spiritually// as well as physically.<br> <br> "Oh no," Anna says. "I pushed too hard. I've gone into soul squeeze."<br> <br> Her eyes flare purple.<br> <br> "Never mind. There's no need to panic. You'll feel only bliss."<br> <br> [[Her scales start glowing.->Anna Boa: Soul Squeeze]] <<else>> You can't withstand the squeezing pressure any longer. It builds and builds until something has to give. Then, like a dam bursting, you're gripped by a massive climax. You spurt a massive load into Anna's stroking pussy. Or rather, Anna squeezes a massive load out of you. It's a great blast, and a long one, stretched out by the pulsing, stroking motion of Anna's vagina. Her pussy strokes, and squeezes, and cajoles, until finally the flood subsides. You collapse in Anna's coils, utterly drained.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Anna Boa: Repeat Good End]] <</if>>
She uncoils her serpentine body and lies next to you on the sand.<br> <br> "Now that was a good fuck," she says.<br> <br> She playfully tickles your cheek with her forked tongue.<br> <br> "It was so good, I nearly lost control and soul squeezed you," she says. "And that would be a shame. Good sparring partners are hard to find."<br> <br> After a pause to let you get your breath back, she helps you back to your feet. You feel like you've been properly worked over and will likely ache for weeks.<br> <br> Anna sighs and gives a good stretch.<br> <br> "We should definitely do that again," she says. "After you've sufficiently recovered."<br> <br> She laughs as she takes in the battered state of you.<br> <br> "The nurse has a good range of medicinal tonics. Speak to her and she'll have you feeling as good as new in no time at all."<br> <br> Her smile turns feral.<br> <br> "And then I can squeeze you again."<br> <br> She fusses over you as you put your clothes back on.<br> <br> /* this is where to add harlot gossip later */ "Be careful in here," she says. "Some of the girls are really dangerous. I hate losing good sparring partners."<br> <br> She gives you a playful punch on the shoulder that still has enough force to rock you.<br> <br> Then, aching but with your desires temporarily satiated, you turn to leave.<br> <br> /* player gets the fatigued ailment from their exertions */ <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[8][1] to true>> /* checked faction increase - can increase twice with Anna Boa */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $okAffectionThreshold>> <<unset $goodAffectionThreshold>>
<<if _isRepeatVisit>> /* Text Here */ "You went back to see Anna Boa!" <<print $ + "'s">> whiskers twitch violently. "You're a braver man than I!" /* always end in line breaks */ <br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro]]>> <</if>>
<<if _isRepeatVisit>> "My word. Just hearing your report gives me palpitations! You and I are clearly cut from a different cloth. She once offered to, how did she put it, 'squeeze' me into shape."<br> <br> $ shudders.<br> <br> "I declined." <<else>> "Pure physical strength appears to be what Anna Boa values in a <<if _scoreArray[7][1] and not _osa[7][2]>>man. You, with your impressive physique and attitude appear to be a perfect match for her."<<else>>man."<</if>><br> <br> $ gives a sad sigh.<br> <br> "My life has been one of numbers rather than physical exercise. I fear my time in Anna's coils would be far less pleasant." <</if>>
/* check if is now repeatable */ ''IsRepeatable = <<print $allHarlots[$hi].isRepeatable>>''<br> <br> /* <<set $player.semenCount to 3>> */ /* <<set $ to 0>> */ <<set $player.currStr to 5>> /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to true>> <<set $player.currIsCautious to true>> <<set $player.currIsSerious to true>> <<set $player.currIsSlutty to true>> /* <<set _ailment to 6>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> /* <<set $cgi to 0>> */
<<set $npcNurse to { name: "Nurse Honey", harlotId: 100, isAvailable: true, isUnavailable: false, hasBeenIntroduced: false, hasBeenVisited: false, hasBeenAskedForSex: false, hasGivenEnergyTonic: false, tonicCost: 4, tonicRecovery: 3, diagnosisCost: 1 }>>
<<include [[NPC Gossip: Pay Action]]>> "The House has always had a nurse to look after patrons. If you haven't already realised, a session with one of the House's girls can be quite... draining. The nurse's main function is to serve up special tonics to replenish a patron's energy... so he can be drained again."<br> <br> $ cackles.<br> <br> "The game wouldn't be fun if the players wore out too quickly, and our dear Madam does like the game to be fun."<br> <br> She sips her cocktail.<br> <br> "The nurse also has the regular role of keeping patrons healthy. While the girls in here are immune to your regular human STDs, there are various other... exotic... ailments they can pass on to you."<br> <br> $ pauses.<br> <br> "The old nurse was a bit of a cow, literally. Then one day she just vanished. Poof. Gone. Just like that. And then $ was here in her place."<br> <br> She takes a thoughtful puff on her cigarette.<br> <br> "She's an old one. Very old. Very wily. Maybe very powerful as well. Certainly more powerful than she pretends. Our dear Madam would never admit, but I don't think she hired her and I don't think she likes her being around."<br> <br> $ exhales a cloud of perfumed smoke.<br> <br> "Be very careful of your dealings with $ All debts must be paid."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Gossip: Continuation Hub]]
<<set $npcPotion to { name: "The Doctoress", isAvailable: true, isUnavailable: false, hasBeenIntroduced: false, hasBeenVisited: false, semenHarvested: 0, smallSamplePayout: 1, regularSamplePayout: 2, largeSamplePayout: 7, hasAskedAboutSemenExtraction: false, hasBeenAskedForSex: false, hasAskedSideEffects: false, hasSeenBigGulper: false, hasBeenInSemenExtractionBooth: false, hasUsedSmallGulper: false, hasUsedBigGulper: false, addictionLevel: 0, addictionPotCosts: [3,4,5,6,7], introActivities: [] }>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Populate Intro Activities]]>>
<<if $player.hasVision>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a tall, lithe, muscular snake woman with tanned skin and long sandy-coloured pigtails. Below the waist her body switches to that of a giant snake.">> <<else>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a tall, lithe, muscular woman with tanned skin and long sandy-coloured pigtails.">> <</if>>
/* Bottle of Lube */ <<set $gift to { number: 17, name: "Bottle of Lube", isSingular: true, description: "a bottle of clear lubricant", categories: [5, 6] }>>
/* Screwdriver */ <<set $gift to { number: 18, name: "Screwdriver", isSingular: true, description: "an incongruous red-handled screwdriver", categories: [11] }>>
/* Mushy (pre-digested by slime girls) */ <<set $ailment to { id: 7, name: "Mushy", /* add more stuff later as needed */ cureCost: 4 }>>
/* array storing all gift category names */ <<set $giftCategoryNames to [ "EDIBLE", "DRINKABLE", "SCENTED", "PRETTY", "ROMANTIC", "SENSUAL", "SMUTTY", "BODYCARE", "BLINGY", "CUTE", "ARTY", "WEIRD", "GROSS", "MACABRE", "BODYPARTS", "SEX TOY" ] >>
/* Print gift categories. pre-req: _giftCategories */ <<include [[Gifts: Create Categories String]]>> <<print _catString>>
She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you and gives it a sniff.<br> <br> "Okay, I'll go easy on you. But not too easy," she says.<br> <br>
She dips her fingers in the oil and tests its slipperiness between her fingertips.<br> <br> "I don't like using massage oil," she says. "I know some girls do, but not me. It's hard to give you a really good squeeze when you're sliding around like a greased pig."<br> <br> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Anna Boa dislikes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>>
Anna holds up the glass jar and stares at the small indeterminate fluffy thing inside.<br> <br> "Oh, how cute," she says with a warm smile. "I'll save him for later."<br> <br> There is a hungry gleam in her eyes. It's probably best not to dwell on what she means by 'saving him for later'. This time you're definitely sure you saw a forked tongue flicker between her lips.<br> <br> <<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Anna Boa likes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>>
You hand her the <<print $allGifts[$cgi].name + ".">><br> <br> "Oh, thank you. Such a lovely present."<br> <br>
/* check if player is exclusively part of a faction (has max affinity only with that faction). */ /* Pre-reqs: _factionNumber _isPlayerThisFaction */ <<set _isPlayerThisFaction to false>> <<set _pmfa to $player.maxFactionAffinities>> <<if _pmfa.length eq 1>> <<if _pmfa[0] eq _factionNumber>> <<set _isPlayerThisFaction to true>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<print "Number of gifts = " + $allGifts.length>> <br><br> <<for _i, _gift range $allGifts>> <<print _i>>. <<print + ". ">> <<print _gift.description + ".">> <br> <</for>>
<<set $isSub to false>> <<set $isSlut to false>> <<set $isSerious to false>> <<set $isCautious to false>> <<set $isBlunt to false>> <<set $isGloomy to false>> /* submissive - dominant */ <<set _rng to random(1)>> <<if _rng eq 0>> <<set $isSub to true>> <</if>> /* slutty - romantic */ <<set _rng to random(1)>> <<if _rng eq 0>> <<set $isSlut to true>> <</if>> /* serious - humorous */ <<set _rng to random(1)>> <<if _rng eq 0>> <<set $isSerious to true>> <</if>> /* cautious - impulsive */ <<set _rng to random(1)>> <<if _rng eq 0>> <<set $isCautious to true>> <</if>> /* blunt - tactful */ <<set _rng to random(1)>> <<if _rng eq 0>> <<set $isBlunt to true>> <</if>> /* gloomy - cheerful */ <<set _rng to random(1)>> <<if _rng eq 0>> <<set $isGloomy to true>> <</if>>
Player Disposition:<br> BASE<br> <<if $player.baseIsSubmissive>>Submissive<<else>>Dominant<</if>><br> <<if $player.baseIsSlutty>>Slutty<<else>>Romantic<</if>><br> <<if $player.baseIsSerious>>Serious<<else>>Humorous<</if>><br> <<if $player.baseIsCautious>>Cautious<<else>>Impulsive<</if>><br> <<if $player.baseIsBlunt>>Blunt<<else>>Tectful<</if>><br> <<if $player.baseIsGloomy>>Gloomy<<else>>Cheerful<</if>><br> <br> CURRENT<br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>>Submissive<<else>>Dominant<</if>><br> <<if $player.currIsSlutty>>Slutty<<else>>Romantic<</if>><br> <<if $player.currIsSerious>>Serious<<else>>Humorous<</if>><br> <<if $player.currIsCautious>>Cautious<<else>>Impulsive<</if>><br> <<if $player.currIsBlunt>>Blunt<<else>>Tectful<</if>><br> <<if $player.currIsGloomy>>Gloomy<<else>>Cheerful<</if>><br>
<<set $gift to { number: 19, name: "Butt Plug", isSingular: true, description: "a medium-sized butt plug made out of black rubber", categories: [6,15] }>>
/* Table for player to set their dispositions at beginning of game */ /* Temporary measure - will be updated with proper intro */ <table> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> <label><<radiobutton "$isSub" true checked>><span> ''Submissive'' </span></label> </td> <td style="text-align:left"> <label><<radiobutton "$isSub" false>><span> ''Dominant'' </span></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> <label><<radiobutton "$isSlut" true checked>><span> ''Slutty'' </span></label> </td> <td style="text-align:left"> <label><<radiobutton "$isSlut" false>><span> ''Romantic'' </span></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> <label><<radiobutton "$isSerious" true checked>><span> ''Serious'' </span></label> </td> <td style="text-align:left"> <label><<radiobutton "$isSerious" false>><span> ''Humorous'' </span></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> <label><<radiobutton "$isCautious" true checked>><span> ''Cautious'' </span></label> </td> <td style="text-align:left"> <label><<radiobutton "$isCautious" false>><span> ''Impulsive'' </span></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> <label><<radiobutton "$isBlunt" true checked>><span> ''Blunt'' </span></label> </td> <td style="text-align:left"> <label><<radiobutton "$isBlunt" false>><span> ''Tactful'' </span></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> <label><<radiobutton "$isGloomy" true checked>><span> ''Gloomy'' </span></label> </td> <td style="text-align:left"> <label><<radiobutton "$isGloomy" false>><span> ''Cheerful'' </span></label> </td> </tr> </table>
/* Create a new player */ /* Note: Assumes variables are set beforehand */ <<set $player to { baseStr: $str, baseAgi: $agi, baseDex: $dex, baseInt: $int, baseWill: $wil, baseConst: $con, currStr: $str, currAgi: $agi, currDex: $dex, currInt: $int, currWill: $wil, currConst: $con, baseIsSubmissive: $isSub, baseIsSlutty: $isSlut, baseIsSerious: $isSerious, baseIsCautious: $isCautious, baseIsBlunt: $isBlunt, baseIsGloomy: $isGloomy, currIsSubmissive: $isSub, currIsSlutty: $isSlut, currIsSerious: $isSerious, currIsCautious: $isCautious, currIsBlunt: $isBlunt, currIsGloomy: $isGloomy, maxSemenCount: 10, semenCount: 10, money: 0, mulliganTokens: 0, charms: [], hasVision: false, roomScores: [], factionAffinities: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], maxFactionAffinities: [], potionResistance: 3, potionEffects: [], ailments: [], knownAilments: [] }>>
/* for after we've assigned stats to player */ <<unset $str>> <<unset $agi>> <<unset $dex>> <<unset $con>> <<unset $int>> <<unset $wil>>
/* for after we've assigned them to player */ <<unset $isSub>> <<unset $isSlut>> <<unset $isSerious>> <<unset $isCautious>> <<unset $isBlunt>> <<unset $isGloomy>>
/* Disposition chosen by player */ //Choose the disposition traits of your player character.//<br> <br> //Some harlots respond better to certain dispositions. (And some will kill players of the wrong disposition.)//<br> <br> <<include [[Create Player Disposition Stats: Table]]>> <br> <br> [[Done.->$afterTableSelectionLink]]
<<include [[Create Player Physical Stats: Distributed]]>> <<set $afterTableSelectionLink to "Create New Player: Chosen Dispositions: End">> <<include [[Create Player Disposition Stats: Choose]]>>
<<include [[Create Player]]>> <<include [[Unset Physical Stats]]>> <<include [[Unset Disposition Stats]]>> <<unset $afterTableSelectionLink>> /* Go back to whereever asked to create a new player */ <<include [[$afterPlayerCreationLink]]>>
<<unset $afterPlayerCreationLink>> <<include [[Player: Print Full Physical Stats]]>><br> <<include [[Player: Print Full Disposition]]>><br> Past Experience (pre)= $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick<br> <br> <<set $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick to true>> Past Experience (post)= $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick<br> <br> [[Roll again->Test Player: Chosen Dispositions: Start]]<br> [[Test Player Ailments->Test Player Ailments]]
<<set $afterPlayerCreationLink to "Test Player: Chosen Dispositions">> <<include [[Create New Player: Chosen Dispositions: Begin]]>>
/* Revert player stats back to base values. */ /* Used in potion clean-up */ <<set $player.currStr to $player.baseStr>> <<set $player.currAgi to $player.baseAgi>> <<set $player.currDex to $player.baseDex>> <<set $player.currInt to $player.baseInt>> <<set $player.currWill to $player.baseWill>> <<set $player.currConst to $player.baseConst>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to $player.baseIsSubmissive>> <<set $player.currIsSlutty to $player.baseIsSlutty>> <<set $player.currIsSerious to $player.baseIsSerious>> <<set $player.currIsCautious to $player.baseIsCautious>> <<set $player.currIsBlunt to $player.baseIsBlunt>> <<set $player.currIsGloomy to $player.baseIsGloomy>>
/* Potion Befuddlement - After effect of mindbending potions. Is checked by some harlots (usually with Will or Int checks) */ <<set $ailment to { id: 8, name: "Potion Befuddlement", /* add more stuff later as needed */ cureCost: 1 }>>
/* Potion Addiction - picked up from drinking too many potions in a short period of time. Forces trips to NPC Potion and wastes actions and coins buying her 'special' potions. */ <<set $ailment to { id: 9, name: "Potion Addiction", /* add more stuff later as needed */ hasSatisfied: false, cureCost: 10 }>>
<<include [[NPC Gossip: Pay Action]]>> "Ah, the House's resident drug dealer."<br> <br> $ chuckles and exhales a plume of smoke.<br> <br> "She'd deny it vociferously, of course, but patrons keep coming back for her various concoctions whether they need them or not. That's not to say they're not useful. They have impressive effects on human physiology. They can make the puny mighty, the stupid smart, and the meek confident. But for a limited time, and with a hangover afterwards. Still, they might have their uses in here."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette.<br> <br> "As for $ herself, she's an odd duck. Sometimes I wonder if she's even a succubus. She makes things. Some of the harlots in here are her creation. They are artificial beings. Whether you would consider them alive or not is an interesting philosophical question."<br> <br> $ sips her cocktail.<br> <br> "A daemon with her skill and talents could be very dangerous indeed, and yet she has the focus and instincts of a small-time hustler. I think that's the only reason $ hasn't had her skinned alive. I think she regards $'s various experiments as amusing toys. $ doesn't have that much control over them. She made her creations a little too //alive//."<br> <br> $ chuckles and then downs the rest of her cocktail.<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Gossip: Continuation Hub]]
<<if $isPostRoom>> <<set $postroomActivityUnits -= 1>> <<else>> <<set $clubActivityUnits -= 1>> <</if>> <<set $hasUsedActionWithNpc to true>>
<<capture _i>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $socialisingDrinks.length; _i++>> <<set _name to $socialisingDrinks[_i].name>> [["A " + _name + "?"->$socDrinkLink][$sdi to _i]]<br> <</for>> <</capture>>
/* pre-reqs: _reqStat, _ailmentsList, _charmsList */ <<set _testPassed to true>> <<if $player.currWill lt _reqStat>> <<set _testPassed to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test failed: Player Will ($player.currWill) less than required (_reqStat).''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _ailmentsList eq null>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <</if>> <<for _ai to 0; _ai lt _ailmentsList.length; _ai++>> <<if _testPassed>> <<set _ailment to _ailmentsList[_ai]>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<set _testPassed to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test failed: Player has $allAilments[_ailment].name ailment.''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if _charmsList eq null>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <</if>> <<for _ci to 0; _ci lt _charmsList.length; _ci++>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<set _charm to _charmsList[_ci]>> <<if $player.charms.includes(_charm)>> <<set _testPassed to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test passed: Failure overridden by $allCharms[_charm].name.''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>>
<<set $clubActivityUnits to 4>> <<set $postroomActivityUnits to 2>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Print]]>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Determine Availability]]>> [[Begin tests...->NPC Gossip: Look For]]
<<if $isPostRoom>> $ is at her usual place at the bar, drinking and smoking.<br> <br> "Oh my, darling," she says when she sees you. "Are you okay? You look like you've been... most active." Her nostrils dilate and her cheeks redden. "I do hope she wasn't //too// hard on you."<br> <br> She clinks an empty cocktail glass down on the wooden counter.<br> <br> "Well look at that, I appear to be out again. How about you be a darling and buy me a drink. I'll fill you in on all the juicy gossip." <<else>> $ is smoking and drinking at her regular spot at the bar.<br> <br> "Oh hello, darling. You've caught me at a perfect time."<br> <br> She clinks an empty cocktail glass down on the wooden counter.<br> <br> "Buy me a drink and I'll fill you in on the latest gossip." <</if>><br> <br> //$ wants a drink. If you wish to talk to her it will cost 1 $currencyName and 1 Action.//<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Gossip Hub Options]]>>
<<if $isPostRoom>> <<include [[Post-Room Activity Units: Is Time Up]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Club Activity Units: Is Time Up]]>> <</if>> <<if _isTimeUp>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Time Up]]>> <<else>> <<if $ lt 1>> [["You do not have enough " + $currencyName + "s to buy her a drink."->NPC Gossip: Gossip: No Money]]<br> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Harlot Gossip Option]]>> Or would you like to:<br> <<include [[NPC Gossip: NPC Gossip Option]]>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: House Gossip Option]]>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Enquire Sex Option]]>> <br> [[Make your excuses and leave?->NPC Gossip: Gossip: Leave]]<br> //Leave and return to your place at the bar.// <</if>> <</if>>
Before you can consider buying her one, you feel $'s buzzer vibrate <<if $isPostRoom>>once<<else>>twice<</if>> in your pocket. Time's up. You need to return to the presentation stage and <<if $isPostRoom>>see who the $ has for you this time.<<else>>make your choice.<</if>><br> <br> $ chuckles and smoke leaks from her mouth.<br> <br> <<if $isPostRoom>> "The mistress is pulling the leash. You'd better be a good dog and see what treats she has in store for you. If you want to find out which are treats and which are tricks, come speak with me again afterwards." <<else>> "Looks like one of us is out of time," she says. "You'd better go. Running or hiding from it won't help. $ will just send her dogs after you, and I can guarantee that fate will be far more unpleasant than anything her lovely girls will do to you."<br> <br> She examines her empty glass.<br> <br> "And if you do manage to survive, don't forget to show your gratitude to darling little //moi//. I'll be waiting for you." <</if>><br> <br> You make your apologies and leave.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Clean-Up]]>> <<if $isPostRoom>> What will $ have for you this time?<br> <br> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Gossip: Repeat]] <<else>> [[Go to the Harlot Presentation stage.->Next Round]] <</if>> <<else>> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Gossip: Repeat]] <<else>> [[Go and choose a harlot.->Harlot Selection: Intro]] <</if>> <</if>>
<<include [[NPC Gossip: No Money Dialogue]]>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Leave]]>>
/* Check if more gossip on current harlot */ <<if $isGossipingOnHarlot>> <<set _chi to $hi>> <<if $refreshGossip>> [["Go over " + $allHarlots[$hi].name + " again?"->NPC Gossip: Refresh Harlot Gossip][$hi to _chi]] <<else>> [["Continue talking about " + $allHarlots[$hi].name + "?"->NPC Gossip: Continue Harlot Gossip][$hi to _chi]] <</if>><br><br> <</if>> <<if $isGossipingOnHarlot>> "Or talk about one of the other girls?" <<else>> "Who would you like to know more about?" <</if>><br> <<if $isPostRoom>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Choose Post-Room Harlot]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Choose Pre-Room Harlot]]>> <</if>> <br>
[[Talk about someone else?->NPC Gossip: NPCs]]<br>
<<if $npcGossip.hasTalkedAboutHouse eq false>> [[Talk about the House?->NPC Gossip: House]]<br> <</if>>
<<if not $npcGossip.hasBeenAskedForSex>> [[Ask if she's available for sex?->NPC Gossip: Enquire About Sex]]<br> <</if>>
<<include [[NPC Gossip: Pay Action]]>> <<set $isGossipingOnHarlot to false>> <<set $npcGossip.hasBeenAskedForSex to true>> $'s exquisitely pencilled eyebrows arch, and for a moment you think your enquiry might have caused some offence. Then the corners of her lips turn up in a smile.<br> <br> A very hungry //vulpine// smile.<br> <br> "How deliciously forward," she says. "Why, I could pop you in my mouth and eat you up right here."<br> <br> Your body heats up beneath her lustful gaze. Your collar feels too tight. Your pants definitely feel too tight. It seems like there is more smoke wreathing the pair of you. You wonder if some of that is coming from you.<br> <br> Then, mercifully, $ turns her head away and puffs on her cigarette. In profile, her head is a piece of fine art.<br> <br> "Alas, I cannot. $ runs a strict House. All of us gals in here must follow the rules. No propositions outside of the designated time and place. //Moi//, like the other girls in here, has to take her turn treading the presentation stage. You can pick me then."<br> <br> She turns her burning gaze back on you. You feel an unnatural heat rise in your loins.<br> <br> "If you think you can handle me..."<br> <br> ''DEV NOTE: THE ELEGANT WOMAN'S HARLOT SCENARIO HAS NOT YET BEEN WRITTEN. IT WILL BE ADDED AT A LATER DATE!''<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Gossip: Continuation Hub]]
She swirls the dregs in her cocktail glass.<br> <br> "Oh, I appear to be running low. Could you be a darling?"<br> <br> //$ wants another drink. If you wish to continue talking to her it will cost another $currencyName and an Action.//<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Gossip Hub Options]]>>
<<set $ -= 1>> <<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>>
<<if $ lt 1>> [["You do not have enough " + $currencyName + "s to buy her a drink."->NPC Gossip: Visit: No Money]]<br> <<else>> [[Buy her a drink?->NPC Gossip: Buy Opening Drink]]<br> //This will cost you 1 $currencyName.//<br> <br> [[Refuse?->NPC Gossip: Visit: Refuse Drink]]<br> //Leave and return to your place at the bar.// <</if>>
<<include [[NPC Gossip: No Money Dialogue]]>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Leave]]>>
You might need those coins for yourself. You refuse to buy $ a drink and go to leave.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Snarky Leave]]>>
<<unset $isGossipingOnHarlot>> <<unset $refreshGossip>>
"So, who would you like me to tittle-tattle about?"<br> <br> //$ wants another drink. If you wish to continue talking to her it will cost another $currencyName and an Action.//<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Gossip Hub Options]]>>
You make your excuses and turn to leave.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Snarky Leave]]>>
<<print $npcGossip.leavingMessages.random()>><br> <br> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Leave]]>>
<<include [[NPC Gossip: More Harlot Gossip]]>> [[More Gossip->Test Harlot: More Gossip]]<br> [[Other Testing->Harlot Tester]]
/* Extracted out so it can be called from harlot tester */ /* Don't charge actions or money here - need to check still has gossip */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip.length eq 0>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Harlot Gossip: Exhausted]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Harlot Gossip: Additional]]>> <</if>>
/* Use this at the end of non-standard <harlot>: NPC Gossip to return story to right passage */ <<if $isHarlotTesting>> [[More Gossip->Test Harlot: More Gossip]]<br> [[Other Testing->Harlot Tester]] <<else>> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Gossip: Continuation Hub]] <</if>>
/* We create all the charms here */ <<set $charmCount to 40>> <<set $allCharms to []>> <<for _charmNum to 0; _charmNum lt $charmCount; _charmNum++>> <<set $initLink to "Charm" + _charmNum + "Init">> <<include $initLink>> <<set $allCharms.push($charm)>> <</for>> /* populate NPC CHARM's charms */ <<include [[NPC Charm: Populate Charms]]>>
/* Do nothing charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 0, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Does absolutely nothing.", name: "The Nullstone of Nigel Neversham", description: "A smooth and polished black gemstone inlaid in silver.", functionHints: "\"Nigel Neversham, hmm, I never found out what happened to him. I don't know what this one does, but I feel it must be useful.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Nullstone" }>>
/* Show semen count */ <<set $charm to { number: 1, category: 0, cost: 4, explanation: "Shows semen count as a number.", name: "Gary Goldman's Gauge", description: "A gleaming brass gauge with a white face and black needle.", functionHints: "\"Gary Goldman was a legend of the vintage adult movies. He was so reliable because he always knew how many cumshots were left in him. A thirsty dryad wrapped her labial roots around his cock and drained him dry, sadly.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
<<set $isTesting to true>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $charmId to 0>> <<set $npcMadam.hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken to true>> <<set $npcMoney.hasBeenIntroduced to true>> [[Print all charms.->Test Charms: Print All]]<br> [[Print all charm details.->Test Charms: Print All Details]]<br> [[Charms Test.->Test All Charms]]<br> [[Find Money Charm.->Test Charms: Find Money Charm]]
<<include [[Print Charm]]>> <br> <<set $charmId++>> [[Next Charm.->Test Charms: Print All Details]]<br> [[More Testing.->Test Charms]]
Number of Charms = $allCharms.length<br> <br> <<for _charmNum to 0; _charmNum lt $allCharms.length; _charmNum++>> ''$allCharms[_charmNum].name''<br> //$allCharms[_charmNum].explanation//<br> <br> <</for>> <br> [[More Testing.->Test Charms]]
/* Print all charm details for testing pre-req: $charmId */ <<set _charm to $allCharms[$charmId]>> name:<br> number: _charm.number<br> category: _charm.category<br> cost: _charm.cost<br> explanation: _charm.explanation<br> description: _charm.description<br> functionHints: _charm.functionHints<br>
<<if $isTesting or $player.charms.includes(1)>> <<set _semenText to $player.semenCount>> <<else>> <<if $player.semenCount gt 8>> <<set _semenText to "Floods">> <<elseif $player.semenCount gt 5>> <<set _semenText to "Gushes">> <<elseif $player.semenCount gt 2>> <<set _semenText to "Spurts">> <<else>> <<set _semenText to "Dribbles">> <</if>> <</if>>
/* Does nothing */
/* Increase Semen Max (by 3) */ <<set $charm to { number: 2, category: 1, cost: 5, explanation: "Increase Max Semen Count by +3.", name: "The Bull's Balls", description: "A crude fertility fetish made of clay of an erect penis and testicles the size of oranges.", functionHints: "\"The Bull of Boldoma boasted he could bed and satisfy the insatiable Harlot of Hellacona. He might have sated her lustful hungers... had her sister not joined in. The Bull became jerky and satisfied their other hungers after the sun rose.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Increase Max Semen" }>>
<<set $player.maxSemenCount += 3>> <<set $player.semenCount += 3>> ''Your balls feel a little more swollen.''<br> <br>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $allCharms.length; _i++>> <<capture _i>> <<set _name to $allCharms[_i].name>> [[_name->Test All Charms: Apply Charm Effect][$id to _i]]<br> <</capture>> <</for>> <br> <br> [[End->Test All Charms: End Tests]]
<<set _charmId to $id>> <<include [[Apply Charm Effect]]>> <br> [[Continue.->Test All Charms]]
/* pre-reqs: _charmId */ <<include $allCharms[_charmId].effectOnPickupLink>>
/* Set STR to 4 */ <<set $charm to { number: 3, category: 0, cost: 4, explanation: "Sets Base Strength to 4.", name: "The Armband of Angrach na Mathlach", description: "An ornate armband engraved with an image of a bull fighting a multi-headed serpent.", functionHints: "\"They say the warrior Angrach na Mathlach was strong enough to wrestle a full-grown bull to the floor. He was crushed to death in the embrace of the Lamia of Lashmemi.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Set Str" }>>
<<set $player.baseStr to 4>> ''You feel strong.''<br> <br> "You might have to wait a while for that to take full effect, dearie," $ says.<br> <br>
/* Set AGI to 4 */ <<set $charm to { number: 4, category: 0, cost: 4, explanation: "Sets Base Agility to 4.", name: "The Sandals of Safraz Shah", description: "A fancy pair of silk shoes resting on a red satin cushion.", functionHints: "\"When Safraz Shah danced he used to make all the ladies swoon. Sadly, he caught the eye of the Caballeiah of Candon Fa. Legend says he dances for them still.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Set Agi" }>>
<<set $player.baseAgi to 4>> ''You feel agile.''<br> <br> "You might have to wait a while for that to take full effect, dearie," $ says.<br> <br>
/* Set DEX to 4 */ <<set $charm to { number: 5, category: 0, cost: 4, explanation: "Sets Base Dexterity to 4.", name: "The Lockpicks of Lonny Duggan", description: "A set of lockpicks on a thick iron ring.", functionHints: "\"Ah, the lockpicks of the illustrious Lonny Duggan. Quite a rogue he was. Could break into anything, they said. Came to a messy end when he tried to pick the lock of a mimic.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Set Dex" }>>
<<set $player.baseDex to 4>> ''You feel Dextrous.''<br> <br> "You might have to wait a while for that to take full effect, dearie," $ says.<br> <br>
/* Set INT to 4 */ <<set $charm to { number: 6, category: 0, cost: 4, explanation: "Sets Base Intelligence to 4", name: "The Brain of Professor Ichabod Blaine", description: "An engraving of a brain with bolts of lightning sparking between the lobes.", functionHints: "\"Professor Ichabod Blaine had a wonderfully developed brain. Sadly, he neglected to develop other parts of his body and his heart gave out during a particularly strenuous session with the bunny nymphs of Lapalla.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Set Int" }>>
<<set $player.baseInt to 4>> ''You feel smart.''<br> <br> "You might have to wait a while for that to take full effect, dearie," $ says.<br> <br>
/* Set WILL to 4 */ <<set $charm to { number: 7, category: 0, cost: 4, explanation: "Set Base Willpower to 4", name: "The Helm of Sir Arthur Harkwood", description: "A knight's helmet surrounded by a glowing blue nimbus.", functionHints: "\"Sir Arthur Harkwood was said to be the most indomitable knight of the realm. The Tinternabbell Triplets seduced and beguiled him and turned him into their pet dog.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Set Will" }>>
/* set CON to 4 */ <<set $charm to { number: 8, category: 0, cost: 4, explanation: "Set Base Constitution to 4", name: "The Drinking Horn of Drimmi Hrothgar", description: "An ornate drinking horn filled with frothy beer.", functionHints: "\"Drimmi Hrothgar believed he could drink anything and anyone under the table. That ended when he drank mead laced with the venom of a velvet voluptorpion. They say the distance his issue flew from his final ejaculation is a record that will never be broken.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Set Const" }>>
<<set $player.baseWill to 4>> ''You feel resolved.''<br> <br> "You might have to wait a while for that to take full effect, dearie," $ says.<br> <br>
<<set $player.baseConst to 4>> ''You feel hearty.''<br> <br> "You might have to wait a while for that to take full effect, dearie," $ says.<br> <br>
Delayed effects of charms take place here...<br> <br> <<set $player.currStr to $player.baseStr>> <<set $player.currAgi to $player.baseAgi>> <<set $player.currDex to $player.baseDex>> <<set $player.currInt to $player.baseInt>> <<set $player.currWill to $player.baseWill>> <<set $player.currConst to $player.baseConst>> [[More Testing.->Test Charms]]
/* pre-req _round */ <<set $player.roomScores[_round] to { round: _round, harlotNumber: 1, scoreArray: [ [1,true,true] /* dummy */ ] }>>
/* populate previous round room scores with dummy data to stop tests crashing every time $currentRound > 1 */ <<set _max to $currentRound - 1>> <<for _round to 0; _round lt _max; _round++>> <<set _roundTxt to _round + 1>> <<if not $player.roomScores[_round]>> <<include [[Test Harlot: Set Dummy Room Score]]>> ''Adding dummy room score data for Round = _roundTxt''<br> <<else>> ''Existing room score data found for Round = _roundTxt''<br> <</if>> <</for>> <br>
/* More Actions */ <<set $charm to { number: 9, category: 0, cost: 6, explanation: "Increases number of Actions by 1. (Only in the pre-choice phase before the player must pick a harlot.)", name: "Henri Hodgson's Hourglass", description: "A tilted hourglass with the grains falling upwards.", functionHints: "\"Henri Hodgson always wished for more time. He was ingested by a Gigantic Guumbala and now has all the time in the world. I hear she's still digesting him, even now.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: More Actions" }>>
<<set $clubActivityMaxUnits++>>
/* Increase potion resistance (+3 to number of potion effects player can have in system before addiction triggers) */ <<set $charm to { number: 10, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Increases number of $'s potions the player can drink before picking up the Potion Addiction ailment.", name: "Dr Turnbull's Test Tube Rack", description: "A rack of test tubes, each filled with brightly coloured liquids.", functionHints: "\"Dr Turnbull was a man ferociously devoted to self-improvement through chemical means. A concoction of holstaurus milk, scorpioness venom and alraune nectar had impressive, but tragically lethal effects.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Potion Resist" }>>
/* increases potion resistance */ <<set $player.potionResistance += 3>>
<<set $npcCharm to { name: "The Buxom Lolibaba", isAvailable: true, isUnavailable: false, hasBeenIntroduced: false, hasBeenVisited: false, /* NPC Specific Properties */ hasBeenAskedForSex: false, hasExplainedCharms: false, hasSoldFirstCharm: false, hasGivenMoneyHint: false, hasExplainedFixedSelection: false, hasExplainedPickAnyCharm: false, charms: [] }>>
<<include [[NPC Gossip: Pay Action]]>> "That batty old crone."<br> <br> $ sniffs disdainfully.<br> <br> "I can never tell if she actually believes all that nonsense about fate and the Lords of Old Chaos, or if it's just sales patter to peddle charms to gullible rubes."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette, letting out clouds of fragrant smoke."<br> <br> "$'s shrunken little sycophant is useful, I suppose. To you. $ has an infuriating obsession about making her 'game' fair. The prey must always have a chance, as she puts it. She can keep the weaker lust daemons in line and get them to stick to it. But the stronger succubi..."<br> <br> $ chuckles darkly.<br> <br> "You might have heard that daemons and devils are stickler for contracts. All lies. We cheat and we have centuries of experience of wriggling out of them. The stronger ones in here will bat their pretty little eyelashes, blast you with seduction magic strong enough to melt your brain, then claim it was your fault for not having the will to resist it."<br> <br> $ laughs.<br> <br> "It's like blaming a mouse for getting crushed when an elephant steps on it."<br> <br> $ taps her cigarette holder to dislodge ash onto the floor.<br> <br> "You'll need her charms. As dotty as she is, she knows her warding magic, and her charms are the only thing that will protect you against some of the stronger lust daemons. Although you'll have the devil's own game trying to work out what her charms do. $ has spent so many years trying to sound cryptic and portentous in order to seem wise and //important//, I don't think even she knows what she's saying half the time."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Gossip: Continuation Hub]]
"You might have to wait a while for that to take effect, dearie," $ says.<br> <br>
/* update the charms NPC CHARM has available this round */ <<set _n to 3>> <<set _copy to clone($npcCharm.charms)>> <<if _n gt _copy.length>> <<set _n to _copy.length>> <</if>> <<set $charmsForSaleThisRound to []>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt _n; _i++>> <<set _charmId to _copy.pluck()>> <<set $charmsForSaleThisRound.push(_charmId)>> <</for>>
/* Find money */ <<set $charm to { number: 11, category: 0, cost: 3, explanation: "Gives the player a chance to find " + $currencyName + "s and other things.", name: "Cleveland Courter's Lucky Clover", description: "A green enamel pin of a four-leaf clover.", functionHints: "\"They say this brought great fortune to Cleveland Courter. It found him wealth and a wife of incomparable beauty. Unfortunately for him, that wife was the succubus Sailech Sayshun. Or maybe fortunate. He didn't last beyond his wedding night, but what a night it must have been.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Higher payouts from NPC Money */ <<set $charm to { number: 12, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "$ pays out more " + $currencyName + "s for information.", name: "The Brazen Ah-Ddub", description: "A gold statuette of a semi-naked fat man with an avaricious expression.", functionHints: "\"Wealth seeks wealth, they say, and this is their token. It's not as powerful in here. One cannot pay off a succubus. The only currency they desire is souls and semen.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* See harlot's true form */ <<set $charm to { number: 13, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Reveals the true form of harlots.", name: "The Eye of Eric Leidorf", description: "An illustration of an open eye with a piercing stare.", functionHints: "\"Eric Leidorf was a man of great observation and insight. He saw everything as it truly was. Alas, his investigations uncovered the true form of the eldritch Elysh-Nareen, and no mortal mind can hold that knowledge.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Delayed True Vision" }>>
/* NPC Gossip Lie Detector */ <<set $charm to { number: 14, category: 0, cost: 2, explanation: "Identifies when $ gives information that might be inaccurate or dangerous for the player.", name: "Inquisitor Tortunaga's Tongue", description: "A long slender forked tongue ripped out at the root.", functionHints: "\"Not his tongue. Rumour is he ripped it from a witch's mouth and forced it to unspeak the lies through which she'd corrupted the Court of King Alfonso. I sell this one cheap because I know how much it annoys a certain someone in here.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* See Best Gift */ <<set $charm to { number: 15, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Identifies which gift has a connection to a harlot (may not necessarily be a gift they like).", name: "The Flower of Francis du Farnier", description: "A pretty flower brooch studded with gemstones.", functionHints: "\"That old smooth-talker, Francis do Farnier. He had a knack for knowing exactly what a girl wanted. Unfortunately, after a misunderstanding, he ended up presenting his own head to the Mantis Queen of Myridd'nah.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Identify Best Gift" }>> /* TODO - needs note that not always reliable */
/* Reveal gift category */ <<set $charm to { number: 16, category: 0, cost: 3, explanation: "Shows gift categories.", name: "Sutty Clark's Clipboard", description: "A brass cast of a little clipboard and pen.", functionHints: "\"Sutty Clark, a quiet and organized man with a quiet and organised mind. He was a warehouse manager of uncommon ability... until that nasty business with the Zaputa relics recovered by the McAlister Expedition.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* No affection loss */ <<set $charm to { number: 17, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Harlots no longer lose affection.", name: "The Heart of Hectoronymus", description: "A heart carved from red gemstone and veined with gold.", functionHints: "\"Oh, Hectoronymus. Such a lovely boy. We all liked him. Shaeol was so distraught when she was the one to drain the last of his vitality.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Semen Choker */ <<set $charm to { number: 18, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Regulates player ejaculations so that each only costs 1 unit of semen.", name: "The Fountain of Zalmassis", description: "A neglected fountain choked with thick vines of ivy.", functionHints: "\"Water still fountains at the appointed hour, but not as strongly and not for as long. Sometimes that is not a bad thing.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Ailment Detector */ <<set $charm to { number: 19, category: 0, cost: 3, explanation: "Notifies the player when they pick up an ailment.", name: "Dr Prevert's Tools", description: "An old leather doctor's bag with a stethoscope lying on top.", functionHints: "\"The good Dr Prevert could identify any illness or ailment, they say. Unfortunately, he was blind to his own particular predilection. He found a lust daemon to satisfy it, though maybe he shouldn't have...\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Explain Charm Function */ <<set $charm to { number: 20, category: 0, cost: 7, explanation: "Reveals a more accurate explanation of what each charm does.", name: "The Enchanted Loupe of Jeremiah Cohen", description: "A jeweller's loupe with strange runes etched into the lens holder.", functionHints: "\"They say Jeremiah Cohen had an excellent eye for appraising the rare and valuable. I don't think you'll find much use for it in here, dearie.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Print gift categories. pre-req: _giftCategories output: _catString */ <<set _catString to "">> <<for _cat to 0; _cat lt _giftCategories.length; _cat++>> <<set _catId to _giftCategories[_cat]>> <<if _cat eq (_giftCategories.length - 1)>> <<set _catString += $giftCategoryNames[_catId] + ".">> <<else>> <<set _catString += $giftCategoryNames[_catId] + ", ">> <</if>> <</for>>
"I wouldn't get too reliant on that one, dearie," $ warns. "Hate and love are oftentimes easily confused."<br> <br>
/* TABLE 1-5: nothing 6-15: 1 coin 16-18: 2 coin 19: 5 coin 20: token */ <<set _rng to random(1,20)>> <<if _rng gt 19>> /* mulligan token */ <<if $npcMadam.hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken>> <<set _mtText to $>> <<else>> <<set _mtText to "strange silver disc">> <</if>> <<if $npcMoney.hasBeenIntroduced>> <<set _npcText to $>> <<else>> <<set _npcText to "someone">> <</if>> On the way back to the bar you find a _mtText on the floor. That might be useful. Or you can always sell it to _npcText for <<print $currencyName + "s.">><br> <br> <<set $player.mulliganTokens += 1>> <<elseif _rng gt 18>> /* lost wallet */ On the way back to the bar you find someone's wallet dropped on the floor. There is no ID. You go to hand it in to $ and he pushes it back.<br> <br> "I doubt the last owner has much use for it now," he says.<br> <br> Inside you find 5 <<print $currencyName + "s.">> Yours now.<br> <br> <<set $ += 5>> <<elseif _rng gt 15>> /* 2 coins */ On the way back to the bar you find a couple of <<print $currencyName + "s">> someone's dropped on the floor.<br> <br> <<set $ += 2>> <<elseif _rng gt 5>> /* 1 coin */ On the way back to the bar you find a $currencyName on the floor.<br> <br> <<set $ += 1>> <</if>>
/* <<set _maxR to 3>> <<set _maxTC to 20>> <<set _cost to 3>> <<set _pay to 0>> <<for _tc to 0; _tc lt _maxTC; _tc++>> <<set $ to 0>> <<for _r to 0; _r lt _maxR; _r++>> <<include [[Charm Effect: Roll on Find Money Table]]>> <</for>> <<if $ gte _cost>> <<set _pay++>> <</if>> <<print $>><br> <</for>> <br> <<set _per to _pay*5>> ''_per %''<br> <br> */ <<include [[Charm Effect: Roll on Find Money Table]]>> [[Roll Again.->Test Charms: Find Money Charm]]<br> [[More Testing.->Test Charms]]
<<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "No Money While Socialising">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>>
/* Anti-Digestion Charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 21, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Protects the player from being absorbed and digested by some harlots.", name: "The War Paint of Wardell Pallace", description: "A paint pot and brush. The pot is filled with noxious looking brown paint.", functionHints: "\"In seeking the treasures of the great slime colony of Sulumb-Sschar, Wardell Pallace hit on the brilliant idea of covering his body with a special extract of the firepepper brush. It did make him indigestible to the slime girls, so they drowned him instead. The carrion birds refused to eat him, so his body lies – untouched – on the lake shore even to this day.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Anti-Smother Charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 22, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Protects the player from the lethal smothering techniques of some harlots.", name: "The Iron Lungs of Ira Blackthorne", description: "A cast sculpture of a pair of lungs made from polished silver.", functionHints: "\"They say Ira Blackthorne had such a mighty lung capacity he could hold his breath for five whole minutes. The Sensuatrix Billoa Bleth filled those massive lungs with her sweet breath and her slave he became.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Anti-Hypnosis (Sound) Charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 23, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Protects the player from the mind-controlling songs and other sound-based hypnotic techniques of some harlots.", name: "The Ear Muffs of Eric Duff", description: "An antique set of headphones that look as though they were made in the Victorian era.", functionHints: "\"Eric Duff thought these would protect him from the hypnotic songs of the salacious sirens of Sayim'dbar. If only he'd thought to protect himself from their kisses as well...\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Anti-Hypnosis (Sight) Charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 24, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Protects the player from the sight-based hypnotic techniques of some harlots.", name: "The Great Meldomo's Mask", description: "A stylish black opera mask with covered eyeholes.", functionHints: "\"The Great Meldomo was a magician-turned-vampire hunter. He fashioned a mask to counter their hypnotic gazes. It served him well... until they lured him into falling through a hole in the floor of the cellars of Carnborne Castle.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Anti-Hypnosis (Gas) Charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 25, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Protects the player from the mind-controlling perfumes and gases of some harlots.", name: "The Gas Mask of Gunther Guthrie", description: "A sturdy looking gas mask covered in occult wards and runes.", functionHints: "\"Gunther Guthrie had this made to enable his safe passage through the perfumed den of the Minh-Dha in order to rescue his kidnapped brother. The succubi were surprised at first when their soporific perfumes had no effect, but then realised there were twenty of them and just one Gunther Guthrie. They enjoyed him so much they released his brother as a gesture of goodwill.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Anti-Seduction (Magic) Charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 26, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Protects the player from the charm and seduction magic of some harlots.", name: "Ezra Flint's Stone Heart", description: "A heart roughly hewn from stone.", functionHints: "\"Ah, 'Stone-Heart' Flint. He's a scary bedtime story told to young succubi. A man so mean and ornery he loved no woman, beast, or thing. The succubus Sappheelia killed him out of spite after he spurned her advances and was sentenced to exile as a result.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Anti-Toxin (Imbibed) Charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 27, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Protects the player from the drugs and poisons of some harlots that are imbibed through the mouth.", name: "Cuddy Clough's Cast-Iron Belly", description: "A grotesque little pewter figurine of a grossly overweight man with his belly hanging out.", functionHints: "\"That's the great hog, Cuddy Clough. The only man to drink the milk of the Mammalyn Lacatatus and survive. A nigh unstoppable brute until the Thorned Rose of Jaardeenya pierced his skin with her poisonous thorns. It emptied every venom gland in her body, but by the end of it, so was Cuddy Clough.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Anti-Toxin (Injected) Charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 28, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Projects the player from the drugs and venoms of some harlots that are injected into the bloodstream.", name: "The Blood of Baron Harcourt", description: "A delicate filigree sculpture of veins made from glass and filled with shimmering red liquid.", functionHints: "\"The adventurer Baron Harcourt spent years building up a resistance to the venom of the snake priestesses of Vish-na-Slar in order to steal the treasures of their temple. It took him to the final chamber, where his adventure came to an end as the non-venomous but monstrous-in-size Boap-y-th'conda swallowed him whole with her vagina.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Anti-Toxin (Skin Contact) Charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 29, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Protects the player from the drugs and toxins of some harlots that are absorbed through the skin.", name: "The Wetsuit of Wellington du Plassis", description: "A tiny mannequin wearing an immaculately tailored diving suit.", functionHints: "\"The dilettante Wellington du Plassis had this made to settle a bet over whether it was possible to make love to the exotic-but-toxic amphibian women of the Peripalla Jungle. It worked too well as they took him captive and held him for thirty years as their breeding slave.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Anti-Pollen/Spore Charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 30, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Protects the player from the mind-controlling pollen and spores of some harlots. (It does not charm them.)", name: "The Nose Plugs of Nadil Gupta", description: "A pair of nose plugs attached to an extravagant and bushy fake moustache.", functionHints: "\"Nadil Gupta swore his magnificent creation would not only block out alraune pollen and matango spores, but would charm them as well. Maybe he was right. The Great Pitcher Plant Nepenthia Chul let him luxuriate in blissful ecstasy in her pot for seven whole days before finally consuming him.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Anti-Kiss Charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 31, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Protects the player from the mind-controlling kisses of some harlots.", name: "The Lipstick of Ludwig von Steinn", description: "A stick of shimmery blue lip gloss.", functionHints: "\"A strange accessory. The burly mercenary Ludwig von Steinn came up with it to protect against the venomous kisses of the Endewald arachnes. Sadly, it afforded little protection from their venomous vaginas.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Heat Resistance */ <<set $charm to { number: 32, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Some harlots are too-hot-to-handle. This will save the player from meeting a fiery demise with them.", name: "Titus Inch's Patented Thermal Regulator", description: "A block of ice with wires and dials attached.", functionHints: "\"The engineer Titus Inch was besotted with the Salamandrix Queen of Vulcana and came up with this device to facilitate courting her. Tragically, he was suffocated by smog sylphs en route to her castle and his love remained unrequited.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Cold Resistance */ <<set $charm to { number: 33, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Some harlots are dangerously chilling. This will keep the player warm in their presence.", name: "The Glowing Heart of Hideyoshi Kobachi", description: "A glowing heart embedded in a block of ice.", functionHints: "\"It is said that it was only his great love for her that kept Hideyoshi Kobachi alive after the Yuki-Onna Fubuki Hana froze him in a block of ice. Realising his feelings for her were genuine, she released him. Tragically, their relationship was cut short when a jealous rival drove an icicle through Hideyoshi's heart.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Escape Grapples Charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 34, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Allows the player to break out of the otherwise inescapable grapples and holds of some harlots.", name: "The Belt of El-Anguila, the Eel", description: "A championship belt decorated with shiny gold plates.", functionHints: "\"The slight El-Anguila built a wrestling career on a suppleness and slipperiness of form that rendered him very difficult to pin and hold, and earned him the nickname 'The Eel'. Unwisely, he chose to accept a bout on a secret underground circuit, and found himself facing the giant blob girl Amoebella Glup. She engulfed him into her body and completely broke his spirit by pumping ten ejaculations out of him in front of the jeering crowd.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Escape Bindings Charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 35, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Allows the player to slip out of the otherwise inescapable binds of some harlots.", name: "The Eminently Escapable Straitjacket", description: "A straitjacket decorated with stars and glitter to resemble a stage costume.", functionHints: "\"A prop of the escapologist Jazzy Jack Scappellini. He could escape anything, they say. No rope or lock could hold him. Sadly, he offended a local cult leader and ended up in the black womb of Zhub-Vagaromb, a prison from which not even souls escape.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
<<set _gossipObj to $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip.pluck()>> <<print _gossipObj.text>> <<if def _gossipObj.extrasLink>> <<include [[_gossipObj.extrasLink]]>> <</if>> <<if $player.charms.includes(14) and _gossipObj.isLie>> <br> <br> ''You feel a sudden hot scratchy feeling on the back of your shoulder.'' <</if>>
/* Entrails */ <<set $gift to { number: 20, name: "Entrails", isSingular: false, description: "a plate of steaming entrails", categories: [12,14] }>>
''DEV NOTE: The full functionality of this has not yet been implemented. (Not all harlots are affected - this will be fixed in the next release.)''<br> <br>
<<unset $wasLeaving>>
Before you have a chance to conduct further business, you feel $'s buzzer vibrate once in your pocket. It's time to go to the presentation stage. You make your excuses and leave.<br> <br> What will $ have for you this time?<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Money: Clean-Up]]>> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Money: Repeat]] <<else>> [[Go to the Harlot Presentation stage.->Next Round]] <</if>>
<<set $clubActivityUnits to $clubActivityMaxUnits>> <<set $postroomActivityUnits to $postroomActivityMaxUnits>> <<include [[NPC Money: Print]]>> <<include [[NPC Money: Determine Availability]]>> <<if $npcMoney.hasBeenIntroduced>> [[Test Subsequent Meeting->Test NPC Money: Subsequent Meeting]]<br> <<else>> [[Test First Meeting->Test NPC Money: First Meeting]]<br> <</if>>
<<if $npcMoney.hasAskedWho eq false>> [[Who are you?->NPC Money: Who]]<br> <<if $npcMoney.hasAskedWhy>><br><</if>> <</if>> <<if $npcMoney.hasAskedWhy eq false>> [[Why do you want to know?->NPC Money: Why]]<br> <br> <</if>>
<<if $npcMoney.hasTriedToBuyMulliganToken>> <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 0>> [["Sell him a " + $ + " for " + $mulliganToken.moneyBuyPrice + " " + $currencyName + "s."->NPC Money: Sell Mulligan Token]]<br> //This will cost you an Action.//<br> <br> <<else>> You have no <<print $ + "s">> to sell.<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>>
<<if $npcMoney.hasTriedToBuyMulliganToken>> [["You have no more business you wish to discuss with " + $>NPC Money: Leave Message]]<br> <<else>> <<if $npcMoney.hasBoughtAllExperiences>> [[Time to leave.->NPC Money: Leave: First Time]]<br> <<else>> [[Keep your experiences to yourself for now?->NPC Money: Decline Tell Experiences]]<br> <</if>> <</if>>
<<if not $hasUsedActionWithNpc>> <<if $isPostRoom>> <<set $postroomActivityUnits -= 1>> <<else>> <<set $clubActivityUnits -= 1>> <</if>> <</if>> <<include [[NPC Money: Clean-Up]]>> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Money: Repeat]] <<else>> [[You return to your spot at the bar.->Post-Room Activities: Hub]] <</if>>
/* for when we need to modify how many coins NPC Money pays out (eg modified by charms) pre-req: _score */ <<if $player.charms.includes(12) and _score gt 0>> <<set _baseScore to _score>> <<set _mod to Math.trunc(_score/5)+1>> <<set _score += _mod>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$ payout modified from _baseScore to _score by $allCharms[12].name.''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $player.charms.push(12)>> <<set _score to 0>> <<include [[NPC Money: Modify Payout]]>> <<set _score to 1>> <<include [[NPC Money: Modify Payout]]>> <<set _score to 4>> <<include [[NPC Money: Modify Payout]]>> <<set _score to 5>> <<include [[NPC Money: Modify Payout]]>> <<set _score to 9>> <<include [[NPC Money: Modify Payout]]>> <<set _score to 10>> <<include [[NPC Money: Modify Payout]]>> <<set _score to 11>> <<include [[NPC Money: Modify Payout]]>>
/* For harlots where Feedback doesn't happen (because they kill the player or have completely custom Sell Exp passages). Use this as the link. No text as unreachable. */
<<if $npcMadam.hasExplainedSocialising>> [[You want to socialise with one of the girls.->NPC Madam: Socialising: Request]] <<else>> [[Ask if there is a way to get to know a girl a little better before making a choice.->NPC Madam: Socialising: 1st Request]] <</if>><br> //This will cost an Action and may have other effects.//<br> <br>
/* No option for now - will be added later */
/* pre-reqs: _reqStat, _ailmentsList, _charmsList */ <<set _testPassed to true>> <<if $player.currAgi lt _reqStat>> <<set _testPassed to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test failed: Player Agi ($player.currAgi) less than required (_reqStat).''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _ailmentsList eq null>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <</if>> <<for _ai to 0; _ai lt _ailmentsList.length; _ai++>> <<if _testPassed>> <<set _ailment to _ailmentsList[_ai]>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<set _testPassed to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test failed: Player has $allAilments[_ailment].name ailment.''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if _charmsList eq null>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <</if>> <<for _ci to 0; _ci lt _charmsList.length; _ci++>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<set _charm to _charmsList[_ci]>> <<if $player.charms.includes(_charm)>> <<set _testPassed to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test passed: Failure overridden by $allCharms[_charm].name.''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>>
/* pre-reqs: _reqStat, _ailmentsList, _charmsList */ <<set _testPassed to true>> <<if $player.currDex lt _reqStat>> <<set _testPassed to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test failed: Player Dex ($player.currDex) less than required (_reqStat).''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _ailmentsList eq null>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <</if>> <<for _ai to 0; _ai lt _ailmentsList.length; _ai++>> <<if _testPassed>> <<set _ailment to _ailmentsList[_ai]>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<set _testPassed to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test failed: Player has $allAilments[_ailment].name ailment.''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if _charmsList eq null>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <</if>> <<for _ci to 0; _ci lt _charmsList.length; _ci++>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<set _charm to _charmsList[_ci]>> <<if $player.charms.includes(_charm)>> <<set _testPassed to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test passed: Failure overridden by $allCharms[_charm].name.''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>>
/* pre-reqs: _reqStat, _ailmentsList, _charmsList */ <<set _testPassed to true>> <<if $player.currConst lt _reqStat>> <<set _testPassed to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test failed: Player Const ($player.currConst) less than required (_reqStat).''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _ailmentsList eq null>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <</if>> <<for _ai to 0; _ai lt _ailmentsList.length; _ai++>> <<if _testPassed>> <<set _ailment to _ailmentsList[_ai]>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<set _testPassed to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test failed: Player has $allAilments[_ailment].name ailment.''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if _charmsList eq null>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <</if>> <<for _ci to 0; _ci lt _charmsList.length; _ci++>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<set _charm to _charmsList[_ci]>> <<if $player.charms.includes(_charm)>> <<set _testPassed to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test passed: Failure overridden by $allCharms[_charm].name.''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>>
/* Pinwheel */ <<set $gift to { number: 21, name: "Pinwheel", isSingular: true, description: "a brightly-coloured pinwheel", categories: [3,10] }>>
<<include [[NPC Gossip: Pay Action]]>> "Ah, our representative from the one dominion that refuses to believe it is one. $ knows about him, of course. She finds it amusing, and useful. You humans are so weak she thinks you need all the help you can get. That must chafe the most for him. He's not even afforded the respect of a worthy saboteur or opponent. $ noticed his presence in here and turned him into another game piece."<br> <br> $ exhales a cloud of smoke.<br> <br> "$ is very good at that. Curse her."<br> <br> You see a little spark of anger in $'s eyes as she puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "You shouldn't feel sorry for him. For all his high-minded talk of saving the flock, he wants your soul, same as any other daemon."<br> <br> She puffs out more clouds.<br> <br> "I wouldn't get too close to him. The girls in here all know what he is. Some like to tease him. They'll take his favourites and break them. Then tell him in great detail afterwards how his favoured ones begged and pleaded for their souls at the end, or how willingly they let themselves be tempted into depravity and abandon. It's so cruel."<br> <br> $'s eyes light up with savage glee.<br> <br> "And so much fun."<br> <br> She lifts her cocktail glass and takes a cultured sip.<br> <br> "So many years in here, and so few souls saved. So many failures. I wonder what happens when a daemon of faith loses their faith. I don't think he can. And that's his torment. He's doomed to watch as you weak humans give up your souls for brief pleasures over and over and over again. Never giving up. Because he can't. Each time he has to let his hopes rise, only to have them dashed again. It's so... ooh..."<br> <br> $ gives a little shudder. Her cheeks redden.<br> <br> " perfectly... //delicious//."<br> <br> <<set $npcGossip.hasGossipedAboutBarman to true>> <<set $ to $npcBarman.altName2>> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Gossip: Continuation Hub]]
<<set $npcBarman to { name: "The Handsome Barman", altName1: "The Angelic Barman", altName2: "The Not-So-Angelic Barman", isAvailable: true, isUnavailable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, hasToldConsequencesOfRunningAway: false, hasIntroducedBarman: false, hasToldNeedToBuyDrink: false, /* Round 2 */ hasGivenHarlotDifficultiesIntro: false, hasToldNumberOfRounds: false, hasTalkedTier1Harlots: false, hasTalkedTier2Harlots: false, hasTalkedTier3Harlots: false, /* Round 5 */ hasTalkedMiniBosses: false }>>
/* Bottle of Milk? */ <<set $gift to { number: 22, name: "Bottle of Milk?", isSingular: true, description: "a fancy bottle filled with what you hope is just milk", categories: [1] }>>
/* Anti-Paralysis Charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 36, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Protects the player from the paralysing effects of some harlots.", name: "The Needles of Ngon Sen Sei", description: "Acupuncture needles with carved ivory handles.", functionHints: "\"Ngon Sen Sei was a promising disciple to an ancient mystic. Sadly, his foolish master chose the nest of Pan Ves Pa for his initiation test. His teachings did provide him immunity to the paralysing stings of the wasp-women, but his slight form was no match for the sheer size and physical prowess of their queen. At least Ngon fathered many children before his short life came to an end.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Anti-Sleep Charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 37, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Protects the player from the sleep effects of some harlots.", name: "Edvard Brueghel's Energising Brew", description: "A mug of steaming black liquid adorned with a screaming face.", functionHints: "\"After realising he was being stalked through his dreams by vochtig nachtmerries, Edvard Brueghel used his pharmacological expertise to brew a special concoction to keep himself awake. It worked, but the human mind can only go without sleep for so long before sliding into madness, and he was hanged for hacking the town provost to death with an axe.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Foul-blood charm */ <<set $charm to { number: 38, category: 0, cost: 4, explanation: "Makes the player's blood taste foul to vampires.", name: "Grzegorz Cieśla's Garlic Czernina", description: "A bowl of dark soup decorated with garlic cloves.", functionHints: "\"This was the speciality and favourite of the chef Grzegorz Cieśla. He ate it so frequently that when he was abducted and taken as blood tribute to the Crimson Countesses of Carnacki Castle, they found his blood so foul they couldn't take a sip without vomiting. They had him dismembered instead, but his blood seeped into the stonework and the stench permeated the castle so thoroughly the vampires were forced to abandon it and return to their ancestral haunts in the Karpat mountains.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Use this for the alternative option of just leaving if harlot has additional socialising text */ <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
/* pre-reqs: _reqStat, _ailmentsList, _charmsList */ <<set _testPassed to true>> <<if $player.currInt lt _reqStat>> <<set _testPassed to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test failed: Player Int ($player.currInt) less than required (_reqStat).''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _ailmentsList eq null>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <</if>> <<for _ai to 0; _ai lt _ailmentsList.length; _ai++>> <<if _testPassed>> <<set _ailment to _ailmentsList[_ai]>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<set _testPassed to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test failed: Player has $allAilments[_ailment].name ailment.''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if _charmsList eq null>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <</if>> <<for _ci to 0; _ci lt _charmsList.length; _ci++>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<set _charm to _charmsList[_ci]>> <<if $player.charms.includes(_charm)>> <<set _testPassed to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test passed: Failure overridden by $allCharms[_charm].name.''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>>
"I had to build a delay into this one, ever since the... accident. That poor boy. His mind was a little fragile."<br> <br> $ shakes her head sadly.<br> <br> "Anyway, you should notice it start to kick in at the beginning of the next round."<br> <br>
$ is standing at her usual place next to the presentation stage.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Madam: Continuation Hub]]>>
/* Ornate Lipstick */ <<set $gift to { number: 23, name: "Ornate Lipstick", isSingular: true, description: "vivid red lipstick in an ornate case", categories: [7,8] }>>
/* Default Passage */ "For your troubles."
/* Jewels */ <<set $gift to { number: 24, name: "Jewels", isSingular: false, description: "a handful of glittering jewels", categories: [3,8] }>>
/* Anal Beads */ <<set $gift to { number: 25, name: "Anal Beads", isSingular: false, description: "a string of anal beads", categories: [6,15] }>>
/* Large Steel Dildo */ <<set $gift to { number: 26, name: "Large Steel Dildo", isSingular: true, description: "a large steel dildo", categories: [6,15] }>>
/* Fluffy Handcuffs */ <<set $gift to { number: 27, name: "Fluffy Handcuffs", isSingular: false, description: "a pair of handcuffs covered in fake pink fur", categories: [9,15] }>>
/* Schedule the harlot to show up in a future round pre-req: $targetRound, $hi */ /* skip special rounds */ <<if $nonOverridableRounds.includes($targetRound)>> <<set $targetRound++>> <</if>> <<set $overrideHarlotPicks.push([$targetRound, $hi])>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Future Harlot Override Table:''<br> <<include [[Test Selection Algorithm: Print Harlot Overrides]]>> <br> <</if>>
/* Ripe Peach */ <<set $gift to { number: 28, name: "Ripe Peach", isSingular: true, description: "a lusciously ripe peach", categories: [0] }>>
/* Boobfairy Milk Fascination */ <<set $ailment to { id: 10, name: "Boobfairy Milk Fascination", /* add more stuff later as needed */ cureCost: 4 }>>
/* Antique Fan */ <<set $gift to { number: 29, name: "Antique Fan", isSingular: true, description: "a stylish antique fan", categories: [3,8,10] }>>
/* pre-reqs: _reqStat, _ailmentsList _charmsList */ <<set _testPassed to true>> <<if $player.currStr lt _reqStat>> <<set _testPassed to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test failed: Player Str ($player.currStr) less than required (_reqStat).''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _ailmentsList eq null>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <</if>> <<for _ai to 0; _ai lt _ailmentsList.length; _ai++>> <<if _testPassed>> <<set _ailment to _ailmentsList[_ai]>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<set _testPassed to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test failed: Player has $allAilments[_ailment].name ailment.''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if _charmsList eq null>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <</if>> <<for _ci to 0; _ci lt _charmsList.length; _ci++>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<set _charm to _charmsList[_ci]>> <<if $player.charms.includes(_charm)>> <<set _testPassed to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test passed: Failure overridden by $allCharms[_charm].name.''<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>>
/* For when we want to check semen change in advance to pick a path but not update semen count. Does not update semen count Call Checked Semen Change later to do this (not Unchecked change) */ /* semen choker acts here to reduce all semen lost to units of 1 */ <<if $player.charms.includes(18) and $semenChange lt -1>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Semen loss changed from $semenChange to -1 thanks to Semen Choker Charm.''<br> <br> <</if>> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <</if>> <<set _tempSemenCount to $player.semenCount>> <<set _tempSemenCount += $semenChange>> <<if _tempSemenCount lt 0>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to true>> /* triggers bad end */ <</if>>
<<for _f to 0; _f lt 6; _f++>> <<print "FACTION: " + _f>><br> <<set _regHarlots to []>> <<set _fillerHarlots to []>> <<for _h to 0; _h lt $allHarlots.length; _h++>> <<if $allHarlots[_h].faction eq _f>> <<if $allHarlots[_h].isFiller>> <<set _fillerHarlots.push(_h)>> <<else>> <<set _regHarlots.push(_h)>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <<print "REGULAR">><br> <<for _i to 0; _i lt _regHarlots.length; _i++>> <<set _h to _regHarlots[_i]>> <<print $allHarlots[_h].name>><br> <</for>> <<print "FILLER">><br> <<for _i to 0; _i lt _fillerHarlots.length; _i++>> <<set _h to _fillerHarlots[_i]>> <<print $allHarlots[_h].name>><br> <</for>> <br> <</for>>
/* Huntress Diana and Khruutka */ <<set $hi to 48>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Huntress Diana and Khruutka", shortDescription: "", isMultiplePeople: true, faction: 5, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [2,22], affection: 0, hasToldRules: [false,false], preIntroductionLink: "Huntress Diana: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Huntress Diana: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Huntress Diana: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Huntress Diana: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Huntress Diana: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Huntress Diana: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Huntress Diana: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Huntress Diana: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Huntress Diana: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $player.currStr to 4>> /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 3>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 48>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a haughty succubus wearing a posh red hunting jacket and hat. She's accompanied by a pale-skinned, bald vampire girl on a leash.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Huntress Diana Grosvenor and her faithful hound, Khruutka Smucheshta," $ says.<br> <br> $ puts a hand to her mouth and whispers to you.<br> <br> "Khruutka is a feral spumpire. They have a blowjob that will make you think your nuts are being sucked out of your cock."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Huntress Diana Grosvenor looks like a prim and proper lady out for her regular Sunday hunt meet. Aside from the fact she appears to have forgotten her jodhpurs. She wears a black hunting hat over medium-length straight blonde hair. She wears a chic red hunting jacket with brass buttons. On her feet she wears fashionable thigh-high black riding boots. What she isn't wearing is a pair of trousers or any kind of underwear. The smooth folds of her sex are shamefully exposed. A slender red devil's tail is the only thing that marks her out as non-human.<br> <br> She holds the leash to another woman who is crouched down on hands and knees next to her. Khruutka Smucheshta, Diana's 'hound', is more obviously not human. Her ears are long and pointed. Her eyes are milky white pools. She's completely bald and her skin is deathly, corpse-pale. She resembles a vampire post transformation, yet still possesses a feral sexuality that shines through and stirs the loins. She wears a plain black mask that covers her nose and mouth. Aside from the dog collar around her neck, it's the only stitch of clothing she has on.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Huntress Diana regards you with piercing blue eyes.<br> <br> "You look like you might make good sport," she says. "I am Huntress Diana Grosvenor and this is my hound, Khruutka."<br> <br> She reaches down to pet the vampire girl on the head and scratch behind her ears.<br> <br> "Would you like to play with her? I promise she won't bite." <br>
"I like Huntress Diana," $ says with a smug smile. "She's both a snob and a shameless hussy. A perfect combination for a succubus. She's a Huntress from Huthswiven Manor. They normally hunt humans through the Pintelswice Forest and do deliciously perverse things to the ones they catch. Their hunts are most... invigorating experiences."<br> <br> $'s nostrils flare in excitement at memories known only to her.<br> <br> "Diana has to show more restraint in here, of course. Her hound, Khruutka Smucheshta, is a feral spumpire. Feral spumpires are lower lust daemons. Not too bright, or powerful, but they have a blowjob to them that will make you think she's trying to suck your nuts out through your cock. They can empty a man quickly as well, especially if they have a thirst on."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "$ used to let Diana and the other Huntresses hunt patrons in the woods surrounding the House. Then there was that unfortunate business..."<br> <br> $ pulls a face.<br> <br> "Now the Huntresses are confined to their rooms. They still love a good contest. Diana will want you to wrestle Khruutka. It's a fair contest. Feral spumpires don't have many special abilities and aren't that much stronger than they look. Most men wouldn't have any trouble with her, providing they don't start thinking with their other head, if you know what I mean."<br> <br> $ chuckles.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"There is no safe blowjob from a feral spumpire. Once she has a man's cock locked in her mouth, she'll suck it until its owner is empty... of everything.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If you're looking to get an advantage in the fight against Khruutka, how does the saying go: \'A well-fed hound is a slow hound.\'\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"The Huntresses are cruel mistresses. Diana loves to see her hound bullied, beaten and humiliated.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: false, text: "\"To the Huntresses, the Hunt is everything. Even with their activities curtailed within the House, Diana still loves a close contest. Put up a good fight and she'll have Khruutka go easy on you. Not that it will change the outcome.\""}>>
You escort Huntress Diana Grosvenor into the bar. She holds her head high with aloof disdain. Khruutka Smucheshta accompanies her on her hands and knees, behaving more like a dog than a woman. This behaviour extends to when you find a spare table. Diana takes a seat opposite you. Khruutka kneels on the floor next to her mistress.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Huntress Diana: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Huntress Diana: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "Are you... poor?" Diana asks. "How frightfully ghastly."<br> <br> She leans over to pet Khruutka.<br> <br> "I'll let you suck this one dry as fast as you like," she says to her hound.<br> <br> Then she gets up and both of them return to $<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a glass of bubbly champagne for Diana. She doesn't bring anything for Khruutka.<br> <br> [[Ask if Khruutka is getting a drink.->Huntress Diana: Socialising: Ask Khruutka Drink]]<br> [[Continue as normal.->Huntress Diana: Socialising: Explain Rules]]
You ask if Khruutka is getting anything.<br> <br> "Oh no," Diana says. "I like to keep her lean and thirsty."<br> <br> She reaches down to pet Khruutka on the head.<br> <br> "It keeps her focused on the hunt, doesn't it, girl."<br> <br> Khruutka tilts her head to let Diana scratch behind her long pointed ears. Although it's difficult to tell behind her mask, Khruutka appears to be smiling.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Socialising: Explain Rules]]
"$ encourages these little meets so that we can give the rules and details of our little... games to the patron beforehand."<br> <br> Diana sips her champagne.<br> <br> "Mine are simple. You fight my hound. If you win I'll let you fuck me."<br> <br> [[Fight?->Huntress Diana: Socialising: Fight]]<br> [[And if you lose?->Huntress Diana: Socialising: If Lose]]<br> [[Sounds straightforward enough.->Huntress Diana: Socialising: End]]
<<include [[Huntress Diana: Rules: Fight]]>> [[And if you lose?->Huntress Diana: Socialising: If Lose]]<br> [[Sounds straightforward enough.->Huntress Diana: Socialising: End]]
<<include [[Huntress Diana: Rules: If Lose]]>> [[Fight?->Huntress Diana: Socialising: Fight]]<br> [[Sounds straightforward enough.->Huntress Diana: Socialising: End]]
<<include [[Huntress Diana: Rules: End]]>> You finish your drinks and return to the stage. Diana walks a little ahead of you and gives you plenty of opportunity to ogle her pert little butt. It's an ass – and pussy – worth fighting for.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasToldRules[0] to true>> Fight? you enquire.<br> <br> While Khruutka does appear to have a movie-vamp look to her, she also has the big expressive eyes and slender figure of an innocent waif. You're not exactly enthralled at the prospect of punching her in the face.<br> <br> "It's just play wrestling," Diana elaborates. "No striking. This is a House of Pleasure, not a House of Brawling. First to hold and pin the other will be the victor."<br> <br> <<if $player.currStr gt 3>> Diana looks you over.<br> <br> "Khruutka isn't very strong. She shouldn't be a problem for a big strong man like you," she says. "Unless you want her to win."<br> <br> There is a knowing twinkle in her blue eyes. <<elseif $player.currStr gt 1>> Diana looks from you to Khruutka.<br> <br> "Mmm. I anticipate an interesting contest," she says. <<else>> Diana looks you over dismissively.<br> <br> "You look far too weedy to put up a good fight," she says, "but do try your best." <</if>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasToldRules[1] to true>> And if you lose? you ask.<br> <br> "Then you will find out firsthand just how pleasurable – and powerful – the blowjob suck of a feral spumpire is."<br> <br> Diana sips her drink.<br> <br> "Most find that to be an adequate consolation prize."<br> <br> There is a sly twinkle in her eye.<br> <br> <<if $player.currStr gt 3>> "A big strong man like yourself need not worry about that. Unless you want to let her win."<br> <br> <</if>>
Sounds reasonable enough, you think.<br> <br>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* gift - wine */ [1,false,false], /* gift - milk */ [1,false,false], /* rules */ [1,false,false], /* find out toothless */ [1,false,false], /* quick pin */ [1,false,false], /* close escape */ [2,false,false] /* survive */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ /* req Str, can be modified by gifts med Str is considered to be ReqStr - 2 */ <<set $reqStr to 4>> <<set $hasAskedIfBites to false>> <<set $hasSurrendered to false>> <<set $didNotFeelLipsOnCock to false>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Huntress Diana: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Huntress Diana's room looks like a cosy drawing room from a stately country manor. The wooden chairs and tables look like antiques from the early 1900s. There is a roaring fire in a big fireplace at the back of the room. The polished wooden floor in front of it is covered by a large circular rug of soft white fur that fills most of the centre of the room. The walls are oak panelled and adorned with erotic paintings of ladies out on the hunt. None of them are wearing any trousers or underwear. Also, none of them are human. They are all demons and their steeds and hounds are also demonic in appearance. Their quarry is naked human beings.<br> <br> Diana sits at a table to the left and looks aristocratic in her hunting gear as she sips a glass of wine. She still isn't wearing any trousers or underwear and seems completely unconcerned the folds of her sex are visible to everyone. Her 'hound', Khruutka, is crouched down on the floor next to her. Khruutka's bright white eyes focus on you as you enter the room.<br> <br> "About time," Diana says. "I was starting to wonder if you were going to chicken out. I trust you have brought an appropriate offering."<br> <br> [[You walk over and present your gift.->Huntress Diana: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 2>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Gift: Wine]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 22>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Gift: Milk]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(14)>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Gift: Body Parts]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(4, 6)>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Gift: Romantic]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> She turns back to you.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>> "Now, if I remember correctly, I've already explained the rules to you downstairs. I can explain them again, if you'd like."<br> <br> [[Hear the rules again.->Huntress Diana: Rules: Retell]]<br> [[You're good. You remember them.->Huntress Diana: Rules: Skip]] <<else>> "I suppose I should tell you the rules. They're very simple. You fight my hound. If you win I'll let you fuck me."<br> <br> [[Fight?->Huntress Diana: Scenario Rules: Fight]]<br> [[And if you lose?->Huntress Diana: Scenario Rules: If Lose]]<br> [[Sounds straightforward enough.->Huntress Diana: Scenario Rules: End]] <</if>>
Diana takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name. She glances down at Khruutka.<br> <br> "Khruutka will be trying her best already. You might need to go easy on her if that's what you want."<br> <br> She places the $allGifts[$cgi].name in a vase.
/* Improves affection, but makes the fight with Khruutka harder */ <<set $reqStr += 1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Huntress Diana likes gift">> <<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "Ah, an excellent vintage," Diana says. "You've chosen well."<br> <br> She pops the cork, pours a glass and takes a drink. Khruutka looks on enviously.<br> <br> "Are you thirsty?" Diana asks her.<br> <br> The other girl doesn't answer. She stares longingly at the glass of wine.<br> <br> "Good. A thirsty hound is a focused hound," Diana says.<br> <br> Diana drains the glass in front of her and plonks the glass back down on the table.
/* Makes the fight slightly easier */ <<set $reqStr -= 1>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> You hand Diana the $allGifts[$cgi].name. Her supple red lips curl up in a supercilious smile.<br> <br> "Are you trying to bribe my hound?" she asks.<br> <br> She passes the bottle to Khruutka, who accepts it with obvious glee.<br> <br> "In private, my dear," Diana says. "We don't want to spook the quarry."<br> <br> Khruutka turns her back to you. She pulls her mask down and you hear slurping sounds as she drinks. They sound very //slobbery//.<br> <br> Diana's blue eyes are sharp as she looks back at you.<br> <br> "A well-fed hound is a slow hound, but I think you know that. Well, well. Cunning is a quality I like in the quarry. It makes the hunt so much more..."<br> <br> Her nostrils flare.<br> <br> "...arousing."
<<set _affectionChangeReason to "Huntress Diana dislikes gift">> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> Diana stares disdainfully at the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "And just what do you expect me to do with this... slop?" she says.<br> <br> You shrug in embarrassment as she pushes it to the far side of the table.
Diana sees your gift and laughs.<br> <br> "You're not here to woo me," she says.
<<set _affectionChangeReason to "Huntress Diana dislikes gift">> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> "Apparently not," she says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you.<br> <br> Disdainfully, she pushes it over to the far side of the table.
"They're very simple," Diana says. "You fight my hound. If you win I'll let you fuck me."<br> <br> [[Fight?->Huntress Diana: Scenario Rules: Fight]]<br> [[And if you lose?->Huntress Diana: Scenario Rules: If Lose]]<br> [[Sounds straightforward enough.->Huntress Diana: Scenario Rules: End]]
You tell her it's okay. You remember them.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Look At Khruutka]]
<<include [[Huntress Diana: Rules: Fight]]>> [[And if you lose?->Huntress Diana: Scenario Rules: If Lose]]<br> [[Sounds straightforward enough.->Huntress Diana: Scenario Rules: End]]
<<include [[Huntress Diana: Rules: If Lose]]>> [[Fight?->Huntress Diana: Scenario Rules: Fight]]<br> [[Sounds straightforward enough.->Huntress Diana: Scenario Rules: End]]
<<include [[Huntress Diana: Rules: End]]>> /* score if heard rules */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasToldRules[0] and $allHarlots[$hi].hasToldRules[1]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <</if>> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Look At Khruutka]]
You look at Khruutka. She doesn't look too intimidating. She looks like a fairly skinny young woman, barely 120 pounds. However, she is also clearly not human. Her deathly-pale pallor, long pointed ears and milky-white eyes make her resemble a horror-movie vampire.<br> <br> [[Ask if she bites.->Huntress Diana: Ask if Bites]]<br> [[Get ready for the 'fight'.->Huntress Diana: Fight Preparation]]
<<set $hasAskedIfBites to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> Diana laughs at your question.<br> <br> "She's a spumpire. They don't have any teeth."<br> <br> To demonstrate, she takes off Khruutka's mask. What's hiding behind doesn't look too sinister. Khruutka's lips are a little over-plump, like a porn star overdoing the botox injections, but not enough to make them unappealing.<br> <br> It's what's behind the lips that's strange.<br> <br> Diana hooks her fingers into Khruutka's mouth and pulls it open as if it's a stretchy rubber mask. Khruutka's 'mouth' is a narrow fleshy tunnel lined with little bumps. Diana is correct. You don't see any fangs, nor any other teeth.<br> <br> Diana removes her fingers and Khruutka's lips return back to a porn-star pout. Her lips, plump and sensual, do look rather enticing. Imagining them wrapped around your cock triggers a throb of arousal in your loins.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Fight Preparation]]
Diana unhooks her collar and Khruutka crawls on hands and knees to the edge of the fur mat. She takes up position on her knees. You go to take up position opposite her, only for Diana to rap her riding crop against the top of the table.<br> <br> "Where do you think you are? Take those clothes off."<br> <br> She points to a nearby chair.<br> <br> You get undressed and hang your clothes on the back of the chair. You return to the edge of the big fur mat. Diana stares at your body with such obvious lust you start to feel a little uncomfortable. You kneel down facing Khruutka.<br> <br> <<if not $hasAskedIfBites>> Khruutka turns her head and makes a show of taking her mask off. What's hiding behind doesn't look too sinister. Khruutka's lips are a little over-plump, like a porn star overdoing the botox injections, but still look enticing. Imagining them wrapped around your cock triggers a throb of arousal in your loins.<br> <br> <</if>> "And now the participants are ready, let the sport begin!" Diana says, her cheeks flaring in excitement.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Wrestling: Start]]
Khruutka jumps up and advances to the centre of the rug in a crouch. Her hands are outstretched and fingers hooked like feral claws. With her lithe form it gives her a kind of wild sex appeal. Seeing her naked form causes your erection to bob up in excitement.<br> <br> You approach her warily. Khruutka feints a few times, like a wild wolf, then comes in low in an attempt to take you down. You both tumble to the floor and roll around as each tries to get a solid hold on the other.<br> <br> /* High Str check */ <<set _reqStat to $reqStr>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Wrestling: High Str]]>> <<else>> /* is fail because of fatigue */ <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment and $player.currStr gte $reqStr>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Wrestling: Fatigued]]>> <<else>> /* Med Str check */ <<set _reqStat to $reqStr - 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Wrestling: Med Str]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Wrestling: Low Str]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
Khruutka is lithe and wiry. She's also a slender slip of a girl, barely 120 pounds at your estimate. Given her vampiric appearance, you were fearful she might possess supernatural strength. She doesn't. While she is stronger than a human girl of her size and build, it's not enough to overcome your size and weight advantage.<br> <br> [[Use your size and strength to quickly pin her.->Huntress Diana: Wrestling: Quick Pin]]<br> [[Play along to make a more interesting contest of it.->Huntress Diana: High Str: Play Along]]<br> [[Go easy and let her have control.->Huntress Diana: High Str: Surrender]]
Kruutka is lithe and wiry. She's also a slender slip of a girl, barely 120 pounds at your estimate. Given her vampiric appearance, you were fearful she might possess supernatural strength. She doesn't. While she is stronger than a human girl of her size and build, it shouldn't be enough to overcome your size and weight advantage.<br> <br> Except you're feeling out of sorts for some reason. Really tired. Maybe your activities in the House have taken a toll on your body. In your wearied state you find Khruutka to be a real handful.<br> <br> [[Defend yourself as best you can.->Huntress Diana: Low Str: Fight]]<br> [[Give up and let her have control.->Huntress Diana: Low Str: Surrender]]
Khruutka is stronger and wirier than her slight appearance would suggest. Thankfully not supernaturally so. Given her vampiric appearance, you were fearful she might possess supernatural strength. She doesn't. She's not much stronger than a regular human girl of her size and build, but that's strong enough to make a contest of it.<br> <br> [[Fight to the best of your ability.->Huntress Diana: Med Str: Fight]]<br> [[Give up and let her have control.->Huntress Diana: Med Str: Surrender]]
Khruutka is stronger and wirier than her slight appearance would suggest. Thankfully not supernaturally so. Given her vampiric appearance, you were fearful she might possess supernatural strength. She doesn't. She's not that much stronger than a regular human girl of her size and build. Unfortunately for you, you're not much of a fighter either, so even that is enough to make Khruutka a real handful for you.<br> <br> [[Defend yourself as best you can.->Huntress Diana: Low Str: Fight]]<br> [[Give up and let her have control.->Huntress Diana: Low Str: Surrender]]
<<set $didNotFeelLipsOnCock to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> Khruutka might be stronger than she looks, but she's still no match for you. You block her attempts to get a hold on you. Eventually you manage to twist an arm behind her back and pin her to the floor with your superior weight. Khruutka tries her best to squirm out underneath. When that fails she gives up and taps the rug in admission of defeat.<br> <br> Diana's nostrils flare in excitement.<br> <br> "How muscular," she says. "We have a winner."<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> [[You release Khruutka and stand up.->Huntress Diana: Win Fight]] <<else>> [[Release Khruutka and stand up.->Huntress Diana: Win Fight]]<br> [[Not yet. This monster needs to be taught a lesson. Twist her arm harder.->Huntress Diana: Hurt Khruutka]] <</if>>
While you think you could pin Khruutka at any time, you sense Diana wants a good show and will be disappointed if you end it too quickly. So, you make a show of it. You let Khruutka squirm out of pins and holds and even let her wrestle you to the ground on occasion. It's fun, and arousing. You can't deny you're not turned on by Khruutka's lithe little body squirming against you.<br> <br> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Combined: Fight]]>>
While Diana is stronger and wirier than she appears, if this was a proper fight you'd have no problem using your superior size and strength to pin and restrain her.<br> <br> <<include [[Huntress Diana: High Med Str: Surrender]]>>
You release Khruutka and she quietly returns to her mistress. Diana is sprawled in her chair. Her hand is shamelessly down at her crotch with her fingers inserted between the fleshy folds of her sex. She beckons you over to the table with her other hand.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Black Rose Blowjob]]>> <<else>> "You won. Now it's time to claim your reward."<br> <br> She slowly draws a finger up the groove of her sex.<br> <br> "Mmm, but you did look like you were enjoying yourself with Khruutka. The prize is normally my luscious twat, but I'll give you a choice. You can fuck me or you can receive a lovely wet blowjob from Khruutka."<br> <br> Khruutka perks up, her eyes bright with interest. Her lips are wonderfully swollen. <<set _ailment to 3>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<if $didNotFeelLipsOnCock>> You fantasize about how good they'd feel wrapped around your cock. <<else>> Your heart races as you remember how good they felt wrapped around your cock. <</if>><br> <br> Your choice is already made.<br> <br> [[It's Khruutka and her lovely wet blowjob.->Huntress Diana: Khruutka Blowjob 1]] <<else>> <<if $didNotFeelLipsOnCock>> You suspect they'd feel wonderfully soft wrapped around your cock. <<else>> You remember how good they felt wrapped around your cock. <</if>><br> <br> What will you choose:<br> <br> [[Sex with Diana.->Huntress Diana: Diana Sex 1]]<br> [[A blowjob from Khruutka.->Huntress Diana: Khruutka Blowjob 1]] <</if>> <</if>>
Khruutka is some kind of vampire demon. Who knows how many lives she's taken. Now that you have her at your mercy, you're not inclined to let her go just yet. You wrench her arm further out of position and grind your knee against the small of her back.<br> <br> Khruutka lets out a pained yelp and frantically beats the palm of her hand against the floor.<br> <br> "She's submitted," Diana says.<br> <br> You ignore Khruutka's yelps and twist harder. With a little more force you might be able to dislocate her shoulder or even break her arm. Khruutka cries out in pain.<br> <br> "How dare you," Diana says.<br> <br> Her face goes white with rage. She holds out her arm and a spectral pistol materialises in her hand. Alas, the bullet that passes through your forehead is all too real. You slump, dead, to the floor while Diana comes over to comfort her hurt hound.<br> <br> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<unset $reqStr>> <<unset $hasAskedIfBites>> <<unset $hasSurrendered>> <<unset $didNotFeelLipsOnCock>>
Khruutka is a much trickier opponent than her size would suggest. You think you have the strength and weight advantage, but Khruutka has plenty of technique. She's slippery and difficult to pin. You also have to be careful she doesn't lock in a good hold on you.<br> <br> The wrestling match goes back and forth on the rug. It's fun, and arousing. You can't deny you're not turned on by Khruutka's lithe little body squirming against you.<br> <br> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Combined: Fight]]>>
Diana is wiry and a lot stronger than her size and slight build would suggest. If you were going all out in a proper fight you think your superior size and strength would be enough to win, but you think it might be close.<br> <br> <<include [[Huntress Diana: High Med Str: Surrender]]>>
While you might have entertained thoughts of throwing the fight to let Khruutka have her way with you, it turns out to be completely unnecessary. You're outmatched. Khruutka is too slippery and wiry for you to get a hold of and pin. And while she isn't stronger than you, she has one massive advantage that grows as the match progresses. Khruutka doesn't fatigue. You grow tired while Khruutka still has the same energy she had at the start. There is only one outcome to this.<br> <br> At least Diana seems to appreciate the effort you're making, futile though it is. She perches on the edge of her seat – eyes hungry, nostrils flaring. A hand strays down to her naked crotch.<br> <br> Sensing weakness, Khruutka goes in for the kill. She upends you, but rather than trying to pin you or lock up a limb, she bobs her head down into your lap and goes right for your cock.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Blowjob: Initiate]]
While you don't vocally concede, you put less effort in trying to grapple her and hope Khruutka gets the message. This is a brothel. You're here for sex, not sparring.<br> <br> Khruutka does get the message. Her touches become softer and lewder and she starts rubbing her body against you in a more obviously sexual manner. The 'fight' starts to look more like foreplay.<br> <br> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Combined: Surrender]]>>
Diana seems to be enjoying it as well. She perches on the edge of her seat – eyes hungry, nostrils flaring. A hand strays down to her naked crotch.<br> <br> Khruutka also seems to be getting turned on by it all as well. During one grapple she surprises you by abandoning all pretence of wrestling and instead bobbing her head down into your lap, going right for your cock.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Blowjob: Initiate]]
Khruutka wraps her big soft lips around your cock and sucks you into her mouth. It's a lot tighter than a regular mouth. It feels more like a tight fleshy tunnel.<br> <br> "Oooh, close," Diana says, leaning on the edge of her seat. "She hasn't locked it in yet. You might still have a chance."<br> <br> [[Try to pull free.->Huntress Diana: Blowjob: Struggle]]<br> [[Let her blow you.->Huntress Diana: Blowjob: Surrender]]
It's not a proper fight. This is a brothel. Baldness and strange appearance aside, Khruutka is still an appealing – and naked! – woman. This is erotic fetishized wrestling and you treat it as such. You let Khruutka make all the moves and make only half-hearted attempts to resist her. Khruutka catches on. Her grabs become more lascivious and she rubs her naked body against you in a more sexualised manner. The 'fight' starts to look more like foreplay.<br> <br> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Combined: Surrender]]>>
<<set $hasSurrendered to true>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Huntress Diana dislikes surrender">> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> "I think this one is more interested in fucking than fighting," Diana says. She sounds bored. "Oh well, give him what he wants, Khruutka."<br> <br> Khruutka puts you on your ass. All pretence of this being anything other than sexual foreplay is dropped as she bobs her head in your lap, wraps her soft lips around your cock and sucks it in for a blowjob.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Blowjob: Lock in]]
Khruutka's plump and lusciously soft lips slide down the outside of your shaft. The inside of her mouth feels strange. Tight. Really tight. More like a vagina or maybe even an ass. She sucks in your full length. The head of your cock travels deep into the back of her throat. It passes through a pair of fleshy flanges that stretch and then lock back in place behind your glans. Muscular bands tighten around the base of your shaft.<br> <br> <<if $hasSurrendered>> "That's it, Khruutka. Suck him in and lock it before he changes his mind." <<else>> "Too late. She's locked it in. No escape for you now." <</if>><br> <br> Khruutka's mouth forms a very snug fit around your cock. You feel fleshy walls pressing against you all the way down your length. It feels more like a tight tunnel than a mouth. You try to pull away and realise Khruutka has your cock firmly stuck within her mouth.<br> <br> Bands of muscle contract in rings around your cock. They roll up your shaft in pulsating tugs that feels like a hand jerking you off. The back of her throat squeezes tightly around the head of your cock.<br> <br> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Affection Check]]>>
<<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment or $player.currStr lt $reqStr - 2>> You try, unsuccessfully, to wriggle free. Khruutka puts her hands on your hips and drags you back. She lowers her head and sucks in your full length.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Blowjob: Lock in]] <<else>> <<if $hasAskedIfBites>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> You know Khruutka doesn't have any teeth to worry about, so you don't need to hold back. You twist your hips sharply and pull your cock free of her mouth with a soft wet pop.<br> <br> Khruutka is caught off balance trying to chase your dick with her mouth and this gives you the opening you were waiting for. You come back over the top and are able to pin Khruutka to the floor with your knees. You grab an arm and twist it behind her back. Khruutka wriggles and squirms, but is unable to slither free. After a brief and fruitless struggle, Khruutka taps the rug with her other hand to acknowledge your victory.<br> <br> "Bravo," Diana says, clapping. "A close well-fought contest really gets the blood pumping."<br> <br> And other things too, judging by the obvious flush on Diana's face.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Win Fight]] <<else>> You try to pull away... carefully. She has a vampish look to her and your pride and joy is currently halfway in her mouth. You don't want any fangs catching on your dick.<br> <br> That fear makes you too slow. You wriggle away and manage to pull most of your cock out of her mouth. Only for Khruutka to shift position, grab a hold of your hips and suck your penis back in, this time right down to the root.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Blowjob: Lock in]] <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $hasSurrendered to true>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Huntress Diana dislikes surrender">> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> You relax and let her carry on. All pretence of this being a wrestling match has been dropped. You're eager to get to the foreplay and sex.<br> <br> "I think he's given up," Diana says with a note of disappointment. "Oh well, give him what he wants, Khruutka."<br> <br> Khruutka grabs your hips and bobs her head down. She sucks in your full length.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Blowjob: Lock in]]
<<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Huntress Diana Affection = $allHarlots[$hi].affection''<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection lt 0>> "This one wasn't very impressive," Diana says disdainfully. "You can gulp him down fast if you want."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Fast Suck 1]] <<else>> "Not so fast," Diana orders. "This one tried and his efforts were entertaining. He deserves for it to be slow and pleasurable."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Slow Suck 1]] <</if>>
Khruutka's milky-white eyes light up. If her thick lips weren't currently wrapped around the base of your cock, you think they'd crack her face in a broad smile. Her cheeks puff in and out. The muscles within her strange mouth stroke up and down your cock faster and faster. Her mouth feels like a tight, ribbed tube of warm flesh sliding up and down your shaft. The back of her throat squeezes your glans with rhythmic pulsations. Fleshy flanges rub against your sensitive corona. You tremble in pleasure. She's bringing you to climax very quickly.<br> <br> "Spumpires are renowned for their blowjobs," Diana says. "She'll have you spurting in no time."<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> She would. If you weren't already completely drained by your other experiences in the house.<br> <br> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Fast Suck: Combined Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> Too fast. It feels too good.<br> <br> "Ah, here it comes," Diana says. "Drink, my dear. Drink deep."<br> <br> You let out a fast moan as Khruutka's turbocharged blowjob sucks you to a fast orgasm. Your cock throbs within the tight tunnel of flesh and spurts a thick stream of semen down the back of Khruutka's throat. Her throat works as she thirstily gulps it down.<br> <br> Your ejaculation offers no respite. Khruutka's cheeks puff in and out and she gets right back to trying to suck your balls up out of your cock.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Fast Suck 2]] <</if>>
Khruutka follows her mistress's orders. She slows her blowjob down until it feels like a slow, lazy screw. Her mouth is so tight it feels like virgin pussy. Undulating bands of muscle slowly stroke up and down your shaft. The back of her throat squeezes the head of your cock with slow, rhythmic pulsations. Little fleshy flanges stroke at the sensitive corona of your glans. You lie back on the fluffy rug and enjoy the sensations of Khruutka blowing you.<br> <br> Diana gets up off her chair and walks over. She stands behind your head and looks down at you.<br> <br> "You put up a good fight, but now it's over," she says. "Spumpires are lust daemons, but they're still vampires. That luscious mouth of hers is going to suck all the life out of your body."<br> <br> You can't do anything about it. Khruutka's mouth wrapped around your cock feels too good for you to want to move.<br> <br> "Spumpires usually feed more aggressively. They can fully drain a man in seconds. As a reward I'll have her be gentle. And I'll even let your last sight be my lovely twat."<br> <br> Diana stands over your head. Looking up, you see the shaven folds of her sex.<br> <br> The inner walls of Khruutka's mouth ripple up and down your cock. They feel like gentle strokes slowly coaxing you to orgasm.<br> <br> Diana swings her lovely pert bum and bends her knees. Her luscious sex swings alluringly out of reach above you like forbidden fruit. She reaches between her legs and parts the folds, letting you glimpse the moist secrets between them.<br> <br> Down at your crotch, Khruutka continues to suck on your cock with wet //shlupping// sounds. Her swollen mouth feels soft and warm around your member.<br> <br> "Nice and slow, Khruutka," Diana says. "Let him enjoy it."<br> <br> She swings her ass down lower and lets her fingers toy between the fleshy folds of her sex. She sighs as she plays with herself above you.<br> <br> Slow delays things, but only forestalls the inevitable. Your body trembles. Your cock starts to throb.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Slow Suck 2]]
Khruutka gives you a good suck. A little too much of a good suck. It starts to get a little painful. You really want to come, but your balls are empty. Khruutka continues to suck on you relentlessly and you start to squirm with discomfort.<br> <br> "Oh, I think the other girls have already drained this one," Diana says. "You're going to have to use your venom."<br> <br> Khruutka <<include [[Huntress Diana: Fast Suck: Bad End]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Blowjob: Out of Semen 2]]>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Fast Suck: Combined Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> Your cock doesn't get a chance to recover or even become over-sensitised to the point the stimulation becomes painful. Khruutka never gives it a chance. She sucks and sucks and then you're trembling in the grip of another massive orgasm.<br> <br> Then another. And another. And another. Until Khruutka has sucked all the semen out of your balls.<br> <br> And this is still not enough for Khruutka. She <<include [[Huntress Diana: Fast Suck: Bad End]]>> <</if>>
This time you don't come. That first ejaculation emptied what little semen was remaining in your balls.<br> <br>
lifts her hands up from your hips and roughly grabs your sides. Her sharp fingernails stab into your flesh and inject venom into your bloodstream. It has an immediate effect. You go limp and your upper body falls back on the rug.<br> <br> "Spumpire venom loosens up the insides and pushes everything down into the balls to be made into sperm," Diana says. "It will get you spurting again."<br> <br> Khruutka takes a big suck and <<if $isOutOfSemen>>this time<</if>> pulls a massive ejaculation out of you. Her cheeks keep puffing in and out. Her throat keeps gulping. You keep coming – pouring a never-ending river of semen down her throat.<br> <br> "A thirsty spumpire can empty a man in seconds," Diana says. "Did you know that?"<br> <br> You know now. Or would. You fade out before Diana finishes speaking. Khruutka takes great heaving gulps and sucks out all the fluids in your body. You dry up and crumble like a desiccated mummy. Only then does Khruutka release you and let out a satisfied sigh. Diana comes over and pats her on the head.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Khruutka takes long rolling sucks. She pauses to concentrate on the sensitive ridge of your glans. Then, when she knows she's tipped you over the edge, the fleshy walls of her mouth contract around your cock and she gives you a big suck.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Blowjob: Out of Semen 1]]>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Slow Suck: Combined Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> Your body tenses, then bucks, and you spurt a big load down the back of Khruutka's throat. Her throat works as she thirstily gulps it down. She drinks her fill, but rather than being the end of it, she goes back to tugging on your cock with slow rolling sucks.<br> <br> "That's it, Khruutka," Diana says. "Nice and slow. Draw it out and drown him in pleasure. He's earned it."<br> <br> Diana swings her hips down lower in a sleazy teasing dance. Lower. Lower. She fills your vision with her gaping pink sex. Then, when you stick your tongue out to lick, rises back up out of reach.<br> <br> "You haven't earned that," she says with a teasing laugh.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Slow Suck 3]] <</if>>
Your body tenses and bucks. You writhe with the desire to come, but nothing comes out.<br> <br>
<<include [[Huntress Diana: Blowjob: Combined Out of Semen]]>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Slow Suck: Bad End]]>>
Khruutka keeps slowly sucking on your cock. Diana said to take it nice and slow, and you think Khruutka is going as slow as she can. Even with that, it doesn't take long for her slow wet blowjob to set your body trembling again.<br> <br> Her mouth tightens around your cock and she gives you another powerful suck. <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Blowjob: Out of Semen 2]]>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Slow Suck: Combined Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> It doesn't matter that you've come already. Khruutka's suck cannot be denied. You groan in pleasure as your empty your balls down her throat.<br> <br> This time really empty.<br> <br> Your ejaculation never really stops. Khruutka lets it subside to a dribble and then tightens her lovely soft mouth around your cock and sucks you back up to throbbing climax. She does it over and over, while Diana squats right above your face. Your nose is filled with the musky perfume of Diana's sex.<br> <br> Eventually your continuous ejaculation comes to a halt with a dry scratchy feeling in your loins. You think she's emptied your balls out completely.<br> <br> "Is he out?" Diana asks. "Well, you know what to do."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Slow Suck 4]] <</if>>
lifts her hands up from your hips and roughly grabs your sides. Her sharp fingernails stab into your flesh and inject venom into your bloodstream. It has an immediate effect. You go limp.<br> <br> "Spumpire venom loosens up the insides and pushes everything down into the balls to be made into sperm," Diana says. "It will get you spurting again."<br> <br> She sits on your face with a sigh, smothering you with the moist folds of her sex.<br> <br> A warm feeling blooms within you. It feels like everything is flowing down to your balls and filling them back up again, filling them to pleasant fullness. Khruutka's soft mouth squeezes your erection and her cheeks puff in and out as she sucks on your cock with increasing power. It unblocks something within you and you respond with a powerful, body-juddering ejaculation.<br> <br> The flow continues for much longer this time. It doesn't stop until you do. While their method of draining is far more pleasant, spumpires are still vampires. Khruutka sucks all the fluids from your body and leaves behind an empty husk.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Khruutka <<include [[Huntress Diana: Slow Suck: Bad End]]>>
Khruutka's eyes light up as you choose her.<br> <br> "A good choice," Diana says. "Spumpires might be regarded as common low-class lust daemons, but they do give out the most wonderful blowjobs. Come, sit here."<br> <br> She beckons to another chair next to the table. As with the rest of the room it's opulent, with a padded velvet seat. You sit down and Khruutka comes to you. She pushes your legs apart so she can kneel between them. Diana hops up on the table and shamelessly spreads her legs.<br> <br> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Khruutka Blowjob 2]]>>
While Khruutka – and her lusciously plump lips – is tempting, why settle for a blowjob when you can go all the way with Diana.<br> <br> She smiles at you when you make your choice. She clears the table and climbs up on top of it and spreads her legs. Wrestling with Khruutka has already massively turned you on. You don't hesitate. You grab Diana's hips and impale her on your throbbing erection.<br> <br> Diana mewls with delight as you enter her. She wraps her long legs around you, folding them behind your lower back. She nibbles her lower lip and stares up at you as you pound your cock back and forth into her.<br> <br> She's tight like a prim and proper virgin. But also wetter than the loosest slut. She's as eager as both combined. She flexes her hips and drives her body to meet you with each thrust. It's loud and grunty sex. Your bodies make unashamed fleshy slapping sounds as they come together.<br> <br> You don't think you're going to last long. The warmup with Khruutka got you a little too aroused. And Diana's luscious pussy is just too damn tight. You try to delay it for as long as you can. The stirrings grow and grow in your balls.<br> <br> "A succubus's pussy is also capable of giving a man's cock a strong suck," Diana says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Diana Sex 2]]
Khruutka puffs her cheeks in and out. Muscular undulations stroke up and down your shaft. The head of your cock is squeezed by gentle rhythmic pulsations. This is far more intense than before. You think Khruutka is going as slow as she can, but it doesn't take long for her to set your whole body trembling. The urge to come starts to rise within you.<br> <br> Diana smirks at you. "Once a spumpire has you locked in, she won't stop until she's sucked all the fluids from your body. When that happens, remember that you chose this."<br> <br> Khruutka starts sucking in earnest. Powerful bands of muscle stroke up and down your shaft. The fleshy flanges at the back of her throat tickle at your sensitive corona. Then, when she knows she's tipped you over the edge, the fleshy walls of her mouth contract around your cock and she gives you a big suck.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Blowjob: Out of Semen 1]]>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Khruutka Blowjob: Combined Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> You gasp as you erupt in orgasm. Your cock throbs and you spurt a massive load down the back of Khruutka's throat. She thirstily gulps it down and keeps sucking on you with her unusual mouth. It feels like she's sucked some of your strength out as well. You slump back on the chair and feel too weak to do anything as Khruutka continues her blowjob.<br> <br> "Ooh, that looked like a big one," Diana says. She continues to play with her pussy. "Did you enjoy it? She won't stop now."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Khruutka Blowjob 4]] <</if>>
<<include [[Huntress Diana: Blowjob: Combined Out of Semen]]>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Khruutka Blowjob: Bad End]]>>
Khruutka doesn't. Her strange mouth continues to suck and pleasure your cock. Even though you came scant moments ago, it doesn't take long for Khruutka's luscious wet blowjob to set you trembling again. Her mouth tightens around your cock and she gives you another powerful suck.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Blowjob: Out of Semen 2]]>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Khruutka Blowjob: Combined Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> It doesn't matter that you've come already. Khruutka's suck cannot be denied. You groan in pleasure as your empty your balls down her throat.<br> <br> This time really empty.<br> <br> Your ejaculation never really stops. Khruutka lets it subside to a dribble and then tightens her lovely soft mouth around your cock and sucks you back up to throbbing climax. She does it over and over, causing you to squirm helplessly in ecstasy.<br> <br> Eventually your continuous ejaculation comes to a halt with a dry scratchy feeling in your loins. You think she's emptied your balls out completely.<br> <br> "Is he out?" Diana asks. "Well, you know what to do."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Khruutka Blowjob 5]] <</if>>
Khruutka <<include [[Huntress Diana: Khruutka Blowjob: Bad End]]>>
lifts her hands up from your hips and roughly grabs your sides. Her sharp fingernails stab into your flesh and inject venom into your bloodstream. It has an immediate effect. You go limp.<br> <br> "Spumpire venom loosens up the insides and pushes everything down into the balls to be made into sperm," Diana says. "It will get you spurting again."<br> <br> A warm feeling blooms within you. It feels like everything is flowing down to your balls and filling them back up again, filling them to pleasant fullness. Khruutka's soft mouth squeezes your erection and her cheeks puff in and out as she sucks on your cock with increasing power. It unblocks something within you and you respond with a powerful, body-juddering ejaculation.<br> <br> You slump back in the chair, unable to do anything as Khruutka sucks all the fluids from your body and leaves behind an empty husk.<br> <br> There is no safe blowjob from a feral spumpire.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Khruutka gives you a good suck. A little too much of a good suck. It starts to get a little painful. You really want to come, but your balls are empty. Khruutka continues to suck on you relentlessly and you start to squirm with discomfort.<br> <br> "Oh, I think the other girls have already drained this one," Diana says. "You're going to have to use your venom."<br> <br> Khruutka
Diana crosses her ankles behind your back and pulls you in close. Her soft but muscular sex tightens around your erection and draws it deeper into her. Then she sucks on you with enough force to make a complete mockery of your attempts to hold back.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Diana Sex: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> You feel it coming and – with a loud grunt – drive deep into Diana's luscious twat and pump a massive load into her. Her wet pussy is so eager for your cum it practically sucks it out of you. Completely spent, you collapse into Diana's arms.<br> <br> "If we were following the Laws of the Hunt, you'd be considered my catch and I'd be free to slaughter you as prey," Diana softly whispers in your ear.<br> <br> Her sex contracts powerfully around your softening cock, giving it a hard pinch.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Good End]] <</if>>
But hold back you do. Although you think that has more to do with your previous exertions in the House leaving your balls completely empty.<br> <br> Diana's pussy gives you a long, tugging suck. Your body shivers in bliss and your cock throbs, but nothing comes out.<br> <br> Diana's eyes narrow in annoyance. "After all that and you turn out to be empty. How disappointing."<br> <br> She wraps her legs tight around you and pulls you down on top of her.<br> <br> "This is one area where the Laws of the Hunt and $'s rules are in accord."<br> <br> Her eyes glow with magical energy. It feels like a charge is growing. First within her, and then transmitted to you.<br> <br> "While a feral spumpire's mouth has a powerful suck, nothing can compare to a succubus's pussy," she says.<br> <br> Her face twists. It's no longer the visage of a posh noblewoman. It's the face of a devil woman filled with unnatural and perverse hungers. Her pussy clenches tight around your cock. It sucks.<br> <br> Something breaks and spills out of you. It rips your soul out with it. You pump both deep into Diana's sex then collapse dead in her arms.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"Luckily for you, the rules of $'s House supplant our laws for as long as we are within its walls."<br> <br> Diana leans back. Her sex is still tightly wrapped around your trapped cock.<br> <br> "Ah, but I can't fault her. She has a keen eye for sport. Though it irks me to let the quarry go, I understand. There will be other hunts and the chase is so much sweeter when the prey has already proven themselves capable."<br> <br> Diana's vagina dilates, finally allowing you to pull free. You're breathing heavily. It was only a short fuck, but it was an intense fuck, especially after wrestling Khruutka.<br> <br> Speaking of Khruutka, she has returned her original spot by the table. Her big white eyes are filled with longing.<br> <br> "Aw, don't look like that," Diana says.<br> <br> She goes over to scratch behind Khruutka's ears and tickle under her chin.<br> <br> "You'll get the next one, I'm sure. He'll be fat and slow and you can suck all the cum out of him until your belly's full. Maybe we'll even be able to tempt that fat fool downstairs. I know you've been wanting him for a while."<br> <br> Diana turns to you with a sly look in her eyes.<br> <br> "Is he still paying other patrons for information?" she asks. "Tell him Khruutka doesn't put up a fight at all. It's just play-acting to get him turned on before I fuck him. I know he wants my pussy. I've seen him looking."<br> <br> She turns back and ruffles Khruutka's long pointed ears.<br> <br> "You wouldn't hurt him at all, would you, dear. You just want to give his cock a nice long suck."<br> <br> Khruutka's eyes are bright and she nods her head enthusiastically.<br> <br> You're not so sure on that. As tempting as Khruutka's lusciously full lips are, you suspect that once she gets a cock between them, it's not coming out until its owner is completely drained. Of everything.<br> <br> You avoided that fate this time. You put your clothes back on and head to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[6][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Huntress Diana: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
"A lady of unmistakable good breeding," $ says when you mention Huntress Diana Grosvenor. "A shame she chooses to debase herself with her shameless habit of walking around with no underwear."<br> <br> He sighs and pulls out a little black notebook.<br> <br> "Tell me of your experiences with her and her 'hound'."<br> <br>
/* must start with linebreaks if wish to start on new line */ <br> <br> <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> "Her rules are simple enough. Given I've never spoken to anyone who fought Khruutka and lost, I have to conclude the consequences of losing are mortal."<br> <br> He scribbles down notes.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> "Diana does appear to have a taste for the finer things in life," he says as you mention the gift you brought her.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> "By Jove! That's a good idea, you know. If the hound isn't thirsty, maybe she'll be less motivated to fight," he says as you mention the gift you brought her.<br> <br> <</if>> You tell him of your fight with Khruutka.<br> <br> <<if _scoreArray[4][1] and not _osa[4][2]>> "Maybe I was wrong to fear Khruutka, seeing how easily you bested her. Then again, you do seem to be on the large and muscular side, whereas I... am not."<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[5][1] and not _osa[5][2]>> "My word, that sounds like a close escape. If she'd have locked her mouth around your penis, you would have been a goner, I'm sure of it."<br> <br> <</if>>
"You have me positively green with envy, good sir. I would love to... harrumph... have my way with such an exquisite lady. It's..."<br> <br> He clicks his teeth in frustration.<br> <br> "...that damnable hound of hers. I've seen the way she looks at me. Her gaze is practically salivating. No doubt Diana told you to tell me her pet is harmless. She tells all the patrons to tell me that. I don't believe her. She means to feed me to her hound, I'm sure of it."
"I said you might need to go easy on her. Poor Khruutka was trying her best. Hmm."<br> <br> Diana puts a finger on her supple lips.<br> <br> "I know. Sit here."<br> <br> She beckons to another chair next to the table. As with the rest of the room it's opulent, with a padded velvet seat. You sit down.<br> <br> "Khruutka, come over and give the gentleman what he desires."<br> <br> Khruutka comes over to you. She pushes your legs apart so she can kneel between them. Diana hops up on the table and shamelessly spreads her legs.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Khruutka Blowjob 2]]
"Remember Khruutka, he won. So make it nice and slow and..."<br> <br> Diana's eyelids flutter as she digs two fingers deep into her sex.<br> <br> "...pleasurable."<br> <br> Khruutka's eyes are bright and full of lust as she looks up at you. She lowers her head and you tip your head back and let out your own sigh of pleasure as you feel Khruutka wrap her lusciously plump lips around the head of your cock and suck you into her mouth. She draws you in with teasing slowness, letting her soft lips brush down your shaft. She puffs her cheeks in and out and bobs her head up and down. The inside of her mouth feels a little strange. It's a tight fleshy tunnel, more like a vagina or even an ass.<br> <br> Diana continues to masturbate on top of the table.<br> <br> "He asked for you, so you can have him," she says to Khruutka.<br> <br> Khruutka grabs your hips to hold you in place. She pushes her head all the way down until her lush lips are kissing the root of your cock. Inside her mouth, the swollen head of your cock passes between two fleshy flanges at the back of Khruutka's throat. They snap back behind the fleshy ridge of your glans. Muscular bands tighten around the base of your shaft.<br> <br> "Have you locked him in?" Diana asks. "Good. Now don't drink him all at once. He's earned a very slow and pleasurable finish."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Huntress Diana: Khruutka Blowjob 3]]
/* Atómica, La Bomba de Amor */ <<set $hi to 50>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Atómica", shortDescription: "", faction: 5, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Atomica: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Atomica: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Atomica: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Atomica: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Atomica: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Atomica: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Atomica: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Atomica: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(34)>> <<set $player.currStr to 4>> /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ <<set $player.currAgi to 1>> /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 50>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a lithe succubus with a finely-toned body. She's wearing a skintight and sparkly wrestling costume of gold and bubblegum pink. She's also wearing a horned luchador mask of the same colours.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Atómica, La Bomba de Amor. Her speciality is erotic wrestling," $ says. "She is always looking for new men to practise her special 'lovebomb' finisher on."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Atómica is lithe and looks very fit. She's dressed in a skintight superhero or wrestling costume. It's spangly and has a design of gold flames over a bubblegum pink background. It also seems to have been designed to perform the opposite role of a regular costume, in that it fails to cover the parts of the body that are usually covered up. Her lovely round boobs are exposed through open windows at the chest. A diamond cut-out exposes her navel. A similar one at her crotch leaves the folds of her sex fully visible.<br> <br> Her face is hidden by a luchador mask that covers the top half of her face. The mask has devil horns and the same gold-flames-on-a-pink-background as her costume. Her eyes are bright and her lips soft and pouty. Blonde hair spills out from beneath her mask in lustrous curls. A pair of pink bat wings are folded up behind her and her long slender devil's tail is also bubblegum pink in colour.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Atómica smiles broadly as she walks up and introduces herself.<br> <br> "I'm Atómica, La Bomba de Amor" she says. "Please pick me so I can take you up to my room and 'lovebomb' you."<br> <br> She leans in close to whisper, "You'll love it."<br> <br> She winks suggestively at you.<br>
"Atómica is a combat succubus. She follows a sect that believes lust daemons must learn more conventional fighting techniques to counter those able to resist charm and seduction."<br> <br> $ sniffs disdainfully.<br> <br> "They wouldn't need to if they put that work into improving their charm and seduction techniques. The ones in the House aren't the best at fighting either. $ only lets them in the House because she knows some men get turned on by being physically dominated by a sexy woman. Atómica is infatuated by your human wrestling. She's obsessed with practising and perfecting her finisher – the 'lovebomb'."<br> <br> $ chuckles.<br> <br> "It's quite impressive, I'll give her that. She flies the man up to the ceiling and then divebombs him into a big soft cushion. She lines her pussy up so the impact jams the man's cock inside her. It causes quite an... explosive ejaculation, so I've heard."<br> <br> $ chuckles again.<br> <br> "She's obsessed with that move, so expect to spend most of your session hopping around while she tries to swoop down and grab you."<br> <br> She sips her drink.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"I wouldn't take her 'fight' too seriously. She'll try to frighten you beforehand with talk of it being life and death. It's just to frighten you into giving it your best.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If you don't feel confident in your dodging or wrestling abilities, talk to $ She has a charm that will make you as slippery as an eel.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If she does grab you, you'll still have an opportunity to break free. Don't worry about how high you are. Atómica will make sure you land on something soft. She wants to have sex with you. She can't do that if you land on your head and crack your skull open.\""}>>
Atómica puts an arm around you and walks with you into the bar. She doesn't seem too bothered by the fact her costume leaves her breasts and sex fully exposed. Then, given the waitresses aren't wearing much more, why should she?<br> <br> You find a spare table. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Atomica: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Atomica: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
Atómica clicks her tongue in irritation.<br> <br> "No money means no chit chat. Oh well, back to training."<br> <br> She gets up and returns to $<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a plain glass of water for Atómica.<br> <br> "I suppose you want to know what my 'lovebomb' is," Atómica says with a suggestive twinkle in her eye.<br> <br> In here, it could be anything.<br> <br> "I am of a sect that believes lust daemons should also be able to subdue their enemies through physical means. Sometimes charm and seduction fails, and then a girl needs a backup plan."<br> <br> She looks at you and smiles.<br> <br> "Oh, don't worry. We don't take that aspect too seriously in here. Well, most of us don't. Think of it as more like erotic wrestling – a bit of playfighting to get the heart pumping and the juices flowing... before the actual juices start flowing."<br> <br> The wink she gives you is absolute filth.<br> <br> "My signature finishing move is the 'lovebomb'. I really hope you'll let me try it out on you."<br> <br> Well, will you?<br> <br> It's something to ponder while you walk back to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Atomica: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Atomica: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Break hold with Str */ [1,false,false], /* Break hold with charm */ [1,false,false], /* Captured at 3rd swoop */ [1,false,false], /* Regular Sex */ [4,false,false], /* Plunge Sex */ [8,false,false] /* Lovebomb */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $isGoodLovebomb to false>> <<include [[Atomica: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Atomica: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Atómica's room is an octagon with plain wooden floors. The walls are plastered with posters of various flamboyant and sexy female wrestlers. The room also has a high ceiling.<br> <br> A really high ceiling.<br> <br> You keep looking up.<br> <br> An impossibly high ceiling.<br> <br> You keep looking up and up, and the room keeps going up and up, until the ceiling is lost in shadowy darkness far above your head. It doesn't make sense. It must be some kind of optical illusion. There is no way this room could fit within the House.<br> <br> Atómica is standing at the side and doing stretching exercises in her spangly gold and pink costume. You're struck again by the absurdity of her costume. It seems designed to show off her lovely round boobs and shaven sex rather than cover them.<br> <br> "Oh there you are," she says. "I'm so glad you picked me. I love to get an opportunity to practise my lovebomb move on new men."<br> <br> You approach her with your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Atomica: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Atomica: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(4)>> <<include [[Atomica: Gift: Romantic]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Atomica: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> Atómica takes your gift away and places it on a side table.<br> <br> "Take your clothes off," she calls back to you. "You'll be fighting nude."<br> <br> You undress while Atómica limbers up and stretches in front of you. She doesn't remove her spangly costume, but as it isn't really covering anything relevant she doesn't really need to.<br> <br> Once you're done, Atómica stares hungrily at your naked body. Or rather, your exposed cock. Her gaze is fixed on it as she sashays over to you.<br> <br> Her gaze remains fixed on your crotch as she goes down on her knees in front of you.<br> <br> "First, a little warm up," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Atomica: Blowjob]]
She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you.<br> <br> "Okay, but at least try to put up some resistance. It's no practise at all when they just stand there like a lemon."
Atómica waves the gift away.<br> <br> "No need for that," she says. "We're here to wrestle. This isn't a romantic date."
Atómica waves the gift away.<br> <br> "No need for that," she says. "We're here to wrestle."
Atómica cradles your balls with one hand and wraps the other around the shaft of your cock. She rests the head of your cock on her tongue. You notice it's the same shade of bubblegum pink as her costume. She draws you into her warm mouth. She bobs her head back and forth as she gives you a slow and leisurely blowjob.<br> <br> You shiver in pleasure as you feel her soft, supple lips slide up and down your shaft. Her hot tongue enfolds the swollen tip of your cock and she tickles the underside.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount gt $player.maxSemenCount - 3>> <<include [[Atomica: Blowjob: High Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Atomica: Blowjob: Low Semen]]>> <</if>><br> <br> "Mmm," she says, closing her eyes and savouring the taste. "I like to add this to the spell. It makes the landing cushion much more pleasant when it's keyed to the person lying in it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Atomica: Create Cushion]]
Even with Atómica taking it slow and easy, it still feels a little too good. Your cock twitches ominously. Thankfully, Atómica feels it too. She snaps her head back and releases your erection, averting a little premature accident in her mouth.<br> <br> "Ooh, you're eager," she says. "Am I your first in here? This is perfect. My lovebomb is at its best when it makes you explode in a big wet gush."<br> <br> Her hungry gaze drops back down to your swollen and twitching erection.<br> <br> "Ah, but I'll take that," she says, referring to the copious precum drooling from the tip of your cock.<br> <br> She sticks out her tongue and licks it off the end of your cock as if it's ice cream.
Her blowjob is slow and deliberate. She gently fondles your balls while slowly pumping the base with her other hand. She looks up at you and gives you a hot slutty stare filled with naked lust. Her cheeks suck in and she drags her soft, plump lips up and down your shaft with sumptuous slowness. It's hot enough to get you rock-hard and throbbing, but slow enough to keep you from boiling over the edge.<br> <br> She releases you with a wet pop. She lightly bats the tip of your erection with her hand.<br> <br> "Yes, that's hard enough," she says. "You'll go right in all the way when I lovebomb you."<br> <br> She hungrily eyes the precum oozing from the tip of your cock.<br> <br> "And I'll just need a taste of that."<br> <br> She bobs forwards, but this time takes in only the very tip of your cock. She gives it a slow wet suck. You feel the tip of her tongue lap up the precum oozing from your urethra.
Atómica works her mouth as if chewing gum. Still on her knees she turns to face the centre of the room and places the palm of her hand beneath her mouth as if she's about to blow a kiss. She blows out a bright pink bubble. It looks like bubblegum, except it keeps expanding. Once it reaches the size of a beachball, Atómica releases it and blows it off her palm. It floats and bounces on the floor. It keeps expanding, growing to an impossible size. It fills the centre of the room and flattens out. It also becomes more solid and opaque until it resembles a giant inflatable cushion.<br> <br> Atómica sees your look of puzzlement and smiles.<br> <br> "We need something soft to land on," she says. "If I lovebomb you into the floor, you'll break something, and there's no pleasure in that."<br> <br> Just how high is she thinking of lovebombing you from? You look up again. The room goes up a long long way. You can't see the ceiling.<br> <br> "And now for the serious part," Atómica says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Atomica: Timer]]
The little brass figurine of a bat-winged demoness slowly turns as the device ticks.<br> <br> "I will try to grab you and lovebomb you into the landing cushion."<br> <br> She gestures to the big pink blob in the centre of the room.<br> <br> "If you can evade me until the timer runs out, I will go easy on you and we'll have a regular whore's session.<<if $cgi neq 0>> You can empty your balls into me with no fear for your life and soul.<</if>><br> <br> "However, if I catch you before then..."<br> <br> Her wide smile reveals pointed little fangs.<br> <br> "I will be the fighter and you the defeated champion. I will end you in a great gush of bliss. I think that is fair."<br> <br> You're not too convinced of that, but you also don't think you have much of a say in it.<br> <br> "Now, ready yourself!"<br> <br> [[Continue.->Atomica: 1st Swoop]]
Atómica extends ludicrously pink bat wings and shoots up into the air. You understand now the impossibly high ceiling. Atómica swoops around the circumference of the room like a bird of prey. You spin around frantically to try and keep her in sight as she wheels around the edges of the room far above your head.<br> <br> She pauses, rears back, lets out an exultant cry and rushes at you in a steep dive.<br> <br> [[Stand there and let her grab you.->Atomica: Let Her Grab You]]<br> [[Take evasive action.->Atomica: 1st Swoop: Dodge]]
Atómica swoops down on you. You stand there and let Atómica pluck you up off the floor. She wraps her arms and legs around you. She presses your face into her soft tits while she manoeuvres her arms and legs to get a firm hold. Her powerful wings sweep downwards, carrying you up into the air.<br> <br> "I think you let me grab you," Atómica laughs. "Was the temptation to experience my lovebomb too great?"<br> <br> She soars higher and higher. She reaches an apex and turns around until she's on top and straddling you. The moist opening to her pussy is close enough to kiss the swollen head of your cock.<br> <br> "Then prepare yourself. Here it comes!"<br> <br> She pins her wings back and you start to fall in a steep dive.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Atomica: Lovebomb]]
<<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Atomica: 2nd Swoop]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Atomica: 1st Swoop: Failed Dodge]]>> <</if>>
You see Atómica swooping down at you like a bird of prey and resist the urge to panic and freeze. You wait until the last possible moment and dive to your left. Atómica passes over you and you feel the breeze of her passing.<br> <br> You scramble back to your feet in her wake and try to get her back in view.<br> <br> "Ooh good. This will be good practise," Atómica says.<br> <br> She hovers in place with strong downward beats of her pink bat wings. Then with a powerful swish she's high above you on the other side of the room. And then on your left. And then on your right. She's far faster and more manoeuvrable than her buxom form would suggest. You have difficulty keeping track of her.<br> <br> And then she's coming for you again! She's racing down in a steep dive, lovely round boobs thrust outwards. Coming right at you.<br> <br> [[Let her take you.->Atomica: Let Her Grab You]]<br> [[Dodge.->Atomica: 2nd Swoop: Dodge]]
You see Atómica swooping down towards you like a bird of prey and you... freeze up. You get caught up trying to decide whether to dive to the left or right. Your legs lock up and you do neither. Atómica plucks you up off the floor with an exultant cry.<br> <br> "Clumsy," she says. "So easy for me to grab you. Was that best you can do? Or maybe you want to experience the pleasures of my full lovebomb."<br> <br> <<include [[Atomica: Combined Grab]]>>
<<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Atomica: 3rd Swoop]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Atomica: 2nd Swoop: Failed Dodge]]>> <</if>>
Atómica is fast and very manoeuvrable. You have little time to take evasive action, but it's enough. You hit the floor and again feel the rush of air as Atómica passes over you. You waste no time getting back to your feet, fearful of another attack.<br> <br> "Bravo," Atómica says. "You're excellent practise."<br> <br> She hovers in the air, held aloft by long sweeps of her broad pink wings.<br> <br> "Mmm. Let's change it up. I'm sure this still qualifies as fair."<br> <br> She puts her hand to her mouth, pouts her lips and blows. She sweeps her hand and a dense pink cloud of sparkling motes coalesces and drifts towards you. The cloud envelops you in a pink fog. It fills your nose with the scent of delicate perfume. Even worse, the thick cloud completely obscures your vision. You can hear Atómica laughing from somewhere above you but can't see her.<br> <br> "Hear I come!" she cries.<br> <br> [[Let her take you.->Atomica: Let Her Grab You]]<br> [[Try to dodge her the best you can.->Atomica: 3rd Swoop: Dodge]]
Constantly trying to keep her in view as she zips about above you has left you off-balance. Again you wait to the last possible minute to dive to the floor. This time you're a fraction too late. Atómica gets her arms around you, gathers you up, and is then climbing back up into the air with powerful beats of her wings.<br> <br> "Got you this time," she says. "Time to lovebomb you."<br> <br> <<include [[Atomica: Combined Grab]]>>
<<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Atomica: Player Win]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Atomica: 3rd Swoop: Failed Dodge]]>> <</if>>
In the perfumed cloud you can't see anything. You feel a rush of air at your right shoulder and instinctively drop to the floor. Again, you feel a breeze as Atómica swoops through the empty space you were occupying scant moments before.<br> <br> Another rush of air and you roll to your right. Atómica rushes by just above your head. Her wings cut through the cloud but also start to clear it. This time you can see her as she rises up in the air and prepares another swooping dive.<br> <br> The timer over on the side ticks to the end and suddenly lets out a loud orgasmic moan.<br> <br> Atómica glances over. She leans back, assumes a more relaxed pose and starts applauding.<br> <br> "Bravo. You did it," she says. "You successfully dodged all my moves."<br> <br> She puts her hand to her mouth and blows you a kiss. Again she sweeps her hand, this time with more of a flourish. Sparkly pink ropes of ethereal energy spin from her fingers and wind around your body like bolas.<br> <br> "I'm still going to lovebomb you," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Atomica: Forced Grab]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> Dodge where? You can't see anything in the perfumed cloud. You hear her, or rather the rush of air that precedes her, but by that point it's already too late. She gathers you up in her arms and plucks you up off the floor. She bursts up out of the pink cloud with powerful beats of her wings, carrying you up with her.<br> <br> "Got you this time," she says. "Time to lovebomb you."<br> <br> <<include [[Atomica: Combined Grab]]>>
The magical pink ropes seem to have a mind of their own. They coil around your chest, abdomen, and knees, and cinch tight. Magically bound, you have no defence against Atómica's next swoop. She plucks you up off the ground and you can't do anything to stop her. She wraps her arms and legs around you. She presses your face into her soft tits while she manoeuvres her arms and legs to get a firm hold. Her powerful wings sweep downwards, carrying you up into the air.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "This is what you wanted after all." <<else>> <<set $isGoodLovebomb to true>> "Don't worry. I respect $'s rules. This won't be the full lovebomb. I won't empty you out completely." <</if>><br> <br> She soars higher and higher. She reaches an apex and turns around until she's on top and straddling you. The moist opening to her pussy is close enough to kiss the swollen head of your cock.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "Then prepare yourself. Here it comes!" <<else>> "You're still going to explode in my pussy. I hope your balls are nice and full. Here it comes." <</if>><br> <br> She pins her wings back and you start to fall in a steep dive.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Atomica: Lovebomb]]
You accelerate downwards with Atómica on top of you. You're high up. It's a long fall. The landing would probably be very painful, maybe even fatal. Instead you land right in the middle of the giant pink cushion Atómica placed in the centre of the room.<br> <br> It doesn't feel like an inflatable. It feels like a great soft mass. With Atómica's body on top of you, you sink deep into it. It brings your momentum to a halt and then springs you back up into Atómica. Your cock is lodged into Atómica's tight pussy with the impact. You're buried in her pussy right to the root as the edges of the giant soft cushion fold over to engulf you both.<br> <br> <<if $isGoodLovebomb>> <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Atomica: Lovebomb: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Atomica: Lovebomb: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Atomica: Lovebomb: Bad End]]>> <</if>>
Atómica hasn't quite got a tight hold on you. If you struggle enough you might be able to break free of her grasp. However, her wings have already taken you high off the floor. The resulting fall will be painful, maybe even fatal. Do you want to take that risk?<br> <br> [[Try to struggle free.->Atomica: Mid-Air Struggle]]<br> [[Don't struggle.->Atomica: Mid-Air: No Struggle]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Atomica: Mid-Air Struggle: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Atomica: Mid-Air Struggle: Strength]]>> <<else>> <<if $player.charms.includes(34)>> <<include [[Atomica: Mid-Air Struggle: Charm]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Atomica: Mid-Air Struggle: Fail]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
You're already too high-up. Even if you were able to break free of Atómica's grasp, all it would result in is you falling to your death. At this point you're completely in Atómica's hands.<br> <br> She shoves your face into her soft tits and wraps her arms and legs around you in a tight hug that pins your arms to your sides.<br> <br> "No more fight left?" she queries. "Or maybe you like this," she adds with a laugh.<br> <br> <<include [[Atomica: Mid-Air Struggle: Combined Fail]]>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> You try to break free of Atómica's hold. Atómica is much stronger than her feminine appearance would suggest. Maybe stronger than you. Yet, for some reason, she can't seem to get a good hold on you. You're able to wriggle out of her attempts to wrap her arms and legs around you in an inescapable hold.<br> <br> "Curses, you're slipperier than an eel," she complains.<br> <br> She tries and fails to push your face into her smothering bosom. You're able to slither out of her embrace. <<include [[Atomica: Mid-Air Struggle: Success]]>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> You try to break free of Atómica's hold. Atómica is much stronger than her feminine appearance would suggest. Thankfully, she doesn't possess truly supernatural strength. She gets her legs loosely wrapped around you, but isn't able to pin your arms to your sides.<br> <br> "Curses, you're strong," Atómica complains.<br> <br> She tries and fails to push your face into her smothering bosom. You push her arms away and are able to prise yourself out of her hold. <<include [[Atomica: Mid-Air Struggle: Success]]>>
You try to break free of Atómica's hold. It doesn't go so well. For her feminine appearance, Atómica is surprisingly strong. She shoves your face into her soft tits. Then she manages to get first her legs wrapped around your abdomen and then her arms around you in a hug that pins your arms to your sides.<br> <br> "Not strong enough," she says triumphantly. "You're not wriggling out of this hold."<br> <br> <<include [[Atomica: Mid-Air Struggle: Combined Fail]]>>
The problem with that is that while you've been struggling, Atómica has steadily been gaining altitude. The floor is a long long way below.<br> <br> "Can't hold you," Atómica says.<br> <br> As you slip from her grip, Atómica's last act is to swing you out into the centre of the room. This is totally for your benefit and an unexpected show of consideration from Atómica. Without it you would have likely plummeted to your death onto the hard wooden floor below. Instead you land right in the middle of the giant pink cushion. Your fall is gently broken as it sags beneath you and absorbs all of your downward momentum. You're left panting and spreadeagled in the middle of the soft pink mass with Atómica hovering above you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Atomica: Cushion Landing]]
The cushion is very soft. It doesn't feel like the inflatable you were expecting. It feels more like a blob of soft... matter – like really soft plasticine. It gives off a relaxing scent. Lying in it is so comfortable you feel reluctant to move. You watch Atómica swoop around the sides of the room above you.<br> <br> The brass timer ticks to the end and suddenly lets out a loud orgasmic moan.<br> <br> "So close," Atómica says, "but it counts as an escape for you. We can have regular sex now."<br> <br> She hovers and looks down at you.<br> <br> "Mmm, stay like that. I've another move I've been working on and this will be a perfect opportunity to practise it."<br> <br> She flaps her wings and sinks lower. She opens her legs. The shaven folds of her vagina gape wide. She pins her wings back. She drops.<br> <br> [[Let her fall on you.->Atomica: Plunge Sex]]<br> [[Roll to the side.->Atomica: Roll Away]]
This is where you should come. Except you're completely out. Your balls have already been drained by the other harlots. Your body bucks and your cock throbs, but nothing comes out.<br> <br> "Oh. You're out," Atómica says. "So this will be the end after all."<br> <br> She clenches her pussy tighter around your cock. The urge to come becomes irresistible, but you're empty. You have nothing.<br> <br> Eventually something has to give, and something does. <<include [[Atomica: Out of Semen Bad End]]>>
The impact triggers a massive orgasm. Atómica hugs you tight to her. You gush inside her. //Gush// might not be the right word. Your cock feels like a firehose jetting inside her.<br> <br> Even with that, you sense Atómica is holding back. The tight walls of her vagina draw back. The jet of your ejaculation is powerful but short-lived. If Atómica had clenched her pussy, you don't think you would have been able to stop.<br> <br> She confirms it moments later.<br> <br> "That's not my full lovebomb," she says. "For that I normally give their cock a little squeeze with my pussy like this."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Atomica: Lovebomb: Aftermath]]
Atómica hugs you tight to her. She clenches her already tight pussy around your cock.<br> <br> You explode.<br> <br> There is no other word to describe it. The impact... Atómica's little squeeze of her vagina... you climax like a bomb going off inside her. You spurt and spurt uncontrollably. Hugged tightly by Atómica's warm body and enfolded within the soft mass of the giant cushion, you can't stop. A spurt becomes a gush. A gush becomes a jet. You pour it all out inside Atómica in a great glorious blast of purest pleasure.<br> <br> Atómica's special lovebomb move is a finisher in the truest sense. You empty out everything inside her and shrink to a shrivelled husk in a matter of seconds. The only consolation is that the end comes with the greatest blast of pleasure you've ever experienced.<br> <br> It's still an end.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Atomica: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<unset $isGoodLovebomb>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> She demonstrates and you feel the muscular walls of her vagina tighten around your slowly softening cock.<br> <br> If you hadn't just come, you think you'd ejaculate right there and then. Had she done it while you were ejaculating, you wouldn't have been able to stop.<br> <br> "That would have finished you... in all the ways," Atómica says. "Which would be a waste."<br> <br> While you're lying back and trying to get your breath back from that monstrous climax, the strange cushion slowly deflates around you.<br> <br> "You're good practice."<br> <br> She kisses you on the forehead and stands up. It takes you a while to follow her. By that point the cushion has fully deflated and then seemingly melted away into the wooden floor.<br> <br> "It's a good move, is it not, my lovebomb," Atómica says. "A powerful fire succubus taught it me. I've been honing it in here. Soon none will be able to resist it."<br> <br> Fires glimmer in her eyes. It's a disturbing contrast to her sexy cuteness.<br> <br> <<include [[Atomica: Good End]]>>
She goes back to her stretching exercises while you put your clothes back on.<br> <br> "Come back anytime if you fancy a round two," she says.<br> <br> Your cock twitches eagerly at the suggestion even though you know it would probably be a bad idea.<br> <br> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Atomica: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
You lie where you are and watch Atómica fall down on top of you. Her pussy drops right over your cock and you're driven up deep inside her as she crashes into you. The impact forces you deep down into the soft cushion. Atómica wraps her arms around you in a tight hug while raining hot kisses on your face and neck.<br> <br> You plunge deep enough to nearly be enfolded completely by the soft cushion. The elasticity causes you to rebound once Atómica's downward momentum slows to a stop. Atómica picks that precise moment to clench her pussy tightly around your cock.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Atomica: Lovebomb: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Atomica: Plunge Sex: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
The cushion is too soft and squidgy for you to have much control over your movements. However, your flailing is enough to put Atómica off. She extends her wings at the last minute to stop herself from plummeting into you.<br> <br> "Why'd you do that?" she asks. "I had your cock lined up perfectly."<br> <br> She drops on top of you. The cushion is too soft and yielding for you to get away from her.<br> <br> "The fight is over," she says as she bats away your flailing arms. "You survived. Now we can enjoy a good hard fuck together."<br> <br> Atómica grabs you and tries to manoeuvre you into position. She pauses.<br> <br> "Ah. It's those other harlots. Some of them aren't trustworthy in the slightest. Why would you assume me to be any different. Oh well."<br> <br> She smiles brightly under her mask.<br> <br> "More practice."<br> <br> Atómica has already had a lot of practice. She's on top and doesn't take long to get the upper hand. While straddling you, she pushes you down with one hand while wrapping the other around your erection.<br> <br> "In you go," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Atomica: Regular Sex]]
You explode in one of the most intense orgasms you've ever experienced. Atómica rides you as you gush inside her. Enfolded within the giant cushion, you can do nothing but lie back and enjoy the sensation of pouring your balls out inside her. Maybe pouring other parts out as well.<br> <br> Just when you're starting to fear this is what it feels like to have a succubus empty a man until he withers up into a husk, Atómica loosens the grip of her vagina and settles into a more relaxed embrace. Your ejaculation slows and then stops. While you feel like you've been completely drained, it's figurative rather than literal.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Atomica: Plunge Sex: Aftermath]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> Atómica gives you a wet snog on the lips.<br> <br> "Mmm, not as intense as my lovebomb, but still pretty good, don't you think."<br> <br> You're not sure you could survive //more intense//. It was a good thing you wriggled out before she could land her full lovebomb on you.<br> <br> While you're lying back and trying to get your breath back from that powerful climax, the strange cushion slowly deflates around you.<br> <br> "I need to work on that move more," Atómica says. "It's a good backup plan for those that wriggle out of my grasp."<br> <br> She kisses you on the forehead and stands up. It takes you a while to follow her. By that point the cushion has fully deflated and then seemingly melted away into the wooden floor.<br> <br> Atómica pauses and puts her hand on her chin. "Or maybe I should practise my hold, so they don't break out in the first place."<br> <br> <<include [[Atomica: Good End]]>>
She steers the head of your cock to the opening to her vagina and lowers her hips down on you. Your cock slides up smoothly into her luxuriously tight pussy. She smiles down at you and starts riding you with smooth bobs of her hips.<br> <br> "See. Just regular fucking," she says.<br> <br> Sex with Atómica is anything but regular. Her pussy is wonderfully soft and tight, and you feel it pressing all around your cock as she bounces up and down on you. You slowly sink deeper into the pink mass of the cushion. Both it and Atómica enfold you and you lose yourself in sensual bliss.<br> <br> Atómica is also an indefatigable energy bunny. You suspect she could ride you all night... and the following day. <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Atomica: Regular Sex: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Atomica: Regular Sex: Climax]]>> <</if>>
Atómica bounces her hips fast and faster, building you up to an explosive climax...<br> <br> ...which you can't seem to reach. She rides you faster and faster, and then comes to a stop when you don't climax.<br> <br> "Oh, you're out," she says. She sounds disappointed. "That's easy to happen in here."<br> <br> She starts up again, but much slower this time. Her pussy contracts around your cock. While slower, the extra tightness generates a much stronger tugging sensation on your penis.<br> <br> "If you knew you were out, you should have let me give you the full lovebomb and ended you in style. Any succubus can end a man like this."<br> <br> The tugging force on your cock increases until something inside you gives. <<include [[Atomica: Out of Semen Bad End]]>>
She needs nowhere near that long.<br> <br> "Here it comes," she says.<br> <br> She hugs you tight and works her hips harder. Her pussy clenches tightly around your cock and that's enough to trigger a massive climax. You feel your cock throb powerfully as you spurt thick ropes of cum inside her. Atómica continues to ride you as you gush inside her. Enfolded within the giant cushion, you can do nothing but lie back and enjoy the sensation of pouring your balls out inside her. Maybe pouring other parts out as well.<br> <br> Just when you're starting to fear this is what it feels like to have a succubus empty a man until he withers up into a husk, Atómica loosens the grip of her vagina and settles into a more relaxed embrace. Your ejaculation slows and then stops. While you feel like you've been completely drained, it's figurative rather than literal.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Atomica: Regular Sex: Aftermath]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> Atómica gives you a wet snog on the lips.<br> <br> "I told you it was just going to be regular fucking," she says.<br> <br> It was a bit more than regular fucking. While you're lying back and trying to get your breath back from that powerful climax, the strange cushion slowly deflates around you.<br> <br> "Not the most interesting though," Atómica says.<br> <br> She stands up. It takes you a while to follow her. By that point the cushion has fully deflated and then seemingly melted away into the wooden floor.<br> <br> "You should have let me use one of my special moves. Any succubus in here can give you a regular fuck."<br> <br> <<include [[Atomica: Good End]]>>
Your cock throbs and you ejaculate inside Atómica. You don't think it's semen. Whatever it is, it feels like it was ripped from the core of your being. It doesn't stop either. Atómica fucks you down deep into the soft pink cushion, where she fucks out first your life, then your soul.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Atomica: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
She soars higher and higher. She reaches an apex and flips around until she's on top and straddling you. Still with her legs wrapped tightly around you, she slides her crotch down until the moist opening to her pussy is close enough to kiss the swollen head of your cock.<br> <br> "And now the finisher," she says.<br> <br> She pins her wings back and you start to fall in a steep dive.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Atomica: Lovebomb]]
You try to break free of Atómica's hold.<br> <br> "No no no," she says in a singsong voice. "No changing your mind now."<br> <br> She shoves your face into her soft tits and wraps her arms and legs around you in a tight hug that pins your arms to your sides.<br> <br> <<include [[Atomica: Mid-Air Struggle: Combined Fail]]>>
<<if _scoreArray[5][1] and not _osa[5][2]>> <br><br> "These damnable devils and their dirty tricks," $ says as you recount your 'fight' with Atómica. "That's a clear cheat. At least she has the good grace to award the win to you."<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> <br><br> "So close to staying out of her clutches," $ says as you recount your 'fight' with Atómica. "Those damnable devils and their dirty tricks."<br> <br> He keeps scribbling down notes. <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br><br> "Lucky for you you're quite a... bulky chap," $ says, looking you over. "If you hadn't broken free I doubt we'd be speaking now."<br> <br> <<elseif _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <br><br> "I wonder how you managed to break free," $ says. He looks you over. "You don't look the brawniest of chaps. Maybe that cryptic witch sold something useful for a change."<br> <br> <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> "Harumph," $ says, his whiskers twitching. "While I appreciate your desire for caution, I have to concur with Atómica. That could have been sex with any succubus in here. I've learned nothing of her special abilities."<br> <br> He strokes his chin.<br> <br> "Ah, but information is information, and I'm a man of my word." <<else>> <<if _scoreArray[4][1] and not _osa[4][2]>> "Good lord! What a daring and dangerous initiation of intercourse," $ says. "One dare not consider the consequences had she missed the target, even by a fraction."<br> <br> He winces and a hand goes down between his legs. <<elseif _scoreArray[5][1] and not _osa[5][2]>> "So that is her much vaunted 'lovebomb'," $ says. "It certainly sounds... intense. Even if on this occasion she was holding back."<br> <br> $ puts a hand on his chin. <</if>><br> <br> "She's asked me numerous times if I'd let her lovebomb me," he says. "I suspect she only wants to see if she can lift a man of my... advanced... girth. I'm not about to give her the chance to try. She'd probably drop me on my head." <</if>>
Atómica opens a cabinet at the side of the room and places a strange device on top of it. It looks like a highly ornate egg timer made out of brass. There's a figurine of a succubus on top similar to the pewter ballerinas of musical boxes. Atómica twists the top and the device starts to tick as she places it back down on the surface.<br> <br> "I'm a lust daemon – a succubus. They consume men through sex and I'm no exception. I'm also a combat succubus. My techniques are designed to defeat champions too stubborn or iron-willed to be charmed or seduced. My lovebomb is a finishing move, in the literal sense. If I hit you with it full force you will gush your life out inside me in one explosive eruption of ecstasy. It will feel incredible, I can promise you that, but you'll also spurt out your soul as well, and that will be the end of you."<br> <br> The strange clockwork timer continues to tick on the top of the cabinet behind her.<br> <br> "However, this is a whore's bedroom..."<br> <br> She glances around.<br> <br> "...nominally. I know you're not one of those stubborn champions. You're here to fuck, not fight. Our Madam also insists her girls give the men a sporting chance. So, here are the rules."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Atomica: Explain Rules]]
/* Kiki Sumoppai */ <<set $hi to 53>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Kiki Sumoppai", shortDescription: "", faction: 5, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 5, maxRound: 5, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, isIrresistibleToAilment: 1, gifts: [30, 22], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Kiki: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Kiki: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Kiki: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Kiki: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Kiki: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Kiki: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Kiki: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Kiki: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Kiki: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(34)>> <<set $player.charms.push(25)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ <<set $player.currAgi to 4>> /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to true>> /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 1>> /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 53>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a ridiculously busty succubus with tanned skin and long flowing blonde curls. She wears nothing more than a skimpy yellow one-piece swimsuit. It's little more than narrow banana-yellow strips stretched taut over her beachball-sized tits.">>
You escort Kiki Sumopai out into the bar. In any other place her massive tits would have drawn the gaze of every healthy straight man in the room. In here the men are too entranced by their own partners. You find a spare table and sit down. Kiki slides in and rests her beachball-sized tits on top of the table. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Kiki: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Kiki: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Kiki Sumoppai. She loves a bit of rough and tumble."<br> <br> $ gives you a lascivious wink.<br> <br> "But mostly the 'tumble' part."<br> <br> /* Long description */ If Kiki Sumoppai was human you'd think her a crazed plastic surgeon's masterpiece. Her tits are stupefying – ludicrous, yet incredible. They have to be the size of beachballs, yet with not a hint of sag. Below them her body constricts to a narrow waist before blooming out into the feminine swell of a wide pair of hips. It's a figure that would be impossible without a surgeon's knife. If she was human...<br> <br> Kiki is not human. A dainty pair of devil horns poke up through her tresses of long flowing blonde curls. A devil's tail, slender as a whip, hangs down behind her. Her eyes are jet-black orbs, almost like abyssal pools.<br> <br> Ignoring her nonhuman features, she looks like a sun-kissed beach bunny. She wears a skimpy one-piece banana-yellow swimsuit. It covers her crotch and then extends upwards in a V, with the top being little more than narrow ribbons stretched over her massive breasts. It only really covers her nipples and barely at that – their impression can clearly be seen poking up against the stretchy yellow material.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hello, I am Kiki Sumoppai," Kiki says. "Care to take on my secret weapons?"<br> <br> She gives her massive bosom a jiggle. <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> Her monstrous mammaries suck in your gaze and you find it almost impossible to look away. <</if>> <br>
<br><br> "You made me come all the way out here... for nothing," Kiki complains.<br> <br> She slides herself out from behind the table with some difficulty.<br> <br> "You're asking for an extra-good squashing up in my room," she says.<br> <br> She jiggles her monstrous tits. Her annoyance is replaced by a cheeky smile.<br> <br> "You'll love it," she says.<br> <br> With that, she exits and returns to $<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name and a big stein glass filled with white liquid for Kiki. She drinks it with lusty gulps.<br> <br> "I might not look it, but my speciality is in erotic wrestling," she says.<br> <br> She doesn't look it. Hers is a body more suited to lying on a bed and opening her legs to porn cameras. Not that you regard it negatively. You wouldn't mind being the one between them.<br> <br> "It's down to these," Kiki says.<br> <br> She grabs the side of her tits and thrusts them out across the table.<br> <br> "They're my secret weapon. Men let themselves get distracted and then... boom!"<br> <br> She lifts her tits up and bounces them on the tabletop hard enough to rattle the glasses.<br> <br> "I win."<br> <br> She looks up and gives you a big beaming smile.<br> <br> "My fights are very short," she states.<br> <br> You continue chatting until you finish your drinks, then return to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Kiki: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Kiki: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Novel */ [1,false,false], /* Charm - Anti-Grapple */ [1,false,false], /* Charm - Anti-Gas */ [2,false,false], /* Decline Sex */ [4,false,false], /* Sex Against Wall */ [4,false,false] /* Sex Against Wall: No Semen */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Kiki: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Kiki: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Kiki Sumoppai's room is hard to describe. It looks like a cheap massage parlour and fighting dojo trying to exist in the same room at the same time, with both engaged in a constant battle for dominance. The sides of the room are cluttered with low shelf racks and various potted plants. The walls are plain wood and adorned with erotic paintings – mostly of large naked buxom babes dominating smaller men. There is a large circular mat in the centre of the room. It's about the same diameter as a sumo ring.<br> <br> Kiki is casually lying in a sun lounger in the far corner of the room. Her ludicrously oversized breasts rest on her chest like a pair of beachballs. The strips of her yellow swimsuit are stretched over them and pushed up by the peaks of her erect nipples. Rather than prepping for a fight, Kiki is relaxing and reading a trashy romance novel.<br> <br> She hears you enter and turns to face you. Her smiling face is framed by a luxurious mane of blonde curls. If it wasn't for her jet-black eyes and devil horns, she'd be very alluring if bimbo-ish.<br> <br> "Good, you're here," she says.<br> <br> She climbs out of the sun lounger and walks over to greet you.<br> <br> "First, we need to get the obligatory prefight ritual out of the way."<br> <br> [[You think she means the gift presentation.->Kiki: Gift]]
You step on the mat to go to her and are surprised by how deep and spongy it is.<br> <br> Kiki catches you looking down at your feet.<br> <br> "Of course," she says. "I want something comfortable to lie on when we're fucking."<br> <br> You present your gift.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Kiki: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<include [[Kiki: Gift: Romance Novel]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[1]>> <<include [[Kiki: Gift: Milk]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Kiki: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Kiki: Undress]]
The corners of Kiki's mouth turn up in a wolfish grin.<br> <br> "You don't need to worry about that," she says. "Just lie quiet when I get on top and these will do the rest."<br> <br> She bounces her massive tits up and down.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "Ooh, new reading material."<br> <br> She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you and riffles the pages.<br> <br> "They're trashy, but I love them."<br> <br> She puts it to one side.
"Ooh, looks delicious," Kiki says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. She puts it to one side. "But not before a fight. I'll be getting yours anyway. Right from the source." Her hot gaze turns down to your crotch.
Kiki takes your gift and thanks you, but you get the impression she's not particularly interested in it. She puts it to one side.
"Take your clothes off and stand there."<br> <br> Kiki points to a white line about a third of the way from the edge of the mat. There is another corresponding line opposite it, where you presume Kiki will start from.<br> <br> You get undressed and leave your clothes in a neat pile at the side of the mat. Kiki takes off her skimpy yellow swimsuit. This leaves her enormous tits unfettered for the first time.<br> <br> Your jaw drops.<br> <br> They're massive, obviously. You already knew that. What's strange is that – despite their huge size – there's a light airiness to their movements. While natural monster tits would inevitably sag under their own weight, and artificial monster tits would be unnaturally static, Kiki's bounce and jiggle as if they're as light as balloons. While you'd think 'balloon tits' would be comedic and hard to take seriously, the rush of blood to your loins and rigid hardness of your member indicates your body feels otherwise. <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> You find it impossible to look away. <<else>> You have a hard time looking away. <</if>><br> <br> Kiki rubs her hands over her considerable curves and gives her 'assets' a little bounce. She laughs.<br> <br> "I think you're already starting to fall to my secret weapons. This will be an easy victory."<br> <br> She goes to the line opposite you and crouches in preparation. It's almost like a sumo crouch... if all of the sumo wrestler's weight was redistributed to their tits. //Weight// isn't really the right description either. Kiki's tits have an airy weightless quality to them.<br> <br> "Are you ready?" she asks, her eyes sparkling.<br> <br> [[Are you?->Kiki: Starting Positions]]
"Are you ready?" she asks, her eyes sparkling.<br> <br> Not really. The prospect of fighting Kiki seems ludicrous.<br> <br> //That said, you wouldn't mind getting your hands on her stupendous airbag tits.//<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSerious>> You take up position on the line. As ludicrous as this looks, Kiki is not human. She's a demon. You should take this seriously and be prepared for anything. <<else>> You half-heartedly take up position on your line. The mat feels deep and soft and spongy beneath your feet. You find yourself wishing Kiki would stop this farcical wrestling foreplay so you can get down <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>>to having sex with her on the mat.<<else>>to fucking her on the mat.<</if>> <</if>><br> <br> "Let's go!" she says.<br> <br> You're not prepared for how quickly she springs at you and knocks you to the ground. A blink of the eye isn't fast enough. She covers the ground in an instant and before you know it you're flat on your back with her lying on top of you. It's like being run over by a pair of errant weather balloons, except these balloons are an eyepopping pair of tits attached to an equally eyepopping young woman. Your cock is already hard and would be fully upright if it wasn't currently squashed under Kiki's flat belly as she lies on top of you.<br> <br> She clasps your sides with her hands and knees. She rears backwards. Her impossible boobs seem to swell further and start to tremble as if they're on the verge of exploding. Kiki lets out a low moan.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> You're completely hypnotized by her tits and can't do anything other than watch.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kiki: 1st Cloud]] <<else>> [[Try to wriggle out from underneath her.->Kiki: 1st Struggle]]<br> [[Lie where you are and see what she does.->Kiki: 1st Cloud]] <</if>>
Kiki's tits swell. She leans forwards and lets out a low erotic moan. Her nipples open up and pour thick pink fumes all over your body. These are really dense and heavy. Despite being a gas, they sink to the floor like lead. They wash over your naked body and settle in a thick layer on the floor around you.<br> <br> It's a stench at first, as if your face is pressed up into wet vagina but magnified a hundredfold. Then it flips a switch in your brain and your whole body becomes a raging mass of hormones. It's like being transported back to your teens and being desperate to get laid. And, conveniently for that horny-teen state of mind, there is a hot naked woman with big tits currently straddling you.<br> <br> "Did I get you?" Kiki says. <<if $cgi neq 0 and $player.charms.includes(25)>> <<include [[Kiki: Anti-Gas Charm]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Kiki: Gassed]]>> <</if>>
<<if $cgi neq 0 and $player.charms.includes(34)>> <<include [[Kiki: 1st Struggle: Escape]]>> <<else>> Kiki has you clasped tight. You squirm and struggle, but are unable to wriggle out from under her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kiki: 1st Cloud]] <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> Kiki's tits swell. She leans forwards and lets out a low erotic moan. Her nipples open up and pour thick pink fumes over you.<br> <br> Except you're not there. You've slithered out from underneath her and scooted back across the mat. Kiki is straddling nothing in a slowly dissipating pink cloud.<br> <br> "How did you slither out? You must have had help."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kiki: Concedes]]
<br><br> You feel a strange prickly sensation behind your left shoulder. The pink gases stink of sex and the musky reminder of erotic pleasures causes your cock to throb. Other than that, it doesn't seem to have any further effect.<br> <br> The act of pouring those fumes out over you appears to have taken a little out of Kiki. Now might be a good opportunity to wriggle out from under her.<br> <br> [[Try to wriggle out from under her.->Kiki: Wriggle Out]]<br> [[Stay where you are.->Kiki: Gassed]]
She reaches down and wraps a hand around your cock. It throbs powerfully in her hand.<br> <br> "Yes. I got you."<br> <br> She smiles and lifts her hips up over your cock.<br> <br> "I said it would be over quickly," she says. "Few men can resist my special weapons."<br> <br> She steers the swollen head of your cock to the opening to her pussy and slowly lowers her body down on you. Your cock sinks up into her warm, wet and lusciously soft vagina.<br> <br> "And now, erotic digestion," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kiki: 2nd Cloud: Prelude]]
She folds her upper body over you and rests on her hands with her massive tits swaying right above you.<br> <br> "My tit fumes are potent, but they take a lot of energy to produce. I can't risk using the full amount unless the prey is securely caught, like you are now."<br> <br> <<include [[Kiki: 2nd Cloud]]>>
She lets out a shuddering sigh. Her pussy flutters around your hard cock. Her big breasts tremble. Thick pink fumes pour from her nipples. And pour. And pour. Until you're buried in a dense pink cloud. It reeks of sex. Of dirty, filthy, illicit, juicy, squirting fucking. It smothers all your other senses in a cloud of runaway lust. Kiki holds herself there, panting and shuddering almost as if in orgasm, until she's emptied her tit fumes all over you. <<if $player.charms.includes(25)>> You feel something flare up behind your shoulder and then burn out to leave a cold after-impression. <</if>><br> <br> "And that's it," she says with a triumphant smile. "In a moment erotic digestion will begin. Don't worry. It's not as icky as it sounds. You're about to feel hornier than you've ever felt before. And then you're going to pump everything up my lovely tight twat."<br> <br> She slowly grinds her hips against you, letting the soft fleshy walls of her vagina stroke against your hard cock.<br> <br> There's a delay, then your body starts trembling. Your hips start bucking of their own accord. Your buttocks clench and you bounce Kiki's buxom body on your crotch. Her tight wet pussy slides against your cock with each thrust.<br> <br> "Yes," Kiki sighs. "Here it comes."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kiki: Fatal Sex]]
Your hips buck faster and faster. Your legs start trembling. Your heels drum against the mat. It's coming and it's going to be powerful.<br> <br> You let out a groan and thrust up hard with your hips. Your cock rams deep inside Kiki's pussy and erupts, spewing a long stream of cum up inside her. Your buttocks and back tense and flex, holding your body in an arch as your throbbing cock disgorges a monstrous load.<br> <br> "Oh yes," Kiki sighs. "Spunk it all out inside me."<br> <br> Her vagina tightens around your cock and stimulates it with gulping undulations of her vaginal walls. You pour out the biggest ejaculation you've ever experienced in your life and then your body collapses back down on the mat.<br> <br> Normally that should be the end of it. However, you're no longer in control of your body. It's like a valve is broken. The release is only a temporary relieving of the pressure. The needle on the dial starts climbing back up again, taking you back into the red. Kiki coaxes it onwards as she continues to wriggle and grind her hips on top of you. Her sumptuous vaginal walls continue to stroke up and down your still-eager cock.<br> <br> The pressure rises until it can't be held in any longer. Your body bucks, trembles and spurts inside her in an explosive climax. Her vagina slurps it all up. It feels like a hungry wet mouth sucking on your cock.<br> <br> You crash back down, only to feel the pressure start to rise uncontrollably again. Your body is a runaway train with no brakes. The time to orgasm is shorter and the ejaculation lasts even longer.<br> <br> Kiki leans back and strokes her massive breasts.<br> <br> "Mmm, yes. I can feel these filling back up again."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kiki: Bad End]]
After four or five explosive climaxes that needle on the valve gets stuck permanently in the red. There's no break between orgasms, just one continuous stream pouring into Kiki's pussy. Your body can't maintain this flow without cannibalising other resources. You shrivel and wither up beneath Kiki as your cock spurts all your fluids into her pussy. Your mind is already gone by that point – overwhelmed and washed away by pure ecstasy. You empty everything – including your soul – into Kiki and then expire with a contented sigh.<br> <br> Kiki climbs up off you and jiggles her big tits.<br> <br> "Another win for my special weapons," she says.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Kiki: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to [34]>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Kiki: Wriggle Out: Succeed]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Kiki: Wriggle Out: Fail]]>> <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> By the time Kiki realises her gas has not had the incapacitating effect she was hoping for, you've already slithered out from underneath her and scooted back across the mat. Kiki is straddling nothing in a slowly dissipating pink cloud.<br> <br> She looks up, sees you over by the edge of the mat and curses in a language so foul your ears feel like they've been molested.<br> <br> "That witch," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kiki: Concedes]]
You try to wriggle out from under her. You're too slow and clumsy, and Kiki realises the first dose of her fumes hasn't subdued you in the way she expects. She flops her body down on top of you and clasps you tightly with her hands and knees.<br> <br> "Ah, someone's had help," she says. "No matter. Protective charms can be overloaded."<br> <br> She reaches underneath her and wraps a warm hand around your cock. It's hard and throbs in her grasp.<br> <br> "He's keen. I'll give you a reason to lie back and stay where you are."<br> <br> She smiles and lifts her hips up over your cock.<br> <br> "You won't want to wriggle away once I have you in my tight little twat."<br> <br> She steers the swollen head of your cock to the opening to her pussy and slowly lowers her body down on you. Your cock sinks up into her warm, wet and lusciously soft vagina.<br> <br> "Yes, I don't think you're going anywhere. I can give you the full dose."<br> <br> She folds her upper body over you and rests on her hands with her massive breasts swaying right above you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kiki: 2nd Cloud]]
She stands up, the pink mist fading around her ankles. You do the same, watching her warily.<br> <br> "Oh well, I concede," she says.<br> <br> You're taken aback by her casual concession. The match has barely started.<br> <br> She shrugs at your look of surprise.<br> <br> "It takes a lot of energy to produce my special tit fumes," she says.<br> <br> She jiggles her big breasts. Pink gas leaks from her nipples and sinks to the floor.<br> <br> "I have to use it sparingly, and only the full amount when I'm certain the man can't get away."<br> <br> She shrugs.<br> <br> "You got away. So... you win."<br> <br> She clicks her tongue against her teeth in irritation. Her annoyance quickly fades to be replaced with a slutty smile. She strikes a provocative pose and juggles her breasts suggestively.<br> <br> "You won, so now it's time to claim your prize."<br> <br> She turns around and jiggles her ass, making sure you get a good glimpse of the moist clamshell folds between her legs.<br> <br> "How would you like to fuck me? We can do it up against the wall, or I can ride you right here on the mat."<br> <br> [[You'd rather not risk it.->Kiki: Decline Sex 1]]<br> <<if not $player.currIsCautious>> [[Sex on the mat with her on top.->Kiki: Sex On Mat]]<br> [[Sex up against the wall.->Kiki: Sex Against Wall]] <</if>>
You're still wary. You decline her offer.<br> <br> "Oh don't be like that," Kiki says.<br> <br> She jiggles her lovely round ass enticingly.<br> <br> "You beat me. I'm harmless now. You should enjoy yourself with my body."<br> <br> She does have a very tempting body...<br> <br> [[You'd still rather not risk it.->Kiki: Decline Sex 2]]<br> <<if not $player.currIsCautious>> [[Sex on the mat with her on top.->Kiki: Sex On Mat]]<br> [[Sex up against the wall.->Kiki: Sex Against Wall]] <</if>>
You did like being straddled by Kiki earlier, before... the weirdness started. You wouldn't mind carrying on from where you left off, only without the weirdness this time.<br> <br> Kiki smiles brightly.<br> <br> "A good choice. This mat is great for fucking on. Lie down here and let me ride you to ecstasy."<br> <br> You lie down on the mat and Kiki gets on top of you. Her big boobs are marvels and you can't resist getting a good feel.<br> <br> Kiki wraps a warm hand around your cock and strokes it, getting you nice and hard. She smiles down at you, raises her hips, then slowly lowers herself down on your erection. Her pussy feels warm, soft, and very tight. She takes your whole length inside her and slowly rocks her hips against you. It feels incredible.<br> <br> Kiki pauses.<br> <br> "It's funny," she says. "You escape before I can give you the full dose from my secret weapons. Then, when given the chance, you put yourself right back in a position where you can't escape. I don't understand it, but I'm not about to complain."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kiki: Mat Sex to Bad End]]
"Like this?" Kiki asks.<br> <br> She walks over to the side of the room, bends over and places her hands flat against the wall. She glances back over her shoulder and wriggles her bum enticingly.<br> <br> "Come over here and give my pussy a good pounding."<br> <br> That sounds like a very agreeable suggestion. You walk up behind her, stroking your cock to get it cranked. You step closer and slide it into Kiki's lush vagina. And it is a totally luscious pussy. It fits snugly around your cock like a glove. You start pumping your hips back and forth, driving your cock deep into her wet sex.<br> <br> Kiki moans in pleasure and rocks her hips back against you, letting your body slap against her lovely round buttocks. Your powerful thrusts send shivers through her body, causing her massive breasts to jiggle as they hang beneath her.<br> <br> "Ooh yes," Kiki pouts. "Pound it. Pound it hard."<br> <br> You do. You pump your hips back and forth. Kiki is a succubus with a succubus's vagina. It seems to grip and suck at your cock as you slide back and forth inside her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kiki: Semen Check]]
You think the big head needs to veto the little head at this point. Despite her ludicrously inflated proportions, Kiki seems very dangerous. You think it best to keep your distance. You turn her down again.<br> <br> Kiki shrugs and pouts petulantly.<br> <br> "Suit yourself."<br> <br> She returns to her lounger and lies down in a huff. She picks up her trashy romance novel and resumes reading.<br> <br> "You would have been fine," she says. "Instead now you'll always be wondering what you missed out on."<br> <br> Maybe. Maybe not.<br> <br> Discretion seems better than gratification here. You turn to the exit.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> /* no faction increase */ <<include [[Kiki: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
She presses her hands into the sides of her substantial breasts. <<include [[Kiki: 2nd Cloud]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Kiki: Wall Sex: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Kiki: Wall Sex: Has Semen]]>> <</if>>
It doesn't take long.<br> <br> You feel it bubble up and burst out of you in a powerful, throbbing orgasm. You pour it out inside Kiki while she gasps and moans in delight.<br> <br> That felt good you think as the climax ebbs to a trickle. You feel a tickly tingling sensation at your feet and notice a thick carpet of dense pink mist has drifted over them. Tracing it back to the source, you see pink fumes spilling from Kiki's nipples. You pull out and hurriedly jump back.<br> <br> Kiki stands up and turns around. She notices a little pink puddle of mist around her feet. She reddens.<br> <br> "Oh. That's not intentional. Sometimes... when I'm aroused... some dribbles out."<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> Kiki looks embarrassed enough that you think she might actually be telling the truth.<br> <br> <</if>> She walks back to her lounger and retrieves her costume.<br> <br> "That was a good hard fuck," she says as she puts her skimpy yellow swimsuit back on. "Lovely cum as well. It tastes so good it makes me sad I didn't get more of it. Oh well. The other girls say I should let more men escape. Then $ will let me see more of them. I can't help it if my special weapons are so potent."<br> <br> She bounces her big boobs. They're certainly //special//.<br> <br> "Let me down this time, though, didn't you," she admonishes her enormous breasts.<br> <br> She turns back to you and gives you a smile that reveals a little too much fang.<br> <br> "Lucky for you."<br> <br> Lucky for you indeed. You put your clothes back on and head for the door before she changes her mind.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Kiki: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
You pound Kiki's pussy. Pound it hard. It feels really good. The tight walls feel so soft as they stroke against you. You keep pounding. Fatigue starts to creep into your legs and buttocks. You feel you should have come by now, yet all your efforts have achieved is a dull twinge in your balls.<br> <br> Eventually you start to tire and slow. Kiki relaxes her vagina and pulls the soft walls away from your cock. You slide out and step back to get your breath back. Sex never used to feel this hard.<br> <br> Kiki stands up and turns around.<br> <br> "You’re out, aren't you," she says, her pretty face besmirched by a frown. "The other girls have already drained those balls dry."<br> <br> She weighs you up like a predator trying to work out if another animal is potential prey.<br> <br> "According to $'s rules, that makes you mine."<br> <br> Alarmed by the hungry look in her eyes you jump back and take up a cautious stance.<br> <br> "It means I'm free to use all of my abilities to restrain you while I drain your life and soul."<br> <br> She clicks her tongue against her teeth in obvious frustration.<br> <br> "Unfortunately, you've already evaded my special weapons. If you've done it once, you can do it again. No, I can't risk the waste."<br> <br> She turns her back to you and walks over to her lounger. She puts her skimpy yellow swimsuit back on, settles into her lounger and picks up her trashy romance novel to continue reading from where she left off.<br> <br> "Consider yourself lucky," she says without turning to look at you. "I'm letting you go."<br> <br> You're not going to waste that opportunity. You put your clothes back on and get out of there as fast as you can.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Kiki: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
/* Romance Novel */ <<set $gift to { number: 30, name: "Romance Novel", isSingular: true, description: "a trashy romance novel", categories: [4,10] }>>
"Kiki Sumoppai? You're interested in that overinflated bimbo?"<br> <br> $ tuts her disapproval.<br> <br> "She doesn't play fair, I should warn you of that. She'll talk about doing erotic wrestling as foreplay, but it's just an excuse to get the drop on you with her secret weapons. These, in case you weren't aware."<br> <br> She points to her own, not insubstantial, bust.<br> <br> "They look like overinflated balloons on her. That's because they are. They're filled with special gases. If she gets a man in a cloud of them, he'll become too horny to resist or do anything. She'll plonk her fat ass on his cock and suck out his life and soul."<br> <br> $ exhales a cloud of smoke from the side of her mouth.<br> <br> "There's not much else to her. Her type are very limited as succubi. Her tit fumes are potent, but their range is limited and they take a lot of energy to produce. If she doesn't connect with her first move she'll give up right away. Her 'fights' are always short – one way or the other."<br> <br> $ sips her drink.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"If you do happen to escape her first move, you'll be safe. She won't try again, so it will be okay to have sex with her.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"You shouldn't let her get on top, under any circumstances.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ pauses.\<br\>\<br\>\"Well, unless you want her to. Her tit fumes are very potent. They trigger extraordinarily powerful and satisfying orgasms. So I've heard.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If you're wondering what gift to bring her, she likes reading trashy romance novels. I know, simple fare for a simple creature.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: false, text: "\"I think $ does have some special charms that negate fumes and gases. Temporarily, at least. Kiki's tit fumes are potent and all protective charms can be overloaded. Even with protection, you shouldn't linger in a cloud of them for too long.\""}>>
"Ah, the charming young woman with the substantial... ahem... assets."<br> <br> $ pulls out a small black notebook and looks expectantly at you.<br> <br> "Tell me of your experiences with <<print $allHarlots[$hi].name + ".\"">><br> <br>
<br><br> <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> "I wouldn't have thought she'd be one for reading," $ says as you tell him about the book you brought her. "Then again, it's not as if it's high literature."<br> <br> <</if>> You tell him about how you escaped Kiki's hold.<br> <br> "By Jove! You were lucky to wriggle out of that. <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> And after breathing in her fumes as well! <</if>> The witch's protective charms must have played a part, but which one?"<br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> "Yes, very sensible. I would have done the same... discretion being the better part of valour and all that. A shame to not get more information though. It's hard to make progress in here without having sex with the girls." <<else>> "Hmm. Coarse pleasures with the commonest of trollops does have a certain... appeal. I certainly wouldn't mind giving her a good seeing to from behind."<br> <br> $ guffaws crudely.<br> <br> <<if _scoreArray[5][1] and not _osa[5][2]>> "You didn't come, you say? Eh. It's not that unsurprising given how... taxing... the other girls in here are on a man's family jewels. What is more surprising is that she let you go. It's usually curtains in here should a man fail to... ahem... perform with one of these devils. You should go see the nurse right away and get that fixed." <<else>> "At least it's out of the way of those lethal 'secret weapons' of hers." <</if>> <</if>>
/* Huntress Levka */ <<set $hi to 54>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Huntress Levka", shortDescription: "", faction: 5, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [31,2], affection: 0, hasBeenGossipedAbout: false, preIntroductionLink: "Levka: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Levka: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Levka: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Levka: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Levka: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Levka: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Levka: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Levka: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Levka: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $player.currStr to 2>> /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ <<set $player.currAgi to 1>> /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 54>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a rugged-looking girl with a fur cap, brown leather hunting waistcoat, knee-high boots, and nothing else. She's accompanied by two smaller demon women with mauve skin and spiky bone protrusions studding their shoulders, elbows and other places on their bodies.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Huntress Levka. She's a wild one, but her trusty 'hounds', Minyette and Zhopa, are wilder.<br> <br> $ leans close to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "They're sukin-yuzic devils. They can do things with their tongues you wouldn't believe."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Huntress Levka looks like a supermodel partially dressed as an outdoorswoman. She wears a big fur hat over her straight black hair. She wears a rugged, sleeveless brown leather waistcoat, open at the front, and a pair of knee-high leather boots that look designed for use rather than kink. The //partially// comes in because that's all she's wearing – no trousers, underwear or anything under her waistcoat. You can see her cleavage. You can even see the folds of her sex between her legs. Despite her knockout figure and face, she has a tough aura to her, as if she actually spends time and is comfortable living out in the wilds, and this is not just an outfit for a photoshoot. You're not surprised to see she has the familiar devil's tail of a succubus hanging down behind her legs.<br> <br> The two girls accompanying her look even more like demons. They're naked. Their skin colour is an unnatural blend of mauve and pastel pink hues. They have strange bone spurs protruding through their skin at their shoulders, elbows, hips, and at the temples of their bald heads. Their eyes are jet-black orbs. Despite this, their bodies are lithe and attractive. They look like hot starlets after a couple of hours of makeup for a sci-fi film. They crouch and kneel at Huntress Levka's feet and act more like hounds. It would be kinky... if they weren't taking it so seriously and you knew it wasn't just makeup.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Huntress Levka walks over with her 'hounds' to introduce herself. Her face, while very pretty, has a stern demeanour.<br> <br> "I am Huntress Levka."<br> <br> She has a slight accent. Russian?<br> <br> "This is Minyette and Zhopa."<br> <br> One of them, Minyette, opens her mouth and sticks out a tongue. It's far longer and sinuous than a human tongue and there seems to be some kind of puckered opening at the tip. Huntress Levka absentmindedly cuffs her behind her pointed ear and she draws the tongue back into her mouth.<br> <br> "I hope you will provide good sport for them."<br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenGossipedAbout to true>> $'s face brightens as you mention Huntress Levka. "Lovely Levka. She's one of my favourites in here. That's a gal that can drink."<br> <br> $ takes a long draught of her cocktail.<br> <br> "She's a huntress affiliated with the Huthswiven Manor. Loosely. She prefers her hunts to be less structured and out in the wilderness. It was her hunting too far afield that caused the little... //incident// that resulted in the huntresses being forbidden from hunting on the House grounds. Now, Huntress Levka has to be content setting up cage fights with her two 'hounds', Minyette and Zhopa."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "Minyette and Zhopa are sukin-yuzic devils. Primitive lust daemons, but if they catch a man with their tongues they'll drain him dry and have him shivering with ecstasy the whole time. Not that you need to worry. It's not a //fight// fight. We're in a brothel, after all. It's just an excuse to roll around with a couple of sexy girls before they suck you off."<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(14)>> ''You feel a sudden hot scratchy feeling on the back of your shoulder.''<br> <br> <</if>> $ exhales a fragrant cloud.<br> <br> "Even if it was a real fight you'd have nothing to fear. Minyette and Zhopa, like all sukin-yuzic devils, are small and slight. Any man of decent strength should be able to throw them off no problem."<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(14)>> ''You feel a sudden hot scratchy feeling on the back of your shoulder.''<br> <br> <</if>> $ sips her cocktail.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Huntress Levka is a heavy drinker. Despite her coarse appearance and attitude, she has a refined palate. " + $allGifts[$allHarlots[$hi].gifts[1]].name + " is her drink of choice.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Minyette is the more dangerous of the two. She's the one you need to keep a close eye on.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"It's best to be really aggressive when facing Minyette and Zhopa. If you can take out one quickly, the rest of the fight will be a breeze.\""}>>
Huntress Levka has a tough aura to her that makes her an imposing presence at your side as she accompanies you into the bar. One of her 'hounds', Minyette you think, walks at your other flank with the other just behind you. You have a strange feeling it's to keep you from running away.<br> <br> Huntress Levka takes a seat at one of the higher circular tables in the central area. The two pastel-skinned demon girls squat down on the floor on either side of her. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Levka: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Levka: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> Huntress Levka scowls.<br> <br> "Don't waste my time. I should set Minyette and Zhopa on you right here and now. You're lucky $ forbids it."<br> <br> She gets up and snaps her fingers. Minyette and Zhopa obediently follow as she returns to the stage.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with your drinks on a tray – your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name, a bottle of vodka, and two pint glasses filled with what looks like milk. She leaves your drink and the bottle of vodka on the table, and passes the pint glasses down to the mauve-skinned demon girls.<br> <br> You hear loud wet slurping sounds under the table.<br> <br> "Best not to look while they're drinking," Huntress Levka says.<br> <br> She doesn't need a glass. She takes a swig right from the bottle. A guzzle, more like. She knocks the bottle back and when she puts it back down a third is already gone.<br> <br> "So, you think you can challenge my lovely girls," she says.<br> <br> She eyes you up and takes another long swig of vodka.<br> <br> <<if $player.currStr gt 3>> "You look strong."<br> <br> She reaches across and pinches your bicep.<br> <br> "Nice muscles," she says. "They won't do you any good against Minyette and Zhopa." <<elseif $player.currAgi gt 3>> "Maybe," she says. "You look like you might provide good sport." <<else>> Huntress Levka snorts derisorily.<br> <br> "My girls will eat you alive." <</if>><br> <br> She salutes you with her bottle.<br> <br> "To a good contest."<br> <br> She drains the rest of the vodka in a single gulp and then slams the bottle down on the table. She gets up and snaps her fingers. Minyette and Zhopa follow her obediently back to the stage.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Levka: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Levka: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Vodka */ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Wine */ [6,false,false] /* Survive */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $hasBeenWarnedAboutZhopa to false>> <<set $hasPutOnGoodShow to false>> <<include [[Levka: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Levka: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Huntress Levka's room isn't a bedroom. You weren't expecting it to be, to be fair. The room is large. Large enough to be a function room. Large enough that it really shouldn't fit in a corridor of other bedrooms, but you have a feeling the interior of the House doesn't exactly obey the usual laws of physics. There's an octagonal fighting ring in the centre of the room. It's surrounded by wire-mesh walls and closed off at the top to form a proper cage.<br> <br> The two pastel-hued demons, Minyette and Zhopa, are inside. Zhopa prowls around the mat like a lioness. Minyette jumps up and grabs the wire-mesh fence. Her legs are splayed, shamelessly showing off the exposed folds of her sex. She stares at you with wild lust in her jet-black eyes. She opens her mouth and a long serpentine red tongue wriggles lewdly.<br> <br> Huntress Levka stands next to the entrance to the cage, prim and upright despite being completely naked beneath her brown leather waistcoat and boots. There is a table next to her.<br> <br> "Come in, come in," Huntress Levka says. "My girls are eager to play with you."<br> <br> You walk into the room, wondering what you've got yourself into. The two lithe demonesses pace around the octagonal ring, occasional jumping up against the side of the cage. You walk up to Huntress Levka and – unsure what to do – you present her your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Levka: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 31>> <<include [[Levka: Gift: Vodka]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 2>> <<include [[Levka: Gift: Wine]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Levka: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Rules 1]]
Huntress Levka takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you. The corner of her mouth turns up in a smirk.<br> <br> "I take it you really like Minyette and Zhopa."<br> <br> She turns to the cage and holds up the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "See this," she says.<br> <br> The two pink demons swarm up to the side of the cage. They stare at the $allGifts[$cgi].name, then at you. Their eyes are hot with lust.<br> <br> "You don't need to worry," Huntress Levka says. "It's not that type of fight. Minyette and Zhopa will give you a good time, win or lose."<br> <br> She places the $allGifts[$cgi].name on the table next to her.<br> <br> "At least make an effort though. It's really boring when the men just give up."
<<set $hasBeenWarnedAboutZhopa to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Huntress Levka's eyes light up as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you. She wastes no time in twisting the cap off and taking a long swig.<br> <br> "Ah, that hits the spot."<br> <br> She puts the bottle on the nearby table. You see she's already guzzled a third of it. She turns back to you and smiles wolfishly.<br> <br> "Don't think this gets you out of it. You're still going in there."<br> <br> She points to the cage.<br> <br> "Hmm, but it is a nice gift. How about I give you a hint in return. That seems fair."<br> <br> She comes up close and whispers conspiratorially.<br> <br> "See Zhopa," she points to the pink she-demon on the left. "She likes ass. Don't turn your back on her."<br> <br> Huntress Levka's hand strays down your back. You jolt as she presses a finger up between your butt cheeks and presses it against your sphincter.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> Huntress Levka takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you and looks at it contemptuously.<br> <br> "That's not a real drink. It's just fancy piss."<br> <br> She plonks it down on the table.<br> <br> "I'll give it to the old gossip downstairs. She drinks anything. It'll make her happy, and making her happy is good. Make her happy and she'll tell lies to all the new men. Then they lose and my girls get a good meal."<br> <br> She favours you with a wink and unnerving smile.
Huntress Levka doesn't seem impressed.<br> <br> "You're here to fight, not waste time with silly trinkets."<br> <br> She places it on the table next to her.<br> <br> "$'s silly tradition. I'm only interested in whether you can provide a good contest."
"Now we go over the rules," Huntress Levka says.<br> <br> She looks you up and down.<br> <br> "But first, take your clothes off."<br> <br> Even though getting undressed is expected in a harlot's room in a brothel, her directness still catches you off guard.<br> <br> "If you don't, they will rip them off." She glances over to the two demonesses in the cage. "And then $ will be unhappy with me. So off with them."<br> <br> You do as she says and leave them in a neat pile on the nearby table. You stand awkwardly in front of her.<br> <br> <<if $player.currStr gt 3 or $player.currAgi gt 3>> Huntress Levka runs an appreciative eye over your body. <<else>> Huntress Levka runs an eye over your body and lets out a derisory snort. That doesn't do much for either your confidence or arousal. <</if>><br> <br> Huntress Levka reaches into her jacket and pulls out a battered old pocket watch on a chain. She checks the time.<br> <br> "You go in and fight them, for one round."<br> <br> [[What, both of them?->Levka: What Both]]<br> [[Stay quiet and let her continue.->Levka: Rules 2]]
2-on-1? That doesn't sound fair. Huntress Levka smirks at you when you point it out.<br> <br> "They're tiny slips of girls. A big strong man like yourself should have no problem at all with them."<br> <br> You glance into the cage where Minyette and Zhopa are still prowling the mat. You're not sure about that. They might be slight and slim, but they also look extremely //feral//.<br> <br> Huntress Levka continues.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Rules 2]]
"Now. This is the most important part," Huntress Levka continues. "This is not a 'fight' fight. It's just a bit of fun – erotic wrestling for foreplay. So, absolutely no striking. Grappling only. If you hurt my girls I'll be forced to join in."<br> <br> She reaches behind her and picks up an old-fashioned but still very functional-looking hunting rifle.<br> <br> "You don't want me joining in," she says with a smile that shows off her sharp fangs.<br> <br> No, you don't.<br> <br> Her rifle has a strange eldritch look to it. Both the stock and barrel are decorated with esoteric runes. You think it best not to dwell upon what ammunition it uses and definitely not on what 'prey' Huntress Levka hunts with it.<br> <br> "Are you ready?" Huntress Levka asks.<br> <br> You nod.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Enter Cage]]
Huntress Levka opens the door to the cage. You enter and she closes the door behind you. Cautiously, you walk to the centre. Minyette drops down from the cage wall and joins Zhopa on the mat. Both squat down and regard you with lust-filled eyes.<br> <br> Both are a strange mix. They're clearly not human. Their skin colour is a strange lurid pink bordering on mauve. Horns and other bone spurs protrude from their flesh. Despite a slightly spiky appearance, the rest of them is all soft feminine curves. They're completely naked and have slight but alluring figures. They look feral – like children raised by wolves – but this also extends to their sexuality. They look like they tear men to pieces. Not like wild animals, but metaphorically... in the bedroom. Looking at them, the way they stare at you with naked lust, sends a throb of arousal down to your loins and causes your penis to twitch.<br> <br> Both Minyette and Zhopa notice. They gaze at your crotch with naked hunger in their eyes.<br> <br> Minyette stealthily approaches – keen but also skittish. She glances at your cock and then up at your face. Her eyes are big and innocent. While their behaviour might be slightly animalistic, there's clear intelligence and sapience in their eyes.<br> <br> Minyette glances back down at your cock and her lovely supple lips pucker up. She looks up at you. She smiles. She points to your cock and then to her mouth.<br> <br> You know exactly what she's asking. Your erection twitches at the thought of those soft lips wrapped around it.<br> <br> Minyette nods and smiles. She inches closer.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenGossipedAbout>> You remember $'s words. <</if>> You don't need to fight. Even though you're currently standing in a fighting ring, this is still a brothel, a house of sexual pleasures. You could just stand there and let Minyette blow you, as she's clearly indicating she wants to do.<br> <br> [[Let her approach.->Levka: Sucker Blowjob]]<br> [[Back off.->Levka: Reject Sucker Blowjob]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Still with a friendly smile, Minyette inches closer. She glances at your cock and her plump lips bunch up invitingly like soft pillows. Your cock throbs as you imagine them wrapped around it.<br> <br> Minyette stop and crouches about a foot away from you. She eyes your erection hungrily.<br> <br> Why stop there, you think. She's too far away for...<br> <br> Minyette opens her mouth. A long sinuous tongue shoots out. An orifice opens at the end and it engulfs your cock right down to your root before you can react. While shocking, it doesn't feel too untoward. It even feels rather pleasant. Your penis is wrapped in a tight muscular sheath. Minyette's tongue is about a foot long and lurid red in colour. It's warm and very muscular. The walls bunch up and roll up your shaft in a pleasant sucking tug.<br> <br> Your legs wobble.<br> <br> If feels like a powerful blowjob. A //tight// blowjob.<br> <br> It's also an extremely //quick// blowjob. You're sucked to orgasm in a matter of moments. Her muscular tongue sheath pumps your cock and it responds with a throbbing stream of cum down the centre of the fleshy tube.<br> <br> It feels like she sucks out some of your strength with it. Your legs buckle and you fall to your knees.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Sucker Blowjob Capture]]
You don't trust her. You jump back before she can get too close.<br> <br> Your sudden movement startles Minyette. She jumps back and adopts a more defensive stance. Knowing she's been rumbled, she gives you a crafty smile. Her supple lips part and a long tongue slides out, like an eel from its burrow. The end of her tongue opens up to reveal a wet, toothless orifice. She lets the opening dilate and contract lewdly, making you fully aware of what she wants to swallow with it. She reels it back in and pouts her lips in a kiss.<br> <br> They might not be able to speak, but Minyette and Zhopa are not unintelligent. Out of the corner of your eye you notice Zhopa slinking around behind you. You turn and back away to keep both of them in your field of vision.<br> <br> Both prowl like hungry wolves. Your gaze flicks back and forth as you try to keep both in view.<br> <br> This isn't going to work, you think. They're both prowling around the edges of the ring in opposite directions. However, them moving apart might have presented you with an opportunity. Minyette is backed up almost to the cage wall. You should be able to rush her and take her out before Zhopa can get there to intervene. That would turn a 2-v-1 into a 1-v-1, and both girls are smaller and slighter than you.<br> <br> [[Charge Minyette.->Levka: Charge Minyette]]<br> [[Keep warily watching them.->Levka: Watch Warily]]
As Zhopa slips around out of your field of view, you take your chance. You charge and tackle Minyette up against the side of the cage. You're conscious of and keep to Huntress Levka's 'no striking' rule. You're still a little uncertain of the other rules, especially given the 2-v-1 nature of the bout. If you pin or get one to submit, does that mean they can no longer participate?<br> <br> That's assuming you can even pin Minyette. She might be small and slight, but she's also wiry and flexible. Even though you have the weight advantage and are on top, you find it difficult to get a solid hold on her.<br> <br> Then, just as you're starting to feel like you're getting the upper hand, you jolt as you feel a wet and flexible tongue push up against your ass.<br> <br> Zhopa!<br> <br> It's a //long// tongue. It slithers up inside your ass like an eel. You're taken by surprise and freeze up. This allows Zhopa to turn upside down, hook her legs up under your arms and lock her ankles in place behind your head in a sort of full nelson. She drags you back down on top of her and holds you in place with her arms and thighs in a complicated, but effective hold. She presses her face between your butt cheeks. Her long tongue worms deeper and starts rubbing up against your prostate.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Too Aggressive Capture]]
It could be an opportunity. It could also be a trap.<br> <br> Also, now that you think about it, did Huntress Levka specify any kind of victory condition? All she mentioned was to survive a round and that striking wasn't allowed. Maybe you don't have to 'take' either of them out, just avoid them for the allotted time.<br> <br> You back up against the cage.<br> <br> Minyette suddenly breaks into a run and jumps up onto the wire mesh to your left. She gives it a good rattle and stares at you, eyes glowing with feral intensity.<br> <br> You swivel and rush backwards away from her, then swivel again when you realise you've lost sight of Zhopa.<br> <br> There she is, prowling around behind you.<br> <br> Which one do you want to keep most focus on?<br> <br> [[Focus on Minyette.->Levka: Focus Minyette]]<br> [[Focus on Zhopa.->Levka: Focus Zhopa]]
Minyette is the more present problem. She seems to have gotten a lot more active while Zhopa is still prowling around on the other side of the cage.<br> <br> Minyette leaps off the side of the cage and lands in front of you with feral grace. Feral sums up her face as well. Her eyes, while intelligent, shine with animalistic lusts.<br> <br> She bounds forwards, forcing you to jump back and retreat.<br> <br> Then she suddenly switches strategy. She brazenly contorts her body. She arches backwards and pushes out her tits. She thrusts her pelvis to flaunt her exposed sex, and – if you hadn't already gotten the message – fixes a fiery gaze on you as she inserts two fingers between the dripping folds of her sex.<br> <br> Isn't this supposed be a fight? Minyette seems more eager to put on a live sex show. She's got the body for it – supple and very limber. Your gaze lingers over it while she thrusts her hips and pleasures herself.<br> <br> It lingers too long. Too late you realise you've lost Zhopa.<br> <br> You jolt as you feel a wet and flexible tongue push up against your ass.<br> <br> She hasn't lost you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Zhopa Capture]]
<<if $hasBeenWarnedAboutZhopa>> You remember what you were told. You keep Zhopa in view and are careful not to turn your back on her. <<else>> You keep close eye on Zhopa, keeping her far away and careful not to turn your back on her. <</if>><br> <br> You catch Huntress Levka looking at her battered pocket watch. You wonder how much time has elapsed. Also, as she's not currently taunting you for basically running away rather than getting stuck in and wrestling, you suspect this challenge was never meant to be a 'fight'.<br> <br> Perhaps also conscious of the time elapsed, Minyette and Zhopa start to get a little more active. They circle and prowl closer like a pack of wolves. They lunge and feint and harry you, probing for a weak point.<br> <br> This isn't all they do. In further confirmation of them being more than simple feral animals in humanoid form, sometimes they stop, stand upright and flaunt their naked bodies like pretty street hookers touting for business. They give you teasing glances while sensually running hands over their naked breasts. Being in a cage ruins the allure somewhat, but it's still a distraction.<br> <br> Minyette and Zhopa's feints and lunges grow more aggressive. Slowly backing away isn't enough. You have to hop and skip, duck and dive, and even outright dash to stay out of their reach.<br> <br> <<include [[Levka: Agi Checks]]>>
/* High Agi check */ <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> You nearly stumble as you jink away. Fortunately, you quickly regain your footing and keep out of their clutches.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: High Agi]] <<else>> /* Low Agi check */ <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> You nearly stumble as you jink away. Fortunately, you quickly regain your footing and keep out of their clutches.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Med Agi 1]] <<else>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> Disaster almost strikes. You were never the lightest on your feet and that clumsiness that has bedevilled your whole life strikes at the most inopportune moment. One foot catches on the other as you try to dodge to the left and you tumble to the mat.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Med Agi 1]] <<else>> And this is where disaster strikes. You were never the lightest on your feet and that clumsiness that has bedevilled your whole life strikes at the most inopportune moment. One foot catches on the other as you try to dodge to the left and you tumble to the mat.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Low Agi]] <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
Perhaps sensing time is running out, Minyette and Zhopa become more active in their attempts to catch you.<br> <br> You're forced to duck and dodge, sway and sidestep like a championship boxer as they keep jumping and lunging at you. It's like playing a very odd game of tag. Minyette and Zhopa push you back and shepherd you up to the wire-mesh wall of the cage. Seeing they have you cornered, they push closer.<br> <br> Minyette feints a charge, but you read it. You see Zhopa coming in from the other side. You're able to jink and sidestep to avoid her dive. She gets a hand on your hip, but you're able to spin her off and she crashes into the cage behind you.<br> <br> Minyette is coming now for real. Adrenaline surging through your system, you sidestep, sway. She flies past.<br> <br> And now the way is open in front. You take it and sprint over to the other side of the ring. You spin on your heels and see both Minyette and Zhopa are coming for you in low loping bounds. You bounce lightly on your feet, preparing to dodge again.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> [[Continue.->Levka: Black Rose Capture]] <<else>> You don't have to.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: End of Round]] <</if>>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> Luckily for you, Minyette and Zhopa don't press their advantage. You're able to scramble away from them and get back to your feet.<br> <br> <</if>> Perhaps sensing time is running out, Minyette and Zhopa become more active in their attempts to catch you.<br> <br> You're forced to duck and dodge, sway and sidestep like a championship boxer as they keep jumping and lunging at you. It's like playing a very odd game of tag.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> One where, unfortunately, your luck runs out. <<if _hasAilment>>Or maybe your exertions in the House already this evening have left you short of breath. <</if>>Minyette and Zhopa push you back and shepherd you up to the wire-mesh wall of the cage. Seeing they have you cornered, they push closer.<br> <br> Minyette looks to charge, but it's just a feint. Zhopa dives at you and gets her arms around your chest in a tackle. <<include [[Levka: Med Agi 2]]>>
Minyette is on you in a flash. She jumps on top and straddles your chest. Her head jerks forward and a long cylindrical tongue shoots out. It opens out at the end and engulfs your penis smoothly like a snake. At the same time she clasps your head between her thighs and jams your face up into her crotch. Your nose is filled with the musky odour of her sex.<br> <br> Her tongue is unusual, but feels pleasurable. Your penis is wrapped in a tight muscular sheath. It's warm and very muscular. The walls bunch up and roll up your shaft in a pleasant sucking tug.<br> <br> //Oh//. The pleasure catches you by surprise. You relax and Minyette rolls you onto your side.<br> <br> To expose your buttocks, you realise.<br> <br> Zhopa shoots out her own long tongue. Wet and flexible it pushes up against you ass. Pushes up against, and then slithers up inside like an eel. Caught between two unexpected pleasures, your body goes limp. This allows Minyette and Zhopa to manoeuvre you into a tighter hold.<br> <br> <<include [[Levka: Agi Fail and Capture]]>> Huntress Levka walks over.<br> <br> "What a pathetic, clumsy display," she says.<br> <br> She crouches down next to you.<br> <br> "I was hoping for more, but never mind. It's over. You lose. Now my girls will feast."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Bad End 1]]
Zhopa hooks her legs up under your arms and locks her ankles in place behind your head in a kind of full nelson. She pulls you on top of her, wraps wiry arms around your thighs and holds you there in a complicated, but effective hold. She presses her face between your butt cheeks. Her long tongue worms deeper and starts rubbing up against your prostate.<br> <br> Still sucking on your cock, Minyette moves around until she's kneeling between your legs. Her eyes smoulder with lust and triumph as she stares at you while her tongue works up and down your cock. They have you now and she knows it.
Between them Minyette and Zhopa have you firmly held. It doesn't need to be all that firm. Minyette's tongue seems to have sucked all the strength out of you. She kneels between your legs and stares at you while her tongue sends muscular bulges up and down your shaft. Zhopa's tongue keeps massaging your prostate.<br> <br> <<if $hasPutOnGoodShow>> "Make it nice and wet, Minyette," Huntress Levka says. "He put on a good show."<br> <br> Minyette pauses. Her dark gaze holds yours. Her tongue swells. Your cock is inundated with a froth of warm juices. They spill out from the end of her tongue and dribble through your pubic hair.<br> <br> It has an immediate effect. You grunt in pleasure and your hips involuntarily buck.<br> <br> The stroking sucks of Minyette's tongue continue – now wet and fully lubricated.<br> <br> <</if>> Minyette's tongue sheath tightens around your cock. Muscular bulges roll up your shaft in a gentle but insistent tugging action. Your body starts trembling as she sucks you up inexorably to climax.<br> <br> "Here it comes," Huntress Levka says.<br> <br> Zhopa presses her tongue up against your prostate – pushes it like a button. Minyette gives you a long rippling suck with her tongue.<br> <br> It's coming. Your body tenses up and then releases in a great shuddering gush. Your hips buck and you spurt cum up the inside of Minyette's unusual tongue.<br> <br> "That's it. You've got him," Huntress Levka says. "Suck him up."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Bad End 2]]
Minyette stares at you, her eyes bright and filled with lust as her muscular tongue tube sucks on your erection. You can't move. The pleasure is too great. Your arms hang loosely at your sides. Her tongue has sucked the fight right out of you.<br> <br> Huntress Levka tuts loudly outside the cage. "How pathetic. You fell for the easiest trick in the book."<br> <br> Out of the corner of your eye you see Zhopa pad around behind you. Then you feel a jolt as she too shoots out her long tongue. This seeks out your anus and smoothly slides up inside your ass.<br> <br> Assailed on both sides by pleasure, you twitch and shudder uncontrollably.<br> <br> Still with her wet tongue worming away in your ass, Zhopa tips up into a kind of handstand. From behind, she hooks her legs under your arms and locks her ankles in place behind your head in an unusual but effective full nelson. She tips backwards, pulling you down on top of her and holding you down with her arms and thighs. She presses her face between your butt cheeks. Her long tongue worms deeper and starts rubbing up against your prostate.<br> <br> Still sucking away on your cock, Minyette moves up between your legs. Her tongue bunches up and pulses muscularly, keeping you hard even though you've just ejaculated.<br> <br> You're fully pinned now in quite a complicated hold. Zhopa lies underneath you, her face pressed up against your ass and her tongue sucking away at your prostate. Minyette is on top and using her hollow tongue to give you a wet, sucking blowjob.<br> <br> Huntress Levka walks over and crouches down next to you.<br> <br> "This fight is over," she says. "You lose. Now my girls will feast."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Bad End 1]]
Now free, Minyette prowls towards you with hunger in her eyes. Her mouth parts to reveal a long – //too long// – red tongue. A blind maw opens at the tip and gapes lewdly.<br> <br> She crouches down between your legs and hungrily eyes up your cock. Her tongue shoots out like a frog catching a fly. The end opens out and swallows your cock right down to the root.<br> <br> While shocking, it doesn't feel too untoward. It even feels rather pleasant. Your penis is wrapped in a tight muscular sheath. Minyette's tongue is about a foot long and lurid red in colour. It's warm and very muscular. The walls bunch up and roll up your shaft in a pleasant sucking tug.<br> <br> //Oh//. The pleasure catches you by surprise. You relax, allowing Zhopa beneath you to shift position and lock her hold in tighter.<br> <br> Minyette's eyes smoulder with lust and triumph as she stares at you while her tongue works up and down your cock. They have you now and she knows it.<br> <br> Huntress Levka walks over.<br> <br> "Too aggressive," she says. "You should have watched your back."<br> <br> She crouches down next to you.<br> <br> "Too late now. The fight is over. You lose. Now my girls will feast."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Bad End 1]]
It's a //long// tongue. It slithers up inside your ass like an eel. You're taken by surprise and freeze up. This allows Zhopa to turn upside down, hook her legs up under your arms and lock her ankles in place behind your head in a kind of full nelson. She drags you back down on top of her and holds you there with her arms and thighs in a complicated, but effective hold. She presses her face between your butt cheeks. Her long tongue worms deeper and starts rubbing up against your prostate.<br> <br> Minyette prowls towards you with hunger in her eyes. Her mouth parts to reveal a long – //too long// – red tongue. A blind maw opens at the tip and gapes lewdly.<br> <br> She crouches down between your legs and hungrily eyes up your cock. Her tongue shoots out like a frog catching a fly. The end opens out and swallows your cock right down to the root.<br> <br> While shocking, it doesn't feel too untoward. It even feels rather pleasant. Your penis is wrapped in a tight muscular sheath. Minyette's tongue is about a foot long and lurid red in colour. It's warm and very muscular. The walls bunch up and roll up your shaft in a pleasant sucking tug.<br> <br> //Oh//. The pleasure catches you by surprise. You relax, allowing Zhopa beneath you to shift position and lock her hold in tighter.<br> <br> Minyette's eyes smoulder with lust and triumph as she stares at you while her tongue works up and down your cock. They have you now and she knows it.<br> <br> Huntress Levka walks over.<br> <br> "You paid attention to the wrong girl," she says. "You should never turn your back on Zhopa."<br> <br> She crouches down next to you.<br> <br> "Too late now. The fight is over. You lose. Now my girls will feast."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Bad End 1]]
<<set $hasPutOnGoodShow to true>> Minyette crouches down between your legs and hungrily eyes up your cock. Her tongue shoots out like a frog catching a fly. The end opens out and swallows your cock right down to the root.<br> <br> While shocking, it doesn't feel too untoward. It even feels rather pleasant. Your penis is wrapped in a tight muscular sheath. Minyette's tongue is about a foot long and lurid red in colour. It's warm and very muscular. The walls bunch up and roll up your shaft in a pleasant sucking tug.<br> <br> <<include [[Levka: Agi Fail and Capture]]>> Huntress Levka walks over.<br> <br> "A rather... exhilarating contest," she says, her face clearly flushed.<br> <br> She crouches down next to you.<br> <br> "Make it extra juicy while you suck him," she says to Minyette. "He's earned it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Bad End 1]]
Both come at you. You dodge Minyette, but not Zhopa. She gets her arms around your chest in a tackle. <<include [[Levka: Med Agi 2]]>>
Huntress Levka blows a whistle.<br> <br> "Time's up. That's the end of the round," she says.<br> <br> Minyette and Zhopa stop immediately without any complaint. They stand upright and strike more flirtatious poses. They look more like strippers in fancy alien makeup than feral demon women.<br> <br> "Excellently done."<br> <br> Huntress Levka walks over to the centre of the ring. She looks your naked form up and down. Her nostrils flare.<br> <br> "You win," she says. "You beat my girls. Now you get to claim your prize..."<br> <br> Her dark eyes glimmer with sultry amusement.<br> <br> " of my girls."<br> <br> She gestures to Minyette and Zhopa. Both are standing upright and regarding you with hungry interest.<br> <br> "You can fuck one," Huntress Levka says, smiling at your obvious confusion. "You can take her as you please. You can fuck her wet pussy until your balls explode inside her. In perfect safety."<br> <br> Minyette strides up boldly. Her gaze – burning with hot desire – is fixed on you. She circles you and runs a light fingertip over the top of your shoulders. She presses in close and playfully nibbles on your earlobe. You feel the heat of her breath and the motions of her tongue behind it. She reaches down, wraps a hand around your cock and gives it a little squeeze.<br> <br> A choice has been made, even if you were not the one to make it.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Sex With Minyette]]
You spin and nearly dislodge her. Her hands slide lower and grab your hips. Then she hits you with an attack that takes you completely by surprise.<br> <br> You jolt as you feel a wet and flexible tongue push up against your ass.<br> <br> It's a //long// tongue. Slick with lubricant, it slithers up inside your ass like an eel.<br> <br> The unexpected move completely stuns you.<br> <br> Minyette prowls towards you with hunger in her eyes. Her mouth parts to reveal a long – //too long// – red tongue. A blind maw opens at the tip and gapes lewdly.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Med Agi Capture]]
"Minyette seems to have taken a liking to you," Huntress Levka says. "Don't worry. Despite their fearsome appearance, sukin-yuzic devil twats are just as soft and juicy as your regular human twats. Maybe even softer and juicier."<br> <br> Minyette continues to circle you with sexually aggressive intent. You don't think 'no' is an accepted response here. Not that you'd think about uttering it. Minyette's display of sexual aggressiveness is a <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>>major <</if>>turn-on. Her figure is so good it's easy to overlook the... weirder aspects. She looks like a hot actress in sci-fi-movie makeup. Your cock throbs eagerly in her hand.<br> <br> Minyette pushes you back up against the wire-mesh fence and then jumps up with her legs astride you. She stares right into your eyes as she lowers her hips and impales herself on your rock-hard erection. You let out a sigh as your cock slides up into her tight wet pussy. As Huntress Levka told you, she's very soft and juicy.<br> <br> Tight too.<br> <br> You feel her pussy clench around your cock.<br> <br> Minyette grips the wire mesh above your head and starts bouncing her hips against you. Your cock slides back and forth into her lusciously tight sex. Minyette moves her body with sinuous, feral grace. Weird skin coloration aside, she looks gorgeous as she thrusts her body against you. Caught up in the moment, you start thrusting back.<br> <br> Minyette wraps her long legs around you and twists you around. Now you're the one pressing Minyette back against the fence. With your hands on her buttocks you plough back and forth into her luscious dripping sex. Minyette growls and yowls, encouraging you to go //faster//. //Harder//.<br> <br> You feel another pair of hands on your hips. A face presses up between your buttocks and you feel a wet tongue start probing at your anus.<br> <br> "Zhopa was feeling left out," Huntress Levka says. "She wants to join in."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Sex 2]]
It's more than tonguing. You feel it press up against your sphincter and then smoothly slide up inside.<br> <br> And keep sliding.<br> <br> Just how long is her tongue!<br> <br> It worms up inside your ass like a slippery wet eel. At the same time Minyette grasps the back of your head and presses her supple lips against yours in a passionate kiss. Her tongue is also unusual. Something opens up in the end, engulfs the tip of your tongue and starts sucking like a mouth.<br> <br> At the other end, down in your ass, Zhopa's long long tongue has found what she's looking for. It starts rubbing at the rectum lining separating it from your prostate. Something opens up in the end and starts sucking at the gland. It triggers a pleasant blooming feeling throughout your loins.<br> <br> Your body starts trembling. You're close.<br> <br> Minyette breaks off the kiss and stares into your eyes. Her vagina contracts rhythmically around your twitching cock. Minyette and Zhopa have an understanding bordering on telepathic. At the same time as Minyette is taking in your full length and squeezing, Zhopa's tongue pushes hard against your prostate.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Levka: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Levka: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
They hold you there, shuddering at the cusp of climax. You don't tip over.<br> <br> Minyette pauses. Clearly she was expecting you to come. She glances over to Huntress Levka.<br> <br> "What's the matter? Is he out?" Huntress Levka asks.<br> <br> She tsks.<br> <br> "Oh well. You know what to do. Give him the Kiss."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Bad End: Out of Semen]]
It's like pushing a button. Your balls boil up, your cock throbs and you empty a great stream of cum into Minyette. She yowls with delight. Her vagina throbs around you and her juices pour out over your crotch and drip onto the mat beneath you.<br> <br> They hold you between them as your body shudders in the grip of orgasm. You empty your balls into Minyette, then slump forwards, leaning against both Minyette and the side of the cage.<br> <br> Minyette slithers out and then turns you around so you're leaning against the wire-mesh fence. Zhopa's tongue, now free from your ass, opens up at the tip to reveal a fleshy maw. She places it over the tip of your cock and languorously sucks the dregs of cum out of your urethra. Minyette kisses you lightly on the lips, although you're not sure if it's with her own lips or the internal maw of her tongue.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Levka: Good End]]
Huntress Levka walks over. She's dragging a wooden chair with her right hand.<br> <br> "A most splendid performance," she says.<br> <br> Her face is flushed and her nostrils flared. You suspect she's been vigorously pleasuring herself during your little 'show'.<br> <br> "And now, as per the rules, you're free to go."<br> <br> Huntress Levka gestures over to the cage door, now open.<br> <br> At first you're reluctant to leave. That was an energetic fucking, after a lot of physical exertion, and you still feel pleasantly floppy from the aftermath of a powerful orgasm. Then you see the way Minyette and Zhopa are hungrily eyeing up your cock. They want to suck more, and not necessarily just your semen. You decide to leave while you still can.<br> <br> At the exit from the cage you turn and look back. Huntress Levka has placed the wooden chair down and is sitting in it. Zhopa is standing behind her and massaging her shoulders. Minyette is down on her knees between Huntress Levka's legs. Her long tongue is fully extended and up in Huntress Levka's vagina. Huntress Levka's eyes are closed and her eyelids flicker as if in pleasure. Minyette's tongue pulses and throbs. You're not sure, but you think Minyette might be regurgitating something up into Huntress Levka's vagina.<br> <br> Best not to think too hard about it. You retrieve your clothes, get dressed and head for the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Levka: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $hasBeenWarnedAboutZhopa>> <<unset $hasPutOnGoodShow>>
Minyette smiles. Her eyes light up. She presses her lips against yours in a passionate kiss. It's a kiss with a lot of tongue.<br> <br> Too much tongue.<br> <br> Minyette's tongue pushes past yours and then slithers down the back of your throat. Your feel it pulse and swell in your mouth, and then feel a warm liquid slide down your gullet and into your stomach.<br> <br> You feel strange. Floppy. Pleasantly disassociated.<br> <br> What has Minyette done to you? Whatever it is, it solves one problem. Your balls swell up and suddenly feel ripe and full again. But it also feels like they've taken energy from the rest of your body.<br> <br> Minyette presses her hips against you. Her vagina starts to rhythmically contract around your cock. It gets you back to rock hard and throbbing. Maybe a little too quickly.<br> <br> The tip of Zhopa's tongue attaches to your rectal wall like a sucker. It pushes against and sucks on your prostate, and then starts to pump with the same rhythm as Minyette's vagina.<br> <br> "Not too rough," Huntress Levka says. "He did win the challenge after all. He deserves it to be pleasurable."<br> <br> Still in synch, Minyette and Zhopa slow down. They stimulate both sides of your body with slow, throbbing pulses. This time there is no impediment. You reach climax and erupt inside Minyette's pussy in a shuddering orgasm.<br> <br> You keep erupting. Semen pours from you as if you've sprung a leak. It feels like something is leaking out with it – your strength, your energy.<br> <br> You crumple and Minyette and Zhopa gently lower you to the mat. You're sandwiched between them and can't escape as they keep your ejaculation going way past the point it should have stopped. Minyette's tongue throbs as she pours more //something// down your throat.<br> <br> Your cock keeps throbbing and spurting within the tight clutch of Minyette's vagina. You empty out while Minyette fills. You empty out until your soul comes free and Minyette sucks it out of your desiccating husk. It's a delicacy she feeds to her mistress later.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Levka: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Your dick throbs again as you spurt out another load. Minyette noisily sucks it up.<br> <br> <<if $hasPutOnGoodShow>> She pauses again. Her tongue swells and your head tips back as she floods you with more delicious lubricant.<br> <br> <</if>> You can't stop. Zhopa's tongue is on your prostate like a finger on a button. You buck and writhe, but can't escape. Minyette's tongue covers your cock in a snug sheath. You keep pouring out inside it in a great flood. Minyette sucks it up. It sounds like cream going up a straw.<br> <br> <<if $hasPutOnGoodShow>> "You came so close," Huntress Levka says. "Even though this is the end for you, I think you've earned a little treat to go out with."<br> <br> She gets up and sits down on your face. Your nose and mouth are pressed up against her lush sex. She rubs her buttocks against you and fills your nose with the musky aroma of her arousal.<br> <br> Minyette sucks and sucks. Your ejaculation keeps going. It's more than your semen she's sucking now. There is no pain. Huntress Levka bounces her naked crotch on your face. Zhopa keeps massaging your prostate. Minyette keeps sucking on your cock. You keep ejaculating. Held between the three sexy demon girls, you empty out everything in a great, ecstatic gush. You expire in bliss and your last contented sigh is smothered by Huntress Levka's pussy. <<else>> This shouldn't be possible. Your ejaculation shouldn't be able to keep going on like this. Minyette sucks and sucks. It's more than your semen she's sucking up now. You watch, horrified but unable to do anything, as your body starts to shrivel and the skin tighten over your bones. Minyette keeps sucking... sucking up all of you.<br> <br> It's a small mercy that there isn't any pain. It feels like one long and massive ejaculation pouring out of you in a blissful, ecstatic gush. She sucks it all out and leaves behind a wizened husk.<br> <br> "Good girl," Huntress Levka says as Minyette slides her tongue off your cock, pulls it back into her mouth, and lets out a contented sigh.<br> <br> You add your own blissful sigh to that as you expire. <</if>><br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Levka: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
/* Vodka */ <<set $gift to { number: 31, name: "Vodka", isSingular: true, description: "a bottle of vodka", categories: [1] }>>
/* L'iaculatia */ <<set $hi to 55>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "L'iaculatia", shortDescription: "", faction: 5, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [14,13], affection: 0, hasBeenGossipedAbout: false, preIntroductionLink: "L'iaculatia: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "L'iaculatia: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "L'iaculatia: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "L'iaculatia: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "L'iaculatia: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "L'iaculatia: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "L'iaculatia: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "L'iaculatia: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 2>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(13)>> <<set $player.currStr to 2>> <<set $player.currDex to 1>> <<set $player.currAgi to 4>> /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ <<set $player.currInt to 4>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set $player.hasSeenLamia to true>> <<set $player.hasSeenArachne to true>> /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 55>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 14>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<if $player.charms.includes(13)>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a perky looking arachne with coal-black skin and snow-white hair. She wears a white gym top and is spinning a basketball on her finger. Below the waist she has the body of a giant spider.">> <<else>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a perky looking girl with coal-black skin and snow-white hair. She wears a white gym top and is spinning a basketball on her finger.">> <</if>>
<<set _hasVision to $player.charms.includes(13)>> /* Madam intro */ "This is L'iaculatia. She's very sporty and loves all sorts of games."<br> <br> $ puts a hand to her mouth and whispers to you.<br> <br> "She likes playing with her food too much."<br> <br> /* Long description */ L'iaculatia looks perky and sporty. Her snow-white hair is cut short in a tomboy style. She wears a white track top that contrasts with her coal-black skin. It's hanging open and exposes the cleft of her cleavage and a flat, trim belly. Her eyes are flat white with no pupil or iris. She spins a basketball on one finger, despite looking a little short for that sport, being around 5'3" or 5'4" at your estimate.<br> <br> <<if _hasVision>> Her skin colour and white eyes are minor oddities compared to the rest of her.<br> <br> <<include [[Check if Player Has Seen Unusual Harlots]]>> <<if _hasSeenUnusualHarlots>> <<if $player.hasSeenArachne>> L'iaculatia is another spider-girl. An arachne. <<else>> You've seen some strange girls in the House – more than just demonesses with horns and tails. L'iaculatia is one of the strange ones. <</if>> Below the waist she has the body of a giant spider. She has a bulbous black abdomen and eight long black legs. <<else>> Below the waist she has the body of a giant spider! She has a bulbous black abdomen and eight long black legs.<br> <br> You're so shocked you nearly fall backwards off the stage. <<set $player.hasSeenArachne to true>> <</if>><br> <br> <</if>> /* Harlot intro */ L'iaculatia tucks the ball under her arm and introduces herself with a firm handshake.<br> <br> "Hi, I'm L'iaculatia. I like a little workout before we get to the fun part. I hope you're in good shape." <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenGossipedAbout to true>> "Ah, L'iaculatia. Our sporty spider," $ says. "Well, not that sporty. She's a spider. Of the type that sits in their web all day. You're the one that will need to be sporty... if you want to stay out of her web."<br> <br> $ gives you an evil leer.<br> <br> "She plays her game fair, for an arachne. Ignore the ball in her hand. That's just a distraction. The real danger is from her webbing. And that comes from... exactly where you'd expect from a spider.<br> <br> "You do know what an arachne is, don't you, dear."<br> <br> $ chuckles nastily.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"If you want to improve your chances, bring her coffee. Coffee is like alcohol to her kind. It will make her drunk and throw off her aim.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If she likes you and you bring her the right gift, L'iaculatia has been known to go lenient on some men. As with most arachnes, she prefers men that are bold and confident.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"There is an old custom with the spiders. Long long ago men would bring offerings to try to persuade the spider they were a mate rather than a meal. That offering became symbolic – a fetish of twigs and twine woven into the shape of a human to represent what had once been flesh and blood. L'iaculatia is a young spider, but she might still be aware of it.\""}>>
Still twirling her ball on her finger, L'iaculatia walks with you into the bar. You find a spare table and sit down. L'iaculatia sits opposite and plonks the ball down next to her on the table. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "L'iaculatia: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "L'iaculatia: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "Drat," L'iaculatia says. "And I was looking forward to an ice-cold beer. Never mind. I'd buy you one myself, but $ is a little old-fashioned and funny about such things."<br> <br> She picks up her ball and leaves the table.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a cold beer for L'iaculatia and a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you. L'iaculatia takes a big gulp of her beer and lets out a sigh.<br> <br> "Ah, that hits the spot."<br> <br> She spins the ball on the tabletop with her left hand while she turns her attentions to you.<br> <br> "I like a bit of exercise beforehand to warm myself up," she says. "Do you keep yourself in good shape?"<br> <br> <<if $player.baseStr + $player.baseAgi gt 4>> <<if $player.baseStr eq 5 or $player.baseAgi eq 5 or $player.baseStr + $player.baseAgi gt 7>> Yes, you tell her you work out regularly. <<else>> You try to keep active, you tell her. <</if>> <<else>> You lie and tell her you visit the gym regularly. <</if>><br> <br> "It's not that important," L'iaculatia says. "We're not picky in here. Fit or flabby, I'll fuck you either way."<br> <br> She grins lasciviously.<br> <br> "I don't mind the out-of-shape men," she says. "If they start to lag I just take it slower with them. A lot slower."<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> While she sounds reasonable enough, there's a hungry gleam to L'iaculatia's eyes and smile you're not sure you like. You have a feeling the out-of-shape don't return from her room.<br> <br> <</if>> You chat until you finish your drinks and then return to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Received warning from Gossip */ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Coffee (Gossip lying again) */ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Twig Fetish (not type) */ [2,false,false], /* Gift - Twig Fetish (is type) */ [5,false,false], /* Close Escape */ [1,false,false], /* Small Semen Drain */ [3,false,false], /* Large Semen Drain */ [1,false,false] /* Int spot of abdomen webbing */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $willGivePlayerAChance to false>> <<set $hasSpottedTrick to false>> <<set $isOnGoodEnd to false>> <<set $hasLotsOfSemen to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenGossipedAbout>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <</if>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[L'iaculatia: First-Time Scenario]]>>
<<set _hasSeenUnusualHarlots to false>> <<if $player.hasSeenGenericUnusual eq true>> <<set _hasSeenUnusualHarlots to true>> <</if>> <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick eq true>> <<set _hasSeenUnusualHarlots to true>> <</if>> <<if $player.hasSeenLamia eq true>> <<set _hasSeenUnusualHarlots to true>> <</if>> <<if $player.hasSeenArachne eq true>> <<set _hasSeenUnusualHarlots to true>> <</if>>
<<set _hasVision to $player.charms.includes(13)>> L'iaculatia's room looks more like a school gymnasium than a whore's bedroom. The floor and walls are covered in plain wooden panels. There are also cobwebs everywhere, as if the school has been abandoned and out of use for some time.<br> <br> A white line has been painted across the floor at the far end to demarcate some kind of endzone. Beyond the line stands a plain wooden plinth, and on top of the plinth is a gleaming trophy. It looks like a sports trophy, except it is of some kind of creepy spider that would be more suited to a cult relic.<br> <br> <<if _hasVision>> L'iaculatia lounges in a giant web stretched across the back wall. Her white track top contrasts with her coal-black skin. It's open at the front to expose her cleavage. Her bulbous spider abdomen hangs down beneath her. She's still spinning a basketball on her finger. <<else>> L'iaculatia sits above it on a broad shelf. Her white track top contrasts with her coal-black skin. It's open at the front to expose her cleavage. She's still spinning a basketball on her finger. <</if>><br> <br> "Come in, come in," she says enthusiastically. "Let's begin the games."<br> <br> She tosses the ball from one hand to another.<br> <br> "It's a very simple game," L'iaculatia says. "Your objective is this."<br> <br> She points down to the gleaming trophy on the wooden stand.<br> <br> "You try to grab it and I'll try to stop you. If you get it, I'll mate with you. If I stop you, I'll mate with you..."<br> <br> Her lips turn up in a wolfish grin.<br> <br> "...and then eat you."<br> <br> <<if _hasVision>> Your blood runs cold. Of course. She's a spider. That's what spiders do. Why the hell did you pick her?<br> <br> Too late to back out now. You advance into the room.<br> <br> [[Continue.->L'iaculatia: Gift]] <<else>> Your vision blurs and shimmers. The back of the room is revealed to be an illusion. What you took to be L'iaculatia sitting on a shelf is replaced with the stuff of nightmares.<br> <br> [[Continue.->L'iaculatia: Reveal Form]] <</if>>
You gulp nervously and advance to the centre of the room. Too late to back out now.<br> <br> "Well, take your clothes off," L'iaculatia orders with a cheeky smile. "This is still a brothel."<br> <br> There is still the matter of the gift. You hold up the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 14>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Gift: Twig Fetish]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 13>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Gift: Coffee]]>> <<else>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> She points to a spot on the floor next to the door.<br> <br> "Leave <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> over there with your clothes. I'll pick <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> up afterwards."<br> <br> You take your clothes off and leave them in a pile next to the door. You put your gift down next to them.<br> <br> [[Continue.->L'iaculatia: Begin Game]]
<<set $player.hasSeenArachne to true>> L'iaculatia is still there. She's still wearing a plain white track top open at the front to reveal her cleavage. She still looks sexy and attractive despite her coal-black skin.<br> <br> The top half anyway...<br> <br> Below the waist she has the body of an enormous black spider. Long legs hold her suspended from a loose mesh of threads. A bulbous black abdomen hangs down beneath her.<br> <br> She's a giant spider!<br> <br> L'iaculatia is still tossing her basketball from one hand to the other. The banality of the action is in stark contrast to her nightmarish appearance.<br> <br> What have you walked into?<br> <br> [[Screw this, you're out of here!->L'iaculatia: Run Away]]<br> [[Too late now. You'll have to see what her 'game' is.->L'iaculatia: Gift]]
Nope. Not a chance. You are outta here!<br> <br> You turn and run for the door.<br> <br> You don't get there. Something yanks you back and you fall onto the unyielding wooden floor. Looking back you see a thick white rope of silk emerging from the tip of L'iaculatia's abdomen. The other end is stuck between your shoulder blades.<br> <br> L'iaculatia looks disappointed. "You try to run like prey."<br> <br> She jerks her abdomen like a fisherman reeling in his catch. You're dragged across the floor.<br> <br> Towards her...<br> <br> "So I'll treat you like worthless prey."<br> <br> She drags you to her and sprays more silk until you're fully webbed up.<br> <br> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Approach for Bad End]]>>
She comes down from the web and //tic-tacs// across the wooden floor towards you on her long spider legs. She can take her time. You're completely webbed up and not going anywhere.<br> <br> "Don't worry. I'll still give you a good lay."<br> <br> She smiles wolfishly.<br> <br> "Enjoy it. It will be your last."<br> <br> [[Continue.->L'iaculatia: Cocooning]]
L'iaculatia walks over to you.<br> <br> "Don't worry," she says. "I'm not a bitey spider."<br> <br> She plucks you out of the sticky mess then sprays more silk around your body. This is more methodical. She grips you with her spider legs and turns you around as she wraps sheets of warm silk around your body. She fully cocoons you aside from your penis and head. Then she places you on the floor and lowers her body down on top of you.<br> <br> "I'm more of a kissy spider."<br> <br> She wraps her arms around you and presses her lips against you in a passionate snog. L'iaculatia is a very good kisser. She moves her lips against yours. Her tongue tangles with yours.<br> <br> There is a strange taste to her kiss – sweet, but also sinful, like a fancy dessert you know is no good for you. Her kiss also affects your body, perhaps unnaturally. A hot feeling surges down to your groin and your cock rises in erection.<br> <br> <<if $isOnGoodEnd>> [[Continue.->L'iaculatia: Good End Kiss]] <<else>> [[Continue.->L'iaculatia: Venom Kisses]] <</if>>
L'iaculatia sees the $allGifts[$cgi].name and smiles.<br> <br> "There is no need to worry. I'll treat you nicely."
L'iaculatia pauses. She takes a special interest in the little bundle of twigs woven together in a vaguely humanoid shape.<br> <br> "Interesting," she says. "I doubt you know the significance of that... Or maybe you do. There is one in here that likes to tattle."<br> <br> L'iaculatia places a hand on her chin.<br> <br> "It's a very old ritual, mostly forgotten now... at least by your kind. In times long gone men would present it to the spider in the hope she'd see him as a prospective mate and not food. It's so old most of us don't really care about it nowadays. It figures $ would have some lying around. She is //old//."<br> <br> L'iaculatia looks you over, her gaze hungry. The lusty type, you hope, rather than the //other// type of hunger.<br> <br> <<if not $player.currIsSubmissive and not $player.currIsCautious>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> "Mmm. You do have a certain... charm."<br> <br> Her hand strays down and she strokes a finger along the exposed groove of her sex.<br> <br> "Maybe," she says. "If you prove you have the ability to match that swagger. You still have to play, but maybe I'll give you more of a chance." <<set $willGivePlayerAChance to true>> <<else>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> "Don't take this the wrong way," she says. "You're not my type. I'll still have sex with you – it's my job – but don't expect any special treatment." <</if>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenGossipedAbout eq true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <</if>> "No thanks," L'iaculatia says. "That stuff is no good for me. It makes my head spin and throws off my aim."
L'iaculatia shrugs non-committedly. She doesn't seem interested.
Undressed, you stand and face L'iaculatia. You glance down to the trophy and up at her monstrous spider body.<br> <br> "Are you ready?" L'iaculatia asks.<br> <br> She grasps the ball tightly and lifts it above her shoulder, preparing to throw. There are more balls sitting on the shelf next to her.<br> <br> You watch her carefully and keep light on your feet – ready to dodge if she throws it. L'iaculatia tracks you, waiting for the right moment to release. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenGossipedAbout>> <<set $hasSpottedTrick to true>> You remember the warning. The ball is just a distraction. L'iaculatia traps men – like a spider – with silk from her abdomen.<br> <br> Your focus slips lower. Her abdomen is already throbbing. It jerks forwards and the spinneret at the end spits a glob of sticky white silk at you. <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<set $hasSpottedTrick to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[7][1] to true>> While trying to keep an eye on L'iaculatia's ball you notice L'iaculatia's bulbous spider abdomen start to throb ominously. In a flash you realise the ball is just a distraction.<br> <br> Those suspicions are confirmed moments later as L'iaculatia's abdomen jerks forwards and spits a glob of sticky white silk at you. <<else>> Your attention is focused on L'iaculatia's ball and the hand holding it.<br> <br> Exactly as L'iaculatia wants. The ball is just a distraction. It's the tip of her spider abdomen you should be focusing on. It jerks forwards and spits out a glob of sticky white silk. <</if>> <</if>><br> <br> [[Time to dodge!->L'iaculatia: 1st Agi Check]]
<<if $hasSpottedTrick>> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <</if>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: 1st Dodge Success]]>> <<else>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: 1st Dodge Fail]]>> <</if>>
<<if $hasSpottedTrick>> L'iaculatia's abdomen is the real threat. Being aware of it means your attention is on it when it lets loose with a sticky net of silk. This gives you time to react. <<else>> You see L'iaculatia's abdomen jerk forwards. You see a sticky white projectile fire from the tip. You realise the ball is sleight of hand. It's just a distraction. It's her abdomen you should be watching. Taken by surprise, you have barely any time to react.<br> <br> It's enough. <</if>><br> <br> You spin to the side. The expanding white net flies past and splats harmlessly onto the wooden floorboards.<br> <br> "Impressive," L'iaculatia says. "I'll have to take this a little more seriously."<br> <br> She places the unneeded ball back on the shelf. She shifts position in her web. The tip of her abdomen swings from side to side like a gun turret.<br> <br> There's no trickery now. You know what your attentions should be focused on. You stay light on the balls of your feet. You inch forwards, keeping one eye on L'iaculatia's spinneret and the other on your goal – the trophy on the wooden plinth.<br> <br> L'iaculatia gives a little smirk. Her abdomen jerks forwards and spits out another white glob of sticky silk.<br> <br> [[Time to dodge again!->L'iaculatia: 2nd Agi Check]]
<<if $hasSpottedTrick>> Even though you know it's coming, you're still too slow to react. <<else>> You aren't the lightest on your feet to start with. With your attentions elsewhere, you have no time to react at all. You're a sitting duck. <</if>> The glob expands out into a sticky net and you're caught right in the middle of it.<br> <br> "Whoops," L'iaculatia says. "Maybe on this occasion you should have taken your eye off the ball."<br> <br> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Approach for Bad End]]>>
<<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: 2nd Dodge Success]]>> <<else>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: 2nd Dodge Fail]]>> <</if>>
L'iaculatia, knowing she no longer has the advantage of her sleight of hand distraction, spits this net out faster. It's still easy to dodge – you were already moving to the right. She immediately follows with a second glob of silk.<br> <br> This is much more difficult to dodge. You're only able to do so by continuing your forward momentum into a full dive. The second net whizzes over the top of you and splats on the wooden floorboards behind you.<br> <br> Unfortunately, while you evaded her attack, it's pushed you far out to the right side of the room. So, while you've made ground on the back line, the plinth – and trophy – are further away.<br> <br> "You're quick on your feet," L'iaculatia comments. "That won't help you with this."<br> <br> Her black bulbous abdomen swells and starts throbbing ominously. Sensing she is preparing a big attack, you throw all caution to the wind and dash for the trophy.<br> <br> [[Continue.->L'iaculatia: 3rd Spray]]
L'iaculatia, knowing she no longer has the advantage of her sleight of hand distraction, spits this net out faster. That in itself would be okay – you're already moving to the right as she releases it. Unfortunately, she immediately follows up with a second glob that follows you with perfect tracking. It unfurls out into a sticky white net and catches you right in the middle of it.<br> <br> "Hah!" L'iaculatia says in triumph. "Fast on your feet but not fast enough."<br> <br> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Approach for Bad End]]>>
L'iaculatia lets out a strange cry – part orgasmic, part exultation. Her abdomen fires out streamers of sticky silk in a wide cone.<br> <br> There's no avoiding this. The cone is wide enough to encompass the whole room. You're sprayed in fine silk that adheres to your body and covers you in a sticky net.<br> <br> "It's a bit of a cheat," L'iaculatia says. "I don't expect anyone to dodge that."<br> <br> She reaches into her jacket pocket and pulls out a small silver stopwatch.<br> <br> "I deliberately made the silk weaker than normal," she says. "You should be able to struggle out of it."<br> <br> She glances up from her watch and gives you a vulpine smile.<br> <br> "Just don't take too long about it."<br> <br> [[Time to struggle free!->L'iaculatia: Str Check]]
<<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [35]>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Web Struggle: Success]]>> <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Web Struggle: Close Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Web Struggle: Fail]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<if $cgi neq 0>> <<set $isOnGoodEnd to true>> <</if>> The sticky cobweb is thankfully also fairly fine and delicate. You tear through it with relative ease. The wooden floorboards are covered all over in threads of sticky white silk, making the floor tacky.<br> <br> L'iaculatia is looking at her stopwatch.<br> <br> This is your moment. You stumble forwards over the line and snatch the trophy off the stand.<br> <br> L'iaculatia glances down. "Did you get it? Good."<br> <br> She aims the tip of her abdomen at you and sprays enough silk to comprehensively web you to the floor.<br> <br> "Time to fuck."<br> <br> She comes down from the web and //tic-tacs// across the wooden floor towards you on her long spider legs. She can take her time. You're completely webbed up and not going anywhere.<br> <br> [[Continue.->L'iaculatia: Cocooning]]
If this is her weak silk, you wouldn't like to be caught in her stronger silk. The strands are fine, but they're also elastic and difficult to break. You're able to pull them apart enough to make an opening, and start to break free, but it's slow, energy-sapping work.<br> <br> Too slow...<br> <br> "Not bad," L'iaculatia says. "You've made good progress. With a little more time I think you'd break free. Unfortunately, time's up."<br> <br> She spits a thick glob at you.<br> <br> This is the stronger silk and in greater quantity. You're completely covered and right away you know you won't be able to budge this net.<br> <br> <<if $willGivePlayerAChance>> <<set $isOnGoodEnd to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> "Not a bad effort. You came close."<br> <br> L'iaculatia pauses and glances over to your pile of discarded clothes by the door. And where you left the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Hmm. You did come close. Close enough to maybe be more than food."<br> <br> She comes down from the web and //tic-tacs// across the wooden floor towards you on her long spider legs. She can take her time. You're completely webbed up and not going anywhere.<br> <br> "I will respect the old rituals and take you as a mate rather than a meal."<br> <br> [[Continue.->L'iaculatia: Cocooning]] <<else>> "Not a bad effort. You came close."<br> <br> She comes down from the web and //tic-tacs// across the wooden floor towards you on her long spider legs. She can take her time. You're completely webbed up and not going anywhere.<br> <br> "I'll make your final fuck a pleasant one."<br> <br> [[Continue.->L'iaculatia: Cocooning]] <</if>>
This is her weak silk? You're stuck to the floor and can barely move. There is some give – like elastic – but not much. Then again, you're not exactly Mr Universe. You prefer a night in front of the telly to a workout in the gym, and you're paying for that now. You push and twist, but are unable to pull free of the sticky net.<br> <br> "Really?" L'iaculatia says. "Are you that weak? How pathetic."<br> <br> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Approach for Bad End]]>>
L'iaculatia breaks off the kiss and leans back.<br> <br> "Mmm. Not too much," she says. "I might not bite, but I'm still quite venomous."<br> <br> Little dew drops of pink liquid well up on her succulent lips.<br> <br> "I don't want you getting too mushy," she says. "Just enough for the aphrodisiac to put you in the right mood."<br> <br> She reaches under and wraps a hand around your erection.<br> <br> "Ah yes. That's done the trick."<br> <br> She smiles down at you.<br> <br> "Let's put it in."<br> <br> [[Continue.->L'iaculatia: Sex]]
L'iaculatia breaks off the kiss and leans back.<br> <br> "I might not bite, but I'm still quite venomous."<br> <br> Little dew drops of pink liquid well up on her succulent lips. The pink fluid covers them in a glossy sheen. L'iaculatia dips her head down and kisses you multiple times on the neck, chin and cheeks. Each smooch leaves behind a lipstick impression and a warm tingling sensation that seeps into and causes your body to heat up with desire.<br> <br> "There's a powerful aphrodisiac contained within my venom."<br> <br> She reaches under and pumps your iron bar of an erection with her hand.<br> <br> "Ah yes. It's taking effect."<br> <br> She lowers her face down and kisses you passionately on the lips. The kiss tastes of sweet treats and illicit sin. She holds the kiss for longer. Her sweet venom trickles into your mouth and down your throat. <<if $player.charms.includes(29) and $cgi neq 0>> Within the silken cocoon you start to feel warm and pleasantly aroused.<br> <br> This isn't enough for L'iaculatia. She breaks off the kiss.<br> <br> "I think someone has paid a trip to that silly witch," she says. "Her protective charms are only of limited use. Their protection can be broken through with enough time, and I have all the time I need. You're not going anywhere."<br> <br> She dips down for another smooch.<br> <br> "Mmm. I do really love a good long kiss."<br> <br> She comes back down for another, much longer, kiss. Sometime during it you feel a strange sensation on the back of your shoulder – like something flaring up and fading away to emptiness. You're too lost in L'iaculatia's kiss to really notice.<br> <br> Your body really heats up now. You ache to fuck.<br> <br> You also feel a little strange inside. Weirdly //loose//. <<else>> Within the silken cocoon your body heats up to an unnatural degree. You ache to fuck.<br> <br> You also feel a little strange inside. Weirdly //loose//. <</if>> L'iaculatia breaks off the kiss and smiles down at you.<br> <br> "Let's put it in."<br> <br> [[Continue.->L'iaculatia: Sex]]
L'iaculatia clasps your cocooned body with her spider legs. She wraps a hand around your erection and slowly lowers herself down onto it. Despite occurring at the junction between her human and spider halves, her vagina feels like a regular human vagina, albeit a very tight one.<br> <br> "In you go," she says.<br> <br> She pushes down and her vagina swallows your cock right down to the root. It's a pleasantly snug sheath for your cock. L'iaculatia lies down and hugs you.<br> <br> And just lies there.<br> <br> This throws you off. As pleasantly snug as L'iaculatia's vagina feels, without movement there isn't any stimulation.<br> <br> L'iaculatia must have sensed your confusion, as she whispers in your ear. "My vagina works a little differently."<br> <br> Something opens up deeper within her sex, past the head of your cock. It creates a gentle sucking force that tugs rhythmically on your erection.<br> <br> "My little sucking pouch," L'iaculatia says. "It's good for sucking out certain fluids."<br> <br> She leans in close to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "I think you know which ones."<br> <br> [[You do.->L'iaculatia: Sex: End Junction]]
Her vagina contracts rhythmically around your cock. The cushioned walls pleasantly squeeze and tug your erection. <<if $isOnGoodEnd>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Good End Sex]]>> <<else>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Bad End Sex]]>> <</if>>
L'iaculatia murmurs in pleasure and smooches you on the lips.<br> <br> "I'm only going to take your cum this time," she whispers. "But I am going to thoroughly pump out those balls of yours."<br> <br> You don't think she's being hyperbolic.<br> <br> The pulsing squeezes of her pussy stimulate your cock to stiffen and lengthen further. <<include [[L'iaculatia: Pre-Ejaculation]]>>
L'iaculatia presses her lips against yours in another long snog. Your mouth is filled with the sweet taste of her venom. It races through your veins. Your cock surges harder within her tight pussy. Your body feels twitchy and eager. Overeager.<br> <br> "I'll suck them all out of you... all of your fluids," L'iaculatia says.<br> <br> She slides her soft lips down the line of your jaw and brings them to your ear.<br> <br> "Don't worry. They'll come out of your cock. It will feel like one long, glorious ejaculation," she whispers. <<if $cgi eq 0>> "You won't regret asking for this." <</if>><br> <br> You hear wet gurgling sounds. Her vagina convulses and your cock is deluged by warm fluids. Your cock is sucked in further and the cushioned walls of her pussy contract and massage the secretions into your member. Your cock tingles pleasantly and surges even harder.<br> <br> "It's not only my lips. My pussy is venomous as well. But it's nice venom. It'll make you feel nice... make you come lots."<br> <br> It seeps into you and you feel strangely relaxed and horny. Together with the pulsing squeezes of her pussy it stimulates your cock to stiffen and lengthen further. <<include [[L'iaculatia: Pre-Ejaculation]]>>
The swollen tip pushes up against a narrowing at the back of her pussy. This only serves to focus the suction down the opening to your urethra. You feel the sucking pulses travel down your cock and tug at your balls.<br> <br> "Ah," L'iaculatia whispers. "Nice and snug. It won't take long."<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount gt 0>> Her sucking pouch continues pulsing within her abdomen. You feel it pull at your cock – ticklish and insistent. Your body starts to twitch against her with the same rhythm. She's right. It's not going to take long.<br> <br> You feel a stirring in your balls. Your cock starts throbbing against the cushioned walls of her pussy.<br> <br> "Here it comes."<br> <br> [[It's coming...->L'iaculatia: Ejaculation]] <<else>> Her sucking pouch continues pulsing within her abdomen. You feel it pull at your cock – ticklish and insistent. Your body starts to twitch against her with the same rhythm. While you think you're imminent, you stay – trembling – at the threshold and don't tip over.<br> <br> "Hmm. I think you need a little help," L'iaculatia says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->L'iaculatia: Out of Semen]] <</if>>
Urged on by the pulsing sucks, you feel the orgasm rise up within you. You grunt and let loose a long stream of semen inside L'iaculatia's pussy. It's a strange ejaculation. There is no friction of your cock sliding back and forth inside her. The pulsing squeezes of her vagina stimulate you over the edge, but once you start coming her sucking pouch takes over. She pumps the semen out of you.<br> <br> <<if not $isOnGoodEnd or $player.semenCount gt 2>> <<set $hasLotsOfSemen to true>> It drags the ejaculation on and on. More and more cum flows out of you in a thick stream. Cocooned in L'iaculatia's web you can do nothing to stop it. You feel the throbbing pulsations all the way down the inside of your cock and right down to your balls. <<else>> She pumps it out until you feel you have nothing left in your balls. Then mercifully she stops.<br> <br> <</if>> <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOnGoodEnd>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Good End Sex: End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Sex: Bad End]]>> <</if>>
<<set $isOnGoodEnd to false>> You hear wet gurgling sounds. Her vagina convulses and your cock is deluged by warm fluids.<br> <br> "It's not only my lips that are venomous," L'iaculatia says. "My pussy is venomous as well. I wasn't going to use it. I only intended to mate with you, but those balls of yours have already been drained by the other girls. I need it to make you come."<br> <br> Your cock is sucked in further and the cushioned walls of her pussy contract and massage the secretions into your member. Your cock tingles pleasantly and surges even harder.<br> <br> "My venom will make you come, but once you start, you won't be able to stop. I'm sorry, but it looks like I'll be eating you after all."<br> <br> Before you can dwell on her words you feel a powerful stirring in your balls. It looks like her venom has done the trick.<br> <br> "Here it comes."<br> <br> [[It's coming...->L'iaculatia: Ejaculation]]
<<if $hasLotsOfSemen>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[6][1] to true>> She pumps more and more out of you. You don't think she's going to stop until she's pumped everything out of you.<br> <br> Then she shuts it off and you gasp – partially in relief, partially in disappointment.<br> <br> <<else>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> <</if>> "Ah, that'll do," L'iaculatia says. "I said I wouldn't eat you. Unless you want me to. It's like that, but longer. Men don't complain."<br> <br> You don't answer. Your whole body is still trembling with bliss. You're frightened of the answer you might give her.<br> <br> She laughs.<br> <br> "Maybe another time."<br> <br> [[Continue.->L'iaculatia: Good End]]
<br><br> "Mmm. It's not going to stop," L'iaculatia says. "My little sucking pouch is going to pump it all out of you."<br> <br> She might be right. Rather than stopping, your semen keeps surging out of you in a constant pulsing stream. The pulses are in time to the pulsing squeezes of L'iaculatia's vagina. She's drawing - //pumping// – It all out of you.<br> <br> The stream isn't stopping. You start to feel a little strange inside. //Mushy//.<br> <br> L'iaculatia smothers your disquiet in another long kiss. She hugs you tight to her with both her arms and legs.<br> <br> The pulsing suction intensifies. It's a strong stream being drawn out of you. Having pumped out your balls, L'iaculatia moves on to the rest of your body. It still feels like an ejaculation, the longest one ever.<br> <br> "My vagina is also my mouth," L'iaculatia whispers in your ear. "I'm eating you now. Don't be alarmed. It'll feel pleasant – one final orgasm that will feel like it lasts forever. You can't stop it, so relax and enjoy it."<br> <br> She presses her lips against yours in a final kiss. It's not an orgasm now. L'iaculatia is sucking all your fluids out through your cock. The throbbing sensation feels the same as an ecstatic release and – mercifully – your mind is tricked into thinking it is one.<br> <br> At least until your fluids are fully drained and your body collapses in on itself within the silken cocoon. Like a spider, L'iaculatia keeps sucking the fluids out of your body until all that remains is a desiccated husk.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
L'iaculatia kisses you lightly on the lips and frees you from her sucking pussy. Your erection keeps throbbing with the same rhythm for a little while afterwards. The last dregs of ejaculate bubble up and dribble down your shaft.<br> <br> Using the sharp tips of her spider legs, L'iaculatia cuts through the silk cocoon and frees you.<br> <br> "You won, so you get to leave."<br> <br> She backs away and climbs back into her web at the back of the room.<br> <br> "But don't hang around too long," she says. "My spider instincts are itching to take control and catch and eat you," she says.<br> <br> Her bulbous abdomen throbs ominously.<br> <br> You take the hint. You don't waste any time in retrieving your clothes and heading for the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ /* Done elsewhere */ /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[L'iaculatia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $willGivePlayerAChance>> <<unset $hasSpottedTrick>> <<unset $isOnGoodEnd>> <<unset $hasLotsOfSemen>>
"Ah. Huntress Levka. The 'wild' one."<br> <br> He pulls out a little black notebook.<br> <br> "Tell me of your experiences with her and her 'hounds'."<br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br><br> "I'm not surprised," $ says as you tell him about the vodka. "I've seen her in here many a time. She knocks it back like it's water. Good of her to give you a hint though."<br> <br> <<elseif _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <br><br> "I knew it!" $ says as you tell him about the wine. "That infernal woman is completely unreliable. Lies. Lies. Lies. That's all she speaks."<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"While most of the huntresses seem to be ladies of impeccable breeding, despite their... ahem... immodest attire, I've never warmed to this particular huntress. Too wild. Too coarse. Too... //foreign//."<br> <br> $ says the last as if it's the worst crime of all.<br> <br> "Her session sounds positively barbaric as well. A cage fight. With two demon girls. And you don't even get to have sex with her after all that."<br> <br> $ shakes his head.<br> <br> "No thanks."
<br><br> "A spider!" $ exclaims in shock as you tell him of L'iaculatia's true form. He shakes his head. "This House is filled with monsters."<br> <br> <<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <<set _gi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[1]>> $ shakes his head as you tell him about $'s advice and bringing L'iaculatia a $allGifts[_gi].name.<br> <br> "Unreliable. Whether it's straight-up lies or inaccuracies, you simply cannot trust anything that woman says."<br> <br> <</if>> <<set _twigAndLike to _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> <<set _twigAndDislike to _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> <<if _twigAndLike or _twigAndDislike>> <<set _gi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> "An intriguing custom," $ says as you tell him about the $allGifts[_gi].name. <<if _twigAndLike>> "Good to know she still follows it." <<else>> "A shame she seems so picky about the men she likes." <</if>><br> <br> <</if>> You tell him of L'iaculatia's game.<br> <br> "So the ball is just a distraction. <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> Imagine that old gossip telling the truth for once." <<elseif _scoreArray[7][1] and not _osa[7][2]>> Lucky for you, you spotted it in time." <<else>> Lucky for you, you had the reflexes to not get caught." <</if>><br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[4][1] and not _osa[4][2]>> "Phew. It's a good job she still keeps to the old customs. She'd have eaten you for sure otherwise."<br> <br> $ looks thoughtful.<br> <br> "Maybe I need to get someone to look into these customs."<br> <br> He shakes his head.<br> <br> "Or not. She is a spider after all."<br> <br> He grimaces.<br> <br> <</if>> "I think I've heard all I need to hear," $ says. "I have no intention of sticking my... thing... in that monstrosity. I certainly have no desire to have my 'balls pumped out', <<if _scoreArray[5][1] and not _osa[5][2]>> even if just a little." <<else>> and certainly not thoroughly." <</if>>
/* Epicratea */ <<set $hi to 57>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Epicratea", shortDescription: "", faction: 5, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [4], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Epicratea: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Epicratea: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Epicratea: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Epicratea: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Epicratea: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Epicratea: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Epicratea: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $player.currStr to 4>> /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ <<set $player.currAgi to 2>> /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsCautious to true>> /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 57>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a statuesque woman in a fine black silk robe. Her short black hair is swept up like flames and she regards you with the haughty confidence of someone who knows how to handle themselves in physical confrontations.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Epicratea, the Ebony Succubus," $ says. "She likes to get a little rough, and after a session with her, you'll like it too."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Epicratea is statuesque and weirdly imposing for an attractive woman wearing nothing more than a slight silk robe. She is extremely attractive. She has the curvaceous attributes and slutty air of a porn star. Her silk robe is parted at the front to show off those assets – an impressive pair of tits contained within a black bikini top the same colour and sheen as a pool of black oil.<br> <br> She also seems more than that. Her body is trim and lithe like a top athlete. She's tall and leggy, and has the face of a top model – piercing blue eyes and exquisite high cheekbones. Her short black hair is immaculately styled and swept up to look like flames. There's a haughty air to her, as if there's no situation or crisis she can't handle.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Epicratea walks over and introduces herself.<br> <br> "I am Epicratea, the Ebony Succubus. Would you like to put on a show with me?" <br>
"Hmm, Epicratea, the so-called Ebony Succubus. She's a rare one that already has access to your world. When she's not in here she works as an enforcer for a mob boss. I think that's where she picked up the idea for her room and little wrestling contests."<br> <br> $ exhales a cloud of smoke.<br> <br> "Her speciality is erotic oil wrestling. Femdom, of course. Oh, the man might think he has other ideas and try to fight back. He's still getting squeezed out and put in her special hold."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "I don't think Epicratea minds. I think she likes it when a man shows a bit of spirit... so long as he has the physique and moves to back it up. If he hasn't, well she's just as happy dominating the more submissive men... providing they let her show off her moves."<br> <br> She drinks her cocktail.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Even if you're not in the best of shape, you should try to put up a good fight. Epicratea respects that.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Even if you're in really good shape, remember this is supposed to be femdom wrestling. Epicratea wants to show off her moves. Let her.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Epicratea isn't one for gifts. She might comment on them, but they won't have any effect on whether you get to leave or not.\""}>>
Epicratea is a leggy and imposing presence on your arm as you walk into the bar. While looking like traditional eye-candy, you suspect she could easily double-up as bodyguard or enforcer should the situation call for it. You find a spare table. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Epicratea: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Epicratea: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "You didn't check you had enough beforehand," Epicratea sniffs with disapproval. "How careless."<br> <br> She gets up.<br> <br> "I'm going to enjoy squeezing you between my thighs," she says with a sinister gleam in her eyes.<br> <br> And with that, she leaves and returns to $<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a small glass of white wine for Epicratea.<br> <br> "My speciality is erotic oil wrestling," Epicratea says. "We'll get naked and oiled up. Then we'll have some fun together in an inflatable pool. How does that sound?"<br> <br> Epicratea eyes and smile are pleasant but challenging.<br> <br> "Oh, it's mostly femdom wrestling. I'll be putting you in all sorts of holds."<br> <br> She refers to //holds// as if she's talking about sexual positions.<br> <br> "I can handle myself. So, if you'd prefer to put up more of a fight, we can do that too. I don't mind so long as you put on a good show."<br> <br> Epicratea looks at you. Her blue eyes are supremely confident.<br> <br> "Either way it will end up with you in my special hold. And then you'll submit. All men do."<br> <br> Epicratea reaches under the table and brazenly gropes your cock. She blows you a kiss and then gets up and leaves.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Epicratea: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Epicratea: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [3,false,false], /* Correct isCautious (or isSub) choice for TD2 */ [3,false,false], /* Correct isImpulsive choice for TD2 */ [3,false,false], /* Correct isSub choice for W2 */ [3,false,false] /* Correct isDom choice for W2 */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ /* set starting fight score to affection */ <<set $fightScore to $allHarlots[$hi].affection>> <<set $passScore to 5>> <<set $isOnBadEnd to false>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Fight Score = <<print $fightScore>>''<br> <br> <</if>> <<include [[Epicratea: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Epicratea: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Epicratea's room is wrong. You can tell that right away. It's too big. More a miniature arena than a bedroom. It shouldn't be able to fit where it is, but you suspect the interior of the House plays fast and loose when it comes to the laws of physics. You walk down a short flight of concrete steps to a 'ring'.<br> <br> The 'ring' is a large inflatable blue paddling pool. There is no water inside it but the walls and floor still glisten wetly under the lights. The walls aren't much higher than your thighs. The rest of the room looks like a shady small-time boxing arena. The seating is empty and the lighting so poor the top rows are shrouded in shadow.<br> <br> Epicratea is standing next to the inflatable 'ring', looking svelte and statuesque in her black silk robe. Her short black hair is swept up like flames and she regards you with confident blue eyes.<br> <br> "Come down," she says.<br> <br> You go to her and present your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Epicratea: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Epicratea: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 4>> <<include [[Epicratea: Gift: Oil]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(7)>> <<include [[Epicratea: Gift: Bodycare]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(3,10)>> <<include [[Epicratea: Gift: Arty]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(4)>> <<include [[Epicratea: Gift: Romantic]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Epicratea: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> Epicratea follows up by giving you a gift of her own. She reaches down to the bottom of the small metal trolley, retrieves a plastic bottle and tosses it to you.<br> <br> It's a plastic squeezy bottle with a nozzle. It's filled with clear liquid.<br> <br> "In there," Epicratea says, pointing to the inflatable pool. "But take your clothes off first."<br> <br> You do as she says and step over the side and into the inflatable pool. It's empty, of course, but then you knew it wasn't going to be used for its primary purpose. The floor is deep, soft and springy.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Epicratea: Enter Ring]]
Epicratea's eyes light up as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Very well. I'll put you in the extra special hold. You'll find it very enjoyable."<br> <br> There is a small metal trolley next to the inflatable pool. Epicratea places your gift on the top tray.
You give Epicratea the $allGifts[$cgi].name. She puts it to her nose and sniffs.<br> <br> "A nice scent," she says.<br> <br> There is a metal trolley next to the inflatable pool. Epicratea takes an empty squeezy bottle from it, unscrews the cap and nozzle, and pours the contents of the flask into it.<br> <br> "It's more for oil massage," she says. "But it will make our bodies wet and slippery, which is all we need."<br> <br> She gives you a filthy grin.
"Thanks, that will be useful," Epicratea says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "One should always take good care of one's body."<br> <br> There is a small metal trolley next to the inflatable pool. Epicratea places your gift on the top tray.
"Pretty." Epicratea says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "But useless."<br> <br> There is a small metal trolley next to the inflatable pool. She tosses your gift onto the top tray.
Epicratea doesn't seem too impressed when you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. You don't think she's the romantic sort.<br> <br> There is a small metal trolley next to the inflatable pool. Epicratea places your gift on the top tray.
There is a small metal trolley next to the inflatable pool. Epicratea thanks your for your gift and places it on the top tray.
Epicratea takes off her silk robe and you're unsurprised to see her body is a complete knockout. She's lithe and leggy, like a top catwalk model, but also possesses a trim, muscular physique and pleasing feminine curves – a perfect swimwear model. She leaves on her black bikini top and panties. They have a strange ephemeral glossy sheen, as if they're nothing more than thinly-coated crude oil.<br> <br> She steps into the pool, making sure to show off her gorgeous long legs as she does so. She stands opposite with a confident grin on her face.<br> <br> "Welcome, treasured guests." A sultry female voice comes over the PA. "Tonight, for your pleasure, we have a very special bout."<br> <br> "It's just a recording," Epicratea says.<br> <br> The voice lacks the typical bombast of a fight announcer, instead oozing the quiet sensuality of a late-night radio host.<br> <br> "Another brave challenger has come to take on the exotic wiles of the Ebony Succubus. A round of applause, please."<br> <br> Tinned applause plays over the speakers.<br> <br> "There's no need to look so pensive," Epicratea says. "You're here to have fun."<br> <br> She starts squirting clear liquid – oil – all over her body and rubbing it in until her pale skin glistens under the lights. She gives you a dirty grin.<br> <br> Oh, so it's that //kind// of wrestling.<br> <br> You squirt oil over your body, and get plenty off Epicratea as well as she turns her bottle and squirts the rest at you. She squirts until the bottle is empty and throws it out of the pool. You do likewise and stare at Epicratea's glistening body. It's quite something.<br> <br> Still not sure how serious to take this, you ask Epicratea what now.<br> <br> "We fight," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Epicratea: Fight Preview]]
Epicratea launches herself at you in a textbook-perfect takedown that plonks you right on your ass. Fortunately, the bottom of the inflatable is deep, soft, and bouncy.<br> <br> It's also really slippery with all the oil and your limbs fly out in an uncoordinated mess as you try to regain your footing.<br> <br> Epicratea doesn't seem to be as affected. She's all over you like an octopus. The next you know you're on your back with her thighs wrapped around your neck.<br> <br> And what thighs they are! You feel unrelenting pressure squeezing down on your neck. You have to get them off. It feels like Epicratea is about to twist your head off like a bottle top.<br> <br> You can't get a good grip thanks to all the slippery oil.<br> <br> "I thought we were supposed to put on a show," Epicratea says.<br> <br> She wraps a hand around your cock and lazily masturbates you while you flop ineffectually in the grip of her nutcracker thighs.<br> <br> "Let's start again," Epicratea says.<br> <br> She relieves the crushing pressure and shifts position until she's sitting with her crotch jammed in your face. The breaths you gulp down are tainted with her sweat and arousal.<br> <br> She's wet.<br> <br> This doesn't surprise you in the slightest.<br> <br> She disentangles and you get up to face her. She readies herself.<br> <br> Will you:<br> <br> [[Stand and let her grapple you.->Epicratea: Takedown 1: Do Nothing]]<br> [[Attempt to evade her.->Epicratea: Takedown 1: Evade]]<br> [[Take the initiative and go after her.->Epicratea: Takedown 1: Charge]]
Epicratea comes for you with an eager smile. You do nothing and let her take you down.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> <<set $fightScore += 1>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Fight Score +1 ($fightScore)''<br> <br> <</if>> "I know your type," Epicratea whispers in your ear. "You get turned on when a dominant woman manhandles you." <<else>> "I was expecting you to put up more resistance," Epicratea hisses in your ear. "You don't look the type to let a little girl manhandle you." <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[Epicratea: Wrestle 1]]>>
<<if $player.currIsCautious>> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> Epicratea comes for you, but this time you're ready. You jump back and slide around the sides, keeping out of reach of her grasping fingers.<br> <br> This goes on for a while before Epicratea starts to get visibly annoyed.<br> <br> "We're supposed to be wrestling, not playing tag," she hisses.<br> <br> She comes at you quicker. You slip on the oil-slick floor and she takes you down. <<else>> <<set $fightScore += 1>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Fight Score +1 ($fightScore)''<br> <br> <</if>> Epicratea comes for you, but this time you're ready.<br> <br> Or rather, you thought you were ready. Epicratea gets a hold of you and wrestles you back down to the floor with little effort.<br> <br> "You're not getting away from me," she whispers in your ear.<br> <br> <</if>> <<else>> Epicratea comes for you, but this time you're ready.<br> <br> Or rather, you thought you were ready. Your instincts are to take the fight to her, not back off, and that leaves you caught in two minds.<br> <br> Long enough for Epicratea to get a hold of you and wrestle you to the floor.<br> <br> "Stay focused!" Epicratea hisses in your ear. "I want a good show."<br> <br> <</if>> <<include [[Epicratea: Wrestle 1]]>>
<<if $player.currIsCautious>> You make moves to go at Epicratea, but you don't really see a good opening, so you don't follow through on your aggressive intent.<br> <br> Epicratea pauses and rolls her eyes.<br> <br> "If you're going to come at me, come at me!" she says.<br> <br> Then she promptly takes the decision away from you by coming in low and taking you down to the floor of the pool. <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> You're ready this time and eager to show her some moves of your own. Epicratea's eyes light up and she crouches and holds out her hands in preparation. You do the same as you look for an opening. Thinking you have one, you duck in and try to grab her. <<if _testPassed>> <<set $fightScore += 1>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Fight Score +1 ($fightScore)''<br> <br> <</if>> You get your arms around Epicratea and she squeals in delight as you tackle her down to the floor.<br> <br> "Yes. I love it where a man tries to put up resistance."<br> <br> //Tries// is the operative word. You get her down to the floor and then it gets tricky. <<else>> You flub it. You lose your footing on the slippery floor and fall down flat on your face.<br> <br> "Clumsy oaf," Epicratea says with contemptuous amusement.<br> <br> She drops down on top of you. <</if>> <</if>> <<include [[Epicratea: Wrestle 1]]>>
Again she's all over you like a greased-up octopus.<br> <br> [[Let her do what she wants.->Epicratea: Wrestle 1: Do Nothing]]<br> [[Resist and try to wrestle her.->Epicratea: Wrestle 1: Fight]]
<<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> Having Epicratea all over you is really hot. You let her get on with it. <<if _testPassed>> <br><br> Epicratea doesn't seem too happy about this.<br> <br> "I know this is turning you on, but at least make a show of effort," she hisses in your ear. "It looks too fake if a big strong man just lies there and does nothing."<br> <br> She rolls you onto your back and lies on top of you. <<else>> <<set $fightScore += 1>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Fight Score +1 ($fightScore)''<br> <br> <</if>> You're not sure you could do much to stop her even if you wanted to.<br> <br> "It's okay," Epicratea whispers. "I can tell you're not much of a fighter. I'll take the lead."<br> <br> She pushes you down on your back and lies on top of you. <</if>> <<else>> You figure – given Epicratea is a girl, albeit a tough and wiry one – you're supposed to not put up too much of a fight and let her get on with it. It does go against you instincts, though, and when she twists your arm painfully, you instinctively lash out and catch her under her ribs with your elbow.<br> <br> Epicratea lets out an angry hiss and responds by punching you in the balls.<br> <br> "It's not that kind of fight, but I can make it if you keep that up," she says angrily.<br> <br> With you writhing in pain she gets you on your back and flops down on top of you. <</if>> <<include [[Epicratea: Wrestle 1: End]]>>
<<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> Even though having Epicratea all over you is really hot, you make a half-hearted attempt to fight back. It's very half-hearted. You're rather enjoying Epicratea's lithe and oil-drenched body rub up against you.<br> <br> Your attempt at resistance only serves to annoy Epicratea.<br> <br> "If you want to be passive, lie back and be passive," she hisses. "You're getting in the way. Let me take the lead."<br> <br> She forces you onto your back and lies on top of you. <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<set $fightScore += 1>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Fight Score +1 ($fightScore)''<br> <br> <</if>> "That's the spirit!" Epicratea says as you come back at her with some moves of your own. You both grapple and slide around on the bottom of the inflatable pool.<br> <br> Epicratea is a lot stronger and tougher than she looks. Despite your best efforts, she gets a hold and rolls you onto your back.<br> <br> "I'm going to enjoy breaking your resistance," she says.<br> <br> She flops down on top of you. <<else>> Epicratea is a lot stronger and tougher than she looks. Epicratea's eyes initially light up when sees your intent to make a good match of it, only to fade to mild annoyance as she easily rolls you over.<br> <br> "You're not good enough to make this look good," she hisses. "Just like back and let me use you like a toy."<br> <br> She lies on top of you. <</if>> <</if>> <<include [[Epicratea: Wrestle 1: End]]>>
She presses her big tits in your face and gives them a good jiggle.<br> <br> "Maybe I should knock you out with these," she says.<br> <br> She slides her arms out along yours to pin them to the floor of the soft inflatable. Her legs hook under yours and forces them apart. She puts all her weight on her bust and squashes your face down beneath her tits.<br> <br> Your face is drenched in oil. Your nose and mouth are completely smothered.<br> <br> You're just starting to think she might actually knock you out with her tits when she rolls off with a contemptuous laugh.<br> <br> "Too easy," she says. "You're getting a full working over."<br> <br> You scramble apart and get up to face each other.<br> <br> Will you:<br> <br> [[Stand and let her grapple you.->Epicratea: Takedown 2: Do Nothing]]<br> [[Attempt to evade her.->Epicratea: Takedown 2: Evade]]<br> [[Take the initiative and go after her.->Epicratea: Takedown 2: Charge]]
Epicratea comes at you again with an eager smile. You do nothing and let her wrestle you to the floor.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> <<set $fightScore += 1>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Fight Score +1 ($fightScore)''<br> <br> <</if>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "Such a little subby boy," she whispers. "Am I making you hard."<br> <br> She gives your cock a lewd squeeze.<br> <br> "Oh yes I am." <<else>> "Come on!" she hisses. "I can tell you aren't a little subby boy. Fight me. I won't break." <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[Epicratea: Wrestle 2]]>>
<<if $player.currIsCautious>> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> Epicratea comes at you with an eager smile. You cautiously retreat and keep out of her clutches. You dodge around the sides of the inflatable pool as she keeps coming. It looks awkward – less a wrestling match and more an undignified scramble.<br> <br> "What a mess of a bout," Epicratea complains.<br> <br> She grows visibly more frustrated and eventually hacks you to the floor with a fairly brutal – and painful – leg sweep. She pounces on top before you can get back to your feet. <<else>> <<set $fightScore += 2>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Fight Score +2 ($fightScore)''<br> <br> <</if>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Epicratea comes at you with an eager smile. You try to back away, only to lose your footing on the slippery floor. Epicratea laughs joyously as she pounces on you.<br> <br> "There's no escaping me," she says. "You're my little squeeze toy."<br> <br> <</if>> <<else>> Epicratea comes at you with an eager smile. You're caught in two minds about whether to stay back out of her reach or go at her. That body of hers is really something. Truth be told, you'd rather let her grab you and risk the consequences.<br> <br> And Epicratea does. She gets a hold of you and wrestles you to the floor.<br> <br> "Too distracted and horny," she complains. "Both a poor opponent and partner."<br> <br> <</if>> <<include [[Epicratea: Wrestle 2]]>>
<<if $player.currIsCautious>> You take an aggressive step towards Epicratea and she backs away. You don't follow up. You can't see an opening. Not a safe one, at least.<br> <br> It results in an awkward stand-off of both of you staring at each other that goes on for too long.<br> <br> "This is boring." Epicratea scowls.<br> <br> She ducks down and dives at you in a tackle that takes you to the floor. <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> You take an aggressive step towards Epicratea and she backs away. Seeing this as your moment, you charge her.<br> <br> <<if _testPassed>> <<set $fightScore += 2>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Fight Score +2 ($fightScore)''<br> <br> <</if>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> You get a hold of Epicratea and try to grapple her to the floor.<br> <br> "Good. Good. A spirited contest makes for a good spectacle."<br> <br> You both tumble to the bouncy floor. <<else>> Clumsily. It's difficult to keep your balance on the shifting inflatable floor. You do get your hands on Epicratea, but without the stability to do anything with it.<br> <br> She rolls her eyes at your clumsy efforts. "What a mess of a bout. Must I do everything myself."<br> <br> She wraps her arms around your waist and hip tosses you to the floor. Thankfully it's soft and bouncy. Epicratea is on top of you before you can recover. <</if>> <</if>> <<include [[Epicratea: Wrestle 2]]>>
She slides her oiled-up body against you as she searches for the next hold.<br> <br> [[Let her do what she wants.->Epicratea: Wrestle 2: Do Nothing]]<br> [[Resist and try to wrestle her.->Epicratea: Wrestle 2: Fight]]
<<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Epicratea: Wrestle 2: Base 1]]>><br> <br> "You're too big to let me do this so easily," Epicratea complains. "It doesn't look right."<br> <br> <<include [[Epicratea: Wrestle 2: Base 2]]>><br> <br> <<else>> <<set $fightScore += 2>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Fight Score +2 ($fightScore)''<br> <br> <</if>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <<include [[Epicratea: Wrestle 2: Base 1]]>><br> <br> "Good boy," Epicratea says as she lazily wanks you. "I like a man that lets me show off my moves."<br> <br> She crosses her ankles and clenches the muscles of her buttocks and thighs.<br> <br> "Are you enjoying my lovely long legs?" she says as she gives your head a powerful squeeze.<br> <br> You're forced to tap her legs or pass out. Epicratea gives your head another powerful squeeze to let you know she can go harder, but thankfully releases you.<br> <br> <</if>> <<else>> You let Epicratea do what she wants. It goes well to start with. Epicratea takes your passivity as compliance and uses the opportunity to show off her various moves... as well as her absolutely killer body. She sits on your face and grinds her oily ass cheeks against you as she forces your head down into the inflatable base of the pool. She laughs and bounces her hips, letting the springiness of the inflatable aid her movements.<br> <br> It goes wrong when she lies down on top of you and tries to clamp her thighs around your neck. You freak out at the prospect of being choked out again and this time throw Epicratea off before she can lock her ankles together.<br> <br> This does not please Epicratea.<br> <br> "You little baby," she says. "You ruined my move. I was only going to give you a little squeeze."<br> <br> <</if>> [[Continue.->Epicratea: Bikini Kick]]
<<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> You try to offer some resistance. It doesn't feel right. Epicratea is really hot. Not only is the idea of hurting her really unappealing, you're finding that her being in control is a massive turn-on.<br> <br> It is supposed to be a wrestling bout, so you feel like you should //do// something. Unfortunately, your unexpected resistance catches Epicratea by surprise and turns a cleanly choreographed match into an ungainly scuffle.<br> <br> "What are you doing!" she hisses. "I thought you wanted to be passive and let me run the show."<br> <br> She rolls her eyes.<br> <br> "What a mess," she mutters.<br> <br> <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<set $fightScore += 2>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Fight Score +2 ($fightScore)''<br> <br> <</if>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> Epicratea is strong, but not supernaturally so. You're no lightweight either. You fend her off and try to pin her yourself. The oil and pitching floor makes it difficult. Epicratea seems to approve of your attempts though.<br> <br> "You've got some fight in you, big boy," she says. "I can't wait to put you in my special hold."<br> <br> While beneath you, she rubs her ass against your crotch in a blatantly sexual manner.<br> <br> That's enough to distract you. Epicratea slithers out and the next you know, you're flat on your back on the bottom of the inflatable pool. <<else>> You try to offer some resistance. Epicratea rolls her eyes at your feeble attempts.<br> <br> "Stop it!" she hisses. "You're too feeble. It looks silly."<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <<include [[Epicratea: Wrestle 2: Base 1]]>><br> <br> "Not long now," she says.<br> <br> <<include [[Epicratea: Wrestle 2: Base 2]]>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Epicratea: Bikini Kick]]
Epicratea sits on your face and grinds her oily ass cheeks against you as she forces your head down into the inflatable base of the pool. She laughs and bounces her hips, letting the springiness of the inflatable aid her movements.<br> <br> Then she falls forwards and lies on top of you. Her thighs clamp tight around your neck and your nose is jammed up between her oil-slick butt cheeks.
She gives your head a good squeeze between her nutcracker thighs while lazily wanking you off.<br> <br> You're forced to tap her legs or pass out. Epicratea gives your head another powerful squeeze to let you know she can go harder, but thankfully releases you.
You stand back up and face each other. Epicratea takes a more relaxed pose.<br> <br> "Come on. It's been all me. How about you show me what you've got."<br> <br> Her eyes are mocking as she challenges you.<br> <br> You try to grab her and while doing so, your fingers hook under her black bikini top. Her bikini top looks like polished crude oil and is only slightly more solid. It comes apart beneath your fingers like a thin layer of jelly. You stand back with the remnants of Epicratea's bra in your fingers.<br> <br> "Ooh naughty," Epicratea says as she turns to face you.<br> <br> Her tits are lovely. Big enough to form a noticeable bulge, but not so big as to be shapeless and floppy. They are pale, curvy and glistening with the oil that has seeped through. Squeezable. Each is peaked with a dusky nipple.<br> <br> You stare a little too long. Long enough for Epicratea to knock you on your ass with a perfectly executed roundhouse kick.<br> <br> She follows up by slithering in behind you, getting her hands up under your shoulders and then behind your head to lock your arms. Her brutally strong thighs pinch together around your abdomen with crushing force.<br> <br> "You're mine now," she hisses.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Epicratea: Body Scissors]]
You try to lift your body to slam her down against the floor to dislodge her. While it might work on a hard floor, the bottom of the inflatable pool is far too bouncy and yielding.<br> <br> "Ooh, that's turning me on," she taunts.<br> <br> Her legs squeeze up under your ribs, hampering your ability to take proper breaths. You start to struggle for oxygen.<br> <br> "I love squeezing all the air out of my prey," Epicratea whispers.<br> <br> She exerts even more force, pinching you tighter with her body scissors.<br> <br> "Locking my thighs around them..."<br> <br> You desperately try to find some purchase, any purchase, on the oil-drenched plastic. It's getting harder to breathe. Each exhalation allows her legs to squeeze in tighter, like turning the handle on a vice.<br> <br> "...squeezing... until..."<br> <br> Your lungs burn. You can't get any air in them.<br> <br> "Nighty-night," she whispers in your ear.<br> <br> You black out.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Epicratea: Special Hold]]
You're not out for long. You're lying on the bottom of the inflatable pool. Epicratea is hunched over your crotch with your erect penis in her hands.<br> <br> "That's what I love about asphyxiation," Epicratea says, her lips turned up in a hungry smile. "It always brings them right to attention."<br> <br> She strokes a hand up and down your thick shaft.<br> <br> "Now to put you in my special hold," she says.<br> <br> She straddles you and sits down, easing your cock all the way inside her tight pussy. She closes her eyes and smiles in satisfaction as she slides all the way down your pole.<br> <br> She's tight. Really tight.<br> <br> More than tight – muscular.<br> <br> "No-one ever taps out of this hold," Epicratea sighs.<br> <br> She flexes her flat abdomen and your cock is enveloped in a tight muscular grip. She's not exaggerating about this being a hold. The entrance of her pussy has closed tight around the base of your cock. You don't think you could pull out even if you wanted to.<br> <br> //Ooh.//<br> <br> Something throbs within her and you feel a muscular contraction pulse up your shaft, firing a bolt of pleasure down into your balls. She shifts on top of you, manoeuvring your cock into a comfortable fit. Muscles clench within her, drawing your manhood deeper up into the smothering clutch of her warm, soft sex.<br> <br> It is a hold. You lie motionless beneath her, unable to move as she manipulates your engorged cock with skilful squeezes of her muscular vagina. You can't move. Every teasing pulse around the head of your cock sets your knees trembling.<br> <br> Satisfied she has you under her control, Epicratea looks up to the top seats shrouded in darkness, as if she's waiting for some kind of signal.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Epicratea: Ending Selector]]
<<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Fight Score = $fightScore''<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $fightScore lt $passScore>> <<set $isOnBadEnd to true>> <</if>> <<include [[Epicratea: Sex]]>>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<set $isOnBadEnd to true>> "Oh yes," Epicratea says as if remembering something. "I forgot. We don't need to check that for this fight." <<elseif $isOnBadEnd>> A red light turns on up in the darkness. <<else>> A green light turns on up in the darkness. <</if>><br> <br> The bouncy floor beneath you rocks and sways as Epicratea shifts her weight. She digs her knees into your sides and grips you tightly. She folds her body over yours. Her vagina, a silken sheath surrounded by bands of powerful muscle, throbs around your cock.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "How is it? Do you like my special hold?" Epicratea says. <<elseif $isOnBadEnd>> "Oh dear," Epicratea says. "Seems like you didn't put on a good enough show." <<else>> "Oh dear," Epicratea says. "That's a pity. It appears our audience was satisfied with our show. I'll have to be content with just a little taste of you. <</if>><br> <br> She smiles.<br> <br> A veil is lifted from your eyes. Her bright blue eyes vanish and are replaced with cold black stones. Two black horns, short and pointed, appear above her temples. Two great black batwings emerge from her back and spread wide.<br> <br> //What the – oooooh.//<br> <br> Her vagina pulses around your cock with rhythmic contractions, sending waves of pleasure washing through your body. Your elbows and knees tremble as her pulsing pussy works up and down your trapped cock.<br> <br> <<if $isOnBadEnd>> "Relax," Epicratea says. "My opponents all enjoy their final submission." <<else>> "Relax," Epicratea says. "My opponents all enjoy this submission hold." <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Epicratea: Semen Check]]
She sits back up and thrusts down hard, driving your buttocks down into the springy floor. Her powerful vaginal muscles envelop your cock and suck it even deeper into a warm cushion of soft flesh. The rhythmic pulses grow stronger and faster, as if her pussy is a warm wet heart beating around your twitching cock.<br> <br> Epicratea opens her mouth and sighs.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Check Semen Without Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen and not $isOnBadEnd>> <<include [[Epicratea: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> You tremble and twitch beneath her, your muscles spasming uncontrollably. You feel massive suction on your cock as Epicratea's pussy pulses faster and faster. It's coming.<br> <br> <<include [[Epicratea: Pre-Ejaculation Message]]>> <</if>>
<<set $isOnBadEnd to true>> You tremble and twitch beneath her, your muscles spasming uncontrollably. You feel massive suction on your cock as Epicratea's pussy pulses faster and faster. It should make you come, yet your body has already seen too much activity tonight. You buck and twitch beneath her, but can't peak into climax.<br> <br> Epicratea pauses and looks down.<br> <br> "No juice? Oh dear, then I'm afraid that's a disqualification."<br> <br> The light up in the darkness blinks from green to red.<br> <br> Epicratea's face twists in furious concentration. She tenses her muscles... including those inside her vagina. They grip and squeeze your cock. They pump it with even greater force than before.<br> <br> This time she breaks through. Your body responds. It has no choice. You're coming.<br> <br> <<include [[Epicratea: Pre-Ejaculation Message]]>>
<<if $isOnBadEnd>> "Yesss!" Epicratea hisses. "Spurt that delicious soul inside my thirsty cunt." <<else>> "Yesss!" Epicratea hisses. "Spurt your seed out inside me." <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Epicratea: Ejaculation]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> Epicratea thrusts down again, forcing your cock deeper into her ravenous pussy. The pulses are a constant wave of sinful stimulation. You can't contain it any longer.<br> <br> You groan. The muscles in your legs and buttocks spasm as you spurt a monstrous gout of cum into her pulsing sex.<br> <br> "Oh!" Epicratea cries.<br> <br> She tips her head back. Her black wings stretch open and wide. Her vagina clenches tightly around your cock, squeezing it with soft cushions of flesh and setting off fireworks inside your skull.<br> <br> <<if $isOnBadEnd>> <<include [[Epicratea: Bad End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Epicratea: Good End]]>> <</if>>
Her vaginal pulses slow and become deeper and stronger. They fall into synch with the spurts of semen erupting from your cock. They overpower, take control and turn your ejaculation into a constant stream of pulsing ecstasy. You hear liquid squishing sounds, like someone noisily sucking up milkshake through a straw.<br> <br> The wet pulses continue, irresistible and unending as they drain first the cum, and then continue to pump, drawing //something else// from your helpless body. A succession of waves wash through your body, each washing out more colour until you reach a ghostly paleness.<br> <br> Epicratea cries with orgiastic delight. Her muscles squeeze tight around your cock in a final grip. They throb as she empties you with a few great gulps, the last ripping out your soul.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Epicratea: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Then, just as you're starting to fear she's going to suck it all out of you, Epicratea relaxes her vagina. Deprived that irresistible stimulation, your ejaculation subsides to a few throbbing spurts. Epicratea stands up over and looks down with a haughty smile.<br> <br> "I think that's my win," she says.<br> <br> You have to concur. The orgasm was so intense it's a while before you can even move.<br> <br> Epicratea doesn't bother to help you out. She steps out of the inflatable pool, finds a brand new set of matching bra and panties, and puts them on. She puts her black silk robe back on.<br> <br> "A good show," she says.<br> <br> An intense show, you think. You get to your feet and lean against the side of the inflatable paddling pool. It's not too stable.<br> <br> Epicratea turns and fixes you with her intense – blue again – eyes.<br> <br> "The audience is always hungry for more. I'll use some different, more intense moves on you next time," she says with a smile.<br> <br> You're not sure whether to regard that with anticipation or dread.<br> <br> You clumsily climb out of the pool, retrieve your clothes and walk to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring already done elsewhere */ /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Epicratea: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $fightScore>> <<unset $passScore>> <<unset $isOnBadEnd>>
/* Cautious */ <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> /* Sub */ <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> "Well well," $ says. "I must confess I was belabouring under the misapprehension one had to be quite physically fit and strong to even consider picking her. From your account – and appearance – it seems I was mistaken."<br> <br> He strokes his whiskery moustache.<br> <br> "Hmm, if one was willing to swallow one's pride and accept a certain amount of... rough treatment, she might be eminently survivable." /* Dom */ <<else>> "Clever clever," $ says. "Sucker her in and then turn the tables while you're both on the floor. An interesting plan. Unfortunate that it didn't prevail outright, but you must have made enough of an impression for her to let you leave."<br> <br> It wasn't quite like that, but $ doesn't give you a chance to correct him.<br> <br> "A good strategy, but alas one that requires a degree or musculature I do not possess. Never mind, information is information." <</if>> /* Bold */ <<else>> /* Sub */ <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> "I wonder if that's it – feign enthusiasm, but go limp and become her plaything once you're on the floor. She does seem peculiarly interested in making it a show, and that would allow one to pretend to be taking it seriously while still allowing her full freedom to show off her moves. I can easily do the latter, but what about the former? Could I dive and grab her without falling flat on my face...?"<br> <br> $ thinks about it and then his face screws up as if the answer that comes back isn't to his liking. /* Dom */ <<else>> "As I thought. She only respects those physically able to put up a good fight with her. Alas, that is not me," $ says sadly. <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $isTesting to true>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $player.charms.push(20)>> TESTING STAT...<br> <<set _reqStat to 1>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to [20]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> ''Test passed'' <<else>> ''Test failed'' <</if>>
/* Leppi Navitas */ <<set $hi to 60>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Leppi Navitas", shortDescription: "", faction: 5, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [32], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Leppi: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Leppi: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Leppi: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Leppi: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Leppi: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Leppi: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Leppi: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Leppi: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 2>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to 6>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 60>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a tall and svelte woman in a black and gold bunny girl costume. She has a pair of floppy white bunny ears sticking up out of the top of her head.">>
"Ah, Leppi, our resident fitness freak," $ says.<br> <br> She pulls a face as if she finds the whole idea of fitness repugnant.<br> <br> "Naïve. A little simple-minded. She wants to open a fitness centre in the human world, if you can believe it."<br> <br> $ laughs.<br> <br> "They'll burn her at the stake. Or whatever humans do to things that scare them nowadays. If the fox doesn't get to her first."<br> <br> $ pulls a face.<br> <br> "A good fuck though, as are all Lapallan bunny nymphs... providing one can keep up."<br> <br> She chuckles darkly.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
Leppi Navitas accompanies you into the bar.<br> <br> "I wonder if someone will mistake me for a waitress," she says, but in good humour and without any rancour.<br> <br> No-one does. You find a spare table. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Leppi: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Leppi: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Leppi: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Leppi: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* Madam intro */ "This is our lovely energy bunny, Leppi Navitas" $ says.<br> <br> She leans over to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "She fucks like a rabbit. I hope you can keep up."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Leppi Navitas is a tall and leggy woman, with lightly tanned skin. She wears a sexy black bunny suit with gold trim. Her long legs are uncovered and exquisitely toned. Her footwear is a strange yet stylish cross of trainers and bunny slippers. They look practical enough for running, despite having fluffy little bunny faces and ears.<br> <br> Leppi herself has the body of a swimwear model and is just shy of six foot tall. Her white bunny ears add inches on top. Unlike with the waitresses serving customers in the bar, you don't think Leppi's ears are accessories on a band. You think they might be her actual ears. You don't see regular ears on the side of her head, but they might be covered by her medium-length platinum-blonde hair.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hello, I'm Leppi."<br> <br> Leppi introduces herself with a broad and friendly smile. She has a cute, girl-next-door face with a little button nose.<br> <br> "Let's have an energetic fuck together." <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She likes carrots. Simple fair for a simple creature.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Leppi might seem easy-going, but – like all Lapallan bunny nymphs – is a rabid nymphomaniac. Turn down sex with her and she'll be a lot less friendly.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Don't visit Leppi if you're feeling fatigued. Lapallan bunny nymphs are harmless but they do secrete a musk that instils an irresistible urge to rut in their partners. If a man is not in tip-top condition his heart will fail trying to keep up.\""}>>
<br> <br> "Did she forget to give you tokens?" Leppi asks. "$ is very forgetful."<br> <br> She smiles sadly.<br> <br> "I'm afraid I'll have to cut it short here," she says. "House rules. We don't need to chat anyway. Come up to my room and we'll have some sweaty, energetic sex together."<br> <br> She gives you a suggestive wink before getting up and leaving.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a glass of carrot juice for Leppi.<br> <br> <<if $sdi eq 0>> Leppi sees your choice and nods approvingly.<br> <br> "A good choice," she says. "Good for a healthy body. And a healthy body is good for a lot of sex."<br> <br> She gives you a flirtatious wink.<br> <br> <</if>> "Now about myself. I am Leppi and yes, these are real."<br> <br> She strokes a hand up one of her long ears.<br> <br> "I'm a lust daemon. No surprise, everyone in here is. Unlike the others, I'm not very powerful. I don't know any magic and I couldn't suck your soul out with sex even if I wanted to. Which I don't."<br> <br> Leppi carries on.<br> <br> "If I was allowed to enter the human world I'd like to be a personal fitness trainer," she says. "Don't think that means I'm trapped here, forced to have sex with strange men. I'm still a lust daemon. I love sex with strange men! I have amazing stamina. I can go for a really long time."<br> <br> Leppi has a cute face, but it's not looking very innocent right now.<br> <br> "You'll be able to as well. My body secretes a special pheromone when I'm having sex. It makes men think they can go forever."<br> <br> Leppi pauses and a more serious look passes across her face.<br> <br> "Well, for as long as their body can keep up. Don't worry, I don't abuse it, but if you have a weak heart or outstanding medical condition, you should pick someone else. I've had men's hearts give out while fucking me and it's always sad."<br> <br> You talk for a little longer and then return to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift: Carrot */ [1,false,false], /* Gift: Black Rose */ [1,false,false], /* Leave Early */ [3,false,false] /* Sex and survive */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Leppi: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Leppi: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Leppi Navitas's room looks like someone's living quarters crossed with a gym. It's very compact. There's a neat little bed over in the corner with a little bedside table next to it. Against the left wall is a neat little makeup table with mirror and a set of drawers.<br> <br> The right looks like a miniature gym. There are wooden climbing bars against the wall, some kind of vaulting horse, an exercise bike and a rowing machine. Skipping ropes and dumbbells lie on the floor. Leppi is doing stretching exercises with a yoga ball as you enter.<br> <br> "Come in," she says brightly. "Please excuse the room. We're only allowed a single room and mine is a little small. I try to make the best use of space as possible."<br> <br> You watch as Leppi finishes up her exercises. She's dressed like a Playboy bunny, although in her case you suspect the bunny parts aren't costume. She has the body of a TV fitness instructor – toned and leggy.<br> <br> She finishes and hops over to greet you.<br> <br> "What have you brought me?" she asks.<br> <br> [[You give her your gift.->Leppi: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Leppi: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 32>> <<include [[Leppi: Gift: Carrot]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(14)>> <<include [[Leppi: Gift: Body Parts]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Leppi: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Leppi: Explanation]]
/* Carrot */ <<set $gift to { number: 32, name: "Carrot", isSingular: true, description: "a fresh carrot", categories: [0,11] }>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> Leppi takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and looks you over. She tsks.<br> <br> "$ is getting forgetful again. I'm guessing you don't know the significance of this."<br> <br> She looks at you and sighs.<br> <br> "Let's forget you brought it," she says.<br> <br> She places it in a vase on top of the chest drawers.<br> <br> "And if you do know what it means, I'm touched but... I can't. It's awkward. We Lapallan bunny nymphs aren't powerful enough. If you truly want it, I'd recommend Atómica. She has a lovebomb wrestling move that will make you explode with pleasure. Or Anna Boa. There are few things as intimate as being slowly squeezed by a lamia."<br> <br> Leppi turns to you with a smile.<br> <br> "I can't do any of those things, but I can give you a good hard fuck, so that's what we'll do."
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> You give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. Leppi's eyes light up.<br> <br> "My favourite," she says. "Predictable, I know."<br> <br> She places it her mouth and gives you a cheeky smile. Her cheeks bulge as she pushes it in and out in imitation of fellatio. She teases you for a little while and then eats it conventionally – crunching it between her perfect white teeth.<br> <br> "Delicious," she says. "And very good for the body."
Leppi pulls a face as you offer her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "I don't eat meat," she says, pushing your gift back to you. "I'm sorry."<br> <br> Her gaze flicks down to your crotch.<br> <br> "With one exception," she says with a filthy smile. "And that's not //eating// eating."
"Why, thank you," Leppi says. "How nice."<br> <br> Despite that, she doesn't seem all that interested. She places your gift in a drawer as if it's something she's done many times before, which you suspect she has.
Leppi stands in front of you.<br> <br> "Okay, I don't know how long you've been in the House or how much of this is familiar to you already. I like to give this little talk before I begin," she says.<br> <br> Leppi reaches up to stoke a long white bunny ear.<br> <br> "First off, these are real. I'm not human. None of the girls in here are. I'm a lust daemon from the Dominion of Lust. A Lapallan bunny nymph. We're a very weak type of daemon. You don't have to worry about having your life or soul sucked out during sex, like with a succubus. Because bunny nymphs... well... can't."<br> <br> <<if $currentRound eq 1>> This sounds like what $ told you. She must be in on the joke, surely? <<else>> After what you've already seen, this isn't new information. <</if>><br> <br> Leppi carries on.<br> <br> "What Lapallan bunny nymphs are famous for is our stamina. We fuck like... well..." Leppi blushes "...bunnies. We can go for days. Humans can't. They'll try. Our one ability is, when aroused, we produce an aphrodisiac musk that super turns on men. It makes them think they can go forever as well. Unfortunately, their bodies can't.<br> <br> "Now, we're not going to fuck for days. $ wouldn't allow it."<br> <br> Leppi again blushes.<br> <br> "What I'm trying to say is that sex with me is going to be very... energetic. When I'm aroused, like all Lapallan bunny nymphs, I'll secrete my musk. And that will make you push your body hard, maybe harder than it can take. If you don't think you're up to it physically, or you have any pre-existing medical conditions, this is your chance to leave before we get started."<br> <br> Medical condition or not, Leppi is giving you an excuse to leave. You can take it if you want. It will avoid any kind of risk. It will also mean missing out on Leppi. And – bunny ears aside – she does have a fantastic figure.<br> <br> [[Back out.->Leppi: Back Out]]<br> [[Proceed.->Leppi: Proceed]]
It might be safe with Leppi. It might not. Either way, she's giving you an out and – following $'s advice – you decide to take it.<br> <br> You make up something about a congenital heart defect. Leppi nods sympathetically as you tell her.<br> <br> "That's no problem at all. We wouldn't want your heart bursting at the height of passion," she says cheerfully.<br> <br> That sounds suspiciously like something she has had first-hand experience of.<br> <br> You give her your apologies and head to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* no faction increase */ <<include [[Leppi: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
"Are you sure?" Leppi asks.<br> <br> You nod.<br> <br> "Then let's get on with it," she says with a bright smile.<br> <br> She starts taking off her bunny costume. The figure revealed beneath is very fit. Not only is Leppi's belly flat, you can make out the faint lines of her abs.<br> <br> Seeing Leppi's naked – and extremely fit – body triggers a surge of excitement. You hurriedly take off your clothes to catch up.<br> <br> There is no need for a bed. Leppi has you lie on your back on the mat and squats astride you. She reaches down and strokes your cock. It's to get some blood in it, not that it's needed. You're already hard and eager.<br> <br> "I'll start off slow," she says.<br> <br> She drops down on your crotch and lets your erection push up into the soft folds between her legs. That's the only place she is soft. Her vagina is tight and muscular. And also very warm. The heat seeps down into you and sets fires burning in your body. You're gripped by the urge to grab her hips and start bucking up and down.<br> <br> Leppi stills you with a hand on your chest.<br> <br> "I'm in control here," she says.<br> <br> Still squatting, she smoothly bobs her hips up and down. You feel delicious wet friction on your cock as it slides back and forth inside her tight vagina. Leppi's slow is not very slow at all. She quickly picks up pace. You let her get on with it, being content to admire her slim, supermodel form as she bounces up and down on you.<br> <br> Leppi varies the pace and the angle. She tilts to the left, then to the right. She makes sure every part of your cock experiences the tight embrace of her pussy.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Leppi: 1st Sex]]
Leppi starts to speed up further. Her smooth bounces from side to side are punctuated with rapid jackhammer thrusts that set your nerves buzzing and your cock throbbing.<br> <br> "I think I started too quick again," Leppi says with a smile as she looks down at your face.<br> <br> She bobs down low and quickly thrusts up and down. Her vagina is tight enough it feels like a really fast wank. But much better, obviously. Her luscious vagina forms a sumptuous sheath far superior to a hand.<br> <br> You can already feel stirrings in your balls. This isn't going to take long.<br> <br> "Don't feel like you need to hold it back," Leppi says. "I'm still going to give you a full session. You can come multiple times."<br> <br> Leppi presses down hard and then bounces rapidly. Her vagina strokes you fast enough to rush you right <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Leppi: 1st Sex: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Leppi: 1st Sex: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
to the edge... but not over. You've already seen plenty of action in the House. What should be enough stimulation to tip you over into orgasm isn't quite enough. Undaunted, Leppi keeps going. She bounces up and down on you and keeps stroking away with her luscious pussy.<br> <br> <<include [[Leppi: Out of Semen]]>><br> <br> You feel a sudden sharp pain in your chest. Leppi mistakes your moan for one of climax. Sadly, it's far more terminal. Your heart gives out and you die instantly from a massive heart attack.<br> <br> <<include [[Leppi: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
over the edge. Leppi feels it coming and sits down astride you, taking in your whole length and squeezing it inside her lusciously tight pussy.<br> <br> You shudder and buck beneath her. Your cock throbs within the tight fleshy clasp of her sex and spurts out a big load inside her.<br> <br> Leppi smiles happily on top of you.<br> <br> "That's a nice big one to start with," she says.<br> <br> It is just the start.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Leppi: 2nd Sex]]
Leppi dismounts and lies on her back. She stretches her long legs apart to draw your attention to the gaping wet folds between them. There must be red – or pink mist – filling up your skull. Your cock has barely begun to soften post-climax before it shoots back up to full throbbing hardness again. She beckons you on with a cheeky grin and you don't hesitate.<br> <br> You jump into her arms. She wraps her long legs around you as you steer your erection into and plunge deep into the molten heat of her sex. A kind of bestial frenzy takes hold of you. You pump your hips against her faster and faster.<br> <br> Leppi moans with pleasure underneath you as you pound your hips back and forth. Her tight pussy grips you and pulses around you as you thrust back and forth into her luscious depths.<br> <br> "Yes yes yes," Leppi gasps. "Pour it out inside me."<br> <br> She shudders and moans in orgasm. Her vagina convulses around you. <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Leppi: 2nd Sex: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Leppi: 2nd Sex: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
<br> <br> <<include [[Leppi: Out of Semen]]>><br> <br> You feel a sudden sharp pain in your chest. You clutch it, grimace, and collapse on top of Leppi. Tragically, you die in her arms of a massive heart attack.<br> <br> <<include [[Leppi: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
It triggers your own climax. You let out a loud grunt and thrust as deep as your hard cock will go. You feel it swell up inside her and then let out another load in a great throbbing burst. You tense up and hold your form as you feel semen pour out in great blissful pulses.<br> <br> Then, spent, you collapse on top of her. Leppi rubs her inner thighs against you and gently caresses the back of your neck and shoulders.<br> <br> That isn't the end of it.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Leppi: 3rd Sex]]
Leppi is up and bent over the vaulting horse. Her long legs are splayed and you're behind her and ploughing her lovely tight pussy for all you're worth. You're not entirely sure how you got here. Your head is full of steam and you feel like an out-of-control train about to crash through the buffers. You keep pumping against her lovely rump. Leppi has a little white pom-pom of a tail at the base of her spine. You barely notice it and don't care. You admire the rest of her lovely trim body while relishing the lovely stroking sensations of her pussy rubbing against your erection.<br> <br> And then you're on the floor and Leppi is riding you with impossibly fast bounces of her hips. She rides you cowgirl. Then, without missing a beat, smoothly swivels to reverse cowgirl. Her ass is a blur as she bounces up and down on your cock.<br> <br> Then you're both lying on your sides. Leppi has one lovely long leg stretched up in the air while you work your hips back and forth and pound her delicious pussy.<br> <br> Then, doggy-style as you grasp Leppi's hips and jackhammer away behind her.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Leppi: 3rd Sex: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<include [[Leppi: Fatigued]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Leppi: 3rd Sex: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
And it is there where disaster strikes.<br> <br> <<include [[Leppi: Out of Semen]]>><br> <br> <<include [[Leppi: 3rd Sex: Heart Attack]]>>
And it is there where disaster strikes.<br> <br> These exertions are too much for your fatigued body. It's way too much on top of all the other stresses you've received this evening in the House. <<include [[Leppi: 3rd Sex: Heart Attack]]>>
Then, finally, Leppi gets back on top and rides you all the way to an explosive and body-shattering climax.<br> <br> And now you are done. After that you can barely move. You're lying on your back. Your breathing is as rough and ragged as if you've just run a marathon.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> In contrast, Leppi still looks to have the same vigour and energy as she started with. She looks keen to go again, then takes a look at you and bursts out in a fit of giggles.<br> <br> "I think you're done," she says.<br> <br> You are done. Totally pooped. Leppi has fucked you to immobility.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Leppi: Good End]]
Leppi stands up and stretches. You get another chance to admire her lithe body. She looks like a top athlete crossed with a lingerie model.<br> <br> "That was great," she says. "Fucking is good exercise, don't you think."<br> <br> She walks over to retrieve and put back on her skimpy bunny girl costume.<br> <br> "That's my plan, once I've fulfilled my contract with $ I want to go out into the human world and open up a fitness centre. I've watched your TV shows and read your magazines. I'm sure I can do it. And do it better. You humans always look so miserable when you exercise. I'll throw in some sex. That will make it more fun."<br> <br> Her eyes twinkle brightly.<br> <br> "I'll call it..."<br> <br> She sweeps her arm above her as if revealing the titles of a show.<br> <br> "...sexercise!"<br> <br> She smiles down at you.<br> <br> "I'm sure it will be a massive hit. What do you think?"<br> <br> You think she'll need a defibrillator or two on standby. You feel wrecked. Completely wrecked. It felt awesome, for sure, but you reckon – know! – you're going to be paying for it tomorrow morning.<br> <br> Leppi is still bright and bouncy. Indefatigable. There is nothing natural about her stamina at all. You truly believe she could go at it for days if she wanted. Assuming she could find someone – or many //someone//s – to keep up with her.<br> <br> She's still bouncing around as you slowly put your clothes back on. You can tell she's impatient but far too polite to show it. She's all beaming smiles as she helps you to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Leppi: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
You desperately want to come, but can't attain release. Your balls are already drained. You keep pushing and push too hard. Under the influence of Leppi's musk you keep going when your body would otherwise tell you to stop. It puts too much of a strain on your heart until...
You feel a sudden sharp pain in your chest. You clutch it, grimace, and collapse. You're dead of a massive heart attack before you even hit the floor.<br> <br> <<include [[Leppi: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br> <br> "She likes carrots?"<br> <br> $'s whiskers twitch as he sniffs in good humour.<br> <br> "Maybe she is more rabbit than demon."<br> <br> <<elseif _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <br> <br> "You had a very lucky escape, young man," $ says sternly. "A word of advice."<br> <br> He glances cautiously around him and then leans over to whisper.<br> <br> "Do not take a $allGifts[0].name to any of the harlots in here."<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> "I did the same," $ admits. "Have to think of the old ticker."<br> <br> He pats his chest above his heart.<br> <br> He tsks. "This is not really new information as such. However, a deal is a deal. Just try to be a little more adventurous next time." <<else>> "That all sounds rather... strenuous," $ says. "I had the chance a while back, but turned her down. Have to think of the old ticker, you see."<br> <br> He pats his chest above his heart.<br> <br> "It sounds like a wise decision based on what you've told me. That's a little more... activity than these old bones would like." <</if>>
/* Lady Flumpth */ <<set $hi to 65>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Lady Flumpth", shortDescription: "", faction: 5, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, hasSpokenToNpcGossip: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Flumpth: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Flumpth: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Flumpth: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Flumpth: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Flumpth: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Flumpth: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Flumpth: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Flumpth: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Flumpth: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(35)>> <<set $player.currStr to 5>> /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ <<set $player.currAgi to 5>> /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ <<set $player.currInt to 5>> /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 65>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a haughty but attractive woman dressed in a long grey ballgown, elbow-length gloves and a wide-brimmed hat. Her clothes look tattered and covered in mould.">>
"Lady Flumpth? Why would you be interested in that mouldy old fungus? I've no idea why $ still keeps that sentient slime mould around. She's barely a lust daemon."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "She doesn't even use seduction or charm. I doubt she has any. She just flops down on top of men and traps them under her dress. It's not even subtle. Look up as you enter her room and you'll see her, hanging from the ceiling like a mouldy fruit bat. And to think she calls herself a lady."<br> <br> $ scoffs.<br> <br> "Even if you get caught, her dress is flimsy. Any man worth his salt should be able to tear free. //Should//. Lady Flumpth is a sly one. Technically she's supposed to give men a chance to escape even if her dress nets them, but I wouldn't trust her on it, or anything she says afterwards. If $ allowed it, she'd turn every man entering her room into mould."<br> <br> $ pulls a face.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip to true>> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
Revulsion and attraction compete as you escort Lady Flumpth into the bar. Closer up her dress looks... //wrong//. It looks organic and leprous, maybe even rotten. Yet her hand in yours, despite feeling noisomely squishy at first touch, feels very pleasant.<br> <br> No-one gives you a second glance. They're too engrossed in their own girls. You find a spare table and sit down.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Flumpth: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Flumpth: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Flumpth: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Flumpth: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* Madam intro */ "This is the elegant Lady Flumpth, a woman of some distinction."<br> <br> $ leans in close to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "If you want a good time, you'd be better off picking anyone other than this mouldy old trollop."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Despite her attempts at a distinguished bearing and appearance, Lady Flumpth has a tattered and mouldy look to her. Her long grey dress, gloves and wide-brimmed hat are covered in blotches of discoloration. The woman wearing them looks appealing enough, at least at first glance. Her aristocratic face is of an indeterminate age – old enough to look experienced, but still youthful enough to hold a lot of sex appeal. Her dress is cut low enough at the neck to show off the top of her breasts and deep cleavage between them. She has an impressively large pair.<br> <br> It's only as you look closer do you realise she looks... //off//. Her flesh is pallid and has a slightly moist appearance – like underground mushrooms. While the cast of her face is pleasing, her eyes are pitch black beads. The more you look at her clothes, the more they don't seem right. Her dress has a dank look to it. It looks moist and strangely organic. You wonder if it's not just mouldy, but made out of actual mould. The pallid white underside of her hat is reminiscent of the gills of a mushroom.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Lady Flumpth approaches you and extends a gloved hand in a ladylike manner.<br> <br> "I am Lady Flumpth. Pleased to meet you."<br> <br> While part of you is crawling in revulsion, you take her hand. The touch of it is as damp, squishy and unpleasantly //moist// as you feared.<br> <br> At first.<br> <br> While her hand is in yours, a strange transformation seems to take place. It starts to feel pleasant. Enough to make you feel horny. You feel an erection rise in your pants. When she takes her hand back, yours attempts to follow, as if it doesn't want to let her go.<br> <br> The knowing smirk on Lady Flumpth's face indicates she knew that reaction would happen. <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"If you're still dead-set on having sex with her, you'll need to escape her dress first. Do that and she'll be better behaved.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Take your clothes off before entering her room. Contact with her dress will rot them away in no time. This is bad. Technically we're not permitted to destroy the patron's clothing if they still have use for them. But it happens sometimes, and if it does... well, the problem goes away with the patron...\"\<br\>\<br\>$ doesn't need to spell it out."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She'll turn you into mould as well if you let her. There's nothing in her room you'd want. She only offers sex afterwards to trick men into letting her capture them again. I'm frankly amazed $ allows it.\""}>>
<br> <br> "No money?" Lady Flumpth queries. "I shouldn't be surprised. All men fall to rot and ruin."<br> <br> She rolls her tongue around //rot// as if it's a much different word.<br> <br> She leaves you. Your hand – craving the touch of hers – mournfully tries to follow.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress comes back with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and some sort of cocktail with crushed mint leaves for Lady Flumpth.<br> <br> You sit and chat with Lady Flumpth for a while. It's pleasant enough, but you don't really learn anything about her. You think that might be deliberate.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [2,false,false], /* Warned by NPC Gossip */ [2,false,false], /* Warned by INT */ [2,false,false], /* Successful Dodge */ [2,false,false], /* Close Struggle */ [2,false,false] /* Easy Struggle */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $isClothed to false>> <<set $hasDodged to false>> <<set $dodgeReason to 2>> <<include [[Flumpth: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Flumpth: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Lady Flumpth's room is mostly obscured by darkness. You can't see more than a couple of metres ahead of you. The air is thick with tawdry perfume. It fails to mask an underlying odour of dampness and rot.<br> <br> "Take your clothes off before entering, please."<br> <br> You hear Lady Flumpth call out, but can't see her in the gloom.<br> <br> [[Do as she says.->Flumpth: Undress]]<br> [[Walk in fully clothed.->Flumpth: Clothed]]
You do as she says and take your clothes off at the door, leaving them in a neat pile in the corridor outside.<br> <br> You step into the room and immediately pull a face. The room is carpeted, but it feels deep and unpleasantly //squishy//, as if the room has been flooded recently.<br> <br> <<include [[Flumpth: Walk in Room]]>>
<<set $isClothed to true>> You ignore Lady Flumpth and leave your clothes on. You'll take them off right before you have sex and not before.<br> <br> <<include [[Flumpth: Walk in Room]]>>
You walk into the room. Your eyes gradually accustom to the gloom. Peering around, you can just about make out the walls and vague edges of furnishings.<br> <br> Where is Lady Flumpth?<br> <br> Also, what are you supposed to do with this? You glance at the gift in your hand.<br> <br> You walk into the centre of the room and your eyes strain to dispel the inky gloom as you look for Lady Flumpth.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip>> <<set $dodgeReason to 0>> Remembering $'s warning, you glance up at the ceiling.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Flumpth: Glance Up]] <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed and $cgi neq 0>> <<set $dodgeReason to 1>> Prompted by nameless instinct, you glance up at the ceiling.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Flumpth: Glance Up]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Flumpth: Ambushed]] <</if>> <</if>>
The ceiling is hidden in the same shadow as the rest of the room. Lady Flumpth's pallid-yet-aristocratic face appears out of the gloom. She appears to be hanging upside down from the ceiling. Her wide-brimmed hat is still on top of her head in defiance of gravity.<br> <br> "Welcome," she says. Her smile looks predatory rather than welcoming. Her black eyes look more like they belong in a shark's head.<br> <br> She curls her upper body back towards the ceiling and then gracefully drops. Her leprous grey ballgown billows out like a net.<br> <br> [[Stay where you are.->Flumpth: No Dodge]]<br> [[Dive out of the way.->Flumpth: Dodge After Glance]]
You're wondering where Lady Flumpth might be when you hear a soft noise followed by a softer 'Welcome' right above your head.<br> <br> You glance up in time to see Lady Flumpth's pallid-yet-aristocratic face peering down at you out of the gloom. She appears to be hanging upside down and her wide-brimmed hat is still on top of her head in defiance of gravity.<br> <br> You barely have time to react as she drops down from the ceiling and her leprous grey ballgown billows out like a net.<br> <br> <<set $isAmbushed to true>> [[Stay where you are.->Flumpth: No Dodge]]<br> [[Dive out of the way.->Flumpth: Attempt Dodge]]
You don't do anything but look up in open-mouthed surprise. Her billowing dress, far longer and wider than you thought, falls over you like a sheet. You stumble to the side and fall to the floor with Lady Flumpth's dress wrapped around you.<br> <br> <<include [[Flumpth: Dodge: Fail]]>>
<<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed and $cgi neq 0>> You don't have much time to react... but it's enough.<br> <br> Your reflexes are good. Your legs are powerful. Lady Flumpth's dress billows out far wider than it should. You're already on the move. You dash to the side and dive out from under Lady Flumpth's expansive dress before it can settle over the top of you.<br> <br> <<include [[Flumpth: Dodge: Success]]>> <<else>> You're taken by surprise. Even though Lady Flumpth's dress billows out and slows her fall like a parachute, it covers a very wide area. You dive to the side only to get caught up in the hem of the expansive gown. You fall to the floor with the dress covering you.<br> <br> <<include [[Flumpth: Dodge: Fail]]>> <</if>>
Glancing up gave you time to react... barely.<br> <br> Lady Flumpth's dress billows out far wider than it should. You dash to the side, then dive, and are able to get out from underneath Lady Flumpth's net-like dress before it settles over you.<br> <br> <<include [[Flumpth: Dodge: Success]]>>
<<set $hasDodged to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[$dodgeReason][1] to true>> Lady Flumpth lands in a crouch with her mouldy grey dress – if it is a dress – spread out around her in a wide circle. She looks around, sees you on your haunches at the edge of the room and lets out an annoyed //tut//.<br> <br> <<include [[Flumpth: Player Wins]]>>
Lady Flumpth's dress doesn't feel like fabric. It feels like a slimy sheet of thick mucus over a stretchy mesh of filaments.<br> <br> "Caught you," Lady Flumpth says, her jet-black eyes shining with obvious glee.<br> <br> She's crouched in the centre of the room. Her 'dress' is spread out in a wide circle, far bigger than it initially appeared. You're tangled up in what feels like a slimy net.<br> <br> <<if $isClothed>> [[Continue.->Flumpth: Caught: Clothed]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Flumpth: Caught: Naked]] <</if>>
You won. Time to claim your 'prize'.<br> <br> You're not sure why some harlots have these weird tests before the actual fucking. Maybe it's mandated by $ as part of her twisted game. Whatever, you passed the test. Now it's time to get down to why you came here in the first place.<br> <br> <<if $isClothed>> You take your clothes off and walk to her. <<else>> You walk to her. <</if>> Lady Flumpth has you lie down on the floor in the middle of the room. The carpet is deep and feels disagreeably mushy.<br> <br> Lady Flumpth doesn't take her dress off. She swishes the hem over your body as she stands astride you and her dress covers your chest and legs. <<if $hasDodged>> Her dress feels slimy. It doesn't feel like fabric at all. It feels more like a fine mesh of fibres covered in a sheet of mucus. Some of those fibres detach and attach themselves to your skin like creepers. It feels unpleasant at first, then suddenly switches to incredibly pleasant, erotic even, like being caressed by a lover's warm hand. Hidden under Lady Flumpth's dress, your erection rises up like a flagpole. <<else>> Again her dress feels slimy and unpleasant at first, but quickly changes to that familiar comfortable and erotic feeling. Your cock rises up in eager erection. <</if>><br> <br> You don't think Lady Flumpth is wearing panties under that dress. She hasn't taken it off because she doesn't need to. This is confirmed moments later as Lady Flumpth lowers herself down on you and your cock slides up into a soft warm tunnel. You'd think it her vagina, but you're not sure what she really has under her dress. It feels pleasant enough – tight, warm, fleshy. Wet as well. Very wet. Her juices flood out and soak your crotch. Lady Flumpth sits all the way down and lets out a sigh. You feel a strange trickly //draining// sensation wherever her vaginal walls come into contact with your penis. It feels really pleasant, causing your cock to grow and twitch.<br> <br> "I never understand prey," Lady Flumpth says. "You escaped yet chose to return to be captured by me of your own volition."<br> <br> White filaments creep out from under her dress and attach to your flesh. They start to grow and pulse like veins.<br> <br> "I'm not about to complain. It makes it so much easier for me. So, thank you, darling," Lady Flumpth says with a ghoulish grin.<br> <br> Realising your mistake you try to struggle, only to find you can't. Her dress and the strange filaments growing from it have sapped all your strength. You're like a flat battery. It doesn't feel so bad. You feel unnaturally comfortable and relaxed. So much so you lose the desire to move at all.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Flumpth: Sex 3]]
You make no move to approach her.<br> <br> "What's the matter, darling? Am I not desirable enough for you?"<br> <br> She plumps her big white tits together.<br> <br> They're a little too white. They bring to mind mushrooms growing in dark dark places. Her dress has a leprous look to it, as if it's not just blotched by mould but maybe even just mould itself. And there are her eyes – black, flat, empty, //hungry//. They're the eyes of a shark. She might comport herself with the grace and elegance of a charming lady, but that's not what she is.<br> <br> Not at all.<br> <br> You decline her offer.<br> <br> Still smiling, Lady Flumpth nods in understanding.<br> <br> "Very well. I wouldn't be lying if I said you were missing out on great pleasures. I would be if I said I'd let you walk out afterwards."<br> <br> She shifts position. The hem of her ballgown rises slightly. Beneath it you see strange white filaments. Some are attached to the carpet in taut sticky strands.<br> <br> It's not a dress. You're not sure what it is, but you're sure you'd rather not find out.<br> <br> "It's okay," Lady Flumpth says. "I'm not a very powerful lust daemon. If I fail to catch you under my dress there isn't a lot I can do. You're free to go."<br> <br> She keeps smiling as if she's nothing more than a charming lady.<br> <br> You still don't trust her, so you keep her in sight as you edge to the door and retrieve your clothes.<br> <br> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Flumpth: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $isClothed>> <<unset $hasDodged>> <<unset $dodgeReason>>
Whatever Lady Flumpth's dress is coated in, that substance has a corrosive effect on your clothes. They rot away and disintegrate at its touch.<br> <br> "Oh dear. Did you not follow my instructions and take your clothes off?"<br> <br> Her black eyes glitter with amused contempt.<br> <br> "This presents a problem," Lady Flumpth says. "My dress rots clothing away so I can get at the goodies underneath."<br> <br> More of your clothes rot and slough off. Thankfully, the corrosive properties are confined to fabrics. Your body underneath is left unaffected. If anything, it feels surprisingly pleasant. Lady Flumpth's slimy dress has a similar effect to her handshake. On initial contact it feels unpleasant – slimy, wet, squishy, and bringing to mind rotten fruit. As you stay in contact it starts to feel more pleasant, even erotic. It brings to mind warm hands caressing your private parts, and rather than being revolted you start to feel strangely aroused.<br> <br> "According to $'s rules I'm supposed to give you a chance to get away," Lady Flumpth says. "However, we're also not allowed to destroy their clothes. Unless they have no further need for them..."<br> <br> Lady Flumpth's pallid face is still aristocratically beautiful despite her jet-black eyes. The smile she gives you is monstrous.<br> <br> "You can't leave now."<br> <br> The fibrous mesh surges and thickens. A slimy membrane wraps tightly around your body. You're dragged across the floor to Lady Flumpth.<br> <br> "I'll say you tried to escape and failed," Lady Flumpth says. "It will be our little secret."<br> <br> She rises up and settles over your crotch. You don't think she has legs under her 'dress'.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Flumpth: Sex 2]]
The dress feels slimy, but has a similar effect to her handshake. On initial contact it feels unpleasant – slimy, wet, squishy, and bringing to mind rotten fruit. As you stay in contact it starts to feel more pleasant, even erotic. It brings to mind warm hands caressing your private parts, and rather than being revolted you start to feel strangely aroused.<br> <br> Lady Flumpth's black eyes watch with amusement as you attempt to extricate yourself from the net of her 'dress'.<br> <br> "According to $'s rules I must give you a sporting chance," she says. "Pull free of my dress and I'll declare you the winner and you can do with me as you see fit. Fail to pull free and..."<br> <br> Lady Flumpth makes slurping sounds with her mouth.<br> <br> "But don't worry. I'm a lust daemon. I won't do anything to you that will feel bad. On the contrary, it will feel extremely pleasant... like the best sex you've ever had."<br> <br> Lady Flumpth's dress is clinging. Strange fibrous filaments stick to your skin. They bring with them a feeling of comfortable relaxation.<br> <br> 'The best sex you've ever had' also sounds relaxing. Maybe you should just lie here and let Lady Flumpth come over and fuck you.<br> <br> [[Give in and lie where you are.->Flumpth: No Struggle]]<br> [[Try to struggle free.->Flumpth: Struggle]]
"It's not like you can do anything," Lady Flumpth says with a vulpine smile. "Not with my filaments all over your body, sapping your strength."<br> <br> The filaments pulse like veins as they leach out your strength. It doesn't feel painful, just a relaxing numbness and enervation.<br> <br> "Now that you're all wrapped up and helpless I could just leave you covered in my dress and slowly drain your life away. That would be slow and boring, so let's end things with a nice, long, slow fuck."<br> <br> Lady Flumpth lowers herself down on your body and over your erection. Your cock slides up into a soft warm tunnel. You'd think it her vagina, but you're not sure what she really has under her dress. It feels pleasant enough – tight, warm, fleshy. Wet as well. Very wet. Her juices flood out and soak your crotch. Lady Flumpth sits all the way down and lets out a sigh. You feel a strange trickly //draining// sensation wherever her vaginal walls come into contact with your penis. It feels really pleasant, causing your cock to grow and twitch.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Flumpth: Sex 3]]
You could struggle, but don't feel the desire to. You came up here to have sex with Lady Flumpth, not run away from her. And her dress, despite initially feeling unpleasant to the touch, now feels queerly comfortable and erotic. You let it cover all but your face and lie back and relax. Sticky filaments cover your flesh and bring with them a feeling of comfortable relaxation. You lie still beneath it with your erection pushing up eagerly against the cloying sheet.<br> <br> <<include [[Flumpth: Sex 1]]>>
As queerly pleasant as Lady Flumpth's dress feels, it seems to be covering you in sticky white filaments. You have no intention of sticking around to find out what happens when Lady Flumpth covers you entirely. You push up and try to rip your way out.<br> <br> It's not a dress. Or even fabric. It feels more like a sheet of thick mucus held together by a fine mesh of filaments. <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Flumpth: Struggle: Easy Success]]>> <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _charmsList to [35]>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Flumpth: Struggle: Close]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Flumpth: Struggle: Easy Fail]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
"Oh dear, have you run out of energy?" Lady Flumpth taunts.<br> <br> You have, but in an unnatural manner. It feels like all the power has been drained out of you.<br> <br> "It's okay, you just lie there and relax. I'll take good care of you."<br> <br> Lady Flumpth rises and smoothly moves over until she's standing over you. More feathery filaments grow and adhere to your skin. They're wrapped all around you. You feel strangely warm and comfortable.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Flumpth: Sex 2]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> Thankfully, they're not too strong. You're able to push your fingers through and pull the sheet apart. You rip your way out without too much trouble and crawl away from Lady Flumpth.<br> <br> <<include [[Flumpth: Struggle: Success]]>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> Realising it won't be long before your strength is drained entirely, you put everything into one last effort. You burst free and stumble over to the side of the room. Where you lie down panting from an unexpectedly higher amount of exertion.<br> <br> <<include [[Flumpth: Struggle: Success]]>>
At first you think it no challenge at all. However, Lady Flumpth's dress has an enervating effect wherever it touches you. Your limbs go heavy as if you're in the middle of a much heavier workout. The way her dress clings also feels pleasantly erotic. Lustful desires cloud your thoughts.<br> <br> Your strength runs out before you can escape. The dress reforms faster than you can tear it and eventually you lie still while the clinging dress covers all but your head. Your erection pushes up eagerly against the cloying sheet.<br> <br> <<include [[Flumpth: Sex 1]]>>
You struggle to tear free. It's a battle of the mind as well as the body. The dress clings to your body and feels strangely erotic. Your mind is clouded by lustful desires.<br> <br> You don't struggle for long. Lady Flumpth's dress covers your skin in sticky filaments that leach away all your strength and will to resist. You run out of energy and lie still while the clinging dress covers all but your head. Your erection pushes up eagerly against the cloying sheet.<br> <br> <<include [[Flumpth: Sex 1]]>>
"It appears as though I must give the win to you," she says.<br> <br> She draws herself back up to her full height and regains her regal poise. Her dress is drawn up with her and the edges shrink until it resembles a regular, if mouldy, dress again.<br> <br> Lady Flumpth smiles at you, once again comporting herself like a refined lady.<br> <br> "As the win is yours, you get to claim the prize... and the prize is me."<br> <br> She pulls down the top of her dress to fully expose her breasts. They're pale, with grey areolae and nipples, but also very full and comely. While the coloration is a little... pallid, the shape of them is quite pleasing to the eye.<br> <br> "Come, lie down here and I will give you a magnificent victory tumble."<br> <br> She gestures to the floor in front of her.<br> <br> [[Claim your reward.->Flumpth: Choose Sex]]<br> [[Decline.->Flumpth: Decline Sex]]
Lady Flumpth watches you successfully struggle free of her 'dress' and lets out an annoyed //tut//.<br> <br> <<include [[Flumpth: Player Wins]]>>
It gives beneath your fingers and you're able to pull it apart. It shouldn't really be a problem. It should be no different to tearing through a thick sheet of wet tissue paper. It starts like that, but grows more difficult. The filaments sticking to your skin seem to be draining your strength. Your body also feels strangely reluctant. You have a prominent erection and a strong – unnatural – desire to fuck Lady Flumpth.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to [35]>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Flumpth: Struggle: Close Success]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Flumpth: Struggle: Close Fail]]>> <</if>>
"You don't need to move," Lady Flumpth says. "I know you can't. I'll do everything."<br> <br> She smoothly starts moving up and down. You close your eyes and experience the bliss of her tight pussy stroking up and down your shaft. You open your eyes and marvel at the sight of her heaving bosoms. Lady Flumpth notices you looking and pulls the top of her dress down to let her tits bounce free and unfettered. Her areolae and perky nipples are grey and darker than the luscious white globes of her breasts.<br> <br> "Take a good look," Lady Flumpth says. "Enjoy yourself. You're not going anywhere."<br> <br> More sticky white filaments crawl over and attach to your skin. You're covered in a mesh that starts fine but gradually grows thicker and thicker.<br> <br> Lady Flumpth rides you with slow, languid strokes. She's in no rush to take you to climax and as you cannot move, you're forced to let her set the pace. You feel the arousal gradually climb within you as Lady Flumpth rides you with soft moans and sighs.<br> <br> "I'm not quite human underneath this dress," Lady Flumpth says.<br> <br> You hear liquid sounds. Her pussy feels even wetter. Her dress fluffs out just above your crotch and a bulge rolls up into Lady Flumpth's body. Under her dress you feel it as a powerful undulating contraction around and then suck on your cock. It grips and rolls up your erection.<br> <br> One pump. Two.<br> <br> Your body writhes in helpless pleasure.<br> <br> Three pumps. Four.<br> <br> "Spurt it up inside me," Lady Flumpth says in a breathy sigh. "Spurt out your life."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Flumpth: Sex 4]]
Another powerful pump. You feel it all the way down in your balls. <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> Your body struggles at first. Your exploits in the House have left you feeling fairly drained. Lady Flumpth pumps harder. You can't resist that. <<else>> That's enough to take you over the edge. <</if>> You gasp. Your body bucks and your cock throbs powerfully as it spurts cum up inside Lady Flumpth. The fleshy walls contract around your cock and greedily suck your issue out until you're spent.<br> <br> Lady Flumpth settles down on your crotch with a smile. She reaches up to fondle her naked breasts.<br> <br> "Mmm, didn't that feel nice," she says, knowing full well it did.<br> <br> More filaments cover your naked form. They grow thicker and more fibrous. They pulse like veins as they draw the vitality out of you. You feel a pleasant tickling sensation around your balls as filaments attach to there as well. Your balls respond with throbs of their own. They swell back up until it's as if the last ejaculation never happened.<br> <br> "We're not done," Lady Flumpth says.<br> <br> She starts smoothly riding you again with long slow bobs. Her big white tits bounce up and down with her movements.<br> <br> "Nowhere near done."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Flumpth: Bad End]]
Lady Flumpth rides you back up to full arousal. Rides you until your cock is hard and throbbing again. Then her dress puffs out above your crotch and you feel those long pulsing sucks. It doesn't take long and you hear more liquid sucking sounds as she pumps another ejaculation out of you.<br> <br> "This is called erotic consumption," Lady Flumpth says. "It's when a lust daemon slowly devours her prey, one orgasm at a time. Enjoy it while it lasts."<br> <br> Lady Flumpth makes it last a long long time. She rides you over and over to one shuddering climax after another and her pussy pumps the semen up out of you. Meanwhile her fibres grow thicker and pulse like veins as they draw out the vitality from your body.<br> <br> Those are just a little trickle in comparison to her vagina. You empty your life into that in great climactic spurts. Eventually you run out. Covered in a mass of white filaments, your body rapidly ages and collapses in on itself. Lady Flumpth stands up, drawing the rest of your rapidly decaying remains up into her dress. She leaves nothing behind.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Flumpth: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
$ pulls a face as you mention Lady Flumpth.<br> <br> "She calls herself a lady, but I have my doubts. No lady I know would let her appearance... degrade so much. Oh well, forewarned is forearmed. Tell me of your experiences with Lady Flumpth."<br> <br>
<br> <br> <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> "That old hag said something useful?" $'s bushy eyebrows raise as you recount how you dodged Lady Flumpth's trap. "Most of what she says gets men killed. She must really hate Lady Flumpth." <<elseif _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> "My word! How fortunate to have glanced up when you did," $ says as you recount how you dodged Lady Flumpth's trap. <<elseif _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> "My word! What a narrow escape", $ says as you recount how you dived out from under Lady Flumpth's trap. "One shudders to think what would have happened had your reflexes not been so keen." <<else>> "Harumph. I knew it was no dress. A 'lady' would never allow her attire to degrade to that pitiful state. <<if _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> Luckily for you, you had the fortitude to pull free of her infernal net." <<else>> Luckily for you, you have the build to make a trifle of such restraints. Sadly, some of us have led lives of idle leisure behind desks. I fear my physique would be wholly inadequate to escape this horror." <</if>> <</if>><br> <br>
"While I laud your eminently sensible decision to leave early, especially in here and //especially// for one with such an obviously... noisome nature, it does leave a gap in my records. I would like to know what sex with her is like, if only for the sake of completeness. As revolting as it likely is, I'll pay a hefty bonus to the man able to stomach it."
/* Befuddlement */ <<set $ailment to { id: 11, name: "Befuddlement", /* add more stuff later as needed */ cureCost: 2 }>>
/* Anti-Mind Control */ <<set $charm to { number: 39, category: 0, cost: 5, explanation: "Protects the player from the psychic mind control abilities of some harlots.", name: "The Skullcap of Jonas Alexis", description: "A skullcap of crinkled silver foil.", functionHints: "\"Jonas Alexis fashioned this to enable him to delve deep for treasures in the nest of the T'thacaoumpth Collective. While it did protect him from psychic enslavement, the T'thacaoumpth were many and he was one, and in the end weight of numbers prevailed.\"", effectOnPickupLink: "Charm Effect On Pickup: Default" }>>
/* Toxina Luxú-Sapo */ <<set $hi to 74>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Toxina Luxú-Sapo", shortDescription: "a lithe, bald woman of medium height. She's completely naked and unusual in that her skin is mottled black and green all over like the skin of a frog.", faction: 5, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [4,12], affection: 0, introductionLink: "Toxina: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Toxina: Socialising", hasSocialised: false, tookHandChallenge: false, hadCharmForHandChallenge: false, npcGossipLink: "Toxina: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Toxina: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Toxina: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Toxina: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Toxina: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
/* Madam intro */ "Do you like a challenge, dear," $ says. "Toxina Luxú-Sapo will give you a challenge. She loves to wrestle a man into submission and overwhelm him with her special secretions."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Looking at Toxina Luxú-Sapo reminds you of a poison frog. Her skin has the same bright green-and-black coloration. It glistens and looks wet under the lights.<br> <br> Wearing the skin is a woman with an exceptional figure. She's completely bald, yet combined with her exquisite features gives her an exotically beautiful face. Her wide, expressive eyes are stunning. Her form has the classic hourglass figure and feminine curves at her chest and hips. As soft and inviting as those curves are, there also looks to be a fair amount of lean muscle beneath them. Toxina comports herself with easy confidence.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Toxina approaches and looks you over.<br> <br> "Hmm. You might be suitable for a good tussle. I'm Toxina Luxú-Sapo."<br> <br> She offers a hand. It feels wet, as if she's just come out of a shower or pool, but not unpleasant. <<if not $player.charms.includes(29)>> Better than that, it triggers a pleasant tingling sensation in your hand that spreads up your arm and into your body. Before you know it, your cock has sprung up in an uncontrollable erection. <</if>><br>
Despite being stark naked, Toxina Luxú-Sapo shows no sign of shame or insecurity as she accompanies you into the bar. Not that she needs to. Everyone else is too engrossed in their current partners to look at you. You find a spare table and sit down. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Toxina: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Toxina: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br> <br> "A pity. I'd pay, but $ doesn't allow it."<br> <br> Toxina gets up from the table.<br> <br> "You can still come up to my room. I'll give you a good squeeze."<br> <br> Her gaze is focused on your crotch.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a tall glass of water for Toxina.<br> <br> "Hmm. $ told us we should use these moments to tell the patron more about ourselves."<br> <br> She takes a sip of water.<br> <br> "I like to have a little wrestle beforehand. Nothing serious. Just a little roll around in the mud to get the blood flowing. Then I'll fuck your brains out."<br> <br> She slides a hand across the table and over yours. It feels warm and surprisingly wet. <<if $player.charms.includes(29)>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hadCharmForHandChallenge to true>> There is a challenge in her gaze. For what, you don't know. Eventually she slides her hand back.<br> <br> "I'll see you up in my room," she says.<br> <br> She gives you a saucy wink, gets up, and returns to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>> <<else>> It also generates a pleasant tingling sensation in your skin wherever it touches you. You feel strangely hot and horny.<br> <br> [[Pull your hand away.->Toxina: Hand Challenge: Quit]]<br> [[Leave it where it is.->Toxina: Hand Challenge]] <</if>>
You leave your hand on the table beneath Toxina's. It feels really good. Not only that, but you feel really good. You feel pleasantly in the mood for what usually follows a hot date.<br> <br> Maybe a little too much in the mood. Your erection feels uncomfortably constrained in your underwear.<br> <br> Toxina smiles alluringly at you across the table. There's still a glimmer of challenge in her big expressive eyes.<br> <br> [[Pull your hand away.->Toxina: Hand Challenge: Quit]]<br> [[Leave it where it is.->Toxina: Hand Challenge: Semen Check]]
You pull your hand back. Toxina's touch isn't unpleasant. If anything, it's the opposite – too pleasant.<br> <br> Toxina's wide smile widens further in triumph.<br> <br> "I'll see you up in my room," she says.<br> <br> She gives you a saucy wink, gets up, and returns to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].tookHandChallenge to true>> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Toxina: Hand Challenge: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Toxina: Hand Challenge: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Then it happens. Your temperature rises and you feel so hot and horny you can't stop yourself from bubbling over. Thankfully, it's not too noticeable and not too messy. You've already ejaculated a lot already this night. This one is barely a shiver of your hips. Your cock can't even manage more than a tired little twitch.<br> <br> Toxina notices. Her wide smile turns up at the corners in triumph. She leans forwards to whisper, "You might want to go to the toilet and get that cleaned up."<br> <br> You don't need to do that. You feel a little dampness from pre-cum, but nothing else. However, that might be an early warning of bigger problems...<br> <br> Toxina takes her hand back, gets up and blows you a kiss, then walks back to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Then it happens. Your temperature rises and you feel so hot and horny you can't stop yourself from bubbling over. Thankfully, to spare your embarrassment, it's not too noticeable. Your hips give a little buck in the seat and before you've realised it, you've creamed your pants with a premature ejaculation.<br> <br> Toxina notices. Her wide smile turns up at the corners in triumph. She leans forwards to whisper, "You might want to go to the toilet and get that cleaned up."<br> <br> She takes her hand back, gets up and blows you a kiss, then walks back to $ She leaves you to your embarrassment at the mess you've made in your pants.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Toxina Luxú-Sapo? Oh, that is a troublesome one. For our esteemed Madam, that is. She had such a hard time trying to get Toxina to understand the purpose of her little game and the concept of fairness. Poor poppet didn't get it at all."<br> <br> $ snorts derisorily.<br> <br> "She's hardly alone there."<br> <br> She puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "Toxina plays a little too hard. That's her problem. She does try to hold back, but instincts are instincts. Gals like her are why $ drafted in the witch. Toxina's skin secretes a powerful poison. Her pussy, even more."<br> <br> $ smirks as she sees your eyes widen.<br> <br> "The effects aren't unpleasant. It has a potent aphrodisiac effect. You'll feel turned on like never before. It's still fatal, though. It'll make you orgasm so hard you'll break your back."<br> <br> $ exhales a plume of smoke.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Toxina likes a good wrestle. You'll need to be in good shape if you want to have a sexy little tussle with her.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Whatever protection $ can give you is not absolute. Prolonged exposure to Toxina's secretions will overwhelm it.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"If you are able to hold out to the bell, don't end the victory sex too soon. Toxina hates losing, but consoles herself with a good hard fuck afterwards. Pull out too soon and you'll deny her that and make her angry.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Toxina: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Toxina: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Socialised */ [1,false,false], /* Took the hand challenge */ [1,false,false], /* Had charm for hand challenge */ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Oil */ [5,false,false], /* Survive */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <</if>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].tookHandChallenge>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <</if>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hadCharmForHandChallenge>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <</if>> <<include [[Toxina: Fitness Check]]>> <<include [[Toxina: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Toxina: First-Time Scenario]]>>
The first thing you notice as you enter Toxina Luxú-Sapo's room is the humidity. It's like a sauna or greenhouse.<br> <br> Greenhouse fits better. The room is packed with lush, verdant plants. So many you wonder where Toxina has space to keep her belongings.<br> <br> The only non-natural thing is a large circular inflatable in the middle of the room. The walls are high enough to make you think of a hot tub, but it's much larger, about the size of a pool, or small wrestling ring.<br> <br> Toxina is standing next to it and currently engaged in stretching exercises. You can't help but admire her form. While she's as soft and invitingly curvaceous at her hips and bust as a glamour model pinup, the rest of her is lithe and athletic. Her baldness and strange green-and-black mottled skin lend her an exotic allure rather than being off-putting.<br> <br> "Come in," she says warmly. "I've got everything ready."<br> <br> You approach and offer your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Toxina: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 4>> <<include [[Toxina: Gift: Oil]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 12>> <<include [[Toxina: Gift: Soap]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Toxina: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Undress]]
"Oh, so you want that sort of wrestle," Toxina says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> She gives you a filthy smile.<br> <br> "I'll make my pussy extra juicy. Just for you."
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> Toxina sees your gift of a $allGifts[$cgi].name and smiles.<br> <br> "I see you are prepared as well."<br> <br> She puts it to one side.<br> <br> "We won't need it. I prefer to wrestle in mud. I like to get properly dirty."
"Oh no," Toxina says. Her face screws up in disgust as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> She holds it out at arm's length and drops it in a bin just inside the door.
Toxina thanks you for your gift, but doesn't seem all that interested in it. Her interest is focused solely on you, and on your crotch in particular.
You take your clothes off and peer into the inflatable hot tub. There is no water. There's just a thick layer of brown mud on the bottom.<br> <br> "It's just mud," she says.<br> <br> She gracefully puts a long leg over the edge and steps into the inflatable ring.<br> <br> "I used to mix my toxins into the mud. Some men would slip over and start ejaculating uncontrollably the moment they stepped inside."<br> <br> She smiles. Then her face turns sour.<br> <br> "$ didn't like it. She said it was 'unsporting', whatever that is. I didn't understand. Then I didn't see a single man for a month."<br> <br> She chuckles sardonically.<br> <br> "So now it's just mud."<br> <br> She squidges it between her toes to demonstrate.<br> <br> "I like mud," Toxina says. Her big eyes are bright and shining with naked lust as she stares at you. "I like rolling around in it and getting properly //filthy//. It makes me so wet."<br> <br> She's not joking. You can see the juices drooling from between the naked folds of her pussy.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Start Wrestling]]
"We'll do it in here," Toxina says, tapping the side of the giant inflatable hot tub.<br> <br> She smiles eagerly.<br> <br> "Isn't it great. $ had it installed after a guest slipped and cracked his skull open on one of my pots."<br> <br> Toxina strokes a hand along the edge.<br> <br> "It's perfect. Enough space to roll around. Padded for comfort. And very bouncy."<br> <br> She gives you a sultry glance and bobs her hips up and down in a not-too-subtle way to indicate why that particular attribute is useful.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Get in Ring]]
Toxina's body feels surprisingly wet. More than can be accounted for by the mud. You'd think she's just come from the pool or a shower, except it doesn't feel like water. Or sweat for the matter. It feels more like oil or even slime. Whenever she presses her body against you, some rubs off onto you. <<if $player.charms.includes(29)>> <br><br> Maybe it is just sweat. The room is humid. You're starting to feel a little sweaty as well.<br> <br> A mucky roll around in the mud with a naked woman is having the desired effect. You blood is up. As is your erection. Toxina takes plenty of advantage, trying to wrap a hand around it at every opportunity.<br> <br> It's all fun and games, and then Toxina says something strange.<br> <br> "Ah, so that's why my toxin isn't having an effect. You've been to the witch. She's put her mark on you." <<else>> It makes your skin tingle pleasantly.<br> <br> You also feel a little giddy and lightheaded. Maybe the humidity of the room is getting to you. You also feel horny. Surprisingly horny. More horny than you'd expect from rolling around with a hot naked woman. Your erection is full and hard. Toxina takes plenty of advantage, trying to wrap a hand around it at every opportunity.<br> <br> <<if $isFit>> You also feel strangely weak. Your foot slips and it takes you longer to recover your balance. If this was a proper fight you'd start to be wondering if someone had drugged you beforehand. You feel out of sorts. You're no longer as confident you'd be able to beat Toxina in a serious fight. Not when you feel like this.<br> <br> Toxina notices and smiles. "Ah. My toxin is starting to take effect." <<else>> Not only do you feel horny, you also feel a little weak, but pleasantly so. More relaxed and floppy than anything. Maybe it is the humidity.<br> <br> The next time you try to stand up, you stumble.<br> <br> Toxina notices and smiles. "Ah. My toxin is starting to take effect." <</if>> <</if>><br> <br> At the mention of //toxin// you scramble away from her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Toxin Explanation]]
You look at Toxina in puzzlement. Toxin?<br> <br> Toxina's demeanour has changed. Her eyes are bright. Still playful, but now predatory.<br> <br> "My skin secretes a poison."<br> <br> As you look at her, you see moisture bead up all over her green-and-black mottled skin. It looks like perspiration, only more viscous. And there's a lot of it.<br> <br> "Poison is a little strong for it," Toxina continues. "It will make you feel so weak you won't be able to fight me. It will also make you feel so horny you won't want to fight me."<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(29)>> She says that, but you don't really feel any ill effects. You feel pleasantly aroused, but you've just been rolling around with a hot naked woman, so that's to be expected.<br> <br> "Or it would. You've seen the witch. Her mark is on you. It's giving you some protection from my poison."<br> <br> Toxina smiles, takes a step towards you.<br> <br> "That protection is not absolute. The defences can be worn down. If I soak you in my poison, get your cock in my poison pussy, that will overload it."<br> <br> Another step. Her arms are out wide to hug you.<br> <br> "Then my toxin will take over. It will make you ejaculate... over and over... until there's nothing left.<br> <br> She jumps at you in an attempt to take you back down into the mud. The playfulness is gone. You know this is a fight for your life now. <<else>> You do feel strange. A little weak and floppy, but also pleasantly buzzed. Your erection twitches. You feel really horny. You feel like you want a long leisurely screw by the side of a pool on a warm summer day.<br> <br> "When it takes over you'll want to fuck like a jackrabbit."<br> <br> As Toxina approaches with predatory intent, her lovely hips and boobs swaying alluringly, you're gripped by a near-overpowering urge to fuck her.<br> <br> "Unfortunately, it is still a lethal toxin. Exposure to too much and you won't be able to stop. Your heart will give out and you will ejaculate uncontrollably until there is nothing left."<br> <br> She jumps at you in an attempt to take you back down into the mud. The playfulness is gone. You know this is a fight for your life now. <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Serious Wrestling]]
You're no longer interested in wrestling. You go for the edge wall of the giant inflatable. Toxina gets her hands on you and hauls you back before you can climb out and escape. You both tumble to the bouncy floor. Toxina presses her boobs against your back as she tries to hug you to her. Her skin is soaking wet... soaking wet with poison.<br> <br> Your efforts spurred on by knowing what that means, you wriggle out and slither over to the other side of the inflatable ring.<br> <br> <<if $isFit>> You understand now what she was doing earlier. She wasn't interested in regular grapples and holds. She just wanted to keep as much of her body touching yours, for as long as possible, to maximise the skin contact.<br> <br> This does make wrestling her extremely challenging. <<else>> Wrestling her is going to be extremely challenging. <</if>> With her body covered in poison, trying to grapple her is just as bad as her holding you. All you can do is dodge and try to fend her off, all while trying to limit skin contact as much as possible.<br> <br> Your efforts are hampered by your arousal. In defiance of your situation, your cock sticks out in full erection. Toxina treats it as a weak point and goes after it mercilessly. If she can, she grabs it and wraps a warm wet hand around it. If she can't she rubs her tits or ass against it. All to wear down your resistance.<br> <br> It doesn't take you long to realise the <<if $isFit>>difficulty<<else>>impossibility<</if>> of your task. Toxina's skin is poison, so you can't let it touch you. But you're naked, with only your exposed arms to fend her off, which means you have no choice but to come into contact with her poison skin whenever you push her away from you.<br> <br> <<if $isFit>> [[Continue.->Toxina: Take Down: Fit]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Toxina: Take Down: Unfit]] <</if>>
You can't let this fight go on too long. Your hands and arms are already tingling pleasantly. It won't be long before they're hanging slackly at your sides. You pick a moment, shove Toxina away and then go for the side of the ring.<br> <br> Toxina rebounds faster than you were hoping. Again she hauls you back in before you're able to climb over the edge and escape. You both fall to the muddy floor of the inflatable pool. Toxina is on top. You feel her tits pressing against your back. She tries to get her arms and legs wrapped around you. You're able to buck her off and wriggle out from underneath. <<if $player.charms.includes(29) and not $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Toxina: Survive to Bell]]>> <<else>> It's already too much skin contact. You can feel her toxin sinking into your skin and start to take stronger and stronger effect.<br> <br> You crawl again to the side, but this time can't do anything but weakly put a hand on top of the edge.<br> <br> Toxina pulls you back and this time when she hugs you, you lack the strength to buck her off. <<include [[Toxina: Tight Hold 1]]>> <</if>>
<<if $player.charms.includes(29)>> You're not a top athlete. You don't know how long this protection, whatever it is, will last. You do know that if Toxina gets a good hold of you, you won't be able to shake her off.<br> <br> "I like the ones that come with protection," Toxina says with a confident smile. "It makes for a longer tussle." You shove her aside and make for the side. <<else>> You're not a top athlete either, and you can already feel a strange enervation creeping over you from the poison you've already come into contact with. You have no illusions about how this will end if you carry on like this.<br> <br> You shove Toxina aside and try to ignore the pleasant tingling sensation in your arms as you make a last-ditch dive for the side of the ring. <</if>><br> <br> Toxina rebounds too quickly and again hauls you back into the mud-filled pool. She pushes you down and falls on top of you. <<include [[Toxina: Tight Hold 1]]>>
She wraps her arms and legs around you and presses her tits against your naked back, putting as much of her skin in contact with you as she can.<br> <br> "Let it take effect," she whispers. "I promise it won't feel bad."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Tight Hold 2]]
You push her back with your feet, slither to side of the pool and again try to climb out.<br> <br> This time you almost get a leg over, but again Toxina grabs you and hauls you back into the muddy pit. You both go down again and roll around on the bouncy floor.<br> <br> Whatever protection you were gifted with, you fear it might be starting to fade. You feel a pleasant tingling all over, and a strong urge to just lie down on your back and let Toxina fuck your brains out. You shake it off and redouble your efforts to escape.<br> <br> Toxina is wily. She doesn't give you any free shots and continually keeps you away from the edge of the pool and freedom. The bout continues for a while and then you hear a loud bell.<br> <br> Toxina tuts.<br> <br> //What is that?//<br> <br> Toxina takes advantage of the distraction to knock you onto your back. Then, before you can stop her, straddles and drops herself down on your rampant erection. Your cock pushes up into a vagina that's warm, tight and wet.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Good Cowgirl]]
<<if $player.charms.includes(29)>> You can't break out of her hold. Even after struggling back to your feet and slamming her back against the padded wall, Toxina keeps her arms and legs locked around you.<br> <br> "Can you feel it start to take effect?" she whispers in your ear. "That protection you have won't last forever."<br> <br> You do feel a pleasant tingling sensation all over. And an increased state of arousal despite the situation. More worryingly, you also feel lassitude start to creep into your limbs.<br> <br> Toxina gives your ear a lascivious lick. Her hand strays down to pump your cock.<br> <br> That does give you an opening to temporarily dislodge her. Alas, only briefly. She's immediately back to wrapping her limbs around you and lewdly rubbing her tits against your back.<br> <br> Tingling pleasure is increasing all over. So is weakness. Tiredness is also creeping into your limbs. You can't shake Toxina off. She takes you down again and you both roll around in the mud.<br> <br> "Hmm, it is quite a powerful protective charm," she says. "Let's see how it holds up once I put you in my poison pussy." <<else>> You try and fail to wriggle out. Toxina keeps a tight hold of you, letting her skin toxin soak into you and be absorbed. You grow weaker. At the same time your arousal creeps up to unbearable levels. Your erect cock grinding against the soft rubber floor beneath you crowds out all other thoughts.<br> <br> Toxina waits for your struggles to subside to little more than twitches, then rolls you over onto your back.<br> <br> "Time to put you in my poison pussy and finish you off." <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Bad Cowgirl]]
<<if $player.charms.includes(29)>> She rolls you onto your back and then, before you can stop her, straddles and drops herself down on your rampant erection. Your cock pushes up into a vagina that's warm, tight and very, very wet. <<else>> She sits down – fast – and impales herself on your erection. Your cock pushes up into a vagina that's warm, tight and very, very wet. <</if>><br> <br> "Yes", Toxina sighs. "Get in my poison pussy."<br> <br> Her vaginal walls spasm and your cock is flooded with warm, viscous fluids. They spill out over your balls.<br> <br> "My vagina secretes the same toxin as my skin, only a lot more of it."<br> <br> She shifts position on top of you. You try to lift yourself out of the muck. Toxina catches your hands and presses them back down into the mud.<br> <br> "A little up and down to get the juices flowing," Toxina says with a manic grin.<br> <br> She smoothly bounces in your lap. The fleshy walls of her vagina, coated in her poison, stroke up and down your erection.<br> <br> "Oh yes," Toxina sighs.<br> <br> She lets out a little gasp. The walls of her vagina shudder. Your cock is completely flooded with warm juices. Toxina closes up her vagina around the base of your shaft, sealing the juices in. Her vagina continues to throb around your erection, sloshing the toxic juices back and forth and thoroughly washing your penis in them.<br> <br> "My toxins, applied right to the organ where they'll have most effect," Toxina laughs.<br> <br> The walls of her vagina continue to move in and out, circulating the fluids around your erection. Your cock feels warm and pleasantly tingly. It's also harder than it's ever been before.<br> <br> "Ah, that takes the fight out of them. That and the sex," Toxina says, her eyes bright.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(29)>> [[Continue.->Toxina: Bad Cowgirl: Charm]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Toxina: Bad Missionary]] <</if>>
"Yes", Toxina sighs. "Get in my poison pussy."<br> <br> She smoothly bounces in your lap. The fleshy walls of her vagina, coated in her poison, stroke up and down your erection.<br> <br> "Oh yes," Toxina sighs.<br> <br> You buck and struggle and unsuccessfully try to throw her off.<br> <br> "You don't need to do that," Toxina says with a wry smile. "I took too long. I lost. I'm not allowed to claim you unless you ask for it. $ will be pissed if I do. And $ being pissed means I don't get to see another man for months."<br> <br> What Toxina is doing does feel like regular fucking. She smoothly moves up and down on top of you. Her pussy feels lovely and tight around your cock. It doesn't remove your concerns.<br> <br> "I'm holding back my toxins," Toxina says. "You can relax and enjoy a good fuck."<br> <br> Her whole demeanour has changed. What was frantic life-or-death wrestling has switched to languid lovemaking.<br> <br> You still can't fully relax. As pleasant as the sex feels, as good as it is to look up and see her lovely big boobs bouncing away, you know she isn't human. You've only her word that the danger has passed.<br> <br> "Let's try a different position," Toxina suggests. "One that gives you more control."<br> <br> She rolls you over and lies beneath you in the classic missionary position. You're between her legs with your cock buried up to the hilt in luscious pussy.<br> <br> "Mmm, I like this position," Toxina says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Good Missionary]]
You are on top and nominally in control now. You could pull out and leave. However, Toxina does seem sincere. And being buried up to the root in her warm sex does feel really damn good. The limited exposure to her toxins has left you feeling horny and with an urgent need to relieve yourself. You start to pump your hips back and forth.<br> <br> "Oh yes," Toxina sighs.<br> <br> She seems content to lie back and let you get on with it. At one point, maybe out of habit, she brings her legs up with the intent of wrapping them around you. She checks herself. She just rubs a foot down the back of your leg. She was also right about the springiness of the base of the inflatable pool. It rebounds with every thrust like a very bouncy mattress.<br> <br> Toxina's pussy feels really damn nice – fleshy and tight. You thrust back and forth, feeling her delectable folds stroke up and down your erection. There is some of her poison present in her lubricating juices, but only enough to trigger a pleasant tingling in your cock.<br> <br> "Yes. Yes! Fuck me. Fuck me harder!" Toxina moans beneath you.<br> <br> You speed up and start jackhammering away between her legs as you feel the climax approaching.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Good Sex: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Toxina: Good Sex: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Toxina: Good Sex: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
And you keep jackhammering away. It was only supposed to be a short quick burst terminating in an epic and satisfying climax. Instead, your loins seem reticent to unload and your body quickly tires before you can attain release.<br> <br> Toxina notices. Her eyes light up.<br> <br> "There is a clause in $'s rules." She says.<br> <br> You pause to get your breath back, then go again.<br> <br> It's no good. The wrestling. The frenzied burst of sex. It's too much. You can't get up to the increased speed needed to trigger a climax after all the other sex you've already had tonight. You're out.<br> <br> "If the man fails to ejaculate, we can do anything we like to 'help' him," Toxina continues.<br> <br> She wraps her legs around you and crosses her ankles behind your back. Her arms wrap around you in a tight hug.<br> <br> "Anything."<br> <br> Her pussy convulses and suddenly fills up with warm juices.<br> <br> Whoa. That perks your cock up! It also brings with it a strange combination of sensations – a hot flush, weakness, unbearable horniness.<br> <br> Her toxins!<br> <br> They're flooding out from her skin as well. Toxina rubs her arms and legs against you, smearing her toxic secretions into your skin.<br> <br> Her vagina throbs again. The walls move in and out and swirl the warm fluids around your member. It's literal honey pot, overflowing with her toxic juices.<br> <br> "This should get you coming," Toxina whispers.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Bad End 1]]
It's here. You slam your hips down, thrust your cock deep into her fleshy sex, and feel the orgasm surge from you in a great wave. You brace your arms, lift up your chest and hold your form as your throbbing cock pours out a massive load inside her.<br> <br> Toxina sighs and moans beneath you. Her vagina convulses in climax as well, although you sense she appears to be holding back.<br> <br> Even far below lethal levels, her poison has a powerful effect. It gives you a truly monstrous orgasm. You hold your position for what feels a blissful eternity and enjoy the sensation of your throbbing cock pouring it all out. Then, finally spent, you collapse down on top of her.<br> <br> That was amazing.<br> <br> Toxina strokes a hand through the hair on the back of your head.<br> <br> "You need to pull out," she says. "I can only hold my poison back for so long, and the toxins in my vaginal secretions are strong enough to break through the protection you have.<br> <br> [[Pull out.->Toxina: Good End]]<br> [[Stay in.->Toxina: Good Sex: Stay In]]
Heeding her warning, you pull out and roll off to the side. You lie on your back on the soft muddy floor of the pool.<br> <br> The moment you do, Toxina ceases holding back. She lets out a series of orgasmic moans and her whole body shudders in climax. Her legs part, her hips buck and she squirts an impressive distance. Then she collapses and joins you in blissful aftermath.<br> <br> "I intensely dislike coming second," she says, "but at least I get a good fuck out of it."<br> <br> A good fuck was what it was. You both lie on the base of the pool for a while. Then you get back up. Your body still feels a little tingly and weak from Toxina's poison, but not enough for it to be a concern. It feels more like the aftereffects of a pleasant drug, although one you definitely don't want to become addicted to.<br> <br> "That was a rather pleasant tussle," Toxina says.<br> <br> Toxina stands up and lifts a long leg over the side of the pool. You follow her in getting out.<br> <br> "Maybe we can have a rematch," she says, her eyes bright. "I'll give you a little more of my toxin. Then you can see how extreme it makes your orgasm."<br> <br> You tell her you'll think about it. That orgasm was already plenty extreme.<br> <br> You gather up your clothes and head to the exit. Your body is covered in mud and Toxina's secretions. You'll need to take a long shower downstairs before getting dressed again. Toxina blows you a kiss and gets back to her stretching exercises.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Toxina: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
You ignore her... for now. You're still lost in the post-orgasmic glow. You lie on top of her with your cock still wedged deep inside her tight pussy. It feels so good you'd like it to stay there a little longer. Just a little.<br> <br> "You need to... too late."<br> <br> Toxina breaks off in an orgasmic sigh. Her body shudders underneath you and her pussy throbs as she reaches her climax just after yours.<br> <br> Her vagina fills up with warm juices. Your cock tingles. A pleasant warm feeling creeps through the rest of your body. It brings with it comfortable lethargy and yet, perversely, a strong desire to go again for round two of fucking. You definitely don't want to move out from between Toxina's legs now.<br> <br> "I gave him the chance to pull out," Toxina says.<br> <br> You wonder who she's talking to. It doesn't seem to be you.<br> <br> "He chose this."<br> <br> Toxina wraps her legs around you and crosses her ankles behind her back. Her vagina throbs again. It's a literal honeypot, overflowing with her juices. You feel something flare up on your shoulder and fade away.<br> <br> "Time to feel the full effects of my poison juices," Toxina says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Bad End 1]]
<<unset $isFit>>
You keep struggling and try to buck her off you.<br> <br> "Ah, that witch's protection," Toxina says as you continue to struggle.<br> <br> She pushes you back down. She raises her hips up and down as she smoothly rides you.<br> <br> "That protection is not absolute," she says. "It can be overloaded..."<br> <br> She picks up speed, bouncing higher and higher. The fleshy walls of her vagina, lined with her poison lubricant, stroke up and down your cock.<br> <br> "...broken."<br> <br> She bounces high and slams back down with an orgasmic sigh. Her vagina convulse again. Juices pour out and flood your crotch. She completely bathes your erection in them. You feel something flare on the back of your shoulder, then fade out. Your strength goes with it as Toxina's toxin finally takes effect.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Bad Missionary]]
You can no longer move. You can only lie on the soft base of the pool while Toxina rides you.<br> <br> "One of the first symptoms is paralysis," Toxina says. "It's only temporary."<br> <br> She rolls over onto her back, taking your unresisting body with her. You lie on top of her, cock in pussy, in a more conventional missionary position. She wraps her legs around you and crosses them behind your back.<br> <br> "Then the other effects kick in."<br> <br> Toxina's pussy is a literal honey pot. It overflows with her toxic juices.<br> <br> "Those are much more fun," she says with a smirk.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Bad End 1]]
You feel really strange. Hot. Horny. Incredibly horny. But also not right. Hazy. Unfocused. Your mouth feels dry. Your insides feel like they're roiling. You start trembling. It begins in your toes and spreads up through your paralysed body.<br> <br> "Here it comes," Toxina says, her eyes bright and eager.<br> <br> The trembling intensifies and then the paralysis breaks. You start jackhammering Toxina's pussy. You still have no control over your body. Your hips piston like a runaway train as you thrust back and forth into Toxina's dripping pussy. It's a completely frenzied coupling that has both of you bouncing on the soft yielding floor of the inflatable pool.<br> <br> "Yes, yes, yes," Toxina moans.<br> <br> You are a runaway train. Your body has steamed out ahead of you and careered off the tracks and down the side of a mountain. You piston up and down, fucking Toxina with uncontrollable abandon.<br> <br> Her pussy feels so good. Soft, warm, juicy. So so juicy.<br> <br> You slam down and finally a dam breaks. You come, blasting great spouts of semen inside Toxina.<br> <br> That doesn't even slow you down. Her toxin has taken complete control of your body. Your hips pump up and down with frenzied thrusts, while Toxina coos and moans underneath you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Bad End 2]]
A second torrent of cum blasts from you. Toxina clasps her legs tight to you as you empty your balls into her. She only loosens them when the flow subsides and you get right back to jackhammering away at her.<br> <br> It's too much. It's like trying to run a marathon at a sprint. Your legs are burning, yet your hips won't – can't – stop. Your body can't take it. You feel aches all over.<br> <br> Toxina holds you tight to her. Her vagina pulses around you. More of her toxic juices soak your cock.<br> <br> "Yesss," she hisses. "Give it to me. Give me all you have."<br> <br> Your orgasmic sigh tails off to a whimper. Too much. Too fast. But – soaked in Toxina's aphrodisiac poison – you can't stop.<br> <br> For the fourth ejaculation your spine contorts with enough force for you to feel something break. Your cock throbs. It feels like a never-ending stream is pouring out of you.<br> <br> "Give me your soul," Toxina hisses softly.<br> <br> The last ejaculation is violent enough to dislodge your soul. It breaks free and surges out of your body in a hot torrent of semen. Only then do you finally stop.<br> <br> You slump – lifeless – in Toxina's arms.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Toxina: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<set $isFit to false>> /* Grapple Charm */ <<if $player.charms.includes(34)>> <<set $isFit to true>> <<else>> /* Max STR */ <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<set $isFit to true>> <<else>> /* Max AGI */ <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<set $isFit to true>> <<else>> /* Overall fitness */ <<set _medFitValue to $player.currStr + $player.currAgi>> <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _medFitValue gt 6 and not _hasAilment>> <<set $isFit to true>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''isFit = $isFit''<br><br> <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> $ seems surprised when you tell him about your meeting with Toxina in the bar.<br> <br> "You felt no... effects at her touch?"<br> <br> When you ask him what he means by that, $ mumbles incoherently and his face reddens in embarrassment. <<else>> <br> <br> "Ah yes, her touch has quite a powerful effect," $ says as you tell him what happened when you had a drink with Toxina down in the bar. "Intrigued by her exoticism, I too shared a drink with her. <<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> I also rose to her challenge. <<else>> Unlike you, I rose to her challenge. <</if>> Rose a little too much in other... ahem... parts as well. To a rather embarrassing conclusion."<br> <br> $'s face reddens.<br> <br> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"Another to cross off the list," $ says grimly. "I am no longer in my prime and was never one for physical activities in the first place. Even if that loopy witch was able to sell me the right protection, I doubt I'd be able to fend Toxina off. She'd pin me to the floor in the muck and keep me there until her poison took effect."
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(29)>> <<set $player.charms.push(34)>> <<set $player.currStr to 1>> /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ <<set $player.currAgi to 1>> /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 74>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].tookHandChallenge to true>> /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 4>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
You step into the inflatable wrestling ring. Mud squishes between your toes. It's warm and doesn't feel all that unpleasant. The floor beneath also feels very spongy. It also feels quite thick and durable. The walls too. You reckon two adults could throw themselves around inside with much abandon and not worry about anything giving way. Exactly as Toxina likes it. Her eyes are bright and very eager as she rests against the far side.<br> <br> "Now don't get too violent," she says. "It's just a playful tease to get us in the mood before we start fucking."<br> <br> Toxina walks over and you both start rolling around in the mud. It's barely wrestling, or even playfighting.<br> <br> <<if $isFit>> Toxina isn't really using any proper style or technique. She seems more interested in rubbing her body – her tits, her ass, her crotch – against you than trying to push you around or put you in any kind of hold. As if she's more interested in getting as much of her body in contact with yours rather than using it to fight you. You don't think you'd have much to fear from her if this was a more serious wrestling contest. <<else>> Which is a good thing for you. You're not really built for brawling. You roll around with her in playful abandon. Toxina likes to wrap her arms and legs around you. She also likes rubbing her tits and crotch against you in a way that's a bit – //a lot!// – more than playful. <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Toxina: Play Wrestling]]
/* Sister Squeeze */ <<set $hi to 75>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Sister Squeeze", shortDescription: "a statuesque woman with bright blue skin. Her darker blue hair is braided in cornrow dreads that hang down to her waist. She's completely naked.", faction: 5, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [33], affection: 0, receivedWarning: false, hasSocialised: false, isDangerous: false, sharedRum: false, introductionLink: "Sister Squeeze: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Sister Squeeze: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Sister Squeeze: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Sister Squeeze: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Sister Squeeze: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Sister Squeeze: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Sister Squeeze: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set _roll to random(1,10)>> <<if _roll eq 1>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].isDangerous to true>> <<else>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].isDangerous to false>> <</if>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Is dangerous = $allHarlots[$hi].isDangerous''<br> <br> <</if>> /* Madam intro */ "Ah, our sexy evil villainess, Sister Squeeze."<br> <br> $ leans close to whisper.<br> <br> "Don't be fooled by her soft appearance. She's squeezed the life out of countless men."<br> <br> /* Long description */ There's not much soft about Sister Squeeze. She has the frame and build of a top athlete. If it wasn't for her unusual skin colour you'd think her a Jamaican sprinter about to run in an Olympic final. Instead, her skin is a bright alien blue. Her long hair is a slightly darker shade of blue and braided in cornrow dreads that hang down to her waist.<br> <br> The soft parts of her are her curvaceous bust and butt. Unlike a top athlete, she's not lean there. In that department she more resembles a glamour model or porn star. And, like a glamour model or porn star, you can see it all. She's not wearing a stitch of clothing.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "'lo sugah," Sister Squeeze says as she sashays confidently up to you. "I'm Sister Squeeze."<br> <br> Her voice has a Caribbean lilt to it.<br> <br> "I'll give ya a good squeeze," she says. "Squeeze ya 'til you pop with pleasure."<br>
"That's a confused one," $ says as you ask about Sister Squeeze. "She doesn't think she's a lust daemon and a fair few of us aren't sure she is either. I've heard some speculate her brains got scrambled on being summoned to one of the more inaccessible domains, either by the warlock who summoned her, or the summoning itself. Who can say, though."<br> <br> $ shrugs.<br> <br> "She does a special sex roleplay. Superheroes and villains, whatever those are. All sounds rather childish to me."<br> <br> $ exhales a dismissive plume of smoke.<br> <br> "Don't take her too lightly. That one has power. If a man comes inside her, he can't stop. She'll squeeze him all out like an orange. Leaves a positively ghastly corpse."<br> <br> $ grins ghoulishly.<br> <br> "It's a shame she hardly uses it. If she had her way, she'd let everyone leave her room afterwards. $ has to remind her every so often what she's here for. And by remind her, I mean terrify the poor dear. You don't want to get on the wrong side of our dear esteemed Madam."<br> <br> $ pulls a face.<br> <br> "If you meet Sister Squeeze after one of //those// talks..."<br> <br> $ leaves it unsaid. She takes a sip of her drink.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She likes to share a bottle of rum with a man. To drown her sorrows over her plight.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, extrasLink: "Sister Squeeze: Gossip Warning", text: "\"Her body is very elastic. She likes to distract men by pumping up her tits. And men, being so predictable, will stand there gawping like horny dogs while she grabs them. If you know it's coming, you'll be able to avoid it. Just don't be a drooling idiot when she pumps her bust up.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Confused or not I have to concede she has a lot of raw power. That sex roleplay will go exactly how she wants it. Just hope you don't pick her right after $'s given her one of her \/\/talks\/\/.\""}>>
Sister Squeeze is completely naked as she accompanies you out into the bar. That seems normal for this establishment. Nobody bats an eyelid at her. <<if $currentRound eq 1>> You still think $ is pulling your leg. It's body paint, that's all it is. <</if>> You find a spare table. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Sister Squeeze: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Sister Squeeze: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "Dat's not very heroic," Sister Squeeze says with a laugh. "Or maybe you're de type dat pretends to be scatterbrained to mask deir true power."<br> <br> She gets up.<br> <br> "Either way, I'm afraid we'll have to bring our pre-fight pleasantries to an early close. Next time it will be de real thing."<br> <br> Sister Squeeze gives you a wink.<br> <br> "Will be fun."<br> <br> She returns to $<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<if $sdi eq 4>> <<include [[Sister Squeeze: Socialising: Rum 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sister Squeeze: Socialising: Default]]>> <</if>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Sister Squeeze: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sister Squeeze: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Socialised with rum */ [1,false,false], /* Was warned by gossip */ [1,false,false], /* Gift: Rum */ [1,false,false], /* Tried to leave */ [2,false,false] /* Survived */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].sharedRum>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Shared rum while socialising''<br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].receivedWarning>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Received warning from $''<br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <<include [[Sister Squeeze: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Sister Squeeze: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Sister Squeeze nods approvingly at your choice of drink.<br> <br> "Get him the same as me," she tells the waitress.<br> <br> The waitress returns with a bottle of Jamaican rum and two tumblers.<br> <br> "Ah, so good to share a drink with a man of good taste," Sister Squeeze says.<br> <br> She empties her glass in a single gulp and pours another. You try to do the same and gasp as the coarse liquid burns the back of your throat.<br> <br> "Dis is the good stuff," Sister Squeeze says with a smile.<br> <br> She looks around the room, watching as the <<if $currentRound eq 1>>waitresses in succubus costumes<<else>>succubus waitresses<</if>> flit from table to table.<br> <br> "Dis is a strange House, is it not. Full of devils so debauched dey'd make de Lord blush. And me one of them too."<br> <br> She says it with a touch of regret.<br> <br> "Strange really. Never knew it 'til I came to dis House. I was always special. I got powers. Figured I was some kind of strange mutant. Or maybe a science experiment gone weird."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Socialising: Rum 2]]
The waitress returns with your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name and a glass of Jamaican rum for Sister Squeeze. She swirls it in her glass, takes a large gulp and sighs appreciatively.<br> <br> "Ah, dat's de good stuff."<br> <br> She looks up at you with a smile.<br> <br> "I do a special roleplay ting. Capeshit."<br> <br> She chuckles at your puzzled expression.<br> <br> "Superheroes and villains. You play de hero and I play de supervillainess who's going to entrap you with her sexy wiles. And a little more," she add with a glint in her eye.<br> <br> "I make it a little contest. The winner fucks the loser. If I win, I squeeze you out. Dat's my power. Once I get hold of a man, I squeeze and squeeze and squeeze, 'til he all squeezed out."<br> <br> She challenges you with her gaze. <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> Your cock throbs in your pants. You're excited at the prospect of getting 'squeezed' by her. <<else>> It thrills you. Conquering her is going to be a lot of fun. <</if>><br> <br> <<if not $allHarlots[$hi].isDangerous>> "Ah, but you don't have to worry. It's only roleplay. I won't be using my full power on you. Unless you want me to..."<br> <br> <</if>> She finishes her drink, gets up and leaves.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Sister Squeeze sighs.<br> <br> "No, I'm a lust daemon, from the Dominion of Lust. $ reckons a warlock summoned me out of there and scrambled my brains up in the process. Made me forget where I from. What I am."<br> <br> She takes another gulp.<br> <br> "She ain't bad. $ Tough, but fair. You men wouldn't last five seconds in here if she weren't."<br> <br> She looks around the room.<br> <br> "Dey – we – are all predators. Suck a man dry if we get a chance. Squeeze him all outta juice 'til nothing left."<br> <br> You listen to her story. You're not sure you believe it. Sister Squeeze sounds sincere enough you think she believes it.<br> <br> "Not you, sugah," Sister Squeeze says. She clinks her glass against yours. "I like you. 'Sides, I don't like feeding too often. Plays havoc with de figure."<br> <br> She runs a hand down her rather marvellous body.<br> <br> "You come up to my room and we'll do de regular up'n'down."<br> <br> She finishes her drink and gets up with a wink.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].sharedRum to true>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].isDangerous to false>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Sister Squeeze's room looks like the stage set of a busy city street. It's not at all what you were expecting on entering a harlot's bedroom. Shop fronts and office facias are painted in detail on wooden boards. There are props of sign posts and trash cans. There's no real attempt at realism, unless the desired effect is to mimic a stage set. Muted city noises are piped through speakers.<br> <br> You step out onto what would be the middle of the street. It's not tarmac. Or the wood of a stage. It's a thick padded rubber mat.<br> <br> Sister Squeeze struts out onto the centre of the 'street'. She's tall and physically imposing like a classic amazon of myth. She's completely naked and her skin is bright blue in colour.<br> <br> "Ha! It's Hero. Have you come to stop me?" she says in a booming voice.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>> She really seems into this roleplay. <<else>> Is this some sort of kinky roleplay? <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Roleplay Intro]]
Sister Squeeze places her hands on her hips and strikes a challenging pose.<br> <br> "I am Sister Squeeze. You will not beat me, Hero!"<br> <br> Sister Squeeze does look like she's just stepped out of the panels of an old comic book. It's not just her bright blue skin. Her amazonian figure and generous curves are how the old comic book artists liked to depict the female form. You doubt they'd be able to get away with drawing what villainess Sister Squeeze is cosplaying as. Her costume is no costume. She's not wearing a stitch of clothing and stands there brazenly with her breasts perky and proud, and the clamshell folds of her sex fully visible between her legs.<br> <br> "I will catch you, Hero. And once you're in my grasp I'll squeeze... and squeeze... and squeeze."<br> <br> If it's roleplay, Sister Squeeze is putting a lot into it. She oozes dark sexual energy – like a classic femme fatale villainess.<br> <br> You wonder how the gift plays into this. Not knowing what else to do, you hold it out to Sister Squeeze.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Sister Squeeze: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 15>> <<include [[Sister Squeeze: Gift: Flowers]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 33>> <<include [[Sister Squeeze: Gift: Rum]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sister Squeeze: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Distraction]]
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].isDangerous to true>> Sister Squeeze spots the $allGifts[$cgi].name and give a little nod of her head.<br> <br> <<include [[Sister Squeeze: Gift: Flowers]]>>
"Flowers? Are you trying to woo me, Hero? Do ya tink I'm another weak little female who'll swoon the moment you flex dose manly pecs. Ha."<br> <br> She throws back her head and laughs contemptuously.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> Sister Squeeze briefly looks interested in the $allGifts[$cgi].name. Then she holds up a finger and wags it.<br> <br> "Do ye tink you can bribe me, Hero? Ah'm shocked such an upstanding individual of your rep would stoop to such tactics. And tink dey might work."<br> <br> She grins wolfishly.<br> <br> "'Sides, I can always take it off your body after I squeezed you out."
Sister Squeeze sees the $allGifts[$cgi].name and laughs.<br> <br> "That won't be any use against me."
Sister Squeeze stands there with her hands on her hips. She looks you up and down from afar.<br> <br> "Mmm, you do have a nice bod. Maybe we have some fun first. How about dat, Hero? I have many talents."<br> <br> She bends towards you and gives her big boobs a sexy little jiggle. They're an eye-catching pair. Big, plump, round and inviting. They're a lovely pair of DDs.<br> <br> Wait, DDDs? Es? Fs?<br> <br> Impossibly, they're swelling up as you look at them. Inflating, as if she has a pair of balloons there, but they still unmistakeably look like a gorgeous pair of tits. Her breast size moves up through the alphabet and goes from comic-book exemplar, to anime exaggeration, and then further, to hentai perversity.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].receivedWarning>> Wait, you remember $ warning you about this. Sister Squeeze would try to distract you.<br> <br> While Sister Squeeze's lovely tits bulge and swell, you see her draw back her left hand. Your legs tense as you prepare to meet the oncoming attack.<br> <br> <</if>> PFLUBB!<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].isDangerous>> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Grab]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Miss]] <</if>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].receivedWarning>> Your reactions are too slow. Or Sister Squeeze too fast. Even though you know it's coming, her hand moves too fast for you to avoid it. You see it swell and balloon outwards, then it's already wrapping around you before you can even blink. The fingers merge together until it becomes a thick rubber sheath. <<else>> You're so distracted by Sister Squeeze's sudden breast enhancement, you fail to see what she does with her hand. Out of the corner of your eye you see it swell and balloon outwards. By the time you realise it's reaching for you, it's already too late. The hand wraps around you and merges together into a thick rubber sheath. <</if>> It looks like someone has wrapped you up in a giant blue inflatable airbed with only your head poking up out of the top. It's very undignified.<br> <br> "Guess you missed the class where they told you to always pay attention to what ya opponent's doing," Sister Squeeze laughs.<br> <br> She's standing in the same place, but her left arm has become boneless and pliant. It runs like a thick tube to the hand that's become a thick rubbery cocoon wrapped around.<br> <br> "You in my grip now, sugah."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Struggle]]
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].receivedWarning>> Only to see Sister Squeeze's hand grab empty air about six feet to the right of you.<br> <br> She missed?<br> <br> That might be a good thing. You knew it was coming. You saw her hand swell and balloon outwards... and then it was grabbing to the right of you without you even registering it moving. If she had truly intended to grab you, you don't think you'd have been able to dodge in time. <<else>> You're so distracted by Sister Squeeze's sudden breast enhancement, you fail to see what she does with her hand. Out of the corner of your eye you see it swell and balloon outwards. By the time you realise it's reaching for you, it's already too late.<br> <br> Only for it to grab empty air about six feet to the right of you.<br> <br> She missed? <</if>><br> <br> "Curses," Sister Squeeze says as she reels her elastic arm back in. "I heard about your superhuman reflexes. To tink dey'd be fast enough to dodge my ultimate capture technique."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Roleplay Dive]]
Your brow furrows in puzzlement. Dodge? You never moved. Sister Squeeze's hand moved so quickly you don't think you could have moved.<br> <br> Rather more alarming, Sister Squeeze appears to be more than a statuesque stunner in blue body paint. She's not in cosplay as a sexy evil villainess. She appears to possess genuine elastic-body powers.<br> <br> "You won't escape my second grab," Sister Squeeze says.<br> <br> She pulls back her right hand...<br> <br> ...then promptly falls on her back as if pole-axed.<br> <br> "What was that?" she complains. "Some kinda mental blow? Or did ya move so fast I never saw it?"<br> <br> You remain standing where you are in complete bafflement.<br> <br> Sister Squeeze places a hand on head and lies back in an exaggerated swoon.<br> <br> "Such power. I never imagined. I am defeated."<br> <br> She glances over at you.<br> <br> "Defeated and completely at your mercy."<br> <br> [[Walk over to her.->Sister Squeeze: Choose Approach]]<br> [[Stay where you are, completely baffled.->Sister Squeeze: Stay]]
The penny drops. It's all roleplay. Rather alarmingly, Sister Squeeze does appear to have actual super powers, but it's still roleplay.<br> <br> This is your cue. You walk over to her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Approach]]
You stay where you are. You're completely confused. You didn't do anything and now Sister Squeeze is lying on the floor as if you've just taken her out.<br> <br> What just happened?<br> <br> Sister Squeeze sees you're not moving. She rolls her eyes and breaks character.<br> <br> "Dat's your cue to come over here and fuck my brains out," she says in exasperation.<br> <br> [[Approach her.->Sister Squeeze: Choose Approach]]<br> [[Leave.->Sister Squeeze: Attempt Leave]]
You flex your muscles and try to force your arms outwards. <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed>> You feel the walls stretch as you slowly push your arms outwards.<br> <br> "My, ain't you a strong one," Sister Squeeze says.<br> <br> A large bulge swells out of her shoulder and travels down her flexible left arm until it meets and merges with the rubbery matter imprisoning you. The walls around you thicken by a couple of inches and snap back to pin your arms back to your sides.<br> <br> You strain again. <<else>> You strain. <</if>> The walls give a little, but you can only push them so far before the elasticity snaps your arms back in place again.<br> <br> "No use," Sister Squeeze says.<br> <br> You strain again to no avail.<br> <br> "You might be strong but you ain't got no leverage with your arms pinned to your sides."<br> <br> You try again, sucking more air into your lungs for one big push to get free.<br> <br> The blue walls contract so hard the air is forced from your lungs with a gasp.<br> <br> "Quit fighting, it's time to get naked with Sister Squeeze," she purrs. "We're gonna have so much fun together."<br> <br> To emphasize what she means, you feel something pinch your bottom. You relax and stop struggling. It seems futile in any case.<br> <br> "I knew you'd see it my way," Sister Squeeze smiles. "Why fight? It's so much better if you relax."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Body Massage]]
The fleshy cocoon around you begins to slowly pulsate. The walls soften and pull you down as they expand around you. Undulating motions grip your shoulders and back and tenderly begin to massage the tenseness out of your muscles.<br> <br> "Isn't dis so much better?" she says. Slowly she walks forwards.<br> <br> It feels nice, really nice. Her rubber cocoon pulses around you and the muscular contractions knead and stroke the muscles of your back and neck. They spread out across your whole body. The sensation feels incredible against your naked flesh. It's like being caressed and fondled by hundreds of soft hands.<br> <br> "And dis is just de beginning."<br> <br> Sister Squeeze fixes you with a lascivious smile and then directs your gaze to her right hand. Mesmerised, you watch her fingers bend back and forth until they lose all semblance of rigidity and undulate like snakes. The liquefaction spreads down her arm until the entire limb is swaying with sinuous grace.<br> <br> Sister Squeeze winks and her hand whips forwards like a striking snake. Involuntarily, you try to recoil, but her fleshy walls hold you in place. Her hand should strike and bounce off the outer wall of the cocoon. Instead it seems to melt right through as though the cocoon isn't there at all. You gasp as you feel a series of feathery light touches run up and down your cock. Her expert and ever so flexible fingers gently coax you first to full erection, then begin to run up and down your length in light tickling caresses.<br> <br> "Now ain't you a big boy," she murmurs lustily.<br> <br> Her fingers continue to run up and down your cock. Every so often they slither down to tickle the hairs on your sac. One finger even slithers further, playfully probing at the rim of your anus before returning to wrap around your cock. It feels so good as the rubbery cocoon slowly pulses around you while she grips your cock tighter and pumps it with long slow strokes.<br> <br> "Mmm. Time for Sister Squeeze to get a taste," the blue girl says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Blowjob]]
She licks her lips and goes down on her knees in front of you. You watch as she pushes her face against the slowly pulsating wall of the cocoon enveloping you. The wall seems to hold for a moment before absorbing her face and head into it.<br> <br> You gasp as you feel hot breath on your erect cock. Soft full lips gently kiss the tip before your whole cock is sucked into her mouth. An impossibly flexible tongue wraps around your cock like a snake, both squeezing and squirming up and down its length. The fleshy walls around you pulse with each bobbing motion of her head. They push you back and forth as Sister Squeeze's sumptuous lips slide up and down your shaft. She takes you all the way to the back of her throat and you struggle to hold it in.<br> <br> Then, when you're starting to feel you can't hold it in any longer, the sucking stops. Sister Squeeze pulls her head out and then stands up in front of you.<br> <br> "Time to move onto the main event."<br> <br> She opens her legs to show off her gaping pussy. It's hairless, with lovely plump labia.<br> <br> You point out she'll need to let you out.<br> <br> "No need for that, sugah."<br> <br> Sister Squeeze steps up to embrace you. Her other arm and legs wrap around the pulsing blue mass of flesh and sink into it. She becomes the cocoon. You feel her arms wrapped around you, her legs crossed behind your buttocks, her soft boobs pressed against your chest, and – best of all – her moist pussy lips kissing the end of your erect cock.<br> <br> "You all wrapped up in Sister Squeeze now and she gonna show you a real good time."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Sex]]
She locks her soft blue lips against yours and begins to passionately kiss you. You gasp into them as you feel the rest of her weight push against and then draw you up into her moist cunt. The walls are softer than the flesh wrapped around you and slick with her juices. She sinks right down to the hilt of your cock, taking it all in and giving the whole length a teasing little squeeze.<br> <br> She breaks off the kiss to nuzzle against your neck.<br> <br> "Mmm, you nice and big," she murmurs in your ear. "Maybe I let you go if you're good enough."<br> <br> You think that's a hint to take a more active role. You flex your buttocks and thrust into her.<br> <br> "Ooh," she moans. "Sister Squeeze likes dat."<br> <br> You pump in and out, harder and harder, working her soft cunt like a jackhammer.<br> <br> "Ooh," Sister Squeeze moans again. Her body and the walls gripping you start to moisten and become softer.<br> <br> In, out. You pump her hard, using the elasticity of her cocoon to drive deeper and deeper into her moist cleft. Her pussy is gushing. You feel the wetness run down your legs. She's losing control. Her lips mouth sweet moans of pleasure into your ear as you feel her breasts bounce against your chest.<br> <br> Maybe this is how you break out?<br> <br> You're preparing for another thrust when the fleshy cocoon suddenly contracts so hard you're completely immobilized again, your cock buried deep within her pussy. Her legs and arms tighten their embrace around you feel her curvaceous breasts wedged tightly against your chest.<br> <br> Sister Squeeze whispers in your ear. "You not bad, but now it's my turn."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Squeeze]]
Her pussy tightens around your cock. Your bodies are jammed so tight together you can't move your dick either in or out. A contraction throbs up from the centre of her body and languorously pulses down the length of your cock.<br> <br> "I got another power as well," Sister Squeeze whispers in your ear.<br> <br> A shiver passes through your body as a finger-shaped pseudopod gently probes before sliding up into your anus. A tremor of pleasure runs through you as it gently begins to massage your prostate.<br> <br> "When a man cum in me he don't stop cumming. I squeeze out all his juice ‘til he just skin and bone."<br> <br> Another throb emanates out from her body. Your cock is gently squeezed again.<br> <br> "Pump me full of your cum, little hero." Sister Squeeze throws her head back.<br> <br> Within the cocoon, her body contracts and pulses all around you. Your cock is gripped by a powerful sucking motion that spreads out across your entire body. The walls of the blue cocoon slowly throb in and out, and your body is pleasantly and rhythmically squeezed within it.<br> <br> "Cum in me."<br> <br> Sister Squeeze grips you tighter and tighter. Sensing impending disaster, you try to put erotic thoughts out of mind. You try to ignore the pleasure of her flesh rubbing against all parts of your body. You try to ignore the pressure of her soft bulging breasts pressing against your chest with each contraction of the cocoon. You try to ignore the finger in your ass skilfully massaging your prostate. Above all, you try to ignore the heavenly suction gripping your cock, squeezing your cock, pulsing around your cock.<br> <br> "Don't fight it. Just cum."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Bad End]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> It's no use. Your body is taut with the pleasure crackling through every nerve. Each breath comes with a little grunt as the next pleasurable throb massages your body and sucks on your cock.<br> <br> "Mmm yes. Sister Squeeze has you now. Cum deep."<br> <br> You feel the orgasm well up and then explode from you as you fire a massive jet of semen into her sucking vagina. It feels so good. Sister Squeeze hugs you tight with her arms and legs. Her blue lips are on yours as you gasp your pleasure into her hot mouth.<br> <br> There is no moment of post-orgasmic bliss. The sucking throbs grow in strength and frequency. With each pulse contracting around your cock you fire another gout of cum into her.<br> <br> And another. And another. And another.<br> <br> The orgasms come so fast they merge into one single torrent gushing into her pulsing pussy.<br> <br> Sister Squeeze breaks off the kiss with a triumphant smile.<br> <br> "Feel me squeeze out all your juice, hero."<br> <br> You barely hear the words. The pleasure keeps increasing as you jet more and more fluids into her sopping cunt. Your head tips back and your eyeballs melt and sink down into the sockets. You're pulled down deeper into her embrace. Sister Squeeze's fleshy cocoon contracts around you and starts to really //squeeze//...<br> <br> <<include [[Sister Squeeze: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> Yeah, this is a bit too weird for you. You turn to go, only for Sister Squeeze to shoot out an elastic blue arm. Her hand wraps around the door handle and prevents you from leaving.<br> <br> "Sorry, sugah. I can't allow you to leave. Not just yet. I was letting too many go. $ wasn't happy about it. Now we gotta have sex first. Dat's her rules."<br> <br> She flashes you an apologetic grin. It switches quickly to a come-hither glance.<br> <br> "Now get over here and we'll have some fun together. You don't need to be nervous. I won't give you the full squeeze. You can leave afterwards."<br> <br> There doesn't appear to be any other option. You walk over to her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Approach]]
Sister Squeeze watches you approach with smouldering eyes. She lies as if fallen, but her legs are apart and her sex is shamelessly exposed.<br> <br> She pouts up at you as you stand over her. "Is dis where you punish me with your Rod of Justice?"<br> <br> She bats her long eyelashes.<br> <br> You just about manage to avoid cracking a grin at the hamminess of it. Yes, it's that sort of roleplay.<br> <br> It's easy to ignore the goofiness of her lines when you take in her body lying before you. Her breasts have deflated down to merely large DDs, or even Es, but still look gorgeous. The rest of her body looks lush, soft, and inviting. You can feel your erection straining in your pants, so you drop your trousers and underwear to free it.<br> <br> Sister Squeeze's eyes widen in mock shock. "Such a mighty rod," she says.<br> <br> Currently it feels properly mighty. That has a lot to do with the sight of Sister Squeeze lying naked beneath you, her legs strategically open. Your blood – and erection – surges at the dazzling vista laid out before you.<br> <br> "I've been a naughty girl. I must be punished with your Mighty Rod of Justice."<br> <br> You don't think it's going to be too punishing... for either of you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Good Sex]]
You go down and slide your cock into her enticing pussy. Her vagina feels smooth, but also very tight. There is an elasticity to her vaginal walls. They stretch to accommodate your penis and press around it to create a snug fit.<br> <br> "Ooh, yeah," Sister Squeeze sighs. "I like dat."<br> <br> Her pussy contracts rhythmically around your cock, sending bolts of pleasure down your shaft and into your balls.<br> <br> "Not too fast, sugah" Sister Squeeze says. "I need a long and thorough... punishing."<br> <br> You oblige. You hunch over her and work your hips. Your cock slides back and forth into her slick, elastic pussy.<br> <br> Sister Squeeze sighs and moans erotically as she writhes beneath you. Roleplay is over. Neither of you are remotely pretending this is 'punishment'.<br> <br> Sister Squeeze's pussy feels so good wrapped around you. It gently squeezes you in time to each thrust. While you pound away, you enjoy the sight of Sister Squeeze's lovely big boobs jiggling beneath you.<br> <br> "Ooh, yeah," Sister Squeeze says.<br> <br> She wraps her legs around you and crosses her ankles behind your back. That encourages you to thrust with greater speed and power. You pump your hips up and down. Your 'mighty rod' ploughs back and forth in her tight pussy.<br> <br> You don't think you're going to be able to keep punishing her for much longer. You feel a familiar stirring in your balls. Your body starts to tremble.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Sister Squeeze: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sister Squeeze: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Your body keeps trembling, but you can't tip over into release. You've already had a lot of sex this night in the House, and your body has reached its limits.<br> <br> "You out?" Sister Squeeze queries.<br> <br> You keep pumping away, but your movements slow as your stamina flags.<br> <br> Sister Squeeze tsks. "I hate dis part, but $ is strict and we all have to follow her rules."<br> <br> She wraps her arms and legs around you. They spread out across your back and merge together until your whole body is enveloped in a warm rubbery cocoon.<br> <br> "Sorry, sugah. I gotta give you de full squeeze after all," Sister Squeeze says.<br> <br> The blue cocoon contracts rhythmically around you. Her pussy does the same around your cock. The force flows into you until it feels like your whole body is being pleasantly pumped.<br> <br> "Dis will get you off," Sister Squeeze says.<br> <br> She squeezes you tighter. The walls of her vagina bunch up and roll up your shaft in a powerful milking action. Your body tenses up as she takes you right back to the cusp of ejaculation.<br> <br> This time Sister Squeeze won't be denied. It takes a while, but Sister Squeeze's squeeze is inexorable. Finally, something breaks and you erupt inside her in a massive, satisfying orgasm.<br> <br> "Dere it is," Sister Squeeze says.<br> <br> Her face turns sad.<br> <br> "But now you cummed inside me, and once a man cum inside me, he won't be able to stop. Dat's my power."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: No Semen Bad End]]
Sister Squeeze feels your cock throb inside her and moves like quicksilver. She slithers out from beneath you in a flash. Instead of pounding away on top, you feel an arm wrap around your chest and pull you back in her lap with your back resting against her soft tits. Her other hand is wrapped around your cock and pumping up and down.<br> <br> Her movements were so quick and fluid you barely had a chance to register that brief interval where your cock was out in the open and not being stimulated by anything. She slid it out of her pussy and wrapped a soft hand around it without missing a stroke.<br> <br> Her fingers run together to form a soft, padded sheath. She skilfully pumps up and down. You were already on the verge, so it only takes a couple of quick pumps to tip you over. You gasp in pleasure and fire a thick stream of cum high into the air.<br> <br> "Whew. Look at dat fly," Sister Squeeze says.<br> <br> You collapse back against her.<br> <br> "You needed dat, sugah" Sister Squeeze says with a laugh.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sister Squeeze: Good End]]
Sister Squeeze lets you lean back in her lap while you recover, then helps you get back to your feet.<br> <br> "Sorry for ending you like dat," she says.<br> <br> She waves her left hand. Her fingers undulate like rubbery snakes before snapping back to regular fingers.<br> <br> "I have a power and I don't have control over it," she explains. "If a man comes in me, dat's the end of him. He won't stop. My pussy will squeeze all the juice out of him."<br> <br> She runs a hand over a shapely hip.<br> <br> "Plays havoc with de figure," she says. "I balloon up like a whale and stay like that for a week."<br> <br> Her lips turn down in a sad frown.<br> <br> "Worse for de man. After he gets the final squeeze he nothing but skin and bone."<br> <br> She switches back to a warm smile.<br> <br> "Ah, but it didn't happen, so no need to worry about it. You got some needed relief and it's better with me den with any of the other girls. Some of dem are real maneaters."<br> <br> The session over, she watches you put your clothes back on and gives you a friendly wave as you leave.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Sister Squeeze: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> You keep ejaculating in a powerful, throbbing stream. It feels great... at first. The flow keeps going. The stream becomes a torrent.<br> <br> It's not stopping, you realise.<br> <br> Sister Squeeze's rubbery blue cocoon contracts around you. She tightens her squeeze. The torrent becomes an unstoppable gush.<br> <br> This shouldn't be possible. It's too much.<br> <br> Sister Squeeze keeps squeezing. Semen – or whatever it is – keeps pouring from you. It's not just your semen. It's the rest of your fluids. They pour out of you in a massive throbbing flood. The only mercy is you're completely lost to ecstatic bliss as Sister Squeeze pulls you down deeper into her embrace and really begins to //squeeze//...<br> <br> She reforms back into regular human form. Your husk, little more than skin and bones, clatters out onto the floor.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].sharedRum>> "Damn. I liked dat one."<br> <br> <</if>> Sister Squeeze looks down at her now swollen and massively corpulent form. She's bloated with your juices.<br> <br> "And dat's my figure ruined for a week," she says.<br> <br> <<include [[Sister Squeeze: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].receivedWarning to true>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Received warning = $allHarlots[$hi].receivedWarning'' <</if>>
<<set _isDefault to true>> <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <<if _isDefault>><br><br><</if>> "I have heard she's partial to a good rum," $ says when you mention drinking with Sister Squeeze. "A coarse drink, but a good one."<br> <br> He continues scratching down notes.<br> <br> <<set _isDefault to false>> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <<if _isDefault>><br><br><</if>> "Did $'s warning help?" $ asks.<br> <br> You tell him you're not sure. Sister Squeeze chose to miss.<br> <br> $ tuts. "Then it's unreliable, just like everything else that comes out of that hag's mouth."<br> <br> He scowls as he writes.<br> <br> <<set _isDefault to false>> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> <<if _isDefault>><br><br><</if>> "Did bringing her a bottle of rum help?" $ asks.<br> <br> You answer truthfully that you don't know. Sister Squeeze was still deep in roleplay character at the time.<br> <br> <<set _isDefault to false>> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> <<if _isDefault>><br><br><</if>> "She wouldn't let you leave until you'd... ahem... done the deed? How disappointing."<br> <br> <<set _isDefault to false>> <</if>> <<if _isDefault>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"She's an odd one," $ says. "I've heard some demons express doubts as to whether she is one of them. I don't think she likes killing men either. I've witnessed $ giving her the most frightful dressing down. Rumours are she left the first man to visit her after that in a state most... ghastly."<br> <br> $ shudders.<br> <br> "I think she's safe, but I'm not //sure// she's safe. A distinction that is of the most utmost importance in here. I must gather more information to be sure."
<<set $currentRound to 2>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $player.currStr to 4>> /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 75>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Rum */ <<set $gift to { number: 33, name: "Rum", isSingular: true, description: "a bottle of rum", categories: [1] }>>
/* Chelida Gattagrandi */ <<set $hi to 77>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Chelida Gattagrandi", shortDescription: "a trashy looking succubus in black leather and fishnets. Her blonde hair is fluffed up and lightly permed. She looks like a dominatrix gang member from an old arcade fighting game.", faction: 5, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, introductionLink: "Chelida: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Chelida: Socialising", hasAskedWhyLeftSanctum: false, npcGossipLink: "Chelida: NPC Gossip", hasSpokenToNpcGossip: false, gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Chelida: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Chelida: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Chelida: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Chelida: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 1>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $player.charms.push(34)>> <<set $player.charms.push(22)>> <<set $player.currStr to 4>> /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ <<set $player.currAgi to 3>> <<set $player.currConst to 3>> /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 77>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Chelida Gattagrandi, the Exile," $ says. "The Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs excommunicated her for the development of a forbidden technique of pleasure. Their loss is our gain."<br> <br> $ smirks lewdly.<br> <br> "Or rather your gain, should you wish it."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Chelida Gattagrandi has an attitude and appearance that suggests she chews up and spits out men for fun. She wears kinky thigh-high boots, ripped fishnets, a trashy leather jacket and spiked collar. Her blonde hair is big, frizzy and slightly permed. Her eyes are surrounded by copious pools of eye shadow. She looks slightly out-of-time, like a trashy gang member out of an eighties movie or arcade game.<br> <br> More than trashy. She's not wearing any underwear beneath her jacket. You can see the lush cleavage where her big round boobs are pressed together. She's also completely unconcerned the shaved folds of her vagina are visible beneath her short coat. Her labia are plump and seem strangely //muscular//.<br> <br> If it was just that, Chelida would look a very bad girl. She's also a succubus on top. She has devil horns poking out of her big frizzy hair. There are folded bat wings behind her back. She also has a narrow black tail with a bulbous tip.<br> <br> She looks both trashy and sexy, the sort that would destroy you in bed for fun.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Her smile is surprisingly pleasant as she walks over to introduce herself.<br> <br> "I am Chelida Gattagrandi. I have a special technique I'd like to try out on you. You'll enjoy it." <br>
Chelida Gattagrandi has an appearance that would draw many men's gazes in another bar. And an attitude that would send those gazes back down into their owners' drinks.<br> <br> This isn't a normal bar. No-one pays you or Chelida any attention as you take an open booth by one of the side walls. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Chelida: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Chelida: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "So, you're another useless, good-for-nothing punk," Chelida says as she gets up from the table.<br> <br> Her tone is angry, but her attitude is playful.<br> <br> "I'm going to enjoy crushing your head between my thighs."<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and tumbler of whiskey for Chelida.<br> <br> "You do know I'm a very bad girl," Chelida says to you with an amused smile.<br> <br> It is fairly obvious from her attire and attitude.<br> <br> "My session is all about dirty fighting. I know a lot of moves that have men gasping... in both pleasure and submission."<br> <br> Her gaze and smile are pure filth.<br> <br> "If you're one of those that gets turned on by the thought of being physically overpowered by a sexually dominant woman, I'm your gal. And that's before I even get around to using my special technique on you."<br> <br> She stares at you in naked hunger and rolls a tongue around plump lips covered in glossy black lipstick.<br> <br> [[That sounds rough.->Chelida: Socialising: Sounds Rough]]<br> [[Why did you leave the Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs.->Chelida: Socialising: Why Leave Sanctum]]
"Chelida Gattagrandi is the rebel... the exile. Unlike her sister, the poser Soffocaria, Chelida was rebellious enough to get herself excommunicated from The Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs. Not one for rules that one..."<br> <br> $ exhales a plume of fragrant smoke.<br> <br> "What? Why did she get excommunicated? She brought back a forbidden art of smothering. It's effective... too effective. Impossible to survive."<br> <br> $ sips her drink.<br> <br> "That's not the problem. The technique causes the succubus using it to repeatedly orgasm out of control. It makes her climax so hard her brains rattle in her skill... or so I've been told."<br> <br> $ smiles at your expression.<br> <br> "Don't look so surprised. We can have orgasms too."<br> <br> She chuckles.<br> <br> "The Sanctum doesn't like that. The holy art of erotic asphyxiation is serious serious business for them. They think it unseemly for a suffocatrix to lose control like that. So Chelida got the boot and ended up here."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "She still doesn't like following rules. Luckily for you, $ has provisions in place for girls like that."<br> <br> <<if $npcCharm.hasBeenIntroduced>> She glances over to $'s table. <<else>> She glances over to the far side of the room. <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip to true>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Whatever she tells you, you must not tap out or submit while wrestling Chelida. And you absolutely should not let her use her special technique on you.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Chelida is still a suffocatrix. The same protection that works against the others, works for her too.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"You'll need something special to escape her final hold. You won't be able to slip out of that without magical assistance. No-one does.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Chelida: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Chelida: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
Chelida smiles.<br> <br> "It's //dirty// fighting," she says, stressing the dirty. "None of my techniques leave so much as a bruise. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Most men do."<br> <br> She challenges you with her stare.<br> <br> Ah, so it's that type of //dirty//.<br> <br> "I'll get you to submit, and you'll like it," Chelida says with a confident smile.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Chelida shrugs.<br> <br> "A difference in opinion," she says.<br> <br> And that is all she will say on the matter.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasAskedWhyLeftSanctum to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Socialised */ [1,false,false], /* Gossip */ [7,false,false] /* Survived */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to [34]>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<set _strPassed to _testPassed>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<set _agiPassed to _testPassed>> <<set $isFit to _agiPassed and _testPassed>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> isFit = $isFit<br><br> <</if>> <<set $hasUsedBodyscissors to false>> <<set $isDefeated to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasAskedWhyLeftSanctum>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> //has asked Chelida why she left sanctum//<br><br> <</if>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <</if>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> //has spoken to $<br><br> <</if>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <</if>> <<include [[Chelida: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Chelida: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Chelida Gattagrandi's room is larger than it should be, which is a little disconcerting. Instead of a bedroom, you enter a large circular space more reminiscent of a temple atrium. In the middle of the floor is a large circular black rubber mat. It's surrounded by a colonnade. Sheets of black vinyl hang between the columns. They flap and sway to give the setting an additional portent of drama. An effect that becomes more chilling when you realise there should be no source of wind to move them.<br> <br> Studded around the circumference of the room are various statues of buxom women. Their stern and pious poses form a contrast with the exaggerated contours of their bust and hips. All have been defaced in some way – heads knocked off, limbs removed, torsos even smashed completely. If this was a temple, you get the feeling it's been defiled.<br> <br> You don't have to look too far to find the defiler. Chelida Gattagrandi is shamelessly draped over a stone throne at the back of the room. She smiles as she sees you enter and gets out of her seat to greet you.<br> <br> She cuts an intimidating figure in her leather jacket and fishnets. She looks like the stereotypical bad girl out of an old arcade fighting game... if the artists were allowed to draw characters without underwear. It's an impression further reinforced when you see she's wielding a whip.<br> <br> Yep, she looks a bad bad girl. Just thinking about what she might do to you in the bedroom causes your cock to rise up in your pants.<br> <br> Chelida cracks her whip for emphasis.<br> <br> Of course, some of those things might not be all that pleasant. They might be rather painful...<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Whip]]
Chelida sees your look of concern and laughs.<br> <br> "It's just for show," she says.<br> <br> She curls the whip up and places it on a stand next to the stone chair.<br> <br> "I wanted one of the Flagecstatrix whips. They're specially enchanted to trigger ecstatic bliss with each strike rather than pain. Unfortunately, the Flagecstatrices guard their secrets well. Pissy bitches."<br> <br> Chelida strides across the rubber mat to meet you.<br> <br> "Now, what have you brought me?"<br> <br> You present her your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Chelida: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(6)>> <<include [[Chelida: Gift: Slutty]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(8)>> <<include [[Chelida: Gift: Bling]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(4)>> <<include [[Chelida: Gift: Romantic]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Chelida: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> Chelida takes your gift and places it on the same stand where she left her whip.<br> <br> "Take your clothes off and stand on the centre of the mat," she orders.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Undress]]
"Mmm, a very good choice," Chelida says as she accepts the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "I can give you an experience no-one else in here can."
"Mmm, a good choice," Chelida says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "I do like to indulge more..."<br> <br> She looks you up and down with a gaze filled with hot lust.<br> <br> "...physical pleasures."
"Mmm... acceptable," Chelida says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "I do like to satisfy material desires."
Chelida laughs scornfully as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "I'm not here to be your girlfriend."
"Well, you made an effort," Chelida says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "I hope you make more of one on the mat."
You do as she says. You take off your clothes and leave them in a neat pile at the edge of the black rubber mat. You stride out onto it. The mat is softer and deeper than you were anticipating and has quite a bit of spring to it. Its purpose is clearly more than just wrestling.<br> <br> Normally you'd be embarrassed by your large and very obvious boner, but it's why you're here.<br> <br> Chelida takes off her boots, jacket and spiked collar. She leaves her stockings on. Her exposed boobs are quite a pair – large but firm. They don't sag or even sway all that much as she walks across the mat to you.<br> <br> //Firm// sums up the rest of her pretty well. While not ripped like a bodybuilder, you can see faint traces of her abs and other musculature. Chelida is no stranger to working out. She walks up to you with a confident smile.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Rules 1]]
"Before we begin let's get some ground rules out of the way," Chelida says. "We're going to have a dirty fight."<br> <br> She reaches down and shamelessly strokes a hand up your erection.<br> <br> "But not this type of dirty."<br> <br> She reaches down lower and gives your testicles a painful squeeze that's mercifully over just as soon as it begins.<br> <br> "I am to indulge what you humans call a femdom wrestling fetish. I'm going to roll you around and physically dominate you until you're gasping like the dog you are. Then, once I've teased you fit to bursting, I'll make you submit and force you to spunk out a satisfyingly big load."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Rules 2]]
Chelida looks you over.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> "I can see this is familiar to you."<br> <br> She reveals fangs in a vulpine smile.<br> <br> "Do not make me do all the work. I expect some – token – resistance. Men that just lie there like sacks of shit bore me. Bore me and I'll take your soul. Understand?"<br> <br> You nod. Your erection bobs up and down as well. The whole thing sounds very exciting. <<else>> "Hmm, you don't look like the usual type to visit me," she says. "I hope you're not entertaining foolish notions of turning the tables. I like a little resistance to make it interesting, but if you make me work too hard by trying to fight me for real, that's going to piss me off. Piss me off and I'll take your soul. Understand?"<br> <br> You nod. You can let her be on top and have control... this time.<br> <br> You look at her horns, wings, and tail.<br> <br> Well, any time. She is a demon. Pissing off a demon is probably not a good idea. <</if>><br> <br> She wraps her hand around your cock and gives it a squeeze.<br> <br> "If I had my way I'd squeeze your soul out anyway. Unfortunately, I have rules to follow as well. Our dear Madam insists we all give you worthless dogs a 'sporting' chance."<br> <br> Chelida pulls a face.<br> <br> "So, I will give you a chance, but only if you do not displease me. Is that understood?"<br> <br> You nod, while wondering if you might have made a mistake coming to this room.<br> <br> "Good. Then let's begin."<br> <br> She shoves you back and then advances with an expression of pure filth on her face.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Start Wrestling]]
You start by playfully grappling and rolling around on the padded rubber mat. Chelida was not kidding when she said this would be 'dirty' fighting. If there's an opportunity to rub her plump tits or ass against you, she takes it. If there's an opportunity to grab your cock or balls, she takes it. At one point she even gets dangerously close to jamming a finger in your ass.<br> <br> Yes, Chelida is definitely a bad girl, with a whole repertoire of dirty tricks.<br> <br> She doesn't mind it back either. She allows you to grab her tits and ass in ways that are far more sexual than 'clean' wrestling. At one point your hand strays near her pussy and for a moment you're tempted to slide a couple of fingers inside. However, her vagina sucks at your fingers in a way you find disconcerting, as if you'd have real trouble pulling them out should they stray inside, and you reflexively pull your hand away.<br> <br> Chelida is also just as adept at using the other type of dirty. If you go too far she lets you know by squeezing your testicles hard enough to make your eyes water. She is the one in control of this little tumble and she doesn't hesitate to painfully remind you of this should you stray out of line.<br> <br> <<if $isFit>> It's more of a rough'n'tumble playfight than a proper wrestling bout. You sense Chelida is more interested in tiring you out and turning you on than trying to pin or hold you. <<else>> Despite the lushness of her curves, Chelida is deceptively strong. She's also adept at getting her body on top of you to tire you out. You think she'd give you problems if you were wrestling for real. As it is, she seems more interested in getting you turned on. <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Boob Smother 1]]
After a minute or so of lewd grappling Chelida manages to dump you on your ass on the mat. Luckily the mat is very deep and cushions the impact.<br> <br> While the little brain between your legs is thinking about how nice it would be to have sex with Chelida on this soft and springy mat, Chelida is already clambering on top of you for the pin. Grinning with feral delight, Chelida crawls up your body, making sure to rub against your exposed erection.<br> <br> It's not all pleasure. Chelida hooks her legs around yours and extends them far enough apart to strain your groin muscles. She has them up off the mat so you're rocking on your back like a turtle.<br> <br> Grinning evilly, she catches your flailing wrists and pins them to the mat. She demonstrates this is 'dirty' rather than proper wrestling by planting hot feral kisses on your throat and neck. She follows them with a lewd lick of her hot tongue. She bounces against you, playfully squeezing your cock between her body and yours.<br> <br> As much as you want it to be a tease that ends up with your cock in her pussy, it's too early for that. Still pinning your arms to the mat, she moves up further until her lovely firm tits are right over your face. Then, now she's in position, she drops down, burying your face between her substantial breasts.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Boob Smother 2]]
Chelida giggles as she twists her upper body, playfully buffeting your head between her tits. Then she drops back down and completely buries your mouth and nose in the soft cleft of her cleavage. She lies there with all her weight focused on your face.<br> <br> It feels pleasant to have the fleshy globes of her boobs pressed against your face.<br> <br> Or it would, if you could breathe.<br> <br> Is this her pin? To smother you with her tits until you pass out?<br> <br> Chelida playfully jiggles her chest. You snatch a quick breath. You don't think she's earnestly trying to suffocate you. It's more to turn you on.<br> <br> And it works. Your cock is standing up, fully erect and proud.<br> <br> [[Let her pin you.->Chelida: Boob Smother: Don't Struggle]]<br> [[Buck her off.->Chelida: Boob Smother: Struggle]]
Her hot body lying on top of you, with her boobs pressed against your face, has removed all interest you had in fighting. The rubber mat feels soft and comfortable beneath you. You're in the mood to do other things with Chelida. You stop struggling and lie limply beneath her, hoping she'll recognise your submission and move onto the sex part of the session.<br> <br> Chelida lifts her smothering tits off your face.<br> <br> "You bore me," she says contemptuously.<br> <br> Before you can apologise, she's changed position and wrapped muscular thighs around your head and neck.<br> <br> <<set $isDefeated to true>> [[Continue.->Chelida: Headscissors]]
<<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _charmsList to [22]>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<if _testPassed or $isFit>> <<include [[Chelida: Boob Smother: Struggle Success]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Chelida: Boob smother: Struggle Fail]]>> <</if>>
<<if $hasUsedBodyscissors>>After demonstrating her brutal bodyscissors, Chelida moves onto working your head and neck. She<<else>>Chelida<</if>> squeezes your head from behind between her muscular thighs. She bends a knee and makes a triangle around your neck. Her calf guillotines your throat and she locks the leg in place beneath her other leg.<br> <br> While it might look sexy to have your head squeezed between her shapely thighs and nestled up against her naked crotch, the reality is a little more painful. Your head feels like it's being squeezed in a vice. She flexes her muscles in an attempt to choke you out.<br> <br> Whatever happened to not being rough?<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> //(You can't deny it's not arousing.)//<br> <br> <</if>> "You're not getting out of this one," Chelida taunts.<br> <br> She leans back on the mat and drags you up like a landed fish.<br> <br> <<if $isDefeated>> Even if you weren't already worn out, you think she might be right. Her legs have you in a chokehold and her ankles are locked behind your back, where you can't get at them. While her skin feels smooth and soft, the muscles beneath are like iron. She's got you with this one for sure.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Vagina Smother 1]] <<else>> <<if $player.charms.includes(34) and $cgi neq 0>> [[Try anyway.->Chelida: Headscissors: Struggle Success]] <<else>> [[Try anyway.->Chelida: Headscissors: Struggle Fail]] <</if>><br> [[Give up.->Chelida: Headscissors: Don't Struggle]] <</if>>
It's a little early to let Chelida pin you like this. You squirm and try to buck her off. Chelida is quite strong and knows how to leverage her weight. Her pin isn't the most efficient though. Against a weaker man she might be able to force him to submit, or maybe even suffocate him unconscious if he didn't.<br> <br> Not you. You're able to buck her off without too much trouble.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Bodyscissors]]
It's a little early to let her pin you like this, even if it feels nice to have her tits shoved in your face. You go to buck Chelida off... only to find it more difficult than anticipated.<br> <br> Chelida is surprisingly strong, and has managed to put herself in a position with lot of leverage over you. Your legs are forced apart and up off the mat. She has your wrists firmly pinned above your head. She keeps her breasts pressed firmly over your face like a smothering pillow.<br> <br> Incredulity gives way to panic as you realise you still can't breathe and Chelida doesn't seem inclined to let you breathe. You start to wriggle and squirm with greater urgency. You can't get free.<br> <br> Everything starts to go dark.<br> <br> Then the smothering mass of flesh is gone and you gratefully suck air in with a gasp.<br> <br> "Too weak," Chelida says scornfully.<br> <br> Before you can apologise, she's changed position and wrapped muscular thighs around your head and neck.<br> <br> <<set $isDefeated to true>> [[Continue.->Chelida: Headscissors]]
You push Chelida onto her back and follow up to try and get on top. You get between her legs only to realise she's drawn you into a trap. Grinning manically, her eyes bright, Chelida wraps her legs around your midriff. She crosses her ankles behind you and starts to //squeeze//.<br> <br> Her thighs are brutal. It's like someone has put your torso in a nutcracker. It's not just the pain of getting your body pinched in her bodyscissors, Chelida has managed to get her legs right under your diaphragm. Her squeeze forces the air up out of your lungs and makes it difficult for you to draw any back in. It's like being squeezed by a giant boa constrictor.<br> <br> "I was a suffocatrix of The Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs," Chelida says with a vulpine smile. "We know a thousand ways to deny a man air."<br> <br> Her face contorts and she lets out a cry as she exerts herself harder. It sounds more like an orgasmic moan.<br> <br> The pressure around your torso increases. You can't breathe at all.<br> <br> <<set $hasUsedBodyscissors to true>> [[Tap out.->Chelida: Bodyscissors: Don't Struggle]]<br> [[Try to break free.->Chelida: Bodyscissors: Struggle]]
This is too much. Grimacing, you tap the side of Chelida's legs to signal your submission.<br> <br> "Weak," she says with a triumphant smile.<br> <br> She relaxes her thighs only to bring them back together in another eyewatering pinch. It's mercifully short. She unhooks her ankles and swings her legs fully apart. Freed of their jaws, you flop on the mat, gasping for air.<br> <br> "That technique is a little rough," Chelida says. "Mmm, how about I do something more pleasant instead."<br> <br> <<set $isDefeated to true>> [[Continue.->Chelida: Ass Smother]]
Breaking out of her hold is difficult. She has her ankles locked together behind your back. Teeth bared in a crazy smile, Chelida moans orgasmically as she exerts herself to pinch you once, twice, three times, until your eyes are watering.<br> <br> Then she relents.<br> <br> "That technique is a little rough," Chelida says.<br> <br> She unhooks her ankles and swings her legs fully apart. Freed of their jaws, you flop on the mat, gasping for air.<br> <br> "Mmm, how about I do something more pleasant instead."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Ass Smother]]
Chelida doesn't give you a chance to fully get your breath back. She crawls back on top of you, this time facing in the opposite direction – facing towards your toes. Your nostrils are filled with the musky tang of her pussy as she presses her crotch down against your face.<br> <br> Down at the other end she wraps a warm hand around your cock and gives it a good pump. Even despite – or maybe because of – Chelida's rough treatment, you're still pretty hard. Chelida's pumps get you harder still. Then she's dipping her head down and wrapping her hot lips around the head of your penis.<br> <br> Finally it's time for the sex, you think.<br> <br> No. It's another tease and prelude to another pin.<br> <br> Chelida gives the tip of your cock a single teasing suck, then sits back up. Still casually stroking your cock with her hands, she pushes her butt down over your face. Worse, she gives your cock a little twisty tug right before that causes you to gasp out the air in your lungs in pleasure. Before you can draw in any to replenish it, Chelida is sitting right down and your face is smothered beneath her luscious ass cheeks.<br> <br> It's another hold. Her knees reposition and pin your arms to the mat. Chelida playfully bounces on your face while wanking you off.<br> <br> It feels pleasant, but... again... you can't breathe.<br> <br> [[Give up.->Chelida: Ass Smother: Don't Struggle]]<br> [[Try to buck her off.->Chelida: Ass Smother: Struggle]]
Screw it. You've had enough of wrestling and want to get to the sex. You stop struggling and go limp, hoping she'll recognise your submission before suffocating you.<br> <br> She does, but she doesn't seem pleased about it.<br> <br> "You bore me," she says contemptuously.<br. <br> She changes position and wraps muscular thighs around your head and neck.<br> <br> <<set $isDefeated to true>> [[Continue.->Chelida: Headscissors]]
<<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _charmsList to [22]>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<if $isDefeated or not $isFit or not _testPassed>> <<include [[Chelida: Ass Smother: Struggle Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Chelida: Ass Smother: Struggle Success]]>> <</if>>
You buck and thrash, but are unable to dislodge Chelida from your face. As a former suffocatrix, Chelida is formidably skilled in smothering techniques. She waited right until your lungs were empty before dropping her ass on your face. Without oxygen to power them, your struggles quickly wane.<br> <br> Chelida wraps her hands back around your cock and continues masturbating you. The pleasure further confuses your oxygen-starved brain.<br> <br> Just as you're about to pass out, Chelida lifts her ass high enough for you to snatch a breath of precious air.<br> <br> "Weak," she says.<br> <br> She changes position and wraps muscular thighs around your head and neck.<br> <br> <<set $isDefeated to true>> [[Continue.->Chelida: Headscissors]]
For wrestling, Chelida's techniques are unconventional. However, as a former suffocatrix, she is very adept at using her body to smother men to submission. It takes every ounce of your strength, but you are able to kick out hard enough to dislodge Chelida's ass from your face.<br> <br> "Mmm, you've still got a little fight left in you," Chelida says while you gasp for air and try to recover.<br> <br> She changes position and wraps muscular thighs around your head and neck.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Headscissors]]
Even though you've still got a little left in the tank, you know it's pointless to try and get out of this. She's got her triangle chokehold locked in. You're not getting out. The match is hers.<br> <br> But it always was from the start. It was supposed to be femdom wrestling after all.<br> <br> Time to move onto the sex.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Vagina Smother 1]]
While Chelida could choke you out with ease at this point, she doesn't squeeze you tight enough to do so. She does enough to leave you red-faced and hanging.<br> <br> "It would be a waste to choke you out," Chelida says. "I want you fully conscious when I use my special technique on you."<br> <br> She shifts position. She straightens out her legs. There's still no escape. She crosses her ankles on top of your belly and maintains the nutcracker pressure on you head, only it's focused more on your skull than neck. Your head is wedged back against her crotch. You feel her pussy press against the back of your head and are not surprised to feel dampness. From the way Chelida has been moaning, squeezing you between her thighs is a massive turn-on for her.<br> <br> She moans erotically again. Her pussy lips gape wide enough to soak the hair on the back of your head.<br> <br> They gape wider...<br> <br> Far wider than should be possible. You feel her labia part around the back of your head and a cavernous expanse between them.<br> <br> //What's going on!//<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Vagina Smother 2]]
You try anyway. It shouldn't matter. Chelida has you fully locked in a triangle chokehold. And then...<br> <br> ...somehow your head slips out and you slither free.<br> <br> Chelida looks at you in surprise.<br> <br> "How?" she says. "Then understanding dawns. "Ah. She's a crafty one. Rules indeed."<br> <br> You don't understand and Chelida doesn't elaborate.<br> <br> "Oh well, I'll have to use my special technique on you another time. We'll do something else instead. Something fun."<br> <br> Her eyes smoulder. She prowls over to you, places a hand on your chest and pushes you over onto your back. She gets on top and mounts you.<br> <br> Does this mean you're finally getting to the sex?<br> <br> Chelida lifts your torso up off the mat and wraps her legs around your abdomen. Then, with a mischievous grin, she crosses her ankles, flexes her powerful thigh muscles and gives you another brutal squeeze.<br> <br> She leans back and strokes your cock as it rests in the groove between her ass cheeks. She exerts her thighs and holds the bodyscissors until your eyes are watering.<br> <br> Then she relents with a teasing laugh.<br> <br> "That's enough," she says. "I think it's time I gave another part of you a squeeze."<br> <br> She pushes her butt up and back until she's squatting over your throbbing erection.<br> <br> "A much more pleasant one. I think you've earned it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Sex]]
You try anyway. Not to any use. Chelida has fully locked in a triangle chokehold. She squeezes her thighs tighter until your face is red and black spots dance across your vision.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Vagina Smother 1]]
Chelida moans. Her legs squeeze and force your head back against her gaping... //vagina?//<br> <br> You can't see anything, but what you feel is horribly wrong. There are fleshy lips against the sides of your head and a warm wet space between them. Your head is surrounded by a hot musky cloud.<br> <br> Chelida moans harder as she exerts herself. The fleshy lips stretch wider and start to slide down the sides of your head. You feel a moist fleshy curtain creep down your forehead and you're aware of it at the top of your vision.<br> <br> <<if $isDefeated>> You panic and try to pull yourself free. Your struggles are weak. All the rolling around with Chelida has left you exhausted... just as she intended it. <<else>> You panic and start fighting back. Seriously this time. It does you no good. <</if>><br> <br> Her thighs hold your head in place as her vagina slowly draws it in, like giving birth in reverse.<br> <br> Chelida pants and moans like she's giving birth. She strains and your head is drawn in deeper. Fleshy curtains slide down over your eyes. Chelida relaxes her thighs and lets muscular peristalsis take over. With another loud moan she gives one last big //pull// and your whole head is drawn up into her sex. Her stretched labia come back together and form a snug and plump collar around your neck. Then, the hard part over, Chelida lies back panting.<br> <br> You feel warm wet flesh press against your face. The muscular walls are wet with musky lubricant and cushioned with pads of soft flesh.<br> <br> //You're in her pussy. Your whole head is in her pussy.//<br> <br> Chelida confirms that by noisily and violently climaxing. You feel the fleshy walls shudder and her whole body tremble. Dimly, you realise she's orgasming from the insertion of your head.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Vagina Smother 3]]
Your disbelief at this happening gives way to panic when you realise you can't breathe. It's like Chelida has put a plastic bag filled with warm meat over your head. The cushioned walls of her vagina press snugly against your face. There is no air.<br> <br> You kick out ineffectually. The fleshy walls shiver again as your struggles trigger another orgasm for Chelida.<br> <br> At the same time you feel your erection be drawn into a warm fleshy sheath. A sex toy? No, it's too warm and the walls undulate around your cock as if alive. Her tail? You dimly remember it had some kind of bulbous opening at the tip.<br> <br> The fleshy walls press around you erection and roll up the shaft in a pleasant tug. You can't really enjoy the pleasure. You're slowly suffocating within Chelida's impossible vagina.<br> <br> Chelida shivers again, her body wracked with multiple orgasms. She doesn't want you to miss out either. The fleshy sheath around your cock pumps it faster and harder.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Vagina Smother: Bad End]]
Even though you're suffocating, you feel a powerful orgasm building, the most powerful you've ever experienced in your life. <<if $player.charms.includes(22)>> Your body bucks in a massively intense climax and you spurt out a gigantic load into Chelida's sucking tail orifice.<br> <br> You still can't breathe.<br> <br> Chelida's tail keeps sucking on your cock, keeping you hard.<br> <br> Unbeknownst to you, you've acquired a charm to give you protection from suffocation. Unfortunately, while this charm is very useful versus the suffocatrices of The Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs, it doesn't help against Chelida. Even magical assistance has limits and Chelida has no intention of letting you out of her vagina until you've suffocated and coughed up your soul.<br> <br> All it does is lengthen your end. Chelida experiences many many orgasms before you finally expire. At least she's considerate enough to use her tail to pump many powerful and pleasant ejaculations out of you before the world fades to black. <<else>> Then, as you black out, your body bucks in a massively intense climax and you spurt out a final load into Chelida's sucking tail orifice.<br> <br> Then everything goes black. You expire and gasp your soul out into Chelida's smothering vagina. The succubus lies back and keeps climaxing for some time afterwards. <</if>><br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Chelida: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<unset $isFit>> <<unset $isDefeated>> <<unset $hasUsedBodyscissors>>
Chelida drops down and swallows your cock up inside her vagina in one smooth movement. The wrestling and using you as a squeeze toy has turned her on considerably. Her pussy is soaking wet with lubricant. It's just as well. Her pussy is extremely tight and the walls feel as muscular as her thighs. They're also lined with soft cushioned pads of flesh, making it a luxuriously snug fit.<br> <br> Chelida bounces lithely in your lap. You lean back and relish the sensation of Chelida's tight pussy stroking up and down your erection.<br> <br> You don't get to stay in that position for long. Still with her thighs wrapped around you, Chelida leans back and pulls your head and shoulder with her. She hugs your face to her chest and you enjoy nuzzling her lovely soft tits.<br> <br> "Old habits die hard," Chelida says.<br> <br> She hugs your face tight to her bosom. You realise she's no longer moving her hips up and down. You still feel a luscious stroking sensation on your cock, but it's all internal. The muscles of her vagina bunch up and roll up and down your erection, tugging it in a pleasant milking action.<br> <br> Her vagina gives you a sudden unexpected squeeze. It causes you to gasp out in pleasure into her cleavage. Chelida, still a suffocatrix despite her excommunication, hugs you tighter to her chest, burying your mouth and nose between soft pillows of warm flesh. Smothered, again, you cannot replenish the air you've just lost.<br> <br> "Don't worry," Chelida whispers. "For all their stuffiness, the suffocatrices of The Sanctum know exactly how to give a man the most intense climax."<br> <br> She wraps her arms tighter around your head and pushes your face deeper into her smothering bosom. Her pussy squeezes your cock. Powerful tugging strokes run up and down your erection. You feel a powerful orgasm rising up to meet your sinking consciousness.<br> <br> "Night night," Chelida whispers.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chelida: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Chelida: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Chelida: Good End]]>> <</if>>
You pass out and never wake up.<br> <br> It was not Chelida's intention to kill you. Her intent was to hold you tight until you erupted in orgasm inside her. However, that ejaculation never happens. The other harlots in the House have left you too depleted. Chelida clasps you tightly to her bosom while waiting for a climax that never arrives.<br> <br> She holds you there until, breathless, you expire.<br> <br> Never a succubus to waste an opportunity, Chelida sucks your soul out through your cock then lets your slowly cooling body collapse back on the mat.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Chelida: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You lose consciousness just as one of the most intense orgasms you've ever experienced rips through you. Your cock throbs powerfully and you spurt a massive wad of semen up into the tight clutch of Chelida's hot pussy.<br> <br> Then you pass out.<br> <br> You come to lying flat on your back in the centre of the big rubber mat.<br> <br> Chelida is back on her stone throne. She glances dismissively in your direction while she paints her toenails.<br> <br> "You should leave," she says. "The bell rang a few minutes ago. $ will send her hounds after you if you're not back downstairs."<br> <br> She goes back to painting her nails.<br> <br> And that's that.<br> <br> Unsteadily, you get back to your feet. You retrieve your clothes and shuffle to the exit.<br> <br> For all Chelida's cold indifference afterwards, that was a monstrous orgasm she gave you. One of the most intense you've experienced. You just wished she hadn't knocked you out right in the middle of it.<br> <br> Old habits die hard indeed.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Chelida: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <br> <br> "Ah, so that's why she was excommunicated from the Sanctum. I wonder what this forbidden technique is. Probably dreadful. Given that I've never spoken to anyone that's actually experienced it, I presume it's lethal."<br> <br> <<elseif _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br> <br> "I'd heard she'd been excommunicated from this Sanctum of Strangled Sighs. It's obviously something she doesn't wish to talk about."<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"What a manhandling. Or woman-handling. Or even demon-handling. Can't say that I see the appeal in that. Doubtless there's some that do."<br> <br> He strokes his moustache.<br> <br> "I mean there's even a chance you might not even be awake for the... um... climax. To go through all that and miss the payoff..."<br> <br> He shakes his head.<br> <br> "What a disaster. No. Not my type. Give me a nice big soft bed... a warm and willing buxom wench to share it... ahhh. Precious little of that in here," he sighs.
/* Panta Prota */ <<set $hi to 5>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Panta Prota", shortDescription: "an attractive succubus in a pink see-through negligee. Her demonic horns and tail are offset by her big eyes and friendly smile.", faction: 4, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [15], affection: 0, /* She has different modes depending on whether turned down */ mode: 0, introductionLink: "Panta Prota: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Panta Prota: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Panta Prota: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Panta Prota: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Panta Prota: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Panta Prota: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Panta Prota: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Panta Prota: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Panta Prota: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
/* Panta Prota */ <<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [3,false,false], /* Any Sex */ [1,false,false], /* Sex after turning her down */ ] }>> <<set $mode to $allHarlots[$hi].mode>> You walk into Panta Prota's room. There is little doubt to the purpose of this room. Sensual shades of pink and red predominate the décor. Erotic paintings of naked women are hung on the walls. The bed is large, heart-shaped and piled high with silk pillows. It's almost too much. Overwhelming.<br> <br> <<switch $mode>> <<case 0 1>> <<include [[Panta Prota: Enter Room no Turn Down]]>> <<case 2 3>> <<include [[Panta Prota: Enter Room after Turn Down]]>> <</switch>> [[You present her your gift.->Panta Prota: Gift]]
"Ah, the sweet and innocent Panta Prota. Well, as sweet and innocent as a succubus can get."<br> <br> $ guffaws.<br> <br> "She's just a mere babe. And I mean in terms of age and experience. All succubi are babes in the other sense. Despite that, she's a good one to visit early. She doesn't take too much and she does seem to genuinely care about giving her visitors a good first experience."<br> <br> $ takes a drink of her cocktail.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].mode eq 0>> Panta is bouncy and very happy as you take her out into the socialising area. You find a spare table, but before you can sit down, Panta puts her arms around you and plants a very long and passionate kiss on your mouth. She only breaks it off when one of the waitresses looks over disapprovingly. You're left a little stunned and pleasantly woozy.<br> <br> "Sorry," Panta says as you sit down. "I'm breaking the rules a little there. I get so excited at the prospect of being someone's first in the House I sometimes let my excitement get the better of me."<br> <br> <<else>> You take Panta out to a quiet table in the socialising area. She seems friendly enough... for a demon.<br> <br> <</if>> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Panta Prota: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Panta Prota: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<switch $allHarlots[$hi].mode>> <<case 0>> Despite this, Panta doesn't seem bothered.<br> <br> "You don't need money to give me my favourite drink," she says.<br> <br> Her meaning is very clear.<br> <br> <<include [[Panta Prota: Socialising: Body]]>> <<case 1 2>> You shrug apologetically at Panta.<br> <br> Her face is neutral. She drums her long nails on the tabletop, as if deliberating. Finally, she comes to a decision.<br> <br> "Sorry, gotta go."<br> <br> She runs off, leaving you alone at the table.<br> <br> You return to $<br> <br> <<case 3>> You shrug apologetically at Panta.<br> <br> Wordlessly, she gets up and leaves, leaving you alone at the table.<br> <br> You return to $<br> <br> <</switch>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress brings over your drinks – a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and some kind of fruit juice for Panta.<br> <br> She stares at you intently while she sucks her drink up through a straw in a very deliberate manner.<br> <br> <<switch $allHarlots[$hi].mode>> <<case 0>> <<include [[Panta Prota: Socialising: Body]]>> <<case 1>> "This isn't your first round?" Panta asks.<br> <br> You confirm.<br> <br> "A pity. I must have missed you. I like to take the new visitors and give them a gentle introduction to the pleasures of the House. We can still have a fun time together. I'm a little less... forceful than some of the girls you might have already encountered."<br> <br> She seems pleasant enough.<br> <br> You finish your drinks and return to $<br> <br> <<case 2>> "Didn't you already turn me down?" Panta asks. "Why the interest now?"<br> <br> You're not sure how to answer that.<br> <br> Then Panta's expression cracks open into a smile. "It's okay. All the girls here are gorgeous. Even sex daemons like me can get a little irrationally jealous sometimes. Come up to my room and I'll show you what you missed out on."<br> <br> She smiles and places a hand in yours. Your skin tingles pleasantly at her touch.<br> <br> You finish your drinks and return to $<br> <br> <<case 3>> "Didn't you already turn me down?" Panta asks. "And I could have been your first as well."<br> <br> She seems strangely rueful about that.<br> <br> "Why the interest now?"<br> <br> You're not sure how to answer that.<br> <br> Panta doesn't say much afterwards. Her face looks friendly enough, but you sense a layer of frost beneath.<br> <br> You finish your drinks and return to $<br> <br> <</switch>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isTesting to true>> <<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $hi to 5>> <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 8>> /* <<include [[Panta Prota: If Mulliganned]]>> */ <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<include [[Panta Prota: Turned Down]]>>
<<include [[Panta Prota: Turned Down]]>>
/* Panta's intro varies depending on mode */ /* advance her mode if she doesn't appear until after round 1 */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].mode eq 0 and $currentRound gt 1>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].mode to 1>> <<if $isTesting>> ''<<print $allHarlots[$hi].name>> first appears in round <<print $currentRound + ":">> .mode set to <<print $allHarlots[$hi].mode>>''<br><br> <</if>> <</if>> /* Madam Intro */ <<switch $allHarlots[$hi].mode>> <<case 0>> "Ah, this is the lovely and sweet Panta Prota," $ says. "Her gentle and loving nature make her an excellent first choice for new patrons." <<default>> "Ah, this is the lovely and sweet Panta Prota," $ says. "Her gentle and loving nature make her an excellent choice for the shy and apprehensive." <</switch>> <br> <br> /* Long Description */ Panta Prota has very obvious curled horns and a black devil's tail. You guess she must be a succubus. Despite her demonic appearance, she seems friendly enough. Her eyes are big and blue and her sensual lips are turned up in a welcoming smile.<br> <br> Her body looks soft and womanly, with lush curves in the right places. You can see pretty much all of it. She's not naked, but her pink negligee is see-through enough that she might as well. Underneath that she has pink panties and suspenders. Her skin looks flawless and baby-smooth. Her bubble-gum pink hair is done up in a mass of curls, out of which her horns emerge and curl like those of a ram. <br> <br> /* Harlot Intro */ <<switch $allHarlots[$hi].mode>> <<case 0>> She takes your hand and your skin tingles pleasantly at her touch. Her big blue eyes sparkle.<br> <br> "Hi, let me be your first. I'll make it a really special occasion for you." <<case 1>> She takes your hand and your skin tingles pleasantly at her touch.<br> <br> "I'm sorry I missed you earlier. Even if I'm not your first, I'll be sure to make it special." <<case 2>> She takes your hand and your skin tingles pleasantly at her touch.<br> <br> "Let me take you up to my room and I'll show you what you missed out on." <<case 3>> Panta seems a little withdrawn. Unlike before, she merely takes your hand and mumbles a brief, "Hi." <</switch>> <br>
/* Her mode changes when turned down or mulliganed */ <<if $currentRound eq 1>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].mode to 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allHarlots[$hi].name turned down in first round: .mode = <<print $allHarlots[$hi].mode>>''<br><br> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].mode eq 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allHarlots[$hi].name was turned down in the first round: .mode is unchanged''<br><br> <</if>> <<else>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].mode to 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allHarlots[$hi].name turned down in round <<print $currentRound + ":">> .mode = <<print $allHarlots[$hi].mode>>''<br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
"I hope I can be your first," she says. "It's my speciality. I take new visitors and give them a gentle introduction to the pleasures available within the House."<br> <br> Looking at the lovely curves of her body, and her big blue eyes and friendly smile, you think that might not be a bad idea.<br> <br> You're still thinking about it as you return to $<br> <br>
You've barely crossed the threshold before Panta is in front of you. She puts her arms around you.<br> <br> /* Serious */ <<if $player.currIsSerious>> "Don't be so serious," she says. "Apart from here."<br> <br> She touches your crotch and a bolt of pleasure courses through you.<br> <br> "We're going to have fun together."<br> <br> She hugs you tightly.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $mode eq 0>> "Oh, I'm so glad you picked me as your first. This is going to be so enjoyable for you." <<else>> "I would have like to have been your first, but we'll still have an enjoyable time together, I'm sure." <</if>> <br> <br>
Panta awaits you inside with a friendly smile.<br> <br> "Welcome to my room. Time to show you what you missed out on earlier."<br> <br>
You present your gift.<br> <br> /* Black Rose */ <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Panta Prota: Black Rose Gift]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Panta Prota: Other Gifts]]>> <</if>> [[Panta turns her attentions to you.->Panta Prota: Undress]]
She seems both surprised and pleased by your gift of a <<print $allGifts[$cgi].name + ".">> She sniffs it before placing it into a vase.<br> <br> <<switch $mode>> <<case 0>> "First and last," she says. "I'll make it a pleasure you'll never forget." <<case 1 2>> "Not the first, but I will be your last, it seems. It will be a pleasure you'll never forget." <<case 3>> "I could have been your first, but instead will be your last. How unusual." <</switch>> <br> <br>
<<switch $mode>> <<case 0 1>> She doesn't seem interested in your gift. Still with one arm around you, she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and places <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on a nearby shelf. <<case 2 3>> You walk in and present her the <<print $allGifts[$cgi].name + ".">> Panta doesn't seem interested in <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it.<<else>>them.<</if>> She places <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on a nearby shelf and returns to you. She seems much more interested in you. <</switch>> <br> <br>
She starts to undress you and you go along with it. There is a pleasant scent in the air, and on her. You feel warm and comfortably fuzzy. Your top is removed and discarded. You feel a pleasant tingle as Panta slides her hands all over your chest. She crouches down and starts pulling down your trousers.<br> <br> <<switch $mode>> <<case 0>> <<include [[Panta Prota: Virgin Questions]]>> <<case 1 2>> "I hope you've not let those other sluts work this too hard," Panta says.<br> <br> She sniffs your crotch in a way that's both a little freaky and arousing.<br> <br> <<if $mode eq 1>> "I'm a little disappointed I wasn't around for your first-round choice. I like to give patrons a gentle introduction to the pleasures of the House. But you're here now, and still alive, so let's have a lot of fun together." <<else>> "Now it's time to show you what you passed on earlier."<br> <br> Panta's smile is wolfish and not at all innocent. <</if>> <br> <br> [[She turns her attentions to your cock.->Panta Prota: Blowjob]] <<case 3>> "I could have been your first," she says.<br> <br> She looks sad.<br> <br> "I'm sorry. I like to give patrons a gentle introduction to the pleasures of the House. It's my speciality. But you weren't to know that."<br> <br> She smiles as she examines your crotch.<br> <br> "At least now I get a chance to show you what you missed out on."<br> <br> [[She turns her attentions to your cock.->Panta Prota: Blowjob]] <</switch>>
"I know this is your first time here, but is it your first time overall. Are you a virgin?" she asks.<br> <br> Well, are you?<br> <br> [[Yes.->Panta Prota: Virgin: Yes]]<br> [[Yes (lie).->Panta Prota: Virgin: Yes Lie]]<br> [[No.->Panta Prota: Virgin: No]]<br> [[No (lie).->Panta Prota: Virgin: No Lie]]<br>
Panta lightly blows on your cock. Her breath is warm and strangely tingly. If you weren't already aroused by the sight of her luscious body, you are definitely aroused now. Blood fills your penis and it swells out in a full erection.<br> <br> Your erection hasn't even reached its peak before Panta wraps her lips around the head, bobs her head forwards, and sucks you in for a dreamy blowjob.<br> <br> It's not a long blowjob, just a couple of bobs of her head, a couple of strokes of her luscious lips up and down your shaft. Probably a good thing. You doubt you would have been able to withstand a medium blowjob, let alone a long one.<br> <br> <<switch $mode>> <<case 0>> Panta releases your cock with a wet pop.<br> <br> "I'm not letting you come until you're inside me," she says.<br> <br> She taps the head of your member as if to test the hardness and gives a satisfied murmur. Then she stands up and wraps a warm hand around your hard-on. Holding onto your cock, she walks you over to the heart-shaped bed. <<default>> Panta releases your cock with a wet pop. There is a knowing smile on her lips as she wraps a warm hand around your hard-on. Holding onto your cock, she walks you over to the heart-shaped bed. <</switch>> <br> <br> [[She pushes you onto the bed.->Panta Prota: Bed]]
"Oh my, you are," Panta says. "I can smell it. It's making me giddy."<br> <br> She sniffs your junk in a way that's quite odd.<br> <br> "Succubi can tell these things," she says. "This is my fantasy. I love taking the pure and innocent and sinking them in an ocean of forbidden pleasures. All succubi do. I normally try to be their first succubus, but to be their first time as well... Oh, calm yourself Panta, we have to give this boy the best first time, not tear him to pieces in orgiastic excitement."<br> <br> She sniffs your crotch again and closes her eyes as she savours the smell.<br> <br> "You've skipped a few rungs in the ladder of sexual pleasures," she says. "I hope you're ready."<br> <br> [[She turns her attentions to your cock.->Panta Prota: Blowjob]]
She sniffs your junk. It's rather odd.<br> <br> "Someone is a dirty liar," she says. "Succubi can tell these things."<br> <br> She doesn't seem angry at your deception. She's smiling as she looks up at you.<br> <br> "It's okay I don't mind. Though, I am a little curious as to why you lied. Did you want to pretend to be pure and innocent? Or did you want to feign inexperience to let me take charge? We can roleplay if you like. I just adore taking the innocent and inexperienced and ruining them."<br> <br> [[She turns her attentions to your cock.->Panta Prota: Blowjob]]
"Yes, I can tell. Succubi know these things."<br> <br> She sniffs your junk in a way that's quite odd.<br> <br> "You should still prepare yourself," she says. "Sex with a succubus can get a little more intense than what you might be used to."<br> <br> [[She turns her attentions to your cock.->Panta Prota: Blowjob]]
"No?" Panta looks puzzled.<br> <br> She sniffs your crotch. Sniffs it again. Then she looks up at you with a knowing smile.<br> <br> "Aw. Are you trying to hide your inexperience? Succubi can tell, by the way. And it's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about."<br> <br> She looks back at your cock. Gives it another sniff.<br> <br> "We adore the inexperienced. You're so delicious."<br> <br> [[She turns her attentions to your cock.->Panta Prota: Blowjob]]
The bed is soft and comfortable and you sink right into it. The sheets seem impregnated with an exotic scent. That comfortable fuzziness grows. It's like you're seeing everything through a soft-focus lens.<br> <br> <<switch $mode>> <<case 0 1>> Panta removes her clothes and climbs up on top of you. Her body is lush and inviting. Your hands long to roam over the lovely swells of her hips and breasts. Your skin tingles pleasantly wherever it comes into contact with her.<br> <br> "You don't have to do a thing," Panta says. "Just lie back."<br> <br> She blows a cloud of perfumed breath into your face. Your body sinks even deeper into the soft bed. Panta raises her hips, inserts you, and you sink deeper into her soft vagina.<br> <br> <<case 2 3>> Panta removes her clothes and climbs up on top of you. She aggressively straddles you and pushes you down on the bed.<br> <br> <<if $mode eq 3>> "Turn me down and deny me your first time, <<else>> "Turn me down, <</if>> I'll show you how foolish that was."<br> <br> She grabs your cock and holds it upright. She lifts her hips and slams them down, burying your cock all the way in her vagina.<br> <br> <</switch>> It feels really nice – a perfect sheath for your member. That pleasant tingling sensation is all over your cock, but magnified. You feel your penis belongs here, more than anywhere.<br> <br> <<switch $mode>> <<case 0>> "Not too soon," Panta warns.<br> <br> It's hard. Her perfect vagina fits you snugly like a glove. You nearly explode the moment you enter her.<br> <br> <<default>> "You should be able to withstand that," Panta says. "You've already been with some of the other succubi here, so you should know what it feels like now."<br> <br> It's still not easy. Her perfect vagina fits you snugly like a glove. You only just resist the urge to explode within her.<br> <br> <</switch>> [[Panta starts to fuck you.->Panta Prota: Sex]]
<<switch $mode>> <<case 0 1>> Panta starts to ride you with slow, languorous rolls of her hips. You stare up at her beautiful face and lovely round tits and wonder what you've done to deserve this good fortune. <<case 2 3>> Panta starts to ride you with forceful thrusts of her hips. Seems like she likes it fast and hard. Her face is twisted with feral pleasures. Her lovely round boobs bounce with her movements. <</switch>> <br> <br> <<switch $mode>> <<case 0>> "Feels good, doesn't it, succubus pussy," she says. "It's the best." <<default>> "What's the matter. You should be used to succubus pussy by now." <</switch>> <br> <br> <<switch $mode>> <<case 0 1>> She clasps your hands to the mattress and rides you with lazy rocking motions. She gives little twists and wriggles of her hips, letting your penis explore every nook and cranny inside her.<br> <br> Murmuring in pleasure, she folds her body over yours. Her soft, sensual lips track up your throat, across the line of your jaw and finally meet with your lips in a sweet kiss. <<case 2 3>> She clasps your hands to the mattress and rides you with big thudding bounces. She twists and wriggles and your erection is jostled around inside her soft folds.<br> <br> She pauses. Her lips turn up in a smile that shows off her pointed fangs. <</switch>> <br> <br> <<switch $mode>> <<case 0>> "Feel good?" Panta asks you.<br> <br> You nod.<br> <br> "Now I'll show you why succubi are so special."<br> <br> [[Prepare yourself...->Panta Prota: Coming]] <<default>> "This should be familiar to you as well."<br> <br> [[What does she mean?->Panta Prota: Coming]] <</switch>>
Her vagina does... //something//. A kiss? A squeeze? A suck? Or maybe all three and other things that defy description. You can't tell. Whatever //it// is, it tips you over the edge.<br> <br> /* Semen check */ <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq true>> <<include [[Panta Prota: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> You climax so hard your thoughts are washed away on a tidal wave of bliss. You feel the orgasm all through your body, from your toes curling to the hairs rising on the back of your neck. Your buttocks and hips buck hard enough to lift Panta up off the bed. You erupt in a massive ejaculation that seems to carry on for a long, blissfully sparkling, time. Finally, completely spent, you collapse back onto the bed.<br> <br> /* Black Rose */ <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Panta Prota: Black Rose End]]>> <<else>> [[That was... amazing.->Panta Prota: Post-Orgasm]] <</if>> <</if>>
As much as you want to come, you can't. You must have done too much tonight. You don't have anything left.<br> <br> <<switch $mode>> <<case 0 1>> "Oh, why did you have to run out of semen with me. I hate this part." <<case 2 3>> "Run out have you. That's what you get for playing with all those other tarts." <</switch>> <br> <br> You don't have time to wonder what she means before she's folding her body back over you. You relish the feel of her soft tits against your chest, savour her scent filling your nostrils. Her vagina feels wonderful around you.<br> <br> She does that weird suck-squeeze-kiss thing with her sex and then you're coming. You must have had something left after all.<br> <br> No, this is weird. Something else.<br> <br> <<if $mode eq 3>> "I could have been your first. You denied me that so I'll become your last."<br> <br> Her vagina starts pulling on something else within you, something deep down you never even realised you had.<br> <br> Pleasure gives way to pain. A lot of pain. Thankfully, the agony only lasts for as long as it takes Panta to rip the soul from your body and consume it.<br> <br> She stares down sadly at your lifeless and cooling body.<br> <br> "I could have been your first."<br> <br> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]] <<else>> <<include [[Panta Prota: Apologetic End]]>> <</if>>
<<switch $mode>> <<case 0>> <<include [[Panta Prota: Post-Orgasm Mode 0]]>> <<case 1>> <<include [[Panta Prota: Post-Orgasm Mode 1]]>> <<case 2 3>> <<include [[Panta Prota: Post-Orgasm Danger]]>> <</switch>>
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Rather than disentangle from you, Panta sits back up. She straddles you with your dick still inside her. You go to protest. You've just come. Your cock is too sensitive. Then you realise you have nothing to complain about. It still feels really good inside her, like you haven't come at all. You're also feeling like you'd like to go again.<br> <br> <<switch $mode>> <<case 0>> "I like being the first," Panta says. "I wish I wasn't also the last, but you have requested it, and the rules of the House say I must obey your wishes."<br> <br> <<case 1 2>> "I prefer being the first to being the last," Panta says, "but you have requested it, and the rules of the House say I must obey your wishes."<br> <br> <<case 3>> /* she doesn't say anything */ <</switch>> Her vagina does that strange thing again – a suck, a squeeze, a kiss. You buck and moan helplessly beneath her. It doesn't take long before you're coming again – spurting and spurting inside her. Panta stays on top and her lovely round breasts bob as she smoothly rides your bucking form. She doesn't let a single drop of your cum dribble out of her vagina.<br> <br> Wow, that was even bigger than the last time, you're sure of it.<br> <br> Panta's expression seems strangely neutral. She folds her body back over you, pressing her soft tits against your chest. Her pussy does that strange squeeze-suck-kiss thing that has you erupting in climax again. This time you just don't stop. You can't. Panta's pussy just feels too good. You want to keep emptying your seed into her.<br> <br> And you do. You wonder if your perception has gotten scrambled with all the pleasure. Surely, it's not possible to keep coming this long.<br> <br> <<if $mode eq 3>> It isn't.<br> <br> The pleasure quickly gives to pain, then agony as it feels like your insides are being scoured with barbed wire. Something is tugged, then snaps. Panta stares down at you coldly as she tears the soul out of your body and consumes it.<br> <br> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]] <<else>> <<include [[Panta Prota: Apologetic End]]>> <</if>>
"I do like being their first," Panta says.<br> <br> She lies entwined around your body. You try to get your scrambled thoughts back under control. That had literally been mind-blowing.<br> <br> "Now you know what this House contains," Panta says.<br> <br> Wow, you think. What amazing luck, you think, to have your car break down outside this place.<br> <br> Panta lets you bask, smiling, in the post-orgasmic glow for a short while, before finally helping you up off the bed.<br> <br> "You need to be careful," Panta says as she helps you get dressed. "What you felt just now was a succubus energy drain. I sucked out a bit of your life essence."<br> <br> You stiffen in her arms, and not in the good way.<br> <br> "Don't worry. I only took a little and it's not permanent. You'll regenerate it in a couple of days."<br> <br> That's good to know, if still a little unnerving.<br> <br> "I don't like taking too much," Panta says. "I want your first time to be gentle. Other succubi are not as considerate. They'll take a lot, maybe even all of it. Some of the other girls in here are even more monstrous."<br> <br> Well, that's reassuring. Not!<br> <br> "However, there are rules. $ likes to keep the game fair. We can't just eat you. There has to be a chance to walk out alive, however slim."<br> <br> She walks you to the door. Her warm body feels good against you. Her scent tantalises your nostrils.<br> <br> "It's a hard game. The House is dangerous and the night is long. Very few make it to morning."<br> <br> She kisses you lightly on the cheek.<br> <br> "At least I gave you this one, good, moment."<br> <br> <<set $isFactionIncrease to true>> <<include [[Panta Prota: Good End]]>>
"I wish I could have been your first, but it wasn't to be."<br> <br> She lies entwined around your body. You try to get your scrambled thoughts back under control. That had literally been mind-blowing.<br> <br> "I'm sure it was still pleasant for you."<br> <br> Panta lets you bask, smiling, in the post-orgasmic glow for a short while, before finally helping you up off the bed.<br> <br> "You need to be careful," she tells you. "You've been fortunate so far. I don't take a lot, but some of the other girls do. Sometimes they take it all. Some are even more monstrous."<br> <br> Well, that's reassuring. Not!<br> <br> "However, there are rules. $ likes to keep the game fair. We can't just eat you. There has to be a chance to walk out alive, however slim."<br> <br> She walks you to the door. Her warm body feels good against you. Her scent tantalises your nostrils.<br> <br> "It's a hard game. The House is dangerous and the night is long. Very few make it to morning."<br> <br> She kisses you lightly on the cheek.<br> <br> "At least I gave you this one, good, moment."<br> <br> /* Only increase faction if see her in first round */ <<include[[Panta Prota: Good End]]>>
Panta turns that switch back on. Then, mercifully – or maybe unfortunately, immediately turns it off.<br> <br> "Ah, that was a little more than I was planning to take."<br> <br> She looks down at you.<br> <br> "Are you okay down there."<br> <br> You nod weakly. You feel like you've been hit with a hammer made out of pure, distilled sex. Your thoughts are a little scrambled.<br> <br> "Sorry about that. I react badly to being turned down. I feel like I have to match up to what the other succubi can do and end up trying too hard. They're maneaters. I'm supposed to be the nice and gentle succubus who starts things off. That's the role $ wants me to play."<br> <br> She gives you a moment to try and get your scrambled head back in place, and then helps you up off the bed. Nerve endings are still sparking randomly all over your body and you feel as skittish as a foal.<br> <br> "No harm done, though," Panta says as she helps you put your clothes back on. "Some of the other girls would have treated you far worse."<br> <br> She escorts you to the door.<br> <br> "The House is dangerous and the night is long. You're going to need to be both lucky and very careful to see the morning."<br> <br> /* Only increase faction if see her in first round */ /* Counts as bonus sex for scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<include[[Panta Prota: Good End]]>>
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> "I could have been your first. You denied me that so I'll become your last."<br> <br> Panta turns that switch back on. This time she doesn't turn it off. Her vagina throbs around you. It does that strange suck-squeeze-kiss thing and you thrash and moan as you're tugged to another orgasm. This one feels like it's been ripped out of you. It also doesn't stop.<br> <br> Panta presses your hands into the mattress and closes her eyes. She rides you serenely.<br> <br> You can't stop, not while Panta maintains her energy drain. You cock keeps spurting more and more inside her. This can't continue forever, you think. And no, it can't. You run dry. Panta doesn't stop. Her vagina starts pulling on something else within you, something deep down you never even realised you had.<br> <br> Pleasure gives way to pain. A lot of pain. Thankfully, the agony only lasts for as long as it takes Panta to rip the soul from your body and consume it.<br> <br> She stares down sadly at your lifeless and cooling body.<br> <br> "I could have been your first."<br> <br> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"What's the matter? Was a little energy drain too much for you?"<br> <br> Her vagina does that strange thing again – a suck, a squeeze, a kiss. This time Panta lets it run for longer while you writhe and shudder in helpless pleasure beneath her.<br> <br> It's too much. Far too much. You jump straight back to aroused, and then back to the brink of climax again. This one feels like it's going to be even bigger.<br> <br> /* Semen check */ <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq true>> <<include [[Panta Prota: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> It is bigger. The orgasm rips through you and buck helplessly on the bad as you pour more semen into Panta's pussy. She stays on top and her lovely round breasts bob as she smoothly rides your bucking form. She doesn't let a single drop of your cum dribble out of her vagina.<br> <br> That also felt awesome.<br> <br> But also a little scary.<br> <br> It was like Panta only needed to flip a switch to get you coming. And could do it again.<br> <br> <<if $mode eq 3>> [[She flips that switch again...->Panta Prota: Post-Orgasm Mode 3]] <<else>> [[She flips that switch again...->Panta Prota: Post-Orgasm Mode 2]] <</if>> <</if>>
"I'm sorry for what's coming. I'm not an old or powerful succubus. I cannot wrap you up in an enchantment powerful enough to mask this part. It will hurt. I will try my best to make it as quick as possible."<br> <br> She is right about the first part. The second, unfortunately not so much.<br> <br> The pleasure quickly gives to pain, then agony as it feels like your insides are being scoured with barbed wire. Something is tugged, then snaps. Panta is very apologetic as she tears the soul out of your body and consumes it.<br> <br> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
/* Score for any sex (and surviving) */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <<unset $mode>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<if _scoreArray[1][1] eq false>> "Your experiences appears to have been similar to mine, before I was fully aware of the dangers of this establishment. Unfortunately, she only seems interested in being chosen once, and from then on will only make herself available to new patrons. As we are no longer 'virgins', so to speak, and of no interest to her, this information has little value."<br> <br> $ taps the end of his pen against his black notebook.<br> <br> "But you were not to know this, and as I'm not a man to welch on my deals, I will still pay you a small, token sum for your information." <<else>> "Yes, I have heard, as delightful as she is, the lovely Panta can become a little colder and less enthusiastic to those who've turned her down. What round was it?"<br> <br> He hunches forward, notebook in hand.<br> <br> <<set _r to $rsi + 1>> "Round <<print _r + ",">> you say."<br> <br> He jots it into his notebook.<br> <br> "Why the interest in rounds, you ask? A point of personal curiosity. Of all the people I've spoken to who chose her after previously turning her down, none turned her down in the first round."<br> <br> He closes the notebook and puts it back in his pocket.<br> <br> "Maybe our sweet little Panta Prota is another killer after all." <</if>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Gifts? I think she likes flowers. Do the young like flowers? Succubi mostly only care about cum anyway. They're fiends for it.\"\<br\>\<br\>" + $ + " smiles, revealing her perfect white teeth."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She's still young and a little insecure about her abilities. She says she wants to be first to give new patrons a gentle introduction.\"\<br\>\<br\>" + $ + " gives a dark chuckle.\<br\>\<br\>\"But we all know it's because she doesn't want her technique measured up to older and more experienced sex daemons.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"As nice as Panta is, if you have an opportunity to pick her and don't, she will be upset. Doubly so if that prevents her from being your first. You might want to stay out of her way if you do that.\""}>>
/* Pix Decipula */ <<set $hi to 17>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Pix Decipula", shortDescription: "a voluptuous, but slightly slovenly woman with long black hair and big, sleepy eyes. She wears a loose-fitting nightgown and has the usual horns and tail of a succubus.", faction: 4, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: true, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, /* 1=chair, 2=sofa */ previousSexAct: 0, currentSexAct: 0, /* previous SofaMode 0=low, 1=mid, 2=high */ previousSofaMode: 0, introductionLink: "Pix Decipula: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Pix Decipula: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Pix Decipula: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Pix Decipula: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Pix Decipula: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Pix Decipula: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Pix Decipula: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Pix Decipula: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.currAgi to 4>> <<set $player.currDex to 4>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $player.charms.push(18)>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to true>> <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 17>> <<set $cgi to 10>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Madam intro */ "Ah, the lovely Pix Decipula has decided to grace us with her presence," $ says. "Do not let her sleepy appearance fool you. That pussy of hers can milk a man to climax before he has even finished his first sigh of pleasure." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Pix Decipula looks gorgeous. She has a pretty face framed with long, silky black hair. Her body is pleasingly voluptuous. Her skin is pink and flawless. Unfortunately, the whole package is rather spoilt by a slovenly posture and attitude. She wears an ill-fitting and see-through pink nightgown over the top of plain white bra and panties. It looks like she threw it on just moments ago. And there's also the not-so-small matter of her being a demon with a black tail, horns and little bat wings.<br> <br> Despite this, her face is intensely alluring. Her sleepy, heavy-lidded eyes are devastatingly beautiful and she has the insouciant pout and nonchalance of a top model. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hi, I'm Pix," she says. She tries, unsuccessfully, to stifle a yawn. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].factionIncrease[0]>> Then she recognises you and her face brightens. "Oh hello, studly." <<else>> "Oh, it's you." <</if>> <<else>> "Don't be too troublesome, okay." <</if>> <br>
Pix doesn't seem all that thrilled at being taken out to the bar for a drink. She slots on your arm regardless, as if it's a much-practised role.<br> <br> It makes you feel good. There's something primal about having a gorgeous woman on your arm, even in a place like this.<br> <br> You find a quiet table away from the bustle.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Pix Decipula: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Pix Decipula: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br> <br> Pix sighs and rolls her eyes.<br> <br> "So, you brought me all the way out here, for nothing," she says. "What a drag."<br> <br> She abandons you and returns to the presentation stage.<br> <br> You return alone to the madam.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a beer for Pix.<br> <br> She looks around the bar at the other patrons and scantily-clad harlots.<br> <br> "The other succubi try too hard," she says. "All men are interested in is sticking their prick in a tight warm hole."<br> <br> She downs her pint and lets out a very unladylike belch.<br> <br> Then, moments later, her exotic face with its sleepy, heavy-lidded eyes is back to model-perfect beauty.<br> <br> "Your human women are even worse. All that bouncing around... the sweaty grunting. None of it is necessary."<br> <br> For a succubus, Pix gives the impression of not being that enamoured of sex. You tactfully put that to her.<br> <br> "Oh no," Pix says and her heavy-lidded eyes rise slightly. "I adore sex. I just dislike all the unneeded mechanical exertion that goes with it. It only needs good pussy technique to bring a man to sensual ecstasy."<br> <br> She looks right at you with her heavy-lidded eyes.<br> <br> "And my pussy technique is very good indeed."<br> <br> Your dick is already throbbing in your pants by the time you escort her back to <<print $ + ".">><br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"That lazy minx. If she wasn't so good with her mouth and pussy, I'd swear she was a sloth daemon. I've never seen a succubus more disinterested in learning the arts of seduction."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "I don't understand her. She claims to hate work and effort, and yet has a level of sexual expertise only achievable through a lot of training, hard work and effort."<br> <br> $ sips on her cocktail.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Her vagina technique is exemplary. It doesn't matter if the prick is hard or soft, she can get it inside her pussy and suck all the cum out of it. Just like that.\"\<br\>\<br\>She snaps her fingers for emphasis."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"You won't last long on her chair at all.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She's studied the spiders and picked up some tricks from them. Be careful of what you lie on in her room. You might get stuck.\""}>>
/* must start with linebreaks if wish to start on new line */ <br> <br> /* Text here */ /* checking heard options from Pix */ <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> "Hmm, I've heard about the choices Pix offers. I've heard tales of her sofa and chair, but not her bed."<br> <br> He taps his notebook with the end of his pen.<br> <br> <</if>> <<set _prevSex to $allHarlots[$hi].previousSexAct>> <<set _currSex to $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct>> <<set _text to "">> <<if _isRepeatVisit and _prevSex neq 0>> <<if _prevSex eq _currSex>> <<set _text to " again">> <<else>> <<set _text to " this time">> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _currSex eq 1>> "So, you chose to sit in her <<print "chair" + _text + ".\"">> <<elseif _currSex eq 2>> "So, you chose to have sex with her on her <<print "sofa" + _text + ".\"">> <</if>> /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Letting her explain choices */ [2,false,false], /* Chair */ [1,false,false], /* Sofa - all */ [1,false,false], /* Sofa - low STR */ [1,false,false], /* Sofa - low DEX */ [1,false,false], /* Sofa - mid */ [2,false,false] /* Sofa - high */ ] }>> /* derived from player STR + DEX */ /* low/mid/high - 0/1/2 */ <<set $pixSofaMode to 0>> You walk into a room that appears to be as carefree as Pix Decipula. It's not messy, or untidy as such. It just looks purely functional, as if the owner brought in the bare minimum to make the room habitable, and didn't think too hard about where to place the furniture.<br> <br> There is a bed, or rather a mattress, lying on the floor on the left side of the room. It's black and shiny, as if the surface is polished leather or vinyl. Easy to clean, you suppose.<br> <br> There is a single wooden chair standing on its own to the right. The seat looks to be covered in the same shiny black material.<br> <br> At the far of the room is some kind of amorphous bean bag sofa, also upholstered in black shiny material. Pix is sitting, or rather //slouching// in it. Her arms are spread out along the top and her elegant legs are crossed. She's lost her bra somewhere between the presentation stage and her room, and her lovely round breasts are clearly visible through the sheer fabric of her pink nightgown. She watches you enter with her sleepy, heavy-lidded eyes and doesn't do anything.<br> <br> [[Might as well give her your gift.->Pix Decipula: Gift]]
/* relevant scenario-specific vars defined here: */ /* derived from player STR + DEX */ /* low/mid/high - 0/1/2 */ <<set $pixSofaMode to 0>> /* player has been blown */ <<set _x to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Done X With Harlot]]>> <<set $hasDoneChair to _hasDoneX>> /* player has fucked on sofa */ <<set _x to 2>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Done X With Harlot]]>> <<set $hasDoneSofa to _hasDoneX>> /* create score array */ /* 1st, find old score array (if multiple visits, take the last score array) */ <<for _r to 0; _r lt $player.roomScores.length; _r++>> <<if $player.roomScores[_r].harlotNumber eq $hi>> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[_r].scoreArray>> <</if>> <</for>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> You return to Pix Decipula's room. It's just as carefree as before. Pix slouches on the amorphous sofa at the back of the room. The black and shiny mattress, covered in either leather or vinyl, lies on the floor over to the left. A plain wooden chair stands to the right.<br> <br> <<set _sheLikesPlayer to $allHarlots[$hi].factionIncrease[0]>> Pix recognises you. <<if _sheLikesPlayer>> Her sleepy eyes light up.<br> <br> "Welcome back, stud. <<else>> <br><br> "Hello again. <</if>> Wanna fuck on the bed this time?"<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> As before, she doesn't seem particularly interested in your gift. You leave it with the other bric-a-brac on the chest of drawers next to the right wall.<br> <br> You turn back in time to see Pix discard her nightgown and step out of her plain white panties. Even though you've seen it before, her figure, with its long lithe legs, flat stomach and voluptuous curves is still something to behold.<br> <br> <<if not $player.currIsSubmissive>> As before, you undress and hang your clothes over the back of the chair.<br> <br> You wonder what to choose this time. <<else>> As before, you take off your clothes and stand awkwardly by the door. You glance from the chair to the sofa to the bed.<br> <br> Pix sees your hesitation and rolls her eyes.<br> <br> "Do I need to explain it again?" she says. "The chair is for a quickie blowjob. The sofa is if you want to fuck me. And the bed is if you want me to fuck you." <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <</if>> <br> <br> <<if $hasDoneChair>>The blowjob on the chair was nice, but over a little too quickly.<</if>> <<if $hasDoneSofa>>While you did enjoy fucking Pix on the sofa, it was damn hard work and did leave you feeling knackered.<</if>> Fucking her on the bed does sound tempting.<br> <br> What will you pick?<br> <br> [[Chair?->Pix Decipula: Chair]]<br> [[Sofa?->Pix Decipula: Sofa]]<br> [[Bed?->Pix Decipula: Choose Bed]]<br> <</if>>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Gift: Any]]>> <</if>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq true>> Pix spots the $allGifts[$cgi].name in your hand.<br> <br> "I'm guessing that means yes," she says. <<else>> Pix sees the $allGifts[$cgi].name you've brought her.<br> <br> "Oh," she says. "It'll be the bed then." <</if>> <br> <br> She gets up off her sofa, undresses and then walks over to you. She takes the rose and pops it into a nearby vase while you take your clothes off. Then she walks you over to the bed.<br> <br> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Bed]]>>
Pix seems fairly noncommittal about the gift you've brought her.<br> <br> "Leave <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> over there with the others," she says. "I'll look at <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> later."<br> <br> 'Over there' is the top of a set of drawers standing against the right wall. The surface is already cluttered with other gifts. You don't think Pix sorts through it all that often.<br> <br> You turn back to see Pix has discarded her nightgown and is stepping out of her plain white panties. Her figure, with her long lithe legs, flat stomach and voluptuous curves is something to behold. Pix doesn't seem the sort to hit the gym, but she has a body that would have most of the women that do seething with envy.<br> <br> It's your cue to undress as well.<br> <br> /* check if dominant */ <<if not $player.currIsSubmissive>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Dominant Choices]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Choices]]>> <</if>>
There isn't any place to put your clothes, so you hang them over the back of the chair. You look around the room.<br> <br> Will you:<br> <br> [[Sit on the chair?->Pix Decipula: Chair]]<br> [[Go to the sofa?->Pix Decipula: Sofa]]<br> [[Lie on the bed?->Pix Decipula: Choose Bed]]<br>
There isn't any place to put your clothes, so you leave them in a neat pile by the door. It seems in keeping with the rest of room. You stand there awkwardly, waiting for some cue from Pix on what to do next.<br> <br> "What would you like?" Pix asks. "The chair, sofa, or bed?"<br> <br> You look at the three pieces of furniture. While you're trying to work out what the choices mean, Pix helpfully provides an explanation.<br> <br> "The chair is for a quickie blowjob. The sofa is if you want to fuck me. And the bed is if you want me to fuck you," she explains.<br> <br> What will it be?<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> [[Chair?->Pix Decipula: Chair]]<br> [[Sofa?->Pix Decipula: Sofa]]<br> [[Bed?->Pix Decipula: Choose Bed]]<br>
/* keeping track of sex acts */ <<set $allHarlots[$hi].previousSexAct to $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct to 1>> You walk over and sit on the chair.<br> <br> <<if $hasDoneChair>> "You liked my blowjob so much you want another?" Pix says. "It will be just as quick as last time." <<elseif $hasDoneSofa>> "A quickie this time," Pix says. "I'm fine with that." <<else>> "A quickie then," Pix says. "I'm fine with that." <</if>> <br> <br> She gets up and prowls over to you. She pushes your knees apart and crouches down in the space between them. She wraps a hand around the base of your cock and looks up at you with her smouldering, heavy-lidded eyes.<br> <br> "You're not going to last long, so don't feel bad when you don't," she says. "Just enjoy it for the quickie it is."<br> <br> Her head bobs down into your lap and you feel the suction right away. It's like a vacuum cleaner pulling on the end of your knob. You hear wet slobbery sounds as the head of your cock catches on her plump lips. The suction sounds like something a machine would make if the intake was blocked. Then you're inside and enclosed by warm wet flesh. The suction, and slobbery sounds, continue. It's unfocused at first and then grips you. Waves of force vibrate your cock and roll up your shaft. The sensation is incredible.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> [[You hold on.->Pix Decipula: Chair: Out of Semen]] <<else>> [[You last slightly less than sixty seconds.->Pix Decipula: Chair: Good End]] <</if>>
/* keeping track of sex acts */ <<set $allHarlots[$hi].previousSexAct to $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct to 2>> <<if $hasDoneSofa>> "You know my favourite choice," Pix says. <<else>> "My favourite choice," Pix says. <</if>> <br><br> She spreads her arms across the back of the sofa and spreads her legs. Her smooth and shaven pussy is fully on display for you.<br> <br> "Now get over here and stick your cock in my wet twat."<br> <br> When put like that...<br> <br> You approach Pix and the sofa. Your cock is already erect and flapping.<br> <br> Pix leans forwards with her arms outstretched to welcome you. Smiling, you fall into her embrace and are surrounded by the subtle fragrance of her body.<br> <br> You manoeuvre your erection between her legs and slide it up into her welcoming pussy. She is tight, but lubricated enough for you to slide deep within her with just enough pleasant friction to stimulate you. She wraps her arms and legs loosely around you and breathes lightly against your ear. The sofa gives like a beanbag although it seems to be made out of a more malleable and amorphous substance. The weight of both your bodies sinks you deeper into it. For a moment you are content to lie there in her arms and enjoy the luscious sensation of her tight pussy wrapped around your cock.<br> <br> "Now fuck me," she whispers in your ear. Her hands caress your naked back. "Fuck me hard."<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> [[It's what you're here for.->Pix Decipula: Sofa: Stat Check]]
You walk over to the black mattress.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> "Thought you might," Pix says. "It is my turn to do the fucking." <<else>> "They always choose the bed," Pix says with some resignation. "Now I have to get up." <</if>> <br><br> She gets up off the sofa, stretches and then walks over to join you.<br> <br> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Bed]]>>
The sensation is incredible, but not enough to tip you over the edge.<br> <br> Pix sucks and sucks, but nothing comes out. It's been a long night and your exertions have left you completely drained.<br> <br> She releases your cock with a wet pop. She looks bored.<br> <br> "So, you're going to make me work for it," she says. "How tedious."<br> <br> Her head bobs forwards and she sucks you back in. That wet, noisy suction starts up again. This time it's far more powerful and intense. It doesn't matter that you're out. She sucks you to orgasm anyway. You shudder and jiggle helplessly on the chair as you spurt uncontrollably into her mouth.<br> <br> Unfortunately, this time it's not your semen you're ejaculating but your life essence and soul. Pix sucks it all out of you and gulps it down. She leaves behind a withered corpse sagging in on itself on the chair. Pix still seems bored by the whole thing.<br> <br> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You feel a trembling, massive orgasm roll up through your body. You jiggle uncontrollably on the chair and unload a massive load down Pix's throat.<br> <br> She swallows it all down.<br> <br> Then she turns off that unnatural suction and releases your member. She gives the tip a little kiss and then stands back up.<br> <br> <<if $hasDoneChair>> "Thought you'd last longer this time? That was never going to happen," she says. <<else>> "Sometimes a quickie is exactly what's needed," she says. <</if>> <br><br> It was extremely quick.<br> <br> And intense.<br> <br> You sit on the chair and try to get your jangling nerves back under control as Pix walks back to her sofa. She flops back on it and licks her lips.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> "Mmm," Pix says. "Just as tasty as before. We should fuck on the bed next time." <<else>> "Mmm," Pix says. "You're tasty. I might put in a bit more effort next time." <</if>> <br><br> Your legs are a little wobbly as you get up from the chair and put your clothes back on. Pix smiles and gives you a wave as you make your way to the exit.<br> <br> /* No faction increase */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Ending Cleanup]]>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
The 'bed' is just a mattress lying on the floor. As you first noticed, it seems to be covered in some kind of glossy black material. Kinky... if it didn't also look like a mattress tossed randomly on the floor of a squat.<br> <br> "Lie down on your back. I'll get on top and fuck you," Pix says in a slightly bored voice.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pix Decipula: Bed: Caught]]
You do as she says. The surface feels a little strange – definitely artificial like vinyl, but also slightly tacky. You wonder if Pix does actually bother to clean it, then decide you probably don't want to pursue that line of thought!<br> <br> The mattress feels okay. A little too soft, maybe, but it's deep and fairly comfy to lie on. You lie back with your arms outstretched and wait for Pix to climb on top. Instead she stands next to the mattress and tries to stifle a giggle with her hand.<br> <br> "Caught you!" she says.<br> <br> It's the most animated you've seen her. Her sleepy heavy-lidded eyes are nearly fully open.<br> <br> "All that work succubi put into charm and seduction. We should learn from the spiders," Pix says. "Get the prey stuck and then we can suck on them at our leisure."<br> <br> You try moving your arms and realise the mattress is more than just tacky. You're stuck fast to the surface as if glued. It's the same for the rest of your body. Arms, legs, back, head – all stuck fast as if you're a fly on a giant sheet of flypaper. No matter how much you twist, turn or thrash, you can't pull free.<br> <br> "It's not exactly a web, but the principle is the same," Pix says.<br> <br> She climbs on top of you. Normally you'd be very happy to have a beautiful and naked woman sitting astride you, but the circumstances – you glued to the mattress and at her mercy – have put a little bit of a dampener on your ardour.<br> <br> Pix laughs at your feeble attempts to dislodge her.<br> <br> "You've fallen into my trap," she says. "There's no escaping now."<br> <br> [[You struggle ineffectually.->Pix Decipula: Bed: Straddling]]
She is unaffected by the sticky surface of the bed as she straddles you. The neatly shaven folds of her pussy brush against your thigh before she lifts her hips up above your crotch. Again, what should be a sexy sight is spoiled by her pussy suddenly dilating and gaping open of its own accord in a way that is wholly unnatural. She might have positioned herself in the classic pre-insert cowgirl position, but you're too freaked out to be interested in sex at this point. Your hard-on is already drooping.<br> <br> Good luck inserting that, you think.<br> <br> Pix looks down at your sagging erection and laughs.<br> <br> "That's the other thing my sisters waste so much time on. Scents to arouse. Charms to titillate. Aphrodisiac pheromones. They're all unnecessary. Given the right mechanical stimulus, every man will give up his seed, aroused or not."<br> <br> Her pussy gapes. The labia flutter. You feel a tug and the head of your cock is sucked to the entrance of her sex. You hear wet slobbery sounds as if your member is blocking the intake to a vacuum cleaner.<br> <br> Pix holds up her hands as if to prove they aren't needed.<br> <br> Stimulated by the sucking action of her pussy, your member is no longer quite so droopy. The sucking sensation feels pleasant and blood is already pouring into your cock to fill it. Pix's sleepy eyes look triumphant.<br> <br> "You don't even need to be hard," she says. "I can suck you in and suck multiple orgasms out of you without you even needing to get an erection. Some men thank me for that, even as I suck the life from their bodies."<br> <br> [[Her pussy gapes wider. This is going to suck...->Pix Decipula: Bed: Inserted]]
Her pussy gapes wider. The head of your cock vanishes inside. The rest follows.<br> <br> "Hmm, but it is much better when they're hard," she says.<br> <br> She settles down in your lap.<br> <br> "Now let's suck that cum out of you."<br> <br> She doesn't ride you as such. The motions are all internal. The fleshy walls of her vagina bunch up and start rolling up and down your shaft, pumping you with strong muscular action. The air is filled with wet slobbery sounds. It feels like you're being milked by a machine.<br> <br> Her pussy is as indefatigable and irresistible as a machine. It takes no more than a minute of her pussy pumping your cock and you're spurting uncontrollably inside her.<br> <br> "Ah, here it is," she says. Her eyelids flutter.<br> <br> She doesn't give you a chance to recover. Her pussy continues working – squeezing, pulsing – and your cock stays hard in helpless thrall to it. It's not long before the motions have you trembling and shuddering in another climax. You spurt another thick stream up into her.<br> <br> "This is it for you," Pix says. "You're stuck on my bed and my pussy is going to suck it all out of you."<br> <br> [[Her pussy keeps sucking on you.->Pix Decipula: Bed: Bad End]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Her pussy doesn't stop. Neither do you. The muscular pumping suction is irresistible. You keep coming in a continuous stream. You writhe beneath her, your thoughts overloaded by primal pleasures. Her vagina keeps pumping. You keep emptying your seed – your life – into her.<br> <br> You only stop when Pix has sucked out every last drop of fluid from your body. She stands up, sighs and stretches.<br> <br> "See, so much easier and efficient this way," she says down to your withered and dried-up body.<br> <br> Your corpse doesn't lie there long. Now that your body is empty of life and soul, the magic of the bed takes hold. Your wizened remains collapse in on themselves and melt into a black goo, joining the layer of sticky adhesive covering the mattress.<br> <br> Pix might be a lazy succubus, but she's also a very //efficient// succubus that hates cleaning up after herself.<br> <br> Within moments there is not a trace of you at all on the mattress. Pix returns to her sofa and gives a little yawn.<br> <br> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Ending Cleanup]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You comply. It's what you want to do anyway.<br> <br> You hug her close and pump your hips up and down. You drive your hard cock back and forth into her dripping wet pussy. Her fleshy walls feel fantastic against you as you slide back and forth.<br> <br> "Oh yes," Pix moans. "Harder."<br> <br> You speed up, driving your hips up and down. It's surprisingly hard work. The amorphous sofa is a little too spongy to be conducive to fucking. It absorbs the energy of your thrusts and gives next to no rebound back.<br> <br> /* AGI & DEX Check */ /* To make it easier for me, AGI 1 has priority over DEX 1 */ <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Sofa: AGI 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Player: Test Dex]]>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Sofa: DEX 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Sofa: MidHigh Prelude]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $pixSofaMode to 0>> <<set _isWeakerThisTime to $hasDoneSofa and $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode gt $pixSofaMode>> <<set _isFatigued to $player.currAgi gt 1>> The awkwardness of the sofa <<if _isWeakerThisTime or _isFatigued>>soon begins to tell.<<else>>and a lifetime of inactivity soon begin to tell. You're a paperwork and desks kind of person rather than a gyms and weights kind of person.<</if>> Humping Pix on the sagging sofa is hard work. Even with her soft moans in your ear to encourage you, you still run out of puff.<br> <br> "What's the matter?" Pix asks. <<if $hasDoneSofa>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode gt $pixSofaMode>> "You had more energy than this last time." <<else>> "Struggling again?" <</if>> <<else>> "Struggling?" <</if>> <br><br> Just need to get my breath back, you tell her.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Sofa: Low Prelude]]>>
<<set $pixSofaMode to 0>> <<set _isWeakerThisTime to $hasDoneSofa and $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode gt $pixSofaMode>> The awkwardness of the sofa soon starts to tell. <<if _isWeakerThisTime>>The<<else>>You were never the most co-ordinated of people, and the<</if>> saggy softness of the sofa makes it difficult to find a good rhythm. Pix encourages you with soft sighs in your ear, but you still struggle to find a satisfying rhythm. You even nearly slip out entirely on a couple of occasions. As nice and tight as Pix's pussy is, your lack of coordination makes it difficult to fully appreciate.<br> <br> "What's the matter?" Pix asks as you pause for the third time. <<if $hasDoneSofa>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode gt $pixSofaMode>> "You were better last time." <<else>> "You struggling again?" <</if>> <<else>> "Struggling?" <</if>> <br><br> Just trying to find the right rhythm, you explain.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Sofa: Low Prelude]]>>
/* establish sofa mode */ <<if ($player.currAgi + $player.currDex) lt 8>> /* mid */ <<set $pixSofaMode to 1>> <<else>> /* high */ <<set $pixSofaMode to 2>> <</if>> You're in <<if $pixSofaMode eq 2>>good<<else>>reasonable<</if>> shape, so you're able to keep fucking Pix despite all this. Fucking Pix feels so damn good. You pump your hips and slide your cock back and forth inside Pix's tight wet pussy. She feels so snug inside, as if her vagina was modelled specifically to your penis.<br> <br> "Faster," Pix hisses in your ear. Her nails playfully rake your back.<br> <br> You hump harder against her. Her body judders with each impact and she moans in pleasure.<br> <br> "Oh yes, faster," she sighs.<br> <br> She plants wet kisses on your throat.<br> <br> <<if $pixSofaMode eq 1>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Sofa: Mid]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Sofa: High Prelude]]>> <</if>>
<<if $hasDoneSofa>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode eq 2>> "I think you want my lovely pussy to do all the work this time," Pix says. <<else>> "I think you just want to experience my wonderful pussy technique again," Pix says. <</if>> <<else>> "It's not your fault," Pix says. "Human sex is just so horribly mechanically inefficient. So much needless effort. All that grunting and puffing. Getting sweaty as hips grind together. It's so wasteful. Here, let me show you how a succubus with excellent pussy technique fucks." <</if>> <br> <br> [[Prepare yourself!->Pix Decipula: Sofa: Low]]
She pulls you deeper down on top of her. Her legs wrap around you and she crosses her ankles to lock you in place. Muscles in the inner wall of her vagina grip your erection and suck it all the way inside her.<br> <br> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Sofa: MidLow Combined]]>>
You give her more. You're starting to feel it, though. The amorphous blob of a sofa just isn't conducive to fucking at all. It's too much damn work, the equivalent of trying to run through thick mud. You feel twinges in your muscles and your chest is a little tight. You feel yourself slowing and try to compensate by thrusting deeper and harder.<br> <br> <<if $hasDoneSofa and $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode eq 2>> "You seem more tired this time," Pix says. "Maybe we should go over to the bed and let me go on top for a while." <<else>> "Getting tired?" Pix asks. "If you want, we can go over to the bed and I'll go on top of you for a while." <</if>> <br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> [[That would be good.->Pix Decipula: Sofa to Bed]]<br> [[You're fine. You'll keep going.->Pix Decipula: Sofa: Mid Continue]]
You give her more. <<if $hasDoneSofa>>Like before, it's<<else>>It's<</if>> hard work. The amorphous blob of a sofa just isn't conducive to fucking at all. It's worth it, though. Fucking Pix feels so damn good.<br> <br> Pix's moans and sighs escalate as your body thuds against hers.<br> <br> "Yes, keep it up," she cries.<br> <br> [[You're able to keep it up, despite the sofa.->Pix Decipula: Sofa: High]]
Yeah, that would be a good idea, you think. Let Pix take a turn.<br> <br> You nod your agreement and both of you get up off the sofa and walk over to the black mattress. Pix has a hand around you cock and keeps you keen and eager with little pumps.<br> <br> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Bed]]>>
You tell her you're fine. You're not far off. You can feel it building in your cock and balls. Just a little more. Just a little more of that delicious wet friction to tip you over the edge.<br> <br> You pump your hips, driving back and forth into Pix's luscious wet twat.<br> <br> It's close, maddeningly close. If only Pix would do more than just lie back and let you do all the work. It wouldn't take much, just a little wiggle of her hips.<br> <br> <<if $hasDoneSofa>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode eq 2>> "You need a little help this time," Pix says. <<else>> "You always need a little help," Pix laughs. <</if>> <<else>> "I think you need a little help," Pix says, as if reading your mind. <</if>> <br><br> Languidly, she wraps her legs around you and crosses her ankles.<br> <br> <<if $hasDoneSofa and $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode lt 2>> "You know what's coming next." <<else>> "Let me show you how a succubus does it." <</if>> <br> <br> [[Prepare yourself!->Pix Decipula: Sofa: MidLow Prelude]]
Muscles in the inner wall of her vagina grip your erection and suck it all the way inside her.<br> <br> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Sofa: MidLow Combined]]>>
That's not all her vagina does.<br> <br> The fleshy walls of her sex bunch up and start rolling up and down your shaft, pumping you with a strong muscular action. What is she doing? It feels like some kind of suction pump down there. Tugging you. Milking you.<br> <br> "It's all in the vagina," Pix breathes in your ear. "We don't need to move our bodies at all. It's so much more efficient."<br> <br> Maybe, but it also feels a little robotic, like you're being milked by a machine. Noisy too. The air is filled with wet slobbery sounds as her sex sucks you.<br> <br> It feels undeniably pleasant, though. No more than a minute of her pussy pumping your cock and you feel ominous twitches in your loins.<br> <br> "Much faster as well." Pix sucks lightly on your earlobe. <<if $hasDoneSofa>>"As you know."<</if>> <br> <br> She feels your cock swell inside her and the suction tugs you even deeper. Thick bands of muscle wrap around your pulsing member and squeeze.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> And nothing comes out. Your activities in the House have left you completely drained. You have nothing left.<br> <br> [[Pix seems unimpressed.->Pix Decipula: Sofa: Bad End]] <<else>> You let out a loud pant as you erupt inside her. Your cock throbs and you feel a satisfying sense of release as you empty a thick stream of cum into her pumping pussy.<br> <br> "Ooh yes," Pix moans. "And because we're so efficient, we don't have to stop. We can continue right on."<br> <br> [[And she does.->Pix Decipula: Sofa: MidLow: 2nd Pop Prelude]] <</if>>
<<if $hasDoneSofa and $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode lt 2>> "Ooh, someone's been working on their technique."<br> <br> <</if>> Her nails rake your back. A little harder this time. It spurs you on to greater effort. Both of you are slowly sinking into the saggy sofa, and you're fucking her all the way. You can feel a climax building, stoked by the delicious wet friction of Pix's luscious twat.<br> <br> "Coming," you moan.<br> <br> "Yes, pour it into me," Pix cries.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Sofa: High: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Sofa: High: Has Semen]]>> <</if>>
You'd like to, but right on the threshold of climax your balls suddenly decide to let you down. You have been using them a lot this night, to be fair.<br> <br> "Oh, is that it." Pix sounds visibly disappointed.<br> <br> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Sofa: Bad End]]>>
You grab her ass, lift her up and then slam her back down on the sofa. Your cock plunges deep inside her. The end twitches and you groan in bliss as you pour a massive load into her.<br> <br> <<if $hasDoneSofa>>As before,<<else>>Then<</if>> her vagina, which up until now had been inert, suddenly comes to life around you. The fleshy walls bunch up and start tugging on your cock with a muscular pumping action. You hear a wet slobbery sound, like your cock is stuck in the pipe of a vacuum cleaner. You feel the suction as well. It causes your waning climax to suddenly spike into a greater burst of pleasure. <<if $hasDoneSofa>>Even though you remember it from before, the intensity still<<else>>The unexpectedness of it<</if>> has you collapse and tremble helplessly in Pix's arms as the force of the climax temporarily overrules everything else.<br> <br> <<if $hasDoneSofa>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode lt 2>> "You didn't need it this time, but I thought I'd give you a little //suck// anyway," <<else>> "You didn't need it, again, but I couldn't resist giving you a little //suck// anyway," <</if>> <<else>> "You didn't need it, but I thought I'd give you a little //suck// anyway," <</if>> Pix says with a mischievous smile.<br> <br> [[It felt pretty good.->Pix Decipula: Sofa: High: Good End]]
Pix wraps her arms and legs around you and pulls you down on top of her. Her pussy contracts around the base of your cock.<br> <br> "How disappointing," Pix says. "I was hoping not to have to do too much work, and now you're making me."<br> <br> <<if $pixSofaMode eq 2>> Her vagina starts moving around you. The fleshy walls bunch up and start tugging on your cock with a muscular pumping action. Wet slobbery sounds fill the air. It feels like being milked by a machine – an indefatigable, irresistible machine. You thought you were empty, but Pix – or rather her vagina – finds more.<br> <br> <<else>> Her pussy starts up again with that infernal pumping suction. Wet slobbery sounds fill the air. It's far more intense this time. You thought you were empty, but Pix – or rather her vagina – finds more.<br> <br> <</if>> Pix holds you tight as her pussy pumps an ejaculation out of you that you didn't think you had. Her vagina keeps going. Keeps sucking.<br> <br> You keep coming. It's not your semen, but your life now, and you're powerless to resist. Her pussy keeps pumping fluids out of you until you're nothing more than a dried-up cadaver in her arms. She discards you with a bored expression.<br> <br> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Ending Cleanup]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
She's not one for post-coital cuddling, so you both get up from the sofa.<br> <br> <<if $hasDoneSofa and $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode eq 2>> She runs her hands over your chest.<br> <br> "You're still quite the hunk," she purrs. <<else>> <<if $hasDoneSofa>> "You did much better this time. Not many have the stamina to keep going all the way on my sofa," Pix says. "I barely had to use my pussy at all." <<else>> "Not many have the stamina to keep going all the way on my sofa," Pix says. "I normally have to finish them off with my pussy." <</if>> <br> <br> She runs her hands over your chest.<br> <br> "Not you, you're quite the hunk." <</if>> <br> <br> She moves away and starts putting her clothes back on. You return to where you'd left your pile of clothes and do the same.<br> <br> "That was rather enjoyable. It's nice to not have to do any work for a change," Pix says. "You can come back anytime."<br> <br> You wouldn't mind that, you think.<br> <br> As dressed as she'll ever be, Pix flops back on her saggy sofa. She still looks slovenly. Sexy slovenly, but slovenly. Damn good fuck though.<br> <br> She glances over at the bed. <<if $hasDoneSofa>> "We should use the bed next time. It's my turn to fuck your brains out." <<else>> "How about we use the bed next time? And I'll be the one on top." <</if>> <br><br> Her eyes smoulder lustily.<br> <br> That doesn't seem a bad idea, you think. You might take her up on that. You feel good as you walk to the exit.<br> <br> /* This is the only route that has a faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[6][1] to true>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode to 2>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Ending Cleanup]]>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Her vagina continues right on. Sucking. Pumping. She doesn't even wait for your first orgasm to subside before she begins pumping you to the next.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> But you can't come again.<br> <br> "Oh, don't tell me you're one of those slow repeater types," Pix says with disappointment. "Or are you out now."<br> <br> Your activities in the House have left you completely drained. You have nothing left.<br> <br> [[She seems disappointed.->Pix Decipula: Sofa: Bad End]] <<else>> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Sofa: MidLow: 2nd Pop]]>> <</if>>
You're shocked as you feel a second orgasm crash through you, so soon after the first. You tremble uncontrollably in her arms as you ejaculate another stream of semen inside her.<br> <br> /* check for mid or low */ <<if $pixSofaMode eq 0>> /* Low */ "Let's get a third," Pix whispers in your ear.<br> <br> [[Her pussy keeps pumping you.->Pix Decipula: Sofa: Low: 3rd Pop]] <<else>> /* Mid */ Then – mercifully – the muscular pumping contractions, that noisy wet slobbery suction, ceases.<br> <br> <<if $hasDoneSofa eq false>> "That's a far easier way of doing it, isn't it," Pix says.<br> <br> <</if>> She laughs as you collapse in her arms and lay there for a while as you try to get your breath back.<br> <br> <<if $hasDoneSofa>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode eq 0>> "Better, but you still need to improve your technique." <<else>> "My little pussy has wrecked you <<if $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode eq 2>> this time." <<else>> again." <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> "For me maybe. You look a little worn out." <</if>> <br><br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode to 1>> [[You might need some time to recover.->Pix Decipula: Sofa: MidLow: Good End]] <</if>>
Her pussy keeps pumping. Now you do feel like you're being milked. Milked like a cow. Like livestock. And you're helpless to stop it.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> But as much as she milks you, you don't tip over into climax. You're out.<br> <br> "No third for me?" Pix asks. She sounds disappointed.<br> <br> <<include [[Pix Decipula: Sofa: Bad End]]>> <<else>> Your body tenses up and you fire a third load into her pumping vagina.<br> <br> And then – mercifully – the muscular pumping contractions, that noisy wet slobbery suction, ceases.<br> <br> "Mmm, three pops are quite enough," Pix says. "Semen is fattening and if I put on weight again $ will make me do //exercise//."<br> <br> She practically spits the word.<br> <br> You collapse in her arms and lay there for a while, shuddering. You struggle to get your misfiring nerves back under control.<br> <br> <<if $hasDoneSofa>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode eq 0>> "Oh dear," Pix says. "Has my little pussy worn you out again?" <<else>> "You've let the other girls wear you out. My pussy had to do all the work this time." <</if>> <<else>> "Oh," Pix says. "I thought it would be easier on you if I let my pussy do all the work. You look worn out. Have you been playing a little too hard with the other girls?" <</if>> <br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].previousSofaMode to 0>> [[You might need some time to recover.->Pix Decipula: Sofa: MidLow: Good End]] <</if>>
She helps you up off the sofa. You need it.<br> <br> "Now imagine if we'd done it the human way, with all its wasteful huffing and puffing. You might have died."<br> <br> Pix might be right on that count. You feel wrecked... wrecked and drained.<br> <br> Thankfully, you've recovered somewhat by the time you get to your clothes and start to put them back on. A good thing considering Pix shows no inclination to help you.<br> <br> By the time you're fully dressed she's already back to lounging slovenly on her sofa. Sexy slovenly, but still slovenly. It's as much as she can do to give you a smile and a wave as you make your way to the door.<br> <br> /* no faction increase for this route */ <<include [[Pix Decipula: Ending Cleanup]]>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
/* Vête Piège */ <<set $hi to 18>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Vête Piège", shortDescription: "a curvaceous succubus wearing an elegant purple hat and gown. She has a thick tail that tapers to a fleshy arrowhead tip.", faction: 4, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, hasSpokenToNpcGossip: false, introductionLink: "Vete Piege: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Vete Piege: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Vete Piege: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Vete Piege: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Vete Piege: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Vete Piege: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* ...set player stats here */ <<set $hi to 18>> <<set $cgi to 1>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> ...set harlot stats here */ <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip to true>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Madam intro */ "This is the very refined Mademoiselle Vête Piège," $ says. She puts her fan to her mouth and whispers to you, "Don't be put off by her haughty exterior. She's total filth between the sheets." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Mademoiselle Vête Piège is a curvaceous and slightly haughty succubus in an elegant purple gown. She seems a little overdressed for this establishment, looking more like a well-to-do lady on a night out at the opera rather than a hooker. Her dress balloons outward and terminates in a fancy frilled hem. Lacy frills adorn her cuffs and neck. Her off-shoulder neckline is so low it barely contains her considerable breasts. 'Heaving bosoms' is definitely a description that applies to Vête Piège!<br> <br> She's also another demon. She has a tail and little black bat wings. You suspect she also has horns as well, although they're currently hidden by her purple hat and tresses of long blonde hair. Her tail is a little different – being very thick at the base rather than whip-like. It terminates in a fleshy structure that looks like a cross between a playing-card spade and broad tip arrowhead. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Pleased to meet you," Mademoiselle Vête enunciates in proper clipped tones. She even gives you an elegant curtsey. <br>
You take Mademoiselle Vête Piège out into the bar area. She might act like a prim or proper woman, but her hands most definitely are not. They are all over you, as is the fleshy tip of her tail. Fortunately, she is attractive enough for you to put up with her indiscreet touching.<br> <br> You find a spare table and sit down.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Vete Piege: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Vete Piege: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br> <br> "How vulgar," Vête says, "to take a lady out and not even have the money to buy her a drink. Have you no class?"<br> <br> She returns to $ in a huff.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and an extremely expensive looking glass of sparkling champagne for Vête. You're glad the drinks prices in the bar appear to be standardised, as Vête's drink looks the kind of thing that would blow a hole in a wallet.<br> <br> You make the regular small talk. On one hand, it feels really good to be talking to a woman as attractive as Vête. She looks and talks like a posh, upper-class model. On the other, her tail – and its behaviour – is disconcerting. The whole time you're talking with Vête you feel it poking and prodding at you under the table. It's like it has a mind of its own and is trying to find a way to slip into your pants.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
/* must start with linebreaks if wish to start on new line */ <br> <br> /* Text here */ "My, what a nasty little hussy. And she seemed so cultured as well." /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br>
"Hmm, Mademoiselle Vête Piège. Hmm."<br> <br> $ looks uncharacteristically thoughtful as she taps on her cigarette holder to dislodge ash.<br> <br> "Now listen up, darling. As much as I love to hint and play games, I'm going to be direct about our little wannabe madam. She's a frightful brown noser – to our dear Madam not the patrons, so don't get your hopes up – and a conceited little snob with ideas above her station. Worst of all, she's a cheat."<br> <br> She takes a long draw on her cigarette.<br> <br> "There are rules to the House. The patrons must always be given a fair chance. Some of the succubi in here are so powerful they can turn a man's brain to mush and enslave him with a single bat of an eyelid."<br> <br> In a rare break with form, $ deigns to look straight at you. You feel held, as if by a powerful invisible force, and a heat rises in your loins. But only for a moment, as $'s bored gaze flicks away just as quickly as it briefly seized you.<br> <br> "Vête Piège is not. All she has is her tail fluids. They're nasty. They function like digestive enzymes, except they force the body to convert everything – fat, muscle, bone, organs – into cum. And once her man has spunked everything out, she sucks up the resulting soup."<br> <br> $ makes a horrible sucking sound with her lips and delights in your disgusted expression.<br> <br> "I know, it's positively revolting. Thankfully, the fluids quickly break down in the open air. She needs something to keep them enclosed around the flesh – your clothes. And that's her little trap. As soon as the luckless mark enters her room, she pretends to greet them while slipping her tail into his pants so she can fill them with her nasty fluids."<br> <br> $ pulls a face.<br> <br> "Now where is the fairness and chance in that? The poor sap is on the floor and spunking himself to death before he even knows what's happening. So, I'm not going to be cryptic about this little madam. As soon as you enter her room, take your clothes off. That'll stop her devious little ploy right in its tracks."<br> <br> $ takes a drink of her cocktail. Her lips are turned up in a curiously satisfied smile.<br> <br> "That's all I need to tell you about Mademoiselle Vête Piège. She's just a one-trick pony." <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip to true>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [2,false,false], /* Leaving room alive */ [3,false,false], /* Having sex with her */ [1,false,false], /* Black rose */ [1,false,false] /* out of semen */ ] }>> You enter a fancy bedroom. Mademoiselle Vête Piège is sitting at a makeup desk in front of a mirror. She turns to you.<br> <br> "Oh hello, darling. Welcome to my boudoir."<br> <br> 'Boudoir' seems the right word. The room is a cosy and intimate bedroom, with an air of antiquated elegance. The décor consists of lots of fleshy pinks and reds, with the lights turned down low. The bed is large and covered in shiny red satin sheets. The walls are decorated with pieces of erotica that tend more to the classy than the vulgar.<br> <br> Vête wastes no time in getting up to greet you.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip>> <<include [[Vete Piege: Clothes Options]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Vete Piege: Allow Approach]]>> <</if>>
As Vête approaches, will you:<br> <br> [[Quickly step back and take your clothes off?->Vete Piege: Take Clothes Off]]<br> [[Let her approach you?->Vete Piege: Allow Approach]]
Your gaze is drawn to her eye-catching bosom as she approaches. They are, as the old period romances would say, //heaving//. Despite this, you still wonder if she might be a little overdressed for a place like this. That dress can't be the easiest to take off.<br> <br> If her appearance seems a little too refined, the attentions she gives you certainly aren't. You've barely taken a couple of steps into her room before she's all over you. She's very handsy. And also tailsy as well, with the fleshy tip moving over your body like an additional hand.<br> <br> [[You give her your gift.->Vete Piege: Clothes 1]]
You remember <<print $ +"'s">> warning. Before Vête reaches you, you step back and start taking off your clothes.<br> <br> Vête pauses and pretends to be shocked.<br> <br> "My, you don't waste any time. I can see you're keen to get on with it. Very well."<br> <br> She takes her gown off. For such an elaborate-looking costume, she removes it with surprising ease. She is not wearing anything underneath and stands in front of you in her full naked glory. And it is quite glorious. She has a wonderfully voluptuous figure, with both her bosom and hips swelling to pleasant proportions. Her skin is pink and smooth and flawless, right down to the shaved and hairless clamshell folds of her sex.<br> <br> You don't get long to admire her naked body as she goes straight to the bed and slides in between the sheets. She holds a corner of the sheets up and pats a spot on the pink mattress next to her, a spot she presumably wishes you to occupy.<br> <br> "Come and join me and we'll have a nice little tumble," she says, her voice a mixture of posh and outright filth. Her silky blonde hair spreads out over the pillow.<br> <br> It's an enticing invitation, although the pinkish-red coloration of the sheets does put you in mind of a gaping maw for some reason.<br> <br> [[Join her in bed?->Vete Piege: In Bed 1]]<br> [[Tell her you'd prefer to lie on top of the sheets.->Vete Piege: Request On Bed]]
/* TODO - Classify the gifts a bit better */ <<if $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(11, 12)>> <<set _text to "How peculiar">> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(6, 7, 9, 10)>> <<set _text to "How different">> <<else>> <<set _text to "How nice">> <</if>> She takes your gift off you.<br> <br> <<print "\"" + _text + ",\"">> she says, examining <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it.<<else>>them.<</if>><br> <br> Her other hand is already tugging at the front of your trousers. The tip of her spade-like tail slides into the gap. The structure at the end of her tail swells up and then flattens as she fills your underpants with a warm, soupy liquid.<br> <br> That in itself is unexpected. The liquid's effect on you is even more dramatic. As it fills your underwear and surrounds your cock and balls you feel a warm, tingling feeling in your loins. Your cock swells up to hard and throbbing in an instant. It doesn't stop there as you're suddenly hit with a climax powerful enough to drop you to your knees.<br> <br> "Better. A man should know his place," Vête says.<br> <br> Still with the tip of her tail down your trousers, Vête walks over and places your gift on a nearby shelf. The base of her tail swells up, the swelling travels down to the fleshy tip and then she's squirting more warm juices into your pants.<br> <br> The effect is immediate. You come so hard you feel muscles twinge in your crotch. The intensity drops you to the floor. The climax overwhelms everything else, effectively leaving you paralysed as you buck and twitch and helplessly spurt semen into your pants.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> [[Continue.->Vete Piege: Clothes 2]]
Vête looks down at you with an amused expression. "Oh dear. Are my tail fluids too strong for you?" She withdraws her tail and lets it slide around the top of your trousers. This time the fluid she exudes from the tip is very sticky and glues the waistline of your trousers to your skin. "Unfortunately, as powerful as my aphrodisiacs are, they denature very quickly when exposed to the open air." She moves down to your ankles and uses the glue from her tail to seal the bottoms of your trousers. "Sealed within your clothes, however..." The only place not sealed is a small gap at the front of your trousers. She slides the tip of her tail back into it, her tail swells and then deflates as she squirts a much greater quantity of warm liquid into your trousers. They swell up as the liquid has nowhere else to go. The whole of your lower half is enveloped in pleasant, tingling warmth. " aphrodisiacs will maintain their full potency. You're about to have a nice long spunkathon in your pants." You come again, violently, your muscles spasming to expel the semen from your body. As before, the intensity is so great it scrambles everything else and keeps you paralyzed. "All that spunk needs to come from somewhere, so let's treat your upper half as well." [[Continue.->Vete Piege: Clothes 3]]
You can do nothing as Vête seals up the bottom of your top, your cuffs and around your neck. She leaves just enough gap to insert the tip of her tail down the front of your top. It swells and throbs and your T-shirt and jumper fills up with warm liquid. The fluids feel especially pleasant against your nipples. You buck as another powerful orgasm rips through you. "And now we wait," Vête says. She picks up a nearby chair and places it down with the legs straddling your midriff. She sits down and the hem of her dress rests across your chest. "I know you'd prefer it if the chair wasn't here, but I can't straddle you directly. Men's bodies get a little //mushy// once my fluids start to work on them. How about I give you a little visual stimulation instead." She lowers the top of her dress until her boobs pop free. She has a lovely pair – shiny pink and baby-smooth. You admire them and are wracked by another powerful orgasm. "You can't stop. I suppose you could call it digestion. All that lovely spunk has to come from somewhere." [[Continue.->Vete Piege: Clothes: Bad End]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> You feel strange. Fuzzy. Pleasantly disassociated. It's like you're floating in warm honey.<br> <br> "It's a lot more pleasant than soaking you in acid and melting you away."<br> <br> Your hips jerk, your cock throbs, and you empty another massive load into your pants.<br> <br> "Yes, that's it. Spunk it all out. Fill your pants."<br> <br> You do. You can't stop. You feel pleasantly mushy. As if your trousers are filled with nothing but cum and Vête's marvellous tail fluids.<br> <br> "And now to suck it all up."<br> <br> Vête's tail dissolves some of the glue sealing your trousers, enough to create an opening big enough for the tip to squeeze inside. Her tail swells, but this time in the opposite direction as she starts sucking the fluids back out of your clothes. And you. Her potent aphrodisiacs have rendered you into little more than a soup of semen.<br> <br> "Delicious," Vête says as she sucks you up with her tail.<br> <br> By the time she's finished, your empty skin looks as deflated as your clothes.<br> <br> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You think it would be better if you made love to Vête on top of rather than in the bed. You make excuses about the room being warm and not wanting to get too hot and sweaty between the sheets. You flatter her by saying her body is gorgeous and you'd rather have a full, unobscured view of it.<br> <br> <<if $allGifts[$cgi].number eq 0>> <<include [[Vete Piege: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Vete Piege: On Bed 1]]>> <</if>>
Smiling, you slide between the sheets and join her for a cuddle. The bed is warm and Vête's body next to you is warmer still. As you kiss and cuddle it feels more like a night with a loving girlfriend than a cold, commercial transaction. That's not to say she isn't pure filth between the sheets. Her kisses are full of tongue and her hands stray to the parts of your body the good girls won't touch. Your erection was already rising as you got into bed with her. A couple of deft strokes of her hand has your cock rock-hard and twitching. She rolls you onto your back and lies on top of you. She plants smothering kisses on your face and lips while your erection rubs up against her smooth tummy. Vête breaks off the kiss and sits up. She holds the sheets like an outstretched cloak. The deep sensual red of the sheets forms a perfect backdrop to her gorgeous naked body. You admire her pendulous breasts. "Let's begin," she says. [[Continue.->Vete Piege: In Bed 2]]
She lifts her body up, finds the head of your cock with her vagina and settles down, easing your erection up inside tight, warm vagina. Then, your member captured by her hungry sex, she collapses down on top of you, covering you with her warm body and the sheets. Nice (and hot as hell), you think, but something that would work better as a finisher, after her luscious pussy has stroked you right to the edge of orgasm. Rather strangely, Vête seems to treat it as a finisher as well, being content to merely lie on top of you with your erection inside. You wonder if you made her come just by entering her. You do feel a damp patch, although it's around your heels and ankles. It's also a little bit more than a damp patch. It feels like both of your heels are resting in a puddle of warm fluid. "Mmm, it takes a little longer to fill a bed with my tail fluids," Vête says. "Be patient, darling. You'll be spunking up inside me soon enough." Tail fluids? [[Continue.->Vete Piege: In Bed 3]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Vête sees your confused expression and smiles. You see the sheets rise up behind her as her tail moves beneath them. You feel warm liquid splash against your knees and inner thighs as her tail spits warm juices over them. Your skin tingles pleasantly.<br> <br> "My tail fluids contain powerful aphrodisiacs," Vête explains. "Unfortunately, these aphrodisiacs denature quickly when exposed to the open air. But here, beneath the sheets, they will retain their full potency."<br> <br> She wriggles in your lap, manoeuvring your cock inside her for a snugger fit.<br> <br> "Mm, just need the right stimulation to speed up the flow. Ah, there it is."<br> <br> She indicates she's found it with a low sigh. She stretches her tail out behind her and it starts gushing.<br> <br> The bed fills up. You're not sure how. The sheets must be waterproof and the edges sealed somehow. You feel warm liquid rise around your body. As it completely covers your balls you come in a massive orgasm that leaves you surprised and breathless.<br> <br> "Ah, my aphrodisiacs are quite wonderful are they not," Vête says.<br> <br> You don't say anything. You feel queerly paralysed, as if the climax was so intense it short-circuited the rest of your body.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Vete Piege: In Bed: Bad End]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Vête keeps filling up the bed until you're lying in a pocket of warm fluids. It feels pleasant, but unnaturally so.<br> <br> Another climax overcomes you, eliciting more erotic moans from Vête as you spurt a big load up into her pussy. Then, moments later, you're doing the same again while the rest of your body trembles uncontrollably. The muscles in your loins twinge in protest, but that quickly passes. Softens. Smooths away.<br> <br> Your whole body is enveloped by a soft, pleasant, //mushy// feeling. It starts with your skin, but then seeps down into your muscles and bones.<br> <br> "It was a mistake getting into bed with me," Vête says. "My tail fluids contain more than just aphrodisiacs. They make you come, but that cum has to come from somewhere. That's what's happening now. Your whole body is being converted into lovely, delicious spunk."<br> <br> You say nothing. You can barely focus as orgasm after orgasm keeps crashing through you. Your cock sprays semen up into Vête's warm pussy like a burst pipe.<br> <br> "I suppose it could be considered digestion," Vête muses, "but this way is far more pleasant for the prey."<br> <br> That, mercifully, is true. Your brain is starting to feel a little mushy now. All you want to do is keep spurting your cum inside Vête's luscious cunt.<br> <br> "Mmm," she sighs as she lies on top of you. "Normally I suck it up with my tail, but it is nice to use my pussy for a change. You should feel honoured."<br> <br> Your body slowly collapses beneath her. At this point your head is nothing but a fog of white bliss. You come, and come, and come...<br> <br> Vête sucks it all up inside her until the sheets deflate back down and she is alone in the bed. There's nothing left of you but your skin. You lie underneath her like a deflated blow-up doll, a last blissful smile on your lips.<br> <br> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"But darling," Vête counters. "You brought me a <<print $allGifts[$cgi].name + ".">> The only way I can give you what you desire is between these sheets."<br> <br> She holds the sheets up and pats the spot on the mattress next to her again.<br> <br> "You do know the significance of the <<print $allGifts[$cgi].name + "?\"">><br> <br> Your nonplussed look indicates you do not. Vête rolls her eyes.<br> <br> "That damn Madam. I swear she's getting senile. She always forgets to explain that one."<br> <br> She looks back at you. Her eyes smoulder suggestively. Her lips form an appealing pout.<br> <br> "Never mind. It doesn't matter. You made a choice, whether or not you were aware of it, and the only way I can fulfil that choice is here, in between these sheets."<br> <br> She flutters her eyelashes and strokes the space on the bed next to her.<br> <br> "This is very awkward for me, darling. Please don't make it difficult."<br> <br> [[Get into bed with her.->Vete Piege: In Bed 1]]<br> [[Refuse.->Vete Piege: Refuse Black Rose]]
"As you wish, darling," Vête says. "My room is a little warm." And will get even hotter, you think as Vête slides out from between the sheets. She has a really gorgeous body. You join her on the bed and kiss and cuddle. It feels really nice in her arms, more like you're with a girlfriend or spouse rather than a hooker. She's not shy of touching your intimate parts. Her warm hands roam all over you. Her fleshy tail is equally as lascivious. Your cock was already swelling as you got onto the bed, a couple of strokes of her hand have it surge to hard and throbbing. You sense it's time to move on to the main event. [[Continue.->Vete Piege: On Bed 2]]
You repeat again your preference to make love on top of the bed rather than between the sheets. Vête blows up at that.<br> <br> "We can't fuck on top of the bed. My tail fluids won't work, and without my tail fluids I cannot bring you ultimate climax."<br> <br> She glares at your nonplussed face.<br> <br> "Oh, why am I bothering. You're clearly not here to give yourself over to ultimate climax. You don't even know what the $allGifts[$cgi].name signifies. This is a waste of time."<br> <br> She throws a pillow at you for emphasis.<br> <br> "Go on, fuck off."<br> <br> You pick up your clothes and beat a strategic retreat.<br> <br> /* SCORING */ /* no faction increase for this ending */ <<include [[Vete Piege: Surviving]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Vête lies beneath you and opens her legs. You grab your cock and slowly slide it into her pussy. It feels wonderful – warm, wet, and far tighter than you were expecting. You feel the fleshy walls of her pussy pressing all around your erection. "Oh that's it, darling," Vête moans. "Fuck me. Fuck me hard." You brace your hands against the mattress and start thrusting your hips back and forth. It feels so nice to slide back and forth inside Vête's tight cunt. The view is also incredible. Vête lies beneath you, her lush blonde hair spread out across the pillow. Her exquisite high cheekbones, baby blue eyes, and sumptuous smile make her look like a posh totty model. If you ignore the horns. Which you do. You look instead at the luscious mounds of her pink tits. Her erect nipples jiggle with every thrust. That inspires you to greater efforts. You thruster deeper into her – harder and faster – while she moans ecstatically beneath you. Her eyelids flutter closed. She nibbles on her lower lip. Her big boobs sway back and forth. [[Continue.->Vete Piege: On Bed 3]]
You plunge deeper and harder. You feel pleasant little twitches in your cock and balls, signalling their desire to come and fill her with your juices.<br> <br> Before you can, you feel other juices suddenly flood over your back. It's as if someone is pouring them from a hose, although the water pressure is only slightly more than a dribble and the liquid feels thicker. The warm fluids trickle down your back and down between your ass cheeks. Your skin tingles pleasantly wherever the juices come into contact.<br> <br> You don't get much time to think about it. You tip over into climax with more suddenness than you were expecting.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Vete Piege: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Vete Piege: On Bed 4]]>> <</if>>
Your wobbling elbows and knees give way and you collapse on top of Vête. Your hips flex – it feels more like an involuntary movement, like someone has dinged them with a live electric cable – and drive your erection deep into Vête's luscious pussy. And... ...nothing comes out. All your exertions over the evening have caught up with you. As much as your cock and balls strain, there's nothing left to spit out. Vête's eyes open. Her brow furrows. More warm fluids spatter over your back. They're coming from her tail, you realise, before your hips jerk uncontrollably again and slam your cock deep inside her. The outcome is the same. You just don't have anything. Vête's eyes narrow in anger. "Did you come here specifically to humiliate me?" she asks. [[Continue.->Vete Piege: Out of Semen: Good End]]
You climax //hard//. Your wobbling elbows and knees give way and you collapse on top of Vête. Your hips flex – it feels more like an involuntary movement, like someone has dinged them with a live electric cable – and drive your erection deep into Vête's luscious pussy. You grunt as the orgasm rolls out of you in a great stream. "My little trick," Vête whispers in your ear. "My tail fluids contain potent aphrodisiacs. Their effect is quite wonderful." Her tail squirts more liquid onto your back. The fluid runs over your flesh like warm oil. The effect is wonderful... and intense. Your hips jerk again as if shocked. You plunge all the way, your cock throbs against her tight vaginal walls and you empty your balls into her. Afterwards you lie in Vête's arms, breathing heavily as you recover from the nerve-shattering intensity of the climax. "Sadly, their effects are short-lived," Vête says. She runs a hand through your hair. Not a bad thing, you think. As awesome as that was, too much of it would tear you to pieces. [[Continue.->Vete Piege: Good End]]
Vête starts to roll you over. You notice her far hand is bringing the sheet with her, as if she wants to roll the both of you up like a carpet. Prompted by some nameless instinct you roll out from under her until you reach the end of the bed.<br> <br> Vête pauses, with the sheet held up behind her. You think you spot a brief flicker of annoyance, but it's only momentary and quickly gone to be replaced by a lovely smile.<br> <br> "That was wonderful, darling," Vête says. "I hope you enjoyed it too."<br> <br> It was, although you wonder where you can get cleaned up. Vête's tail fluids are still running down your back and you don't see anything resembling an ensuite shower.<br> <br> It's unnecessary, as it happens. Vête had mentioned the effects were short-lived and that is because the fluids are also short-lived. They evaporate to nothingness moments after you get off the bed.<br> <br> "Ah, I do love a good tumble," Vête says.<br> <br> She's lying back and using her arms to smooth out the sheets.<br> <br> You return to your clothes and are about to put them back on when you notice Vête has quietly slid off the bed and is standing not far from you.<br> <br> You decide it might be more prudent to get dressed //outside// of the room. You give Vête a little wave and a smile – which she returns – and go to the door.<br> <br> /* SCORING */ <<set $isFactionIncrease to true>> <<include [[Vete Piege: Surviving]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> /* GOOD END */ <<include [[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
You lift yourself up off her. She dribbles more warm juices onto your back, but it has little effect this time. The mood has changed, become awkward. Your cock is already starting to soften.<br> <br> "You came in here empty and refused to get in my bed. Is it because you think I'm powerless? Well you'd be wrong."<br> <br> She clutches the bedsheets and lunges at you in an attempt to wrap them round both you and her. It's a clumsy effort and easy to avoid as you roll away and off the side of the bed. Vête thinks about dropping her and the sheets on top of you, but she's got tangled up herself and you're already scuttling away across the carpet before she even reaches the edge.<br> <br> "Come back here!" she snarls. "By the rules of the House your soul is mine!"<br> <br> Not bloody likely, you think as you scoot back across the floor and scramble back to your feet.<br> <br> "It's not fair," Vête says.<br> <br> She hurls pillows at you from the bed.<br> <br> "It's not fair."<br> <br> Leaving her to her tantrum, you scoop up your clothes and beat a hasty retreat.<br> <br> /* SCORING */ /* no faction increase */ <<include [[Vete Piege: Surviving]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
/* any common updates on leaving alive here */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>>
/* Text here */ "Hmm, even knowing her trick, she still seems dangerous. If one got tangled in her sheets while trying to escape afterwards... it doesn't bear thinking about. No, I think I will cross her off the list of prospects." /* do not end with linebreaks */
<<set _currSex to $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct>> /* Text here */ <<if _currSex eq 1>> /* chair */ "Hmm, that sounds like it's over far too quickly to be enjoyable," $ harrumphs. His moustache bristles. "But it does sound safe, and in here that is the most important criterion of all." <<elseif _currSex eq 2>> /* sofa */ "That sounds far too strenuous for a man of my girth and advanced years! Maybe her bed would be more suitable for me. A shame I've not spoken to anyone who chose that option." <</if>> /* do not end with linebreaks */
<<unset $pixSofaMode>> <<unset _hasDoneChair>> <<unset _hasDoneSofa>>
/* additional testing between rounds */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<set _ailment to 6>> /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $player.currAgi to 4>> <<set $player.currDex to 1>>
<<set $hi to 20>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Boobella", shortDescription: "a preppy looking succubus in a tight white sweater that accentuates her noticeably large bosom. She has platinum-blonde hair cut in a shoulder-length bob and her look is more cheerleader-try-out than demonic-hell-bitch.", faction: 4, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, isIrresistibleToAilment: 1, gifts: [16, 11], affection: 0, introductionLink: "Boobella: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Boobella: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Boobella: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Boobella: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Boobella: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Boobella: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Boobella: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> /* ...set player stats here */ <<set $player.semenCount to 4>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.currWill to 5>> <<set $player.charms.push(26)>> <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> /* <<include [[PlayerAilmentsInit]]>> */ <<set _ailment to 8>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> ...set harlot stats here */ <<set $hi to 20>> /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Madam intro */ "Here is the boobilicious Boobella," $ says. "Aw, she hates it when I introduce her that way." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Boobella looks more like she belongs on a university campus than a house of ill-repute. Well, if you ignore the usual succubus additions of red horns, bat wings and a tail. Aside from those, she has shoulder-length platinum-blonde hair and big brown eyes that occasionally flash red.<br> <br> She's dressed relatively conservatively in a plain white jumper and a dark blue dress that extends down to just above her knees. Her jumper covers, but can't hide the noticeable bulge of her boobs. If anything, it brings more attention to her chest. The fabric is stretched taut to contains her large tits and your curiosity on what they might look like underneath is enough to drive you crazy. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hello, call me Boo," she says. "I'm looking forward to spending some time with you." <br>
Boobella latches onto your arm and rests her head on your shoulder as you walk out into the bar area. You feel a weird flash of pride, like being seen in public with a hot girl on your arm. It's silly, of course, being that you're currently in a supernatural brothel packed with hot girls, but you feel it nonetheless.<br> <br> You find a spare table.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Boobella: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Boobella: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br> <br> "Babe!" Boobella says. "This is not how you treat a lady."<br> <br> She gets up and leaves the table, leaving you alone with your shame.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Boobella orders a brightly-coloured cocktail. She takes a sip before turning her attentions to you.<br> <br> "Like what you see, babe?"<br> <br> She gives her substantial chest a little jiggle.<br> <br> "This is not my only asset," she says. "Pick me and I'll be the best girlfriend experience you've ever had. I'll be the girlfriend you've always dreamed of having."<br> <br> She wraps her supple lips around the straw of her drink and takes a good long suck. Her gaze flicks back up to you.<br> <br> "...the girlfriend you've always dreamed of fucking."<br> <br> You gulp. Your Adam's apple bobs. Boobella does indeed have the face – and figure! – dreams are made of.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Ah the boobilicious Boobella. She really hates that, you know, which is why we call her it at every opportunity."<br> <br> $ chuckles and exhales a cloud of smoke.<br> <br> "Poor Boobella. She angered someone she shouldn't have and now she's in the House. She doesn't like it here and she doesn't like following $'s rules."<br> <br> $ taps her cigarette holder to dislodge ash.<br> <br> "Don't go letting those big brown eyes fool you. She can play the loving girlfriend when it suits her, but underneath she's another black-hearted succubus. Give her half a chance and she'll suck your life and soul out, and she likes being cruel about it from what I've heard."<br> <br> $ sips her drink.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She likes preying on the weak-willed. They always have difficulty saying no to her.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"She's not one for pearl necklaces, if you know what I mean.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ nudges your elbow and gives you a positively filthy wink."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Still, she's every boob lover's ultimate fantasy.\""}>>
/* no repeat scenario for this harlot */ <<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> /* faction increase - good gift + at least 2 pops or full 5 pops */ /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $fromBlackRose to false>> /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* good gift */ [1,false,false], /* romantic */ [1,false,false], /* paizuri */ [2,false,false], /* 1st pop */ [1,false,false], /* 2nd pop */ [1,false,false] /* 5th pop */ ] }>> Boobella's room is understatedly sensual. Pinks predominate the colour scheme and the big bed is covered in heart-shaped cushions, but the room just about remains within the bounds of what a regular woman's bedroom would look like, rather than just a room for shagging. That does make you wonder what the arrangements are within the House – do the various girls live here as well as carrying out their jobs within these rooms?<br> <br> Boobella is waiting for you as you open the door.<br> <br> "Welcome to my room. I'm so glad you chose me," she says. "And please, call me Boo."<br> <br> She steps forward and deposits a tingling kiss on your cheek.<br> <br> "Now, what do you have for me?"<br> <br> [[You give her your gift.->Boobella: Gift]]
<<if $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(4, 5, 8)>> /* Romantic, Sensual, Blingy */ <<include [[Boobella: Good Gift]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(10, 11, 12)>> /* Arty, Weird, Gross */ <<include [[Boobella: Bad Gift]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Boobella: Mediocre Gift]]>> <</if>> <br><br> She grips the bottom of her jumper.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Boobella: Undress 1]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Boo's eyes light up as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Oh, how nice. You really know the way to a girl's /* if player is romantic */ <<if not $player.currIsSlutty>> heart. I can see you have a romantic soul. That's my favourite kind of man. They don't have to be handsome; they just need to know how to treat a lady right." <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<else>> heart." <</if>> <br><br> She moves her hands down her body, sliding them over her obvious curves.<br> <br> "And now, I'll show you the way to a man's heart."
Boo's face wrinkles up in disgust as you give her the <<print $allGifts[$cgi].name + ".">><br> <br> "Is this something you'd give your girlfriend?"<br> <br> She looks from the $allGifts[$cgi].name to you. Scorn is written clearly on her face.<br> <br> "No, I didn't think so."<br> <br> She makes a point of holding out the $allGifts[$cgi].name at arm's length before dropping <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> into a wastebasket. Then, the offending <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>article<<else>>articles<</if>> removed, she turns back to you with a sunny smile on her face.<br> <br> "Let's make a fresh start and forget it ever happened," she says. "I'll unveil my gift. I think you'll like it."
Boo looks unimpressed as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "I can see you're not very experienced at this. I pity your current girlfriend, if you have one."<br> <br> She places <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on a nearby shelf.<br> <br> "You don't need her anyway. I'm your girlfriend, at least for the next hour. And I think you'll like my gift."
"I've seen you looking," Boo says. "I've seen your gaze fixed on them all night."<br> <br> She lifts the bottom of her jumper up a couple of inches, enough to reveal her flat stomach and navel.<br> <br> "I can see it's consuming you, that burning curiosity. You want to know what they look like."<br> <br> While swaying seductively, she lifts the bottom of her jumper up another couple of inches, to the bottom of her bulging breasts.<br> <br> "You want to see them revealed."<br> <br> You do, more strongly than you'd like to admit. The hidden swell of her bosom exerts a powerful magnetic grip on your gaze. Your heart rate kicks up a beat. You hear the blood pounding through your veins.<br> <br> [[She lifts her top up higher.->Boobella: Undress 2]]
Boo lifts her top high enough to give you a flash of her nipples. And it is just a flash. With a giggle she gives you only the briefest glimpse before folding the fabric back down over them.<br> <br> And what a glorious flash it was. You saw the lovely little pink nubs of her nipples, so perky and erect.<br> <br> Giggling, Boo flashes them again.<br> <br> You feel a little heady. There is some kind of perfume in the air, stronger than you first thought.<br> <br> "I'm sorry, I'm such a tease," Boo says.<br> <br> [[She takes her top off.->Boobella: Undress 3]]
She takes her top all the way off and you finally get to see her naked breasts in all their glory.<br> <br> They are, indeed, glorious. They're big, round, pink, and plump like lusciously ripe fruit. Her skin is smooth and glossy. Her nipples are perky and erect. Looking at her breasts, you have the strong urge to grab them with both hands and squeeze, to dive right into her cleavage and rub them against your cheeks.<br> <br> "Like what you see, babe?" Boo asks, giving her chest a little jiggle.<br> <br> She pouts her lips and blows a cloud of perfumed breath in your face. Your heartrate kicks up even higher. Your pulse races. You feel a little dizzy. Her magnificent bosom swells to fill your entire world.<br> <br> You sway a little uncertainly. You might even have toppled forward if Boo wasn't there to catch you... with her breasts. Helpless, you fall into the pink chasm between her lush peaks. You can't stop yourself from placing hands on either side and mashing the soft pillows against the side of your face. Your nose is filled with Boo's intoxicating scent.<br> <br> [[This is nice.->Boobella: Undress 4]]
Boo holds you there, gently running a hand through your hair.<br> <br> "Hmm, I wonder if you've fallen in too deep," she says.<br> <br> She jiggles her boobs, letting their smooth curves rub against your cheeks.<br> <br> "Many men do."<br> <br> Finally, she lets you go and steps backwards. You're left tottering unsteadily on your feet. That was an enjoyable experience.<br> <br> "Time to get undressed," she says.<br> <br> [[Yes, time to get undressed.->Boobella: Undress 5]]
You take off your clothes and hang them over the back of a nearby chair. Boo removes her dress, shoes and stockings. She doesn't remove her panties because she wasn't wearing any to begin with. She stands before you in all her naked glory. The shaven folds of her sex are as pink and smooth as her tits.<br> <br> You stand in front of her with a raging boner. She doesn't seem bothered by it. Instead the corners of her lips turn up in a playful smile as she glances down at it.<br> <br> "Mmm, I can see you liked having my boobs wrapped around your face. I wonder if you'd like me to wrap them around another part of your anatomy."<br> <br> She glances meaningfully down at your rampant erection. It throbs in anticipation as she presses her soft tits together.<br> <br> "Or we can go straight to me wrapping my lovely pussy around that big hard cock instead."<br> <br> She runs a finger through the groove of her sex. It comes away wet and glistening.<br> <br> "What do you say, babe?"<br> <br> /* check for boob fixation */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> [[It has to be the tits.->Boobella: Choose Paizuri]] <<else>> [[Start with the tits.->Boobella: Choose Paizuri]]<br> [[Go right to sex.->Boobella: Choose Sex]] <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> Boo laughs. "Men are all the same. You all want to stick your dick between my tits. Come over here then, babe."<br> <br> She takes your hand and leads you to the bed. She motions for you to sit on the edge and then crouches down between your legs.<br> <br> "Now remember, this is just foreplay. I don't want you to get carried away and sully my lovely breasts."<br> <br> That will be easier said than done. Boo flops her wonderful bosom in your lap and wraps her boobs around your hard cock. She presses her hands into the sides and squeezes your cock between two wondrous fleshy pillows.<br> <br> Boo's eyes glitter with sultry filth as she looks up at you. "I prefer putting a man's cock in my pussy, but having it trapped here also feels nice."<br> <br> She squeezes her soft tits together. They're big enough to completely envelop your cock. It's buried between the two pink mounds.<br> <br> "And the men are just as helpless," she smiles.<br> <br> She plumps her tits together, fluffing them like pillows. Your erection is buffeted from either side and throbs from the sensation.<br> <br> "Are you enjoying being pampered by my boobies, babe?" Boo asks.<br> <br> She squeezes them together and moves them up and down. Their silky-smooth skin rubs up and down your shaft.<br> <br> "And this is just the appetizer. The main course is in my luscious twat."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Boobella: Paizuri]]
You like the sound of her lovely pussy wrapped around your hard cock. You're already massively turned on anyway. If you stuck your dick between those lovely boobs, things might get a little premature. You'd rather empty a load in her pussy than over her tits, as lovely as they look.<br> <br> Boo smiles approvingly. "I like a man who's direct. And..."<br> <br> She looks down at your rampant erection and doesn't even try to hide the naked lust in her gaze.<br> <br> "...I can see //that// doesn't require much fluffing."<br> <br> She takes you by the hand and leads you to the bed. You lie down on your back on the comfortable mattress and Boo straddles you.<br> <br> [[Time to fuck.->Boobella: Sex: Intro]]
She rolls her hands up and down the outside of her breasts, squeezing first your swollen glans and then rolling down to press around the root of your cock.<br> <br> "Are you getting turned on, babe?"<br> <br> She juggles her tits. She slides them over the top of each other. Your cock slides between them and you feel the luscious friction of her fleshy globes rubbing against you. An urge starts to grow in your balls.<br> <br> "If it starts to get too much, let me know, babe," Boo says. "I don't want you wasting any before we get to the proper sex."<br> <br> She presses her tits together and kneads them around your cock. Your whole erection is smothered in warm boobflesh. You feel it stoke up and down your erection. Her boobs press in so tight you feel like you're being pumped by a hand, or tight pussy.<br> <br> "Hold it in, babe," Boo says.<br> <br> At the same time, she squeezes her boobs in tighter. She shakes them up and down faster and faster, creating a stroking tugging sensation that's maddeningly arousing.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [1]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> It feels so good. Almost too good. You know she told you not to, but you're feeling the strong urge to let it all go and come between her wonderful tits.<br> <br> [[Hold it in.->Boobella: Paizuri: Decline Ejaculation]]<br> [[Fuck it. Cream them!->Boobella: Paizuri: Ejaculation]] <<else>> It feels too good.<br> <br> [[You can't hold it in.->Boobella: Paizuri: Ejaculation]] <</if>>
It's no good. It feels too good. You can't hold on. You just have to spurt a load between Boo's lovely smothering tits.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Boobella: Paizuri: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Boobella: Paizuri Bad End 1]]>> <</if>>
You want to. Her breasts feel so good pressed snugly around your cock. You're awfully tempted to just let go and spray her tits with your cock.<br> <br> But you also remember the lovely sight of smooth and hairless pussy. And as lovely as her tits feel, you really want to fire off a load inside that pussy. You won't be able to that if you shoot your bolt prematurely.<br> <br> So, you hold it in and ask her to stop while you're still able to hold it in.<br> <br> Boo's smile is all cheeky filth. "Already, babe? Are my boobs that good?"<br> <br> You nod. Foreplay was on the verge of tipping into regular play.<br> <br> And still might. Your whole crotch feels like it's on a hair trigger, about to explode at the slightest touch.<br> <br> Boo notices. "Mmm, you seem turned on enough now. Let's get you inside my pussy before you start spraying everywhere."<br> <br> Boo coaxes you into lying down the centre of the big soft bed, and then straddles you.<br> <br> [[Time to fuck.->Boobella: Sex After Paizuri]]
At least you thought you did. The desire to come becomes irresistible. It builds and builds until you feel your cock throb. But nothing emerges. You have a feeling that might because you have nothing left.<br> <br> Boo feels your cock twitch between her tits and immediately assumes the worse. Her expression turns to annoyance, then surprise. She parts her boobs to look down at the twitching cock nestled in her cleavage.<br> <br> "I was sure you'd tipped over," she said.<br> <br> Your cock throbs and twitches, but only a desultory little trickle of pre-cum oozes from the tip.<br> <br> "That's some impressive self-control, babe," she says, her eyes lighting up.<br> <br> You think it might be more because the other succubi in the House have left you completely drained and empty, but you don't say anything.<br> <br> "With that degree of self-control, I can't wait to see what you're like in bed."<br> <br> Boo coaxes you into lying down the centre of the big soft bed, and then straddles you.<br> <br> [[Time to fuck.->Boobella: Sex After No Semen 1]]
Your cock swells and you feel a satisfying surge of release as you pour cum into Boo's cleavage. The ejaculation is strong enough for spurts to fly up and splatter the top of Boo's breasts.<br> <br> As good as it felt for you, Boo is less amused.<br> <br> "Babe! I told you to hold it in," she says. "Now look at the mess you've made of my tits."<br> <br> She opens them out to show the ropes of cum you've deposited all over them. It's a lot.<br> <br> You'd feel apologetic, but isn't getting you off what she's here for? You try to placate her with flattery. She was so good you just couldn't help yourself.<br> <br> "Men," Boo complains. "No self-control at all. At least it won't go to waste."<br> <br> While Boo had been plumping her marvellous mammaries against your cock it had been easy to overlook her non-human features – her horns, wings and tail. You get an unwelcome reminder of how not-human she is when her bosom is suddenly surrounded by a nimbus of pale pink light. Then, the messy strands of your issue fade from view, as if drawn into and absorbed into her tits. Boo sighs as if savouring a delicious meal.<br> <br> [[That's a bit weird.->Boobella: Paizuri Bad End 2]]
"Mmm, I'm eager to see how good your control is," Boo says.<br> <br> The warm flesh of her vagina presses in tightly all around your erection. It fits you snugly like a glove. Boo rocks lightly in your lap. Her erect nipples bob up and down with her movements. The luscious wet walls of her pussy generate a delicious friction as they slide up and down your shaft. It feels so good you'd probably be coming right now if you had anything left.<br> <br> "Oh yes, very good, babe," Boo says. "Let's see how you handle this."<br> <br> Her big boobs sway as she moves up and down on top of you. The wet walls of her sex slide up and down your cock. The muscular walls press in and stimulate you with long sucking strokes.<br> <br> "Oh, you are good, babe," Boo sighs. "But no man can withstand this."<br> <br> A pink sigil flares on her flat belly, just above her sex. It looks like stylised heart tattoo, but picked out in glowing pink light. Her vagina warms up around your cock. Your cock is gripped first by a pleasant ethereal tingling sensation, and then by more tangible pleasures as her vagina starts to squeeze you with muscular pulses. Plump internal lips batten on the tip of your cock and start to suck.<br> <br> [[Oh yes.->Boobella: Sex After No Semen 2]]
Her big brown eyes flick open and stare right at you.<br> <br> "Seeing as you love my boobs so much, I think I'll drain you with them. What do you say to that, babe?"<br> <br> She presses her breasts together more firmly, wedging your cock tightly between them. Her bosom becomes a fleshy prison for your erection, one you're not too fussed about escaping from anytime soon.<br> <br> "You won't say anything," Boo says with a smile. "I know your sort. You're helpless before a nice big pair of lovely tits."<br> <br> [[You are, indeed, helpless.->Boobella: Paizuri Bad End 3]]
That pale pink nimbus surrounds her tits again. Maybe surrounds your cock as well. You feel a warm, pleasant, tingly feeling that starts in your penis, and then tickles up the back of your neck and massages the pleasure centres of your brain.<br> <br> "I wasn't really trying before," Boo says. "I'm not allowed to."<br> <br> Her breasts, while still luxuriously soft, feel a little firmer around your cock. The flesh presses tightly all around you. You feel a strange pulsing sensation, as if her boobs are stroking your cock with gentle rippling tugs.<br> <br> "You're too weak-willed, though, babe. And now I can have a proper feast. I would have preferred to have done it with my pussy, but my boobs can drain you just fine."<br> <br> She holds her boobs in place as they continue to pulse against and stimulate your cock. That pleasant, tingling sensation intensifies. You feel like you might be about to come again, but it feels a little different... fuzzy.<br> <br> "Can you feel it, babe? I'm starting to drain you, drain all your life with my nasty big tits. You see, we succubi don't have to use our pussies. We can use other parts of our body. And since you like my tits so much, I'm going to end you with them."<br> <br> The fuzzy, tingling, trickling feeling feels good, but also not right. You feel a little strange – weakened – as if your strength is flowing out of you and into her.<br> <br> [[This isn't good...->Boobella: Paizuri Bad End 4]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> You try, unsuccessfully, to break your cock free of the smothering clutch of her bosom.<br> <br> "No no, babe. It's too late now. It's my tits you wanted, and my tits you'll get."<br> <br> Boo pouts her lips and exhales a perfumed cloud. Your thoughts are submerged in a pink fog. You flop back on the bed and let Boo keep squeezing her tits around your cock.<br> <br> You sigh as another throbbing ejaculation overtakes you. You cock throbs and twitches and deposits another massive load between Boo's tits.<br> <br> "Oh yes, babe. Pour it out. Pour it all over my big tits."<br> <br> You do. You're helpless to prevent yourself from doing so. Boo has your cock buried completely between her tits, and coaxed on by their wonderful stroking pulsations, you spurt cum into the tight fleshy clutch of her cleavage. Her tits soak it up like thirsty sponges and demand more.<br> <br> "Yes, pour it all out," Boo exhorts. "Let my nasty big boobs soak up all your life and energy."<br> <br> She squeezes her tits still harder. Smothered between them, your cock keeps spurting and spurting, spitting out both your semen and life. Sighing with pleasure, Boo lets her tits draw it all from you until nothing is left of you but a slowly cooling corpse.<br> <br> <<include [[Boobella: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
/* handle clean-up here */ <<unset $fromBlackRose>>
Perhaps sensing you're already a little too close to the edge after her lovely titwank, Boo doesn't waste any time. She grabs your cock, steers it to the luscious entrance of her pussy and sits down on you. Your erection pushes up into her warm, fleshy sex. The muscular walls contract and //squeeze//.<br> <br> And that's already far too much simulation.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Boobella: Sex After Paizuri: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Boobella: Sex After Paizuri: 1st Pop]]>> <</if>>
It feels amazing and your cock responds with hard throbs. If you weren't completely dry, it would have been a quite substantial ejaculation. As it is, the bliss of orgasm is tempered by dull scratchy aches as muscles in your loins strain to push out non-existent semen.<br> <br> Boo pauses when she feels nothing come out. Her confusion is only fleeting and instead of showing disappointment her face cracks in a broad smile.<br> <br> "Silly me," she says. "There was me thinking you had such superb control and it's because you have nothing left. Those other skanky succubi have already drained your balls dry."<br> <br> She leans over you. Her smile is altogether too //predatory//.<br> <br> "But they haven't drained you of //everything//," she says.<br> <br> [[Uh oh.->Boobella: Sex Bad End 1]]
Boo lies down on top of you and wraps her arms around you.<br> <br> "We're not done," she says.<br> <br> She kisses you passionately on the lips. She hugs you tightly, squashing her soft breasts against your chest. Her vagina continues to work on your cock. Muscular walls bunch up and tug on you as if trying to milk out the contents of your balls. Plump sensual inner lips suckle the swollen head of your cock.<br> <br> <<if $fromBlackRose>> You ejaculate explosively inside her. You feel like her pussy is also drawing something else out of you as well, although what, you can't tell. It's a strange feeling, like your strength is leaking out into her. Strange, but also euphorically pleasurable.<br> <br> "Mmm, my pussy is draining your energy as well as your spunk," Boo whispers in your ear. "It feels heavenly, doesn't it, even though my pussy is killing you." <<else>> And, even though you thought you were dry, her pussy does start to draw something out of you, although what, you can't tell. It's a strange feeling, like your strength is leaking out into her. Strange, but also euphorically pleasurable.<br> <br> "Mmm, my pussy is draining your energy," Boo whispers in your ear. "It would feel better if you were spunking up a load as well, but the sensation on its own is quite pleasant, even if my pussy is killing you." <</if>> <br> <br> For some reason you feel fine with that. Whatever you're spurting into Boo's pussy, you want to do it more. Boo's fragrant scent surrounds you and your thoughts are fuddled as if you're seeing the world through a pink gauze.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Boobella: Sex Bad End 2]]
Or should be. The pampering from Boo's boobs already took you right to the edge. The feel of her wet pussy walls sliding down your cock sets you throbbing in orgasm.<br> <br> Except you have nothing to pump into her. Your night in the House has left you empty. Your muscles clench and spasm in vain as nothing comes out.<br> <br> Boo pauses. "Don't you have any for me, babe?"<br> <br> [[Nope, you're out.->Boobella: Sex Bad End 1]]
As soon as you're inside her, you give a great shudder of pleasure and climax. Your cock throbs and you pump a massive load up into her wet cunt.<br> <br> Boo sits astride you and moans in bliss. She wriggles her hips and lets her pussy milk you with gentle, muscular pulsations.<br> <br> "That was fast," she laughs. "But at least you sprayed it in the right place."<br> <br> After a brief pause to let you both – well mainly you – recover, Boo leans over you. Her brown eyes glitter with desire.<br> <br> "It might have been fast, but it doesn't need to be the only one. We still have time. We can go again if you'd like."<br> <br> Her fragrance surrounds you, exotic and alluring. The mattress feels comfortably soft beneath you. Boo's naked body looks glorious on top of you. It would be a shame to let things end prematurely, so to speak, you think.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [26]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> What do you say?<br> <br> [[Let's go again.->Boobella: Sex 2]]<br> [[That's enough.->Boobella: Sex: Stop]] <<else>> [[Yes, let's go again.->Boobella: Sex 2]] <</if>>
"I didn't think you'd want to leave my lovely pussy just yet."<br> <br> Boo lifts her hips up and brings them back down until your whole cock is swallowed up to the root. She gives a little wriggle, trying to find the best fit.<br> <br> "And my lovely pussy isn't finished with you."<br> <br> You're not done either. That last ejaculation might as well never have happened. You're already back to full hardness and twitching. Boo's vagina feels so good around you.<br> <br> "Let's go a little harder this time," Boo says.<br> <br> She starts riding you with smooth little bounces of her hips. You watch, entranced, as her big naked boobs bob and jiggle with her movements.<br> <br> "Oh yes, babe," Boo moans.<br> <br> You feel the sumptuous walls of her pussy stroke up and down your cock. It's so tight and snug you feel the suction tugging at you with every upstroke.<br> <br> "Feed me."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Boobella: Sex 2: Pop]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> "Stop? I think not," Boo says. "You gave me permission for this."<br> <br> <<set $fromBlackRose to true>> <<include [[Boobella: Sex Bad End 1]]>> <<else>> "Oh, too much, babe?" Boo says. "Sex with a succubus can be quite... draining. It's okay."<br> <br> There's something about her tone and the way she looks at you that makes you think it is very much //not okay//, but she dismounts you anyway.<br> <br> //Drained// is the right word, you think as you get up out of the soft bed.<br> <br> "Mmm, I had a lovely time," Boo says. "I hope you did too."<br> <br> You did, but various twinges and aches across your body make you think it might be the sort of good time that ends up being regretted come the next morning.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Boobella: Good End]] <</if>>
"Now you lie back while I feed your cock to my hungry twat," Boo says.<br> <br> She reaches down to wrap a warm hand around your cock. Her labia part slightly, giving you a glimpse of the moist interior. You feel prickles of doubt then. The interior looks a little too red, a little too //hungry//.<br> <br> You don't get much of a chance to dwell on it as Boo holds your cock in place and slowly sits down on it. You see her plush labia fluff out as your hard cock slides up inside her. Your trepidation melts away as you feel the warm flesh of her sex press tightly around you.<br> <br> "Mmm, yes," Boo purrs in delight. "Now I've got you in my hungry pussy."<br> <br> She sits up astride you. Her lovely full breasts are swept upward. She seems fully in control of matters. Her pussy presses firmly around your sex.<br> <br> "I think it's time to let my hungry pussy feed," Boo says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Boobella: Sex 1]]
She rocks lightly in your lap. Her erect nipples bob up and down with her movements. The luscious wet walls of her pussy generate a delicious friction as they slide up and down your shaft. She's damn tight in there and the sensation takes you right to the brink in virtually no time at all.<br> <br> "Don't deny my pussy," Boo says. "Feed her."<br> <br> She adds little wriggles to her up and down movements. Muscles flex in her vaginal walls and contract rhythmically around your cock. She smiles down at you radiantly while her wonderful naked tits bob up and down with her movements.<br> <br> There's no denying this.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> Well, you thought there was no denying this, but your body appears to have other ideas.<br> <br> Boo pauses. "Don't you have any for me, babe?<br> <br> [[Nope, you're out.->Boobella: Sex Bad End 1]] <<else>> [[You're coming.->Boobella: Sex 1: Pop]] <</if>>
You're coming. You sigh and grunt as a euphoric wave rushes through you. It surges down to your loins and then bursts out deep inside Boo's pussy.<br> <br> "Oh yes, babe, spurt it out inside me."<br> <br> She tips her head back as you empty out a great load inside her. Her vaginal walls flex and pulse around you. You squirm and gasp in helpless pleasure as she coaxes and drags the orgasm out longer. Her bat wings extend behind her. She continues riding you with lithe, up-and-down bobs as you empty your balls into her wonderful throbbing pussy.<br> <br> "Ah, that was lovely, babe," Boo says as you finally finish.<br> <br> You crash back, spent, on the soft mattress.<br> <br> Boo looks down at you. "But my pussy is still hungry. Do you think you can give me more?"<br> <br> Her expression is coquettish as she traces her finger in a circular motion around your belly button.<br> <br> "I'm sure you can give me more."<br> <br> Her fragrance, exotic and tantalizing, is all around you. The bed is soaked in it. You lie in it, surrounded by a blissful haze.<br> <br> "I'll make it feel so nice for you."<br> <br> To emphasize, she gives your cock a teasing little squeeze with her vagina.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [26]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> Will you:<br> <br> [[Give her more?->Boobella: Sex 2]]<br> [[Tell her that's enough?->Boobella: Sex: Stop]] <<else>> [[You can give her more.->Boobella: Sex 2]] <</if>>
She rides you harder and faster. Her boobs bob and sway. You last longer this time, but not much longer.<br> <br> "Yes, babe, feed me your delicious spunk."<br> <br> Boo bounces higher than before then slams down. Her pussy clenches around your cock. You feel a strange sucking tug, and then...<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> fail to climax properly. Your cock throbs as if in orgasm, but nothing comes out. You're dry, and you feel a scratchy uncomfortable sensation as muscles try to pump non-existent semen out of your body.<br> <br> Boo pauses, confusion shows on her face. "Are you out, babe?"<br> <br> [[Yep, you're out.->Boobella: Sex Bad End 1]] <<else>>'re coming. You buck your hips with her as you empty a second great flood of semen inside her pulsing pussy.<br> <br> "Yes," Boo cries.<br> <br> She continues to ride you and let her pussy milk every last drop of the ejaculation out of you.<br> <br> Afterwards you collapse, satisfyingly spent – //again!//, on the soft bed. Boo sits astride you. She gives a little flex and her pussy squeezes the last dregs out of your cock.<br> <br> "That was wonderful, babe," she smiles down at you.<br> <br> Her naked body, with its gloriously upswept breasts, is a lovely view.<br> <br> "We don't have to stop here, if you don't want. We can go again, if you'd like."<br> <br> She smiles seductively at you.<br> <br> "Would you like to go again?"<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> [[Yes!->Boobella: Sex 3]] <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [26]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <br> [[No, that's enough.->Boobella: Sex: Stop]] <</if>> <</if>>
"I knew you could, babe," Boo says.<br> <br> She folds her upper body over you, close enough to rub her perky little nose against yours.<br> <br> "Let's take it slow and sensual this time."<br> <br> Boo doesn't sit up this time. Instead, she braces her arms on the mattress and sits with her body partially folded over yours. Her heavy pink breasts swing over your chest like luscious ripe fruits.<br> <br> "Yes, nice and slow," Boo says.<br> <br> She exhales perfumed air in your face. You lie back and relax as she slowly moves her hips up and down. Her dripping labia slide up and down your still-hard cock. Inside she's so tight you feel a tugging force pull against you every time she lifts her hips.<br> <br> What is she doing down there? It feels like her vagina is sucking on your dick like it's a lolly.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Boobella: Sex 3: Pop]]
Boo smiles down at you, enjoying the control she has over your body. She moves against you with long, slow strokes. Or rather, long, slow sucks. It feels more like a mouth sucking on your cock.<br> <br> "Mmm, yes," Boo says. "Slow and sensual. Let my pussy suck away your will to resist."<br> <br> It might be slow and sensual, but it's not long before she takes you – again – to the cusp of orgasm.<br> <br> At the top of a stroke, she pauses. She lets her soft plump labia pay special attention to the swollen head of your cock. She squeezes and sucks, letting her soft pussy lips draw the next orgasm inexorably to the surface.<br> <br> Then, knowing she's taken you over the edge, she drops her hips down, engulfing your whole length in one smooth <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> swallow. <br> <br> It should be enough, but it isn't. You can't seem to come no matter how much you want to. Maybe you're finally done for the night.<br> <br> "Oh, are you empty, babe?" Boo asks. Her smile turns vulpine. "Oh dear."<br> <br> [[Uh oh.->Boobella: Sex Bad End 1]] <<else>> swallow just as the third ejaculation surges out of you in a great throbbing gush. Boo collapses down on you and holds you in her arms as her pussy gulps down your issue. It feels great to be enveloped by her warmth and fragrance.<br> <br> "That was so nice, babe," Boo whispers in your ear. "Shall we do it again? I know you have more."<br> <br> She blows lightly in your ear and your cock throbs back to full hardness within the fleshy clutch of her pussy.<br> <br> [[Yes, let's do it again.->Boobella: Sex 4]] <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [26]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <br> [[No, that's enough.->Boobella: Sex: Stop]] <</if>> <</if>>
"Mmm, good boy," Boo murmurs in your ear. "Lie back. My lovely pussy will do all the work now."<br> <br> That sounds wonderful to you.<br> <br> Boo lies on top of you and you're surrounded by her warmth and scent. Her soft boobs feel fantastic squashed against your chest. Her lovely vagina feels even better wrapped around your cock.<br> <br> This time she barely moves at all. She doesn't need to. The muscular walls of her vagina bunch up and roll up and down your shaft, until it feels like you're being milked with a gentle tugging action. Internally, something that feels like plump sensual lips battens around the head of your cock and sucks.<br> <br> "Don't hold back. Let it out," Boo whispers.<br> <br> Her vagina gives you a lovely squeeze. Those internal lips give your glans a wet suck.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> That should have been enough. It would have been enough... if you hadn't already had a lot of sex with the House's gorgeous inhabitants already this evening. The mind might be willing, but the body has limits. No matter how nicely Boo's pussy cajoles you, you can't reach climax.<br> <br> "Oh, are you out, babe?" Boo asks. Her smile becomes vulpine. "Oh dear."<br> <br> [[Uh oh.->Boobella: Sex Bad End 1]] <<else>> That's enough to take you over the edge. You grunt and shudder in her arms. Your throbbing cock releases a great slow flood of semen inside her. Those internal lips suck and slurp.<br> <br> "Yes, let my pussy drain you," Boo says.<br> <br> The pulsing fleshy motions of her vagina stretch it out as she coaxes and sucks every little drop out of your cock. Afterwards you do feel a little drained, as if she sucked out a little bit of your strength as well.<br> <br> "Again?" Boo whispers. She gives you a cheeky smile.<br> <br> Can you?<br> <br> [[Yes, you can go again.->Boobella: Sex 5]] <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [26]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <br> [[No, that's definitely enough now.->Boobella: Sex: Stop]] <</if>> <</if>>
Boo laughs. "Such a slave to my pussy."<br> <br> She pouts her lips and exhales fragrant pink clouds into your face. You feel comfortable, pleasantly fuzzy, and also really horny. Your cock stays hard inside her as Boo sits back up. You're treated to the gorgeous view of her tits and face as she straddles you.<br> <br> "I don't think you have any resistance left," she says. "Just lie back and let my pussy slowly drain you."<br> <br> A pink sigil flares on her flat belly, just above her sex. It looks like stylised heart tattoo, but picked out in glowing pink light. Her vagina warms up around your cock. That heat transmits to you, and as the temperature increases, so does your arousal. You also feel a pleasant trickling sensation at the end of your cock, as if you're already leaking into her.<br> <br> "Ah yes, my vagina is draining you," Boo sighs. "It's drawing out your strength and energy."<br> <br> You feel fine with this. It feels rather pleasant.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Boobella: Sex 5: Pop]]
"You're helpless to stop it," Boo says. "My pussy is going to drain all the life from you and you won't lift a finger to stop it. Because I can give you big fat orgasms, just like this one."<br> <br> The sigil flares. Her muscular vaginal walls pulse around you. The plump inner lips suck on the tip of your cock.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> And yet, despite the incredible stimulation, you're unable to come.<br> <br> Boo laughs. "Oh dear, it looks like my lovely pussy has already drained all the cum out of you. No matter, this will feel just as pleasant."<br> <br> [[Uh oh.->Boobella: Sex Bad End 1]] <<else>> You reach climax and come. After four previous ejaculations, the fifth is less explosive and more like a long comfortable stream flowing out of you. It feels like part of your strength is flowing out with it. You're too soaked in bliss to mind.<br> <br> /* Black Rose */ <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Boobella: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> "Yes," Boo hisses. "Let it all flow out."<br> <br> A bell rings. The clear chimes reverberate through the room.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> [[Saved by the bell?->Boobella: Saved By Bell]] <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> "Normally, I would clear my enchantments and let you truly see your fate. It's far more entertaining that way," Boo says. "But the traditions of the House must be observed. So, lie back in a haze of bliss."<br> <br> She exhales and envelops your face in scented pink fumes. You sink into a cocoon of purest bliss. Boo presses her lips against yours and kisses you slow and sensually. Her vagina gently continues its milking of you. You don't feel anything but purest pleasure as Boo slowly draws out your life and you fade into blackness.<br> <br> <<include [[Boobella: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Boo looks around with an angry hiss. Flames burn briefly in her eyes. She flexes her midriff and her vagina tightens around your erection. It feels like she's tensing up for one last big suck.<br> <br> The bell rings again. Louder and more insistent.<br> <br> Boo gives another angry hiss. She mutters something foul but thankfully unintelligible under her breath. She pauses astride you, vagina tensed for one final, soul-shattering suck, and then thinks better of it.<br> <br> Her pussy relaxes its death grip on your cock. Boo is once again all smiles and sunshine as your fifth ejaculation naturally ebbs to a blissful conclusion.<br> <br> "I'm sorry," she says, "but it would appear our time is up, and $ insists on her girls keeping to the clock."<br> <br> She gets up off you. A few desultory drips ooze up out of your cock and dribble down the shaft. She leans over and blows in your face and it feels like a veil is blown away. Suddenly your thoughts are clear, and with it an uncomfortable awareness.<br> <br> Had she been about to...<br> <br> You try not to dwell on it.<br> <br> "Mmm, I had a lovely time," Boo says. "I hope you did too."<br> <br> She's all sunshine and smiles as she helps you up off the bed. And you need the help. She wasn't joking when she said her pussy would drain you. You feel as weak as a kitten. You feel like you've just done a full workout. That had been one epic fuck.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Boobella: Good End]]
You put your clothes back on. You can't resist sneaking a sidelong peek at Boo. One last look at her wonderful boobs before she covers them up again with her white sweater.<br> <br> "Please come again," she says. "Maybe we can go longer next time."<br> <br> You're not sure you'd survive longer.<br> <br> Boo leans forwards and gives you a full kiss on the lips.<br> <br> Maybe you will go longer. You're even tempted to forget about leaving for the moment and go again, right now.<br> <br> Another part of you, a tiny voice at the back of your head, thinks that would be a very bad idea.<br> <br> It is so tempting, though, you think, as you look at Boo standing there, her white jumper stretching taut to contain her beautifully bountiful bosom. It's with some reluctance you tear yourself away and turn to the exit.<br> <br> <<include [[Boobella: Is Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Boobella: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Boo laughs. "Poor wretch. So deeply drowned in my charms you'll do nothing more than sit back and smile while my pussy slowly drains the life from you."<br> <br> Her vagina gives you a little squeeze and you shudder in helpless bliss.<br> <br> /* Black Rose */ <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Boobella: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> Boo blows on your face and suddenly the fog clears. Suddenly, you realise you're in the arms of a demon. Suddenly, you realise that demon is sucking the life out of you. Your eyes widen in fear.<br> <br> Boo laughs again. "Ah, there you are. I could have left you lost within my charms, but it's so much more fun when they're fully aware of what's happening."<br> <br> Her vagina gives your cock another long rippling suck, drawing more of your life essence from your body.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Boobella: Sex Bad End 3]] <</if>>
You panic and try to push her off you.<br> <br> Boobella laughs and hugs you tightly. Something flares in her pussy and you're surrounded by lewd warmth and tingling pleasure. That trickling sensation, of essence leaking out of you and into Boobella, intensifies.<br> <br> She's draining you, like a vampire. Even that horrifying realisation doesn't give you enough of an adrenaline burst to buck free of Boobella's embrace.<br> <br> "Too late," Boobella gloats. "My pussy already has most of your strength. And now for the rest."<br> <br> Her vagina tightens around your cock and sucks. You were already feeling weak. With these sucks your struggles fade away completely as Boobella's vagina drains the last of your strength.<br> <br> "Ah, no more fight," Boobella says, hugging you tight to her. "Now we can take it nice and slow while my pussy drains out your life. We don't need to rush."<br> <br> And she doesn't. She takes a long, pleasurable time to gradually drain all the life from you. At least it feels pleasant, like one endless aftermath from the best orgasm you've ever experienced.<br> <br> And also your last. Her vagina draws all the energy out of you until you're a lifeless corpse, slowly cooling in her arms.<br> <br> <<include [[Boobella: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
/* determine if player actions caused faction increase */ /* must be romantic */ <<if not $player.currIsSlutty>> <<set _isGoodGift to $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1]>> <<set _had2ndPop to $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1]>> /* player will always have had at least 1 pop */ <<if _isGoodGift or _had2ndPop>> <<set $isFactionIncrease to true>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[2][1]>> /* must start with linebreaks if wish to start on new line */ <br> <br> "Yes, her... harrumph... mammary glands are rather splendid." /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[5][1]>> "Goodness, if that bell hadn't sounded when it did..."<br> <br> $ nibbles on the end of his pen.<br> <br> "I'd heard rumours our charming Boobella has a rather cruel side to her personality." <<else>> "As much as I'd like to hear what happens should a gentleman choose to go further, it was probably prudent for you to call a halt when you did." <</if>> /* do not end with linebreaks */
/* Zuripai Suponji */ <<set $hi to 26>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Zuripai Suponji", shortDescription: "", faction: 4, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 5, maxRound: 5, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, hasSocialised: false, preIntroductionLink: "Zuripai: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Zuripai: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Zuripai: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Zuripai: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Zuripai: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Zuripai: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Zuripai: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Zuripai: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Zuripai: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 9>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $player.maxFactionAffinities to [1, 2]>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to 5>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> /* <<set _ailment to 1>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 26>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Text Here */ "Ah, the big girl," $ says. "I did wonder if she was some kind of ogress or giantess, like in the myths, but I've been informed this is not, in fact, correct."<br> <br> He pulls out a small black notebook.<br> <br> "Anyway, please tell me of your experiences." /* always end in line breaks */ <br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a gigantic woman with enormous tits. She's nearly twice as tall as the girls around her. She wears a black leather jumpsuit with a complex harness of leather straps to hold her gigantic boobs together.">>
<<set _isRepeat to $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> /* Madam intro */ "This is the large and lovely Zuripai Suponji," $ says. "Don't be put off by her imposing appearance. She's lovably soft and squishy."<br> <br> $ puts a hand to her mouth to whisper.<br> <br> "Especially her boobs." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Zuripai Suponji is a giant. You estimate her as being around ten feet tall. Standing next to her you feel like a small child.<br> <br> She is otherwise normally proportioned aside from her overflowing bust. It would be big for a woman of normal size. On her it's mind-meltingly massive.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> She wears a tight black leather jumpsuit that covers all of her body aside from her chest. A complex series of leather straps is stretched across her boobs to hold them in place. The straps cover her nipples and that's about it. Her cleavage is a vast pink chasm.<<if _hasAilment>> You teeter helplessly at the edge and have to fight hard to stop yourself falling in.<</if>><br> <br> In contrast to her ogreish size, her face is beautiful like an otherworldly model – narrow with exquisite high cheekbones. She has a big mane of strawberry-blonde hair that billows out behind her. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hello, I am Zuripai." Despite her size, her voice still sounds soft and feminine.<br> <br> She takes your hand and it feels small and childlike in hers.<br> <br> "I'll give you a good squeeze between my tits." <br>
With your hand in Zuripai's much bigger hand, you walk into the bar area. If it wasn't for the size of the tables and chairs, you'd feel like a child walking with his mother. You're surprised that Zuripai's considerable stature doesn't attract more attention. Everyone else seems engrossed in their own partner. You find a quiet table over by the corner. <br><br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Zuripai: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Zuripai: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "How disappointing," Zuripai says. "I hope you're not a tease. I really hate teases."<br> <br> Shamefaced, you return to <<print $ + ".">> <br><br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you. You were expecting her to bring something large for Zuripai, like a big pitcher of beer, and are surprised when the waitress returns with a dainty wine glass. It almost looks like a thimble in Zuripai's hands.<br> <br> "I suppose you'd like to know what service I offer," Zuripai says.<br> <br> You have to crane your neck to look at her face.<br> <br> "I offer a full-body paizuri," she says. "I pop you between these and give you a good squeeze until you come."<br> <br> She presses her boobs together and lets them bounce in a way that hypnotically draws your gaze.<br> <br> "My boobs react to cum. The more you give them, the more pleasant they feel. So make sure you're fully stocked up when you visit me. The nurse can help you with that."<br> <br> Full-body paizuri. How intriguing.<br> <br> The vision of her big boobs bouncing together stays with you even after you've returned to <<print $ + ".">> <br><br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Hmm, Zuripai Suponji. She's a rare one. Succubi aren't normally so large. It makes the physics... awkward."<br> <br> $ runs a finger back and forth through a hoop of her thumb and forefinger while chuckling filthily.<br> <br> "She uses her tits. She puts a man between them and squeezes until his cum leaks out. It sounds dreadfully uncultured to me, but I've been told is both effective and pleasurable. Just be careful you don't sink in too deep."<br> <br> She gives a nasty laugh.<br> <br> "I do feel a little sorry for her. $ believes the prey must always have a chance to escape, so all of us in here must choose a set of rules to make the game fair. Zuripai chose poorly for a house filled with semen-hungry succubi."<br> <br> $ chuckles again.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Her big tits need a lot of semen.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She hates teases, so make sure you've got at least something to give her if you don't want to be broken in half.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If you want to escape her cloying cleavage you might want to make sure your balls are drained a little beforehand. Not exactly hard in here,\" $ laughs."}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Zuripai: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Zuripai: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* set other scenario-specific vars here */ /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* 1 ejaculation */ [3,false,false], /* 2 ejaculations */ [6,false,false] /* 3 ejaculations */ ] }>> <<include [[Zuripai: Enter Room]]>>
/* no repeat scenario at the moment*/ <<include [[Zuripai: First-Time Scenario]]>>
"Come in," Zuripai Suponji says.<br> <br> You enter her room. It looks rather comfy and stylish with thick padded leather panels on the walls. Zuripai sits suggestively on a large black chair at the back of the room. It's as majestic as a throne, while still resembling a large, comfy black armchair.<br> <br> For a moment everything looks normal and the scale confuses you. Then you take a step into the room and it's as if you've shrunk down to child-size.<br> <br> "Welcome," Zuripai says.<br> <br> She languidly swings her legs down and stands up. She walks over until she's towering above you.<br> <br> "What do you have for me?" she asks.<br> <br> [[You present your gift.->Zuripai: Gift]]
You present her the <<print $allGifts[$cgi].name + ".">><br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Zuripai: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Zuripai: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>> <br> <br> She places <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on a table.<br> <br> "Now, if you could take your clothes off please."<br> <br> [[Time to get undressed.->Zuripai: Undressing]]
Zuripai takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you.<br> <br> "Hmm," she says, looking you over. "It will depend on you and how willing your body is."<br> <br> She sends a hot glance down to your crotch.
She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and smiles.<br> <br> "That's very nice. Thank you."
You undress and hang your clothes on a stand next to the door.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>>"As I told you downstairs, the<<else>>"The<</if>> only service I offer is full-body paizuri," Zuripai says.<br> <br> She undoes the leather straps of her top and lets her big breasts bounce free and unfettered. Her pink skin has a healthy glossy shine. Each lusciously round breast is topped with a darker pink areole and bolt-like erect nipples.<br> <br> "I'll place you between these and squeeze you until you fill my cleavage with creamy cum," she says, her eyes smouldering lustily.<br> <br> She squeezes her big soft tits together and sets them bouncing and swaying.<br> <br> /* boob fetish check */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> You're entranced by the sight and find it hard to look away.<br> <br> "I can see you really like big boobs," Zuripai laughs. "You're really going to enjoy this." <<else>> <<if not $player.currIsSubmissive>> "You look like the sort that likes to be in control," Zuripai says. "You won't be able to do that here, so relax and let me take it from here." <<else>> "You look like the sort that likes to let the girl take the lead," Zuripai says. "That's the right attitude to have in this room." <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> Naked, you stand before Zuripai. The size difference makes it weird. It feels like you've been regressed down to a child.<br> <br> "Over here," Zuripai says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Zuripai: 1st Paizuri 1]]
She directs you over to one of the walls. Up close, the padded black panels look very plump and deep. They more resemble cushions on an armchair or sofa.<br> <br> "Ready?" Zuripai smiles.<br> <br> She scoops you up and hugs your body to her mammoth, ballooning chest. Then she slams you up against the soft padded wall, wedging you deeper into her considerable cleavage.<br> <br> She smiles at your surprised expression. "It's to hold you in place," she says. "At the start."<br> <br> You're pinned to the wall. Your feet kick out ineffectually. You feel like a toddler compared to her size.<br> <br> "Mmm, squirm all you like," Zuripai laughs. "I like it when they wriggle."<br> <br> You also like wriggling between her enormous breasts. They're soft and warm like giant pillows. You slide your hands over the top and her skin feels silky-smooth to touch.<br> <br> "Enjoying the feel?" Zuripai asks. "It does feel nice being squeezed between my big boobs, doesn't it."<br> <br> She presses her hands against the side of her tits and the big round cushions of flesh bounce against you.<br> <br> "Hmm, but as comfortable as it is, I can see you wondering how I can get you off like this," Zuripai says. "Let me show you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Zuripai: 1st Paizuri 2]]
She presses her hands into the side of her tits and //flexes//. You're sucked deeper into the pink chasm of her cleavage. The warm flesh of her breasts presses snugly up against your body. Her silky-smooth skin enfolds your front and draws your lengthening erection out from your body.<br> <br> "Ah there it is," Zuripai murmurs.<br> <br> Her breasts, despite their huge size, pinch together so tightly it feels like your cock has sunk into a nice tight sheath.<br> <br> "Time to start milking out your lovely manjuice," Zuripai says.<br> <br> She starts moving her hands against the sides of her boobs in slow circular motions. Within the tight space between her tits it translates to a gentle tugging sensation on your cock.<br> <br> "Relax. Let my boobs milk it out of you."<br> <br> She continues moving her hands in slow sensual circles. Your cock is tugged by gentle strokes. If you close your eyes and imagine, it feels like resting between two big pillows while a sexy woman gives you a handjob, or even a blowjob.<br> <br> "Yes, let's squeeze it out."<br> <br> Zuripai's hands move faster and faster. She adds little squeezes that set her big boobs bouncing against you. Your cock is stroked and squeezed deep within her cleavage.<br> <br> "Don't hold it in. Spray your cum all over my tits."<br> <br> You start trembling as the urge to come builds within you. It feels like your dick is being sucked by warm soft flesh.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> [[Continue.->Zuripai: Bad End: No Semen]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Zuripai: 1st Ejaculation]] <</if>>
"Is it coming?" Zuripai asks.<br> <br> It isn't. As good as it feels, Zuripai can't quite stroke you to climax. You think you might be empty.<br> <br> Zuripai tries increasing the speed and force without any success.<br> <br> "What? Nothing? Not even a drop?" Zuripai says.<br> <br> She shifts position, letting you slide down until your dick is pushing up into the bottom of her cleavage. She wraps her arms around you and hugs you tight to her body.<br> <br> A little too tight. Bear-hug tight.<br> <br> "I hate teases," Zuripai says. "I hate it when men let themselves get completely drained by the other succubus sluts and come to me with nothing. It's so frustrating."<br> <br> She squeezes with her powerful arms. Her tits, which before seemed so soft and yielding, now seem as unyielding as rocks. You're bent uncomfortably against them.<br> <br> "You'd better have something for me to squeeze out," Zuripai says.<br> <br> She squeezes harder until you're almost bent back upon yourself and whimpering in pain. Zuripai keeps going. She gives a loud grunt of exertion and squeezes you up against her unyielding body until your spine snaps and your top half flops back on itself. She drops you and stares down scornfully at your crippled body.<br> <br> "To die for not even having a little dribble," she says. "How shameful."<br> <br> What the House does to those it deems crippled and useless is best not mentioned.<br> <br> <<include [[Zuripai: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"Is it coming?" Zuripai asks.<br> <br> Yes, it is coming. You can feel it rising up from your toes. Your whole body tenses as the orgasm bursts up from within you.<br> <br> "Yes, here it comes. I can feel it," Zuripai says.<br> <br> She brings her arms up and hugs you tightly to her considerable bosom. The tension builds within you until you can contain it no longer. You press your hips into her soft bosom and spurt thick ropes of semen deep into the fleshy pink depths of her cleavage.<br> <br> "Yes, pump it all out. Dirty my big slutty tits."<br> <br> She holds you tight to her overflowing bosom until the shuddering orgasm ends.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount lt 3>> "Mmm, a nice amount. Did it feel good?" <<else>> "So much," she says. "Did you store up a lot for me?" <</if>> <br><br> Her hands slide down your back and cradle your buttocks. An oversize finger slides between your butt cheeks.<br> <br> "Let's see if you have any left. I can't let you go until those balls have been completely drained."<br> <br> Her finger prods and tests the underside of your balls.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Zuripai: 1st Check]]
<<if $player.semenCount eq 0>> "Oh, you're done. You're all empty." She sounds a little disappointed. <<else>> <<if $player.semenCount gt 2>> "Ooh so much." She sounds excited. "You're going to give my tits a good soaking." <<else>> "Mmm. Still some left. We'll have to squeeze that out of you." <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> Her finger slides along your perineum, past your anus and then up your spine, sending a pleasant shiver through you.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount eq 0>> [[Continue.->Zuripai: Good End: 1 Ejaculation]] <<else>> "Let's go again," Zuripai says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Zuripai: 2nd Ejaculation]] <</if>>
<<include [[Zuripai: Get Dressed]]>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Zuripai: Black Rose Conv]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Zuripai: Shallow Paizuri Conv]]>> <</if>> /* no faction increase for this */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <<include [[Zuripai: Good End: Leave]]>>
She takes a deep breath and flexes her chest. You are sucked deeper into her fleshy cleavage. She no longer needs to pin you against the walls to hold you in place.<br> <br> "Mmm. Semen is so good for my boobs," Zuripai moans. "It makes them all soft and malleable."<br> <br> She grips the side of her tits and starts rubbing them up and down. Your whole body is buffeted and squeezed between two big balloons of flesh. A pleasant scent, like sweet perfume, rises up around you.<br> <br> Her voice goes low and raspy. "Let's squeeze another load out."<br> <br> She squeezes her tits together. Your cock is again snugly sheathed in warm flesh. It feels wetter and stickier this time, almost like an actual orifice. Grunting in pleasure, Zuripai bounces her overflowing boobs against you. You feel a throbbing pleasure in your cock. You feel it grow and spread down to your balls. Your body starts trembling again in anticipation of another climax.<br> <br> "Yes, don't hold back. Pour it all out between my luscious tits," Zuripai exhorts.<br> <br> She wraps her arms around you and hugs you tight to her bosom. Her boobs throb around you. You throw your head and gasp as another powerful orgasm overwhelms you. You buck against her cushion-soft tits as your cock spurts more thick ropes of semen into her cleavage. Zuripai holds you there, her bosom slowly rising and falling with her breaths, as she milks out your cum.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> Two powerful orgasms in a row have left you feeling a little drained. You slump forwards and rest against her soft bosom.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount eq 0>> [[Continue.->Zuripai: Good End: 2 Ejaculations]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Zuripai: 3rd Ejaculation]] <</if>>
"So much lovely cum," Zuripai says. "Just feel how soft and comfy my boobs are getting."<br> <br> A change has come over her breasts. You run your hands over the top and her flesh seems softer and tackier, like a sponge you can push your hand into.<br> <br> "I'd take more, but I can tell you're out. I've completely emptied your balls."<br> <br> She gently lifts you out of her cleavage. Her soft breasts feel strangely tacky, as if reluctant to let you go.<br> <br> <<include [[Zuripai: Get Dressed]]>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Zuripai: Black Rose Conv]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Zuripai: Shallow Paizuri Conv]]>> <</if>> /* faction increase for this */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<include [[Zuripai: Good End: Leave]]>>
"So much lovely cum," Zuripai says. "Just feel how soft and comfy my boobs are getting."<br> <br> A change has come over her breasts. You run your hands over the top and her flesh seems softer and tackier, like a sponge you can push your hand into.<br> <br> "Let's pull you in deeper."<br> <br> Zuripai sighs and flexes again. Her breasts roll up around you and before you realise it, you're sunk deep enough into her cleavage for her boobs to enfold you completely. Your head and shoulders stick out of the top. Your legs dangle out of the bottom. The rest of your body is wrapped in warm tits.<br> <br> "Ah," Zuripai sighs. "See how eager they are to accept you. A couple more pops and you'll join with them fully."<br> <br> You push half-heartedly at the top of her bosom. There's nothing to grab hold off and you're frightened of pushing too hard. Her breasts have softened up so much you fear your hands might sink right in.<br> <br> "Let's pump out another load," Zuripai says.<br> <br> She doesn't have to move her boobs with her hands. They throb and squeeze of their own accord. The slow throbbing pulsations run through your body and focus down at your cock. It doesn't take long before you're again perched, trembling, at the precipice of climax.<br> <br> "Let it out," Zuripai sighs.<br> <br> Her boobs throb again, strongly, and you can't hold back as another ejaculation bursts from you. Her soft boobs soak your issue up like a sponge. It's a slower, longer orgasm that leaves you slumped in her cleavage.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $player.semenCount eq 0>> [[Continue.->Zuripai: Good End: 3 Ejaculations]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Zuripai: Bad End: Boob Absorption 1]] <</if>>
"So close," Zuripai says. "Just one more."<br> <br> She sucks you in deeper. So deep it feels like her boobs are on the cusp of absorbing you completely. They throb and pulse pleasantly around you. Your body again starts to climb back up to the peak of climax, but this time it feels too far away. Your cock throbs weakly between her tits, but nothing comes out.<br> <br> "Oh well," Zuripai says. "It is to be expected in a house full of hungry succubi."<br> <br> She parts her breasts and gently peels you out of her cleavage. Her breasts feel sticky and reluctant to give you up. Zuripai pulls you from their cloying grip.<br> <br> <<include [[Zuripai: Get Dressed]]>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Zuripai: Black Rose Conv]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Zuripai: Deep Paizuri Conv]]>> <</if>> /* faction increase for this */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <<include [[Zuripai: Good End: Leave]]>>
"So close," Zuripai says. "One more and my boobs will be soft enough to absorb you."<br> <br> She flexes again and you're sucked even deeper into her pillowy cleavage. So deep you think they might gobble you up entirely. Then you realise with horror that they are gobbling you up. It feels like her flesh is melting around you and you're slowly being drawn into her bosom. You push against the surface and feel your hands sink right into her soft flesh as if it's warm mud.<br> <br> Zuripai sighs with pleasure. "There is no escape. Just relax and enjoy the pleasure."<br> <br> Her boobs slowly throb around you. Your cock is gripped by a gentle tugging suction. Again you feel the urge to come rise within you and you cannot hold it back.<br> <br> "Here it comes," Zuripai says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Zuripai: Bad End: Boob Absorption 2]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Her big soft boobs stroke and pulse you to another shuddering orgasm. As you cum you feel her tits become malleable around you and your cock sinks into her yielding flesh. The sensations now feel like your cock has been enveloped by a thirsty sponge. It is a strange and pleasant feeling, as if the semen is being drawn out of your cock.<br> <br> Her boobs become completely porous and you start to sink into them.<br> <br> "Ah. That's all I need," Zuripai says. "Now relax and float in bliss as my boobs absorb you."<br> <br> Zuripai returns to her big chair and settles back into it. She moans and sighs with pleasure as you slowly sink into her flesh. Your fears are overcome with bliss as her warm flesh wraps intimately around you. You're still shuddering in orgasm as your head and shoulders are drawn down into her cleavage and you're completely absorbed.<br> <br> Zuripai presses her tits together and a small dribble of cum wells up out of the top of her cleavage. She tilts her head down to lick it up and lets out a contented sigh.<br> <br> <<include [[Zuripai: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
She returns to her giant chair at the back of the room. Pleasantly emptied, you leave.<br> <br> <<include [[Zuripai: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Zuripai puts you back down and starts to reattach the leather straps of her harness top. Her nipples are covered and her beautiful big boobs caged again.<br> <br> Shakily, you start to put your own clothes back on.<br> <br>
"I can't give you what you want," Zuripai says. "You'll need to come back with a full tank."<br> <br> She glances meaningfully down at your crotch.<br> <br> "The nurse can help you with that."<br> <br>
"Did you enjoy my full-body paizuri?" Zuripai asks.<br> <br> You nod.<br> <br> "That was only the shallow version. Come back with more in the tank..."<br> <br> She glances meaningfully down at your crotch.<br> <br> "...and I'll show you the deep version."<br> <br>
"You came so close," Zuripai says. "Just a little more in the tank..."<br> <br> She glances meaningfully down at your crotch.<br> <br> "...and my breasts would have fully accepted you into a world of unrivalled bliss."<br> <br> As much as you're curious, you suspect it is a world you would not be able to return from.<br> <br>
/* must start with linebreaks if wish to start on new line */ <br> <br> "A full-body titwank. How queer. Then I suppose it might be the only way given the... ahem... obvious size differences."<br> <br> He taps his notebook.<br> <br> "And how many times did she make you... uh... release between her tits?"<br> <br> You tell him. /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br>
/* Text here */ <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> "Just the once? I've heard she usually induces more, providing the flesh is... harumph... willing. I've heard rumours that her breasts change <<include [[Zuripai: Sell Exp Feedback Additional]]>> <<elseif _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> "Twice, eh. And in quick succession. I'd heard she was rather talented in the use of her breasts."<br> <br> $'s moustache twitches.<br> <br> "Did you notice anything different about her breasts afterwards. I've heard they alter <<include [[Zuripai: Sell Exp Feedback Additional]]>> <<elseif _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> "Three times! Lord, you must be possessed of an uncommon vitality. And you said her tits felt different afterwards—soft and spongy. And you felt like you were sinking into them? Almost like they were trying to absorb you?"<br> <br> Deep in thought, he taps his pen against his chin.<br> <br> "Hmm. Is it number or quantity?" he mumbles to himself. "Three seems to be the upper limit. Some don't return after two. No one as of yet has managed four. Hmm. Hmm."<br> <br> He remembers you're there.<br> <br> "Thank you. Most helpful." <</if>> /* do not end with linebreaks */
depending on the quantity of semen... ahem... deposited between them. Maybe you can investigate that. After giving yourself enough time to recover, of course. Hmm, maybe the nurse can help out with that. I've heard she's good with such things."
/* Alsharajea Hira, the Corruptress */ <<set $hi to 28>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Alsharajea Hira", shortDescription: "", faction: 4, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [19], affection: 0, isIrresistibleToAilment: 2, /* ass fetish */ preIntroductionLink: "Alsharajea: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Alsharajea: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Alsharajea: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Alsharajea: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Alsharajea: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Alsharajea: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Alsharajea: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Alsharajea: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 3>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 28>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 19>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a red-skinned devil girl with a big juicy ass, a lot of piercings and a really slutty attitude.">>
/* Madam intro */ $ chuckles. "Hide your good sons and daughters. Alsharajea Hira, the Corruptress is here. That sinful ass of hers will wring you dry." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Alsharajea Hira looks like the sort of girl mothers warn their sons about. She's also a devil with blood-red skin, black horns, bat wings and a tail.<br> <br> She has the classic hourglass figure of big boobs, rounded hips and a slender waist. Nominally, she's wearing clothes, not that they actually cover anything. She's wearing black stiletto heels and sleazy fishnet tights held up by suspenders. Her top looks like some kind of black leather harness, with the narrow straps coming together to form an inverted pentagram over her cleavage. Her sex and nipples are fully exposed and heavily pierced. Her long, pointed ears have multiple piercings and she also has piercings in her lip, nose and eyebrows. Her eyes are black with yellow cat's eyes irises. Her black hair is spiked up like an '80s glam rocker. She wears a large black inverted cross around her neck.<br> <br> She looks a bad girl all the way through. She looks like she knows how to destroy men in the bedroom and that sets your pulse racing. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Alsharajea strokes a hand over the lush swell of her hips. She turns to show off the voluptuous curves of her bubble-butt ass. She has a real peach and knows it. She gives it a teasing little wiggle.<br> <br> "You want to stick your cock up here. Don't deny it," she rasps sultrily.<br> <br> She squeezes and flexes her cheeks, drawing your gaze in hypnotically. <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> You feel yourself start to reach out, wanting desperately to lay your hands on that lush peach of an ass.<br> <br> "Ah ah," Alsharajea warns. "No touching the goods until we're up in my room." <</if>> <br>
Alsharajea Hira is very forward and very free with her hands – and tail! – as you walk out into the bar area. She seems to revel in the way her very aggressive advances make you feel uncomfortable. You find a table. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Alsharajea: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Alsharajea: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<if $currentRound eq 1>> <<include [[Alsharajea: Socialising: No Money in 1st Round]]>> <<else>> <br> <br> "Skint?" Alsharajea queries. "Loser," she growls before returning to $<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>> <</if>>
<<if $currentRound eq 1>> <<include [[Alsharajea: Socialising: Drinking in 1st Round]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Alsharajea: Socialising: Drinking in Later Round]]>> <</if>>
$ laughs at the mention of the name.<br> <br> "The Corruptress."<br> <br> She laughs again and smoke leaks from her mouth.<br> <br> "It's a young succubus thing," she explains. "They give themselves silly titles to make themselves sound more intimidating and powerful than they are. She's very insecure."<br> <br> She puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "She doesn't really need to. She's a little coarse – as the anal specialists tend to be – but her ass is lovely and she does give quite exceptional anal."<br> <br> $ laughs again.<br> <br> "Her favourite game is teasing the pious and faithful. She tries to convince them anal sex isn't 'real' sex and they can freely indulge in it with her without accruing any guilt. I don't think anyone actually believes her."<br> <br> She sips her cocktail.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"The trouble with the young and insecure ones is they worry too much about being the best ever fuck.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"That ass of hers is gorgeous, but also rather greedy.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"She offers first timers an incomparable experience.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Alsharajea: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Alsharajea: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Good gift */ [6,false,false] /* Surviving */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Alsharajea: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Alsharajea: First-Time Scenario]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and nothing for Alsharajea. The red-skinned devil girl just sits opposite you and stares with unabashed hunger.<br> <br> "You haven't fucked anyone in here yet, have you," she states.<br> <br> You confirm you haven't. Alsharajea's smile widens. Her eyes glimmer even more hungrily.<br> <br> "I love popping the cherries of first timers," Alsharajea says. "Before another succubus gets to them."<br> <br> She pauses to look around.<br> <br> "In case you haven't already figured it out, this House is filled with succubi and other sex daemons. They'll suck your soul right out of your dick with their pussies. You don't have to worry about that with me, because you'll be fucking me in the ass."<br> <br> Her eyes gleam hungrily as she stares at you.<br> <br> "My lovely tight ass."<br> <br> Walking back to $ is quite awkward with the huge boner you have in your pants.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and nothing for Alsharajea. The red-skinned devil girl seems more interested in you.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> "You don't need to be so shy," Alsharajea laughs. "I've seen you checking out my ass and I don't mind. If you want to fuck it, you can. And in case you have any hang-ups, this is anal. It's not real sex and doesn't count as regular sex. You can fuck my ass guiltfree."<br> <br> You're not convinced that's how it works, but whatever. Her ass is fucking gorgeous. <<else>> "Why are we wasting time?" Alsharajea asks. "I've seen you looking at my lovely curvy ass. You want to stick your dick in it. I want you to stick your dick in it. So let's go up to my room and let my lovely tight ass wring out all your cum." <</if>><br> <br> Alsharajea's words trigger a large and noticeable erection in your pants you struggle to conceal as you walk back to $ <br><br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Alsharajea Hira's room is as sleazy as her appearance. The lighting is dim and the layout resembles the corner of a cheap strip club. The walls are covered in neon signs. 'XXX' and 'SEXSEXSEX' flashes between lewd outlines of red devil girls with big boobs and asses. Overstuffed black leather chairs and sofas are spread throughout the room and positioned as to provide the best view of a small raised stage in the corner.<br> <br> Alsharajea is twirling around a stripper pole on that stage as you enter. She gives you the full show and brazenly strips down to full nakedness. She makes sure you get a good look at her luscious ass as she shakes it and clenches her butt cheeks.<br> <br> Then, satisfied she has your complete attention, she steps off the stage and comes over to collect your gift.<br> <br> [[You give her your gift.->Alsharajea: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Alsharajea: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 19>> <<include [[Alsharajea: Gift: Butt Plug]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(6)>> <<include [[Alsharajea: Gift: Slutty]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(4)>> <<include [[Alsharajea: Gift: Romantic]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Alsharajea: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>> <br> <br> [[She takes you over to one of the chairs.->Alsharajea: To Chair]]
Alsharajea gives the $allGifts[$cgi].name a long sniff, closes her eyes and sighs in pleasure.<br> <br> "I'm going to enjoy destroying you with my ass."
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "What a filthy little mind you have."<br> <br> Alsharajea smiles approvingly as she turns the black rubber butt plug around in her hands.<br> <br> "You'll have to use it on yourself. There won't be any room in my ass once I've filled it with your cock."
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "Ooh, and there was me thinking you were a nice boy," Alsharajea says.<br> <br> She turns her smouldering gaze on you.<br> <br> "Do you think you can handle my ass?"<br> <br> She laughs contemptuously.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "Aw, how cute," Alsharajea says.<br> <br> She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "I love the cute ones. I love the little whimpers of pleasure they make when I put their cock in my ass and start to //squeeze//."
"How boring," Alsharajea says.<br> <br> She puts the $allGifts[$cgi].name to one side and turns her hot gaze back on you.<br> <br> "Let's fuck," she growls.
<<if $currentRound eq 1>> <<if $player.currIsCautious>>"You look so nervous,"<<else>>"Trying to play it cool, I see,"<</if>> Alsharajea laughs. "I love being the first girl for new visitors to the House. They never know what to expect."<br> <br> <</if>> She takes you over to a chair and pushes you back onto it. The chair is large and so overstuffed you practically sink right into it. Alsharajea steps in front of you and turns her back to you. She slaps her ass and sends ripples through her voluptuous cheeks.<br> <br> "Are you religious?" she asks with an evil grin.<br> <br> [[Yes.->Alsharajea: Yes to Religious]]<br> [[No.->Alsharajea: No to Religious]]
<<set $isReligious to true>> "I must be such a dilemma," Alsharajea says, her voice a throaty rasp. "My body promises so many pleasures."<br> <br> She runs her hands over her lush curves.<br> <br> "And all of them so very very sinful."<br> <br> <<include [[Alsharajea: 2nd Question]]>>
<<set $isReligious to false>> "So many aren't nowadays," Alsharajea says. "It's a pity. I do so love teasing the devout."<br> <br> <<include [[Alsharajea: 2nd Question]]>>
<<set $isMarried to false>> She bounces on her heels and gives her luscious ass a seductive little jiggle. You find it hard to look anywhere else.<br> <br> "Are you married... have a girlfriend?" she asks. "Or are you free and single?"<br> <br> [[Married.->Alsharajea: No to Single][$isMarried to true]]<br> [[Girlfriend.->Alsharajea: No to Single][$isMarried to false]]<br> [[Single.->Alsharajea: Yes to Single]]
<<set $isSingle to false>> "Oh dear. <<if $isMarried>>Wifey<<else>>Your girlfriend<</if>> would not approve of you being here."<br> <br> Alsharajea presses her hands against her ass cheeks, squeezing them together and making you wish you could be in there being squeezed between them.<br> <br> "You don't have anything to feel guilty about. I'm not going to put your dick in my pussy. We're not going to make love. It's not cheating if you stick it in the ass."<br> <br> <<include [[Alsharajea: Is Anal Cheating]]>>
"A handsome hunk like you, single. I can scarcely believe it."<br> <br> <<if $player.currInt gt 3>> The sarcasm is well-hidden, but you still detect it.<br> <br> <</if>> Alsharajea presses her hands against her ass cheeks, squeezing them together and making you wish you could be in there being squeezed by them.<br> <br> <<if $isReligious>> "Let me guess, you're one of those goody-two-shoes saving himself for the right girl."<br> <br> [[She doesn't give you a chance to answer.->Alsharajea: Single and Religious]] <<else>> "So are you free and single and able to do as he pleases, or are you one of those goody-two-shoes saving himself for the right girl?"<br> <br> [[Free and single.->Alsharajea: Single and Free]]<br> [[Saving yourself for the right girl.->Alsharajea: Single and Saving]] <</if>>
Alsharajea bends over and spreads her butt cheeks. Her puckered butthole winks at you. Suddenly, the other stuff no longer seems so important.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Alsharajea: The Show]]
She laughs.<br> <br> "Such a good little god-fearing boy," Alsharajea taunts. "Saving it for his wedding night."<br> <br> Alsharajea grabs her ass and bounces the cheeks off each other.<br> <br> "You don't have to worry. I'm not going to spoil that. It's good a man saves himself for his future bride. It's righteous in the eyes of the lord."<br> <br> She squeezes and pushes her lovely soft ass cheeks together.<br> <br> "I'm not going to put your dick in my pussy. We're not going to make love. Anal doesn't count. You can fuck me in the ass and still be as pure as a virgin for your bride on your wedding night."<br> <br> <<include [[Alsharajea: Is Anal Cheating]]>>
"Then you're going to have a good time tonight. A lot of them. Maybe more than you can handle."<br> <br> Alsharajea gives a nasty little chuckle.<br> <br> "And your <<if $currentRound eq 1>>first<<else>>next<</if>> good time is located right here."<br> <br> <<include [[Alsharajea: Questions: End]]>>
"How wholesome," Alsharajea says. "It makes me want to puke."<br> <br> She mimes putting a finger down her throat.<br> <br> "You don't have to worry about that with me. I'm not going to put your dick in my pussy. We're not going to make love. It's not cheating if you stick it in the ass."<br> <br> <<include [[Alsharajea: Is Anal Cheating]]>>
<<if $player.currIsSlutty>> There is a kind of twisted logic to her argument. <<else>> You don't think that's how it works. <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[Alsharajea: Questions: End]]>>
Alsharajea puts on a show for you. She crouches down and twerks her considerable booty. You watch her wonderful ass cheeks ripple and bounce and fantasise about being under them.<br> <br> Alsharajea stands up and sways seductively while running her hands over her voluptuous curves. She slaps her ass and lets the fleshy cheeks jiggle.<br> <br> Little by little, your attention is drawn in until you can look nowhere else.<br> <br> Alsharajea backs up closer to you. She twerks closer and closer, letting her lovely big ass loom larger and larger. She reaches the chair and steps up with surprising nimbleness. Even with the extreme softness of the cushions, she is able to keep her balance and still work her ass right in front of your face.<br> <br> She backs up even more until her wiggling ass completely fills your world. You feel her smooth cheeks brush against your face. Then further still, until your head is squashed back against the soft backrest and your face pressed between her warm soft butt cheeks. You are enveloped in her musky feminine odour.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Alsharajea: Undress]]
Alsharajea leans down and unbuckles your trousers. While wiggling her sumptuous ass in your face, she pulls down your pants and exposes your genitals. She sits back against you, completely smothering your face beneath her luscious ass. It is playful rather than forceful and she moves away long before you start to feel short of breath.<br> <br> <<if $currentRound eq 1>> "I know some men like to be smothered by ass, but I think it's a waste. <<else>> "If you want more of that you should seek out Assphyxia. She just loves smothering men between her ass. Me, I think it's a waste. <</if>> I'd rather sit on cock than face."<br> <br> She slides her ass down and rests it against your chest like a pair of soft cushions.<br> <br> "And let's see how this cock is doing."<br> <br> She slides her hands up and down your lengthening shaft. She gives the swelling head an encouraging little squeeze. It doesn't take her long to get you to full hardness. You were already well on the way there anyway.<br> <br> "That should be hard enough."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Alsharajea: Anal Sex]]
Alsharajea squats and slowly lowers her gorgeous bubble-butt ass down on you.<br> <br> "In it goes," she says with a raspy sigh.<br> <br> Your cock slowly slides up into her tight ass. She is really tight, but also heavily lubricated. You push up inside her with only enough friction to set your cock throbbing with pleasure.<br> <br> "Ooh yes," Alsharajea says. "Let's get you all the way up inside my filthy, sinful ass."<br> <br> She takes your full length all the way up inside her. She settles in your lap and gives a little wiggle that sends shivers of pleasure running through you.<br> <br> "And then tighten up."<br> <br> Alsharajea clenches her ass cheeks and bands of muscle constrict around your cock. They gently squeeze and she pulses them to send constant waves of throbbing stimulation running up and down your cock.<br> <br> "Time to get out that lovely cum."<br> <br> She puts her feet up on the chair and starts smoothly bouncing her curvy ass up and down in your lap. You feel her fleshy cheeks slap against your crotch. The tight passage throbs around and squeezes your erection as you slide back and forth inside her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Alsharajea: 1st Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Alsharajea: Early Semen Fail][$hasEjaculated to false]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Alsharajea: 1st Pop]]>> <</if>>
As sinfully tight as her ass feels, you can't come <<if $hasEjaculated>>again<</if>> despite her best efforts. You've had too much sex already tonight. There's nothing left in your balls.<br> <br> Or at least you thought you had nothing left.<br> <br> "You seem to be a little dry," Alsharajea says. "Looks like I'll have to use my ultimate technique."<br> <br> [[Ultimate technique?->Alsharajea: Ass Vacuum]]
She's too tight, and the sensations too strong for you. You feel your cock start to twitch against her tight walls. The ejaculation is on its way.<br> <br> "They never last long against my ass," Alsharajea laughs.<br> <br> She slams her luscious ass down, pushing you deep into the soft chair. Bands of muscle tighten around your cock and //squeeze//.<br> <br> That's enough to send you over the edge. Your body tenses, then explodes in orgasm as you spurt a thick stream up into her ass.<br> <br> "Yes," Alsharajea hisses. "Spurt your lovely cream up into my sinful ass. It's delicious."<br> <br> You do, emptying great gouts into her while you writhe and jerk in pleasure beneath her. Until, spent, you sink back into the comfortable armchair. Alsharajea does the same, letting her warm body recline on top of you.<br> <br> "Mmm, such a lot of lovely cum," Alsharajea says. <<if $currentRound eq 1>>"Were you saving up for someone special?"<<else>>"I'm glad the other harlots haven't yet completely drained your balls."<</if>><br> <br> Alsharajea wriggles in your lap. The tight walls of her ass continue to pulse and throb around your cock.<br> <br> "I like your cock in my ass. I think it likes being there as well. I think I'll pump another load out of you. Maybe more."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Alsharajea: Anal Sex 2]]
Alsharajea clenches her buttocks and sends a pulsing vibration through your cock. She does it again. You gasp in surprised pleasure. You don't know what she's doing down there but it feels incredible. Bands of muscle pulse around your cock, but in series, so it feels like long, powerful strokes rippling up and down your shaft.<br> <br> "My ass is so good, I can make you come without moving at all," Alsharajea says. "I wonder how long it will take."<br> <br> She takes your hands and presses them against her bulging butt cheeks. You feel them shiver beneath your fingers as she tenses and relaxes them in a rhythm that sends powerful strokes up and down your shaft. She doesn't move in your lap. She just presses down and lets the internal muscles of her ass stroke and squeeze you back to climax.<br> <br> <<include [[Alsharajea: 2nd Semen Check]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Alsharajea: Early Semen Fail][$hasEjaculated to true]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Alsharajea: 2nd Pop]]>> <</if>>
It doesn't take long.<br> <br> Your cock swells up inside her and spits out another great flood of semen. Alsharajea sighs and moans. She flexes and wriggles and the squeezing vibration of her ass milks the ejaculation out for as long as she can.<br> <br> "Another delicious load," Alsharajea says. "Your cock really loves my ass. And I haven't even gotten properly started."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Alsharajea: Ass Vacuum]]
Alsharajea <<if not $isOutOfSemen>>guzzles up the last dregs of ejaculate and then<</if>> pushes down even further. The ring of her sphincter tightens around the very root of your member.<br> <br> "No escape now," Alsharajea says. "Your cock is a prisoner of my ass. And now I have it imprisoned, it's time to unleash my ultimate technique."<br> <br> She takes your hands and brings them up to her breasts. You feel her nipples – and her piercings – beneath your fingers. Her ass tightens up around your cock in preparation for something big.<br> <br> "I call this technique my ass vacuum. It sucks the cum right out of your balls."<br> <br> She bobs slowly in your lap. At the same time, she clenches and flutters her buttocks. Your head falls back, your eyes go blank, and your mouth drops open. Within her it feels like two overlapping waves oscillating up and down your cock. She flexes her butt cheeks and the strokes go stronger and faster. You feel a force reach right down into your balls.<br> <br> "My ass is going to pump it all out of you and there's nothing you can do."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Alsharajea: 3rd Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Alsharajea: Late Semen Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Alsharajea: 3rd Pop]]>> <</if>>
Your whole body tenses up in the chair. You feel the urge to empty your balls even though there's nothing left to spurt.<br> <br> "Trying to hold out against my lovely ass? I think not. I'll pump it all out."<br> <br> <<include [[Alsharajea: To Bad End]]>>
Your whole body tenses up in the chair. You can't hold out against such sinful stimulation. You gasp and moan as your cock again erupts inside her tight ass.<br> <br> "Here it comes," Alsharajea laughs. "Feel my ass pump it all out."<br> <br> Her ass keeps throbbing around your cock with that unnatural but incredible suction. It feels like she has your balls in a tight grip. Your ejaculation stretches out. You can't stop it. It carries on and on. It's as if she is pumping the cum directly from your balls and you can do nothing to stop it.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "Time to give you what you want and have my ass pump it all out."<br> <br> <<include [[Alsharajea: To Bad End]]>> <<elseif $currentRound eq 1>> "You're so fresh and delicious I think I'll have my ass pump it all out."<br> <br> <<include [[Alsharajea: To Bad End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Alsharajea: To Good End]]>> <</if>>
In the end, it's Alsharajea who stops it.<br> <br> "Ah, that's enough," she says.<br> <br> The unnatural throbbing pulses cease. Your ejaculation finally slows to a dribble. Alsharajea relaxes the muscles in her ass and smoothly climbs up off you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Alsharajea: Good End]]
Alsharajea steps back down to the floor. Glancing mischievously over her shoulder, she parts her butt cheeks and shows off the evidence of the massive cream pie you've deposited inside her. Then she flexes and sucks it all up inside her.<br> <br> She looks at you and laughs contemptuously. "Was my sinful little ass too much for you? You look wrecked."<br> <br> You feel wrecked. You're sunk deep into the soft chair as if squashed there by a steamroller.<br> <br> Alsharajea sits on a chair opposite you. Her gaze is still hot and slutty.<br> <br> "You can have a moment to get your breath back before I let you escape," Alsharajea says. "But if I see you get horny again, I'll put that cock of yours back in my lovely ass and pump you dry."<br> <br> Her hot gaze moves down to your lap.<br> <br> You don't doubt she's capable of that. Fortunately, your cock is currently down for the count. You decide it would be healthier for your life – and soul – if you left before it has a chance to recover.<br> <br> You climb out of the chair with some difficulty. You pull your trousers back up and walk to the door. You feel Alsharajea's hot gaze on you all the way.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Alsharajea: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $isReligious>> <<unset $isMarried>> <<unset $isSingle>> <<unset $hasEjaculated>>
She presses your hands deeper into her soft tits. You feel her prepare to exert herself. Her ass tightens around your cock. The pulsating strokes increase in intensity. <<if $isOutOfSemen>>Your ejaculation starts up again with greater force.<<else>>Your ejaculation continues.<</if>> You don't think you can stop. It's like she's pumping the fluids directly out of you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Alsharajea: Bad End]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> "It's a kindness," Alsharajea says. "Empty like this, you'd be prey to the next succubus. None of them can compare to the pleasures of my exquisite ass. I'm doing you a favour. You get to go out on the highest peak of pleasure you could ever experience." <<elseif $cgi eq 0>> "You made a wise choice," Alsharajea says. " Once you've experienced my exquisite ass, all pleasures pale in comparison. You would be condemned to a horrible life of never being able to recapture the ecstasy of this moment. You did right to choose this. You get to go out on the highest peak of pleasure you could ever experience." <<else>> "It's a kindness," Alsharajea says. "Once you've experienced my exquisite ass, all pleasures pale in comparison. You would be condemned to a horrible life of never being able to recapture the ecstasy of this moment. I'm doing you a favour. You get to go out on the highest peak of pleasure you could ever experience." <</if>><br> <br> She pushes down against you. Her whole body flexes. Your head falls back as the sensation overwhelms you. Your ejaculation becomes a surging flood... an unstoppable endless flood. This has to be more than just your cum. You fear her ass is pumping more vital fluids out of you, even if the pleasure is the same.<br> <br> Then the fear is washed away.<br> <br> You can't stop.<br> <br> You don't want to stop. It feels too good, until...<br> <br> Sighing and moaning in sloppy orgasmic bliss, Alsharajea uses her delectable ass to pump all the fluids from your body. You wither and shrivel up beneath her until all that remains is a dried-up mummy.<br> <br> <<include [[Alsharajea: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<br> <br> "It's okay," Alsharajea says. "I can see this is your first round and the old bitch is too addled nowadays to explain the rules properly."<br> <br> She finds a coin – from where you have no idea – and gives it to the waitress.<br> <br> "You need these coins to get anything in this place."<br> <br> What drink will you order?<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: Order Drinks]]>>
"The Corruptress, eh. Sounds intimidating. Looks intimidating as well. That ass of hers is quite delectable, I'll give her that."<br> <br> He brings out his notebook.<br> <br> "Tell me of your experiences with Alsharajea Hira, the Corruptress."<br> <br>
"It sounds like she's just as intimidating as her appearance. Why look at you. You look as pale as a ghost. That ass of hers must have sucked a lot out of you. I'm not one for worrying about sin, but maybe the god botherers were onto something when they warned against fornications of the... ahem... rear kind."
/* Misty */ <<set $hi to 41>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Misty", shortDescription: "", faction: 4, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isHungry: false, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Misty: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Misty: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Misty: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Misty: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Misty: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Misty: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Misty: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Misty: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>> /* Randomly determine if she's safe this run or not */ <<set _rng to random(1)>> <<if _rng gt 0>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].isHungry to true>> <<else>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].isHungry to false>> <</if>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 41>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 1>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].isHungry to false>> */ ''Misty is <<if not $allHarlots[$hi].isHungry>>not<</if>> hungry.''<br> <br> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a slender girl with long dark hair and pale skin. She wears a plain white gown. There is an ethereal quality to her – almost ghostlike – and mist seems to well up from her feet.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is the lovely Misty. She's our guard dog. An establishment with a reputation such as ours has an unfortunate tendency to attract unwanted visitors – snoopers and other pests. Misty here takes care of them."<br> <br> She turns to the ghostly pale girl.<br> <br> "How has your night been, dear? Have you caught any snoopers?"<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].isHungry>> The pale girl shakes her head and looks down at the floor.<br> <br> "Oh well." <<else>> The pale girl nods enthusiastically.<br> <br> "Good girl." <</if>><br> <br> $ turns back to you.<br> <br> "We let her in from time to time to have fun with patrons. It's her treat. And the patron's too."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Misty doesn't walk. She floats over to you. Her feet and lower legs disappear or maybe even merge into clouds of thick mist. It wells up wherever she stands and pours across the floor like dry ice.<br> <br> Misty herself also seems as light and airy as mist. She's a slender waif in a plain white gown. Her dark eyes and long straight black hair provide a contrast to her ghostly pale skin. Her features are elfin and add to her ethereal appearance. She's beautiful, but also looks lost, like a wide-eyed ingenue about to enter the adult film industry, and yet knowing that fading innocence will be her strongest selling point.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Misty says nothing. She slowly floats around you with a mysterious smile on her lips. You get the impression she's checking you out more than you're checking her out.<br> <br> The mist thickens around your feet, almost starts to become tangible.<br> <br> "Not here, dear," $ says. "You know the rules."<br> <br> Misty looks to her and nods her head. She gives you a long lingering glance as she returns to her place on stage. <br>
$ is smiling broadly as she introduces you to Misty at the edge of the stage.<br> <br> "I'm afraid Misty is not much of a speaker, so this will not be much use to you. She does love to go out into the bar and she doesn't get much opportunity to do that. Thank you for giving her that chance."<br> <br> Misty looks around her in wonderment as you escort her into the bustling bar. Her hand feels real enough in yours, if a little cold. She's a near weightless presence at your side as you find a spare table.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Misty: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Misty: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
Misty gives you a sad little look and then drifts back to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
As $ told you, Misty is not much of a talker. She sits opposite and smiles at you. Her pale face, framed by her long straight black hair is beautifully fragile.<br> <br> The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a mug of steaming coffee for Misty. As ghostly ethereal as she looks, Misty is clearly not incorporeal as she gulps down her hot drink with some gusto. Afterwards she stares across the table at you with adoring eyes. While her hair and pallid face give her a slightly creepy appearance, she possesses a simple innocence that melts the heart despite her chilly aura. She reaches over to place a hand over yours and rub a finger against you.<br> <br> While she never speaks, you get the impression she'll be more than affectionate enough in her bedroom.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Aww, Misty. She's one of $'s little guard dogs. About as smart as well."<br> <br> $ chuckles nastily.<br> <br> "Ah, that's not very nice of me. She's a lovely sweet girl. $ normally lets her roam the grounds to take care of any uninvited guests. Sometimes she lets her in to play with the regular guests as well."<br> <br> $ sips her drink.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"As with most predators, Misty is only safe to play with if she has a full stomach.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If Misty's had a quiet night, $ will give her one of the patrons as a treat. A dog treat, if you know what I mean.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ smirks nastily."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Misty really appreciates a man who can warm her up after she's had a long night outside alone in the cold.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Misty: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Misty: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [3,false,false] /* Player survives */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Misty: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Misty: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Misty's room is far bigger than you were expecting. It's a large hall with bare stone walls. It's quiet and still and puts you more in mind of a mausoleum than a bedroom. Two lines of columns run down the centre of the room with a paved aisle between them. There is a big square window high up on the far wall. Or rather, a big square hole, as you don't see any indication of glass panes. The window is completely open to the night, which might explain the chilliness of the room.<br> <br> The silvery moon is framed perfectly within the opening. Its silvery light is the only illumination to the still chamber. It picks out the eerie wisps of mist carpeting the floor.<br> <br> "Come."<br> <br> You hear a voice in your head. It sensually caresses across the top of your brain.<br> <br> At the far end of the chamber, between the stone columns, the mist rises up and coalesces into the form of a slender pale woman with long black hair. It's Misty. She strikes an alluring pose and beckons you with a finger.<br> <br> First, there's the matter of your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Misty: Gift]]
You hold up the $allGifts[$cgi].name. Misty gestures to a raised wooden plinth with a bowl-like depression in the top, just to the right of the entrance. It seems to be where visitors are expected to leave their offerings, so you drop the $allGifts[$cgi].name in the shallow depression.<br> <br> You turn and are about to make your way down the central aisle towards Misty when she shakes her head and wags a finger. She points to you and mimes pulling off a top.<br> <br> She seems to want you to undress and you start to do so. Misty smiles alluringly and pops the top two buttons of her gown and pulls it aside to expose the pale curves of her cleavage.<br> <br> Your heart quickens in excitement. You strip and hang your clothes on a wooden clothes rack to the left of the door.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Misty: Hide and Seek]]
"Come."<br> <br> You hear it. Or rather feel it. A long caressing stroke across the top of your brain.<br> <br> Eagerly you turn, only to find Misty isn't there. Puzzled, you walk between the columns. The room is open to the elements and the night air feels a little chilly against your exposed flesh.<br> <br> It's not enough to deflate the ardour between your legs.<br> <br> "Come."<br> <br> You hear it to your right.<br> <br> You turn and catch a glimpse of Misty, ghostly pale, gliding behind a column. You rush to the gap and turn to the left and then the right. There is no sign of Misty in either direction.<br> <br> The carpet of mist covering the floor seems to have thickened and risen to the level of your calves.<br> <br> "Come."<br> <br> This time from behind you and to the left.<br> <br> You turn in time to see Misty glide behind another column. You rush to it, but it's already too late. Misty is nowhere to be seen.<br> <br> "Come."<br> <br> To your right. This time Misty stays where she is. She stands, or rather floats, at the end of the aisle, in full naked glory. Her skin is pale, but rather than being off-putting, lends her a fragile, ethereal beauty.<br> <br> She holds out a finger and beckons you to her. Her body seems charged with static and rather than lying in limp locks her hair floats out from her head. Enthralled, you go to her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Misty: Tease]]
Misty continues to tease you. She floats backwards and then starts to circle you just out of reach. Her legs don't move. She floats as if on wires. Floats like a ghost.<br> <br> Her movements stir up the mist carpeting the floor. It rises up around you. It rises up and also seems to thicken, to gain substance. As Misty circles you, the mist thickens and solidifies. You feel resistance with each step. It also loses that cold and clammy feeling and start to feel warm and comfortable – like a thick duvet.<br> <br> Misty maddeningly floats just out of reach.<br> <br> And then she isn't. With a quick dart, she's right in front of you. Close enough to hug.<br> <br> If you got the chance.<br> <br> Instead, with a playful giggle, Misty extends her arms and shoves you backwards with enough force to topple you over.<br> <br> You don't topple far. The mist has solidified enough to break your fall and support you. It's like getting your feet tangled up in a duvet and failing back into an enormous soft pillow.<br> <br> You don't have any time to dwell on this peculiar, dreamlike development. Misty is already following up. She jumps into your lap and – with a smooth pump of her hips – impales herself on your erection. She might seem ghostly and insubstantial in appearance, but her pussy feels real enough. It's a tight and warm sheath around your cock.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Misty: Insertion]]
Misty starts bouncing in your lap with a smooth rhythm. You lie back in bliss as her lovely tight pussy strokes up and down your cock. You don't know how, but the mist beneath you seems to have solidified into a soft, pillowy mass. It's also a warm pillowy mass. The initial chill you felt on entering the room has gone.<br> <br> Misty drapes her arms over your shoulders and stares adoringly into your eyes as she continues to bounce up and down in your lap.<br> <br> Up, down, she bobs. Her tight sex brushes lusciously up and down your shaft. She smiles, flexes, and gives the head of your cock a gentle little squeeze inside her.<br> <br> Her face might look sweet and innocent, but she rides you with the skill and experience of a hardened hooker. Long strokes, then short little bounces. She adds a little twist. Every millimetre of your cock is assailed by pleasure.<br> <br> <<include [[Misty: Semen Check]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Misty: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Misty: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Then, she slides all the way down, leans back and wraps her legs around you. She presses her hips against you. The walls of her vagina contract and squeeze your cock.<br> <br> "Come."<br> <br> It feels so good you nearly burst in climax inside her. On any other night you probably would have. However, this isn't a normal night. You've already had your balls comprehensibly drained by the other succubus harlots. You don't have anything left.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Misty: Out of Semen Bad End]]
Your body starts responding. You feel the glow in your balls and then a pressure that grows and grows until it can no longer be contained.<br> <br> Misty senses you're approaching climax. She bounces higher, faster. Using her luscious tight pussy, she strokes you all the way up to the peak. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].isHungry or $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Misty: Bad End: Intro]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Misty: Good End: Intro]]>> <</if>>
Then, as you warn her you're coming, she slides all the way down, leans back and wraps her legs around you. She whips her upper body forwards and her lips crush against yours as she bears you down into the soft, fluffy mist. She presses her hips against you. The walls of her vagina contract and squeeze your cock.<br> <br> "Come."<br> <br> You gasp into her mouth as you hit climax and empty cum into her in great shuddering spurts.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Misty: Bad End]]
Then, as you warn her you're coming, she slides all the way down, leans back and wraps her legs around you. She presses her hips against you. The walls of her vagina contract and squeeze your cock.<br> <br> "Come."<br> <br> You gasp in orgasmic bliss as your cock throbs and spurts a big load up into her pussy. Misty throws her head back and lets out a quiet little moan of pleasure, the first sounds you've actually heard come from her mouth.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Misty: Good End]]
Misty holds that pose and lets her pussy milk a great throbbing load out of you. Then she tips back and looks down at you with a smile on her sweet, ghostly-pale face.<br> <br> "Nice," you hear stroke across the top of your brain.<br> <br> She flops down on top of you and bears you down to the floor. She lightly kisses you on the forehead. Everything goes dark.<br> <br> You open your eyes and find yourself lying on the cold stone floor. Your limbs feel a little stiff, as if you've spent the night sleeping outdoors. Shivering to get the blood flowing again, you slowly get back to your feet.<br> <br> Of Misty there is no sign. Not even wisps cover the plain stone floor. You look up at the window. The moon is still big and full. You think Misty is outside now, doing... whatever it is she does.<br> <br> You think it best not to dwell on that.<br> <br> You hear a little buzzing bell. That must signify the end of the session. You retrieve your clothes, put them back on and walk to the exit.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Kissing you fiercely, Misty pushes you down deeper into the thick mist. Her hips slowly rise and fall as her delectable pussy milks more semen out of your throbbing cock. You feel another glowing burst as you climax again and pour another flood of semen into her. Misty's pussy sucks it up and hungrily tries to suck out more. Her mouth is hungry at yours, as if she's trying to suck it out of there as well.<br> <br> "More."<br> <br> You hear the word stroke across the top of your brain. It's a command you cannot resist.<br> <br> You buck against her lithe form and spurt more cum into her. Although, at this point you're not sure if it's more her vagina sucking it out of you.<br> <br> Your semen is not the only thing her vagina is sucking out of you. It feels like her hungry pussy is also sucking the heat and vitality out of you as well. Her mouth – her hot kiss – also feels like it's sucking the heat from your body.<br> <br> By the time you realise it's happening, it's already too late. <<include [[Misty: Combined Bad End]]>>
Her body warms up in your arms while yours starts to feel cold and stiff.<br> <br> And tired. Really tired.<br> <br> You feel like you're lying outside in a cold field. At least Misty still feels warm. You cling to her body as the warmth goes out of yours.<br> <br> Misty stays on top of you and sucks all the heat and life from your body. Then, her 'treat' finished, she lightly kisses you on the forehead before going back to her regular guard duties.<br> <br> Your body is left, stiff and lifeless, on the cold stone floor. Just like the unwanted 'guests' Misty 'entertains' outside, anyone examining your corpse would think you were caught outside on a cold winter night and died of exposure.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Misty pauses with a puzzled expression on her face, clearly expecting something and not getting it. She lifts her arms up and rises above you. Then she comes down with a passionate kiss that crushes her lips against yours and bears you down into the soft, fluffy mist.<br> <br> Kissing you fiercely, Misty pushes you down deeper into the thick mist. Her vagina keeps stroking and squeezing your cock. Then it starts hungrily sucking. Her mouth does the same.<br> <br> You think it pointless. You're done. No matter how good Misty's pussy feels, you've nothing left to pump into it.<br> <br> At least you thought so. Her vagina keeps sucking and draws //something// out of you. It's not your cum. Strangely, it feels like her hungry pussy is sucking the heat and vitality out of your body. Her mouth too, with her hot kiss.<br> <br> By the time you realise what's happening, it's already too late. <<include [[Misty: Combined Bad End]]>>
$ arches a bushy eyebrow when you mention the name.<br> <br> "Misty? Are you sure?"<br> <br> He pulls out his little black notebook and looks at you.<br> <br> "Tell me of your experiences."<br> <br>
"How odd," $ says. "I'd been led to believe Misty was a death pick. She's the House guard dog. Usually she roams the grounds and takes care of any riffraff poking their noses in where they don't belong. $ lets her in from time to time and feeds her a patron to keep her happy."<br> <br> $ looks at you with a curious expression.<br> <br> "And yet here you are, recounting your experiences to me. I wonder how. Did Misty take a liking to you? Maybe you had some form of external protection. Or maybe she just wasn't hungry this time. Who knows. Count your lucky stars you didn't meet the same fate as the others."
/* Amoura D'Coeur */ <<set $hi to 44>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Amoura D'Coeur", shortDescription: "", faction: 4, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: true, hasPlotRepeatVisits: true, hasBeenVisited: false, receivedSemen: false, gifts: [11, 1], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Amoura: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Amoura: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Amoura: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Amoura: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Amoura: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Amoura: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Amoura: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Amoura: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Amoura: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(15)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to true>> <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 44>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a bouncy and cheerful succubus with lightly tanned skin and long blonde hair. She wears a scandalously bright red bikini with the cups and panties cut to resemble large cartoon love hearts.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is the lovely succubus Amoura D'Coeur. She always has a cheerful disposition," $ says. "She's very good with new visitors." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Aside from her red wings, horns and tail, Amoura D'Coeur has the appearance and attitude of a good-time party girl. Her skin is lightly tanned and she has long flowing blonde hair. Her eyes are big, blue and bright. Her nose is a cute little button and her full, sensual lips are curled up in a warm, friendly smile.<br> <br> She has a near-perfect hourglass figure. Her voluptuous boobs are contained within a glossy red bikini top. The large cups are shaped like big cartoon love hearts. Her panties are the same, covering her crotch with a big red love heart. She wears long stockings patterned with floating red love hearts over alternating pink and white bands. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hello, I'm Amoura D'Coeur," she introduces herself.<br> <br> Her big boobs jiggle enticingly as she excitedly bounces up and down on the balls of her feet.<br> <br> "Pick me and we'll have some sexy fun together."<br> <br> She leans forward to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> "And you don't have to fear. I never take a man's soul on the first date." <<else>> "It will be even better than last time." <</if>> <br>
"That trollop," $ says disdainfully when you enquire about Amoura D'Coeur. "She's a deceitful little whore. She toadies up to $ so she can get first ride on the new arrivals."<br> <br> She puffs angrily on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "She'll tell you she never takes a man's soul on a first date. It's all lies. Don't be fooled by those big blue eyes of hers. She'll pluck your heart and take a bite out of it."<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(14)>> ''You feel a sudden hot scratchy feeling on the back of your shoulder.''<br> <br> <</if>> She exhales a plume of smoke that irritates your eyes.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"If you come inside her, she'll enslave you. That's her kind's special power.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She likes hearts. The fresher and bloodier the better.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Don't be fooled by her good-time girl act. It's just a trick to get your soul.\""}>>
Amoura D'Coeur is a bubbly presence on your arm as you walk into the bar and look for a table. Amoura is very tactile and touchy-feely. She wraps an arm around your waist and presses up tight to your body. Her warmth and perfume envelops you and she's an intoxicating presence at your side.<br> <br> You find an open booth table and take a seat. Rather than sitting opposite, Amoura squeezes up next to you on the couch.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Amoura: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Amoura: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
Amoura seems disappointed.<br> <br> "Oh. I was so looking forward to spending some time to get to know you better."<br> <br> She snuggles up close and whispers seductively in your ear.<br> <br> "We can still do that up in my room. As well as some other things..."<br> <br> She gives your crotch a shameless squeeze with her hand and then gets up and walks back over to the presentation stage.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Amoura puts an arm around you and leans in. <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> Amoura is a little too full-on, especially with her hands. You don't mind it – like it, even – but it's a little overwhelming. Amoura notices.<br> <br> "Oh, are you a little shy? Or inexperienced? Don't you worry. I love teaching the shy and inexperienced the ways of love." <<else>> She squeezes you close with her arm. You respond by letting your hand stray down to her ass and give her butt a cheeky squeeze. Amoura glances at you with a smile.<br> <br> "So forward. I really like that. I have a very big bouncy bed in my room and we're going to have a lot of fun on it." <</if>><br> <br> The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a fancy cocktail for Amoura.<br> <br> "I take it you've already spoken to our Gloomy Gus barman," Amoura says, nodding her head over to where $ is working behind the bar. "Such a waste of a studly figure."<br> <br> She stares longingly at $'s muscular chest.<br> <br> "No doubt he's told you all sorts of horrible stories about what the girls do to men once they get their claws in them. It's all true."<br> <br> Amoura nonchalantly slurps up her cocktail through a straw.<br> <br> "We're all daemons. We like to gobble down men as much as you like to gobble down turkey."<br> <br> She notices your white expression and laughs.<br> <br> "It's okay. I'm not going to gobble you up... just yet," she adds with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "$ likes to let the men think they have a chance, so we all have binding conditions we must keep to. Mine is that I never gobble up a man on a first date. So you don't have to worry. You can have lots of lovely sex with me and spurt your cum deep in my lusciously soft pussy."<br> <br> Amoura favours you with a filthy smile.<br> <br> "I prefer it that way. Mine is a very easy condition to keep."<br> <br> You like the sound of that too. Your blood is racing and your cock hard as you return to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Amoura: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Amoura: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Heart */ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Black Rose (special) */ [3,false,false], /* Out of semen end */ [4,false,false], /* Regular end */ [6,false,false] /* Regular end (2nd Visit) */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $isRepeatVisitScenario to false>> <<include [[Amoura: Enter Room]]>>
/* create score array */ /* 1st, find old score array (if multiple visits, take the last score array) */ <<for _r to 0; _r lt $player.roomScores.length; _r++>> <<if $player.roomScores[_r].harlotNumber eq $hi>> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[_r].scoreArray>> <</if>> <</for>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> <<set $isRepeatVisitScenario to $allHarlots[$hi].receivedSemen>> <<include [[Amoura: Enter Room: Repeat]]>>
Just like Amoura, her room is very full-on. Her massive heart-shaped bed is so big there is barely any space for anything else in the room. Sheets of gossamer-fine pink silk form a canopy above it.<br> <br> As you enter the room, Amoura D'Coeur jumps off her bed and into your arms with a bright smile. She puts her arms around you, presses her buxom body tight to you and greets you with a long passionate kiss that leaves you breathless.<br> <br> "We're not your regular whores in here," Amoura says, relishing your look of surprise. "I love greeting my visitors with a good snog."<br> <br> She looks down at your hands.<br> <br> "Now, what have you brought me?"<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: Gift]]
You give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 11>> <<include [[Amoura: Gift: Heart]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 1>> <<include [[Amoura: Gift: Chocolates]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Amoura: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(14)>> <<include [[Amoura: Gift: Body Parts]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(4)>> <<include [[Amoura: Gift: Romantic]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(6)>> <<include [[Amoura: Gift: Smutty]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Amoura: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> <<if $isRepeatVisitScenario>> Amoura places your gift in a bedside drawer and turns back to you. She looks as gorgeous as before, but there's a predatory – //hungry// – edge that was not as prominent before.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: Repeat: Magic]] <<else>> She places the gift in a little set of pink drawers and returns to give you another long passionate kiss.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: Undress]] <</if>>
<<if $isRepeatVisitScenario>> "Ooh, a heart," Amoura says. "I love hearts."<br> <br> Then, as you watch on in horror, she takes a bite out of it as if it's a ripe peach. Blood stains her chin.<br> <br> "What's the matter, dear?" Amoura asks. "I am a daemon."<br> <br> You know she is. You just didn't expect to be reminded of it... in such brutal fashion. <<else>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "Aw, a heart. I love hearts," she says. <</if>>
<<if $isRepeatVisitScenario>> "Mmm, these look scrumptious... but not as scrumptious as you."<br> <br> She stares down at your crotch and your loins seem to heat up under her gaze. <<else>> "These look scrumptious," she says. <</if>>
<<if $isRepeatVisitScenario>> "Oh how lovely," she says.<br> <br> She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you and gives it a sniff.<br> <br> "You made a good choice."<br> <br> Her hot gaze turns down to your crotch.<br> <br> "It will be wonderful." <<else>> "Oh, how lovely," she says.<br> <br> She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you and gives it a sniff.<br> <br> "Hmm, but it does present me with a dilemma. My rules, you see."<br> <br> She looks you up and down.<br> <br> "Mmm. Maybe we'll be able to work something out." <</if>>
<<if $isRepeatVisitScenario>> Amoura tsks as she sees the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Surely you could have found a better cut. Doesn't $ leave out fresh hearts anymore?" <<else>> Amoura looks disappointed. "Not exactly a choice cut," she says disdainfully. <</if>>
<<if $isRepeatVisitScenario>> "Nice, but I'm in the mood for something more... physical," Amoura says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> Her hot stare down at your crotch makes that very clear! <<else>> "Oh, how romantic," she says. <</if>>
<<if $isRepeatVisitScenario>> "What a filthy mind you have," she says. "You're really going to enjoy what I'm going to do to you."<br> <br> She turns her hot gaze down to your crotch. <<else>> "My, what a filthy mind you have," she says.<br> <br> She gives you a saucy wink.<br> <br> "So do I." <</if>>
<<if $isRepeatVisitScenario>> "That's not important. There are other things I want."<br> <br> She stares down at your crotch and your loins heat up beneath her sultry gaze. <<else>> "Oh... nice," she says. <</if>>
You're completely enveloped in her femininity. It's an overwhelming aura that sets your heart pounding and sends your blood coursing through your veins. You're powerless in the grip of it and find yourself returning her kiss with the same passion.<br> <br> Amoura's hands slide under your top and she quickly gets down to undressing you. That part passes in a blur as your clothes are discarded in a pile. Amoura leads you on to her massive bed.<br> <br> Her bed is enormous. You reckon the heart-shaped mattress could easily fit seven people lying next to each other. It feels soft and springy beneath you and the red sheets feel silky-smooth to the touch.<br> <br> Amoura slides up on her back to the head of the bed and lies there with her arms stretched out across the sheets, her body clearly open in invitation. She looks gorgeous and otherworldly, and laid out before you like a banquet.<br> <br> She's clearly not human. And that's not just in her perky red horns, or the dainty little bat wings pressed to the mattress beneath her, or the whip-thin red tail that coils around her left leg and terminates in a devil's point. She's a perfect avatar of lust. Too perfect. No human woman could contain the overwhelming sexuality contained within her trim little form. Her boobs are swollen with it – two huge soft globes on the front of her chest that are more bulging and full than should be possible for a woman of her slender build. Her hips are swollen with it – giving her a curvaceous, hourglass figure that should only exist in sexy artistic caricature.<br> <br> You crawl up to her on your hands and knees, and then, when she holds out her arms in invitation, fall helplessly into her embrace.<br> <br> She meets you with hot wet kisses that set your blood on fire. You return them with the same passion as she wraps her arms around you. Then after nearly drowning you completely in her feminine sensuality, Amoura lets you come up for air while she removes the last of her clothes.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: Fondling]]
She unhooks her scandalously red love-heart bra and tosses it aside. You stare in wonderment at the bulging loveliness of her exposed breasts. Like her bra, her pale pink areolae are also shaped like cartoon love hearts. It's unusual, but the bulging curves of her tits are so perfect, it's no more than an afterthought.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> Amoura takes your hands and presses them to her swollen breasts. You marvel at their weight and softness beneath your fingers.<br> <br> "You don't need to hold back," Amoura says. "Trust your instincts and let them take the lead."<br> <br> You don't hold back. <<else>> You clasp your hands to her swollen tits and give them an experimental squeeze. The flesh feels soft and weighty beneath your grasping fingers. You squeeze and fondle them while Amoura moans and sighs erotically beneath you.<br> <br> "Oh yes. I see you need little encouragement to ravish me," Amoura says.<br> <br> <</if>> You press your face into her cleavage as Amoura bows her spine to meet you. Your nose is filled with her perfume as you nuzzle between her lovely soft tits.<br> <br> While your attention is lost between her boobs, Amoura wriggles out of her panties and kicks them to the side. When you come up for air, Amoura pushes your chest upright and directs your attention down to her crotch. At first you don't even notice she's taken her panties off. There is a discoloration, a pale patch of pink skin, shaped – as with her areolae – like a big cartoon love heart. It's roughly the same size and shape as her heart-shaped panties, so it isn't until you see the fleshy folds of her sex that you realise she's now naked.<br> <br> Amoura smiles filthily at you. She reaches down and parts her labia to reveal the moist treasures hidden within.<br> <br> "It's time," she says. "Put it in."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: Sex]]
Your head is full of hot steam. You steer your dick to the gaping opening and plunge down inside. Her pussy feels incredible – soft, warm, tight. Your gasps entwine with Amoura's erotic moans as you sink all the way into her.<br> <br> You pump your hips up and down and feel luscious, slick friction as your cock slides back and forth inside her vagina. Amoura thrusts her hips back at you and drives you crazy with little twists and wriggles. She pulls you down on top of her and her big boobs feel like soft pillows against your chest.<br> <br> While you keep pumping away, Amoura wraps her legs around and hooks her feet over your calves. She slides her ankles against your legs as she writhes beneath you like a cat. Her arms loosely encircle your upper back. She rakes her long nails down your spine and jolts you into more powerful thrusts. She sighs and moans in your ear and then playfully nips your neck.<br> <br> Even though you're on top, you don't feel in control. You feel like a runaway cart careering down the side of a steep hill. A shivering in your balls indicates a crash is coming, and with it a big explosion.<br> <br> "Give it to me," Amoura whispers.<br> <br> <<include [[Amoura: Semen Check]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Amoura: Out of Semen 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Amoura: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Her pussy seems to //melt// around you. The fleshy walls press in and completely engulf your cock. You feel a strange, weirdly insistent tug. Your whole body goes taut. You rear up and gasp as that strangely tickly, //tugging// sensation of her vagina pulls down the final barrier. You groan and feel your cock throb powerfully inside her as you empty a great stream of cum into the cloying, fleshy grip of her sex. Then you collapse down on her. The molten flesh of her vagina continues to squeeze and undulate around your cock as she milks out the last drops of your ejaculate.<br> <br> "Mmm, that was lovely," Amoura whispers in your ear. "So much lovely cum inside me."<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].receivedSemen to true>> [[Continue.->Amoura: Post-Orgasm]]
Her pussy seems to //melt// around you. The fleshy walls press in and completely engulf your cock. You feel a strange, weirdly insistent tug. Your whole body goes taut. You rear up. That strangely tickly, //tugging// sensation of her vagina grips you...<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: Out of Semen 2]]
You lie on top of Amoura, completely spent. Amoura runs her hands over your shoulder blades and ruffles the hair on the back of your head.<br> <br> "It will give up all your secrets," Amoura whispers in your ear.<br> <br> Her feet rub against the back of your legs. A hand strays lower and a long finger tickles between your ass cheeks.<br> <br> "Show me how to enslave you with sensual pleasures."<br> <br> Her pussy heats up around your cock. A warm glow surrounds your loins. You feel like you can go again and a powerful urge to do so.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Amoura: Post-Orgasm: 1st Visit]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Amoura: Post-Orgasm: 2nd Visit]]>> <</if>><br> <br> She rolls you onto your side and snuggles up next to you on the bed. You appreciate getting a chance to unscramble your thoughts, but most of all, you appreciate Amoura's warm body holding you, cuddling you, for longer.<br> <br> Amoura kisses you on the cheek and then on the lips. She stares into your eyes.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "You'll have to be patient," she says.<br> <br> She stops snuggling you and slides up to the head of the bed. She sits up with her arms stretched over the red love-heart pillows and looks radiantly gorgeous.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: End: Black Rose Variant]] <<else>> "See, I told you it would be safe with me. We're not all merciless soul-draining monsters in here. Some of us just want a good hard fuck."<br> <br> And a good hard fuck is what you've just received.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: End: Normal Variant]] <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> Sadly, it would appear the session is over. You slide to the end of the massive heart-shaped mattress, let your feet fall off the end and stand up. You retrieve your discarded clothes and put them back on.<br> <br> "I won't forget," Amoura says.<br> <br> /* Give player the enslavement ailment and schedule Amoura to appear again the next round */ <<set _ailment to 0>> <<set $allAilments[0].harlot to $hi>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $targetRound to $currentRound + 1>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Schedule Override Visit]]>> <<include [[Amoura: Good End]]>>
Unfortunately, you can't stay here all night, as much as you'd love to. <<if $player.currIsSlutty>>You<<else>>You give her a little peck on the cheek, then you<</if>> slide to the end of the massive heart-shaped mattress, let your feet fall off the end and stand up. You retrieve your discarded clothes and put them back on.<br> <br> Amoura is sitting up at the head of the bed with her arms stretched out over the red love-heart pillows. She looks radiantly glorious.<br> <br> <<include [[Amoura: Good End]]>>
Languidly, she points down at your crotch and curls her finger in a come hither gesture. You jolt in surprise as your penis swings upright and hardens back into full erection. For a brief moment you're worried you might have creamed your underpants, but it's a pleasurable throb that stops short of actual ejaculation.<br> <br> There is a knowing glimmer in Amoura's smile.<br> <br> "When you come inside a succubus, you leave a part of yourself with her," Amoura says.<br> <br> She puts her hand to her mouth and blows you a kiss. It materialises as an actual heart-shaped bubble. It floats through the air and pops against your lips. A pleasant warm glow of bliss enfolds you.<br> <br> "Next time," Amoura says, giving you a sexy wink.<br> <br> You blow the gorgeous creature a kiss back and walk to the door with a spring in your step.<br> <br> /* scoring - moved earlier to distinguish between repeat visit option */ /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Amoura: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $isRepeatVisitScenario>>
Then, as if flipping a switch, Amoura releases you.<br> <br> "...but it would tear you to pieces and that would break my rule of never taking a man's soul on the first date."<br> <br> She shifts position under you, rubbing her big soft boobs against your chest.<br> <br> "I've become fond of sticking to the rules. $ is right. It makes the seduction and eventual consumption of the prey so much more... satisfying."<br> <br> Her nostrils flare and her pussy gives your cock a cheeky squeeze.<br> <br> Amoura rolls you onto your back and climbs off you.<br> <br> "Consider yourself lucky," she says. "Any other harlot and you'd be all dried up and your soul torn out."<br> <br> Amoura smiles and rubs her nose against yours.<br> <br> "I have my rules. I never take a man's soul on the first date. So off you go."<br> <br> She leans over to give you an affectionate kiss on the forehead.<br> <br> You feel a strange mix of relief and disappointment as you slide off the end of the bed and retrieve your clothes.<br> <br> Amoura sits up at the head of the bed with her arms stretched out over the red love-heart pillows. She looks radiantly gorgeous.<br> <br> "Oh, and go and visit the nurse before you see anyone else. She sells tonics that will fill those back up."<br> <br> She gestures to your balls between your legs.<br> <br> "If you see another harlot like this, she'll kill you and it might not be all that pleasant, so get that sorted out first. And who knows, maybe we'll get another chance and you can fill my cunt with your lovely cum."<br> <br> She blows you a kiss and you turn and leave.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* no faction increase */ <<include [[Amoura: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br><br> "I remember hearing she likes hearts. I didn't think it meant that sort of heart, although in here I shouldn't really be surprised."<br> <br> He sighs wearily as he records notes in his little black book.<br> <br> <<elseif _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <br><br> $ glances up from his notebook to stare at you.<br> <br> "You say you gave her a black rose? Are you sure?"<br> <br> You nod.<br> <br> $ shakes his head and mutters as he ducks back down into his notebook.<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
/* repeat visit dialogue takes precedence in case of multiple visits being scored at once */ <<if _scoreArray[4][1] and not _osa[4][2]>> "I rarely hear from anyone returning from her room for a second time. I wonder if it has anything to do with your... how should I put this... performance problems on the first visit. Or maybe something else. Maybe she's just taken a liking to you."<br> <br> He shuffles in his seat and looks down contemplatively at the table.<br> <br> "I cannot see her again until I'm sure."<br> <br> He looks up at you with bright, feverish eyes.<br> <br> "See her again. I'll pay handsomely for the information." <<else>> <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> "You're a lucky man," $ says. "If any of the other horrors in here had caught you empty..."<br> <br> He makes a horrid liquid slurping sound and mimes a knife across his throat.<br> <br> "Amoura is one of the more... cultured ones. <<else>> "Ah, Amoura. She's one of the nicer ones in here. <</if>> I've visited her myself and found her to be most... charming."<br> <br> $'s whiskers twitch as he smiles at the memory. It's a smile that leaves you with a strong urge to go and wash your hands.<br> <br> "I've not seen her since. I've thought about it." He frowns. "I have these nagging... concerns. Silly really."<br> <br> He drums his fingers on the table.<br> <br> "Tell you what. Visit her again and I'll pay you twice as much for the information." <</if>>
Just like Amoura, her room is very full-on. Her massive heart-shaped bed is so big there is barely any space for anything else in the room. Sheets of gossamer-fine pink silk form a canopy above it.<br> <br> As you enter the room, Amoura springs off the bed and greets you with another passionate kiss.<br> <br> "Mmm, I remember <<if $isRepeatVisitScenario>> you. We're going to have even more sexy fun together," she says.<br> <br> She smiles and rubs her nose against yours.<br> <br> "What have you brought me this time?" <<else>> you."<br> <br> Her hand goes down to your crotch. There is a pause. A little wrinkle of a frown briefly crinkles Amoura's brow.<br> <br> "Ah yes. There was that unfortunate little... performance problem last time," she says.<br> <br> Seeing your dismay she hurriedly reassures you.<br> <br> "Don't feel bad about it. You're in a house filled with hungry succubi. Even the most virile of men would find themselves running empty at some point in the evening. No matter. I'm sure you've paid a visit to the nurse like I told you to. Her tonics have a wondrously reinvigorating effect on a man's body."<br> <br> She gives your genitals a cheeky squeeze through your trousers.<br> <br> "So, don't worry. We'll have as much fun as before and this time you can end with giving my pussy a lovely big cream pie."<br> <br> She looks down at your hands.<br> <br> "Now, what have you brought me?" <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: Gift]]
"Time to let you in on a little secret," Amoura says, her eyes and smile sly. "I belong to a rather specialised breed of succubus. While we have access to powerful magic, it also comes with equally restrictive constraints. We cannot use it to its full extent unless certain conditions are met. An offering needs to be made. A gesture of consent, if you will."<br> <br> Amoura smiles and her eyes glimmer filthily.<br> <br> "Put crudely, they need to spunk their semen inside me."<br> <br> Her strange love-heart irises glow with unearthly pink light.<br> <br> "Once that condition is met, my type of succubus is granted complete control over a person."<br> <br> To demonstrate, Amoura points a finger down at your crotch and bends it back in a hook.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: Repeat: Magic Ejaculation]]
/* Doesn't matter if player runs out */ <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> You double over in shocked surprise as you suddenly – and explosively – come in your pants. It's no small ejaculation either. It feels like the kind of outpouring that could only result from a long intimate session of lovemaking with plenty of edging. Except you don't have that long period to prepare you. It comes out of nowhere – a massive ejaculation that floods your underwear, leaving it wet and sticky.<br> <br> The force and surprise of the unexpected ejaculation leaves you as weak as a kitten, barely able to stand on wobbly legs. You can't do anything as Amoura strides imperiously over to you, gathers you up in her arms and plants another suffocating kiss on your lips.<br> <br> She lifts you up off the floor with a sweep of her wings. There is a brief moment of discombobulation – both from her kiss and the aftermath of that unnatural, explosive orgasm – before you realise you've been tossed onto your back on the big soft bed.<br> <br> Amoura hovers above the foot of the bed like a vampire come for you in the dead of night. You don't think it's your blood she's come for.<br> <br> "Now you just lie back and I'll do everything," Amoura says.<br> <br> She puts her hands together to form a heart. She blows into it and a bubble of pink energy emerges from the other side. It expands out into a giant cartoon love heart. Still expanding, it drifts over the bed and settles over you like a warm duvet. Despite looking as ethereal as a bubble, it feels as heavy as sandbags and pins you down to the soft mattress.<br> <br> "I promise you'll enjoy this," Amoura says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: Repeat: Lick Underpants]]
The bubble of energy is seemingly insubstantial to Amoura. Purring with pleasure, she lands astride your legs and goes to work on your trousers. In a frenzy, she unbuckles and pulls them down and off your legs. Your underpants follow.<br> <br> How much did Amoura make you come? Your underpants are sodden and dripping.<br> <br> Their seediness doesn't seem to bother Amoura. In contrast, she seems to relish them being wet and slimed with your issue. Rather than discarding them, she brings them up to her nose and takes a long sniff.<br> <br> "Ah, that stench," she says. "How I adore it."<br> <br> She opens her mouth and a long serpentine tongue emerges. It's too long and pointed to be mistaken for a human's. She licks the inside of your underpants, scooping up your spilled seed and savouring it as if licking a deluxe ice cream. The first couple of licks are dainty, then she abandons all pretences of decorum to lick at your pants like a starving dog. She even places them in her mouth and sucks as if she can't bear to miss a single drop.<br> <br> "Ah, lovely," Amoura says.<br> <br> She balls up your underpants and tosses them aside. She unhooks and does the same to her bra. Her lovely swollen boobs swing free, giving you another look at her nipples and her unusual heart-shaped areolae.<br> <br> She turns her attentions back to you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: Repeat: Paizuri]]
You're unsure about this. Amoura is semi-naked and still looks stunningly gorgeous. But she also looks feral and hungry. Very feral.<br> <br> Not that you can do anything about it. Despite looking as insubstantial as a soap bubble, the soft cushion of glowing pink energy keeps you firmly pinned to the mattress.<br> <br> "Mmm, I like to show restraint for the first time," Amoura says. "On the second... I feast."<br> <br> She plunges down into your lap. She leads with her lovely soft round boobs. You feel them press against your crotch. Amoura wraps them around your penis. She presses her hands against the sides and plumps them like big soft pillows around your cock. With each soft squeeze your cock rises up a couple of centimetres. It hardens to full erection and grows still further. It rises up out of the top of Amoura's lovely lush cleavage. Her ministrations have added at least an inch to your usual length.<br> <br> Amoura coos with pleasure. Her lips bunch up in a luscious ring. She bobs her head down and the swollen and straining head of your cock is drawn into the hot and steamy cave of her mouth.<br> <br> Her supple lips brush up and down your shaft as she bobs her head up in a very wet and sloppy blowjob. It's a really thorough blowjob that sets your nerves thrumming. Your buttocks tense and raise your hips up off the mattress. Your head tips back on the pillow as you're overwhelmed by the sensation.<br> <br> Amoura presses her soft tits around the base of your erection. Her lips wrap around the head of your cock. You hear loud slurping sounds and your member is gripped by wet suction. Your hips buck, but it's not time yet.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: Repeat: Blowjob]]
/* Doesn't matter if player runs out */ <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> Amoura goes back to bobbing her head up and down. Deeper now. She takes in your whole length and goes down deep enough for her lips to kiss the root. The head of your cock is swallowed by the back of her throat and the fleshy walls pinch in.<br> <br> Amoura's cheeks suck in and then it comes. You hear wet slobbery sounds, but it's the feel that drowns out everything else as your cock is gripped by a powerful vacuum fellatio. This is far too powerful to withstand.<br> <br> You're not even sure if you come. The suction is so powerful it feels like Amoura is sucking the cum right out of your balls. Then the familiar throbbing bliss kicks in as semen rushes up your shaft and spurts down the back of Amoura's throat.<br> <br> It lasts a long time. Amoura doesn't seem to need to breathe. She sucks in her cheeks and sucks the cum out of you in a long pulsing flood. Then, having guzzled her fill, she lifts her head up and lets out a satisfied 'ah'.<br> <br> Beneath her your cock keeps throbbing. Milky fluid oozes from the tip in pulsing dribbles. It's like a broken tap. As if she sucked so hard she broke something and left a valve fixed open.<br> <br> You feel it in other places as well – a weariness in your bones.<br> <br> That was too forceful. Too draining. And you don't think Amoura is anywhere near done.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: Repeat: Cowgirl]]
You try to spur your weak limbs into action. The cushion of pink energy – while warm, soft and seemingly ephemeral – keeps you firmly pinned to the mattress. Your hands can do nothing more than clutch at the silk sheets.<br> <br> Amoura sees your trepidation and laughs. "There is no need to be fearful. A succubus's prey feels only the greatest pleasure as she consumes him."<br> <br> She lifts her upper body and moves up your body until her crotch is level with yours.<br> <br> "Mmm. You've fed one of my mouths. Now it's time to slake the thirst of the other."<br> <br> She lifts her hips up and then down on your cock in one smooth movement. There's barely any friction as your dribbling erection pushes between the soft folds of her labia and up into the fleshy heat of her sex.<br> <br> It is hot. Warmer than a human vagina, but not enough to be uncomfortable. Amoura moans erotically and slowly pumps her hips up and down. You get to admire the view as her lovely round boobs with their unusual heart-shaped areolae bounce up and down as she straddles you. You get to experience the lovely soft folds of her sex stroking up and down your cock. The pleasure is unearthly.<br> <br> Amoura does not restrain herself for long. With a long sigh, she settles all the way down on your erection. The walls of her vagina, already soft like opulent cushions, swell up around your cock to form a luxuriously snug fit. The swelling forms a tight seal around the root of your cock. The head is drawn up and through into a secret, forbidden chamber.<br> <br> This is not a womb.<br> <br> You realise this as Amoura starts in earnest. She sighs. Your cock is again gripped by powerful vacuum suction. Within Amoura's body it throbs and pulses like the beat of a great heart. Your body starts to jerk and buck in time to each throb.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: Repeat: Bad End]]
Your body, perhaps sensing its imminent destruction, tries desperately to hold on. It's all in vain. You're completely in thrall to those great throbbing sucks. They pull at you, lift your hips up off the mattress, then something finally breaks. You let out a loud orgasmic cry of release as the ejaculation bursts up out of you in a great spout. Amoura rides you and moans erotically as her body pumps the cum out of you. You don't even know where it's coming from. It keeps pouring and pouring out of you in a great throbbing flood. Your strength – and warmth – seems to pour out with it. Amoura feasts on the flow of energy surging from you in massive throbbing pulses.<br> <br> She tilts her head to look down at you and smiles beatifically.<br> <br> "I won't let you suffer," she says.<br> <br> With her vagina still pumping the energy from your body, she lies down and wraps her arms around you. She lifts you up off the mattress enough to slide her wings in underneath. She wraps you in a perfumed cocoon and presses her warm body against you. Her soft supple lips press against yours in a final kiss.<br> <br> The throbbing suction slows right down and Amoura drains the last dregs from your body with gentle pulses. She drags it out and savours every last drop. True to her word, you feel nothing but sensual bliss as you slowly slide into darkness and out of this world.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Amoura: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> Then, as if Amoura flicks a switch on an electric circuit, the urge is gone.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "Ah, but my rules," she says. <<else>> "We'll save that for another time," she whispers in your ear. <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> "This is the second time you've come to my room," Amoura says, rather ominously.<br> <br> You feel a strange expectation grow. As if Amoura is preparing to give you a massive suck with her vagina far greater in power than anything before. Then, as if flicking a switch, the moment passes. Amoura's pussy relaxes around your cock.<br> <br> "Ah, but that first time doesn't count. We never got a chance to consummate our relationship."<br> <br> She whispers in your ear.<br> <br> "Now we have. <<if $cgi eq 0>> Come to me again and I'll give you what you want." <<else>> If you really want me to show you the full range of pleasures I can give you, pick me again." <</if>>
"You're empty," she says. "My sisters have already completely drained your balls. Tsk, $ usually lets me see the men before they get to this state."<br> <br> She holds you lightly and runs her hands over your shoulder blades and ruffles the hair on the back of your head. Her feet rub against the back of your legs. Her vagina continues to gently pulsate around your cock.<br> <br> "Mmm. I could still make you come..."<br> <br> Amoura wraps her arms and legs tighter around you. Her pussy contracts around your cock. That strange unnatural trickly //tugging// sensation starts up again. Your whole body goes taut in the grip of it.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: Out of Semen: Good End]]
Amoura rolls you onto your back and sits up astride you.<br> <br> "Again?"<br> <br> She looks down at you. Her pretty face is clouded with anger.<br> <br> "I told you to visit the nurse."<br> <br> She tsks.<br> <br> "I am a fair succubus. I am a patient succubus. However, I have limits and I absolutely do not take kindly to men trying the take advantage of my restraint."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Amoura: Out of Semen: Horror End]]
Amoura's face is stern and angry. A contrast to the rest of her lovely body, which is currently locked together with yours in lustful copulation. She shifts position on top of you and manoeuvres your misbehaving cock inside her. That feels strangely as if she's trying out a key inside a lock. And then, with a little twist, she unlocks... something.<br> <br> Amoura holds out her left hand. It glows with strange pink energy.<br> <br> "I don't need your semen for this," she says. "Your penis inside me will suffice."<br> <br> She makes a pulling gesture with her hand. You feel an agonising wrench in your chest. Your heart bursts out through your ribcage in a spray of gore. Surrounded by pink light, it flies to Amoura's hand and she catches it as if it's a ball.<br> <br> You live long enough to see Amoura bring her hand to her mouth and take a bite out of your still-beating heart as if it's a ripe peach.<br> <br> <<include [[Amoura: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
...and nothing happens. You're stuck, spinning madly between a desire to come and yet unable to attain climax.<br> <br> Amoura could torture you by holding you in that state indefinitely. Instead, she relents. Her vagina relaxes around your cock and that tickly, irresistible //tug// is turned off as if she's flipped a switch. As if released from an electric current, you flop down on top of her.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Amoura: Out of Semen: 1st Visit]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Amoura: Out of Semen: 2nd Visit]]>> <</if>>
<<set $player.semenCount to 10>>
<<if $player.roomScores[$rsi].isMultipleVisits>> "You visited Amoura D'Coeur more than once?"<br> <br> $ seems very excited as he brings out his notepad and pen.<br> <br> <<elseif _isRepeatVisit>> "You visited Amoura D'Coeur a second time?"<br> <br> $ seems very excited as he brings out his notepad and pen.<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro]]>> <</if>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set $ to 4>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 71>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Eve Satana */ <<set $hi to 71>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Eve Satana", shortDescription: "", faction: 4, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, isIrresistibleToAilment: 1, hasSpokenToNpcGossip: false, contractOptionsHeard: [false,false,false], hasFormedContract: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Eve Satana: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Eve Satana: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Eve Satana: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Eve Satana: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Eve Satana: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Eve Satana: Scenario", customPathToRoomBeforeGift: "Eve Satana: Custom Path To Room", customLeaveText: "Eve Satana: Custom Leave Text", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Eve Satana: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Eve Satana: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Eve Satana: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a tall amazon of a woman with long wavy blonde hair and quite possibly the biggest tits in the world. She's accompanied by a slender woman in a purple crushed-velvet dress.">>
/* Madam intro */ "Ooh hoo," $ says. "This is an extra special treat. We don't have her in very often. All the way from the fleshpits of Hamburg, this is the incomparable Mistress Eve Satana!"<br> <br> She whispers to you behind her hand.<br> <br> "Yes. They are real."<br> <br> /* Long description */ There are not really words to describe Mistress Eve Satana. The House, being full of supernaturally attractive succubi and other lust daemons, has some spectacularly well-endowed women. Eve Satana surpasses them all. Her tits are enormous flesh-coloured balloons. As big, maybe even bigger than beachballs. It's hard to actually tell. They seem to warp the space around them. Your eyes tell you they're gargantuan – as big as a man! Yet that can't be possible as while Satana is tall, she's still human-sized. It twists your mind just to look at them.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> And look at them you must. They're perfect. Beyond perfect. Your Adam's apple bobs. Your heart races at the thought of pressing your face – your whole body even – between them.<br> <br> <</if>> They're also fully exposed. Eve Satana is not wearing anything to cover either them or the rest of her body. She's completely naked. You can see her dark pink nipples surrounded by areolae the size of saucers. The rest of her body is also complete knockout. She's as tall as an amazon and has the long flowing blonde hair and bright blue eyes of a top American cheerleader.<br> <br> She's accompanied by a smaller, slighter woman wearing a purple crushed-velvet dress. Her dusky, dark-eyed face is curtained on either side by waterfalls of tight black ringlets.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ It's the smaller woman that approaches.<br> <br> "Hello brave adventurer, do you wish to ascend the peaks of pleasure of the incomparable Madam Eve Satana? Will you be able to challenge her mammaries of majesty and conquer her boobs of bliss?"<br> <br> Her voice is as smooth and sultry as her dress, with a slight German accent. <br>
When $ returns, it's not just with Eve Satana. The mysterious slighter woman with the purple crushed-velvet dress is also present. Both accompany you into the bar. You take a seat at one of the circular tables and Eve Satana and her friend sit opposite. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Eve Satana: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Eve Satana: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "Ah, ein geizhals," the woman in the purple crushed-velvet says.<br> <br> "Er wird auf der bühne bezahlen," Eve Satana says.<br> <br> Both chuckle darkly to each other as they get up and leave.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you, a glass of red wine for the mysterious woman in the purple crushed-velvet dress, and a tall glass of milk for Eve Satana.<br> <br> You look both over while you drink. Eve Satana is not wearing any clothes and seems unconcerned about being completely naked. Her tits are quite simply awe-inspiring. You don't think you've ever seen a pair as big, and that includes the exaggerated proportions of anime. Eve Satana's tits are simply enormous – gigantic fleshy balloons topped with plate-like areolae and nipples like bolts. You find it <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>>impossible<<else>>difficult<</if>> to look away <<if _hasAilment>>and keep focus<</if>> during the conversation.<br> <br> The other woman does all the talking. It lends proceedings a strangely professional affair, as if you're negotiating a business deal rather than out on a date.<br> <br> Throughout it, Eve Satana remains silent. She has a strange warping effect on your gaze. At times she seems an intimidating presence – looming over the table like a monstrous giant or ogress. Yet, when you look at her directly, you'd swear she's just a regular – albeit tall and ludicrously busty – human. You cannot confidently ascertain what her actual size is.<br> <br> Her companion gets to the meat of the conversation.<br> <br> "We are visitors – guests – here. Unlike the other harlots, we have no room. If you wish to indulge in the bounteous pleasures of Madam Eve Satana's body, it will be down here, out on the stage for all to see."<br> <br> She gestures over to one of the side stages. A particularly nubile succubus is currently engaged in a salacious striptease.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Eve Satana: Socialising: Drinking 2]]
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip to true>> "Eve Satana? Ah, the exhibitionist, are we?" $ says with a filthy chuckle.<br> <br> She smiles at your nonplussed expression.<br> <br> "Eve Satana and her companion are visiting guests. They have no rooms here. If you want to fuck Eve Satana, it will be out there."<br> <br> She gestures over to one of the side stages, where a particularly nubile succubus is currently engaged in a salacious striptease.<br> <br> "They like to put on a show. Though the male performer usually finds themselves overshadowed by Eve Satana's magnificent assets... in a more personal manner than they might have anticipated."<br> <br> $ chuckles nastily.<br> <br> "As visitors, they are not formally bound by the rules of the House, but they will adhere to $'s wishes out of respect. You can survive to the encore. Eve Satana and her companion are from an old clan. They follow the //Karnevilzgesetzer//. If you meet with them beforehand and ask to contract with them according to the old ways, they will not break it."<br> <br> $ tsks and pulls a face.<br> <br> "Ah, but the language is archaic. You will need to specify exactly which role you're contracting for. I think they come from the tarot, although I might have that backwards. Either way, the language is very particular."<br> <br> She pauses.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, extrasLink: "Eve Satana: Gossip Extras 0", text: "\"Now, what is the phrase? I think it's //'Ishubaniamer dirolla des narr'//\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, extrasLink: "Eve Satana: Gossip Extras 1", text: "\"I'm never quite sure of the phrase. It might be //'Ishubaniamer dirolla des gehancktermann'//\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, extrasLink: "Eve Satana: Gossip Extras 2", text: "\"I can never quite remember what the right phrase is. Maybe it's //'Ishubaniamer dirolla des teufel'//\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Eve Satana: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Eve Satana: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
The woman in the purple crushed-velvet dress smiles at you.<br> <br> "Ah, I see your concern. You don't want to say it, most men don't. You fear whether you'll be able to perform with the eyes of everyone on you."<br> <br> It is a legitimate concern. In a private room, not a problem. Out here, in front of everyone, that's a different prospect.<br> <br> The woman in the purple crushed-velvet dress laughs. "You have nothing to fear. Mistress Eve Satana is wondrously talented and extremely experienced. She will not allow your little man to suffer from stage fright."<br> <br> She droops her finger and stares down at your crotch.<br> <br> "Now is there anything you wish to know?"<br> <br> [[Is it safe?->Eve Satana: Socialising: Is It Safe]] <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip>> <br> [[Tell them you'd wish to form a contract.->Eve Satana: Socialising: Contract]] <</if>>
You ask if the show is safe.<br> <br> The woman in the purple crushed-velvet dress chuckles darkly.<br> <br> "Few things in life are ever truly safe, //liebling//. And those that are, are seldom interesting. To truly experience the full pleasures life has to offer, a man must take risks."<br> <br> She stares at you with dark eyes.<br> <br> "And risks are never safe."<br> <br> They finish their drinks and leave. You note that she never properly answered your question.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Remembering $'s words, you tell them you wish to form a contract with them, according to the old ways.<br> <br> "Ah, a contract. According to the old ways. And those are?" the woman in the purple crushed-velvet dress asks with a mischievous glint in her eyes.<br> <br> You come up blank.<br> <br> The woman in the purple crushed-velvet dress laughs.<br> <br> "It is okay. You are human. I would not expect you to know our ways. There are rules we follow. Both those of the madam of this establishment and those of our own. Ours revolve around the //Karnevilzgesetzer// and the roles of all participants involved. You may contract with us to determine your role within the upcoming show."<br> <br> The woman in the purple crushed-velvet dress shares a glance with Eve Satana.<br> <br> "However, the language involved is very formal and archaic to your modern tongue. I'm sure this will not be a problem. If //der alter petzefrau// has told you of the //Karnevilzgesetzer//..."<br> <br> The woman in the purple crushed-velvet dress looks over to where $ is sitting over by the bar.<br> <br> "...she must also have told you the phrase to spake."<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].contractOptionsHeard[0]>> [[Ishubaniamer dirolla des narr.->Eve Satana: Socialising: Choose Contract][$allHarlots[$hi].hasFormedContract to false]]<br> <</if>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].contractOptionsHeard[1]>> [[Ishubaniamer dirolla des gehancktermann.->Eve Satana: Socialising: Choose Contract][$allHarlots[$hi].hasFormedContract to false]]<br> <</if>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].contractOptionsHeard[2]>> [[Ishubaniamer dirolla des teufel.->Eve Satana: Socialising: Choose Contract][$allHarlots[$hi].hasFormedContract to true]]<br> <</if>>
<<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Has Formed Contract: $allHarlots[$hi].hasFormedContract''<br> <br> <</if>> The woman in the purple crushed-velvet dress smiles.<br> <br> "Very well. According to the //Karnevilzgesetzer//, the contract is formed."<br> <br> Their drinks finished, the two get up and return to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [6,false,false] /* Survives */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Eve Satana: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Eve Satana: First-Time Scenario]]>>
A black velvet curtain at the back of the stage is pulled back. A large round bed covered in soft black leather is pushed out to the front. Eve Satana lounges coquettishly on top of it with her massive breasts resting on top of the smooth black surface.<br> <br> "And right now, for your viewing pleasure, the exceptionally endowed Mistress Eve Satana is going to have sex with one of you lucky guys in the audience."<br> <br> Curious, some of the bar patrons turn their heads to see. Some even continue to watch. Most are too captivated by the attractive women – daemons – sitting opposite them and turn back.<br> <br> "That's right, you heard me correctly," the announcer continues in her soft velvet voice. "A real-life sex show taking place right before your eyes, and one of your own will be taking part."<br> <br> You're glad a lot of the onlookers decided to turn back to their 'dates', as the next moment a jaundiced old spotlight shines down on your naked-but-for-your-underwear body. Fortunately, barely any of the bar patrons and their companions pay you any attention. That doesn't extend to the waitresses. They look at your nearly naked form with hungry eyes.<br> <br> "Please give a big hand to this brave adventurer."<br> <br> You hear a few muted claps. $ seems to be the most keen. She watches from her usual position next to the stage with bright-eyed interest.<br> <br> "So, will our brave explorer be able to scale Mistress Eve Satana's mountainous peaks?"<br> <br> [[Continue.->Eve Satana: Blowjob]]
<<if not $player.currIsSubmissive and not $player.currIsCautious>> You stride boldly up to the stage and climb up. You mug a little for the mostly non-existent audience. If you're going to be in the spotlight you might as well have fun with it. And to be honest, the public exhibitionism of it all does turn you on a little. <<else>> Heart fluttering in your chest, you walk up to the stage. You try to hide your embarrassment but know your face must be as red as a beetroot. Your biggest fear is whether you'll be able to get it up. Satana looks absolutely ravishing, but there's a huge difference between doing this on an open stage rather than in the privacy of a private bedroom. <</if>><br> <br> Eve Satana reaches out and languidly hooks a finger over the elastic of your underwear band. She pulls you forwards until your thighs rest against the side of the bed. She pulls down your underpants and your cock bounces up like a fleshy jack-in-the-box. She wraps one hand around the root and holds you in place as her head dips down and her luscious supple lips wrap around the head.<br> <br> "See how Mistress Eve Satana gets our little explorer all prepped up for his expedition with her outstanding oral skills."<br> <br> Eve Satana draws you into her mouth. She holds you in place with her left hand while she bobs her head back and forth. Her other hand reaches under to fondle and caress your balls.<br> <br> Her technique is mindblowing. She sucks in her cheeks and slowly drags her full lips up the outside of your shaft. It's a long slow suck that sets your toes curling.<br> <br> Then she bobs back down, gobbling you right up and deepthroating the swollen head of your cock. Her cheeks puff in and out. Her tongue does things... you can't describe.<br> <br> Your head tips back and you gasp as she goes back to stroking her lips up and down your shaft. The rest of the room completely fades away. There is only Eve Satana and her blowjob.<br> <br> It's short. Any longer and the 'show' would be over before it's begun. Eve Satana releases your cock from her mouth with a loud smacking sound. A strand of precum dribbles down her chin. She sits up and taps the surface of the bed. You need little encouragement to clamber up and join her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Eve Satana: Pin]]
"I think that's got our little explorer in the mood to overcome his inhibitions," the announcer says.<br> <br> Eve Satana's blowjob has definitely done the trick. Your cock is fully erect and eager to go. No trace of stage fright at all.<br> <br> Eve Satana is a really big girl. Her breasts kind of distract from how tall she is. She's a real amazon. You're both on your knees on the bed and she's a head or more taller than you.<br> <br> Her breasts are so large you're initially at a loss on what you should do with them. You cup a nipple and give it a good grope. Your hands look like those of a child's.<br> <br> "See how Mistress Eve Satana lures her prey in..." The announcer continues to provide commentary.<br> <br> You try to embrace her. Her boobs are just too large. Even with squeezing right into her cleavage, which feels lovely, you still can't get close enough for a kiss.<br> <br> "...and springs her trap."<br> <br> Eve Satana pulls your leg with one hand and pushes you in the chest with the other. You fall backwards and Eve Satana falls on top of you, her massive breasts pinning you to the bed. She smiles at the crowd while you flop around ineffectually underneath her. Fortunately for you, no-one's really paying attention aside from a couple of bored waitresses.<br> <br> Eve Satana reaches underneath her and wraps a hand around your erection. She holds you in place and you feel the heat and moisture of her sex right above it.<br> <br> "Now, with her prey pinned, Mistress Eve Satana can have her way with our poor little doomed explorer."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Eve Satana: Sex]]
Eve Satana slowly lowers herself down on you. You relish the sensation of your cock slowly sliding up into her vagina. Given her slutty appearance and profession, you expected her to be fairly 'loose' down there. Instead she's tight. It's not 'virgin' tight either. It feels more like her pussy wall is lined with deep, soft cushions and Eve Satana can squeeze them right around your cock. Squeeze until it feels comfortably, delectably snug.<br> <br> You lie beneath her while Eve Satana pumps her hips up and down. Her vagina moves up and down your erection with delicious strokes.<br> <br> Eve Satana's massive ungainly tits rest on and squash against your chest. Part of you thinks this must look ridiculous – like a man getting fucked by a pair of giant pink weather balloons. You don't care. The feel of Eve Satana's tight pussy sliding up and down your cock feels too good for you to care about anything else.<br> <br> Under the lights you feel warm and pleasantly sweaty. Eve Satana, especially. You're soaked in the perspiration pouring down off her tits. The sweaty sexy aroma of it excites your nostrils. You start bucking back against her.<br> <br> The moisture gives Eve Satana's boobs a cloying, almost sticky feeling. You feel strange. Like they're stuck to your chest, or you're stuck within her cleavage. The feeling is stronger between her legs. With each upstroke it feels like Eve Satana's pussy doesn't want to relinquish its hold on you. You don't want to be let go either. It feels so good between her legs. Every upstroke brings with it a strong tugging suck on your member.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Eve Satana: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Eve Satana: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Eve Satana: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Eve Satana is so good. Her already-tight pussy narrows further, giving your cock a good squeeze. Your body trembles. You're close.<br> <br> Eve Satana lifts her hips up, almost all the way off you. Then slams them back down. Her soft pussy clenches around your cock.<br> <br> It feels incredible. It should tip you over into climax. Instead you're left agonisingly short. You feel a twinge of complaint from your testicles. You have used them a lot already this evening. Maybe too much. You might be out.<br> <br> "No cum?" Eve Satana queries. "It won't be stage fright. Hmm, you might have seen too many of $'s harlots already this evening."<br> <br> You lie on the big round bed with Eve Satana on top of you. Her massive boobs cover you like an extra warm duvet. The bed is soaked with perspiration.<br> <br> "Don't worry," Eve Satana whispers in your ear. "You will come. The other tarts in here might have drained you, but I can always find more."<br> <br> She gives your ear a lascivious lick.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasFormedContract>> "Unfortunately, this counts as you breaking our contract," she whispers.<br> <br> <</if>> [[Continue.->Eve Satana: Bad End 1]]
You try to hold out for as long as possible. You want to drag out this marvellous sensation for as long as you can. Eve Satana is just too good. Her already-tight pussy narrows further, giving your cock a good squeeze. You start to tremble with each thrust.<br> <br> It's coming...<br> <br> Eve Satana lifts her hips up, almost all the way off you. Then slams them back down. Her soft pussy clenches around your cock.<br> <br> You groan and you feel your cock pulse inside her. You tremble in the grip of a powerful orgasm and empty out a massive, throbbing load inside her. You tense up and hold it while you empty out your balls in a powerful pulsing stream.<br> <br> Then, spent, you lie back on the round bed, panting from the exertion. Eve Satana's massive boobs cover you like an extra warm duvet. Eve Satana's not the only one dripping with perspiration. You're soaked, as is the bed beneath you.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasFormedContract>> [[Continue.->Eve Satana: Good End 1]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Eve Satana: Bad End 1]] <</if>>
"Mmm. Wasn't that hot. What a show."<br> <br> You hear the announcer over the PA. Her voice has a husky, breathy quality to it, as if she's been frigging herself and just come.<br> <br> "Give a big hand to our intrepid explorer. He scaled Eve Satana's Mighty Mammaries and returned to tell the tale.<br> <br> Eve Satana sits up and peels her big tits off you. There is some resistance, as if they're coated in glue rather than perspiration.<br> <br> Eve Satana still has your dick inside her. There is a little smirk on Eve Satana's lips. The cushioned walls of her pussy give you a little squeeze and your cock twitches. You think she could make you come again if she wanted to. Make you come again, and again, and again, and again. Until there were no fluids left and you dried up and died. Her smirk lets you know she could do it... if she wanted to.<br> <br> However, your contract, if that is what it is, holds. Eve Satana gets up off your cock. She stands up on the bed and turns her attention to the audience. She poses for them and blows them kisses. She's the star here. You're just the prop.<br> <br> You lie, flat out, on the mattress while you try to get your breath back.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Eve Satana: Good End 2]]
"Mmm," the announcer says. <<if $isOutOfSemen eq false>>She sounds like she's just come in her knickers.<</if>> "And now we come to the highlight of the evening."<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq false>> Lying under Eve Satana in sweaty bliss, you think the announcer might have been late on that. You've already experienced the 'highlight', and a pretty damn good one it was at that.<br> <br> <</if>> Eve Satana lounges languidly on top of you. Her big boobs are warm soft cushions resting on top of you. You can't resist sliding an arm around to experience their luscious softness.<br> <br> They're so soft your arm sinks right into her boob.<br> <br> You turn to look in surprise. Your arm is buried in her big boob. It's like her tit is made out of warm molten wax. Soft insistent flesh wraps around your limb and begins to tug.<br> <br> "Oh dear. I think our little explorer has got himself stuck," the announcer says. A note of cruel triumph creeps into her voice.<br> <br> Eve Satana sits up, dragging you with her.<br> <br> //What is going on?//<br> <br> The normal rules of reality seem to blur and shift around you. They become as malleable as the flesh of Eve Satana's tit. Perspectives and proportions warp and breakdown completely. One moment Eve Satana's breasts seem to swell up to the size of planets. The next it's you shrinking down to the size of the baby. And then the next, you're back to human-sized and looking on in surprised horror at your arm sunk up to the elbow in Eve Satana's massive breast.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Eve Satana: Bad End 2]]
Assistants dressed in the same sexy bunny costumes as the waitresses appear from backstage and push the big bed back behind the curtains.<br> <br> "A good show," Eve Satana says as the curtain comes down behind you. "A pity it didn't have my usual climax. This is $'s theatre, and I must respect her rules. Maybe another time, another show."<br> <br> Eve Satana smiles at you and drags a massive soft tit over your groin. The surface is strangely soft and tacky. Your erection digs in and you're surprised as your cock twitches and splashes her tit with a little aftermath of an ejaculation.<br> <br> Your issue is immediately absorbed into the pink surface.<br> <br> Eve Satana's smile is sexy, but also predatory. It jolts you out of your languor. You slide off the big round bed. While you can.<br> <br> One of $'s waitresses is waiting with your clothes. She leads you through a back corridor to the shower block, where you can get cleaned up before putting your clothes back on.<br> <br> The assistant waits and watches you the whole time you shower. As gorgeous as she looks, the tension in her body is very obvious. She wants you. Would fuck you right here and now.<br> <br> //Would suck out your soul and consume it.//<br> <br> Only her fear of $ is holding her back.<br> <br> You try to ignore her ravenous gaze as you dry yourself off and put your clothes back on.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Eve Satana: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Thankfully, you can still feel it, somewhere in there. You lean back and try to tug it free.<br> <br> The flesh of Eve Satana's tit is soft and yielding, but also seems as sticky as thick mud. You pull and pull, and for a moment it feels like it might be coming free. Then Eve Satana tenses, her big boob shivers, and your arm sinks right back in, this time beyond your elbow and halfway up your bicep.<br> <br> The announcer chuckles darkly. The sounds pick up strange distortions and harmonics.<br> <br> You pull harder. You start to panic as you realise your arm isn't coming free. Eve Satana watches your struggles with a cruel smile. You tug and tug. Your panic mounts. Reflexively, you put out your other hand to brace against something.<br> <br> Unfortunately that something is Eve Satana's breast.<br> <br> Your other hand sinks right into the soft fleshy surface.<br> <br> "Now there is no escape for our little explorer," the announcer says, her voice grating like plates of metal rubbing together. "Watch in wonder as Mistress Eve Satana's bountiful boob consumes her prey."<br> <br> Reality warps. You can't tell if you've shrunk or Eve Satana has grown giant-size. Only that her boob is now a massive fleshy sphere as big as you. Both of your arms are enfolded in warm flesh and drawn deeper until your body is stretched across the vast pink curve of Eve Satana's breast.<br> <br> "It isn't painful," Eve Satana says.<br> <br> She presses you down on the bed. You still have an erection, to your surprise. It pushes into the soft yielding surface.<br> <br> "I can make it extremely pleasurable. Enjoy the feel of my breast. Doesn't it feel wondrously warm and soft."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Eve Satana: Bad End 3]]
The soft flesh wraps around your erection and gently squeezes. A powerful shuddering orgasm takes all the fight out of you. You spurt semen into her molten flesh. Her breast gratefully accepts first your seed and then your body. The warm flesh flows around and envelops you.<br> <br> "See. My prey never suffer," Eve Satana says.<br> <br> She smiles beatifically down at your still-ejaculating body.<br> <br> "Ah but our elegant Eve Satana is not a harsh huntress. Her prey's end will be a pleasurable one as she enfolds him in the plush pleasures of her opulent flesh. Only a few blessed souls will ever experience the ecstasy that waits in the centre of her beautiful breasts," the announcer says as you're slowly drawn into Eve Satana's massive tit.<br> <br> At first there's a brief moment of panic as you realise you're completely surrounded by her flesh. You thrash your limbs in a futile attempt to escape. Her breast contracts around you, forcing you into a foetal position and wrapping you so tight in soft flesh you can no longer move.<br> <br> Then gentle undulations travel through the flesh and rub against your body. The rocking motions soothe you. It feels warm and comfortable inside her breast. Warm suction plays with your cock and you twitch in pleasure as you release a surge of semen into the centre of the breast. The pleasurable motions continue and you lose yourself in bliss as Eve Satana's luscious boob slowly drains your life one gentle orgasm at a time.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Eve Satana: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<set _optionHeard to 0>> <<include [[Eve Satana: Gossip Extras]]>>
<<set _optionHeard to 1>> <<include [[Eve Satana: Gossip Extras]]>>
<<set _optionHeard to 2>> <<include [[Eve Satana: Gossip Extras]]>>
<<if $isHarlotTesting>> <br> <br> ''Gossip Extras: Option _optionHeard heard.'' <</if>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].contractOptionsHeard[_optionHeard] to true>>
You head towards the left hallway as usual, only for $ to stop you.<br> <br> "Mistress Eve Satana is a special guest here tonight," she says. "We do things a little differently when she's picked."<br> <br> $ escorts you over to one of the side stages and has you wait.<br> <br> "Mistress Eve Satana doesn't have a room here. You don't need to worry about bringing her a gift," $ says. "All you need to bring her is... yourself."<br> <br> She favours you a sly smile as the lights dim in preparation for a show.<br> <br> "Gentleman and daemons, we have a very special entertainment for you," the announcer, currently hidden away in a booth somewhere, breathes into a mic. "Here, live from the fleshpits of Hamburg, is the incomparable Mistress Eve Satana."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Eve Satana: Scenario]]
/* display this rather than usual text when player leaves a harlot's room */ That was... an experience. Any doubts as to whether you'd be able to perform vanished as soon as Eve Satana wrapped her luscious lips around your cock. Although, to be honest, all the other men in the room seem so captivated by their 'dates' you wonder if anyone was really watching. They don't pay you any attention as you return to the bar.<br> <br>
"Ah, yes, that show earlier. I did see," $ says.<br> <br> He takes out his little black notebook as your face reddens in embarrassment.<br> <br>
<br> <br> "To tell the truth I am a little surprised to see you sitting there. Every other time Eve Satana has put on that show the man has ended up being absorbed into one of her breasts."<br> <br> $ shudders.<br> <br> "Yes, all of him. It's one of the freakiest and most disturbing things I've ever seen."<br> <br>
"Hmm, so it's a contract," $ says. "I'm good with contracts."<br> <br> He pulls a face.<br> <br> "Good enough to know to be wary of ones in a different language. And especially wary of anything she says."<br> <br> He nods in the direction of $ over by the bar.
/* Brittnee */ <<set $hi to 72>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Brittnee", shortDescription: "", faction: 4, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Brittnee: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Brittnee: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Brittnee: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Brittnee: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Brittnee: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Brittnee: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Brittnee: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Brittnee: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Brittnee: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "an attractive but bratty looking succubus wearing nothing but a skimpy yellow bikini. Her skin is tanned, her face is heavily made up, and her long blonde hair is tied up in twintails.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is our sweet little Brittnee," $ says.<br> <br> She turns to the skimpily dressed succubus.<br> <br> "Have you fixed your bed?" $ asks.<br> <br> "Yes," Brittnee replies brightly with a smile and eager bob of her head. Her blue eyes are big and innocent.<br> <br> $ turns and whispers to you.<br> <br> "Don't get on her bed."<br> <br> /* Long description */ If it wasn't for her obvious succubus features, Brittnee would look like any other young woman out prowling for boys on a night on the town. She's about <<print "5' 4\",">> and with a lovely trim figure. Her skin has a natural bronzed tan. Her face is covered in enough makeup to make her look a proper slutty tart, albeit a very attractive one.<br> <br> She doesn't really need the makeup. With her big blue eyes, she'd still look gorgeous without it. Her long blonde hair is tied up in girlish pigtails. She sucks suggestively on a lollipop.<br> <br> She looks the type of bratty teen bad girl mothers warn their sons about. In her case the warnings would be deserved. She has the horns, tail and batwings of a devil.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Brittnee doesn't waste any time in crowding right up to you.<br> <br> "Hi, I'm Brittnee."<br> <br> She also doesn't waste any time in shamelessly grabbing your crotch.<br> <br> "Come up to my room and I'll show you a good time." <br>
Brittnee is very... clingy as you walk into the bar area together. She is quick to get an arm around you and push up against your body. And also just as quick to rub her ass against more //sensitive// parts of your anatomy. You find a spare table and sit down.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Brittnee: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Brittnee: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "Oh, you're no fun," Brittnee says.<br> <br> She pulls a face and gets up from the table.<br> <br> Before leaving, she turns and says slyly to you: "I forgive you. Come up to my room. That's where the real fun is to be found."<br> <br> She gives you a lewd wink and walks away. You don't think the suggestive jiggle she gives her ass is an accident either.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress comes back with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a creamy milkshake sundae for Brittnee. Brittnee really plays up the slutty teen temptress act. She stares at you with her big blue eyes while suggestively sucking on the straw of her drink. She twirls a blonde pigtail. Beneath the table you feel her foot rub up your leg, then move inwards.<br> <br> Brittnee talks excitedly about her room, and especially her bed.<br> <br> "You should see it. It's enormous. The mattress is so springy. It's perfect for fu... un. If you come up to my room, I'll lie you back on my massive bed and then I'll..."<br> <br> She leans forwards to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> Brittnee reels off a big long list in explicit detail of all the things she'd do to you on her bed. Your cheeks redden. Even the sluttiest and most depraved teen bad girl would only know what half of these things are. She even lists off some acts that are mysteries to you as well.<br> <br> Brittnee finishes and inserts her lollipop back in her mouth in a very suggestive manner. She leans back. Her foot slides up between your thighs and nudges up against your private parts.<br> <br> Yeah. This one is complete filth.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Brittnee? That little brat."<br> <br> $ puffs dismissively on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "I don't know why you'd be interested in her. She's barely more than an imp. Hardly any technique or ability at all."<br> <br> $ looks you up and down and her lips turn up in a knowing smirk.<br> <br> "Ah, but humans have short ephemeral lives. It's only natural for them to overvalue youth. Trust me, you'd be better off picking a succubus with more experience. We can do things that will blow your mind."<br> <br> She stares at you and puffs out a smoke ring that brings to mind lips slowly stroking up an erect shaft. The imagery is so vivid you can almost feel it in your pants.<br> <br> $'s smirk is absolutely filthy.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip to true>> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Brittnee is easy to handle. Don't get on her bed.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"There's not much to Brittnee. Don't get on her bed.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Surviving a trip to Brittnee's room is so easy a toddler could do it. Don't get on her bed.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Brittnee: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Brittnee: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Handcuffs */ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Slutty */ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Romantic */ [1,false,false], /* Left Early */ [1,false,false], /* Doggy Sex - Regular */ [2,false,false] /* Doggy Sex - No Semen */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Brittnee: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Brittnee: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Brittnee's room is very pink and girly. Superficially at least. A closer look reveals there is no innocence to this room. The lights are turned down a little too low. The paintings on the wall are far too explicit. The smell of perfume in the air is a little too strong. The bed is a little too big.<br> <br> This is not a room for sleeping.<br> <br> Brittnee greets you wearing nothing but the same skimpy two-piece yellow bikini she wore downstairs. She looks like a slutty teen. Legal, but still teen-aged.<br> <br> If she was human.<br> <br> The horns, wings and tail are a giveaway she isn't. She's a succubus with long blonde pigtails and a tan.<br> <br> She looks you over with an appreciative eye.<br> <br> "You look like you'll be a good fuck," she says.<br> <br> You don't really have a good comeback to that, so you give her your gift instead.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Brittnee: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 27>> <<include [[Brittnee: Gift: Handcuffs]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(6,15)>> <<include [[Brittnee: Gift: Sex Toy]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(4)>> <<include [[Brittnee: Gift: Romantic]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Brittnee: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> Brittnee takes your gift over to a gaudy pink chest of drawers, puts it inside, and then skips back to you.<br> <br> "Let's take our clothes off and have sex together," she says with eager enthusiasm.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Brittnee: Undress]]
"Ooh, kinky," Brittnee says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> She gives you a slutty wink and twirls them around a finger.<br> <br> "My favourite. I used to love handcuffing men to my bed while I fucked their brains out."<br> <br> Brittnee pauses and looks to the side.<br> <br> "$ told me off. Said I was supposed to ask the men if they wanted that first." <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>>
Brittnee's smile widens when she sees the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "What a filthy mind."<br> <br> She smiles suggestively.<br> <br> "Mine is too." <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>>
Brittnee pulls a face when you present her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Blegh. How mushy. I'm just here to fuck. Don't get any other ideas." <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>>
Brittnee pulls a face when you show her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Boring," she proclaims. "I hope you're better in bed."
You take off your top and pull down your trousers. Brittnee smiles sluttily and slowly unhooks her bra at the back. The yellow slip of her bikini top flutters to the floor. She gives her chest a little shake. She doesn't have a lot there, but what she has is perky and pretty.<br> <br> Her panties follow. The folds of her sex are neat and hairless.<br> <br> You drop your underpants at the same time. Your cock is already standing up in erection. Brittnee looks at it and her eyes light up.<br> <br> "It's so big," she says.<br> <br> You think she says that to everyone.<br> <br> "I can't wait to stuff it inside me," she says.<br> <br> She takes your hand and eagerly leads you to the foot of the massive pink bed.<br> <br> "Let's fuck on my big pink bed," Brittnee says.<br> <br> She dives back onto it.<br> <br> "$ had these put in specially for her girls. The mattress is super bouncy and great to have sex on."<br> <br> Her wings flutter as she bounces up and down on top of the bed. She shamelessly shows off her pussy as she bounces with her legs apart.<br> <br> The pink bed does look big and bouncy. You can believe Brittnee when she says it was crafted for sex.<br> <br> "Come on," Brittnee says. "Jump on and see how springy it is."<br> <br> [[Jump on.->Brittnee: Jump On Bed]]<br> [[Wait.->Brittnee: Pause Before Bed]]
The bed does look big, comfortable and springy.<br> <br> "Come on," Brittnee urges. "Jump on. On your back. Let's see how high you can bounce."<br> <br> To humour her, you do as she says. You turn around, fall backwards and push up with your legs to dive right onto the centre of the mattress. You land on your back...<br> <br> ...and go straight through the surface.<br> <br> The bed is a lie. It's a thin skin camouflaged to look like sheets over a gooey, sticky interior. You plunge right through and quickly get stuck. The substance is like gluey marshmallow. Your arms and legs sink right in and you can't pull them out. The one consolation is that the substance is at least solid enough to support the rest of your body. You sink into, but not enough to go beneath the surface. You lie on top, firmly stuck as if glued to flypaper.<br> <br> "Yes yes yes! It worked," Brittnee says. She claps with excitement as she bounces up and down.<br> <br> Now that you're close enough to see, you realise she's not actually bouncing up and down on the mattress. She's using her wings to levitate a couple of centimetres above it.<br> <br> "Ha ha, got you!" Brittnee says.<br> <br> This is true. Whatever the substance of the bed is, it's very thick and sticky. You can't move your limbs and can do little other than writhe ineffectually in place.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Brittnee: Trapped]]
You pause rather than jumping on right away. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip eq true>> You remember the warnings you heard about Brittnee's bed. <</if>> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [13]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> Something looks 'off' about <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip eq true>> it.<<else>> the bed.<</if>> <</if>> Didn't $ tell you not to get on the bed?<br> <br> Because it's broken? You don't see anything wrong with it.<br> <br> "Come on. Come on," Brittnee says. "I want that big fat cock inside me."<br> <br> She pats the surface of the bed next to her.<br> <br> [[Jump on.->Brittnee: Jump On Bed]]<br> [[Check the mattress.->Brittnee: Check Mattress]]<br> [[Stay where you are.->Brittnee: Don't Get On Bed]]
<<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [13]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> Experimentally, you place a hand on the mattress. <<if _testPassed>> While it feels like a regular mattress, you can't shake the feeling something isn't quite right. You push a little harder and the feeling of wrongness grows. It feels less like a sheet than some kind of skin curdled over a molten interior. <<else>> It feels like a mattress. You're not sure what else you were expecting. <</if>><br> <br> "Come on, come on," Brittnee says impatiently. "I wanna fuck."<br> <br> She bounces again on top of the mattress. <<if _testPassed>> Looking closer you notice Brittnee is barely touching the surface. There's a clear gap between her and the top sheet. <</if>><br> <br> [[Jump on.->Brittnee: Jump On Bed]]<br> [[Stay where you are.->Brittnee: Don't Get On Bed]]
You stay where you are, unable to shake the feeling something is 'off' about Brittnee's bed.<br> <br> "What are you waiting for?" Brittnee asks. "I'm here. My body is hot for you."<br> <br> You stay where you are.<br> <br> Brittnee grows frustrated. She gets off the side of the bed and walks around to you. She's smiling, but it seems a little forced.<br> <br> "Why are you making this so hard?" she complains.<br> <br> She puts her hands on your ass and tries to push you onto the bed.<br> <br> While Brittnee has a demonic appearance with her horns, wings and tail, she doesn't have the preternatural strength normally associated with demons. She looks like a slight girl in her late teens and has the strength of a slight girl in her late teens. Her attempts to push you onto the bed don't go very far.<br> <br> "Dammit!" Brittnee complains. "Why don't they just get on the damn bed."<br> <br> She increases her efforts, only for you to spin out of her grip. Brittnee's momentum carries her into the end of the bed. She bends double over the end and faceplants right onto the bright pink surface.<br> <br> You see right away it isn't a regular bed, just as you suspected. Brittnee's hands go right through the surface as if it's just a thin skin and get stuck in a sticky pink marshmallow-esque interior.<br> <br> "Oh crap. It happened again," she says.<br> <br> Whatever is inside the 'bed', it seems very sticky. Brittnee is stuck there, bent over the back of the bed.<br> <br> <<if not $player.currIsSubmissive>> Looking at the way her rump is stuck up in the air, it does seem the perfect position to do her from behind. Brittnee seems to recognise it as well. She gives her ass a tempting little jiggle.<br> <br> <</if>> "I guess we'll have to do it this way," Brittnee says.<br> <br> Undaunted by her current predicament, she gives you a toothy smile and wiggles her ass enticingly. She is in the perfect position to get fucked from behind.<br> <br> [[Fuck her.->Brittnee: Sex From Behind]]<br> [[Leave.->Brittnee: Go To Leave]]
She is the perfect height and position for it.<br> <br> You walk up behind her and clasp your hands to her buttocks. They feel warm and fleshy.<br> <br> "Yes, yes," Brittnee says. "Shove that big cock up inside me!"<br> <br> She tilts her hips to better expose her pussy to you. The neat little clamshell folds are already beaded with dewdrops of arousal.<br> <br> You give your cock a pump to prime it. You point the swollen head right at the heart of her pussy, place both hands on her buttocks and then slowly push your erection in.<br> <br> She's tight. Really tight. If she wasn't also dripping wet you think you'd have trouble entering her all the way. As it is, your cock slides smoothly into her vagina and you feel her warm flesh press all around it.<br> <br> "Oh yes," Brittnee moans. "I love having a big fat cock inside me."<br> <br> You grab hold of her hips and pump back and forth. You cock slides in and out of her slick pussy. It's damn good to feel her fleshy folds stroke up and down your shaft.<br> <br> "Harder! Faster!" Brittnee shouts.<br> <br> You find your body start speeding up of its own accord. Brittnee is still stuck in her bed, but nevertheless bounces her ass back at you to the best extent she can. Your bodies come together with meaty slaps.<br> <br> This is too good. You grip her hips tightly and jackhammer back and forth. Brittnee moans incoherently into the mattress.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Brittnee: Doggy: Semen Check]]
You decide to leave Brittnee alone.<br> <br> "Hey, you don't have to leave just yet," Brittnee says. "At least give me a good hard fuck before you go."<br> <br> She rises up on the balls of her feet and jiggles her shapely ass. It does look very inviting.<br> <br> "Look. I'm in the perfect position for a good hard fuck from behind."<br> <br> She wiggles her ass again.<br> <br> [[Fuck her.->Brittnee: Sex From Behind]]<br> [[Leave.->Brittnee: Leave Early]]
Brittnee shouts a barrage of expletives after you as you turn and leave. You're not sure what language they're in but they sound foul.<br> <br> You ignore her, put your clothes back on and head to the door.<br> <br> Still stuck in her bed, Brittnee slumps down dejectedly.<br> <br> "Why does this always happen to me," she complains.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> /* no faction increase */ <<include [[Brittnee: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Brittnee: Doggy: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Brittnee: Doggy: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
As tight as Brittnee's pussy is, and as fast as you pound your hips against her, you don't tip over into climax. You can feel the stirrings – in your toes, in your balls, the trembling of your knees. The ramping up of your arousal seems so slow though. That quick burst should have ended in glorious spurting climax. Instead, you find yourself in the awkward situation of running out of breath from the brief burst of exercise before you can actually attain climax.<br> <br> "I don't feel any lovely cum," Brittnee says. "C'mon, squirt that thick creamy cum inside me."<br> <br> You pause to catch your breath, then start to ramp up again. It's not going to happen. The moment has passed.<br> <br> When she realises you can't, Brittnee lets out an exasperated sigh. "Fuck, you've already let those other skanks drain your balls to empty, haven't you."<br> <br> She curses in a language so foul you feel like your ears have been molested.<br> <br> "Why do I always get these ones," she complains.<br> <br> She takes a moment to compose herself before looking back over her shoulder with a feral smile.<br> <br> "It's okay. I'm a succubus. We have tricks to help a man on occasions like this."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Brittnee: Out of Semen: Good End]]
Fuck, it's coming. You feel the stirrings in your balls... all over your body. You pump your hips faster... faster... feeling it crest within you like a great wave.<br> <br> And then it crashes.<br> <br> You thrust into her as deep as your cock will go, let out a low moan of release, and pump a massive creampie into her. Brittnee lets out her own erotic cries as her nubile body shudders against you.<br> <br> Fuck, you didn't know you needed that as much as you did.<br> <br> You stand behind her, breathing heavily as your cock expels the last little spurts of semen.<br> <br> Brittnee is quiet. A little too quiet. Her sex clenches around your cock. It's an unnatural sensation, something you know is wrong. As if she is trying to grab hold of your cock and swallow it up. Your reaction is instinctive and automatic. You pull back. You feel a little bit of resistance. However, Brittnee's pussy is unable to clench tight enough to hold your cock in place. It slides out with a fleshy pop. Brittnee's vagina continues to gape and dilate and contract unnaturally.<br> <br> "Aw, is that all," Brittnee says. "I was hoping for more."<br> <br> You think it best to leave it as is. The way her vagina moved against your cock seemed wrong... hungry.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Brittnee: Ejaculation: Good End]]
"Mmm, it was a nice hard spunk," Brittnee says. "I'll have to be satisfied with that."<br> <br> She gives her hips a little jiggle. Absolutely none of your cum drips out of her pussy.<br> <br> "You can spunk again if you like," Brittnee says. "You can fill me with as much cum as you want."<br> <br> You decline. Her pussy felt great... until it didn't. You retrieve your clothes and start putting them back on. Brittnee remains bent over the back of the bed.<br> <br> "Um." Brittnee looks sheepishly over at you. "When you go back downstairs, can you ask $ to send a maid up to... um... help me out."<br> <br> You permit yourself a little smile at Brittnee's expense as you open the door to leave.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Brittnee: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Her sex clenches around your cock. It's an unnatural sensation, something you know is wrong. As if she is trying to grab hold of your cock and swallow it up. Your reaction is instinctive and automatic. You pull back. You feel a little bit of resistance. However, Brittnee's pussy is unable to clench tight enough to hold your cock in place. It slides out with a fleshy pop. Brittnee's vagina continues to gape and dilate and contract unnaturally.<br> <br> "No, you're supposed to keep it in," Brittnee says.<br> <br> Nah, you don't think that would be a good idea. Her pussy felt great... until it didn't. The way her vagina moved against your cock seemed wrong... hungry.<br> <br> You move away and start to put your clothes back on.<br> <br> "At least give me a good creampie before you leave," Brittnee pleads.<br> <br> You ignore her and move to the exit. Brittnee remains bent over the back of the bed.<br> <br> "Um." Brittnee looks sheepishly over at you. "When you go back downstairs, can you ask $ to send a maid up to... um... help me out."<br> <br> You permit yourself a little smile at Brittnee's expense as you open the door to leave.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Brittnee: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
"A good bed trap is a young succubus's best friend," Brittnee says.<br> <br> She lies next to you and wraps a hand around your cock.<br> <br> "My charm magic and seduction abilities aren't very strong... yet," Brittnee says.<br> <br> She smiles at you with bright blue eyes while she lazily masturbates you.<br> <br> "This holds the man in place so they can't run away. Or get violent."<br> <br> She might claim to be inexperienced, but her technique is good enough to get you hard.<br> <br> "Don't worry," Brittnee says.<br> <br> While still lazily pumping your cock, she lies on top of you. She kisses you playfully on the lips and stares into your eyes.<br> <br> "I just want to have sex with you."<br> <br> She glances down at your cock. She moves her hips and positions her vagina right above your erection.<br> <br> "I might even let you go..."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Brittnee: Cowgirl Sex]]
She presses down and your erection pushes up into tight wet vagina. She's really tight. She's also really wet. There's enough lubrication for your cock to slide up and be snugly enclosed within her sex.<br> <br> "...after you've pumped a few loads of lovely creamy cum up into me," Brittnee says with a toothy smile.<br> <br> She clenches her buttocks and you gasp in surprised pleasure as your cock is sucked the rest of the way inside her.<br> <br> "Oh yes," Brittnee moans. "I love a big hard cock inside me."<br> <br> She gives you a cheeky smile, then smoothly starts moving her hips up and down. Her pussy is incredible. So tight. You feel the fleshy folds rub against your cock as it plunges back and forth inside her. While you're understandably perturbed at being immobilised by her bed, sex with Brittnee makes up for it.<br> <br> Again, Brittnee shows sexual experience that belies her bratty teen appearance. She varies the speed of her thrusts. She speeds up when she wants to take you right to the edge of climax. Then slows right down to keep you from peaking too soon. She also works in little twists and clenches of her pussy. It has you shivering in ecstasy beneath her.<br> <br> However, as good as the feeling is, you can't shake the feeling you're nothing more than a toy to her... a stunt cock to bounce up and down on.<br> <br> Brittnee's pussy is tight enough and good enough you don't think you'd last more than a few minutes if you were setting the pace. Brittnee manages to tease it out longer, but eventually your arousal ramps up too high for her to be able to stop you from boiling over.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Brittnee: Cowgirl: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Brittnee: Cowgirl: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Brittnee: Cowgirl: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Or so you thought.<br> <br> "Oh yes," Brittnee gasps. "Give me your cum. Your thick creamy cum. All of it."<br> <br> She clenches. Your cock is sucked all the way in again. Her vagina contracts around and squeezes it.<br> <br> And nothing happens... sort of.<br> <br> Your body trembles uncontrollably and your hips jerk upwards. Your cock throbs inside Brittnee's tight pussy, but you don't feel the blissful release of ejaculation. Nothing comes out. You feel an uncomfortable scratchy sensation in your balls instead.<br> <br> "Ah crap. Those other skanks have already drained this one."<br> <br> Brittnee gives you a smile that shows off her dainty little fangs.<br> <br> "No problem," she says. "I'm a succubus. We have ways."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Brittnee: Bad End 1]]
"Oh yes," Brittnee gasps. "Give me your cum. Your thick creamy cum. All of it."<br> <br> She clenches. Your cock is sucked all the way in again. Her vagina contracts around and squeezes it.<br> <br> You explode.<br> <br> Brittnee teasing you and dragging it out has increased the power and intensity of your orgasm when it finally arrives. You lose control of your body. It trembles uncontrollably and your hips thrust upwards. Your cock throbs powerfully inside her tight pussy and spits out a satisfyingly thick stream of semen.<br> <br> Brittnee moans in pleasure.<br> <br> "Yes. Spurt it out. Fill me up with your thick creamy cum."<br> <br> She hugs you tight as you pump out a massive load – maybe two or more ejaculation's worth – into her. Then, spent, you fall back and sink a little deeper into the soft glutinous bed. Breathing heavily, Brittnee collapses down on top of you.<br> <br> "That was a big one," she says between breathy sighs.<br> <br> You lie entwined like that for a few moments. You wait for both of you to recover before broaching the subject of helping you out of the sticky trap of her bed.<br> <br> Brittnee laughs and affectionately runs a finger down your nose. "Not yet. I want more."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Brittnee: Bad End 1]]
Her vagina... does something. The walls undulate strangely around your cock. It feels like they're trying to get a good hold of it. The head nudges up against a soft cushion of flesh inside her. It feels wrong... blasphemous. Instinctively, your body pulls back. Like a prey animal backing away from a predator's cave. The bed doesn't let you. Brittnee lies on top and follows your hips down, keeping your cock tightly wedged within her vagina.<br> <br> "Ha! No escape. That's why I have this bed."<br> <br> Brittnee presses down and you feel that sinful cushion of flesh press down against the head of your cock. At the same time, muscles in the wall of her vagina clench around your cock and try to draw it up deeper inside her.<br> <br> "Get in. Get in," Brittnee says.<br> <br> She trembles. Your cock is gripped tighter. The head pushes up into that fleshy cushion. Pushes and pushes...<br> <br> ...until an internal orifice loosens. The head of your penis – the helmet of your glans – pushes up through it into...<br> <br> ...something.<br> <br> "Ah," Brittnee sighs with enormous satisfaction.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Brittnee: Bad End 2]]
It's not her womb. A womb creates life. This sucks and takes life. Your body knows it on a primal level, but it's already too late. The internal orifice has already tightened into a snug seal beneath the ridge of your glans. The chamber beyond starts pulsing ominously.<br> <br> Brittnee runs a hand through your hair. "Now it's time for you to experience the famed succubus energy drain."<br> <br> The pulsing chamber creates a vacuum pull on the tip of your cock. The walls of her vagina clench, undulate and tug to generate a powerful stroking sensation on your shaft. Brittnee flops down on top of you while her unnatural vagina does all the work.<br> <br> And then you're <<if $isOutOfSemen>>coming.<<else>>coming again.<</if>> It comes out in a gush. The pleasure is there, but it feels forced, more like being milked like livestock than the climax of lovemaking.<br> <br> Brittnee lets out a contented sigh as you pour semen into her.<br> <br> "An experienced succubus can fully drain a man in seconds," Brittnee says. "I don't have that power. It will take longer."<br> <br> She kisses you on the lips.<br> <br> "It doesn't matter. If I'm on top of a man on my bed, $ disables the end-of-session bell. I can take as long as I need. She's good like that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Brittnee: Bad End 3]]
Her blasphemous pussy continues to pulse and stimulate your cock. Your body knows it's horribly wrong on an instinctual level, but you're trapped. You can't pull out.<br> <br> Your body boils up in another ejaculation. Then another. And another. Brittnee's pulsating blasphemous facsimile of a womb pumps the semen out of you, and your energy with it.<br> <br> A more experienced succubus would also treat you more kindly in your final moments, and ensure they were filled with blissful pleasure. Sadly, as a succubus, Brittnee is young, inexperienced and clumsy. You feel discomfort after your balls empty. You feel pain as your vital fluids are forced to fill the shortfall.<br> <br> Then, finally, there is an unseemly tug-of-war for your soul. Where a more experienced succubus would pull it free in a final climactic burst of ecstatic pleasure, Brittnee has to struggle. Your dying body desperately tries to keep hold of your soul. There is a long messy tussle before Brittnee is finally able to wrench it free.<br> <br> Dying to an experienced succubus is a pleasure like no other.<br> <br> Brittnee is not experienced.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Brittnee: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"Ah, Brittnee. She's one of the new ones. I'd very much like to hear about her."<br> <br> $ pulls out a black notebook and leans forwards eagerly.<br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br> <br> $ tuts. "You should have known better than to bring her those," he says as you describe Brittnee's reaction to your gift of handcuffs.<br> <br> He leans forwards to whisper.<br> <br> "A man's... ahem... predilections can get him killed in here."<br> <br> <<elseif _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <br> <br> $ nods as you detail Brittnee's reaction to your gift.<br> <br> "Sex mad. All of them in here, sex mad."<br> <br> <<elseif _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> <br> <br> "No, she doesn't strike me as the romantic sort," $ says as you relate Brittnee's reaction to your gift. "Few of them in here are."<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> $ guffaws.<br> <br> "Ha, I suspected she was up to no good. You turned the tables on her. Or should that be //bed//."<br> <br> He laughs again.<br> <br> "Take this. You've earned it for brightening up my evening." <<elseif _scoreArray[5][1] and not _osa[5][2]>> $ raises a bushy eyebrow.<br> <br> "That's rare," he says. "That's one of $'s rules for her 'game'. Should a man fail to perform, then it's gloves off and the demon can do whatever she wants without restriction. Brittnee really must be a weak and inexperienced hellwhore if she let you go that easily." <<else>> $ guffaws.<br> <br> "Ha, I suspected she was up to no good. You turned the tables on her. Or should that be //bed//. She tried to take advantage of you and you ended up taking advantage of her. Jolly good show."<br> <br> He guffaws uproariously. <</if>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ <<set $player.currInt to 4>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 72>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 2>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Sapoonismenee Nerei */ <<set $hi to 9>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Sapoonismenee Nerei", shortDescription: "a busty woman with olive skin and wet black hair tied up in a complicated tangle of curls. She's wearing a white silk robe decorated with prints of cresting waves.", faction: 3, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [12, 4], affection: 0, introductionLink: "Sapoonis: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Sapoonis: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Sapoonis: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Sapoonis: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Sapoonis: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Sapoonis: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Sapoonis: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Sapoonis: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
/* Sapoonismenee Nerei */ <<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* oil or soap gift */ [1,false,false], /* leave early */ [1,false,false], /* good breast massage */ [1,false,false], /* regular sex */ [3,false,false] /* bonus sex */ ] }>> Sapoonis's room looks more like a bathroom than a bedroom. The floor, walls and ceiling are covered in pristine white tiles. A large bath takes up most of one corner. Lying next to it on the floor is a silver inflatable air mattress. The walls are adorned with various paintings depicting ocean scenes of crashing waves. Shelves are filled with various exotic bottles.<br> <br> Sapoonis has already undressed and slipped into the bath. Her patterned robe hangs from the corner of a folding silk screen, also covered in prints of cresting waves. Sapoonis has used a liberal amount of bubble bath and only her head is visible above a thick white froth.<br> <br> "Ah, that feels so much better," she sighs.<br> <br> She lifts a hand and beckons you over.<br> <br> "Don't be shy. Come in."<br> <br> You walk over to her, carrying your gift.<br> <br> "What do you have there for me?"<br> <br> [[Present gift.->Sapoonis: Gift]]
You present her with the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0] eq $cgi>> /* exotic soap */ <<include [[Sapoonis: Gift: Exotic Soap]]>> <<elseif $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[1] eq $cgi>> /* flask of oil */ <<include [[Sapoonis: Gift: Flask of Oil]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(5, 7)>> /* good gift */ <<include [[Sapoonis: Gift: Good]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(11, 12)>> /* bad gift */ <<include [[Sapoonis: Gift: Bad]]>> <<else>> /* default */ <<include [[Sapoonis: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>> <<include [[Sapoonis: Breast Massage: Ask]]>>
Sapoonis sits up until her big round boobs emerge from the soapy froth. You can't see much of them as they're covered in a thick layer of creamy lather.<br> <br> "The gifts are nice, but there's something better you can do for me. My boobs are feeling a little tender. It's that robe. It always chafes against my sensitive skin. Darling, can you give them a nice massage for me."<br> <br> She jiggles her chest, sending waves sloshing against the side of the bed.<br> <br> "And you'd get to touch my lovely breasts, which I think you'll like."<br> <br> You think you would too. Even covered with a lather of soap suds as they are, you can see she has a lovely pair.<br> <br> What will you do?<br> <br> [[Massage her breasts?->Sapoonis: Breast Massage: Start]]<br> [[Refuse?->Sapoonis: Breast Massage: Refuse]]
You roll up your sleeves and press your hands into the soapy froth covering Sapoonis's breasts. Underneath, they feel amazing – warm, big, and extremely malleable. You give them an experimental squeeze and feel your fingers press into pillowy soft flesh. You cup them, feeling her nipples rub against your palms, and gently knead and press her tits together. Soap bubbles pop and crackle between your fingers as you massage her boobs.<br> <br> <<if $player.currDex lt 3>> <<include [[Sapoonis: Breast Massage: Bad]]>> <<elseif $player.currDex gt 4>> <<include [[Sapoonis: Breast Massage: Good]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sapoonis: Breast Massage: Okay]]>> <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> Sapoonis's expression hardens. The blue of her eyes switches from sun-drenched seas to frozen grey oceans.<br> <br> "What, you refuse?"<br> <br> She stands up and jiggles her big tits. Water and clots of foam spill from her naked body.<br> <br> "Are these not good enough for you?"<br> <br> Her cold rage grows.<br> <br> "Well, if they're not good enough for you to touch, you won't get to feel their softness rubbing all over your naked flesh. Get out."<br> <br> You stand there, temporarily frozen by her sudden rage.<br> <br> "Get out!" she screams, splashing you with water from the bath for good measure.<br> <br> You decide it better to retreat and back away to the exit.<br> <br> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
"No, no," Sapoonis complains. "Not like that."<br> <br> You pause and try to work out what you were doing wrong.<br> <br> "Don't stop," Sapoonis says. Her blue eyes are icy like arctic seas. "Just get it right."<br> <br> You get back to kneading and squeezing her boobs. More gently this time.<br> <br> It's still not good enough.<br> <br> "Oh stop it, you unskilled oaf!" Sapoonis yells at you. "You're useless. You're a clumsy ox with hooves for hands."<br> <br> Cold rage radiates from her.<br> <br> <<if $allGifts[$cgi].number eq 0>> <<include [[Sapoonis: Breast Massage: Reprieve]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sapoonis: Horror End]]>> <</if>>
Sapoonis closes her eyes and murmurs in pleasure.<br> <br> "Oh yes, more like that, please."<br> <br> You continue to fondle and squeeze her luscious breasts. Is it your imagination, or is there more foam covering them than before? It's almost like it's bubbling up from her pores. It also feels wonderful to the touch. Your skin tingles pleasantly as the soap bubbles pop and crackle between your fingers.<br> <br> "Have you had practice at this?" Sapoonis asks you.<br> <br> She smiles.<br> <br> "Or maybe you're just good with your hands."<br> <br> She luxuriates in the bath. You luxuriate in the sensations of letting your fingers explore her soapy boobs.<br> <br> "Mmm, as much I could enjoy this all day, I'm supposed to be the one pampering you," Sapoonis says.<br> <br> She shoos your hands away and stands up. Water and foam cascades from her naked body.<br> <br> "Take your clothes off and lie down on that," she gestures down at the airbed. "It's my turn to give you a good pampering."<br> <br> <<set $affectionChange to 3>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Sapoonis likes This">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> [[Better do as she says.->Sapoonis: Soapy Massage]]
"That's nice," Sapoonis says. "Not the most skilled of touches, but pleasant enough. With a little more practice I'm sure you'd be most adequate."<br> <br> She lets you fondle and squeeze her luscious breasts for a little while longer, before motioning you to stop. She stands up and water and foam cascades from her naked body.<br> <br> "Now, I'll show you how it's done. Take your clothes off and lie down on that," she gestures down at the airbed. "It's my turn to massage you."<br> <br> [[Better do as she says.->Sapoonis: Soapy Massage]]
And then her rage dissipates just as quickly as it blustered up. She looks at you and smiles.<br> <br> "I'm sorry. It's been a trying day. I can see you're trying your best."<br> <br> She stands up and water and foam cascades from her naked body.<br> <br> "You're just a little tense. That's okay. Take your clothes off and lie down on that," she gestures down at the airbed. "I'll sort that tension out right away."<br> <br> [[Better do as she says.->Sapoonis: Soapy Massage]]
You try to pull your hand away and suddenly realise you can't. They're stuck to her bosom as if glued. More foam wells up between your fingers and covers your hands. You don't know where it's coming from. It's as if Sapoonis is exuding it from the pores of her skin.<br> <br> You feel a tingling sensation in your fingers that grows into burning pain and spreads out to encompass your whole hand. The foam starts to gain a pinkish tinge.<br> <br> "Hands as clumsy as yours do not deserve to touch female flesh," Sapoonis says coldly.<br> <br> The pain becomes excruciating. It feels like thousands of ants gnawing away at your flesh. You drop to your knees. You try desperately to pull your hands out of the agonising foam.<br> <br> Then, just when you think you can bear it no longer, something gives and you pull your hands away.<br> <br> Not your hands. They're //gone//, dissolved to mush by the caustic foam covering Sapoonis's tits. You collapse and curl up on the floor. Sapoonis watches dispassionately as blood from your severed stumps spreads across the pristine white tiles in a red pool. You bleed out beneath her arctic gaze.<br> <br> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over->Game Over]]
You take your clothes off and hang them over the top of the screen. Sapoonis takes a wooden bowl and pours soapy water onto the airbed. "Lie on your front," she says. You lie facedown on the inflatable mattress. The soapy water has made the surface slippery, but the water is warm enough for it to not feel unpleasant. You feel a weight settle on buttocks and lower back as Sapoonis sits astride you. She pours even more soapy water over your back. The temperature is just right. Sapoonis bends over and starts to wash your back, using her lovely big round breasts as sponges. You feel them slide all over you. She slithers up and down your body. You feel the nubs of her nipples, first against your buttocks and then tracing lazy circles around your shoulder blades. "This is a dirty house," Sapoonis says. "Let's get you clean." She turns over and starts rubbing the luscious swell of her ass up and down your body. She turns back over and starts using her boobs again. All the time lubricated with a creamy froth of soap suds. "Get you relaxed," she whispers. She slides up and rests her big boobs on either side of your head. They feel like big soft pillows. Foamy water squelches out from beneath your chest as her weight pushes your upper half down into the airbed. "Get you turned on." Her hand slithers down between your legs and fondles your cock and balls. "Turn over," she whispers in your ear. [[Seems like a good idea.->Sapoonis: Sex 1]]
You twist on the slick mattress and turn over onto your back. Sapoonis straddles you. You wonder how much soap she's used. Both you and her are covered in thick clumps of bubbly congeries.<br> <br> "Now for your front," Sapoonis says.<br> <br> She bends over and rubs her soapy tits all over your naked chest. She kisses you lightly on the lips as her nipples dance circles around yours.<br> <br> Then she sits back up. She flattens your erection against your abdomen and slides the groove of her sex along it like a rail.<br> <br> "Time to wash the dirtiest part of your body," Sapoonis says. "I have a very special technique for that."<br> <br> She lifts her hips up, wraps a hand around your lathered-up cock and guides it to the opening of her pussy.<br> <br> She sighs as she sits down.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sapoonis: Sex 2]]
As much as you want to come, it's been a long night. You're not sure you have anything left.<br> <br> "Oh, are you struggling?" Sapoonis asks. "Don't tell me you've let those other dirty girls suck too much out of you. We'll have to do something about that."<br> <br> [[Time for something special...->Sapoonis: Bad End 1]]
She's right. You couldn't hold out long. You grunt and your hips buck as the orgasm crashes through you like a wave. Her pussy convulses around you, massaging more of that delectable foam into your sensitive flesh. Your cock throbs hard and you ejaculate hard inside her.<br> <br> Then you crash back on the squeaky airbed. Sapoonis flops down on top of you.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection gt 2>> "Mmm, you were good, so I'll reward you with something a little special," Sapoonis says.<br> <br> [[Something special?->Sapoonis: Sex: Bonus]] <<else>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Sapoonis: Black Rose Bad End]]>> <<else>> [[That felt good.->Sapoonis: Good End]] <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> Sapoonis lies on top of you and entwines her arms around you.<br> <br> "Let's make you a little more comfortable."<br> <br> And then there is foam welling up all around you. This time there is no mistaking where it is coming from. It bubbles up from her nipples, the pores of her skin, and – most noticeably – her vagina. Your cock is smothered in tingling bubbles, then your balls, then your whole waist. She keeps pumping out more until you're surrounded in a cocoon of glistening bubbles.<br> <br> Sapoonis smiles down at you, her blue eyes bright. "That should relax you."<br> <br> You are relaxed. A little //too// relaxed. Your limbs are reluctant to respond to any signal from your head. Aside from that, the foam feels strangely pleasant, and also arousing.<br> <br> "And now a little something to help you come."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sapoonis: Bad End 2]]
She hugs you tight and more of that pleasant tingling foam wells up all around you. It covers you both in thick drifts of wobbling spume. Her vagina puffs little pillows of bubbles around your cock and the sensation is incredible. You stay erect inside her and your cock strains, eager to feel more kisses of her special foam.<br> <br> "I have your cum," Sapoonis whispers. It allows me to tailor my foam specifically for you. It will feel even more pleasant. The next one will be even stronger. You won't be able to hold on, so don't try to fight it. Let it carry you away on a wave of bliss."<br> <br> Her vagina puffs more rings of creamy foam around your sensitised member. It's thicker and the sensation of her walls rubbing it into you is even more erotic. Your cock throbs and twitches. You feel the need to come welling up inside you.<br> <br> <<include [[Sapoonis: Sex: 2nd Semen Check]]>>
"I'm so glad you chose me," Sapoonis says. "I'll make this really special for you."<br> <br> [[Time for something special...->Sapoonis: Bad End 1]]
Finally, you lie back, satisfyingly spent. Sapoonis lies on top of you. You lay entwined for a short while. The water and soap suds you're lying in start to cool.<br> <br> Sapoonis slides off you and stands up.<br> <br> "Mmm, wasn't that nice," she says. "I told you I give a heavenly soapy massage."<br> <br> She fetches you a fluffy towel. You dry yourself off and start to put your clothes back on.<br> <br> "The slime girls claim to be the best at this, but I wouldn't trust those brainless amoebas. <<include [[Harlot Scenario: Select Harlot Gossip]]>><br> <br> Sapoonis is already sliding back into her bubble bath as you walk to the exit. You suspect the water is more her natural habitat.<br> <br> <<set $isFactionIncrease to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.currDex to 4>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(18)>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $hi to 9>> /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[1]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
You take Sapoonis out into the bar area and find a table. She seems uncomfortable.<br> <br> "I don't like this area of the House," she says, looking around her with distaste. "Too dry. Too dirty."<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Sapoonis: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Sapoonis: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br> <br> "Oh, that's fine. I only drink water," Sapoonis says. "And they don't charge for that here."<br> <br> That spares you some blushes.<br> <br> The waitress returns with two glasses of water.<br> <br> <<include [[Sapoonis Socialising: Body]]>>
Sapoonis orders a plain glass of water. <<switch $sdi>> <<case 2 3 4>> She looks disapprovingly at your <<print $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name + ".">> You don't think she likes alcohol.<br> <br> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Drink Choice with " + $allHarlots[$hi].name>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<default>> <br> <br> <</switch>> <<include [[Sapoonis Socialising: Body]]>>
Sapoonis doesn't talk much, just sits there sipping her glass of water. She seems uncomfortable and fidgety. She can't wait to return to the harlots' area and you wonder if you might have made a mistake bringing her out to the bar.<br> <br> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Socialising with " + $allHarlots[$hi].name>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Ah, our resident water nymph," $ says. "She can come across a little cold, but I've heard she gets quite bubbly with the right touch."<br> <br> She sips her cocktail.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
/* Madam intro */ "This is the lovely Sapoonismenee Nerei. Her speciality is the soapy massage. She's really looking forward to getting lathered up and rubbing her body all over you." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Sapoonismenee Nerei is of medium height, olive-skinned and curvaceous. Her slick black hair is tied up in a complicated tangle of curls and glistens as if wet. Her eyes are the blue of pristine seas. Her silk robe is white and patterned with cresting waves. It's also wet. You can clearly see her breasts and dusky nipples pressing up against the damp fabric. She looks like she was in the middle of taking a bath when $ summoned her. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hello, call me Sapoonis," Sapoonismenee Nerei says as she offers you her hand. "I'll give you a heavenly soap suds massage that will wash all your cares away." <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"She gives a very pleasant oil body-to-body massage.\" " + $ + " pauses. \"Or is it soap?\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She likes having her breasts massaged, so long as the person massaging her has a deft touch. Don't be touching her with clumsy hands... if you want to keep them.\" She chuckles darkly."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She doesn't like coming out of her room and visiting the bar. Too many pollutants, she says.\"\<br\>\<br\>" + $ + " exhales a great cloud of cigarette smoke.\<br\>\<br\>\"I don't know what she's complaining about.\""}>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[0] to "Except Volumpula. She's really nice. As long as you don't try to resist her too hard. She doesn't like that.\"">> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[1] to "Especially Blobula. She's a total man-eater!\"">>
/* Check for good breast massage */ <<if _scoreArray[2][1] eq true>> <br><br> "Hmm. Safely massaging Sapoonis's breasts requires a great deal of manual dexterity. Dexterity I fear I do not possess."<br> <br> <<else>> /* Default */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
/* Calliophi */ <<set $hi to 23>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Calliophi", shortDescription: "a slender, lithe woman with pale skin and an exotically beautiful face. She wears a short plain white robe that appears to have been chosen more for practicality.", faction: 3, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: true, hasPlotRepeatVisits: true, hasBeenVisited: false, hasReceivedFluffyThing: false, hasGivenHappyEnding: false, hasBeenAskedForSex: false, gifts: [7, 4], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Calliophi: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Calliophi: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Calliophi: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Calliophi: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Calliophi: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Calliophi: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Calliophi: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Calliophi: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Calliophi: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Calliophi: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.hasSeenLamia to false>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $player.hasVision to true>> <<set $player.charms.push(28)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> <<set _ailment to 5>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set _ailment to 11>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 23>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[1]>> /* <<set $cgi to 0>> */ <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<if $player.hasVision>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a slender, lithe lamia with pale skin and an exotically beautiful face. She wears a short plain white robe that appears to have been chosen more for practicality. Her lower snake half is slender and covered in glittering copper and green scales.">> <<else>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a slender, lithe woman with pale skin and an exotically beautiful face. She wears a short plain white robe that appears to have been chosen more for practicality.">> <</if>>
<<set _isVision to $player.hasVision>> /* Madam intro */ "Ah, our lovely sinuous masseuse, Calliophi," $ says. "She is devoted to the arts of sensual pleasure." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Calliophi is a slender, lithe woman with pale skin. Her face is exotically beautiful with sultry green eyes. Her long lustrous black hair is tied behind her back in a long plait.<br> <br> She wears a short white robe made out of a plain cotton-like material. You can just about make out the lithe contours of her body beneath. She doesn't appear to wearing anything beneath the robe. Striking copper bracelets of serpentine design adorn her slender arms.<br> <br> <<if _isVision>> Below the waist Calliophi has the body of a snake. It tapers to a long and slender tail and is covered in green and copper scales. They gleam as if freshly polished. Her lower body is not the only place with scales. You see patches on her cheeks and at the elbows revealed by her rolled-up sleeves.<br> <br> <<if $player.hasSeenLamia>>Another snake girl.<</if>> This should freak you out, but it strangely only seems to enhance her exotic beauty. It helps that, despite her monstrous appearance, she seems completely non-threatening. Her long lashes flutter demurely as she looks at you. <<set $player.hasSeenLamia to true>> <<else>> Her long lashes flutter demurely as she looks at you.<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> It's strange. You've seen her in her room. You know she is a lamia and has the lower body of a snake. Yet, you can't see that here. It's like your gaze slides off every time you try to glance below her waist.<<else>> She seems perfectly human... until you see a forked tongue flicker between her lips.<</if>> <</if>><br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> "Hi," Calliophi recognises you. "Would you like me to relax you with another sensual massage." <<else>> "Hi, I'm Calliophi," she introduces herself. "I can relax you with a sensual massage if you're feeling tense or anxious." <</if>> <br>
You take Calliophi out to the bar area. <br><br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Calliophi: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Calliophi: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> Calliophi's face scrunches up in apology.<br> <br> "I'm sorry, but if you don't have the <<print $currencyName + "s">> to buy me a drink, I have to return. $ is very strict on that."<br> <br> She leaves.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and what looks like some kind of protein shake for Calliophi.<br> <br> As she drinks, Calliophi looks around the room.<br> <br> "This is a dangerous place," she says, glancing from table to table, where pretty girls in not many clothes chat to entranced men. "It masquerades as a house of pleasure, but it's really an abattoir and you are all meat."<br> <br> This was a bit... heavier than you were expecting for light conversation. You enquire if Calliophi also eats meat.<br> <br> "Not anymore. I took an oath," she answers. I worship Priti Nāndyāh, the Goddess of Sensuality and Pleasure. To take the sensual arts and waste them on the mere gratification of hungers is a sin in her eyes."<br> <br> She takes your hand and gives you a warm smile.<br> <br> "You have nothing to fear from my session. To bring pleasure and relaxation is my only desire."<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Oh dear. Poor deluded little Calliophi. She's far too pure for this House, which is why our dear Madam keeps her here. She follows a weird little religious sect that believes a succubus's gifts of pleasure should be used for higher purposes. Foolish."<br> <br> $ scoffs.<br> <br> "The irony of it all is that the venom in her fangs is one of the most lethal substances in here. Even the anti-poison magic charms are useless against it."<br> <br> She takes another puff on her cigarette.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"If you want to experience a real whoompth down here...\"\<br\>\<br\>She raises her arm in her lap like an elephant's trunk. Or something else...\<br\>\<br\>\"...get her to bite you.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"I've heard her massage can be quite therapeutic.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"The silly snake doesn't offer sex. I think she forgets what this House is. However, she does have a sister here who isn't such a wet noodle. She's a lot more fiery and passionate, and also fiercely protective of her misguided little sister.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<set $playerStruggled to false>> <<set $isConfirmedBlackRose to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Calliophi: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Calliophi: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [0,false,false], /* leave early. No score, just a tag */ [1,false,false], /* plain massage */ [2,false,false] /* erotic massage with happy ending */ ] }>> <<include [[Calliophi: Enter Room]]>>
/* create score array */ /* 1st, find old score array (if multiple visits, take the last score array) */ <<for _r to 0; _r lt $player.roomScores.length; _r++>> <<if $player.roomScores[_r].harlotNumber eq $hi>> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[_r].scoreArray>> <</if>> <</for>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> You return to Calliophi's small and intimate room. There is a pleasant scent in the air from the various incense burners. The walls are adorned with billowing silks and the shelves are stacked with various exotic bottles and flasks. Calliophi 'stands' just behind the plain white stool with the padded seat in the centre of the room.<br> <br> "Welcome back," she says. "Please come in."<br> <br> Calliophi's snake-like body isn't a surprise this time. Or the little patches of scales at her cheeks and elbows that glitter like sequins.<br> <br> <<include [[Calliophi: Pre-Gift]]>>
<<set _isVision to $player.hasVision>> <<if not _isVision>> She notices your <<if $player.hasSeenLamia>>surprise.<<else>>alarm.<</if>><br> <br> <</if>> "I hope my true form isn't too much of a shock to you." She lowers her head demurely. "$ insists we disguise our forms in the downstairs area so as not to alarm the patrons."<br> <br> <<if not _isVision and $player.hasSeenLamia>> She's not the first snake girl you've seen in the House, but it always comes as a surprise.<br> <br> <</if>> She sweeps her arms out to encompass her body. Her robe falls open slightly and you catch a glimpse of the side of one of her breasts.<br> <br> "I am, as you can see, a lamia. I am also a devotee to the arts of sensuality and pleasure. I will not cause you any pain or suffering."<br> <br> /* change 'arts of sensuality and pleasure' to fit the sensuality faction she belongs to once the proper name has been established */ She tilts her head back up to look at you. Her expression is both nervous and hopeful, and surprisingly vulnerable given her reptilian appearance.<br> <br> "Now that you know what I am, do you still wish to receive a massage from me?" she asks.<br> <br> <<set $player.hasSeenLamia to true>> <<if _isVision>> You already knew she was a snake girl. You wouldn't have come up to her room if that bothered you.<br> <br> <<else>> [[No, she's a freaking snake!->Calliophi: Early Decline]]<br> <</if>> [[Yes.->Calliophi: Early Accept]]
Calliophi seems saddened by your response, but she makes no attempt to prevent you from leaving. You suspect this is an answer she's received many times before.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited to true>> /* this path shuts off future visits */ <<set $allHarlots[$hi].isRepeatable to false>> <<include [[Calliophi: Scenario Clean-up]]>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Calliophi immediately brightens up.<br> <br> "Enter," she says. "My little room is a shrine to sensuality. You can forget all your cares here."<br> <br> <<include [[Calliophi: Pre-Gift]]>>
<<unset $playerStruggled>> <<unset $isConfirmedBlackRose>>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Calliophi: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<include [[Calliophi: Gift: Fluffy Thing]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[1]>> <<include [[Calliophi: Gift: Oil]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Calliophi: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>>
Calliophi takes the <<print $allGifts[$cgi].name + ".">> Her exotic features are inscrutable for a moment. She looks from the $allGifts[$cgi].name to you.<br> <br> "Do you know the significance of this?" she asks.<br> <br> [[Yes.->Calliophi: Black Rose: Yes]]<br> [[No.->Calliophi: Black Rose: No]]
Calliophi sees the $allGifts[$cgi].name and her eyes light up. She smiles.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasReceivedFluffyThing>> "Another one," she says. <<else>> "Aww, the traditional gift for a lamia," she says. "It's supposed to be a tasty treat, but some of us have moved on and put barbarism behind us. My sister gets mad when men bring it to her. She considers it insulting. I don't mind. You're not to know." <</if>> <br> <br> She takes the jar over to a medium-sized cage sitting on top of one of the shelves. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasReceivedFluffyThing eq false>> <br> <br> "I cannot eat them and it would be cruel to throw them away, so I keep and care for them."<br> <br> <</if>> She opens a hatch in the top of the cage and carefully places the $allGifts[$cgi].name inside. It joins the other indeterminate fluffy things burrowing in the sawdust at the bottom of the cage.<br> <br> "Be nice," Calliophi says to the cage. "Don't eat each other."<br> <br> She turns her attentions back to you.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasReceivedFluffyThing>> "I'll need to get a new cage at this rate."<br> <br> <</if>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasReceivedFluffyThing to true>> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Massage Prep]]
Calliophi sniffs the oil and tests the clear liquid between her fingers.<br> <br> "Good quality," she says.<br> <br> She sniffs it.<br> <br> "Arousing aroma," she says. "Perfect for erotic body-to-body massage. While that isn't quite what I offer here, I can still use it as part of your massage, if you'd like."<br> <br> You nod and she puts it on a small wheeled trolley already crowded with various exotic bottles and flasks.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Massage Prep]]
She takes your gift, thanks you and places it on a shelf packed with an assortment of strange items.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Massage Prep]]
You tell her you do.<br> <br> She puts her hands together and bows.<br> <br> "Then I shall carry out your wishes."<br> <br> She places the $allGifts[$cgi].name in a vase, puts it on a shelf and returns to you.<br> <br> <<set $isConfirmedBlackRose to true>> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Massage Prep]]
It has significance?<br> <br> You tell her no.<br> <br> Calliophi nods. She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name over to one of the shelves. You think she's going to put it in a vase, but when you look the $allGifts[$cgi].name doesn't appear to be there.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Massage Prep]]
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> After taking your gift, Calliophi slithers to the back of the room and turns on that old CD player you were so surprised to see last time. <<else>> After taking your gift, Calliophi slithers to the back of the room. You are surprised to see her turn on an old CD player. The electronic device looks a little incongruous. It's a reminder of the regular world outside. A world that doesn't have magic, sex demons and pretty girls with the lower bodies of snakes.<br> <br> <</if>> Inoffensive relaxing music fills the air.<br> <br> "Take your clothes off, sit here, and we'll begin your massage."<br> <br> Calliophi taps the padded seat of the plain white stool.<br> <br> You take your clothes off and hang them on a nearby hook. Calliophi removes her plain white robes and you're not surprised to see she's naked underneath. Her body is lithe and trim – a dancer's body. You notice more patches of scales – at her shoulders, elbows and sides. They look like sequins glued to her skin as part of an exotic costume.<br> <br> You sit on the stool. Calliophi adjusts the height and positions herself behind you. She starts kneading the muscles of your shoulders with surprisingly strong fingers.<br> <br> "I want you to relax," she says. "My room is a temple to sensuality and relaxation. While you are relaxed, no harm can come to you here."<br> <br> She continues to knead the muscles of your shoulders. Her touch is very skilled. You feel knots you never knew you had start to loosen.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Massage 1]]
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> "You're still so tense," Calliophi says. "The pressures of trying to survive in here must weigh heavy on the soul." <<else>> "You're very tense," Calliophi says. "It's understandable. This House is a deathtrap. A pretty deathtrap, lined with fine silks and filled with pleasant perfumes, but no less lethal for it. Most of the girls here want your life and soul." <</if>> <br><br> Her hands move up to your neck. Her touch is lighter, but no less soothing.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> "As a devotee of Priti Nāndyāh, I will do my best to lighten that load." <<else>> "Not me. I became a devotee of Priti Nāndyāh. We believe our sensual gifts should not be wasted in the mere gratification of carnal lusts and hungers." <</if>> <br><br> Her incredible fingers, so deft, move up to your head and start to gently knead your scalp.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> "So, relax. Let my fingers caress your worries away." <<else>> "Unfortunately, all of us who work within the House are bound by its rules. I cannot help you escape, but I can use my session to lighten the weight on your shoulders." <</if>> <br><br> The tips of her fingers dance all over your scalp. At her delicate touch you feel like a dark cloud is lifting, one you were previously unaware existed.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> "Enjoy this moment of blissful serenity." <<else>> "To give you a moment of blissful serenity." <</if>> <br><br> She pulls your head back so it's resting on the twin soft pillows of her breasts. Her hands move to your temples and she massages them with slow circular rubs.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Massage 2]]
You let your head rest against her bosom and relax. Her head massage has you feeling properly pampered.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> And again, her lovely delicate touch translates into your arousal. Your penis rises up in erection. And again, Calliophi is unfazed by it. <<else>> And also a little aroused. Calliophi might claim it's not that 'sort' of massage, but you get turned on anyway. You feel a little bit of shame as you glance down and see your penis rise up in erection.<br> <br> Calliophi notices and seems unconcerned. <</if>> <br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasGivenHappyEnding>> <<include [[Calliophi: Repeat Erotic Massage]]>> <<else>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> <<include [[Calliophi: Ask Permission: Repeat]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Calliophi: Ask Permission: First-Time]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
"Oh good," Calliophi says. "A healthy ejaculatory release is so good at flushing negative energy out of the body. I feel a massage is incomplete without it."<br> <br> She presses her body close to yours. You feel her slim belly press against your naked back. She rests your head back against her soft boobs while her fingers work wonders with your facial muscles.<br> <br> She winds her serpentine tail around your legs. That rather spoils the illusion of receiving a regular massage from an attractive girl.<br> <br> [[Try to kick the coils away?->Calliophi: Struggle 1]]<br> [[Let her carry on?->Calliophi: Erotic Massage 1]]
"As you wish," Calliophi says. "Some are discomfited at having their intimate parts touched outside of lovemaking. <<include [[Calliophi: Decline Erotic]]>>
You struggle and try to stop Calliophi winding her coils around your body.<br> <br> "It's okay, just relax," Calliophi says. "It's part of the massage."<br> <br> [[Stop struggling?->Calliophi: Stop Struggling]]<br> [[Keep struggling?->Calliophi: Struggle 2]]
Calliophi pushes your head back against her bosom. Her exquisite fingers continue to knead the muscles of your face. Her serpentine body slides against you and gives you a gentle squeeze.<br> <br> "I'm going to start stimulating the arousal centres now," Calliophi says.<br> <br> Her fingers dance along the line of your jaw, caress behind your ears and tickle up through the hairs of your scalp. Your hairs rise up and you feel a pleasant tingling sensation.<br> <br> "Relax," she whispers. "Let the erotic charge build within you."<br> <br> It's not the only thing building. Your erection stands upright and obvious.<br> <br> "Don't be ashamed," Calliophi says. "It's natural. And healthy."<br> <br> She lifts up the tip of her tail in between your legs and wags it.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasGivenHappyEnding>> <<include [[Calliophi: Consider Asking For More]]>> <<else>> "Let me help you release that tension."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Erotic Massage 2]] <</if>>
You stop struggling and let Calliophi wind her serpentine body around you.<br> <br> "See, it's okay," she says. "There's nothing to be scared of. Just relax. Let me pamper you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Erotic Massage 1]]
You don't want her serpentine form coiled around you. You continue to kick out and prevent her from tightening her coils.<br> <br> "No, I'm not a constrictor. There is no need to be concerned."<br> <br> She pleasantly kneads your shoulders in an attempt to reassure you.<br> <br> [[Keep Struggling?->Calliophi: Struggle 3]]<br> [[Stop Struggling?->Calliophi: Stop Struggling]]
"No, no, no," Calliophi protests as you struggle more violently. "Please relax. You'll trigger my—"<br> <br> You cut her off by inadvertently stomping down on the end of her tail.<br> <br> Calliophi gives an angry hiss, tilts your head to the side and sinks long fangs into your neck. At first there's shock and a brief spike of pain. Then that shock gives way to shock of a different kind as Calliophi injects her venom into your bloodstream. It feels like opiates mixed with a powerful aphrodisiac and you are overwhelmed with both bliss and unbearable horniness. Stunned, you lean back against her as her venom runs through your veins like warm magma.<br> <br> "Oh... forgive me, Priti Nāndyāh. I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry."<br> <br> Calliophi retracts her fangs. Her bite is so clean all it leaves behind are two pinpricks beaded with blood.<br> <br> You feel... strange.<br> <br> <<set $playerStruggled to true>> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Bad End 1]]
"I am not a constrictor, I am a venomous lamia," Calliophi says. She sounds sad. "It is my curse. My bite brings the greatest pleasure... and then death. <<if $playerStruggled>> Forgive me, Priti Nāndyāh. I am still weak. I cannot fully control my instincts." <<else>> If I had the choice, I would never use it. But the House is cruel and rules are rules. We all must abide by them." <</if>> <br> <br> You start to feel weird, but pleasantly so. /* check for anti-venom charm - it fails */ <<if $player.charms.includes(28)>> You feel a strange prickly point of heat behind your shoulder. The weird-but-pleasant feeling briefly seems like it's subsiding. That point behind your shoulder flares up to white-hot, then goes numb. That weird-but-pleasant feeling returns and totally submerges you.<br><br> <</if>> Your body heats up all over. The glow is especially concentrated in your loins. Your cock rises in an iron-hard erection. You're not sure what Calliophi is talking about. You feel great.<br> <br> "There's no point fighting it. My venom has you in its grip. In a moment you're going to start ejaculating and won't be able to stop. All I can do is make these last moments pleasurable for you."<br> <br> She snuggles up to you. The tip of her tail, slick with lubricating oil, coils around your cock and starts to pump you with twisty squeezes.<br> <br> You don't really need it. You feel so horny a gentle puff of air would be enough to get you to explode.<br> <br> You let out a cry and spray a long stream of semen in a great arc. The feeling of release is indescribable. It's not even the end. As Calliophi's tail continues to masturbate you, your cock throbs again and another great arc of cum shoots over the floor.<br> <br> [[It's not stopping...->Calliophi: Bad End 2]]
She sends her tail over to the nearby trolley and dips the tip in a flagon of scented oil. She brings it back dripping with lubricant and coils it around your erection. Then she starts pumping it up and down in a smooth and easy milking action. It feels like a handjob. A very skilled and very pleasant handjob.<br> <br> Calliophi continues to caress your scalp as her tail jerks you off. "Relax," she whispers. "Let pleasure flow through you. Let it build. We're going to pump out all that unhealthy tension."<br> <br> Her tail coils and squeezes, slides and twists. It gives your whole cock a working over. You slump against her, lost in the blissful sensations. Her long fingers continue to run through your hair and massage your scalp.<br> <br> <<if $isConfirmedBlackRose>> <<include [[Calliophi: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Calliophi: Tailjob]]>> <</if>>
"And now to give you what you asked for, even though it pains me."<br> <br> Her lips brush against your neck. You feel a brief sharp prick of pain as she pops long fangs and sinks them into your flesh. The bite is gentle, almost sensual. The pain is only brief and replaced by a euphoric rush as she injects her venom into your bloodstream. It feels like an opiate mixed with a powerful aphrodisiac. You slump back against Calliophi as it flows through your veins like warm magma.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Bad End 1]]
"Don't feel you need to hold it in," she says softly. "If you want to come, just let go."<br> <br> Her oiled tail smoothly pumps your cock, faster and faster now. You start to let out low moans and tremble on the stool. Sensing you're imminent, Calliophi pulls your head back into against her soft bosom. Her tail winds tighter and squeezes you rhythmically.<br> <br> "Let it go," she whispers.<br> <br> [[You're close...->Calliophi: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Calliophi: No Semen 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Calliophi: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
The urge to come grows and grows, but you can't quite get there. You've been a little //too// active in the House this evening. As good as Calliophi's oil-slick tail feels, it's going to take a bit more work to get you over that threshold.<br> <br> "Relax. Don't push it. It will come," Calliophi says.<br> <br> Her tail winds tighter and pumps harder. Calliophi squeezes, she twists. She attacks your cock with pleasurable sensations from all sides.<br> <br> To no avail.<br> <br> "It's okay. You're stressed," she says. "My form is a little strange for you. We can take longer. Just tip your head back and relax. Lose yourself to the pleasure."<br> <br> She shifts position to allow her tail to get a stronger grip. She gently kneads your shoulders while her tail jerks you off. It pumps you fast, then it pumps you deep and slow. Calliophi tries every trick she knows.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Calliophi: No Semen 2]]
The urge to come grows and grows, until finally – like a wave – it peaks. You groan and thrust and spray semen up and away from you in a great arc. Calliophi keeps pumping you with her oil-slathered tail.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasGivenHappyEnding>> "Yes, it's good to let it out." <<else>> "Yes, that's it. Let it all out," Calliophi says soothingly. <</if>> <br><br> She keeps squeezing and pumping your cock until the ejaculation finally subsides to a little dribble.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasGivenHappyEnding>> "Healthy." <<else>> "Oh good," she says. "A good healthy release works wonders for stress relief." <</if>> <br><br> She runs her hands through your hair. She uncoils her tail from your spent cock. While you sit on the stool and recover from a very satisfying ejaculation, she fetches some wet wipes and cleans your crotch.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Good End]]
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasGivenHappyEnding eq false>> "Did that feel good?" She turns her head and looks up at you with a breezy smile.<br> <br> You nod. It's about all you can do at the moment.<br> <br> <</if>> You feel... pretty damn good. Drained, but in a good way. When you stand up you feel like you're about to float away. You put your clothes back on. When you turn back, Calliophi has already put her robe back on. She gives you a little bow.<br> <br> <<include [[Calliophi: Cure Fatigued]]>> /* For later - this also results in temporary buff - resist pleasure or something similar */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasGivenHappyEnding>> "I'm so happy you let me service you again," she says<br> <br> She looks back up. Her eyes are big and bright and beautiful.<br> <br> "You can come back anytime." <<else>> "I'm so happy to have served you," she says.<br> <br> She looks back up. Her eyes are big and bright and beautiful.<br> <br> "Please do come again." <</if>> <br><br> You leave her little room with a spring in your step. <br><br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited to true>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasGivenHappyEnding to true>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Calliophi: Scenario Clean-up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
You still can't get there. You wonder if you're done for tonight. You have come a lot already. Maybe your balls are empty.<br> <br> Calliophi refuses to give up. She wraps her serpentine body more tightly around you. Her oil slick tail continues to impart pleasurable friction as she winds it up and down your erection. She even drops her head down to whisper dirty talk in your ear.<br> <br> "Come," she says. "Spray your filthy cum all over my tail."<br> <br> You don't. You're done. After a few desultory dribbles of pre-cum, your cock starts to soften. Even Calliophi's lovely ministrations can't keep it hard.<br> <br> You glance up at her apologetically. She looks so mortified, as if this is somehow her fault even though you know it isn't. You go to tell her that, but before you can she pops long fangs and sinks them into your neck.<br> <br> There's shock and a brief spike of pain. Then it's replaced by a euphoric rush as she injects her venom into your bloodstream. It feels like an opiate mixed with a powerful aphrodisiac. You slump back against Calliophi as it flows through your veins like warm magma.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Bad End 1]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> "Let it out," Calliophi says. "It's all coming out. Better for you to let it flow."<br> <br> You have no problem with that. Calliophi pumps your cock and semen shoots out of you in great splattery arcs. Then you feel a slightly less pleasant convulsion in your loins as muscles pushed beyond their limits start to twinge.<br> <br> Too much, you protest. Your body doesn't listen. More shoots out of you. You squirm and writhe on the stool. The warmth is fading.<br> <br> Calliophi tries to whisper soothing words in your ear. Something is wrong, though, you can feel it. Things breaking inside you.<br> <br> Panic sets in. You can't stop this even though it's ripping you apart inside.<br> <br> Another massive convulsion. Something vital within you tears.<br> <br> Your throbbing cock continues to spray semen even as everything starts to fade to black. The last thing you hear is Calliophi weeping.<br> <br> <<include [[Calliophi: Scenario Clean-up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
/* both her plain and erotic massages cure fatigue */ <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Remove Player Ailment]]>> <<set _ailment to 11>> <<include [[Remove Player Ailment]]>>
/* We overwrite the default because of the unusual 0-coin outcome if the player walks out at the start */ /* Intro (as default) */ <<include [[Sell Exp Intro]]>> /* Main (as default) */ <<include [[Sell Exp Body]]>> /* Feedback */ /* player walked out early. */ /* NOTE: Doing this turns off repeat visits and the option is not there for repeat visits, so this check is safe */ <<if _scoreArray[0][1]>> Then, when you're finished, he closes his notebook.<br> <br> "You dolt, she's one of the few girls in here that's close to harmless."<br> <br> He doesn't bring out his wallet.<br> <br> "Of course I'm not going to pay you. You haven't done anything!"<br> <br> And that's that.<br> <br> <<else>> /* (use default) */ <<include [[Sell Exp Feedback]]>> <</if>>
/* Text Here */ <<if _isRepeatVisit>> "You went to see Calliophi again?" $ says.<br> <br> He pulls out his notebook again, but doesn't seem in any hurry to write anything. <<else>> "Ah, Calliophi. One of my favourites." $ pulls out a small black notebook. He doesn't seem that attentive, as if he's expecting to be told a story he's heard before. <</if>> <br> <br>
<<if _isRepeatVisit>> /* must start with linebreaks if wish to start on new line */ <br> <br> "You're lucky to still get a chance to pick her." /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
/* Clean Massage */ <<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> "Understandable. I do the same, as lovely as Calliophi seems. Some of the she-devils in here switch completely the moment they get the slightest sniff of a man's issue. Better to be boring and safe than sorry and dead." /* Erotic massage */ <<elseif _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> "Hmm. I never let it go that far when I visited her. You never know how these she-devils will react the moment they get their first taste of jism."<br> <br> He taps his pen mournfully against his notebook.<br> <br> "Perhaps my fears were unfounded. Oh well. She never shows up in my selection options anymore anyway. I suspect it's that accursed madam's doing." <<else>> ''ERROR: Our Dev done goofed - This should be unreachable. Please let him know so he can fix it.'' <</if>>
You walk in and Calliophi slithers over to you. Her movements are smooth and sinuous.<br> <br> "First we must adhere to the traditions of the House. Do you have a gift for me?"<br> <br> You do.<br> <br> [[You give her your gift.->Calliophi: Gift]]
"I see you've let some tension build up again. It's okay, I'll soon get rid of that."<br> <br> She presses her body close to yours. You feel her slim belly press against your naked back. She rests your head back against her soft boobs while her fingers work wonders with your facial muscles.<br> <br> She winds her serpentine tail around your legs.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Erotic Massage 1]]
"That is nothing to be ashamed of. It's natural," she says. "The sensual and the sexual have always been intertwined. A good strong ejaculation is an excellent way of flushing tension from the body."<br> <br> She presses your head back against her breasts.<br> <br> "I was planning on ending this massage with a good strong ejaculation. But only with your permission, of course."<br> <br> Will you give her that permission?<br> <br> [[Yes.->Calliophi: Accept Erotic]]<br> [[No.->Calliophi: Decline Erotic: First-Time]]
"It's natural and nothing to be ashamed of," Calliophi says.<br> <br> She presses your head back against her breasts.<br> <br> "Your body is sending you a message. Listen to it. Don't repress and deny your desires. It's unhealthy to let the tension build up inside you. So, please, this time let me finish your massage with a good, strong ejaculation. You'll feel so much better for it."<br> <br> [[Let her.->Calliophi: Accept Erotic]]<br> [[Keep it clean.->Calliophi: Decline Erotic: Again]]
Calliophi is again saddened by your decision.<br> <br> "It's okay. I understand. Some find such intimacy discomforting. <<include [[Calliophi: Decline Erotic]]>>
Causing discomfort is a sin in the eyes of Priti Nāndyāh."<br> <br> Calliophi keeps it clean and gives you a regular massage. She has a wonderful touch and afterwards you feel light and airy. You're almost floating as you get up from the stool.<br> <br> <<include [[Calliophi: Cure Fatigued]]>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> "Please come again any time you need a relaxing massage." <<else>> "Pick me again anytime you need another relaxing massage," Calliophi says. <</if>> <br><br> She glances down at your flapping erection as you put your clothes back on.<br> <br> "I do wish you'd let me take care of that. It's not healthy to let it build up. Especially in here. The succubi in the House will take advantage of it and use your frustrated sexual tension to enslave or even consume you."<br> <br> She puts her silk robe back on and gives you a chaste little bow as you leave.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited to true>> <<include [[Calliophi: Scenario Clean-up]]>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
"Other ways?" Calliophi says. "Oh, did you find my tail technique not pleasurable enough last time? I'll do better this time."<br> <br> It's not that, you reassure her. It felt very nice last time. It's just...<br> <br> <<if not $player.currIsCautious>> [[Come right out with it and ask her directly if she fucks?->Calliophi: Request Sex: Direct]]<br> <</if>> [[Discreetly try to find out if she fucks?->Calliophi: Request Sex: Indirect]]<br> [[Forget about it?->Calliophi: Request Sex: Change Mind]]
You get straight to the point and ask Calliophi if you can fuck her.<br> <br> "Oh," Calliophi says.<br> <br> Her hands pause what they are doing.<br> <br> "I'm flattered of course," she says. "Sadly, I do not offer full sexual intercourse. I have taken a vow of celibacy. <<include [[Calliophi: Request Sex: Combined]]>>
You spend the next minute or so tortuously trying to find out how far Calliophi goes without directly asking her for something that might offend her.<br> <br> "Are you asking if you can have sex with me?" Calliophi asks.<br> <br> Yes?<br> <br> "I'm sorry, I can't," she says. "I've taken a vow of celibacy. <<include [[Calliophi: Request Sex: Combined]]>>
...nothing, you tell her. Just ignore me.<br> <br> "See, tension," Calliophi says. She gives your erection a little boop with the tip of her tail. "It stops you from thinking straight. Let's ease it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Erotic Massage 2]]
I cannot have sex until I have fully purged myself of all animal urges. I hope you understand."<br> <br> She resumes pleasantly kneading your shoulders and neck.<br> <br> "However, my sister is not bound by any religious vows."<br> <br> [[Sister?->Calliophi: Introduce Sister]]
"My sister is a free spirit," Calliophi says. "She'd almost certainly have sex with you if you ask. We're also alike in appearance, so if you find me attractive, you'll find her sexy as well."<br> <br> She leans forwards, turns her head to you and smiles at you if there's nothing wrong with this at all.<br> <br> "Just tell her you spoke to me and that you'd like to have sex with a pretty lamia. We're used to humans finding our snake bodies repulsive, so we tend to be cautious about offering full sex."<br> <br> She shifts position. Her sinuous tail slithers around behind you.<br> <br> "I should warn you. While we look alike, my sister is very different in personality. She's fiery and likes to take the dominant role. She might surprise you with unexpected pleasures."<br> <br> The tip of her tail slides between your legs and tickles your anus.<br> <br> /* TODO - to add when sister is implemented You are already familiar with SN's 'unexpected pleasures'. */ "You should seek her out. The vagina of a lamia is quite a unique experience. It's even better than my lovely tail for flushing out nasty tension."<br> <br> Your erection gives a little twitch.<br> <br> "Oh, my talk appears to have inadvertently increased your tension. We'll have to do something about that."<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenAskedForSex to true>> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Erotic Massage 2]]
You know what's coming next. Calliophi is going to wind the tip of her tail around your cock and give you a very satisfying wank. From experience you know it feels extremely <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenAskedForSex>> pleasant.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Erotic Massage 2]] <<else>> pleasant, but you wonder if that's all Calliophi has to offer.<br> <br> [[Let her carry on?->Calliophi: Erotic Massage 2]]<br> [[Ask if she has other ways of... relieving tension?->Calliophi: Request Sex]] <</if>>
"It won't be necessary, but I like the way you're thinking."<br> <br> Sapoonis's blue eyes glimmer as she gives you a knowing smile.<br> <br> <<set $affectionChange to 2>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Sapoonis likes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>>
"Ooh, no thanks. I'd rather not pollute my water with that."<br> <br> She drops the flask into a bin next to the bath.<br> <br> "Never mind. You weren't to know."<br> <br> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Sapoonis dislikes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>>
"How thoughtful."<br> <br> She turns the $allGifts[$cgi].name over in her hands before placing <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on a shelf overhanging the bath.<br> <br> <<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Sapoonis likes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>>
Sapoonis looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name with a puzzled expression.<br> <br> "I think this might have been intended for one of the other girls."<br> <br> She tosses <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> into a bin next to the bath.<br> <br> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Sapoonis dislikes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>>
"That's nice. Place <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> over there."<br> <br> You find room for <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on a shelf covered in various bottles.<br> <br> /* No affection change */
/* Cèis nan Cridheachan */ <<set $hi to 25>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Cèis nan Cridheachan", shortDescription: "", faction: 3, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [15], affection: 2, preIntroductionLink: "Ceis: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Ceis: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Ceis: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Ceis: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Ceis: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Ceis: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Ceis: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Ceis: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Ceis: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Ceis: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.charms.push(17)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ <<set $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick to false>> /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 25>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0].number>> */ <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a fairy girl about the size of your hand with a shock of bright pink hair. She flutters around in racy pink lingerie that shamelessly shows off her nipples and sex.">>
/* Madam intro */ "Ah, one of the wee fair folk – Cèis nan Cridheachan," $ says.<br> <br> She drops her voice to whisper.<br> <br> "And in case you're wondering, yes, there are ways." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Cèis nan Cridheachan is a fairy. A very slutty fairy. She flutters around on two pairs of delicate insect wings, leaving sparkly pink glitter in her wake.<br> <br> In form she looks like a miniaturised glamour model, albeit one that looks like she does more explicit work on the side. Her face is mischievous with pouty lips, high cheekbones and big sleepy eyes. Her pink hair sticks out in a puff like the bud of a cotton plant.<br> <br> Her full, womanly figure is dressed in racy and exceptionally slutty pink lingerie. Her tiny nipples are revealed by peepholes in her bra. Her panties are open at the crotch and show off the smooth, hairless groove of her sex. Her long stockinged legs end in fancy pink fairy boots with curled toes.<br> <br> While she looks sexy, she's also small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Cèis flutters in front of your face and blows you a kiss. "Hi stud. You wanna fuck?"<br> <br> You wonder if that's even possible, given the size difference.<br> <br> Cèis sees your puzzled expression. "Okay, not directly. You're a little too big for me." She laughs. "But there are other ways I can pleasure you."<br> <br> Before you can react, she swoops down and hugs your crotch.<br> <br> "Cèis!" $ calls out. "What have I told you about touching the patrons before you're picked."<br> <br> "Sorry, Madam." Cèis leaves your crotch and flutters back to her spot with a suitably chastened expression.<br> <br> Then, when $ isn't looking, she sticks her tongue out at her. She turns and gives you a saucy wink. <br>
You take Cèis out into the bar. She flutters alongside you and then alights on your shoulder.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSerious>> "Don't be so stiff and boring," Cèis says. "Let's have a drink and have some fun." <<else>> "I love going out into the bar," Cèis says. "So much life and fun." <</if>> <br><br> She picks out a table amongst the hustle and bustle and you take a seat. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Ceis: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Ceis: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "You don't have any money?" Cèis says incredulously. "What a skinflint."<br> <br> She takes off, blows you a raspberry and then whirs off back in the direction of the stage, leaving a trail of sparkly pink glitter behind her.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a thimble of sweet-looking liquid for Cèis. The waitress also places a tiny doll's-house chair on top of the table. Cèis sits in it and suggestively crosses her legs.<br> <br> "Okay, real talk," Cèis says in a slightly more serious manner. "As you're probably aware, there's a bit of a size difference between us that's going to make the fucky-fucky... tricky. And don't pin your hopes on any sort of size-changing magic either, I don't got any."<br> <br> She crosses and uncrosses her legs on her tiny chair, shamelessly knowing it will draw your attention to between them.<br> <br> "What I can do is give your dick a full-body massage. This means rubbing it with these lovely tits..."<br> <br> She gives her chest a suggestive jiggle.<br> <br> "...this lovely ass..."<br> <br> She wriggles in the seat.<br> <br> "...and this lovely pussy."<br> <br> She opens her legs and shamelessly shows off her sex.<br> <br> "Rubbing it and rubbing it until you blast cum everywhere."<br> <br> She runs a tongue around her full lips.<br> <br> "You might not think it sounds much, but believe me, you'll find it a lot more pleasurable than a regular wank."<br> <br> You don't doubt you will. Even though Cèis is barely bigger than a doll, you still have an erection when you return to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Ah, Cèis nan Cridheachan, one of the succufairies," $ says. "They're like the fairies of your myth, but sluttier. They like stealing human souls, so be careful when having sex with her that she doesn't..."<br> <br> $ mimes grabbing your nose.<br> <br> "...yank your soul right out of you. Everything in here is a succubus, even if they resemble other creatures of myth."<br> <br> $ sees your look of confusion.<br> <br> "Ha ha. I've seen that look before. You're wondering how it's even possible to have sex with someone so tiny. There are ways."<br> <br> $ taps her nose.<br> <br> "And they don't involve size-changing magic. It's really rather disgu... No, it's better if I don't spoil the surprise."<br> <br> She chuckles darkly.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"She rewards the stolid and serious with an extra special service.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Don't let her small stature make you complacent. You'll be bound the whole time with fairy magic and won't be able to stop her should things get... risky.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Like most of her kind, Cèis is whimsical and fun-loving. She likes men who are the same.\""}>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[0] to "Balla-Balla an Buachar likes to inflate her pussy in a man's ass.\"">> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[1] to "The Mùchadh sisters are twisted. Broinn likes to cover a man's nose and mouth with her pussy until he suffocates.\"">> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[2] to "Especially Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair. They call her the dick-destroying fairy for good reason.\"">>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Ceis: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Ceis: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<if $isTesting>> ''affection = $allHarlots[$hi].affection''<br><br> <</if>> /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [3,false,false], /* Survival */ [1,false,false] /* any +ve gift */ ] }>> <<include [[Ceis: Enter Room]]>>
/* No repeat scenario as of yet */ <<include [[Ceis: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Cèis nan Cridheachan's room is a little unusual. It has been decorated to look like a woodland clearing, but in a cheap and tacky manner. There are tree branches stuck to the walls and extending out into the room. The branches look like they've been made out of plastic rather than wood. Piped woodland music and birdsong plays in the background. The whole room looks obviously fake, as if the owner felt obligated to form a certain impression, but wasn't too fussed about the quality.<br> <br> Cèis swoops down off a plastic branch to greet you.<br> <br> "Welcome to my glen," she says.<br> <br> She poses suggestively as she hovers before your face. Up close, you notice she has a pair of un-fairylike red horns poking up out of her pink puff of hair. Then, with a quick whir of her wings, she drops down and glomps your crotch. You can feel her little hands pushing against your trousers to rub your genitals beneath.<br> <br> "I love cock," Cèis says, trying to squeeze you through your trousers. "I can't wait to get this out and give it a good hug."<br> <br> She flutters back up and looks at the gift in your hand.<br> <br> "What have you brought me?"<br> <br> [[You give her your gift.->Ceis: Gift]]
<<if $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(3)>> <<include [[Ceis: Gift: Pretty]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(2)>> <<include [[Ceis: Gift: Scented]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(12)>> <<include [[Ceis: Gift: Gross]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(0)>> <<include [[Ceis: Gift: Edible]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(11)>> <<include [[Ceis: Gift: Weird]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Ceis: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>> <br><br> She flutters off with your gift and stashes it in a hollow tree trunk.<br> <br> "Take your clothes off," she calls back at you.<br> <br> [[You start to undress.->Ceis: Undress]]
<<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Cèis likes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> "Ooh, pretty," Cèis says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> She seems delighted with your gift. <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>>
<<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Cèis likes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> Cèis puts the $allGifts[$cgi].name to her nose.<br> <br> "That smells nice," she says. <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>>
<<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Cèis dislikes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> "Ugh, gross," Cèis says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> She doesn't seem impressed with your gift.
<<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Cèis dislikes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> "That will make me fat," Cèis says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> She doesn't seem impressed with your gift.
<<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Cèis dislikes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> "Um, thanks... I guess," Cèis says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> She seems a bit perplexed by your gift.
"Nice," Cèis says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.
You take your clothes off and hang them on a branch next to the door that appears to be there for this purpose. Then you look around the room.<br> <br> There is furniture, of sorts, amongst the fake tree stumps and branches. You see a wooden cot-like bed tucked away in the right corner. At the very back of the room a big comfy hammock is strung between two big branches. In front of that is a round fluffy mat, dyed green to resemble grass and large enough for multiple people to lie upon. Closer to the left is a wooden chair with a lush red seat and legs carved to look like living shoots. On the right is a fake tree shaped like a cross with straps to hold arms and legs. Cèis has a lot of options for where to put her visitors.<br> <br> She buzzes around the centre of the room. She looks at you and then the various furnishings as if considering which to use.<br> <br> "We'll use the chair," she says. "Come over here and sit on my wanking stool."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ceis: Wanking Stool]]
You sit down. Cèis flies off and returns with a water bowl bigger than she is. She places it on the ground and flies off again, this time returning with a bottle of lubricant. She positions the bottle next to the bowl and, smiling suggestively at you, works the pump with her ass. She moans erotically as she does so, playing it up as a sexual act. The pump moves up and down with her ass and squirts globs of clear lubricant into the bowl.<br> <br> "I have to get lubed up," Cèis says.<br> <br> She removes her bra and panties and starts splashing in the bowl like a bird in a water fountain. //Splashing// isn't quite the right word as the lubricant is far more viscous than water. Cèis covers herself in it while taking every opportunity to show off her body to you. She makes a live erotic show of it and her body looks so gorgeous you feel a pang of regret she's only six inches in height.<br> <br> As tiny as she is, seeing her oil herself up like this is enough to cause your cock to rise in erection.<br> <br> Cèis flutters up out of the bowl until she's hovering just in front of you.<br> <br> "Before we begin, I need to bind your hands behind your back with restraint magic," Cèis says.<br> <br> <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> [[Ah, this again.->Ceis: Fairy Binding]] <<else>> [[You what?->Ceis: Fairy Binding]] <</if>>
Seeing your expression, she explains further.<br> <br> "It's for my safety," Cèis says. "Once I get going, some men get a little too into it and their first instinct is to grab the thing rubbing against their cock, and rub it faster... and then you end up with one very crushed fairy. So, hands behind back, please."<br> <br> You do as she says. Cèis does a strange little dance in the air, sparkly pink glitter spilling from her limbs. She whispers silvery words too fleet for your ears to catch. The air coalesces around your wrists to form elastic handcuffs. The same happens at your ankles, cuffing both of them to the chair legs.<br> <br> "Now let's wank that big fat cock of yours."<br> <br> Cèis flutters down, wraps her arms and legs around your burgeoning erection and gives it a hug.<br> <br> "I love cock," she says.<br> <br> She plants lusty kisses on your swollen glans. Your cock perks up to full hardness. At first Cèis is content to just hug your cock tightly. Then she starts to slide her oiled-up body up and down your erection. She rubs her naked boobs against you. She humps her pussy against your shaft. She twirls around your hard-on like it's a stripper pole.<br> <br> "I love wanking them off until they spurt cum everywhere," Cèis says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ceis: Wanking]]
She makes an erotic dance of it as she writhes and slithers around your erection. She slides all the way down your shaft and uses her naked feet to play with your balls. You feel a stirring in your loins and your cock twitches pleasantly from the stimulation. Cèis climbs back up to the head of your cock and her eyes light up as she sees a little dewdrop of pre-cum well up from the tip.<br> <br> "This is my nectar," she says.<br> <br> She leans in and sucks up the droplet of pre-cum. She presses her soft lips to your urethra and sucks more out directly. Her tongue teases the edges and even slips inside.<br> <br> You writhe and squirm with pleasure.<br> <br> "Not yet," Cèis says. "Let it build."<br> <br> She departs your glans with a kiss and moves down to continue masturbating your shaft with her hands and feet.<br> <br> "This cock is so lovely I could gobble it right up," Cèis says. "In fact, I think I will."<br> <br> [[Huh?->Ceis: Everts Vagina]]
She leans back and starts wildly humping your erection. It looks a little silly – like a horny dog humping a leg.<br> <br> "Ah, time to fuck," Cèis says.<br> <br> <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> Her sigh trails off into a loud erotic moan. Her whole body stiffens. What comes next doesn't surprise you as you've visited other succufairies before and already know about the fairy 'trick'. Her vagina turns inside out and swells up like a pinkish-white balloon. It envelops your erection and you feel gentle pressure all around your cock. <<else>> Her sigh trails off into a loud erotic moan. Her whole body stiffens. Then you watch in surprise as what looks like a pinkish-white balloon swells up out of her crotch and envelops your cock. You feel a soft membrane press all around it. It feels like you've just plunged into a warm vagina. Only there is no vagina, just Cèis lying against a pinkish-white bubble and your dick hidden away inside it. You feel gentle pressure all around your cock. <</if>> <br><br> "This is fairy pussy," Cèis says. She's still breathing heavily. "We can't fit a cock inside us, so we blow our vagina inside out and wrap it around the penis."<br> <br> She rubs her hands and feet against the bubble of flesh enveloping your manhood. Her motions travel through as gentle silken strokes.<br> <br> "It feels good to have you in my pussy," Cèis says. She languidly rubs her arms and legs against the billowing membrane. "I can feel you like it too."<br> <br> It does feel surprisingly pleasant.<br> <br> "Now what to do with you."<br> <br> <<include [[Ceis: End Determinator]]>>
/* affection must not be lower than zero and player must not be serious */ <<if $isTesting>> ''affection = $allHarlots[$hi].affection''<br><br> <</if>> <<if $cgi eq 0 or $player.currIsSerious or $allHarlots[$hi].affection lt 0>> <<include [[Ceis: To Bad End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Ceis: Begin Good End]]>> <</if>>
She continues to hug and stroke her bulging inside-out vagina. Inside, your cock is buffeted by pleasurable pressure.<br> <br> "<<include [[Ceis: Begin Bad End]]>>
She continues to hug and stroke her bulging inside-out vagina. Inside, your cock is buffeted by pleasurable pressure.<br> <br> "You seem fun, so I'll only take your cum," Cèis says.<br> <br> [[Reassuring, you think.->Ceis: To Ejaculation]]
She rocks and bounces against the balloon of flesh surrounding your cock. It feels like silken caresses moving up and down your shaft. What arousal you'd lost when Cèis had everted her vagina is returned with interest as the pleasure starts to overwhelm you.<br> <br> "Let's get that lovely juice out," Cèis says.<br> <br> She grips the bulging membrane tighter and rocks faster against it. Within it, your cock is squeezed and stimulated with tugging strokes. It's more than that. It feels like your cock is enveloped with a warm glow that sinks down into your loins. A comfortable urge to come starts to rise within you.<br> <br> "Yes, spurt it out," Cèis says. She rocks harder and faster.<br> <br> <<include [[Ceis: Semen Check]]>>
<<if $player.semenCount eq 0>> [[Continue.->Ceis: No Semen]] <<elseif $player.semenCount eq 1>> [[Continue.->Ceis: Low Semen]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Ceis: Good End 1]] <</if>>
You don't.<br> <br> As pleasant as it feels, your body has been through too much already this evening. There isn't anything left and Cèis cannot rock you over the edge no matter how hard she tries. She continues to work your cock with her silky-smooth everted vagina, before coming to the conclusion nothing is coming out.<br> <br> "I was only going to take your cum, but you don't appear to have any, so... <<include [[Ceis: Begin Bad End]]>>
Given all you've already gone through, you do wonder if the silky stroking throbs of Cèis's inside-out pussy are enough to get you off, even as wonderful as they feel. Cèis persists and her skilful rocking motions are enough to drag you to shuddering climax.<br> <br> It's a weak climax. Your balls are nearly fully drained. When you finally come, it's barely more than a dribble of semen into the smothering membrane of Cèis's everted vagina.<br> <br> "Is that all?" Cèis says.<br> <br> She sounds disappointed.<br> <br> "I was only going to take your cum, but this little dribble isn't enough, so... <<include [[Ceis: Begin Bad End]]>>
/* already checked */ <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> You're coming. Your body tenses up and you rise up off the seat. Cèis rises up and rolls her ballooning vagina up and over the head of your cock, until it's completely covered. You peak with a loud grunt and spurt a big load of cum up into a warm bubble of flesh. Cèis catches it all. Not a drop escapes the warm smothering membrane. She uses her hands and feet to expertly squeeze the head of your glans, coaxing every last drop of cum out of your throbbing cock. You empty your balls in a massive ejaculation and then slump back on the chair.<br> <br> "So much," Cèis says with an excited cry. "You've completely soaked my pussy."<br> <br> But not for long. The membrane is already absorbing your issue even as it deflates and Cèis slowly draws it back into her body.<br> <br> You sit back on the chair, still overwhelmed by the intensity of the orgasm. Cèis hovers up to the head of your cock and greedily sucks the last dregs of ejaculate from your urethra.<br> <br> "Delicious," she says, running a tongue around her lips.<br> <br> She flutters up to your face in a shower of pink glitter and deposits a wet kiss on your cheek.<br> <br> "That was a nice fairy fuck," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ceis: Good End 2]]
She swoops down level with your chest and snaps her fingers. The magical bonds restraining your wrists and ankles evaporate. You bring your hands forward and rub your wrists. Cèis buzzes off to clean up.<br> <br> You leave the chair and put your clothes back on. Cèis returns and you see she's put her bra and panties back on.<br> <br> She flutters up to give you a goodbye kiss on the cheek.<br> <br> "You're fun and your nectar tastes sweet. Any time you want your cock wrapped up in fairy pussy, come again."<br> <br> /* give hint if affection high enough */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection gt 1>> She flitters over to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "But be careful of the other succufairies. <<include [[Harlot Scenario: Select Harlot Gossip]]>> <br> <br> <</if>> It was nice, you feel, even if you don't think you'll be getting rid of that image of Cèis everting her vagina and enveloping your cock with it anytime soon. You're not sure you want to. The way your cock twitches in your trousers at the memory of it makes you think it will return to you in deeper, wetter dreams.<br> <br> You blow the tiny fairy a kiss and leave.<br> <br> <<set $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick to true>> /* only increase faction if affection gt 0 */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection gt 0>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <</if>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <<include [[Ceis: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
I think I'll take your soul," Cèis says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ceis: Bad End 1]]
Still hugging the ballooning membrane enveloping your member, she drops down and rests her naked feet against your balls. She moves them around, gently massaging your testicles but also probing and testing.<br> <br> "Ah, yes, I can draw it down to here."<br> <br> She tightly hugs the membranous bubble. Your cock is gently squeezed within it. Cèis starts chanting in a language you do not understand. Her voice is still high and singsong, but the words are heavy and malignant with antediluvial evil. Her distended vagina heats up around your cock.<br> <br> Cèis starts moving her feet in circular motions against your scrotal sac. She continues to fluff up and squeeze the membranous balloon wrapped around your cock.<br> <br> Cèis chants more alien words and you start to feel strange – slightly discombobulated, as if you've tipped into a waking dream. Cèis continues to stroke and rock against the warm fleshy balloon wrapped around your cock. Your cock is gripped by a tugging force more powerful than those movements should generate.<br> <br> It's more than just your cock. You feel like something has come loose inside you and is being inexorably pulled down to your crotch.<br> <br> "Ah, I can feel it," Cèis says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ceis: Bad End 2]]
She moves faster. Your cock is stimulated by more powerful tugs. Rings of magical force start pumping up and down your shaft.<br> <br> "There's no need to be afraid. It'll come out in a great burst of cum. It will be the greatest pleasure you'll ever know."<br> <br> Cèis switches position. Her feet start pressing into the membrane at the base of your cock. That weird magical energy continues to throb up and down. You feel it reel some part of you down and into the base of your cock.<br> <br> "Yes, here it comes," Cèis says.<br> <br> She continues to rock and stroke, and you writhe and shudder in the throes of sexual bliss. There is something in your cock, some sort of blockage. Cèis continues to use her billowing inside-out vagina to stroke your cock with silken caresses. Something is slowly coaxed up your shaft. Behind it and stoked by Cèis's sensual tugs, the pressure builds and builds like a head of steam.<br> <br> "A little more," Cèis says.<br> <br> She climbs up to the head of your shaft and rolls her billowing pussy up over the swollen head. It flows down over and around your cock like a soft cushion. Cèis puts her thighs against it and stimulates your glans with rhythmic squeezes. She moves her hands like a conductor and the rings of magical force continue to pulse and stroke up and down your shaft.<br> <br> "Here it comes," she says with glee.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ceis: Bad End 3]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> She starts bouncing on the membranous cushion and it sends ecstatic vibrations pulsing down your cock.<br> <br> It's too much. You can't hold on any longer. The pressure is too much. You tense up and gasp. Your cock swells up and blasts cum into the soft membranous pressure engulfing it. It is a great, blissful outpouring. So powerful, you feel like you've been caught up with it and shot out of your cock as if it's a cannon.<br> <br> Cèis catches and enfolds your soul with her ballooning vagina.<br> <br> "Got you," she says.<br> <br> She sighs in pleasure as she draws the membrane back into her body.<br> <br> Your body sits motionless on the chair – like a toy robot with the batteries removed and just as dead. Cèis rubs her belly with a smile before fluttering back to her favourite perch. The House's caretakers will remove the body.<br> <br> <<include [[Ceis: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"I have seen fairy girls fluttering around. I'm surprised they are working girls here, given the obvious... physical... incompatibilities."<br> <br> He pulls out his black notebook and looks at you expectantly.<br> <br> "Tell me of your experiences with Cèis nan Cridheachan." /* always end in line breaks */ <br> <br>
"I thought it would be some form of size-changing magic. Or maybe her using her whole body to masturbate the penis. But this..."<br> <br> $ doesn't finish.<br> <br> "I understand now why others refused to speak of what happened once Cèis finished massaging their penis."
/* must start with linebreaks if wish to start on new line */ <br> <br> $ pulls a face like curdled milk as you describe Cèis blowing her vagina inside out and enveloping your cock with it. /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> "You refused to touch her breasts."<br> <br> $ shrugs.<br> <br> "Eminently sensible... in here. You never know what they're going do. She could have melted them off. Your hands, that is."<br> <br> He sighs.<br> <br> "It's not very useful to me, though. I need to find out as much information on these harlots as possible." <<else>> "When I was told she was bubbly, this was not what I envisioned," $ says.<br> <br> He shrugs.<br> <br> "It sounds pleasant enough... for those she <<if _scoreArray[4][1] and not _osa[4][2]>>likes, and it sounds like she liked you a lot.<<else>>likes.<</if>> It's what happens to those she doesn't like that concerns me." <</if>>
Her pussy exhales more tingling foam, but this time keeps it inside and lets the internal motions of her sex massage it into you. That pleasant sensation seeps down into your balls, and they start to feel bloated and full. On the edge.<br> <br> She wriggles her hips against you. "It's coming. I can feel it."<br> <br> So can you. You feel it rise up within you like a great wave and then crash up into her in a great shuddering climax.<br> <br> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> "Oh, so nice," Sapoonis sighs as she rides your bucking form.<br> <br> Fuck, you needed that, you think, as you empty a massive load into her bubbly pussy.<br> <br> And it's not over.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sapoonis: Bad End 3]]
Sapoonis smiles down at you. "Mmm, I don't often get a chance to do this."<br> <br> Her vagina pulses. More foam wells up out of her in glistening waves. The bubbles seem tighter packed. The foam thicker, creamier, somehow more //lascivious//. Before you even have a chance to recover from the last orgasm, you feel a pleasant clench in your loins and your throbbing manhood is erupting again.<br> <br> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> "It's a special trait of mine."<br> <br> More foam. You're buried in great drifts of wobbling spume. It squelches and flies off in clumps as Sapoonis bounces up and down on you. And then another powerful orgasm is shuddering through you.<br> <br> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> This can't be natural, to repeat again so soon.<br> <br> She wriggles and twists. Her vagina squeezes and rubs.<br> <br> And again.<br> <br> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> "The more you come inside me, the more pleasant I can make my foam feel to you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sapoonis: Bad End 4]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Her foam wells up around you in a dense, shimmering cocoon. You are enveloped all over in crackling, effervescing bliss. You come again and feel the first twinges of overuse in your loins.<br> <br> "And the more pleasant my foam feels, the more you come."<br> <br> To demonstrate, she gives your cock a little squeeze with her pussy. You go off like a stick of dynamite, mixing more of your issue with her heavenly foam. You don't have any control now. It's just a continuous gush.<br> <br> "It's an inescapable cycle," Sapoonis says. "Not that any of those caught in it have ever complained. And neither will you."<br> <br> Foam spills out as she presses her body against yours. She rubs her lovely tits against your chest.<br> <br> "So lie back and give yourself to bliss," she whispers.<br> <br> Her foam swells up and covers you entirely. Within it you come, and come, and come, until you have no fluids left to come with. Sapoonis has drained them all from your body, and with them – your life.<br> <br> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Her vagina is warm, tight and //frothy//. It wells up and spills out of her sex in bubbly waves. You hear wet squelches as your bodies come together.<br> <br> She must have got soap up there. A lot of it. The bubbles crackle against your sensitive glans as you slide back and forth inside her. It's a strange but not unpleasant sensation.<br> <br> Sapoonis bends over and covers you with her warm, soapy body. She kisses you lightly on the lips. She continues to work her hips against you with lithe bounces. Wet squelching noises – the air mattress, your bodies – fill the room.<br> <br> "You won't hold out long, but try your best," Sapoonis says to you.<br> <br> The inner walls of her vagina shudder. And then warm tingling foam is welling up all around you. Where is it coming from? Her body?<br> <br> Mostly her vagina, it seems.<br> <br> Your erection is enveloped in a tingling cocoon of foam, and her fleshy walls squeeze and massage it into your cock. It tingles, and then translates to a pleasant, relaxing feeling that travels all the way down to your loins. You're gripped by the strong urge to come.<br> <br> <<include [[Sapoonis: 1st Semen Check]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Sapoonis: No Semen]]>> <<else>> [[Continue.->Sapoonis: Sex: 1st Ejaculation]] <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Sapoonis: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sapoonis: Sex: 2nd Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> You can't hold it in. You jerk and buck as your loins are gripped with orgasmic spasms. You moan uncontrollably in pleasure as you empty a great stream of semen inside her, even more than the previous ejaculation just scant moments before.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Sapoonis: Black Rose Bad End]]>> <<else>> [[That felt good.->Sapoonis: Good End]] <</if>>
<<set _isVision to $player.hasVision>> Calliophi's room is small and intimate. The first thing you notice is the pleasant scent in the air. The source is various incense burners placed around the room. The walls are adorned with billowing silks, making the room seem even more intimate. Neat cases of shelves filled with various exotic bottles and flasks line the walls on either side. The centrepiece of the room is a plain stool with a padded white seat.<br> <br> "Please come in," Calliophi says.<br> <br> <<if _isVision>> She 'stands' just behind the padded white stool. Or rather rears up on her long slender snake tail. She seems puzzled, as if she was expecting a different reaction, and also slightly relieved. <<else>> <<if $player.hasSeenLamia>> You notice immediately she's another snake person - a lamia or naga of myth. Below the waist her body <<else>> You have to do a double-take. This is not the Calliophi who introduced herself to you in the main room. That Calliophi didn't have a long serpentine lower body.<br> <br> Below the waist Calliophi has the body of a snake. It <</if>> tapers to a long and slender tail and is covered in green and copper scales. They gleam as if freshly polished. Her lower body is not the only place with scales. You see patches on her cheeks and at the elbows revealed by her rolled-up sleeves. Strangely, they complement her exotic features. <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Calliophi: Early Decline Option]]
/* Khanara Anandanum */ <<set $hi to 22>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Khanara Anandanum", shortDescription: "", faction: 3, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [4, 12], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Khanara: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Khanara: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Khanara: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Khanara: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Khanara: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Khanara: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Khanara: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Khanara: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Khanara: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(29)>> <<set $player.hasVision to true>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ <<set $player.currWill to 4>> /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 8>> /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 22>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 4>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set _hasVision to $player.hasVision>> <<set _shortDescription to "a tall busty woman with a cloud of pink hair fluffed up like cotton candy. Her dress is a ballooning confection of pink silks. It's open at the front to reveal a shiny magenta ">> <<if _hasVision>> <<set _shortDescription += "bodice and... you're not sure what's going on beneath her waist.">> <<else>> <<set _shortDescription += "bodice.">> <</if>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to _shortDescription>>
<<set _hasVision to $player.hasVision>> /* Madam intro */ "Oh, what a rare treat," $ says. "Khanara Anandanum is a true mistress of sensuality. Within her room you'll experience a kind of bliss not found anywhere else." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Khanara Anandanum is a strange mixture of eccentric and alluring. Her hair is bright pink and fluffed up in a cloud like candy floss. She has a lovely heart-shaped face. Her big eyes have strange pink irises. Her full lips are covered in glossy pink lipstick.<br> <br> Her light pink outfit resembles a combination of longcoat and ball gown. It tapers to her waist and then balloons out in a fancy confection of frilly pink silks. It's open at the front and underneath it her curvaceous bosom is contained by a shiny magenta bodice. <<if _hasVision>> Below the waist... you're not sure what you're seeing. It looks like a bulging pink mass only a slightly darker pink than the dress surrounding it. You'd think a baggy underskirt to cover her legs, except it looks like a dense mass of fine pink froth. <</if>><br> <br> Khanara's smile is friendly. Despite the eccentricity of her appearance, you feel relaxed and comfortable in her presence. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "You look tense," she says with a note of motherly concern. "Come up to my room and I'll immerse you in purest bliss." <br>
Khanara Anandanum meets you at the edge of the stage, but won't go with you into the bar.<br> <br> "$ told me you were interested in talking with me. I'm one of $'s more unusual harlots, so I cannot go into the bar. We can have a quick chat here."<br> <br> You feel okay with that. You feel okay with anything Khanara says. She has a soft lilting voice that's very pleasant to your ears.<br> <br> "I specialise in bliss and relaxation. Here, let me demonstrate."<br> <br> She takes your hand.<br> <br> "Close your eyes. This one is for the sense of touch."<br> <br> You do as she says. She gently pulls your hand down and towards her. You think she might be giving you a touch of her intimate parts. Instead, your hand sinks into thick frothy cream.<br> <br> What is that? //Ohhhh.//<br> <br> Your surprise is quickly supplanted by a wave of pleasure running up your arm. Whatever your hand is sunk into, it feels really pleasant to the touch. So pleasant you feel a tinge of disappointment when Khanara pulls your hand back out of it.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Khanara: Socialising 2]]
"Khanara Anandanum? It's rare for her to be available. She's an unusual lust daemon – an Upabhogakari from the Anibajo Bogs of Bliss. It's a difficult type to pin down. They're not lamias, or slugs, or slimes, but have characteristics of all three."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette.<br> <br> "The Upabhogakari feed off pleasure. Their slime secretions induce intense feelings of bliss. They surround their prey with their slimy body, convert them to pleasure, and absorb it. As I said, she's an unusual lust daemon.<br> <br> "The Upabhogakari are also legendarily slow eaters. It drives $ up the wall. If Khanara gets someone to stay with her, which is often as her secretions are powerfully addictive, she'll be out for ages while she slowly and pleasurably consumes them. You're lucky she's available. Few get an opportunity to experience her pleasures."<br> <br> You're put off by the whole 'absorbing' thing.<br> <br> $ laughs. "That's a very slow process. You won't be harmed at all if it's a quick in and out."<br> <br> She chuckles.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Khanara will be upset if you leave too early. She likes to spend some time pampering her guests.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"It's the feeling of bliss you should be worried about. Khanara doesn't force anyone to stay. They do it because it feels so good and they haven't the will to pull themselves away.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If you do decide to stay longer, you should pick up one of $'s protective charms – one that counters toxins absorbed through the skin. Prolonged exposure to Khanara's slime overwhelms even the strongest of wills.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Her slime won't hurt you even if you stay immersed the whole session. That will make Khanara happy. She loves letting visitors fully luxuriate in her slime. She gives them a good pampering.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[4] to { isLie: true, text: "\"She doesn't feed off cum. Whether you have juice in the tank or not isn't something she cares about.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Khanara: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Khanara: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [2,false,false], /* leave after 1st ejaculation */ [5,false,false], /* leave after 2nd ejaculation */ [9,false,false] /* leave after 3rd ejaculation */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Khanara: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Khanara: First-Time Scenario]]>>
<<set _hasVision to $player.hasVision>> You open your eyes and look at your hand. Despite the substance feeling like wet cream, there is no residue left on your fingers or palm.<br> <br> <<if _hasVision>> You look back to Khanara. Her gossamer pink dress is open. What's within seems to be a strange mass of dense pink froth.<br> <br> "You can't see it down here, but my body is rather special," Khanara says.<br> <br> You look at her dress and try to make sense of her body. It's a bulging mass of opaque pink slime that completely fills the ballgown. You glance around and see that it emerges from the back in a thick glistening tail.<br> <br> Khanara notices you looking.<br> <br> "Oh, you can see. Priti Nāndyāh bless $ and her charms."<br> <br> You're still not sure what you see. It looks like a mass of pink cream squirted from a tube and covered in a gossamer pink dress. It's vaguely serpentine or sluglike.<br> <br> "Good, that will make it less of a surprise up in my room," Khanara says. "I'll coil around you and immerse your body in the same bliss your hand just felt." <<else>> You look back to Khanara. Her gossamer pink dress is open, yet for some reason you can't see inside it.<br> <br> "You can't see it down here, but my body is rather special," Khanara says. "You'll see once we're up in my room. I'll coil it around you and then immerse your whole body in the same bliss your hand just felt." <</if>><br> <br> Khanara leans closer to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "Imagine it covering the whole of your cock."<br> <br> Your cock throbs excitedly in your trousers as you do just that. <br><br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Khanara Anandanum's room more resembles the inside of a giant shell than your typical, box-shaped room. There are no angles or much in the way of flat surfaces. It's all soft curves. The surfaces are polished and smooth. It reminds you of mother-of-pearl, but on a much larger scale.<br> <br> The floor spirals down to a depression about the size of a hot tub at its lowest point. Khanara sits on the other side. Her ballooning gossamer silk dress still holds its shape, as if what's underneath is bulkier and more substantial than a pair of legs.<br> <br> "Come in and clear your head of negative emotions," Khanara says.<br> <br> You feel strangely docile. There is soft music playing low in the background. The smoothness and pastel swirls of the surfaces are very soothing to the gaze.<br> <br> "What is your offering?"<br> <br> [[You hold up your gift.->Khanara: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Khanara: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 4 or $cgi eq 12>> <<include [[Khanara: Gift: Oil or Soap]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(13)>> <<include [[Khanara: Gift: Macabre]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Khanara: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> She points to an alcove set in the wall to the left of the door.<br> <br> "Place your offering there."<br> <br> You do as she says and turn back.<br> <br> "The offering is just a ritual. The pleasures we exchange are of far greater significance."<br> <br> The bottom of her dress hitches up slightly. It doesn't reveal her feet. Instead, you see a strange froth of pinkish ooze.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Khanara: Undressing]]
You hold up the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "You seek the ultimate bliss. I can satisfy that desire."
You hold up the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> Khanara sees it and nods. "I see what you desire. There is no need for it. My body will give you the same sensual experience."
You hold up the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> Khanara puts a hand to her mouth to stifle a laugh. "What a macabre mind you have. There must be a lot of dark energies swirling through your head. We will expunge such negative thoughts with bliss."
You hold up the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> Khanara sees <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> and nods.
<<set _hasVision to $player.hasVision>> "Take your clothes off and come down here," Khanara says. "You can hang them there."<br> <br> There is an organic outgrowth reminiscent of coral or antlers growing out of the wall to the right of the door. You take your clothes off and hang them there. It seems to be there for that purpose.<br> <br> Looking back, you notice Khanara has shifted position again. You still can't see her feet. <<if _hasVision>>You're not sure she has any. <</if>> There seems to be a large pink mass underneath the dress. The surface glistens as if covered in a fine lather.<br> <br> Khanara sees you looking.<br> <br> "It is time for me to also undress," she says.<br> <br> She starts from the inside, by unhooking her magenta bodice and leaving it on the shelf next to her. Her boobs are lovely and round. They look soft enough for you to want to press your hands into.<br> <br> "I don't know how long you've been in the House or how familiar you are with the other harlots. You should know by now we are not human but daemons of the Dominion of Lust. Some of us appear humanoid. Some do not. I am one of the latter. Please do not let it alarm you."<br> <br> She opens up her dress and takes it off.<br> <br> She is definitely the latter. You're not really sure what's going on below the waist. It looks like a big creamy dollop of pink icing sugar. Her lower half is too fat to be a snake-like tail and too undifferentiated to be a slug. It reminds you more of the ectoplasmic tail of a cartoon ghost, but opaque and weightier.<br> <br> You should be revolted, but you aren't. She looks like an attractive naked woman with pink hair standing in a big dollop of pink cream.<br> <br> "After revealing their true form, some harlots give the patron the opportunity to leave. I'm afraid I cannot do that."<br> <br> You hear a click from the door behind you. You try it. It's locked.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Khanara: Coil Around]]
"I am an unusual lust daemon – an Upabhogakari from the Anibajo Bogs of Bliss. If a man leaves without giving me the opportunity to bring them blissful relaxation, it causes me physical pain."<br> <br> She stands, or rather does the equivalent of standing up. Her lower half swells and puffs out like cream. There's a lot of it.<br> <br> "You do not need to be alarmed. I will not eat you, erotically or otherwise. I will use my lovely body to bring you to bliss-filled ejaculation and then you can leave."<br> <br> She puts her hands on her hips and strikes a relaxed, alluring pose. Her big round boobs defy gravity. Her top half is something, even with her strange cloud of pink hair.<br> <br> "If you want to. You can choose to stay longer. You can stay here as long as you like."<br> <br> She sweeps her arm down to the depression in the floor.<br> <br> "Now come and stand here."<br> <br> If you want to leave, it seems you have to do as she says. You walk down and stand in the depression. It's like standing in a large sunken bath, excepts the corners are all smoothed away to soothing curves.<br> <br> "Hold your arms out. I'll wind my body around you."<br> <br> You do as she says. There is a strange soothing quality to the room and her voice, and it smooths out the sharper angles of anxiety in your head.<br> <br> Khanara slowly slides down a smooth spiral in the floor. Gently caressing your naked body with her hands, she slowly winds her lower body around you. It feels wet and squishy, but not unpleasantly so. More like warm lather from luxurious soap. Her body gives off a sweet scent that is strangely soothing. The whole atmosphere of the room is soothing. You stand there with your arms outstretched and do nothing as Khanara wraps you in thick coils of warm pink slime.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Khanara: Relax]]
Khanara places hands underneath your arms and lifts you up. Her coils bunch up around you. Her body has a strange consistency. It feels as light and fluffy as froth and yet is still able to support your body. You feel like you're floating just off the floor. Khanara tucks your arms in and continues to coil around your body until only your head pokes out of the top.<br> <br> "And relax," Khanara says.<br> <br> She does the same. The constituency of her lower body changes. It was thick and serpentine enough to form coils around you. Then it softens and the coils melt together, until it feels like you've been dropped into a giant dollop of pink ice cream, only it's comfortably warm rather than cold.<br> <br> Khanara lounges behind you on a shelf. She runs her fingers through your hair and lets them crawl over your scalp. She hums low, soothing sounds.<br> <br> It's unusual and – you have to admit – pleasant, but you can't see it getting you o... //oh.//<br> <br> You are submerged in and overwhelmed by a total feeling of bliss. Your whole body tingles pleasantly wherever it comes into contact with the warm creamy slime, which is everywhere. Your muscles untense. You float within the pile of soft cream and feel like you're floating within a heavenly cloud.<br> <br> "Don't fight the feeling," Khanara says as she gently massages your scalp. "Let it envelop you and float within it."<br> <br> What is this substance? It feels like a miracle ointment rubbed all over your body. It soothes all your aches and pains and sinks through your skin to relax your muscles.<br> <br> It also makes you feel horny. Really really horny.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Khanara: 1st Pop]]
Your cock rises up in erection. The increase in length is wonderful as it exposes more of your cock to the wonderful soft cream. Your penis sinks into it and a comfortable sensation floods and fills your loins.<br> <br> The horniness keeps growing. It's held back only by your lassitude. As much as you'd like to pump your hips to increase the stimulation to your cock, you feel too relaxed and comfortable to move. Khanara doesn't seem to be in any hurry to do anything either, which makes you wonder how she's going to get you off.<br> <br> The horniness keeps growing within you. It's all internal and keeps building up inside you.<br> <br> Khanara isn't doing anything other than gently running her fingers through your hair. There is no stimulation of your cock other than the luscious feeling of it being sunk into the lovely warm cream. And yet the urge to come keeps building inside you. It's like another you in a parallel dimension is getting a sloppy blowjob or great sex, and the stimulation is being beamed back to your loins.<br> <br> It keeps building. Your body starts trembling. Your cock starts twitching.<br> <br> "This is a different kind of release," Khanara says soothingly. "The power might take you by surprise. Let it flow from you."<br> <br> [[You're close.->Khanara: 1st Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Khanara: Out Of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Khanara: 1st Leave Choice]]>> <</if>>
You tremble. Your cock rises and throbs. You feel your balls tighten. You come... you think.<br> <br> It feels like an orgasm. The pleasure – the bliss – washes through you. Your mouth falls open and you gasp at the sensation. It's dry though. Nothing comes out. The other harlots have already drained your balls to empty. It still doesn't stop the orgasmic rush of ecstasy. Even though it has nothing to ejaculate, your cock still throbs and twitches as though it has.<br> <br> "Have the other harlots depleted you?" Khanara asks. "They are so hungry for semen. In other rooms that might be a problem. In here I only care about your pleasure. That's all I want from you – your bliss."<br> <br> She sighs as she runs her finger through your hair.<br> <br> You jerk and twitch within the pile of pink slime. With nothing to ejaculate, there's no indication of when to stop. Your body doesn't. It keeps going on in an endless dry orgasm.<br> <br> It's too much. Too much ecstasy. Too much pleasure. Too much bliss.<br> <br> The sensation short-circuits your brain. Even when the orgasm dies down, there's still the bliss of being surrounded by her miracle cream. That feels so comfortable, so pleasurable, so arousing, it doesn't take long for your body to bubble up in orgasm again and repeat the cycle.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Khanara: Out Of Semen: Bad End]]
It keeps building and building. You can't get away from it. There's no stimulation to your cock other than the delicious cream surrounding it. Yet you feel like you're inexorably being sucked, being pumped, being jerked, being fucked to climax. You tremble harder.<br> <br> You can feel it coming.<br> <br> It is going to be powerful.<br> <br> It is powerful.<br> <br> You let out a gasp as it finally breaks through. Your balls contract and your cock throbs as you spurt a great load out into the thick cream surrounding you. It's really powerful. You can feel the muscles in your loins contract as they force out your cum. Your whole body trembles in the throes of an ecstatic full-body orgasm.<br> <br> The orgasm leaves you breathing heavily even though the rest of your body has barely exerted itself at all. You still feel twinges in the muscles of your loins.<br> <br> Spent, you sink back and let the thick pile of cream that is Khanara's lower body support you. That was some orgasm. Powerful. Really powerful. But strange in that you felt no real stimulation – no friction – to your penis.<br> <br> You have ejaculated. You can ask Khanara to let you leave.<br> <br> [[Ask to leave.->Khanara: Choose 1st Leave]]<br> [[Remain a little longer.->Khanara: 2nd Pop]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> "Oh, I don't think you want to that," Khanara says.<br> <br> She scrunches her deliciously soft cream tighter around your body.<br> <br> She's right. You don't want to do that. Wallowing in her luscious cream just feels too good. You can stay a little longer.<br> <br> [[You stay.->Khanara: 2nd Pop]] <<else>> "Oh," Khanara says as you point out you've come and would like to leave. "It's still a little early. I normally let men relax a little in me and enjoy the blissful aftermath, maybe even come again if they like. A couple of powerful ejaculations are really good for flushing all the tension from the body."<br> <br> She reaches into the goop to gently knead your shoulders.<br> <br> "You've ejaculated, so you are free to leave," she says, "but you'd be missing out on the full relaxation experience I offer."<br> <br> [[Still insist on leaving.->Khanara: Confirm 1st Leave]]<br> [[It does feel good to relax surrounded by her creamy coils. Stay a little longer.->Khanara: 2nd Pop]] <</if>>
You don't think you need to leave just yet. The creamy slime secreted by Khanara's lower half feels incredibly pleasant against your skin. Warm and tingly. It also supports your whole body. It's perfect to float in and fully enjoy the post-orgasmic glow.<br> <br> Khanara runs her fingers lightly through your hair.<br> <br> "Most succubi focus on the release. I believe it's in the aftermath where true bliss is found. Relax in me a little while and let all your cares drain away."<br> <br> It does feel nice. Blissful.<br> <br> Her cream feels so good against your skin. It's like your whole body is glowing. The room is so relaxing. The swirls and soft curves of the mother-of-pearl surfaces are soothing to the eye. The light music you hear in the background is soothing to the ear. Khanara's light fingers are soothing as they gently massage your scalp. Her cream is incredibly soothing as you bathe in it. You let yourself wallow in pleasure and enjoy the sensation. If the House wasn't what it was, you feel you could stay here all night.<br> <br> After a while, you feel a twitch start up in your loins again. You start to feel horny again, but again your body is too relaxed to do anything about it. Not that it needs to. As before, it's a feeling that builds and builds within you with no real external stimulus.<br> <br> "It's the effect of my secretions," Khanara says to you. "After a refractory period, your body will want to ejaculate again. Let it happen. It's the best way to flush tension from the body."<br> <br> [[You're close.->Khanara: 2nd Semen Check]]
You insist on leaving.<br> <br> "A shame," Khanara says, "but you have ejaculated and so I must grant your request."<br> <br> <<include [[Khanara: Leave: Pull Out]]>> Your skin is already hungry to experience Khanara's cream again.<br> <br> Perhaps a little too hungry.<br> <br> Stay sunk for too long in her pleasurable mass of cream and it might become difficult to find the will to leave, you think.<br> <br> She pulls her lower body back together into a compact slug-like mass and puts her dress back on over the top. Her face is a little pained, as if she's physical hurt somehow by your decision to leave this early. She still gives you a friendly smile.<br> <br> "I would have liked to pamper you longer. I can't generate much bliss from such a short time together. It will have to do for now. Pick me again and we'll get past those inhibitions and I'll give you the full relaxation experience."<br> <br> You thank her and walk back up to the door to retrieve your clothes. The door is unlocked now.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ /* no faction increase - left too early */ <<include [[Khanara: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> Your arousal, and the desire to come, builds and builds within you. <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Khanara: Out Of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Khanara: 2nd Leave Choice]]>> <</if>>
Your body starts to tremble. You rise up to the cusp. Again, it's like you're being inexorably sucked, pumped, jerked, and fucked to orgasm. You can't hold back. You close your eyes and let out a moan as the climax crashes over you. Your balls clench – //hard// – and you shudder in ecstasy as cum pours out of you and into the soft slime surrounding your pulsing member.<br> <br> It's a strange feeling. Like you're being brought to climax outside of your control. The lack of control in itself is erotic.<br> <br> Your loins keep contracting and semen flows out of you in a slow throbbing stream. Then, after you empty your balls out, the feeling of relief that follows is blissfully ecstatic. Profound.<br> <br> "That was a good one. I felt it."<br> <br> Khanara lets her fingers trace little circles over your temples. You bask in the post-orgasmic glow and feel incredibly relaxed.<br> <br> You lie back and let Khanara's creamy mass support you. That felt so good. This feels so good. You feel like you're wallowing in pure condensed bliss.<br> <br> Khanara lets you recover while lightly massaging your temples.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "Relax. Enjoy ultimate bliss," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Khanara: 3rd Pop]] <<else>> "Mmm, I'm satisfied I've given you a proper blissful release. You can leave now, if you want. If you want to stay longer, that's fine too."<br> <br> [[Leave.->Khanara: Choose 2nd Leave]]<br> [[Stay.->Khanara: 3rd Pop]] <</if>>
/* Will>3 or Anti-Toxin (skin contact) Charm required */ <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [29]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Khanara: Confirm 2nd Leave]]>> <<else>> No, it feels too good to wallow in Khanara's soft cream. You'd rather stay here a little longer. Just a little longer.<br> <br> <<include [[Khanara: 3rd Pop]]>> <</if>>
"Oh good," Khanara says when you show no inclination to leave. "I do love to thoroughly relax and pamper a man."<br> <br> You do feel incredibly pampered, even if Khanara doesn't have to do that much. It's the warm cream piled up around you. It feels like some kind of wonder ointment. It seeps into muscles and bones and soothes all aches away. It makes you feel heavenly, like you're floating on a cloud.<br> <br> It also makes you feel really horny.<br> <br> After another refractory period, the aphrodisiac qualities of her wonder ointment start to rise to the fore. You feel it again, that powerful inexorable desire to come building up inside you.<br> <br> "Let it go," Khanara says soothingly as she strokes your scalp. "Let it out inside me."<br> <br> [[You're close.->Khanara: 3rd Semen Check]]
Khanara's cream feels wonderful against your skin, but you think you'd better leave now.<br> <br> While you can.<br> <br> Khanara agrees. "Mmm, while I'd love to keep pampering you, I think you'll find it hard to leave if you stay any longer."<br> <br> <<include [[Khanara: Leave: Pull Out]]>> Your skin is already hungry to experience Khanara's cream again.<br> <br> Perhaps a little too hungry.<br> <br> "Please come again," Khanara says. "Let me pamper you for longer next time. There's no limit to the bliss I can make you feel."<br> <br> She pulls her lower body back together into a compact slug-like mass and puts her dress back on over the top.<br> <br> That is tempting. You're already looking forward to picking her again. You retrieve your clothes and put them back on. The door is unlocked now.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Khanara: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Khanara: Out Of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Khanara: 3rd Leave Choice]]>> <</if>>
You do. As before it grows and grows – a swelling feeling that expands within you – until, with a gasp, you can't hold it in any longer and it bursts out of you as a joyous outpouring. You feel the ecstatic clenching and spasming in your loins as the muscles squeeze out your cum. Your body is helplessly wracked with shudders as you spurt it all out.<br> <br> Then... bliss. Complete and utter bliss. You sink into the soft mass and feel total relaxation in the post-orgasmic aftermath. A serenity so profound it resembles a religious conversion. You rest in the soft pile of pink ooze and feel total bliss.<br> <br> "You don't have to leave," Khanara says.<br> <br> Her voice is creamy soft and soothing. As soft as the pile of cream you rest in.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "I'll let you enjoy this bliss for the rest of your life."<br> <br> [[You're fine with that.->Khanara: Choose Bad End]] <<else>> "If you want, you can stay here and feel this bliss for the rest of your life. $ lets me do that, if it's what the patrons desire."<br> <br> To feel this pleasant, for the rest of your life...<br> <br> [[Yes (Stay).->Khanara: Choose Bad End]]<br> [[No (Leave).->Khanara: Choose 3rd Leave]] <</if>>
Khanara croons soothingly.<br> <br> She shifts position. Her lower body, the creamy coils of it, squeeze up around your body. You close your eyes and luxuriate in purest bliss. This is pleasure beyond anything you've ever known. It's all around you. It's within you.<br> <br> You come again, spurting semen uncontrollably into the cream. This time the post-orgasmic aftermath is too much. Your brain is overloaded by bliss. You whiteout and lose all track of time. There is only warm comfortable bliss.<br> <br> Dimly you hear a phone ringing.<br> <br> <<include [[Khanara: Bad End]]>>
/* only Anti-Toxin (skin contact) Charm protects player here */ <<if $player.charms.includes(29)>> <<include [[Khanara: Confirm 3rd Leave]]>> <<else>> No. It feels too good. You'd rather stay.<br> <br> <<include [[Khanara: Choose Bad End]]>> <</if>>
It's tempting. So very tempting. But it would mean never seeing the outside world – your friends and family – ever again.<br> <br> Reluctantly, you ask her to bring the session to an end.<br> <br> "Mmm, good," Khanara says. "That was a good pampering. I feel pleasantly sated."<br> <br> <<include [[Khanara: Leave: Pull Out]]>> The air feels cold and sharp against your exposed skin. It craves the touch of her wonderful cream. So much so, you have to suppress a strong urge to let yourself fall back into the soft pile. If you do that, you'll never be able to leave.<br> <br> You walk quickly back up to your clothes to get away from the temptation.<br> <br> "Such a hurry to leave," Khanara says. "Are you frightened of changing your mind? You don't need to be. It is heaven."<br> <br> That's what you're afraid of.<br> <br> "Please come again," Khanara says. "Granting men the purest of bliss is what I exist for."<br> <br> She pulls her lower body back together into a compact slug-like mass and puts her dress back on over the top.<br> <br> You put your clothes back on. The door is unlocked now.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Khanara: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Khanara answers. "He's chosen to stay."<br> <br> A pause.<br> <br> "Yes, I will take good care of him."<br> <br> She does. She surrounds you in creamy bliss. It seeps into and permeates every fibre of your being. Bliss is all you are. Bliss is all you feel.<br> <br> Bliss is what Khanara feeds on. She induces it, converts you into it, and then absorbs it. She is a very slow feeder, so it takes a while. Your mind gives out from the sensory ecstasy early on. You feel only the purest bliss. It feels so wonderful you wonder if heaven can even compare.<br> <br> It's not a comparison you'll ever get to make. Khanara soaks your soul in bliss and lets it slowly dissolve within her creamy pile.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Khanara: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You're lost. Slave to pure sensation. You lose all track of time.<br> <br> You're dimly conscious of a phone ringing.<br> <br> <<include [[Khanara: Bad End]]>>
Khanara surprises you. You were expecting her to uncoil her body. Instead, she places her hands under your shoulders and lifts you out of the front of her lower body as if it's a pile of soft cream. Her coils really have melted together to form an undifferentiated pile of soft slime. Just what is her lower body?<br> <br> A mystery for another time. She gently places you back down on your feet in front of her.<br> <br>
"Khanara?" $ says. "She's a rare one. I barely ever see her downstairs."<br> <br> He pulls out his notebook and stares at you eagerly.<br> <br> "Tell me of your experiences with her."<br> <br>
<br> <br> $ sighs at your description of her. "Is it too much to ask for the girls to have legs and recognisable sex organs underneath their dresses." /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> /* left after 3 ejaculations */ "I'd be out of there as soon as I could as well," $ says. "Even if it does disappoint her." <<elseif _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> /* left after 2 ejaculations */ "Her secretions sound very intriguing. I'd love to get a sample of them."<br> <br> $'s nostril hairs twitch.<br> <br> "I have a pharmacological friend who's a whizz with this type of thing. He'd love to get his hands on a sample for a few weeks of analysis. Forget the Chinese with their opium, we could get half of London hooked on this inside a month. The profits..."<br> <br> $ seems revoltingly effervescent as he mutters away. <<else>> /* left after 1 ejaculation */ "That's a long time to be exposed to her slime," $ comments. "I'd wager if I was to look at your back, I'd see one of the witch's tattoos."<br> <br> He glances to your shoulder, where $ marked your flesh.<br> <br> "The only other man to stay in as long had one. Didn't do him much good in the long run. Couldn't rid himself of the memory. Last I heard, he took a black rose to her and was never seen again."<br> <br> He glances up from his notebook.<br> <br> "You seem okay though. Maybe he was just weak-willed. He looked the sort lacking in stiff moral fibre."<br> <br> You're not too sure about that. When you close your eyes, you imagine the creamy feel of Khanara's body against your skin. A memory that can never replicate the sensation of the real thing. A sensation you ache to experience again.<br> <br> "This is another very useful data point. Your help is invaluabl... ahem... worthy of a little coin." <</if>>
/* Nooru */ <<set $hi to 32>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Nooru", shortDescription: "", faction: 3, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, hasSpokenToNpcGossip: false, gifts: [21,4], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Nooru: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Nooru: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Nooru: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Nooru: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Nooru: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Nooru: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Nooru: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Nooru: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.charms.push(21)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ <<set $player.currAgi to 5>> /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 11>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 32>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 4>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a tall, busty girl of East Asian appearance with straight black hair tied up in twintails. She's wearing nothing more than a very skimpy rainbow-coloured bikini.">>
With her skimpy two-piece bikini, Nooru looks like she's just returned from the beach or pool as she accompanies you into the bar. <br><br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Nooru: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Nooru: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Nooru. She gives a lovely wet and slippery body-to-body massage," $ says. "She's very wet in other places too," $ adds with an unsubtle wink. <br> <br> /* Long description */ Nooru looks almost human. With her slightly exotic features and skimpy rainbow-coloured bikini, she looks like the stereotypical massage parlour girl. But rather than being petite, she's tall and busty like a stereotypical American cheerleader.<br> <br> She's really busty. Anime-girl busty. Her skimpy bra top doesn't really cover much of her large round boobs.<br> <br> What gives her away as not human are her wrists and ankles. They look elongated and her hands and particularly her feet have longer than normal fingers and toes. It's so pronounced with her feet it's almost like she's standing on an additional pair of hands.<br> <br> The rest of her body looks sexy enough it's easy to overlook these oddities. Nooru smiles cheerfully at you. Her black hair is tied up in short twintails. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hello, I'm Nooru," she greets you with a sunny smile. "Would you like me to give you a slippery and sensual body-to-body massage?" <br>
<br><br> "I won't hold it against you," Nooru says with a cheerful smile. "I'll still give you a lovely sensual body-to-body massage up in my room."<br> <br> She returns to the presentation stage.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a glass of what looks like fruit juice for Nooru. As she picks it up you notice how unusual her hand is. Both her wrist and fingers seem elongated.<br> <br> Nooru sees you looking.<br> <br> "Patrons are always curious about my hands."<br> <br> She puts her glass down and shows her hand off. Her elongated wrist gives her a far greater degree of movement than a regular human hand.<br> <br> "Very good for giving tired muscles a good massage," she says. "My feet are the same."<br> <br> Then, with no regard for decorum, she places her foot up on the table. It looks more like a hand.<br> <br> "Don't let it put you off," Nooru says. "They'll feel great sliding all over your body and kneading your muscles. Not as good as these." She smiles and pushes out her substantial chest.<br> <br> She gives her big boobs a teasing little squeeze. You notice wet patches on her bikini top, just over her nipples.<br> <br> "You're making me wet," Nooru says with a little giggle.<br> <br> You chat pleasantly for a while before returning to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip to true>> "Ah, Nooru," $ says. "Such a sweet simple girl."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette.<br> <br> "You probably didn't know it, but each of the harlots has to establish conditions for when they can claim a patron, and they have to run it past $ for her approval. Do you know what Nooru asked? She asked if leaving a wet patch by the door to see if her visitor slipped over or not counted. That was her 'test'."<br> <br> $ rocks back and forth on her chair with uncontrolled mirth.<br> <br> "Ah, bless her. Such a sweet simple child. I wouldn't take her too lightly, though."<br> <br> $'s eyes are steel as she looks at you.<br> <br> "She's a nurunuru massajioni from the Caves of Iro Kankaku. If you do slip over, she'll be on you in a flash and that'll be it. The bodies of nurunuru massajioni secrete a mucous that incapacitates their prey with bliss. It also relaxes them into goo, which the nurunuru massajioni slurps up with her vagina. It's not as gross as it sounds, the prey feels nothing but pleasure the whole time."<br> <br> She sips her cocktail.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Even though Nooru is a good girl and will follow $'s rules, small quantities of her slime still have a //softening// effect. You should pay the nurse a visit afterwards to remove it. Otherwise you'll be vulnerable to some of the other, more carnivorous, girls in the House, and they're less respectful of $'s rules.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"While harmful in large amounts, Nooru's secretions do have a marvellous effect on tired and aching muscles. And all of the nurunuru massajioni are splendid masseuses. A session with her will perk up a tired body.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"You might want to slip over anyway. Nurunuru massajioni slime has wonderful aphrodisiac properties. If your balls are full, she'll let you come multiple times before... well, best not to speak of that.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Nooru: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Nooru: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* oil or soap gfit */ [1,false,false], /* other good gift */ [5,false,false], /* gossip's advice */ [4,false,false] /* survive */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $isOnBadEndPath to false>> <<set $hasCome to false>> <<include [[Nooru: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Nooru: First-Time Scenario]]>>
You're not sure what you were expecting for Nooru's room, but the inside of a giant bouncy castle definitely wasn't it. The whole room resembles the interior of a brightly coloured inflatable. The air tubes are brightly coloured and together form the bands of a rainbow.<br> <br> Nooru lies seductively on her front on the far side of the colourful room. Her left knee is bent, showing off her lovely toned leg. She smiles breezily at you.<br> <br> "Come in," she says.<br> <br> You're not sure what to make of the room at all. The floor, walls and ceiling all look like brightly-coloured inflated rubber. The floor on either side of Nooru dips to narrow openings at the base of the wall. It's an unusual room for sure. With Nooru's appearance and talk, you were expecting a wet room and some sort of inflatable mattress, not for the whole floor to be inflatable.<br> <br> Nooru sees you looking around at the room and smiles brightly.<br> <br> "Isn't it great," she says. "They had it done up just like home. $ takes good care of us."<br> <br> You wonder what Nooru's home is – a circus or carnival?<br> <br> Gingerly, you step into the room. Not only does it look like an inflatable, it feels like an inflatable as well. The floor sags beneath your feet as if you've stepped on an air-filled bladder.<br> <br> "What have you brought me?" Nooru asks.<br> <br> [[You give her your gift.->Nooru: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Nooru: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 4 or $cgi eq 12>> <<include [[Nooru: Gift: Oil or Soap]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(3)>> <<include [[Nooru: Gift: Pretty]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Nooru: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> Seeing no place to put your gift, you leave it on the floor next to the door.<br> <br> "Take your clothes off," Nooru says. "You don't want them ruined."<br> <br> There is a convenient hook on the back of the door. You take your clothes off and hang them on it.<br> <br> You turn back around. Nooru is still on her front, but has lifted herself up onto her hands and knees. Her face is sultry and predatory as she stares at you.<br> <br> She beckons you to her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Approach]]
<<set $isOnBadEndPath to true>> "Mmm, you want it really wet," Nooru says. "I'll make it really wet."<br> <br> She turns on her side and exposes her breasts. Her bikini top is drenched, with fluids dribbling out down the underside of her boobs.<br> <br> That is not the type of 'wet' you were expecting.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "I don't need that," Nooru says.<br> <br> She turns on her side and cups her breast.<br> <br> "I produce my own," she says proudly.<br> <br> Her bikini top looks very wet and her erect nipples are clearly visible.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> "Ooh, that's pretty," Nooru says. "I like colourful things."
"Ooh, thanks," Nooru says.
You take a couple of tentative steps towards Nooru. The floor is soft and bouncy. You suspect sex on here might be a lot of fun. Walking is a little trickier. It's difficult to keep your footing on the shifting and swaying floor.<br> <br> Nooru watches you, still and expectant.<br> <br> Staring intently at you, she slowly and teasingly unhooks and takes off her sodden bra. Her lovely big round breasts are exposed. They gleam as if oiled.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip>> <<include [[Nooru: Approach: Was Warned]]>> <<else>> Your foot comes down on something wet and slick. It seems like Nooru has already splashed some warm oil around in preparation for her massage.<br> <br> <<if $player.currAgi gt 1>> <<include [[Nooru: Approach: Agi Pass]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Nooru: Approach: Agi Fail]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> You're so distracted, you nearly forget $'s warning.<br> <br> Your foot comes down on something wet and slick. Thankfully, you remember what $ told you and don't commit your full weight. You pull back and hold out your hands to get your balance again. Then you move to the side, away from the wet patch, and carefully navigate your way across the shifting surface to Nooru.<br> <br> The predatory alertness leaves her and she's back to being a cheerful, smiling erotic masseuse. She sits up on her knees and motions for you to lie down on the floor in front of her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Lie Down]]
It's an unfortunate place for a patch of oil. Distracted by Nooru's magnificent pair, you nearly go ass over tit.<br> <br> You hold out your arms and waver uncertainly as you try to get your balance back. The pitching floor really doesn't help. You're just able to stay on your feet. Still tottering unsteadily, you make your way over to her.<br> <br> The predatory alertness leaves her and she's back to being a cheerful, smiling erotic masseuse. She sits up on her knees and motions for you to lie down on the floor in front of her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Lie Down]]
<<set $isOnBadEndPath to true>> It's an unfortunate place for a patch of oil. Distracted by Nooru's magnificent pair, your foot slides out from underneath you and you fall ass over tit. Thankfully, the floor is soft and yielding, so your ungainly landing is cushioned.<br> <br> Nooru is on you in a flash. But rather than help you up, she rolls you onto your front and lies down on your back. You feel her big soft boobs press against your back.<br> <br> She bends her head down to whisper in your ear. "Relax."<br> <br> You feel a warm wet sensation on your back, as if Nooru is pouring warm oil over it. Except she shouldn't be able to pour anything as both of her hands are currently holding your arms. It's flooding from her nipples, you realise.<br> <br> Then you're overcome by a powerful feeling of pure bliss.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Massage Back]]
You get down and lie on your belly. It's like lying on a big airbed and is surprisingly warm and comfortable.<br> <br> Nooru doesn't waste any time getting to the body-to-body part of the massage. She straddles your lower back and the mattress sinks beneath your combined weight.<br> <br> "Just lie down and relax," Nooru says. "I'll give you a sexy-sensual massage."<br> <br> You feel a warm dribble against your back as she squirts warm oil on you. Two dribbles. Like she has a bottle in each hand. The fluid feels warm and strangely soothing.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Massage Back]]
Nooru places her hands on your sides and slides them up to your shoulders. Lubricated by the oil, she lets her skilful hands slide slowly across your back.<br> <br> "So much tension," Nooru says. "The House must be pretty scary for humans."<br> <br> She moves her hands up and down your spine in light chopping motions.<br> <br> "You don't have to worry here," Nooru says. "I only want to make you feel nice."<br> <br> She lightly presses her hands against your shoulder blades and moves them in slow circles. The warm oil seeps into your skin and relaxes the muscles beneath. Her dextrous hands move up to your neck and shoulders and start kneading your aches away.<br> <br> The air mattress floor squeaks beneath you as she shifts her weight until she's lying on top of you. Her hands slide down and start massaging your arms. You feel an additional pair of hands start to do the same to your calf muscles and the back of your thighs. At first you wonder if she's snuck in a friend and then realise it's her feet. They're as dextrous as a pair of hands.<br> <br> "Let's get a little sexier," Nooru whispers in your ear.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Massage Back With Boobs]]
She presses her soft tits against your back and starts to rub them against you in slow, sensual circles. You feel more hot dribbles of oil and wonder if they're leaking from her nipples. Whatever it is, and wherever it's leaking from, the fluid feels dreamily blissful against your skin. You let out a little sigh of pleasure as Nooru squirts more onto your back.<br> <br> <<if $isOnBadEndPath>> "Do you like it?" Nooru asks. "Then let's make it really wet."<br> <br> She lies on top of you and grasps your wrists and ankles. More warm, slippery lubricant pours from her breasts. It runs over your back, dribbles down your sides and collects in a warm pool beneath you. It has a marvellous effect on your body. You feel blissfully relaxed and floppy. It feels like a relaxing warm bath after hard physical activity.<br> <br> "Oh yes. I like to make it really wet."<br> <br> Nooru pours more warm juices over you. You moan as you're overwhelmed by an intense feeling of blissful relaxation.<br> <br> "Mmm, that's good. You won't be able to resist me now." <<else>> "Do you like it?" Nooru asks.<br> <br> She dribbles more warm lubricant onto your back and rubs it in with circular movements of her soft breasts. It feels really pleasant.<br> <br> "Not too much," Nooru says. "Or $ will be cross. Just enough to make you nice and slippery."<br> <br> Nooru dribbles more lubricant onto your back and you luxuriate in the sensation of her sliding her curvaceous body against you. <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: More Massage Back]]
Nooru slides up your body until you feel the soft pressure of her tits against the back of your head. You feel dribbles of warm lubricant run down your neck and behind your ears. Nooru slides down and brings up her hands to gently massage your scalp. Her fingers move in slow circles behind your ears.<br> <br> She turns around and slides down your back. Her hands grab your ankles and her feet grab your arms, although you find it hard to tell them apart. Nooru rubs her lovely soft boobs up and down your lower back. She slides them up and over your buttocks, then slides them down each leg in turn.<br> <br> The big air mattress, or – you suppose – floor, squeaks as she shifts position and turns around again. She reverses direction and keeps sliding her boobs up and down your legs, using them like sponges on your muscles. She moves back up to your buttocks and stops there. She playfully bounces her tits against your ass, in turn bouncing your crotch against the soft surface below. She rubs her stiff little nipples over your ass cheeks, leaving behind trails of warm lubricating slime. Your ass and loins start to feel pleasantly relaxed. You let out another sigh of pleasure as Nooru squashes a tit between your legs.<br> <br> <<if $isOnBadEndPath>> "Let's make here extra wet as well," Nooru says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Massage Back: Extra Wet]] <<else>> "Let's get here nice and lubricated as well," Nooru says.<br> <br> She presses a tit against your ass and dribbles warm lubricant down the crack. You shiver with pleasure as it tickles the back of your balls. Nooru slides a hand underneath. She lightly fondles your balls and then slips her hand under further to stroke your lengthening erection. Her other hand moves up to your ass and she lightly circles your anus with a long finger. Your body trembles with anticipation.<br> <br> "You're getting turned on," Nooru laughs. "Let's turn you over and do your front."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Massage Front]] <</if>>
She presses a tit against your ass. Warm lubricant gushes out and pours between your legs. You let out an involuntary moan as it floods the back of your balls and pools around your genitals. Just the touch of the fluid spreads pleasant tingles all through your loins. Nooru pours more out, from both nipples, until your buttocks are dripping and your balls are soaked in liquid bliss.<br> <br> "Wet and slippery," Nooru says.<br> <br> She sits up and sends a hand down between your legs. It cradles your balls, then slides on further to stroke up and down your erection.<br> <br> Her other hand moves to your ass. Your anus is already slathered in lubricating slime. Nooru runs a finger around the rim of your sphincter and gently slips it inside. She slides her long finger up your ass with barely any friction, finds you prostate and starts to gently massage it.<br> <br> Nooru's long fingers continue to stroke up and down your shaft. Involuntarily, you lift your hips off the floor to allow her easier access. Nooru wraps her slick hand around your cock and starts to pump up and down.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount gt 5>> You moan in pleasure as she stimulates both your ass and erection.<br> <br> "You want to come?" Nooru asks as your cock throbs strongly in her hand. "That's okay. Let it out. I'll suck it up later."<br> <br> [[You do.->Nooru: 1st Pop]] <<else>> You moan in pleasure as she stimulates both your ass and erection. You sink back down on the soft mattress, helpless beneath her erotic onslaught.<br> <br> "You seem nicely warmed up," Nooru says. "Let's turn you over and get you in my pussy."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Massage Front]] <</if>>
She slides an arm under you, grips your upper arm and flips you over onto your back. The air mattress is pretty wet by now and makes squishing sounds as you lie back on it.<br> <br> Both you and Nooru are also pretty wet and slippery as well. You see more clear fluids drool from Nooru's nipples as she sits astride you, confirming your suspicions about where the lubricant was coming from. Like her hands and feet, it's a little freaky, but not unduly so.<br> <br> Smiling pleasantly at you, Nooru bends down and slides her body up your chest. She grabs your arms and legs to hold herself in place as she rubs her tits against your chest in slow, sensual circles.<br> <br> "Enjoying this?" she asks.<br> <br> She slides down low enough for your erection to catch between her breasts, then pushes up far enough for her lips to lock with yours in a wet kiss. She slowly humps her body against you at the same time. Enough to squash your erection against your body but not at an angle to allow entry into her pussy. Not yet. That'll come later.<br> <br> Nooru slides back down and starts rubbing her boobs against your hard cock. She brings a hand in and clasps your cock to her bosom as she slides up and down. Your manhood swells between her breasts, encouraged by the stroking of her hand.<br> <br> "It's growing so big," Nooru says. "I'll give it some more lubricant to keep it nice and slick."<br> <br> She turns a nipple inward and squirts more warm oil over your erection. Your head tips back as the warm liquid soaks your cock and surrounds it in pure bliss.<br> <br> <<if $isOnBadEndPath>> "Want more?" Nooru asks. "It's okay for me to give you more. Let's give it a good soak."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Massage Front: Extra Wet]] <<else>> "Lie back and let me relax you," Nooru says.<br> <br> She strokes her hand up and down your slick erection.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Pussy Rub]] <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<set $hasCome to true>> She pumps your cock faster with her oil-slick hand. Her finger presses on your prostate. A warm feeling of ecstasy blooms and spreads through your loins. Your balls tense and then there's an ecstatic feeling of release as you come and spray semen onto the bouncy floor beneath you. You add your issue to Nooru's lubricating slime soaking the air mattress. Nooru expertly milks a big load out of you.<br> <br> Then, spent, you collapse down on the soft springy airbed floor. Nooru releases your cock and pulls her finger out of your ass. She slides her hands up your sides and lies down on top of you, covering you with her warm body. Nooru gently kneads your neck and shoulders. More lubricant floods out of her nipples and – this time – her vagina. The warm slime covers you and soaks you in bliss. You luxuriate both in it and the post-orgasmic glow. You feel like Nooru's attentions are melting you into a relaxed puddle.<br> <br> Nooru reaches over and gives your arm an experimental squeeze.<br> <br> "Time to turn you over and get you in my vagina before you melt," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Massage Front]]
She turns her nipples inwards and pinches your cock between her tits. Warm lubricating slime gushes from her breasts. It covers the head of your cock, runs down your shaft, floods your balls and collects beneath your ass cheeks in a warm puddle. The feel of the warm lubricant, combined with the fleshy pressure of Nooru's tits, is intoxicating.<br> <br> "It's so much better when I have no restrictions," Nooru says.<br> <br> She pours more warm lubricant on your cock. It feels so pleasant against your skin. Your cock twitches in bliss.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount gt 5>> It feels a little too good. Your cock throbs again. You feel a stirring in your balls.<br> <br> "Oh, you want to come again?" Nooru says. "It's okay. Let it out."<br> <br> [[You do.->Nooru: 2nd Pop]] <<else>> "Lie back and let me relax you," Nooru says.<br> <br> She strokes her hand up and down your slick erection.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Pussy Rub]] <</if>>
Nooru sits up astride your crotch. Your erection is pressed flat to your body and Nooru slides it along the groove of her sex as she rubs against you. <<if $isOnBadEndPath>> <br><br> Nooru pauses while pressing down your erection and gives you a mischievous smile. Her labia flutter and your erection is deluged with more lubricating slime. The pleasure causes you to tip your head back and let out a surprised grunt.<br> <br> Nooru giggles. "You're all mine." <<else>> More warm fluids dribble out of her vagina and lubricate her passage as she slides her pussy lips back and forth along your erection. <</if>><br> <br> She leans back and lets your erection rise up between her legs. She presses it back against her blooming labia and strokes her hand against the underside of your shaft. You feel the heat of her sex – tantalisingly close.<br> <br> <<if $isOnBadEndPath>> Lubricating slime gushes out of her sex and soaks your cock. Your head falls back on the soft inflatable floor as you're overwhelmed by blissful ecstasy. Your cock throbs against her – eager to be inserted, eager to<<if $hasCome>> come.<<else>> come again.<</if>><br> <br> Nooru teases you. She holds you there and lets more warm fluids bubble out over your twitching erection. Her skilled fingers continue to stroke and rub your erection. Overwhelmed by sensation, the rest of your body goes completely limp and floppy.<br> <br> Nooru's face takes on a more predatory cast, as if she's satisfied she's done enough to subdue her prey. <<else>> More juices dribble out of her pussy and she uses her hands to rub it into your twitching shaft. She lets her fingers stray down to tickle your balls. <</if>><br> <br> "Now the fun part," Nooru says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Sex]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> She squeezes your cock between her big soft tits. Her hand strokes faster. You gasp in pleasure as your cock throbs hard and spurts an arc of semen through the air. You cock twitches and throbs between Nooru's tits as more semen spurts out. The ejaculation eventually slows to a dribble that runs down the underside of your shaft and mingles with the copious slime Nooru has slathered over your member. She slowly runs a hand up and down your shaft as she presses your erection to her tits.<br> <br> "Your balls must be really full," she says. "Don't worry. You'll still get a chance to come in my pussy."<br> <br> Normally you'd be sceptical of that, but there must be something in Nooru's lubricating slime. Even after just coming, your cock stays hard and eager to go again.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Pussy Rub]]
She wraps a hand around your erection and lifts her hips. This time she pulls the head back into the folds of her sex rather than sliding it against the outside. Slick with lubricant, your cock slides smoothly up into her pussy. Nooru gives a contented sigh as she sits down and draws your full length up into her. She smiles down at you.<br> <br> Then she starts to smoothly ride you. Her hips bob up and down. Her pussy is very tight and juicy. Juicy enough that warm slime drools from it and collects around the base of your cock.<br> <br> It's not just Nooru's external motions. The warm walls of her vagina move as well. They undulate around your shaft, generating a wet sucking sensation that pulls pleasantly on your member.<br> <br> The airbed floor squeaks and bounces beneath you. You're not doing much to add to the movements. Aside from your cock, the rest of your body feels like it's been relaxed to comfortable limpness. You are content to lie back and let Nooru do the work, and she seems content to do it.<br> <br> She leans forwards. Her feet grip your ankles and her hands grip your shoulders. She uses her hold on you to generate more speed and force. The airbed floor squeaks louder and provides plenty of bounce as your cock slides back and forth in her wet pussy.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Nooru: Sex: Out Of Semen 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Nooru: Sex: Has Semen]]>> <</if>>
"Are you coming?" Nooru asks.<br> <br> You're not. You'd like to and it certainly feels good enough, but your body is unwilling. You've worked it too hard over the night and it has nothing left.<br> <br> "Mmm." The cast of Nooru's face goes strangely predatory as she realises her attentions aren't bringing you the desired climax.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Sex: Out Of Semen 2]]
You were already heavily turned on by her erotic body-to-body massage. It doesn't take much of this to bring your orgasm bubbling to the surface.<br> <br> "Are you coming?" Nooru asks. "Oh yes, you are."<br> <br> She slows down and presses her body to yours. The internal motions of her sex take over as your cock is gripped by undulating waves of long squeezing sucks.<br> <br> [[You're coming.->Nooru: Sex: Ejaculation]]
That's enough. Your balls tense and you erupt inside her in a great, blissful outpouring. Nooru's eyelids flutter. She gives an orgasmic sigh and lets her upper body collapse on top of you. Her vaginal walls shudder violently as she orgasms. Warm slime pours out of her pussy in a great flood.<br> <br> <<if $isOnBadEndPath>> <<include [[Nooru: Sex: To Bad End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Nooru: Sex: Good End]]>> <</if>>
"Let's have more." The cast of Nooru's face goes strangely predatory.<br> <br> She grips your ankles and wrists and lies on top of you with her big round tits pressed against your chest.<br> <br> "Time to make you really wet."<br> <br> Her pussy pulses around your cock. Warm slime floods from her sex and nipples. This time she keeps pouring it out until you're completely soaked in it. Soaked in pure blissful ecstasy.<br> <br> As Nooru's juices soak into you, another wave of ecstasy crests within you. Before you know it, instead of winding down, your orgasm rewinds and climbs back up to another massive shuddering release. This time it doesn't stop.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nooru: Sex: Bad End]]
As Nooru's juices soak into you, another wave of ecstasy crests within you. Before you know it, instead of winding down, your orgasm rewinds and climbs back up to another massive shuddering release.<br> <br> Nooru's eyes flick open and her mouth forms a little 'o'. Rather than enjoying your second burst, she hastily slides off you. Freed of the wet suction of her pussy, your cock finishes with a couple of blissful throbs and the last of your ejaculate dribbles down your shaft.<br> <br> "Oops, I'm sorry," Nooru says. "I went a little far there. $ will be so cross with me if I accidentally slurp you up."<br> <br> She moves around behind you and rests your head on her lap. She lets you lie there and bask in the aftermath while she gives your neck and shoulders a gentle, comedown massage.<br> <br> "That will have flushed a lot of tension out of you," Nooru says. "See, the House isn't to be afraid of."<br> <br> She lets you lie there and relax on the soft floor until a bell rings to announce the end of the session. Then she helps you up and gives you a large towel to wrap around your body.<br> <br> "Make sure you have a good long shower downstairs and wash it all off," she tells you.<br> <br> You are completely drenched in warm clear slime. Normally you'd think that gross, but it still feels really warm and pleasant against your skin. It feels very relaxing. /* Player gets mushy ailment without anti-digestion charm */ <<if $player.charms.includes(21)>> Carefully, you pick your way across the shifting inflatable floor to the door. <<else>> <<set _ailment to 7>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> So relaxing you feel strangely //soft// as you carefully pick your way across the shifting inflatable floor to the door. <</if>><br> <br> Nooru gives you a wave as bright and cheery as her surroundings as you go to leave.<br> <br> /* Nooru cures fatigued ailment */ <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Remove Player Ailment]]>> /* Nooru cures befuddlement ailment */ <<set _ailment to 11>> <<include [[Remove Player Ailment]]>> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Nooru: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
She grips your ankles and wrists and lies on top of you with her big round tits pressed against your chest.<br> <br> "You need a little help, that's all," she says. "The other girls in here can be intimidating. You need to relax. I'll melt all that tension away and make you feel comfortable."<br> <br> Her pussy pulses around your cock. Warm slime floods from her sex and nipples. This time she keeps pouring it out until you're completely soaked in it. Soaked in pure blissful ecstasy.<br> <br> That makes you come, although it's a strange slow surge of an ejaculation.<br> <br> <<include [[Nooru: Sex: Bad End]]>>
Nooru sighs and moans. More warm fluids pour out from her nipples and vagina. Both of you are plastered in her warm slime.<br> <br> Coaxed by the slowly undulating walls of Nooru's pussy, you keep coming. It feels like a mouth sucking on you and drawing the cum up from your balls.<br> <br> You don't need to do anything. You feel so relaxed it's like her attentions have melted you into a warm, blissful puddle.<br> <br> Unfortunately for you, that's exactly what her secretions have done, although without any pain and leaving you fully conscious the whole time. Nooru gives a little grunt of exertion and her belly swells as her vagina starts sucking up your liquid form. It feels like a thicker, stronger orgasm as her pussy slowly sucks you up. You feel no pain or fear. This feels right and so blissfully comfortable. You sigh in pleasure as Nooru draws you up into her body.<br> <br> Then, her belly swollen and distended, Nooru lies on her side and slowly and pleasurably digests you. It's a better end than it sounds – you feel nothing but warm comfortable pleasure the whole time – but it's still an end.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Nooru: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<unset $isOnBadEndPath>> <<unset $hasCome>>
<<set _useDefaultBody to true>> <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br><br> "I suppose she wouldn't need oil or soap suds if her body can produce it naturally."<br> <br> $ seems to be in two minds over whether to be revolted or impressed. <<set _useDefaultBody to false>> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> <br><br> "What, you mean the old hag actually said something useful," $ says as you tell him about the warning you received for Nooru's 'trap'.<br> <br> He snorts.<br> <br> "I still don't trust her. Not since..."<br> <br> He doesn't elaborate. <<set _useDefaultBody to false>> <</if>> <<if _useDefaultBody>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <<else>> <br><br> <</if>>
"An erotic body-to-body massage in a carnival funhouse room. How queer," $ says. "It does sound rather enticing. I wouldn't mind feeling that splendid bosom of hers sliding all over my body."<br> <br> He frowns and shakes his head.<br> <br> "It's the hands. And her feet."
/* Sasori Oiran */ <<set $hi to 45>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Sasori Oiran", shortDescription: "", faction: 3, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 5, maxRound: 5, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [29, 23], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Sasori: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Sasori: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Sasori: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Sasori: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Sasori: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Sasori: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Sasori: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Sasori: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Sasori: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 2>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.charms.push(28)>> <<set $player.charms.push(18)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ <<set $player.currInt to 4>> /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 45>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[1]>> <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "an elegant and refined geisha girl in a fine silk kimono. The white kimono is patterned with prints of black scorpions and tied together with a purple sash.">>
"You're a brave one. Or foolhardy," $ chuckles as you ask for information on Sasori Oiran.<br> <br> She stirs her drink.<br> <br> "She's been summoned to your Earth before. She plied her trade in the bathhouses and teahouses of 18th century Yoshiwara. Sasori Oiran, the Scorpion Geisha of Yoshiwara she was known as. Famous for her skills in the bedroom, and infamous for other, more clandestine activities.<br> <br> "While an exemplary courtesan, that is not her true profession. Her true skills lie in espionage, sabotage, and assassination, and it was for those skills Oki Hikigaeru, Daimyo of the Yoru Kaeru Clan summoned her into his service. Utilising her many talents, Hikigaeru and the Yoru Kaeru Clan was able to amass great power and prestige. Until he foolishly decided he no longer needed her services, and – fearful of her daemonic nature – tried to have her killed."<br> <br> $ chuckles.<br> <br> "In revenge, Sasori captured Hikigaeru and forced him to watch as she killed all his heirs, one by one, with her Scorpion Embrace. Then she unmanned him and left him to bleed to death. No longer bound to any clan, she terrorised the region for another decade before she was finally banished back to the Dominion of Lust by Lady Battanezumi and her team of loyal kunoichi."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
Sasori Oiran is a cultured presence on your side as you walk into the bar. So much so, you feel a little intimidated by her presence and have to remind yourself she's just another prostitute, even though she walks like a queen.<br> <br> Despite being a prostitute like all the other girls in here, Sasori's attire seems designed to hide rather than show off her body. All that does is inflame your curiosity. <<if $player.currInt gt 3>> You notice her kimono bulges a little at the back. Though you can't see any horns, you presume she is another succubus like the others. The bulge at the back is probably her wings and tail, or maybe a really long tail curled up behind her back. <</if>><br> <br> You find a spare table and sit down.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Sasori: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Sasori: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Sasori: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sasori: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* Madam intro */ "Ah, we have a very special courtesan with us this evening," $ says. "Sasori Oiran was much in demand in early Yoshiwara... for a wide range of specialised services," she adds with a less-than-subtle wink. <br> <br> /* Long description */ Sasori Oiran looks like a traditional geisha girl from a century or more ago. She wears a very fine white silk kimono decorated with prints of black scorpions. It's all held together with a purple sash tied at the front in a bow.<br> <br> Sasori's black hair is swept up and adorned with elaborate and expensive-looking jewelled hairpins. Her face is painted white with a splash of red for her lips. While her profession is obvious, she comports herself with a regal and refined manner that suggests she is used to playing the role of courtesan for very high status men. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Sasori Oiran flutters a steel fan coyly in front of her face. Like her dress it's patterned with scorpion motifs. She stares at you with dark exotic eyes.<br> <br> "I am Sasori Oiran. Do you wish to receive the ultimate pleasure of my Scorpion Embrace?" <br>
Sasori displays no emotion. She gets up.<br> <br> "I'm sorry. The rules of the House are strict. I must end this early."<br> <br> She returns to the presentation stage with the same grace as she entered the bar.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Sasori is an old daemon with antiquated values. I don't think she intentionally seeks to violate $'s rules. She just doesn't understand them. It was for her and other harlots like her that $ chose to engage the services of $\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Normally, no man would be able to survive her Scorpion Embrace technique, but in here there are ways... protective charms that can be sought.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She specialises in stimulating a man's sacred spot. If you don't know what that is, well...\"\<br\>\<br\>$ leers at you.\<br\>\<br\>\"I hope that little bumhole of yours isn't too tight.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Normally, no man would be able to survive her Scorpion Embrace technique, but in here she is bound by the rules of the House. It's a perfect opportunity to experience dangerous forbidden pleasures in perfect safety. You should take it.\"\<br\>\<br\>She flashes you a vulgar wink."}>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a bowl of sake for Sasori. Sasori watches you with dark intelligent eyes as you drink.<br> <br> "$ claims these socialising sessions are to allow the patrons to get to know a girl better, to inform his choice."<br> <br> The corner of Sasori's lips turns up in a smirk.<br> <br> "It's part of her game and her strange obsession with fairness. It's to give the player a chance to glean information that might allow him to survive."<br> <br> Sasori brings up her fan and flutters it in front of her face, hiding all but her dark, exotic eyes. It's similar to the fan $ carries around, except patterned with black scorpions. <<if $player.currInt gt 3>> While both look like antiques, Sasori's seems strangely //sturdy//. The handle looks metal and weighty, and the edges of the steel fan //sharp//. <</if>><br> <br> "So, what have you gleaned about me?" Sasori asks.<br> <br> You confess you've gleaned nothing.<br> <br> "That is good," Sasori says.<br> <br> And with that you both return back to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Antique Fan */ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Lipstick */ [8,false,false] /* Survive */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Sasori: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Sasori: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Sasori Oiran's room is as quietly refined and elegant as she is. The walls are masked by the traditional paper screens of old Japanese castles. They are decorated with ornate prints of yet more scorpions. At each of the four corners of the room stands a statuette of a multi-armed goddess on top of a white plinth. The one concession to the modern age is a big rubber mat that takes up most of the floor and is about an inch and a half thick.<br> <br> Sasori is kneeling at the far edge of the mat. When you enter she greets you with a bow low enough for her hair to kiss the surface of the mat. Then she gets up and stands silently in front of you. She looks like a priceless doll in her fine silk kimono. Her elegant face is painted white with just a splash of vivid red for her lips.<br> <br> <<if $player.currInt gt 3>> You step forwards and offer your gift. <<else>> After an awkward pause you realise she's waiting for you to give her your gift. <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Sasori: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Sasori: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 23>> <<include [[Sasori: Gift: Lipstick]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 29>> <<include [[Sasori: Gift: Antique Fan]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sasori: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Sasori: Undressing]]
Sasori takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and gives <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> a demure sniff.<br> <br> "How appropriate," she says. "An excellent choice."<br> <br> She places the $allGifts[$cgi].name in a vase on a side table and returns to you.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> Sasori accepts the $allGifts[$cgi].name with a demure little bow. She examines it.<br> <br> "What a vivid shade," she says. "It will contrast perfectly. Thank you."<br> <br> She places it in the drawer of a side table and returns to you.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Sasori accepts the $allGifts[$cgi].name with a demure little bow. She opens it up and examines it with a critical eye.<br> <br> "Very pretty, but flimsy, as most pretty things are."<br> <br> She walks over to a set of drawers at the side of the room.<br> <br> "Most, but not all."<br> <br> She flashes you a smile over her shoulder as places the fan in a drawer. She returns to you.
Sasori accepts your gift with a demure little bow. She places it in the drawer of a side table and returns to you.
Sasori moves around behind you and starts to undress you. She does this slowly and takes every opportunity to run her hands over your body. Her touch is arousing without being vulgar. You suspect that comes later.<br> <br> Sasori removes your top and then pulls down your trousers and underpants. You step out of them, Sasori gathers up your discarded clothes and carries them away behind you. Your first instinct is to turn your head to follow her, but Sasori is insistent you keep facing forward.<br> <br> Maybe she's shy about people watching while she takes her clothes off.<br> <br> "My turn," she says.<br> <br> Your blood quickens as you hear her undress with a whisper of silk. Finally you're going to find out what she's hiding beneath that kimono.<br> <br> You feel a sharp, stinging pain in your left buttock. Like a bee sting, but if the bee was as big as your hand. The pain is brief and immediately followed by a burst of euphoria that blooms from the point of injection and spreads through the rest of your body like warm oil. It feels like you've been injected with an opiate.<br> <br> Maybe you have been injected with an opiate. Your legs give out and you fall down in a heap on the thick mat.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sasori: Kunoichi 1]]
Sasori walks back into view. She has removed her silk kimono, but she is not naked. Underneath her silk robes she was hiding some kind of ninja girl outfit. Her breasts are covered by sashes of purple silk. Her legs are covered in fishnet stockings held up with purple suspenders. The suspenders are attached to a belt just above her hips. She's not wearing any panties and the smooth folds of her sex are clearly visible between the straps of her suspenders.<br> <br> The other thing you notice is that Sasori's body is not quite as //soft// as you were expecting. Her skin is lightly tanned and she's very trim and athletic, even muscular in places. She looks like someone who regularly trains her body with physical activity, and not just of the bedroom kind.<br> <br> "Surprised?" Sasori asks. "My name might be Oiran, but my true profession is //kunoichi//."<br> <br> You are surprised, but also weirdly okay with it, despite currently lying crumpled on the mat like a doll with cut strings. You think that might have something to do with whatever she injected you with. That's currently running through your veins like liquid bliss. Your cock stands up of its own accord.<br> <br> "I think you know that better as //ninja//," Sasori continues. "The weakness of men has always been pretty girls. By disguising ourselves as one, we can get close to the target. Learn their secrets. Influence them. Sow discord. Even..." Sasori's dark eyes glimmer. "...assassinate them."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sasori: Kunoichi 2]]
Sasori sees the look of fear that passes over your eyes.<br> <br> "There is no need to be afraid. I follow the teachings of Priti Nāndyāh. If a life must be taken, it should be in a glorious burst of transcendent pleasure. Then a man can die happy in the knowledge he has experienced the greatest pleasures flesh can offer, and has nothing left to experience."<br> <br> Sasori is light on her feet as she walks over to you and crouches down.<br> <br> "And that is how it will be for you. You will experience true ecstasy in my Scorpion Embrace."<br> <br> You were wondering what Sasori stabbed you with, as her hands are empty. That question is answered, although perhaps in a way that leaves you wishing you'd remained ignorant. A long black segmented scorpion tail rears up over Sasori's left shoulder. It terminates in a large bulbous stinger almost as big as your head. The sting is maybe five inches long and looks as sharp as a stiletto. Sasori reaches up and caresses the bulbous tip.<br> <br> "I am a daemon kunoichi," she says.<br> <br> You still don't have any control over your limbs. You're unable to do anything as Sasori grabs your knees and drags you to the edge of the thick mat. She straddles your midriff.<br> <br> "The first sting is to incapacitate."<br> <br> She reaches up and caresses her sting again.<br> <br> "The second must be administered to a man's sacred spot, so that he may give himself up fully to the Scorpion Embrace."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sasori: Prep Insertion]]
Her right hand strays to your crotch. Her fingers lightly fondle your balls and tickle through your pubic hair. She traces a line down your perineum with her index finger. While staring at you with her dark eyes, she lightly traces a circle around your anus and gently probes your sphincter with her fingertip.<br> <br> Your eyes widen when you realise she means to poke that long pointed sting in your ass.<br> <br> "There is no need to be fearful. I am a daemon of pleasure. Every thought will be given to your comfort."<br> <br> She glances to her left, to her sting. Bulbous membranes expand outwards along the point until it looks like a string of rubbery beads. Sasori reaches up and gives them a squeeze to demonstrate their soft compressibility.<br> <br> "And you will find this most comfortable."<br> <br> She stands astride your crotch and lifts your knees up and apart. Her tail curls around behind and beneath her. You feel a gentle and insistent pressure at your anus. Thankfully, the tip of her sting is blunted by a soft, rubbery protuberance.<br> <br> "Let's ease it in," Sasori says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Anal Insertion]]
The rounded tip is wet with lubricant. Sasori gently applies more pressure until your sphincter loosens and the bulbous tip slides inside.<br> <br> "Nice and easy. Relax. Enjoy the pleasure."<br> <br> The point of her sting, cushioned with rubbery membranous bubbles, slowly slides all the way into your ass. You feel strange little bursts of pleasure as each membranous bead, each slightly larger than the previous, gently stretches your sphincter. Her sting slots perfectly in your ass and is shaped so that the rest of the stinger is pressing against your perineum.<br> <br> Then it starts vibrating.<br> <br> The cushioned tip presses against and starts massaging your prostate. The larger portion of the stinger vibrates against your perineum. Warm pleasure blooms throughout your loins.<br> <br> "There is only ecstasy in the Scorpion Embrace," Sasori says. "None of those who've died by it have regretted it."<br> <br> Her padded scorpion stinger keeps vibrating in your ass and you squirm in pleasure from the sensation. Dew drops of precum well up out of your urethra. Sasori wraps her hands around your erection and skilfully pumps it. Her fingers, slick with your precum, slide around and up and down your shaft. Her sting continues to vibrate in your ass and the pleasure pushes your hips up.<br> <br> <<include [[Sasori: Semen Check]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Check Semen Without Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> One of her hands strays lower, to fondle your balls and check their weight.<br> <br> "Ah, I see the others have already taken their fill of you and left you depleted. No matter. My venom will stimulate your body to produce more."<br> <br> She gives your balls a gentle little squeeze.<br> <br> <</if>> "And now the final sting, administered directly to the sacred spot."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sasori: Prostate Sting]]
You feel a sharp prick deep inside you. The pain is overwhelmed by an explosion of pure bliss. She pumps her venom directly into your prostate. It swells, corrupts, and turns into a pumping heart drawing the fluids from the rest of your body. Your balls swell and your cock throbs with the desire to ejaculate.<br> <br> "Do not fear. I will not let you spill your seed wastefully. The Scorpion Embrace ends with you inside me."<br> <br> She smoothly drops down on your erection. Wracked by pleasure already, you get to experience even more as your erection slides up inside her vagina. The path is easy at first, then her vagina tightens around and takes firm grip of your cock.<br> <br> "You are locked in the Scorpion Embrace. Lose yourself in ecstasy," Sasori says.<br> <br> Her stinger vibrates, stimulating both your swollen prostate and sensitive perineum. Her vagina contracts around your cock with the same rhythm. Sasori leans over and pinches certain pressure points, opening up forbidden pathways that were never meant to be opened. She sweeps her hands across your chest and down your belly. It's as if she's gathering all your energy and drawing it down into your balls. Drawing it down and storing it up for one big explosion.<br> <br> It's an explosion you can feel building and building. You cannot hold it back. Sasori's pussy tightens around your erection. Her padded stinger vibrates against your prostate. You feel a queer fullness in your balls and an irresistible urge to let it out.<br> <br> "Here it comes. Do not fear the end. Embrace the bliss that comes with it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sasori: Charm Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> And let it out you do. You gasp and tense and feel an enormous explosive ejaculation rip through you and surge up into her. <<set _badEndOverride to $cgi eq 0 or $isOutOfSemen>> <<if $player.charms.includes(28) and not _badEndOverride>> <<include [[Sasori: Good End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sasori: Bad End]]>> <</if>>
With Sasori simultaneously stimulating your prostate, perineum, and penis, it's an incredibly intense orgasm. One that leaves you panting and contorted in its wake.<br> <br> Sasori looks down at you in puzzlement. "It stopped?"<br> <br> It has. You can feel various tubes still spasming within your loins, but the ejaculation is over. You emptied such a big load inside her you feel flattened by it.<br> <br> As enormous as it felt, Sasori seems to have been expecting something more.<br> <br> "How strange. I have locked you in my Scorpion Embrace and stung your sacred spot. And yet your flow has stopped and you breathe still."<br> <br> Sasori looks contemplative.<br> <br> "I could sting you again."<br> <br> You feel a sharp little scratch deep within your ass.<br> <br> "No. The only way you could have withstood it is through powerful protection from outside. And if it is their will that you should live, it is not for me to oppose that."<br> <br> She gently slides her cushioned sting out of your ass. She stands up, releasing your spent cock from her tight vagina.<br> <br> "This is unusual, but it is not the first time. Maybe this is what $ means with her 'fair play'."<br> <br> She puts her kimono back on and ties the sash at the front in a pretty purple bow.<br> <br> "I do not understand it. Why would a man want to decline the ultimate pleasure of my Scorpion Embrace?"<br> <br> She fetches your clothes and places them next to your still-jittery body in a neat pile. Your limbs still feel like limp spaghetti. It's going to take a while to recover from that orgasm.<br> <br> "Ah, it is not my place to question. I work in the House now. And while I do, its rules are my rules."<br> <br> She ignores you to sit at her vanity table and redo her makeup.<br> <br> The session is over. After a brief pause to get your shivering limbs back under control, you put your clothes back on and walk unsteadily to the exit. You don't know what saved you, but you're grateful to it.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Your body writhes in indescribable bliss as semen, fluids, energy and life gush out of your cock. Coaxed by her hands, her tail, and her ever-so-tight pussy you empty everything into her. It is the end, but you do not care, because this is also the pinnacle of pleasure. You writhe and contort in ecstasy as you spurt your life out inside Sasori. She sits up, tilts her head back and receives it serenely. You judder and contort and then finally grow still as you expire from pure bliss.<br> <br> You're not the first to meet your end locked in Sasori's Scorpion Embrace. And, like all the others, you do not mind. Sasori is a uniquely skilled assassin. All of her victims feel blessed to receive her deadly Scorpion Embrace and you are no exception.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
/* Text Here */ $ looks extra excited as he pulls out his small black notebook.<br> <br> "Sasori Oiran, eh. I've heard next to nothing about her." /* always end in line breaks */ <br> <br>
/* must start with linebreaks if wish to start on new line */ <br> <br> /* Text here */ His enthusiasm wanes the more you tell him about Sasori. /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br>
/* Text here */ "So, another monster. What a pity. I thought she had a refined air to her... for a foreigner."<br> <br> $ //hmphs// sadly.<br> <br> "I understand now why so few spoke of her. An assassin wearing the guise of a courtesan. A veritable scorpion, indeed."<br> <br> He shudders.<br> <br> "I wonder how you survived." He strokes his moustache. "I'd wager it's that cryptic witch's doing. Such a damnably frustrating woman. Can't understand a damn word that comes out of her mouth." /* do not end with linebreaks */
/* Pavitra Titalee */ <<set $hi to 56>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Pavitra Titalee", shortDescription: "", faction: 3, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 5, maxRound: 5, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [15,26], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Pavitra: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Pavitra: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Pavitra: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Pavitra: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Pavitra: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Pavitra: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Pavitra: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Pavitra: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Pavitra: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(24)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ <<set $player.currWill to 3>> <<set $player.currInt to 4>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to true>> /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 56>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a tall sylph-like elfin woman with long blonde hair wearing diaphanous green robes. She has a pair of brightly-coloured butterfly wings.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is our charming butterfly, Pavitra Titalee kee Prasannata," $ says.<br> <br> She whispers crudely in your ear.<br> <br> "She'll make your cock feel like it's two foot long."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Pavitra Titalee has a fae look to her. She's tall and willowy, like a classic fantasy elf. She also has pair of brightly patterned butterfly wings, like a fairy. Her slender body is hidden beneath diaphanous green robes. Her ears are long and pointed, and stick out horizontally from her long straight blonde hair.<br> <br> You don't think her wings and ears are prosthetics. You think they're real.<br> <br> Pavitra's face is beautiful, but also alien. Her exquisitely sculpted features seem too perfect to belong to a human being.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Pavitra seems to float or glide as she walks over to you.<br> <br> "I am Pavitra Titalee kee Prasannata," she says. Her voice is high and musical. It tinkles like ethereal bells.<br> <br> While her voice and appearance brings to mind an elf of unsullied forest, what she says next is far from pure.<br> <br> "Give me your penis and I will make it massive inside me," she says. <br>
"Oh, do you have a thing for fantasy elf or fairy girls?" $ says as you ask about Pavitra Titalee. "You're in for a shock. She's... well, you'll have to see for yourself."<br> <br> $ smirks nastily.<br> <br> "She's a devotee of Priti Nāndyāh. One of the more dishonest ones."<br> <br> $ pauses to exhale a cloud of smoke.<br> <br> "Or maybe honest. She knows what she is. For all their high talk of being above lusts and hungers, and 'only taking what is freely offered', the devotees of Priti Nāndyāh are very adept at hypnotising poor shmucks into handing over their souls. Pavitra is no different. Her 'gates to nirvana' only open one way... if you know what I mean."<br> <br> $ smirks again. She puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "However, she puts on a face of following their 'decrees'. If you ask to leave or don't want to take it that far, she won't force you. Not that it will matter. She'll have already hypnotised your brain to mush by that point and you'll say whatever she wants you to say."<br> <br> She exhales another cloud of smoke.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She uses the patterns on her wings to hypnotise men.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Her body produces special pheromones that hypnotise men.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Her special dick massage won't actually make your dick massive. Her vagina secretes a drug that massively increases sensitivity. It makes you feel like your dick has grown massive.\""}>>
Pavitra Titalee is an airy presence at your side as you walk into the bar. She seems to float as if she's walking on clouds. You find a spare table and sit down. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Pavitra: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Pavitra: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br> <br> If your lack of money annoys Pavitra, she doesn't show it. She leans over to give you a chaste little kiss on the forehead.<br> <br> "It's okay. You can give me your nectar upstairs," she says.<br> <br> She gets up and leaves.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you. She brings Pavitra an elaborate frosted glass in the shape of a flower.<br> <br> "I'm a little different to the other girls in here," Pavitra says.<br> <br> She proves it by opening her mouth and unfurling a long pink tongue as slender as a bootlace. She dangles it down into the trumpet-shaped flower glass, takes a sip of the amber liquid and coils it back up into her mouth.<br> <br> She smiles at your stunned expression.<br> <br> "And not just like that," she says.<br> <br> She glances around the bar.<br> <br> "The other girls in here are governed by their hungers. They //take//, sometimes forcefully. I follow a different calling, one that believes that sensual pleasures should be freely given and nothing taken in return other than that which is offered."<br> <br> She unfurls her long tongue to take another sip. Her gaze strays down to your crotch.<br> <br> "I offer a special penile massage," she says. "It's very therapeutic. It will improve circulation, increase blood flow and increase sensitivity. Some men even claim it increases girth and length."<br> <br> Pavitra blinks slyly.<br> <br> "I can't claim responsibility for that," she says. "The increase in sensitivity will make you feel like your penis is the biggest it's ever been inside me. Men like that."<br> <br> You think you'd like that as well. Your erection already feels really big in your pants. It remains hard as you finish your drinks and return to $<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [13]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> While walking back you notice Pavitra's dress has a slight bump at the back, as if it's hiding a tail or something similar.<br> <br> <</if>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Pavitra: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pavitra: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Pretty */ [3,false,false], /* Early Escape */ [7,false,false] /* Standard Good End */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $isMesmerised to false>> <<include [[Pavitra: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Pavitra: First-Time Scenario]]>>
The first thing you notice as you enter Pavitra Titalee's room is the profusion of exotic plants. They surround the edges of the room in pots and climb up wooden trellises. The air is humid and thick with the fragrance of flowers.<br> <br> There is a bell-shaped gazebo in the centre of the room. Vines climb over the curved wrought-iron frame. It looks like a section of Victorian garden transplanted to a room within the House.<br> <br> Pavitra is sitting on a bench inside the gazebo. She stands up and extends her butterfly wings. They are a riotous splash of colour – brighter even than the many colourful flowers decorating the walls of the room – and patterned with what looks like love hearts. Your gaze is drawn to the complex whorls and spirals. It's only when she speaks can you drag your gaze away.<br> <br> "Welcome to my pleasure garden," Pavitra says. "I trust it is to your liking."<br> <br> Pavitra is tall and willowy, with an exquisitely beautiful face. She's still wearing diaphanous green robes, and resembles an elf or fairy queen of fantasy. She motions for you to join her in her scented gazebo.<br> <br> You enter and present your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pavitra: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Pavitra: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 26>> <<include [[Pavitra: Gift: Steel Dildo]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(3)>> <<include [[Pavitra: Gift: Pretty]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pavitra: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> Pavitra asks you to take your clothes off while she places your gift at the back of the gazebo. You do so, hanging your clothes on hooks on the arched entrance that seem to be there for that purpose.<br> <br> Pavitra beckons you to a bench and has you sit down. The seat is padded and comfortable beneath your naked ass. The back is tilted backwards rather than straight, allowing you to lie back and enjoy the view of her body.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pavitra: Dance]]
She gives you a sincere bow as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "A most valuable offering," she says. "I will accept it, treasure it, and in return give you the greatest of pleasures."
"Too cold and impersonal," Pavitra says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "I'd rather have the real thing."<br> <br> She glances down at your crotch.<br> <br> "That is the real gift."
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "How pretty," Pavitra says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "I like pretty things. A pleasure for the eye..."<br> <br> She glances down at your crotch.<br> <br> " return for a pleasure for the body."
Pavitra thanks you for your gift.
Pavitra loosens her green robes. Not enough to slip out of entirely, but enough to widen and deepen the //V// at the front. It exposes more of the lush valley of her cleavage and even offers you a tantalising glimpse of her belly button.<br> <br> Pavitra's butterfly wings flutter. They take her up into the air until her feet are floating inches off the floor. She pouts provocatively at you and poses alluringly.<br> <br> Her wings continue to flutter. It creates a strange optical illusion where the heart-shaped patterns on them seem to bounce and dance. Your gaze tunnels in until it seems like Pavitra is doing an aerial dance in front of a colourful kaleidoscope of popping cartoon hearts. It's mesmerising.<br> <br> "Look at me," Pavitra says. "Is my body not splendid? Do you not desire it?"<br> <br> She gives a little orgasmic shiver. Sparkling pink dust rains from her wings and drifts over you. You feel like you're sitting in a meadow on a warm summer afternoon. Your body tingles with arousal. Your cock rises up in erection.<br> <br> "I am a bequeather of pleasures. My body is yours... and the pleasures it can give you."<br> <br> She stretches and contorts. She bows to let you stare right down into her bosom then arcs backwards to thrust her breasts skyward. Her great butterfly wings flutter and pink hearts dance across their surface.<br> <br> Pavitra sighs and her body gives another orgasmic shudder. More sparkly pink dust cascades from her wings and drifts over your body. You relax and slump back on the comfortable bench. Your erection grows bigger and harder.<br> <br> The dust clouds your vision. Lines blur with soft focus. The dancing hearts on Pavitra's butterfly wings sparkle like glitter. You feel warm and lazy.<br> <br> "Do you accept the offer of my body?"<br> <br> Pavitra sways mesmerically back and forth, her arms held out to you. Her fluttering wings form a backdrop of hearts fizzing like fireworks. <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [24]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if not _testPassed or $cgi eq 0>> Your eyelids droop. You can look nowhere else. <</if>><br> <br> [[Yes. Obviously. You wouldn't be here otherwise.->Pavitra: Ivy Binding]]
<<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [24]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed and $cgi neq 0>> Pavitra looks at you and pouts seductively. <<else>> Pavitra looks at your hypnotised state and smiles. <</if>><br> <br> "Then it is yours," she says.<br> <br> Her gaze switches from you to the wrought-iron wall of the gazebo behind you.<br> <br> "There is one thing I need to do first. Please do not be alarmed."<br> <br> She makes a strange gesture as if signalling to the plant pots behind you.<br> <br> Vines come alive and slither and twine around your wrists and ankles. Your arms are pulled back and you're tethered to the back of the bench.<br> <br> [[You're okay with this.->Pavitra: Ivy Bindings: No Struggle]] <<if _testPassed and $cgi neq 0>> <br> [[Try to struggle free.->Pavitra: Ivy Bindings: Struggle]] <</if>>
You let the vines tether your wrists and ankles to the bench.<br> <br> "Do not be fearful," Pavitra says, her voice soothing. "It is for my protection. My body is fragile and delicate, and men sometimes don't know their own strength."<br> <br> You don't mind at all. It's a little kinky.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pavitra: Abdomen Reveal]]
You pull against the vines. Your hands move forwards maybe an inch before the vines pull back and firmly tether your wrists to the back of the bench.<br> <br> "Shh, it's just a precaution," Pavitra says. "My body is more fragile than yours. It's to stop you from accidentally damaging me. I will not hurt you. I cannot. So relax. I only wish to bring you pleasure."<br> <br> Her voice is soft and soothing. Hypnotic hearts continue to play across her fluttering wings.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> The bondage is an unexpected but not unwanted surprise. You don't mind a little bit of kink. It's quite the turn on. <<else>> The bondage is unexpected, but you'll have to put up with it for now. <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Pavitra: Abdomen Reveal]]
With you safely tied up, Pavitra smiles coquettishly and shrugs off her green robes. They slide off her sublime body and flutter to the floor.<br> <br> Her body is... different.<br> <br> Up until then the only insectile elements you'd seen of Pavitra were her butterfly <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>>wings and her long slender tongue while drinking downstairs.<<else>>wings.<</if>> There's more, noticeably more beneath her robes.<br> <br> She has a long, cigar-shaped abdomen sticking out of her butt and drooping down behind her like a tail. It's almost as long as her legs. Her legs are also a strange mix of human and alien They're fleshy and almost have the same appearance as the legs of a regular human woman. The proportions are off. The distance to her knee is too short and there's an additional joint about two thirds down her shin. Despite this, they're still long and strangely alluring.<br> <br> Rather strangely, Pavitra has nothing between her legs. She's as smooth as a doll down there. The reason for this becomes clearer as her long abdomen curls around between her legs until the tip is facing you. A fleshy slit – vertical like a vagina – opens up, revealing a moist and glistening pink interior.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [24]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed and $cgi neq 0>> [[Panic and try to pull yourself free of the bench.->Pavitra: Panic and Early Leave]]<br> <<else>> <<set $isMesmerised to true>> <</if>> [[Let her continue.->Pavitra: Insertion]]
Pavitra flutters up close to you. The orifice at the end of her abdomen gapes. Lubricating slime drools from the pink opening. You know where she wants to put it – or rather what she wants to put in it and that is Not Okay.<br> <br> You thrash and struggle against the tethering vines. Pavitra hovers above you. The tip of her abdomen descends, hungry for your cock. You can't free your arms or legs, so desperately try to twist your body to avoid the descending orifice.<br> <br> It seems doomed to failure, then Pavitra stops with the dripping orifice almost close enough to kiss the tip of your cock.<br> <br> "It's no good", she says.<br> <br> She floats backwards and then descends to lightly land on her feet.<br> <br> "You're too filled with fear. It's not possible to bequeath pleasure to a mind so unwilling to receive it."<br> <br> Her wings stop fluttering. She picks up her robes and puts them back on.<br> <br> "The offering has been rejected. I could force you to accept, and then you'd understand once you felt how good it feels, but that is not the path I follow."<br> <br> She gives you a sad bow. She makes a gesture and the vines uncoil from and release your arms and legs.<br> <br> "I'm sorry my pleasures were undesired."<br> <br> She turns, walks away and stands with her back to you.<br> <br> "Please leave."<br> <br> You don't know what's going on, but feel it's best to get out of here before she changes her mind.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> /* no faction increase for leaving early */ <<include [[Pavitra: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Pavitra flutters up close to you. The orifice at the end of her abdomen gapes. <<if $isMesmerised>> Mesmerised by the flashing hearts on her beating wings, you let it happen. <<else>> You know it means to swallow your dick and let it. <</if>><br> <br> "There's no need to be afraid," Pavitra says. "Entrust it to me."<br> <br> The end of her abdomen slides over your cock like a soft sex-toy sheath. Pavitra drops down on the bench with her feet on either side of you. She pushes down with her abdomen and swallows more and more of your erection. While it might look unusual, the interior feels like a woman's vagina – tight, warm, soft, and wet... really wet.<br> <br> "Yes. Entrust it to me," Pavitra says. "I will pleasure it."<br> <br> Strange patterns and whorls play across her wings, drawing in and holding your gaze.<br> <br> Pavitra slowly pushes her long abdomen up and down. Your erection slides back and forth inside a pleasant fleshy sheath.<br> <br> "Mmm. I can feel it growing inside me," Pavitra sighs.<br> <br> She presses her abdomen down all the way, until the soft lips are kissing the root of your cock. Gentle rippling undulations stroke up and down your shaft.<br> <br> You do feel it growing!<br> <br> It's the strangest sensation. Your cock was already swollen to its fullest extent in a massive throbbing erection. Now it's swelling still further – expanding and lengthening inch by inch inside Pavitra.<br> <br> "Mmm yes," Pavitra says. "Sit back and let me massage your penis."<br> <br> The warm internal walls of her vagina continue to undulate around your cock. The fleshy walls secrete more lubricating juices and gently rub them into your cock. The juices are more than lubricant. Your cock tingles pleasantly and grows even more sensitive. You sigh and moan as the fleshy walls continue to pleasantly undulate around your cock. It feels like it's being expertly massaged by many tiny hands.<br> <br> "Ooh, it's getting so big inside me."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pavitra: Pre-Semen Check]]
<<unset $isMesmerised>>
Pavitra sighs. She flutters her brightly patterned wings. More glittering dust cascades down onto your naked flesh.<br> <br> Your vision blurs and shifts. Everything goes psychedelic. It looks like bright cartoon lines and colours are overlaying the real world. The patterns and shapes jump off Pavitra's wings and float across the room. You look down and fancy you can see your dick glowing inside Pavitra's abdomen. It's so big – a foot and a half, maybe two feet long. And you can feel every millimetre of it as Pavitra's vagina expertly squeezes and strokes different parts of it. <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Check Semen Without Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Pavitra: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pavitra: Has Semen]]>> <</if>>
<br><br> Pavitra pauses. She tilts her head to the side, like a bird or insect.<br> <br> "Mmm?"<br> <br> Rhythmic bulges flow up the outside of her soft abdomen. You feel them inside as strong pulsing contractions rolling up your shaft and squeezing the swollen head of your cock. You squirm and shudder on the bench. You're convinced you're going to come, and are surprised when you don't.<br> <br> Pavitra stops and goes back to gently stroking your shaft with slow undulations.<br> <br> "This penis has been very active," she says.<br> <br> The walls of her vagina are very tactile. They squeeze and probe sections of your penis as if checking its condition.<br> <br> "I don't think I will be able to bring you relief through normal means," she says. "I shall have to take you through my gates of nirvana. Beyond them you will find blessed ecstasy. However, once through them, you will not be able to return."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pavitra: Pass Through Gates]]
A stirring starts in your balls that quickly grows into a raging fire.<br> <br> Your cock lengthens still further, becoming an impossibly tall and wide fleshy column within her. Your bulbous glans, now as big as an apple, comes up against a fleshy obstruction within her. It feels like a soft cushion of flesh – as supple as a pair of pouting lips – around a tight sphincter. Pavitra groans and shudders in pleasure as the fleshy helmet of your cock nudges up against it.<br> <br> "Those are my internal gates to nirvana," Pavitra says. "Through them lie undreamed of sensual pleasures."<br> <br> She tilts her head down to you and adopts a more serious tone.<br> <br> "However, once you pass through them there is no return. I tell you this as a devotee of Priti Nāndyāh. We must not take. We must only accept what is offered. Know this and do not take this decision lightly."<br> <br> Your vision shifts and sways. Pavitra hovers before you like a divine vision. Brightly coloured hearts spin out from her form. Her vagina is snugly wrapped around your monstrous erection. That fleshy cushion at the end suckles at your glans and hints of greater pleasures.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(24) and $cgi neq 0>> [[Tell her you'll go no further.->Pavitra: Decline to Pass Through Gates]]<br> [[Tell her you wish to pass through her gates to nirvana.->Pavitra: Choose to Pass Through Gates]] <<else>> You must experience them. You tell Pavitra you wish to go further, regardless of the cost.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pavitra: Choose to Pass Through Gates]] <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to -2>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> As much as your cock is champing at the bit, you caught her 'once you pass through them there is no return' comment. That sounds a little //final//. Enough to pierce the pleasant fog you're floating in.<br> <br> You tell her you don't want to push further.<br> <br> "That's fine," Pavitra says.<br> <br> She smiles down at you and shifts position. Her abdomen takes a firmer hold of your cock.<br> <br> "Mmm, it's time to end this massage with a nice big release."<br> <br> Bulges roll up the outside of her soft abdomen. You feel it on the inside as insistent tugs pulling on your cock. You feel your hips rise up with them.<br> <br> "You don't need to hold back," Pavitra says. "Relax and let it out. You'll feel much better for it."<br> <br> The pumping motion of her abdomen grows faster and stronger. You feel like you're being efficiently jerked to climax. Your whole body tenses up in preparation.<br> <br> "Let it out," Pavitra whispers.<br> <br> Her abdomen pushes down. Your gigantic cock pushes up until the swollen head is nudging up against that soft cushion of flesh at the back. It presses against your glans like a soft pair of lips. The fleshy tunnel contracts around your cock.<br> <br> That takes you over the brink. You tip your head back and groan in bliss. You lift your hips. Trembling tension grips your body, then releases. Your monstrous cock throbs and spurts semen deep inside her.<br> <br> "Yes, pour it out," Pavitra says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pavitra: Good End]]
You tell her you wish to pass through her gates to nirvana.<br> <br> "Then I will accept your offer and grant you sensual bliss," Pavitra says.<br> <br> <<include [[Pavitra: Pass Through Gates]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -2>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Pavitra pushes down with her abdomen. The head of your cock presses up against the fleshy aperture inside her. There is considerable resistance at first, then it starts to give. You cry out in unrestrained pleasure as the head of your cock slides through and is followed by about a third of your shaft. It's silky smooth beyond, and very tight.<br> <br> That's enough to tip you over.<br> <br> Your cock starts erupting as you slide deeper into Pavitra's slick depths.<br> <br> "You don't need to hold it back," Pavitra says. "Pour it out inside me."<br> <br> She's a little late on that. It's already surging out. Your cock is enormous now, easily over two feet long. You feel your cum rise up the centre of the fleshy column and then erupt from the top in a joyous gush.<br> <br> Pavitra lets out an eager sigh. "I feel it," she says.<br> <br> Her abdomen clamps tightly around the root of your cock. Bulges pass up the outside of her abdomen. Internally, the gentle undulating strokes become powerful tugging pumps.<br> <br> Rather than tailing off, your ejaculation crests again, even higher than before. It's a massive surging flood. Pavitra helps it along with powerful contractions rolling up and down your monstrous shaft. They push the flow along... squeeze it out of you.<br> <br> Your head tips back and lolls. It's overwhelming. Your cock has grown so large in your mind it feels skyscraper-sized. Everything else shrinks in comparison. You feel only a great surging rush of pleasure travelling up your cock and spurting out of the end.<br> <br> Pavitra hops onto you. She clasps your collarbone with her hands. Her feet clasp your sides. She grunts. Her abdomen pulses faster and harder, and it feels like she's trying to pump your balls up through your cock.<br> <br> Something's wrong.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Parvitra: Bad End]]
The tugging force on your cock is too forceful. Pavitra is gripping you too tightly. Less like a lover, more like a... predator.<br> <br> You look up and see her face is twisted – feral and animalistic. She hisses and grunts and pushes down harder with her abdomen. Bulges roll up her soft abdomen. They pull the cum out of your cock with them.<br> <br> You feel funny inside.<br> <br> Something is coming loose. You try to hold it back. It's too late. Pavitra has too firm a hold of you.<br> <br> She tips her head back. "I give praise to Priti Nāndyāh and thanks for this offering. It was given freely and in return has been rewarded with the greatest of sensual pleasures, as decreed by our tenets."<br> <br> That something comes free. Pavitra's face flushes in ecstasy and she hisses in triumph as she pumps the soul out of your body. You tense, then fall back limp and lifeless.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Pavitra: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Pavitra milks your cock with slow pulses. You empty out your balls in a long throbbing surge of bliss, then the tension leaves your body and you slump back down on the bench.<br> <br> An inner orifice opens and catches on the edge of your glans. For a moment you feel like you're about to be sucked deeper, then the opening slides off the other way and closes up. As if Pavitra changed her mind at the last moment.<br> <br> "I think that flushed a lot of tension out of you," she says. "My body might be unusual, but it is capable of giving the most pleasurable penile massage."<br> <br> You can't argue with that.<br> <br> Pavitra's wings are no longer fluttering. The heart shapes on them are still. Your vision gradually returns to normal. You no longer feel like you're in a psychedelic cartoon.<br> <br> Pavitra slides her abdomen up off your cock.<br> <br> You're surprised your revealed cock isn't bigger. It felt monstrously massive inside Pavitra. Now it's merely the same as before... and slowly deflating as you come down from the orgasmic high.<br> <br> Pavitra walks away, retrieves her diaphanous green robes and puts them back on. She makes a gesture and the vines binding your wrists and ankles unwind and slither back to their pots. It still takes you a while before you can move. That was some climax.<br> <br> "In accordance with Priti Nāndyāh's laws I have bequeathed you pleasure and taken only what was offered in return."<br> <br> She clasps her hands and gives a little bow to the far side of the gazebo. Then she turns and smiles serenely at you.<br> <br> "I hope you were satisfied."<br> <br> She clasps her hands and bows again.<br> <br> "Through sensual ecstasy we approach divinity," she says.<br> <br> She watches you with a smile as you retrieve your clothes, get dressed and head for the door. That was very pleasant but... //unusual//. Very unusual.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Pavitra: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
$ seems quite eager when you mention Pavitra Titalee.<br> <br> "That divine creature. I've been wanting to find out more about her for some time."<br> <br> He pulls out a small black notebook and looks expectantly at you.<br> <br> "Tell me of your experiences with Pavitra Titalee."<br> <br>
<br> <br> <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> You tell him about the gift you brought her. $ nods sagely.<br> <br> "Yes, that's the sort of thing I'd expect a gentle forest soul to like."<br> <br> Then you <<else>> You <</if>> tell him about what's hidden under Pavitra's diaphanous green robes. His face wrinkles in disgust. <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> It gets steadily worse as you describe what happened next, until it's quite green at the end. <</if>><br> <br>
"I shouldn't be surprised," he says mournfully. "This place is filled with monsters after all. <<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> I don't blame you for getting out as soon as possible."<br> <br> He pauses thoughtfully.<br> <br> I'm surprised the others didn't as well." He tuts. "But we'll never know what possessed them to go through with it as none of them ever came back." <<else>> Whatever possessed you to go through with it?"<br> <br> $ looks at you and shakes his head.<br> <br> "You've a stronger stomach than I, for sure. It's a shame. The thought of one's... ahem... pride and joy expanded to considerable length and girth, even if only illusory, is an arousing one. But not if it entails sticking it in... that.<br> <br> "As for her 'gates of nirvana, I've not spoken to any that have passed through them, so it seems probable to conclude she is speaking truth about the... finality... of the experience."<br> <br> He pauses thoughtfully.<br> <br> "Though, truth be told, I've not spoken to anyone who's visited her. The others never came back. I can't believe they all chose – willingly – to pass through her 'gates'."<br> <br> $ shakes his head sadly.<br> <br> "Repulsive and possibly very dangerous. The gentle forest soul of my imagining seems to be only that. Off the list she goes." <</if>>
/* Cerastesia */ <<set $hi to 63>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Cerastesia", shortDescription: "", faction: 3, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, wasSeenWithVision: false, wasToldYouLikeDancing: false, gifts: [3,7], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Cerastesia: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Cerastesia: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Cerastesia: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Cerastesia: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Cerastesia: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Cerastesia: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Cerastesia: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Cerastesia: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Cerastesia: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(13)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ <<set $player.currAgi to 5>> /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ <<set $player.currWill to 4>> /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 63>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $allHarlots[23].hasBeenAskedForSex to true>> <<set $player.hasSeenLamia to true>> <<set $player.hasSeenArachne to true>> /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 7>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a slender, lithe woman with bronzed skin. She wears billowy silk veils like an erotic harem dancer.">>
"Hoo hoo," $ chuckles. "You'll need to be careful with her. Cerastesia might be a devotee of Priti Nāndyāh, but she has a fiery temperament and little patience for clumsy fools. Being a devotee of Priti Nāndyāh, she'll always get a man off, but she's a little choosy on who she has sex with. She likes dancing, so if you can keep up with her, you're off to a good start.<br> <br> "Her dancing is renowned. I've heard some say it's so arousing she can make men come with that alone."<br> <br> $ scoffs derisorily.<br> <br> "Tosh, of course. They breathed in too much of her venom and it made them come. That's Cerastesia's real trick. Her species of lamia is ferociously venomous. A single bite is enough to make a man spunk himself to death. Cerastesia has learned how to spray hers from her fangs in a fine mist. Enough to get a man pleasantly turned on, but not enough to have him spray everywhere like an overexcited tomcat."<br> <br> $'s grudging admiration sounds genuine.<br> <br> "Oh. She's a snake. Did I leave out that part?"<br> <br> $ chuckles.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
You take Cerastesia out into the bar area and find an open table. Sitting opposite her, you're struck by Cerastesia's exotic beauty. She looks like a sultry princess from the tales of //Sinbad the Sailor//. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Cerastesia: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Cerastesia: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Cerastesia: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
<<set _hasVision to $player.charms.includes(13)>> /* Madam intro */ "Here is our exotic belly dancer, Cerastesia," $ says. "I'm sure you'll love a private dance with her."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Cerastesia is a slender, lithe woman with bronzed skin. Her face has a touch of the Orient while her skin colour seems closer to classic Arabia. Her lustrous black hair is tied behind her back in a long plat.<br> <br> Her mouth is covered by a gauzy shimmering pink veil. Her billowy top is more of the same overlaid over each other, their gauzy transparency barely hiding the body beneath. Little gold pasties cover her nipples and are connected by filigree gold chains. Exotic serpentine bracelets adorn her arms. Her eyes are bright green and heavily shadowed with black kohl. She looks every bit the exotic harem dancer.<br> <br> It's also refreshing to see someone that looks human... until you see a forked tongue flicker behind her veil. <<if _hasVision>> Then the whole illusion dispels and you realise you're looking at a fantasy creature with the top half of a lovely harem dancer and the lower half of a giant snake. It's a lamia or naga out of myth. <<if $player.hasSeenLamia>> She's not the first you've seen tonight. <<else>> As impossible as that is. <</if>> <<set $player.hasSeenLamia to true>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].wasSeenWithVision to true>> <</if>><br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Her eyes flare with fiery passion as she introduces herself. "I will dance for you."<br> <br> She glances down at your feet.<br> <br> "Will you dance with me?"<br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"While Cerastesia's venom is extremely potent, $ should have a charm or two to negate it.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Those who choose to join Cerastesia in 'endless dance' never leave her room alive. Men still accept her offer even after being told this. It takes a strong will to turn her down after breathing in her venom.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She despises clumsy people. She'll still follow the decrees of Priti Nāndyāh and bring them to a pleasurable release... just don't expect to survive the experience.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: false, text: "\"While the usual gift to bring a hungry lamia is a Small Fluffy Thing, Cerastesia despises that ritual as uncouth and barbarous. Bringing her that gift will only provoke her ire.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[4] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She's quite fond and protective of her sister. If you want to make a good impression, speaking to her sister first might help.\""}>>
<br> <br> "Are you no more than a common street beggar?" Cerastesia asks, her voice dripping with contempt. "I do not dance for beggars."<br> <br> And with that she leaves the table.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Said you liked dancing while socialising */ [1,false,false], /* Gave Small Fluffy Thing as gift */ [1,false,false], /* Spoke to sister */ [1,false,false], /* High Agi Dance */ [1,false,false], /* Prostate Massage */ [2,false,false], /* Sex */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $hasSpokenToSister to $allHarlots[23].hasBeenAskedForSex>> <<set $hasTurnedDownSex to false>> <<set $hasAskedForSex to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].wasToldYouLikeDancing>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "$allHarlots[$hi].name was told you like dancing while socialising">> <<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <</if>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Enter Room]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and what might be a glass of milk for Cerastesia.<br> <br> /* alcoholic drink */ <<if $sdi gt 1>> Cerastesia looks disapprovingly at your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name.<br> <br> "I hope you've not drunk too many of those this evening."<br> <br> You look down at your drink. Tactfully you ask her if she doesn't like alcohol.<br> <br> "In moderation it loosens tongues and frees limbs, and that is good. The heart should always express itself. Too much makes men clumsy. I dislike clumsy men," Cerastesia says.<br> <br> You reassure her you only drink in moderation while trying to remember how much you've drunk this evening.<br> <br> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "$allHarlots[$hi].name doesn't like alcohol">> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <</if>> Cerastesia's kohl-shadowed eyes are bright and fiery. She fixes them on you and the intensity of her gaze almost feels warm against your face.<br> <br> "I am a dancer. Do you like dancing?"<br> <br> [[Yes.->Cerastesia: Socialising: Yes Dancing]]<br> [[No.->Cerastesia: Socialising: No Dancing]]
<<include [[Cerastesia: First-Time Scenario]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].wasToldYouLikeDancing to true>> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> You love dancing. You have all the moves and heads turn to watch you when you bust them out on the dancefloor.<br> <br> Cerastesia's eyes brighten as you regale her with stories of your dancefloor prowess.<br> <br> "Then come, dance with me. Let our bodies slide together to the rhythm of passion." <<else>> You're a monster on the dancefloor when you get going. You tell her you love dancing.<br> <br> Cerastesia looks doubtful at your tales of dancefloor prowess.<br> <br> "We shall see," she says. <</if>><br> <br> As appealing as that sounds, there is the small matter of needing to pick her first.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
It's not really your thing, you tell her. But you're willing to give it a go.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> Cerastesia looks you over. Her gaze is hot and intense.<br> <br> "You have the potential. Let us see if we can unlock it." <<else>> Cerastesia looks you over.<br> <br> "Your body does seem to lack flexibility. That is fine. Not all of us were gifted by the gods. I will dance for you. You need only watch." <</if>><br> <br> Then, socialising over, you both return to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The walls and ceiling of Cerastesia's room are covered in loose-fitting fabric. It makes the room resemble a small and intimate tent. Veils of silk hang down from the ceiling. Hanging incense burners fill the room with perfumed smoke. The corners are piled with opulent cushions. The floor is covered in fine sand.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].wasSeenWithVision>> And then there's Cerastesia. Who, as you saw downstairs, is half snake.<br> <br> A gauzy veil hangs between her hips and covers her sex. Below that she has the body of a snake. Her scales are copper and bronze.<br> <br> Cerastesia looks at you and smiles.<br> <br> "You don't seem surprised. Maybe you've seen others of my kind already. As you can see. I am a lamia. And I am a dancer." <<else>> And then there's Cerastesia. Who's a snake.<br> <br> A gauzy veil hangs between her hips and covers her sex. Below that she has the body of a snake. Her scales are copper and bronze.<br> <br> Cerastesia looks at you and smiles.<br> <br> "You look surprised. Were you unaware lamias worked in the House?"<br> <br> <<if $player.hasSeenLamia>> Cerastesia is not the first snake girl you've encountered. You don't think you'll get used to it. <<else>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Seen Unusual Harlots]]>> <<if _hasSeenUnusualHarlots>> You haven't seen a snake girl before, but you've seen enough weirdness in the House already to not be completely surprised by her appearance. <<else>> Of course you're surprised. She's a snake girl! <</if>> <</if>><br> <br> "Well, now you know. I am a lamia. And I am a dancer." <</if>><br> <br> She extends her arms in an elegant pose. She's still stunningly beautiful, if maybe a little more exotic than you're strictly comfortable with.<br> <br> "Before I dance, what gift have you brought me?"<br> <br> <<set $player.hasSeenLamia to true>> [[Continue.->Cerastesia: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 7>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Gift: Small Fluffy Thing]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(5)>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Gift: Sensual]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(8)>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Gift: Blingy]]>> <<else>> Cerastesia nods respectfully as she accepts your gift. <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Cerastesia: Solo Dance]]
Cerastesia takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and looks at you.<br> <br> "Do you think you're worthy to receive my endless dance of ecstasy."<br> <br> She scornfully looks you up and down.<br> <br> "No matter. It is $'s rules and Priti Nāndyāh teaches that all should know sensual bliss."
<<set _affectionChangeReason to "$allHarlots[$hi].name doesn't like your gift">> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> Cerastesia's eyes flare with anger as you hand her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. You realise you've chosen wrongly.<br> <br> "And what, pray tell, do you expect me to do with this?"<br> <br> Her green eyes shine with furious intensity. There's a quick temper here. Very quick. You flinch in preparation for an explosion.<br> <br> It doesn't come.<br> <br> The sirocco of Cerastesia's rage blows out as quickly as it flared up. She slithers over to the door, opens it and places the $allGifts[$cgi].name out in the corridor outside.<br> <br> "You were misinformed," she says. "Other lamias might like it. <<include [[Harlot Scenario: Select Harlot Gossip]]>> I personally find the tradition to be barbaric and uncouth."
Cerastesia takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and nods.<br> <br> "You look like you understand the teachings of Priti Nāndyāh. I will satisfy your bodily desires." <<set _affectionChangeReason to "$allHarlots[$hi].name likes your gift">> <<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>>
Cerastesia takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and shakes her head.<br> <br> "This the wrong path," she says. "Gifts like <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>this<<else>>these<</if>> are bright and sparkle, but the pleasures they give are empty."
Cerastesia takes you to a pile of scented cushions in the corner of the room and has you lie down. The cushions are soft and a haze of perfume rises up as you sink into them. With you settled, Cerastesia backs into the centre of the room. Her green eyes are dark and intense as she fixes her gaze on you.<br> <br> "And now I will dance for you," she says.<br> <br> At a snap of her fingers, exotic music swells to fill the room with unearthly strains. Cerastesia begins to dance for you. Her movements are slow and sinuous at first, then speed up in time with the music. Her long black hair sways with her upper body. Her arms writhe and twine. The end of her tail twists and turns to the rhythm of the uncanny melody.<br> <br> Her fiery, intense gaze never leaves you, and you cannot look away either. The billowy veils are slowly stripped from her body. The vague suggestions of her breasts are revealed to be firm round globes. They're covered in a faint sheen of perspiration. Cerastesia's filigree gold chains form elipses as her body gyrates.<br> <br> The veil covering her belly is pulled aside and your gaze is pulled inexorably to the little dimple of her navel. She belly dances for you. Her hips shake. Her belly pops out and back in. Waves pass across her perfectly toned stomach as if the music is flowing through her body like a tangible force.<br> <br> You cannot look away. You watch transfixed. You're not sure for how long. Her gaze... her movements hypnotise you. The spell is only broken as the music peaks to a crescendo. Cerastesia's dance peaks with it. She tosses back her head and holds her form like a masterpiece sculpture.<br> <br> You blink as if awakening. You don't remember doing it, but your clothes have been removed and are folded in a neat pile next to you. A fine sheen of nervous perspiration covers your body. Your erection is standing large and tumescent between your legs. Cerastesia's gaze flickers down to that and then back to transfix you. She removes the veil covering her mouth. Her lips are turned up in a smile. The forked tip of her tongue flickers between them.<br> <br> <<if $hasSpokenToSister>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Spoke to Calliophi]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Dance Offer]]>> <</if>>
You remember Calliophi mentioning a sister. Cerastesia has darker skin and a much fierier temperament, but you can see a resemblance in the face, as well as the more obvious half-snake thing they have going on. It's possible they could be related.<br> <br> [[Ask if she's Calliophi's sister.->Cerastesia: Ask if Sister]]<br> [[Stay quiet.->Cerastesia: Dance Offer]]
She holds out her arms to you. The music returns and swells in a different tune.<br> <br> "Now join me in a dance."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cerastesia: Dance With Player]]
You ask Cerastesia outright if she's related.<br> <br> Cerastesia pauses.<br> <br> "So you've visited my sister. Her devotion is as deep as it is misunderstood. She tortures herself with it. It's not good for her to be here."<br> <br> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "$allHarlots[$hi].name likes that you spoke to her sister">> <<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> You remember Calliophi also mentioned Cerastesia would have sex with you if asked.<br> <br> [[Ask if she offers sex.->Cerastesia: Ask for Sex]]<br> [[Don't ask.->Cerastesia: Dance Offer]]
It's awkward to ask, but you do it anyway. You tell Cerastesia you asked Calliophi and she said she couldn't, but Cerastesia might.<br> <br> "That is true," Cerastesia says. "She is sworn to a vow of celibacy. I am not."<br> <br> She pauses to glance hungrily at your noticeable erection.<br> <br> "Am I to take it you would like a more intimate dance?"<br> <br> She cups her breasts in her hands and gives them a little jiggle.<br> <br> "Men are usually only interested in our upper bodies. Our lower bodies unnerve them."<br> <br> She unhooks the final veil covering her crotch. Her sex is exposed. You can see the fleshy slit of her vagina. She parts the clamshell folds with her fingers to reveal the glistening pink interior. It's an otherwise perfectly luscious pussy... but surrounded by the glittering copper and bronze scales of her serpentine lower half.<br> <br> "Unlike my dear sister, I have no qualms about fucking. Do you want to fuck?"<br> <br> [[Yes.->Cerastesia: Yes to Fuck]]<br> [[No.->Cerastesia: No to Fuck]]
"Then we will have a very special dance together."<br> <br> Cerastesia slithers over, extends her arms, and pulls you up and back into the centre of the tent. She wiggles her hips and slides her fingers around the outside of her sex, drawing and focusing your gaze on those enticing pink folds. Still shaking and jiggling her upper body, she leans back and opens her arms to you.<br> <br> "Come to me," she says. "Join me in the most intimate dance."<br> <br> <<set $hasAskedForSex to true>> [[Continue.->Cerastesia: Sex]]
You see anger spark briefly in Cerastesia's dark eyes, but she immediately hides it behind an understanding smile.<br> <br> "I understand. Humans find our lower bodies a little too alien."<br> <br> She pulls the slip of silk back across her sex. She looks back up and fixes you with burning, lustful eyes.<br> <br> "It is not a problem. My upper body looks human enough and I know how to use it for pleasure."<br> <br> She squeezes her gorgeous big tits together for emphasis. <<set $hasTurnedDownSex to true>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Dance Offer]]>>
Your thoughts are hot and jumbled. It feels like your skull is filled with hot steam. It clouds your thoughts and adds a soft-focus haze to your vision.<br> <br> You see only Cerastesia.<br> <br> You want only Cerastesia.<br> <br> You step – fall – into Cerastesia's arms. The swollen head of your cock pushes against and then between the sumptuous folds of her sex. You sink into her molten warmth and feel powerful bands of muscle clench and contract around your erection.<br> <br> Her upper body shaking like a limbo dance, Cerastesia gives way at first, letting your weight bear down on her. Then like an arm wrestler forcing back to equilibrium, Cerastesia pushes back. She lifts you up and back. Her long serpentine tail wraps around your legs and lower back, and piles up behind you to support your body.<br> <br> Staring intently into your eyes, Cerastesia begins her intimate dance. And it is a dance. Her body is in constant sinuous motion. She clasps your hands and rubs her tits against your chest, dragging her stiff little nipples over your flesh. Still jiggling, she leans back, then forward, then back again. She moves against you like a wave. Her hips pump against you in time to the rhythm of the music. Your cock moves back and forth inside her hot vagina. While her sex feels just as snug and comfortable as a regular human woman's, it's not quite the same. There are soft flanges in the walls that catch and rub against your penis as it slides back and forth. The sensation intensifies your arousal.<br> <br> You are a passenger, a near-immobile prop to this dance. Cerastesia's serpentine lower half is surprisingly muscular. The coils around your lower body hold you motionless. Cerastesia continues to dance with... fuck... you. With each sinuous thrust, her sex contracts rhythmically around your penis. Restrained, you can only thrust back at her with little bucks. You don't really need to. Not being able to move might also be for the best. The music grows even more alien, the rhythms faster and more complex. Cerastesia keeps perfect time, but you doubt you'd be able to. You lean back and enjoy the feeling as her vagina strokes up and down your cock.<br> <br> Cerastesia's breaths are punctuated with sighs of passion that increase in frequency and loudness. The music rises to a crescendo. Cerastesia bends her body back. Her sex clenches around you and those rubbery flanges start stroking up and down. You quiver as the pleasure mounts.<br> <br> Cerastesia whiplashes her upper body back. Her mouth is open to reveal long pointed fangs. Rather than biting you, Cerastesia sprays a fine pink mist in your face. Her vagina clenches.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cerastesia: Sex: Semen Check]]
Your thoughts are hazy as you stand up. With her hips still gyrating, Cerastesia takes your hands and pulls you out into the centre of the room. The unearthly music starts up again. Cerastesia sways in time to it. Her arms seem as liquid and flexible as snakes. Her lovely toned belly pops in and out as she slithers smoothly around you. Her burning gaze never leaves you.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Dance: High Agi]]>> <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Dance: Med Agi]]>> <<else>> /* skip right to sex if brought black rose */ <<if $cgi eq 0 and not $hasTurnedDownSex>> <<include [[Cerastesia: From Dance to Sex]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Dance: Low Agi]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
You like to consider yourself a good dancer. Cerastesia is a lot trickier than any other dance partner you've ever had. Not only are her movements too alien to predict, you also have to keep track of her long tail as it trails behind her. Rather than dance along with her, you quickly come to the understanding Cerastesia is going to be using you as a prop in her dance, and you try to make sure you're in the right place and correctly braced when she falls against you.<br> <br> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "$allHarlots[$hi].name likes your dancing">> <<set $affectionChange to 3>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> Your actions seem to please Cerastesia. She adds more complex moves to her routine, trusting you'll be able to provide the right support. <<include [[Cerastesia: Dance: Combined]]>>
You decide 'joining' Cerastesia in dance means standing still in the centre of the room while she slithers around you. Her movements are a little too alien for you to predict and you can't both admire her lovely jiggling upper body and keep track of her tail on the floor. You definitely don't want to accidentally step on that, so you stay mostly still and leave it to Cerastesia.<br> <br> Even though you're less a dance partner and more a prop, Cerastesia doesn't seem to mind. <<include [[Cerastesia: Dance: Combined]]>>
Her upper body still moving sinuously and seductively, Cerastesia moves around you. She stops in front of you and sways hypnotically. While your gaze is captured, her hands stray down to the little slip of a veil covering her waist. She casts it aside with a flourish. The delicate pink folds of her sex look human enough, though they're surrounded by the scales of her serpentine lower body.<br> <br> "Come to me," she says. "Join me in the most intimate dance."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cerastesia: Sex]]
Unwisely, you decide to try and dance along with her. //Try// is sadly the word. You're not the most co-ordinated. Cerastesia's alien nature also makes it nigh impossible to read her movements.<br> <br> Most critically, she also has something a regular human dance partner doesn't – a //tail//.<br> <br> You forget about her tail and manage to stomp down on it during an off-balance lurch.<br> <br> Cerastesia is not impressed. She pulls up with an angry hiss.<br> <br> "Why you clumsy... oaf!"<br> <br> She bares long needlepoint fangs. You barely get to see them before she lunges forwards and sinks them into your neck with the speed of a striking rattlesnake.<br> <br> There isn't any pain. On the contrary, her venom in your veins feels more like a drug. You feel warm, comfortable, euphoric... and horny. Horny as hell.<br> <br> Your body shudders and shakes uncontrollably. You fall to the floor. Your hips buck. You violently ejaculate onto the sandy floor.<br> <br> Cerastesia looms over you. Despite her exotically gorgeous appearance she radiates no love or lust. There is only anger.<br> <br> "Useless. Die like a dog."<br> <br> She spits on your helplessly spasming body.<br> <br> You keep ejaculating. Your body jerks and spurts out white ropes of cum. There isn't any pain, but not much pleasure either. Cerastesia's venom has triggered an irreversible process within you. You can't stop coming. It keeps spurting from you in gushing spouts. It's like an artery has been nicked and while it's not blood spurting from your body, it has the same outcome as bleeding out. Under Cerastesia's scornful gaze you empty out your life in juddering spurts.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<unset $hasSpokenToSister>> <<unset $hasTurnedDownSex>> <<unset $hasAskedForSex>>
Her whole body sways and contorts with slinky, sinuous grace. You don't know if this performance is for your benefit or for that of an unseen audience. You don't care if anyone is watching. Cerastesia is as hot as fuck, even if she has the lower body of a serpent.<br> <br> As part of her performance, Cerastesia leans in close, bares long pointed fangs and hisses in your face. She exhales a pink cloud that smells sweet and sets your heart racing in your chest in urgent desire. You feel your loins heat up.<br> <br> Cerastesia notices.<br> <br> It would be impossible not to. You currently have a massively obvious erection and nothing to hide it with.<br> <br> Cerastesia backs into and rolls her body around you. She hugs you from behind. A warm hand wraps around your cock.<br> <br> "Would you like me to take care of this?"<br> <br> Her words are a sultry whispered hiss in your ear. A long forked tongue tickles your lobe.<br> <br> You nod eagerly.<br> <br> <<set _toWank to $allHarlots[$hi].affection lt 2 or $hasTurnedDownSex>> <<if _toWank>> [[Continue.->Cerastesia: Wank]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Cerastesia: From Dance to Sex]] <</if>>
Cerastesia squeezes up tighter behind you. She presses her soft tits against your back. While she is part cold-blooded snake, she doesn't feel cold. Her body feels hot against you. Her hand feels warm as it starts pumping up and down your cock.<br> <br> "How big," she whispers in your ear. "How eager."<br> <br> She exhales breathily and your head is enveloped in a cloud of sweet perfume. You vision blurs and then appears to be covered in a fine pink veil. You feel hot and twitchy.<br> <br> "What about these?"<br> <br> Her other hand reaches between your legs and gently cradles your balls.<br> <br> "Oh, they're so swollen. It must be unbearable. We need to relieve that with a good milking."<br> <br> Her other hand keeps smoothly pumping your cock. She gives it a squeeze and drags her fingers over the ridges of your glans. It feels so good you go weak at the knees.<br> <br> Cerastesia takes that opportunity to push you down onto your knees. She presses her weight against your back. If she had regular human legs, she'd be just a little slip of a girl. However, her lower serpentine half adds a lot more mass. She pushes you down to your knees, then further until you're on all fours. There is no force, just a gentle coaxing pressure and the feeling this is more natural.<br> <br> "That's it. Be a beast," Cerastesia says. "Be a beast and I'll milk you."<br> <br> She leans on you. Her hand continues to pump up and down your shaft. She adds her other hand. She squeezes. She tugs. You let out a lowing moan of pleasure.<br> <br> "Ha, you even sound like a beast," Cerastesia laughs.<br> <br> Her hand pumps harder.<br> <br> "I'll give you a little extra. That will make sure we get it all out."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cerastesia: Prostate Massage]]
She leans back up and takes one hand away. You hear a loud wet slobbery suck. If you weren't sure you were alone, you'd be convinced she was giving another man a sloppy blowjob.<br> <br> It's the tip of her tail. Understanding arrives as you feel it, slick with saliva, push up against your anus.<br> <br> "This will get it all out," Cerastesia says.<br> <br> The tip of Cerastesia's tail slides smoothly into your ass. You feel it stretch your sphincter, but it's not forceful enough to cause any pain.<br> <br> "You might only be a beast, but I'll still treat you kindly," Cerastesia says.<br> <br> She leans down against you. She presses her warm soft breasts against you. Her hand smoothly pumps up and down your cock. Her tails starts to slide back and forth with the same rhythm. The tip wags inside your ass and gives your prostate gland a tantalising tickle.<br> <br> "Don't fight it, Cerastesia says. "Give yourself over to pleasure."<br> <br> She exhales and her breath envelops your head in pink mist. It smells sweet and spicy and strangely illicit. Your body heats up. Cerastesia pumps your cock faster. She gives each stroke a wristy twist at the end and lightly squeezes your glans. Her other hand slides between your legs. It fondles your balls then slides lower. She presses her finger against your perineum and rubs it. Her tail does the same in your ass until she's stimulating your prostate from both sides.<br> <br> After a few minutes of this, Cerastesia decides it's time. She slides her hand down your cock in a long slow, teasing tug. Her tail slides deep into your ass and the tip presses against your prostate like a finger. <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Check Semen Without Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> It feels really good, but it doesn't trigger an orgasm within you.<br> <br> Cerastesia tsks. "It appears this beast has already been milked dry."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cerastesia: Prostate Massage: Out of Semen]] <<else>> You feel a strange and pleasant sensation. Like an overwhelming urge to both pee and come. You feel it well up inside you and then you're coming and your cock is spurting uncontrollably.<br> <br> "Yes, let it out," Cerastesia whispers.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cerastesia: Prostate Massage: Ejaculation]] <</if>>
Cerastesia takes her hand off your cock and brings both up to knead the meat of your shoulders.<br> <br> "At least $ doesn't expect us to waste time with 'safe' methods when the beast is proving recalcitrant."<br> <br> She pops fangs and sinks them into your neck in one smooth, rattlesnake-fast motion.<br> <br> There is no pain. On the contrary, it feels like she's just injected you with a hypodermic of purest opium. Her venom slides down your veins, carrying with it an overwhelming feeling of bliss and relaxed horniness. It's the same feeling as inhaling her breath, but magnified a hundred times. Your mind floats away on a cloud. Your balls swell. When it comes, it's the most violent, powerful ejaculation you've ever experienced. Semen jets out of your cock and stains the sandy floor.<br> <br> The force of it uproots you. Your limbs spasm out of your control and you topple onto your side, still uncontrollably spraying semen from your throbbing cock. Cerastesia lies next to you and runs a caressing hand over your shuddering body. Your hips continue to buck wildly as you shoot out ropes of cum.<br> <br> "We must follow the teachings of Priti Nāndyāh," Cerastesia says. "Even the lowliest and most vulgar of beasts must be shown the heights of sensual ecstasy."<br> <br> Cerastesia's venom has triggered an unstoppable reaction within you. You can't stop coming. It keeps pouring out in gushing spurts. It is almost as if an artery has been nicked. While it isn't blood spurting from your body, it has the same effect as bleeding out. As more and more fluids spurt from you, your body starts to shut down. You drift off into darkness, never to return.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> Cerastesia's tail continues to exert pressure on your prostate, pressing it like a button. She vigorously pumps your erection. Your cock throbs in her hand. Your whole body shudders as you spurt semen out. It cascades down onto and is absorbed by the sand on the floor. You keep spurting uncontrollably until Cerastesia has milked a full load out of you.<br> <br> Then there is no more. You rock slightly on all fours. Your arms feel wobbly at the elbows. Cerastesia caresses your shoulders and neck. She slides her hand gently down your spine.<br> <br> "There, as Priti Nāndyāh decrees. Even the lowliest of beasts must experience sensual bliss."<br> <br> She slides her tail out of your ass and slithers away. She returns with some scented tissues.<br> <br> "Clean yourself up," she says as she disdainfully tosses them in your direction.<br> <br> She moves to the other side of the room and returns to practising her dance moves. She ignores you as you wipe yourself down and put your clothes back on. Your body is still buzzing from the post-orgasmic high. Sadly, that euphoria doesn't appear to be shared by Cerastesia. You were there to be 'milked' and now she's fulfilled that task she doesn't appear to be particularly interested in you. You take the hint and head to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> /* no faction increase */ <<include [[Cerastesia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Sex: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Sex: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Cerastesia's vagina pulses.<br> <br> You shudder in bliss.<br> <br> It pulses again, gently squeezing the swollen head of your cock to the rhythm of the music. The strange rubbery flanges in the walls of her vagina continue to stroke your penis.<br> <br> You shudder more.<br> <br> That should have tipped you over. On any other night that stimulation would have had you gushing like a fountain. This isn't any other night and your 'fountain' has gushed so much already it might be a little dry.<br> <br> Cerastesia doesn't miss a beat. She <<include [[Cerastesia: Endless Dance]]>>
You go off like a bomb inside her. The orgasm feels powerful enough to uproot you from the floor. You press back against Cerastesia and gasp in bliss as you release a massive gout of semen inside her. It's a powerful spasm, one that sends ecstasy bursting through you. You clasp her upper body tight to you and empty your balls inside her.<br> <br> Cerastesia coils tightly around you and holds you while her pussy milks out the last drops of your ejaculate. She holds you until the massive shuddering orgasm subsides.<br> <br> She leans back and looks at you with her intense dark eyes. "Magnificent. You played your role to perfection."<br> <br> <<if $hasAskedForSex and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Good End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Endless Dance Offer]]>> <</if>>
She leans forwards to give you a delicate kiss on the cheek. She unwinds her serpentine body from you. Without her support you stumble. You feel lightheaded, but pleasantly so.<br> <br> "Maybe, Priti Nāndyāh willing, we shall get a chance to dance again," Cerastesia says.<br> <br> She slithers away and continues her graceful dancing. You wouldn't have thought a woman with the lower half of a giant snake could be so sexy, but you have a difficult time pulling your gaze away.<br> <br> Your head still feels full of pink steam. You put your clothes back on and head for the door before you're tempted to do something stupid.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
She purses her lips as if approaching for a kiss, but instead exhales another cloud of fine pink mist into your face. Your thoughts are again submerged in a blissful fog. You relax in Cerastesia's coils in a comfortable stupor.<br> <br> "We don't have to stop," Cerastesia says. "And neither does it need to be a short encore. I have special disposition from $ If the patron wishes it, they can join me in an endless dance of ecstasy."<br> <br> She blows another, thicker cloud in your face. It smells sweet, but also exhilarating, like sexy perfume.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed and $cgi neq 0>> [[Join Cerastesia in an endless dance of ecstasy.->Cerastesia: Choose Endless Dance]]<br> [[Decline.->Cerastesia: Decline Endless Dance]] <<else>> [[Yes, you'd like to join Cerastesia in an endless dance of ecstasy.->Cerastesia: Choose Endless Dance]] <</if>>
On your acceptance Cerastesia <<include [[Cerastesia: Endless Dance]]>>
As comfortable and relaxed as you feel in Cerastesia's coils, you feel you should stop here. That orgasmic release was perfect already and you feel that if you were to stay entangled in Cerastesia's embrace for longer, you might never want to leave.<br> <br> Cerastesia shows nothing on her face.<br> <br> "As you desire," she says as you decline her offer.<br> <br> <<include [[Cerastesia: Good End]]>>
twines her arms around the back of your neck and presses her lips against yours in a passionate kiss. Your mouth fills with a strange sweet taste, as if Cerastesia is spraying nectar into it. <<if $isOutOfSemen>> Your body sparks to full life. <<else>> Your body sparks right back to life. <</if>> You feel a desire for Cerastesia more intense than anything you've ever experienced. You put arms around her and reciprocate her kiss with the same force and passion.<br> <br> The music slows to a sensual, throbbing beat. Cerastesia extends her hug to her lower body and twines her serpentine tail around you in a series of complex – and tight – coils. She uses them to gently squeeze you to the same pulsing rhythm as the music. It feels like a sensual all-over massage.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cerastesia: Bad End]]
Cerastesia continues her sweet kiss while her warm body moves against you in slow sinuous waves. Your cock is still as hard as an iron bar, and buried deep in Cerastesia's pussy. Her vagina is sumptuously tight and wet. It also has those strange rubbery flanges in the walls that stroke up and down. Even though Cerastesia's in-and-out movements are short and shallow, the inner flanges magnify the pleasure and drive you wild with the stroking sensation.<br> <br> That's true everywhere. Every sensation is magnified all across your body. Every little rub of Cerastesia's nipple against your chest is an explosion of pleasure. Then her vagina contracts around your cock and you do <<if $isOutOfSemen>>explode.<<else>>explode... again.<</if>><br> <br> It's a powerful throbbing orgasm. More powerful than anything else you've experienced this night. You hold Cerastesia tight, press your hips up against her and unleash a torrent of cum inside her.<br> <br> Cerastesia doesn't stop there. Neither does the music. This is Cerastesia's endless dance.<br> <br> She breaks off the kiss to exhale another scented cloud in your face. You notice it's a fine mist sprayed by her fangs. It's the last thing you notice. After that your thoughts are lost in a cloud of primal lust.<br> <br> The music swells again. Cerastesia rubs her body against you. Her hands slide over your arms, across your chest, down your back. The end of her tail does the same. Cerastesia moves her hips back and forth with sensual dexterity.<br> <br> It takes you a while to recover for the next orgasm, but still far shorter than it should be. Cerastesia strokes you back up to the peak of climax and you gasp in shuddering bliss as you empty another big load into her.<br> <br> "Enjoy ultimate pleasure," Cerastesia whispers to you. "All should know its embrace, as Priti Nāndyāh teaches."<br> <br> You're too far gone at that point. The explosive ecstasy of the last two orgasms has unmoored something in your mind. You're lost to sensual overload. You can do nothing but lean back in Cerastesia's coils and wait for her to dance you to another shuddering climax.<br> <br> Cerastesia's dance is not truly endless, although it seems that way to you. Eventually you run out of fluids and expire in a last blissful outpouring in Cerastesia's arms. At that point you wouldn't have it any other way.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Cerastesia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[0] to "It's the perfect gift to bring to Queen Colubridis... if you can stomach watching her guzzle it down in front of you.">> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[1] to "My sister keeps them as pets. She is a foolish, sentimental little thing, Priti Nāndyāh bless her.">>
<br> <br> "Aha! Another snake girl. I knew it," $ exclaims as you begin your account.<br> <br> <<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> $'s moustache twitches as you mention Cerastesia's reaction to your gift.<br> <br> "Hmpth. I'd been led to believe that was the appropriate gift for all lamias. Useful to know that's not the case with her. Very useful."<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> $ nods.<br> <br> "I'd heard she and Calliophi were sisters. Such polar opposites in personality. One so gentle and caring, the other..."<br> <br> $ tsks.<br> <br> "...a potentially dangerous risk."<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> $ rolls his eyes.<br> <br> "Yes, your feet have veritably been blessed by the gods. I get it. What I want to know is how Cerastesia would react to us unfortunate souls cursed with two left feet."<br> <br> <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[5][1] and not _osa[5][2]>> "She must have liked you. She doesn't usually engage in full sexual intercourse with her... ahem... guests. Also, as tempting as her 'endless dance' sounds, you were right to turn her down. Knowing how these devil women operate, you wouldn't be here to recount this had you taken her up on her offer." <<else>> "A coarse end to an elegant dance. One not without its own pleasures and merits."<br> <br> He leans close to whisper.<br> <br> "Though not ones polite gentlemen should ever utter in public." <</if>>
/* Hati Krim */ <<set $hi to 64>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Hati Krim", shortDescription: "", faction: 3, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [11,12], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Hati: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Hati: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Hati: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Hati: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Hati: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Hati: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Hati: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Hati: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 4>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(29)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ <<set $player.currWill to 1>> <<set $player.currInt to 4>> /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 64>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "an exotic, blue-skinned woman with flame-red hair. She is statuesque and voluptuous. She is naked aside from a strange mesh of pink-red veins covering her body.">>
/* Madam intro */ <<if $currentRound lt 3>> "This is Hati Krim," $ says. "She's perfect for new arrivals. Her erotic cream massage will relax you into the perfect state of mind to enjoy the rest of the night." <<else>> "This is Hati Krim," $ says. "She offers an erotic cream massage that's perfect for soothing a tired body." <</if>><br> <br> /* Long description */ Hati Krim is an exotic, blue-skinned alien babe with bright red hair swept up like flames. She is definitely a babe. She's tall and leggy, with a narrow waist and curvaceous hips and bust. She has the figure of a busty swimwear model.<br> <br> She's naked aside from a strange gnarled web of pink-red veins. At first you think it's some kind of avant-garde costume – a strange mesh of thick red filaments. On closer inspection it looks like the veins merge with and sink into her flawless blue skin at various points across her body. It should be off-putting, but Hati possesses such raw exotic beauty it's easy to overlook and dismiss it as some kind of alien cosplay. It doesn't detract from the rest of her splendid figure.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Hati Krim's smile is broad and brings to mind lazy sunny beaches.<br> <br> "I am Hati Krim. If you're feeling anxious, please permit me to give you a relaxing cream massage. It will put your mind at ease and smooth away all your worries." <br>
"Hati Krim? She's the current host of the Polyp'uumpla. She's as dull as a plank of wood."<br> <br> $ feigns a yawn.<br> <br> "She's thrown in with Priti Nāndyāh's happy-clappy crowd. Unlike most of the others, she doesn't use it as an excuse to claim men. She follows both the spirit and letter of both her deity's and the House's rules. That makes her a relatively safe... and boring... pick, providing you don't ask her for sex."<br> <br> $ feigns another yawn.<br> <br> "Her thing is erotic massage. She doesn't need soap or oil. The Polyp'uumpla produces copious amounts of a cream with potent aphrodisiac properties. Some men can't contain themselves and start spunking the moment she squirts her special cream onto them. Not that the Polyp'uumpla care. They get the semen either way. If you can last long enough, I've heard her creamy lingam massage is very special and she gives a very happy ending."<br> <br> $ leers lewdly.<br> <br> "Just don't ask her for sex. The Polyp'uumpla will pump out all the fluids in your body."<br> <br> $ sips her cocktail.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She likes to be brought a heart as a gift. No-one knows why. It has some symbolic meaning to the Polyp'uumpla, not that anyone knows what that is.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Her cream can warp the minds of the weak-willed and cause them to ask for things they shouldn't. If you're worried about that, $ has a charm to counteract it.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"The only safe way to have sex with Hati is to make sure you're fully depleted beforehand. Ask her for sex once she fails to get you off with her lingam massage. She'll get you to come, but the Polyp'uumpla won't be able to pump more than a regular ejaculation's worth of fluid out of your body.\""}>>
Hati Krim follows you into the bar a little gingerly. She's naked aside from that fragile looking mesh of veins... which might be some kind of strange external //actual// veins. She's very careful as she picks her way between the tables. Sensing her discomfort, you settle for the first open table you come across. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Hati: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Hati: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "Did $ forget to give you the complimentary coins on entering the House?" Hati asks.<br> <br> $ didn't, but it's a good lie to cover your embarrassment.<br> <br> "She has a lot of responsibilities. It makes her forgetful sometimes," Hati says. "Unfortunately, the rules mean I cannot stay. Don't worry. I won't hold this against you. I am a follower of Priti Nāndyāh. I give all a thorough pampering regardless of their circumstances."<br> <br> She gives you a smile before getting up and leaving.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a colourful cocktail for Hati. And also – strangely – a hand towel.<br> <br> "$ likes to introduce me to the new arrivals in the House," Hati says. "I'm a follower of Priti Nāndyāh. I specialise in a special relaxing cream massage that's very good for putting nervous men at ease. It's an unusual technique. It's easier if I show you. Give me your hand."<br> <br> Curious, you hold out your hand. Hati places her hand over the top of it, palm facing downwards. You notice there's a thick red tube that runs down her arm and merges with her wrist at the foot of her palm.<br> <br> "My body produces copious amounts of a cream that has both a relaxing and arousing effect."<br> <br> The tube pulses like a thick vein and her hand squirts a dollop of peach-coloured cream into the palm of your hand. She then clasps her hands together around yours and squishes the cream between your fingers. She slowly and sensually massages your fingers until you feel a whispery pleasant feeling all over your body.<br> <br> "It feels very pleasant, as you can feel," Hati says.<br> <br> It feels like your fingers are having sex.<br> <br> Hati picks up the towel and cleans your hand.<br> <br> "My service is a full erotic massage using my special cream. It is a massage-only service. No sex."<br> <br> You query that. No sex?<br> <br> Hati pauses awkwardly.<br> <br> "If you ask for it, I will have sexual intercourse with you after the massage."<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> There's something in her tone that makes you think you shouldn't ask her for sex after the massage.<br> <br> <</if>> You finish and return to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Hati: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Hati: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift: Heart */ [2,false,false], /* Premature Good End */ [2,false,false], /* Regular Good End */ [3,false,false] /* Out of Semen Good End */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Hati: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Hati: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Hati Krim's room resembles an alien level from a videogame. There is nothing human or regular about the interior at all. The blue walls, while looking solid enough, have a disconcertingly fleshy sheen to their surface. Darker red veins crawl all over the walls like creeping ivy. They throb and pulse to the beat of an unseen heart. Most of the centre of the room is taken up by a shapeless blue blob about the same height and diameter as a large circular bed.<br> <br> Hati stands next to the 'bed' with her head slightly bowed. Her appearance is an enigma. Her skin is bright blue and she's naked aside from a strange mesh of pinkish-red filaments. The more you look at them, the more they resemble knotted external veins running all over her body. It should be off-putting, but her figure – tall, leggy and busty – looks too good to let the alien aspects detract. If anything, they enhance her appeal further, lending her an exoticism that heightens her sex appeal.<br> <br> "I am Hati Krim," she says. "Welcome to my room. Before we begin, have you brought me an offering?"<br> <br> [[You give her your gift.->Hati: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Hati: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 11>> <<include [[Hati: Gift: Heart]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 12 or $cgi eq 4>> <<include [[Hati: Gift: Soap or Oil]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Hati: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> Hati takes your gift over to a side table. Or rather, side blob. The whole room looks unnervingly organic.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hati: Undress]]
Hati takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and bows respectfully.<br> <br> "Thank you. Your offering has been accepted," she says.
Hati takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and bows.<br> <br> "A gift with symbolism," she says, and leaves it at that. <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>>
Hati smiles as you present her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "That won't be necessary," she says. "I have my cream, and it feels much better."
Hati accepts your gift with a polite nod of her head. You cannot tell if it pleased or displeased her.
Hati returns and gestures to the 'bed'.<br> <br> "Please take your clothes off and lie on your front."<br> <br> You do as she says. The 'bed' is a little too soft and mushy. The surface also feels disquietingly like living skin. Aside from that it feels comfortable enough. You lie in the centre with your arms outstretched.<br> <br> Hati gets up on the bed behind you.<br> <br> "The service I offer is a relaxing erotic massage," she says. "You don't need to do anything. Just lie there, relax, and..."<br> <br> She bends down to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "...think sexy thoughts."<br> <br> That isn't difficult as Hati straddles your lower back with her naked body and starts to massage your back and shoulders. Her touch is firm but soothing. She kneads out the kinks in your neck and shoulders, then slides her hands down your back. She uses her knuckles to straighten out your spine. Then she turns around and turns her attentions to the back of your thighs, then your calves. She squeezes and kneads the meat of your muscles until you feel like you're surrounded by a warm glow. It's a wonderfully relaxing massage and the close proximity of Hati's naked body arouses you and causes your cock to stiffen underneath you.<br> <br> Hati returns her attentions to your neck and shoulders. She lies down on top of you and you feel her boobs press against your back. Her warm hands slide out along your outstretched arms.<br> <br> "Are you nice and relaxed," Hati breathes in your ear.<br> <br> You nod.<br> <br> "Good. Now I'll begin the special part of the massage," Hati says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hati: Back Massage]]
Hati sits up on your lower back.<br> <br> "My body produces a special cream," she says.<br> <br> You hear a thick, liquid sound – like cream being squirted from a can – and you feel a soft frothy substance spill out over your back and shoulder blades. Whatever it is, Hati seems to have a lot of it. She squirts it all over your back and shoulders until you're totally covered. It settles over your back like a warm duvet. It also starts to seep into your skin, spreading a warm tingle that feels both relaxing and very pleasant. Hati aids It by gently massaging the cream into your flesh. She alternates between rubbing her hands against you and squirting more cream.<br> <br> She starts to cover every part of your body. She sends her hands down each arm, then turns to bury your lower back and buttocks in warm cream. Your legs receive the same treatment next. She covers you all over as if you're a fire needing to be put out by foam from an extinguisher.<br> <br> Hati's cream has the opposite effect. Rather than putting out a fire it inflames one within you. At first you feel pleasantly relaxed. Then you start to feel more and more aroused.<br> <br> Hati's touches become more and more sexual. Her hand slides between your legs. She fondles your balls and slides her hand along your erect cock. Then she squirts more cream and you let out an unrestrained moan of pleasure as your cock and balls are enveloped in soft tingly bliss.<br> <br> Hati lies down on top of you. Cream is squirting out from other parts of her body – her feet, her breasts, even her vagina. You're covered in a frothy pile and the sensation drives you crazy. Your cock is an iron bar beneath you. You pump your hips and grind it against the yielding surface of the bed.<br> <br> Hati bends her head down to whisper in your ear. "While I'm only supposed to offer an erotic massage service, according to the rules of the House I must do as you desire. If you wish to have full sexual intercourse with me, all you have to do is ask."<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [29]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> [[Ask her for sex.->Hati: Back: Choose Sex]]<br> [[Let her continue the massage for now.->Hati: Back: Continue Massage]] <<else>> You feel too hot and horny to think of anything else. You tell her that yes, you would like full sexual intercourse with her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hati: Back: Choose Sex]] <</if>>
"As you desire," Hati says. "Turn over. The House rules insist I grant you your request."<br> <br> <<include [[Hati: Sex]]>>
You'd rather she continued the massage for now. You can always ask her for sex later.<br> <br> Hati sits up and continues to rub her marvellous cream into the weary muscles of your neck and shoulders. You shiver in delight at her touch.<br> <br> <<set _halfSemen to $player.maxSemenCount / 2>> <<if $player.semenCount gt _halfSemen and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Hati: Back: Premature Ejaculation]]>> <<else>> "Turn over," she whispers in your ear. "It's time to do your front."<br> <br> <<include [[Hati: Front Massage]]>> <</if>>
It's more than a shiver. The orgasm steals up on you and catches you unawares. You keep grinding your crotch against the soft, almost fleshy, surface beneath you. Then the grinding thrusts gallop away from you and start to become involuntary. Your erection starts throbbing ominously.<br> <br> Hati has done this enough times to recognise the signs. She lies down on top of you and whispers in your ear.<br> <br> "Don't feel embarrassed. My cream contains a potent aphrodisiac. It's a perfectly natural response. Let it out."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hati: Back: Ejaculation]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> Hati bounces her own hips against you, adding her weight to your grinding movements against the bed. She lets out an erotic moan and squirts more cream until you're buried in a pile of frothy delight. You feel it coming strongly now. Rather than try to hold it back, you lean into it fully. When the climax arrives, you meet it by pressing your hips down against the soft mass beneath you. Your cock throbs and semen floods out onto the surface of the bed. Given the lack of other stimuli, the strength of the ejaculation takes you by surprise.<br> <br> Hati holds you as you come and squirts out even more drifts of frothy cream. Then, once the nerve-jangling rush of release starts to fade, she sits back up to give you a pleasant post-climax massage.<br> <br> "That was a big one," she says. "You must have let yourself get backed up. I feel blessed to have helped clear it. To give pleasure is the highest of callings."<br> <br> It was a big one. You felt like you really needed that. Although, strangely given the volume you spurted out, there is a curious absence of a wet feeling beneath your body. It's as if your issue soaked into the bed and was completely absorbed.<br> <br> You don't think too much about it. Hati's hands feel wonderful as they smooth away all the little aches and niggles in your neck, shoulders and back. She pampers you thoroughly with a light and sensual massage until it's time for the session to end.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> [[Continue.->Hati: Good End]]
Hati climbs off the bed and returns with towels. She towels you down with the same care and attention as she used with the massage. Then, glowing with warmth and feeling properly pampered, you get up off the strange soft spongy mass that serves as a bed.<br> <br> She gives you a little bow.<br> <br> "I hope you enjoyed my service," she says. "It was my honour and duty to bring you pleasure."<br> <br> You thank her and head to the door. Her – and the room's – appearance might be odd, but that was an undeniably pleasurable massage, with a very happy ending on top. The only regret you have is thinking you maybe should have asked for sex.<br> <br> Oh well, you might get another opportunity.<br> <br> /* cure fatigued ailment */ <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Remove Player Ailment]]>> /* cure befuddled ailment */ <<set _ailment to 11>> <<include [[Remove Player Ailment]]>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Hati: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
You twist and flip over onto your back. Hati straddles your lower belly. This position allows you to see where her cream comes from. The thick pink-red veins running around her body are bulging and pulsing. She holds out her hands. You see that thick veins run down her arm and merge into her wrist. The heels of her palms have openings within them that dilate and contract rhythmically. It should be revolting but you feel too relaxed, comfortable and turned on to care. Hati's lovely curvaceous body straddling you also helps make the more unusual aspects of her body pale into insignificance.<br> <br> They pale further into insignificance when Hati places her hands on your nipples and squirts out a thick dollop of peach-coloured cream over each.<br> <br> You sigh and arch your back at the feel of the luxurious cream against your nipples. It only gets better and Hati squirts out more, burying your chest and covering your shoulders.<br> <br> Hati reaches behind her and presses your erection into the groove of her butt cleavage and against her lower back. She strokes her hand up and down while rubbing her bum against you. Then, in a move that causes you to sigh and arch your back again, squirts more luxurious cream out over your cock.<br> <br> "This is only supposed to be an erotic massage," Hati says. "I'm not permitted to instigate sexual intercourse with a patron. If you want it, you have to ask for it."<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [29]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed and $cgi neq 0>> [[You want it, ask her for sex.->Hati: Front: Choose Sex]]<br> [[Let her continue the massage.->Hati: Lingam Massage]] <<else>> You ask for it.<br> <br> Your cock feels like it's burning up with desire. You need to plunge it into Hati's pussy to quench it.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hati: Front: Choose Sex]] <</if>>
"As you desire," Hati says. "The House rules insist I grant you your request."<br> <br> <<include [[Hati: Sex]]>>
You don't ask her for sex.<br> <br> Hati lifts her body up over your erection. She comes back down to straddle your thighs with her sitting hunched over your rampant erection. She wraps both hands around it.<br> <br> "This is the final part of the massage," she says. "This is where we concentrate solely on the organ of pleasure."<br> <br> Hati is very good at concentrating solely on your organ of pleasure. Her hands stroke lightly up and down your cock. She forms a loose cage with her fingers around the swollen head of your cock and lightly caresses the ridge of your glans. Her other hand wraps around the base of your cock and gently pumps it. Her ministrations build an erotic charge within you and draw it down into your balls.<br> <br> Her technique is already incredible. When she starts squirting her special cream it becomes mind-blowing. She grips your cock and presses the heel of her left hand to your glans and the heel of her right hand about halfway down the shaft. The veins running down the outside of her arm throb. You hear a thick squirty sound and clouds of peach-coloured cream well up around your cock. It feels incredible. You tip your head back and moan in pleasure.<br> <br> Hati's hands make //shlupping// sounds as she strokes them up and down your cream-covered cock. It starts to feel like it's glowing. Hati's fingers are practised and she strokes and caresses you to ecstasy. The strange veins on her arms bulge again as she squirts more dollops of peach-coloured cream around your cock. It's completely hidden now – buried in a pile of warm froth.<br> <br> You can still feel it. Hati's attentions have caused your penis to feel magnified, as if the rest of your body doesn't exist. Within the warm cocoon of froth she strokes her hands up and down your erection. She stimulates the head with light squeezes of her palm. An erotic charge builds and builds within you until you don't think you can hold it back any longer.<br> <br> "It's okay," Hati says. "This massage is to release. Feel free to let it out as soon as you're ready."<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Check Semen Without Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> [[Continue.->Hati: Out of Semen]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Hati: Lingam Massage: Ejaculation]] <</if>>
You'd like to. Your hips buck and jerk. The pleasure is incredible. It doesn't tip you over into climax.<br> <br> Hati strokes you faster, but quickly senses she can't take you further.<br> <br> "The other lust daemons in here have already drained too much," she says. "My hands are no longer enough to bring you to climax."<br> <br> She stops masturbating you and kneels quietly next to you as if considering something.<br> <br> "My service is supposed to be erotic massage only. I'm forbidden from instigating sexual intercourse. We will have to leave it there even though it leaves you unsatisfied."<br> <br> She leaves a large and unsaid //however// floating in the air.<br> <br> "While I am not allowed to instigate sexual intercourse, the rules of the House are that I must fulfil the desires of my patrons. If you were to ask for it, I would have sex with you. Even depleted as you are, being inside my vagina would bring you to climax."<br> <br> She pauses, leaving another unsaid //however// hanging in the air.<br> <br> "There are risks."<br> <br> This leaves you with a choice.<br> <br> [[Ask Hati to have sex with you.->Hati: Front: Choose Sex]]<br> [[End the session here.->Hati: Out of Semen: Good End]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> You're ready. If anything, you're way past ready.<br> <br> Coaxed by Hati's wonderful stroking hands, that erotic charge within you peaks and breaks. You let out a loud groan of pleasure. Your cock starts throbbing. Hati strokes faster with her hands, keeping up the stimulation as you lift your hips and pump out a big ejaculation.<br> <br> You don't see it. Your cock is still buried beneath dollops of cream. Your semen pours out into that and doesn't travel any further. You certainly feel it though. Your body trembles and your hips jerk as your cock spits out the contents of your balls.<br> <br> "That was a good one," Hati says. "I felt it. A good strong release like that flushes out a lot of stored up tension. It will do you good."<br> <br> She's right about that. You slump back on the big soft bed and bask in the post-orgasmic glow. That was a really satisfying release.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> [[Continue.->Hati: Good End]]
Even though it's a slightly unsatisfying end to proceedings, you decide to end the session here. Your cock throbs, although you can't tell if it's through disappointment or relief. It has been worked very hard during your time in the House.<br> <br> Hati nods. She gets off the bed. She returns with towels and towels you down with the same care and diligence she used throughout the massage.<br> <br> "There is no shame in asking the nurse for one of her special tonics," Hati says. "This House is filled with hungry lust daemons. All men will find themselves too drained to perform at some point."<br> <br> She gives you a little bow.<br> <br> "I'm sorry I was not able to bring you to climax."<br> <br> You thank her and head to the door. Her – and the room's – appearance might be odd, but that was an undeniably pleasurable massage, even if it didn't end with a proper climax.<br> <br> /* cure fatigued ailment */ <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Remove Player Ailment]]>> /* cure befuddled ailment */ <<set _ailment to 11>> <<include [[Remove Player Ailment]]>> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> /* No faction increase if was out of semen */ <<include [[Hati: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Hati lifts herself up over your erection, with the labia of her sex just above your swollen glans. You see there are a pair of thick veins that follow the line of her hips and tunnel into her flesh either side of her vulva. The veins throb and bulges pass down them and into her sex. Her labia part with wet raspberry sounds and expel drifts of peach-coloured cream over your cock. This feels thicker and creamier than her other cream. It has a more powerful effect. Your cock hardens until it feels like a steel pole sticking up out of the ground. You feel as horny as if seeing a woman for the first time after months of abstinence.<br> <br> Hati slowly lowers herself down on your erection. The strange veins on her body continue to throb and pulsate. Her pussy sends waves of warm cream billowing down your shaft as she slowly sinks down on you, inch by inch. Your cock is drawn up into a warm pouch filled with more of that luxurious cream. The walls move in and out and push out more cream until your cock is completely buried in tingling pleasure.<br> <br> Hati sits down and straddles your crotch. Her lips are bunched up in a lovely bee-stung pout. She doesn't move. She doesn't need to. The walls of her pussy throb and pulse around your cock. Her vagina alternates between blowing cream out and then sucking it back in. Waves of bliss wash up and down your erection.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hati: Sex: Ejaculation]]
Hati's vagina pulses around your cock like a heart. You feel a tingling in your balls that spreads up your whole body. It's coming. You grip the soft surface of the bed. Your body tenses up.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> "I said my vagina would get you off," Hati says.<br> <br> It does. You let out a loud moan of bliss as the climax finally peaks. <<else>> "Do not hold back," Hati says. "Let it out."<br> <br> And, with a loud moan of bliss, you do. <</if>> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> Your cock throbs and spurts a big load inside her. One that feels like it's been building for weeks and weeks.<br> <br> Hati closes her eyes and looks strangely tranquil.<br> <br> "The choice was offered and the decision made. There was no coercion. It was made of their own free will. As Priti Nāndyāh decrees."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hati: Bad End]]
Hati holds out her arms in some kind of lotus gesture. As her arms bend down towards the bed, the tubes running down them detach, extend, and begin to flap around like the heads of blind worms. They encounter the surface of the 'bed' and burrow down into it.<br> <br> Now Hati's vagina really does feel like a heart throbbing around your cock. The motion is all one way – sucking. The bulges in the veins crisscrossing the outside of her body travel upwards in the opposite direction to before.<br> <br> "I thank you for this offering and in return grant you the highest peaks of bliss. As Priti Nāndyāh decrees."<br> <br> Her pussy pulsates and sends pleasant strokes running up and down your shaft. Her labia tighten around the base of your cock. The too-soft and too-//fleshy// 'bed' beneath you starts to slowly throb with the same rhythm.<br> <br> You don't get a chance to ponder what it means. Hati's pulsating pussy strokes you to a massive orgasm that scrambles your thoughts. You spurt into her, but this time it feels strange... forceful. It feels more like your semen is being pumped out of you. Bulges travel up around the veins wrapped around Hati's body. They travel down the veins of her arm and down into the soft mass beneath you.<br> <br> It's you, you dimly realise. Hati has gone beyond your semen and is now pumping out the substance of your body. You can't stop it. You're enthralled by the great pulsing beat of her pussy. You feel it in every fibre of your being. Your body bends to it and trembles as you empty yourself into Hati's throbbing sex, empty yourself out until there's nothing left.<br> <br> Hati finishes with a reverent bow, as if in prayer.<br> <br> "Thank you for your sacrifice. I hope the bliss I gave you was a worthy trade."<br> <br> You cannot answer. Hati has pumped out all your fluids. Your sacrifice was of //your life// kind.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Hati: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br> <br> "Symbolic, you say," $ says as you tell him about gifting Hati a $allGifts[11].name. "Must be. She doesn't look like the type to eat it, unlike some of the other horrors in here..."<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> "Ah. That's nothing to be ashamed about," $ says after you relate your embarrassingly premature experience. "I've heard her cream has that effect on some men. There are worse things that can happen in here."<br> <br> He looks thoughtful.<br> <br> "It's a shame you didn't last long enough to ask her for sex. I don't have much information on that and would pay handsomely for it." <<elseif _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> "By jove! You're luckier than you realise. $ gives all her devil women one allowance – if their guest fails to perform, they get him for dinner. Very reasonable of Hati to let you walk away like that."<br> <br> He tsks.<br> <br> "The shame of it is you didn't take the opportunity to ask her for sex. That's the one thing I don't have much information on and I will pay handsomely for it."<br> <br> He glances at you.<br> <br> "But you should probably pay a visit to the Nurse first. She has all sort of tonics to get a man's juices... ahem... flowing again. You don't want to end up a devil's dinner." <<else>> "It sounds rather pleasant despite the weirdness of her appearance and room. Maybe she's a safe pick. I've heard her cream does feel extremely pleasant against the skin. There may even be licensing deal opportunities there. A man could make a fortune with such a substance in the outside world."<br> <br> $'s eyes shine with naked avarice.<br> <br> "A shame you didn't go all the way and ask her for sex. I don't have much information on that and would pay handsomely for it. Maybe next time." <</if>>
/* Veronicella (slug girl) */ <<set $hi to 24>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Veronicella", shortDescription: "", faction: 3, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [4,12], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Veronicella: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Veronicella: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Veronicella: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Veronicella: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Veronicella: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Veronicella: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Veronicella: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Veronicella: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.hasVision to true>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $player.currStr to 4>> /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 6>> /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 24>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a bouncy woman in a pink wet-look bikini. Her long and thick braided hair is pulled back and held in a loose pink scrunchie.">> <<if $player.hasVision>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription += " Below the waist she has the body of an enormous brownish-pink slug.">> <</if>>
/* Madam intro */ "And here is the lovely Veronicella," $ says. "She likes to squash men down and cover them in a slippery, sticky, messy, and very naughty body-to-body massage." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Veronicella is a pleasant-looking woman with a soft, curvy body. She wears a pink wet-look bikini with heart-shaped peepholes for her lovely pink nipples. The garment is far too scandalous for beachwear and clearly intended for the bedroom only.<br> <br> She has a wide friendly face with bright brown eyes and a little button nose. What you first took to be braided hair is in fact four long fleshy appendages swept back and loosely tied up with a pretty pink scrunchie.<br> <br> Her exposed pink flesh glistens slightly in the light, as if she's covered herself in a thin layer of oil. <<if $player.hasVision>> The reason for that becomes more apparent as you keep looking down her body and see her lower half swell out into the body of a giant slug. It's brownish-pink, about as long as she is tall, and is covered in a layer of moist slime that glistens in the light. Just what is she? <</if>> <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Veronicella offers her hand.<br> <br> "Hello, I'm Veronicella," she says. "Would you like me to give you a sexy slippery all-over body massage?"<br> <br> Her hand feels a little //moist//, but not unpleasantly so. <br>
Veronicella meets you by the stage and gives you an apologetic smile.<br> <br> "I'm sorry. I can't go into the bar with you. $ says I make too much of a mess of the carpet."<br> <br> <<if $player.hasVision>> You look down at her lower slug half. That's going to leave one hell of a slime trail, you think. <<else>> You look at her in puzzlement. How? <</if>><br> <br> "It's okay, though. Those meetings are just an opportunity for us to detail the services we offer. I can tell you here."<br> <br> Veronicella smiles. Her bosom is pushed out in a very provocative and enticing manner.<br> <br> "I do an all-over body massage. I'll climb on top of you and use my body to work out all the kinks and knots in your muscles. Then, once you're nicely turned on, we'll have a good filthy squelchy fuck."<br> <br> Her eyes gleam with filthy promise. She reaches down and strokes the crotch of your trousers.<br> <br> "That'll sort out the tension down here as well."<br> <br> With a saucy glance back over her shoulder, she returns to the curtained-off area.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Veronicella?"<br> <br> $'s face is quizzical.<br> <br> "You're interested in her? You do know what she is?"<br> <br> Her lips twist up in a crafty smile.<br> <br> "No, you probably don't, not with $'s illusions blanketing the lower floor. I won't spoil the surprise."<br> <br> She chuckles nastily.<br> <br> "Don't be put off by her appearance. Copulating with her sort is supposed to be quite pleasant... given their lowly status."<br> <br> She takes a haughty sip of her cocktail.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"How much can you bench press?\" $ asks, completely out of the blue. \"That might turn out to be quite relevant information,\" she adds cryptically."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She likes to go on top, and once she gets on top she can be quite difficult to shift. She's heavier than she looks.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"There's no need to be afraid of her secretions. All they do is make you want to come.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Veronicella: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Veronicella: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Good Gift */ [3,false,false] /* Survive */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Veronicella: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Veronicella: First-Time Scenario]]>>
You walk into Veronicella's room and are surprised to find it more resembles a bathroom. There's a modern-looking shower cubicle off to the left. The walls, floor and ceiling are covered in pinkish-white tiles. Some are painted with stylised designs of bullrushes and similar marshy plants.<br> <br> A large inflatable mattress is on the floor in front of you. It is bright pink and shiny. It also looks both sturdy and comfortable. The back of the room is partitioned off with a folding screen patterned with more bullrushes and long grasses. It's not a particularly high screen. Veronicella is behind it and the screen only comes up to her lower ribs.<br> <br> "Come in," she says. "I was just getting ready."<br> <br> Standing side-on to you, she takes off her pink bikini top and you see the side of one of her voluptuous boobs.<br> <br> "What have you brought me?"<br> <br> She turns to face you, fully showing off her bouncy, curvaceous tits.<br> <br> You try not to ogle them too obviously as you hold up your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Veronicella: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Veronicella: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 4>> <<include [[Veronicella: Gift: Oil]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 12>> <<include [[Veronicella: Gift: Soap]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(6)>> <<include [[Veronicella: Gift: Smutty]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(5,7)>> <<include [[Veronicella: Gift: Good]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Veronicella: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> She gestures over to a neat little shelf to your left.<br> <br> "Just put <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on the shelf there," she says.<br> <br> You do as she says.<br> <br> "Now, if you'll lie down there on the mattress, I'll come round and begin your massage."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Veronicella: Begin Massage]]
Veronicella looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Yes, I can do that," she says.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Veronicella sees the $allGifts[$cgi].name and her smile twists up into a smirk.<br> <br> "You wouldn't believe the number of men who bring me that," she says. "It's not much use for me, but lets me know what they want."
"Ooh, no thanks," Veronicella says on seeing the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "I'm allergic. It does horrible things to my skin."
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "What a filthy mind you have," Veronicella says.<br> <br> Her smile widens.<br> <br> "I don't mind. So do I. Let's get properly filthy together."
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "Mmm, I like <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>that,"<<else>>them,"<</if>> Veronicella says when you show her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.
"How nice," she says, giving you a bright smile.
You make a move to the mattress and Veronicella holds up a hand to stop you. The corner of her lip turns up in a cheeky little smirk.<br> <br> "You might want to take those clothes off first," she says. "Unless you want me to make a sticky mess of them."<br> <br> You take your clothes off and place them on a nearby stool. You lie face-down on the airbed. It squeaks beneath you as your weight settles on top of it. The surface of the mattress is already wet and slippery. You think Veronicella must have poured some oil on it beforehand, although it feels viscous and stickier. At least it's warm enough to feel reasonably pleasant against your skin.<br> <br> "Be right with you," Veronicella says from somewhere behind you.<br> <br> The first you feel of her is her warm hands sliding up your calves. They seem to be slathered with the same lubricant. Like oil, but more viscous. Her hands slide up and down your calves, smoothing the muscles before moving up to the back of your thighs.<br> <br> "Just lie there and relax," Veronicella says as her warm hands slide up and down the back of your legs.<br> <br> She slides further up your body. Now it's her lubricated boobs sliding up and down your legs. She presses down and slides first your left leg and then your right leg along the groove of her cleavage. The feel of the soft globes of flesh rubbing against you builds an erotic charge within you. Her hands slide up to your buttocks.<br> <br> "Mmm, you have a nice ass," Veronicella says. She gives your bum a cheeky squeeze.<br> <br> You wait for her to slide her lovely bulging breasts up over your buttocks, but instead she pulls back. The air bed squeaks and you feel a displacement as she steps on the end.<br> <br> "Here I come," she says.<br> <br> [[Prepare yourself...->Veronicella: Splat]]
Veronicella falls upon you with a wet splat.<br> <br> Too much of a splat. Her body feels wider than it should. It feels fleshier. It feels like she's dropped a thick rubber sheet on you first. No, more like a soft mass that draws you up into it and moulds to your form. Moulds and squeezes. Your ass is given another cheeky squeeze, but this time not by hand.<br> <br> Veronicella also feels heavier than you expected. Heavy enough to pin you to the mattress.<br> <br> <<if $player.hasVision>> It's her lower slug body you realise. She's dropped it on you and squashed you beneath it.<br> <br> <</if>> You start to struggle as you try to squirm out from underneath the wet fleshy mass.<br> <br> Veronicella laughs. "Oh dear. I think you've figured out something's not right. I'll never be able to relax you like this. Hold on. I'll turn you over."<br> <br> The fleshy mass, far thicker than a sheet, bunches up around you. Still squirming, you're flipped over until you're lying on your back and looking up at Veronicella. Who isn't human. <<if $player.hasVision>> But then you already knew that. <</if>><br> <br> Above the waist she's relatively humanoid. Below the waist her body expands out in a fleshy sticky mass. It looks like the body of a giant slug and you're currently pinned beneath it. <<if not $player.hasVision>> You wonder why you didn't notice it earlier. <</if>><br> <br> Veronicella's upper body is also dripping in slime. She's also removed her scrunchie and what you thought was her hair is four long fleshy antennae. They're reminiscent of the eye stalks of a slug or snail, although you don't know how functional they are as Veronicella still seems to favour her regular human eyes for looking down at you. At least her smile is friendly enough.<br> <br> [[This is a sticky situation.->Veronicella: Slug Squash]]
"I'm sorry for the deception." Veronicella says. "I'm a slug girl. Some find our bodies off-putting and I didn't want to frighten you off."<br> <br> A giant slimy slug body, whatever would be off-putting about that?<br> <br> "It's unfair really," Veronicella continues. "Men judge us by what they see. They don't give us a chance to let us show them how we can make them //feel//."<br> <br> Her muscular foot moulds to your body and draws you up into it. The front of your body is gripped as if in a vacuum seal. It's a strange feeling, but also quite intimate. Every part of the front of your body is in contact with her and it feels nice to be gently squeezed.<br> <br> "Does that not feel nice," Veronicella says. "My body has a lot of advantages for pleasure. Even my slime has aphrodisiac properties. As I rub it in, you'll start to feel relaxed and horny."<br> <br> Her slug half squishes lewdly against you. Her massage becomes more erotic as she seeks out and toys with your erogenous zones. What feels like fleshy pads settle over your nipples and lightly suck. Another muscular pad moulds to and gently manipulates your genitals.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "To make sure you get what you want, I'll secrete some paralysing mucus. That will make you all nice and unresisting," Veronicella says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Veronicella: Paralysing Mucus]] <<else>> What now? It doesn't feel bad, but it's still basically a giant slimy slug lying on top of you.<br> <br> [[You're okay with this, let it continue.->Veronicella: Massage: Continue]]<br> [[Try to throw her off.->Veronicella: Massage: Struggle]] <</if>>
<<set $hasUsedParalysingMucus to true>> Her face purses in concentration. A foamy secretion wells up all over her body. It forms a frothy lather on her underside. You're covered in warm, bubbly slime.<br> <br> It has an immediate effect. Your limbs suddenly feel as heavy as waterlogged sandbags. You no longer feel like you have the energy to do anything. It's a surprisingly pleasant feeling, like waking up in a warm bed on a cold winter day and wanting to do nothing more than stay comfortably huddled up under the duvet.<br> <br> Veronicella squishes more of the creamy froth into you until you're completely unresisting.<br> <br> "There," she says. "Now you should be able to properly enjoy this. Lie back and enjoy the tactile pleasures of my body."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Veronicella: Sex 1]]
"Lie back and enjoy the tactile pleasures of my body," Veronicella says.<br> <br> <<include [[Veronicella: Sex 1]]>>
It doesn't matter how good she can make you feel, she's still a disgusting giant slug. You don't want her gross body lying on top of you. You try to lift your upper body up and force her off you.<br> <br> "Don't struggle," Veronicella warns. "If you do, I'll be forced to secrete my paralysing mucus and then you won't have a chance of getting away."<br> <br> [[Keep struggling.->Veronicella: Massage: Keep Struggling]]<br> [[Stop struggling.->Veronicella: Massage: Stop Struggling]]
You ignore her and try to slide your arms out so you can get a hold and shove her off.<br> <br> "Oh well, don't say I didn't warn you," Veronicella says.<br> <br> <<include [[Veronicella: Paralysing Mucus]]>>
"Good," she says as you stop squirming beneath her. "Now lie back and enjoy the tactile pleasures of my body."<br> <br> <<include [[Veronicella: Sex 1]]>>
Her weight settles over you. You're drawn up by her fleshy foot and her moist body presses tightly all around you. It feels like a tight wetsuit – a second skin. She starts to pulse her body against you. It's a strange sensation. Your body is being worked all over just like a regular massage, but not by hands.<br> <br> Her slimy secretions, rather than feeling disgusting, feel pretty pleasant against your skin. Like sensual massage oil, but again with a different viscosity and feel. Between her slime and tender squeezes, you're starting to feel pleasantly comfortable and relaxed.<br> <br> "Oh good. I can feel you're getting relaxed," Veronicella says as she squishes her soft body against you.<br> <br> And also a little horny.<br> <br> You remember her saying her secretions have aphrodisiac properties. They must be starting to take effect. You feel the beginnings of an erection push up against her.<br> <br> "Ooh, not all of you is relaxed, if that thing I can feel pushing up against me is what I think it is," Veronicella says. "It's fine. This is //that// type of massage."<br> <br> She lets out a filthy giggle and wiggles her body against you. Your cock hardens further as it bounces up against her soft underside.<br> <br> "I have the perfect place to put that," Veronicella says.<br> <br> [[She does?->Veronicella: Sex 2]]
She creeps down your body. Your erection slides along her wet underside until it encounters a groove and then an opening.<br> <br> "There it is," Veronicella says. "In you go."<br> <br> She presses down and your erection pushes up into a warm slimy hole. It's tight, but dripping with so much slippery lubricant you slide in easily. The fleshy walls contract and throb around your cock. They manipulate and arouse it in a similar way to how her fleshy foot wraps around and squeezes the muscles of your body.<br> <br> "A relaxing massage followed by a dirty squelchy fuck, who could ask for better," Veronicella says.<br> <br> She sighs and moans. She starts moving her slug body up and down in billowing waves. The air mattress squeaks beneath your combined weight. You hear lewd squelching sounds as your bodies come together. You don't contribute much. For one, you can't. Your body is enveloped and squashed down by Veronicella's slug half. For another, you don't need to. You just lie back and enjoy the sensations.<br> <br> "Ooh yes," Veronicella sighs. "That look of disgust soon goes away the moment I start squelching their cock."<br> <br> Her pussy makes squishy squelching sounds as it squeezes and tugs your cock. Liberal amounts of warm lubricant bubble out and flood your crotch.<br> <br> Her lower slug half might look disgusting, but you can't deny the pleasure it's giving you. Your toes curl up against her squishy underside as you feel the orgasm bubble up inside you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Veronicella: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Veronicella: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Veronicella: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
"Is it coming?" Veronicella asks.<br> <br> She collapses down on you and shoves her big tits in your face. Her pussy tightens around your cock and pumps it with powerful throbbing tugs.<br> <br> It isn't.<br> <br> You want to, but you've already come so many times this night. Your body might be out.<br> <br> "You seem to seem to be struggling. Let me help."<br> <br> She gives a loud sigh and a pinkish-white secretion oozes up out of her pores and covers you in a bubbly froth. It feels warm and tingly against your skin. All desire to resist melts right out of you.<br> <br> "My digestive juices," Veronicella says. "They'll have you coming in no time at all."<br> <br> Digestive juices?<br> <br> "No need to look at me like that. They'll just make you want to cum."<br> <br> She bends over until her face is right above yours.<br> <br> "A lot," she whispers.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Veronicella: To Bad End: From No Semen]]
"Is it coming? Oh yes, I can feel it coming," Veronicella says.<br> <br> She collapses down on you and shoves her big tits in your face. Her pussy tightens around your cock and pumps it over the edge with powerful throbbing tugs.<br> <br> It's definitely coming. You gasp into Veronicella's slick cleavage as the climax overwhelms you. Your hips turn up as your semen boils up out of you and spurts up into her vagina. Her lower body gently enfolds you and presses you up against her as you empty your balls into her in great throbbing gouts.<br> <br> Afterwards, you lie back – relaxed – with Veronicella's body covering you like a thick fleshy blanket.<br> <br> "Mmm, did you enjoy that? Maybe my slug body isn't so bad after all. It feels like you let out a lot."<br> <br> Veronicella sits back up. Her lower slug half still covers most of your body.<br> <br> "I think I've nicely relaxed you and drained some of that tension from your balls," Veronicella says. "And now for the bad news."<br> <br> [[Bad News?->Veronicella: Bad News]]
Her eyes take on a hungry gleam as she smiles down at you. You also can't shake the feeling her flexible eyestalks are looking down at you as well.<br> <br> "I'm a predatory slug. Normally this would be the part where I slurp you all up."<br> <br> Your eyes widen in alarm.<br> <br> "However," Veronicella glances around her as if checking anyone is watching. "We are in the House and the House has rules. One of them is that the prey must always have a chance to escape. So this is your chance."<br> <br> She folds her arms beneath her big round breasts.<br> <br> "In a moment I'm going to start secreting my digestive mucus. If you can lift me up and tip me off before then you'll be fine. If not..."<br> <br> She chuckles darkly.<br> <br> "Okay, ready? Let's go!"<br> <br> [[Try to tip her off.->Veronicella: Strength Test]]<br> [[Lie back and do nothing.->Veronicella: Choose to Fail Strength Test]]
<<if $hasUsedParalysingMucus>> <<include [[Veronicella: Strength: Paralysed]]>> <<elseif $player.currStr lt 3>> <<include [[Veronicella: Strength: Too Weak]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Veronicella: Strength: Maybe]]>> <</if>>
You lie back and make no attempt to tip her off.<br> <br> Veronicella looks down at you in puzzlement.<br> <br> "You don't appear to be trying," she says.<br> <br> She puts a hand on her chin.<br> <br> "Maybe you want this. Very well. I'll be sure to make my secretions really thick and creamy, so you can fully enjoy the bliss of ejaculating your life away."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Veronicella: Strength: Fail]]
You will your body to throw her off, but you're still suffering from the aftereffects of her paralytic mucus. Your limbs still feel comfortably heavy and soporific, and refuse to move. All you can do is lie helpless beneath her slimy slug body.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "This is what you asked for. I'll be sure to make my secretions really thick and creamy, so you can fully enjoy the bliss of ejaculating your life away." <<else>> "Oh dear, it seems my paralysing mucus has left you too floppy and weak to do anything. I did warn you not to struggle." <</if>><br> <br> [[You failed.->Veronicella: Strength: Fail]]
You squirm underneath Veronicella. You push up with your hands.<br> <br> "Have you started yet?" Veronicella taunts, as if she can't feel anything at all.<br> <br> Her slimy, squishy body is surprisingly heavy. It's also really awkward to manhandle, like a giant sack filled with mud. The slippery slime coating her also makes it impossible to get any kind of purchase. You squirm and struggle ineffectually for a few minutes without being able to get her off you.<br> <br> Veronicella looks down disdainfully.<br> <br> "I could let you squirm away all day and I still don't think you'd be able to get out from underneath me."<br> <br> [[You failed.->Veronicella: Strength: Fail]]
You push up with your arms and try to get a good grip on her body. It's awkward. Her squishy form is awkward to manhandle, like a giant sack filled with mud. The slime covering her body also makes it really hard to get a good grip.<br> <br> "Struggling?" Veronicella asks.<br> <br> You persevere and manage to get an arm out from underneath her. You grab her side and start to lift her up and tilt her to the side.<br> <br> "Ooh. Ooh," Veronicella says.<br> <br> You lift her up and up. You could almost slither out if her soft body wasn't enfolding your other leg. Just a little more.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment or $player.currStr lt 4>> [[Nearly there.->Veronicella: Strength: Not Enough]] <<else>> [[Nearly there.->Veronicella: Strength: Pass]] <</if>>
Veronicella puts her hands on her hips.<br> <br> "Time's up. Here it comes."<br> <br> You close your eyes and grit your teeth in preparation for the pain.<br> <br> Veronicella looks down at you and giggles.<br> <br> "Such a fearful face. You must not be familiar with daemons from the Dominion of Lust. There's not going to be any pain. It'll just make you want to come."<br> <br> She bends over until her face is right above yours.<br> <br> "A lot," she whispers.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Veronicella: To Bad End: From Str Fail]]
Your arm starts trembling. Your upward momentum slows then stops. Your arm shakes more violently. Your muscles ache.<br> <br> Just a little more.<br> <br> No good. Her wet slimy mass is too heavy. Your hand slips and Veronicella's wet slimy body falls back down on you with a splat.<br> <br> "And you were so close," Veronicella says.<br> <br> [[You failed.->Veronicella: Strength: Fail]]
You grit your teeth and keep going. More of your body comes free of her sticky clutch. It starts to get easier now that you can put more of your back into it.<br> <br> "I knew you could do it," Veronicella says.<br> <br> You peel her off you and roll her off to the side. Then, panting heavily, you scoot off the mattress in the opposite direction until your back comes up against the wall.<br> <br> Veronicella is on her back. Her slug tail twists, adheres to the floor and then she smoothly turns herself the right way up. She 'stands' up, or rather, her human half rises to an upright position.<br> <br> "That was fun," she says. "I love a good squelchy fuck. Did you enjoy your massage?" she asks.<br> <br> You're still backed up against the wall with your arms and legs curled round in defensive positions. Veronicella is acting like she didn't threaten to squirt digestive juices all over you a few minutes ago.<br> <br> She retrieves her pink bra and puts it back on.<br> <br> "I would have liked to have given your back a good working over. I felt a lot of tension there, especially between the shoulder blades. And now you've seen my true body we don't have to do the surprise splat. We can take it nice and slow and start with your back next time."<br> <br> Next time? She thinks there will be a next time?<br> <br> She looks at you and laughs.<br> <br> "There's no need to look at me like that," she says. "The House has rules. You passed my test, so you've nothing to fear from me."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Veronicella: Good End]]
She sweeps back her eyestalks and holds them in place with a pink scrunchie.<br> <br> "The House is dangerous. All the girls in here are lust daemons hungry for your life and soul. It's good to have someone you know you're safe with."<br> <br> She gives you a friendly enough smile, albeit one with lustful intent.<br> <br> "And you're safe with me. Unless you get tired or become weaker for some reason. Then I can show you what you missed."<br> <br> A pinkish-white froth bubbles up around the edges of her slug body.<br> <br> At least she no longer seems to be hostile. Warily, you get back to your feet and look for your clothes.<br> <br> "I'd take a shower first," Veronicella suggests. She points to the shower cubicle over in the corner. "I slimed you up pretty good. Tends to happen during a good squelch."<br> <br> You get in and shower. Veronicella's secretions wash off fairly easily. When you emerge, she's waiting with a towel. You still eye her warily as you dry yourself and get dressed.<br> <br> Veronicella gives you a little bow.<br> <br> "I hope you were satisfied. Please come again when you fancy a massage and a good hard squelchy fuck."<br> <br> Still confused by her switch from loving courtesan to predator and then back to courtesan again, you watch her warily as you leave. All things considered, it wasn't that bad, although you're not sure you're going to be able to look at slugs the same way again.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Veronicella: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
She sits back up. She closes her eyes and sighs suggestively. A pinkish-white secretion oozes up out of her pores and covers you in a bubbly froth. It feels warm and tingly against your skin. All desire to resist melts right out of you. Veronicella settles over you and her slug form covers you like a heavy rubber sheet.<br> <br> "Ooh, yes," Veronicella sighs.<br> <br> <<include [[Veronicella: Bad End 1]]>>
More froth bubbles up over you. Her body envelops yours. Her foot draws you up into her soft body and starts squeezing and rubbing your muscles. This is less a massage and more her rubbing in her juices. She draws your cock back into her pussy and gives it the same treatment. You start to feel warm, not from her body, but inside yours, as if something has turned the thermostat up.<br> <br> "Aah," Veronicella sighs.<br> <br> Her pussy vibrates and gushes more froth onto your genitals. Your cock swells inside her and stretches her vaginal walls.<br> <br> "Ooh," Veronicella sighs. "I love the effect my juices have on a man."<br> <br> Her vagina provides some resistance. The walls throb and pulse around your cock. Her body continues to squeeze and rub her juices into your flesh. The heat rises inside you and focuses down in your loins.<br> <br> You feel the desire to come rise within you and it's like it's lifting your whole body with it.<br> <br> "Here it comes," Veronicella says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Veronicella: Bad End 2]]
<<unset $hasUsedParalysingMucus>>
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Your ejaculation is a thundering bolt of cum that bursts out of your cock. Your whole body is wracked by spasms as you empty your balls in one great cannonball. It feels like firing a mortar off inside her and the recoil leaves you drained and breathless on the airbed.<br> <br> Her fleshy foot stops massaging her slime into you and instead she relaxes and settles over you. More froth bubbles up and soaks into you. You continue to feel incredibly horny. Your balls ache – wanting to fire off more shots, but being out of ammunition.<br> <br> "The first one is always explosive," Veronicella says. "Now we wait for my juices to take effect and refill your balls."<br> <br> Her body ripples around you in a luscious, full-body caress. She runs her hands through your hair while resting her soft boobs against your face.<br> <br> You feel it like a warm tide inside you – everything flowing down into your balls. You start coming again, but this time it's a slow continuous stream, coaxed on by the throbbing pulses of her vagina.<br> <br> "This is the slow part," Veronicella says. "We don't have to rush."<br> <br> And she doesn't. She covers you in her juices and slowly sucks the cum from your body. What's left afterwards is a sticky, melted mess. Not that you care, you've long floated off on a cloud of purest sensual bliss before then.<br> <br> <<include [[Veronicella: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
She sits back up. She settles over you and her slug form covers you like a heavy rubber sheet. She closes her eyes and sighs suggestively. More froth bubbles up and covers you in a thick cream.<br> <br> "Ah yes," Veronicella says. "Really thick and creamy. That'll get those balls working again."<br> <br> <<include [[Veronicella: Bad End 1]]>>
/* must start with linebreaks if wish to start on new line */ <br> <br> "I've heard certain... odd... rumours about her," $ asks. "Are they true? Is she really a... slug?"<br> <br> You confirm so.<br> <br> $ shudders.<br> <br> "Why would anyone want to?" /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br>
"Squashed down by a giant slug, it sounds positively revolting," $ says. "And yet you say it's quite pleasant."<br> <br> He shakes his head in disbelief.<br> <br> "I'll take your word for it. Even if I was confident in my ability to lift her and pass her little test, which I'm most assuredly not, I still wouldn't be entering her room."
/* Aphroú Kanáta ton Ouránia */ <<set $hi to 70>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Aphroú Kanáta ton Ouránia", shortDescription: "", faction: 3, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [8,5], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Aphrou: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Aphrou: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Aphrou: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Aphrou: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Aphrou: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Aphrou: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Aphrou: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Aphrou: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Aphrou: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(13)>> <<set $player.currStr to 4>> /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ <<set $player.currAgi to 4>> /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ <<set $player.currWill to 5>> /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 70>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "an olive-skinned woman in white robes that resembles a nymph from classic Greek mythology. Vines of ivy are threaded through her curly black hair and adorn her waist and ankles.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is our lovely nymph, Aphroú Kanáta ton Ouránia," $ says. "She'll show you soapy bliss in her bath pitcher."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Aphroú Kanáta does look like a nymph from classical Greek mythology. Or maybe more accurately, a dryad. Her flawless skin is olive, but tinged more to green. That and her pointed ears reveal she isn't human.<br> <br> Vines of ivy are woven through her curly black hair. Other vines adorn her wrists and ankles like jewellery. She wears a plain white robe. Her face is also of a classical beauty, with big green eyes and full kissable lips. She's tall and lean. <<if $player.charms.includes(13)>> However, as you look at her closer, her form seems to flicker as if you're looking at an illusion or hologram. <</if>><br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Aphroú approaches and smiles pleasantly.<br> <br> "Hello, I am Aphroú Kanáta ton Ouránia," she says. "Please let me soak you in soapy bliss." <br>
"Ah, so you wish to visit the Great Díroasalýtis," $ says as you ask her about Aphroú Kanáta.<br> <br> She takes a sip of her cocktail.<br> <br> "She's not actually here within the House. As a giant carnivorous pitcher plant, she cannot leave her temple at Apolapsis. The door to her room is a portal to her. She has an agreement with $ to not eat all the men she sends, so you have a reasonable chance of returning from a dip in her 'bath'."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "The trick to surviving a visit to her is resisting the urge to ejaculate while inside her bath pitcher. Semen activates her digestive juices and that will be the end of you. That's always been her challenge. Out of respect, she goes easier on the men $ sends her, but only if she considers them worthy."<br> <br> $ exhales a plume of smoke.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"An offering of meat beforehand can help assuage her hunger. Grapes are even better. Despite being carnivorous, Aphroú loves a ripe, succulent bunch of grapes.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Her favourite type is men with heroic attributes. You know... Strong. Athletic. Bold. That sort of thing.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ leers.\<br\>\<br\>\"She's eaten plenty of them.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Her temple at Apolapsis is drab and isolated. Bring her something pretty to brighten it up and she'll be more kindly disposed to you.\""}>>
Aphroú Kanáta ton Ouránia is quiet and refined as she accompanies you into the bar. <<if $player.charms.includes(13)>> You have the feeling she's not really there, as if you're being accompanied by a hologram. <</if>> You find an open table and sit down. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Aphrou: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Aphrou: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Aphrou: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Aphrou: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
<br><br> Aphroú rolls her eyes as you fail to come up with the money.<br> <br> "The old heroes were also poor when it came to paying their obligations," she says.<br> <br> She gets up and leaves.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you. She doesn't bring anything for Aphroú.<br> <br> "I don't need it," Aphroú says. "I'm not really here. This is just an illusory projection. I cannot leave my home at the Temple of Apolapsis."<br> <br> Her form flickers like a hologram.<br> <br> "I am the Divine Bath Pitcher of the Gods," she says. "Many seek the pleasures found within my bath pitcher. Most never return."<br> <br> There is a predatory cast to her smile.<br> <br> "You need not fear. I have an arrangement with the madam of this establishment. I am to treat any man she sends with leniency. Bring me an offering to satiate my appetite and the attitude of a hero, and I'll let you bathe in my bath pitcher and return to tell the tale."<br> <br> She gives you an enigmatic wink and gets up and leaves.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* grapes gift */ [1,false,false], /* body parts gift */ [1,false,false], /* pass easy challenge */ [2,false,false], /* pass hard challenge */ [1,false,false], /* regular sex */ [2,false,false] /* hero drain */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Aphrou: Calculate Initial Hero Score]]>> <<set $wasHero to false>> <<include [[Aphrou: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Aphrou: First-Time Scenario]]>>
You walk through the door and inexplicably find yourself outside, even though that shouldn't be possible. The door opens out near the top of a small hill. Ahead of you is a small structure of four marble columns holding up a circular roof. It looks like an ancient temple. The columns, floor and ceiling are overgrown with thick green creepers.<br> <br> Looking around you, you see rolling green hills under a pleasant sunny sky. The door stands alone in the middle of a path leading back down the hill. You can still see the corridor of the House through the doorway.<br> <br> You'd think this some kind of illusion – images projected onto the walls of the room – except the air feels fresh and there's a gentle breeze.<br> <br> "Come in. Come in. Don't be shy," you hear Aphroú Kanáta ton Ouránia say. "Welcome to the Temple of Apolapsis. I am Aphroú Kanáta ton Ouránia, the Bath Pitcher of the Gods."<br> <br> You walk between the two front columns. The interior is heavily overgrown. Thick tangled vines are twined around the columns. They lead back to a massive green cauldron. Aphroú sits within it and lounges casually against the back wall. Her robes are gone and her lovely lithe body is fully exposed. Her skin is greener than you remember, but even with that she still cuts quite the figure with a lovely pair of perky tits. Below that her body is obscured by the soapy water filling the big green cauldron.<br> <br> "This is my true form," Aphroú says. "Do not be alarmed."<br> <br> You hear loud creaking sounds and turn in time to see thick woody vines have grown between the columns to create an impenetrable barrier.<br> <br> Evidently, had you been alarmed, Aphroú wasn't going to allow you to turn tail and run.<br> <br> "Remove your clothes and present your offering," Aphroú orders.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Gift]]
You take your clothes off. A broad branch grows downwards and forms a gentle slope for you to climb up to the rim of the great bowl. You hold out your gift. A green tendril snakes down, plucks it from your hand and carries it over to Aphroú.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Aphrou: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 8>> <<include [[Aphrou: Gift: Grapes]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(14)>> <<include [[Aphrou: Gift: Body Parts]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(3)>> <<include [[Aphrou: Gift: Pretty]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Aphrou: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Hero Score after gifts = $heroScore''<br> <br> <</if>> Aphroú places the gift behind her. She turns back and fixes you with her piercing green eyes. She sweeps an arm over the wide basin of the green cauldron.<br> <br> "I am Aphroú Kanáta ton Ouránia, the Bath Pitcher of the Gods. Now <<if $heroScore gt 5>>come, hero,<<else>>come,<</if>> entrust your body to me."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Get in Bath]]
Aphroú places the $allGifts[$cgi].name under her nose and takes a long sniff.<br> <br> "Ah, the greatest offering of all. I am honoured."
Aphroú's eyes light up as she accepts the $allGifts[$cgi].name. She leans back and pops one in her mouth.<br> <br> "Ah, from the gods themselves," she says.<br> <br> She looks at you.<br> <br> "While I am carnivorous, such delights are a rare treat."<br> <br> //She's carnivorous?// <<set $heroScore += 2>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>>
Aphroú holds up and examines the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Meagre, but it may assuage my hunger." <<set $heroScore += 1>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>>
Aphroú sniffs disdainfully as accepts the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "A gift for pretty little empty-headed maidens."<br> <br> She looks pointedly at you.<br> <br> "I am not a pretty little empty-headed maiden." <<set $heroScore -= 1>>
"Your offering is lacking," Aphroú says as accepts your gift.<br> <br> She looks you over. Her gaze zeroes in on your crotch.<br> <br> "Maybe you can compensate in other areas."
The interior of the basin is filled with water. The surface is covered in a thick layer of frothy soap bubbles. The strangeness of everything else aside, it does resemble a hot tub filled with copious amounts of bubble bath.<br> <br> //It also resembles the pitcher of a carnivorous plant.//<br> <br> The branch you're standing on creaks alarmingly and starts to lift up off the floor. The meaning is very clear. Either you climb in of your own accord or Aphroú will tip you in anyway.<br> <br> Under Aphroú's gaze, you lower yourself into the 'bath'. The water is pleasantly warm and the froth of soap bubbles feels nice and sensual against your skin. For all the strange appearance, it feels like climbing into a fancy jacuzzi.<br> <br> It does feel really nice. Like taking a soothing dip in a hot tub after a long day of physical labour. Strange currents run beneath the surface and tickle your skin. More bubbles rise up to the surface, adding to the creamy layer of froth. There is a pleasant scent in the air – like subtle perfume.<br> <br> It's quite pleasant, you think.<br> <br> It would be even more pleasant if Aphroú came over to you. She remains where she is. Looking closely, you're not sure she can move to you. Her body seems to be embedded into and fused with the back wall of the basin, as if she's part of the plant.<br> <br> "Relax," Aphroú says, her voice lulling and almost hypnotic. "Let me tend to you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Hands]]
You jolt in surprise as you feel a warm hand caress you beneath the surface.<br> <br> How? Who? It can't be Aphroú. She's over on the other side and too far away.<br> <br> Aphroú smiles at your confusion. A pale hand rises up out of the soapy froth. It's joined by another, and another, and another, until you're in the midst of a forest of slender white arms.<br> <br> Aphroú blows you a kiss. The hands duck back down between the surface and go to work on your body.<br> <br> The hands are Aphroú's. They're part of her body. In unison they start massaging your body. You feel them caress and rub, squeeze and knead. Their sensual touch quickly overcomes your trepidation. You lie back and let them massage you. It feels like a veritable harem is in the bath with you, all focused on bringing you pleasure with their touch. You feel like you're being pampered like a sultan. You lean back and luxuriate in the sensation as they thoroughly wash you all over. Skilled hands knead the muscles of your shoulders, neck and scalp. You feel fingertips dance up and down your spine. Hands grip and squeeze the meat of your thighs. They move back and forth and work out the kinks.<br> <br> "Many heroes have sought me out over the ages," Aphroú says. "I've taken them into my bath pitcher. I've soothed the aches from their bones, melted the stress from their flesh."<br> <br> Aphroú pauses for effect.<br> <br> "Melted the flesh from their bones."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Restrain]]
Arms wrap around your chest and waist. Hands grab your thighs, wrists and ankles. They hold you firmly within the pot.<br> <br> "I am a carnivorous plant," Aphroú says. "The Great Díroasalýtis. I consume men. Their flesh. Their lives. Their souls."<br> <br> The water bubbles ominously around you. Bubbles well up and form little piles of wobbling congeries.<br> <br> "Ah, but there's no need to be fearful. I treat them gently, even allow them to satisfy their animal urges in their final moments. They expire with sighs of ecstasy, not screams of terror."<br> <br> You'd rather not expire at all. You strain and try to break free of the hands' grip. You manage to lift your body a little way off the bottom. The underwater arms flex and slam you back down. Warm soapy water sloshes around you.<br> <br> Aphroú watches your struggles, her eyes glittering with amusement.<br> <br> "I do not claim all who climb inside my bath pitcher," she says. "Some have the favour of the gods. They belong to them and I will not go against the gods. I let those men go... after lightening their loads."<br> <br> An errant hand lewdly fondles your balls.<br> <br> "However, you were sent here by $, and she is no god. She can't save you and neither would she. $ prizes human individuality and resolve. Strange for a daemon."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: The Challenge 1]]
Aphroú's hand lazily plays with your cock and balls.<br> <br> "The only one who can save you is yourself. I will be... what is the word $ likes to use... sporting. I'm currently holding back from flooding my bath pitcher with my digestive juices. There are some in the water around you, but the concentration is low and they are inert until activated. You see, while I am a daemon carnivorous plant, I am a daemon carnivorous plant of the Dominion of Lust. My digestive enzymes are harmless unless exposed to human sexual fluids."<br> <br> Aphroú smiles. One of her hands playfully tweaks one of your nipples.<br> <br> "So, the challenge is simple. If you can resist the desire to come, this will be nothing more than a pleasant bath and I'll let you go afterwards. Should you fall prey to your animal urges..."<br> <br> Aphroú says nothing. She runs a tongue around her supple lips. The waters bubble ominously around you.<br> <br> Thankfully, you don't think this too hard a challenge. Knowing you're sitting in a pool of digestive juices isn't exactly conducive to arousal. Or shouldn't be.<br> <br> Then why do you currently have an erection?<br> <br> Aphroú sees your expression and smirks.<br> <br> "Did you think it would be easy?" she says. "I am a sex daemon from the Dominion of Lust. In their inert state my digestive fluids function as a powerful aphrodisiac. They relax the body, make it feel comfortable, fill the mind with impure thoughts... turn you on."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: The Challenge 2]]
Aphroú thrusts out her curvaceous bosom. The lower half is covered in a froth of soapsuds.<br> <br> "I love giving this challenge to the heroes who seek me out. I love their boasts when they claim it won't happen. Then I release more fluids into the water."<br> <br> More bubbles well up to the surface.<br> <br> "I thicken and thicken it into a stew of irresistible desire. I love watching their creeping panic as their bodies start to turn against them. Then their sighs and moans of surrender as their bodies finally betray them."<br> <br> She jiggles her big boobs and giggles as she splashes the surface. Beneath the surface, the hands not currently restraining you resume caressing your naked flesh. Whatever is in the water does feel really nice against your skin. Your dick stays hard and you feel warm and pleasantly tingly all over. Bubbles pop on the surface, filling the air with sweet perfume.<br> <br> "I won't thicken the water too much," Aphroú says. "I will be... as $ says... sporting. I'll only add a little."<br> <br> She bunches up her lips and lightly blows on the surface.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: The Challenge 3]]
You feel a warm stream flow between your legs and tickle your erection. Your cock twitches. More bubbles flow up to the surface and pop. The sweet scent thickens. Aphroú's hands grow more lascivious as they rub against your flesh. It feels like a whole harem is down there, eager to squeeze and caress your naked body. Aphroú is at least sporting enough to leave your genitals alone.<br> <br> Aphroú pouts seductively at you and plays with her tits. She covers them in thick lather and squeezes them together.<br> <br> You start to feel strange. You mind is aware of the danger, but your body feels like it's getting away from you. Running out of your control. Your balls feel swollen and gravid. Your cock is hard, thick, and eager.<br> <br> Aphroú bends over to blow on the surface again. Another stream wells up, this time right under you. Bubbles slide between your butt checks and roll up your spine. At the front they tickle the underside of your balls.<br> <br> Aphroú leans back and plays with her boobs while staring right into your eyes.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Challenge Selector]]
<<if $player.semenCount gt 9>> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<elseif $player.semenCount gt 5>> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <</if>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if not _testPassed and $player.semenCount gt 0>> <<include [[Aphrou: Will Fail]]>> <<elseif $heroScore lt 4 and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Aphrou: Hard Challenge 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Aphrou: Will Pass]]>> <</if>>
Your body trembles uncontrollably. Your balls feel unbearably full.<br> <br> "Ooh, yes, look at my lovely tits," Aphroú says. "Don't you want to spunk all over them. Mmm, yes. Don’t hold back. Spurt it out."<br> <br> She parts her breasts to show off the lush canyon between them, then slowly pushes them together.<br> <br> There is nothing touching your cock. There should be nothing to provide stimulation there at all. But as Aphroú pushes her tits together your imagination creates an image of her pushing them together around your straining erection.<br> <br> That's enough.<br> <br> Your body tenses up. Your hips jerk upwards. You let out a loud sigh as your cock throbs powerfully and releases a long stream of semen into the water. While there's no mechanical stimulation, your cock behaves as though it's wrapped in a tight and willing vagina. You tip your head back and bask in the throes of a powerful and intense orgasm.<br> <br> Aphroú smiles triumphantly. "Their flesh and desire always betrays them."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Digestion 1]]
Your body trembles with pent-up desire. You're actually grateful Aphroú has restrained your arms. You feel so aroused it would be hard to resist the urge to reach down, wrap a hand around your cock, and start masturbating.<br> <br> Then, as if she's read your thoughts, Aphroú does exactly that. A warm hand wraps around your penis and starts pumping up and down.<br> <br> You look at Aphroú in shocked surprise and she returns your gaze with an insouciant and sexy pout.<br> <br> "You're not a hero," Aphroú says. "You lack the build, the boldness. You're nothing more than a fly that had the misfortune to land in my pitcher."<br> <br> A second hand joins the first. Both pump up and down in unison. They stimulate your cock with wristy twists. The bottom hand switches position and forms a cage around your glans. It pumps the swollen head of your cock while the bottom hand smoothly jerks the base. They seem to know your cock better than your own hands. You quiver in pleasure. Your hips push upwards in an unconscious movement.<br> <br> "I told $ I would not thicken my juices," Aphroú says while her other hands masturbate you. "And I won't, not even for a fly. But I will not waste time being 'sporting' when the outcome is inevitable."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Hard Challenge 2]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> Your body trembles with pent-up desire. You're actually grateful Aphroú has restrained your arms. You feel so aroused it would be hard to resist the urge to reach down, wrap a hand around your cock, and start masturbating.<br> <br> As it is, although you feel really pleasant and horny, there's no direct stimulation to your penis. And without direct stimulation to your penis, it isn't enough to tip you over into climax. Given how the soap bubbles around you have taken on a more ominous significance, this is something you are grateful for.<br> <br> You sit there and stare at Aphroú. Her upper body is alluring and arousing. Her large tits are covered in a frothy layer of soapsuds. She's great to look at, but you're also terrified of the consequences of losing control. You hold on.<br> <br> Aphroú finally breaks the stalemate.<br> <br> <<include [[Aphrou: To Sex]]>>
The water bubbles and churns around you. You feel warm streams well up under you and tickle your naked body. Soapy bubbles rise up around you in a thick froth.<br> <br> "Ah, it feels good to let my juices out," Aphroú says.<br> <br> The water warms up around you. It feels like it's getting thicker. She means to digest you like an insect in a pitcher plant, you realise in horror. You struggle frantically. Her many hands hold you firmly in place.<br> <br> "It will feel good for you too," Aphroú says to you across a creamy drift of soap bubbles.<br> <br> Her other hands continue to caress and massage your exposed flesh. There is something in the water that feels slick and slippery. Her hands move over your body as if they're coated in massage oil.<br> <br> Your struggles die down. You don't tire out. It's more like you suddenly feel so relaxed and comfortable you no longer have the desire to move. Aphroú's hands continue to sensually stroke, rub, and knead your flesh. Her touch is so masterful it leaves behind a pleasant warm glow all over your body.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Bad End]]
Her hands lift you up and push you forward until you're on your knees in the soapy water. Her two hands continue to pump your cock. Whatever is in the water adds a layer of slippery smoothness. That and the skilled strokes of her hands make it feel like your pumping back and forth into a tight wet pussy.<br> <br> Aphroú has more hands. Two playfully tweak your nipples. Another lightly cradles and fondles your balls. Another slides a finger sensually down your perineum. The finger tickles around the rim of your anus and then smoothly slides inside.<br> <br> "Come," Aphroú commands. "Let it out. My fluids await to melt you in ecstasy."<br> <br> The water bubbles ominously around you. Bubbles slide up your naked body like naked caresses. Aphroú slows her hands down to give your cock long, slow, and powerful tugs. Her finger continues to worm away pleasantly in your ass while another hand toys with your scrotum.<br> <br> "Come," Aphroú says. "Pump it out."<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed or $player.semenCount lt 1>> <<include [[Aphrou: Hard Challenge: Pass]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Aphrou: Hard Challenge: Fail]]>> <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> You grit your teeth and try to hold out against Aphroú's masturbation. She's unimaginably skilled. All of her hands work in flawless synchronicity. Caressing, stroking, pinching your nipples, playing with your ass, and most of all – smoothly jerking your cock. It takes a supreme effort of will to resist the urge to empty your balls in a great throbbing flood.<br> <br> You fear it is only delaying the inevitable. Aphroú is too skilled. Her hands too numerous. What's in the water adds a smooth film so that it feels like she's stroking and caressing you through a thin layer of sensual massage oil.<br> <br> She's going to break through.<br> <br> And then she stops. Her hands leave your penis. Your body is tipped back until you're sitting back against the wall of the pot.<br> <br> Aphroú looks at you thoughtfully.<br> <br> "Maybe I have misjudged," she says. "There is strength here, if not of the muscles, of the mind."<br> <br> She smiles at you.<br> <br> <<include [[Aphrou: To Sex]]>>
It's too good. The sensation is too much. Your body trembles. You feel it coming and desperately try to hold it back. Aphroú feels it coming and responds by pumping harder and faster. She has you now and isn't going to let you go.<br> <br> "Yes," Aphroú says.<br> <br> Your body tenses. There's nowhere to go. You try desperately to hold on, teetering at the end. Aphroú gives your cock a firm stroke to encourage you... a squeeze of your swollen glans.<br> <br> It's coming.<br> <br> You moan. Your ass clenches around her finger. Your hips thrust. Your cock swells and then the semen is gushing out of you in mighty throbbing spurts.<br> <br> "No more than a fly," Aphroú says contemptuously.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Digestion 1]]
"Mmm, it appears I will have to go hungry," she says. "Your will is strong, and $ decrees I must spare those who prove they have the resolve to want to survive."<br> <br> Aphroú lasciviously strokes her bulging breasts. Her eyelids flutter.<br> <br> "I will not go completely hungry," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Sex 1]]
You jolt in surprise as you feel something warm and fleshy nudge up against the tip of your cock. One of her hand wraps around the base of your penis. Another slides what feels like a warm sheath over your erection. It's soft and tight and feels fleshy. Aphroú strokes it up and down your erection as if it's a luxury sex toy.<br> <br> The sheath is more than that. Aphroú's hand is only needed for the first few strokes. After that, the organic sheath jolts into life and takes over. It sucks in your full length and a soft doughnut of flesh clamps around the base of your cock. The sheath swells and starts to slowly pulsate. Waves of muscular peristalsis roll up your erection and stimulate it with sucking tugs.<br> <br> Aphroú tilts her head back and lets out a low erotic moan.<br> <br> "Do not be alarmed," she says. "My body is different. Think of this as my vagina."<br> <br> Sighing in pleasure, Aphroú slides lower into the water until only her head is above the layer of soapy froth. Her hands pull your body into the same position. Some continue to hold you in place while others sensually caress your body. The unseen fleshy something continues to pulsate around your cock. The waves of undulating suction make it feel like you're thrusting back and forth into a lusciously tight pussy.<br> <br> This feels supremely comfortable. It's also supremely dangerous.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Sex 2]]
Feeling warm jets of water tickle against your skin and seeing more perfumed froth bubble up around you reminds you of where you are and the consequences of giving in to the pleasure. You try to hold back the urge to come. The squeezing, fleshy //something// currently sucking away on your dick makes it very difficult.<br> <br> "It's okay. These are not my digestive juices. Not my //proper// digestive juices," Aphroú amends with a toothy smile. "These are to encourage and help the body. Make it nice and juicy."<br> <br> A hand reaches between your legs and lightly fondles your balls. Other hands continue their sensual caresses. The fleshy //something// continues to pulse and suck.<br> <br> Aphroú closes her eyes and sighs. She moves a hand down between her legs. Her hand lightly pumps your testicles. Another hand sends a finger down your perineum and then tickling up between your butt cheeks. You feel the fleshy sheath tighten around your cock.<br> <br> "You can come," Aphroú says. "You've already passed the test. Your semen won't come into contact with my digestive enzymes to activate them. I'll suck it away. Suck it down into me."<br> <br> She gives another low erotic moan.<br> <br> The fleshy sheath throbs faster around your cock. Each throb feels like a stroke of pure silk. Aphroú cradles and gently fondles your balls. Her finger lightly circles your anus. Other fingers playfully tweak your nipples. Your body trembles from the sensual overload. You feel yourself begin to peak despite your best efforts to hold it back.<br> <br> "They never believe me," Aphroú chuckles. "They always keep desperately trying to hold on. I don't mind. It's fun to suck them to orgasm when they're fighting it all the way."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Aphrou: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Aphrou: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
You try to fight her all the way. You writhe beneath her erotic assault and desperately try to cling on.<br> <br> And cling on you do.<br> <br> Eventually Aphroú ceases tormenting you. Her beautiful face is marred by a frown.<br> <br> "This is a little more than regular resistance," she says.<br> <br> The fleshy sheath attacks your cock with a monstrous pulsating squeeze. That triggers a gasp from you. Your hips buck involuntarily. Your cock throbs helplessly in climax... and spits out the tiniest dribble.<br> <br> "As I thought, already drained."<br> <br> Aphroú scoffs.<br> <br> "No wonder you were able to resist," she says. "It wasn't willpower. Your body has nothing left."<br> <br> The fleshy something slides off your cock.<br> <br> "Oh well, it looks like I'll be dissolving you after all," Aphroú says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Digestion 1]]
And suck you to orgasm she does. Your resistance breaks and you finally unload your balls in a satisfying throbbing gush. The fleshy sheath pulsates and sucks the semen out of you almost as fast as you can ejaculate it.<br> <br> You collapse back and wait for the inevitable. At least you got to go out with a thoroughly satisfying orgasm beforehand.<br> <br> <<if $heroScore gt 5 and $player.semenCount gt 0>> <<include [[Aphrou: Hero Drain 1]]>> <<else>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Aphrou: Black Rose End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Aphrou: Regular Sex Stop 1]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
Then it happens. Your hips buck and you spurt out a long and lazy stream of cum. It takes you by surprise. The climax feels like a leisurely walk to the crest of a hill rather than a sharp sudden peak.<br> <br> "Ah, that's good," Aphroú says. "My juices are starting to take effect."<br> <br> Her hands focus down on your crotch. They stroke your cock and gently fondle your balls. Her fingernails lightly stroke your scrotal sac. It feels like she's gathering up your energy and pulling it down into your testicles.<br> <br> You lie back, supported by her hands. Another long lazy ejaculation pours from your cock.<br> <br> "Let it out," Aphroú says. "It will speed up the process."<br> <br> Semen starts pouring from your cock in a constant stream. You can't move at all. The water thickens around you. Soap bubbles froth up high enough to cover your head. Beneath them, you slowly dissolve away. The one consolation is that it doesn't feel bad, not at all. You melt away in pure bliss.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Aphrou: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<unset $heroScore>> <<unset $wasHero>>
"Ooh ooh ooh," Aphroú gasps. "It's so good. I just can't resist a good hero."<br> <br> The water bubbles ominously around you. You feel warm currents well up underneath you. The surface froths up more with a thick layer of soapy bubbles. You're almost buried beneath frothy drifts. Aphroú's arms wrap tighter around you to hold you in place.<br> <br> "I have to have more," Aphroú says.<br> <br> Aphroú moans erotically as the strange fleshy sheath bunches up and sucks your cock deeper into it. The soft walls squeeze in and a slow, powerful pulsation sends a tugging stroke up your shaft. Your cock isn't about to soften after that last ejaculation. Aphroú isn't about to let it.<br> <br> She slides a finger into your bum. Her other fingers do... things... with your balls.<br> <br> "I must have it all," Aphroú says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Hero Drain: Low]]
The fleshy sheath slides off your cock and is drawn away from you.<br> <br> You sit and wait for the worst.<br> <br> It doesn't happen.<br> <br> Aphroú laughs at you. "I told you it was okay to come in my pussy."<br> <br> She seems to be right. You don't feel any acidic burning sensation. You don't appear to melting or dissolving. Aphroú must have been telling the truth when she said it was okay to ejaculate in the fleshy... //something//.<br> <br> "They never believe me," Aphroú laughs.<br> <br> You lie back amongst the piles of frothy soap bubbles. Aphroú supports you with many pairs of hands. They are no longer restraining you. All are engaged in giving you a relaxing cooldown massage. You feel thoroughly comfortable in the warm water. You lie like that for a while, luxuriating in the soapy water. Unlike a regular bath, the water does not cool around you.<br> <br> "You shouldn't get too comfortable," Aphroú warns. "I can only hold back my instincts – and juices – for so long."<br> <br> More froth bubbles up around you.<br> <br> Yeah, you shouldn't stay here.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Regular Sex Stop 2]]
Your cock is gripped by a series of slow sucking gulps. Slow... but powerful. It feels like Aphroú is trying to suck your balls out through your cock. You're sucked back to full hardness after the second suck and trembling at the threshold of climax after the fifth.<br> <br> Aphroú pants with arousal. "I'll suck it all out. Suck those balls dry."<br> <br> She tips her head back and lets out a long erotic moan. You do the same as a powerful throbbing pulse grips the base of your penis and rolls up the shaft. It sucks the orgasm right out of you. You shudder in uncontrollable ecstasy and spurt a monstrous ejaculation into the fleshy suction.<br> <br> Aphroú cries in erotic delight. The waters churn and froth around you.<br> <br> Aphroú gives you a brief pause, then that powerful throbbing suction starts up again. There is no way you could follow up with another orgasm, you think. Aphroú has other ideas. Her fingers know all the secret places to touch. Her fleshy sheath continues to stroke and squeeze.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Hero Drain: Low End]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Hero Drain: Med]] <</if>>
Aphroú's hands don't impede you as you stand up. Thankfully your skin appears to just be clean rather than dissolved. You feel none the worse from the experience. Despite appearances, it was no different to taking a long bath.<br> <br> Aphroú helps you climb up and step out of the giant pot. Still covered in a frothy layer of soapsuds, you climb down the woody branches and back to the floor. One of Aphroú's vines is waiting with a towel. You use it to dry yourself off.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> <<include [[Aphrou: Good End]]>>
The woody vines blocking the path between the pillars retreat.<br> <br> "Come back if you're ever curious to experience the true pleasures of my bath pitcher," Aphroú says. "The legends do not lie. Heaven can be found within my warm soapy waters."<br> <br> You thank her, put your clothes back on and walk back down the hill to the waiting doorway.<br> <br> /* scoring is handled elsewhere */ /* faction increase */ <<if $wasHero>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <</if>> <<include [[Aphrou: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Your arousal builds and builds until it peaks and you explode in orgasm again. Your body shudders in delight as you spurt more semen into the fleshy sucking thing.<br> <br> "Oh so much," Aphroú sighs.<br> <br> Again, she allows you only a brief pause before resuming her erotic assault. <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <br><br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Hero Drain: Med End]] <<else>> She really means to suck your balls dry and there isn't anything you can do to stop her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Hero Drain: High]] <</if>>
This time to no avail. Your body shudders and bucks, but you've already pumped out all you can. Your balls were already pretty drained before entering the room. It didn't take much from Aphroú to empty them completely.<br> <br> Aphroú sighs in disappointment.<br> <br> "Ah, I was hoping for more. A pity. $'s girls have already drunk heavily from you, I see."<br> <br> <<include [[Aphrou: Hero Drain: Combined End]]>>
This time to no effect. Your body shudders and bucks beneath her attentions, but she can't wring another ejaculation out of it.<br> <br> Aphroú smiles.<br> <br> "I shouldn't be surprised," she says. "A House of hungry succubi doesn't leave much. At least I got a few lusty gulps out of you."<br> <br> <<include [[Continue.->Aphrou: Hero Drain: Combined End]]>>
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Surrounded by the warm soapy water, you shudder in the throes of a massive orgasm, and another, and another. You pump it all out until you can't ejaculate anymore. Your cock continues to throb within the fleshy sheath, although no more comes out.<br> <br> "Ah, ah," she says as if recovering from multiple orgasms of her own. "So much. So thick and creamy, and heroic. I love it."<br> <br> Aphroú sighs in contentment.<br> <br> "Mmm, it's rare I get so much," she says. "$'s girls have normally already taken a lion's share of the heroes before they get to visit me. What an unexpected treat."<br> <br> While your bodies are far apart in the pot, you both lie back and pant as if you've just finished a strenuous bout of frantic lovemaking.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Hero Drain: Combined End]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> The fleshy sheath slides off your cock and is drawn away from you.<br> <br> "That was a little naughty of me," Aphroú says. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't resist."<br> <br> You lie back amongst the piles of frothy soap bubbles. Aphroú supports you with many pairs of hands. They are longer restraining you. All are engaged in giving you a relaxing cooldown massage.<br> <br> You also don't appear to be feeling the worse for wear. You don't feel any acidic burning sensation. You don't appear to be melting or dissolving. Aphroú must have been telling the truth when she said it was okay to ejaculate in the fleshy... //something//.<br> <br> You feel thoroughly comfortable in the warm water. You lie like that for a while, luxuriating in the soapy water. Unlike a regular bath, the water does not cool around you.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Aphrou: Black Rose End]]>> <<else>> "You look comfortable," Aphroú says. "You don't have to leave. You can stay here and be with me forever."<br> <br> [[Choose to stay.->Aphrou: Hero Drain: Choose to Stay]]<br> [[Choose to leave.->Aphrou: Hero Drain: Choose to Leave]] <</if>>
You feel so relaxed and comfortable, you don't want to leave. You remain sitting in the lovely warm water while Aphroú's many hands continue to attend to you.<br> <br> "I see you want to stay," Aphroú says. "You won't regret it."<br> <br> <<include [[Aphrou: Digestion 1]]>>
More froth bubbles up around you. You feel incredibly warm, relaxed, and comfortable. So much so that you know if you don't make a move soon, you won't be able to.<br> <br> You tell Aphroú it's time you should be going.<br> <br> Her hands don't impede you as you stand up. Thankfully your skin appears to just be clean rather than dissolved. You feel none the worse from the experience. Despite appearances, it was no different to taking a long bath.<br> <br> Aphroú helps you climb up and step out of the giant pot. Still covered in a frothy layer of soapsuds, you climb down the woody branches and back to the floor. One of Aphroú's vines is waiting with a towel. You use it to dry yourself off.<br> <br> Another vine brings you a pouch filled with coins.<br> <br> "I got a little carried away and sucked all the cum out of your balls," Aphroú says. "Consider this my apology. You should visit the nurse and buy some of her special restorative tonics before visiting another girl. This should cover the cost."<br> <br> The pouch contains 9 <<print $currencyName + "s.">> They are exceptionally clean. It's probably best not to think too hard about how they came to be in Aphroú's possession.<br> <br> <<set $ += 9>> <<set $wasHero to true>> <<include [[Aphrou: Good End]]>>
<<set $heroScore to $allHarlots[$hi].affection>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Initial Hero Score = $heroScore''<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $player.currStr gt 3>> <<set $heroScore += 2>> <</if>> <<if $player.currAgi gt 3>> <<set $heroScore += 2>> <</if>> <<if not $player.currIsSubmissive and not $player.currIsCautious>> <<set $heroScore += 2>> <</if>> <<if $player.currIsSerious>> <<set $heroScore += 1>> <</if>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Hero Score after Player Stats = $heroScore''<br> <br> <</if>>
"And now time to end the pretence and give you the ultimate bliss you requested," Aphroú says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Aphrou: Digestion 1]]
"Ah yes. Aphroú Kanáta ton Ouránia, the Great Díroasalýtis. I'd heard of her before arriving here. Her fame extends beyond this House."<br> <br> $ pulls out a black notebook.<br> <br> "Tell me about your experiences with her."<br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br><br> "Grapes, you say," $ questions you as you mention the gift you brought Aphroú.<br> <br> His bushy eyebrows raise.<br> <br> "Given her somewhat... ahem... fearsome reputation, I would not have thought that something she'd like."<br> <br> <<elseif _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <br><br> "Ah yes, the classic way to get a carnivorous predator on your side," $ says as you mention the gift you brought Aphroú. "Fill her belly first!"<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
/* Full drain */ <<if _scoreArray[5][1] and not _osa[5][2]>> "And she drained them, right to the last drop," $ says, glancing down at your crotch. "I'll take your word for it. If there's one thing the devils in here are expert at, it's draining a man of all his seed."<br> <br> He grimaces.<br> <br> "You should visit the nurse at the first opportunity. She'll have tonics to restore your... ahem... potency. If the horrors in here find no seed to take, they'll take your soul instead."<br> <br> $ slaps his hands on the table.<br> <br> "As for money, it sounds like Aphroú has already done that for me," he chuckles.<br> <br> He sees your glare and laughs nervously.<br> <br> "Ah, but I jest." /* Hard challenge */ <<elseif _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> "What an ordeal," $ says. "It must have taken a supreme act of will to hold on in the face of her aggressive... stimulation. I doff my hat to you."<br> <br> $ does not actually doff his hat.<br> <br> "At least she played somewhat fair. On our esteemed Madam's instructions, I imagine."<br> <br> $ runs a hand through his moustache.<br> <br> "I don't think this is an experience I'd choose to seek out. If I wanted a soapy bath with a nubile young hussy, there are nymphs in here that are far safer." <<else>> "How surprising," $ says. "Given Aphroú's reputation, I was expecting a far sterner challenge. Maybe it's true she is going easy on men at the bequest of $ However..."<br> <br> His nostrils bristle as he clicks his teeth.<br> <br> "...that might be down to how she personally feels about the man. She has never looked at me with anything other than naked contempt." $ sighs. <</if>>
/* Squidgii and Squishii */ <<set $hi to 73>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Squidgii and Squishii", shortDescription: "", isMultiplePeople: true, faction: 3, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Squidgii: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Squidgii: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Squidgii: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Squidgii: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Squidgii: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Squidgii: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Squidgii: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Squidgii: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a pair of short girls with noticeable curves at their breasts and hips. Their most unusual feature is they're a uniform shade of cream all over – skin, hair, eyes, even clothes.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is the lovely Squidgii and Squishii."<br> <br> $ looks from one to the other.<br> <br> "Or Squishii and Squidgii."<br> <br> She clucks in annoyance.<br> <br> "I can never tell them apart."<br> <br> /* Long description */ You can't tell them apart either. Squidgii and Squishii could be twins. They're both short and cheerful girls with very large boobs.<br> <br> The oddest thing about them is their uniformity of colour all the way through. They're pale cream in colour and look like they've been freshly popped from a mould – like white chocolate or cream jelly.<br> <br> Their clothing doesn't make much sense. Above the waist they have nothing. You can see their perky little nipples sticking out like bolts. Although, given the uniformity of colour, maybe they're wearing skintight bodysuits. In contrast to their upper halves, their lower halves are fully covered in dresses that are long enough to brush the floor.<br> <br> Squidgii and Squishii seem excessively cheerful. Their 'hair' – if it is that – forms fluffy pom-poms on the tops of their heads.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Squidgii and Squishii smoothly slide across the stage to you.<br> <br> "I'm Squidgii," the first one says.<br> <br> "And I'm Squishii," the other says.<br> <br> "We would love to give you a blissful squish between us," they say together.<br>
"Squidgii and Squishii? Aren't they an adorable pair. Not very bright, but adorable."<br> <br> $ chuckles nastily.<br> <br> "They're Shuurshueo, from Soperifican. Soperifican borders the Dominion of Sloth and is home to some of the laziest lust daemons imaginable. They had someone – might have been $, though I doubt she remembers – create the Shuurshueo for them as a servitor race. Shuurshueo capture souls and restrain them until one of their mistresses comes along and fancies a fuck."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "Squidgii and Squishii left Soperifican and wandered aimlessly until Priti Nāndyāh took them under her wing. Under her guidance they decided their true purpose was to bring ultimate bliss to all humans, with the emphasis on //ultimate//."<br> <br> $ chuckles nastily again.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Like all of the lust daemons in here, they still have to abide by $'s 'rules'. Their game is all about picking the right one.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Squishii is drawn to people of a gloomy disposition while Squidgii prefers those of a cheerier persuasion. Or is it the other way around.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ shrugs.\<br\>\<br\>\"I never could tell them apart.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Squidgii and Squishii are modified slimes. They possess the same appetites.\""}>>
Squidgii and Squishii take an arm each and accompany you out into the bar. They take you to one of the side booths and squeeze up tight on either side of you.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Squidgii: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Squidgii: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br> <br> "Oh, what do we do now?" Squishii asks.<br> <br> "We have to leave," Squidgii says.<br> <br> Squishii looks longingly at you. "Aw. Do we have to?"<br> <br> "Yes, $'s rules."<br> <br> They slide out from either end of the table and come together to give you a friendly wave.<br> <br> "Don't forget us," Squidgii says.<br> <br> "Come up to our room," Squishii says.<br> <br> Then they smoothly glide back over to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and two milkshakes for Squidgii and Squishii.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsGloomy>> "He seems gloomy, don't you think," Squishii says.<br> <br> "He does seem a little glum," Squidgii comments.<br> <br> "Are you gloomy, mister?" Squishii asks.<br> <br> You try to protest you aren't.<br> <br> "It's okay, mister," Squidgii says.<br> <br> "We'll cheer you up," Squishii says.<br> <br> "Nana says all the gloomy people should be brought pleasure to cheer them up," Squidgii says. <<set $harlotOnTop to "Squishii">> <<else>> "He seems very cheerful," Squishii says.<br> <br> "Yes, very smiley," Squidgii says.<br> <br> "We like cheery people," Squishii says.<br> <br> "Though Nana says we should bring pleasure to all," Squidgii says.<br> <br> "We especially like bringing pleasure to cheery people," Squishii says. <<set $harlotOnTop to "Squidgii">> <</if>><br> <br> "And we're really good at bringing men pleasure," $harlotOnTop says with a far less innocent tone.<br> <br> She takes your hand and pulls it down into her lap. Rather than stopping at her dress, your hand plunges right in as if she's combination of warm cream and jelly. Your hand tingles pleasantly. It's like being buried in super thick frothy cream.<br> <br> The smile $harlotOnTop gives you is definitely not innocent.<br> <br> "You'll really enjoy being <<if $player.currIsGloomy>>squished<<else>>squidged<</if>> between us," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> They get up, slide out from their seats, give you a friendly wave, and then smoothly glide back to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Squidgii: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Squidii: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [8,false,false], /* Chose Squidgii */ [8,false,false] /* Chose Squishii */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Squidgii: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Squidgii: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Squidgii and Squishii's room is a little hard on the eyes. Everything is the same uniform cream colour as Squidgii and Squishii themselves. The walls, floor, ceiling are painted a pale, almost white, shade of cream. You think there might be patterns – whorls and swirls – but the gradation in colour is so fine it might just be your eyes playing tricks on you. The only furniture in the room is strange modern art sculptures. The curves on them are vaguely sensual and erotic, but also too abstract to make anything out. Some look like little more than the bubbles of a lava lamp. The sculptures are the same shade of cream as everything else in the room. If it wasn't for their shadows, you'd have trouble picking them out at all.<br> <br> The same is true of Squidgii and Squishii. They're also the same shade of cream and would be perfectly camouflaged without their shadows.<br> <br> Their appearance is an enigma. Both are short and very curvaceous. So much so, their tits would still look big on a woman twice their height. They appear to be naked from the waist up, while wearing floor-length skirts that cover their legs. Everything – their clothes, their skin, their eyes, their pom-pom hair – is the same uniform shade of pale cream. They look like jellies freshly popped from a mould.<br> <br> They see you enter and break out into bright smiles.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsGloomy>> "Come in, Gloomy Gus," Squishii says.<br> <br> "We'll soon cheer you up," Squidgii says. <<else>> "Yay, it's the Cheerful Chappie," Squishii says.<br> <br> "We're going to have a lot of fun together," Squidgii adds. <</if>><br> <br> You walk into the room and hold up your gift. You're a little confused as to which one you should present it to.<br> <br> [[You present your gift.->Squidgii: Gift]]
<<if $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(13)>> <<include [[Squidgii: Gift: Macabre]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(5,7)>> <<include [[Squidgii: Gift: Sensual]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(6,15)>> <<include [[Squidgii: Gift: Smutty]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(0,1)>> <<include [[Squidgii: Gift: Edible]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(4)>> <<include [[Squidgii: Gift: Romantic]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(3,8)>> <<include [[Squidgii: Gift: Pretty]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(14)>> <<include [[Squidgii: Gift: Bodyparts]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Squidgii: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> Squidgii takes the gift and drops it in a basin-like structure at the back of the room.<br> <br> "Clothes off," Squishii says to you.<br> <br> You strip off. Squishii comes forward to collect them. While doing so she lets her hand stray down to your crotch and give it a cheeky stroke. She takes them off to the side of the room.<br> <br> Both smoothly glide back to you. They don't seem to walk as such. That's why their movements seem a little odd. There is no up and down to them. They seem to glide rather than walk, as if their dresses are on castors.<br> <br> "And now the hard part," Squidgii says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Choose 1]]
<<if $player.currIsGloomy>> "See, I told you he was a Gloomy Gus," Squishii says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Very gloomy," Squidgii says sagely as she examines the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "We'll make him feel better when we squish him," Squishii says.<br> <br> "Bring pleasure to all, as Nana says," Squidgii says. <<else>> "I thought you said he was a Cheerful Chappie," Squidgii says.<br> <br> "This isn't very cheerful," Squishii says as she examines the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "No matter, we'll make him feel good when we squidge him between us," Squidgii says. <</if>>
"I think I know what this one wants," Squidgii says to Squishii with a sly grin as she accepts the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "You came to the right place," Squishii says.<br> <br> "Nana taught us well," Squidgii says.<br> <br> "We'll treat your body so well you'll feel like you're melting in bliss," Squishii says.
"Ooh, a naughty one," Squidgii says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "We like the naughty ones," Squishii says.<br> <br> "We like getting up to naughty things with them."
"Ooh, yummy," they both say.<br> <br> <<if $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(0)>> "We don't actually need to eat human food," Squidgii says. <<else>> "We don't actually need to drink human drink." Squishii says. <</if>><br> <br> "But we do enjoy it," the other says.
"Oh, here's a romantic one," Squishii says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "We like the romantic ones," Squidgii says.<br> <br> "They make our hearts flutter," Squishii says.
"Ooh look at that," Squidgii says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "Isn't it pretty."<br> <br> "Ooh yes, so pretty," Squishii says.<br> <br> Both turn to you.<br> <br> "We love pretty presents."
"Oh, it's human bits," Squishii says.<br> <br> Cheerfully, she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you and doesn't seem bothered by how macabre <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it is.<<else>>they are.<</if>> Squidgii comes over to give it an experimental prod.<br> <br> "It's no good when they're outside the body and separate like this," Squidgii says.<br> <br> "No fun at all," Squishii says.<br> <br> "We'll give <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> to one of the other girls," Squidgii says.<br> <br> "It will make them so happy," they say in unison.<br> <br> They turn and give you bright smiles.
"What is it?" Squishii asks.<br> <br> "I have no idea," Squidgii says as she turns the gift over in her hands.<br> <br> They both seem nonplussed by the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "$ leaves out the strangest things," Squishii says.
"You have to choose one of us," Squishii says.<br> <br> Choose? You look from one to the other.<br> <br> "We'll both be involved," both say simultaneously.<br> <br> "We'll both get to squidge," Squidgii says.<br> <br> "And squish," Squishii says.<br> <br> "But only one of us gets the D," they both finish.<br> <br> That does make sense. You only have one penis after all.<br> <br> "One goes on the bottom," Squidgii says.<br> <br> "One goes on top," Squishii says.<br> <br> "And they get the D," Squidgii says.<br> <br> "You decide," Squishii says.<br> <br> Both smile pleasantly at you. They look completely identical. You think it's Squidgii and Squishii, but it could just as easily be Squishii and Squidgii.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Choose 2]]
"It's okay," Squidgii says.<br> <br> "We know the choice is difficult," Squishii says.<br> <br> "We're both equally excellent," both say.<br> <br> "It will feel really nice no matter which of us you choose." Squidgii says.<br> <br> "And the one who isn't chosen won't take it personally," Squishii says.<br> <br> "We're not like that," Squidgii says.<br> <br> "We don't mind either way," Squishii says.<br> <br> "So you don't have to worry too much about who you choose."<br> <br> "It will be the same pleasure either way."<br> <br> "You'll enjoy being squidged."<br> <br> "You'll enjoy being squished."<br> <br> You're not sure how to choose. Both look identical.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Choose 3]]
You also think about what you know of the House. This is $'s game, where the player's choices determine whether they live or die. Is this another of those choices? And if it is, how can you tell. Squidgii and Squishii are completely indistinguishable.<br> <br> Squidgii and Squishii seem to relish your discomfort.<br> <br> "Some men flip a coin to decide," Squidgii suggests.<br> <br> "We don't mind," Squishii says.<br> <br> "But you need to make a choice," Squidgii says.<br> <br> Which will it be?<br> <br> [[Squidgii.->Squidgii: Choose Squidgii]]<br> [[Squishii.->Squidgii: Choose Squishii]]
<<set $harlotOnTop to "Squidgii">> <<set $harlotBelow to "Squishii">> <<include [[Squidgii: Made Choice]]>>
<<set $harlotOnTop to "Squishii">> <<set $harlotBelow to "Squidgii">> <<include [[Squidgii: Made Choice]]>>
You pick $harlotOnTop. Neither $harlotOnTop or $harlotBelow show any particular reaction to your decision. $harlotBelow doesn't seem disappointed and $harlotOnTop doesn't seem overjoyed. They merely smile and nod to each other.<br> <br> "Okay, come forward and stand here," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> She directs you to stand in the centre of the room. $harlotBelow moves around behind you, out of sight.<br> <br> You stand in the middle of the room and feel a little bemused. You're not sure what's going to happen next. Are $harlotOnTop and $harlotBelow going to take their dresses off. Where are you going to have sex – the floor?<br> <br> "Ready?" $harlotOnTop looks past you and asks $harlotBelow.<br> <br> $harlotBelow lets out a little sigh as an answer. A soft mass flows into the back of you. It runs into the back of your knees and upends you so you topple backwards into a soft, yielding mass. Your arms and legs sink into it. $harlotBelow wraps arms around your body and pulls you down. The back of your head rests against two soft bulges and you realise they're $harlotBelow's big tits.<br> <br> You look down and realise you appear to be lying on top of a giant pile of cream. Your legs and arms are sunk into the mass. It's much thicker than cream, though, and also has a strange bouncy feel to it – as if you're lying on top of a waterbed made out of thick, cloying mud.<br> <br> "I'm the bottom," $harlotBelow says cheerfully.<br> <br> "And I'm the top," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> You watch as a strange transformation overcomes her. Her dress starts to swell and puff out like a cake rising in an oven. She keeps swelling and rising until it looks like she's been dropped up to the waist into a giant dollop of cream.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Restrain]]
$harlotOnTop sighs. "Ah, it feels so good to let it out after holding it in for so long."<br> <br> What are they? You voice it aloud.<br> <br> "Oh, we're Shuurshueo," $harlotBelow says.<br> <br> "Our progenitors were created eons back to serve other lust daemons," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> "We're both a restraint and comfy bed to fuck on," $harlotBelow says.<br> <br> She draws your hands and feet deeper into her mass and thickens the substance of her body around them until they're gently but firmly held. She parts her tits and pulls you back until your head is resting between them as if they're pillows.<br> <br> "There. Comfy?" she asks.<br> <br> It is, but you're also firmly restrained.<br> <br> "We catch humans and hold them in place for our succubi and incubi masters to come by and fuck them," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Cover]]
"We're very bouncy," $harlotBelow says.<br> <br> She demonstrates by bouncing you up and down on top of her. It feels like you're lying on top of a mass of molten rubber.<br> <br> "Great to fuck on," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> $harlotOnTop flows smoothly across the floor until her creamy mass is pushing up against $harlotBelow's.<br> <br> "We got tired of catching humans for other lust daemons," $harlotBelow says.<br> <br> "Why should they get all the cum," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> She slides up over $harlotBelow's mass and covers your legs, crotch and stomach with her warm creamy body. It feels like being covered by an extra-thick duvet.<br> <br> "So we decided to catch them for each other," $harlotBelow says.<br> <br> "And have fun <<if $harlotOnTop eq "Squidgii">>squidging<<else>> squishing<</if>> them between us," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> $harlotOnTop covers most of your body and then lifts herself and bunches her creamy mass up. She comes down and your erection pushes up into... something. It feels like a vagina, but one that's been filled with warm cream. The soft substance squirts out and overflows your crotch. You let out a moan of pleasure to go with $harlotOnTop's sigh.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Nana]]
"Then we found Nana," $harlotBelow says.<br> <br> "She was okay with what we were doing," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> "She said it was good."<br> <br> "Some of the succubi and incubi..."<br> <br> "...especially the incubi."<br> <br> "They weren't very nice to the humans."<br> <br> "They were rough with the humans."<br> <br> "Hurt them."<br> <br> "Nana said that was wrong."<br> <br> "That the highest calling was to bring pleasure and total bliss."<br> <br> "And that's what we do."<br> <br> "We're soft."<br> <br> "Gentle."<br> <br> "We make the human feel comfortable."<br> <br> "Relaxed."<br> <br> "We wrap our bodies around them."<br> <br> "Wrap them up in bliss."<br> <br> "They love it."<br> <br> $harlotOnTop seems to melt around you until you're enveloped in a single warm mass. It feels like nothing you're ever experienced. Comfy. Nice.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(21) and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Tastes Charm]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Sex 1]] <</if>>
$harlotOnTop pauses. "This one doesn't taste too good," she says. "I think he's seen Baba."<br> <br> "Yes, he has," $harlotBelow says. "I can see her mark on his shoulder."<br> <br> "That one makes humans taste foul," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> "Really vile," $harlotBelow adds.<br> <br> "I will put up with it," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> "As Nana says. We must always bring pleasure. Even through adversity."<br> <br> "And I will," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> She spreads her creamy body over the top of you and bounces on your crotch.<br> <br> "I won't be able to take you all the way and bring you ultimate bliss," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> "Baba's magic makes humans taste really horrible," $harlotBelow explains.<br> <br> "I will give you a big fat orgasm," $harlotOnTop continues. "You'll have to be satisfied with just that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Sex 1]]
$harlotOnTop covers you until only your head is exposed. It feels like lying on top of one massive cream-covered waterbag with another warm, cream-covered waterbag lying on top of you. $harlotOnTop manoeuvres your cock into the best position and starts smoothly bouncing up and down.<br> <br> The constitution of their bodies is a little strange. Their bodies look and feel like giant dollops of cream. They feel as insubstantial as such. Up to a point. Then their bodies take on the constitution of strong elastic rubber.<br> <br> "We're very creamy," $harlotOnTop says as she moves up and down on top of you.<br> <br> "And also very bouncy," $harlotBelow says.<br> <br> "Perfect for squidging|squishing a man between us," they say in unison.<br> <br> It's definitely bouncier than their appearances would suggest. As $harlotOnTop moves up and down on top of you it feels like you're having sex with a lithe young woman on top of a giant water balloon, after being squirted with industrial amounts of warm cream. It's... odd, but also undeniably pleasant. Your cock slides back and forth inside a tight something that feels like it's filled with thick cream.<br> <br> "Ah, I think he's starting to enjoy it now," $harlotOnTop says. Her big boobs bounce up and down with her movements.<br> <br> "They all do once we get going," $harlotBelow says.<br> <br> She shifts position underneath you. She slides back and up until her big soft boobs are resting on your face. They also bounce with $harlotOnTop's movements. $harlotBelow adds her own bounce, causing her lovely big tits to pleasantly jostle your face. Her movements cause waves to run through her liquid form. Each crest at your buttocks drives your cock up deeper into $harlotOnTop's creamy pussy.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Sex 2]]
$harlotOnTop and $harlotBelow start working in tandem. Your body rocks and sways between them. Each rolling wave plunges your cock deeper into $harlotOnTop. More luxurious cream squirts out and tingles pleasantly against your crotch.<br> <br> "Squish, squish, squish," Squishii says.<br> <br> "Squidge, squidge, squidge," Squidgii says.<br> <br> Both seem to be enjoying themselves enormously. You're also enjoying what they're doing. Whatever your dick is pushing up into feels lusciously creamy, and the sensations quickly have your cock hard and twitching. The substance your arms and legs is embedded in, while too thick to allow movement, also feels luxuriously creamy against your skin. Looking up, you're treated to the sight of their big heavy boobs bouncing with their movements.<br> <br> "Shall we make him add his cream to ours?" $harlotBelow asks.<br> <br> "Yes, I think he's close," $harlotOnTop says. "A little faster and I'll have his cream."<br> <br> "More bounce," $harlotBelow suggests.<br> <br> "And more cream," $harlotOnTop adds.<br> <br> $harlotOnTop thickens her creamy body on top of you. $harlotBelow seems to become bouncier. Both bounce higher and faster. Your body rides the waves of pleasure between them. Your cock drives deeper up into $harlotOnTop's creamy pussy. Each bounce feels like a long luscious stroke.<br> <br> "More squish," Squishii says.<br> <br> "More squidge," Squidgii says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Squidgii: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Squidgii: Ejaculaton]]>> <</if>>
It feels really good.<br> <br> Your body bucks. You think it a prelude to orgasm, but the climax never arrives. Instead you feel an uncomfortable, slightly dry feeling in your balls. Your cock throbs, but nothing comes out.<br> <br> "Did he cream you?" $harlotBelow asks.<br> <br> $harlotOnTop's face screws up in puzzlement.<br> <br> "No, he didn't."<br> <br> "Is he out?"<br> <br> "Yes, I think $'s other succubi have already drained him to empty."<br> <br> They're right. You've had a lot of sex in the House this night. You don't think you have anything left in the tank, although your body tries to spasm as if it had.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(21) and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Out of Semen: Charm]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Out of Semen: Bad End]] <</if>>
And too much stimulation.<br> <br> You feel it coming. It rolls up from your toes. You feel muscles tense then release in glorious climax. The next time $harlotOnTop drops down and your cock plunges deeper into her soft vagina, it triggers a monstrous throbbing ejaculation. You groan in bliss as you pump out a massive load inside her.<br> <br> "Oh yes," $harlotOnTop says in triumph.<br> <br> "Is he creaming you?" $harlotBelow asks.<br> <br> "Oh yes," $harlotOnTop sighs. "Lots of lovely cream."<br> <br> Both settle down on you. $harlotBelow resting her big tits on your face. $harlotOnTop resting them on your chest. They gently squeeze you between them as your climax subsides to pleasant little twitches.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(21) and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Good End 1]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Bad End 1]] <</if>>
"Is that enough?" $harlotOnTop asks.<br> <br> "Yes, look at his face."<br> <br> $harlotOnTop looks down at you and smiles.<br> <br> "Ooh yes. He looks like he's experienced a moment of pure bliss."<br> <br> "Nana will approve. We've done our duty."<br> <br> "Yes, I can get off now."<br> <br> $harlotOnTop slowly slides off your body and back onto the floor. Your naked body, especially your cock, appears to be covered in a creamy substance, but is otherwise fine.<br> <br> $harlotOnTop pulls the creamy mass of her body into herself. It shrinks and compacts until you're once again looking at an unusual half-naked girl with big tits, a floor-length skirt, and who also happens to be the same uniform cream colour all over.<br> <br> "I'm sorry we couldn't bring you ultimate bliss," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> "Please forgive us," $harlotBelow says.<br> <br> She also undergoes the same process of pulling the creamy mass of her body together and compacting it back into the form of a dress. As the mass retreats, your arms and legs are released and you're lowered back to the floor. You crouch there unsteadily as your jangling nerves recover from the intense orgasm.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Good End 2]]
"That was a good one," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> "Creamy?"<br> <br> "Very."<br> <br> $harlotOnTop smiles down at you.<br> <br> "And it's just the first," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> After a short pause to let you recover, $harlotOnTop starts bouncing up and down again. $harlotBelow does the same, until once again your body is rising and falling on waves of pure pleasure.<br> <br> "He's given us his cream."<br> <br> "We should give him some of ours in return."<br> <br> You're briefly concerned by the implication of that, until you feel it all over your skin. It bubbles up from the edges of $harlotOnTop and $harlotBelow's forms. It looks like frothy soap bubbles, but feels thicker – as if the bubbles are made from viscid cream.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Bad End 2]]
"You've been cursed by Baba," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> "She's put her mark on you," $harlotBelow says. She pats you behind the shoulder.<br> <br> "We'd love to envelop you in our creamy bodies until you melt away in pure bliss."<br> <br> "But we can't."<br> <br> "Baba's charm hurts too much."<br> <br> "So we have to stop here."<br> <br> "We're sorry."<br> <br> "We hope that orgasm was enough."<br> <br> You're fine with it. More than fine. While $harlotOnTop and $harlotBelow make it sound like you're missing out on a great experience, you also suspect they're being quite literal with 'melt away'. One orgasm – and being able to walk away afterwards – is more than enough.<br> <br> "Maybe one of Nana's other girls can bring you true bliss."<br> <br> "They're really talented."<br> <br> "Much more than us."<br> <br> You retrieve your clothes, thank them, and walk to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<if $harlotOnTop eq "Squidgii">> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <<else>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <</if>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Squidgii: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $harlotOnTop>> <<unset $harlotBelow>>
"This is annoying," $harlotBelow says.<br> <br> "We can't wrap you up and melt you in ultimate bliss."<br> <br> "Baba's curse."<br> <br> "We can't let you go either."<br> <br> "$'s rules."<br> <br> "And we cannot bring pain."<br> <br> "Nana forbids it."<br> <br> "Then we'll do it the way Tete showed us."<br> <br> "It is the kindest way to kill them."<br> <br> //Kill? What?//<br> <br> Your protestations are smothered as both $harlotOnTop and $harlotOnTop flop their big tits over your face and press down. You're pushed down into their soft creamy mass. You struggle desperately for air. $harlotOnTop and $harlotBelow press their big tits into your face long enough for your struggles to ceases. They keep holding them there until they're sure you're dead.<br> <br> Tragically, $harlotOnTop and $harlotBelow are still very naïve in some regards. Mistakenly, they take your erection to mean you enjoyed your final moments more than you actually did.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Squidgii: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"He's too tense." $harlotBelow reaches down and lightly massages your temples.<br> <br> "Too overworked," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> "Those other succubi are so demanding."<br> <br> "It's okay."<br> <br> "We have other abilities."<br> <br> "We'll make you relax and feel really comfy."<br> <br> "Then you'll spunk out plenty of cream."<br> <br> "Let's give him some of our cream, that will get his flowing."<br> <br> A substance bubbles up from the edges of $harlotOnTop and $harlotBelow's forms. It looks like frothy soap bubbles, but feels thicker – as if the bubbles are made from viscid cream.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Bad End 2]]
"Our cream is special," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> "It will make you feel nice," $harlotBelow says.<br> <br> "Horny."<br> <br> The substance feels really pleasant against your skin. Even more so than the creamy slime of $harlotOnTop and $harlotBelow's bodies. It makes your skin tingle. You feel hot and horny all over.<br> <br> "It will make you come."<br> <br> "Over."<br> <br> "And over."<br> <br> "And over."<br> <br> [[You're coming...->Squidgii: Bad End 3]]
<<set $semenChange to -2>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> You explode in orgasm. Your cock throbs and you pump <<if $isOutOfSemen>>a<<else>>another<</if>> massive load up into $harlotOnTop's creamy pussy.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> "Ah, there it is," $harlotOnTop says. <<else>> "Another one?"<br> <br> "Yes." <</if>><br> <br> "Is it big?"<br> <br> "Very. So creamy."<br> <br> $harlotOnTop sighs in pleasure.<br> <br> They squeeze you tighter between their amorphous bodies. You feel like you're floating in a heavenly cloud. The second ejaculation has barely finished before your hips are bucking in a third.<br> <br> $harlotOnTop and $harlotBelow shift position around you. $harlotBelow slides back down underneath you until your head is resting between her lovely big tits as if they're soft pillows. Resting in her tits. Her cleavage swallows up the back of your head until only your face is visible. $harlotOnTop lies on top of you and stares into your eyes with a loving smile. The rocking motions are slower and more gentle now.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Squidgii: Bad End 4]]
Your body doesn't need as much stimulation. Whatever is in $harlotOnTop and $harlotBelow's cream has ramped up your arousal to impossible levels. By now your ejaculation is almost a constant throbbing stream. Your body should be jittering helplessly out of control, but $harlotOnTop and $harlotBelow have you firmly – lovingly – wrapped up in their creamy bodies. Everywhere is enveloped in their soft creamy substance.<br> <br> It grows harder to distinguish where you end and they begin. You don't mind. You feel wonderful all over – totally submerged in bliss. Your cock keeps pumping out cum into $harlotOnTop's creamy pussy.<br> <br> The sensation – unchecked pleasure – gradually erodes your mind as $harlotOnTop and $harlotBelow slowly erode your body. You melt into them and don't even care as it feels so comfortable you want nothing else.<br> <br> "He is happy," $harlotOnTop says.<br> <br> "We have brought him ultimate bliss," $harlotBelow says.<br> <br> "Nana will be pleased."<br> <br> You sink into and are absorbed by their soft creamy bodies. It's the greatest bliss and pleasure you've ever – and will ever – know.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Squidgii: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<br> <br> "So you picked <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>>Squidgii."<<else>>Squishii."<</if>> <br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> "Hmpth, that confuses things. The last one picked Squidgii. And the ten before him never came back at all."<br> <br> You raise an eyebrow at that.<br> <br> "You wouldn't think it, given their pleasant dispositions, but they appear to be quite lethal. I thought choosing the right one was part of the solution, except now I have conflicting testimonies." <<else>> "The last one picked Squidgii as well. I'd like to say she is the 'correct' one to choose, but the previous ten before him never came back at all."<br> <br> You raise an eyebrow at that.<br> <br> "Oh yes. You wouldn't think it, given their pleasant dispositions, but they appear to be quite lethal. It could be a case of choosing the right one, yet two back and ten not strays too far from the expected distribution of a coinflip. It seems improbable that the other ten all chose the other girl." <</if>><br> <br> $ harumphs in annoyance.<br> <br> "Maybe there are other factors... a certain personality trait each is drawn to. Or that curse they mentioned, whatever that is."
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(21)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsGloomy to true>> /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 73>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 10>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Couchelaxa */ <<set $hi to 29>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Couchelaxa", shortDescription: "a tall, enigmatic woman in a long black raincoat. Her face is hidden by a white facemask and her hands are covered by white gloves. In fact, you cannot see any of her flesh at all.", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: true, hasBeenVisited: false, hasLainOnBed: false, /* knows Couchelaxa is the bed */ /* 1=back, 2=side */ previousSexAct: 0, currentSexAct: 0, gifts: [], affection: 0, hasSocialisedDominator: false, hasSocialisedEpicurean: false, hasSocialisedSupplicant: false, introductionLink: "Couchelaxa: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Couchelaxa: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Couchelaxa: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Couchelaxa: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Couchelaxa: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Couchelaxa: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Couchelaxa: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.currIsCautious to true>> <<set $player.charms.push(18)>> /* ...set player stats here */ /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> ...set harlot stats here */ <<set $hi to 29>> <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Madam intro */ "This is the enigmatic Couchelaxa," $ says. "Do not let her appearance put you off. Once you are in her room, she'll be all over you."<br> <br> /* Long description */ It's hard to make out anything of Couchelaxa at all. Her face is covered by an elegant porcelain mask. Her hair is hidden up in a black trilby hat. Her body is covered by a long black raincoat made out of some kind of shiny vinyl material. Her hands are covered by long white gloves. Beneath the raincoat her legs and feet are covered in glossy white boots. In an establishment where most of the other girls are not wearing much more than underwear, Couchelaxa's appearance is unusual.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed>> Knowing what you know of Couchelaxa, you wonder if this is her, part of her, or just some kind of illusionary projection. <<else>> You wonder if there's anything under there at all. Maybe she's some kind of invisible woman. Bulges at her chest and hips suggest a feminine figure, but other than that you don't have a clue. <</if>> <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hello, I am Couchelaxa. Pleased to meet you."<br> <br> Her voice sounds soft and feminine, but also gives nothing away as to her appearance. That, like the rest of her, remains an enigma.<br>
You take Couchelaxa over to one of the booth tables. She's very quiet and mysterious. You have no idea what she truly looks like. Every bit of her is covered up by mask or clothes.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Couchelaxa: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Couchelaxa: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br> <br> You apologise to Couchelaxa. Behind the frozen features of her mask you're not sure how she takes it. She doesn't leave the table or seem unduly bothered. <<include [[Couchelaxa: Socialising: Combined]]>>
She sits there, barely moving. You feel slightly intimidated by her porcelain mask. Looking at those frozen features is disconcerting. You have no idea what the woman behind it, assuming it is a woman, is thinking.<br> <br> It is Couchelaxa that finally breaks the awkward silence.<br> <br> "Are you a Dominator, Epicurean, or Supplicant?" she asks.<br> <br> That has you... stumped.<br> <br> How will you answer?<br> <br> [[Dominator.->Couchelaxa: Socialising: Dominator]]<br> [[Epicurean.->Couchelaxa: Socialising: Epicurean]]<br> [[Supplicant.->Couchelaxa: Socialising: Supplicant]]<br> [[You dont know.->Couchelaxa: Socialising: Don't Know]]
You order a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for yourself. Couchelaxa orders nothing. <<include [[Couchelaxa: Socialising: Combined]]>>
"The Dominator lies on top. His is the position of power, but also of obligation. It is a demanding role, but also one of great pleasure. Can you fulfil it?"<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialisedDominator to true>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> <<include [[Test Couchelaxa: Socialising]]>> <</if>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Socialising: End]]>>
"The Epicurean lies on his side. He is a seeker of sensual pleasures. We who serve will work hard to satisfy his great appetite."<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialisedEpicurean to true>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> <<include [[Test Couchelaxa: Socialising]]>> <</if>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Socialising: End]]>>
"The Supplicant lies on his back. He is passive, given pleasure in return for an offering."<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialisedSupplicant to true>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> <<include [[Test Couchelaxa: Socialising]]>> <</if>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Socialising: End]]>>
You answer honestly and tell Couchelaxa you don't know what any of those terms mean.<br> <br> "That is fine," Couchelaxa replies. "Only at the time of positioning does the role reveal itself."<br> <br> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> <<include [[Test Couchelaxa: Socialising]]>> <</if>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Socialising: End]]>>
You don't know what to say to any of that. You wonder if Couchelaxa is right in the head. She seems a little... cuckoo. You take her back to $ still none-the-wiser as to who or what she is.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"A strange girl," $ says. "One might even say she's not all there."<br> <br> She chuckles at a private joke and then takes a sip of her cocktail.<br> <br> "She's also a complex girl. There's more to her than you might think."<br> <br> She chuckles again.<br> <br> "Hmm, but you bought me a drink for information, so I should try and tell you something useful."<br> <br> She puffs on her cigarette.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Oh yes, she really hates clothes. Yours, of course. Herself, she doesn't venture outside without being covered head to toe. Make sure you're fully undressed before getting on her bed.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"If you want a really big – shall we say, massive - \/\/pop\/\/, lie face down on her bed. She'll give you the biggest ejaculation you'll ever have.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She has a notion of the meaning of dominant and submissive, but they're a little off-kilter. You see, she received and enjoyed a really good fucking from a greater incubus at some point in her life, and mistakenly used that as a benchmark for how the dominant role should be played. Normal humans can't really live up to it.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: false, text: "\"There's no harm in being greedy with her, providing...\"\<br\>\<br\>She leers down at your crotch.\<br\>\<br\>\" have plenty in the tank.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[4] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Boring people choose to lie on their back. There's no shame in being boring. Boring people live long lives.\""}>>
/* All the vars we're checking */ <<set _socDom to _scoreArray[0][1] and _osa[0][2] eq false>> <<set _socEpi to _scoreArray[1][1] and _osa[1][2] eq false>> <<set _socSupp to _scoreArray[2][1] and _osa[2][2] eq false>> <<set _socAll to _scoreArray[3][1] and _osa[3][2] eq false>> <<set _didntSeeHer to not $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed>> <<set _prevSex to $allHarlots[$hi].previousSexAct>> <<set _currSex to $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct>> <<set _isRepeat to _isRepeatVisit and _prevSex neq 0>> <<if _socDom or _socEpi or _socSupp or _socAll or _isRepeat or _didntSeeHer>> /* We have custom text */ <br> <br> <<if _socAll>> /* Full Socialising Info */ "Hmm, I've heard she has a curious obsession with roles and position. You seem to have unearthed a good deal of information on that. Sadly, it still leaves me none the wiser." <<elseif _socDom or _socEpi or _socSupp>> /* Partial Socialising Info */ "Hmm, I've heard she has a curious obsession with roles and position. No-one really understands it." <</if>> /* Bridging sentence */ <<set _hasSocInfo to _socDom or _socEpi or _socSupp>> <<set _hasOtherInfo to _isRepeat or _didntSeeHer>> <<if _hasSocInfo and _hasOtherInfo>> <br><br> $ grunts as he takes down more notes. <br><br> <</if>> <<if _isRepeatVisit>> <<if _didntSeeHer>> "And she wasn't in her room, again."<br> <br> $ tilts his head and fixes you with a disapproving glare.<br> <br> "I'm starting to wonder if you're wasting my time." <<elseif _prevSex neq 0>> <<if _prevSex eq _currSex>> <<if _currSex eq 1>> <<set _currRole to "Supplicant">> <<elseif _currSex eq 2>> <<set _currRole to "Epicurean">> <</if>> /* repeated same sex act */ "You chose to be the <<print _currRole + ",">> again? While that might have been enjoyable, it doesn't exactly tell me anything new." <<else>> <<if _prevSex eq 1>> <<set _prevPos to "back">> <<set _prevRole to "Supplicant">> <<elseif _prevSex eq 2>> <<set _prevPos to "side">> <<set _prevRole to "Epicurean">> <</if>> /* different sex act */ "Last time you lay on your _prevPos and she called you, what was it... <<print _prevRole + "?">> What role did you take this time?" <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if _didntSeeHer>> "And you say she wasn't there at all. How queer!" <</if>> <</if>> <br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $hasInvestigatedScreen to false>> <<set $hasInvestigatedBed to false>> <<set $hasCalledOut to false>> <<set $waitingMode to 0>> <<set $firstBedOption to true>> <<set $skipBedOption to false>> /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Socialising: Dominant */ [1,false,false], /* Socialising: Epicurean */ [1,false,false], /* Socialising: Supplicant */ [3,false,false], /* Socialising: Bonus */ [1,false,false], /* Early Leave */ [4,false,false], /* Sex: Epicurean */ [4,false,false], /* Sex: Supplicant */ ] }>> You enter a tidy little room with a quasi-futuristic feel. The floor, walls and ceiling are covered in metal panels. Light sources are studded at the intersections between panels. Various erotic bas-reliefs are engraved into the metal plates.<br> <br> The most distinctive feature of the room – unsurprisingly, given its function – is a large blue mattress. It sits on a raised platform on the left side of the room and, in keeping with the futuristic theme of the room, appears to be comprised of some kind of semi-transparent blue gel.<br> <br> Maybe Couchelaxa is some kind of alien. Everything else is present in The House.<br> <br> You also wonder where she is, as you can't see her anywhere in the room.<br> <br> Which makes it all the more surprising when you hear her say, "Take your clothes off and lie on the bed, please."<br> <br> You look around and try to find the source of her voice. There is some kind of folding screen at the back of the room to the right. Maybe she's behind that.<br> <br> Or she might be invisible.<br> <br> What will you do?<br> <br> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Scenario Options]]>>
/* TODO: IsFactionIncrease - should only increase once */ /* relevant scenario-specific vars defined here: */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed eq false>> <<set $hasInvestigatedScreen to false>> <<set $hasInvestigatedBed to false>> <<set $hasCalledOut to false>> <<set $waitingMode to 0>> <<set $firstBedOption to true>> <<set $skipBedOption to false>> <</if>> /* create score array */ /* 1st, find old score array (if multiple visits, take the last score array) */ <<for _r to 0; _r lt $player.roomScores.length; _r++>> <<if $player.roomScores[_r].harlotNumber eq $hi>> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[_r].scoreArray>> <</if>> <</for>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> You return to Couchelaxa's tidy little room. The floor, walls and ceiling are covered in metal panels. Light sources are studded at the intersections between panels. Various erotic bas-reliefs are engraved into the metal plates.<br> <br> The most distinctive feature of the room is the large blue mattress made out of translucent blue gel that sits on a raised platform to the left. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed eq true>> From your past visit you know that the mattress is actually Couchelaxa herself. <</if>> <br><br> As before, you hear Couchelaxa say," Take your clothes off and lie on the bed, please."<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed eq true>> This time you know what to do. You go over to the bed and take your clothes off.<br> <br> [[You get on the bed.->Couchelaxa: Bed: Naked]] <<else>> As before, you don't have the faintest idea where she might be.<br> <br> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Scenario Options]]>> <</if>>
<<if $skipBedOption eq true>> <<set $skipBedOption to false>> <<else>> <<if $firstBedOption eq true>> [[Do as she says?->Couchelaxa: Follow Instructions to Bed]]<br> <<set $firstBedOption to false>> <<else>> [[Follow Couchelaxa's instructions and take your clothes off and get on the bed?->Couchelaxa: Follow Instructions to Bed]]<br> <</if>> <</if>> <<switch $waitingMode>> <<case 0>> [[Wait?->Couchelaxa: Wait 1]]<br> <<case 1>> [[Continue waiting?->Couchelaxa: Wait 2]]<br> <<case 2>> <<if $hasCalledOut eq false>> [[Call out?->Couchelaxa: Call Out]]<br> <</if>> [[Leave?->Couchelaxa: Early Leave]]<br> <</switch>> <<if $hasInvestigatedScreen eq false>> [[Investigate behind the folding screen?->Couchelaxa: Investigate Screen]]<br> <</if>> <<if $hasInvestigatedBed eq false>> [[Investigate the bed?->Couchelaxa: Investigate Bed]]<br> <</if>>
<<if $hasInvestigatedBed eq false>> You walk over to the bed. It's a little unusual. There are no sheets, just a single large mattress made out of what appears to be slightly translucent blue jelly. Futuristic, in a kitschy kind of way. Like something out of an old science fiction film where the 'aliens' were statuesque blonde girls.<br> <br> <</if>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Bed: Naked]]>>
You stand where you are and wait for something to happen.<br> <br> Something does not happen.<br> <br> You stand there for a good few minutes and something continues to not happen. The room is silent and completely still. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq true>>Didn't this happen last time?<</if>> <br> <br> <<set $waitingMode to 1>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Scenario Options]]>>
You wait longer.<br> <br> Nothing happens. Couchelaxa, wherever she is, says nothing. You continue to stand by the door.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq true>> This happened last time. Could she be avoiding you? Maybe she doesn't like you? Or maybe she's shy. <<else>> It's starting to get awkward. <</if>> <br> <br> <<set $waitingMode to 2>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Scenario Options]]>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: First Time Early Leave]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Repeat Early Leave]]>> <</if>> <br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Ending Cleanup]]>> <<include [[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
"Hello?" you call out. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> "Anyone here?"<br> <br> You don't get any reply, or any indication someone else is in the room. If you hadn't heard Couchelaxa earlier, you would have sworn you were alone in the room, and even now you're not sure. <<else>> "It's me. Again."<br> <br> As before, you don't get any reply, or any indication someone else is in the room with you. Where is Couchelaxa? <</if>><br> <br> <<set $hasCalledOut to true>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Scenario Options]]>>
/* unset variables at end of scenario */ <<unset $hasInvestigatedScreen>> <<unset $hasInvestigatedBed>> <<unset $waitingMode>> <<unset $hasCalledOut>> <<unset $skipBedOption>> <<unset $firstBedOption>> /* scoring - not so relevant if dead, but that should be reset anyway */ <<set _d to $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialisedDominator>> <<set _e to $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialisedEpicurean>> <<set _s to $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialisedSupplicant>> <<if _d>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <</if>> <<if _e>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <</if>> <<if _s>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <</if>> <<if _d and _e and _s>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> <</if>>
/* Bold */ <<if not $player.currIsCautious>> You walk up and pull the screen aside, perhaps a little too aggressively. As it is, you're spared the embarrassment of exposing Couchelaxa mid-change. She isn't behind the screen. You do find an old-fashioned wooden hat stand, <<else>> You sneak up to the folding screen and peek around the side. You do not catch Couchelaxa in the act of undressing, or Couchelaxa at all, as it happens. She isn't behind the screen. You do notice an old-fashioned wooden hat stand, <</if>> which looks a little out of place amongst the futurism of the rest of the room. Couchelaxa's shiny black trilby hat is hanging on a hook, as is her long black raincoat. Her long white boots are tidily positioned against the wall to the left of the stand.<br> <br> Couchelaxa appears to have already undressed. So where is she?<br> <br> <<set $hasInvestigatedScreen to true>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Scenario Options]]>>
You walk over to the strange bed on the left-hand side of the room. It's certainly unusual, and in keeping with the futuristic appearance of the rest of the room. There are no sheets, just a single large mattress made out of what appears to be slightly translucent blue jelly. Futuristic, in a kitschy kind of way. Something you might see in an old science fiction film along with statuesque blonde girl 'aliens'.<br> <br> Tentatively, you put a hand on the mattress and press down. The material is warm, soft, has a little bit of elasticity and feels slightly tacky to the touch. Very similar to jelly, you think. Or maybe silicone. It reminds you of the rubbery jelly used in toys. Both of the regular children's kind and of the more sexual adult kind.<br> <br> Making a whole bed out of the material used to make sex toy sheaths seems a little excessive. You suppose it might be comfortable to lie on.<br> <br> <<set $hasInvestigatedBed to true>> <<set $skipBedOption to true>> [[Jump on and try it out?->Couchelaxa: Bed: Fully Clothed]]<br> [[Take your clothes off first and then try it out?->Couchelaxa: Bed: Naked]]<br> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Scenario Options]]>>
Still with your clothes on, you hop up onto the mattress and bounce on it experimentally.<br> <br> It feels okay. The material is pleasingly soft, but not so soft you sink too deep into it. It reminds you of memory foam mattresses, but with a little more bounce.<br> <br> You suspect it might be pretty good to have sex on. And you suspect the artificial material is fairly easy to clean up afterwards as well.<br> <br> This has you wondering where Couchelaxa might be. <<if $hasInvestigatedScreen>> Is she even in the room? Or maybe she is and invisible. The House seems so strange that even the prospect of an invisible woman doesn't seem that weird. <<else>> Is she still behind that screen? <</if>> <br> <br> You bounce a bit more on the jelly mattress. It's quite fun actually. You're looking forward to the prospect of an energetic fucking.<br> <br> The surface sinks a bit more than you were expecting. Then surges upwards around your feet and ankles. Before you can react, a jelly pseudopod picks you up by the ankles and slams you into the floor like a ragdoll. Then it slams you into the wall, floor and then wall again. You don't know much about it. The first impact shattered your skull. The subsequent impacts leave your body a broken mess. The living mattress drops your shattered form on the floor like a piece of discarded rubbish.<br> <br> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Ending Cleanup]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You take your clothes off and leave them in a neat little pile next to the bed. Then, fully naked, you climb up on top of the mattress.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed eq true>>As before it<<else>>It<</if>> feels... strange, but okay. Nice even. The blue jelly is soft, but not soft enough for you to sink all the way into it. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed eq true>> It's weird to think this is actually Couchelaxa. It doesn't seem like a living thing at all.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct eq 2>> Last time, you lay on your side and Couchelaxa called you the "Epicurean", whatever that means. <<else>> Last time you lay on your back and Couchelaxa treated you nicely as the "Supplicant". <</if>> <br><br> While you're waiting for her to appear, will you lie... <<else>> <<if $hasInvestigatedBed eq false>> The material is warm, elastic and slightly tacky to the touch. It reminds you of the rubbery jelly used in toys—both those used by children and those used for sexual pleasure by adults. While making a whole bed out of warm silicone seems a little excessive, you can't deny it isn't comfy. <</if>> You bounce a little on the mattress. You suspect sex on here would be quite a lot of fun.<br> <br> And thinking of sex, you wonder where Couchelaxa might be. <<if $hasInvestigatedScreen>> You didn't see her behind the screen. <<else>> Is she still hiding behind that screen? <</if>><br> <br> Maybe you're supposed to make yourself comfortable and wait for her to show up.<br> <br> While you're waiting, will you lie... <</if>> <br> <br> [[...on your back?->Couchelaxa: Back 1]]<br> [[...on your side?->Couchelaxa: Side 1]]<br> [[...on your front?->Couchelaxa: Front 1]]<br>
/* keeping track of sex acts */ <<set $allHarlots[$hi].previousSexAct to $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct to 1>> You lie on your back and stretch out. Despite the unusual material it's made from, the bed is comfortable. It has just the right amount of give and spring. Also, despite the jelly-like appearance, the surface feels warm rather than clammy.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed eq false>> It has quite a bit of spring, you think, as you bounce your ass experimentally on it. Fucking someone on here would be quite a lot of fun, you think.<br> <br> You wonder where Couchelaxa is. <<if $hasInvestigatedScreen>> You didn't see her behind the screen. <<else>> Is she waiting behind the screen? <</if>><br> <br> "Ready," you call out. <<if $hasInvestigatedScreen eq false>> You glance over to the screen on the far side of the room, waiting for her to emerge. <</if>> <<else>> It's weird to think you're actually lying on top of Couchelaxa right now. You wait for her to manifest female forms out of the bed. <</if>><br> <br> "The position chosen is The Supplicant."<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed eq true>> [[Here she comes.->Couchelaxa: Back 2]] <<else>> [[Where did that come from?->Couchelaxa: Back 2]] <</if>>
/* keeping track of sex acts */ <<set $allHarlots[$hi].previousSexAct to $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct to 2>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed eq false>> <<if $hasInvestigatedScreen>> You lie on your side and wonder where Couchelaxa is. You didn't see her behind the screen. Then you hear a voice... <<else>> You lie on your side and wait for Couchelaxa to come out from behind the screen. She doesn't. Instead you hear a voice say... <</if>> <<else>> This time, you lie on your side and wait for Couchelaxa to emerge from the bed. You hear her say... <</if>><br> <br> "The position chosen is The Epicurean. The Epicurean is a seeker of sensation, always hunting for greater and greater pleasures. We who serve must satisfy his great appetite."<br> <br> [[What does that mean?->Couchelaxa: Side 2]]
You turn over and lie on your belly. The jelly bed is quite comfortable despite its unusual appearance. You experimentally hump your hips against the mattress and the blue jelly rebounds in a way that feels satisfying. The synthetic surface also feels pretty good against your cock – warm and springy, almost like flesh.<br> <br> You wonder where Couchelaxa is. You wouldn't mind her being underneath you right now.<br> <br> And then she is beneath you.<br> <br> She rises up out of the mattress. Or rather, forms out of the same translucent material. She is a buxom young woman. There is an exotic cast to her face. It's hard to place her ethnicity as she appears to share features of all of them.<br> <br> Out of reflex, you try to lift your body up to avoid squashing her underneath you, only for your hands to sink right into the jelly mattress. You collapse on top of her, compressing her big round boobs beneath your chest. Down below, your erection slides into a moist orifice that can only be her pussy. She wraps her long legs around you to hold you in place.<br> <br> This wasn't how you expected Couchelaxa to make an appearance, but you can't say you're unhappy about it.<br> <br> Couchelaxa's eyes are closed. She seems surprisingly expressionless considering your cock is currently buried in her up to the root.<br> <br> "The position chosen is The Dominator. He who is on top. He who rules, who controls," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Couchelaxa: Front 2]]
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed eq false>> You hear a voice, but don't see who it belongs to. Weirdly, it seems to be emanating from the bed beneath you.<br> <br> And then the mattress shifts and morphs beneath you.<br> <br> From out of nowhere – or, rather, nothing but the mattress – <<else>> The mattress changes shape and <</if>> you find yourself lying on and in the arms of a buxom young woman.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed eq false>> She's blue. You can see her reflection in the mirror above the bed. She looks to be made out of the same translucent blue jelly as the mattress, but is very much alive. <<else>> It's Couchelaxa. Her body being made out of the same translucent jelly as the mattress looks just as strange to you as it did before. <</if>> She wraps blue arms around you and you feel big blue breasts press against your shoulders and back. Her long legs emerge from the surface and wrap around you. Her ankles hook against the inside of your calves and keep your legs apart.<br> <br> The reason for this becomes clear as there is a disturbance in the mattress between your legs. The surface bulges up and morphs into the form of another buxom woman. She could be the twin of the woman lying beneath you. Her face has an exotic cast. It's hard to place her ethnicity as she appears to share features of all of them. Her breasts are big and bouncy. They're the same translucent blue as the rest of the bed, aside from her areolae and nipples, which are darker and opaque.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed eq false>> You're wondering which is Couchelaxa when they both speak with one voice. <<else>> The two women are both Couchelaxa. They speak with one voice. <</if>><br> <br> "The Supplicant is passive. To serve The Supplicant we must take the dominant role. To serve is to control."<br> <br> [[What do they mean?->Couchelaxa: Back 3]]
You have no idea what she's talking about, and care little anyway, as she follows up by lying on top of you and pressing her soft sensual lips against yours. Her kiss tastes of blueberries and cream.<br> <br> The <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed eq false>>girl<<else>>Couchelaxa<</if>> on top <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed eq false>>– Couchelaxa, you think – <</if>> sits back up. Her face is curiously expressionless as she wraps a hand around your cock and steers it to the opening of her sex. She remains expressionless even as she presses down and your erection slides up inside her. The thick walls of her pussy feel textured in a way designed to stimulate you. As your cock slides up a well-lubricated channel, there is just enough pressure and friction to set your blood racing and your loins throbbing.<br> <br> "The Supplicant need do nothing but lie back. We who serve will pleasure him and extract his offering."<br> <br> Couchelaxa starts riding you with greater vigour. Her large, gelatinous boobs rock and sway with her movements. Her skin is translucent enough for you to see your cock slide back and forth inside her.<br> <br> Couchelaxa leans back down to kiss you. Her hips bounce against you faster and harder. The other Couchelaxa does the same beneath you, her movements pushing your hips up to meet the downward bounces of the woman on top.<br> <br> [[You feel a climax brewing.->Couchelaxa: Back 4]]
You feel a climax brewing. Couchelaxa feels it too. She presses down, letting her vagina swallow the whole length of your cock. The other Couchelaxa hugs you tightly from below. You're the filling in a sandwich between the two of them.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Back: Bad End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Back 5]]>> <</if>>
And yet you can't quite reach climax. You must have exerted yourself too much within the House. You don't have anything left.<br> <br> Couchelaxa sits back up. Her face is unreadable.<br> <br> "If The Supplicant is unwilling to make the offering, then we who serve must draw it from them by force."<br> <br> She lies back down on top of you. This time there is no kiss. Her arms meet and merge with the arms of the Couchelaxa lying beneath you. Their sandwich becomes a little tighter. You feel Couchelaxa's vagina clamp around the base of your cock. Up in mirror you see Couchelaxa's lower body swell and some kind of bladder open up inside it. You feel a ferocious vacuum force tug on your cock and loins.<br> <br> That solves your inability to come, perhaps a little too well. The resulting orgasm is far too intense. And the moment you come... that can't be possible. Through Couchelaxa's translucent blue skin you see white fluids pour into her in a great torrent. These fluids – //surely they can't have come from you, not that much// – are syphoned down into the mattress below by means of flexible pipe emerging from Couchelaxa's ass.<br> <br> The mattress expands. The vacuum suction force tugging on you strengthens to the point of being both irresistible and unbearable. It's too strong. Something within you gives and then you're tumbling down, lost, into that raging white torrent. You pour down into and are swallowed up by the blue mattress.<br> <br> "The offering has been received. We who serve have fulfilled our role," the blue girls say before melting back into the mattress.<br> <br> You don't hear them on account of being very very dead.<br> <br> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Ending Cleanup]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
And now you're coming. Coaxed by the internal motions of Couchelaxa's pussy you let loose a long stream of semen inside her.<br> <br> Then, spent, you lie back in the other Couchelaxa's arms. You feel wonderfully relaxed and blissfully satiated. You lie like that for a while, enjoying the sensations as both girls caress you with their hands, their lips, their boobs.<br> <br> The Couchelaxa on top sits back up. A white ball of liquid is visible inside her through her translucent skin.<br> <br> Is that your... no, it couldn't be. You couldn't have produced that much.<br> <br> "The Supplicant has been indulged and the offering taken," the two women say as one.<br> <br> Both melt back into the bed until you're once again lying on an odd – and inert – blue mattress made out of a strange translucent jelly-like substance.<br> <br> Odd, you think. But still rather pleasant.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[6][1] to true>> [[You rest a while to recover.->Couchelaxa: Good End]]
You lie on the blue mattress for a while, waiting for your scrambled senses to return to normal. The bed shows no inclination to be anything other than a bed.<br> <br> Then, once you feel like you've recovered enough, you slide off the mattress and put your clothes back on. Your steps are a little unsteady as you walk to the exit.<br> <br> At the door you turn back and look at the bed.<br> <br> It's still a bed.<br> <br> /* Both good routes count as a faction increase (but only once) */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed to true>> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Ending Cleanup]]>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
The surface of the mattress in front of you is suddenly in motion. The same for a patch of mattress behind you. You see it reflected in the mirror on the ceiling above the bed. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed eq true>>Couchelaxa is about to make her appearance.<</if>> <br> <br> Two naked women rise up out of the bed. They look so alike they could be twins. Both are buxom with lovely large round boobs. Their faces are exotic, although it's a little difficult to place their ethnicity as they appear to have features of all of them. Most strangely, they appear to be made out of the same translucent blue jelly-like substance as the mattress. Were they made from it or exist as part of it?<br> <br> Your questioning thoughts are derailed as the girl in front of you turns towards you and leans in for a kiss. Her lips are wonderfully soft and supple. She tastes sweet, like blueberries and cream.<br> <br> Her arms enfold you, as do those of her twin. They both press together, sandwiching you between their warm bodies. You feel their ripe, round boobs press against either side of your body. Their legs wrap around you. Your erection is drawn into the vagina of the first girl while the second plants sensual kisses on your neck and shoulders. The first kisses your mouth with her lips and your penis with her sex. Her pussy is tight and the walls feel textured to stimulate you further. It's full of wet lubricant and you glide smoothly into her luscious depths.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Couchelaxa: Side 3]]
Couchelaxa breaks off the kiss.<br> <br> "One is never enough for The Epicurean. We must become two to please him."<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed eq false>> Both speak as one, making you think they – and the blue mattress – are all part of the same whole. Then they <<else>> They <</if>> both press their bodies against you and you're distracted by other concerns. Aided by their movements, your cock slides back and forth inside the first Couchelaxa's wonderfully lubricated vagina. It doesn't take long for her luscious vagina to bring you to the point of climax.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> One that – maddeningly – you can't quite reach. Your exertions in the House have left you too depleted.<br> <br> "Sometimes The Epicurean falls, his flesh unable to keep up with the demands of his appetites."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Couchelaxa: Side: Bad End]] <<else>> It does not take much of this to tip you over the edge. The two women sense it as well. At the point of climax they squeeze you between their soft, gelatinous bodies. The first Couchelaxa presses her lips against yours in another delicious blueberry kiss. Her vagina gives your cock a little squeeze. Unable to resist, you fire off a big and satisfying load. Then you lie, sandwiched, between their warm bodies and bask in the glow as the ejaculation gradually subsides to a pleasant trickle.<br> <br> Yeah, that was damn good. Weird, but good.<br> <br> "The Epicurean is never satisfied with a single climax or just one woman. He always craves more, and we who serve must give him more," both women say in one voice.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> [[You don't think they're done.->Couchelaxa: Side 4]] <</if>>
The two women shift and blur. When their bodies reform, both are facing you. They snuggle up close until you're firmly wedged between their gelatinous forms. Your dick might be spent and drooping, but that proves no obstacle to the Couchelaxa in front of you. She wraps her legs around you, her vagina finds the head of your cock and sucks it inside, where she begins to stimulate it with regular muscular pulsations.<br> <br> "If The Epicurean falls, we who serve must take the role of The Dominator to ascend him to where his flesh is too weak to carry him."<br> <br> The Couchelaxa behind you raises an arm. It stretches longer than it should and the fingers wriggle like worms. She reaches down between your ass cheeks. A finger, slick with lubricant, slides into your ass and swells up, stretching your sphincter. She finds your prostate and presses it like a button. At the same time the Couchelaxa in front of you clamps her body tight to yours. Your cock is gripped by powerful, rippling muscular suction.<br> <br> You had more than you thought, although this time it feels more like the ejaculation is ripped from you. Your cock throbs and spurts a thick stream of cum into Couchelaxa.<br> <br> A bladder opens within Couchelaxa, or maybe within the mattress beneath her. Your loins are gripped by a ferocious vacuum suction. The other Couchelaxa presses down harder on your prostate. Your ejaculation becomes a massive flood gushing from you. You can even see it through Couchelaxa's translucent blue skin – a great white stream.<br> <br> That can't be possible. It's too much, way too much. It can't all be coming from you.<br> <br> The mattress expands as an even bigger bladder opens up within it. The vacuum suction intensifies. You feel something tear within you and you fall, lost, into the raging torrent spilling from you.<br> <br> "And thus, once the peak of pleasure is attained, The Epicurean can finally be at peace."<br> <br> The girls melt back into the mattress, leaving behind your empty and slowly cooling corpse.<br> <br> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Ending Cleanup]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
They shift position and turn you around. You're now facing the other way, towards the second Couchelaxa. Or rather, to her back. Your face is buried in the gelatinous curls of her hair. That too smells of blueberries and cream. She reaches back to take your arm and pull it around until your hand is pressed into her soft tit. She backs her voluptuous ass into you and your cock slides into another tight, well-lubricated passage. It too is textured in a way to provide maximum stimulation. You'd confuse it with a synthetic sex toy if her whole body wasn't moving against you.<br> <br> Both move against you. And, sandwiched between them, you use their elasticity to drive your hard cock back and forth. You're not sure if it's her ass or pussy, only that it feels incredible. You feel the stirrings of another orgasm begin in your balls.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> This one is a climax too far, though. You're empty. As much as you slide your cock back and forth into Couchelaxa's luscious body, you can't quite make it to the finishing line.<br> <br> "Sometimes The Epicurean falls, his flesh unable to keep up with the demands of his appetites."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Couchelaxa: Side: Bad End]] <<else>> It doesn't take long before the urge to come becomes unstoppable. You clutch Couchelaxa's breast tight and thrust as deep inside her as you can go. You feel another satisfying throb as you let go and pour a thick stream of cum inside her.<br> <br> The two women wait motionlessly on either side of you for your body to recover.<br> <br> "The Epicurean is never done. Even before the echoes of the last pleasure fades away, he is already in search of the next sensation. It is the role of we who serve to find it for him."<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> [[They still don't appear to be done.->Couchelaxa: Side 5]] <</if>>
They turn your body around, back to facing the first Couchelaxa. She hugs you tight and plants her soft lips on yours in a sumptuous kiss. The other Couchelaxa hugs you tightly from behind. Your cock, still hard even after two ejaculations, is returned to the lovely embrace of the first Couchelaxa's tight and well-lubricated vagina.<br> <br> This time you're wedged so tightly between their bodies you have little freedom of movement. It's not needed. Couchelaxa's lips move against you in a slow, sensual kiss. Her vagina pulses around your cock, providing gentle stimulation without either of you needing to move.<br> <br> //Irresistible// stimulation. You wouldn't have thought it possible after two climaxes already, but you can already feel the beginnings of a third stir in your loins.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> A third is too much, though. As nice as Couchelaxa's pussy feels, she can't quite stroke you to ecstatic release.<br> <br> "Sometimes The Epicurean falls, his flesh unable to keep up with the demands of his appetites."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Couchelaxa: Side: Bad End]] <<else>> Even after two ejaculations it doesn't take long for Couchelaxa's pussy to stroke you to a third. You hug her gelatinous body to you and flex your hips against her as your throbbing cock empties another thick stream of cum inside her. Her vagina throbs around you, eagerly milking every last drop from your penis.<br> <br> Then, spent, you let yourself lean back into the other Couchelaxa's arms.<br> <br> That's probably enough you think. Three times is already more than you thought you were capable of.<br> <br> "We who serve The Epicurean have a responsibility to show him further realms of pleasure. We who serve are guides to worlds of sensation The Epicurean might not have previously realised existed."<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> [[It appears they have other ideas.->Couchelaxa: Side 6]] <</if>>
You are turned around again. The second Couchelaxa shifts to face away from you. She doesn't turn, instead her body morphs and shifts and reforms until you're spooning the buxom blue girl. She takes both of your hands, brings them around her body and presses them into her soft, gelatinous boobs. She presses her shapely ass into your crotch. Your erection is again pushed into a warm, wet orifice.<br> <br> This might be her ass. It feels tighter than before. The jelly walls fit snugly around your cock and she stimulates you with regular, rhythmic pulses.<br> <br> Ooh, that feels good, you think, but you don't think you're going to be able to come again, not so soon after three climaxes in quick succession. It doesn't matter how tight, wet and wonderful she feels.<br> <br> The first Couchelaxa sits up behind you. She holds up a hand. Her fingers are curiously flexible and wriggle like worms.<br> <br> "We who serve The Epicurean have an obligation to aid him when his body proves weak."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Couchelaxa: Side 7]]
Her hand goes down between your ass cheeks. A flexible finger, slick with lubricant, slides into your ass and starts gently stroking your prostate. The other Couchelaxa presses her body back against you. Your cock is gripped by powerful, muscular throbs.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> Even that isn't enough. This room – the whole night – has been too much. You have no more left to give.<br> <br> "Sometimes The Epicurean falls, his flesh unable to keep up with the demands of his appetites."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Couchelaxa: Side: Bad End]] <<else>> Your head goes white and then you're coming as if you haven't come in a week, a month. It pours out of you in great shuddering gushes. In the mirror you see Couchelaxa's belly swell out. Through her translucent blue skin you see a large round cavity fill up with churning white liquid.<br> <br> That can't be you, you think. There is no way all that could have come from your body.<br> <br> Then Couchelaxa presses her finger down on your prostate like a button and your head goes white as your massive ejaculation ends with a great shuddering blast.<br> <br> "The Epicurean is sated. We who serve have fulfilled our duties."<br> <br> Both women melt and sink back into the mattress. You're left alone, still shivering uncontrollably in the aftermath of sensations more intense than you believed possible. What just happened? you think.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> [[You rest a while to recover.->Couchelaxa: Good End]] <</if>>
You don't make much sense of that. But you are on top, you think. And you are inside her. Which means you might as well do what you were fantasising about moments before.<br> <br> You lift your hips and start thrusting down. The bed is nice and bouncy, as is Couchelaxa. She seems to be made out of the same blue jelly-like material as the mattress.<br> <br> She might look strange, but her pussy feels incredible. It's tight, well-lubricated and the walls are textured in such a way to give you maximum stimulation as you thrust back and forth.<br> <br> "We who serve must take the role of the perfect receptacle. We must accept all from The Dominator."<br> <br> You don't know what Couchelaxa is talking about and don't really care. Fucking her is amazing. The elasticity of the bed – of her – allows you to power into her sex with great, deep thrusts. Another strange thing, on top of all the other strange things, is the angle. You're able to drive straight down, almost perpendicular, in a way that should not be possible with human anatomy and the way she is lying.<br> <br> "And The Dominator must give all, for that is the purpose of The Dominator."<br> <br> You ignore her and keep plunging down inside her. So deep that the swollen head of your cock comes up against the fleshy doors of some internal orifice, one that sucks at you and tries to prevent your cock from pulling back.<br> <br> That might be a little //too// weird.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Couchelaxa: Front 3]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> A mass bulges up between your ankles and flops down on your back. It's another woman made out of jelly. You can feel the two round bulges of her tits press against your back.<br> <br> Another girl? Or another part of Couchelaxa?<br> <br> It would seem to be the latter as the next time they speak, they speak as one, as if with they are the same voice.<br> <br> "The role of The Dominator is hard. To aid him, we who serve must be more than just a receptacle."<br> <br> The second girl presses her body down on you, making you the filling in a sandwich between the two of them. You are squashed between two big pairs of lovely round boobs. The upper girl starts adding her movements to yours, driving you deeper and harder into the wet pussy of the girl below you. Her vagina contracts and you feel a vacuum tug to every back stroke. It pulls on you like thick mud pulls on a boot.<br> <br> "The time approaches for The Dominator to carry out their role."<br> <br> This time you plunge all the way down to that mysterious opening within her and her vagina does not release you. It clamps around the base of your cock and forms a powerful seal. The jelly-like walls of her pussy grip you and begin to stimulate your member with slow regular pulses. The girl above you rubs her soft tits against your back.<br> <br> You feel the internal aperture open slightly and sense a cavity beyond it – a big one, maybe one that extends into and fills the interior of the mattress. You are sure now that the Couchelaxa beneath you, the Couchelaxa on top of you, and the mattress are all one and the same.<br> <br> "The role of The Dominator is demanding. We who serve must sometimes take part of that role unto ourselves in order to finish the task."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Couchelaxa: Front: Bad End]]
The Couchelaxa lying on top of you shifts position. You feel a jelly-like finger, slick with lubricant, slide into your ass. It worms deeper and starts massaging your prostate. The other girl's vagina wraps tightly around you and pulses harder and faster. Your cock starts throbbing with the urge to come.<br> <br> "And now The Dominator will fulfil his role and fill the receptacle."<br> <br> The aperture within her fully opens. The mattress swells as the cavity within it expands. It creates a powerful vacuum, one focused on your cock and balls.<br> <br> You climax in a big white explosion that blasts through you. You feel the biggest surge of release you've ever experienced. Your ejaculation feels less a spurt than a great throbbing gush. It blasts your thoughts away like floodwaters bursting through a dam.<br> <br> The whole mattress throbs and expands. The two women squeeze you between their voluptuous bodies. The finger on your prostate is insistent, as is the vagina wrapped around your cock. You continue to gush.<br> <br> Looking down through Couchelaxa's translucent blue body you see a pool of white liquid sloshing around inside the mattress.<br> <br> So much. That can't be you, can it?<br> <br> The mattress expands further. That remorseless vacuum suction increases, becomes unbearable. Inside, you feel something tear and give way. You follow, tumbling down into the white torrent rushing from your body, and are lost. You pour everything you have into Couchelaxa and it is nowhere near enough to fill her.<br> <br> The last you see is her previously expressionless face showing disappointment.<br> <br> "The Dominator proves unworthy of his role."<br> <br> And in your case, also dead.<br> <br> <<include [[Couchelaxa: Ending Cleanup]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
''TEST: Checking Socialising flags set correctly.''<br> ''Dominator:'' $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialisedDominator<br> ''Epicurean:'' $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialisedEpicurean<br> ''Supplicant:'' $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialisedSupplicant<br> <br>
<<if $hasInvestigatedScreen or $hasInvestigatedBed>> /* Leaving after investigating */ You're not sure what's supposed to happen here. Since her first instruction, Couchelaxa hasn't said anything or even revealed herself, even after you poking around inside the room.<br> <br> Your investigations haven't revealed her. You're not sure she's even here.<br> <br> You wait around a bit longer until it starts to feel awkward.<br> <br> Maybe you should leave.<br> <br> You decide to do just that. Couchelaxa doesn't call out or try to stop you. To be honest, you're not even sure she's in the room at all. <<else>> /* Leaving */ You're not sure what's supposed to happen here. Since her first instruction, Couchelaxa hasn't said anything or even revealed herself.<br> <br> At this point, you've been standing here for so long it would probably be awkward if she did.<br> <br> You decide to save the both of you that awkwardness and turn around and leave the room. Couchelaxa doesn't call out or try to stop you. To be honest, you're not even sure she's in the room at all. <</if>>
This is ridiculous. This is just like before. You enter her room and she's nowhere to be found.<br> <br> Sod this for a game of soldiers.<br> <br> Baffled and a little annoyed, you turn to leave the room.
<<set _hasLainOnBed to $allHarlots[$hi].hasLainOnBed>> <<set _currSex to $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct>> <<set _hasScoredEpi to _osa[5][2]>> <<set _hasScoredSupp to _osa[6][2]>> /* Text here */ <<if _hasLainOnBed eq false>> /* Didn't see her */ "Hmm, there is some new info here, so it's not a total waste. Try harder to find her next time, though." <<else>> <<if _hasScoredEpi eq false and _hasScoredSupp eq false>> /* first time realising she's the bed */ "She emerges from – is – the bed. My, how strange. She must be some breed of slime girl or mimic."<br> <br> He taps his pen against his notepad.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _currSex eq 1>> /* Supplicant */ "Hmm, lying on your back sounds quite pleasant. And safe. Hmm."<br> <br> His whiskers bristle.<br> <br> "I might just give that a go. Thank you very much." <<elseif _currSex eq 2>> /* Epicurean */ "Hmm, I would describe myself as an epicurean, but that sounds like far too much! You look positively drained." <</if>> <</if>> /* do not end with linebreaks */
/* Va-kyuuma */ <<set $hi to 7>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Va-kyuuma", shortDescription: "a statuesque woman with pale skin who's wearing a black latex bodysuit that fits her curves so tightly it looks like part of her skin.", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: true, hasBeenVisited: false, hasSeenBefore: false, looksPregnantNow: false, lookedPregnantLastTime: false, hasShownPregToNotPreg: false, hasShownNotPregToPreg: false, hasSeenPregnant: false, gifts: [17, 18], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Va-kyuuma: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Va-kyuuma: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Va-kyuuma: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Va-kyuuma: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Va-kyuuma: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Va-kyuuma: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Va-kyuuma: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Va-kyuuma: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ <<set $player.currInt to 5>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to true>> /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 7>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].looksPregnantNow to false>> <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[1]>> /* <<set $cgi to 0>> */ <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set _isRepeat to $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> /* Madam intro */ "Ah, this is our specialist vac-bed technician, Va-kyuuma," $ says. "She just loves sucking people into her vac-bed and then sucking out all their cum." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Va-kyuuma is a statuesque woman in a shiny black bodysuit that hugs her curves like a second skin. Her long glossy black hair is tied back in a flowing ponytail. Her pink skin also has a slight glossy shine to it, as if it might be more akin to plastic than flesh.<br> <br> <<include [[Va-Kyuuma: Intro: Pregnancy]]>> /* Harlot intro */ <<if _isRepeat>> "Hello again, would you like another session in my vac-bed? Or maybe something else?" Va-kyuuma asks coyly. <<else>> "Hello, I'm Va-kyuuma," she says. "Would you like an enjoyable session in my vac-bed?" <</if>> <br> /* flip this around for unit testing */ <<if $isHarlotTesting>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].looksPregnantNow to not $allHarlots[$hi].looksPregnantNow>> <</if>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].looksPregnantNow>> You take Va-kyuuma over to the bar area. It feels a little weird walking out with Va-kyuuma given how heavily pregnant she appears. No-one bats an eyelid. They're too engrossed with their own dates.<br> <br> <<else>> You take Va-kyuuma over to the bar area.<br> <br> <</if>> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Va-kyuuma: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Va-kyuuma: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br> <br> "No money?" Va-kyuuma says. "$ says we're to return right away if that happens."<br> <br> Va-kyuuma doesn't return right away.<br> <br> "It would be remiss of me not to point out my producer pays <<print $currencyName + "s">> for semen samples. If you're short, you can always talk to her. My way of extracting it is far more pleasurable, though."<br> <br> For a moment she drops her emotionless exterior to give you a saucy wink. Then she returns to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with your <<print $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name + ".">> She brings nothing for Va-kyuuma.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Socialising: Drinking: Repeat]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Socialising: Drinking: First-Time]]>> <</if>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Hmm, it's hard to explain what Va-kyuuma is. She's an artificial being, probably created by <<print $ + ".\"">><br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette.<br> <br> "With your limited human way of thinking, you probably think 'artificial' means automaton, robot, golem. Va-kyuuma is far more complex than that. She's alive and sentient in every sense that matters. She has her desires, and her //hungers//."<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSeenPregnant>> You query about the bump. How can an artificial being get pregnant?<br> <br> "Pregnant?" $ laughs. "That's no baby."<br> <br> <</if>> She taps her cigarette holder to dislodge ash.<br> <br> "Unlike most of the girls in here, Va-kyuuma doesn't require semen – or souls – for sustenance. She is partial to flesh, though."<br> <br> $ flashes her teeth in a vulpine smile.<br> <br> "Very partial to flesh."<br> <br> She takes another sip of her drink.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Her pussy has a tremendous suck to it. What else would you expect from a glorified sentient vacuum cleaner.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Let her put you in her vac-bed and she'll suck a big load out of you.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"If you're feeling particularly adventurous, you can stick your unprotected dick in that super-suck pussy of hers. She's always looking for new babies.\"\<br\>\<br\>" + $ + " chuckles darkly."}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* set other scenario-specific vars here */ /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Good Gift */ [1,false,false], /* Has seen look pregnant */ [5,false,false] /* Surviving */ ] }>> Va-kyuuma's room is very glossy. <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Room Description]]>>
<<if not $isHarlotTesting>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].looksPregnantNow to (random(1,2) eq 1)>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Va-kyuuma looks pregnant = $allHarlots[_hi].looksPregnantNow''<br> <br> <</if>> <<set _shortDescription to "a statuesque woman with pale skin who's wearing a black latex bodysuit that fits her curves so tightly it looks like part of her skin.">> <<if $allHarlots[_hi].looksPregnantNow>> <<set _shortDescription += " She also has a noticeable bulge at her belly that looks like a pregnancy bump.">> <</if>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to _shortDescription>>
/* Keep track of total semen NPC Potion and her creations have harvested pre-req: $semenChange */ <<set _semenHarvested to $semenChange * -1>> <<set _oldSemenHarvested to $npcPotion.semenHarvested>> <<set $npcPotion.semenHarvested += _semenHarvested>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$ Semen Harvested change: _oldSemenHarvested to $npcPotion.semenHarvested.''<br> <br> <</if>>
/* create score array */ /* 1st, find old score array (if multiple visits, take the last score array) */ <<for _r to 0; _r lt $player.roomScores.length; _r++>> <<if $player.roomScores[_r].harlotNumber eq $hi>> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[_r].scoreArray>> <</if>> <</for>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> You return to Va-kyuuma's glossy room. <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Room Description]]>>
"Ah, <<print $ + "'s">> quaint little tradition," Va-kyuuma says. "It has some significance for a lot of the girls in here. Not so much for some of us. Most of the time we send the gifts back downstairs to be gifted to someone else. Less waste that way."<br> <br> You hand over the <<print $allGifts[$cgi].name + ".">><br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0] eq $cgi or $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[1] eq $cgi>> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Gift: Good]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>>
Va-kyuuma sniffs the Black Rose. The way she does it is strange, as if she's not sniffed a flower before.<br> <br> "Straight to the regular session then," she says.<br> <br> She takes your hand and leads you to the proper bed.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Va-kyuuma: Regular Bed 1]]
"Ah, this... might be quite useful. I think I'll keep hold of this."<br> <br> She puts it on the shelf with the other toys.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> [[Continue.->Va-kyuuma: Vac-Bed Explanation]]
Va-kyuuma looks <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> over.<br> <br> "I'm afraid <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>that one<<else>>those<</if>> will be going back downstairs," Va-kyuuma says.<br> <br> She notices your downcast expression.<br> <br> "Please don't take offense. I haven't. You have other gifts I'm interested in."<br> <br> She glances down at your crotch and her lips turn up in a smile. An odd smile, not quite natural, but clearly a smile.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Va-kyuuma: Vac-Bed Explanation]]
"Now for your session," Va-kyuuma says. "As $ has already told you, my speciality is the vac-bed. This."<br> <br> She points down at the rubber contraption lying on the floor.<br> <br> "It's a piece of bondage apparatus. I put you inside and suck out all the air. You'll be unable to move and helpless while I tease you."<br> <br> Her blue eyes shine with eager desire. You sense she very much enjoys teasing.<br> <br> "It's a pleasant experience," Va-kyuuma says.<br> <br> You look down at the strange rubber contraption. It also looks an unusual experience.<br> <br> <<if not $player.currIsSubmissive>> /* Dominant */ "Ah, but I can see you're not interested," Va-kyuuma says.<br> <br> She looks you over.<br> <br> "You're the dominant type. You like to be on top and in control. That's okay. I offer regular sexual intercourse as well. We'll do it on the bed."<br> <br> [[She takes you to the regular bed.->Va-kyuuma: Regular Bed 1]] <<else>> "But it might not be for everyone," she says. "Don't feel like you're forced to use it. We can have regular sexual intercourse on the bed if you'd rather do that instead. It's up to you."<br> <br> What would you rather do?<br> <br> [[Try out the vac-bed?->Va-kyuuma: Vac-Bed 1]]<br> [[Regular sexual intercourse?->Va-kyuuma: Regular Bed 1]] <</if>>
She takes you over to the proper bed and watches dispassionately while you take your clothes off and leave them at the foot. She doesn't undress. You wonder if she even can. The more you look at her, the more that glossy black bodysuit looks like it's actually part of her.<br> <br> Va-kyuuma gets on the bed fully clothed. She lies on her back and opens her legs. A hidden seam at her crotch pops and exposes the naked, hairless folds of her sex.<br> <br> You get up on the bed and kneel between her legs. You crank your cock to get it to full hardness, then slowly insert it into Va-kyuuma's pussy. She stays emotionless as you do so. You suppose she's done this many times before.<br> <br> She smiles pleasantly up at you, but does nothing more than lie back as you thrust back and forth into her.<br> <br> Her pussy feels a little different – a smooth, well-lubricated tunnel. She's warm and tight, but the walls are so smooth there's little friction to arouse you. You suspect you're going to have to do all the work here.<br> <br> Or maybe not.<br> <br> "Would you like it a little tighter?" Va-kyuuma asks.<br> <br> [[She tightens.->Va-kyuuma: Regular Bed 2]]
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> "Mmm, so you like a good tease," Va-kyuuma says. <<else>> You decide to try the vac-bed out.<br> <br> "Good," Va-kyuuma says. "People should always look to try out new experiences. I'm sure you'll find this to be very pleasant." <</if>> <br> <br> She opens up the vac-bed and has you take your clothes off and slide inside. The smooth rubber feels cool against your skin, but soon warms up.<br> <br> "Let's make sure it's properly sealed."<br> <br> The vac-bed is a rubber envelope stretched between a rigid frame. It's large enough to contain a full-grown man. There are two openings. A porthole for your face and a smaller opening for your genitals. Va-kyuuma seals you in and carefully exposes your cock and balls through the lower opening.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> As before, Va-kyuuma takes the trailing air hose and sits on a chair. Even though you've seen it before, you still have trouble believing what happens next. <<else>> Then, she takes the trailing air hose and sits on a chair. You presume she must have a vacuum cleaner or something similar to suck the air out, but you don't see anything. <</if>> <br> <br> "You'll be in the dark for the tease, but I show everyone this," Va-kyuuma says. "My producer said it would be a big turn-on for the men to see, and it usually is."<br> <br> The end of the ribbed air hose terminates in a plastic cup. Va-kyuuma opens her legs and fits the cup over her vagina. She throws her head back, gives a sultry grunt of effort and flexes her body. <<if not $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> <br> <br> No, surely not. <</if>> <br> <br> [[Continue.->Va-kyuuma: Vac-Bed 2]]
On cue, her vagina narrows and the walls press all around your cock. Pumping back and forth generates a vacuum pull on your cock that's quite pleasant.<br> <br> Va-kyuuma still does nothing but lie back and let you plough her pussy. She doesn't moan or sigh, just continues to look up at you with a faint smile on her lips. It feels like fucking an inanimate sex doll, even if Va-kyuuma is a damn sight more attractive.<br> <br> "Let me turn up the vacuum a little," Va-kyuuma says.<br> <br> You don't have to ponder what that means as you're immediately gripped by a strong suction that has you fall down on Va-kyuuma with a surprised "whoa".<br> <br> She's still staring at you with that fixed artificial smile, but you'd swear you saw a glimmer of mischief in her blue eyes.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Va-kyuuma: Regular Bed 3]]
You resume pounding her tight pussy. Your cock still slides back and forth in her smooth vagina with barely any friction. It's harder work now, as there is a powerful – and pleasant – force pulling back at you.<br> <br> "I just need a sample," Va-kyuuma says. "Then I can work my sex magic."<br> <br> This is moving away from the vanilla, you think. You try to put it out of your mind and keep pistoning into Va-kyuuma's pussy. The vacuum tug feels surprisingly pleasant.<br> <br> "Ah, there it is," Va-kyuuma says.<br> <br> You wonder what she means. You haven't come. Maybe it's your pre-cum. You're probably leaking some at this point.<br> <br> "Analysis complete," Va-kyuuma says. The blue irises of her eyes glow like LEDs.<br> <br> After previously being passive for the whole time you were fucking her, Va-kyuuma surprises you by suddenly wrapping her long legs around you. She does the same with her arms, hugging you close to her.<br> <br> "Engaging ejaculation-inducing vacuum," Va-kyuuma says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Va-kyuuma: Regular Bed 4]]
You give another surprised "whoa". The vacuum pull of her pussy increases dramatically in force. You can't pull out. The vacuum oscillates and waves of force ripple down your cock in a constant, stroking suck.<br> <br> "Don't hold back," Va-kyuuma says.<br> <br> You couldn't even if you wanted to. Your body heats up as strange energies pulse through it. The vacuum suck on your cock is irresistible. You go limp in Va-kyuuma's arms and moan as you climax and empty a great flood of semen into her.<br> <br> "Ejaculation induced. Contract has been established. Commencing full vacuum," Va-kyuuma says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Va-kyuuma: Regular Bed: Bad End]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> The vacuum force from Va-kyuuma's vagina intensifies further. It's too powerful, like she's trying to suck in more than just your semen. Weird energies crackle through you and you start to feel strange... soft.<br> <br> "Yes," Va-kyuuma sighs.<br> <br> Now she shows emotion. Her eyes close. Her cheeks puff as if she's exerting herself.<br> <br> You try to pull away. It feels like Va-kyuuma is trying to suck in your whole body. She hugs you close with her arms and legs wrapped around your squirming body. Her vagina continues its frightfully powerful vacuum tug.<br> <br> "Don't fight it," Va-kyuuma says. "My sex magic is taking hold. Let it happen."<br> <br> Dark magical energies pulse through your body. Under their influence bones soften and muscles liquefy. Until, with a great orgasmic moan, Va-kyuuma sucks the whole of your now-soft body into her vagina. Then she lies back on the bed, panting from the exertion, her belly swollen as if heavily pregnant.<br> <br> She puts a finger in her mouth and slides it over her belly bulge.<br> <br> "Ingestion complete," she sighs.<br> <br> You don't return from her vagina.<br> <br> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Clean-up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<if not $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> Surely yes. <br> <br> <</if>> You hear no noise, but the air starts to leave the vac-bed as if sucked out. The rubber crinkles up and starts to cling to your skin. Loosely at first, but tighter and tighter until it becomes difficult to move. Va-kyuuma keeps sucking out all the air with her pussy until the whole vac-bed crinkles up and you feel vacuum-packed inside. It's a strange feeling, but also erotic as the warm rubber clings to you all over like a second skin.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> "Mmm, I see you're just as turned on as before," <<else>> "I told you it would be a turn-on," <</if>> Va-kyuuma says. She glances over to where your cock is standing up in full erection through the hole in the rubber.<br> <br> She twists a valve at the base of the tube, stopping air from flowing back in.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> "Are you imagining what it would feel like if my pussy sucked on your cock like that?" <<else>> "I let them watch that part." She walks up to the side of the vac-bed. "But only that part." <</if>> <br> <br> She crouches down next to the bed and folds an opaque rubber flap over the face hole. She fixes it in place and puts a short air hose in your mouth so you can still breathe. Now you can't see anything.<br> <br> "Mmm," Va-kyuuma says. You think she's standing just to the left of you. "I've sucked you into my little vac-bed and taken away both your movement and your sight. You're totally at my mercy."<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> You test your limbs. You're just as immobilised as before and deliciously at her mercy. <<else>> You wonder if this was a good idea. You test your limbs. There's barely any give in the rubber. You're immobilised. <</if>> <br> <br> "And now I'm going to tease you... mercilessly," Va-kyuuma says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Va-kyuuma: Tease 1]]
You can hear her moving around you, but have no idea what she is doing.<br> <br> She gives your cock a light slap, setting it swaying.<br> <br> "Don't fall asleep in there," she says.<br> <br> There's no chance of that.<br> <br> You feel something slide along the side of your body. You can't tell if it's her hand or foot.<br> <br> Then you feel weight on top of you as she sits or lies on you. You feel more strokes and caresses through the rubber. Is that the palm of her hand, or her tongue? It's maddening. She's all over you, but you can't tell what she's touching you with.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> She leaves you. You know it's part of the tease and you wait, expectantly, and then tremble in delight as she returns to blow warm air against your cock. <<else>> She leaves you. You don't feel anything for some time and wonder if she might have been called away and then forgotten about you. And then, just when you're fearing you've been abandoned, you feel warm air blown against your cock. <</if>> <br> <br> "I love teasing this part the most," Va-kyuuma says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Va-kyuuma: Tease 2]]
She blows more air against your cock. Whatever hardness you'd lost is quickly regained as your cock stands upright and throbs with a need for more attention.<br> <br> Va-kyuuma denies it. For a while. Then she returns with a stroke... a kiss. All the time keeping you hard and eager.<br> <br> Then another pause.<br> <br> This time she returns with toys. Your cock is exposed to a variety of stimuli. She tickles it with feathers, with soft fur... with some kind of vibrating wand. Caught between the rubber sheets, you writhe helplessly while she plays with you.<br> <br> "This toy is the best," she says.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Toy 1: Repeat]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Toy 1: First-Time]]>> <</if>> [[Continue.->Va-kyuuma: Toy 2]]
The soft pliable material bunches up around your cock and starts tugging on you with muscular sucks.<br> <br> <<if not $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> What? Is it alive?<br> <br> <</if>> "Mmm, it's a good toy, is it not," Va-kyuuma says.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>>You still have no idea what it is. <<else>>What is it? <</if>>Not being able to see is maddening as the thing stimulates your cock with slow deep sucks.<br> <br> "Lie back. Relax. Let it suck the cum out of you," Va-kyuuma says. From her voice, she appears to be lying down next you.<br> <br> The thing, whatever it is, continues to suck on your cock with regular pulsing gulps. As much as it weirds you out not being able to see it, the muscular milking action starts to have an effect on your cock. You grow harder still and begin to throb from the stimulation. This triggers a change in the living sheath. The pulsing suction grows harder and faster. You squirm helplessly beneath it, knowing you're being sucked inexorably to orgasm by this artificial pulsing thing.<br> <br> "Yes, spurt it out," Va-kyuuma says. "Give me a nice big sample."<br> <br> Her toy speeds up, ratcheting the arousal still higher.<br> <br> [[You don't think you can hold on...->Va-kyuuma: Climax]]
<<if $player.semenCount gte 3>> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Good End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Not Enough Semen]]>> <</if>>
/* do this 3 times - Va-kyuuma always gets 3 units, regardless of charms */ <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> You can't hold out against that. You climax... hard.<br> <br> You buck and thrash as much as the tight rubber sheets allow and spurt out a massive dollop of semen. The artificial sheath, if it is indeed artificial, battens down on your cock and hungrily gulps down your issue. The sucking motions trigger another explosive ejaculation and the undulating sheath greedily milks you for more and more. You writhe beneath it, helpless to resist.<br> <br> "Mmm, I think that's enough," Va-kyuuma says.<br> <br> She turns her toy off, releasing you from its greedy suction. She slides the moist sheath off your erection. Your cock releases a couple of spasmodic dribbles and then the massive orgasm finally subsides. You lie back, breathing heavily through the breathing tube.<br> <br> Va-kyuuma gives you a moment to recover, then lets the air back into the vac-bed and helps you out.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> "Such a big sample, again."<br> <br> Again, she insists on showing you a vial filled with your issue. Again, you marvel at just how much her mysterious toy has sucked out of you. <<else>> "Look at how much you produced," she says, holding up a vial containing a cloudy liquid.<br> <br> You're not sure you want to look at that right... wow, did you really come that much? <</if>> <br> <br> "My producer will be really happy."<br> <br> Va-kyuuma seems giddy with excitement. It's quite endearing. She helps you back to your feet and over to your clothes.<br> <br> "I hope you enjoyed the extraction process."<br> <br> It was pleasant, if draining. And you're alive. In a House filled with dangerous sex demons that probably counts as a win. You put your clothes on and leave a happy Va-kyuuma with her 'sample'.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited to true>> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Clean-up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<set _noSemen to $player.semenCount eq 0>> <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if _noSemen>> You hold out, but only because you think you've already been drained of all your semen by the House's other occupants. You squirm and writhe in helpless pleasure while Va-kyuuma's toy keeps sucking on you. Nothing comes out though. It's unable to bring you to climax. <<else>> It takes a little longer to get you there. The other occupants of the House have already comprehensively drained your balls, so you're not sure you have that much. You do have some. Eventually Va-kyuuma's remorseless toy is able to bring you to climax, but it's a weak one that feels more like a dribble than a great spurt.<br> <br> "Is that all?" Va-kyuuma says. <</if>> <br><br> She turns off her toy, whatever it is, and gently slides it off your erection.<br> <br> <<if _noSemen>>"No cum,"<<else>>"Not enough cum,"<</if>> she says.<br> <br> That is a rather unfortunate end to the session, you think. Especially after all the delicious teasing. Maybe it's the vac-bed... or her mysterious toy (which you worry might be some freaky living thing rather than an artificial device). Most likely it's because you've been forced to come multiple times already this evening by the House's other girls and you don't have anything left.<br> <br> "Oh well. My producer says I can take those ones. It's the rules of the House."<br> <br> You feel a weight settle on your lap and realise Va-kyuuma is straddling you. Your cock, still hard, is drawn up into what you think is her pussy. It feels a little smoother in comparison to the other women you've had sex with, but is at least well lubricated. Then a powerful vacuum starts up inside her and your cock is gripped by a powerful suction.<br> <br> That is definitely not like any other woman you've ever had sex with.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Va-kyuuma: Horror End]]
The suction increases in power until it starts to feel uncomfortable.<br> <br> "If you can, you should ejaculate," Va-kyuuma says. "In a moment I'm going to turn up the suction and draw your whole body into me. I am imbued with a special magic that softens the body and makes it an intensely pleasurable experience, but it requires a sample of your issue first. Without it..."<br> <br> She leaves that possibility unsaid.<br> <br> "I will help you," she says. "Commencing ejaculatory-inducing vacuum."<br> <br> Something clicks within her and the powerful sucking force starts oscillating up and down your cock. It manifests as regular tugging pulses. Normally that would be enough to get you coming in next to no time, but sadly your balls are totally depleted and don't respond to even this amazing stimulation. You don't hit climax.<br> <br> "No semen detected," Va-kyuuma says. "Failed to induce ejaculation. Commencing full vacuum."<br> <br> Full vacuum is far beyond even the already incredible suction pull of her pussy. It's powerful enough to suck your whole body through the narrow hole in the rubber sheet and up into Va-kyuuma's vagina. Unfortunately, you haven't been softened first by Va-kyuuma's special sex magic, so the process is painful, extremely messy and far too gruesome to be described here.<br> <br> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Clean-up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> /* must start with linebreaks if wish to start on new line */ <br> <br> "Ah, Va-kyuuma's mysterious pregnancy bump. If it is. Its rising always seems to correspond with another patron leaving, which raises implications best not contemplated." /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
<<print $ + "'s">> whiskers bristle.<br> <br> "Harrumph. The thought of being trapped in her infernal rubber contraption, blind and unable to see what's she doing, solicits only dread. Not for me. Not for me at all. I do wonder what regular sexual intercourse with her is like, but everyone I speak to always chooses to play in her rubber bed." /* do not end with linebreaks */
The walls and furniture are upholstered in polished vinyl. The walls are creamy white while the furnishings are black. The floor is covered in springy white linoleum. A big bed lies to the left. The bedspread is very shiny, as if it's some kind of PVC. The right of the room is a big open space. The cupboards and racks lining the walls are filled with various exotic sex toys.<br> <br> Va-kyuuma is crouched down next to a contraption that looks like sheets of shiny black rubber stretched between a lightweight frame. The apparatus is about the same size as a small bed.<br> <br> "Come in," Va-kyuuma says. "I'm just getting the vac-bed ready for you."<br> <br> She gets up to greet you and you marvel at the way her glossy black jumpsuit clings perfectly to her body. It could be a second skin.<br> <br> Maybe it is her skin.<br> <br> You're not really sure what Va-kyuuma is. She doesn't have the horns and wings of the other devil girls in the House, but she definitely doesn't seem human either.<br> <br> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: In Room Pregnancy]]>> [[You hand over your gift.->Va-kyuuma: Gift]]
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq true>> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Vac-Bed Explanation: Repeat]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Va-kyuuma: Vac-Bed Explanation: First-Time]]>> <</if>>
"Now for the session. I don't need to explain anything this time. You've already experienced what it's like to be teased in my vac-bed."<br> <br> Her blue eyes glitter.<br> <br> "Would you like the same again, or would you rather have regular sexual intercourse with me this time?"<br> <br> [[Vac-bed?->Va-kyuuma: Vac-Bed 1]]<br> [[Regular sex on the bed?->Va-kyuuma: Regular Bed 1]]
She slides that strange artificial sheath over your hard cock. You still don't know what it is – whether it is just a rubber toy, or something alive. As before, the interior is soft and slathered in warm lube. It feels really nice wrapped around your erection.<br> <br> And that's before it starts moving...<br> <br>
She slides some kind of artificial sheath over your hard cock. The interior is soft. It would be tight, but Va-kyuuma has slathered the textured interior with lube to allow your erection to smoothly slide inside.<br> <br> "You won't have experienced anything like this," she says.<br> <br> That puzzles you. It feels pleasant enough, but it's just an artificial sex toy sheath. Same as a Fleshlight or similar.<br> <br> Then it starts moving...<br> <br>
Va-kyuuma sits and regards you intently with her vivid blue eyes.<br> <br> "Normally, patrons take me out to find out more about the vac-bed service I offer. But you've already experienced it and know how it works, so I wonder why you're here. If it's about regular sexual intercourse, yes, I do offer that service as well. All you have to do is ask."<br> <br> She tilts her head and smiles prettily at you. <<if $player.currInt gt 3>>There is something disconcertingly //hungry// in her smile.<</if>> <br> <br>
"I don't need to drink," Va-kyuuma offers by way of explanation.<br> <br> Out here, under the lights, the glossy artificial gleam of Va-kyuuma's face seems more pronounced. You wonder what she is.<br> <br> "It's fine, I presume you brought me out here to find out more about the service I offer," Va-kyuuma says.<br> <br> She then proceeds to explain it to you.<br> <br> "The vac-bed is a specialised piece of bondage equipment. It's a rubber bag stretched between a frame. I put you inside and then suck out all the air until you can't move. Then I'll tease you for as long as you can handle it, and then bring you to a satisfying climax when you can't."<br> <br> For a brief moment her emotionless exterior cracks as she gives you a lascivious smile.<br> <br> "It's quite safe. I'm fully proficient in its use. But, if it's not to your interest, I also offer regular sexual intercourse as well."<br> <br> <<if $player.currInt gt 3>> Her smile, already disconcertingly artificial, almost imperceptibly alters further. Just a little – a slight parting of the lips, a brief hungry gleam in her eyes. You have the sudden intuition that regular sexual intercourse with Va-kyuuma would be anything but, and maybe not in a good way.<br> <br> <<else>> She smiles at you. Sounds tempting, you think as you take her back to <<print $ + ".">><br> <br> <</if>>
/* Pêl-O Sugn */ <<set $hi to 12>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Pêl-O Sugn", shortDescription: "", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [6,7], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Pel-O: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Pel-O: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Pel-O: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Pel-O: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Pel-O: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Pel-O: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Pel-O: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Pel-O: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Pel-O: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $npcPotion.semenHarvested to 1>> */ /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 12>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a sleek and slender girl in a figure-hugging grey catsuit sitting on what looks like a giant grey and slightly deflated rubber ball.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is the bouncy Pêl-O Sugn," $ says. "I hope you're in good shape. Her demand for bodily fluids is quite insatiable." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Pêl-O Sugn is a sleek and slender young woman. At first you take her to be wearing a skintight grey rubber catsuit with electric-blue trim. On closer inspection, you wonder if that might be her skin. Her face is the same colour and has the same plastic sheen, making her resemble a futuristic android or similarly synthetic being. Parallel blue lines run up her cheeks and across her forehead. The same blue stripes run down her sides and under the smooth bulge of her chest.<br> <br> She sits on a large elastic ball. It is the same shade of grey as her body and as with her, subdivided by parallel electric-blue stripes. It sags beneath her weight and looks comfortable to sit upon, like a large glossy cushion.<br> <br> Despite a synthetic appearance that speaks of cold and fashionable chic, Pêl-O has a warm and welcoming smile. Her plastic-wire hair is swept back in neat, cornrow dreads.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hello," Pêl-O says. "Would you like a bounce on my ball?"<br> <br> The question is innocent enough. Her gaze and smile supply the lascivious innuendo behind it. <br>
You meet Pêl-O Sugn at the edge of the stage. She's still lounging on her big elastic ball.<br> <br> "$ told me you were interested in speaking with me," she says. "Normally, we're supposed to go with the patron for a drink so they can find out more about us and what services we offer. It's a little awkward for me, so we'll have to speak here."<br> <br> You wonder if this has anything to do with the big ball she's sitting on. Is she indelibly connected to it in some way?<br> <br> "My services all take place on this," Pêl-O says, patting the surface of the ball.<br> <br> She takes your hand and presses it against the side of the ball. It looks synthetic, yet feels like flesh. It's like touching the lovely smooth curve of a breast or ass.<br> <br> "You can lie on your front and I'll give you a slow, sensual full-body massage. Or you can lie on your back and I'll give you a fast bouncy fuck. Or even both if you feel up to it."<br> <br> She smiles. As synthetic as she looks, there is plenty of human warmth to her smile. She seems more like a hot actress playing an android in a sci-fi show than an actual cold-machine android.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"She's one of $'s synthetic beings. One of her early harvester units. That 'ball' she sits on is part of her body. It's to store all the 'fluids' she collects. Makes for quite a bouncy mattress as well, if you know what I mean."<br> <br> $ gives you a filthy wink.<br> <br> "Unlike most of the others, Pêl-O is still fairly loyal to her creator. A little too loyal. And enthusiastic."<br> <br> $ sips her drink.<br> <br> "She can drain everything from a man, and I do mean //everything//. $ had to impose strict stipulations on that."<br> <br> Her smoke wreathes her face.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She's only permitted to collect full samples from men that aren't already on $'s records. That's men that haven't already given either $ or one of her creations a semen sample.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She has two vaginas. The small one will give you a pleasant suck. The bigger one will suck all the semen out of you and maybe some other stuff as well.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Her main fluid harvesting is carried out by her lower orifice. She can't suck all your fluids out through your cock with her regular vagina. Not enough capacity.\""}>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[0] to "Va-kyuuma does not have sex to get pregnant.\"">> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[1] to "Couchelaxa has some strange notions. You might want to talk to her beforehand.\"">>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Pel-O: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pel-O: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Good gift */ [2,false,false], /* Minor Unit */ [3,false,false], /* Major Unit - Small Sample */ [7,false,false], /* Major Unit - Medium Sample */ [13,false,false] /* Major Unit - Large Sample */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $semenGiven to 0>> <<include [[Pel-O: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Pel-O: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Pêl-O Sugn's room has a strong retro-futuristic feel. The cream-coloured walls are dimpled with decorative hemispheres and look like the set of an old sci-fi TV show. The floor is covered in a springy grey mat. The room is lit up by stylish lollipop lamps in each of the corners.<br> <br> Pêl-O sits in the centre of the room on top of her giant squashable rubber ball. Seeing you enter, she smiles flirtatiously and opens her legs to reveal the folds of her sex. Catsuit has become skin, even though it's grey, has a glossy sheen and is decorated with parallel blue lines.<br> <br> "Come in," Pêl-O says.<br> <br> You walk over and give her your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Pel-O: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 6>> <<include [[Pel-O: Gift: Blood]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 7>> <<include [[Pel-O: Gift: Fluffy Thing]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(14)>> <<include [[Pel-O: Gift: Bodyparts]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pel-O: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> "Now, if you'll get undressed, I'll go over your options," Pêl-O says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Undressing]]
Pêl-O's eyes light up as you show her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "The best gift of all," she says. "Thank you."<br> <br> She then surprises you by tossing the $allGifts[$cgi].name haphazardly into a bin in the far corner of the room.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Pêl-O lifts the $allGifts[$cgi].name up and examines the contents.<br> <br> "Seems good quality," she says.<br> <br> She reaches down beneath her and stashes the $allGifts[$cgi].name in a hidden pouch in the surface of the giant rubber ball.
Pêl-O frowns on receiving the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "I only take samples from humans," she says.<br> <br> She tosses the $allGifts[$cgi].name haphazardly into a bin in the far corner of the room.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Pêl-O seems happy to receive the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "I'm sure I'll be able to squeeze some juice from <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>this,"<<else>>these,"<</if>> she says.<br> <br> She reaches down beneath her and stashes the $allGifts[$cgi].name in a hidden pouch in the surface of the giant rubber ball.
"No use to me at all, I'm afraid," Pêl-O says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you.<br> <br> She tosses the $allGifts[$cgi].name haphazardly into a bin in the far corner of the room.
You take your clothes off. There doesn't appear to be anywhere to put them, so you leave them in a small pile on the floor.<br> <br> "Semen extraction will be carried out on top of my major semen extraction unit. It's quite comfortable."<br> <br> She pats the top of her rubber ball.<br> <br> "My minor semen extraction unit will take the top position. You can choose to lie on your front and have your semen extracted by my major unit. Or you can lie on your back and be extracted by my minor unit."<br> <br> She sees your completely blank look.<br> <br> "Would you like a slow, sensual full-body massage? Or an energetic bouncy cowgirl fuck?"<br> <br> [[Sensual full-body massage.->Pel-O: Choose Massage]]<br> [[Bouncy cowgirl fuck.->Pel-O: Choose Sex]]
<<include [[Pel-O: Climb On Ball]]>> Pêl-O turns you onto your front and slides you down between her legs until she's straddling your buttocks.<br> <br> "Get comfortable and I'll begin," Pêl-O says.<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-O: Begin Massage]]>>
<<include [[Pel-O: Climb On Ball]]>> Pêl-O slides you down between her legs until she's straddling your upper thighs. The ball squashes down beneath you and forms a comfortable cushion. It's like lying on a circular mattress, albeit a small one.<br> <br> Pêl-O sits on top of you and runs her hands over the sleek curves of her body. It's still difficult to determine if what you're looking at is a skintight catsuit, or her skin. She looks gorgeous either way. Your cock rises up in anticipation as your eyes drink in her body.<br> <br> "Let me get you properly prepped," Pêl-O says. "Engaging arousing caress."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Minor Unit: Sex 1]]
Pêl-O takes your hands and helps you up on top of her ball. It's not as awkward as you were anticipating. The ball must be fixed to the floor as it stays in place as you clamber up on top of it. It's also quite squashable – spreading out beneath you to form a comfortable cushion.<br> <br>
Pêl-O lies down on top of you and starts rubbing the soft mounds of her tits against you in slow circles. She runs her magnificent hands up and down your arms and you feel them go floppy and relaxed beneath her pleasant touch.<br> <br> "Think sexy thoughts," Pêl-O whispers in your ears.<br> <br> That's not exactly hard with her warm body lying on top of you.<br> <br> "Mmm, yes. Let that cock grow hard. Think about how good it will feel to slide it into my tight warm pussy."<br> <br> She slides her hands down your sides, sending pleasant vibrations into your body.<br> <br> "Yes, you want to fuck me. You want to stick that big hard cock of yours into me and feel my pussy squeeze it."<br> <br> Her switch to dirty talk is unexpected but damn effective. You feel your cock swell beneath you.<br> <br> "Are you getting nice and hard down there?" She blows in your ear. "Let me suck all that filthy cum out of you."<br> <br> Pêl-O bounces her hips on top of you, causing you to grind against the soft surface of the ball. Your cock lengthens further.<br> <br> "Arousal response detected. Focusing on genitals," Pêl-O says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Genital Massage]]
She sits back up and slides down to the back of your knees. One hand slides between your legs and starts to stroke up and down your cock. She fondles your balls and lets her fingers caress your shaft. Instinctively, you lift your hips to give her easier access.<br> <br> Pêl-O slides her other hand underneath. Both wrap around your cock and pump up and down as if she's milking you. That pleasant vibration starts up again, this time focused on your penis. You shudder in pleasure.<br> <br> "Maximum erection achieved," Pêl-O states. "Commencing insertion."<br> <br> A little lump rises up on the surface of the ball. The skin dimples to form the rough impression of a vagina, then opens up to reveal a moist pink interior.<br> <br> //What the?// You look at it in shocked surprise.<br> <br> "Fear response detected. Engaging bondage protocols."<br> <br> The surface of the ball softens beneath your hands and feet. They sink in and elastic bands whip around your wrists and ankles to tether you to the top of the ball.<br> <br> "Engaging direct stimulation of cortical pleasure centres."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Major Unit: Sex 1]]
Pêl-O lies back down on top of you and clasps her hands to the sides of your head. You feel a strange vibration reverberate through your skull and then...<br> <br> //Ooh.// That feels nice.<br> <br> You don't know what she's doing, only that you suddenly feel incredibly pleasant.<br> <br> You relax and lie down on top of the ball. The orifice catches the head of your cock and sucks it down. Warm fleshy walls press lightly around your member.<br> <br> "Penis inserted into major semen extraction unit," Pêl-O says. "Commencing ejaculation inducement."<br> <br> The elastic ball swells out at the sides. Your cock is sucked in right down to the root.<br> <br> "This is my other pussy," Pêl-O whispers huskily in your ear. "I use it when I want to give dirty cocks a really big suck."<br> <br> The elastic ball starts to slowly expand and contract beneath you. Your body rises up and down with it. Each expansion grips your cock with waves of rippling suction. Pêl-O moves against you with the same rhythm.<br> <br> "Most men don't last beyond the fifth pulse," she whispers in your ear.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Major Unit: 1st Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Pel-O: Major Unit: No Semen 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pel-O: Major Unit: 1st Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
You do, but you think that might be because the other harlots in the House have already comprehensibly drained your balls, rather than you possessing any exceptional qualities. The ball swells out beneath you and each time you're gripped by a powerful sucking force. Each pulse is longer and stronger. A fifth. A sixth. A seventh. Your body trembles, but you can't hit climax. You don't have anything left.<br> <br> "No ejaculatory response detected," Pêl-O states. "Removing safeties. Commencing full-fluid drain."<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-O: Major Unit: To Bad End]]>>
<<set $semenGiven += 1>> You're no exception. Each time the ball swells out beneath you, the fleshy walls contract around your cock and you're gripped by a powerful sucking force. Each pulse is longer and stronger, until – at the fifth – you can hold it in no longer. Your balls tighten, your whole body trembles, and then you let out an orgasmic moan as you buck against the yielding surface and spurt a thick load of semen into it.<br> <br> Then, once it's sucked a big ejaculation out of you, the ball relaxes and flattens out into a comfortable cushion. You lie on top, breathing heavily. Pêl-O sits back up and goes back to lightly kneading your neck and shoulders with her wonderful hands.<br> <br> <<if not $hasAlreadyBeenBadEndChecked>> "Sample obtained. Checking against records," she says.<br> <br> <</if>> Pêl-O continues to massage your upper back. In your post-orgasmic afterglow, it feels wonderful.<br> <br> <<if $hasAlreadyBeenBadEndChecked>> <<include [[Pel-O: Major Unit: Bad End Pass]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pel-O: Major Unit: Bad End Check]]>> <</if>>
"Commencing full semen milking mode."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Major Unit: Sex 2]]
<<set _isBadEnd to false>> <<include [[Pel-O: Bad End Check]]>> <<if _isBadEnd>> <<include [[Pel-O: Major Unit: Bad End Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pel-O: Major Unit: Bad End Pass]]>> <</if>>
The warm fleshy orifice contracts around your cock and you sink down as the sides of the balls swell outwards. Your cock is again gripped by powerful rippling suction.<br> <br> Pêl-O lies on top of you and presses her warm body against you. She moves her hips against you in time to the slow, powerful throbs of the ball beneath you.<br> <br> "Don't fight it," Pêl-O whispers in your ear. "It feels so much more pleasurable if you just relax and let my major semen extraction unit pump out all your cum."<br> <br> You don't really have a choice.<br> <br> The elastic ball – her major extraction unit, whatever that is – expands and contracts with slow, powerful pulsations. Each expansion generates a powerful vacuum pull on your cock... and right down in your balls. At the same time the walls keep you stimulated with pleasurable undulations and squeezes.<br> <br> Pêl-O sucks you back to full hardness with the first couple of throbs. The next couple leave you teetering at the brink of ecstatic climax.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Major Unit: 2nd Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Pel-O: Major Unit: No Semen 2]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pel-O: Major Unit: 2nd Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Thinking she has you, Pêl-O holds you there for as long as she can draw it out. The ball swells again. Normally that would have drawn an orgasm and massive load of cum out of you, but you're out. All you can do is tremble in frustrated delight – right at the edge of climax, but unable to get over the threshold.<br> <br> "No ejaculatory response detected," Pêl-O states. "Removing safeties. Commencing full-fluid drain."<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-O: Major Unit: To Bad End]]>>
<<set $semenGiven += 1>> Knowing that she has you, Pêl-O holds you there for as long as she can draw it out. Then the elastic ball swells again and you let out a cry of release as your cock throbs and shoots a thick stream of cum right into the heart of the ball.<br> <br> This time the ejaculation keeps flowing.<br> <br> "Relax," Pêl-O whispers soothingly in your ear. "Relax and let me pump all that cum out."<br> <br> You keep coming. The ball throbs beneath you and each swelling pulse sucks another throbbing burst of semen from your balls. Like she said, it's as if she's pumping it directly out of your balls. You lie helplessly on top of the throbbing ball as it pulls ejaculation after ejaculation out of you until they all merge together into one long throbbing stream of bliss.<br> <br> /* Drain all remaining semen - semen choker charm does not affect this */ <<set $semenGiven += $player.semenCount>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<if $semenGiven gt 6>> "Oh, you're pouring so much filthy spunk into me," Pêl-O says. "For this I'll reward you with some more direct stimulation of the cortical pleasure centres."<br> <br> She clasps the side of your head and sends pleasant vibrations right into your brain. You completely white out as all thought is completely subsumed by pure animal pleasure. The ball throbs beneath you like a great heart as it pumps out all of your cum.<br> <br> <</if>> Then, finally spent, you collapse against the flexible surface. The flow from you slows to a dribble and – sensing it – Pêl-O relaxes her major extraction unit and lets it deflate back down to a soft cushion.<br> <br> She sits back up and resumes massaging your neck and shoulders.<br> <br> "Full semen milking complete. Commencing cooldown massage," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Major Unit: Good End]]
It's a different massage this time – long slow strokes to relax rather than arouse you.<br> <br> <<if $semenGiven gt 6>> "You did so well," Pêl-O says. "Such a large sample. My producer will be overjoyed." <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> <<elseif $semenGiven gt 3>> "A moderately sized sample," Pêl-O says. "My producer will be delighted." <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> <<else>> "Only a small sample," Pêl-O says. "My producer will be disappointed, but if I'd turned up the power of my major extraction unit, I'd have done you lasting damage." <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <</if>><br> <br> <<if $semenGiven gt 6>> Pêl-O gently squeezes your knotted muscles.<br> <br> "My producer has many semen extraction units in the House to collect samples for her. I am her best and most loyal creation. Others are less obedient. As you've done so well filling my sample bags, I will reward you with data on them: <<include [[Harlot Scenario: Select Harlot Gossip]]>><br> <br> <</if>> Pêl-O continues her relaxing massage while gently rocking you on top of her yielding ball. It's so relaxing, your eyes droop and you doze off. Only for a short while, until you're woken by a bell.<br> <br> "That's time up," Pêl-O says softly.<br> <br> You feel blissfully relaxed and the soft ball makes for a really comfortable mattress. You feel reluctant to go anywhere.<br> <br> "You can stay," Pêl-O says. "But if you do, I will be forced to engage my full-fluid extraction mode. That is not so pleasant, especially on dry testicles."<br> <br> The ball expands sharply. A vacuum force tugs on your penis and slips inside to pull at the rest of your abdomen. As she said, it's sharp and nowhere near as pleasant.<br> <br> It does a good job of prodding you out of your blissful enervation. Pêl-O releases your penis and then helps you down off her deflated rubber ball. You stumble over to your clothes and start to put them back on.<br> <br> <<if $semenGiven gt 3>> "My major collection unit has completely drained your balls of all semen," Pêl-O tells you as you get dressed. "$ has tonics to restore a man's vitality. You should visit her before $ forces you to pick your next girl. Sex with a succubus while having empty balls is an unpleasant and often fatal experience."<br> <br> You thank her and<<else>>You<</if>> walk unsteadily out of the room. Your balls feel like peanuts. You don't think you've ever been so comprehensibly drained.<br> <br> /* faction increase */ <<if $semenGiven gt 3>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <</if>> /* semen harvested for NPC Potion */ <<set $semenChange to $semenGiven * -1>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Pel-O: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $hasAlreadyBeenBadEndChecked>> <<unset $semenGiven>>
Before you can consider what she means by that, the soft fleshy walls of the orifice clamp tightly around your cock and you're sucked down. You're held there and gently stimulated by the thick walls rippling and throbbing around your erection.<br> <br> "Commencing subdual massage," Pêl-O states.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Major Unit: Bad End 1]]
"Removing safeties. Commencing full-fluid drain," Pêl-O states.<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-O: Major Unit: To Bad End]]>>
She runs her hands over your back and shoulders. Her touch is firmer this time and the vibrations running through you are stronger. It feels amazing, like she's smoothing out every knot and kink in your muscles.<br> <br> She lies down on you and slides her hands up and down your arms. She does the same to your legs with her feet. She has such control over them it feels like an additional pair of hands massaging you. Beneath her sensual onslaught the muscles of your limbs relax so much they fall asleep. You lie limply on the ball as it slowly throbs beneath you.<br> <br> <<if not $isOutOfSemen>> The ball suddenly swells up, gripping your cock with a powerful, irresistible suction. You moan in orgasmic pleasure as another ejaculation bursts from you and is spurted down the wet tunnel. This ejaculation carries on for much longer, as if she's opened a direct channel to your balls and is pumping the cum out of them. You pour semen down into the giant pulsing ball.<br> <br> "Mmm, let it out," Pêl-O says, running soothing hands across your back. "Let it all out."<br> <br> <</if>> Pêl-O tightly clasps your sides just above your hips. The vibrations emanating from them are far more powerful. They reverberate through your body in powerful waves until it feels like every cell in your body is oscillating with the same rhythm.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> The ball suddenly swells up, gripping your cock with a powerful, irresistible suction.<br> <br> "Ah, here it comes," Pêl-O says.<br> <br> And she's right. You were so drained, it took a while for Pêl-O to bring you to climax, but once she does, it's a great shuddering flood pouring out of you. You moan in orgasmic bliss as your cock throbs and spurts blast after blast of cum down into the giant pulsing ball.<br> <br> <</if>> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Major Unit: Bad End 2]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> The ball throbs again. The power and the continuous flow of your ejaculation takes you by surprise. It just keeps going. It's like a long continuous piss, but thicker and punctuated with blasts of shuddering orgasmic pleasure. As good as your genitals feel, the rest of your body feels a little weird.<br> <br> "About to commence final full-fluid suck," Pêl-O says. "Engaging mercy mode."<br> <br> She lies on top of you and her hands clasp the side of your head. Vibrations penetrate your skull and directly stimulate the pleasure centres of your brain. You grind your hips against the soft ball, mewling in pleasure as you spurt great throbbing bolts of cum into it.<br> <br> The ball swells up sharply beneath you. The ejaculation becomes a great surge as she starts sucking out your liquefied insides. Pêl-O keeps her hands clasped to the side of your head.<br> <br> "Shh, relax," she says soothingly. "Let it all out."<br> <br> She whispers sweet nothings in your ear as your body slowly collapses in on itself beneath her. Mercifully, she keeps directly stimulating your pleasure centres, so that everything else is blocked out by intense orgasmic bliss. The lower ball sucks all your insides out of you through your cock. It's a hideous end, but one you thankfully don't feel.<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-O: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
She runs her warm hands all over your naked chest. You feel a pleasant buzz wherever her hands caress you. It feels strangely like she's running some kind of vibrating wand over your body.<br> <br> Pêl-O takes a hand back and starts sliding it over her sleek body. She lets her fingers stray down between her legs and parts the hairless folds of her sex. With your attention drawn to that, she wraps her other hand around your erection and pumps it.<br> <br> You feel that strange vibration again. This time it reverberates through your cock and pleasantly stimulates all the nerve endings. Your cock swells and hardens to full throbbing erection.<br> <br> "Full erection achieved," Pêl-O says. "Inserting into minor semen extraction unit."<br> <br> That's an odd thing to say, you think. It doesn't take long to become apparent what she means. She lifts herself up and then slowly down onto your rampant erection.<br> <br> You slide up into her pussy. It's smooth and tight and well-lubricated. Once you're all the way inside it, it grows even tighter. The soft walls contract around your cock to form a snug fit.<br> <br> "Mmm, a nice cock," Pêl-O says. "I'm going to enjoy pumping the cum out of it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Minor Unit: Sex 2]]
She starts moving her hips up and down with smooth bounces. Your cock slides back and forth in her snug vagina.<br> <br> The yielding surface of the flattened ball makes it hard for you to find your own rhythm. Pêl-O shakes her head when you try.<br> <br> "Lie still and leave it to my hips and ball," she says.<br> <br> That works. The elastic surface beneath you is very springy. There is a lot of up and down movement. You find it best to lie back and let your body move with the ball. Each downward bounce of Pêl-O's hips triggers a recoil that catapults you deep into her lush depths.<br> <br> "I promised a bouncy fuck," Pêl-O says.<br> <br> She bounces on your cock and the ball bounces you up and down beneath her. Your cock slides back and forth in her lovely pussy. It's tight enough to generate delicious friction. Tight enough even to generate a little vacuum pull on your cock at the upswing of her bounces.<br> <br> "Bounce, bounce, bounce," Pêl-O says sultrily.<br> <br> She rides you and her body bounces up in the air as she uses her rubber ball like a kind of trampoline. Suddenly she switches. She folds her body over yours and works her hips against you in close little rocks that set you trembling in delight.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Minor Unit: Sex 3]]
Then, before you can boil over, she's back to riding you with long slow bounces that have her pussy stroke up and down the full length of your erection.<br> <br> She repeats the cycle a couple of times – close fast strokes to make you think she's going to let you climax, and then back to long slow bounces to draw you back from the edge. It's maddening, but you dare not try forcing it. The elastic ball is bucking so wildly with her movements you fear the slightest wrong movement from you might end up catapulting the both of you off.<br> <br> "I love giving men a good bounce on my ball," Pêl-O says.<br> <br> Then she looks slightly guilty, as if she's enjoying this a little more than she should.<br> <br> "Ah, but I mustn't forget my purpose," she says.<br> <br> She pushes down with her hips and take in your whole length. The soft walls contract around and squeeze your cock.<br> <br> "Inducing ejaculatory response."<br> <br> Her tight vagina starts vibrating around your cock.<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-O: Minor Unit: Semen Check]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> It feels fantastic and your body contorts with the desire to empty your balls in her. But you don't get there. It's been a long night and you might have hit your limit.<br> <br> "No ejaculatory response detected," Pêl-O states. "Removing safeties. Commencing full-fluid drain."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Minor Unit: Bad End 1]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Minor Unit: Ejaculation]] <</if>>
The elastic surface of the rubber ball swells beneath you. It opens up and you feel something wet and warm suck in your ass. It forms a tight seal around it.<br> <br> You look around in alarm and press your hands into the soft surface in an attempt to pull free.<br> <br> "Fear response detected. Engaging bondage protocols," Pêl-O says.<br> <br> The soft surface of the ball sucks down your hands and feet. Thick rubber strips wrap around your wrists and ankles and tether you to the ball.<br> <br> "There is no need to be afraid," Pêl-O says. "You'll find this to be quite pleasant."<br> <br> She slowly rocks in your lap, letting the soft walls of her vagina gently stroke you back to full hardness. Her hands roam all over your naked chest, spreading pleasant tingling vibrations in their wake.<br> <br> The ball swells beneath you. You feel a strange sucking sensation on your anus.<br> <br> Pêl-O makes soothing sounds as she continues to rock in your lap. Her hands feel really nice as they roam all over your chest.<br> <br> The ball swells again and your ass is again gripped by a sucking force. You feel your bowels loosen and – before you can stop yourself – you defecate into the ball.<br> <br> Pêl-O sees your embarrassment and smiles beatifically.<br> <br> "It's nothing to be ashamed of," she says, running her fingers over your lips. "It's what my major extraction unit does."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Minor Unit: Bad End 2]]
<<set $semenGiven += 1>> And that's enough. You tense up and then grunt in ecstatic release as you spurt inside her. Pêl-O milks it all out with little pumps of her hips. The inner walls of her vagina tug on your cock like some kind of milking sleeve, stretching out your ejaculation until she's drawn every last drop of cum out of your cock.<br> <br> Afterwards, you sink down on the soft, squishable rubber ball and bask in the blissful aftermath.<br> <br> Pêl-O still sits astride you. Her irises suddenly light up an amber-yellow colour and the lights turn as if she's a computer processing information.<br> <br> "Semen sample acquired. Checking against records."<br> <br> That's the disconcerting thing about her. At times she seems human – okay, humanoid. And then moments later she'll say things and act like a cold emotionless android or robot.<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-O: Minor Unit: Bad End Check]]>>
<<if $cgi eq 0 or $npcPotion.semenHarvested eq 0>> <<set _isBadEnd to true>> <</if>>
<<set _isBadEnd to false>> <<include [[Pel-O: Bad End Check]]>> <<if _isBadEnd>> Her 'processing' doesn't take long. The lights behind her irises blink off and she looks down at you with a warm and unmistakably human smile.<br> <br> "Safeties off. Commencing full-fluid drain," Pêl-O says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Minor Unit: Bad End 1]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Minor Unit: Bad End Pass]] <</if>>
Her 'processing' doesn't take long. The lights behind her irises blink off and she looks down at you with a warm and unmistakably human smile.<br> <br> "Did you enjoy having a good bounce on my ball?" she asks.<br> <br> She grinds her hips against you, rocking the elastic ball and giving your spent cock a teasing little squeeze.<br> <br> "The bouncy fucks are always over so fast," she says. "There is still some time left. How about I turn you over and give you a nice body-to-body massage?"<br> <br> That sounds tempting.<br> <br> "I'll even put your cock in my major semen extraction unit and give it a good hard suck. That will be a real treat for you."<br> <br> That... less so.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> [[Decline her offer.->Pel-O: Minor Unit: Good End]]<br> [[Let her give you a body-to-body massage.->Pel-O: Minor Unit: To Massage]]
"A pity," Pêl-O says as you turn her down. "I would have liked to pump more high-quality semen out of you. At least I got a good sample with my minor semen extraction unit."<br> <br> She smiles and rubs her belly. She helps you down off the ball and you put your clothes back on.<br> <br> Pêl-O brazenly lounges back on her ball with her legs wide open. The lovely hairless folds of her vagina are on full show, as if she's taunting you with what you turned down.<br> <br> Between her legs and on the surface of the ball you notice a similar hump with a groove running through it. It looks like a mirror of her sex, only larger. As you watch, it gapes open to reveal a moist pink interior.<br> <br> You briefly wonder what it is before deciding you probably don't want to know. Better to get out while you can.<br> <br> /* no faction increase */ /* semen harvested for NPC Potion */ <<set $semenChange to $semenGiven * -1>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Pel-O: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<set $hasAlreadyBeenBadEndChecked to true>> Pêl-O's eyes light up and her smile widens as you accept her offer of a massage. Still with her legs astride you, she helps turn you over until you're lying on your front.<br> <br> "Now, relax and get comfortable," she says.<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-O: Begin Massage]]>>
Getting comfortable is easy enough. The ball squashes down and forms a nice cushion beneath you. Pêl-O settles on your lower back and her warm hands roam over your naked flesh.<br> <br> "Commencing stage one massage," Pêl-O says.<br> <br> Her hands lightly squeeze and knead the muscles of your neck and shoulders.<br> <br> "This is to induce a relaxed state of mind," Pêl-O says.<br> <br> At first it feels like a regular massage. Pêl-O slides her hands up your back and caresses your shoulders. Then, without seeming to increase the force, her touch somehow becomes more penetrative. With each squeeze it feels like pleasant waves are sinking into your flesh. It's like she's running some kind of vibrating wand over you. Two wands! The vibrations smooth out and relax your muscles. It feels heavenly.<br> <br> "Relaxation achieved. Commencing stage two: Arousal."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-O: Arousal Massage]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> She sits up and starts riding your harder and faster. Your cock has recovered enough to respond to the lovely friction of her tight pussy. Pêl-O moves her hands down to your sides and the vibrations from them feel much more powerful. They reverberate through your chest in powerful waves until it feels like every cell in your body is oscillating with the same rhythm.<br> <br> The ball swells again beneath you. Your bowels gurgle and then you're emptying them again. This time it's more liquid. Doing this at the same time as Pêl-O is fucking you, you're not sure if you should be revolted or turned on.<br> <br> Pêl-O doesn't care. Bouncing faster and faster, harder and harder, she rises up and leans back. And then, when she's bounced you to the cusp of climax, she flops her upper body down on top of you. Her smooth supple lips press against yours. Her vagina contracts and the walls start vibrating around your cock.<br> <br> "About to commence final full-fluid suck," Pêl-O pauses the kiss to say. "Engaging mercy mode."<br> <br> She presses her smooth lips back against yours. Her hands move up and clasp the side of your head. Vibrations penetrate your skull and directly stimulate the pleasure centres of your brain. You buck as the orgasm bursts from you, only to be sucked back down by the larger orifice beneath you. Your thoughts are overloaded by and submerged in sensual bliss.<br> <br> The ball swells sharply beneath you. This time you don't just evacuate your bowels, but the whole of your liquefied insides. Pêl-O keeps kissing you as your body collapses in on itself beneath her. Mercifully, she keeps directly stimulating your pleasure centres, so that everything else is blocked out by intense orgasmic bliss. The lower ball sucks all your insides out of you through your ass. It's a hideous end, but one you thankfully don't feel.<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-O: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br> <br> "She liked that? Really? She has a very odd taste in gifts."<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
<<set _sex to _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <<set _lowSemen to _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> <<set _medSemen to _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> <<set _hiSemen to _scoreArray[4][1] and not _osa[4][2]>> <<set _massage to _lowSemen or _medSemen or _hiSemen>> <<if not _massage>> <<include [[Pel-O: Sell Exp Feedback: Sex Only]]>> <<else>> <<if _sex>> "So, you stayed for her massage? Regular sex with her wasn't enough?"<br> <br> $ chuckles. He carries on making notes.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _hiSemen>> "Just what is her trigger? By your account, she drained a considerable amount from you. Yet you came back and he did not." <<elseif _medSemen>> "You say she completely drained you. Hmm, just like all the others. The ones that came back, anyway." <<else>> "You say she drained all you had, but it wasn't very much, and then she let you leave. Blast, that's knocked a hole in one of my theories." <</if>><br> <br> $ opens his notebook and goes back over old notes.<br> <br> "She's a conundrum to me. For a while I thought survivability was dependent on how much... uh... issue the man could produce. Then I sent in a strapping young lad, freshly arrived and bursting with... uh... cum. He didn't come back."<br> <br> His whiskers bristle and he clicks his teeth.<br> <br> "I must find out her trigger. I can't risk visiting her until I learn it." <</if>>
"It sounds just like harmless bouncy fun..."<br> <br> $ shakes his head.<br> <br> "No, I need to find out more, especially about that strange ball she's always sitting on. Just to be sure."
<<set _isFirst to not $allHarlots[$hi].hasSeenBefore>> <<set _pregNow to $allHarlots[$hi].looksPregnantNow>> <<set _hasChanged to _pregNow neq $allHarlots[$hi].lookedPregnantLastTime>> <<if _pregNow>> <<if _isFirst or not _hasChanged>> /* Standard Preg Intro */ She has a noticeable bulge at her belly. It looks like a pregnancy bulge. This raises awkward questions as to whether the harlots of the House, despite their non-human nature, can get pregnant and whether $ insists they keep working despite being so obviously heavily pregnant.<br><br> <<else>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasShownNotPregToPreg>> /* Not Preg to Preg Subsequent */ Va-kyuuma looks pregnant again. She has a noticeable bulge at her belly. A large bulge. You remember seeing her like that during a previous introduction, only for it to vanish later. There must be some kind of bait 'n' switch going on. Maybe more than one Va-kyuuma.<br><br> <<else>> /* Not Preg to Preg First Time */ Sometime since you last saw her, Va-kyuuma appears to have gotten pregnant. She has a noticeable bulge at her belly. It's also quite a large bulge, as if she's been pregnant for a while. Which doesn't make sense as you last saw her a couple of hours ago. Does time work differently in here? Or is her biology that different?<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasShownNotPregToPreg to true>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].lookedPregnantLastTime to true>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSeenPregnant to true>> <<else>> <<if _isFirst or not _hasChanged>> /* Standard not Preg Intro */ /* No text */ <<else>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasShownPregToNotPreg>> /* Preg to Not Preg Subsequent */ Her pregnancy bump has gone again. There is no way she could have had another baby so quickly. It remains a strange mystery. Clones? Or maybe it's not pregnancy at all, a thought which has unpleasant connotations.<br><br> <<else>> /* Preg to Not Preg First Time */ Her most noticeable feature in this case is the absence of a feature. Last time you saw her, she looked heavily pregnant, with an unmissable bulge at her belly. That is gone. But where? Unless time works strangely in the House, there is no way she could have had the baby and be back so soon.<br> <br> You wonder if you're getting her mixed up with another girl. A twin, maybe?<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasShownPregToNotPreg to true>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].lookedPregnantLastTime to false>> <</if>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSeenBefore to true>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].lookedPregnantLastTime>> <<set _hasSeenBefore to $allHarlots[$hi].hasShownPregToNotPreg>> <<if _hasSeenBefore>>Again, <<else>>Oddly, <</if>>her most noticeable feature is the absence of one. The pregnancy bump she'd had when $ introduced her is no longer there. Her stomach is flat and trim, as if she keeps herself in good shape.<br> <br> <<if _hasSeenBefore>> Again, you're confused. Is there some switching going on? Multiple Va-kyuumas? <<else>> This leaves you feeling slightly confused. She couldn't have had the baby in the time it took you to walk up to her room, could she?<br> <br> Maybe you're getting her mixed up with someone else. Are there two Va-kyuumas? Twins maybe? <</if>><br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasShownPregToNotPreg to true>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].lookedPregnantLastTime to false>> <</if>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasShownPregToNotPreg>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <</if>>
/* Chen */ <<set $hi to 34>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Chén", shortDescription: "", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Chen: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Chen: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Chen: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Chen: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Chen: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Chen: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Chen: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Chen: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Chen: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ <<set $player.currAgi to 1>> /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 34>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 20>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a delicate glass mannequin that moves as if alive. She wears a tutu and balances on her toes with the grace of a ballerina.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Chén. Isn't she exquisite," $ says. "She dances like an angel."<br> <br> $ lowers her voice.<br> <br> "And fucks like a demon." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Chén pirouettes across the stage to you and greets you with a curtsey. There is a jerky quality to her movements, like a life-size clockwork toy. She looks like a miracle of engineering, or perhaps magic. The eyes in her glass face look organic and alive. Inside the amber-hued glass case of her chest a red heart beats and circulates fluids through a complex series of tubes and strange transparent structures that more resemble art sculptures than organs.<br> <br> You don't really know what she is – a living breathing doll, or an automaton created by a master artisan that moves with a facsimile of life.<br> <br> There are some strange symbols etched into her forehead: חֵן. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ The doll's living eyes study you and her delicate head moves with quick little jerky motions, like a bird.<br> <br> "Come up to my room and dance with me."<br> <br> <<if $player.currAgi lt 4>> She looks you over.<br> <br> "You don't look like much of a dancer, but maybe you'll prove me wrong."<br> <br> <</if>> She turns in a dainty little pirouette and bends over backwards far enough for her upside-down face to look up at you.<br> <br> "Then I'll stick your cock in my dickbag and fuck all the spunk out of you."<br> <br> She jerks back up to upright and gracefully twirls away. <br>
Chén is a dainty and delicate presence at your side as you enter the bar. So much so, you unconsciously take up a protective stance next to her, which she notices and admonishes you for.<br> <br> "I'm not fragile," she says.<br> <br> She twirls ahead and finds a table.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Chen: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Chen: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "I could be dancing," she tsks.<br> <br> She leaves you and returns to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
While waiting for the waitress to return with your drinks, you find yourself marvelling at Chén's face. Rather than being an expressionless doll mask, her face consists of complex interlocking glass parts that are able to slide over each other to form facsimiles of facial expressions. In contrast, and unsettlingly so, her blue eyes look organic, leaving you with uncomfortable questions as to where they might have come from.<br> <br> Chén sees you looking and pulls a face.<br> <br> "It's rude to stare," she says.<br> <br> She pulls more faces, each lewder than the last until it looks like she's gasping in orgasm. She returns to a regular smirk as the waitress comes back with your drinks.<br> <br> Or rather, just your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name. She doesn't bring anything for Chén.<br> <br> "I do drink," Chén says, "but it's not allowed in here."<br> <br> She glances down at your crotch with a total lack of shame.<br> <br> "We dance, then I put your cock in my dickbag and squeeze the cum out of it."<br> <br> Her frankness, out of the blue, catches you off guard.<br> <br> "It's what you want to know, right," Chén says. "I do have that functionality. But only if you can dance. I have no time for clumsy clodhoppers."<br> <br> She then proceeds to tell you, in graphic detail, all the ways her 'dick bag' will squeeze, suck and squoosh the cum out of your cock. Her crudeness is in direct contradiction to her exquisitely crafted appearance.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Ah, Chén. Our foul-mouthed little golem. $ made her, in one of her inexplicable moments of creative genius. I say 'made', but not all of her. Probably best not to think too hard about where some of those parts came from."<br> <br> $ chuckles darkly.<br> <br> "Chén was supposed to be an embodiment of grace and elegance. And then $ accidentally imbued her with the soul of a common waterfront floozy. The mouth on that wretch."<br> <br> $'s mouth twists with mirth.<br> <br> "She dances like a ballerina, and seeks those with the agility to dance with her. I know it sounds tediously boring, but you needn't be disheartened. She's also a sexbot – a little clockwork whore. She has the bits. She charmingly—" the sarcasm drips from $'s mouth "—calls it her 'dickbag'. It's a fully functional artificial vagina. Not as good as the real thing, of course, but I doubt you'd notice. You men will come in anything as long as it's wet and tight."<br> <br> $ laughs as she drinks her cocktail.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"For reasons known only to her, and I doubt even she remembers why, $ gave Chén the ability to fill her artificial vagina with powerful acid. I think it's supposed to be a discouragement to stop unwanted men from forcing themselves on Chén.\<br\>\<br\>\"It's only happened once. The results were... frightful.\"\<br\>\<br\>$'s eyes glimmer with amusement.\<br\>\<br\>\"$ was most displeased.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If you have two left feet when it comes to dancing, all you'll get from Chén is a mouthful of abuse.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"$ makes her toys to seek out the best quality sperm, and when they find it, they're not satisfied with only taking a small sample. Chén is no different. Be wary of showing off when dancing with her.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Chén reserves her best tricks for only the most agile of dance partners.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Chen: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Chen: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Low Agi Early Exit */ [4,false,false] /* Med Agi Survive */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Chen: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Chen: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Chén's room is old Victorian elegance. The walls are panelled in dark wood. The wooden floor is lacquered and polished so thoroughly it gleams. A fancy chandelier hangs from the ceiling. An old gramophone with a large brass trumpet sits on a stand in the far corner. It's currently playing a scratchy old dance tune. Chén slowly dances around the room. The floor is open apart from a low-lying leathery beanbag-type cushion in the centre of the room.<br> <br> Chén is in constant motion as she dances around the central cushion. There is a strange jerky quality to her movements – like looking at a windup ballerina on the top of a musical box.<br> <br> As she twirls by, she takes one of your arms and drags you out onto the dancefloor. You wave your gift around, wondering what you should be doing with it.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chen: Gift]]
Still dancing, Chén takes you over to the stand in the corner. She pulls a tray out from beneath the gramophone and points to it. Then she twirls away on the tip of her toes.<br> <br> <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>> <<set _string to "it is">> <<else>> <<set _string to "they are">> <</if>> You place the $allGifts[$cgi].name on the tray. Chén doesn't seem to care what <<if $cgi eq 0>><<print _string + ",">> but she acknowledges it with a little nod.<<else>><<print _string + ".">><</if>> She moves the needle on the record back to the start, takes your hand and draws you back out onto the dancefloor.<br> <br> "My producer made me to dance," Chén says.<br> <br> She arches her head backwards with clockwork clicks.<br> <br> "And also to assess the studs for quality."<br> <br> She dances in close, tugs at your trousers and then spins away in a dainty pirouette.<br> <br> You think she's hinting to take your clothes off. You undress down to your underwear and toss your clothes over by the corner.<br> <br> Chén cocks her head and rolls her eyes. She reaches over, hooks the elastic of your pants with her finger and snaps it back against your body.<br> <br> "You're in a whorehouse. No need to be a shy pussy."<br> <br> You cock your head and glance at the little pink tutu around her waist. You're not the only shy pussy in the room.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chen: Undress]]
The interlocking plates of Chén's face move together to form a ribald grin. She lifts up her gossamer dress and bends her body back in a supple crab. She's not wearing underwear. She has a vagina. Unlike the rest of her glass mannequin body, her pussy looks like it's been moulded from supple black rubber.<br> <br> Chén returns back to standing with jerky little clockwork clicks. Her eyes are challenging as she looks back at you.<br> <br> "You've seen my cunt. Now let's see your big fat cock."<br> <br> You pull your underpants down and toss them on the pile of your other clothes.<br> <br> Chén comes closer and bends down to examine your penis.<br> <br> "Mmm. Very nice," she says. "I can't wait to put that in my dickbag. But first..."<br> <br> She dances over to the gramophone and changes the record.<br> <br> "We shall dance and I shall assess the quality of your stock for my producer."<br> <br> She moves the needle to the start of the record and music pours out of the gramophone horn. It's more upbeat and up-tempo. Chén springs over to you on tippytoes and takes your hand.<br> <br> The dance begins.<br> <br> <<if $player.currAgi lt 2>> [[Continue.->Chen: Low Agi Dance]] <<elseif $player.currAgi lt 5>> [[Continue.->Chen: Med Agi Dance]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Chen: High Agi Dance]] <</if>>
It does not last for very long.<br> <br> Truth be told, you're an awful dancer. Always have been. You try. Unfortunately, you're congenitally clumsy and possess two left feet when it comes to moving around on the dancefloor. You lumber along inelegantly in the wake of Chén's movements before she twirls over to the gramophone and pauses the music.<br> <br> "You are not a dancer," Chén says. "There is no music in your soul. Those feet are better suited to planting turnips."<br> <br> She points to the big leathery beanbag in the centre of the room.<br> <br> "Now sit and watch. You're no fucking use to me as a partner, so you can be my audience instead."<br> <br> Chastened, you slouch down in the beanbag. It's soft and the leather cover is supple. While reasonably comfortable, it seems designed more for lying on than sitting in.<br> <br> Chén drops the needle back down and the music resumes. Like a delicate little clockwork toy, she whirls and spins across the wooden floor in front of you. You're left in awe at the exquisite craft of her body. Did someone really make her? All of her parts move so seamlessly. Her creator must be a master craftsman... or woman.<br> <br> The music starts to rise to a crescendo. Chén takes her dance to a climax with it, though her finale is crude rather than elegant. She finishes astride you with her legs wide apart. She grabs the back of your head and shoves her crotch in your face.<br> <br> "Sniff my cunt," she says.<br> <br> It's a strange mix of scents – feminine arousal mixed with synthetic rubber.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> [[Continue.->Chen: Low Agi Dance: Black Rose]] <<else>> "And that's all you're fucking getting," Chén says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chen: Low Agi Dance: Early Exit]] <</if>>
You're not the best dancer in the world, but you are adequate. You are able to keep up with Chén. Or at least able to play the role of partner without completely embarrassing yourself.<br> <br> It's strange to watch Chén. She moves with the grace and delicacy of a ballerina. But there is also a strange clockwork jerkiness to her movements, as if you're watching a life-size windup toy.<br> <br> "Not too shabby," Chén says as she twirls by. "You're not total shit."<br> <br> You dance with her until the record ends. Gracefully, Chén pirouettes over to the gramophone to put a new one on.<br> <br> "Let's see how you do with this," she says.<br> <br> How you do... is struggle. You're not a bad dancer, but this music is faster and has strange tempo changes that catch you out. Despite her strange, jerky clockwork motions, Chén moves around you with grace and elegance. It's like she's wired up directly to the music and follows it flawlessly.<br> <br> You try your best. It's not bad, but not good either. It comes as a relief when the record finally comes to an end.<br> <br> Chén dances back over to the gramophone and lifts the needle.<br> <br> "You were shit," she says as she turns to you. "But you tried."<br> <br> That was a little blunt.<br> <br> "I wouldn't feel too bad," Chén says. "That piece is difficult. All but the most exceptional fuck it up. Your overall performance was, however, adequate. We can proceed to the next phase: semen extraction."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chen: Semen Extraction 1]]
You've always been a pretty good dancer. Chén, despite her appearance, is excellent. It's slightly surreal to watch her. There is a strange clockwork jerkiness to her movements, like watching a life-size windup doll, and yet she moves with the delicacy and grace of a top ballerina.<br> <br> You're not too shabby either.<br> <br> Chén's face lights up as she watches your dance. "We've got a live one here!"<br> <br> When the record ends, Chén gracefully pirouettes over to the gramophone to put a new one on.<br> <br> "Let's see how you do with this," she says.<br> <br> The new music is much faster and has a lot of unexpected tempo changes. You have to concentrate quite hard to follow it and keep up with Chén's movements.<br> <br> The piece ends in a crescendo with Chén spinning into you and then bending backwards over your outstretched arm. She holds the pose until the music ends and looks up at you with a broad smile.<br> <br> "Mag-fuckin-ifico," she says. "Bravo. You're somewhat competent."<br> <br> Chén returns back to upright with jerky clockwork clicks. She glides back to the gramophone.<br> <br> "Now we can proceed to the fun phase: semen extraction."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chen: Semen Extraction 1]]
"Normally, this would be where I'd tell you to fuck off," Chén says. "Your stock is poor and of no interest to me. However..."<br> <br> She bends down and presses a hand against your chest.<br> <br> " have made a request and $ insists I honour them. Just don't expect me to retain your jizz. I'll be flushing it out right afterwards."<br> <br> <<include [[Chen: Semen Extraction 1]]>>
She releases your head and twirls away while the record stutters and catches at the end.<br> <br> "My role is to obtain samples from the finest of stock. And you, with your stupid clodhopper feet, are not that. So put your clothes back on and fuck off," Chén says. "And be thankful you got to see true grace in motion."<br> <br> <<if not $player.currIsSubmissive>> Her jeering words cause a volcanic surge of anger to boil within you. That cheeky little slut.<br> <br> Your fists clench and unclench.<br> <br> That... whore. Yes, whore. And this is a whore's room. You've a good mind to...<br> <br> Chén pauses and laughs at the anger on your face.<br> <br> "What a fucking mood," she says. "What are you going to do? Try to rape me? Come on, try it. I'm not as fragile as I look."<br> <br> She lifts her dress and flashes her black rubber pussy at you as a taunt.<br> <br> "I can secrete thirteen different special fluids into my dickbag. Twelve of those are to induce pleasure and spunking. The thirteenth is a powerful acid to melt the dicks off of clumsy clodhoppers who think they can force themselves on me."<br> <br> She waves her hips back and forth, shamelessly showing off her sex.<br> <br> "So go on. Take a poke. I'll melt your cock right off."<br> <br> That's a bluff you don't feel like calling. Definitely not in here. <<else>> That's... mean. You like a bit of abuse – it's a turn on – but that usually has the promise of some sort of pleasure at the end of it. Looking at Chén's posture, you don't think you're getting that here.<br> <br> "So off you fuck," she says. "You're no fucking use to me."<br> <br> This is not really the humiliation you were looking for. <</if>><br> <br> You put your clothes back on and slink over to the door.<br> <br> "You're fucking lucky," Chén calls after you. "Most of the tarts in here would have ripped your soul out for being that shit."<br> <br> That might be true, but she could at least be more tactful about it.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> /* no faction increase */ <<include [[Chen: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Chén changes the record. The music on this one isn't really for dancing. It's more a background piece to set a mood, and you know exactly what that mood is.<br> <br> Chén turns back to you. For an artificial clockwork doll with a face made out of interlocking glass plates, it's quite an achievement to pull off the expression of pure unadulterated filth she gives you.<br> <br> "That's where I put your cock in my dickbag and squeeze out a big fat load," she says.<br> <br> <<if $cgi neq 0>> She gestures for you to lie down on the leathery beanbag in the centre of the room. The old leather is warm and supple, and feels comfy as you lie back with your head and shoulders propped up.<br> <br> <</if>> Chén stands in front of you with her legs apart. She lifts up her tutu to expose her sex, or rather the facsimile of a vagina she has. In contrast to the amber-hued glass of her body, her sex is fashioned from matte black rubber.<br> <br> "Give me a mo. I need to squirt a bit of lube in there first," Chén says. "Ah, there we go."<br> <br> A viscous, clear liquid oozes from the opening.<br> <br> Chén looks down at your flaccid member.<br> <br> "That's not a problem. My dickbag has vacuum capabilities. You can be as limp as a wet noodle. My dickbag will suck it inside and squeeze out a good sample."<br> <br> Chén crouches down and wraps a hand around your cock. The glass or hard plastic it's made from is surprisingly warm.<br> <br> "Better if it's hard. My producer gave me feedback receptors on the inside. I do like getting my dickbag //stretched//."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chen: Semen Extraction 2]]
Your erection has perked up the moment Chén lowers her crotch down on you. She's weird, but does appear to be a bona fide sex robot with fully functional parts, although it's hard to tell whether science, magic, or some unholy combination of the two was responsible for her creation.<br> <br> Your erection pushes at the rubber opening to her artificial vagina and – aided by copious amounts of lubricant – slides inside.<br> <br> You see it as well. Through the glass wall of her abdomen you see your erection push up inside an opaque black bag. That is weird, but also arousing as well. The rubber is soft and feels pleasant around your cock.<br> <br> "Into my dickbag you go," Chén says.<br> <br> Inside her transparent body you see the rubber bag swell and slowly pulse. You feel it as pleasant suction on your cock.<br> <br> Now that you have a chance to observe her properly, you notice Chén's interior is a complex web of tubes and incomprehensible organs. All are translucent aside from her 'dickbag' and a beating heart that looks disconcertingly human. You watch as pinkish fluids run down pipes leading into the slowly pulsing dickbag.<br> <br> More lubricant?<br> <br> You suppose, being artificial, Chén's vagina will need a little more than usual. It does feel rather pleasant inside her. It's warm, wet, and the walls are soft and very flexible. Although it is a little strange to see the rubber bag sticking up inside her and know that it's your dick in there.<br> <br> Chén adds more internal movements. The bag twists, bulges and ripples around your erection. Not only is it arousing, it feels rather relaxing as well. As if your penis is getting a nice massage.<br> <br> So relaxing, you let yourself sink into the soft leather beanbag cushion and let Chén's dickbag do its thing.<br> <br> It's a little too relaxing. Your whole body starts to feel a little heavy, as if your limbs are weighed down with soft sacks of sand.<br> <br> Chén's artificial lips turn up in an exultant smile.<br> <br> "Ah good. It looks like the paralysing agent has taken effect."<br> <br> [[Paralysing agent?->Chen: Semen Extraction 3]]
"My producer was concerned I might get damaged during the semen extraction process, so she gave me glands that secrete a little paralysing agent. It's not harmful or unpleasant. The drug will make you feel too relaxed to move for a short while. While my dickbag gets a big load out of you."<br> <br> More fluids run down Chén's internal tubes and into the pulsing black rubber bag.<br> <br> "She also gave me other glands. This one makes a special little something to put you in the mood."<br> <br> The bag fills up with warm liquid. It soaks into your cock and you suddenly feel very hot and horny. Chén's dickbag expands and the resulting vacuum coaxes more blood into your penis. Your cock swells up to full erection... and a little more on top, until you're stretching the top of the bag.<br> <br> Chén's eyes widen and her mouth gapes open in an expression of lewd abandon that doesn't fit an artificial mannequin at all.<br> <br> "Ooh. I love a big fat cock in my dickbag," she says.<br> <br> She regains control. Her dickbag stimulates your engorged member with slow throbs.<br> <br> "My producer gave me the ability to secrete thirteen different fluids," Chén says. "One is a lubricant. One is a paralysing agent. One induces erections. You just felt that. One is a powerful organic acid."<br> <br> Your eyes widen in fear.<br> <br> [[What the...?->Chen: Semen Extraction 4]]
"You don't need to worry about that. It's for the worthless clodhoppers that try to force themselves on me. I've already determined you're worthy enough to extract a semen sample<<if $player.currAgi gt 4>> from. More than worthy."<<else>> from."<</if>><br> <br> While reassuring, you do wonder what kind of sick madman would conceive of and build a sex doll capable of filling her pussy with acid.<br> <br> "Seven are a blend of various different aphrodisiacs and other stimulants. I'm not a flesh 'n' blood floozy, so I need a little extra oomph to get you worthless cumsacks to spunk up your goodies."<br> <br> You watch as various coloured fluids run through Chén's internal tubing. It resembles a complicated science experiment and all converging on the slowly pulsing black rubber bag.<br> <br> "All you men are complicated and annoying. It takes a while to find the right mix of aphrodisiacs and stimulation to get you properly spunking."<br> <br> Various exotic fluids dribble into the rubber bag. The pulsing motions of the bag whip them up into a froth around your cock, a froth that sinks into your skin and drives your senses wild. The black rubber continues to swell and throb. Sometimes it contracts right down until it squeezes your member like a second skin. Other times it swells up like a balloon and sends waves of rippling suction running up your shaft.<br> <br> "My dickbag has you now, and it will make you come," Chén says. "So lie back and enjoy it."<br> <br> You sigh and moan in pleasure. Chén sits astride you and gloats down at you. Her dickbag swells, squeezes, throbs and twists. It churns aphrodisiac secretions around your cock until you're helplessly squirming in bliss.<br> <br> "I have it," Chén says. "You're gonna spunk."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chen: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> The throbbing pulses of her dickbag grow more deliberate and focused. The bag twists and squeezes the edge of your glans at just the right spot. You're completely under her control now, and Chén knows it.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Chen: Out Of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Chen: Climax]]>> <</if>>
She manipulates her internal rubber bag until it feels like many oil-slick hands spiralling up your shaft. You squirm helplessly beneath her as she toys with and stimulates your cock.<br> <br> Frustration starts to show on her face after a while.<br> <br> "Won't you come already?" she complains.<br> <br> Her dickbag contracts tightly around your cock and tugs on it with teasing ripples. As good as it feels, you remain tantalisingly just short of climax.<br> <br> "I know what it is," Chén says. "You've already had your bollocks drained by those other skanks. I'm going to have to use more extreme measures if I want to get a sample from you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chen: Full Drain]]
She manipulates her internal rubber bag until it feels like many oil-slick hands spiralling up your shaft. Your hips start to tremble. You feel the urge to come rising within you. You feel it's going to be big.<br> <br> "Here it comes," Chén says. "Make my producer happy and spurt out a big one. Fill my dickbag with your filthy cream."<br> <br> Her dickbag pulses faster and faster. You moan and squirm. It's coming.<br> <br> Chén leans over and grasps your sides. Her weirdly human eyes stare into yours.<br> <br> "Yes, come, you filthy cumsack. Let it gush out inside me."<br> <br> Her dickbag swells and then contracts down to squeeze your cock. That's enough. Your cock throbs and you spurt a massive load of semen out into the rubber bladder. Your whole body trembles with the force as you pour it up into Chén.<br> <br> Chén's eyes go big and crossed. Her mouth falls open in a shameless gape. It looks like she too is having an<<if $player.currInt gt 3>> orgasm, although you suspect she's putting on a show for your benefit.<<else>> orgasm.<</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Chen: End Check]]
Her inner dickbag coaxes the last dregs of your ejaculation out with gentle undulation. Then contracts more tightly in a squeezing stroke to get the last drops out. The tip keeps swelling up until cloudy liquid leaks out and is drawn up into a transparent bladder.<br> <br> <<if $player.currAgi gt 4 or $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Chen: Full Drain Intro]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Chen: Good End]]>> <</if>>
"First sample collected," Chén says.<br> <br> First sample?<br> <br> Chén smiles down at you. For an inhuman automaton, her smile has a disconcertingly sinister edge.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "I'm not really interested in your cum. It's poor quality. But I do have to give you what you asked for, so lie back." <<else>> "I have special dispensation to collect a much larger samples from those of exceptional agility. How large? All of your cum." <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Chen: Full Drain]]
The transparent bladder fills up with cloudy liquid to the size of a large marble. Chén opens the front of her chest and reaches in to retrieve it.<br> <br> "Sample collected," Chén says. Her demeanour is back to cold and artificial.<br> <br> She gets up off you. A sticky mess of lubricant and aphrodisiacs spill out of her artificial pussy along with your spent cock.<br> <br> "Dance over," Chén says. "I need to go and clean my parts in preparation for the next semen extraction."<br> <br> She picks up your pile of clothes and tosses them in your direction. She walks over and opens up a disguised door in the far wall. Before entering, she turns and glances back in your direction.<br> <br> "What are you waiting for? Dance over. Now fuck off."<br> <br> You shake your head. Given her form her vulgarity is more amusing than offensive. Body of a ballerina, mouth of a sailor. For a sexbot, she's certainly unique. Her 'dickbag' was also a novel – and pleasant – experience. Your cock feels like it's been put through a wringer, but pleasantly so.<br> <br> You put your clothes on and head for the exit.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Chen: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
She holds up her hands. Long hypodermic needles emerge from the tips of her index fingers. Still smiling, she bends over and jabs them into your sides. You feel a brief pinprick of pain, then a rush of euphoric bliss.<br> <br> "This is my twelfth secretion," Chén says. "It's a special little drug derived from succubus venom. You useless cumsacks can't produce the quantity I need without a little help."<br> <br> At first you feel relaxed. Then hot. Then horny. Really hot and horny. It also feels like your balls are swelling up between your legs.<br> <br> "It forces the body to produce more cum. Lots and lots of cum."<br> <br> An unknown organ starts pulsing vigorously in Chén's chest compartment. A bright pink substance emerges from it and starts to ooze down a pipe.<br> <br> "And that's my thirteenth secretion," Chén says.<br> <br> The viscous liquid creeps down an internal pipe towards the black rubber bag containing your dick.<br> <br> "This one's really special. It..." She pauses with a knowing smirk on her face. "You'll see."<br> <br> Or rather feel.<br> <br> She pumps the mystery liquid into the black rubber bag and starts to squelch it around your cock with slow, powerful throbs. Your head falls back as you feel it surround and soak into your member. It feels incredible. At its touch your erection balloons up far larger – and sensitive – than you ever imagined possible.<br> <br> Chén fills her dickbag and manipulates it around your cock with deft skill. The flexible rubber bag sucks, squeezes, twists, pulses; all providing amazing stimulation to your cock.<<if $isOutOfSemen>> Despite your depleted state, it<<else>> It<</if>> sets your whole body squirming in bliss.<br> <br> Chén works it with skilful pulses, jerking your arousal up, and up, and up, until you can't hold it back any longer. You break with a loud, orgasmic groan and pour it out inside the black rubber bag.<br> <br> "That's it, you worthless cumsack," Chén says. "Empty it all out in my dickbag."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Chen: Bad End]]
The bladder swells as more of your semen is drawn out of the tip of the rubber bag. Chén doesn't pause. She refills the bag with more pink fluids and starts squelching them away around your trapped cock. Your erection doesn't subside after coming. If anything, it swells further still. Chén sits astride you and lets her dickbag throb you to another orgasm.<br> <br> And another. And another. While you squirm beneath her, helplessly in thrall to the pleasure.<br> <br> She only pauses when her collection bladder is completely full and has expanded to fill the whole of her hollow chest.<br> <br> <<if $player.currAgi gt 4>> "It is nice to finally find someone worth fully extracting. Most of you cumsacks are too clumsy to be useful." <<else>> "So much worthless, poor quality cum," Chén says with a sigh. "It's only good for throwing away." <</if>><br> <br> That isn't the end. Chén opens the front of her chest, pulls out the full bladder and attaches a fresh one to the tip of her dickbag. She injects you with more of the aphrodisiac drug and continues milking semen from your cock with the pulsing black rubber bag. You writhe and squirm, unable to prevent yourself from spurting out more fluids.<br> <br> You're no longer conscious when she empties her chest a second time. Your lack of consciousness doesn't stop her from milking more semen out you. Your unconscious body, pleasure-soaked and dripping in sweat, twitches and jerks beneath her with each ejaculation. She keeps going until she's extracted every drop of cum, which is also all the fluids in your body. What's left behind on the soft leather cushion is a dried-up husk.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Chen: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"Ah, the little glass ballerina. Her craftmanship is exquisite. I was very enamoured of her... until she opened her mouth."<br> <br> $ pulls out a black notebook.<br> <br> "Tell me of your experiences with Chén."<br> <br>
<br><br> "I heard about the acid incident. Ghastly."<br> <br> He shudders.<br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> "It seems she has little patience for the clumsy and inelegant."<br> <br> $'s nostrils twitch as he thinks.<br> <br> "Hmm, but it would still count as a valid visit. Yes, I think I can turn this to my advantage." <<else>> "Such an exquisite thing, as long as she keeps her trap shut. As exquisite as she is, is it truly having sex, or just masturbation from an unliving machine programmed with the illusion of life?"<br> <br> $ sighs.<br> <br> "It's all moot anyway. My strengths, alas, do not extend to dancing. I doubt I'd meet her standards and not meeting a harlot's standards in here is usually a death sentence."<br> <br> He pauses.<br> <br> "Saying that, there was a fellow. Good looking. Very nimble on his feet. Said he was a member of the Association of Teachers of Operatic Dancing. He sounded quite insistent he could pass Chén's challenge. I watched him go with her into the back area. And that was that. Never saw him again." <</if>>
/* Pori, the Love Sponge */ <<set $hi to 38>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Pori, the Love Sponge", shortDescription: "", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [11,22], affection: 0, hasWankedPlayerInBar: false, preIntroductionLink: "Pori: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Pori: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Pori: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Pori: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Pori: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Pori: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Pori: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Pori: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ <<set $player.currDex to 5>> /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to true>> /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsCautious to true>> <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 38>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "an extremely curvaceous woman wearing nothing but a skimpy yellow two-piece lingerie set of bra and panties. Her skin is an unnatural bubble-gum pink in colour and has a glossy sheen that makes it look synthetic.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Pori, the Love Sponge," $ says. "She's soft, comfy and lovably squishable."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Closer up, the oddities of Pori's appearance become more apparent. Her skin is too pink and has a plasticky sheen that looks synthetic. Her yellow hair is a little too yellow and also not hair. It's a solid cloud of some kind of flexible material that emerges from the back of her head and bounces down to her shoulders. It's more a crude cartoon interpretation of hair than the real thing, and yet still attractive. While a lot of the other harlots look like devil girls, Pori looks more like a synthetic android from the future.<br> <br> "Don't you know it's rude to stare, sugah," Pori says.<br> <br> While she looks synthetic, her face is as pretty and mobile as a regular human's. If she is a sexbot from the future, it's the far far future where technology has managed to close the uncanny valley. Her smile is warm and friendly, and with lovely plump, kissable lips. There's a gleam in her eyes that hints she's just teasing you.<br> <br> "It's okay, sugah. You can stare all you like."<br> <br> She does a slow turn for your benefit and slides her hands over her voluptuous curves to highlight them. They are very appealing curves. The kind you want to get your hands on and give a good squeeze.<br> <br> "And maybe later you can run your hands all over me like that dirty gaze of yours is doing right now," Pori says.<br>
"Ah, Pori, the Love Sponge," $ says. "She is cuddly and lovably soft and squishy like a sponge. She's also thirsty like a sponge. You'd do well to remember that."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Make sure you still have some 'love' in your balls when you go to visit her. Those who bring her insufficient 'love' will see her switch from scrunchy to crunchy, much to their dismay.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Pori is a little more free-willed than some of $'s other creations. She's supposed to turn down and reject men that fail to meet the standards she was created to check, but Pori will always take in the shy and generous.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Pori is always thirsty. She's even been known to take 'drinks' in the bar, even though $ forbids it.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Pori was created to find the most dextrous of fingers, and will reward them with the greatest pleasures.\""}>>
Pori is a cuddly, cheerful presence on your arm as you walk into the bar. Very cuddly. She likes to push her warm, soft body up close against you. You quite like that too. You pick one of the open tables in the middle of the room, but instead Pori steers you over to a quiet little corner booth away from the main hubbub of the bar.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Pori: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Pori: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "Oh, that's so unfortunate," Pori says. "I was really looking forward to a nice little chat with you."<br> <br> She leans close to whisper.<br> <br> "And maybe a little something else."<br> <br> Pori stands up.<br> <br> "Unfortunately, $ has very strict rules. We'll have to wait until you're up in my room. Hopefully not for too long, sugah."<br> <br> She makes a point of rubbing her soft curvaceous body against you as she slides over your lap to get out.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Pori is very touchy-feely. She cuddles up close and is very free with her hands. She encourages you to be likewise, and you're pleasantly surprised at how good her skin feels to the touch. With its unnatural colour and sheen, you were expecting it to feel like plastic or rubber. It doesn't. It doesn't feel like regular skin and flesh either. It feels warmer. Softer.<br> <br> "I'm lovably squishable," Pori says. "That's why they call me the Love Sponge."<br> <br> She takes your hand and presses it to a ripe breast. You give her an experimental squeeze. Again, it doesn't feel like flesh, but it does feel pleasantly soft and squishable.<br> <br> <<if $player.currDex gt 4>> "Ooh sugah, I can tell you're good with your hands," Pori says. <<elseif $player.currDex gt 1>> "You can give it a good squeeze, sugah," Pori says. <<elseif $player.currIsBlunt or not $player.currIsCautious or not $player.currIsSubmissive>> "Not too rough," Pori says. <<else>> "Don't be shy, sugah," Pori says. <</if>><br> <br> Exploring and squeezing Pori's boobs feels so good you become so engrossed in it you fail to notice the waitress has come back with your drinks and is watching you shamelessly grope Pori's tits.<br> <br> Blushing, you pull your hand away.<br> <br> The waitress, a succubus, doesn't seem to mind. They normally walk around with completely expressionless faces. This one has a filthy and very knowing smirk on her lips. She hands you your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name.<br> <br> You notice she's brought nothing for Pori.<br> <br> [[Ask if she's not thirsty.->Pori: Socialising: Ask if Thirsty]]<br> [[Ignore and keep chatting.->Pori: Socialising: Ignore and Chat]]
"I'm a love sponge. I'm always thirsty," Pori says when you ask.<br> <br> You look at the empty space on the table before her. If she's thirsty, why didn't she order anything?<br> <br> "They don't have anything I like," she says. "However..." she glances down at your crotch.<br> <br> She looks up and glances around.<br> <br> "This table is tucked away. We should be able to get away with it."<br> <br> She turns back to you with a smile.<br> <br> "To be honest, sugah, I am really thirsty right now. There is something nice you can do for me. And I'll do something nice to you."<br> <br> Under the table, she places a hand in your crotch and rests it on your genitals.<br> <br> She glances around again. "We'll need to be quick, sugah. And discreet. $'s gals are not allowed to do this downstairs."<br> <br> She looks back at you.<br> <br> "What do you say, sugah?"<br> <br> She gives your genitals a pleasant little squeeze.<br> <br> [[Let her get on with it.->Pori: Socialising: Wank]]<br> [[Politely decline.->Pori: Socialising: Decline Wank]]
Pori snuggles up close to you. She takes your hand and encourages it to roam all over her soft curves.<br> <br> "Choose me and come up to my room," she whispers in your ear. "I'll let you fully explore my body with those naughty hands of yours."<br> <br> You think that very tempting as you return together to the presentation stage.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Oh, thank you, sugah," Pori says.<br> <br> She glances cautiously around. There are no waitresses walking by. The couples at nearby tables are too engrossed in each other to notice your quiet, tucked-away little booth.<br> <br> "We'll need to be quick. And you'll need to be quiet. No orgasm moans, sugah."<br> <br> Pori skilfully unzips your fly and reaches in to extricate your cock. She gives it a couple of pumps to get it hard beneath the table and then something strange happens. She wraps her hand around your cock and then it feels like her hand keeps wrapping around, until your cock feels like it's sunk into a soft, spongy material.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Pori: Socialising: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pori: Socialising: Has Semen]]>> <</if>>
You remember that moment when $ gave a little hint of her true demonic nature. She might seem like a dotty aunt, but you definitely don't want to mess with the other aspect of her. You politely turn Pori down. She seems disappointed about it, but understanding. She takes her hand away from your crotch.<br> <br> "Probably for the best," she says. "$ was so angry the last time she caught me. I thought she was going to have me destroyed."<br> <br> She cuddles up close to you on the seat. Her body feels very warm and comfortable next to you.<br> <br> "Let's save it for my room. There are no restrictions there. We can do what we like."<br> <br> Doing what you like – with Pori – is a tempting prospect, you think as you return with her to the presentation stage.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
You feel a strangely trickly, tugging sensation against the skin of your penis, and at the opening to your urethra in particular. It feels strange. You suddenly feel like you want to come in the same way as wanting to take a good hard piss with a full bladder, but you feel too empty to do so. It still feels rather pleasant, and you're disappointed when Pori takes her hand away.<br> <br> "Ah sugah, I can tell those other nasteh succubi have already had a good long suck on you."<br> <br> She cuddles up close and you enjoy her warmth and softness.<br> <br> "It's fine, I understand," she says.<br> <br> She leans closer to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "You must pay a visit to the nurse before you pick me or any of $'s other gals. I'll still be able to extract your fluids, and so will the other gals, but we'll be the only ones enjoying it. You won't. Being dry when a succ drains you is not a pleasant experience."<br> <br> Then, after imparting her warning, Pori accompanies you back to the presentation stage.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasWankedPlayerInBar to true>> You feel a strangely trickly, tugging sensation against the skin of your penis, and at the opening to your urethra in particular. It translates to an urge to come within you that grows, and grows, and grows, until – before you know it – your body gives a little jerk and you ejaculate in Pori's... //hand?//<br> <br> "Shh," Pori whispers, placing her other hand over your mouth to stifle your gasp of surprise.<br> <br> She milks out a full load with steady little squeezes of her 'hand' and then lets you settle back against the seat's backrest in blissful orgasmic aftermath.<br> <br> "Ah sugah, I really needed that," Pori says.<br> <br> She moves her hand away and lets you tuck yourself back in. You don't feel any mess or wetness. And when Pori brings her hand back above the table, you don't see any traces of your cum on it at all. It's like she's completely absorbed it.<br> <br> "Come up to my room and we'll do more of that," she whispers in your ear. "And not just with my hand."<br> <br> You finish your drink and enjoy the post-orgasmic glow.<br> <br> "Don't look too pleased when we go back, sugah," Pori whispers. "Otherwise $ will suspect."<br> <br> You try your best, but $ still gives you a very suspicious look when you return to the presentation stage.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Pori: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pori: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [2,false,false], /* Wanked in bar */ [1,false,false], /* Milk or Drinkable gift */ [1,false,false], /* Body parts gift */ [7,false,false], /* Med dex survival */ [10,false,false], /* Shy full drain survival */ [10,false,false], /* Rough full drain survival */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasWankedPlayerInBar>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <</if>> <<include [[Pori: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Pori: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Pori, the Love Sponge's room lives up to the moniker. It's very... //spongy//. The floor is a thick spongy mat your feet sink into with each step. The furniture looks like a collection of sculptures – mainly large spheres cut in half – made from spongy foam. Everything is bright primary colours, like the set of a children's TV show.<br> <br> "Come in, come in, sugah," Pori says. "Don't be shy."<br> <br> Pori looks even brighter and glossier under the lights than she did downstairs. That skin can't be anything other than synthetic. If she's artificial, then her curves look like custom engineered perfection. You're eager to get your hands on them.<br> <br> She walks up to greet you. She comes right up to you, turns and then makes a point of rubbing her lovely voluptuous ass against your crotch.<br> <br> "Let's free up those naughty hands. What have you brought me, sugah?"<br> <br> She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you and examines it while you run your hands over her lush curves.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pori: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Pori: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 22>> <<include [[Pori: Gift: Milk]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(14)>> <<include [[Pori: Gift: Body Parts]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(1)>> <<include [[Pori: Gift: Drinkable]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pori: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> She briefly steps out to drop your gift on top of the flat surface of a bright red hemisphere that seems designed to be a table. Then she returns, backs into you and encourages your hands to roam all over her body while she rubs her lovely soft butt against your crotch. You don't need much encouragement. Her bright pink, plastic-looking skin feels totally different to how it looks. It feels really good for you to touch and slide your hands over for reasons you have trouble quantifying.<br> <br> Pori presses back against you and wiggles her butt.<br> <br> "Have a good feel, sugah. It's what I was made for."<br> <br> You do. You want to feel all of her. Pori clasps her hands over yours and guides you over the lush contours of her body.<br> <br> "Mmm, what's your preference, sugah? Are you an ass man or a boob lover?"<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<set _boobAilment to _hasAilment>> <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<set _assAilment to _hasAilment>> <<if _assAilment and not _boobAilment>> [[It has to be ass.->Pori: Chose Ass]] <<elseif _boobAilment and not _assAilment>> [[It has to be boobs.->Pori: Chose Boobs]] <<else>> [[Ass.->Pori: Chose Ass]]<br> [[Boobs.->Pori: Chose Boobs]] <</if>>
Pori holds the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Oh, I'll soak up everything you can give me. Don't you worry about that, sugah."
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> Pori looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "I know the other succubi swear by it, but it's not for me. It's just not the same," she says. "Don't you fret none. It's the thought that counts and it's a thought I like."<br> <br> She reaches behind to give your genitals a little squeeze.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> She looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "A little old and dry, but <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>they<</if>> will still have some juice I can squeeze out later. Thanks, sugah."
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> She looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Sorry, sugah. I don't have that kind of thirst, if you know what I mean."<br> <br> She reaches behind to give your genitals a little squeeze.
Pori looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Aw thanks, sugah. You shouldn't have."
<<set $choseAss to true>> Your hands slide downwards.<br> <br> Pori purrs suggestively. "I pegged you as a butt lover. Good for you I have plenty of butt for you to enjoy."<br> <br> That she does. She presses her ass back against your crotch and your erection strains against your underwear.<br> <br> Still with her warm hands clasped over yours, you slide your hands over the smooth curves of her bubble butt.<br> <br> "Don't be shy, sugah," Pori says. "Give it a good squeeze."<br> <br> <<include [[Pori: Ass and Boobs Combined]]>>
<<set $choseAss to false>> Your hands slide to her chest and climb the lovely mounds of her tits.<br> <br> "I knew you were a boob lover," Pori says.<br> <br> Her boobs are fantastic. They're big and smooth and have a lovely soft weight to them.<br> <br> "You can give them a good squeeze," Pori whispers to you.<br> <br> <<include [[Pori: Ass and Boobs Combined]]>>
You do and relish the way her soft flesh deforms and scrunches beneath your fingers. She's really soft. So soft you feel your fingers could dig right in if you wanted.<br> <br> "My producer made me to be wondrously soft and squeezable," Pori says. "Better than flesh."<br> <br> She might have something there. Groping Pori is a wonderful tactile experience. You could slide your hands all over her <<if $choseAss>>ass<<else>>boobs<</if>> and squeeze <<if $choseAss>>it<<else>>them<</if>> all day.<br> <br> Pori has other plans.<br> <br> "Let's get naked and explore each other's bodies more thoroughly."<br> <br> She takes you over to a large pink hemisphere at the back of the room that's a perfect size to be a bed.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pori: Undress]]
Pori's 'bed' is a large pink sphere chopped in half and flattened. It's made out of soft and squeezable foam padding. The edges are rigid to hold the shape while the interior is soft and yielding. You take your clothes off and climb into it.<br> <br> Pori joins you, but removes only her yellow bra. She lies down, topless, on the bed in front of you and encourages you to massage her body.<br> <br> You don't really need to be asked. Touching her body just feels so good. You can't keep your hands off her. Her boobs and dark little rubber nipples have the same synthetic appearance as the rest of her, but it doesn't matter when touching her feels so good. She smiles up at you with her blobby yellow hair lying flat on the mattress beneath her. She resembles a cartoon brought to three-dimensional life.<br> <br> And the feel. Fuck, the feel.<br> <br> You thoroughly enjoy groping her boobs. Squeezing them. Pawing them. Letting your fingers toy with her stiff little nipples.<br> <br> <<if $player.currDex gt 1>> <<include [[Pori: Med and High Dex: Foreplay 1]]>> <<elseif $player.currIsBlunt or not $player.currIsCautious or not $player.currIsSubmissive>> <<include [[Pori: Rough Low Dex: Foreplay]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pori: Shy Low Dex: Foreplay]]>> <</if>>
Pori seems to really enjoy you touching her as well. She encourages your hands to play with her tits and roam all over her body. She sighs and arches her back in pleasure beneath you.<br> <br> Her whole body is a tactile feast for your fingers. You have no idea what substance makes up her skin and flesh, but it feels almost addictive to touch. It's smooth, warm, squeezable, and with the perfect balance of softness and resistance.<br> <br> It might indeed be 'better than flesh'.<br> <br> <<if $player.currDex gt 4>> "Oh sugah," Pori sighs. "Those hands of yours are mighty talented. Keep going." <<else>> "Ooh yes, sugah," Pori sighs. "Enjoy my body." <</if>><br> <br> You do. You can't help yourself.<br> <br> You're so turned on you start to press down with your hips between her legs without even being aware of it. It's an instinctual reflex.<br> <br> Pori notices and laughs.<br> <br> "What's that sugah?" she teases. "I feel something else you'd like to explore my body with."<br> <br> You're feeling really hot and horny now. You want to do more than just explore. You hunch up and move your hands down to her yellow panties. Pori senses your intent and lifts her hips up off the spongy mattress to make it easier for you to pull them down.<br> <br> You pause in shock when you see what's between Pori's legs.<br> <br> Or rather, what isn't.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pori: Med and High Dex: Foreplay 2]]
<<set $rough to true>> "Not so rough, sugah," Pori says as you grope and squeeze her tits. "I might be artificial, but I'm still sensitive."<br> <br> You grunt an apology and try to grope her less roughly. It's difficult. Pori's tits just feel so soft and pleasantly pliant. You can't help yourself. It's not flesh, but some kind of malleable substance that feels even better. It's so yielding your hands almost sink in. You squeeze with greater force. You dig your fingers in and marvel at the smooth feeling of her skin and the pliability of the flesh below.<br> <br> "Sugah! Have you never touched a woman before?" Pori complains.<br> <br> At this point your thoughts are too clouded with hot steam to pay attention. Touching – squeezing – Pori has triggered primal lustful desires. You're too turned on to change course.<br> <br> It's not just your fingers you want to push into her. Your cock is hard at your crotch. Still groping her breast with your left hand, you turn your attentions down to between her legs. You hook fingers around her panties and start to tear them down.<br> <br> And then pause when you see what's between her legs.<br> <br> "Ha, I thought that might slow you down," Pori says.<br> <br> It's not what's between her legs, but rather what //isn't//.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pori: Rough: Capture]]
<<set $shy to true>> You're a little tentative. As much as it feels good to squeeze Pori's titties, you don't want to squeeze them //too// hard.<br> <br> "There's no need to be shy, sugah," Pori says. "Give them a good squeeze."<br> <br> You try. You have no idea what substance makes up her skin and flesh, but it feels almost addictive to touch. It's smooth, warm, squeezable, and with the perfect balance of softness and resistance. When she claimed it was 'better than flesh', it was no idle boast.<br> <br> Sadly, you're not quite sure what to do with it.<br> <br> Pori rolls her eyes and lets out an exasperated sigh. "I ain't glass, sugah. Though that might be a good thing considering those clumsy hands of yours."<br> <br> You pause, unsure of what to do.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pori: Shy: Capture]]
Pori's crotch is smooth and hairless. It's also smooth and nearly featureless. There's a slight dimple that barely qualifies as a crude artist's impression of a vagina. Not something you could push your dick into. There isn't anything you could push your dick into. She's as smooth down there as a Barbie doll.<br> <br> You'd think it a joke at your expense if it didn't look so unnerving.<br> <br> Pori slips the hem of her panties out of your nerveless fingers and finishes off the process of sliding them off.<br> <br> "What's the matter, sugah?" she asks. "You look most put out."<br> <br> She tosses her discarded panties over to the side of the bed.<br> <br> "I hope you're still in the mood."<br> <br> For what? She doesn't have anything there.<br> <br> Pori sees your face and laughs.<br> <br> "I'm sorry, sugah," she says. "I should have warned you, but it's so much fun seeing their reactions."<br> <br> Not so much for you. You knew she was synthetic, maybe some sort of android, but you were hoping she'd at least have the right bits. That heavy petting got you all turned on and now it seems like it was all for naught.<br> <br> "Aw, don't be so glum, sugah," Pori continues. "My producer made me out of a most wondrous substance. Here. Let me demonstrate."<br> <br> She takes your right hand and presses it against her right boob. Touching her feels so good. Strangely both soothing and exciting at the same time.<br> <br> Your hand sinks into the soft substance of her breast. It's like sinking into thick mud. Pori's spongy flesh wraps up around your fingers, and then rolls up your wrist. Your eyelids flutter from the heightened tactile stimulation.<br> <br> "Ah, sugah, I see you understand now," Pori says.<br> <br> She takes your other hand and pushes it into her other breast. Your fingers sinking in and being surrounded by her soft flesh feels wonderful.<br> <br> "I don't need a special hole," she explains. "You can push your cock in anywhere. Although most prefer to do it in the place they're used to."<br> <br> She slides under you and opens her legs around your hips. You push down. The head of your cock encounters the smooth skin between her legs. Rather than being repelled and sliding along the surface, your cock instead pushes into a soft yielding substance. It takes your cock, draws it into itself, and rolls up the shaft until you're sunk all the way into her. You feel the warm pressure all around your member. It felt good around your fingers. It feels ten times better around your erection.<br> <br> "I should warn you, sugah. This is going to be quick and powerful. When it comes to extracting semen, my producer made me a little //too// efficient."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pori: Med and High Dex: Sex 1]]
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasWankedPlayerInBar>> You don't even get a chance to move your hips back and forth. The warm substance envelops and presses all around your cock. You feel a strange trickly sensation all over your penis, but especially at the opening to your urethra. It's the same as the feeling you had downstairs, and like before, you're suddenly struck by a strong desire to come. <<else>> You don't even get a chance to move your hips back and forth. The warm substance envelops and presses all around your cock. You feel a strange trickly tugging sensation all over your penis, but especially at the opening to your urethra. You're suddenly struck by a strong desire to come. <</if>> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Pori: Med and High Dex: 1st Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Pori: Med and High Dex: 1st Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
The desire builds and builds within you, but doesn't really go anywhere. Your hips give a half-hearted jerk. Your cock gives a weak little throb. It's not really the 'quick and powerful' Pori warned you of.<br> <br> "Is that it, sugah?" Pori asks.<br> <br> It would appear to be it. You thought you were about to boil over in a massive climax, but instead it's a damp, empty squib. There isn't anything there. To be fair, in your defence, your cock and balls have seen an awful lot of activity already this evening.<br> <br> Pori comes to the same conclusion.<br> <br> "You've been playing too much with those other nasteh succubi," she says. "They left you all empty. That's a pity."<br> <br> Pori's eyes shine. Her smile widens.<br> <br> "For you."<br> <br> You feel a strange tugging sensation on your hands, then they suddenly sink into Pori's breasts up to the elbows.<br> <br> "Sorry, sugah," Pori says. "I gotta get that sample."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pori: Combined Out of Semen]]
A really strong desire. As if you've drunk too much beer and now need a good hard piss. The desire builds and builds within you until you can hold it back no longer. Your hips flex, you press your crotch between Pori's legs and then unload your balls into her in a massive outpouring of semen. So much, you feel it should be pouring out everywhere. Instead, Pori's wondrous flesh soaks up your issue like a sponge.<br> <br> The orgasm is so sudden and powerful, you collapse on top of Pori's lovely warm body as if it's the culmination of a marathon bout of lovemaking.<br> <br> Pori does not seem perturbed by your quick ejaculation. She puts her arms around you in a post-coital cuddle <<if $player.currDex gt 4>> <<include [[Pori: High Dex]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Pori: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pori: Med Dex: Sex 2]]>> <</if>>
Pori looks past you and up at the ceiling. Her gaze seems focused inward. With that expression and her glossy pink synthetic skin, she really does resemble a futuristic android.<br> <br> "As I suspected," she says. "It's high quality."<br> <br> She snaps her gaze back to you and smiles.<br> <br> "You're high quality, sugah. My producer will want the full sample."<br> <br> <<set $hiDex to true>> <<include [[Pori: Capture 1]]>>
<br><br> "That was a good one, sugah," she says. "My producer will be pleased with that sample. She made me a good little semen harvester."<br> <br> Her soft flesh bunches up around your still-hard cock and gently draws it deeper.<br> <br> "She also made me to be perpetually thirsty."<br> <br> That weird trickly tugging sensation starts up again, stronger this time. Your body tenses up in pleasurable anticipation.<br> <br> "The first was my producer's sample. This is for me. Make it a big one, sugah. Soak me with your love."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pori: Med Dex: 2nd Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Pori: Med Dex: 2nd Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pori: Med Dex: 2nd Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
It's happening again, even though you came just moments before. There's no friction to trigger this. No vibration. It's just an urge to come that grows and grows, but this time doesn't really go anywhere. Your hips give a half-hearted jerk. Your cock gives a weak little throb.<br> <br> "Oh, are you out, sugah?" Pori asks.<br> <br> You would appear to be so. You thought you were going to boil over in another big climax, but instead nothing comes out. You don't think you have anything left. Although, in your defence, your cock and balls have already seen an awful lot of activity already this evening.<br> <br> "I'm hurt, sugah," Pori says. "You give me a sample then have no more love left for me."<br> <br> Pori's eyes shine. Her smile widens.<br> <br> "I'm just going to have to give you a little more encouragement."<br> <br> You feel a strange tugging sensation on your hands, then they suddenly sink into Pori's breasts up to the elbows.<br> <br> "Don't worry, sugah. This will help you give me plenty of your love."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pori: Combined Out of Semen]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> It's happening again, even though you came just moments before. There's no friction to trigger this. No vibration. It's just an urge to come that grows and grows, until – when you can withstand it no longer – you break and release in a great gush of pleasure.<br> <br> This time the ejaculation is longer and more powerful. Pori holds you in her arms as you press your hips between her legs and pour about three ejaculations worth of cum into her. It's so much it should be pouring out and soaking the bed beneath you. Instead, it soaks into Pori and she absorbs it like a sponge.<br> <br> "Aah," Pori sighs. "That's a nice amount of love."<br> <br> She rolls you onto your side and releases your hands from the sticky clutch of her boobs. Your cock slides out of her wonderous body, still twitching and dribbling cum.<br> <br> That was intense. It's nice to lie in Pori's arms and cuddle while basking in the post-orgasmic glow. Pori is very cuddly and it was an extremely satisfying climax.<br> <br> You joke that it must have quenched her thirst.<br> <br> <<include [[Pori: Good End]]>>
She shakes her head. "Nothing can quench that thirst, sugah. It burns within me always. If you tried, there would be nothing left of you afterwards but skin and bones. You'd look like you'd been left out to dry in the desert."<br> <br> She hugs you tightly to her.<br> <br> "And I'd still be thirsty. My producer made me that way."<br> <br> Her eyes are bright as she smiles at you.<br> <br> "Lucky for you, $ doesn't allow me to do that... to everyone."<br> <br> She leans over to give you a kiss on the forehead. Then she scoots over to the side of the bed, finds her underwear and puts them back on.<br> <br> Sensing that's the end of the session, you climb off the spongy bed and put your clothes back on. Pori lets you have a last hug and feel of her lovely body, before sending you on your way.<br> <br> /* scoring */ /* scored in earlier passage */ /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Pori: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $choseAss>> <<unset $blackRose>> <<unset $hiDex>> <<unset $rough>> <<unset $shy>>
<<set $blackRose to true>> <br><br> "Mmm. Not the best quality, but you asked for the special treatment."<br> <br> <<include [[Pori: Capture 1]]>>
You feel a strange tugging sensation on your hands, then they suddenly sink into Pori's breasts up to the elbows. You look down at your arms in shocked surprise. You can still feel your fingers, you think. You give them an experimental wiggle and feel the soft substance packed around them. You don't know how that is possible. Your arms are sunk into her up to the biceps. So deep, your hands should have pushed out through the other side.<br> <br> "My body is a little special, sugah," Pori says with a triumphant smile. "My producer made me a good little semen harvester. That includes the ability to catch and hold humans in place while I draw out their juices."<br> <br> She wraps her legs around the back of your waist. Your cock sinks deeper into her soft form. Your crotch follows.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pori: Capture 2]]
<<if $hiDex>> "Don't worry, this is just to make things a little comfier for you." <<elseif $blackRose>> "And if my producer isn't interested in your issue, that just leaves more for me." <<else>> "My producer might not want your semen. That just leaves more for me." <</if>><br> <br> Your lower half follows your crotch and slowly sinks into Pori's soft body. Is slowly //drawn// into Pori's soft body. This is far too weird. You try to pull your arms out of Pori's soft breast, but they're stuck fast.<br> <br> <<if $rough>> "I don't like the rough and clumsy ones. Normally, I draw them into my body and crush all the juice out them. <<if $cgi eq 0>>You did ask for special treatment, though, so I'll respect your wishes.<<else>>You did give me a nice drink down in the bar, though, so that puts me in a kindlier disposition.<</if>> Settle back. I'll take the lead from here on." <<elseif $shy>> "I shouldn't be doing this, but I have a soft spot for the shy guys. In return I am going to empty those balls of yours." <<else>> "You're going to be pouring out a lot, so I want you nice and relaxed." <</if>><br> <br> <<if $hiDex or $blackRose>>Being relaxed is a little difficult when you're sinking into Pori's body as if it's a pool of quicksand.<<else>>You sink into Pori's body as if it's a pool of quicksand.<</if>> The soft fleshy substance is far too cloying and sticky for you to pull free. You sink into her until only your head and chest are free, and then mercifully don't sink any further.<br> <br> Pori smiles and caresses your scalp. "There, doesn't that feel pleasant?"<br> <br> Thankfully, it does. It might look weird, and you can't wrap your brain around the physics of it, but the sensations you feel around your enveloped body do feel... nice. It's like being crowded all over with warm nubile flesh. Your cock stays hard and the soft fleshy substance packs around it to form a warm and comfortable sheath.<br> <br> <<if $hiDex or $blackRose>> "This will be a little more powerful than before, so hold tight," Pori warns. <<else>> "This is going to make you pour out a lot. Don't try to fight it." <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Pori: Full Drain]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $hiDex or $blackRose>> That strange trickling tugging sensation starts up again, this time all around your crotch, but still strongest at your urethral opening. It doesn't really matter that you've just come. The urge returns, more powerful than before, and builds and builds. It feels like a full bladder aching to be relieved after a full night of drinking, only the feeling is in your balls. <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<if $hiDex>> <<include [[Pori: Full Drain OoS: High Dex]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pori: Full Drain OoS: Low Dex]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Pori: Full Drain: Climax]]>> <</if>> <<else>> You feel a strange trickly tugging sensation all over your penis, but especially at the opening to your urethra. You're suddenly struck by a strong desire to come. <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Pori: Full Drain OoS: Low Dex]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pori: Full Drain: Climax]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
The urge to come grows and grows, but this time doesn't really go anywhere. Your hips give a half-hearted jerk. Your cock gives a weak little throb.<br> <br> "What's wrong, sugah? Don't tell me you've been playing too much with those other nasteh succubi. This is no good. My producer won't be happy if I don't get the full amount."<br> <br> You start sinking again and can't do anything about it.<br> <br> "I'll have to use other means to extract your juices. They're pleasant for me, maybe not so much for you, sugah."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pori: Horror End]]
The urge continues to grow until you can't keep it in any longer. Your spine tenses. Your hips flex and you push against her. Your cock throbs and semen bursts from you in a great flood.<br> <br> "Ah yes, sugah," Pori sighs. "Pour your love inside me. Pour it all out."<br> <br> You do, in great throbbing streams. The soft fleshy substance of Pori's body absorbs it like a sponge. Absorbs and insists for more. That strange trickling force around you does not relent, and neither does your body. You grunt and flex and another stream gushes from your cock.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0 or $hiDex>> <<include [[Pori: Full Drain: Bad End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pori: Full Drain: Stop]]>> <</if>>
The urge to come grows and grows, but doesn't really go anywhere. Your hips give a half-hearted jerk. Your cock gives a weak little throb.<br> <br> "Oh sugah, I was going to go easy on you and now I find out you've spent so much love on those other nasteh succubi, you've nothing left for me."<br> <br> You start sinking again and can't do anything about it.<br> <br> "That won't do. I can't let you leave me thirsty like this."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pori: Horror End]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> "Mmm, keep coming, sugah. This is my price for carrying on when I should have rejected you. I'm going to completely empty those balls, so don't try to fight it."<br> <br> There is no fighting. You pour cum inside her like a burst pipe. You pour so much inside her you start to wonder if it will ever stop.<br> <br> Thankfully, it does. Pori turns off her supernatural sexual osmosis and the flow from your throbbing cock slows to a dribble.<br> <br> "Ah, that'll do, sugah," Pori says. "I think I've got all your cum. If I carry on, I'll start soaking up your vital fluids and that won't be so good for you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pori: Low Dex: Good End]]
"Oh yes, sugah," Pori moans. She hugs you tightly with her arms. "Don't fight it. Let it all pour out."<br> <br> There is no fighting. You pour cum inside her like a burst pipe. You don't feel any sense of relief though. No matter how much your pour out inside her, it never feels enough. It's like taking a massive piss with a bottomless bladder that will never empty.<br> <br> Your balls are not bottomless.<br> <br> Or rather, you are not bottomless.<br> <br> Pori's thirst is. She holds you tight to you as her supernatural sexual osmosis draws all the fluids from your body. Still embedded within her, your upper body shrivels and dries up until it resembles a corpse left out in a desert. Then, when you're completely empty, Pori gives a long sigh and slowly pushes your mummified cadaver out of her amorphous body. She leans over and kisses your wizened brow.<br> <br> <<if $hiDex>> "You did well, sugah. My producer will be really happy." <<else>> "As you requested, sugah. I hope you enjoyed it." <</if>><br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Pori: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<if $shy>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> <<else>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> <</if>> You slump, breathing heavily, on her breasts, still with your lower half embedded within her comfortably soft body. You feel completely drained, and probably are.<br> <br> Pori turns to the side and slowly pushes you out of her soft body. You're grateful to see your extremities are still intact, although it raises uncomfortable thoughts about the nature of Pori's body. Just how 'deep' is she, and where does the inside of her 'go'. Nope, best not to dwell on it. You push it out of your mind and enjoy a semi-normal post-coital cuddle with a lovely voluptuous woman.<br> <br> "That was lovely," Pori says. She rubs her bare belly. "I like the low-quality men. My producer isn't interested in them, so that leaves more for me."<br> <br> Being referred to as a 'low-quality man' does take some of the shine off the post-orgasmic glow, but you suppose it could be worse.<br> <br> Pori looks at you. "You should go and see the nurse after this," she says. "I took all your cum in trade for letting the session continue despite your deficiencies. You're going to find it hard to ejaculate for a while, even with a succubus's help, and that can be fatal in here. The nurse will help you. Just don't ask her to do what I just did. She's new and I don't know her too well, but I think her thirst might be greater than mine. Men don't escape her."<br> <br> You try to lighten the mood by joking that you must have at least quenched her thirst.<br> <br> <<include [[Pori: Good End]]>>
Pori smiles pleasantly at you and helps your head down between her breasts with her hands. You look up at her smiling face through a narrowing circle that shrinks and closes. Then, you're within her and completely surrounded by a warm, soft, fleshy substance. It still feels quite pleasant where it presses against your body. There is an awful lot of it, far more than should be contained within Pori's form. It presses and packs all around you. At first it feels pleasant, like being in contact all over with warm nubile flesh, then the pressure starts to grow...<br> <br> Pori reclines leisurely on top of her foam bed. She sighs in pleasure and her body gives little flexing twitches. Cracking and crunching sounds can be heard within her. It sounds like she's cracking her joints and grinding bones together.<br> <br> Those aren't her bones. They're yours.<br> <br> The cracking and crunching sounds continue for a while as Pori systematically crushes all the juices out of your body. Then, after she's finished, she gets up and expels the remaining solid matter out of her hand and into a wastepaper basket. What's left of your body barely fills the small bin.<br> <br> <<if $rough>> "In the trash where you belong," Pori says. <<else>> "Sorry, sugah. You shouldn't have come up to my room empty." <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[Pori: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You look down at your arms in shocked surprise. You can still feel your fingers, you think. You give them an experimental wiggle and feel the soft substance packed around them. You don't know how that is possible. Your arms are sunk into her up to the biceps. So deep, your hands should have pushed out through the other side.<br> <br> "My body is a little special, sugah," Pori says with a triumphant smile. "My producer made me a good little semen harvester. That includes the ability to catch and hold humans in place while I draw out their juices."<br> <br> She wraps her legs around the back of your waist. Your cock sinks deeper into her soft form. Your crotch follows.<br> <br> <<include [[Pori: To Horror End]]>>
"This isn't the usual way, but it's still nice."<br> <br> Your lower half follows your crotch and slowly sinks into Pori's soft body. Is slowly drawn into Pori's soft body. This is far too weird. You try to pull your arms out of Pori's soft boobs, but they're stuck fast.<br> <br> "For me anyway. It's not so pleasant for the men."<br> <br> Your knees and legs follow your crotch and ass into Pori's impossibly deep body. Your toes scrabble ineffectually at a soft, yielding substance. The whole of your lower half is inside her now.<br> <br> <<if $rough>> "Ah, I love the rough and clumsy ones. My producer isn't interested in them, so I can drink them with impunity." <<else>> "I'd say sorry, sugah, but the truth is I like doing it this way. It gives me so much extra juice to drink." <</if>><br> <br> You don't know how it's happening, but you're sinking into Pori's body as if it's a pool of quicksand. The soft fleshy substance is far too cloying and sticky for you to pull free. All you can do is plead with her as your chest slowly sinks into her midriff.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pori: Horror End]]
Her crotch is smooth and hairless. It's also smooth and nearly featureless. There's a slight dimple that barely qualifies as a crude artist's impression of a vagina. Not something you could push your dick into. There isn't anything you could push your dick into. She's as smooth down there as a Barbie doll.<br> <br> Your surprise is short-lived and overtaken by a bigger shock as your left hand suddenly sinks right into Pori's breast. It's like sinking into thick mud, but also surprisingly pleasant. Her pliant flesh wells up between and wraps your fingers. It rolls up your arm to past your elbow.<br> <br> Now that doesn't make sense. Your arm is in her up to the elbow. It should have gone right through her and out the other side.<br> <br> Pori chuckles at your confusion.<br> <br> "My body is a little special," Pori says with a triumphant smile. "My producer made me a good little semen harvester. That includes the ability to catch and hold humans in place while I draw out their juices."<br> <br> She catches your other flailing arm and presses it against her other breast. That too, is drawn into her soft body up to the elbow. She wriggles beneath you and wraps her legs around your body and crosses her ankles. The head of your cock encounters the smooth skin between her legs. Rather than being repelled and sliding along the surface, your cock instead pushes into a soft yielding substance. It takes your cock, draws it into itself, and rolls up the shaft until you're sunk all the way into her. You feel the warm pressure all around your member. It felt good around your fingers. It feels ten times better around your erection.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0 or $allHarlots[$hi].hasWankedPlayerInBar>> [[Continue.->Pori: Capture 2]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Pori: To Horror End]] <</if>>
Pori looks up at you and thoughtfully nibbles on her lower lip.<br> <br> "My producer won't be interested. Too low quality. But throwing someone out because they were faultily engineered don't sit right with me."<br> <br> She tucks up, pulls down her panties and tosses them over to the side of the bed.<br> <br> "I can tell you're shy. So, just sit back and let me take the lead. We can still have fun together."<br> <br> She slides under you and brings her legs up around your body. Smiling saucily at you, she takes your right hand and clasps it to her left breast. You're shocked and surprised when your hand sinks into the soft substance of her breast. It's like sinking into thick mud. Pori's spongy flesh wraps up around your fingers, and then rolls up your wrist.<br> <br> "Don't fret none. My producer made me out of a wondrous substance. Just close your eyes and enjoy the sensation."<br> <br> The heightened tactile sensation of her soft flesh wrapped all the way around your fingers does feel really nice.<br> <br> She takes your other hand and pushes it into her other breast. Your eyelids flutter from the pleasure.<br> <br> "I'm the same down there between my legs," Pori says.<br> <br> She wraps her legs around you and draws you down between her legs. The head of your cock encounters the smooth skin between her legs. Rather than being repelled and sliding along the surface, your cock instead pushes into a soft yielding substance. It takes your cock, draws it into itself, and rolls up the shaft until you're sunk all the way into her. You feel the warm pressure all around your member. It felt good around your fingers. It feels ten times better around your erection.<br> <br> "Now relax, sugah. This is just me taking the lead and making you feel really nice."<br> <br> <<include [[Pori: Capture 1]]>>
<<set _shy to _scoreArray[4][1] and not _osa[4][2]>> <<set _rough to _scoreArray[5][1] and not _osa[5][2]>> <br><br> <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> "That was rather brazen of her," $ says as you tell him about Pori's surreptitious little handjob in the bar. "Most don't disobey $ so flagrantly."<br> <br> His nostrils bristle.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> "For a thirsty sponge she seems to have rather picky tastes."<br> <br> He writes down her response to your gift in his notebook.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> "Squeeze juice? From that?" $ pulls a face.<br> <br> He writes down her response to your gift in his notebook.<br> <br> <</if>> "She has no vagina, you say." $ looks surprised. "Men are supposed to just push it in... anywhere? How bizarre."<br> <br> <<if _shy or _rough>> $ pulls a worse and worse face as you describe how you sank into Pori's body.<br> <br> <</if>>
<<set _shy to _scoreArray[4][1] and not _osa[4][2]>> <<set _rough to _scoreArray[5][1] and not _osa[5][2]>> <<if _shy or _rough>> "If we weren't currently in this accursed place, I'd take your account as the ramblings of a madman. Sadly, I've heard what these devil women can do. Have even seen it with my own eyes on occasion. Our laws of physics don't seem to apply to them. Count yourself lucky you didn't sink all the way." <<else>> "She seems a little too 'thirsty' for my liking," $ says. "Such a shame. That figure of hers is rather huggable." <</if>>
/* Pêl-V Gnoi */ <<set $hi to 39>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Pêl-V Gnoi", shortDescription: "", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [20, 8], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Pel-V: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Pel-V: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Pel-V: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Pel-V: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Pel-V: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Pel-V: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Pel-V: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Pel-V: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(21)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ <<set $player.currInt to 4>> /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 39>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a diminutive girl with bright green skin and long red twintails. She sits on what looks like a giant green melon with a jagged cartoon mouth drawn on the front.">>
"Poor little Pêl-V Gnoi. She is $'s failed experiment. $ researched several types of plant girl daemon and took traits from all of them to make the 'perfect' semen extraction synthetic being."<br> <br> $ exhales a cloud of smoke and chuckles.<br> <br> "Sadly, $ made a critical error. The results were not as she hoped for. I think Pêl-V knows it too. Beneath that bratty exterior she's crushingly insecure. A lust daemon that can't always get a man to come. The other girls tease her mercilessly about it."<br> <br> $ takes a drink of her cocktail.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
Pêl-V Gnoi is still sitting on her bright green rubber ball when you meet her at the edge of the stage. Rather than getting down from the ball, she rides it into the bar as it uses the fake plastic vines to slowly crawl across the floor. You wonder if her body is connected to it in some way that precludes separation.<br> <br> Pêl-V is not exactly quick moving and as a result is content to take the nearest table to the stage so she doesn't have to crawl particularly far. She doesn't need a chair. You pull one away to make space for her at the table and then take a chair opposite her.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Pel-V: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Pel-V: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Pêl-V Gnoi. She's one of our lovely artificial harlots. Created by $ to cater to more..." $ leans closer to whisper in your ear "...consuming desires."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Pêl-V Gnoi's skin is a vibrant green in colour and covered in white markings. The markings look a little like war paint, but with crisp lines and solid colours. Her small breasts are decorated with concentric circles of white lines. The decorations extend to her face. She has a white bar on the cheek under her right eye and her left eye is at the centre of a five-pointed white star. Her long red hair is tied up in two long twintails that spiral down like anime hair.<br> <br> Closer up, you see what you first took to be plant is clearly plastic. The surfaces are a little too smooth and glossy, and that goes for her skin. The 'melon' she's sitting on deforms and rocks like a soft rubber ball. The vines looped around the base of the ball look like cheap plastic facsimiles of leaves and stems. For some weird reason someone has painted a toothy cartoon mouth across the front of the ball.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hello, meat. Want a nice bounce in my ball?"<br> <br> Pêl-V smiles as she introduces herself. Her long eyes are a little too bright and her smile a little too wide. Together with the strange markings on her face it gives the impression she... might not be all there. She seems pretty enough, but with a strong hint of crazy.<br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She's one for men of more... unusual tastes. For men who like to be... tasted. Vore afficionados, if you know what I mean.\"\<br\>\<br\>She gives you a filthy wink.\<br\>\<br\>\"Pêl-V can do that. She'll swallow you whole with her ball and her erotic digestive massage is supposedly very pleasant, if final.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"The critical mistake $ made was with Pêl-V's erotic digestion juices. They're powerful enough to convert a man's whole body to cum, but they need to be activated by her prey's semen first. They can't make a man come on their own. Pêl-V has to use regular methods to do that and for a man already fully drained by other succubi, those methods often aren't enough.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Pêl-V has a really big stomach. Make sure you have plenty of semen to fill it.\""}>>
<br><br> "Useless meat," Pêl-V snarls, her pretty face twisting up in anger. "If $ allowed it, I'd gobble you up right here."<br> <br> Pêl-V can't really move quickly enough to 'storm' off. Instead, she glares angrily at you until you get the message and leave.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Pêl-V sees you looking curiously at her and says, "I'm not a plant. I'm an artificial being. My producer took influence from plant girls and made something superior."<br> <br> The waitress comes back with your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name. She brings nothing for Pêl-V.<br> <br> Pêl-V rests her chin on her hands and stares at you with big green eyes. "I can't wait to give you a good bounce in my ball," she says.<br> <br> While you try to make sense of 'in', you hear a low, gurgling rumble emanating from beneath the table. It sounds like the growl of an empty stomach. A //big// empty stomach.<br> <br> Pêl-V puts a hand to her mouth and giggles.<br> <br> "That wasn't very ladylike," she says.<br> <br> It also raises rather uncomfortable questions about the nature of her ball and the jagged mouth drawn across the front of it. Pêl-V catches you trying to peek around the side of the table at her unusual seat.<br> <br> "It's nothing to worry about," she says. "As long as you bring me plenty of semen you'll be fine."<br> <br> Her green eyes are a little too bright. Her smile a little too wide.<<if $player.currInt gt 3>> You don't think she's being entirely truthful here.<</if>><br> <br> Pêl-V tells you more about how she'll bounce you to ecstasy in her ball and then it's time up and you have to return to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Pel-V: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pel-V: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Body parts gift */ [1,false,false], /* Fail early leave */ [3,false,false], /* survive with anti-digestion charm */ [3,false,false] /* survive with no semen */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Pel-V: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Pel-V: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Pêl-V Gnoi's room is decorated to resemble a woodland clearing. Fake plastic trees are embedded in the walls and fake plastic vines with fake plastic flowers run across the ceiling. The thick pile carpet beneath your feet is green like grass.<br> <br> Sitting in the centre of the room, on her fake giant fruit, is Pêl-V Gnoi. She bounces excitedly as you enter and her 'fruit' rocks up and down like an elastic ball. You're convinced it's a giant rubber ball painted to resemble a melon, and then further decorated with a toothy cartoon mouth forming a zigzag line across the front. You think the line is just painted on. There doesn't seem to be a seam or any indication it can open up.<br> <br> "I'm so glad you came," Pêl-V says.<br> <br> She claps excitedly and bounces up and down on the rubber ball in a way that is clearly suggestive.<br> <br> "Now get those clothes off and come over here so I can fuck your brains out."<br> <br> There is the matter of the gift first. You hold up the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-V: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Pel-V: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(14)>> <<include [[Pel-V: Gift: Body Parts]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(0)>> <<include [[Pel-V: Gift: Edible]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(1)>> <<include [[Pel-V: Gift: Drinkable]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pel-V: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>>
Pêl-V takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you. Her smile grows even wider, revealing a line of dainty little pointed teeth.<br> <br> She slides the $allGifts[$cgi].name between a couple of vines at the back of her 'fruit' seat and turns her attention back to you with a bright smile.<br> <br> "Get those clothes off, meat. I'm eager to get your cock inside me."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-V: Undress]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Pêl-V's eyes light up when she sees the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Yeah yeah. Gimme gimme."<br> <br> She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you, gleefully holds <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> up before her, then places <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on top of the ball between her legs. The soft elastic surface dimples with the weight of the $allGifts[$cgi].name and then the $allGifts[$cgi].name keeps sinking until <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it passes<<else>>they pass<</if>> through the membranous surface and into the ball. The elastic surface springs back to full smoothness. The $allGifts[$cgi].name <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>has<<else>>have<</if>> been absorbed into the ball without leaving behind a trace.<br> <br> Pêl-V rocks a little on top of the ball and lets out little //oohs// of pleasure. They don't drown out the soft gurgles you hear emanating from the centre of the ball.<br> <br> "Ooh, delicious. You did well, meat. Now get those clothes off. I'm eager to get your cock inside me."<br> <br> [[Do as she says.->Pel-V: Undress]]<br> [[Reconsider.->Pel-V: Attempt Early Leave]]
Pêl-V takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you. She gives <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> a suspicious sniff and her face wrinkles up in disgust.<br> <br> "I don't understand human food. How can you eat this?"<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-V: Gift: End]]>>
Pêl-V takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you and looks uncertainly at <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it.<<else>>them.<</if>><br> <br> "I've heard this is 'food' for you humans. I don't get it. What do you chew on?"<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-V: Gift: End]]>>
Pêl-V takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you and looks uncertainly at <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it.<<else>>them.<</if>><br> <br> "I can't eat this, so what use is it?"<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-V: Gift: End]]>>
She disdainfully tosses <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> over to the far corner of the room and turns her attention back to you with a bright smile.<br> <br> "Get those clothes off, meat. I'm eager to get your cock inside me."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-V: Undress]]
You take your clothes off and leave them in a neat pile on top of a nearby – fake – tree stump. You walk up to Pêl-V and wonder what you're supposed to do next.<br> <br> Pêl-V's ball is decorated to look like a giant melon, but really looks like a giant rubber ball. It's flattened slightly beneath Pêl-V's petite body. It looks like a soft and springy cushion. You guess you're going to do it on top of that, although there doesn't seem to be much space or leeway. One wrong bounce and you'd both be toppling over the side. You wait for Pêl-V to move aside so you can climb on top to join her.<br> <br> Instead, she stays sitting where she is and gestures for you to move to the side.<br> <br> "Just a little to the right, meat," she says.<br> <br> Mystified, you sidestep around the ball until she holds her hand up for you to stop.<br> <br> "Right there, meat," she says.<br> <br> You look at her in puzzlement. What is this about?<br> <br> "I don't want you to hurt yourself when you fall over," she says with a smile wide enough to reveal her pointed teeth.<br> <br> Vines shoot out from the base of the ball and tangle around your feet and ankles. Your first instinct is to jump backwards, but as your feet are rooted to the floor, you end up toppling over instead.<br> <br> Thankfully, your fall is broken by a big soft cushion decorated to blend in with the rest of the room. That's about all you have to be thankful for. Pêl-V's artificial plastic vines tighten around your ankles and start to drag you feet-first towards the large green ball.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-V: Absorption]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> You're having second thoughts about this. You don't know what happened to the $allGifts[$cgi].name. It looked like she absorbed <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> into the ball beneath her and... //ate?//... <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it.<<else>>them.<</if>><br> <br> You're also uncomfortably aware that the ball looks big enough to contain your whole body. She's eager to get your cock inside her, and what else...?<br> <br> Her calling you 'meat' might not be a twisted term of affection.<br> <br> You think it's time to leave.<br> <br> Pêl-V sees you start to back away and wags a finger.<br> <br> "Ah ah ah. No backing out now."<br> <br> Vines shoot across the floor and coil around your ankles. You were already in the process of moving backwards, the vines trip you up and cause you to topple backwards. Pêl-V sends out more and you feel the cool plastic against your skin as they slither under your clothes.<br> <br> "Stop squirming," Pêl-V says. "If you're not going to take your clothes off, I'll have to, and $ gets cross if I tear them."<br> <br> You don't stop squirming. This doesn't faze Pêl-V. Her vines are very flexible and she has fine control of them. She strips your clothes off with an ease that suggests this is not the first time she's done this.<br> <br> Then, now that she has you fully naked, the vines start to pull you inexorably feet-first towards the large green ball.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-V: Absorption]]
"Got you now, meat!"<br> <br> Pêl-V bounces on top of her ball in giggly excitement as her vines drag you closer.<br> <br> You wait in dread for the sawtooth line to open up and reveal it was a jagged maw all along. It doesn't. It remains a jagged cartoon mouth drawn across the front of a rubber ball as your feet are pulled up and pressed into the soft surface.<br> <br> The surface of the ball is soft and extremely flexible. Your feet are drawn into and deform the surface as if it's a soap bubble. Another force takes over and draws your feet into the green ball. The flexible surface envelops your feet and then rolls up your ankles as your feet pass through the membrane and into a warm fleshy interior.<br> <br> "Nom nom nom," Pêl-V giggles gleefully as your feet, then your shins, then your knees slowly disappear into the ball.<br> <br> Your thighs vanish. Then your hips. Reflexively, you bring your hands up and press them against the side of the ball in an attempt to halt your progress. Only for them to sink in and then pass through the membrane.<br> <br> Unable to stop it, you're drawn into the big green ball. You sink in until your chin is pressing against the wall of the ball and then you stop. Pêl-V peers down at your head, the only part not absorbed, and cackles manically.<br> <br> "Got you," she says in a singsong voice.<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-V: Charm Check]]>>
<<if $cgi neq 0 and $player.charms.includes(21)>> Pêl-V looks down at you with gloating eyes. She seems about to break out in wild, gleeful laughter, then abruptly stops. Her cheeks bulge. She's already green, but manages to look greener still. She looks like she's going to throw up.<br> <br> She does. Sort of.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-V: Anti-Digestion Charm: Good End]] <<else>> She has. Within the ball it feels like warm soft flesh packed tightly all around your body. So tight you can barely move your limbs at all.<br> <br> It's also wet inside. Disconcertingly wet. Mouth-full-of-saliva wet. And that's not something you really want to be thinking about.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-V: Insertion]] <</if>>
The same irresistible force that drew you inexorably into the ball reverses, and reverses hard. You are ejected – spat out – from the ball and land in a messy bundle a couple of feet away. Covered in warm slime, you untangle your limbs and shakily get back to your feet.<br> <br> Pêl-V appears to be in some discomfort. She retches, but doesn't throw up.<br> <br> "The taste. That awful taste. Aah, it still burns."<br> <br> She writhes on top of the ball. The ball itself seems to writhe. It wobbles. Dimples form on some parts of the surface. In other places the rubber spikes out.<br> <br> Pêl-V turns to you. Her eyes are watering and tears run down her cheeks. She looks like she's just tried to eat a chilli pepper much too spicy for her.<br> <br> "Why didn't you tell me you'd visited that hag. I'd have left you alone if I'd know you had... that."<br> <br> You feel an odd scratchy hot sensation on the back of your shoulder.<br> <br> Pêl-V doubles up and dry heaves again.<br> <br> "My stomach. My poor stomach."<br> <br> Still heaving, Pêl-V lies down and hugs her big green ball.<br> <br> "Please go." She pushes her face into the top of the ball and whimpers.<br> <br> You don't know what just happened, but now is not the time to question your good fortune. You hastily grab your clothes and get out before she can recover.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Pel-V: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Pêl-V rocks on top of the ball and wiggles her butt. You feel a warm fleshy weight press down on you, especially at your crotch.<br> <br> "That didn't turn you on?" she says. "No matter, I'll soon sort that out."<br> <br> She wriggles about on top of the ball. You feel a fleshy mass rub against your crotch. While the situation is anything but arousing, the stimulation against your cock causes flickers of arousal.<br> <br> "Don't worry. I'm not going to digest you just yet," Pêl-V says. "We'll have some fun first."<br> <br> She continues to wriggle about. There's an opening in the fleshy mass. It catches at the end of your cock.<br> <br> "Ah. There it is," Pêl-V says. "We'll soon get that nice and hard."<br> <br> The fleshy opening suckles on the tip of your cock. Then, as your cock starts to get hard, draws it inside and starts to suck harder.<br> <br> "And then you can spurt your lovely cum up inside me," Pêl-V says.<br> <br> She lies down and starts to hump the ball with her hips. The rubber ball squashes and rocks with her movements. Within it, you feel the wet flesh ripple up and down your arms and legs, and caress your back and front. It feels pleasant, like being massaged by the hands of multiple lovers.<br> <br> More blood trickles into your cock and – encouraged by the gentle sucking of the unknown orifice – it solidifies into a hard erection.<br> <br> "Oh yes, you're getting hard. I can feel it," Pêl-V says.<br> <br> She bounces her hips harder and faster. The ball bounces with her. Even though a foot or more of flesh-filled rubber ball separates your crotch from Pêl-V, it still feels like she's fucking you directly. It feels like her tight wet pussy is sliding up and down your erection.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-V: Sex 1]]
This feels far better than it has any right to be. If you close your eyes, you can picture yourself lying on a soft springy bed while Pêl-V rides you cowgirl style and the oil-slick hands of other girls run all over your naked flesh. That imagining causes your erection to swell further.<br> <br> Pêl-V pauses to sit up. "It feels so big inside me," she sighs.<br> <br> She wriggles her butt as if to find the best fit, and then starts bouncing up and down with greater vigour. The stimulation to your cock increases.<br> <br> "Yes. Come for me," Pêl-V sighs as she bounces up and down on the ball. "Give me your cum."<br> <br> She bounces faster and harder. Your cock is buffeted and squeezed by pliant flesh.<br> <br> "Yes. Come. Come lots. Fill me."<br> <br> She finds and zeroes in on the rhythm that creates the most pleasurable friction for you. Your body responds and tenses up in pleasurable anticipation. You feel a tension growing in your balls.<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-V: 1st Semen Check]]>>
<<if $player.semenCount lt 3>> "It's coming," Pêl-V says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-V: 2nd Semen Check]] <<else>> "It's coming. I can feel it," Pêl-V sighs.<br> <br> You can feel it too.<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-V: Climax]]>> <</if>>
Pêl-V bounces eagerly. The internal stroking sensations take you right to the edge of climax and you can't hold it back any longer. You tense and release a long and satisfying flood of semen into the wet suction. If feels as good as emptying your balls into a lovely tight pussy. Pêl-V moans orgasmically as if you've just emptied your balls into her lovely tight pussy. Then she starts giggling.<br> <br> She looks down at you with a too-wide grin. Her eyes are big and bright and more than a little crazy. Her giggles continue and take on a sinister edge.<br> <br> "Got it," she says. "That will be more than enough. Now to analyse it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-V: Erotic Digestion]]
The motions of the ball cease. Pêl-V sits up and stares into space. Her eyes light up and shine in circular patterns as if she's a computer processing complex data. It reminds you again that she's a strange kind of synthetic being.<br> <br> "Processing," she says. "Producing and activating erotic digestion fluids."<br> <br> //Erotic// what //fluids?//<br> <br> Pêl-V comes out of her trance and looks down at you with a smile wide enough to reveal a mouth full of jagged teeth.<br> <br> "Time to digest you now," Pêl-V says. "I'm going to soak you in my juices and melt you to mush."<br> <br> She leans back and rubs her belly. It swells and ominous gurgling sounds can be heard.<br> <br> You struggle inside the ball. It's no use. The fleshy, meat-like substance is packed tightly around your body.<br> <br> "Well, melt you into cum," Pêl-V says. "That's what my juices do. They convert you into lots of lovely thick cum. I needed a sample of your semen to activate them, and now I have it."<br> <br> She sits back and rubs a hand over her distended stomach. Her eyes close and her breathing is punctuated with erotic sighs.<br> <br> "There's no need to worry. It will feel really nice."<br> <br> You are plenty worried. You strain as you try to pull yourself free of the ball.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-V: Bad End 1]]
Pêl-V's sighs increase in frequency and volume, until – with a loud orgasmic moan – she presses her hips down against the rubber ball. Warm, thick liquids gush out over your crotch and fill the inside of the ball. You brace yourself for acidic burning pain. Instead, you feel warm and pleasantly tingly all over. And aroused. Really aroused. Pêl-V sighs again and presses her hips down. More warm fluids gush into the ball. Your cock, right in the middle of the flow, throbs with unnatural eagerness. She lies down on top of the ball. This time the ball's throbs are slower and sensual. Lascivious. The warm juices are slowly churned around your body. At other places the internal fleshy walls contract and massage the juices into your limbs.<br> <br> You start to feel strange. Pleasantly relaxed and horny. Your body feels soft and floppy. Mushy even. On the other hand, your cock feels like it's getting harder and harder. Almost like it's drawing the solidity out of the rest of your body and taking it for its own.<br> <br> It's not the only thing your cock is taking. You feel powerful stirrings in your balls.<br> <br> "Here it comes," Pêl-V says with an eager smile. "You're going to come like you've never come before."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-V: Bad End 2]]
You tense up and release a volcanic surge of cum. It erupts out of you in a great flood.<br> <br> Pêl-V lets out a loud orgasmic sigh. She presses her hips down and more juices – thicker this time – gush into the ball. Pêl-V lies down and presses her hands into the elastic surface of the ball. She massages and kneads the warm fluids into your flesh.<br> <br> "My erotic digestive massage always has them moaning incoherently with pleasure at the end. You'll be no different, meat."<br> <br> The ball slowly throbs and pulses around you. Walls of flesh coat your body in warm juices and knead them into your flesh. Your thoughts start to feel as mushy as the rest of your body. Another volcanic ejaculation erupts out of you and this time some part of your mind is ripped out with it. You stop struggling. You relax and enjoy the pleasurable sensation of flesh rubbing against you. It feels so nice. Why fight it. You lie back and moan in bliss as you spurt endless amounts of semen up into Pêl-V's tight pussy. You give yourself up to her.<br> <br> Being melted into cum is as pleasant as Pêl-V claimed it would be. Unfortunately, it's just as fatal as it sounds. Once your mind is lost to bliss, Pêl-V draws your head into the ball. The ball slowly throbs and pulsates as Pêl-V digests you.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Pel-V: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> You think it is too. And then it isn't.<br> <br> Your cock gives a pleasurable little twitch. It still needs a little more to tip you over.<br> <br> Pêl-V frowns.<br> <br> She gives her butt a little wiggle and gets back to bouncing up and down. The fleshy interior of the ball closes around your cock and squeezes tighter. You feel a long sucking stroke travel up your erection.<br> <br> "It's coming," Pêl-V says again.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> Again, she's wrong.<br> <br> You feel like you want to, really want to, but your body has limits and you think you've reached them.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-V: Out of Semen: Good End]] <<else>> This time she's right.<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-V: Climax]]>> <</if>>
Pêl-V senses it too. Her frown deepens. She bounces on her ball with greater speed and force. Within the ball, your cock pistons back and forth into a tight wet opening.<br> <br> "It's coming," Pêl-V says. More forcefully, but with less confidence.<br> <br> She rocks faster and faster.<br> <br> "Come, you useless meatbag! Stop holding back. Come!"<br> <br> The moment has passed. As good as the pleasurable friction on your erection feels, you fall back from the point of climax. You're too depleted.<br> <br> Pêl-V realises it too. "Drat, you're not going to come, are you," she says.<br> <br> She stops bouncing and instead tries slowly rubbing against your cock in an attempt to bring it back to life. It's no use. Your erection is softening and no amount of stimulation is going to reverse that.<br> <br> "Curse those other succubus whores," Pêl-V complains. "They've drunk their fill and left nothing for me."<br> <br> She suddenly starts bawling.<br> <br> "It's not <<if $cgi eq 0>>fair. You even brought me a $allGifts[$cgi].name."<<else>>fair."<</if>><br> <br> Pêl-V pushes you out of the ball with the same speed she drew you in. You tumble to the green carpet in a jumble of limbs and warm slime.<br> <br> "I hate this. They're always making fun of me. They tell me I'm a failure, that I can't make a man come. Those smug succubus cows. We'll be better than them. She has seen it and she is greater even than our producer."<br> <br> You back away from the ball as Pêl-V continues to bawl her eyes out and beat her tiny fists on the surface of the rubber ball.<br> <br> "Go away," she says. "I want to cry."<br> <br> She turns around and lies on top of the ball with her arms over her head.<br> <br> Mystified by all this, but not wanting to question your good fortune, you hastily grab your clothes and head for the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Pel-V: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br><br> "I had a horrible suspicion that's what she ate," $ says. "Clearly, that mad Doctoress took inspiration from carnivorous plants when she made her."<br> <br> He shudders.<br> <br> <<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> "I would have turned and run as well. Not that it would have done any good, if your experience is anything to go by." <<else>> "I'm surprised you didn't turn tail on the spot. You're a braver man than I. Or more foolish." <</if>><br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> "It appears you were saved from a ghastly fate by one of $'s charms. Unlike the other villains in here, that witch does appear to be helpful. A shame she's so bloody cryptic when asked what those magic charms of hers actually do." <<elseif _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> "It sounds like you had a very lucky escape. In here, to run out of... ahem... juice, normally means death. In this case it seems Pêl-V Gnoi needs her prey to come as a prerequisite before she can begin... whatever she does."<br> <br> $ prefers not to dwell on 'whatever Pêl-V Gnoi does', and neither do you. <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Feedback]]>> <</if>>
/* Elita-05 and Elita-07 */ <<set $hi to 46>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Elita-05 and Elita-07", shortDescription: "", isMultiplePeople: true, faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 5, maxRound: 5, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Elita: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Elita: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Elita: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Elita: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Elita: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Elita: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Elita: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Elita: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $player.currStr to 3>> <<set $player.currDex to 3>> <<set $player.currAgi to 3>> <<set $player.currConst to 3>> <<set $player.currWill to 3>> <<set $player.currInt to 3>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to true>> <<set $player.currIsSlutty to true>> /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsCautious to true>> /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 8>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 46>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<set $npcPotion.hasBeenVisited to false>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a pair of sleek and futuristic androids. Their faces are pink expressionless masks. Their artificial limbs and body panels are covered in glossy white latex.">>
/* Madam intro */ "These are $'s white latex milkmaids, Elitaidd-Godr0.005 and Elitaidd-Godr0.007," $ says. "Such exquisite creations, nearly her finest. They seek only the best of men and when they find one, they milk him dry."<br> <br> She leans in to whisper in your ear behind her hand.<br> <br> "Just call them Elita-05 and Elita-07. It's easier to remember and they won't care."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Elita-05 and Elita-07 are a pair of sleek white androids. While the other inhabitants of the House look like demons from occult horror films, this pair look like extras from a stylish science fiction movie. They cannot be mistaken for humans in costume – the skeletal metal joints at their elbows and knees are visible. The rest of their bodies are covered in sleek panels of glossy white latex. They have smooth curves at the chest and hips to give them exaggerated feminine forms.<br> <br> Their faces are disconcertingly human, especially their eyes, but locked in aloof dispassionate masks, like a fashion model walking down a catwalk. Cold perfection. Instead of hair they have panels of smooth white latex covering the back of their heads like a tight-fitting hood.<br> <br> Each has a number printed down their left side - 005 for Elita-05, 007 for Elita-07. Without them you'd honestly have trouble telling them apart.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Elita-05 and Elita-07 stand in front of you and say nothing. They regard you dispassionately with their disconcertingly too-human eyes. These introductions are supposed to be an opportunity for the harlot to entice you into picking her. With these two it feels more like they're assessing your suitability. Their aloof, coldly perfect artificial faces are completely unreadable. You have no idea whether you meet their inscrutable standards, or even if those standards exist in the first place.<br>
Elita-05 and Elita-07 take up positions on either side of you and escort you into the bar as if you're a gangster with a pretty moll on each arm. And as it likely is with the gangster and his molls, it feels cold and mechanical, as if both are following a pre-set program. You find a spare table and Elita-05 and Elita-07 take seats opposite you.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Elita: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Elita: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
Elita-05 and Elita-07 share a glance and nod. Wordlessly they get up and return to the presentation stage.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and nothing for Elita-05 and Elita-07. This makes sense as both are clearly androids or robots. While their faces could be mistaken for human beneath a pink oval synthetic mask, especially their eyes, the skeletal metal of their exposed joints would be impossible for a human in a costume.<br> <br> Elita-05 and Elita-07 don't speak. They just sit there and regard you with alien birdlike interest. Your attempts to make small talk go nowhere. Either they cannot or are unwilling to talk.<br> <br> Eventually you lapse into silence as well. This feels like a waste of time. You finish your drink and get up. Elita-05 and Elita-07 smoothly move around and elegantly escort you back to $ in complete silence. <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <br><br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Ah, Elitaidd-Godr0.005 and Elitaidd-Godr0.007, $'s elite white latex milkmaids."<br> <br> $ chuckles to herself.<br> <br> "Well, she made them at least. It took a few attempts. 001 and 002 were clumsy oafs that couldn't milk a cow. They had to be scrapped. As did 003 and 004. 005 was fine. And then there was 006..."<br> <br> $'s breath hisses as she inhales.<br> <br> "We don't talk about 006."<br> <br> She grimaces and sups her cocktail.<br> <br> "007 is a copy of 005. If $ hadn't printed numbers on their bodies I doubt anyone would be able to tell them apart. It's not like they have much in the way of personality. Or see their men as anything other than beasts to be milked."<br> <br> $ shrugs.<br> <br> "Maybe you're the sort that gets turned on by that. Plenty do. And 005 and 007 are very good at it. That's why they're elites, although maybe not $'s elites."<br> <br> She gives you a sly wink.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"You won't get to fuck them, you know. They'll hook you up to one of their machines and milk you like a cow.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"They seek the best of men, and when they find one they drain him. Of every single drop.\"\<br\>\<br\>$'s eyes are sharp as she looks at you.\<br\>\<br\>\"It's not always good to be the best.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"They seek the best of men – the brightest, strongest, quickest. Their standards are quite exacting. Are you sure you measure up to them?\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Elita: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Elita: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Bad fail */ [8,false,false] /* Survive */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $hasPassedEliteTest to false>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Elita: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Elita: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Elita-05 and Elita-07's room is... unusual. It looks more like a hi-tech robotics lab or workshop than a bedroom.<<if $npcPotion.hasBeenVisited>> It reminds you of $'s rooms, but better maintained and with less clutter.<</if>> Like Elita-05 and Elita-07 themselves, the surfaces are a mix of glossy white and matt black. Everywhere is well-lit and spotlessly clean.<br> <br> Elita-05 and Elita-07 are standing in the centre of the room. They come to life as soon as you enter the room, as if opening the door is connected to their power switch. You marvel at their form. While clearly artificial they seem to be the perfect marriage of sleek design and technology. Robots as catwalk models. The glossy white latex panels covering their limbs and bodies gleam under the bright lights.<br> <br> You go to take a step towards them only for Elita-05 to raise her hand and point to a red line on the floor in front of you.<br> <br> You're supposed to wait behind here until... what?<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: Gift]]
With a hissing sound a panel pushes outward from the wall to the left of the door and reveals a deep drawer. Wordlessly, Elita-05 points to the gift in your hand and then down to the drawer.<br> <br> You understand. You place the gift in the drawer and the panel smoothly slides back. You have no idea if your gift made a positive impression or if Elita-05 and Elita-07 even care. They're completely unreadable.<br> <br> With that out of the way, you go to enter the room properly, only to see Elita-05 still has her hand out in a //stop// gesture. She points to a spot on the floor to your left. With another soft hiss a panel slides open and a futuristic clothes rack rises up out of the floor.<br> <br> You start to undress. <<if $player.currIsCautious>> You feel a little self-conscious as you take your clothes off. It is very bright in here. Cold and impersonal. You feel more like you're stripping for a medical examination. You take your clothes off and hang them on the rack. <<else>> The room is a little too well-lit, more like a medical examination room than a bedroom, but you've never been all that self-conscious about your body. You strip and place your clothes on the rack. <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: CON Test]]
The feeling of being here for a medical exam intensifies as Elita-05 beckons you over and has you stand within a brown ring painted on the floor. Elita-07 taps the palm of her right hand and brings up some kind of holographic clipboard. You're so distracted by that you don't realise Elita-05 has returned with a strange device. It looks like a cross between an airplane oxygen mask and bagpipes. Elita-05 holds the mask in one hand, which would look like a regular oxygen mask if it wasn't for a pair of artificial lips inside it. The lips, glossy red and supple, are at the opening to an air hose leading down to white rubber bag Elita-05 carries beneath her right shoulder.<br> <br> She holds the mask out to you and – slightly bemused – you put it on. Elita-05 presses her elbow into the bag, squeezing it. The artificial lips within the mask open with a soft moan and exhale pink gas. It catches you by surprise and you take a breath before you can stop yourself.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<if _testPassed>> [[Continue.->Elita: CON Test: Pass]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Elita: CON Test: Fail]] <</if>>
The scent is like subtle perfume, but it's potent. Immediately you feel weird and woozy. It's not a bad feeling as you also feel really hot and horny. Really horny. A kaleidoscope of pornographic imagery spins across the back of your skull. Your cock surges in a monstrous erection.<br> <br> The room spins. You stumble. Elita-07 moves to catch you and you wave her away. You're okay. You shake your head to clear it.<br> <br> What was that – Viagra in spray form?<br> <br> It's certainly had an effect on your dick. It's swelled up in a monstrous erection. You don't think that's going down anytime soon.<br> <br> Elita-07 types notes on her holographic clipboard.<br> <br> <<set $hasPassedEliteTest to true>> <<include [[Elita: CON Test: End]]>>
The scent is like subtle perfume, but the affect it has is much stronger. Immediately you feel weird and woozy. It's not a bad feeling as you also feel really hot and horny. Really horny. A kaleidoscope of pornographic imagery spins across the back of your skull. Your cock surges in a monstrous erection. Reality blurs. Where are you? You feel like you're standing in the middle of a very hot – and //wet// – orgy.<br> <br> It's too much. Your knees buckle. You'd crumple to the floor if it wasn't for a strong arm wrapped around you and a body to lean on.<br> <br> Something else is squirted into your face. Whatever it is, it blasts through your senses like a mountain brook and brings you back around.<br> <br> You're slumped against Elita-07 and she's holding something resembling an old perfume bottle with a pump. Whatever it is, it does a good job of clearing your head. Content that you've recovered, Elita-07 leaves you to stand unsupported. She brings her holographic clipboard back up and types in notes in a completely alien language.<br> <br> The only lingering aftereffect is you now have a monstrous erection. You don't think it's going down anytime soon.<br> <br> <<include [[Elita: CON Test: End]]>>
Elita-05 ushers you on to another area of this strange futuristic workshop. She has you stand in another circle, this one red.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: STR Test]]
Elita-07 stands off to the side making notes. Elita-05 presses a button on a dangling control box and a giant pair of kitsch red lips descends from the ceiling. Strangely, they don't seem out of place. The room – and both Elita-05 and Elita-07 – seem more like an arthouse film director's idea of a robotics lab, where style comes first and function a distant second. The lips seem to be a wide hoop surrounded by padding sculpted to resemble a pair of lusciously sensual lips. The hoop is right above you. Using the controller, Elita-05 lowers the lips down over you until they're level with your chest.<br> <br> The whole thing leaves you bemused. Is this supposed to be a turn-on? Are they trying to cater to some esoteric fetish you're unaware of. As foreplay, it's rather peculiar.<br> <br> Elita-05 presses another button and the cushioned loop slowly starts to contract around you. The padding is some kind of soft rubber. Within it, however, is a hoop of much sturdier material, probably metal. At first it feels like gentle pressure around your chest, then the lips get tighter and tighter.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed>> [[Continue.->Elita: STR Test: Pass]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Elita: STR Test: Fail]] <</if>>
At first it's fine, then the pressure gradually grows until your chest feels constricted and it becomes hard to breathe. You flex your arms and brace them against the ring to give yourself enough space for your chest to continue to move up and down. As kitsch as they look, the lips are as remorselessly relentless as a hydraulic press. Elita-05 turns a dial and the force increases.<br> <br> What's she trying to, crush you?<br> <br> Veins bulge in your neck and at your temples as you fight to keep the strange device from slowly crushing your chest.<br> <br> What is this? You came up to have a good time, not get crushed in some weird fetish machine. Has their programming gone faulty?<br> <br> Then, just as you think your muscles are about to give out, Elita-05 presses another button and the lips release you with a pneumatic hiss of air. You're left standing on the spot in confusion as another button press hoists the giant lips back up into the ceiling. There's no point questioning Elita-05 and Elita-07, they're already moving on to the next part of their weird workshop.<br> <br> <<set $hasPassedEliteTest to true>> [[Continue.->Elita: AGI Test]]
At first it's fine, then the pressure gradually grows until your chest feels constricted and it becomes hard to breathe. You try to push back with your arms, but the cushioned lips are as remorseless as a hydraulic press.<br> <br> Just what are these robot girls doing?<br> <br> You gasp out that it's too tight, that you can't breathe. The two android girls watch you dispassionately. Elita-05 turns a dial and the lips squeeze you tighter. Your arms are pinned to your sides. Veins stand out on your neck. You can't breathe. You start to feel lightheaded. Black spots dance across your vision. The giant novelty lips squeeze tighter and tighter.<br> <br> Then, just as you're fearing they might crush your ribcage like an egg, Elita-05 presses a button and the lips release you with a pneumatic hiss of air.<br> <br> You drop to your knees and gulp a deep breath. Elita-05 and Elita-07 are already walking on to another part of their mysterious workshop.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: AGI Test]]
This time it's not a circle, but two parallel lines in green about six feet apart from each other. Elita-05 steps between them and then gracefully pirouettes to the end. You watch in awe at whatever technology made her. Her movements are as fluid and as graceful as a ballet dancer. Watching them, you find it hard to believe she's a robot. You feel sure she must be a person in a costume, but then your gaze strays to the naked metal joints at her elbows and knees and know it's not possible.<br> <br> She returns in a complex series of steps and skips, all done on the tips of her toes. She holds out a hand and beckons you to join her.<br> <br> <<if $player.currAgi lt 2>> [[Continue.->Elita: AGI Test: Early Fail]] <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [6]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> [[Continue.->Elita: AGI Test: Pass]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Elita: AGI Test: Fail]] <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> If this is a test, you fail it promptly in rather embarrassing manner. You've never exactly been light on your feet. You manage a few steps before getting tangled up in your feet and stumbling outside the line.<br> <br> A buzzer goes off, and that's that.<br> <br> Elita-05 and Elita-07 don't register any kind of disapproval. They don't register any emotion at all. They're already moving on to the next part of their weird exam.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: WILL Test]]
You've always been a pretty good dancer. It's a little trickier without music. You have to go off Elita-05's movements, and they're not exactly human. You recognise a bit of a waltz, then a bit of a samba, then a two-step. You partner Elita-05 as best as you can, while also being in a constant state of bemusement over why you're doing this at all.<br> <br> Elita-05's movements grow progressively more complex and harder to keep up with. You thought you were managing it, but then a buzzer goes off and Elita-05 comes to an abrupt stop.<br> <br> And that's the end of that strange dance. Elita-05 and Elita-07 are again completely unreadable as they lead you on to the next part of their weird exam.<br> <br> <<set $hasPassedEliteTest to true>> [[Continue.->Elita: WILL Test]]
You're not the clumsiest of people, but also not a top dancer or athlete either, and you work out quite quickly you'd need to be one of those to keep up with Elita-05. You're okay for the first few steps, but then her movements grow more and more complex until you make too many missteps and are rewarded with a buzzer.<br> <br> Elita-05 and Elita-07 don't register any kind of disapproval. They don't register any emotion at all. They're already moving on to the next part of their weird exam.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: WILL Test]]
It doesn't get any less strange. Elita-05 and Elita-07 stop at a tall rectangular cabinet. It resembles a wide wardrobe with no door. The interior is filled with polished metal shaped to form a concave mirror. Elita-05 stands just within the entrance and strikes a sexy pose. She beckons you to approach her.<br> <br> About time, you think.<br> <br> You take a step towards her only to be brought up short by a sharp electric shock as Elita-07 raps your arm with a stun baton. She points the baton down at a white line on the floor, one your foot has crossed.<br> <br> Another test?<br> <br> You stand behind the line. Elita-05 continues to tease you with sexy poses. You know she's a machine, yet the way she moves and stands seems like the pinnacle of feminine form.<br> <br> Elita-07 presses a button on another control box and coloured lights play across the reflective metal surface behind Elita-05.<br> <br> <<if $player.currWill lt 2>> [[Continue.->Elita: WILL Test: Early Fail]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Elita: Will Test: Early Pass]] <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> ...and then you're standing in embrace with Elita-05 with no recollection on how you got there. Your lips are pressed against hers in a kiss, but it's all awkward as she's not reciprocating and is just standing there stiffly. You can also smell burnt flesh and a pain across your buttocks lets you know it's yours. Elita-07 whacks you again with her stun baton.<br> <br> You stumble back away from Elita-05, profoundly embarrassed.<br> <br> What just happened?<br> <br> Whatever it was, Elita-05 and Elita-07 show no emotion. They move on to the next station.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: DEX Test]]
You 'hear' a weird ululating cry. You think. It seems to be at a frequency right at the edges of human hearing, and it feels like it bypasses your ears completely and goes right to the centre of your brain.<br> <br> The coloured lights draw your attention, but it's Elita-05 that holds it. Her form shifts and blurs before your eyes. She's no longer an android, but a sex siren from your dreams. She's naked and beckoning to you, her lips pouting with desire.<br> <br> You take a step towards her only to feel the sharp electric shock of Elita-07's stun baton.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Elita: WILL Test: Pass]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Elita: WILL Test: Fail]]>> <</if>>
It's a test, you think, of mental fortitude. You've always had a strong will, and you need every last scrap of it. The strange swirling lights and beguiling song create a strong hypnotic attraction to Elita-05. The urge to go to her is strong, far stronger than natural allure.<br> <br> You resist it.<br> <br> You hear a click. The lights and strange beguiling song stop. You're still standing behind the line.<br> <br> Elita-05 and Elita-07 say nothing and show no emotion. Elita-07 taps some notes on her holographic clipboard and then they're moving on to the next station.<br> <br> <<set $hasPassedEliteTest to true>> [[Continue.->Elita: DEX Test]]
Ah yes, the line. You mustn't cross the line.<br> <br> The coloured lights play across the metallic surface faster and faster. You hear Elita-05's moans, her sexual desire, urging – //pleading// – you to come to her. The line fades from your mind. You don't even feel the electric zaps. You must go to her, and go to her you do.<br> <br> You hear a click. The lights and strange beguiling song stop. You're standing with your arms around Elita-05 and lips pressed to her face. It's awkward. She isn't reciprocating your advances in the slightest, just standing there motionless.<br> <br> Elita-07 zaps you on the bum and you stumble backwards in embarrassment.<br> <br> Elita-05 and Elita-07 show no emotion. They're already moving on to the next station.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: DEX Test]]
The next piece of equipment resembles a hi-tech gynaecologist's chair. Elita-05 sits on it and swings her legs apart. The latex covering her crotch parts like a hatch opening up. The sex revealed underneath looks fleshy and organic.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSlutty>> Finally, you think. You were beginning to think you'd walked into a full medical check-up by mistake. The settings might be a little sterile, but the chair puts her vagina at a perfect height.<br> <br> While you're eager to get stuck in, the android pair seem intent on dragging things out further. As you walk between Elita-05's legs, hand cranking your cock, Elita-07 shakes her head and indicates you should use your hand. <<else>> While it's nice to finally see Elita-05's pussy, the surroundings aren't really conducive for making love. After going through what felt like a series of medical tests, this feels like yet another one of them. The chair looks more suited to a doctor's office and Elita-05 sits in it as if she's awaiting an examination.<br> <br> The two androids act as if it's a test as well. Elita-07 walks up level with Elita-05's hips and indicates you should use your hand. <</if>><br> <br> Maybe, given her cold android nature, Elita-05 needs a little warming up first.<br> <br> <<if $player.currDex lt 2>> [[Continue.->Elita: DEX Test: Early Fail]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Elita: DEX Test: Early Pass]] <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> If that's the case, you fail spectacularly. You push your fingers in a little too fast, a little too hard. Elita-05 sits up and shakes her head. You remove your hand, the latex covering slides back, and Elita-05 swings her legs and gets up out of the chair.<br> <br> You think you failed, although it's difficult to tell as Elita-05 and Elita-07 are completely emotionless. They walk on to the back of the room.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: Padded Wall]]
Gently, you slide your fingers between Elita-05's legs. Her sex is warm, soft and moist, but you don't think it's organic. It feels more like some kind of synthetic material – like a sex toy or sex doll sheath. A very high quality synthetic material, to be fair, but still artificial.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Dex]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Elita: DEX Test: Pass]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Elita: DEX Test: Fail]]>> <</if>>
It still feels really nice, and also a really good facsimile of a woman's vagina. You treat it with the same care. You start with a slow, gentle clitoral massage and then let your fingers gradually sink deeper into her.<br> <br> It's really hard to tell if your efforts please Elita-05, given she shows no outward emotion at all. You are sure you felt her twitch, though, and her pussy, even as synthetic as it is, clenches around your fingers.<br> <br> Sadly, that is all. Just when you're thinking it might be time for the main event, the latex covering slides back across Elita-05's sex, she swings her feet over the side and gets up out of the chair. Elita-05 and Elita-07 lead you over to the back of the room.<br> <br> <<set $hasPassedEliteTest to true>> [[Continue.->Elita: Padded Wall]]
You slide your fingers back and forth, but fail to elicit any response from Elita-05. Any hopes this is foreplay before proper intercourse are dashed. After you remove your hand, rather than sitting there and waiting for your cock, Elita-05 slides the latex covering back over her sex, swings her legs over the side and gets up out of the chair.<br> <br> You can't tell if you pleased or displeased her. Elita-05 and Elita-07 are completely emotionless as they walk on to the back of the room.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: Padded Wall]]
There is an exposed section of the wall at the back of the room that appears to be covered in padded panels. The panels are upholstered in glossy white latex and gleam under the bright lights. The two androids motion for you to stand with your back against the padded wall.<br> <br> Another test?<br> <br> Elita-05 carefully positions your legs slightly apart so each foot is on a soft rubber pad. She moves up to your upper body and has you move your arms away from your body and place your palms flat against the padded wall.<br> <br> The whole thing leaves you completely bemused.<br> <br> Aren't they prostitutes... whores? When does the sex actually start?<br> <br> Elita-07 presses a button and the platform you're standing on suddenly rises a couple of inches into the air with a pneumatic hiss. Metal shackles emerge from the wall behind you and clamp around your wrists and ankles. A longer band of metal slides across your midriff.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> Even though you're imprisoned, you still feel a thrill of excitement. Being manacled to a wall like this by two femdom sexbots is kinky. <<else>> Kinky. At least you hope so. <</if>><br> <br> Elita-05 steps up close and presses her body against your side. She wraps a hand around your erection. It feels warm despite her robotic appearance.<br> <br> Elita-07 holds up a small flogger with short strips of black leather.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> [[Continue.->Elita: Femdom Tease]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Elita: Sensual Tease]] <</if>>
Oh, so it's going to be one of //those// sessions.<br> <br> Your erection throbs in Elita-05's hand. She nods at Elita-07 and the other android nods back.<br> <br> Elita-05 strokes a hand up and down your erection. She pinches your nipple, sending a pleasurable jolt through you. Elita-07 starts lightly whipping you with her leather flogger. You moan, more in pleasure.<br> <br> The two android girls are completely emotionless. That only makes it kinkier as they go into full domination mode. Their skilful hands alternate between soft caresses and painful pinches. You feel completely helpless and under their control, and that causes your erection to surge within Elita-05's hand. It's so kinky.<br> <br> They continue to tease you until your cock is a stiff iron rod and your whole body is trembling with pleasure.<br> <br> <<include [[Elita: Tease Prep: End]]>>
Ah, so it is one of those sort of sessions.<br> <br> Or maybe not. Elita-05 looks down at your cock and then back to Elita-07. She shakes her head. Elita-07 places the flogger back on the counter.<br> <br> Elita-05 and Elita-07 push in close on each side. They rub against you while letting their hands roam all over your naked flesh. Despite their cold robotic appearance, their bodies are as warm as living willing women. They still show no outward emotion as they caress and play with the erogenous zones of your body.<br> <br> They continue to caress and stroke you until your cock is a stiff iron rod and your whole body is trembling with pleasure.<br> <br> You feel like you're being prepped, but for what?<br> <br> <<include [[Elita: Tease Prep: End]]>>
Wordlessly, Elita-07 steps back and turns and walks away. She is not away for long. <<if $hasPassedEliteTest>> <<include [[Elita: Bring Big Gulper 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Elita: Bring Small Gulper 1]]>> <</if>>
She returns wheeling a strange device on a low trolley. It looks like a shapeless rubber bag of glossy white latex. The bag is big. It fills the bottom of the trolley and the edges hang over the side. A long, wide air hose emerges from the front and a white power cord from the back. The power cord is connected to a control box and hangs over the handle of the trolley. Elita-07 holds the end of the air hose in her left hand. It terminates in a big swollen bulb of soft white rubber.<br> <br> <<include [[Elita: Bring Big Gulper 2]]>>
She returns wheeling a strange device on a low trolley. It looks like a shapeless rubber bag of glossy white latex. A long air hose emerges from the front and a white power cord from the back. The power cord is connected to a control box and hangs over the handle of the trolley. Elita-07 holds the end of the air hose in her left hand. It terminates in a bulbous cuplike structure made of soft white rubber.<br> <br> /* BLACK ROSE CHECK */ <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Elita: Black Rose Gulper Switch]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Elita: Bring Small Gulper 2]]>> <</if>>
Elita-05 sees the device on the trolley and shakes her head. She points over to the door. Elita-07 looks, looks back, and then nods in understanding. She turns around and wheels the trolley away. Moments later she returns with another trolley and another rubbery bag device. This looks bigger than the previous one. The shapeless white rubber bag is twice as large and the edges hang over the side of the trolley. The air hose is wider and terminates in a bigger, more bulbous cuplike rubber sheath.<br> <br> /* update to put black rose on correct path */ <<set $hasPassedEliteTest to true>> <<include [[Elita: Bring Big Gulper 2]]>>
Elita-07 wheels the trolley up to you. She turns the bulbous end to face you and you see it has an opening at the end sculpted to resemble a vagina. It's a rubber sheath maybe ten inches deep. The soft rubber inner lining is the colour of milk and textured with little bumps.<br> <br> <<include [[Elita: Bring Gulper: End]]>>
She picks up the controller with her other hand and presses a button. The device starts up with hissing sounds like a vacuum pump. The bag on the trolley swells up and down like disembodied lungs. The inner walls of the sheath start to rhythmically contract and dilate.<br> <br> Elita-07's face betrays the first sign of emotion you've seen since entering the room. It's not much. Her face is still an expressionless plastic mask. Her eyes, though. You see a brief glimmer of amusement there.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: Begin Milking]]
Elita-07 wheels the trolley up to you. She turns the bulbous end to face you and you see it has an opening at the end leading to a rubber sheath maybe ten inches in depth. The soft rubber inner lining is the colour of milk and textured with little bumps. The opening has a padded donut of soft rubber around the entrance.<br> <br> <<include [[Elita: Bring Gulper: End]]>>
Elita-05 takes a bottle of clear lube and starts liberally smearing it over your rock-hard erection. Elita-07 takes another bottle from the counter and squirts thick dollops into the rubber sheath and smears it around the outside of the opening. She then smoothly slides the end over your cock. Your member is sucked into the soft interior.<br> <br> It feels... nice.<br> <br> Your cock is snugly enclosed and the insides feel closer to warm flesh than artificial rubber. The rubber bag on the trolley rises and falls. Wet suction grips your cock and sends rippling strokes up and down your shaft. The suction is enough to hold the end of the tube in place. This frees up Elita-07's hands and she joins Elita-05 in getting back to teasing your naked and helpless body.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> Elita-07 picks up the flogger and gets back to whipping your naked chest. Elita-05's hands alternate between caressing and pinching you, then she slides them down between your legs to give your balls a firm squeeze.<br> <br> Elita-07 switches the flogger for the control box. <<else>> They press their warm bodies against you while the soft rubber sheath continues to suck your cock. They lean in close to blow in your ears. Their hands, slick with lubricant, slide all over your body. Their fingers glide down to caress your legs and then upwards and inwards along your sensitive inner thighs. Elita-05 cups and fondles your balls while Elita-07 brings her hands up to toy with your nipples.<br> <br> Elita-07 retrieves the control box from the counter. <</if>> She turns a dial. The strange rubber bag wheezes louder and swells up bigger. The pulsing suction tugging on your cock grows faster and stronger. You writhe and squirm in helpless pleasure. You have no control here. You feel the desire to come build and build within you. The soft rubber sheath feels so pleasant wrapped around your cock.<br> <br> And irresistible...<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount lt 3>> [[Continue.->Elita: Out of Semen]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Elita: Ejaculation]] <</if>>
<<set $isOutOfSemen to true>> ...almost.<br> <br> You writhe and buck against the soft, insistent suction. You think it's going to suck the cum out of you regardless of whether you want to, or even can. It fails. It takes you right to the edge, to where you're moaning in helpless pleasure and desperate to spurt your load into the warm wet sheath. It can't take you over. You need to have something in your balls to ejaculate, and the other harlots in the House have already emptied them.<br> <br> <<if $hasPassedEliteTest>> Elita-05 and Elita-07 don't seem to care. They leave the machine running to slurp and suck on your erection.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: Big Milking Prep]] <<else>> Mercifully, Elita-07 seems to realise it. She turns a dial and the suction stops.<br> <br> They glance at each other and nod.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: Switch Milker]] <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> Aided by Elita-05 and Elita-07's ministrations, the strange device sucks you all the way to climax and you surrender with a gasp of pleasure. Your body jerks against your bonds. Elita-05 and Elita-07 look on with no emotion as you pump your hips and release spurts of cum into the sucking sheath. The milking device, because that's what it feels like – a device designed to milk semen out of cocks, sucks it down the tube and stimulates your cock to ejaculate more.<br> <br> Elita-07 turns the dial on the control box another notch. Rather than shutting the device down, it starts pumping harder.<br> <br> You let out a startled gasp as another massive load of semen wells up and bursts out of your cock. You writhe within your restraints as the milking device sucks that and more out of you. You're helpless to resist it. It pumps the cum out of your balls and leaves you hanging limply, completely spent. <<if $hasPassedEliteTest>> Only then does Elita-07 relent and dial the device back down to a much gentler suction.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: Big Milking Prep]] <<else>> Only then does Elita-07 relent and turn the device off.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: Good End]] <</if>>
Elita-05 grabs another control box from the counter and presses a button. Balloons of soft rubber well up beneath your feet and envelop them. Similar balloons swell from the wall behind you and envelop your hands. You feel gentle pressure all around your fingers and toes. It feels rather pleasant.<br> <br> Elita-05 and Elita-07 return to your body, but their ministrations have gone back to cold and clinical, as if you're a subject being prepped for an esoteric experiment.<br> <br> Elita-05 squirts a thick dollop of lubricant on her hand. She reaches behind your balls and slathers it all around your anus. You jolt in surprise as her finger pushes inside your ass and spreads more lube around.<br> <br> Meanwhile, Elita-07 pulls out electrodes from a panel in the padded wall and attaches them to your nipples with clear suction cups.<br> <br> You ask what they're doing. They ignore you. The milking device keeps slowly slurping away on your cock, the gentle suction keeping you hard and aroused.<br> <br> Elita-05 presses a button on her control box and you jolt as an electric shock is administered to your nipples. It's not strong, more like a buzz to stimulate you.<br> <br> A bigger surprise follows as a slender rod of hard rubber emerges from the padded wall behind you and slides smoothly into your ass. Your shock quickly turns to pleasure as the rounded tip finds your prostate and starts vibrating. A pleasant warm feeling blooms in your loins.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: Bad End]]
Elita-07 carefully slides the sheath off your cock, coils the pipe around the rubber bag, and wheels it away. Elita-05 takes another control box from the counter and presses a button. You're lowered back to the floor. She gives you a moment to recover and then releases the manacles with another button press. You still have to lean against the padded wall for support. Your body is a jangling mass of post-orgasmic bliss.<br> <br> Elita-07 returns with your clothes. After you get dressed, the two sexy androids escort you to the door. Neither says a word.<br> <br> The whole session leaves you conflicted. On the one hand, those were some of the biggest, most satisfying ejaculations you've ever experienced. On the other, it felt like you've just been milked like a cow. A cold and mechanical process, rather than an act of love or lust.<br> <br> Undeniably kinky, though.<br> <br> You blow Elita-05 and Elita-07 a kiss as you leave. They don't respond at all.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Elita: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $hasPassedEliteTest>>
Elita-07 carefully slides the sheath off your cock, coils the pipe around the rubber bag, and wheels it away. She returns with another trolley and another milking device. This looks like a bigger, more powerful version. The shapeless white rubber bag is twice as large and the edges hang over the side of the trolley. The air hose is wider and terminates in a bigger, more bulbous cuplike rubber sheath. In contrast the opening at the end is tighter and more resembles an anus than a vagina, with a padded donut of rubber around the entrance.<br> <br> Elita-07 lubes it up and slides it over your erection. It's tighter and when she switches it on your cock is gripped by a much more powerful sucking force.<br> <br> You protest and try to tell them it won't do any good, you don't have anything left. They ignore you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Elita: Big Milking Prep]]
Elita-07 turns the dial on her control box. The bulbous end of the hose from the milker swells up, as does the big rubber bag the hose leads back to. Your cock is sucked in deeper and assailed with wet pulsing tugs. Combined with the prostate massager in your ass and the pleasurable little shocks to your nipples, you're completely overwhelmed by stimulation. Even though you thought you were done, your body is wracked by a monstrous orgasm. <<if $isOutOfSemen>>A<<else>>Another<</if>> powerful ejaculation bursts out of you.<br> <br> Is //sucked// out of you. The shapeless rubber bag wheezes and expands, and sucks your semen down into it.<br> <br> You slump in the aftermath, only held up by your bonds. That has to be it. They must have milked everything out of you.<br> <br> Elita-05 and Elita-07 think otherwise, and they'd be right. Elita-07 turns the dial another notch, and the rubber milking device continues its remorseless yet irresistibly pleasurable sucking. It's not a living thing, so it can continue doing this for as long as Elita-07 controls it to. The bag swells up further and sends more rippling tugs up and down your shaft. The swollen head of your cock is squeezed by rhythmic pulses.<br> <br> No more. You've nothing left.<br> <br> Elita-05 presses another button on her control box. A mask drops down from the ceiling. It looks like a similar mask to earlier. Elita-05 places it over your mouth and nose, and hooks the straps over your ears to keep it in place.<br> <br> It doesn't give you oxygen. As before, it pumps a potent aphrodisiac gas into your face. The pink fumes smell like sweet perfume. You inhale... and then are completely lost to sensual depravity.<br> <br> You spurt another load into the milking sheath. And another.<br> <br> You feel only raw animal pleasure now. Your body finds, or rather makes, reserves where before there were none.<br> <br> $'s white latex milkmaids are highly efficient. They extract every drop of fluid from your body as cum. You feel nothing but intense sexual ecstasy the whole time, even as your body dries up and you expire. Their reputation as the most elite of $'s milkmaids is well-earned.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Elita: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
/* must start with linebreaks if wish to start on new line */ <br> <br> "This sounds like something from one of those vulgar pulp magazines. Rockets and aliens. Fanciful tosh," $ says scornfully. "It'll never go anywhere." /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br>
"What a queer session. All that, just to get milked like a cow. How... deflating."<br> <br> $ shakes his head.<br> <br> <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> "I wonder what they're after. I've heard they're supposed to be elite milkmaids, seeking out the highest quality... issue. Yet it sounds like you failed one of their tests, and they milked you anyway. Maybe their quality control is awry. Or..."<br> <br> $'s eyes light up.<br> <br> "Ah."<br> <br> He pulls his little black notebook out and scribbles some more notes. He doesn't elaborate further. <<else>> "I wonder what they're after. There must be a purpose to those tests." <</if>> /* do not end with linebreaks */
/* Llefrith SWMP-08 */ <<set $hi to 47>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Llefrith SWMP-08", shortDescription: "", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 5, maxRound: 5, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Llefrith: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Llefrith: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Llefrith: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Llefrith: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Llefrith: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Llefrith: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Llefrith: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Llefrith: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 6>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $player.currStr to 5>> <<set $player.currDex to 2>> <<set $player.currAgi to 2>> <<set $player.currConst to 2>> <<set $player.currWill to 2>> /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 47>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 22>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a female android with an exaggerated bust and butt that looks to be designed and built for dominatrix play. Her substantial curves are covered in glossy black latex and her face is a stern plastic mask.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is the Black Latex Milkmaid, Llefrith SWMP-08. She is one of $'s elite semen harvesters."<br> <br> $ gives you a filthy smile.<br> <br> "You'll enjoy getting your balls drained by her."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Llefrith SWMP-08 looks like a fembot designed and built for dominatrix play. Her bust and ass are hugely exaggerated, but the curves are so perfect they magnify the unnatural appeal of her body rather than lapsing into grotesque caricature. Her body is covered in glossy black latex, with the edge of the panels picked out in fluorescent violet. Her face is a pale synthetic mask and her hair is solid latex moulded into a high ponytail. Swinging below that is some kind of rubber exhaust pipe that emerges from the centre of her back and hangs down to her butt.<br> <br> You can tell she's an android. Her joints are uncovered metal, something that would be impossible for cosplay. Despite that, she has very expressive eyes. You would swear they were real and organic, despite their unnatural violet irises. Her plump, sensual lips also seem more than just artificial plastic. If it wasn't for the rest of her, you'd think that was a living person's face behind the fixed latex mask.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Llefrith looks you up and down with icy disdain.<br> <br> "I am Llefrith SWMP-08, the Black Latex Milkmaid. I am responsible for bulk semen procurement."<br> <br> She walks around you and you feel <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>>pleasantly <</if>>intimidated by her height and authoritarian air.<br> <br> "Hmm. Is your semen even good enough to fill my tanks? We shall see." <br>
Llefrith SWMP-08 seems a little irritated as you meet her by the stage, as if you've dragged her away from something more important. Her curvaceous figure, while too exaggerated to be natural, is stunningly sexy. However, her demeanour is cold and you feel a little intimidated in her presence.<br> <br> You take one of the booth tables and Llefrith sits opposite. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Llefrith: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Llefrith: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
For a machine, Llefrith has no problems expressing annoyance.<br> <br> "This is an unproductive waste of time."<br> <br> She returns to $, leaving you alone with your embarrassment.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Llefrith doesn't wait for the waitress to return. She gets right to the point.<br> <br> "$ encourages these sessions to allow the patron to get to know the harlot better. I'll save you some time. I am Llefrith SWMP-08, also known as the Black Latex Milkmaid. I am an elite semen harvesting unit. Should I deem your stock suitable, I will make you come a lot. You will find this to be extremely pleasurable."<br> <br> Llefrith's piercing eyes are both too-human and machine-cold as she stares at you.<br> <br> "This is the information you require."<br> <br> You suppose it is, although delivered a little more //directly// than you were expecting.<br> <br> Llefrith glances down at your hand.<br> <br> "Hmm. I can save some time here."<br> <br> <<set _fail to false>> <<if $player.currAgi lt 2>> Before you even have a chance to react, she reaches across the table and snatches your hand. <<set _fail to true>> <<else>> She reaches across the table and snatches up your hand, too fast for you to pull it away. <</if>> Her hand feels warm – like flesh covered in a latex glove. Her grip, however, is much closer to that of a machine. <<if $player.currStr lt 2>> She crushes your hand so hard you feel the bones grind and have to stifle a cry of pain. <<set _fail to true>> <<else>> Almost crushing. <</if>> She turns your hand over and examines it. She bends your fingers as if testing the joints, <<if $player.currDex lt 2>> bends them far enough to cause you some pain. <<set _fail to true>> <<else>> bends them far enough to cause discomfort. <</if>><br> <br> She releases your hand and you pull it back. You hold it close and gingerly test your fingers. <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> While you find her dominant manner exciting, you hope she isn't that rough with other, more sensitive, parts of your anatomy. <<else>> You hope she isn't that rough up in her room, especially with other, more sensitive, parts of your anatomy. <</if>><br> <br> <<if _fail>> "Weak and inferior," she concludes. "Your semen will be of little interest to my benefactor. Don't pick me." <<else>> "Hmm. I'll need to do some more tests up in my room, but for now you seem... adequate." <</if>><br> <br> And with that, she gets up and leaves. The waitress returns with your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name. She doesn't seem too surprised to find you sitting alone.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Ah, Llefrith SWMP-08, the fearsome Black Latex Milkmaid. She's one of $'s elite milkmaid androids. She's the more sociable one, if you can believe it."<br> <br> $ exhales smoke through her nose.<br> <br> "I do find her no-nonsense attitude rather admirable. She'll make it very clear what you need to do in her room. Just follow her instructions. And if you're the sort that finds ladies of a more... dominant persuasion arousing, I'm sure you'll enjoy your time with her."<br> <br> $ chuckles.<br> <br> "Her responsibility is bulk semen extraction and she's very good at completely draining a man's balls. Make sure you have plenty of, ahem, 'juice' before paying her a visit. Getting milked by her while you have a pair of dry balls will be an... unpleasant experience."<br> <br> She puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Unlike her fellow elite milking androids, the White Latex Milkmaids, Llefrith is far less choosy when it comes semen. She's the bulk procurer. Quantity over quality is what she's after, so there's no fear of rejection there.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"While Llefrith is responsible for bulk semen extraction, it still has to pass a minimal standard of quality. Weak men produce weak semen, in her words. If you have a particular glaring weakness, you won't meet her standards, and you're probably better off not knowing what she does to men who don't meet her standards.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ grimaces."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Llefrith doesn't like wasting time on substandard semen and as such has a few preliminary tests she performs on men before they make a mistake in picking her. Talk to her in the bar beforehand. She'll give you an idea of whether she finds you suitable or not.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Llefrith: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Llefrith: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [2,false,false], /* Has socialised */ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Milk */ [1,false,false], /* Is prime specimen */ [10,false,false] /* Survives */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $testFailed to false>> <<set $choseBoobs to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <</if>> <<include [[Llefrith: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Llefrith: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Llefrith SWMP-08's room is dark and intimate. Or maybe just dark. It doesn't help that the walls, floor and ceiling are covered in smooth black rubber, with the only illumination being provided by narrow violet fluorescent tubes running between the padded wall panels.<br> <br> Llefrith is bent over and at work at a centrally placed counter, also black. Your eyes are drawn to the bulbous swell of her black latex covered butt. You know the proportions are too exaggerated, that it should be too big to be appealing, and yet it still draws your gaze and holds it with a strange allure.<br> <br> "Come in and take off your clothes," Llefrith says without turning to face you.<br> <br> Her tone is very matter-of-fact, more like a doctor about to conduct an examination.<br> <br> You take off your clothes, fold them up and leave them on a small bench next to the door. You walk over to Llefrith and she finally turns to face you. She is still a slightly unsettling mix of living sexuality and unliving machine. Her curved body parts are covered in black latex and lined with the same violet tubed lighting as the wall panels. Her slender waist bulges out into a large bust and butt. Rather than looking like a cartoonish parody, the lines of her form are so perfect she resembles an art deco impression of beauty and sexuality. Her violet eyes are cold and sharp.<br> <br> She looks down at your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Llefrith: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 22>> <<include [[Llefrith: Gift: Bottle of Milk]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(14)>> <<include [[Llefrith: Gift: Body Parts]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Llefrith: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> Llefrith gestures to the black counter.<br> <br> "Get in the milking bag and I will begin in a moment."<br> <br> Milking bag?<br> <br> The counter is a raised block with the sides covered in the same black panels with violet piped lighting as the walls. It's about the same length as a single bed but slightly narrower in width. There is what looks like a glossy black rubber sleeping bag on top of it. The interior lining of the bag is bright violet in colour.<br> <br> [[Ask her what it is.->Llefrith: Prep: Ask Bag]]<br> [[Do as she says.->Llefrith: Prep: Get in Bag]]
Llefrith takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and examines it.<br> <br> "Very well. I will forego the usual penalties for poor performance in my tests."
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> Llefrith takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name. She gives the bottle a swirl and examines the contents.<br> <br> "As usual, too many impurities. The succubi in here like the taste, but it is too contaminated to be of use to me."
Llefrith takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you. She examines the grotesque <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>thing <<else>>things <</if>>with no more emotion than if you'd handed her a box of fruit.<br> <br> "This is not necessary. The imperfections that cause the older models to require additional sustenance were removed by the time of my creation. I am one of my benefactor's elite milkmaids. I am beyond such base needs."<br> <br> She turns.<br> <br> "It will not go to waste. I will pass it on to one of the inferior models. They will appreciate it."
She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name without displaying any emotion.<br> <br> "I have no use for <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>this," <<else>>these," <</if>>she says.
You go to ask Llefrith what the bag is but it's already too late. She is walking over to the side of the room to deposit your gift on a side table. Her ponytail and the strange pipe trailing from between her shoulder blades swings as she walks with an exaggerated – and sexy – sway to her hips.<br> <br> <<include [[Llefrith: Prep: Bag Description]]>> [[Get in the bag.->Llefrith: Get in Bag]]<br> [[Refuse to get in bag.->Llefrith: Refuse to Get in Bag]]
Llefrith walks off to the side of the room to deposit your gift on a side table. Her ponytail and the strange pipe trailing from between her shoulder blades swings as she walks with an exaggerated – and sexy – sway to her hips.<br> <br> <<include [[Llefrith: Prep: Bag Description]]>> [[Get in the bag.->Llefrith: Get in Bag]]
You look at the bag. It looks like a regular sleeping bag, but with a kinky twist. It is made out of glossy rubber. There are two openings in the front sheet. One seems to be for your face. There is a second hole lower down that would be level with your crotch. You don't need much guesswork to work out what that one is for!<br> <br>
You climb on top of the counter and slide into the bag. It's soft rubber and surprisingly smooth.<br> <br> "There are sleeves for your arms. Slide your hands in," Llefrith says as she returns.<br> <br> You find the opening and do as she says. It feels like sliding your hands into really long rubber gloves. The end of the gloves feels padded and strangely heavy, as if someone has sewn a heavy duty pair of gauntlets into the bag.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> This is all very kinky. You think it must be some kind of bondage harness. <<else>> This is a bit weird. You might as well go along with it. <</if>><br> <br> With your hands trapped within the lining of the bag, it falls to Llefrith to finish zipping you in. She pulls the flap over the top and zips the bag up with your face showing through the upper hole. She reaches into the lower hole, extricates your cock and makes sure it's sticking up through the hole. Her touch is very professional – clinical rather than loving, or even slutty.<br> <br> Very much a dominatrix fembot, you think. <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> It thrills you. You wonder how good her programming is. <<else>> Maybe a little too much. <</if>><br> <br> Then, with you fully zipped into the rubber sack, Llefrith crouches down. She opens a panel in the side of the counter, pulls out a rubber pipe and attaches it to a nozzle at the bottom of the bag. She points a remote device at a point under the counter and switches something on. You hear a whirring sound, like a vacuum cleaner, and you feel the walls of the rubber bag start to fill up with air around you.<br> <br> [[Ask her what's going on.->Llefrith: Bag: Ask What's Going On]]<br> [[Let her carry on.->Llefrith: Bag: Let Her Carry On]]
This is all a bit too odd, especially with Llefrith's overly professional attitude. You have second thoughts and tell Llefrith so when she returns.<br> <br> Llefrith's face shows no emotion.<br> <br> "Very well."<br> <br> She reaches behind her for the end of the pipe dangling from her back and points it at you like it's a hose. You're still wondering what she's doing when she presses her left nipple as if it's a button and sprays you with vitriolic violet liquid.<br> <br> It's a powerful acid, supernaturally so.<br> <br> Perhaps also mercifully so. Your scream is cut off as your jaw falls off and the rest of your body collapses in on itself like a melting candle. It's over very quickly.<br> <br> It's not an end $ approves of, but one she permits should patrons turn down the pleasures offered by her girls.<br> <br> <<include [[Llefrith: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<unset $choseBoobs>> <<unset $testFailed>>
"It's to hold you firmly in place for your milking," Llefrith says.<br> <br> She smiles. The sudden flash of emotion on her normally expressionless face is unnerving.<br> <br> <<include [[Llefrith: Inflate Bag]]>>
You say nothing. It's probably just some kind of bondage harness.<br> <br> <<include [[Llefrith: Inflate Bag]]>>
The bag swells up around you like a balloon. The rubber walls press against you. It feels quite intimate, with you feeling gentle pressure all around your body. As the rubber bag inflates around you, Llefrith ties straps around it to hold it to the counter and keep it stable.<br> <br> "My producer found this while carrying out her research. Some of you humans like to be restrained while other humans pleasure you. She determined this was one of the more comfortable ways. Comfortable is good. The yield is better."<br> <br> It is comfortable, but you're also completely restrained. The bag swells around you until you're snugly encased, unable to move at all.<br> <br> Llefrith sits down on the edge of the counter. She grabs the end of the hose emerging from her back and brings it forward. The tube terminates in a soft rubber suction cup about the same diameter as the smaller hole in the rubber bag. Sure enough, she places it over that opening and your penis is sucked inside. The soft rubber walls of the tube rhythmically contract and dilate around your cock and coax it to full erection.<br> <br> "My producer made a few modifications," Llefrith says.<br> <br> Her smile is a little too wide and eager.<br> <br> "These modifications are to help me assess whether you are of sufficient <<include [[Llefrith: AGI Check]]>>
<<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Agi]]>> <<if _testPassed>> quality."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: STR Check]] <<else>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<set $testFailed to true>> quality. I can already see you aren't. I've been watching you from the moment you entered the room. However, I said I would spare you the usual penalties, so we shall proceed.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: STR Check]] <<else>> quality. However, with you they will be unnecessary. I've been watching you from the moment you entered my room. I do not need further tests to establish you are of insufficient quality."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: Acid Bad End]] <</if>> <</if>>
Llefrith points the remote control down at the counter. The device within it whirs louder and more air is pumped into the inflatable body bag.<br> <br> This is too much air. The rubber walls were already fairly snug around you. As more air is pumped in, they start to close in and //squeeze//.<br> <br> Llefrith's strange black suction pipe continues to rhythmically squeeze and tug on your cock. That gentle arousing action is in stark contrast to the inflatable bag. Whatever the air pump is under the counter, it's extremely powerful. You feel the pressure steadily grow around your body. It's tight enough now that it's getting hard to breathe.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed>> [[Continue.->Llefrith: CON Check]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Llefrith: STR Fail]] <</if>>
Llefrith reaches up to her substantial bosom and presses her left nipple as if it's a button. The rubber tube opens up around your cock. You hear a gurgling sound and then warm liquid pours out of the tube and fills the bag around you. Then it starts to burn.<br> <br> Llefrith's massive boobs are specialised storage tanks. One holds the samples she takes from the subjects that pass her tests. The other holds powerful acid to dispose of the subjects that don't.<br> <br> The acid is supernaturally corrosive. The agony is mercifully short. Your body is dissolved and the organic slurry is drained into a special tank underneath. That is Llefrith's function. She collects semen. If the semen is of insufficient quality, well, there are plenty of other useful raw materials that can be obtained from the human body...<br> <br> <<include [[Llefrith: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You flex what you can to offer some sort of resistance. That manages to hold the crushing pressure back, albeit briefly.<br> <br> Llefrith sits there with the corner of her mouth turned up in a little smile. "Let's see how you handle a little more power," she says.<br> <br> She presses a button on her controller. The machine grows noisier as it works harder. The rubber bag swells up around you and begins to squeeze, and //squeeze//.<br> <br> And now you can't breathe at all. The pressure around your chest is like a vice.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<if _testPassed>> [[Continue.->Llefrith: CON Pass]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Llefrith: CON Fail]] <</if>>
There's nothing you can do about it. The pressure grows and grows and you gasp out that it's crushing you.<br> <br> Llefrith clicks a button on her remote and the machine stops. The inflatable bag goes back to feeling pleasantly snug rather than crushing.<br> <br> She tsks. "As I thought, a weakling. A weak man produces weak <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<set $testFailed to true>> sperm. You're lucky I'm sparing you the usual penalties for failure."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: CON Check]] <<else>> sperm. No use to me."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: Acid Bad End]] <</if>>
Black spots dance in front of your eyes. Then, just as you think you're going to pass out, Llefrith relents and lets some air out of the bag. It's still tight, but at least you can move your chest up and down and take breaths now.<br> <br> "Are you enjoying yourself?" Llefrith asks. Her eyes and smile are icy cold. "Isn't it fun – sexy – to be teased... to be dominated like this?"<br> <br> The stroking suction of the rubber tube around your cock speeds up. It's just a tease. Llefrith stimulates your cock to throbbing anticipation then slows back down to gentle pulses.<br> <br> "There are some more tests to be carried out," Llefrith says. "Then I'll let you have a good hard spunk."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: DEX Check]]
Black spots dance in front of your eyes. You pass out.<br> <br> Llefrith brings you back around with a hard pinch to your nose. She's let some air out of the inflatable body bag. You can breathe again.<br> <br> "Poorly, it would appear," she says disdainfully. "Weak men make weak <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<set $testFailed to true>> sperm. Ah, but I said I would be lenient on you. We will continue the tests."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: DEX Check]] <<else>> sperm and weak sperm is of no use to me."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: Acid Bad End]] <</if>>
She points her controller down at your midsection.<br> <br> "Are your hands fully in the haptic gloves?"<br> <br> You think so. You give your fingers an experimental wriggle. Well, as much as you can. The inflated rubber is still pressing snugly all around you.<br> <br> Llefrith presses a button on the controller and you jolt in surprise as your fingers are moved independently by the strange internal gloves. They are pushed apart, bent forwards, and then backwards. <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Dex]]>> <<if _testPassed>> It's a little forceful, as if Llefrith is giving your hands a full work over. She carries it on for a minute or so.<br> <br> "Adequate," she says.<br> <br> The strange gloves stop moving. The only force you feel on your fingers is the pressure of the inflated rubber bag. Llefrith's black rubber pipe keeps sucking away on your cock with gentle tugs.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: WILL Check]] <<else>> It's a little too forceful. You grunt in pain as a finger is bent a little too far in the wrong direction.<br> <br> "A lack of suppleness," Llefrith says. "Not <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<set $testFailed to true>> adequate. You are fortunate I am obligated to go easy on you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: WILL Check]] <<else>> adequate."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: Acid Bad End]] <</if>> <</if>>
"One final check," Llefrith says. Her cold professionalism breaks for a saucy smirk. "Then I'll let you have a good hard spunk."<br> <br> She curls her curvaceous body around the top of the inflated body bag and presses her big breasts against the side of it. She reaches across and holds a small circular glass mirror in front of the face hole.<br> <br> "Look," she says.<br> <br> It's not a mirror but some sort of device screen. A swirling pattern of lights starts up and draws in your gaze...<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> [[Continue.->Llefrith: WILL Pass]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Llefrith: WILL Fail]] <</if>>
<<if $testFailed>> "And that's the tests over."<br> <br> Her violet eyes glimmer with filthy lust.<br> <br> "Now for the part you've been waiting for." <<else>> "Congratulations. You have been found to be... adequate."<br> <br> Her violet eyes glimmer with filthy lust.<br> <br> "Now to take a sample for registration purposes." <</if>><br> <br> Her rubber suction pipe speeds up, stroking your erection with greater speed and force.<br> <br> "Mmm. I should give you something pleasant to look at. That will encourage a good hard spunk. Do you prefer boobs or ass?"<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<set _hasBoobFet to _hasAilment>> <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<set _hasAssFet to _hasAilment>> <<set _hasBothFet to _hasBoobFet and _hasAssFet>> <<set _hasFet to _hasBoobFet or _hasAssFet>> <<if _hasFet and not _hasBothFet>> She looks at your face and laughs.<br> <br> "There is no need to answer that. I can already tell. You've been staring non-stop at <<if _hasBoobFet>>them<<else>>it<</if>> ever since you entered the room."<br> <br> <<if _hasBoobFet>> [[It's boobs.->Llefrith: 1st Sample: Tease][$choseBoobs to true]]<br> <<else>> [[It's ass.->Llefrith: 1st Sample: Tease][$choseBoobs to false]] <</if>> <<else>> [[Boobs.->Llefrith: 1st Sample: Tease][$choseBoobs to true]]<br> [[Ass.->Llefrith: 1st Sample: Tease][$choseBoobs to false]] <</if>>
...and then you know nothing until Llefrith sharply pinches you on the nose.<br> <br> "Useless," she says. "Weak-minded. A weak man makes weak sperm. <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<set $testFailed to true>> You're lucky I'm obligated to be lenient."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: 1st Sample: Boobs or Ass]] <<else>> You're no use to me."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: Acid Bad End]] <</if>>
Still with it sucking on your cock, Llefrith carefully moves the black rubber pipe around as she shifts position on the counter.<br> <br> "In order to promote greater production I will give you a more... stimulating view."<br> <br> <<if $choseBoobs>> She slides her body up next to you and then leans over the top of the body bag until her lovely bosom fills your view through the rubber face hole. Your gaze slides along lovely curves covered in glossy black latex. <<else>> Facing away from you, she climbs on top of the inflated body bag and parks her lovely big butt down on your chest. She folds her top half down over your abdomen until all you can see is the glossy black curves of her latex-covered ass. <</if>><br> <br> Your cock stiffens in excitement. Llefrith's strange suction pipe draws it in and stimulates it with slow rippling sucks. You feel a stirring in your balls and a growing desire to come.<br> <br> "Do you want to spunk? " Llefrith asks. "You don't need to hold it back."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: 1st Semen Check]]
<<if $choseBoobs>> She hugs the top of the body bag tighter to her bosom. <<else>> She wriggles her big butt on your chest. <</if>> The stroking suction of her rubber tube intensifies around your erection. It feels like being milked, but pleasantly so. It also feels irresistible.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Llefrith: 1st Ejaculation: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Llefrith: 1st Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Almost.<br> <br> Your body writhes and squirms within the inflated rubber body bag. You want to come, yet can't. After all the other sex in here your balls have already been completely drained.<br> <br> Llefrith reaches up and turns her right nipple as if it's a dial. The suction and stroking action increases in speed and power. She turns it again. And again. And again. Until the rubber is pulsing so fast around your cock you start to fear it might damage you.<br> <br> Llefrith shuts it off before then.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<if $testFailed>> "Hmm. You appear to be out. Oh well, your semen is inferior anyway. We can skip obtaining a registration sample." <<else>> She tuts. "You don't even have enough for the registration sample. How naughty. I understand now why you brought me a $allGifts[$cgi].name." <</if>><br> <br> She presses a button on her right breast. The tube dilates and your penis is no longer snugly enclosed in soft rubber. Llefrith removes the pipe and swings it around behind her.<br> <br> "Now for what you came here for."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: Bulk Extraction]] <<else>> She tuts. "After all that and it turns out you don't even have enough for the registration sample. What a waste of time."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: Acid Bad End]] <</if>>
Your body writhes and squirms. It's coming. You're helpless to stop her sucking it out of you.<br> <br> "Yes. Don't hold back. Have a good hard spunk."<br> <br> It arrives. Your body tenses and then releases in a great outpouring of bliss. You spurt into the soft rubber tube and Llefrith draws it up into her body.<br> <br> "That should be enough for registration purposes," Llefrith says.<br> <br> She presses a button on her right breast. The tube dilates and your penis is no longer snugly enclosed in soft rubber. Llefrith removes the pipe and swings it around behind her.<br> <br> "Now to begin bulk extraction."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: Bulk Extraction]]
Llefrith produces a bottle of lube and slathers it all over your cock. The thick substance is more than just regular lube. It tingles pleasantly on contact with your penis. Rather than slowly deflating as would be expected after ejaculation, your cock perks back up and hardens into another erection. Llefrith gives it a pump with her hand to test its rigidity.<br> <br> "After some experiments, my producer determined that the greatest volume of ejaculate was obtained if the extraction process was carried out in a way that was familiar, and therefore most comfortable, to the subject."<br> <br> Llefrith slides a latex covered panel up from her crotch. It reveals the lush folds and opening to a vagina, except this one appears to be moulded from soft black rubber. Aside from that, Llefrith's pussy looks exactly like the real thing.<br> <br> "In plain English I'm going to fuck all the spunk out of you," she says.<br> <br> She climbs on top of the inflated bondage bag and slides your erection up into her artificial sex. The smooth rubber feels just as warm and pleasant as the real thing. Llefrith lies down and tightly hugs the bag with her arms and legs. Her curvaceous butt smoothly pumps up and down and your hard, well-lubricated cock slides back and forth inside her tight pussy. She's lighter than she looks, yet still bears down on you with enough weight to reinforce that she's the one on top and in control.<br> <br> There is another filthy smirk in her violet eyes as she looks down at you.<br> <br> "How does it feel to be bound up and helpless while I milk you like a cow? Arousing?"<br> <br> She hugs the bag tightly. The rubber walls of her sex close around your cock and suck it deep inside. Your mouth falls open in an involuntary //o// as you feel something start to vibrate internally against your sensitive glans.<br> <br> "Surprised?" Llefrith asks. "I am an elite milkmaid android. I have many improvements over a regular woman."<br> <br> You can feel them. Vibrating pads press in around your cock and roll up and down the shaft. They pay special attention to the most sensitive parts of your penis and vibrate at frequencies that have you squirming helplessly in ecstasy. Snugly enclosed within the inflated rubber bag, you can't do anything about them. Llefrith has you completely at her mercy and delights in tormenting your penis with many buzzing pleasures.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: 2nd Semen Check]]
Llefrith uses that control to tease and drag out your climax. You get the impression that if she wanted to, she could turn the stroking suction of her artificial pussy up to max and have you coming in seconds. Instead she takes her time and lets the desire to come grow and grow within you.<br> <br> "To fill my tanks I'll need you to spunk out much more than before," she says. "More than the human body is normally capable of. It will need help. Engaging the inducement field."<br> <br> She reaches under and flips the switch of another controller attached to the bag. The violet lining of the bag starts glowing and light spills out of the seams. You start to feel hot and sweaty, and as your internal temperature rises, so does the desire to come. It feels like more and more fluids are collecting down in your balls in preparation for a massive ejaculation.<br> <br> "Subject has entered a state of heightened arousal," Llefrith states. "Commencing extraction."<br> <br> She leers down at you.<br> <br> "Let it go," she says. "Spunk it all out inside me."<br> <br> The soft rubber walls of her vagina contract around your cock and draw it deeper inside her. Vibrating pads roll up and down your shaft and concentrate on the sensitive ridge of your glans.<br> <br> Your balls feel as swollen as grapefruits. You can't hold back any longer. Your cock starts throbbing. You feel the semen welling up out of you. The back of Llefrith's artificial vagina opens up and generates a powerful vacuum suck.<br> <br> You tremble and then unleash a thick stream of cum into the suction. Then another. And another. There's no pause between them. Llefrith grips the bag with her hands and ankles and //squeezes//. A strange force grips you. It washes down through your body, collects in your balls and then bursts up out of your cock in a continuous pulsing stream. Llefrith's vagina is a finely tuned milking machine. You helplessly spurt the contents of your balls – and maybe more – inside it.<br> <br> Llefrith is very efficient. It doesn't take her long to empty all the semen from your body. The flow from your cock slows to a trickle and then stops.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<if $testFailed>> [[Continue.->Llefrith: Black Rose End]] <<elseif $semenChange gt -5>> [[Continue.->Llefrith: Not Enough Semen End]] <<elseif $cgi eq 0>> [[Continue.->Llefrith: Black Rose End]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Llefrith: Good End]] <</if>>
"Not enough," Llefrith says. "I need more than that."<br> <br> <<include [[Continue.->Llefrith: Bad End]]>>
<<if $testFailed>> "Your semen is of insufficient quality but maybe my benefactor can find a use for it," Llefrith says. <<else>> "And now to satisfy your request," Llefrith says. <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[Llefrith: Bad End]]>>
<<set _isPrimeSpecimen to $player.currStr gt 4 or $player.currAgi gt 4 or $player.currDex gt 4 or $player.currWill gt 4 or $player.currConst gt 4>> "That will suffice," Llefrith says.<br> <br> She reaches under, flips a switch and the violet light blinks out. She climbs off the bag and steps down to the floor. You're left breathing heavily within the rubber body bag. You feel hollowed out. Almost pumped completely dry.<br> <br> "It hasn't filled my tanks, but it's an adequate amount," Llefrith says.<br> <br> She slides a hand over the exaggerated swell of her butt and gives it a shake.<br> <br> She's considerate enough to let the bag stay pumped up to support you while you get your breath – and senses – back. Then, once she's satisfied you've recovered, she lets the air out. She unzips the front flap and peels it back. Shakily, you get out and drop back down to the floor. Your legs are trembly and feel about as solid as overcooked strands of spaghetti. You feel like you've been thoroughly drained.<br> <br> <<if _isPrimeSpecimen>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> "You should pay a visit to my associates, Elitaidd-Godr0.005 and Elitaidd-Godr0.007, the White Latex Milkmaids. They specialise in procuring the best of semen. The results of my tests indicate your semen may be of value to them."<br> <br> <</if>> Llefrith watches as – with some difficulty – you put your clothes back on.<br> <br> <<if _isPrimeSpecimen>> "You should visit the Nurse first. <<else>> "You should visit the Nurse. <</if>> My function is bulk semen procurement, which means draining every last drop from a man's balls. You won't be able to ejaculate again this evening without imbibing one of the Nurse's revitalising tonics first."<br> <br> You thank her and stumble gingerly to the exit. That was a slightly more thorough working over than you were expecting. Pleasurable for sure, but also very //thorough//.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Llefrith: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
She reaches under the bag and clicks another button on the control box. The violet inner lining glows brighter. It grows hotter in the bag. Steamier, and in the sexual sense as well. You feel loose and relaxed. A little too loose. When Llefrith lies back on the bag and gives it a good squeeze it feels like the internal substance of your body is being forced down into your balls.<br> <br> Her sex sucks you in deep and starts pumping your cock with ultrafast strokes. The vibrators concentrate on your glans.<br> <br> Your body resists at first, then breaks like a dam. Llefrith holds you tight and – with remorseless machine efficiency – pumps all the cum from your body. Unfortunately, in doing so, she pumps out all your other fluids as well. Once she's finished, you're just a dried up cadaver lying within the inflatable body bag.<br> <br> <<include [[Llefrith: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
...and you teeter as if on the edge of a great gyre. The patterns on the screen are a whirlpool to trap the gaze... and maybe soul. You tear your eyes away with some difficulty.<br> <br> This satisfies Llefrith. She nods and places the circular screen back on the counter.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Llefrith: 1st Sample: Boobs or Ass]]
<<set _hasSocialised to _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <<set _hasGift to _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <<if _hasSocialised or _hasGift>> <br> <br> /* Text here */ <<if _hasSocialised>> "I spoke to her in the bar as well. Damn near broke my hand," $ complains.<br> <br> He gingerly holds his right hand and winces at the memory.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _hasGift>> "Yes, I suspected she would find that substandard. Whatever she harvests semen for, it's not for other harlots to drink."<br> <br> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"It seems altogether too... mechanical to me. Where is the love, or even lust? Even if there is pleasure, it still seems no different to being milked by a cow. Harrumph. Maybe that's the appeal."<br> <br> His whiskers quiver in barely suppressed excitement. <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> <br><br> "She said you might be of good enough quality for the White Latex Milkmaids. Interesting."<br> <br> He strokes his moustache contemplatively.<br> <br> "If you get a chance to pick the White Latex Milkmaids, take it. There is a theory I wish to test and will pay you handsomely if you can confirm it." <</if>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(25)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ <<set $player.baseWill to 2>> <<set $player.currWill to 1>> /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 51>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $npcCharm.hasBeenVisited to true>> <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a floating succubus sex doll. Her skin looks like transparent latex and clouds of pink gas swirl within.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is the delicate but highly potent Nef 0-CWMWL," $ says. "She will gas you with pleasure."<br> <br> $ turns to the strange floating girl.<br> <br> "Won't you, Nef?"<br> <br> $'s question is pointed, as if delivered to a person on probation.<br> <br> /* Long description */ If it wasn't for her eyes you'd think Nef 0-CWMWL was some kind of inanimate sex doll. Her body looks like a clear latex balloon in the shape of a gorgeous buxom woman. She bulges pleasantly at the chest and hips in a perfect hourglass figure. She is completely naked, but given her living sex doll appearance it seems less shocking. She doesn't appear to have any joints and floats passively on the spot like a helium balloon. Her body is filled with swirling clouds of dense pink gas. You have no idea if she even qualifies as alive.<br> <br> There is a long tube hanging down behind her. At first you took it to be a tail, but on closer inspection it looks more like an air hose with a nozzle at the end. The same is true of her 'wings'. They look like stiff plastic pipes connected with webs of latex.<br> <br> Nef's face is a fixed mask of clear plastic. She has no hair, just a crest of plastic sculpted to resemble a short and straight bob. Her eyes are opaque pink and offer the only hint to her being an intelligent and living organism. Her full, bee-stung lips are the same colour – a more concentrated shade of the same pink as the gases swirling around inside her.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ The unusual harlot drifts over to introduce herself.<br> <br> "I am Nef 0-CWMWL," she says. Her voice is soft and unearthly. "I was made to appraise your will. Are you a higher being or a beast living in slavery to his animal desires?" <br>
"Nef 0-CWMWL? That poor little flawed thing. I'm surprised $ hasn't had her destroyed. She's another of $'s semen harvesters. $ created her to seek out men of strong minds. She's not very good at it. $ tries to copy the techniques of artisans and creates only toys."<br> <br> $ exhales a thicker cloud of white smoke. This coagulates and for a brief moment looks like a tangled mass of writhing comely female bodies engaged in orgy.<br> <br> "Nef is focused on her task. So focused she often forgets this is supposed to be a House of pleasure. How she treats men who fail to meet her standards is... best not spoken about."<br> <br> $ chuckles malevolently.<br> <br> "Not only have her 'disposals' earned the ire of $, she's proven unreliable in her secondary function as well. At least the aphrodisiac gases contained within her body are potent. $ got that right. At their strongest concentration no man can resist them."<br> <br> <<if $npcCharm.hasBeenVisited>> $ glances away in the direction of $'s table. <<else>> $ glances away over at some unspecified part of the building. <</if>><br> <br> "Although there are ways..."<br> <br> $ smiles cryptically.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
Nef 0-CWMWL glides smoothly alongside you as walk through the bar area. She picks one of the round tables and gracefully settles on one of the stools. You take a chair opposite her. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Nef: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Nef: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Nef is trying to improve her faulty assessment. If you speak to her in the bar beforehand she'll give you a sniff of her gas to see if you're suitable. Try not to cream your pants. The poor thing is in trouble enough with $ as it is.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Nef's test is flawed because it works in only one direction. While a man might not be in control of how well he can resist her gases, he is free at any time to choose to approach her.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"If you are able to resist Nef the whole way you'll receive a special reward from her.\""}>>
<br><br> "An inability to keep track of one's resources is symptomatic of a weak will," Nef says. "Maybe you are not suitable."<br> <br> She leaves the table and smoothly glides back to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
While you're waiting for the waitress to return you take the opportunity to study Nef as she sits opposite you. Her appearance is unusual. She looks like a cloud of pink gas confined within a transparent latex skin. While her boobs bulge pleasantly like balloons, her face seems to be a harder plastic mask. It's long, but serene rather than stern. Her eyes and lusciously bunched up lips form splashes of pink on the clear rubber mask.<br> <br> The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and nothing for Nef.<br> <br> <<if $sdi eq 4>> Nef looks disapprovingly at your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name. "Alcoholism is an indicator of a weak will," she states.<br> <br> You're a little taken aback by her bluntness.<br> <br> Nef's attitude softens. "I'm sorry. $ keeps telling me to be less judgemental. It's difficult. This is my purpose."<br> <br> <</if>> Nef looks at you with flat pink eyes. "I am an appraiser of mental fortitude. My producer created me to seek out the strongest of minds," she says.<br> <br> You point out that seems a little strange. Isn't this a brothel?<br> <br> "I do that too," Nef says. Her pink lips finally turn up in a smile. "It is the best way to obtain a sample after all. My extraction techniques are regarded as quite pleasurable."<br> <br> She pauses thoughtfully.<br> <br> "Hmm."<br> <br> She reaches behind her and puts the end of a long rubber air hose on the table. Her 'tail'.<br> <br> "We can do a little test here. To give an idea of your suitability."<br> <br> [[Take the test.->Nef: Socialising: Take Test]]<br> [[Decline.->Nef: Socialising: Decline Test]]
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Nef: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Nef: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Took test while socialising */ [3,false,false], /* Has anti-gas charm */ [3,false,false] /* Survived */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $appearsToHaveHighWill to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasTakenTestWhileSocialising>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <</if>> <<include [[Nef: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Nef: First-Time Scenario]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasTakenTestWhileSocialising to true>> She picks up the end of the hose and leans across the table. Her rubber boobs squeak against the tabletop. She holds the nozzle in front of your face.<br> <br> "It'll just be a little puff. $ gets very cross when I make patrons ejaculate in their pants down in the bar."<br> <br> She twists the nozzle at the end of the pipe and puffs some pink gas in your face. It smells like sweet and exotic perfume. Heady perfume.<br> <br> //Extremely// heady perfume.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [25]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [25]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> It's more than just perfume. Your body heats up. Your cock stiffens in your pants. You look across at Nef and your mind is flooded with impure thoughts. You push them aside. There's a time and a place.<br> <br> Nef studies you intently. The corners of her lips turn up in a smile.<br> <br> "Barely a reaction," she says. "Very impressive. You might be perfect. I can't wait to take a sample. I will make the extraction extremely pleasurable."<br> <br> You're not sure if it's the effects of the gas, but Nef seems a lot more interested in you. She makes sure to push her soft curves against you as you return to $ <<else>> It's more than just perfume. Your body heats up. You feel comfortably aroused. Your cock rises up in erection. Nef, despite her unusual appearance, suddenly seems extremely desirable. Your fingers flex on top of the table. You resist the urge to reach across and grab her.<br> <br> Nef nods approvingly.<br> <br> "You seem more than just a mindless animal. You may prove suitable."<br> <br> Satisfied, she escorts you back to $ <</if>> <<else>> You suddenly feel very hot and very horny. It's like a pink filter has fallen across your vision. Your heart quickens in your chest. Your cock feels like an iron bar in your pants. You look at Nef and have the sudden urge to bend her over the table and ravage her there and then. You reach for her...<br> <br> ...and Nef smoothly floats backwards out of your reach.<br> <br> She shakes her head. "You lack the mental fortitude to be suitable," she says.<br> <br> She doesn't return to the table and instead glides back to $ She leaves you alone at the table with an aching erection. <</if>><br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
This seems a little weird, especially down in the bar where everyone can see. You decline.<br> <br> "Very well," Nef says.<br> <br> She takes the end of the hose back.<br> <br> "We will perform the tests in my room."<br> <br> You leave the table and return to $<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Nef 0-CWMWL's room is as unusual in appearance as she is. It looks more like a mad scientist's lab than a tart's boudoir. Massive spherical glass structures are embedded in the walls, floor and ceiling around the edges of the room. They are connected by a maze of glass pipes and filled with swirling pink gases. Wheezing bellows keep the gases circulating and form a low background hubbub of hisses and creaks.<br> <br> Nef floats serenely above a deep and over-inflated air mattress of the same clear rubber as her body. You took it to be an airbed, but it extends up the wall behind her and up over a surprisingly high ceiling. Nef seems to be in some kind of meditative trance. Her naked body resembles a naked blow-up sex doll of incredible detail. Her lush boobs have clearly visible nipples and her body swells at the chest and hips to form the perfect hourglass figure. Her bright pink eyes and lips are splashes of colour on the clear plastic mask that forms her face. A series of stiff plastic tubes emerging from her back are hooked up to the giant glass globes through long flexible tubes.<br> <br> She snaps out of her trance the moment you enter the room. Still floating in place above the transparent airbed, she turns her gaze to you.<br> <br> "Welcome. Are you ready to be assessed?" she asks.<br> <br> Assessed? For what? And what should you do with this?<br> <br> You hold up your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nef: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> Nef looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Very well. I shall adjust your assessment accordingly," she says. <<else>> Nef looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "That will not be necessary," she says. "This assessment is purely of the mind." <</if>><br> <br> She gestures to a glass bowl on a plinth to the left of the door.<br> <br> "Leave it there."<br> <br> You drop the $allGifts[$cgi].name in the receptacle and turn back to Nef.<br> <br> "Please remove your clothes and hang them there. Then we can begin your assessment."<br> <br> She points to a cluster of glass pegs to the right of the door. They are there for you to hang your clothes on, you presume, so you do just that.<br> <br> This all seems rather formal. You're here for sex, right? Nef's demeanour makes you a little unsure of that.<br> <br> You stand naked with the door behind you. Nef floats serenely above the transparent rubber airbed.<br> <br> "In a moment you will feel a strong urge to come over to this bed and fuck me," Nef says. "I want you to resist this urge for as long as you can."<br> <br> Nef has some kind of control panel attached to a bracer around her left forearm. She turns a dial on it. The hissing sounds increase in volume. Pink fragrant clouds billow up around you.<br> <br> "Now we shall see. Are you a man or just a common beast."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nef: 1st Test]]
You stand on the spot. The pink gases rise and fill the room until it looks like everything is covered in pink gauze. The air is filled with the scent of fragrant perfume.<br> <br> It's more than just perfume. Your body heats up. Your heart quickens in your chest. A rosy glow fills your loins. Your cock swells outward in erection.<br> <br> "Try to resist it," Nef says.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(25)>> <<include [[Nef: 1st Test: Charm]]>> <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Nef: 1st Test: Pass]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Nef: 1st Test: Fail]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
You stand on the spot. The pink gases rise and fill the room until it looks like everything is covered in pink gauze. The air is filled with the scent of sweet perfume.<br> <br> You breathe in the gas. It smells pleasant, like expensive perfume. Other than that it doesn't seem to have any discernible effect on you.<br> <br> "Try to resist it," Nef says.<br> <br> That doesn't seem very hard. While – unusual body aside – Nef is naked and does have a desirable body, you don't feel any supernatural compunction to approach her. It feels no different to the usual desire to fuck an attractive woman.<br> <br> [[Go to her.->Nef: 1st Test: Choose to Approach]]<br> [[Stay where you are.->Nef: 2nd Test]]
It's not easy. Your head is filled with pornographic imagery... of sweaty bodies coming together in grunts and moans. You look at Nef. The unusual aspects of her appearance fade away. Your gaze is drawn to the lovely round bulges of her naked breasts. It slides down to her trim waist and then back along the lush curve of her hips. And then inside to the secret folds between her legs.<br> <br> You'd really like to put your cock in there... put it in and feel the tightness of her pussy pressing all around it.<br> <br> Your manhood twitches and throbs with need. Nef's lovely body floats before you. Waiting. Available.<br> <br> [[Go to her.->Nef: 1st Test: Choose to Approach]]<br> [[Stay where you are.->Nef: 2nd Test]]
You don't hear that. Nef floats and extends her arms to you. Her luscious pink lips bunch up in a pout. Her figure swims in and out of focus. Your mind replaces her with a fleshy goddess with lovely pink skin. This is a goddess of sex that could only exist in your dreams. The rest of the room – the hissing pipes and giant glass globes filled with swirling gases – fades away. You see only the bed and the sex goddess floating above it.<br> <br> You want her. You want to fondle her breasts... her luscious ass. You want to pull her down and lie on top of her lush soft curves. You want to drive your hard cock into her tight pussy and thrust and thrust until you climax in an ecstatic explosion.<br> <br> There is no holding back. Why would you want to hold back? She's there, arms outstretched and waiting eagerly for you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nef: 1st Test: Involuntary Approach]]
While you're pretty sure you could stay where you are if you wanted, you've run out of patience for Nef's game. You want to get on with what you came here for.<br> <br> You stride through the clouds of pink mist to the air mattress. <<if $cgi eq 0>> <br><br> [[Continue.->Nef: Approach Bed]] <<else>> Nef doesn't lower her body to the bed to meet you. Instead she presses a button on her bracer and rises up in the air. She floats there above you, out of your reach.<br> <br> <<include [[Nef: Green Gas]]>> <</if>>
The urge to go to her is strong, but not irresistible. You stay where you are.<br> <br> "Good," Nef says. "You are not a beast. Your sample will be of use to my producer. Now to see what kind of man you are."<br> <br> She turns the dial further on her wrist bracer. Bellows work harder and the room is filled with hissing sounds. More pink fumes billow up around you. These are thick, like smoke. The sweet smell of fragrant perfume grows overpowering. It fills your nose as if you're being smothered by it.<br> <br> It becomes more difficult to keep control of your thoughts. Your vision seems to have gained a pink filter that blurs everything with soft focus. The lush curves of Nef's body grow more and more appealing. Your gaze is drawn to the alluring folds between Nef's legs and you find it difficult to look anywhere else.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(25)>> <<include [[Nef: 2nd Test: Charm]]>> <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Nef: 2nd Test: Pass]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Nef: 2nd Test: Fail]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> You take a couple of stumbling steps forwards. Your animal instincts are firmly in the driving seat. The urge to rut propels you. Your stumbling steps become a headlong charge to Nef and the mattress.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nef: Approach Bed]] <<else>> You take a couple of stumbling steps forwards.<br> <br> "Stop," Nef orders.<br> <br> You can't. Your animal instincts are firmly in the driving seat. The urge to rut propels you. Your stumbling steps become a headlong charge to Nef and the mattress.<br> <br> Nef presses a button and rises high up in the air, avoiding your outstretched arms as you jump up onto the springy inflatable rubber mattress. You can only stare forlornly as Nef floats up out of your reach.<br> <br> <<include [[Nef: Green Gas]]>> <</if>>
"How disappointing," Nef says. "There is no will, only the mindless instincts of a beast. You are of no use to my producer."<br> <br> Nef hovers above you. The pink gases within her body gather and thicken where her heart would be located. That cloudy centre pulses and ripples spread outwards through her body, through the pipes and into the great glass globes. The ripple triggers a colour change in the gas from sensual pink to a vivid and unwholesome shade of green. It propagates through the pipes and glass globes like an out-of-control chemical reaction.<br> <br> "And since you have shown yourself to be no more than a beast, you shall be put down like a beast."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nef: Horror End]]
Nef presses a button. The bellows go into overdrive. Valves hiss. Thick green fumes billow up around you.<br> <br> These gases are not quite so pleasant...<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(25)>> The fumes have a sharp, acrid tang. You feel irritation in your throat and sinuses. Your eyes water. You think it must be some kind of poison gas and yet you still seem to be able to breathe okay.<br> <br> You feel a tingly sensation on the skin behind your shoulder.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.length gt 1>>One of the charms<<else>>The charm<</if>> you picked up from $ provides protection from poisonous gases. Unfortunately, Nef's fumes are also highly caustic, and $'s charm cannot protect against that. <<else>> The fumes have a sharp, acrid tang. Immediately you double up and start coughing and choking. Your eyes water. You feel a burning sensation in your throat and sinuses. Then in your lungs. You drop to your knees and start coughing up pink froth. Your chest is filled with burning agony. Your skin too. You feel like you're on fire all over, both inside and out.<br> <br> The gas is highly caustic. <</if>> Your skin blisters, bubbles, and starts to slough off. Your flesh follows. You collapse and can't even scream as the gas dissolves your flesh, your vital organs, and even your bones. The gas is so corrosive it melts the whole of you down into a puddle of bubbling ichor.<br> <br> Nef waits until her toxic gases have done their work and presses another button on her controller. A sprinkler system activates and washes your liquefied remains down a drain in the centre of the room.<br> <br> <<include [[Nef: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<unset $appearsToHaveHighWill>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> You feel no particular urge to approach her aside from the usual. You stay where you are.<br> <br> "Good," Nef says. "You are not a beast. Your sample will be of use to my producer. Now to see what kind of man you are."<br> <br> She turns the dial further on her wrist bracer. Bellows work harder and the room is filled with hissing sounds. More pink fumes billow up around you. These are thick, like smoke. The sweet smell of fragrant perfume grows overpowering. It fills your nose as if you're being smothered by it.<br> <br> Again, this doesn't really feel like a test. You feel horny, but that's more from seeing Nef's luscious naked curves and knowing you will be fucking her shortly.<br> <br> Maybe that time to be fucking her is now.<br> <br> [[Go to her.->Nef: 2nd Test: Choose to Approach]]<br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> [[Wait a little longer.->Nef: 3rd Test]] <<else>> [[Wait a little longer.->Nef: 3rd Test: Charm]] <</if>>
The urge to walk to her is strong.<br> <br> [[Give in to it and walk to her.->Nef: 2nd Test: Choose to Approach]]<br> [[Resist it and stay where you are.->Nef: 3rd Test]]
It's no use. Your blood is perfumed steam rushing to your brain. Your cock is a throbbing iron bar between your legs. It aches to be quenched. It must be quenched.<br> <br> You walk towards the bed, eager to have sex with Nef.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nef: Approach Bed]]
<<if not $player.charms.includes(25)>>The urge is really strong. <</if>>You feel you could resist for longer, but where's the fun in that. Nef is there, waiting.<br> <br> Her lovely soft pussy, waiting.<br> <br> You're not interested in holding back any longer. You walk towards the inflatable mattress and Nef floating above it.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nef: Approach Bed]]
<<set $appearsToHaveHighWill to true>> Nef's eyes brighten with excitement as you stay back by the door.<br> <br> "Marvellous. You have a most uncommon mind. My producer will be delighted."<br> <br> You're still not sure you've done anything particularly impressive.<br> <br> "Even the strongest of minds can be overpowered," Nef says. "No human can resist this concentration."<br> <br> Nef turns the dial on her wrist controller further. The bellows work harder. Clouds of pink gas rise up around you in a dense fog. It's difficult to see. And also a little difficult to breathe. The air is a thick stew of expensive perfume and wet sex. Other than that you don't feel anything other than a nagging little itch behind your shoulder.<br> <br> "You can come to me now," Nef says. "You've earned it."<br> <br> She floats above the billowing pink clouds and holds out her arms to you.<br> <br> You wonder if you're somehow immune to Nef's gas. It doesn't seem to be having the effect she thinks it should. <<if $player.baseWill lt 3>> You've never really considered yourself to be //that// strong-willed, and yet you're perfectly fine with staying here. <<else>> You like to think you're fairly strong-willed, but you don't really feel anything other than the usual desire to have sex with an attractive woman. <</if>><br> <br> "Come," Nef says.<br> <br> [[Humour her and walk towards the bed.->Nef: 2nd Test: Choose to Approach]]<br> [[Stay where you are.->Nef: Resist 3rd Test]]
Nef floats down and lies on her back on top of the inflatable mattress. She lies completely still. If it wasn't for her eyes it would be easy to mistake her for an inflatable rubber sex doll, albeit a strange one with transparent skin and filled with swirling pink gases.<br> <br> This doesn't faze you at all. The swirling pink clouds filling the room have filled your head with bestial lust. Your gaze is fixed on the lovely twin swells of her chest and the plump secret folds between her legs.<br> <br> "Come to me," Nef says. "Give me your sample."<br> <br> You climb up on top of the inflatable mattress. It's about twice the depth of a regular airbed and very springy. The clear rubber surface also feels different – warm, smooth, and strangely tactile. You prowl across on all-fours to Nef, your cock a stiff iron bar.<br> <br> Nef lies beneath you, as motionless as a doll. You stroke your cock as you look down at her. Her lovely tits are swollen and bulbous, with stiff little nipples pointing up at the ceiling. Her legs are parted, revealing the treasures between them.<br> <br> "Put it in," she pleads. "Squirt your sample into my tight pussy." Her pink lips bunch up in an alluring pout.<br> <br> With pink clouds billowing around you and your head filled with fancy perfume and lustful thoughts, you're too horny to think straight. You steer the swollen head of your cock to the opening between her legs and push down with your hips. The interior of Nef's vagina is a narrow tunnel of soft rubber-like material that stretches to accommodate your swollen cock. It's covered in lubricant. Your cock slides in smoothly and the stretchy rubber forms a snug fit around it.<br> <br> "Use me as you see fit," Nef says. "My skin is tougher than it appears. I won't pop."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nef: Sex]]
<<set $appearsToHaveHighWill to true>> Nef's eyes brighten with excitement as you stay back by the door.<br> <br> "Marvellous. You have a most uncommon mind. My producer will be delighted."<br> <br> You've always prided yourself on your strength of will.<br> <br> And it does take some will. You're not sure what's in the pink gas, but your blood feels like steam and your cock is so hard it aches.<br> <br> "Even the strongest of minds can be overpowered," Nef says. "No human can resist this concentration."<br> <br> Nef turns the dial on her wrist controller further. The bellows work harder. Clouds of pink gas rise up around you in a dense fog. The air is thick with perfume and the stench of sex. It smothers you. As if your face is covered by a woman's wet pussy.<br> <br> "You can come to me now," Nef says. "You've earned it."<br> <br> She floats above the billowing pink clouds and holds out her arms to you.<br> <br> "Come."<br> <br> She's right. Even the strongest of wills can't resist this. You feel hot all over and unbelievably horny. Her aphrodisiac gases have brought the beast to the fore and the beast wants to rut. All other thoughts are muscled aside. Your hand goes down to your cock and gives it a few pumps as you walk through the thick clouds towards Nef.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nef: Approach Bed]]
The clouds slowly clear to reveal you still standing by the door. You haven't moved at all.<br> <br> Nef frowns. "This shouldn't be possible. No human can resist that level of concentration. Unless..."<br> <br> She //tsks// in annoyance.<br> <br> "You had outside assistance. It's that witch. She keeps corrupting my test results."<br> <br> She turns another dial. The pink gases within her body gather and thicken where her heart would be located. That cloudy centre pulses and ripples spread outwards through her body and through the pipes into the great glass globes. The ripple triggers a colour change in the gas from sensual pink to a vivid and unwholesome shade of green. It propagates through the pipes and glass globes like an out-of-control chemical reaction.<br> <br> "This is unfortunate. I shall have to treat you as a defective sample."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nef: Horror End]]
Nef is unmistakably some kind of inflatable. She feels like a balloon with soft human skin. You're too horny to care. You feel the air pressure within her body press all around your cock and it feels wonderful.<br> <br> You start to move your hips back and forth. Slow at first, then picking up speed. Nef's inflatable body is very bouncy, as is the inflatable mattress beneath her. The springiness aids your thrusts and you drop into a good rhythm.<br> <br> Her vagina is closed at the far end. This creates a pleasant vacuum that tugs at your member with each stroke. The pressure within keeps it tight around your cock.<br> <br> "Give it me," Nef says. "Give me a nice big sample."<br> <br> She pouts her lush pink lips and blows a cloud of pink gas in your face.<br> <br> You lose whatever tenuous grip you had remaining on your body. You lie down fully on Nef, resting your chest on her airbag boobs. You piston your hips as fast as you can.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Nef: Sex: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Nef: Sex: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
You feel it coming... you think. You press down against Nef and thrust deep into her. Your body goes taut and your cock throbs, but you're not entirely sure you ejaculate anything inside Nef. It's been a long night and your other experiences have left your balls completely drained.<br> <br> It still feels like a climax. You collapse down on top of Nef and lie there while you try to get your breath back.<br> <br> "No sample?" she asks.<br> <br> You grunt apologetically. It's been a long night.<br> <br> "That's no good," Nef says. "My producer won't be happy if I'm unable to obtain a sample."<br> <br> <<include [[Nef: Tail in Ass]]>>
It doesn't take long. The luscious stroking friction of Nef's pussy quickly takes you over the edge. You press down against Nef, thrust deep into her, then let out an exultant cry as you let go and spurt a massive load of cum into her.<br> <br> The orgasm lasts for a while. You hold your position, stretched taut and trembling while your throbbing cock pours out the contents of your balls inside her. Then, spent, the tension leaves you and you collapse down on top of Nef. She offers no complaint and is content to let her body serve as a soft cushion for you while you recover.<br> <br> <<if $appearsToHaveHighWill>> <<include [[Nef: End Prelude: High Will]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Nef: End Prelude: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Nef: End Prelude: Good]]>> <</if>>
"And now to give you what you desire. Your semen isn't the highest of quality, but maybe my producer will be able to find a use for it."<br> <br> <<include [[Nef: Tail in Ass]]>>
"A good volume," Nef says. "My producer will want more. She created me to seek out the highest quality of semen, and to pump it all out when I find it."<br> <br> <<include [[Nef: Tail in Ass]]>>
"A good volume," she says. "My producer will be pleased."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nef: Good End]]
Nef patiently lies beneath you, unmoving, while you recover from that nerve-scrambling climax. It was an epic climax, so it takes a while to drag yourself back together.<br> <br> Then, once you have your body back under some semblance of control, you roll off Nef and lie next to her on the soft airbed. With you no longer lying on top of her, Nef reaches across and twiddles another knob on her wrist controller. There are more hissing sounds and you're blasted with jets of blue gases. These have a much more invigorating effect, as if you've just plunged your face into a cold mountain stream. It blasts the fog from your mind and leaves you clear-headed.<br> <br> That was something.<br> <br> You sit up and scoot off the end of the deep airbed.<br> <br> "You are more human than beast," Nef pronounces. "Not fully in control of your inner beast, but not in thrall to it either. Your sample will be adequate."<br> <br> Nef floats up from the mattress and rights her body to upright. Through her transparent rubber skin you can see a little bladder filled with milky liquid inside her.<br> <br> You walk back to your clothes and put them back on. While it felt pleasurable enough, it also felt a little too impersonal – less an act of love and more the milking of a cow.<br> <br> Nef floats above the mattress and goes back into rest mode. She says nothing as you turn to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Nef: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Nef's air-hose tail slithers between your legs. You're still recovering from your climax, so her tail takes you by surprise as it smoothly slides the nozzle tip into your ass.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nef: Bad End 1]]
"Relax. This won't hurt at all," Nef says. "You'll find it to be wonderfully pleasant."<br> <br> Your body gives a surprised twitch as Nef puffs perfumed gas up your ass. Your surprised gasp is smothered by Nef's lips as she wraps her arms around you and pushes your head down for a kiss.<br> <br> Nef exhales perfumed gas into your mouth. Her tail pumps more gas into your ass. Nef wraps her legs around you as you go comfortably limp in her embrace.<br> <br> It is only temporary. Something ignites within you. Your body starts up again. This time you're just a passenger. Your hips pump up and down like a machine as you plough your hard cock back and forth inside Nef's soft stretchy vagina.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>>It doesn't matter that you felt empty before. <</if>>A climax overtakes you and you arch your spine backwards as you unload a great flood of cum inside her. While Nef might have released you from her kiss, she still has her tail in your ass. She uses it to fill you with her aphrodisiac gases.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(25)>> You feel a hot sensation flare on the back of your shoulder and then fade to chill nothing.<br> <br> "Ah. You have one of $'s charms," Nef says. "They offer some protection, but even they have limits."<br> <br> It's like a dam breaking, and what surges into you is pure unrestrained bestial lust.<br> <br> <</if>> "Pump it in me," Nef sighs. "Pump it all."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nef: Bad End 2]]
Your hips start working again. The mattress squeaks beneath you – or maybe Nef's body – as you bounce up and down. Another massive orgasm overtakes you and your throbbing cock pours out an even greater volume of cum inside her. It feels incredible, but also far more than you thought your body was capable of producing.<br> <br> There's no stopping now. Nef's gases have filled you up and permeated your brain. Your thoughts are lost in a pink fog. Your body is a mindless machine.<br> <br> Pump. Pump. Spurt.<br> <br> Over and over until it all runs together in one unstoppable, throbbing, gushing flood.<br> <br> Now it's you that seems to be the inflatable. Your body starts to deflate and shrink like a balloon letting out air. Nef reinflates you with her tail, but only to flush out the dregs of substance remaining within you. You pour everything out and Nef's belly expands as you fill the rubber collection reservoir within her.<br> <br> Then, she gives you a last perfumed kiss and your consciousness drifts away. Your body shrinks and crinkles up on top of her – completely drained.<br> <br> <<if $appearsToHaveHighWill>> "Marvellous," Nef says as your body collapses with a long wheezing sigh. "You've filled me up completely. My producer will be overjoyed to receive such a large volume of high-quality semen." <<elseif $isOutOfSemen>> "There. I knew that would get you flowing again," Nef says as your body collapses with a long wheezing sigh. "It's more than I need for this quality, but better than none at all." <<else>> "Was it what you hoped for?" Nef says as your body collapses with a long wheezing sigh. <</if>><br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Nef: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
/* Pêl-Z Perffeithio */ <<set $hi to 52>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Pêl-Z Perffeithio", shortDescription: "", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [20], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Pel-Z: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Pel-Z: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Pel-Z: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Pel-Z: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Pel-Z: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Pel-Z: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Pel-Z: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Pel-Z: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Pel-Z: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 4>> <<set $player.charms.push(18)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsSlutty to true>> /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 52>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 20>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a naked and voluptuous woman with pastel-pink skin. She lies on a big pastel-pink ball that's flattened down to form a giant cushion or mattress.">>
/* Madam intro */ "Ah ha, this is Pêl-Z Perffeithio," $ says. "She's one of $'s custom semen extraction units."<br> <br> Unit? As in machine?<br> <br> "You're in for a treat if you pick her," $ continues. "She's the deluxe model, $'s perfected version of the design. She's built for sensual comfort."<br> <br> /* Long description */ On closer inspection, there is a touch of the artificial to Pêl-Z Perffeithio's appearance. Her pastel-pink skin – too vivid to be a natural skin tone – resembles moulded plastic or rubber. Her pink hair looks like a puff of candyfloss, and floats down to her shoulders in a mass of gravity-defying curls. Aside from that she looks very human. So human in fact you'd be more inclined to believe she was an actress in make-up rather than some kind of machine designed to look like a sexy woman. She has big white eyes with strange yellow irises and a soft, almost motherly cast to her features. Her body is classic porn-film MILF – big-boobed, curvy and comfy.<br> <br> She lies on her side on a squashed ball the same pastel-pink colour as her skin. The ball is flattened down and slightly concave on top to make a comfortable-looking bed. A wavy plastic ruff, like the hem of a dress, runs around the circumference of the flattened sphere.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ You were wondering if Pêl-Z was going to get off her bed and approach you in order to introduce herself. Instead, she brings the bed to you. A strip of light blinks on around the circumference of the squashed ball. It levitates up into the air, floats across the stage and then settles back down in front of you.<br> <br> Pêl-Z swings her long legs over the side and sits up. She extends a hand and greets you with a soft smile.<br> <br> "Hello. I am the semen extraction unit Pêl-Z Perffeithio," she says. "I am fully programmed for your pleasure and comfort." <br>
"Ah, $'s newest model," $ says when you ask her about Pêl-Z Perffeithio. "She's synthetic. An artificial being. $ made her to harvest semen from visitors to the House. She's supposedly a lot more gentle and caring than previous models."<br> <br> $ exhales a cloud of smoke.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"While she might be more tender and loving than her predecessors, Pêl-Z still shares their rather... eclectic tastes.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ pauses for effect.\<br\>\<br\>\"Carnivorous,\" she says with a wicked glint in her eyes. \"At least she doesn't try to eat her guests...\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She has multiple fixed milking programs. Each takes a pre-set amount of semen from a man. If a man doesn't have enough... it'll be taken from his life instead.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ smiles nastily."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"While $ has had to tone down her creations on the order of $, Pêl-Z's highest setting can still extract a hefty amount of semen from a man. About eight fucks worth, or so I've heard.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: true, text: "\"You should always pick Pêl-Z's highest setting for the greatest pleasure. She'll warn you if she thinks you don't have enough, but it's not necessary. $ made her so gentle she can't harm a man at all. She'll take what she can and then stop.\""}>>
Pêl-Z Perffeithio seems in no mood to leave her bed, so the flattened pink sphere is an unusual sight as it floats out into the bar. Not that any other patron notices – they're too engrossed in their own partners. In acknowledgement of the bulky nature of her ball, Pêl-Z doesn't go far. She picks the closest available table to the stage. You move some chairs out of the way and Pêl-Z settles down, using her pastel-pink ball as a gigantic cushion.<br> <br> "I'd have you sit here with me," Pêl-Z says, stroking a hand across the surface of her pink ball. "Unfortunately, $ frowns upon close personal contact outside the rooms."<br> <br> You take a seat opposite her. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Pel-Z: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Pel-Z: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> Pêl-Z seems a little annoyed at being brought out here for no reason, but does her best to hide it."<br> <br> "I'm sorry. We cannot talk if you do not buy a drink."<br> <br> She gives you an apologetic smile and then floats back to the stage on her pink bed.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and nothing for Pêl-Z.<br> <br> "Now that you've brought me out here, what would you like to know about me?" Pêl-Z asks.<br> <br> You ask her to tell you more about herself.<br> <br> "I am a deluxe semen extraction unit," Pêl-Z says. "A milking machine for male genitalia and designed totally for his comfort."<br> <br> At a superficial level she does look like a machine – an artificial android of rubber, plastic and who-knows-what beneath the surface. Her irises are yellow and lit up from behind.<br> <br> Then her face softens and you find it really hard to believe she's artificial. It has to be an actress hidden beneath a ton of makeup.<br> <br> "Ah, but it sounds so cold and mechanical when put like that," Pêl-Z says. "I am the most advanced model of my line, designed to be more empathetic and human than the previous. What they call semen extraction, I call gentle lovemaking... or sensual sex. It doesn't have to be a cold, mechanical process. I want you to be totally relaxed and make love to me as you would any other beautiful woman. I will give you much pleasure in return."<br> <br> Pêl-Z smiles at you. Again, you find it really hard to believe she's an artificial construct and not a talented – and sexy – actress.<br> <br> "There is something we must go over before a session with me," Pêl-Z says. "You will need to decide how much you are willing to give me. I have three pre-set programs. You must bear in mind that each of these programs is fixed. Know your body's limitations and don't agree to more than it can give. I will still take it, and your body will give it, even at a cost to itself."<br> <br> You chat for a while and then return to the stage.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Pel-Z: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pel-Z: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Body Parts */ [2,false,false], /* Low setting */ [9,false,false], /* Medium setting */ [11,false,false] /* High setting */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $highSettingSemen to 8>> <<include [[Pel-Z: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Pel-Z: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Pêl-Z Perffeithio's room looks sleek, clean and futuristic. The walls are covered in soft padded pastel-pink panels. There is a faint scent of exotic perfume in the air, enough to stir the blood.<br> <br> Pêl-Z lounges in the centre of the room on her flattened pastel-pink ball. It resembles a large circular bed. Pêl-Z lies on her side, stretching her lovely curvaceous figure across the giant pink cushion. She's completely naked, with her voluptuous curves fully on display in all of their seductive glory. Her skin colour is a little too pink... a little too //artificial//, but it doesn't detract much from her lovely figure. She smiles at you as you enter.<br> <br> "Welcome," she says. "I hope these surroundings are to your liking. I like my visitors to feel totally relaxed and comfortable."<br> <br> The room looks fine. Pêl-Z, even better.<br> <br> "First we must adhere to $'s rituals. What offering have you brought me?"<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Pel-Z: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(14)>> <<include [[Pel-Z: Gift: Bodyparts]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(0, 1)>> <<include [[Pel-Z: Gift: Edible Drinkable]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pel-Z: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Undress]]
You show her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. Pêl-Z's lips bunch up in a surprised pout and her eyes widen.<br> <br> "Ooh, so you're gifting me yourself," she says.<br> <br> "I accept and I'll give you the special treatment as a reward.<br> <br> She has you leave the $allGifts[$cgi].name in a vase.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Pêl-Z's eyes light up. Literally. Little yellow LEDs shine through her irises as you show her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> “Oh, how thoughtful,” she says. “Did you speak with $ It's always nice when a patron does a little research on our likes. I know it might look disgusting to you, but that's a lovely delicacy for me."<br> <br> You try to hide your revulsion. Pêl-Z still sees it, but gives you an understanding smile.<br> <br> "And because I know it will look disgusting to you, I'll put <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> aside and savour <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> later. My producer built me to show more tact and decorum than my predecessor models. There is a refrigerator down there to your left. Please put <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> in there and I'll enjoy <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> later."<br> <br> While her producer might have improved her decorum, there is still a way to go. Her fridge is a box full of horrors. You see organs and other viscera on plates. Even a severed hand with a nub of white bone showing at the wrist. Further back, surrounded by a frost of ice crystals, is that a head?<br> <br> You suppose you shouldn't be surprised, given what you're putting in there, but it's still shocking and leaves you feeling slightly queasy as you turn back to Pêl-Z.<br> <br> The fridge of horrors should have totally killed your mood. It doesn't. There is an exotic fragrance in the air that tantalises your nostrils. Pêl-Z's lush pink curves are bewitching as she lounges on the squashed pink sphere. The horrifying images have already faded from your mind. You're now conscious of the erection in your pants struggling to be free.
"Ah, that would be your human <<if $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(0)>>food<<else>>drink<</if>>," Pêl-Z says as you hold up the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "Sadly, my body cannot process <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>that<<else>>them<</if>>."<br> <br> She flutters her long eyelashes as she smiles apologetically.<br> <br> "It's okay. You weren't to know. Leave <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on the top there. I'll have <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> taken back downstairs so <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>they<</if>> can be given to a harlot who might appreciate <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>>."<br> <br> You place the $allGifts[$cgi].name on top of a small cabinet next to the door.
"How lovely," Pêl-Z says as you show her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "Thank you."<br> <br> She has you place <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on top of a small cabinet next to the door.
Pêl-Z lounges alluringly on her flattened pink ball. Coquettishly, she strokes the surface next to her, indicating it's a space she'd like you to fill.<br> <br> You need little encouragement. Her pink skin might look artificial and glossy, but her body is something else. Eagerly you strip and discard your clothes behind you as you approach the big pink cushion.<br> <br> You climb up. The surface of the pink ball is soft and elastic. It also feels warm, like skin. Pêl-Z helps you up on top and has you lie down on your back in the middle of the flattened sphere. It feels like you're lying on a big air bubble. Pêl-Z and her cushion give off a subtle perfumed scent that's very relaxing. Pores on either side of your head puff out more of the pleasant scent.<br> <br> "I want you to lie back and be nice and comfortable," Pêl-Z says.<br> <br> She's a soothing presence next to you on the giant pink cushion. Tender and motherly, but also naked and with an arousing voluptuous figure. She runs a smooth hand over your naked flesh.<br> <br> "My producer created me to milk men, but it sounds so cold and clinical when put like that. There is no reason why we can't have pleasure while doing it. Think of it as like making love."<br> <br> Her fingers tip tap down your abdomen and then lightly stroke your penis as it lies flat across your belly.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "I'll give you the extra special deluxe program."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Pick Black Rose]] <<else>> "Before we begin there is one last clinical matter we must get out of the way. My producer gave me three pre-set milking programs of varying intensity. How much semen do you wish to donate?"<br> <br> [[A little.->Pel-Z: Pick Low]]<br> [[A medium amount.->Pel-Z: Pick Medium]]<br> [[A lot.->Pel-Z: Pick High]] <</if>>
"Because I'm going to use the extra special deluxe program, we'll need to carry out some additional preparation first," Pêl-Z says. "This program will take a lot and I don't want to damage you in the process. First, lie back and make yourself comfortable."<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-Z: High Foreplay]]>>
<<set $setting to 1>> As pleasantly relaxed as you feel, you remember $'s warnings and the demonic features of the other harlots. You decide it's better to be cautious, at least to start with, and tell Pêl-Z you can only donate a little.<br> <br> Pêl-Z seems fine with it.<br> <br> "I understand. It's sensible to be a little cautious in here. Lust daemons tend to be gluttonous and if your body runs out... well that's not so pleasant."<br> <br> She wraps a hand around your cock and gently strokes it.<br> <br> "I'll use the lowest setting. You'll come about as much as you would during regular sex."<br> <br> She leans in close to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "And it will feel just as pleasant."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Foreplay]]
<<set $setting to 2>> The middle option sounds safest – both for not offending Pêl-Z and not being more than you can handle.<br> <br> Pêl-Z seems pleased.<br> <br> "Good," she says. "You'll ejaculate more than usual, but your body should be able to handle it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Foreplay]]
Pêl-Z's yellow irises light up.<br> <br> "How adventurous," she says, "but first let me check."<br> <br> Her hand strays down to your crotch and fondles your testicles.<br> <br> "My producer learned from previous mistakes. My predecessors are too aggressive in harvesting semen. This results in the needless deaths of a lot of donors. $ doesn't like this, so she moves them back to later in the rounds. They see less men as a result, which in turn results in lower yields. My producer made me to be more considerate of the donor's limits."<br> <br> Pêl-Z cups your balls and gives them a gentle squeeze, as if checking a fruit for ripeness.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount lt $highSettingSemen>> <<include [[Pel-Z: High Check: Not Enough]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pel-Z: High Check: Enough]]>> <</if>>
Pêl-Z gives you a smile that would be almost motherly if it wasn't for the naked lust in her eyes.<br> <br> "Lie back and get yourself comfortable. You don't have to do anything. Lie back and think nice sexy thoughts and I'll do the rest."<br> <br> Smiling seductively, Pêl-Z moves down and over your legs. She slowly moves up, planting hot kisses on your inner thighs as she goes. She slides up further and tucks your cock between her big round boobs. If Pêl-Z is artificial, she certainly doesn't feel it. Her big breasts are two lovely soft cushions pressed around your erection.<br> <br> "Mmm, already nice and hard," she says. "You seem eager to be milked," she adds with a dirty giggle.<br> <br> She keeps moving up your body until she's right on top of you. You hadn't realised just how tall Pêl-Z is. It wasn't apparent when she was lying on her side, and you were also distracted by her lovely curvaceous figure. She's taller than you thought, maybe even as much as a head taller than you.<br> <br> She reaches under to pump your erection with her hand.<br> <br> "Time to put you in," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Insertion]]
"Hmm, are you sure? There's not much here. The other harlots have already taken a good drink from you."<br> <br> Her fingers gently probe and test your partially depleted balls.<br> <br> "Once I start the program I don't have fine control over it. It will milk a set amount of semen out of you, and that won't be so pleasant or good for you if you come up short. Are you sure you want me to use the highest setting? We can always drop to the medium setting. I think you have enough for that. It will feel just as pleasant."<br> <br> What will you do?<br> <br> [[Switch to medium setting.->Pel-Z: Switch Medium]]<br> [[Go ahead with the highest setting.->Pel-Z: Stay High]]
<<set $setting to 3>> "Oh yes. These are nice and full. You must have just arrived in the House. The other harlots haven't had an opportunity to drain them yet. We'll be fine, although you should pay a visit to the nurse afterwards, You're going to be quite empty once I've finished with you."<br> <br> [[Contine.->Pel-Z: Begin High]]
"For the highest setting milking program we'll need to carry out some additional preparation," Pêl-Z says. "I'll be taking a lot out of you and I don't want to damage you in the process. First, lie back and make yourself comfortable."<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-Z: High Foreplay]]>>
<<set $setting to 2>> You should probably do as she recommends.<br> <br> "Yes, that might be sensible," Pêl-Z says. "We wouldn't want to have so much sucked out you end up looking like a dried fish."<br> <br> Wait? What? She can do that?<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Foreplay]]
<<set $setting to 3>> Nah, you'll be fine with the highest setting. It's not like you can die from having too much cum sucked out.<br> <br> "Okay," Pêl-Z says, "but don't say I didn't warn you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Begin High]]
Pêl-Z holds your cock in place and slowly lowers herself down onto it. Your cock pushes up into the warm sheath between her legs. It's not a vagina as such. The walls feel like soft pliable rubber. They wrap around your cock and there is a constant pressure, making it a comfortably snug fit. Pêl-Z settles down on top of you and presses you down into the soft ball. More scented air is puffed around your face. Your head feels blissfully relaxed while your loins feel like a raging inferno.<br> <br> Pêl-Z kisses you lightly on the lips.<br> <br> "I'll start with regular sex. That will put you at ease."<br> <br> Her hips start moving up and down with steady pneumatic pumps. They move against you with a steady, machine-like rhythm. The ball, which feels like a giant inflatable with thick rubber walls, bounces up and down with her movements. You bounce up and down with it and your cock slides back and forth inside her tight rubber sheath.<br> <br> As pleasant as it feels, and it does feel extremely pleasant, you feel as if there's some spark missing. It's why you're able to hold out without shooting your load right away. Pêl-Z doesn't vary her pace either. You start to get frustrated and thrust back at her in search of greater stimulation.<br> <br> "Please excuse my rather ordinary technique," Pêl-Z says. "This was not how my producer designed me to work. I came up with it on my own. I find it puts the men more at ease if the milking process starts with something that feels like regular sex."<br> <br> Pêl-Z sits back up and plumps her big round boobs. As gorgeous as she looks, you wish she'd be a little more... active. You were getting into it, and while it feels good to be buried to the hilt in her warm pussy, her just sitting there isn't providing enough stimulation to take you closer to climax.<br> <br> "I think you're ready to be properly milked now," Pêl-Z says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Begin Milking]]
A silken stroke runs up your cock.<br> <br> What was that?<br> <br> Pêl-Z isn't moving. She's straddling you, her weight pushing you down into the soft rubber sphere. She's not currently moving up and down.<br> <br> Another silken stroke caresses up your erection, like the whisper of a kiss.<br> <br> Pêl-Z gives you a knowing smile.<br> <br> "I wasn't built for sex," she says. "I was built to milk men of their cum."<br> <br> More silken strokes travel up and down your shaft. It's some kind of vacuum air pressure surrounding Pêl-Z's sheath. It causes the soft rubber walls to rhythmically suck on your cock like a thirsty mouth.<br> <br> "You will come," Pêl-Z says. "Your dick could be soft and completely unaroused. It would not matter. The milking stimulus is irresistible. Your body cannot do anything but respond."<br> <br> The pleasant rhythmic suction continues. It's definitely more mechanical than organic, but generates such a pleasant stroking sensation it quickly has your cock throbbing.<br> <br> <<if $setting eq 1>> "Ah, but it sounds so cold and mechanical when put like that," Pêl-Z says. "I hate it. It's how the inferior models think. They treat – or mistreat – men as cumbags that exist only to be drained. And they force them, hurt them, sometimes even needlessly kill them. I was made to be more than that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Low Milking]] <<else>> "This milking program takes more than you'd usually ejaculate," Pêl-Z says. "You'll find it a little intense."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Medium Milking 1]] <</if>>
Pêl-Z gently caresses your cheek. Her artificial pussy speeds up. Delicious silky strokes whisper up and down your shaft like soft lover's lips.<br> <br> "I was made to see this as more than a mechanical act. To see it as an act of pleasure... of love."<br> <br> She takes your hands and brings them up to cup her lovely big boobs. Her flesh feels warm and pleasantly soft beneath your fingers.<br> <br> "Love me," Pêl-Z sighs.<br> <br> She presses down and the giant pink cushion feels comfortably buoyant beneath you. Those soft silken strokes continue to pump your cock. You feel your toes start to curl. It's coming.<br> <br> "Let it out inside me," Pêl-Z whispers. "Fill me."<br> <br> Pêl-Z places your arms back down at your sides and folds her upper body down until she's hugging you tightly, with her soft tits pressed against your chest. Her mouth finds yours in a gentle kiss. Her pussy contracts around your cock.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Low Semen Check]]
By intense, you were thinking faster. However, her unusual vagina continues to pulse around you with the same deliberate strokes. They are very //deliberate// strokes. Your arousal rises and you get the feeling that while you won't arrive //quickly//, you're going to arrive //powerfully//.<br> <br> Pêl-Z folds her lovely body down on top of you. Her arms go around you in a warm hug and she presses her lips against yours in a long, languid kiss.<br> <br> "Mmm," she says as she pauses and lets you come up for air. "I find it best to take my time with this one. Make sure the donor is comfortable and in the right mood."<br> <br> She lowers her head again for another long kiss. You wrap your arms around her and return both her hug and kiss. The air cushion sags comfortably with your combined weight and you sink into it. Pêl-Z bounces her hips to generate a little bit of pleasant friction, but it's mostly all the internal motions of her artificial pussy. The soft rubber feels pleasantly snug around your erection and pumps you with rippling strokes.<br> <br> "Mmm. Don't think of it as being milked," Pêl-Z says. "It's lovemaking. Long, slow lovemaking."<br> <br> She sighs and murmurs in pleasure. Her lips meet yours again for another sensual kiss.<br> <br> The stroking motion speeds up. You pump your hips back against it in anticipation of coming.<br> <br> Only for Pêl-Z to slow it right down again and go back to slow, sensual strokes.<br> <br> She repeats it. Again. And again. And again. Each time edging you with flawless proficiency. It's a pleasurable, if maddening, tease.<br> <br> "There's no rush," she whispers into your lips. "Let it build. I want a lot of it. I want it nice and thick."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Medium Milking 2]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Pel-Z: 1st Semen Check: Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Pel-Z: Low Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
You writhe and squirm beneath her. The stimulation demands you come. You desperately want to come. Your body proves stubbornly reluctant.<br> <br> Pêl-Z sits back up. Her pussy loosens its tight grip on your cock and goes back to gently stimulating your cock with slow, feathery strokes.<br> <br> "It's no good," Pêl-Z says. "If you could have, you would have come by now."<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> You go to apologise and Pêl-Z stops you with a smile.<br> <br> "There's no need to worry. My body is an elite milking machine."<br> <br> She lies down on top of you, completely covering your body with hers. She's so tall the lower part of your face is pressed into the top of her cleavage.<br> <br> "This is only a minor setback. I'll have you coming in no time at all." <<else>> You go to apologise and Pêl-Z stops you with a shake of her head. She looks sad.<br> <br> "I'm the one that should apologise," she says. "My producer made me more caring of the men I milk, but also to never forget my purpose. I dislike doing this, but I cannot go against what I am."<br> <br> She lies down on top of you, completely covering your body with hers. She's so tall the lower part of your face is pressed into the top of her cleavage.<br> <br> <<switch $setting>> <<case 1>> "It's rare this happens with my lowest setting milking program. I didn't realise you were completely empty." <<case 2>> "This is unfortunate. There is some risk with the medium setting, but I thought we would be okay. I didn't realise you were completely out." <<case 3>> "Why did you select the highest setting?" Pêl-Z asks. "It's only for men with full testicles. Even if you didn't realise you were empty, you must have known your body was too depleted for that." <</switch>> <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Combined Out of Semen]]
It's here.<br> <br> You tense up and buck against Pêl-Z. Your cock swells against the pressure surrounding it and spurts out a thick stream of semen. Pêl-Z continues with her milking strokes and your cock pulsates helplessly in thrall to them.<br> <br> It's a long, satisfyingly drawn out ejaculation as Pêl-Z milks a big load from your balls. Thankfully, it's also a 'normal' ejaculation. You empty a regular load into her, she takes it and leaves it at that.<br> <br> You have the feeling she could take more if she wanted. A lot more. Instead the stroking stimulation stops and with it, your ejaculation. You lie on the soft cushion and feel supremely satisfied.<br> <br> Pêl-Z kisses you on the lips.<br> <br> "See. It doesn't have to be cold and mechanical. It can be an act of love."<br> <br> She kisses you again and then rolls off to the side.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSlutty>> You're not sure //love// is the right word. But for satisfying more carnal animal pleasures it was pretty damn... satisfying. <<else>> Yes. For a moment you forget what she is. You're lying in the arms of your lover, enjoying the post-coital glow. <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Good End]]
You lie sprawled on the cushion and look up at the ceiling. It's really comfortable. You could lie here all day.<br> <br> Your reverie is interrupted by puffs of cold air and a bracing scent that calls to mind mountain peaks.<br> <br> "I'm sorry. While I'd be happy to let you lie there all day, $ will not," Pêl-Z says.<br> <br> You understand. This is a manufactured fantasy and the time is up. You slide, with some difficulty, off the soft air cushion and look for your discarded clothes.<br> <br> <<if $setting eq 1>> "It's a shame you couldn't give me more, but I fully understand," Pêl-Z says. "Maybe next time." <<else>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> "Before you go, let me give you a friendly warning," Pêl-Z says. "While I am the perfected version, there are imperfect models still in use within the House. My producer's failed experiments, though she doesn't have the heart to tell them as such. You'll need to be careful with them. They are not as caring when it comes to their visitor's wellbeing." <</if>><br> <br> She blows you a kiss as you head to the door. Her face is so human and expressive you still find it difficult to believe she's some kind of machine.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<switch $setting>> <<case 1>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<case 2>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <<case 3>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> <</switch>> <<include [[Pel-Z: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
That's a little harder given she's just raised the prospect of 'damaging you'. At least your surroundings are comfortable enough and the view of Pêl-Z's naked chest, with its big lovely round boobs is definitely arousing.<br> <br> The ball sags beneath you and the soft surface rolls up around your sides until you're almost completely enveloped. Pleasant scents are puffed out of pores in the surface and surround your head in a fragrant cloud. The perfume starts innocent enough, but then thickens until it feels like a sweaty stew of illicit sex. Your cock hardens.<br> <br> Pêl-Z straddles you. She stretches her arms and plumps up the cushion mattress around you until you're cradled comfortably in the centre.<br> <br> "Stimulating your body to produce an unnatural amount requires unnatural assistance," Pêl-Z says. "Don't be alarmed. This is just a little succubus magic imbued into the surface of my sphere."<br> <br> She presses her palms flat against the rubber surface. Glyphs light up all across the flattened ball. Your body is enveloped in a warm glow. It's more than just warmth – less heat and more like being //in// heat. You feel hot and incredibly turned on.<br> <br> Pêl-Z folds her body over you. You hadn't realised just how tall Pêl-Z is. It wasn't apparent when she was lying on her side, and you were also distracted by her lovely curvaceous figure. She's taller than you thought, maybe even as much as a head taller than you.<br> <br> She reaches under to pump your erection with her hand.<br> <br> "Time to put you in," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: High Insertion]]
Pêl-Z holds your cock in place and slowly lowers herself down onto it. Your cock pushes up into the warm sheath between her legs. It's not a vagina as such. The walls feel like soft pliable rubber. They wrap around your cock and there is a constant pressure, making it a comfortably snug fit. Pêl-Z settles down on top of you and presses you down into the soft ball. More scented air is puffed around your face. Your head feels blissfully relaxed while your loins feel like a raging inferno.<br> <br> Pêl-Z kisses you lightly on the lips.<br> <br> "I'll start with regular sex. That will put you at ease."<br> <br> Her hips start moving up and down with steady pneumatic pumps. They move against you with a steady, machine-like rhythm. The ball, which feels like a giant inflatable with thick rubber walls, bounces up and down with her movements. You bounce up and down with it and your cock slides back and forth inside her tight rubber sheath.<br> <br> There is a strange – too mechanical – quality to it. If you weren't feeling so hot and horny and unnaturally turned on you'd think it missing a certain... //spark//.<br> <br> Then you feel a silken stroke run up your cock and you jolt at the unexpected pleasure.<br> <br> What is happening inside her vagina? The strokes feel independent of her movements. It's some kind of vacuum air pressure surrounding Pêl-Z's sheath. It causes the soft rubber walls to rhythmically suck on your cock like a thirsty mouth.<br> <br> Pêl-Z pauses to look down into your eyes. "My vagina was created to be a perfect milking tool. You will come. Your dick could be soft and completely unaroused. It would not matter. The milking stimulus is irresistible. Your body cannot do anything but respond."<br> <br> The pleasant rhythmic suction continues. It's definitely more mechanical than organic, but generates such a pleasant stroking sensation it quickly has your cock throbbing.<br> <br> "This program milks a lot of semen out of a man. You'll find it to be very intense."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Medium Milking 1]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Pel-Z: 1st Semen Check: Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Pel-Z: Medium: 1st Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
She continues to hug and kiss you. You sink deeper into the pliant air cushion, enveloped in both Pêl-Z's warm body and a pleasant scent that tantalises your nostrils.<br> <br> You lose track of time. Your balls swell and grow heavy. Your cock, an iron bar, twitches against the soft rubber walls of Pêl-Z's vagina. It feels like a hunting dog eager to be let off a leash.<br> <br> "Mmm. I think you're ready," Pêl-Z says. "Are you ready? Are you going to give me a nice big load?"<br> <br> You're ready. Your balls feel so full they ache.<br> <br> Pêl-Z speeds up the stroking motion of her pussy again. The gentle pressure increases around your cock. The soft rubber feels extra snug around your dick. The strokes grow more powerful and feel deeper, as if they're starting to pull directly on your balls.<br> <br> "Don't try to fight it," Pêl-Z says. "It's so much more pleasurable if you lie back and let it milk you."<br> <br> You don't think you could even if you wanted to.<br> <br> Pêl-Z speeds up the stroking motions still further. This time she doesn't edge you. This time she's stroking you to climax.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Medium: 1st Semen Check]]
Your body goes taut, then releases. Your cock swells against the pressure surrounding it and spurts out a thick stream of semen. Pêl-Z continues with her milking strokes and your cock pulsates helplessly in thrall to them.<br> <br> Rather than stopping after you've ejaculated, Pêl-Z's pussy keeps stroking your cock. Her slow, sensual lovemaking has left you feeling super-aroused. Even though you've just cum, you gasp and buck and spurt more cum inside her. <<include [[Pel-Z: Medium: 2nd Semen Check]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen and $setting eq 2>> <<include [[Pel-Z: 2nd Semen Check: Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> Your body is completely in thrall to her now. You buck and grunt empty what feels like a week's worth of semen inside her.<br> <br> <<if $setting eq 3 or $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Pel-Z: High: 2nd Ejaculation]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Pel-Z: Medium: 2nd Ejaculation]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
You spurt out plenty of thick gouts of cum before your ejaculation subsides to a little dribble. You crash back on the soft cushion-bed and feel utterly satisfied.<br> <br> Pêl-Z, however, is not. Her vagina keeps trying to milk you with persistent strokes.<br> <br> "You can't stop here," Pêl-Z says. "I must complete the program."<br> <br> There's not much you can do about it. Your body is out. There's none left. You go to apologise and Pêl-Z stops you with a shake of her head. She looks sad.<br> <br> "I'm the one who should apologise," she says. "My producer made me more caring of the men I milk, but also to never forget my purpose. I dislike doing this, but I cannot go against what I am."<br> <br> She shifts position, lying down on top of you until she's completely covering your body with hers. She's so tall the lower part of your face is pressed into the top of her cleavage.<br> <br> "It's not enough. The program must take the amount required by it. I thought we'd be okay with the medium setting. I didn't realise how much the other harlots had already drained you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Combined Out of Semen]]
Only then does the irresistible stroking stop, for which you're both disappointed and grateful. You don't think you could have stopped had Pêl-Z not stopped first.<br> <br> "I think we'll stop there," Pêl-Z says. "Any more and it will start to feel painful."<br> <br> You do feel little warning twinges in your loins. Not enough to overshadow the pleasure, but that would have changed had Pêl-Z continued to milk you with ruthless machine efficiency.<br> <br> "This is why I am the perfected version of this model," Pêl-Z says. "I care about your needs. And as a result you gave me such a lovely big sample."<br> <br> She kisses you and rolls off to the side. Even though the 'milking' is over, she continues to cuddle you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Good End]]
Pêl-Z pushes you down deeper into the sagging air cushion. More fragrant scents, stronger and thicker, are released around your head. The glyphs on the surface of the rubber ball flare brighter. Your body heats up. Urged on by the strokes of Pêl-Z's wonderful pussy, your body goes beyond its usual limits.<br> <br> Far beyond.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: High: 3rd Semen Check]]
Your body bucks and spurts and spurts. Pêl-Z presses her warm body down on top of you. You feel like you're being hugged tightly on both sides – from Pêl-Z above, and the soft pink ball below. Pêl-Z's vagina contracts around your cock and starts stroking with greater force. You feel like you're being pumped – pumped like an oil well pumping oil up out of the ground.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Pel-Z: Black Rose End]]>> <<else>> <<set _s to $highSettingSemen - 4>> <<set $semenChange to -_s>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Pel-Z: 3rd Semen Check: Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Pel-Z: High: 3rd Ejaculation]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
It's an oil well that quickly runs dry. Pêl-Z can't get any more out of you no matter how hard her luscious pussy pumps you.<br> <br> Pleasure is replaced by a nagging itch, which starts to grow towards outright pain.<br> <br> "I warned you about this," Pêl-Z says. "This is a fixed program to take the maximum amount. It won't stop until it has it. You shouldn't have picked it if your body is unable to keep up."<br> <br> Her vagina keeps pumping your cock with machine-like insistence. You start to wince as the friction passes into the realm of discomfort.<br> <br> "It's no good," Pêl-Z says. "Commence Ultimate Milking Program."<br> <br> The strange runes on the surface of the ball flare brighter. Your body is enveloped in a warm glow. It makes you feel horny, but also really seedy. It's the wrong type of erotic – perverse.<br> <br> "This will get your cum flowing again," Pêl-Z says. "It will be better if you don't try to fight it."<br> <br> Her pussy tightens its grip and pumps you harder. Your body protests. It's empty.<br> <br> Or was.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Bad End]]
Cum continues to pour from your body in an uncontrollable fountain. Then, when you're starting to worry it might not ever stop...<br> <br> //Might not stop until you're a dried-up husk//<br> <br> ...Pêl-Z finally decides she's taken enough. The vigorous pumping action of her vagina slows down to gentle caressing strokes. Your ejaculation finally reaches an end and subsides to a worn-out dribble.<br> <br> "Marvellous," Pêl-Z says. "You gave me the full amount. My producer will be delighted."<br> <br> She kisses you and rolls off to the side. Even though the 'milking' is over, she continues to cuddle you.<br> <br> "You should visit the nurse when you get back downstairs," she whispers in your ear. "My highest setting tends to leave men drained. She has tonics that will restore your vitality."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Good End]]
Wrapped in the warm glow, you feel your balls swell back up as if you haven't had sex or masturbated for months. Pêl-Z sighs and moves her body against you, and this time you respond. You feel it well up out of you in a massive ecstatic release.<br> <br> It doesn't end.<br> <br> You keep coming.<br> <br> And keep coming.<br> <br> Pêl-Z's pussy doesn't stop squeezing and stroking you. Coaxed on by her marvellous vagina, your cock keeps throbbing and pouring out semen inside her. She sucks it away and demands more.<br> <br> The runes grow brighter.<br> <br> You give her more. You give her everything.<br> <br> The magic imbued in the surface of the ball holds you in its grip as tight as Pêl-Z's pussy. Everything inside your body is converted to semen and spurted out into Pêl-Z. It is, indeed, an ultimate milking program. It leaves nothing left of you but a dried-up cadaver. The only consolation is that Pêl-Z is extremely gentle to the end. You feel nothing but the utmost bliss as she drains you.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Pel-Z: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<unset $setting>> <<unset $highSettingSemen>>
You huff and puff into Pêl-Z's smothering boobs and ask what's going on. Pêl-Z's body seems to have deformed to wrap around you. Not only that, her flesh seems to have merged with the rubber surface of the ball, leaving you completely wrapped up and unable to move.<br> <br> "It's best if you lie back and relax," Pêl-Z says. "I'll try to be as gentle as possible."<br> <br> <<include [[Pel-Z: Ultimate Milking Program]]>> You're not sure you want to. You feel really turned on. You feel like you're being hugged tightly on both sides – from Pêl-Z above, and the soft pink ball below. Pêl-Z's vagina contracts around your cock and starts stroking with greater force. You feel like you're being pumped – pumped like an oil well pumping oil up out of the ground.<br> <br> Your body makes a half-hearted protest. It's empty.<br> <br> Or was.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Bad End]]
You sink deeper into the sagging air cushion and it rolls up around you. Pêl-Z grips the surface and pulls it together around you, gently squeezing your body. More gases leak out of pores in the rubber surface. These are much stronger. Your head goes pleasantly woozy and you're filled with lustful thoughts.<br> <br> "Commence Ultimate Milking Program," Pêl-Z says.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0 or $setting eq 3>> The strange runes of the surface of the ball flare brighter. <<else>> Strange runes light up on the rubber surface of the pink ball. <</if>> Your body is enveloped in a warm glow. It makes you feel horny, but also really seedy. It's the wrong type of erotic – perverse.<br> <br> "This will squeeze it all out," Pêl-Z says. "It will be better if you don't try to fight it."<br> <br>
Cum pours from your body in an uncontrollable fountain.<br> <br> "This is good. Keep the flow coming," Pêl-Z says with an erotic sigh.<br> <br> Her vagina keeps pumping your cock with machine-like insistence. <<include [[Pel-Z: Ultimate Milking Program]]>> [[Continue.->Pel-Z: Bad End]]
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br><br> "Ah ha. I remember her trying that test on me. Barely had an effect," $ says with an overt note of pride. "She seemed very keen on me after that. Felt a little... //off//, to me. There's keen and there's //keen//."<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"It's a queer session for sure. When you think about it, she's just a balloon filled with gas – a thing of rubber and perfume. If it wasn't for the potency of those immoral fumes, would any self-respecting man give her a second glance?" <<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <br><br> $ looks at you thoughtfully.<br> <br> "From your account it sounds like you didn't find her fumes all that overpowering. It's a rare man who can say that, and usually one that's received assistance from the witch's deck of cards."<br> <br> $ sighs.<br> <br> "At least I thought so. Even narrowed it down to what I thought was the right charm. I paid men to pick that card and go up to her room. They didn't come back, so now I'm stumped." <</if>>
"Ah, $'s newest model. I've been waiting to hear about her."<br> <br> $ pulls out a small black notebook and looks expectantly at you.<br> <br> "Tell me of your experiences with Pêl-Z Perffeithio."<br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> $ visibly whitens as you describe the contents of Pêl-Z's fridge. He shudders as he continues to write notes. <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> "You know, she might just be a 'safe' option. There's precious few girls in here you can say that about!" <<elseif _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> "Sounds forceful, but otherwise tolerable. I don't trust $'s... 'machines'. This one might actually be safe." <<elseif _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> "Risky. Very risky." $ tuts. "In here the contents of one's loins are a currency in their own right. You should be careful not to overspend it. As for Pêl-Z, I think she might actually be 'safe'. Providing one is sensible and chooses her lowest setting." <</if>>
/* Negralima-V */ <<set $hi to 61>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Negralima-V", shortDescription: "", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Negralima-V: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Negralima-V: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Negralima-V: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Negralima-V: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Negralima-V: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Negralima-V: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Negralima-V: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 4>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $player.currStr to 5>> /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $allHarlots[62].hasBeenVisited to true>> <<set $hi to 61>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a slender, lithe woman dressed as some kind of skeleton. She wears a sugar skull mask and is dressed in a black bodysuit that looks like sticky shadow.">>
"Negralima-V? Hmm. An intriguing one that."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "She's one of $'s experiments. $ was trying to make some form of smart clothing. Maybe. $ works on so many different things at the same time she's always getting her wires crossed. Negralima-V ended up a little too smart, so $ recruited her into her little gang of semen extractors."<br> <br> $ exhales a cloud of smoke.<br> <br> "It's not the most, shall we say, //harmonious// gang. Negralima-V and N-Carnizadalama despise each other, despite being similar creations. Another of $'s many failures."<br> <br> $ takes another puff on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
Negralima-V remains an enigma even as you escort her into the bar. She's completely covered from head to foot in... //what//? You thought it was some kind of bodystocking, but closer up it more resembles living oil or shadow.<br> <br> Negralima-V's sylph-like figure underneath is knockout. You can't resist taking a peek at her lovely pert ass as you make your way through the lounge area to an open table. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Negralima-V: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Negralima-V: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Negralima-V: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Negralima-V: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Negralima-V's visceral hatred of N-Carnizadalama extends to whoever's been with her. If you've already paid a visit to N-Carnizadalama, don't pick Negralima-V.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"$ gave Negralima-V the task of seeking out and draining the biggest and strongest men. As a reward, she's allowed to keep the bones afterwards.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Negralima-V was tasked with finding the strong. That's what turns her on the most. If your strength is strength, she's the girl to pick.\""}>>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Negralima-V. She likes to play dress-up," $ says. "I'm sure she'd love to try you on for size."<br> <br> /* Long description */ It's hard to see exactly what Negralima-V looks like. She wears a black bodysuit that covers her completely and makes her look like a living shadow. It's to make her mask and the bones adorning her costume stand out, and it is quite an effective fancy-dress skeleton costume, just not something you'd expect a hooker to be wearing.<br> <br> Her face is hidden by a glittering sugar skull mask. The brown eyes you see looking at you through the eyeholes look bright and big. Her figure beneath the black body stocking is lithe and slender, with just enough curves to accentuate her femininity.<br> <br> Overall, she looks pretty damn fine. But in a skeleton costume...<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Negralima-V places a hand on yours and then slides it sensually up your arm.<br> <br> The body stocking covering her hand does not feel like material. It feels wet and sticky, as if she's made out of tar, or living shadow.<br> <br> "Hmm, a nice sturdy frame," she says. "Let me wear you." <br>
<br><br> Negralima-V's eyes look disappointed behind her skull mask.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed>> "//Pendejo codo!//"<br> <br> Negralima-V looks about to storm off in a huff. She pauses and runs a hand over your upper arm and looks over your body with naked longing in her eyes.<br> <br> "I have to leave. $'s rules. Don't think it means I don't like you. You're welcome to come up to my room."<br> <br> Her hand trails down your arm.<br> <br> "More than welcome." <<else>> "//Pendejo codo. Amarrete de mierda!//" she says.<br> <br> She storms off in a huff. <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a glass of white wine for Negralima-V. Negralima-V sits opposite and studies you, her eyes bright in the sockets of her skull mask.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[62].hasBeenVisited>> Suddenly, she moves her head around as if sniffing.<br> <br> "There is a bad odour. Smells of that //maldita puta//. I hate her so much. //Esa presumida puta roja//. I hope you haven't been with her. Once she gets inside you, it's impossible to get rid of the stink."<br> <br> She looks at the neighbouring tables.<br> <br> "Maybe it's one of the other men. That //puta// gets around."<br> <br> She turns back to you.<br> <br> "Enough of her. You're here to find out about me."<br> <br> <</if>> Negralima-V's big brown eyes sparkle. She runs a finger around the rim of her wine glass.<br> <br> "Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be completely in the control of someone else. For them to wear you like a suit... move your arms and legs."<br> <br> Negralima-V leans over the table. Her voice gets low and husky.<br> <br> "Reveal pleasures you might not have realised existed."<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<if _testPassed>> Hungrily, she looks over your body.<br> <br> "Such a sturdy frame," she says. "I can't wait to try it on."<br> <br> <</if>> Negralima-V's wine glass is empty. You don't remember seeing her bring it to her lips.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [4,false,false], /* Survives */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $hasSeenRed to $allHarlots[62].hasBeenVisited>> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<include [[Player: Test Str]]>> <<set $isHighStr to _testPassed>> <<include [[Negralima-V: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Negralima-V: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Negralima-V's room is... not a bedroom. You're not sure what it is. Given Negralima-V's skeleton costume, you might have expected something vintage or gothic. Instead, her room looks much more modern. The walls are polished metal. The floor is covered in gleaming white tiles. There is no bed. Instead you see a large couch with a slightly inclined top take up the centre of the room. It is padded and upholstered in black leather, and polished to a gleam. There is a mirror on the ceiling above it and a full-length mirror in a stand opposite it on the far side of the room.<br> <br> The weirdest thing is the bones. Displayed on the walls as if they were guns or antique swords are bones... lots and lots of bones. You see femurs, scapulae, spinal columns, humeri... all polished until they're white and gleaming.<br> <br> All human bones as well...<br> <br> Negralima-V herself is lounging within a large metal frame. Her arms are outstretched and she holds a relaxed cruciform pose. Her contours are nice, but that's also all you can see. She's covered completely in a shadow-black outfit. It's not a leotard. The light is bright enough to see what she's wearing is more unusual than that. It looks sticky and wet – like pitch or congealed shadow. You also have the strange feeling it's alive.<br> <br> "Come in and take your clothes off," Negralima-V says.<br> <br> She continues to hold her pose as if she's in the middle of an exotic photoshoot for a magazine cover.<br> <br> Before you can do that there is the matter of your gift.<br> <br> [[You hold up your gift.->Negralima-V: Gift]]
"What have you brought me?" Negralima-V asks.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Negralima-V: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Negralima-V: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> Negralima-V doesn't step forward to claim your gift, so you leave it on top of a nearby set of drawers.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Negralima-V: Undress]]
Negralima-V looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name and then looks at your body.<br> <br> <<if $isHighStr>> "I was going to anyway," she says, "but it's nice when the donor wants it as well." <<else>> "I wasn't going to, but if it's what you want..." <</if>><br> <br> Her big eyes glitter. You think she might be smiling, but with her sugar skull mask it's impossible to tell.
Negralima-V looks at your $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Very nice, but unnecessary. I'm only interested in you, //mi cariño//." <<if $isHighStr>> <br><br> Her gaze roams all over your body.<br> <br> "Very interested." <</if>>
Negralima-V asks you to take your clothes off. She's still lounging within the metal frame with her arms outstretched. She maintains a sexy pose as you take your clothes off and hang them on a rack by the door. She holds it long enough for it to pass beyond fashionable chic and become a little... off.<br> <br> You walk back to her and wonder when she's going to stop posing and... well... get involved.<br> <br> "How long have you been in the House?" she asks.<br> <br> [[Just arrived.->Negralima-V: Question: Just Arrived]] <<if $currentRound gt 3>> <br> [[A while.->Negralima-V: Question: A While]] <</if>>
Negralima-V chuckles darkly.<br> <br> "Innocence always tastes so sweet, //mi cariño//," Negralima-V says. "I wonder how much of that innocence is left. Have you seen some of the strange and wondrous things that take place within these walls? Or do you still think it a quaint little out-of-the-way whorehouse filled with pretty little //putas//. We'll see how you react.<br> <br> [[React to what?->Negralima-V: Melt from Frame]]
"That's good," Negralima-V says. "You've been here long enough to see many strange and unusual things. This won't be a shock to you."<br> <br> [[Shock?->Negralima-V: Melt from Frame]]
You look at the metal frame Negralima-V is standing between and wonder. It's a narrow chrome pipe twisted into the outline of a square, about five feet by five feet. Is Negralima-V tied to – or maybe suspended from – it. That might explain her strange fixed pose.<br> <br> "Stand in front of me and stretch your arms out from your sides, //mi cariño//," Negralima-V orders.<br> <br> Bemused, you do as she says. You seem to be mirroring her pose.<br> <br> You watch in horror as Negralima-V seems to melt before you. The black substance of her body turns molten and runs down her body to collect on the floor beneath her. It leaves behind gleaming white bones as it forms a tarry puddle at her feet. Then the puddle sends out feelers and starts flowing across the floor towards you.<br> <br> It's so shocking and happens so quickly you don't really have a chance to react. Before you can even properly process what's going on, the sticky black puddle has reached your feet and is climbing up your legs in defiance of gravity.<br> <br> By the time you're able to get over the shock, it's already too late. The black goo keeps flowing up over your body and covers your flesh like a second skin. It envelops you completely, covering your crotch, your belly, your chest, your neck, and then finally your face, until you're covered from head-to-foot in the black substance. It feels strange, like wearing a tight, snug-fitting latex bodysuit. There is a brief moment of panic as your eyes are covered and you feel like you've been mummified in endless darkness, then eyeholes open up and you can see as normal.<br> <br> <<if $hasSeenRed>> [[Continue.->Negralima-V: Horror End]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Negralima-V: Dance]] <</if>>
"See, //mi cariño//, that wasn't so..."<br> <br> Negralima-V cuts off with a coughing retch. A mass of black matter buds off at your neck and grows outwards. It turns to face you and reforms into the head of Negralima-V. She looks pissed.<br> <br> "Ugh. That stench. You've been with that //puta sangre//."<br> <br> She spits out the insult with real venom.<br> <br> "Her stink is all over you. I can't stand it."<br> <br> Your limbs are wrenched awkwardly out of shape. The bodysuit starts to constrict painfully all around your body.<br> <br> "Can't stand it."<br> <br> The constriction starts to get painful. You try to tell Negralima-V's she's hurting you. She doesn't hear you. She repeats 'can't stand it' over and over in an insane mantra.<br> <br> Your limbs are jerked again, this time beyond what your joints can take. You feel explosions of pain across your body as limbs are wrenched out of sockets and bones are snapped. Your cries are silent gasps. The constriction across your chest is too tight. You can't breathe.<br> <br> "can'tstanditcan'tstanditcan'tstanditcan'tstandit"<br> <br> Negralima-V squeezes your chest hard enough for your ribs to break and collapse inwards. In her rage she scrunches you down to a crumpled ball. You die without ever knowing what triggered her dreadful wrath.<br> <br> <<include [[Negralima-V: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"See, //mi cariño//, that wasn't so bad."<br> <br> You hear Negralima-V's voice in your ear.<br> <br> "Now relax. I'll take it from here."<br> <br> Your arms move as if puppeteered. Your first instinct is to stiffen them in resistance.<br> <br> Negralima-V tuts in your ear.<br> <br> "Don't do that, //mi cariño//. If you fight too hard I'll snap them, and I do hate to ruin good bones."<br> <br> The membrane covering you feels inordinately powerful. Negralima-V is moving your limbs. You can go along with it or try to hold them in place until the force builds up powerful enough to snap the bone.<br> <br> "Let yourself go floppy and relaxed," Negralima-V advises. "This is only a short little test drive. I don't take men over permanently."<br> <br> You do as she says. She's going to move your limbs where she wants anyway.<br> <br> Negralima-V has you bounce lightly on your feet and twirl like a dancer. She walks you over to the full-length mirror.<br> <br> "A little different, eh, //mi cariño//."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Negralima-V: Reflection]]
The reflection looking back at you is very different. You see a hot girl with lush curves dressed from head-to-toe in a glossy black bodysuit. It looks like a slightly more filled out Negralima-V. The reflection even has her glittering sugar skull mask.<br> <br> But it's you. It's standing where you are.<br> <br> Negralima-V turns you around to expose the luscious swell of a bubble-butt ass. She gives it a good squeeze with your hand. Then gives it a slap to get the black bulge quivering.<br> <br> "A nice ass, eh, //mi cariño//."<br> <br> She turns you around.<br> <br> "And what about these?"<br> <br> She takes your hands and uses them to fondle and squeeze a big pair of breasts. You feel their pleasant weight and softness beneath your fingers. You only feel it through your fingers. You don't feel anything pinching 'your' breasts. While they look like part of 'your' body, you don't get any sensation from them. They're part of the suit – a bulging mass created out of the strange substance of Negralima-V's body.<br> <br> "They have a nice feel, don't they, //mi cariño//."<br> <br> She has you play with her – //your?// – tits. She runs your – //her?// – hands over her – //your?// – lush curves. She holds your back up straight. It's your eyes looking out of the mask, but her lips twisted up in a smirk.<br> <br> After admiring her – //your?// – body for long enough, she takes you out into the open area. She bends and stretches, and tries out various moves.<br> <br> <<if $isHighStr>> "What a wonderfully sturdy frame," Negralima-V says. "You're exactly what I and my producer are after." <<else>> "What a pleasing frame," Negralima-V says. "It feels good to try it on." <</if>><br> <br> She takes you over to the large leather couch.<br> <br> "Ah, but that's enough fun, //mi cariño//. Time to //chaqueta// a nice sample out of you for my producer."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Negralima-V: Milking Wank]]
Negralima-V has you lie back on the padded couch. Looking up you see both you and not you. There is someone lying on the couch where you are. In the mirror you see a sexy buxom woman wearing a skintight glossy black bodysuit.<br> <br> Well, not quite a woman in all regards.<br> <br> Negralima-V rubs a hand down at your crotch. The living bodysuit draws your member into a specially prepared sheath and begins to suck on it like a mouth. Aroused by the stimulation, your cock rises up in erection. You can see it in the mirror. The black bodysuit adds inches to your girth and length, making it look like you have a real monster cock between your legs.<br> <br> "Let's get that //leche// out," Negralima-V whispers in your ear.<br> <br> Negralima-V wraps a hand – your hand – around your cock and starts masturbating. It's more than that. The bodysuit forms a thick spongy sheath around your cock. It also feels wet and alive, as if your cock has been inserted into a warm vagina. It undulates against your shaft and sucks on the tip, magnifying the sensations of Negralima-V jerking you off.<br> <br> She reaches up with your other hand to squeeze a bulging black tit. You feel the lush squeezable flesh deform beneath your fingers. It feels like you're playing with a lovely big boob. The weird part is that up in the mirror it looks like //your// lovely big boob.<br> <br> "Give me your //leche//, //mi cariño//."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Negralima-V: Ejaculation]]
Negralima-V moves your hand up and down. The whole bodysuit is in motion around you. You feel it squeeze. You feel it caress. You feel it suck on fingers... toes... nipples. The sheath around your cock tightens. Negralima-V strokes faster and harder. <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Negralima-V: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Negralima-V: Has Semen]]>> <</if>>
You squirm and writhe on the couch as Negralima-V's strokes take you to the precipice of climax.<br> <br> They don't, however, take you over.<br> <br> Negralima-V pauses. "What's the matter, //mi cariño//? Where's your leche?"<br> <br> She pumps your cock again, but is unable to get it to produce anything.<br> <br> "Ah, //mi cariño//. This happens from time to time. Those other //putas// take all the //leche// and leave nothing for anyone else."<br> <br> You feel the living bodysuit tighten around your body. As if it's taking a stronger grip.<br> <br> "I'll have to squeeze you harder, //mi cariño//," Negralima-V says. "Squeeze all that lovely //leche// out."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Negralima-V: Full Drain]]
You feel a stirring in your balls.<br> <br> It's coming...<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> You groan. Your body bucks and shudders. Your cock throbs and you ejaculate violently within the tight bodysuit. Negralima-V keeps using your hand to pump your erection. Overstimulated by the living bodysuit sucking and squeezing you all over, you keep pumping out semen in a monstrous gush. The end of your covered dick starts to swell like a bubble or balloon. You grunt and pour even more cum into it. The walls stretch enough to lose their opacity. Through them you can see a milky-white liquid sloshing around. <<if $isHighStr>> <<include [[Negralima-V: High Str]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Negralima-V: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Negralima-V: Good End 1]]>> <</if>>
<br><br> "Good. Good. Lots of //leche//. Good quality //leche// as well. To be expected from such a //trozo musculoso//. My producer will want me to squeeze more."<br> <br> You feel the living bodysuit tighten around your body. As if it's taking a stronger grip.<br> <br> "She'll want me to squeeze it all."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Negralima-V: Full Drain]]
<br><br> "Good. Good. Lots of //leche//. And you agreed to give me it all, so let's give you a good squeeze, //mi cariño//."<br> <br> You feel the living bodysuit tighten around your body. As if it's taking a stronger grip.<br> <br> "Here it comes."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Negralima-V: Full Drain]]
Negralima-V lets the bubble grow to the size of a tennis ball and then takes her hand off your cock.<br> <br> "Good. Good. Lots of //leche//," she says. "My producer will be happy."<br> <br> She lets you collapse back spent on the bench.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Negralima-V: Good End 2]]
The strange living bodysuit starts liquefying. It runs off your body, slithers down the metal legs of the bench and collects on the floor in a pool of shadow. From there it sends out pseudopods and other tendrils to grip the surface and propel it across the floor back to the gleaming white skeleton suspended in the metal frame. Black tendrils run up the leg bones like sinister veins. The rest follows to cover the bones in black goop. The substance shifts and fills out and reforms back into Negralima-V's familiar form, although she's skinnier and slighter than when she was 'wearing' you. Her sugar skull mask rises up out of the ooze to cover her face. She unhooks her hand from the metal bars and steps out of the metal frame.<br> <br> A little black ball of rubber hangs from her right palm. It looks contiguous with the rest of her bodysuit. The walls are not quite opaque and white liquid can be seen sloshing around inside.<br> <br> "A good sample for my producer," she says.<br> <br> She looks from the ball to you and makes a dismissive shooing gesture with her other hand.<br> <br> "You can go now," she says.<br> <br> The session is over. It was unusual, but as odd as it looked, it was a monstrously satisfying wank. As you get off the couch Negralima-V steps forwards to run a hand over your naked chest.<br> <br> "A good sturdy body," she says. "Maybe I'll wear it again sometime."<br> <br> Her hand reaches down and she gives your genitals a cheeky pinch. She gives you an equally cheeky wink and then steps back to allow you to put your clothes back on. She blows you a kiss as you head to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Negralima-V: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $hasSeenRed>> <<unset $isHighStr>>
Strange purple glyphs light up on the bodysuit all around your body. It starts pulsing. The tight rubbery substance starts rhythmically squeezing your flesh. Your temperature rises and keeps rising. At first you feel like you're sweating profusely within the glossy black bodysuit, then you wonder if you might actually be melting. It doesn't feel bad. As the temperature rises, so too does your arousal. <<if $isOutOfSemen>> Your <<else>> Despite ejaculating – and ejaculating powerfully – just moments ago, your <</if>> cock surges back to full throbbing hardness.<br> <br> "Lie back, //mi cariño//. This will feel //increíble!//"<br> <br> Still in control of your hands, she has you wrap both around your cock. She jerks them up and down in a double-fisted wank. It's not fast, but it feels //powerful//.<br> <br> The whole suit pulses around you with the same rhythm. It feels like waves flowing through you and concentrating everything down in your cock and balls.<br> <br> "Let it out," you hear Negralima-V whisper in your ear. "Let all that //leche// out."<br> <br> You gasp and twitch. It's your hands, but they're not under your control. It's stronger than masturbation. There's the living bodysuit on top. It heats you up. Feels wet inside. Wet like a vagina. Tight like a vagina. Warm and accepting like a vagina. Along with the jerking tugs of your hands you feel internal motion as the inside of the sheath sends rippling sucks up your throbbing erection.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> This time you plunge right over the precipice. <<else>> You feel your balls stirring again, even though it's so soon after the first. <</if>><br> <br> It's coming...<br> <br> [[Continue.->Negralima-V: Bad End]]
You feel it well up inside you and then glorious release as your cock spurts out a powerful stream. <<if $isOutOfSemen>> The end of your covered dick starts to swell like a bubble or balloon. You grunt and pour even more cum into it. The walls stretch enough to lose their opacity. Through them you can see a milky-white liquid sloshing around. <<else>> The bulbous rubber bladder at the end of your cock expands as you pour more semen into it. <</if>><br> <br> Negralima-V maintains the flow with skilful strokes of your hands. The bodysuit continues to work it's magic on you.<br> <br> "Yes, //mi cariño//. Lots of lovely //leche//. You'll make my producer so happy. You're making me so happy."<br> <br> The black bodysuit contracts tighter around you. You're gripped by strange forces. It's not just that you feel like you're being squeezed, it's as if Negralima-V is trying to squeeze out the substance of your body as well. As if you're icing in a bag.<br> <br> Negralima-V keeps milking you. She's milking out all your cum.<br> <br> //and maybe more//...<br> <br> The swollen balloon between your legs has grown impossibly large and yet more fluids keep pouring into it. You see your body start to slim in the mirror. It starts to resemble Negralima-V's original appearance.<br> <br> <<if $isHighStr>> "I can't wait to properly try out your bones," <<else>> "Your bones might not be my first choice, but I'll still take good care of them," <</if>> Negralima-V whispers in your ear as you fade into darkness.<br> <br> The black bodysuit throbs and squeezes, and squeezes, until everything of you has been squeezed out into the bulging black balloon. Then it liquefies, runs down the metal legs of the bench and collects on the floor in a pool of shadow. From there it slithers across the floor back to the metal frame at the back of the room, carrying a balloon filled with your liquefied remains as if it's the shell of a snail.<br> <br> The ooze reaches the skeleton, climbs up the bones and reforms back into the shape of Negralima-V. The balloon of liquid hangs from her right palm. She looks at it and smiles.<br> <br> All that remains of you on the bench are your bones, white and gleaming as if freshly polished. More for Negralima-V's collection.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Negralima-V: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
/* N-Carnizadalama */ <<set $hi to 62>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "N-Carnizadalama", shortDescription: "", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "N-Carnizadalama: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "N-Carnizadalama: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "N-Carnizadalama: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "N-Carnizadalama: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "N-Carnizadalama: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "N-Carnizadalama: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "N-Carnizadalama: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ <<set $player.currConst to 4>> /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $allHarlots[61].hasBeenVisited to true>> <<set $hi to 62>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a masked and veiled woman dressed in a flamboyant red flamenco dress. She's also wearing a wide-brimmed blood-red hat adorned in the same style.">>
"N-Carnizadalama? That little parasite. She does try. Bless her."<br> <br> $ takes a sip of her drink.<br> <br> "I don't know what $ was thinking when she created her. I doubt $ knows what she was thinking. The result, N-Carnizadalama, has some useful talents. She has a knack for really getting inside a man to find out all his little secret desires and turn-ons."<br> <br> $ chuckles ghoulishly.<br> <br> "She has a sibling of sorts, Negralima-V. They were both created by $ as by-products of the same failed experiment. Despite this, they despise each other. Completely and totally. As all siblings should."<br> <br> $ grins.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
N-Carnizadalama is an enigmatic presence as she accompanies you into the bar. She looks like an exotic dancer dressed in a fancy red flamenco dress and sporting a wide-brimmed hat. But //wrong//. What little skin you see is too pale and flawless, and also looks hard, like it belongs to a mannequin. Her dress and hat look wet and dripping, almost like they're made out of slime, although none of it drips anywhere. You try to ignore your misgivings as you find and sit at a spare table. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "N-Carnizadalama: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "N-Carnizadalama: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[N-Carnizadalama: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[N-Carnizadalama: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* Madam intro */ "This is our sultry dancer, N-Carnizadalama," $ says. "She'll set fires of passion burning in your veins.<br> <br> /* Long description */ N-Carnizadalama is dressed in a flamboyant red flamenco dress. Her dress is bright scarlet and decorated with many ruffles. She wears a wide-brimmed hat decorated in the same style. The face beneath it is hidden by both white mask and a scarlet veil over her mouth. Her hands are covered with long red gloves, also decorated with the same red frills. The only bit of her body that isn't covered is a small patch of elbow between her gloves and sleeves of her dress. And you're not sure about that either. The exposed flesh you see has the same pale and artificial texture as a mannequin dummy, making you think it could also be some form of covering.<br> <br> Strangely, both the underside of her hat and dress look like they're wet and dripping, although they don't leave any wetness behind on the floor.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ N-Carnizadalama's elaborate dress swishes over the floor as she walks over to you.<br> <br> "Charmed to meet you, //mi corazón//," N-Carnizadalama says. "I am N-Carnizadalama."<br> <br> She offers a gloved hand. You accept it and are surprised it feels slightly wet and tacky.<br> <br> "Would you like to come up to my room for... a private dance?" <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Whatever the original intention, $ finds N-Carnizadalama useful for sniffing out strengths in men that aren't as visible to the eye.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Her hatred of Negralima-V is so strong she can sense her on anyone that's been with her. Woe betide any poor fool that goes up to her room after seeing Negralima-V first. The consequences are deliciously... nasty.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Do not drink water in N-Carnizadalama's presence. She will make you pay for it later. You don't want to become another one of her //'muñequitas'//.\""}>>
N-Carnizadalama's dark eyes look annoyed behind her mask.<br> <br> "//Tacaño hijo de puta!//"<br> <br> She storms off in an angry swish of scarlet ruffles.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name and a glass of red wine for N-Carnizadalama.<br> <br> <<if $sdi eq 0>> N-Carnizadalama laughs scornfully at your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name.<br> <br> "Oh, //mi corazón//. Is that all your constitution can handle?"<br> <br> <<elseif $sdi eq 4>> N-Carnizadalama looks approvingly at your drink.<br> <br> "Ah, a real man's drink. Mucho macho. Your liver must be strong."<br> <br> <</if>> You observe N-Carnizadalama as she holds her glass. There's not much visible. The lower half of her face is hidden behind a red veil. The rest of her face is covered in a featureless white mask. Her dark eyes are big and expressive, but the rest of her is completely unreadable.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[61].hasBeenVisited>> She cocks her head. "Have you been with the //puta negra?// I despise her and all who've been with her."<br> <br> You're not sure who she means and she sees it. She looks around at the other tables.<br> <br> "Maybe it's one of the other men. She's like oil. She gets on men and they can never get rid of the stain. Leaves a horrible stench. Ah, but that's enough about that worthless //puta//."<br> <br> She turns back to you. Her eyes are bright behind her mask.<br> <br> <</if>> "I offer a very unusual experience," N-Carnizadalama says. "Very //íntima//. I like to get inside a man and really find out what makes him tick. His desires. His passions. His loves."<br> <br> She lowers her voice.<br> <br> "What makes him come."<br> <br> The lustful intent is clear enough in her dark eyes.<br> <br> You look down and are surprised to see N-Carnizadalama's glass is empty. You don't remember seeing her drink it.<br> <br> You finish your drink and return with N-Carnizadalama to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [4,false,false], /* Survives */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $hasSeenBlack to $allHarlots[61].hasBeenVisited>> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<set $isHighCon to _testPassed>> <<include [[N-Carnizadalama: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[N-Carnizadalama: First-Time Scenario]]>>
N-Carnizadalama's room is both sensual and 'off'. The walls are hidden behind heavy scarlet drapes. They look like stage curtains. The floor is also polished wood, like a stage.<br> <br> Maybe N-Carnizadalama likes to dance. She is wearing the outfit of a flamenco dancer.<br> <br> You do wonder what the mannequins are for. There are maybe a dozen scattered around the edges of the room, mostly broken and crumbling. They're strangely lifelike and standing in different poses. The ones that can still stand anyway. All look old and weather-beaten, with limbs broken off and parts lying on the floor in crumbling chunks.<br> <br> N-Carnizadalama herself is dancing merrily around the back of the room. There is no music you can hear. You catch glimpses of her long legs, and they remind you of exquisitely sculpted mannequins. Her red dress swishes across the wooden floor. It looks strangely wet and //dripping//, yet leaves no stain on the wooden floor.<br> <br> She sees you and starts to dance for you. She swings her strange dress to the side and kicks out with her legs, as shameless as a burlesque can-can dancer. She swishes over to you, arms outstretched as if she wishes for you to join her in dance.<br> <br> You're still carrying your gift for her.<br> <br> You awkwardly stick out your arm to offer it.<br> <br> [[Continue.->N-Carnizadalama: Gift]]
"Oh, how nice, //mi corazón//. You shouldn't have."<br> <br> N-Carnizadalama takes it from you and whirls away. She pauses to gaze flirtatiously at you over her shoulder.<br> <br> "You really shouldn't have. The only thing I desire is you, //mi corazón//.<br> <br> She stashes your gift behind one of the curtains. Then she has you undress and you stand awkwardly while you wait for her to return.<br> <br> N-Carnizadalama comes back and dances flamboyantly in front of you.<br> <br> "What do you think, //mi corazón//?" N-Carnizadalama says. "Am I not beautiful."<br> <br> She is. Elegance in motion.<br> <br> "Do I not inflame your passions, your blood," she says.<br> <br> She does, but there is also an undercurrent of //offness// that's difficult to put a finger on. Her limbs remind you more of a mannequin. They have the same artificial look as her mask. Her dress, with all its elaborate folds and ruffles, also seems not right – less something made out of fabric and more like something living... //wet//.<br> <br> N-Carnizadalama is never still long enough for you to get a good look. And then she's behind you. At least her fingers feel warm and real enough as she gently kneads your neck and muscles.<br> <br> "Such a... vital body," N-Carnizadalama says.<br> <br> She leans closer and plants hot wet kisses on the back of your neck. She moves round to your throat. It's when she battens her lips down on your jugular that things go a little strange.<br> <br> [[Continue.->N-Carnizadalama: Bite]]
There are no fangs. Something enters your neck, but it does so without pain. There is no sucking either. N-Carnizadalama does not take your blood. She adds to it instead, pouring something of herself into your veins.<br> <br> And not just at your neck. Her fingertips press against, and then into your sides. The hem of her dress – wet and sticky – adheres to your legs and sends tendrils up their veins. Her hat – also wet and disturbingly organic – wraps around the back of your head. Tentacles worm into your ears and squirm deeper.<br> <br> N-Carnizadalama's invasion should provoke terror and revulsion. Instead it brings with it euphoric bliss, as if she's just shot the purest and highest grade heroin into your veins.<br> <br> "Don't be alarmed."<br> <br> You hear N-Carnizadalama's voice directly in your brain. At first. Then she alters your perception so it sounds like she's whispering behind you.<br> <br> "Coupling with me is different to what you're used to. And..."<br> <br> <<if $hasSeenBlack>> N-Carnizadalama pauses.<br> <br> "Ugh! What is that taste? You've been with her, haven't you. That //puta negra//."<br> <br> [[Continue.->N-Carnizadalama: Horror End]] <<else>> She lowers her voice to whisper more huskily.<br> <br> "...extremely pleasurable."<br> <br> [[Continue.->N-Carnizadalama: In Veins]] <</if>>
N-Carnizadalama's tendrils spasm within you, triggering nausea and discomfort.<br> <br> "She's left her stink all over you. It suffuses every fibre of your being. It's... vile."<br> <br> Rather than retreating, N-Carnizadalama sends her tendrils deeper. They wrap around your internal organs.<br> <br> "I can't stand it. It drives me mad."<br> <br> N-Carnizadalama's voice degenerates to an inarticulate scream of rage in your head. Her tendrils go berserk inside you. They burst blood vessels and crush organs. The rampage results in your insides getting gruesomely pulped. You sag, blood and other fluids leaking from every orifice.<br> <br> It's not a good way to go.<br> <br> <<include [[N-Carnizadalama: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
The pleasure is indescribable. It feels like liquid sunshine flowing through your veins. Tendrils of N-Carnizadalama twine through your body. They slither up into your brain and directly fondle your pleasure centres. The slither around and envelop your internal organs in warm blankets. They dive down into your testicles and send pulsing throbs of pleasure throughout your whole body.<br> <br> Overwhelmed, you collapse backwards. You're supported by N-Carnizadalama. Her body has shifted and changed, become more amorphous. She supports your weight like a comfortable armchair.<br> <br> "Don't be concerned, <<if $isHighCon or $cgi eq 0>>//mi muñequita//,"<<else>>//mi amor//,"<</if>> N-Carnizadalama whispers. "I can also trigger more earthly pleasures."<br> <br> You feel her on your balls... in your balls. It feels like she's caressing them all over with skilful fingers. Then gently pumping them as if exhorting them to grow and ripen. She's also inside them with tickling fingers. Your balls begin to swell and fill up.<br> <br> Her inner fingers also travel up into your cock and cause it to swell. At first it's just a regular erection, then it swells further still, bigger than it's ever been before.<br> <br> "It's a little different, when done like this, is it not, <<if $isHighCon or $cgi eq 0>>//mi muñequita//,"<<else>>//mi amor//,"<</if>> N-Carnizadalama whispers in your ear.<br> <br> It feels like you're being jerked off, but the hand is on the inside. There is the sensation of silky-smooth strokes, and more. The little hands also rub the outside of your urethra. They tickle and caress every cell inside your cock.<br> <br> "Let's give you a sight to match this sensation, <<if $isHighCon or $cgi eq 0>>//mi muñequita//,"<<else>>//mi amor//,"<</if>> N-Carnizadalama says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->N-Carnizadalama: Sex]]
Fine tendrils worm within your skull. N-Carnizadalama blinks into being in your lap, with your substantial erection inside her. It's a perfect version of N-Carnizadalama as well. Rather than the cold hard shell of a mannequin, she has a warm fleshy body with dusky tanned skin. She's naked, hot, and very sexy. Her body is perfect, with everything proportioned to match your deepest, //wettest// fantasies.<br> <br> She //is// the woman of your deepest, wettest fantasies. You'd think it an illusion, but you can feel her arms around you... her weight on your lap... the tight clutch of her vagina wrapped around your cock.<br> <br> "Yes, <<if $isHighCon or $cgi eq 0>>//mi muñequita!//"<<else>>//mi amor!//"<</if>> N-Carnizadalama says. "Make love to me."<br> <br> She bounces smoothly in your lap. You feel her lovely tight pussy stroke up and down your cock. Also up and down //inside// your cock.<br> <br> "Yes, <<if $isHighCon or $cgi eq 0>>//mi muñequita//.<<else>>//mi amor//.<</if>> //Leche//. Give me your lovely //leche//."<br> <br> She tips her head back and moans. She wraps her legs around you and grinds her crotch against you. You feel the urge to come rising within you.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Check Semen Without Change]]>> "Oh yes. Give me that //leche//."<br> <br> [[Contine.->N-Carnizadalama: Ejaculation]]
<<set $semenChange to -2>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> Her 'vagina' tightens around you. You feel your cock throb inside her. Your balls throb to the same rhythm. It's N-Carnizadalama inside you. <<if $isOutOfSemen>> Your body is reluctant to fire, but N-Carnizadalama <<else>> She <</if>> has puppet strings on your nerves and muscles, and pulls them to fire and move as if you are orgasming, and that in turn causes you to orgasm, and //powerfully//.<br> <br> You groan, pump your hips and let it go in a great throbbing spurt. N-Carnizadalama is still at work within you. She squeezes your balls, then squeezes your semen up your urethra. You loll in stupefied bliss as your body is tricked into thinking it's the most powerful and orgasmic ejaculation you've ever experienced.<br> <br> "Oh, so much //leche//," N-Carnizadalama whispers. It's coming from behind you again. The illusion of her in your lap has gone.<br> <br> You groan as another – N-Carnizadalama induced – spasm rocks your loins. You spurt your come powerfully into the air. Or would if there wasn't something there to catch it. It looks like the teat of a condom, the rubber scarlet instead of clear. It's filled with a bubble of milky liquid and hangs from the end of your cock. It would be easy to mistake it for the end of a novelty condom, except the red rubber balloon is coming from the inside of your urethra.<br> <br> Your body shudders in another massive orgasm and the red rubber bladder swells as you spurt more cum into it.<br> <br> <<if $isHighCon>> <<include [[N-Carnizadalama: Begin End: High Con]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[N-Carnizadalama: Begin End: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[N-Carnizadalama: Begin End: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[N-Carnizadalama: Begin End: Good]]>> <</if>>
"What a lovely sample and what a lovely body. You're just what my producer is looking for. When I find one as perfect as you, my producer insists I extract as much as possible from them. The best part..."<br> <br> Her whisper seems to come from right next to your ear.<br> <br> "...I'm allowed to keep the body afterwards."<br> <br> [[Continue.->N-Carnizadalama: Bad End]]
"I would stop here, but you requested me to go all the way. You made an excellent choice, //mi muñequita//. I'll give you pleasure like you've never experienced before, or will again."<br> <br> [[Continue.->N-Carnizadalama: Bad End]]
"You were depleted, so I had to use a little trick to get you to come. Sadly, //mi muñequita//, it triggers a process that cannot be stopped once it's set in motion."<br> <br> [[Continue.->N-Carnizadalama: Bad End]]
"Ah, that's enough," N-Carnizadalama says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->N-Carnizadalama: Good End]]
N-Carnizadalama leaves your body with the same ease as she entered it. Her tendrils pull back from around your loins, your vital organs, your brain, and flow back out through your blood vessels. They pour out of the end of your cock, your legs, ears and the point where she kissed you on the neck. They leave no damage behind. Even the entry points close up and heal to unmarked skin. The only thing you're left with is a longing to re-experience that incredible bliss.<br> <br> You fall panting to your knees while N-Carnizadalama pulls the alien substance of her body back together. She stands – a living mannequin with a dress and hat that look far too wet and //alive//. Dangling from the palm of her left hand is a little rubber bladder filled with milky liquid.<br> <br> "A good sample, //mi amor//. My producer will be pleased," N-Carnizadalama says. "I hope you didn't find the obtaining of it too //invasive//."<br> <br> You don't want to think too much about it. Better to focus on that orgasm. Or orgasms, it felt like there was more than one of them. That was powerful. Really powerful. It takes you a while to get your jangling nerves back under your control.<br> <br> N-Carnizadalama watches you. Her dark eyes glitter with amusement behind her plain white mask.<br> <br> "Take it easy, //mi amor//," she says. "You have a long night ahead of you."<br> <br> N-Carnizadalama holds the ball of your 'sample' in her left hand.<br> <br> "Oh, and because you gave me such a good sample, I'll give you a little tip. Stay away from that //puta// Negralima-V. She's only interested in a man's bones."<br> <br> You thank her, retrieve your clothes and head for the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[N-Carnizadalama: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $hasSeenBlack>> <<unset $isHighCon>>
A violent tremor runs through your body. You grunt and buck and let loose a thunderous ejaculation. The little red bladder dangling from the end of your cock swells as you pump more semen into it.<br> <br> That one was too powerful. Perspiration beads your skin. You feel like you've just done a heavy gym session.<br> <br> It's not the last of it.<br> <br> "Pour it all out, //mi muñequita//," N-Carnizadalama says. "There's no need to be afraid. It won't take long and it will feel truly... //orgásmico//."<br> <br> You can feel her inside you. She has fingers everywhere... caressing... fondling... coaxing... //squeezing//.<br> <br> Another volcanic shudder runs through you. You lift your hips and groan as you feel another monstrous ejaculation push its way up your cock.<br> <br> The orgasms don't stop. N-Carnizadalama squeezes your organs like a milkmaid tugging the udders of a cow. And – just like with the milkmaid – each squeeze elicits a powerful jet of fluids from your cock. The red balloon at the end keeps expanding as you fill it with an impossible amount of semen.<br> <br> That fluid comes from the rest of your body. There is no pain. N-Carnizadalama has her fingers in your brain, stimulating your pleasure centres. She shuts everything else out and drops you into an endless wet dream of fucking her hot sexy body over and over.<br> <br> Until your brain is the last remaining part of your body to squeeze 'milk' from...<br> <br> She replaces your fluids with the substance of her body, and your flesh and skin pales and hardens to resemble the casing of a mannequin.<br> <br> <<if $isHighCon>> "What a splendidly robust body. You'll make a lovely new host," <<elseif $cgi eq 0>> "Thank you for your gift. I'll treasure my new body," <<else>> "An ordinary body, but it will have to suffice. You'll keep me going until I find a better host," <</if>> N-Carnizadalama whispers as everything fades to black.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[N-Carnizadalama: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"How peculiar," $ says afterwards. "So she's not a living woman, or even a living //demon// woman. She's just a sentient ink blob that can take the form of a pretty woman."<br> <br> $'s face is thoughtful.<br> <br> "There are possibilities there, if maybe not in the bedroom."<br> <br> He sighs.<br> <br> "It's all moot. She's never once shown the slightest bit of interest in me."
$ pulls a disgusted face after you finish your account.<br> <br> "I heard rumours she was an attempt by that mad scientist potion brewer to make a synthetic slime girl. After a surprisingly pleasant experience with a harlot of that type, I was hoping she might be similar."<br> <br> He shakes his head.<br> <br> "That experience sounds altogether too... invasive."
<<set $hi to 51>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Nef 0-CWMWL", shortDescription: "", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, hasTakenTestWhileSocialising: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Nef: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Nef: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Nef: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Nef: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Nef: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Nef: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Nef: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Nef: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
/* N3P-NTHes */ <<set $hi to 69>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "N3P-NTHes", shortDescription: "", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "N3P-NTHes: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "N3P-NTHes: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "N3P-NTHes: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "N3P-NTHes: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "N3P-NTHes: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "N3P-NTHes: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "N3P-NTHes: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "N3P-NTHes: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 1>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 69>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "an aloof but attractive woman dressed in an elaborate steampunk costume of red and black latex that would be too risqué for most conventions. She sits cross-legged on a glossy red cushion that floats about three feet off the ground.">>
/* Madam intro */ "Ah, I suppose it's time to give her a turn," $ mutters under her breath.<br> <br> She puts on a too-wide smile for you.<br> <br> "This is the... pneumatic N3P-NTHes. She'll suck your balls dry," $ says. "And probably the rest of you as well," she mutters under her breath."<br> <br> /* Long description */ N3P-NTHes sits cross-legged on a glossy red cushion like a fakir. Even without that, she still looks odd. Attractive, but odd. She wears a tight black latex bodysuit that looks a little too odd to be fully arousing. It has strange plastic ball joints at her elbows and shoulders, and lengths of black rubber hose curve between them. The top of the costume forms a tight rubber hood with a window for her face. Her features are sharp and coldly beautiful. Her complexion is pale enough for her face to almost look like a mask.<br> <br> Her bodysuit also has a large window at her chest to expose her breasts. They must be exposed as you can clearly see her perky little nipples. However, her skin is bright red and glossy, as if her tits have been coated in red latex paint. There is a similar opening at her crotch, although the angle at which she's sitting makes it hard to see anything. You can see the flesh is painted red there as well. Or is red.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ N3P-NTHes floats smoothly over to introduce herself. <<if $player.charms.includes(13)>> As she does, you notice a strange flickering, as if you're watching a projection or hologram. <</if>><br> <br> "I am N3P-NTHes. I will put you in my pitcher and suck you dry," she states matter-of-factly. <br>
"N3P-NTHes doesn't socialise," $ says.<br> <br> She pulls a face.<br> <br> "Trust me, my dear, you're not missing out on anything. Someone neglected to give that one the ability for idle chatter."<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"N3P-NTHes? Is that horror still puffing? I'm surprised $ hasn't had her dismantled."<br> <br> $ lets out a plume of smoke.<br> <br> "She's one of $'s creations. An early one. $ modelled her after carnivorous pitcher plant daemons. Somehow, $ managed to give her less personality. Less personality than a vegetable, no wonder $ regards her as old shame."<br> <br> $ scoffs.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"The seating in her room is a trap. Anyone sitting on it will fall through into her pitcher and be mercilessly milked.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"If she can get a man to come, she'll drain him completely. Your best chance of survival is to empty out your balls beforehand, so they're completely empty when you visit her.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"N3P-NTHes is one of $'s early creations. It takes her a couple of ejaculations to lock in the right technique and stimulation to get a man to helplessly spunk everything out.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[N3P-NTHes: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[N3P-NTHes: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [8,false,false] /* Player Survives */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[N3P-NTHes: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[N3P-NTHes: First-Time Scenario]]>>
N3P-NTHes's room is as odd as her appearance. It's dark and resembles some kind of strange factory, only one from an alternate future where steam was adopted instead of electricity. Thick black pipes hang down from a ceiling clogged with various banks of instruments. There is no floor. The room falls away into a pit so dark you can't see the bottom. A narrow metal gantry leads over to N3P-NTHes in the centre of the room.<br> <br> N3P-NTHes is standing behind a strange reverse circular sofa. As you walk over you see the seats look over-padded and upholstered in glossy red latex. Rather than outwards, the seating is a ring facing inwards. More intimate, you suppose. N3P-NTHes is still wearing that strange steampunk costume of black and red latex with the plastic balls at her joints and hosepipe connecting them. Windows in her bodysuit expose her bust, but that too appears to have a latex covering – of red rather than black.<br> <br> Strangely, the black exterior of the sofa extends down beneath the metal platform like the bottom three quarters of an egg.<br> <br> N3P-NTHes watches you impassively as you approach. Her head is a tight black latex hood with only her face visible. While coldly beautiful, it's also pale enough for you to wonder if it's some kind of mask. You also wonder if there's some kind of strange optical illusion in the room. As you get closer, N3P-NTHes seems... big.<br> <br> Something feels weird here.<br> <br> Remembering the ritual, you hold up your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->N3P-NTHes: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[N3P-NTHes: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[N3P-NTHes: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> And that's that. She doesn't tell you what to do with it. She just stares at you with her beautiful but expressionless face.<br> <br> In the end you leave it on the floor of the metal platform. She can pick it up later.<br> <br> [[Continue.->N3P-NTHes: Undress]]
"I don't get many of those," N3P-NTHes says as you show her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.
"That doesn't interest me," N3P-NTHes says as you show her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.
"Now come. Sit," N3P-NTHes says.<br> <br> She leans over and thrusts out her tits while running her hands over the shiny red backrests. It's an odd piece of furniture – some kind of circular sofa, but with the seating facing inwards in a ring. The seating is upholstered in livid red latex and looks overstuffed but comfortable. There doesn't appear to be much room in the seating well. Two people sitting opposite would find it fairly cramped with their knees knocking together.<br> <br> That's probably the point.<br> <br> "Take your clothes off first," N3P-NTHes says. "The seats are internally heated. You'll find it to be adequately comfortable."<br> <br> Her breasts are thrust forwards alluringly, her hands caress the glossy seats. Her face still seems cold. There's also some weird optical effect going on. Why is she so big? You would have sworn she wasn't that tall downstairs.<br> <br> Glancing into the seating well, with the seats covered in livid red latex, also makes you think of a sphincter, or the opening to a maw. And once the image is in your mind, you can't get rid of it, even with N3P-NTHes's luscious figure leaning over it.<br> <br> [[Do as she says.->N3P-NTHes: Enter Seat]]<br> [[This doesn't feel right. Make your excuses and leave.->N3P-NTHes: Early Leave]]
You take off your clothes and leave them in a neat pile on the metal platform. The circular sofa, while stylish, is impractical. The seating all faces inward, so you have to awkwardly clamber over the back to get in. Once you do that, the seating seems comfortable enough. The glossy surface feels soft and smooth, like skin. As N3P-NTHes stated, it's internally heated and feels warm beneath your naked skin.<br> <br> As you settle into the seat, the one thing you do notice is that the seat and backrest don't appear to be filled with anything. They have a give and bounce to them akin to inflated rubber. There's not much space in the well. Enough for your legs, but it would be tight if N3P-NTHes is sitting opposite you. Not that you think N3P-NTHes's legs will be going in there. You think they'll be astride you as she straddles your lap.<br> <br> That will work. More than work. The seating has enough spring to it to make the prospect... exciting. You eagerly wait for N3P-NTHes to take her clothes off and join you.<br> <br> N3P-NTHes doesn't seem to be in any hurry to do that. She stands behind the back of the seat and smiles imperiously down at you.<br> <br> "Are you sitting comfortably?" she asks.<br> <br> You hear a loud hissing sound and the seat gives way beneath you. It was inflated with air, and once that air is taken away, the seating deflates and no longer supports you. You slide into a shallow pit with rubber walls. It's about a foot deeper than you are tall.<br> <br> [[Continue.->N3P-NTHes: Enter Pitcher]]
This doesn't feel right. The puffed up red covering. The small seating well. You can't shake the feeling it reminds you of a gaping maw. This feels like a trap.<br> <br> And you have no intention of climbing into it.<br> <br> You apologise and tell N3P-NTHes you've changed your mind. You've had an attack of nerves. You no longer feel up to it.<br> <br> N3P-NTHes says nothing... at first. She waits until you're halfway back across the narrow walkway before calling out after you.<br> <br> "I'm not like $'s other trained house pets," she says. "I do not let men walk away."<br> <br> The two halves of the walkway suddenly drop away like a trapdoor. You drop down into the pit below. It's a long fall followed by a bone-crunching impact with the hard stone floor far below. You're not the first. Before you expire, you see countless other bones scattered around you.<br> <br> <<include [[N3P-NTHes: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You look up through a circular opening. N3P-NTHes is looming over the back of the seat and looking down at you.<br> <br> "Subject has entered milking pitcher. Commencing restraint protocols."<br> <br> What does she mean by that?<br> <br> You hear hissing sounds. The soft rubber walls start to swell inwards. The space inside the pit shrinks. You're lifted up until your head pushes through the shrinking hole at the top. The opening continues to close as a rubber ring inflates. Thankfully, the air pressure stops short of actually choking you and instead forms a snug collar around your neck.<br> <br> The rubber walls continue to expand inwards. The soft membranes billow around you as air is pumped into them. You feel them press around you as they expand. Your legs are forced together. Your arms are pinned to your sides. The walls continue to expand until you feel like you're pressed between giant rubber balloons.<br> <br> "You will not be crushed," N3P-NTHes states matter-of-factly. "My producer put stress receptors in the walls, so I can gauge the correct pressure."<br> <br> The walls swell until you're held firmly in place. It's like being wrapped in a giant rubber cocoon. You can barely move at all. At least you can still breathe.<br> <br> "She also wired them up to my pleasure receptors," N3P-NTHes says. "It gives me a great deal of sexual pleasure to have a man trapped in my milking pitcher."<br> <br> If it's true, she doesn't show it. Her voice is flat and her demeanour is completely emotionless.<br> <br> "Subject restrained and held in optimal position. Deploying milking unit."<br> <br> [[Continue.->N3P-NTHes: Milking]]
Something pokes up against your crotch. Your cock is sucked into an elastic sheath wet with lubricant. The rubber sheath appears to be in some kind of vacuum tube. Changes in air pressure cause it to rhythmically contract around your cock and suck it deeper.<br> <br> "My producer told me I should put on a show and talk dirty to the subject," N3P-NTHes says, her voice still flat and emotionless. "I don't see the point. Their bodies will respond to the stimulation whether they're aroused or not."<br> <br> N3P-NTHes is right. You feel your cock lengthen within the soft rubber sheath. The alternating cycles of pressure suck your erection in deeper and generate a pleasant stroking sensation on your cock.<br> <br> There is no romanticism to it at all. And barely any eroticism, although it does feel quite pleasant on your cock. N3P-NTHes doesn't care. You're here to be milked, not made love to. She is expressionless as she stares down at you.<br> <br> The pulsing suction on your cock increases in strength and speed. N3P-NTHes varies the speed and force as if trying to unlock the combination that triggers the greatest stimulation.<br> <br> It doesn't take her long to find it.<br> <br> It might be nothing more than a machine – an artificial sheath to milk your cock as if it's the udders of a cow, but the stroking sensation, suction and gentle pressure around your cock reach a point where it starts to trigger an autonomous reaction. You feel a stirring in your balls.<br> <br> "That appears to elicit the maximum response," N3P-NTHes says.<br> <br> She keeps sucking on and stroking your cock with the same rhythm and force. The inflated rubber walls start pulsing around your naked body with the same rhythm.<br> <br> "It won't take long now," N3P-NTHes says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->N3P-NTHes: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[N3P-NTHes: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[N3P-NTHes: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
You think she might be right on that, but she isn't.<br> <br> The stimulation – the throbbing, pulsing, sucks – is incredible. You feel the urge to come build within you. Your toes curl. Your body trembles. The only thing missing is that final burst of climax.<br> <br> You writhe within the padded milking pitcher as her elastic sheath remorselessly sucks on you. You're unable to get away from the stimulation. N3P-NTHes keeps mercilessly stroking your cock. Merciless to the point you start to feel twinges of discomfort. As if she's working it too hard.<br> <br> N3P-NTHes keeps going for a while. As good, and as insistent, as it feels, N3P-NTHes cannot suck you to orgasm. She's too impersonal and you are too drained.<br> <br> "No ejaculate detected," N3P-NTHes says flatly. "Subject is defective or has already been fully depleted. Applying disposal protocols."<br> <br> The bottom of the chamber opens up. The walls deflate with a hiss. With nothing to hold you in place, you slide out and drop into the pit below. It's a long fall followed by a bone-crunching impact with the hard stone floor far below. You're not the first. Before you expire, you see countless other bones scattered around you.<br> <br> <<include [[N3P-NTHes: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
It doesn't.<br> <br> You might be hooked up to an unfeeling machine, but the stimulation cannot be denied. You feel the urge to come build within you. Your toes curl, your body starts to tremble. It's coming...<br> <br> As much as you want to deny N3P-NTHes's expressionless mask of a face, you can't. The stimulation is too much. N3P-NTHes knows it too. As much as she tries not to display any emotion, there's a smug smirk at the corner of her lips.<br> <br> She watches as you finally lose control. Your body shudders and you pump out a massive load into the milking sheath. The climax is as powerful as if you'd pumped it into a lovely warm pussy. However, there's a lack of mental connection. This ejaculation, as massive and shuddering as it is, was forced out of you, and some part of your body recognises it. That tempers the usual pleasure.<br> <br> "Ejaculation induced. Sample collected," N3P-NTHes says.<br> <br> Your ejaculate is vacuumed away from your cock with the greatest efficiency. You slump within her milking pitcher. You feel strangely defeated.<br> <br> If it is a surrender, N3P-NTHes does not accept it. The milking unit continues to stimulate your cock with pulsing strokes. Caught in the grip of such irresistible stimulation, your erection refuses to go down.<br> <br> "Optimum amplitude and pressure found," N3P-NTHes says. "Commencing full milking."<br> <br> She smiles coldly down at you.<br> <br> "I'm going to suck it all out of you."<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> [[Continue.->N3P-NTHes: End Decider]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[N3P-NTHes: Good End 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[N3P-NTHes: Bad End 1]]>> <</if>>
You fear she's going to make good on that threat, but it doesn't happen. You writhe within the padded milking pitcher as her elastic sheath remorselessly sucks on you. You're unable to get away from the stimulation. N3P-NTHes keeps mercilessly stroking your cock. Merciless to the point you start to feel twinges of discomfort. As if she's working it too hard.<br> <br> N3P-NTHes keeps up the stimulation for a while, but this time is not able to make you come. She slows it down.<br> <br> "Subject is no longer responding to optimal amplitude and pressure. Subject appears to have already been heavily drained by other lust daemons. Semen reserves have not recovered to the amount required to induce continuous ejaculation."<br> <br> You think she's right. It feels good enough that you want to come, but your body doesn't appear to have anything left.<br> <br> "I could make you come," N3P-NTHes states, "but $'s rules prohibit me from causing unnecessary discomfort to the subject."<br> <br> Right after saying that, she turns the stroking speed up to max for a blast of stimulation. It's leaves you panting and feeling like your cock is red raw.<br> <br> It's still not enough. You are empty.<br> <br> N3P-NTHes's face doesn't show it, but she's clearly unhappy about this.<br> <br> "Subject is unable to proceed. Halting milking program."<br> <br> [[Continue.->N3P-NTHes: Good End 2]]
You fear she might be able to make good on that threat. Even though you've just come, she doesn't stop. You feel the unit press up against your crotch. Your cock is sucked deep into the elastic sheath and the stroking sensations continue. Your cock stays hard and eager.<br> <br> "Subject possesses sufficient reserves," N3P-NTHes says. "Milking can continue without risk of causing discomfort."<br> <br> You hear hissing sounds. The rubber walls inflate further, squeezing your body between them. The pressure increases around your penis. Your hips move back and forth as much as they're allowed – which isn't much – as your cock is rhythmically sucked within the soft sheath. The tugging sensation is far more powerful than a vagina or mouth can generate.<br> <br> "I have your rhythm," N3P-NTHes says. "This will trigger a sympathetic nervous response."<br> <br> By that, she means suck you to an orgasm just as powerful – or maybe more powerful – than the previous one. You groan in pleasure and spurt more semen as the second orgasmic climax overtakes you. Again, your issue is efficiently sucked – //vacuumed// – away.<br> <br> N3P-NTHes's milking machine... pussy... whatever it is... continues to suck on your cock with great throbbing pulses. Your ejaculation stops, but doesn't feel //done//. The elastic sheath continues to gently squeeze and tug on your cock. You feel like you want to go again.<br> <br> You hear more hissing sounds and the soft rubber walls press in tighter. You're drawn down lower. Your cock continues to be stimulated with powerful throbbing sucks.<br> <br> "Ah yes, there's plenty here," N3P-NTHes says. Then more robotically: "Maximum sympathetic nervous response stimulated. Approaching critical climax."<br> <br> [[Continue.->N3P-NTHes: Bad End 2]]
The stroking suction stops. The milking unit is retracted back into the wall. You hear loud hissing sounds. The walls deflate and pull away from you. You're free to move again, although you're still stuck in a rubber pit and can only lean unsteadily against one of the deflating rubber walls.<br> <br> The floor rises up beneath you. You're lifted back up level with the seats and fall back into one. It's been reinflated with air and can support your weight this time. You still don't get to stay there long. N3P-NTHes leans in, picks you up and casually tosses you out of the circular seating well. You land on the metal platform and almost roll off the edge. You lie there shivering while you try to recover.<br> <br> "Your semen reserves are insufficient," N3P-NTHes states. "Return when they've had a chance to replenish. The nurse can help you with this."<br> <br> She goes back to staring straight ahead. From this angle you can see she's not standing behind the seating well. Her lower body is embedded into and merges with the back of the seats.<br> <br> N3P-NTHes continues to stare straight ahead and ignores you as you retrieve your clothes and scramble back over the walkway to the exit.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[N3P-NTHes: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Another orgasm is building. Faster this time. You barely have a chance to feel the stirrings in your balls before they boil over. This one is massive. You tremble uncontrollably as you spurt out a thick stream. The rubber sheath continues to remorselessly pump and stroke your erection. Something is wrong. A fourth orgasm blooms before the third has a chance to fade.<br> <br> Then a fifth.<br> <br> "Critical climax induced," N3P-NTHes says. "Commencing full drain."<br> <br> More hisses as the walls squeeze you tighter. The rubber around you seems to both soften and heat up. You heat up with it, but in a way that feels sexual. The rubber sheath grips your cock and sucks harder.<br> <br> You grunt. You feel like something is coming loose.<br> <br> Then it does.<br> <br> You let out an erotic moan as semen floods out of your cock in a raging flood. N3P-NTHes pumps it out of you and you're helpless to stop it. This is unnatural now. You're spurting out far more than your body should be able to produce.<br> <br> N3P-NTHes laughs triumphantly as she continues her remorseless //squeeze//. Her full drain is exactly as she stated. Dark glyphs light up around the pot. Their dark sorcery takes hold of your body. All your fluids and soft tissues are converted to semen and pumped out by N3P-NTHes's indefatigable milking unit. She squeezes and squeezes you until you shrivel and shrink down to nothing but skin and bone.<br> <br> Then, once she's wrung every last drop out of you, the bottom of the chamber opens up. Your corpse is dropped down to join the other skeletons littering the floor far below.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[N3P-NTHes: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"Ah, N3P-NTHes. She's one of $'s early models, I believe. I know very little about her."<br> <br> He pulls out a little black notebook.<br> <br> "Tell me what you know about N3P-NTHes."<br> <br>
"How thoroughly horrible. A mechanical monstrosity created to milk men. She doesn't even pretend we're anything other than livestock to her."<br> <br> $ shakes his head.<br> <br> "You should consider yourself lucky. It's a rare occasion when a man's body failing on him turns out to be to his advantage."
/* Rwberia Godr-0-sgwid */ <<set $hi to 79>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Rwberia Godr-0-sgwid", shortDescription: "", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Rwberia: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Rwberia: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Rwberia: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Rwberia: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Rwberia: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Rwberia: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Rwberia: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Rwberia: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Rwberia: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 4>> /* <<set $player.charms.push(18)>> */ /* <<set $player.currStr to 5>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to 5>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to 3>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to 3>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to 1>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to 1>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsSlutty to true>> /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 79>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 0>> <<set $isRwberiaTesting to false>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a bookish but attractive woman wearing spectacles. Her dark blue hair is done up in a bun and she's wearing a strange outfit that resembles a lab coat crossed with a voluminous ballgown.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is one of $'s very special creations, the multi-faceted, multi-talented Rwberia Godr-0-sgwid," $ says. "She has more attachments to milk a man dry than I can count!"<br> <br> /* Long description */ Rwberia Godr-0-sgwid looks more suited to a library than a whorehouse. She wears a pair of bookish spectacles and her dark blue hair is done up in tight bun and held in place by long hairpins. Her smile is more motherly in nature and her hourglass figure is very generous in the chest department.<br> <br> She wears a strange outfit that looks like a lab coat above the waist, then expands out into an expansive ballgown below it. Beneath her coat she wears a simple white tank top cut low enough to expose a generous chasm of cleavage.<br> <br> The more you look at Rwberia, the more you get the impression something is... off. Her smile and complexion is a little too perfect. Plastic. As if she's an extremely advanced android. It's confirmed when you see her 'blink'. Plastic shutters come together horizontally across her eyes instead of vertically, and they meet with an audible click. Whatever she is, it isn't flesh and blood.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Rwberia curtsies politely as she introduces herself.<br> <br> "I am the advanced semen extraction unit, Rwberia Godr-0-sgwid. I have been designed and programmed for your comfort. I have multiple specialised sucking appendages for your pleasure at my disposal."<br> <br> She blinks again with an audible click and then her expression changes, becomes unmistakably something more than machine.<br> <br> "You'll enjoy having your cock sucked by me."<br> <br> Her smile is pure filth.<br>
<<set $isHarlotTesting to true>> /* <<include [[Rwberia: Init Stat Blocks]]>> */ <<include [[Rwberia: Init Test Stat Blocks]]>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.currStr to 3>> <<set $player.currDex to 3>> <<set $player.currAgi to 3>> <<set $player.currConst to 3>> <<set $player.currWill to 3>> <<set $player.currInt to 3>> <<for _t to 0; _t lt $rwberiaStatBlocks.length; _t++>> <<set $chosenTentacle to _t>> <<include [[Rwberia: Determine Match Status]]>> <</for>> [[Test Again?->Test Rwberia Matching]]
"You're interested in that multi-limbed monstrosity? She'll milk you like a cow. It's what she was built to do."<br> <br> $ exhales a plume of smoke.<br> <br> "She's one of $'s creations – an artificial scylla. Her dress hides multiple semen-sucking tentacles. Each terminates in a specialised device designed to make a man ejaculate. They're very efficient, but it's all so... artificial."<br> <br> $ shudders in distaste.<br> <br> "Aside from that I'm afraid I cannot offer you my usual helpful advice. If Rwberia is playing a game, the rules are opaque to all but her. For most men, she sucks a nice big load out of them and sends them on their merry way. But, for some, she flips a switch... unlocks something inside them. Once they start, they can't stop ejaculating and then... slurp... she sucks them all up like milk from a carton."<br> <br> $ smiles ghoulishly.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She'll try three times to find a 'match'. If she fails to find one after then, she'll bring out her Big One and suck you dry.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"She has a suction tentacle she calls her \/\/Big One\/\/. It's the one she goes to as a last resort when her other tentacles have failed. If she brings it out then, that's curtains for you, my dear, as it will suck you dry.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ swirls her cocktail.\<br\>\<br\>\"However, you can also select it as one of the choices she offers you. Rwberia tones the suction down on it if it's picked that way. It's the only way to experience it and walk away afterwards. And you'll want to experience it. The suck on that thing... ooh, you wouldn't believe it, dear.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"While she'll be happy to take a regular sample, what Rwberia really wants is a 'perfect' match so she can completely drain a man. What triggers a perfect match is a mystery and varies from individual to individual. I think it has something to do with the physical attributes of a man.\""}>>
You still don't know what to make of Rwberia Godr-0-sgwid as she accompanies you into the bar. You're sure she's some kind of android, but every so often you catch a seductively sly cast to her features that just isn't possible to get from a construct of plastic and metal. Her dress is a strange mix of lab coat and ballgown. She seems to glide rather than walk. <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [13]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> You're sure you see something underneath writhing against the fabric. It puts you in mind of tentacles or a nest of snakes. <</if>><br> <br> She takes you to one of the round tables in the central area.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Rwberia: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Rwberia: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br> <br> "That's a shame," Rwberia says. "I'd like to stay. I don't drink anyway. Unfortunately, $ is very clear with her rules. My programming doesn't allow me to countermand them."<br> <br> She gets up and smoothly glides back to $<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Rwberia doesn't order anything. You suspect she doesn't need to drink anyway. The waitress returns with just a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you.<br> <br> Rwberia smiles pleasantly across from you. Her face is clearly attractive. With her glasses and hair done up in a 'grandmother' bun she makes you think of movie starlets dressing down and pretending to be the frumpy nerd girl.<br> <br> "So you wish to learn more about me." Rwberia gets right to the point. "I am one of $'s advanced semen extraction units. I have multiple appendages to stimulate a penis and induce ejaculation. Each specialises in providing a different pleasurable sensation. One will be perfect for you. And then..."<br> <br> You jolt as you feel a blast of air underneath the table. It pleasantly tickles your groin.<br> <br> Rwberia's eyelids click as she blinks. She drops the automata act to give you a playful smile.<br> <br> "I'd love to give you a demonstration right here."<br> <br> A flexible //something// nudges between your legs.<br> <br> "Sadly, it's against the rules. $ had my predecessor dismantled for breaking them. You'll have to visit me up in my room to experience them."<br> <br> The flexible //something// has an opening at the end. Rwberia uses it to gently suck at the front of your trousers.<br> <br> "I'd love for you to let me suck lots of rich creamy cum out of you."<br> <br> The mystery appendage gives a last little suck at the front of your trousers before retreating. Rwberia stands up and smoothly glides back to $ You're left wondering what she really has under that dress.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> /* There is no repeat visit for Mini-bosses */ <<include [[Rwberia: First-Time Scenario]]>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [4,false,false], /* sticky-gel */ [4,false,false], /* squooshy */ [4,false,false], /* cushioned */ [4,false,false], /* squeezer */ [4,false,false], /* puffer */ [4,false,false], /* vanilla */ [4,false,false], /* milker */ [4,false,false], /* licker */ [4,false,false], /* vacuum */ [4,false,false], /* stroker */ [4,false,false], /* fluffer */ [4,false,false], /* vibrator */ [1,false,false], /* more than 1 attempt */ [1,false,false] /* 3 attempts */ ] }>> <<include [[Rwberia: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Rwberia: Init Vars]]>> Rwberia Godr-0-sgwid's room looks more like a laboratory in an industrial complex than a hotel bedroom. It makes you wonder if you've accidentally wandered into the boiler room or somewhere similar. It's well lit. You see large storage tanks and banks of instruments with flashing lights.<br> <br> Rwberia is sitting at a desk and looking at a computer monitor when you enter. She gets up and glides over to meet you. That's when you notice there is no chair at the desk she was 'sitting' at.<br> <br> As for Rwberia, with her bookish glasses and dark blue hair tied up in a sensible bun she looks like a sexy librarian. The top half of her outfit resembles a stylish lab coat. The lower half billows out in a voluminous white dress that seems more suited to the ballroom.<br> <br> You give her your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Gift]]
<<set $rwberiaStatBlocks to [ [1,1,1,1,1,1], [3,3,3,3,3,3], [5,5,3,1,1,3], [1,1,5,3,3,5], [3,3,1,5,5,1], [4,3,2,3,2,4], [2,4,3,4,3,2], [3,2,4,2,4,3], [1,2,3,4,5,3], [5,1,2,2,4,4], [4,5,1,5,1,2], [2,4,5,3,3,1], [3,3,4,1,2,5] ]>>
/* pre-req $chosenTentacle */ <<set _rwberiaBlock to $rwberiaStatBlocks[$chosenTentacle]>> <<set _playerBlock to [ $player.currStr, $player.currAgi, $player.currDex, $player.currWill, $player.currInt, $player.currConst ]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Match Status Algorithm]]>>
Rwberia sees your gift, smiles and shakes her head.<br> <br> "Oh, no no. I know it's $'s tradition, but you don't have to do it <<if $cgi eq 0>> here."<br> <br> Then she notices you've brought her a $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Ah, I see you wish to make the maximum donation. Splendid. I'll give you the special treatment. You'll enjoy every drop I suck out of you." <<else>> here. The only thing you need to bring is yourself, and what's down here."<br> <br> She reaches between your legs and lightly strokes the underside of your balls. <</if>><br> <br> She takes your gift and places it on a nearby counter.<br> <br> "Now take your clothes off and stand here, please."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Undress]]
You do as she says. Rwberia presses a button on a raised control panel. A floor panel slides across and a padded stand smoothly rises up out of the ground. It resembles a life-size stick figure made out of clear plastic, with padded grey cushions on the front. Rwberia has you stand against it, then presses another button. The stand and the floor you're standing on tilts back five degrees. You lean back against the cushioned surface.<br> <br> "Now, my turn. Don't be alarmed," Rwberia says.<br> <br> She undoes buttons down the front of her voluminous dress and pulls it aside like curtains. Revealed beneath are not her legs but a writhing mass of tentacles. As with the rest of her, they seem artificial in appearance, being long segmented pipes of black rubber. Some terminate in strange bulbous structures that resemble vacuum cups. <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [13]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> While you suspected Rwberia had something unusual under her dress, seeing it revealed is still a shock. <</if>><br> <br> You're too stunned to react, and before you can, Rwberia coils tentacles around your legs, arms, and midriff, firmly binding you to the padded stand.<br> <br> "They always get alarmed," Rwberia says. "It's why my producer gave me these restraint tentacles. And this."<br> <br> She places a tentacle terminating in a cuplike mask over your mouth and nose. You hear a hissing sound and the mask is filled with a sweet fragrance.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Gas]]
The gas has an immediate effect. You suddenly feel very relaxed and comfortable, and completely unconcerned about Rwberia's unusual appearance. You cease trying to force your way free of Rwberia's restraints.<br> <br> The gas also has an arousing effect. Rwberia's eyes brighten as she watches your cock rise up in erection. Her artificial eyelids make audible clicking sounds as they blink.<br> <br> "Much better," she says, sounding more like a teacher.<br> <br> Slender tentacles with suction-cup tips attach to your nipples and start to gently stimulate them. It feels like lusciously plump lips sucking on them.<br> <br> "The semen extraction process is far more efficient if the subject is properly relaxed and comfortable."<br> <br> Rwberia smiles. Her artificial eyelids click.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Choice Intro]]
You don't really have any say in this. Rwberia keeps the mask over your face and pumps plenty of drugged gas into your lungs. Once she's satisfied you're not going to offer any resistance, she removes the tentacle. Your head clears a little, but your body still feels relaxed and heavy, and not all that willing to obey your commands.<br> <br> "Now, the question is which of my specialised semen extraction tentacles should I use? I have several, each generating a different erotic sensation. <<if $cgi neq 0>> Finding the right one is not as easy as you'd think. Each person thinks they know what will provide the biggest turn-on, but what they think doesn't always provide the greatest stimulation. At least not for my needs. It might take a few attempts to find the right one. I don't think you'll mind." <</if>><br> <br> She gives you a filthy smirk. Her artificial eyelids click again.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Init Tentacle Choice Vars]]>> <<if $cgi eq 0 or $isRwberiaTesting>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Choose Tentacle: Black Rose]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Choose Tentacle: Default]] <</if>>
"How about one of these three?"<br> <br> She lifts up three black tentacles. Each terminates in a strange appendage.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Tentacle Intro: Default]]>>
<<set $tentacleChoiceIndex to 0>> <<if $cgi eq 0 or $isRwberiaTesting>> <<set $maxTentacleChoiceIndex to 13>> <<else>> <<set $maxTentacleChoiceIndex to 3>> <</if>> <<set $tentacleChoiceIds to []>> <<for _c to 0; _c lt $maxTentacleChoiceIndex; _c++>> <<set $tentacleChoiceIds.push($tentacleIds.pluck())>> <</for>>
<<set $tentacleIds to [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]>> <<set $isNoMatch to false>> <<set $tentacleAttempts to 0>> <<set $tentacleRounds to [ "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh", "eighth", "nineth", "tenth", "eleventh", "twelfth", "thirteenth" ]>> <<set $tentacleNames to [ "The Big One", "The Sticky-Gel Tentacle", "The Squooshy One", "The Cushioned One", "The Squeezer", "The Puffer", "The Vanilla", "The Milker", "The Licker", "The Vacuum Tentacle", "The Stroker", "The Fluffer", "The Vibrator" ]>> <<set $tentacleScenarios to [ "Rwberia: Big One: Chosen", "Rwberia: Sticky-Gel: Chosen", "Rwberia: Squooshy: Chosen", "Rwberia: Cushioned: Chosen", "Rwberia: Squeezer: Chosen", "Rwberia: Puffer: Chosen", "Rwberia: Vanilla: Chosen", "Rwberia: Milker: Chosen", "Rwberia: Licker: Chosen", "Rwberia: Vacuum: Chosen", "Rwberia: Stroker: Chosen", "Rwberia: Fluffer: Chosen", "Rwberia: Vibrator: Chosen" ]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Init Stat Blocks]]>>
<<set _ti to $tentacleChoiceIds[$tentacleChoiceIndex]>> <<set _round to $tentacleRounds[$tentacleChoiceIndex]>> <<set _link to "Rwberia: Tentacle Intro" + _ti>> The _round <<include _link>> <<set $tentacleChoiceIndex += 1>> <<if $tentacleChoiceIndex eq $maxTentacleChoiceIndex>> [[You need to make a choice.->Rwberia: Tentacle Choices]] <<else>> [[Next tentacle.->Rwberia: Tentacle Intro: Default]]<br> [[Skip to choices.->Rwberia: Tentacle Choices]] <</if>>
"I'll let you pick the one which sounds the most... exciting," Rwberia says with a bright smile.<br> <br> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $tentacleChoiceIds.length; _i++>> <<capture _ti>> <<set _ti to $tentacleChoiceIds[_i]>> <<set _name to $tentacleNames[_ti]>> [[_name + "."->Rwberia: Tentacle Chosen][$chosenTentacle to _ti]]<br> <</capture>> <</for>>
<<set _link to $tentacleScenarios[$chosenTentacle]>> <<include _link>>
tentacle terminates in a wide bulbous pot made out of transparent rubber. The entrance seems far too big for your penis. You could fit your fist in there and still have plenty of space.<br> <br> "This is my ''Sticky-Gel Tentacle''. I fill it with a special sticky gel and the stimulation is generated from plunging the cock back and forth into it."<br> <br> The base of the receptacle has a number of swollen aquamarine nodules. You hear a squishy burbling sound and the base of the pot fills with thick aquamarine jelly.<br> <br> "Very squelchy," Rwberia says with a bright smile. "It's an unusual sensation, but one some men really enjoy."<br> <br>
"Ho, so you like unusual sensations?" Rwberia laughs. "This one is quite unique. The sticky gel this tentacle produces feels wonderful against the penis."<br> <br> The glands around the base of the transparent receptacle throb. You hear a burbling sound and the bottom of the receptacle starts to fill up with aquamarine jelly.<br> <br> "Very very squelchy," Rwberia says.<br> <br> She attaches the tentacle to your groin. The rubbery opening is so wide you don't feel anything as your erection enters it. The rubbery lips instead form a vacuum seal around your whole crotch, taking in both your cock and genitals. The cup pushes against you and the head of your cock plunges into warm sticky jelly.<br> <br> "Surprised at how good it feels?" Rwberia asks with a knowing smile.<br> <br> You are. The substance has a spring and pressure to it like jelly. It's also liquid enough for your cock to plunge right in, with just enough resistance to excite the nerve endings of your penis. The substance is also sticky, and clings pleasantly to your dick.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Sticky-Gel: Scenario]]
Rwberia moves up closer to you. "Let's give you a good squelch," she says, her voice low and husky.<br> <br> She moves the receptacle back and forth. You both see and feel your erection splodge up and down into the lewd substance. At first you think it's weirdly pleasant. You quickly upgrade that to quite arousing. The warm jelly creates a comfortable pressure around the end of your cock and the back and forth motions of Rwberia's tentacle generate a pleasurable tugging sensation as the sticky gel sucks at your cock like thick mud.<br> <br> Rwberia lowers her voice to a seductive whisper.<br> <br> "I sometimes call this my little honeypot," she whispers in your ear. "The gel is laced with a little extra to aid erectile function."<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Determine Match Status]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 0 and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Sticky-Gel: No Match]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Sticky-Gel: Match]] <</if>>
Whatever the gel is laced with, it's not strong enough. The thick jelly feels quite pleasant against your cock, but only 'quite'. Plunging back and forth is enough to keep you hard and interested, but you need something more to take it to the next level. More tightness. More speed.<br> <br> However, instead of squeezing tighter and speeding up, Rwberia slows to a stop.<br> <br> "No. This is not the right one," she says. "This one has always been an acquired taste. It's not for everyone."<br> <br> The tentacle sucks the gel out at the back. The seal breaks on your crotch. The flexible opening is in fact flexible enough to contract right around your cock. But in this case it's only to slide up your member and wipe off the remainder of the sticky gel with some kind of cool cleaning fluid.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: No Match]]>>
You don't think it needs it. The sensation is already enough to set your body trembling. You don't fully understand it. There is no mouth or vagina wrapped around your cock. It's just warm sticky gel and your cock plunging back and forth into it.<br> <br> "Ooh. I think this might be a match," Rwberia says, her voice low and husky.<br> <br> The globules on the base of the cup contract. You hear more lewd burbling sounds as Rwberia squirts more thick gel into the cup. The transparent plastic receptacle slowly pulsates at your crotch. The movements feel slow and deliberate. The warm gel is squidged up against your erection. It's just slime or jelly, but it feels incredible.<br> <br> "Yes. I think your little man rather likes that. I'll give him more."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Sticky-Gel: Match 2]]
<<set $tentacleAttempts += 1>> <<if $tentacleAttempts gt 2>> "Hmm, you're proving troublesome to find a good match for," Rwberia says. "I'll have to use my special tentacle."<br> <br> <<set $isNoMatch to true>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Forced Match]] <<else>> "It's okay," Rwberia says with a perky smile. "I have plenty of other tentacles to try."<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[12][1] to true>> <<if $tentacleAttempts eq 2>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[13][1] to true>> <</if>> <<include [[Rwberia: Init Tentacle Choice Vars]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Choose Tentacle: Default]] <</if>>
You hear more thick burbles. The cup fills up. Your whole cock is completely smothered in viscous jelly. The walls of the plastic receptacle slowly move in and out. It generates an irresistible stroking sensation up and down your cock.<br> <br> This is more than just a weird pleasure. Your body is trembling all over. Rwberia's gel-filled tentacle is splodging you to orgasm as effectively as if she was using her mouth or pussy.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Sticky-Gel: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Sticky-Gel: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Sticky-Gel: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Or so you thought. Your body trembles on the cusp of climax in Rwberia's coils... and stays there, right at the cusp, without tipping over into orgasm.<br> <br> Rwberia makes the cup throb and overwhelms you with sticky, slimy pleasures. Your body continues to tremble. It's so close. You're aching to release, to tip over and spurt joyously into the sticky mass. Your body can't get there. No matter how much you want it to.<br> <br> "How annoying," Rwberia says. "I know it's a match. I can feel your body desperately trying to ejaculate. The other harlots have already depleted your balls too much. We'll need to try something else to get your body to come."<br> <br> The tentacle sucks the gel out at the back. The seal breaks on your crotch. The flexible opening is in fact flexible enough to contract right around your cock. But in this case it's only to slide up your member and wipe off the remainder of the sticky gel with some kind of cool cleaning fluid.<br> <br> "I have just the tentacle for that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Forced Match]]
"Let it out. Give me a big fat load," Rwberia whispers in your ear.<br> <br> The cup burbles again as she squirts in more gel. The receptacle's walls contract, packing the warm gel tightly around your cock. You respond with a massive shuddering orgasm. Your body tenses and then spurts out an ecstatic load of cum into Rwberia's sticky-gel-filled cup.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Ejaculation]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 1 and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Sticky-Gel: Regular Match 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 1]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Sticky-Gel: Perfect Match 1]] <</if>>
She brings up another semen sucking device. This <<include [[Rwberia: Tentacle Intro0]]>> <<set $chosenTentacle to 0>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Tentacle Chosen]]
You barely have a chance to recover before a second ejaculation is blasting out of you.<br> <br> And then maybe a third.<br> <br> You feel the violent clenching in your balls. Each feels like a detonation of pure bliss going off. It feels like three mighty climaxes in one, each going off on after the other.
You certainly spurt out plenty of spunk. When you finally recover enough to look down, you see the green gel has been stained white with your copious ejaculate. Rwberia sure squelched a big one out of you. You're glad of her constraining coils. Your body is shuddering so much in the aftermath you don't think you'd have been able to stay on your feet without Rwberia's support.<br> <br> "Match found. Sample obtained," Rwberia states.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Sticky-Gel: Regular Match 2]]
Just when you think the climaxes are subsiding, you double up as another massive orgasm rips up through your shuddering body. If you weren't bound to the stand by Rwberia's restraining tentacles you think you'd have collapsed from the intensity of it.<br> <br> "Ooh, ooh. A perfect match," Rwberia says.<br> <br>
Your cock throbs powerfully as you empty out another massive load into the sticky gel.<br> <br> "The right sensory stimulus can induce a critical ejaculatory response," Rwberia says. "What that stimulus is varies from person to person. It's just a matter of finding the right one to unlock it. Then..."<br> <br> She squelches the wondrous gel around your cock.<br> <br> "...spurt."<br> <br> Your body shudders as you do just that. You feel a powerful muscular clench in your balls. Your hips jerk. Your cock throbs. A thick stream of white semen pours out into the sticky gloop.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 2]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Sticky-Gel: Perfect Match 2]]
The back of the receptacle opens up and the semen-soaked gel is sucked down into the tentacle. The seal breaks on your crotch. The flexible opening is in fact flexible enough to contract right around your cock. But in this case it's only to slide up your member and wipe off the remainder of the sticky gel with some kind of cool cleaning fluid.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <<include [[Rwberia: Good End 1]]>>
"Thank you for your generous contribution," Rwberia says.<br> <br> She uncoils her restraint tentacles and retracts everything back under her dress. Deprived of their support, you drop down to your knees.<br> <br> "The semen extraction process does induce a slightly stronger ejaculatory response than normal. Give yourself a moment to recover and you'll feel as good as new," Rwberia says breezily. Her plastic eyelids click.<br> <br> So much for coming up here for sex. You feel as weak as if you'd donated a pint, or maybe more, of blood.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Good End 2]]
You take moment to recover and then unsteadily get back to your feet.<br> <br> Rwberia has moved over to one of the strange tanks at the side of the room. One of her tentacles is attached to the side and she's reading data off a bank of instruments.<br> <br> "Good quality. My producer will be happy with this," she says. "Please do come again."<br> <br> She turns and gives you that strange artificial smile. Her eyelids click together the wrong way.<br> <br> You feel strangely dislocated. Your body feels like you've just experienced an epic and lengthy bout of lovemaking. Your mind feels like you've just been milked by a cow.<br> <br> Rwberia's attention is on the instrument panel. <<include [[Rwberia: Add Harlot Gossip]]>> You take the opportunity to pick up your clothes and head to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring is done elsewhere */ /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
/* harlot names SADWIC order */ <<set _rwberiaHarlotNames to [ "Negralima-V", "Chén", "Pori", "Nef 0-CWMWL", "N-Carnizadalama" ]>> <<set _statMatches to []>> <<if $player.currStr eq 5>> <<set _statMatches.push(0)>> <</if>> <<if $player.currAgi eq 5>> <<set _statMatches.push(1)>> <</if>> <<if $player.currDex eq 5>> <<set _statMatches.push(2)>> <</if>> <<if $player.currWill eq 5>> <<set _statMatches.push(3)>> <</if>> <<if $player.currConst eq 5>> <<set _statMatches.push(4)>> <</if>> <<if _statMatches.length gt 0>> <<set _statMatch to _statMatches.pluck()>> <<set _harlotMatch to _rwberiaHarlotNames[_statMatch]>> She turns back to you.<br> <br> "Oh, looking at these readings you'd be a perfect match for _harlotMatch. You should pay a visit to her at the earliest possible opportunity. That would be a most productive session."<br> <br> She goes back to her instruments. <</if>>
<<unset $isRwberiaTesting>> <<unset $tentacleIds>> <<unset $tentacleRounds>> <<unset $tentacleNames>> <<unset $tentacleScenarios>> <<unset $tentacleChoiceIndex>> <<unset $maxTentacleChoiceIndex>> <<unset $tentacleChoiceIds>> <<unset $tentacleAttempts>> <<unset $chosenTentacle>> <<unset $isNoMatch>>
<<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 3]]>> Your body is assailed by pleasure from all directions. It is at your groin where it's strongest. The receptacle makes a filthy burbling sound as it sucks the semen-soaked gel down the tentacle. Rwberia immediately refills it with more sticky gel. The flexible cup pulses and squishes the thick jelly against your quivering erection. Rwberia copies the same pulse as your throbbing cock, then takes over and becomes the driver.<br> <br> You shudder helplessly and spurt out another massive load.<br> <br> "Ah yes, that appears to be the right level of stimulus," Rwberia says. "Time to pump it all out."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Sticky-Gel: Perfect Match 3]]
"I love finding a perfect match."<br> <br> Rwberia is practically giddy with excitement.<br> <br> "Usually the human body can't take it. But with a little help..."<br> <br>
The receptacle secretes more thick gel. The pulsing motions of the cup squidge and splodge it against your erection. Each squelch triggers a primal nerve impulse and you shudder as your body is forced to another climax.<br> <br> Rwberia shifts position. <<include [[Rwberia: Bad End]]>>
She parts her tentacles to reveal some kind of rubber balloon hanging down beneath her upper torso. It's slowly filling up with white liquid.<br> <br> Is that... //yours?//<br> <br> "So much," Rwberia says with a beaming smile. My producer will be so pleased."<br> <br> Now that Rwberia has found the right stimulus to 'unlock' you, she pumps out all the cum in your body. Unfortunately that also includes converting all of your fluids and most of your soft tissue to semen in the process. By the time she's finished pumping out all of your cum there's nothing left of you but a wizened, mummified husk.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
tentacle ends in a strange conical nozzle. The tip of the nozzle terminates in a pair of plump and oversized red lips.<br> <br> "This is ''The Squooshy One''," Rwberia says.<br> <br> Colourless lubricant is constantly drooling from the narrow opening between the artificial red lips.<br> <br> "This one is really wet and messy. It's meant to simulate a big slobbery blowjob. So, if you like them, you'll enjoy me giving you a good suck with this tentacle."<br> <br>
"Oh, so you like sloppy blowjobs," Rwberia says as she lets the other tentacles fall away.<br> <br> You do, but you're not sure if you're going to get that here. It's a long rubbery tentacle with a conical nozzle at the end. The nozzle terminates in a pair of plump and disconcertingly lifelike lips. They are a glossy red in colour, as if Rwberia diligently applied lipstick to them before coming out. You have to concede they look enticing, if in a weird location. The mouth is also very... juicy, for want of a better word. A constant stream of glistening drool leaks from the 'mouth'.<br> <br> "There is no need to look so fearful," Rwberia says with a gentle smile. "This semen extraction unit is custom designed to feel like a blowjob."<br> <br> She comes up close behind you to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "A wet and slobbery one."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squooshy: Scenario]]
The tentacle curls down towards your crotch. The lurid red lips find the swollen head of your cock and suck it in right to the root. Despite your misgivings on its appearance, it does feel like a wonderfully luscious wet pair of lips stroking down your cock.<br> <br> "See," Rwberia says. You hear her eyelids click in excitement. "This tentacle is my little blowjob machine."<br> <br> The strange appendage bobs up and down on your cock. The luscious lips at the end stroke up and down your shaft. Despite the conical exterior, the interior feels wet, warm, and fleshy, just like the interior of a mouth. The suction tentacle is also constantly drooling lubricant. It feels like warm oil. It leaks from the lips, dribbles down your shaft and soaks into your pubic hair. It tingles pleasantly against your skin.<br> <br> "It's more than just lubricant," Rwberia whispers in your ear. "There's a little extra in it."<br> <br> The lovely red lips slide up and down your cock in a slobbery blowjob. They tighten around the base of your erection and then rise up the shaft in a long, drawn-out suck.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Determine Match Status]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 0 and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squooshy: No Match]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squooshy: Match]] <</if>>
As good as it feels, something is... missing. You feel aroused, but only as if it's the precursor to the main event rather than the main event itself. It's nothing more than nice foreplay.<br> <br> Rwberia senses it and tsks.<br> <br> "This isn't a match," she says. "All men like blowjobs, but for my purposes I need a man who's //really// into blowjobs. And you aren't. Or at least you're not into the stimulation provided by my little blowjob tentacle."<br> <br> The lips part and Rwberia slides the tentacle up off your erection. She produces a sponge and cleans up the copious lubricant soaking your cock and crotch.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: No Match]]>>
"Promising," Rwberia says.<br> <br> The wet lips slide back down your shaft and bunch up around the root. The fleshy interior flutters and pleasantly jolts the head of your cock. With the soft lips still tightly bunched up, Rwberia drags the tentacle up your shaft in a long, drawn-out, wet suck. She holds it at the head of your cock and the lusciously realistic lips give your swollen and sensitive glans a lot of attention. The lips kiss and suckle until you're trembling helplessly in Rwberia's coils.<br> <br> "Yes, I think this is a match," Rwberia says.<br> <br> Her blowjob tentacle drops back down and slurps up your throbbing cock. It soaks your member in lubricant as it moves up and down. If you close your eyes, you can imagine a hot woman's head bobbing away at your crotch as she vigorously blows you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squooshy: Match 2]]
Rwberia varies the speed. Sometimes the tentacle lips move up and down fast and slobbery. Other times they bunch up around the base of your cock and move up in a languid slow suck.<br> <br> "You don't have to hold back," Rwberia whispers in your ear. "This mouth loves to be filled with your filthy spunk."<br> <br> The lips bunch up around the root of your cock and drag up your shaft in another long sensual suck. You tremble helplessly. You feel the urge to come rising up within you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squooshy: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Squooshy: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Squooshy: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Or so you thought. Your body trembles on the cusp of climax in Rwberia's coils... and stays there, right at the cusp, without tipping over into orgasm.<br> <br> Rising... rising... but that's all it does. You feel close to a peak but it remains just out of reach no matter how high you, or rather your urge to ejaculate, climbs.<br> <br> Rwberia lets the artificial lips slobber pleasantly over your twitching glans as they suck and suckle. Then she lets them slide down your sodden, well-lubricated shaft and bunch up around the root in preparation for another long suck.<br> <br> It has the same result. You tremble helplessly at a cusp you just can't seem to reach. As much as you want to come, your body refuses to co-operate. You wonder if all your previous activities in the House tonight have left you too drained.<br> <br> "How annoying," Rwberia says. "I know it's a match. I can feel your body desperately trying to ejaculate. The other harlots have already depleted your balls too much. We'll need to try something else to get your body to come."<br> <br> The lips part and Rwberia slides the tentacle up off your erection. She produces a sponge and cleans up the copious lubricant soaking your cock and crotch.<br> <br> "I have just the tentacle for that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Forced Match]]
"So, go on. Spurt," Rwberia whispers in your ear.<br> <br> The lips wrap around the sensitive head of your cock and give it a juicy suck.<br> <br> It's exactly the stimulation required to send you over the edge. You groan in bliss. Your hips buck. Your cock throbs and you feel an incredible ecstatic release as you pump a big load between the luscious lips and up into the conical receptacle. The fleshy interior moves against your cock like a throat swallowing.<br> <br> How can it feel so... fleshy within that strange artificial cone.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Ejaculation]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 1 and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Squooshy: Regular Match 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 1]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squooshy: Perfect Match 1]] <</if>>
The tentacle keeps moving. Up. Down. It glides on a thick sheen of lubricant as it sucks your cock. You're not sure how many ejaculations you pump up into it. Your whole body is trembling so much you fear you'd slide right to the floor without Rwberia's tentacle restraints to hold you up.<br> <br> "Match found. Sample obtained," Rwberia states.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squooshy: Regular Match 2]]
Rwberia repeats the cycle. The lusciously soft lips slide down your shaft, bunch up around the base of your cock, and then tug upwards in a luxuriously slow suck. Your body trembles as the conical receptacle at the end of the tentacle sucks another orgasm out of you.<br> <br> "Yes. Yes. Definitely a perfect match," Rwberia says. "Stimulate the nerve clusters in just the right way and it's possible to create a continuous ejaculatory response."<br> <br> She pushes the tentacle down all the way. Copious amounts of lubricant fill the interior and flood out over your crotch. Your ejaculation is a constant throbbing stream. The fleshy interior of the cone moves in and out like a throat as it gulps down your cum. You see bulges travelling up the tentacle. You grunt as muscles in your loins spasm uncontrollably in orgasm.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 2]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squooshy: Perfect Match 2]]
You feel the warm wet interior gulp as it swallows your issue. You see it travel up the tentacle as bulges. Then the squooshy tentacle stops sucking on your cock. The lips part and Rwberia slides the tentacle up off your erection. She produces a sponge and cleans up the copious lubricant soaking your cock and crotch.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<include [[Rwberia: Good End 1]]>>
<<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 3]]>> "Now just relax and let my little blowjob tentacle suck it all out of you," Rwberia whispers in your ear. "It won't hurt at all."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squooshy: Perfect Match 3]]
tentacle ends in a bulbous pot-like structure. There is a puckered opening at the end surrounded by a soft cushioned ring of rubber.<br> <br> "This is ''The Cushioned One''."<br> <br> The orifice at the end opens up to reveal a moist padded interior, pink in colour.<br> <br> "It's luxuriously soft inside, Your penis will receive a proper pampering within it."<br> <br>
"So you'd like me to give your penis a lusciously soft pampering with this?" Rwberia says, holding up the tentacle with the soft bulbous pot at the end. "A good choice. Many think this to be my most comfortable semen extraction tentacle."<br> <br> The tentacle bends down until the bulbous head is hanging right above your rampant erection.<br> <br> "The entrance is a little tight, but you look hard enough for it to not be a problem," Rwberia says.<br> <br> The bulbous head presses down. There is some resistance, but Rwberia's gases and other ministrations have had a strong aphrodisiac effect. Your penis is fully engorged with blood. The glans pushes through the soft rubbery ring and then into the lusciously soft interior.<br> <br> Your mouth drops open in a gasp.<br> <br> "Oh, I love that expression," Rwberia says. "The inside is so wonderfully soft and comfortable, isn't it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Cushioned: Scenario]]
You're not sure how to describe it. It feels like your cock is lying on a bed of luxurious soft silk pillows.<br> <br> "How does it feel?" Rwberia asks. "Like a wonderfully soft vagina. Or maybe like being nestled between a pair of lovely soft tits."<br> <br> It feels wonderful. So luxuriously comfy and padded.<br> <br> "Let's make it nice and snug around your cock," Rwberia says.<br> <br> The cushioned walls swell up around your erection. You feel gentle pressure all around your cock, as if it's been wrapped up in a lovely comfy cocoon.<br> <br> "Some men shoot their load from this alone," Rwberia whispers in your ear.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Determine Match Status]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 0 and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Cushioned: No Match]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Cushioned: Match]] <</if>>
Rwberia tsks.<br> <br> "But not you. This isn't a match."<br> <br> The cushioned interior of the receptacle feels luxuriously comfortable around your penis. But that's all. To go further you need more. You need... force... friction... something to tug your over the edge into climax.<br> <br> Rwberia recognises it too.<br> <br> "A pleasant pampering is not enough for some men. They need it a little rougher."<br> <br> She gives you a dirty grin and her strange artificial eyelids click together.<br> <br> The cushioned walls retract and Rwberia gently slides the bulb off your penis. Your penis twitches sadly at leaving the luxuriously comfortable interior.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: No Match]]>>
You can believe it. Your body is already trembling just from the soft cushioned pressure of the silken walls all around your cock. You feel like a virgin trying to desperately hold it in and not come explosively all over the place from the initial insertion.<br> <br> "Oh yes. I think we have a match," Rwberia says, her voice low and husky.<br> <br> The cushioned interior swells up even more. Every millimetre of your cock is softly smothered. You feel a gradual, growing stirring in your balls.<br> <br> Rwberia holds your cock there without any motion or squeezing. The gentle silken pressure might be enough to do it. You can already feel your toes start to coil.<br> <br> Rwberia laughs at your tense form.<br> <br> "I haven't even started adding stimulation," she says.<br> <br> The walls of the bulbous receptacle slowly move in and out. Inside, your dick is gently squeezed by the cushioned walls. They rub against you with the pulsing motions of the bulbous receptacle. Despite there not being much in the way of force, speed, or friction, the gentle pressure all around your cock is enough to set you trembling.<br> <br> It's coming.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Cushioned: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Cushioned: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Cushioned: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Or so you thought. Your body trembles on the cusp of climax in Rwberia's coils... and stays there, right at the cusp, without tipping over into orgasm.<br> <br> Rwberia continues to gently squeeze your cock between soft cushioned walls. You really want to erupt and empty your balls into the receptacle's soft, comfortable clasp. Nothing comes out.<br> <br> "How annoying," Rwberia says. "I know it's a match. I can feel your body desperately trying to ejaculate. The other harlots have already depleted your balls too much. We'll need to try something else to get your body to come."<br> <br> The cushioned walls retract and Rwberia gently slides the bulb off your penis. Your penis twitches sadly at leaving the luxuriously comfortable interior.<br> <br> "I have just the tentacle for that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Forced Match]]
"Mmm, so luxuriously soft, isn't it," Rwberia whispers. "Go on, spurt your cum into it."<br> <br> The trembling grows in your legs. There's barely any stimulation to your cock – just the gentle press of soft smothering walls – yet it triggers a powerful, violent climax completely out of proportion to the gentle stimulation you're receiving. Your cock throbs against the soft cushioned walls and spurts out a juddering stream of cum.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Ejaculation]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 1 and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Cushioned: Regular Match 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 1]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Cushioned: Perfect Match 1]] <</if>>
You don't know where it goes. The soft spongy walls seem to absorb your issue completely. They feel so soft you're not sure they haven't absorbed your cock as well.<br> <br> "Match found. Sample obtained," Rwberia states.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Cushioned: Regular Match 2]]
The cushioned receptacle gently squeezes and you spurt out another massive load into the smothering softness.<br> <br> "The right sensory stimulus can induce a critical ejaculatory response," Rwberia says. "What that stimulus is varies from person to person. You're so lucky it's this one. It's so soft and gentle."<br> <br> The soft cushioned walls squeeze up tighter around your erection. The receptacle seems to heat up. The walls are so soft it's difficult to tell where your penis ends and they begin.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 2]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Cushioned: Perfect Match 2]]
The cushioned walls retract and Rwberia gently slides the bulbous receptacle off your penis. Your penis twitches sadly at leaving the luxuriously comfortable interior.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <<include [[Rwberia: Good End 1]]>>
<<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 3]]>> "It's so comfy, isn't it. Your cock feels like it just wants to melt inside there."<br> <br> Soft. So soft. Your penis is pleasantly enfolded. Every nerve receptor feels like it's been smothered in warm honey.<br> <br> "Ah yes, that appears to be the right level of stimulus," Rwberia says. "Time to pump it all out."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Cushioned: Perfect Match 3]]
Your body loses some of its tenseness. You keep ejaculating, but it's slower and gentler, as if her soft cushioned receptacle is gently encouraging rather than tugging it from your body. You feel pure bliss as you let it out in a slow throbbing stream.<br> <br> Rwberia shifts position. <<include [[Rwberia: Bad End]]>>
tentacle terminates in a bulbous structure resembling a hive wrapped in coils of black rubber. There is a puckered opening at the end.<br> <br> "This is ''The Squeezer''," Rwberia says. "It wraps around a penis and strangles the cum out of it."<br> <br> The puckered opening at the end looks... tight.<br> <br> "I find this works very well on recalcitrant men. It makes them submit very quickly."<br> <br>
Rwberia's eyes light up as you pick 'the squeezer'.<br> <br> "Oh ho. So you're a man that likes to be disciplined."<br> <br> Wait? What?<br> <br> Her wide smile takes on a sinister cast, one you don't find reassuring at all.<br> <br> Before you can protest or ask what she means, the tentacle – with its sinister black bulb on the end – is swooping down on your crotch. The opening at the end is tight, but your erection is fully engorged with blood. It pushes up inside with little problem.<br> <br> Or rather, is drawn up inside with hungry eagerness.<br> <br> "This one is a little forceful," Rwberia says, her voice taking on the cadences of a stern teacher or warden. "I find it best for the reluctant and unwilling. It strangles the resistance – and cum – right out of them."<br> <br> You feel something wind around your cock. It feels muscular. It's pleasantly snug at first, then it constricts...<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squeezer: Scenario]]
Rwberia leans close to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "My producer suggested I should take on a more dominant role while using this extraction unit."<br> <br> She draws a fingernail across the top of your naked chest. It's sharp enough to draw blood.<br> <br> Her squeezing tentacle tightens its grip on your cock. Tightens further. You squirm against Rwberia's restraining coils, fearful she's going to crush your cock to a pulp. It feels like she has enough force.<br> <br> "Don't worry. I won't damage it," Rwberia whispers in your ear. "That would affect output, and I want to squeeze a lot of semen out of you."<br> <br> She pinches your nipples.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Determine Match Status]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 0 and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squeezer: No Match]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squeezer: Match]] <</if>>
Your eyes water. What she's doing to your cock feels too forceful... painful even.<br> <br> Mercifully, Rwberia sees it as well.<br> <br> "Oh dear, that is not the face of a man who's enjoying himself," she says.<br> <br> The internal coils relent and ease off their squeezing pressure.<br> <br> "I think this one might be a little too rough for you."<br> <br> The internal coils relax and retract. Rwberia slides the evil-looking black rubber suction cup off your cock.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: No Match]]>>
You tremble in a strange mix of pleasure and pain.<br> <br> "Ah yes. It's a match," Rwberia says.<br> <br> The internal coils wrap tighter around your cock. It's really tight, but the tight grip only serves to make you more aroused.<br> <br> "My producer tested certain prototypes of this on prisoners taken by the House. It didn't matter how scared or reluctant they were. This always squeezed them out."<br> <br> The strange suction cup tightens further around your erection. It's like a snake slowly constricting its prey. However, there's also a strange lewdness to it. Rwberia rolls the coils against your shaft in a way that stimulates the nerve clusters and keeps your cock hard and full of blood. The little tugs cause a stirring in your balls and send pleasant little trembles running through your body.<br> <br> "This model isn't quite so brutal. I do find it useful on those who are reluctant or fearful for whatever reason. It crushes their resistance and squeezes the cum right out of them."<br> <br> Rwberia manipulates the internal coils against your erection. They shift and roll as if trying to find and pressure your weak points. Then, once they've found them, start to ramp up your arousal with stiff little tugs.<br> <br> She pinches both your nipples and leans close to whisper huskily in your ear. "There is no escape. I will squeeze you into submission."<br> <br> You think she might be right. It's coming...<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squeezer: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Squeezer: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Squeezer: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Or so you thought. Your body trembles on the cusp of climax in Rwberia's coils... and stays there, right at the cusp, without tipping over into orgasm.<br> <br> The internal coils constrict and squeeze. The pressure is unrelenting. There is only one way to relieve it. You need to come. Urgently need to come. Yet you can't.<br> <br> You tremble helplessly at the cusp, but – for all its force – Rwberia's 'squeezer' is unable to wrestle that last concession from your body. You're not sure it can.<br> <br> "How annoying," Rwberia says. "I know it's a match. I can feel your body desperately trying to ejaculate. The other harlots have already depleted your balls too much. We'll need to try something else to get your body to come."<br> <br> The internal coils relax and retract. Rwberia slides the evil-looking black rubber suction cup off your cock.<br> <br> "I have just the tentacle for that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Forced Match]]
"You're not going to hold on. Surrender and let it out," Rwberia says.<br> <br> The internal coils squeeze... and squeeze... and squeeze.<br> <br> The pressure is unrelenting. There is only one way to relieve it.<br> <br> Rwberia gives the suction cup a little jerk at the same time the internal coils give the right nerve clusters in the ridge of your glans a powerful squeeze. It's enough. Your hips buck. Your body shudders in surrender and your cock erupts in ejaculation.<br> <br> It's not enough for the evil black appendage. The coils maintain their pressure and rhythmically squeeze your cock to prevent your arousal from abating.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Ejaculation]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 1 and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Squeezer: Regular Match 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 1]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squeezer: Perfect Match 1]] <</if>>
It's not enough for Rwberia to obtain your submission. Her brutally tight receptacle keeps stimulating your cock with rhythmic squeezes. Powerless to resist it, you empty out your balls with multiple ejaculations until you feel them start to twinge in complaint.<br> <br> Only then does Rwberia relent.<br> <br> "Match found. Sample obtained," Rwberia states.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squeezer: Regular Match 2]]
Rwberia tightens the coils around your cock. Another tug and you're spurting helplessly again in orgasm. This time the flow continues, as if the ejaculation has no end.<br> <br> "Yes. Good little cow. You're doing exactly as Mistress desires."<br> <br> Within the evil black receptacle her coils squeeze and tug as if your cock is an udder to be milked.<br> <br> "It's an autonomous response. Provide the right stimulus and a man cannot stop."<br> <br> She demonstrates with another squeeze and tug. You cock squirts semen like an udder squirting milk.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 2]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squeezer: Perfect Match 2]]
Your issue is gulped down by the tentacle. The internal coils unwind from your cock. Rwberia slides the evil-looking black rubber bulb off your cock. You feel like your whole body has gone through a wrestling bout, rather than just your penis. At least, despite all that, the orgasms were satisfying and you feel enough of a warm post-orgasmic glow to think it worth the rough treatment of your cock.<br> <br> You're also relieved to see it looks both unbruised and undamaged as Rwberia finally releases it from her 'squeezer'.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> <<include [[Rwberia: Good End 1]]>>
<<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 3]]>> The black semen extraction tentacle keeps squeezing and tugging. Powerless to resist, your cock keeps spurting cum. Your issue is sucked away and you see it travel up the tentacle as bulges.<br> <br> "Ah good. All resistance is gone. Time to squeeze you all out," Rwberia says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Squeezer: Perfect Match 3]]
Her semen extraction unit keeps milking you with irresistible force. Each squeeze triggers a primal nerve impulse and you shudder as your body is forced to another climax.<br> <br> Rwberia moves back around to facing you. <<include [[Rwberia: Bad End]]>>
tentacle terminates in a wide and rigid rubber cup. There are smaller black tubes curling from the back of the cup to a wide rubber junction ring just behind the main suction cup.<br> <br> "This is ''The Puffer''," Rwberia says. "It's experimental. It uses air currents to stimulate the penis to ejaculation."<br> <br> The end of the tentacle turns and puffs a blast of air in your face. The air is fragrant and lightly perfumed.<br> <br> "Men normally laugh when I tell them I can make them come with this without ever touching their penis. They soon change their tune when my little puffer has them spunking a big load into it."<br> <br>
Rwberia's eyes light up as you pick the 'puffer'.<br> <br> "You're curious aren't you," she says. "Most men are when they pick this one. You're wondering how I can get you off without ever touching your penis."<br> <br> The wide bulbous receptable settles over your erection. You feel nothing inside. It's just a wide open space. There is no contact with anything.<br> <br> You're doubtful Rwberia can get you off with this.<br> <br> "I see that look," Rwberia says with a smile. "Most men have it. They think it's a challenge they can't lose. Then my little puffer springs her surprise."<br> <br> Air is drawn out of the back of the receptacle. Enough for the flexible, rubber-lined rim of the receptacle to form a vacuum seal around your crotch. You feel a slight puff of air against your cock. It's little more than a breath and nowhere near enough stimulation to your member. Deprived of sensation, your erection starts to droop.<br> <br> "Let's begin shall we," Rwberia says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Puffer: Scenario]]
Bulges run down the artificial rubber tentacle. The tangle of pipes behind the main suction cup expand and swell outwards. You hear a hissing sound. Within the suction cup a jet of air is directed at your penis. It's stimulation at least. Enough to perk your cock back up again.<br> <br> It's not massive stimulation though. It feels little more than multiple pairs of hot lips blowing on your penis.<br> <br> Rwberia presses up close to you. She brings her soft lips close to your ear.<br> <br> "Puff," she says.<br> <br> The strange apparatus of rubber ring and pipes behind the main suction cup move back and forth. It's not just plain jets of air now. Rwberia manipulates it so it feels like tangible rings of force sliding down your shaft.<br> <br> It feels quite pleasant.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Determine Match Status]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 0 and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Puffer: No Match]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Puffer: Match]] <</if>>
Pleasant... but no more than that.<br> <br> The air currents tickling around your cock perk it up and keep it erect. That's all. Rwberia's 'puffer' can fluff you up, but you need something more to take it further.<br> <br> Rwberia realises this after fruitlessly puffing on your cock for a few minutes.<br> <br> "Hmm, I don't think this is doing it," she says.<br> <br> It isn't. As nice as the air currents feel, you need something more.<br> <br> "A pity. I always feel like I've failed a challenge when this one fails, even though it's no different when the same happens with my other tentacles. The right stimulation to unlock a nice climax varies from individual to individual."<br> <br> The air jets stop. There is a gentle hissing as enough air is pumped into the wide suction cup to equalise the pressure with outside. This breaks the vacuum seal and Rwberia retracts the bulbous receptacle.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: No Match]]>>
"Puff," Rwberia whispers in your ear.<br> <br> The puffs of air in the chamber feel like soft silken lips sliding up and down your shaft.<br> <br> It feels very pleasant. Your body trembles in pleasure from the sensation.<br> <br> "Oh good," Rwberia whispers. "It's a match."<br> <br> More bulges pass down the tentacle. Nozzles with the receptacle puff more air around your cock.<br> <br> "There's a little extra in the gases," Rwberia whispers.<br> <br> Your cock does feel more sensitive. As you feel more puffs of air against your cock you can't shake the image of multiple luscious red lips, all gently blowing air at your penis. The imagery triggers a pleasant throb in your loins.<br> <br> "Puff," Rwberia whispers in your ear.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Puffer: Match 2]]
The airflow switches to emanating from the back of the suction cup. The current rolls around your sensitive glans and down your shaft like a ghostly pair of full and lusciously soft lips.<br> <br> "Puff," Rwberia whispers.<br> <br> The air flow switches. It flows down the inside wall of the suction cup and then inwards to swirl up around your cock. It feels like a silken stroke up your shaft.<br> <br> "Puff."<br> <br> Another switch. The air blows directly on and parts around your swollen glans. It feels like entering a ghostly vagina.<br> <br> "Puff."<br> <br> Another switch. Then another. Rwberia keeps alternating the flow within the bell of the suction cup. You feel perfumed currents stroke up and down your cock, faster and faster.<br> <br> "Puff."<br> <br> Your whole body is trembling.<br> <br> Oh fuck, she's going to do it. She's going to make you come without ever touching your cock.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Puffer: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Puffer: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Puffer: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Or so you thought. Your body trembles on the cusp of climax in Rwberia's coils... and stays there, right at the cusp, without tipping over into orgasm.<br> <br> The scented air continues to stroke back and forth, tickling you and causing you to writhe in a state of frustrated bliss. It's so close. You want to let go and spray your semen out. It's not enough though. As much as you feel like you're ready, your body denies you.<br> <br> "How annoying," Rwberia says. "I know it's a match. I can feel your body desperately trying to ejaculate. The other harlots have already depleted your balls too much. We'll need to try something else to get your body to come."<br> <br> The air jets stop. There is a gentle hissing as enough air is pumped into the wide suction cup to equalise the pressure with outside. This breaks the vacuum seal and Rwberia retracts the bulbous receptacle.<br> <br> "I have just the tentacle for that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Forced Match]]
The receptacle sucks the air out in a tickling stream that sets your whole cock throbbing.<br> <br> Rwberia leans close enough for her soft lips to brush your ear. "Puff," she whispers.<br> <br> The suction cup pulses. You feel a puff of air against the head of your cock. This time it feels almost tangible – like a fluffy cloud. The ring of perfumed smoke expands to take in your swollen head and then rolls down your shaft in a lusciously irresistible stroke. That's enough. Your body tenses and you spurt out your issue in a shuddering orgasm.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Ejaculation]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 1 and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Puffer: Regular Match 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 1]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Puffer: Perfect Match 1]] <</if>>
You don't know how to describe it. You know there's no actual contact as such, yet what Rwberia does with those air jets feels like a silken mouth or pussy stroking you to orgasm... multiple orgasms. So much so, the aftermath has left you feeling weak and floppy. Without Rwberia's restraining tentacles, you think you might have toppled over from the intensity of it all.<br> <br> "Match found. Sample obtained," Rwberia states.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Puffer: Regular Match 2]]
Even though there's nothing tangible touching your cock, you still spurt uncontrollably in another powerful orgasm.<br> <br> "I'll put a little extra in the gas," Rwberia says. "Something special. It reacts to human semen. Gets nice and //thick//."<br> <br> The strange rubbery receptacle pulses at your crotch. It puffs more air at your twitching cock. This time it feels tangible and thicker – like soft rings settling over your cock in a stack of hoops. Each spreads tingling pleasure as it slides down your shaft. It triggers an involuntary response. You feel your balls clench and you spurt out thick ropes of cum.<br> <br> "Good good. That's exactly the response I was hoping for. The right stimulus triggers a continuous ejaculation in men. It varies from man to man, but I've found it for you."<br> <br> To demonstrate it, she puffs more rings of condensed bliss around your cock. They settle snugly over your erection and your body shudders as another powerful orgasm rips through it.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 2]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Rwberia: Perfect Match 2]]
The air currents switch again. You feel a faint sucking sensation as Rwberia vacuums your cum away up the tentacle. There is a gentle hissing as enough air is pumped into the wide suction cup to equalise the pressure with outside. This breaks the vacuum seal and Rwberia retracts the bulbous receptacle.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> <<include [[Rwberia: Good End 1]]>>
<<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 3]]>> The receptacle continues to puff away on your crotch. More rings settle down on your erection. The circulating air currents slide them up and down your shaft, triggering yet another powerful explosion of cum from you.<br> <br> "Mmm, and now I get to puff you," Rwberia whispers in your ear.<br> <br> Her strange receptable is puffing away on your cock like she's smoking it... smoking it like a cigar. Only instead of smoke your cock puffs out streams of semen, and maybe something else.<br> <br> "Puff you all up," Rwberia whispers in your ear with a seductive giggle.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Puffer: Perfect Match 3]]
Rwberia moves back around to facing you. <<include [[Rwberia: Bad End]]>>
tentacle terminates in a fleshy pink sheath encased in black plastic. End on, you see it opens up in an orifice sculpted to resemble a luscious and inviting vagina.<br> <br> "This is ''The Vanilla''," Rwberia explains. "The interior is moulded and textured to feel like a lovely tight little pussy."<br> <br> She runs a finger around the labia to show how soft and pliable the rubbery substance is. She slips her finger inside and it comes back slathered in lubricant.<br> <br> "Vanilla, but not boring," Rwberia says. "Sometimes more straightforward pleasures are exactly what's needed."<br> <br>
Rwberia smiles as you choose the 'vanilla'.<br> <br> "That's not very adventurous of you," she says.<br> <br> Her smirk softens to a smile.<br> <br> "I'm only teasing," she says. "Given my appearance and that of some of the other harlots in this House, it's understandable for men to desire more... familiar pleasures."<br> <br> She lowers the fleshy sheath at the end of the tentacle until it's pressing against the swollen head of your erection. Whatever material the artificial sheath is made of, it feels soft and fleshy against your cock.<br> <br> "It's better if you close your eyes for this one."<br> <br> Rwberia slides up behind you. She places her hands over your eyes.<br> <br> "Now lean back and relax. Imagine my hot sister is straddling you. Her luscious wet pussy is pressing down against your cock. It's hungry for it. Here she comes."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vanilla: Scenario]]
tentacle ends in what looks like a giant fleshy tit, complete with a perky pink nipple at the end.<br> <br> "This is ''The Milker''," Rwberia says. "I think my producer originally created as a joke to appeal to more breast-obsessed men."<br> <br> It looks slightly odd. The breast itself looks lovely – a swollen, bulging, //ripe// hemisphere of soft flesh. The pink skin has a healthy sheen as if freshly scrubbed. Except it's completely disembodied and stuck on the end of a black rubber tentacle. Milk dribbles constantly from the nipple.<br> <br> "It's still very effective. I also love the irony of it... the milked becoming the milker."<br> <br>
It's easy to imagine. Your erection presses up against, and then up into, lovely fleshy folds. You sink all the way inside and feel warm soft walls enfold your cock.<br> <br> "Doesn't it feel lovely, my sister's pussy," Rwberia whispers in your ear. "Tight. Wet. And so lusciously lusciously soft."<br> <br> It feels like all of those things and more. You imagine leaning back while a lovely hot woman takes your cock inside her pussy.<br> <br> "And now she's moving up and down, letting those lovely soft walls of her pussy stroke up and down your big fat cock."<br> <br> You moan softly as you feel it. The unseen vagina moves up and down. Your cock slides between the tight fleshy walls. Her pussy is wet enough for you to slide freely back and forth, but not so lubricated you can't feel the luscious friction as her vaginal walls rub against you.<br> <br> It feels so good.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Determine Match Status]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 0 and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vanilla: No Match]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vanilla: Match]] <</if>>
At first.<br> <br> You enjoy the sensation of the luscious vagina stroking up and down your hard cock. But it doesn't take your arousal further. You don't know why this is.<br> <br> Something is missing. You can feel Rwberia's presence behind you. Her hands are over your face. Her soft breath is in your ear. But of her 'sister' in front of you... nothing. There is no weight straddling your crotch. No soft sighs or moans escaping her lips.<br> <br> If feels exactly as it is – a disembodied vagina moving up and down on your cock.<br> <br> Rwberia removes her hands from your eyes. Her vagina tentacle stops pumping back and forth.<br> <br> "How unusual," she says. "This one is nearly always a match. My producer worked so hard to make it feel like a lovely tight vagina."<br> <br> It isn't a vagina though. And maybe your body is aware of it enough for that to override the pleasurable feeling of being inside it.<br> <br> "Hmm. Maybe you're type that prefers more //uncommon// pleasures," Rwberia says.<br> <br> Rwberia slides the fleshy sheath off your cock. The interior is well-lubricated. Your erection slides out with ease.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: No Match]]>>
"Oh yes, enjoy my sister's pussy," Rwberia moans in your ear. "It's so tight... so hungry for your cock."<br> <br> You don't need to do anything. The luscious wet pussy slides smoothly up and down your erection. The delicious friction of it stroking triggers a pleasant throb in your penis.<br> <br> "Ooh, I felt that," Rwberia says, breaking character from the roleplay. "Good. Good. It means this is a match."<br> <br> The vagina at your crotch is certainly a perfect match for your penis. So tight and snug, as if it had been moulded especially to accommodate your erection. It feels so good wrapped around your cock.<br> <br> Still with her hands over your eyes, Rwberia moves closer to erotically sigh and moan into your ear.<br> <br> You start to lose yourself in the fantasy. It's not a sex toy sheath on the end of an artificial tentacle moving back and forth on your cock. It's a nubile young woman with an exquisitely tight pussy. She's fucking you while you lean back against a padded stand. You can almost imagine her sighs and moans of pleasure as her body moves back and forth against you.<br> <br> The inside of her pussy is so deliciously wet you can feel it leaking out and spattering your pubic hair. The tip of your cock is also drooling pre-cum inside her. It's twitching in eagerness to unload.<br> <br> "Oh. My sister tells me she can feel it inside her. Can feel it throbbing. Are you nearly there?"<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vanilla: Match 2]]
Rwberia pumps the sheath harder and faster. It feels like her imaginary sister is slamming her hips against yours. The lush stimulation of the soft walls stroking your cock ramps your arousal higher and higher. You feel stirrings in your balls. You're getting close.<br> <br> "Oh yes. It's coming," Rwberia moans in your ear.<br> <br> The sheath pumps back and forth with wet slurping sounds.<br> <br> "You don't have to hold back. Let it go."<br> <br> Rwberia pumps faster. The soft walls of the sheath contract and dilate around your cock as if alive.<br> <br> "Pump it out. Pump your cream into her pussy. Fill it with a nice big cream pie."<br> <br> Rwberia's whispers grow faster and more urgent. The stirring in your balls grows. Your body writhes and squirms. You're coming.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vanilla: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Vanilla: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Vanilla: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Or so you thought. Your body trembles on the cusp of climax in Rwberia's coils... and stays there, right at the cusp, without tipping over into orgasm.<br> <br> You writhe and squirm. Your hips buck as if in orgasm. It's dry. You have nothing left in your balls to spurt.<br> <br> "Did... anything come out?" Rwberia asks as you lean back, sweaty, against the stand. "No. I don't think anything did."<br> <br> You've done too much this evening in the House. Your body doesn't have anything left to give.<br> <br> "How annoying," Rwberia says. "I know it's a match. I can feel your body desperately trying to ejaculate. The other harlots have already depleted your balls too much. We'll need to try something else to get your body to come."<br> <br> Rwberia slides the fleshy sheath off your cock. The interior is well-lubricated. Your erection slides out with ease.<br> <br> "I have just the tentacle for that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Forced Match]]
"Yes, yes. Cream her," Rwberia exhorts.<br> <br> You do just that. The climax rises up through your body like a wave and then semen gushes out of your cock in great throbbing pulses. Rwberia's artificial vagina is perfectly shaped to accept it. It's snug and tight enough for you to feel the pressure of the soft walls as your ejaculating cock throbs within it.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Ejaculation]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 1 and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Vanilla: Regular Match 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 1]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vanilla: Perfect Match 1]] <</if>>
Fuck that was epic.<br> <br> Cream pie? It feels more like you've filled her with a full dessert tray. Your body is still shuddering in the aftermath. Without Rwberia's coils to hold you in place, you're not sure you'd be able to stay on your feet.<br> <br> "Match found, sample obtained," Rwberia says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vanilla: Regular Match 2]]
You feel another powerful spasm in your loins. Your cock swells against the tight vaginal walls and spews out another torrent of cum.<br> <br> "This is a surprise," Rwberia says. "While my vanilla tentacle is usually very reliable at obtaining a sample from men, it's rare for it to induce a critical ejaculatory response. I normally require more specialised stimuli to achieve that."<br> <br> Something doesn't feel right. Your ejaculation should have stopped. Instead your muscles spasm within you and you're pouring out another throbbing flood of semen.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 2]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vanilla: Perfect Match 2]]
The walls tighten around your spent penis and a strange undulation rolls through them. You look down and, in your post-orgasmic confusion, are actually surprised to see one of Rwberia's strange semen sucking tentacles at your crotch and not her 'hot sister'. So good was the sensation.<br> <br> Your copious issue is sucked up and you see it travel up the tentacle hose as visible bulges. Rwberia slides the sheath off your softening erection.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> <<include [[Rwberia: Good End 1]]>>
<<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 3]]>> You can't stop coming. Rwberia's artificial pussy just feels too good. So tight. So soft. Your body can't help but keep pouring semen into it.<br> <br> "What a pleasant surprise," Rwberia says. "Please keep spurting away."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vanilla: Perfect Match 3]]
You do. You can't stop. Rwberia moves the sheath up and down to aid you. The walls undulate as your semen is sucked away and transported up the tentacle in a series of bulges.<br> <br> Rwberia moves back around to facing you. <<include [[Rwberia: Bad End]]>>
"Oh, do you like boobs?" Rwberia asks as you pick the 'milky one'.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> You nod eagerly. <<else>> Who doesn't? Although you're a little curious about how this tentacle is going to take your semen. <</if>><br> <br> The strange tentacle with a bulbous pink tit at the end hangs over your erection.<br> <br> "My producer made this to appeal to more fetishistic interests," Rwberia says. "For some this is a little too unusual. But for the right man..."<br> <br> The nipple of the hanging boob squirts some milk onto your cock.<br> <br> "'ll really make him spurt."<br> <br> She lowers the tentacle and rubs the swollen pink tit against your erection. Whatever the substance is made of, it feels exactly like warm soft flesh. Rwberia swings the tentacle from side to side, letting your stiff cock rub against the smooth skin. If you were to close your eyes and imagine, you could picture a heavy breasted stripper bouncing one of her tits in your lap.<br> <br> "Oh, you must be wondering how I collect a man's semen with this," Rwberia says with a knowing smirk.<br> <br> It had crossed your mind. Maybe the tit absorbs it like a sponge, you think as you relish the sensation of your cock rubbing against it.<br> <br> Rwberia moves up behind you close enough to whisper in your ear. "I'll show you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Milker: Scenario]]
She positions the hanging boob so that the head of your cock is pushing up against the nipple of the bulbous tit. Rwberia pushes down and your cock sinks up into the soft yielding flesh. The flesh does more than yield. You're not sure what happens. The nipple seems to invert and then your erection is pushing not against the flesh, but up inside a secret chamber within the tit.<br> <br> The chamber is lined with soft fleshy bumps. Each feels like a miniature bulging tit topped with a rubbery little nipple.<br> <br> Rwberia confirms it. "My producer had the inner chamber lined with miniature boobs. I think it's too much, but some men seem to really like it."<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Determine Match Status]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 0 and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Milker: No Match]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Milker: Match]] <</if>>
You're not one of those men.<br> <br> Rwberia moves the 'tit' up and down. Your cock pushes back and forth into a nest of soft boobs. The little nipples stroke pleasantly up and down your erection.<br> <br> It's just too... weird.<br> <br> Rwberia recognises you feel that way.<br> <br> "Hmm. I'm not getting the right response," she says. "Maybe you find this a little too strange."<br> <br> She lifts the tentacle up and your cock slides out of that pleasant chamber of tits. As your penis leaves it, the main nipple of the artificial tit pops back out. It looks like a regular woman's breast again, with no indication of the secret boob-filled chamber inside.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: No Match]]>>
You think you might be one of those men.<br> <br> Rwberia moves the 'tit' up and down. Your cock pushes back and forth into a nest of soft fleshy boobs. The little nipples stroke pleasantly up and down your erection.<br> <br> "I think you like this one," Rwberia whispers in your ear.<br> <br> The boob contracts. The inner chamber narrows around your cock. Soft tits squash against your erection. Rwberia pushes down further with her special boob tentacle and it feels like your cock has been plunged into boob heaven. Countless ripe, warm, soft miniature tits are pressing... rubbing against your penis.<br> <br> You let out a moan of pleasure.<br> <br> "I have a little surprise for you," Rwberia whispers in your ear. "This option comes as a pair."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Milker: Match 2]]
Another tentacle rises up in front of you. As with the other one, it's a long section of black rubber hose terminating in a lusciously bulging pink tit. A little bead of milk is already welling up at the nipple like morning dew.<br> <br> Rwberia presses the fleshy boob into your face. It feels warm and soft, just like the real thing. The little rubbery nub of the nipple brushes your lips, leaving behind a trail of sweet milk.<br> <br> "Go on," Rwberia whispers in your ear. "You can take a little suck. This one is designed to be drunk from."<br> <br> You lips batten on the inviting nipple. You have no volition. It's an instinct that overrides your conscious thought. With your face pressed into the soft flesh, you start suckling. The boob shivers and the nipple squirts delicious milk into your mouth. You cannot resist the urge to swallow it.<br> <br> "Mmm yes. Drink up," Rwberia says. "My milk has a little extra in it. To help you here."<br> <br> Her hand slides between your legs and caresses the underside of your testicles.<br> <br> She squeezes the secret boob chamber around your cock. You feel many soft boobs squash up around your erection.<br> <br> "The other ones produce milk as well," Rwberia whispers in your ear.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Milker: Match 3]]
You feel wetness within the boob chamber as milk dribbles from many nipples. It feels thick like lubricant. It dribbles out and droplets run down your pubic hair.<br> <br> "This milk is special too," Rwberia whispers. "It's absorbed through the skin and has a quite wonderful effect on a man's penis."<br> <br> You feel your cock heat up and start to grow pleasantly warm. It swells to full throbbing erection within the boob chamber and then swells further. The skin, especially on your glans, becomes highly sensitive. Every touch of soft boob flesh sends a pulse of pleasure through you.<br> <br> "Oh, I can feel you swelling inside me. So big," Rwberia says. Her eyelids audibly click in excitement.<br> <br> She slowly pulsates the fleshy tit around your erection and moves it up and down. Within it you feel many soft tits, their nipples leaking tingling milk, press and rub up against your cock. She strokes them up and down your throbbing erection.<br> <br> You tremble within Rwberia's tentacle coils. Her milker is going to make you come.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Milker: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Milker: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Milker: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Or so you thought. Your body trembles on the cusp of climax in Rwberia's coils... and stays there, right at the cusp, without tipping over into orgasm.<br> <br> Rwberia slowly throbs the warm fleshy tit around your cock. Bliss-inducing milk pours from the inner nipples and dribbles out around the base of your penis. It feels like countless lusciously soft tits pressing against your member. You desperately want to spurt cum all over them.<br> <br> Sadly, your body has other ideas.<br> <br> "How annoying," Rwberia says. "I know it's a match. I can feel your body desperately trying to ejaculate. The other harlots have already depleted your balls too much. We'll need to try something else to get your body to come."<br> <br> She lifts the tentacle up and your cock slides out of that pleasant chamber of tits. As your penis leaves it, the main nipple of the artificial tit pops back out. It looks like a regular woman's breast again, with no indication of the secret boob-filled chamber inside.<br> <br> "I have just the tentacle for that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Forced Match]]
"Mmm, time for you to give me your milk," Rwberia whispers lustily in your ear.<br> <br> She presses down the tit and squeezes it around your cock. More bliss-inducing milk pours from the inner nipples and pools around the base of your penis. Rwberia plunges your dick up into a pit of soft tits and strokes the leaking nipples against your twitching erection.<br> <br> "Don't try to hold back," she whispers. "Let it milk you."<br> <br> Your body tenses up and then unleashes a flood of its own 'milk' as you spurt a massive load of cum up into the nest of quivering tits.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Ejaculation]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 1 and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Milker: Regular Match 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 1]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Milker: Perfect Match 1]] <</if>>
You certainly spurt out plenty of spunk. When you're done, the tits within the inner chamber are thoroughly wet and slimed. You're not sure how much of that is milk or your own issue.<br> <br> Rwberia definitely gave your cock a proper milking. You feel so tottery in the aftermath you don't think you'd be able to remain upright without Rwberia's restraining coils holding you in place.<br> <br> "Match found. Sample obtained," Rwberia states.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Milker: Regular Match 2]]
Your cock throbs powerfully as you empty out another massive load into the nest of soft tits.<br> <br> "The right sensory stimulus can induce a critical ejaculatory response," Rwberia says. "What that stimulus is varies from person to person. It's just a matter of finding the right one to unlock it. Then..."<br> <br> She squeezes the inner chamber around your cock. The soft tits squash against your penis and soak it in dribbles of warm milk.<br> <br> "...spurt."<br> <br> Your body shudders as you do just that. You feel a powerful muscular clench in your balls. Your hips jerk. Your cock throbs. More semen pours out of you as you flood the quivering inner tits.<br> <br> "I love finding a perfect match."<br> <br> Rwberia is practically giddy with excitement.<br> <br> "Usually the human body can't take it. But with a little help..."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Milker: Perfect Match 2]]
She lifts the tentacle up and your cock slides out of that pleasant chamber of tits. As your penis leaves it, the main nipple of the artificial tit pops back out. It looks like a regular woman's breast again, with no indication of the secret boob-filled chamber inside. After removing her milking 'tit', Rwberia diligently wipes you down.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[6][1] to true>> <<include [[Rwberia: Good End 1]]>>
The other tit presses back against your face. The nipple finds your mouth and squirts a powerful jet of milk down your throat. You greedily gulp it down. You can't help yourself. A pleasant warm feeling blooms from your stomach and settles down in your loins.<br> <br> The suction cups suck harder on your nipples. Rwberia attaches another tentacle to your ass. You feel something like a tongue lick around the rim of your anus, then slip inside to massage your prostate.<br> <br> Rwberia starts to milk you in earnest. The fleshy 'tit' pulsates at your crotch. You feel waves of stroking pleasure roll up and down your shaft as your dick plunges again and again into a pile of soft fleshy tits.<br> <br> You shudder helplessly and spurt out another massive load.<br> <br> "Ah yes, that appears to be the right level of stimulus," Rwberia says. "I should be able to thoroughly milk it all out now."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Milker: Perfect Match 3]]
You see bulges travel up the tentacle at your crotch as Rwberia transports your semen up to her main body. Other bulges travel down the tentacle at your mouth and Rwberia fills your stomach with her special milk. Your bodily functions are hijacked and diverted into only producing semen. Helplessly in the throes of ecstasy, you spurt it out into the chamber of soft tits, where it is absorbed and transported up the tentacle.<br> <br> Rwberia moves around to your front. <<include [[Rwberia: Bad End]]>>
tentacle terminates in a fleshy red globe with a sumptuous pair of lips at the end. A long pink tongue flops out between them.<br> <br> "This is my ''Licker''," Rwberia says. "Not only does it have this lovely prehensile tongue, the interior is also filled with countless artificial tongues."<br> <br> The mouth at the end opens up to reveal an interior filled with squirming tongues.<br> <br> "It will lick you ecstasy," Rwberia says.<br> <br>
"So you'd like me to give you a good lick?" Rwberia asks.<br> <br> The other tentacles drop away. The 'mouth' at the end of the bulbous red pot opens and that long pink tongue flops out again. Rwberia drags the moist tongue along your abdomen, leaving a trail of saliva.<br> <br> "Mmm, delicious," Rwberia says. "I could lick you all over, but then my producer would berate me for being inefficient. So, we'll just have to focus on the part that matters."<br> <br> The tentacle droops lower. The fleshy tongue enfolds the underside of your erection. Rwberia drags it up your shaft in a long drawn-out lick.<br> <br> "Mmm, like fresh ice cream," Rwberia says.<br> <br> She gives your cock another wet lick.<br> <br> "Of course, the cream comes later," she says, giving you a filthy wink. The gesture looks strange with her horizontal-closing eyelids.<br> <br> The tip of her tongue traces a lazy spiral around your glans. It focuses in on and tickles the opening to your urethra.<br> <br> "Mmm, I can't wait to suck that delicious cream out of your balls."<br> <br> The long tongue unspools and coils around the base of your cock like a snake. Rwberia slides it up and down, pleasantly jerking your cock.<br> <br> "This choice comes with a few bonuses," Rwberia says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Licker: Scenario]]
She presses her body up against you. She bunches up her full lips and gives you a sweet little kiss.<br> <br> "My producer's research has determined men who like tongue also like kissing."<br> <br> She wraps her arms around the back of your head and presses her lips against yours. The kiss is longer and more passionate.<br> <br> "Mmm. So, for this semen extraction course, I always give the man a man a good hard snog."<br> <br> Her lips press against yours in another hot kiss.<br> <br> "Mmm... with plenty of tongue."<br> <br> Her tongue slides into your mouth and toys with yours. Playfully at first, then entwining and sliding as she gives you a long and sensual French kiss. At the same time, her tongue at your crotch alternates between giving your cock a good wet lick, then coiling around and jerking your shaft.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Determine Match Status]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 0 and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Licker: No Match]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Licker: Match]] <</if>>
Rwberia breaks off the kiss. Her expression is a little sad.<br> <br> "Hmm. Don't take this the wrong way. I don't think you're really into this."<br> <br> You start to protest and Rwberia shushes you with a finger on your lips.<br> <br> "No no no. I'm not accusing you or blaming you or anything like that. For the semen extraction to be at its most productive and efficient I need the man to be //really// into the stimulus. My internal sensors have detected this is not the case with you."<br> <br> She might be right there. As pleasant as her kiss – and the tongue on your cock – is, it's only set a small fire in your loins rather than a blazing, passionate conflagration.<br> <br> Rwberia pulls the tentacle and wet orifice away from your cock. The long tongue is drawn back up into the fleshy bulb.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: No Match]]>>
Rwberia breaks off the kiss with a smile.<br> <br> "Mmm, I think you're into this."<br> <br> Her lips smooch against yours in a hot kiss.<br> <br> "Mmm... really into this."<br> <br> Another lovely soft smooch of her lips.<br> <br> "And that... mmm... means... mmm... you're a match."<br> <br> She presses her lips against yours for kiss after kiss. The fleshy tongue at your crotch keeps licking, wrapping, and tugging.<br> <br> Rwberia pauses kissing to slide her smooth cheek against yours as she leans closer to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "This semen extraction course has another little bonus."<br> <br> You feel another wet tongue down between your legs. This one slides between your ass cheeks and gently dabs at your anus.<br> <br> "Another special little tentacle to give you a lick in... other places."<br> <br> It feels like another mouth at your ass. Soft lips kiss your ass cheeks. A wet tongue traces circles around the rim of your asshole.<br> <br> "Mmm, I think it's time to take you to the next level of sensory stimulus," Rwberia whispers.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Licker: Match 2]]
A thick tongue wraps around your erection and pulls the tentacle down until the glans of your penis is resting against a pair of soft and sumptuously plump lips.<br> <br> "Ah," Rwberia sighs into your mouth. "In you go."<br> <br> The fleshy bulb at the end of the tentacle pulls itself down on your erection. Your cock slips between luscious artificial lips and into what feels like a warm wet mouth.<br> <br> There are too many tongues. Far too many tongues.<br> <br> You feel them licking all over your member. It's uncoordinated and chaotic at first. Then it becomes synchronised, so the licks flow up your shaft in a wave of pleasure. Surprised, you let out a startled gasp in Rwberia's mouth.<br> <br> She catches it and surges forward in a full-blooded kiss. Her tongue pushes even deeper into your mouth than before and twines around yours. The tongue at your ass does more than lick. It probes the sphincter and then gently pushes inside. The tip wiggles, sending pleasant tingling sensations throughout your loins.<br> <br> The fleshy bulb at your crotch slowly pulsates. Waves of pleasurable licking roll up your shaft with each pulse. Your whole body trembles under the erotic assault. She is licking you all the way to orgasm.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Licker: Semen Check]]
Or so you thought. Your body trembles on the cusp of climax in Rwberia's coils... and stays there, right at the cusp, without tipping over into orgasm.<br> <br> You tremble helplessly at the cusp. Rwberia breaks off her kiss and watches you as her tongues lick away at your ass and cock. The tongue in your ass worms deeper and starts dabbing at your prostate. The fleshy bulb pulsates at your crotch, each throb sending waves of pleasurable licks up your cock.<br> <br> It should be enough, but it isn't. You've done too much in the House this evening. Your balls are depleted. You don't have anything left.<br> <br> "How annoying," Rwberia says. "I know it's a match. I can feel your body desperately trying to ejaculate. The other harlots have already depleted your balls too much. We'll need to try something else to get your body to come."<br> <br> Rwberia pulls the tentacle and wet orifice away from your cock. The long tongue is drawn back up into the fleshy bulb.<br> <br> "I have just the tentacle for that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Forced Match]]
Rwberia breaks off the kiss. "Here it comes."<br> <br> She watches you as her tongues lick away at your ass and cock. The tongue in your ass worms deeper and starts dabbing at your prostate. The fleshy bulb pulsates at your crotch, each throb sending waves of pleasurable licks up your cock.<br> <br> You can't hold on. The sensation is too much. Your body tenses up and then you release a shuddering gout of semen into the whirlpool of licking tongues.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Ejaculation]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 1 and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Licker: Regular Match 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 1]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Licker: Perfect Match 1]] <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Licker: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Licker: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Coaxed by the licking tongues, your cock throbs again and again in ejaculation.<br> <br> As she promised, Rwberia has indeed licked you to ecstasy. You're glad of her restraining coils. You feel like she's licked you to the consistency of cream. Without her coils to hold you in place, you think you'd slide to the floor in a gooey puddle.<br> <br> "Match found. Sample obtained," Rwberia states.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Licker: Regular Match 2]]
Coaxed by licking tongues, your cock throbs again and pours out more semen into the writhing mass. There doesn't seem to be any end to the stream.<br> <br> "Mmm. Find the right stimulus and it's possible to induce a critical ejaculatory response in a man," Rwberia says. "For you, that stimulus appears to be a lot of tongue."<br> <br> Her kiss has a lot of tongue as she presses her lips against yours. Her tongue in your ass prods more forcefully against your prostate. Hard, but each press sends a pulse of pleasure through your loins. The wet tongues within the fleshy bulb form a sucking whirlpool around your member. They draw out the semen from your cock and Rwberia sucks it away up the tentacle in a series of bulges.<br> <br> Rwberia breaks off the kiss and looks at you with a broad smile.<br> <br> "I love finding a perfect match."<br> <br> Rwberia is practically giddy with excitement.<br> <br> "Usually the human body can't take it. But with a little help..."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Licker: Perfect Match 2]]
The fleshy bulb temporarily tightens around your cock. Her tongues encircle your penis and lick away the last splodges of cum. It's drawn to the back of the receptacle and you see bulges travel up the tentacle.<br> <br> Rwberia releases you. The tongue slides out of your ass. Rwberia pulls the tentacle and wet orifice away from your cock. The long tongue is drawn back up into the fleshy bulb.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[7][1] to true>> <<include [[Rwberia: Good End 1]]>>
She reattaches the gas tentacle over your mouth and nose and pumps in a soporific mix of drugs, perfume, and aphrodisiacs. The suction cups suck harder on your nipples. Her tongues continue to work away below your waist. She uses them to expertly massage your prostate and the sensitive ridge of your glans.<br> <br> "Mmm, time to lick up all that cream," Rwberia says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Licker: Perfect Match 3]]
Your body shudders as you pump out more 'cream'. The multitude of tongues greedily lap it up.<br> <br> Rwberia shifts position. <<include [[Rwberia: Bad End]]>>
tentacle terminates in a black rubber bulb. The narrow opening at the end is surrounded by a thick cushioned ring of soft rubber.<br> <br> "This is my ''Vacuum Tentacle''," Rwberia says. "There's not too much finesse to it. It sucks."<br> <br> The black rubber bulb expands sharply and you feel it suck in the air in front of you. You tremble in anticipation of that suction directed on your cock.<br> <br> "It will suck the cum right out of your balls."<br> <br>
"Oh. So you'd like me to give that cock of yours a nice big suck," Rwberia says.<br> <br> The other tentacles fall away. The bulbous black rubber pot at the end of the vacuum tentacle slowly expands and contracts ominously.<br> <br> "This is the best one for that. Once I have you in its grip, I'll suck all the cum right out of you."<br> <br> Rwberia's eyes are bright and eager. She drops the bulbous black rubber pot down into your lap. The swollen head of your erection nudges up against a soft ring of black rubber. The back of the rubber bulb expands, your cock is gripped by powerful vacuum suction and sucked up inside... sucked in deep enough for the soft ring of rubber around the opening to kiss the root of your penis.<br> <br> It's all very sudden. Your cock is sucked in as fast as you can blink and then you're feeling soft spongy walls press tightly all around it.<br> <br> "Mmm. It's just a case of manoeuvring it into the right position," Rwberia says. "So you're nice and snug and comfortable."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vacuum: Scenario]]
The rubber bulb at the end of the tentacle shifts position at your crotch. Rwberia keeps pumping out the air at the back of the bulb. Your cock is drawn deeper and deeper into it. The soft rubber ring at the entrance forms a vacuum seal around the base of your cock. The soft padded walls clamp around your penis to hold it in place. Just the tip protrudes out into the empty space at the back of the bulb.<br> <br> "It's in place," Rwberia says. "So shall we begin?"<br> <br> The back of the black rubber bulb swells. You feel a vacuum tug on the end of your cock. The soft walls narrow and squeeze your penis.<br> <br> The back of the rubber bulb swells further. You squirm in Rwberia's coils as the vacuum sucks on your cock with gradually increasing force.<br> <br> Rwberia moves up behind you and slides her hands down your sides.<br> <br> "It's better if you don't try to fight it," she whispers in your ear.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Determine Match Status]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 0 and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vacuum: No Match]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vacuum: Match]] <</if>>
The vacuum suction grows and grows. You squirm and writhe against Rwberia's restraining tentacle. The suction is starting to feel a little uncomfortable. You start to fear that if it keeps on increasing, it might tug your member off... in the bad way.<br> <br> And then, just like that, the sucking force is gone as if Rwberia flipped a switch.<br> <br> She moves back around and looks sad.<br> <br> "It's no good. You're still trying to fight it. If I keep increasing the force it will just damage you."<br> <br> With a hiss, air is pumped back into the rubber bulb. The soft spongy walls relax their grip on your cock. The vacuum seal at the root of your penis breaks and Rwberia smoothly slides the black rubber bulb off your member.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: No Match]]>>
The vacuum suction grows and grows. At first you fear it's going to keep growing until it tugs your cock off... in the bad way. Then something happens. There is a shift in positioning. You feel the suction not just on and around your cock, but down the inside as well. Rather than discomfort, it starts to feel pleasant.<br> <br> "Ah. That's it," Rwberia says. "You just need to relax."<br> <br> The back of the rubber bulb pulsates and sucks a bulge away up the tentacle hose. You feel it as a pleasant jerk on your cock. There is a brief moment of respite before the vacuum suction has you in its grip again.<br> <br> "Oh goodie, it's a match," Rwberia says brightly. "Now you just need to lean back and relax while I open up the right pathways."<br> <br> Her hands come up to massage your scalp and temples. The rubber bulb pulses again, sending another bulge up the tentacle while your cock is jerked with a pleasant tug.<br> <br> "Can you feel it?" Rwberia whispers in your ear.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vacuum: Match 2]]
You can feel something. A pleasant feeling inside your penis. It spreads down into your loins – a pleasant but insistent suction.<br> <br> "It's going down deeper inside you," Rwberia whispers. "Opening up those little pipes."<br> <br> The rubber bulb throbs again. Your body is jerked with it. You feel a pleasant answering throb from within your loins, as if internal tubes within you are pulsing with the same amplitude.<br> <br> "Preparing them," Rwberia whispers.<br> <br> You feel more insistent suction. Not just gripping your erection, but going deeper into your body.<br> <br> "Opening the way to..."<br> <br> Another pleasant throb, followed up with a continuation of vacuum suction. It's all the way into you now. You can feel it gently tugging at your balls.<br> <br> "Ah yes," Rwberia whispers. "I've got you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vacuum: Match 3]]
She pulses the rubber bulb with slow throbs. Your body jerks to the same rhythm. You feel a stirring in your balls as well as a strange sensation. It feels like there's a pair of luscious soft lips in there. Sucking... sucking...<br> <br> "You should prepare yourself," Rwberia warns. "When this makes a man climax, the sensation is quite... explosive."<br> <br> The rubber bulb pulses faster and faster. You squirm and writhe. Caught helplessly in the grip of its vacuum suction, you feel the urge to come building and building within you.<br> <br> You need to come. It's the only way to alleviate this irresistible vacuum suction.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vacuum: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Vacuum: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Vacuum: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Except you can't.<br> <br> You writhe and squirm helplessly. The sucking force on you cock... deep down in your balls... intensifies. You desperately want to spurt into it. Need to spurt into it.<br> <br> You can't. Your exertions in the House have left you completely depleted. Your balls have nothing left.<br> <br> "How annoying," Rwberia says. "I know it's a match. I can feel your body desperately trying to ejaculate. The other harlots have already depleted your balls too much. We'll need to try something else to get your body to come."<br> <br> With a hiss, air is pumped back into the rubber bulb. The soft spongy walls relax their grip on your cock. The vacuum seal at the root of your penis breaks and Rwberia smoothly slides the black rubber bulb off your member.<br> <br> "I have just the tentacle for that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Forced Match]]
"Here it comes," Rwberia says. "Don't try to fight it. Have a nice big spurt."<br> <br> You do. The desire to come builds and build within you until you can resist it no longer. Your body shudders, your hips buck, and you spurt.<br> <br> It is, as Rwberia warned, explosive. Your ejaculation shoots out like a jet and doesn't stop. Rwberia's rubber suction tentacle pulses and bulges as it sucks the cum out of you.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Ejaculation]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 1 and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Vacuum: Regular Match 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 1]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vacuum: Perfect Match 1]] <</if>>
It certainly is explosive. By the time it's over you're left slumped against the backrest, your nerves a jangling mess. Without Rwberia's tentacles to hold you in place, you think you might have slid to the floor.<br> <br> "Match found. Sample obtained," Rwberia states.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vacuum: Regular Match 2]]
The black rubber bulb pulses and is answered by another throb from your cock as you pump out another load into the irresistible vacuum suction.<br> <br> "For the right person, this extraction unit just grabs hold of their balls and sucks it all out."<br> <br> To demonstrate, she sucks another ejaculation out of you."<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 2]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vacuum: Perfect Match 2]]
Rwberia keeps the vacuum suction going until she's drained the last dregs from your cock. Then she switches it off. With a hiss, air is pumped back into the rubber bulb. The soft spongy walls relax their grip on your cock. The vacuum seal at the root of your penis breaks and Rwberia smoothly slides the black rubber bulb off your member.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[8][1] to true>> <<include [[Rwberia: Good End 1]]>>
<<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 3]]>> The black rubber bulb pulsates at your crotch. More bulges travel up the tentacle. Rwberia keeps the vacuum suction focused on your testicles.<br> <br> You shudder in the grip of a continuous orgasm. You watch more bulges pass up the tentacles. Your semen. It feels like Rwberia is vacuuming it directly out of your balls and you're helpless to stop it.<br> <br> "Ah yes, I have you now," Rwberia says. "Time to suck it all out."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vacuum: Perfect Match 3]]
The remorseless suction continues. Rwberia holds you tightly to the stand with her tentacles while she continues to suck all the semen out of your balls.<br> <br> She moves back around to facing you. <<include [[Rwberia: Bad End]]>>
She reattaches the gas tentacle over your mouth and nose and pumps in a soporific mix of drugs, perfume, and aphrodisiacs. The suction cups suck harder on your nipples. She attaches another tentacle to your ass. You feel something like a tongue lick around the rim of your anus, then slip inside to massage your prostate.<br> <br>
Rwberia moves back around to facing you. <<include [[Rwberia: Bad End]]>>
tentacle terminates in a long transparent plastic cylinder. You can see a narrow tube or sheath of soft rubber running up the centre of the cylinder. There is a puckered opening of soft rubber at the end leading up into the inner sheath.<br> <br> "This is ''The Stroker''," Rwberia says.<br> <br> A padded ring moves up and down the inside of the cylinder. The rubber sheath runs through the centre of the ring and you suspect it's just wide enough to fit your erect penis.<br> <br> "Simple but effective," Rwberia says. "Using it, I will stroke you to ecstasy."<br> <br>
"Ooh. So you'd like me to stroke you to ecstasy," Rwberia says.<br> <br> The other tentacles fall away, leaving behind the one with the strange cylindrical unit at the end of it. As strange as it looks and as strange as Rwberia appears to be, this appendage is at least vaguely recognisable as a sex toy milking device. Unlike Rwberia's other 'semen extraction' tentacles.<br> <br> "I have fine control over the speed of this," Rwberia says as the rubber ring pumps up and down inside. "I can go slow and sensual. Or fast and hard. It's superb at milking big fat loads out of men."<br> <br> She lowers it down to level with your crotch.<br> <br> "First, let's suck you in."<br> <br> The opening finds the tip of your cock and draws it up into the cylinder. The rubber lining is soft, warm and plaint. It fits your cock snugly like a second skin.<br> <br> "Now to make some adjustments," Rwberia says. "Every man's penis is different. Different girth. Different length. We need to find the right fit."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Stroker: Scenario]]
She presses the cylinder up against your crotch to hold it in place. Internally, the soft rubber sheath is stretched and twisted. Your penis is stretched and twisted with it.<br> <br> "Perfect," Rwberia says after a short period of adjustments.<br> <br> The internal rubber lining clings tightly to your cock. It's as snug as a second skin, maybe snugger. You feel gentle pressure all around your member, as if it's being lightly squeezed.<br> <br> "Now, let's start stroking," Rwberia says with a bright grin.<br> <br> The internal rubber ring starts moving up and down inside the cylinder. You feel it as a tight band stroking up and down your shaft. It feels like masturbation, but the pliable rubber membrane wrapped around your cock makes it feel like more than just a hand. The sensations are spread out across your whole penis.<br> <br> Rwberia moves up behind you and leans close to whisper in your ear. "Now we just have to find the right speed."<br> <br> The ring strokes a little faster. Enough to gradually increase your arousal.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Determine Match Status]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 0 and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Stroker: No Match]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Stroker: Match]] <</if>>
As good as it feels, it still doesn't feel quite right.<br> <br> Rwberia varies the speed. She strokes you fast enough to set your whole body thrumming. She strokes you slow and sensually, tightening the ring around your penis and dragging it up your shaft in a pleasant tug.<br> <br> Then she stops.<br> <br> It isn't working and she knows it too.<br> <br> "I don't think this is a match," Rwberia says sadly. "I've had it happen before. Men tell me it feels good, but also that it feels mechanical and loveless, as if they're just being milked like a cow."<br> <br> That's it. It's too... empty. There's no love. Or lust. Or passion. It's just a machine to milk your cock.<br> <br> The air pressure in the cylinder decreases. The ring widens. Rwberia slides your cock out of the rubber sheath.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: No Match]]>>
It feels different, but quite pleasant.<br> <br> A bit more than pleasant...<br> <br> The soft rubber sheath sucks you in and snugly embraces your cock while the harder rubber ring strokes up and down. Your erection lengthens and you feel a pleasant stirring in your balls. Your head tips back and you start to forget this is some kind of device. Your imagination paints images of luscious lips sliding up and down your cock. Or maybe a gorgeously tight twat bouncing against your lap.<br> <br> "I think this is a match," Rwberia says.<br> <br> She moves around behind you and then in close enough for her soft lips to brush your ear.<br> <br> "Let's make it a little more comfortable," she whispers.<br> <br> The air pressure changes within the cylinder. Your cock is sucked in deeper. Deep enough for your erection to be longer and harder than you've ever felt before. More sensitive as well. Each stroke of the rubber ring feels like dextrous fingers in a silk glove. Or luscious full lips. Or maybe even the lush labia of a tight vagina.<br> <br> "Mmm, good," Rwberia whispers in your ear. "My little stroker has you nice and snug. Now let it stroke all the resistance out of you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Stroker: Match 2]]
The inner ring smoothly pumps up and down. The stroking sensation is magnified by the pliant rubber wrapped around your cock. It's enough to set your whole body quivering with pleasure.<br> <br> "I wonder which it will be for you," Rwberia whispers in your ear. "Fast and hard?"<br> <br> The ring speeds up. It feels like a fast wank, or really energetic coupling. Your body squirms with the pleasure.<br> <br> "Or slow and sensual."<br> <br> Rwberia slows it right down. The internal ring expands, contracting the space between it and squeezing your cock. It feels like a tight cuff. Rwberia moves it slowly up and down your erection, paying special attention to the sensitive ridge of your glans. Each stroke, combined with the rubber sheath, is a slow suck that leaves you feeling wobbly at the knees.<br> <br> "The secret is to use both," Rwberia whispers in your ear.<br> <br> Rwberia uses both. She alternates between fast and slow, stroking your cock within the soft rubber membrane until your whole body is a trembling bliss-wracked mess.<br> <br> You're going to come.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Stroker: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Stroker: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Stroker: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Or so you thought. Your body trembles on the cusp of climax in Rwberia's coils... and stays there, right at the cusp, without tipping over into orgasm.<br> <br> Rwberia strokes you fast. Then slows down, tightens the ring around the root of your penis, and then pulls it up your shaft in a long slow tug.<br> <br> That should put you over the edge. Rwberia seems surprised when it doesn't. You're surprised as well. Your whole body is trembling with the urge to come, yet nothing comes out.<br> <br> "How annoying," Rwberia says. "I know it's a match. I can feel your body desperately trying to ejaculate. The other harlots have already depleted your balls too much. We'll need to try something else to get your body to come."<br> <br> The air pressure in the cylinder decreases. The ring widens. Rwberia slides your cock out of the rubber sheath.<br> <br> "I have just the tentacle for that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Forced Match]]
Rwberia speeds up and strokes you fast enough to cause your whole body to thrum with pent-up bliss.<br> <br> "You've held out quite admirably, but now I think it's time for you to give up your milk," Rwberia says.<br> <br> She pauses, tightens the ring around the base of your penis, and then pulls it up your shaft in a long slow tug.<br> <br> Your body thinks it's time as well. You tremble, your hips buck, and then your cock is throbbing within the tight rubber membrane as it pours out a powerful stream of cum.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Ejaculation]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 1 and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Stroker: Regular Match 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 1]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Stroker: Perfect Match 1]] <</if>>
You feel like you've spurted out torrents of cum. Your cock keeps throbbing against the snug rubber membrane.<br> <br> Then, finally, you're done. Rwberia's stroker has thoroughly milked you. You slump against the padded stand. Without Rwberia's coils to hold you there, you think you'd slide right to the floor.<br> <br> "Match found. Sample obtained," Rwberia states.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Stroker: Regular Match 2]]
Rwberia keeps stroking your cock, even after you've already ejaculated... multiple times. The stroking sensation keeps you hard and trembling. And again Rwberia pauses, tightens the ring around the base of your cock, and pulls it up your shaft in a slow tug, finishing with a squeeze of your sensitive glans that feels like a burst of pleasure at the end of your penis.<br> <br> Your cock throbs within the tight rubber membrane and releases another pulsing torrent of semen.<br> <br> "Ah good. I've got the right speed and force now," Rwberia says.<br> <br> She demonstrates by stroking you to another powerful orgasm.<br> <br> "Stimulate the right nerve clusters in just the right way and it's possible to trigger an endless ejaculation."<br> <br> She strokes another spurt of semen out of you as if your cock is an udder in a milking machine.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 2]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Stroker: Perfect Match 2]]
Your copious issue is drawn out of the end of the rubber tube. You see it pass up the tentacle in a series of bulges. The air pressure in the cylinder decreases. The ring widens. Rwberia slides your cock out of the rubber sheath.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[9][1] to true>> <<include [[Rwberia: Good End 1]]>>
<<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 3]]>> You can't stop. The ring strokes up and down and you keep spurting cum out into the rubber sheath. It's drawn out of the other end and you see it pass up the tentacle as a series of bulges.<br> <br> "Mmm, I've stroked you to submission," Rwberia says. "Now to milk you dry."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Stroker: Perfect Match 3]]
It is an infernal milking machine and your cock is trapped within it. Urged on by the irresistible stroking, you pump out spurt after spurt of semen.<br> <br> Rwberia shifts position. <<include [[Rwberia: Bad End]]>>
<<set $thirdRndMatchStatus to 0>> <<set $tentacleChoices to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]>> <<for _round to 0; _round lt 3; _round++>> <<if $thirdRndMatchStatus eq 0>> <<set $chosenTentacle to $tentacleChoices.pluck()>> <<if $chosenTentacle eq 0>> <<set $thirdRndMatchStatus to 3>> <<set $badEnds[$chosenTentacle] += 1>> <<else>> <<include [[Rwberia: Determine Match Status]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 1>> <<set $thirdRndMatchStatus to 1>> <</if>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 2>> <<set $thirdRndMatchStatus to 2>> <<set $badEnds[$chosenTentacle] += 1>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> <<switch $thirdRndMatchStatus>> <<case 0>> //No Match// <<case 1>> //Regular Match// <<case 2>> //Perfect Match// <<case 3>> //Chose Big One// <</switch>><br> <br> <</if>>
"Hmm. Given you've asked for the special treatment. How about I let you pick from all my tentacles," Rwberia says with a bright smile.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Tentacle Intro: Default]]<br> [[Continue (Skip Intros).->Rwberia: Tentacle Choices]]
tentacle terminates in a fleshy pink bulb with strange metal strips embedded in the surface. The opening at the end is soft pink rubber textured to resemble a luscious and inviting vagina.<br> <br> "This is my ''Vibrator''. Inside it are multiple vibrating pads positioned to provide maximum stimulation to the penis."<br> <br> A buzzing hum starts up within the bulb and you see the opening rapidly contract and dilate.<br> <br> "This option also comes with a companion tentacle," Rwberia says.<br> <br> She holds up a slender tentacle with a string of rubber beads on the end. That also starts to vibrate with a buzzing sound, fast enough for the beads to blur.<br> <br> "I don't think I need to tell you where that tentacle goes," Rwberia says with a mischievous grin.<br> <br>
"Ooh. Aren't you adventurous. Most men don't like the thought of anything going near their ass."<br> <br> She holds up the slender tentacle terminating in what looks like a string of rubber beads. A separate pad sticks out sideways from the base of the beads, giving it the loose appearance of a rubbery claw.<br> <br> "Even though it can be a source of great pleasure."<br> <br> The tentacle tip suddenly comes to life and starts vibrating with a buzzing sound.<br> <br> Rwberia notices some trepidation in your expression.<br> <br> "Ah, I still see a little bit of nervousness. It's okay. We'll take it nice and slow. Establish where your limits are."<br> <br> The slender tentacle switches places with the other tentacle. As with Rwberia's other semen squeezers, it terminates in a rubbery bulb. This is pink in colour. There is an opening at the end and the soft rubber is sculpted to resemble a luscious and inviting vagina.<br> <br> "We'll start with the main extraction unit," Rwberia says. "This is for your penis, in case you haven't already gathered."<br> <br> Her strange eyelids blink horizontally and come together with a click. She smiles breezily.<br> <br> "So let's put it in."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vibrator: Scenario]]
Rwberia drops the fleshy bulb down on your erection. You presume, like the rest of Rwberia, it's artificial, yet it's impossible to tell from touch. The labia feel soft and fleshy. There is plenty of lubricant, and your erection slides smoothly up into a tight warm channel.<br> <br> "Now, normally the stimulation would be generated through the friction of back and forth movement. This unit is a little different."<br> <br> A hum starts up as the metal strips around the fleshy bulb start vibrating. More vibration comes from an object within the bulb. You feel it first on the sensitive spot on the underside of your penis where the glans meets the shaft. Then it spreads out across the head of your dick and down the shaft. The vibrations cause your cock to pleasantly tingle.<br> <br> "Feels nice, doesn't it," Rwberia says.<br> <br> It does. Your erection is buried deep within the warm, fleshy bulb and the soft walls transmit the vibrations to it.<br> <br> "Now for my other, naughty little tentacle."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vibrator: Scenario 2]]
Rwberia brings the other tentacle up between your legs. She runs the vibrating tip down your sensitive perineum and lightly circles the rim of your anus. The tip is wet with thick lubricant.<br> <br> "I need you nice and relaxed for this part," Rwberia breathes in your ear.<br> <br> She gently probes your anus with the vibrating tip of the tentacle. The vibrations spread pleasant tremors through the lower half of your body. Rwberia pushes a little harder. Slathered in copious thick lubricant, the first bead at the tip of the tentacle worms inside. Rwberia holds the bead there and lets the vibrations relax the muscles of your sphincter. She pushes again, and a second, larger bead enters your ass.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Determine Match Status]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 0 and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vibrator: No Match]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vibrator: Match]] <</if>>
And that's as far as she goes.<br> <br> "No. It's no good. You're not relaxed enough," she says. "Your body is still trying to fight it and push it out."<br> <br> She gently pulls the vibrating beads out of your ass.<br> <br> "This isn't the one for you."<br> <br> The buzzing vibration is shut off in the main bulb as well. Rwberia slides it off your cock.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: No Match]]>>
"Ah good. You're nice and relaxed. Now to push it in all the way. Gently."<br> <br> Rwberia pushes with the tentacle. Aided by copious lubricant and pleasurable vibration, it pushes deeper until...<br> <br> "Ah, that's it. All the way."<br> <br> ...your ass relinquishes its resistance and lets the lubricated tentacle slide all the way inside, until the pad sticking out from the base is resting between your legs, along the perineum.<br> <br> "Ah good, everything is locked in place."<br> <br> The pad starts vibrating and sends pleasant tingling tremors up your perineum to tickle the underside of your balls. The vibrating tip of the tentacle focuses on your prostate. You feel pulses of pleasure grow outwards and wash against your testicles and the base of your cock. Within the fleshy bulb your erection is also buffeted with pleasurable waves of vibration.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vibrator: Match 2]]
"I don't know what it is about this semen extraction unit, but it always brings out my dominant side whenever I use it."<br> <br> Rwberia gives you a slasher smile that's a little disconcerting.<br> <br> "I think it's because when it's locked in, the man is rendered so helpless. I just love to watch them squirm as I vibrate them all the way to orgasm."<br> <br> She increases the speed and force of the vibration. You start to tremble uncontrollably as twin waves of pleasure pulse out from both your cock and prostate, and wash all your resistance away.<br> <br> "I should warn you. The orgasm this extraction unit gives is quite different... very intense."<br> <br> You feel a strange urge growing in your loins. You're not sure if it's to pee or come, but it's powerful and increases in intensity until all other thoughts are pushed aside.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vibrator: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Vibrator: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Vibrator: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Or so you thought. Your body trembles on the cusp of climax in Rwberia's coils... and stays there, right at the cusp, without tipping over into orgasm.<br> <br> Rwberia increases the vibration. It takes over your body and you squirm and tremble uncontrollably. Is that it?<br> <br> You feel muscles clench within you. It's almost like an orgasm, but it's dry. Your cock throbs as if it wants to come, but nothing comes out.<br> <br> With nothing to ejaculate, the sensations start to grow irritating, even painful.<br> <br> Rwberia shuts the vibration off.<br> <br> "How annoying," Rwberia says. "I know it's a match. I can feel your body desperately trying to ejaculate. The other harlots have already depleted your balls too much. We'll need to try something else to get your body to come."<br> <br> She carefully slides the string-of-beads tentacle out of your ass. She slips the fleshy bulb off your still-twitching cock.<br> <br> "I have just the tentacle for that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Forced Match]]
"Here it comes," Rwberia says.<br> <br> The vibration is relentless. It feels like every fibre of your being is thrumming with the same amplitude. You can't hold back. You feel an intense burst of pleasure in your loins and then a warm glow throughout your body as you release a long slow stream of semen into the vibrating bulb.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Ejaculation]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 1 and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Vibrator: Regular Match 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 1]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vibrator: Perfect Match 1]] <</if>>
You're not sure how many orgasms it is. The semen flows out of you in a long lazy stream. The fleshy bulb gulps it down and you see your issue travel up the tentacle as a series of bulges.<br> <br> "Match found. Sample obtained," Rwberia states.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vibrator: Regular Match 2]]
Rwberia keeps the string-of-beads tentacle vibrating deep within your ass. Separate vibrating pads within the fleshy bulb concentrate on sensitive parts of your penis. You feel another warm glow followed by another slow stream of semen gushing from your cock.<br> <br> "Oh yes. I really have you," Rwberia says.<br> <br> The pad and prostate massager press together like a claw, holding them firmly in place as she continues her vibratory assault on both your cock and penis.<br> <br> "The right sensory stimulus triggers a critical ejaculatory response. I've found it for you."<br> <br> You keep ejaculating. It's pouring out of you in a slow pulsing stream.<br> <br> "I love finding a perfect match."<br> <br> Rwberia is practically giddy with excitement.<br> <br> "Usually the human body can't take it. But with a little help..."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vibrator: Perfect Match 2]]
She turns off the vibration and carefully slides the string-of-beads tentacle out of your ass. She slips the fleshy bulb off your still-twitching cock.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[11][1] to true>> <<include [[Rwberia: Good End 1]]>>
She reattaches the gas tentacle over your mouth and nose and pumps in a soporific mix of drugs, perfume, and aphrodisiacs. The suction cups suck harder on your nipples. The fleshy bulb contracts around your throbbing cock. The tight grip intensifies the vibratory sensations running through the bulb.<br> <br> "Ah yes. I have you firmly in my grip now," Rwberia says. "Time to vibrate you to a blissful puddle of cum."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Vibrator: Perfect Match 3]]
Taken over by the vibrations, you can't stop coming. It keeps pouring out of you in a never-ending stream. The fleshy bulb sucks it away and you see it travel up the tentacle as a series of bulges.<br> <br> Rwberia moves back around to facing you. <<include [[Rwberia: Bad End]]>>
tentacle terminates in what looks like transparent rubber bell filled with pink fluff. It has a fairly wide opening at the end and looking inside you see a mass of fine pink hairs.<br> <br> "This is my little ''Fluffer''," Rwberia says. "The interior is filled with silky fine hairs. I use it when I feel the donor will respond to a lighter touch."<br> <br> The internal hairs brush back and forth within the rubber bell like cilia.<br> <br> "It's very tickly, and generates a lovely ASMR tingle when I brush the hairs against a man's penis. Even though there's no force, I've brought many of them to a blissful climax through the sensation alone."<br> <br>
"A good choice," Rwberia says as you pick her 'fluffer'.<br> <br> The other tentacles fall away, leaving behind the strange tentacle with the transparent bell at the end filled with fine pink hairs.<br> <br> "You seem like a man who prefers a more gentle touch. My little fluffer is very gentle."<br> <br> She pushes the tentacle down until your erection is fully enclosed by the transparent bell at the end. The interior is filled with fine hairs. They feel ticklish against your penis as your erection pushes up into the bell.<br> <br> "How is that? Nice and fluffy?" Rwberia asks.<br> <br> It does feel rather pleasant.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Fluffer: Scenario]]
Rwberia slides up close behind you. She lightly brushes the top of your shoulders with her fingernails.<br> <br> "This one is a little special," she whispers close to your ear. "To make the best use of it, my producer had me undergo special training with one of Priti Nāndyāh's disciples."<br> <br> The transparent bell around your cock gives a little shiver. It feels like some kind of strange static charge builds inside. The fine hairs stand on end and far apart from each other. Rwberia moves the bell slowly up and down and lets the fine hairs brush against your erection. It generates a pleasant, ticklish sensation.<br> <br> "Relax, enjoy the sensation," Rwberia says.<br> <br> She continues to lightly stroke your shoulders with her fingernails.<br> <br> "You should start to feel some pleasant tingles," she says.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Determine Match Status]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 0 and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Fluffer: No Match]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Fluffer: Match]] <</if>>
Rwberia keeps gently caressing your neck and shoulders. She moves the transparent bell back and forth over your erection. Your penis is tickled by many fine hairs.<br> <br> Then she stops.<br> <br> "No tingles?"<br> <br> While it feels quite pleasant, that's all.<br> <br> "Hmm. I'm not getting the expected response. I don't think this is a match."<br> <br> She pulls the transparent, fur-filled bell away from your crotch.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: No Match]]>>
You do feel a pleasant tingling response. The hairs rise up on the back of your neck and Rwberia's fingernails whisper through them, as light as a gentle breeze.<br> <br> "This is all about the tingles," Rwberia whispers.<br> <br> She breathes lightly on your ear. Her fingers lightly dance across your shoulders and up your neck. Their touch is as light as her breath.<br> <br> "And then, when we have the tingles, letting the erotic charge build and build."<br> <br> Her whisper is light and almost hypnotic as it slithers into your ear. The pleasant tingling sensation travels across your scalp. She follows it with her fingers. She lets her fingernails lightly sift through your hair.<br> <br> "Ah, but we mustn't forget the most sensitive part of you," Rwberia whispers in your ear.<br> <br> Directed by currents only they can feel, the fine hairs within the transparent bell start to brush back and forth like cilia. Your cock is in the middle of it all and is tickled all over by soft silky hairs.<br> <br> "Ooh yes," Rwberia moans lightly in your ear. Her fingers continue to lightly caress your scalp. "Let the charge build."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Fluffer: Match 2]]
At first you were sceptical Rwberia could do anything with this tentacle. While the furry interior of the bell does feel very pleasurable on your cock, it's very light and ticklish rather than the forceful friction of masturbation or sexual intercourse. However, as Rwberia continues, you feel a strange charge building within you. It's as if the air is saturated with static electricity. All your hairs are standing on end, but it's a pleasure reaction rather than fear.<br> <br> Rwberia softly blows air in your ear. Her skilled fingers tickle through the hairs of your scalp. The soft hairs in the transparent bell continue to stroke up and down your cock. They feel as soft and fine as expensive silk against your penis.<br> <br> "Let it build," Rwberia moans softly.<br> <br> You can feel it now, as if the charge has settled down in your balls. The hairs continue to stroke and tickle your cock. You feel them slide across the top of your sensitive glans like a whisper.<br> <br> Rwberia sighs in your ear.<br> <br> You feel stirrings in your balls. Your cock trembles. You're going to come.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Fluffer: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Fluffer: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Fluffer: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Or so you thought. Your body trembles on the cusp of climax in Rwberia's coils... and stays there, right at the cusp, without tipping over into orgasm.<br> <br> You squirm and writhe in Rwberia's coils. Your body urgently, desperately, needs to ejaculate. The hairs in the transparent bell seem to sense it as well, as they stroke against your penis in a redoubled frenzy.<br> <br> Nothing happens. You just twist and squirm, unable to attain the climax you crave. The night in the House has been too much for you. Your balls are empty.<br> <br> "How annoying," Rwberia says. "I know it's a match. I can feel your body desperately trying to ejaculate. The other harlots have already depleted your balls too much. We'll need to try something else to get your body to come."<br> <br> She pulls the transparent, fur-filled bell away from your crotch.<br> <br> "I have just the tentacle for that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Forced Match]]
"Let it build... then let it out," Rwberia breathes in your ear.<br> <br> It's an unexpected ejaculation. The stimulation shouldn't be enough to trigger it. It's barely more than someone lightly blowing on your cock. As a result, your body seems to compensate in the opposite direction.<br> <br> The orgasm is intense... violent even. Muscles clench in your loins, your hips buck, and your throbbing erection fires a thick stream of cum into the fluff-filled receptacle.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Ejaculation]]>> <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 1 and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Rwberia: Fluffer: Regular Match 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 1]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Fluffer: Perfect Match 1]] <</if>>
You make a sticky mess of the hairs with your multiple ejaculations. For such a gentle-seeming stimulation, it had a powerful effect on your body. The aftermath leaves you sagging in Rwberia's coils, your body a mass of jangling nerves.<br> <br> "Match found. Sample obtained," Rwberia states.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Fluffer: Regular Match 2]]
The furry interior seems to thicken until your cock is completely buried in fluffy pleasure. It feels so good your cock is already spurting more cum into it.<br> <br> "The hairs react to male ejaculate," Rwberia whispers. "They thicken up. Get extra soft."<br> <br> Inside the bell it feels like a fluffy boa coiled around your erection. The soft hairs pleasantly caress and tickle.<br> <br> "Mmm, you like fluff and tingles, but that ejaculatory response is still a little spiky."<br> <br> While one hand continues to lightly caress your scalp, the other strays down between your legs.<br> <br> "Let's see if we can smooth it out."<br> <br> Her fingernails lightly brush through the hairs on the underside of your testicles.<br> <br> You ejaculate again, but this time it's longer and slower. The many hairs crowd around your spurting cock and bury it in luscious silky fluff.<br> <br> <<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 2]]>> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Fluffer: Perfect Match 2]]
The hairs bends inwards and your issue is cleaned off and sucked up through the back of the transparent bell. You see it travel up the tentacle as a series of bulges. Rwberia pulls the transparent bell away and your spent and softening erection droops freely.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[10][1] to true>> <<include [[Rwberia: Good End 1]]>>
<<include [[Rwberia: Perfect Match 3]]>> Your body is a tingling mass of bliss all over. You feel warm and relaxed. Your cock slowly throbs as you pour more semen into the interior of the fluffy bell.<br> <br> "Ah good. Totally relaxed. Let it all out," Rwberia says soothingly.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Fluffer: Perfect Match 3]]
Your ejaculation doesn't stop. You empty fluids into the nest of fine hairs. They bend inwards and your issue is cleaned off and sucked up through the back of the transparent bell. You see it travel up the tentacle in a series of bulges.<br> <br> Rwberia moves back around to facing you. <<include [[Rwberia: Bad End]]>>
tentacle is thicker than the others and terminates in a swollen black rubber bulb that's also far larger than those of Rwberia's other semen extraction tentacles. There is a single small opening at the end lined with a soft rubber ring.<br> <br> "This is ''The Big One''," Rwberia says. "It's very powerful. I usually only use it as a last resort, for when the donor is struggling or proving particularly recalcitrant."<br> <br> The big rubber bulb pulsates ominously. It looks disconcertingly... muscular. <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> You get the feeling that if you put your dick in there, it won't be coming out. <</if>><br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> "This will make you come for sure." <<elseif $isNoMatch>> "This will be a match for sure." <<else>> "This one never fails to suck a big semen sample out of a man," Rwberia says with pride. <</if>><br> <br>
<<if $isOutOfSemen>> "My Big One will help you come. Don't you worry about that," Rwberia says. <<elseif $isNoMatch>> "My Big One will be a match for you. Don't you worry about that," Rwberia says. <<else>> "Ah, a brave man," Rwberia says.<br> <br> Huh? What?<br> <br> "It's a brave man that picks my Big One," Rwberia says. "Many have tried to take it on. All have failed. Just as with them, your eventual surrender will be sweet." <</if>><br> <br> The big black bulb bends down towards your crotch. The rubber bulb is very big. Far bigger than the other exotic devices at the end of Rwberia's tentacles. It looks intimidating... muscular.<br> <br> <<if not $isOutOfSemen and not $isNoMatch>> You wonder if you've made the right choice.<br> <br> <</if>> "Now you just lie back," Rwberia says. "My Big One is very powerful. It's best to let her do all the work."<br> <br> Your cock is sucked through the soft cushioned ring of rubber lining the opening and into a warm and //tight// interior. The walls are soft, but your cock is pressed snugly all around.<br> <br> "Now to start sucking," Rwberia says.<br> <br> The black bulb swells. The internal walls undulate around your cock. It feels like you're both in a very tight vagina while also receiving a strong suck from a mouth at the same time.<br> <br> "Mmm. This one does give a cock a nice big suck."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Scenario]]
The big black bulb slowly pulsates around your cock. You're jerked by powerful sucking tugs. They're powerful enough to pull your buttocks away from the padded backrest.<br> <br> This feels... strong. Very pleasant... but strong.<br> <br> "Oh yes, I love giving a cock a big fat suck with this one," Rwberia says.<br> <br> The bulb continues to pulsate. Within it, your cock is rhythmically squeezed and tugged. It starts powerful and keeps increasing. The pulsating suction spreads right down to your balls.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> "There's no need to worry about your recent performance problems. This one will make you come."<br> <br> The sucking force continues to increase. Muscular peristaltic bulges travel up the thick tentacle. Empty for now, but not for much longer. Your balls were too tired and depleted to respond before. Rwberia's tentacle brings them to life. You feel stirrings. Weak at first, but increasing in strength until...<br> <br> It's here. <<else>> "It never takes long," Rwberia says.<br> <br> It doesn't.<br> <br> The sucking force continues to increase. Muscular peristaltic bulges travel up the thick tentacle. Empty for now, but not for much longer. You can already feel a familiar stirring in your balls.<br> <br> And then it's out. <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Ejaculation]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Your head tips back. You gasp in pleasure as your cock erupts and you spurt out cum inside the black rubber bulb.<br> <br> That was fast... and intense.<br> <br> It's also not over. The fat suction tentacle keeps sucking on your throbbing cock. It greedily guzzles up your cum and sucks it up the tentacle.<br> <br> Then sucks at your cock for more.<br> <br> The force is irresistible. You're already coming again, spurting thick ropes of cum into the pulsating rubber bulb.<br> <br> This time it doesn't stop. Rwberia sucks it out of you in a continuous pulsing stream.<br> <br> "What, did you think I was about to stop after that little spurt," Rwberia laughs.<br> <br> The inner walls of the bulb tightly clamp your penis. The pulsing suction is transmitted right into your quivering body.<br> <br> Fuck, it's irresistible.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Bad End 1]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> "This one never stops," Rwberia says. "It keeps sucking and sucking..."<br> <br> You grunt in both surprise and pleasure. Due to the continuous nature of your ejaculation, your climaxes are unfocused and chaotic. Your nerves are jangling so much in ecstasy you can't get any control of your body.<br> <br> "...and sucking..."<br> <br> The tentacle adjusts. Peristaltic tugs pull you erection even deeper into the muscular bulb. The padded ring squashes up against your crotch and contracts around the base of your cock to hold you firmly in place.<br> <br> "...until... ah, it has you now."<br> <br> You groan as another orgasm detonates through your body. The suction tentacle tightly grips your cock and sucks the semen right out of it.<br> <br> "And suck..."<br> <br> The pulsations grow slower and more powerful. Your cock throbs to the same rhythm.<br> <br> "...and suck..."<br> <br> It feels like her tentacles is pumping it out of your balls. Your body squirms and writhes in helpless bliss.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Bad End 2]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> "I don't have to worry about finding a match or if the donor has enough semen with this tentacle," Rwberia says. "It doesn't matter. My Big One sucks it all out of them."<br> <br> The suction tentacle continues to pump the semen – and maybe some other fluids as well – out of your body. You see many bulges travel along the thick tentacle.<br> <br> "However, it is rather taxing on a man's body. Thankfully, my producer gave me some tools to help out there."<br> <br> She reattaches the gas tentacle over your mouth and nose and pumps in a soporific mix of drugs, perfume, and aphrodisiacs. The suction cups suck harder on your nipples. She attaches another tentacle to your ass. You feel something like a tongue lick around the rim of your anus, then slip inside to massage your prostate.<br> <br> Rwberia runs a hand along her muscular tentacle.<br> <br> "Mmm. It looks like we're getting a nice flow. Time to pump it all out."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Rwberia: Big One: Bad End 3]]
Your body twitches and shudders as the suction tentacle continues to pleasurably pump out your fluids. Rwberia shifts position. <<include [[Rwberia: Bad End]]>>
<<set $isHarlotTesting to false>> <<include [[Rwberia: Init Stat Blocks]]>> <<set $noMatchCount to 0>> <<set $regMatchCount to 0>> <<set $perfMatchCount to 0>> <<set $badEnds to [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]>> <<for _player to 0; _player lt 100; _player++>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Test: Match Status for 1 Human]]>> <<switch $thirdRndMatchStatus>> <<case 0>> <<set $noMatchCount += 1>> <<case 1>> <<set $regMatchCount += 1>> <<case 2>> <<set $perfMatchCount += 1>> <</switch>> <</for>> Survived: $regMatchCount<br> Bad End (No Match): $noMatchCount<br> Bad End (Perfect Match): $perfMatchCount<br> <<for _t to 0; _t lt 13; _t++>> -- $tentacleNames[_t]: $badEnds[_t]<br> <</for>> <br> [[Test Again?->Test Rwberia Survival Rates]]
<<if $isHarlotTesting>> //Player :// <<for _i to 0; _i lt _playerBlock.length; _i++>> <<print " " + _playerBlock[_i]>> <</for>><br> //Rwberia:// <<for _i to 0; _i lt _rwberiaBlock.length; _i++>> <<print " " + _rwberiaBlock[_i]>> <</for>><br> <</if>> <<set $tentacleMatchStatus to 2>> <<set _perfLee to 4>> <<set _regLee to 5>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt _playerBlock.length; _i++>> <<set _r to _rwberiaBlock[_i]>> <<set _p to _playerBlock[_i]>> <<set _diff to (_r - _p)>> <<if _diff lt 0>><<set _diff *= -1>><</if>> <<if _r eq 1 or _r eq 5>> <<set _maxDiff to 2>> <<else>> <<set _maxDiff to 1>> <</if>> /* r: _r, p: _p, diff: _diff, maxDiff: _maxDiff<br> */ /* perfect match */ <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 2>> <<if _diff gt 0>> <<if _diff lt 2 and _perfLee gt 0>> /* perfect leeway: _perfLee<br> */ <<set _perfLee -= 1>> <<else>> <<set $tentacleMatchStatus to 1>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> /* regular match */ <<if $tentacleMatchStatus eq 1>> <<if _diff gt _maxDiff>> <<if _diff lt _maxDiff + 2 and _regLee gt 0>> <<set _regLee -= 1>> <<else>> <<set $tentacleMatchStatus to 0>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> <<switch $tentacleMatchStatus>> <<case 0>> //No Match// <<case 1>> //Regular Match// <<case 2>> //Perfect Match// <</switch>><br> <br> <</if>>
<<set $rwberiaStatBlocks to [ [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4], [3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3], [3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3], [2, 4, 3, 4, 3, 2], [5, 5, 3, 3, 4, 3], [1, 1, 3, 4, 3, 3], [5, 5, 2, 2, 4, 5], [4, 5, 1, 5, 1, 2], [1, 4, 5, 3, 3, 1], [3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 5] ]>>
<<set _rwberiaBlock to [4,3,3,3,3,2]>> <<set $perfectMatches to 0>> <<set $regularMatches to 0>> <<set $noMatches to 0>> <<for _test to 0; _test lt 100; _test++>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set _playerBlock to [ $player.currStr, $player.currAgi, $player.currDex, $player.currWill, $player.currInt, $player.currConst ]>> <<include [[Rwberia: Match Status Algorithm]]>> <<switch $tentacleMatchStatus>> <<case 2>> <<set $perfectMatches += 1>> <<case 1>> <<set $regularMatches += 1>> <<case 0>> <<set $noMatches += 1>> <</switch>> <</for>> Perfect matches: $perfectMatches<br> Regular matches: $regularMatches<br> No Matches: $noMatches<br> <br> [[Test Again.->Test Rwberia Match Algorithm]]
"Ah, so you're at that stage," $ says. He pulls out a small black notebook. "This is where the House starts to deploy its captains. I've heard of Rwberia Godr-0-sgwid, the artificial milking octopus. Tell me of your experiences with her."<br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[13][1] and not _osa[13][2]>> <br><br> "So it took her three attempts to find a 'match'. That seems to be the most she gives men. I've certainly not spoken to anyone who was given a fourth chance."<br> <br> <<elseif _scoreArray[12][1] and not _osa[12][2]>> <br><br> "So it took more than one attempt for her to find a 'match'. I've heard that happens. Damned if I know what determines a 'match' though."<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"What an unusual way to... ahem... get a man off," $ says, referring to the sticky-gel tentacle Rwberia used to splodge you to orgasm. "If it worked for you, hats off. The sensation sounds rather messy and unpleasant to me."<br> <br>
"Sounds very messy," $ says, referring to the squooshy tentacle Rwberia sucked you off with. "Even if it is supposed to simulate oral sex, I prefer the trollop to be less... slobbery about it."<br> <br>
"Mmm, that does sound rather pleasant," $ says, referring to Rwberia's cushioned tentacle. "If I could just assuage myself of some last lingering doubts, I could avail myself of that option."<br> <br>
"What a frightful torture device," $ says, referring to the special tentacle Rwberia used to squeeze you to orgasm. "I wouldn't want that anywhere near my pride and joy."<br> <br> He places a protective hand over his crotch.<br> <br>
"What a bizarre device. You say there was no direct contact at all," $ says, referring to Rwberia's 'puffer'. "I'm tempted to give that a try myself, just as soon as I can guarantee it's safe."<br> <br>
"Hmpth. Plain and simple. I can get behind that," $ says, referring to Rwberia's vanilla tentacle. "Or rather, into it."<br> <br> He guffaws and slaps his belly.<br> <br>
"There's liking women's breasts and //liking// women's breasts," $ says, referring to the specialised milker tentacle Rwberia used on you. "I suggest you get help for that particular predilection, young man."<br> <br>
"And you say it was filled with countless licking tongues," $ says, referring to the licker tentacle Rwberia used on you. "That sounds revolting to me. Even before we consider the... ahem... other one."<br> <br>
"How ghastly," $ says, referring to Rwberia's vacuum tentacle. "Having your... issue... sucked out like that. Sounds hideously impersonal."<br> <br>
"$ has provided her creation with some truly... exotic devices," $ says, referring to Rwberia's stroker. "I'm not sure that one's for me. It sounds too much like being milked like a cow."<br> <br>
"That worked on you?" $ sounds surprised as he considers your account of Rwberia's fluffer. He shrugs. "Being tickled like that sounds harmless enough. Yet..."<br> <br>
"No no no. Not for me," $ says, shaking his head, after you've given your account of Rwberia's vibrator tentacle. "I'd rather not have anything from these monsters shoved up my ass, thank you very much."<br> <br>
<<set _tentacle to 0>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt 12; _i++>> /* There should only be one match */ <<if _scoreArray[_i][1] and not _osa[_i][2]>> /* inc by 1 as Big One (0) is not included */ <<set _tentacle to _i + 1>> <</if>> <</for>> <<set _link to "Rwberia: Tentacle" + _tentacle + ": NPC Money">> <<include _link>> $ leans back in contemplation.<br> <br> "I'm not sure what to make of her. Some of her tentacles sound quite intriguing. For the broad-minded," he hastily adds. "And some sound positively nightmarish."<br> <br> He strokes his moustache.<br> <br> "And then you have to factor in those that don't return. I've heard her infernal tentacles suck them completely dry, and no indication of why one man should leave while another falls victim to that fate. Her rules seem opaque and known only to her."
/* Suffocatrix Mamilla */ <<set $hi to 10>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Suffocatrix Mamilla", shortDescription: "a pale-skinned succubus dressed in tight black latex. The shiny black material stretches noticeably over her considerable bust.", faction: 1, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: true, hasPlotRepeatVisits: true, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [1,28], affection: 0, isIrresistibleToAilment: 1, /* boob fetish */ introductionLink: "Suffocatrix Mamilla: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Suffocatrix Mamilla: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Suffocatrix Mamilla: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Suffocatrix Mamilla: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Suffocatrix Mamilla: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Suffocatrix Mamilla: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Suffocatrix Mamilla: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Suffocatrix Mamilla: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(22)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ <<set $player.currConst to 1>> <<set $player.currWill to 5>> /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to true>> <<set $player.maxFactionAffinities to [1]>> <<set $hi to 10>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited to true>> */ /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $allAilments[0].harlot to $hi>> /* <<set $player.roomScores[0] to { round: 1, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,true], [4,true,true], [5,false,false], [5,false,false] ] }>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 28>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat Vars]]>> /* Madam intro */ "This is Suffocatrix Mamilla," $ says. "She just loves smothering men between her lovely tits." <br> <br> /* Long description */ <<if _isEnslaved>>Mistress<<else>>Suffocatrix Mamilla<</if>> is clothed from head to foot in glossy black latex. The rubber is stretched taut over <<print _name + "'s">> large round boobs. A zipper at the front is pushed down to reveal the lush chasm of her cleavage. That zipper looks like it can go even lower, low enough to let <<print _name + "'s">> wondrous breasts pop out entirely. <<if _isRepeat>> You remember the feel of those lovely breasts against the side of your face and your cock surges to full hardness in your pants. <</if>> <br> <br> <<print _name + "'s">> skin is pale and smooth like milk. Shiny red lip gloss and smoky black eye shadow contrast sharply with her pale complexion. Her long black hair is tied back in a severe ponytail. Her intimidating appearance makes her appear taller than she is. Even with her height bolstered by her shiny stiletto heels, you'd put her at <<print "5'4\" or 5'5\"">> at the most.<br> <br> <<if _isEnslaved>> You don't mind her black horns, black bat wings and hip-like tail. Mistress is perfect as she is.<br><br> <</if>> <<if not _isRepeat>> You wish the black horns, black bat wings and whip-like black tail were also part of the costume, but given the House you know they're not. <br><br> <</if>> /* Harlot intro */ _name wastes no time in pushing out her considerable bosom to attract your attention.<br> <br> <<if _isRepeat>> "Ah, my boobslave. Are you ready for another lovely smothering?" she says. Her dark eyes twinkle with amusement. <<else>> "I'm Suffocatrix Mamilla and I'm going to smother you with my tits until you become my boobslave," she says. Her dark eyes twinkle with amusement. <</if>> <br>
<<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat Vars]]>> You take <<if _isEnslaved>>Mistress<<else>>Suffocatrix Mamilla<</if>> out to one of the booth tables.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Suffocatrix Mamilla: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Suffocatrix Mamilla: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat Vars]]>> <br> <br> "How useless, and not in the fun way," _name says.<br> <br> She leaves you to your shame.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat Vars]]>> The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a glass of wine for <<print _name + ".">><br> <br> <<if _isRepeat>> "Why are you wasting time," _name says with a smile. "We both know you want to be back in my room so you can feel these lovely tits pressing down on your face."<br> <br> She pushes up the lovely round mounds of her tits and squeezes them together enticingly. <<else>> As you sit opposite her, your gaze keeps sliding down into the milky-white chasm of her cleavage. You can't help it. The pull is as inexorable as gravity. You're obvious enough for Mamilla to notice.<br> <br> "You keep staring at my tits," she comments.<br> <br> You blush.<br> <br> "It's okay, I like men liking my tits. If you come up to my room with me, I'll give you an even closer look."<br> <br> She pushes up the lovely round mounds of her tits and squeezes them together enticingly.<br> <br> That is a rather tempting proposal, you think. <</if>> <br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> /* must start with linebreaks if wish to start on new line */ <br> <br> /* Text here */ "She likes chocolates? Well, who'd have thought it."<br> <br> His moustache wriggles as he chuckles. /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"Ah, Suffocatrix Mamilla," $ says. "She's what I call a //smotherbus//. They're a group of succubi that specialise in erotic asphyxiation. They think they get the best climaxes when the man is on the verge of passing out from oxygen deprivation."<br> <br> She puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "Mamilla likes using her boobs. I imagine it's quite pleasant having them squashed against your face... until you start gasping for air and realise you can't get any."<br> <br> $ blows a cloud of scented smoke in your face and you cough and splutter.<br> <br> "There's no need to worry too much. Mamilla might talk a lot about smothering you to death, but it's just part of her game. As long as you can hold your breath, she won't actually suffocate you to death."<br> <br> <<print $ + "'s">> lips turn up in a disturbing smile.<br> <br> "Unless you've annoyed her."<br> <br> She sips her drink.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If you're wondering what tribute to bring her, I've heard she's quite partial to chocolate.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If she gets you strapped into her smother chair... well, I hope you can hold your breath.\" " + $ + " laughs."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Like all dominatrices, she expects her visitors to be compliant and submissive.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Her and her sister are very competitive. They have a long-standing dispute over which is better – ass or boobs. Get in the way of that rivalry at your peril.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[4] to { isLie: false, text: "\"While her lovely bosom is wondrous to behold, touch and feel, it is her instrument of torture and sometimes even execution. She is of that clan through and through, and – like most of them – despises those on the path of sensuality.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $roomAffection to $allHarlots[$hi].affection>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Room affection = <<print $roomAffection>>''<br> <br> <</if>> /* has boob fetish already */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<set $hasBoobFetish to _hasAilment>> /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Chocolates */ [4,false,false], /* Surviving */ [5,false,false], /* being broken in on repeat visit */ [5,false,false] /* getting enslaved on repeat visit */ ] }>> Mamilla waits for you in a room that resembles a dominatrix's dungeon. Thankfully, it appears to be quite a //comfy// dominatrix's dungeon. The surfaces are padded, the chains are polished and everything looks to be spotlessly well maintained. It looks kinky rather than intimidating. If Mamilla's presence wasn't so strong you might struggle to take it seriously. Despite her average stature, she comports herself in a way that brooks no fucking around.<br> <br> "Ah, my new boobslave," she says. "Come in."<br> <br> With her glossy black latex, she looks similar to the classic dominatrices of fetish porn clips and just as hot. If it wasn't for her wings, horns and tail, you could fool yourself into thinking you were about to enter a 'regular' sex dungeon for a 'regular' session with a dominatrix. However, her demonic features are not costume props and you do feel some trepidation when trying to speculate on what a demon would regard as acceptable BDSM.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive or $hasBoobFetish>> (And also some excitement, that you can't deny.)<br> <br> <</if>> "Hand over your tribute."<br> <br> You think she means the gift.<br> <br> [[You give her your 'tribute'.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: First Time Gift]]
/* relevant scenario-specific vars defined here: */ <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat Vars]]>> <<set $isEnslaved to _isEnslaved>> <<set $name to _name>> <<set $roomAffection to $allHarlots[$hi].affection>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Room affection = <<print $roomAffection>>''<br> <br> <</if>> /* create score array */ /* 1st, find old score array (if multiple visits, take the last score array) */ <<for _r to 0; _r lt $player.roomScores.length; _r++>> <<if $player.roomScores[_r].harlotNumber eq $hi>> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[_r].scoreArray>> <</if>> <</for>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> You return to <<if _isEnslaved>>Mistress's<<else>>Suffocatrix Mamilla's<</if>> comfy dominatrix dungeon. As before, _name looks incredibly sexy in her tight black latex. The light reflects off the glossy swell of her breasts.<br> <br> "Ah, my boobslave has returned."<br> <br> She holds out a hand.<br> <br> "What tribute have you brought me?"<br> <br> [[You give her your 'tribute'.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat Gift]]
<<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat Vars]]>> <<if $cgi eq 1>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: First Time Chocolates]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 28>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Gift: Peach]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Regular Gift]]>> <</if>> /* Set here as good gift permanently improves affection */ <<set $roomAffection to $allHarlots[$hi].affection>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Room affection = <<print $roomAffection>>''<br> <br> <</if>> She puts the gift to one side and directs you to some hooks on the wall. Thankfully, they look more like 'clothesy' type hooks rather than 'meaty' type hooks.<br> <br> "Undress and hang your clothes here."<br> <br> It's an order. Mamilla makes it very clear who's in charge in this room.<br> <br> You do as she says, undressing and hanging your clothes on the hooks. Naked, you feel a damn sight more vulnerable. Mamilla revels in your discomfort. The corners of her lips turn up as she looks you over. She seems to like what she sees. Or at least you hope she likes what she sees.<br> <br> The question then is which piece of equipment Mamilla wishes to use on you. That question is answered as she takes you to an imposing leather chair at the back of the room.<br> <br> "As you are new, your session will be in my smother chair," Mamilla says. "Come, sit."<br> <br> [[You sit in the chair.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Chair]]
The chair has large back and foot rests, both slanted at 45˚. It resembles a dentist's chair, albeit a demonic one with shiny black leather padding and bondage straps attached to the armrests. It's at least reasonably comfortable. You sit in it, wondering what you've gotten yourself into.<br> <br> Things improve markedly as Mamilla straddles you and her attitude shifts from cold and stern to teasing and seductive. She lets her gorgeous chest sway and slides her hands over her slinky, latex-clad curves.<br> <br> "Do you like these?" she asks, squeezing her lovely boobs together. "I can see you can't stop looking at them."<br> <br> It's hard not to, especially as Mamilla lifts them, squeezes them and keeps your attention focused on them in a way that's hypnotic.<br> <br> "Would you like a closer look?"<br> <br> [[You would.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Reveal Breasts]]
She pulls the zipper down to expose more of her smooth, pale flesh. Enough to let her pink nipples pop free. She swoops forwards and pushes her tits out, letting them hang tantalisingly close to your face – close enough for her nipples to almost brush against your cheeks – before swinging back with a teasing smile on her bright red lips.<br> <br> "Or maybe a touch. Yes, I think you'd like that. You'd like to have your face squashed beneath my lovely big boobs. Feeling their soft weight press against you, smothering you. Mmm yes, I think you'd like that a lot."<br> <br> Your Adam's apple bobs. Your gaze is rivetted to her lovely full breasts.<br> <br> "But first we need to make sure you're strapped in."<br> <br> The arm rests have straps. Mamilla leans over to start buckling them around your right arm.<br> <br> <<if $hasBoobFetish>> You're fine with this. You're impatient for Mamilla to start pushing those wonderful boobs in your face.<br> <br> [[You let her strap you in.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Allow Being Strapped In]] <<else>> You're not so sure about this. Are you sure you want to let yourself be strapped in and at the mercy of a dominatrix sex demon?<br> <br> [[No, you don't want to be strapped in.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Fight Being Strapped In]]<br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> [[Yes, you're fine with it (and maybe a little excited).->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Allow Being Strapped In]] <<else>> [[Yes, you're fine with it.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Allow Being Strapped In]] <</if>> <</if>>
You're not so keen on having your arms strapped to the chair. You pull your right arm away and start to get up from the chair.<br> <br> "Ah, a rebellious spirit," Mamilla says. "Or maybe just fearful."<br> <br> She points a finger at you. Her nail is long and pointed like a spear.<br> <br> "Sit down." she orders.<br> <br> She traces a complicated design in the air with her outstretched finger and whispers words in a language so foul your ears feel molested.<br> <br> You feel a burning sensation on your chest as if you've just been branded, and then a powerful invisible force crushes you back to the chair. You can't move. It's as if an invisible elephant is sitting on you.<br> <br> "Bad boobslave. You made mistress expend magical energy."<br> <br> Now that you're unable to move, she places your arm back on the arm rest and straps it in place. She then shifts position and does the same to your left arm.<br> <br> The burning sigil fades from your chest and with it, the invisible crushing force. It's no longer needed. With your arms firmly strapped to the chair, you're not going anywhere.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: First Smother 1]]
<<set $roomAffection += 1>> You let her strap you in. She wraps a long leather sleeve over your arm and buckles it in place at your wrist and elbow. She turns and does the same to your left arm. By the time she's finished you're firmly strapped to the chair and at her mercy.<br> <br> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: First Smother 1]]>>
"Look at you, all helpless," Mamilla taunts you seductively. "At my mercy. Whatever shall I do with you?"<br> <br> She pulls her zipper down further and opens out her top to fully expose her tits. They are gorgeous – soft, round, and crowned with perfect pink areolae and nipples.<br> <br> "This is my smother chair," Mamilla says. "I strap men in and smother them with my tits until they become my boobslaves."<br> <br> She cups her hands underneath her breasts and gives them a little bounce, showing off their firmness.<br> <br> "Or die," she adds with a nasty little laugh that indicates either outcome is fine for her.<br> <br> She twists her upper body, letting her pendulous tits sway. She leans closer, closer, close. The smooth pale hemispheres of her lovely tits fill your vision.<br> <br> "Here they come."<br> <br> [[You're about to be smothered.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: First Smother 2]]
She leans forwards and presses her tits into your face. You feel their soft fleshy weight. Her skin feels so smooth against your cheeks. You smell her perfume, a mix of lilacs and lilies. Mamilla lowers her chest and swings it from side to side, buffeting your face with her tits. You twist your head with it, wanting to keep in contact with their luscious ripeness.<br> <br> Mamilla pulls back and teasingly plays with her tits – kneading and squeezing the smooth white flesh.<br> <br> "I can see you liked that. Let's smother you a little harder."<br> <br> She presses down again. Your world is again reduced to her lovely round breasts. She grips the chair and presses down harder. Your nose is wedged up in her cleavage. At first your nose is filled with her delicate perfume, then nothing.<br> <br> "You should be careful not to get too fascinated. My tits are as deadly as they're lovely."<br> <br> She holds them in place and you realise you can't breathe. Her bosom covers you as effectively as a pillow and blocks air from entering your nose and mouth. Pleasure fades to discomfort as the air in your lungs grow stale. You start squirming underneath her. Then, when you think you can hold your breath no longer, she lifts up her smothering tits. You gasp and then gratefully breathe in.<br> <br> Mamilla looks at you and laughs. "I do love it when my tits leave them gasping for air."<br> <br> Then she's down again, burying your face beneath her breasts. She holds them there until your lungs beg for oxygen. Only then does she remove them to let you take a breath.<br> <br> [[And, breathe.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: First Smother 3]]
"This is my favourite game," Mamilla says. "Smothering men and feeling them pant and squirm beneath me as my lovely boobs slowly suffocate the life out of them."<br> <br> She smothers you again, covering your face with her ample bosom.<br> <br> "I think they like the game too. I can feel you do!"<br> <br> She reaches behind her and strokes a hand against your erection.<br> <br> <<if $hasBoobFetish>> "Oh! You really do."<br> <br> She laughs at the sight and feel of your straining erection.<br> <br> <</if>> "It's the excitement of not knowing," Mamilla says. "Whether I'll grant you another breath or hold my tits there until you suffocate to death. It makes all men hard."<br> <br> She swings her chest, letting the pendulous weight of her boobs sway your head from side to side. Again, just as you think you can hold your breath no longer, she removes their smothering weight.<br> <br> "Take a deep breath," Mamilla says. "It might just be your last."<br> <br> [[Take a deep breath.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: First Smother 4]]
You draw in as much air as you can before you're buried in luscious boobs again. This time she wraps your head with her arms, keeping your face wedged tightly into her bosom. Tighter and harder than before. You start squirming as the air runs out. This time Mamilla doesn't release you.<br> <br> "No, no more breath for you. Only my lovely deadly boobs."<br> <br> You can't breathe. You start to panic. You strain at the straps. This is too much, but there's no way to let Mamilla know it's too much. Your hands are strapped to the armrests and your mouth is buried in her chest. No matter how much you try to twist your head, Mamilla holds you tight. You cough up the expired air and find nothing to replace it. Black spots dance on the inside of your eyelids.<br> <br> /* Calculate _isFatalSmother from player.const & affection */ /* if player has anti-smother charm, treat CON as 5 */ <<if $player.charms.includes(22)>> <<set _tempCon to 5>> <<else>> <<set _tempCon to $player.currConst>> <</if>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Calculate Room Affection]]>> <<set _value to $roomAffection + _tempCon>> <<if $isTesting>> ''IsFatalSmother value = <<print _value>>''<br><br> <</if>> /* a value less than 1 is fatal (unless player has black rose) */ <<if _value gt 0 or $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: First Smother: Survive]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: First Smother: Bad End]]>> <</if>>
Everything goes fuzzy. You ejaculate, spraying semen uselessly into thin air, then you pass out.<br> <br> You don't wake up.<br> <br> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Then, just as you think you're about to pass out, Mamilla releases you from her suffocating bosom. You cough and gasp, and suck in precious precious fresh air.<br> <br> "Aw, did I frighten you?" Mamilla says. "Did you think I might suffocate you?"<br> <br> She leans back and starts fondling her boobs again.<br> <br> "I still might."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Deeper Smother 1]]
She reaches under the chair, pulls a lever and the whole chair tips back until you're almost lying horizontally.<br> <br> "A more comfortable position for me to smother you," Mamilla says.<br> <br> And she does. Burying you in her wonderful breasts again. At the same time she reaches behind her to stroke your cock.<br> <br> "Mmm, you feel turned on. Or is that the asphyxiation? It does have that effect. They say the orgasms at the point of suffocation are extremely intense. And they're right."<br> <br> You are turned on, but also terrified. You feel your lungs running out of oxygen again.<br> <br> "I could squash you beneath these tits and hold them there until you spunked your load up my back."<br> <br> She keeps stroking you with her hand.<br> <br> "That would be such a waste though. I'm a succubus and I need to feed."<br> <br> That sounds more promising. <<if not $hasBoobFetish>> Maybe she'll stop suffocating you and move on to sex.<br> <br> She releases you and you cough and gasp for fresh air.<br> <br> You would prefer a little less suffocation. <</if>> <br> <br> "Ah, but you're thinking, how can we fuck and have me smother you with my lovely boobs at the same time. Well, my little boobslave, succubi don't always feed with their pussies. We have other mouths."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Deeper Smother 2]]
She catches the end of her tail and brings it forwards. The end swells and opens up into an orifice lined with moist pink flesh.<br> <br> "My little tailpussy," Mamilla says. "It will suck up your cum while my boobs smother the life from you."<br> <br> She reaches behind her and pushes the end of her tail down over your rampant erection. You slide up into something that feels like a tight and well-lubricated sheath. Except this is alive. The muscular walls bunch up and roll up and down your shaft in a gentle milking action.<br> <br> Then, with her tailpussy gently squeezing and tugging on your cock, she leans over and squashes your face beneath her boobs.<br> <br> And holds them there.<br> <br> "Oh, dear. Are you struggling to breathe?"<br> <br> And holds them there.<br> <br> "Your cock seems to like it." Her tail sheath teases your cock with a muscular little squeeze.<br> <br> And holds them there.<br> <br> You're in some discomfort, again. The air in your lungs is stale. Finally, you have no choice but to spit it out. But there's nothing to replace it, just Mamilla's smothering boobs.<br> <br> And holds them there.<br> <br> "I love this," Mamilla says. "Feeling a pathetic man squirm and breathe his last beneath my tits."<br> <br> And holds them there.<br> <br> You're really panicking now. Black spots are bursting in your skull. You strain, ineffectually, against the straps holding your arms. You're trapped, and suffocating.<br> <br> [[You might die here.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Deeper Smother: Outcomes]]
/* Select outcomes */ /* Black Rose has precedence */ <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Deeper Smother: Bad End]]>> <<else>> /* derive _isFatalSmother from player.const and affection */ /* if player has anti-smother charm, treat CON as 5 */ <<if $player.charms.includes(22)>> <<set _tempCon to 5>> <<else>> <<set _tempCon to $player.currConst>> <</if>> <<set _value to $roomAffection + _tempCon>> <<if $isTesting>> ''IsFatalSmother value = <<print _value>>''<br><br> <</if>> /* a value less than 5 is fatal */ /* fatal smother */ <<if _value lt 5>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Deeper Smother: Bad End]]>> <<else>> /* semen check */ <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Out of Semen End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Deeper Smother: Survive]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Mamilla sighs in pleasure and holds you tighter to her smothering bosom. There's no air. No air at all. You pass out.<br> <br> Your head is filled with erotic dreams. Your unconscious body jerks as you ejaculate a massive load of semen into Mamilla's tail. Then, those dreams slowly collapse into kaleidoscopes of white static as your oxygen-starved brain cells die out, one by one.<br> <br> You don't wake up.<br> <br> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Mamilla lifts her chest and frowns.<br> <br> "You should have come by now," she says.<br> <br> Her tail continues to tug on your cock with a muscular milking motion. It feels so good you're surprised you haven't already tipped over the edge.<br> <br> Or would be, if you weren't currently sucking in much-needed oxygen.<br> <br> "The only reason for you not to is because the other sluts in here have already sucked all the cum out of your balls."<br> <br> She leans back down and squashes your face between her tits. You're being smothered again.<br> <br> "Which is bad news for you."<br> <br> She holds her boobs tightly in place as your air dwindles.<br> <br> "You see, once all your semen is gone, the way is open to your soul. And the one thing a succubus loves more than squeezing out cum is squeezing out a soul."<br> <br> You start to squirm as your oxygen runs out. Mamilla gives you nothing. Her arms slide under your head and crush your face to her chest. Her tail grips you tighter and muscular rings pump up and down your shaft with greater force. If you still had any left, you'd definitely be coming right now.<br> <br> Mamilla doesn't lift her smothering tits even after you gasp out your last breath into her cleavage. She holds you tight as you fruitlessly squirm for more air.<br> <br> "Mmm, time to put you to sleep forever and let my tail suck out your soul."<br> <br> You don't know what comes first – your death from suffocation or her tail sucking your soul free and swallowing it. It's the same either way. You feel a great sense of relief, then nothing.<br> <br> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Again, just as you think you're going to pass out, Mamilla relents and lifts her smothering tits. You feel blessed relief – both from the sweet fresh air entering your lungs and the explosive climax that rips through you at the same time. Your body jerks as you ejaculate a massive load of semen into Mamilla's tailpussy. The fleshy sheath keeps milking you, dragging out the pleasure and then contracting tighter to squeeze out the last drops of cum in your urethra.<br> <br> "I find the close proximity of death focuses the body into a quite splendid orgasm," Mamilla says.<br> <br> She twists her upper body, lightly boffing you with her tits.<br> <br> "And now I have a new boobslave."<br> <br> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Ending Variants]]>>
<<if $hasBoobFetish>> <<set _name to "Mistress">> <<else>> <<set _name to "Mamilla">> <</if>> The session appears to be over. _name unbuckles the straps to free your arms. Her tail releases you last of all. The muscular walls are still sucking on you as _name pulls it off with a wet pop.<br> <br> Shakily you get out of the chair. You know it's time to put your clothes back on, but for the moment you can't do anything but stare at <<print _name + "'s">> exposed tits. <<if $isRegularEnd>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: End: Regular]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: End: High Will]]>> <</if>> /* scoring and clean-up */ <<set $isFactionIncrease to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
/* clear unused variables */ <<unset $roomAffection>> <<unset $isEnslaved>> <<unset $name>> <<unset $isRegularEnd>> <<unset $hasBoobFetish>> <<unset $preSemenCount>>
/* doesn't like Ass Fixation */ <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<set $roomAffection -= 3>> <</if>> /* likes Boob Fixation */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<set $roomAffection += 1>> <</if>> /* dislikes dominant personality */ <<if not $player.currIsSubmissive>> <<set $roomAffection -= 1>> <</if>> /* likes faction loyalty */ <<set _factionNumber to 1>> <<include [[Check if Faction is part of Player Max Faction]]>> <<if _isPlayerThisFaction>> <<set $roomAffection += 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Room Affection = <<print $roomAffection>>''<br><br> <</if>>
<<if not _isRepeatVisit>> "She's such a difficult one to read," $ says. "Some come back, some do not, and I've not been able to determine why. I think the most prudent course of action is to give her, and her magnificent breasts, a miss." <<else>> <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> "She breaks men in as if they were common beasts, with her tits! Well, I, for one, am no common beast, and have no desire to be fettered like one." <<else>> "Hmm. I'd say you should be careful lest she take your soul, but I fear she might already have it." <</if>> <</if>>
/* set _isRepeat, _isEnslaved and _name */ <<set _isRepeat to $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> <<set _hi to $hi>> <<include [[Check if Player is Enslaved]]>> <<if _isEnslaved>> <<set _name to "Mistress">> <<else>> <<set _name to "Mamilla">> <</if>>
/* everything else */ _name takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you. Her stern face makes it difficult to read whether your gift pleases or displeases her.<br> <br> "An acceptable tribute," she says. "Barely."<br> <br>
/* chocolates */ You hand over the <<print $allGifts[$cgi].name + ".">> <<print _name + "'s">> face is a fixed, stern mask, but you think you see the faint traces of a smile at the corner of her lips.<br> <br> "Ah, mistress's favourite," she says. "You have done well with your tribute."<br> <br> /* permanent affection change */ <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Mamilla likes gift">> <<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>>
"Good boobslave. You remembered Mistress's favourite," _name says as you give her the <<print $allGifts[$cgi].name + ".">><br> <br> <<set $affectionChange to +1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Mamilla Likes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $roomAffection += 1>>
_name takes the <<print $allGifts[$cgi].name + ".">> Her face is still that fixed hard-to-read mask. You think you see the corners of her plump lips turn downward in the faintest of frowns.<br> <br> "Hmm. The boobslave knows Mistress loves chocolates and yet chooses to bring her something else. Perhaps he wishes to be punished harder beneath Mistress's smothering boobs today."<br> <br> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Mamilla Wrong Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> /* also need to modify room affection for this run */ <<set $roomAffection -= 1>>
_name takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you and sniffs it.<br> <br> "The boobslave wishes to dedicate himself further. Very well."<br> <br>
<<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat Vars]]>> /* Check if player has previously given chocolates */ /* checking if player has done specific act */ <<set _x to 0>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Done X With Harlot]]>> <<set _hasGivenChocolates to _hasDoneX>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Has given chocolates = _hasGivenChocolates''<br><br> <</if>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> /* Black Rose */ <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> /* Chocolates */ <<if _hasGivenChocolates>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat Chocolates]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: First Time Chocolates]]>> <</if>> <<else>> /* Anything else */ <<if _hasGivenChocolates>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat Not Chocolates]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 28>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Gift: Peach]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Regular Gift]]>> <</if>> <</if>> After accepting your 'tribute', Mamilla has you undress. She smiles at your noticeably erect penis.<br> <br> "So eager for another smother," she laughs. "As to be expected from a lowly boobslave."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat Smother]]
As before, she takes you to a large leather chair at the back of the room and straps you in. With you immobilized, she straddles you and again makes a point of running her hands over her slinky-latex-clad curves.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(22)>> "Mmm, I'd like to see what you're really made of. No outside help this time."<br> <br> She taps you on the shoulder and you feel a strange numb sensation on your back where $ put her charm.<br> <br> <</if>> /* check for boob fetish or enslaved */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment or $isEnslaved or $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Enslavement Smother 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Fetish-Causing Smother 1]]>> <</if>>
"Like a moth to a flame," she says as she squeezes her lovely boobs together.<br> <br> You can't look at anything else. Slowly, teasingly, $name pulls her zipper down, revealing more and more, until her gorgeous tits pop free. Her pink nipples stand up proud and erect.<br> <br> "What will they be this time – an instrument of pleasure... or your destruction?"<br> <br> She lets her chest sway and leans closer and closer. The pink hemispheres of her tits fill your vision and excitement trembles through you.<br> <br> "Here they come," $name says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Enslavement Smother 2]]
"Now that you're nicely strapped in, I think there's something we should discuss."<br> <br> Mamilla lies on top of you with her big boobs pressed against your chest.<br> <br> "Most come back to me as obedient little boobslaves, but with you I'm not so sure. You seem insufficiently fixated on my lovely boobs. I think you're one of those strong-willed types."<br> <br> She caresses the side of your face with a latex-gloved hand.<br> <br> /* affection check */ <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Calculate Room Affection]]>> /* derive _isFatalSmother from player.const and affection */ <<set _value to $roomAffection + $player.currConst>> <<if $isTesting>> ''IsFatalSmother value = <<print _value>>''<br><br> <</if>> /* a value less than 5 is fatal */ <<if _value gt 4>> "Now, some succubi might get petty and kill you for your defiance. Me, I quite like you. I see this as a challenge."<br> <br> [[A challenge?->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Fetish-Causing Smother 2]] <<else>> "And that will not do."<br> <br> [[Uh oh.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Fetish-Causing Smother: Bad End]] <</if>>
She leans forwards and presses her tits into your face. You feel again their soft fleshy weight. You marvel again at the feel of her smooth skin against your cheeks. You smell again her lilac-and-lilies perfume.<br> <br> $name skips the teasing this time and gets right to the smothering part. She presses her tits down and you feel their soft pressure pushing your head back into the padded head rest. They cover your nose and mouth completely. $name holds them there for nearly a minute before relenting. You gasp as you try to get air back into your lungs.<br> <br> "Yes, gasp. Gasp, my little boobslave."<br> <br> Her big soft boobs come down again. Her scent – perfume or natural – seems stronger. The air you suck in is tainted with it. You have a long time to savour the aroma as Mamilla shuts out all air with her big tits.<br> <br> "Yes, deeper and deeper," $name breathes. "My boobs are your world. You belong to them now."<br> <br> You're giddy and light-headed when she lifts her bosom. You're also so blissed out you nearly forget to snatch another breath before <<print $name + "'s">> big boobs come back down again.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Enslavement Smother 3]]
"Look how hard you are," $name says.<br> <br> She reaches behind her and gives your erect cock a little stroke. As she lifts her chest, you get another opportunity to breathe.<br> <br> "I bet you'd love to just spunk out a big load right now," $name says.<br> <br> <<if $isEnslaved>> You would, but you know proper devotions must be observed first. You lie passively as Mistress squeezes her boobs against your face. You don't even struggle even when it feels like your air has run out.<br> <br> "Better," Mistress says. "You're taking to your training well."<br> <br> Your cock is sucked up into her fleshy tailpussy.<br> <br> "And now, your reward."<br> <br> She gives you a breath at the same time as her tailpussy starts pumping you with regular muscular pulses. You shudder in delight. <<else>> You feel warm wet flesh press around your swollen glans. It could be a mouth or a vagina, but from past experience you know it's Mamilla's tail. Your cock twitches in excited anticipation.<br> <br> "Not yet," Mamilla says. "Proper devotions must be observed first."<br> <br> Her tail leaves your cock and it twitches in frustration at the lack of stimulation. Mamilla lies back down and covers your mouth and nose with her boobs and keeps them there while your air runs out. Reflexively, you squirm and twist your head in a vain attempt to find precious oxygen.<br> <br> "Ah ah," Mamilla says. "No struggling. You breathe when my boobs let you breathe."<br> <br> She lifts them long enough for you to snatch a quick breath. It is only a quick breath. Her boobs come down and you're again smothered in marshmallow heaven.<br> <br> "You've been a good little boobslave," Mamilla says. "Time to reward you with some pleasure."<br> <br> Your hard cock is sucked up into her fleshy tailpussy. The warm walls undulate around your penis, pumping you with regular muscular pulses. It feels so good you gasp out the last of your air into Mamilla's cleavage.<br> <br> She laughs as if she was expecting it and lifts her boobs. <</if>> <br> <br> "Take a deep breath," she says. "It might be your last."<br> <br> [[Take a deep breath.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Enslavement Pop]]
She doesn't really give you time to take a deep breath. Her tits are back down and she lets the weight of her chest push your head back into the padded rest of the chair. Her tail starts pumping your cock with greater force. You squirm beneath her, both from the pleasure and the lack of air. Black stars dance across your eyes.<br> <br> "I get the biggest spunks right when they're on the verge of losing consciousness," $name says.<br> <br> <<if $isEnslaved>> You shudder in delightful anticipation of the orgasm you know is coming. <<else>> Mercilessly, she holds her boobs in place, even though your lungs are empty. <</if>> Her tail continues to work your throbbing cock with wet tugs. Then, just as you're about to pass out, her tail bunches up and gives you a long, drawn out suck. Your cock throbs and you tremble in delight as you unload a massive ejaculation into <<print $name + "'s">> sucking tailpussy. The pleasure is like a bright shooting star blazing across the deepening blackness as all your thoughts collapse into darkness.<br> <br> /* semen check */ <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> /* If player is Enslaved, black rose will skip semen check */ /* If player is not enslaved, they will get alt Bad End (this stops shortcutting quest line) */ <<if $isEnslaved>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> /* black rose overrides */ <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Wake Up: Enslaved]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Enslavement: Out of Semen End]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Wake Up: Enslaved]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> /* black rose gives special ending */ <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Enslavement: Out of Semen End]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Wake Up: Boob Fetish]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
Sadly, whatever you gave Mamilla, it wasn't enough. Disappointed in you, she keeps her smothering bosom pressed firmly over your face.<br> <br> You don't wake up.<br> <br> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You don't know where you are. The curves of the walls and ceiling look organic, but everywhere is covered in glossy black latex. The walls slowly move in and out. You feel a faint breeze and hear a low background sigh, as if somewhere a giant is wheezing for breath. The room feels still and peaceful.<br> <br> You can't move. You're lying on a large round cushion, or should that be //in// a large round cushion. Sheets of black rubber are stretched across your body, covering all but your face and genitals.<br> <br> You don't want to move. The cushion feels soft and supremely comfortable.<br> <br> "Ah, you're awake."<br> <br> You turn and see Mistress standing next to the bed.<br> <br> Mistress is fully naked. You marvel at her smooth pale skin and her voluptuous body, before your gaze again slides inexorably to her lovely round breasts.<br> <br> "We are no longer in the House," Mistress says. "Those of us who've given $ many years of service are given certain special dispensations."<br> <br> She trails a hand over the rubber sheet covering your body.<br> <br> "This is the Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs. Some would say it is in hell, but for you it will be heaven. I've claimed you as my boobslave and brought you back here to be smothered and fucked for the rest of your days."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Enslavement End 2]]
You start to profusely apologise to Mistress for your weakness, but she cuts you off.<br> <br> "You don't have to apologise," she says. "I'd feel I wasn't fulfilling my duties properly if the boobslave didn't pass out."<br> <br> She helps you down from the chair. While putting your clothes back on you can't help but stare at the little 'v' of cleavage exposed by Mistress's latex bodysuit.<br> <br> Mistress spots you looking and squeezes her boobs together.<br> <br> "Mmm, you're definitely my little boobslave now. Another session and I think I'll make you mine for good," she says.<br> <br> Your thoughts are fuzzy and filled with excitement as you leave. You can't wait to pick Mistress again and feel her lovely soft boobs against your face.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> /* faction increase - this one is checked */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> /* player gets enslavement ailment */ <<set _ailment to 0>> <<set $allAilments[0].harlot to $hi>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
She shifts her body up until her ample bosom is resting over your face. At the same time, the warm orifice at the end of her tail opens up and swallows up your erection. It starts stimulating you with slow, muscular pulses.<br> <br> "In the right hands, the correct application of pleasure can break a man just as easily as pain."<br> <br> She places her hands against the sides of her boobs. She squeezes and plumps them against your face like soft fleshy pillows. What little breaths you're able to take are tainted by her arousing fragrance. Her tail, feeling like a tight wet pussy, continues to throb around and squeeze your cock.<br> <br> "Mmm, I do adore breaking in a strong-willed man," Mamilla says.<br> <br> <<set $preSemenCount to $player.semenCount>> <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Fetish-Causing Smother: Out of Semen End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Fetish-Causing Smother: Pop]]>> <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Mamilla moves suddenly. Her arms wrap around the back of your head and gather you up into her ample bosom. Her tail strikes and swallows up your erect cock. She starts pumping you hard with fast tugs.<br> <br> Fearing the worst, you thrash and twist and try to free your head of Mamilla's smothering tits. She tips her head back and sighs in delight. She holds your face firmly pressed into her soft cleavage. There's no air there.<br> <br> It doesn't take long for her tail to jerk you off to orgasm. Weakened by the aftermath of orgasm and declining oxygen, your struggles fade. Moaning orgasmically, Mamilla keeps your face wedged between her big tits. Her tail sucks another ejaculation out of you. And then a third right before you pass out.<br> <br> Her tail continues to suck more out of you, but by that point you've lost consciousness and the pleasures are nothing more than blissful sparks as you sink into darkness.<br> <br> You don't wake up.<br> <br> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<if $preSemenCount eq 0>> Despite all of Mamilla's expert attentions, she's unable to make you come. This is less a failure on her part and more a result of your sexual escapades with the other succubi in the House. They've utterly drained you and you have nothing left. <<else>> Mamilla gets <<if $preSemenCount eq 1>>one pop<<else>>two pops<</if>> out of you before you run out and can't come anymore no matter how skilfully her tailpussy stimulates your cock. <</if>> <br> <br> Mamilla lifts up her chest and stares down disapprovingly at you while you gasp and splutter for air.<br> <br> "I thought you were worth the effort. I was wrong."<br> <br> She flops her tits back down over your face and lies there until you stop breathing.<br> <br> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Mamilla waits right until you're on the verge of passing out. Then she squeezes you to orgasm at the same time as lifting her boobs high enough for your oxygen-starved lungs to pull in a breath.<br> <br> Twin blasts of relief hit you as you empty your balls into her squeezing tailpussy and get a rush of life-giving oxygen at the same time.<br> <br> She repeats it two more times until your thoughts are a scrambled, lightheaded mush of bliss.<br> <br> She knows she has you when she lifts her boobs after the third orgasm and is greeted with an expression of profound disappointment at having the soft, fleshy pillows taken away.<br> <br> "Much better," she says. She sits back up. "Now you're my boobslave."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat End: Gets Boob Fetish]]
She gets down from the chair and unstraps your wrists.<br> <br> Shakily you get out of the chair. You know it's time to put your clothes back on, but for the moment you can't do anything but stare at Mamilla's exposed tits. Their fascination is too strong for you to pull away. You're like a deer caught between headlights.<br> <br> Mamilla laughs and zips up her latex catsuit, finally breaking the unearthly hold her boobs have over you. Only then, blinking, are you able to move.<br> <br> "You can put your clothes back on, boobslave."<br> <br> Your lips mutter a "Yes, mistress" of their own accord.<br> <br> "Very good," Mamilla says. "You might make a good boobslave after all."<br> <br> You leave, but only because she orders you to.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* faction increase - this one is checked */ /* no faction increase */ /* Player given boob fetish ailment regardless of will*/ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
/* ending variants */ <<if $hasBoobFetish>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: After Smother: Boob Fix]]>> <<elseif $player.currWill gt 4>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: After Smother: High Will]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: After Smother: Regular]]>> <</if>>
She looks at your adoring gaze.<br> <br> "Maybe one that's a little too eager," she laughs.<br> <br> That was beyond anything you've ever experienced. You'd give anything to have Mistress smother you again. You'd even happily suffocate for her, should she deem it so. Anything to have those silky-smooth boobs pressed against your face again.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Good End][$isRegularEnd to true]]
Even after coming so close to suffocating to death, you have to concede that was a rather enjoyable experience. One you wouldn't mind repeating.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Good End][$isRegularEnd to false]]
Even after coming so close to suffocating to death, you still feel disappointment at not having Mamilla's wondrous breasts pressed on either side of your face. You fear you'd do anything she asked just to feel the silky-smooth skin of her boobs against your cheeks.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Good End][$isRegularEnd to true]]
/* no ailments */ You shake your head to try and clear it before resuming getting dressed.<br> <br> Mamilla watches your struggles with some amusement before finally zipping up her latex catsuit. You still find it difficult to look away from the glossy bulge of her chest.<br> <br> "As much as I'd like to break you in further, I have to follow the rules of the House. So, off you go, to be another succubus's catch."<br> <br> You're still shaking your head in an attempt to clear it as you leave.<br> <br>
/* combined */ Their fascination is too strong for you to pull away. You're like a deer caught between headlights.<br> <br> <<if $hasBoobFetish>>Mistress<<else>>Mamilla<</if>> laughs and zips up her latex catsuit, finally breaking the unearthly hold her boobs have over you. Only then, blinking, are you able to move.<br> <br> "You can put your clothes back on, boobslave."<br> <br> Your lips mutter a "Yes, mistress" of their own accord.<br> <br> <<if $hasBoobFetish>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Gets Enslaved]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Gets Boob Fetish]]>> <</if>>
"So eager, a perfect little boobslave," Mistress says. "Another session and I think I'll make you mine for good," she says.<br> <br> Your thoughts are fuzzy and filled with excitement as you leave. You can't wait to pick Mistress again and feel her lovely soft boobs against your face.<br> <br> /* Player now has the Enslaved ailment */ <<set _ailment to 0>> <<set $allAilments[0].harlot to $hi>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>>
"I could have such fun with you," she says. "But rules are rules," she tsks. "So back into the House you go, to be another succubus's catch."<br> <br> You leave, but only because she orders you to.<br> <br> /* player now has Boob Fixation ailment */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>>
You wake up and realise you're not in Mistress's room.<br> <br> [[Where are you?->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Enslavement End 1]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Your head is filled with erotic dreams. Your unconscious body jerks as you ejaculate again and again into Mamilla's tail. Then, those dreams slowly collapse into kaleidoscopes of white static as your oxygen-starved brain cells die out, one by one.<br> <br> You don't wake up.<br> <br> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You wake up to Mistress lightly slapping the side of your face. You must have passed out. Mistress seems more amused than concerned.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suffocatrix Mamilla: Repeat End: Gets Enslaved]]
Mistress gets on top and straddles your upper thighs.<br> <br> "Mmm. I can see you wondering, if Mistress fucks you, who will bury your face in lovely tits. I have help. Sacculyxiata." She snaps her fingers.<br> <br> Behind your head a busty feminine figure rises up out of the black latex. Extremely busty. As she rises, her boobs swell out as if inflated like balloons. Every part of her is covered in glossy black latex, even her face. Her expression is unreadable as she rises up and leans over your head. You don't know if she's alive or some kind of automaton. Then she drops her massive tits on your face and you don't care.<br> <br> At the same time, Mistress sinks down on your hard cock and you're drawn into her luscious tight pussy. She rides you while Sacculyxiata bounces her soft tits in your face.<br> <br> The gaps where you can draw breath become longer and longer as Mistress rides you harder and faster. Until, Sacculyxiata presses down and holds them there until you run out of air and gradually lose consciousness. Again, Mistress times it perfectly and rides you to explosive climax right at the point you black out. You experience it as a magnificent flare bursting through darkness.<br> <br> Mistress slaps you awake and repeats the whole thing. She does it over and over, until your balls are completely drained. Then she leaves you to recover. A tube is placed in your mouth, through which you suck delicious sweet nutrients. Every few days Mistress returns to smother you and empty your balls again.<br> <br> This is your life now.<br> <br> You are Mistress's boobslave and will live out the rest of your days in smothered bliss.<br> <br> <<include [[Suffocatrix Mamilla: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''YOU'VE ESCAPED THE HOUSE! (SORT OF)''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
/* <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> */ /* <<set $ to 0>> */ /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to 1>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set _ailment to 6>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 0>>
/* Sorpresa Ombra */ <<set $hi to 8>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Sorpresa Ombra", shortDescription: "", faction: 1, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 5, maxRound: 5, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [7], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Sorpresa: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Sorpresa: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Sorpresa: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Sorpresa: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Sorpresa: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Sorpresa: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Sorpresa: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Sorpresa: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Sorpresa: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.hasSeenLamia to true>> <<set $player.charms.push(22)>> <<set $player.maxFactionAffinities to [1]>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ <<set $player.currConst to 4>> /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set _ailment to 0>> /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set _ailment to 1>> /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 8>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a pale-skinned snake woman. Her top half is pleasing, if mysterious. A black veil hides her eyes and a short black latex halter top struggles to contain an impressive bosom. But her lower half... has the body of a giant snake.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is the slinky and mysterious Sorpresa Ombra, who appears to have forgotten something."<br> <br> $ pauses to stare pointedly at Sorpresa, who blithely ignores her with an enigmatic smile on her glossy black lips.<br> <br> "Don't be put off by her... unusual appearance. Sorpresa is a true mistress of the dark arts of pleasure."<br> <br> /* Long description */ <<if $player.hasSeenLamia>> Sorpresa Ombra is another snake girl, like the ones you've already seen. Unlike them, she uses no illusion to hide it during the selection process. <<else>> <<set $player.hasSeenLamia to true>> Sorpresa Ombra is a snake girl, like right out of myth. There's no getting around that. <</if>> Below the waist her body tapers off in a long serpentine tail.<br> <br> She's very pale-skinned, as if she never sees the sun at all. Her short black latex halter top exposes her slender midriff. It also exposes her bulging cleavage, with just two straps at the top and bottom connecting the two halves of her garment.<br> <br> Her face is thin and goth pale. Her straight black hair frames it in a classic Cleopatra bob. An opaque black veil covers her eyes. Despite this you get the impression she sees you just fine. A forked tongue flickers between her glossy black lips.<br> <br> Her tail is clothed in glossy black latex. It looks like bondage-wear for snakes, even though the very concept sounds absurd to you. It covers maybe two thirds of her lower body and – like her halter top – is laced together with a series of straps. The tip of her tail also has some kind of latex cap, but with a bulge at the end that looks suspiciously phallic.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> Given that she has no legs, it's hard to gauge how tall Sorpresa is. She rears up in front of you until her considerable bosom is at eye level. The straps of her halter top frame her lush curves like a picture frame and your gaze is <<if _hasAilment>>irresistibly<<else>>magnetically<</if>> drawn to the pale canyon within.<br> <br> "Are you ready to drown in the dark pleasures of my bosom?" Sorpresa says. Her voice is soft and sibilant.<br> <<if _hasAilment>> <br> Even with her eyes seemingly blindfolded, she notices how you can't seem to stop staring at the inviting bulges of her cleavage.<br> <br> "Yes, I can see you are." <br> <</if>>
You take Sorpresa out into the bar area. Given her serpentine form, you have to take one of the round tables in the central floor area. No-one bats an eyelid at Sorpresa's monstrous form. They're too engrossed in their own conversations. <br><br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Sorpresa: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Sorpresa: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "Tut tut," Sorpresa says. "That's breaking the rules. Patrons must buy a drink for the girl."<br> <br> She leans close to whisper.<br> <br> "I won't tell $ if you don't."<br> <br> Her eyes are hidden by the veil. Her mouth is turned up in a mischievous smile. Then she sits back, again looking dark and mysterious. <br><br> <<include [[Sorpresa: Socialising: Combined]]>>
The waitress returns with your <<print $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name + ".">> She doesn't bring anything for Sorpresa. The snake woman just sits there, looking dark and mysterious.<br> <br> <<include [[Sorpresa: Socialising: Combined]]>>
At least for a short while. Given her aura of dark mystery, it comes as a surprise when Sorpresa tells you frankly what she's going to do with you.<br> <br> "I know you've brought me here to find out what I'll do to you in the room, so I'll tell you. I'm going to wrap my coils around you and push your face into my lovely big tits until you can barely breathe."<br> <br> She pushes out her eye-catching bosom.<br> <br> "Then I'll put your cock in my pussy and my tail in your ass. I'll massage your prostate with my tail while my lovely vagina squeezes your cock. Then you'll gasp your pleasure into my smothering boobs as you empty your balls in me. Does that sound good for you?"<br> <br> She smiles.<br> <br> You're a little taken aback by her frankness, but yes, that does sound good to you. Maybe.<br> <br> It sounds good to your cock. You can feel its hardness in your pants as you return to <<print $ + ".">> <br><br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Sorpresa Ombra? That cold-blooded breath stealer? You're a brave one. She makes the snakes seem warm-blooded in comparison."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "She's another smotherbus. She likes her breathplay. She also likes conventional – and unconventional –" $ chuckles at that "– pleasures as well. So, if you want some sex to go along with your erotic smothering, she's your gal. Just be careful she doesn't suck out your soul as well as your breath."<br> <br> She exhales a cloud of perfumed smoke.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"She has a kiss that will take your breath away.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"That thing on the end of her tail – yes, it is what you think it is, and yes, she will insert it there.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ smiles, revealing her teeth.\<br\>\<br\>\"Don't look so shocked. You'll like it.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Although we're not held to them in here, Sorpresa still follows the old laws. She won't take those already claimed by another.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Sorpresa: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sorpresa: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $roomAffection to $allHarlots[$hi].affection>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Room affection = <<print $roomAffection>>''<br> <br> <</if>> /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* gift: fluffy thing */ [1,false,false], /* gift: scented */ [1,false,false], /* gift: unsuitable */ [4,false,false], /* surviving */ [2,false,false] /* surviving because of other's prior claim */ ] }>> Sorpresa Ombra's room is mostly shrouded in darkness. The shadows are so deep and inky-black they feel almost tangible. You know it's just a room, but it somehow feels much larger, like a giant cavern even though there is no way such a massive hall could fit within the confines of the House.<br> <br> You hear far-off wheezing sounds. Like ancient bellows or an old dying man struggling to draw breath. The air is thick with musky perfume. A little too thick. The scent, while pleasant, is also cloying, as if your mouth and nose are covered by a soaked cloth.<br> <br> Sorpresa's white face appears out of the gloom, startling you. Even though her eyes are covered with an opaque black veil, you're pretty sure she can see you.<br> <br> "Come in," she says.<br> <br> [[You enter.->Sorpresa: Pre-Gift]]
/* no repeat scenario planned for Sorpresa at this point */ <<include [[Sorpresa: First-Time Scenario]]>>
She takes your hand and draws you to her, and deeper into the room. Even though you only take a couple of steps it feels like you've travelled much further. You wonder if you turned your head the door would now be a tiny rectangle far off in the distance, or maybe vanished completely.<br> <br> You don't turn your head. The sculpted perfection of Sorpresa's face and the lush swell of her bosom command your attention.<br> <br> "What have you brought me?"<br> <br> A forked tongue flickers between Sorpresa's glossy, bruise-black lips.<br> <br> [[You give her your gift.->Sorpresa: Gift]]
<<if $isTesting>> ''Room affection before gift = <<print $roomAffection>>''<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Sorpresa: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<include [[Sorpresa: Gift: Fluffy Thing]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(2)>> <<include [[Sorpresa: Gift: Scented]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(0, 1, 3)>> /* pretty, edible, drinkable */ <<include [[Sorpresa: Gift: Unsuitable]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sorpresa: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>> <br><br> <<if $isTesting>> ''Room affection after gift = <<print $roomAffection>>''<br> <br> <</if>> She curls her tail around behind you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sorpressa: Boob Tease]]
You present her the <<print $allGifts[$cgi].name + ".">> She takes it from you with an enigmatic smile.<br> <br> "Ah, the traditional gift for a lamia. An easy mistake to make."<br> <br> She sniffs the top of the glass and then puts her lips to it and inhales. The indeterminate fluffy thing gives a short, panicked squeak and then falls silent.<br> <br> The hairs rise on the back of your neck. You wonder if you made a mistake picking Sorpresa.<br> <br> She puts the jar aside.<br> <br> "A nice little appetizer," she says. <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>>
Sorpresa takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and gives it a long sniff.<br> <br> "Ah, the gift for one seeking to be smothered in the greatest of pleasures. I will give you what you crave."
Sorpresa puts the $allGifts[$cgi].name to her nose and sniffs.<br> <br> "A pleasing aroma," she says. <<set $roomAffection += 1>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>>
She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and frowns.<br> <br> "I'm not the right person for this." <<set $roomAffection -= 1>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>>
She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you.<br> <br> "Thank you," she says.
Sorpresa's tail curls around behind you and pushes you closer to her body. You undress. Or rather, Sorpresa undresses you. She lifts your top up over your head and then pulls your trousers and underwear down. She rears up in front of you. Given her serpentine lower half, it's difficult to tell her exact height. Standing like this, her boobs, with their impressive, bulging cleavage, are at eye-level for you.<br> <br> "Let's begin," she says.<br> <br> She lightly caresses the back of your head while jiggling her substantial bosom in your face. She bends closer. Closer. Closer. The window to her bulging curves formed by the straps of her halter top expand to fill your view.<br> <br> "First, the tease," Sorpresa says.<br> <br> Her boobs swing closer and closer. Her smooth skin brushes the tip of your nose. You feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of them being pressed against your face.<br> <br> [[Here they come.->Sorpresa: Boob Press]]
Then Sorpresa pulls back with a teasing little half smile on her full lips.<br> <br> "This shouldn't be rushed," she says. Her forked tongue flickers between her lips.<br> <br> She puts her hands on the back of your head. Her swinging tits come closer. Closer. Closer.<br> <br> This time she presses them against your face. You revel in their softness and smoothness as she rubs them against you. Your nose is filled with her exotic fragrance. She mashes her big boobs against your face and then pulls back with another little smile on her full black lips.<br> <br> "I don't like to be too forceful with my smothering. Others like to squash the resistance out of their prey with boobs or asses, depriving them of oxygen until they acquiesce."<br> <br> She grips the back of your head and presses your face back into her bosom. She holds you there a little longer before releasing you.<br> <br> "It should be slow and sensual, so they slowly drown in dark pleasure."<br> <br> Slowly, teasingly, she unfastens the straps and pulls her halter top aside, leaving her tits fully unfettered. She pulls you into them and wedges your nose into her cleavage.<br> <br> [[You're being smothered.->Sorpresa: Boob Smother]]
She repeats her boob presses, each time clasping you to her bosom for longer and longer. She sighs erotically as she rubs her tits against your face.<br> <br> "Yes," she sighs. "Sink. Sink deep into them. Drown."<br> <br> She presses her whole body against you. Her serpentine tail winds up around you. A thick muscular band contracts against your back and squeezes you tight to Sorpresa's body. She crosses her arms behind your head and buries your face deep in the soft pillows of her tits.<br> <br> "Mmm, yes," Sorpresa sighs sibilantly. "It is better to dominate through pleasure than force."<br> <br> There is still some force. Her tail coils tighter, crushing you so tight to her body it becomes hard to draw breath. Her tits smother your mouth and nose. You feel you should be panicking, but it feels so good nuzzling between her big soft boobs.<br> <br> "Sink," Sorpresa whispers. "Let yourself fall in. Let me control your breathing."<br> <br> [[You don't have any say in it.->Sorpresa: Vaginal Insertion]]
She controls your breathing. Before you can pass out, she relaxes the muscular band coiled around you and pulls your head out of her bosom long enough for you to take a shallow breath. It is only a shallow breath before her tail tightens again and your face is buried back in her soft cleavage.<br> <br> Between the lack of oxygen and the press of her soft tits against your face, you start to feel pleasantly giddy and lightheaded. Your cock rises in erection and presses against her body like an iron bar.<br> <br> Sorpresa gives a sibilant hiss of delight. "Yesss. Fall into me. Drown in dark pleasure."<br> <br> She shifts position, pulling her body back far enough to let your erection stick out from your body, far enough for her to catch the head in her gaping vagina. Her tail shifts down until the muscular band settles across your buttocks. She squeezes and slowly pushes your cock all the way into her warm, tight sex.<br> <br> She gives a low, sibilant moan of pleasure. Your moan is smothered in her tits. Her vagina is muscular, tight, and very wet.<br> <br> "Yesss, drown," she sighs. "Drown in darkness, drown in me."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sorpresa: Tail Insertion]]
At first she moves her body sinuously against you, using her muscular tail to hold you in place as she forces your cock to slide back and forth inside her tight wet pussy. Then some form of internal muscular peristalsis takes over. She presses her body close to you and muscular pulses stroke up and down your shaft.<br> <br> "There are pleasures in the darkness, are there not," Sorpresa says. "Even some you might not expect."<br> <br> Her sinuous tail coils around your lower legs and parts them. You feel something probe lightly at your anus. It's the tip of her tail, covered with some kind of rubbery cap. The tip feels wet with lubricant and you're still considering the ramifications of this when she gently pushes it into your ass.<br> <br> Your shocked gasp of pleasure is swallowed up by her boobs.<br> <br> Sorpresa laughs. "This my mastery of the dark arts of pleasure, and through them, my mastery of you."<br> <br> [[She has complete control.->Sorpresa: Dark Kiss]]
The lubricated latex cap on the tip of her tail stretches your ass like a butt plug. Deftly, she wriggles it inside you, hitting all the pleasure receptors, especially when she pushes deeper and starts rubbing it against your prostate. Her vagina contracts around your cock and stronger muscular pulses stroke up and down your shaft. She cradles the back of your head and rolls your face around the soft valley of her cleavage.<br> <br> You're overwhelmed. You think your feet are off the ground, but can't tell if that's because Sorpresa is supporting you or using some kind of magic. Her pussy and tail assault you with so much pleasure it's difficult to think of anything else.<br> <br> "Yesss, lose yourself to dark pleasures," Sorpresa hisses.<br> <br> She tilts your head back out of the soft valley of her breasts and leans down until her lips lock with yours in a kiss. You think it a kiss, a deep passionate kiss, and then she exhales, filling your lungs with her breath. Then she breaks away and buries your face back in her soft cleavage.<br> <br> [[You're smothered again.->Sorpresa: Approaching Climax 1]]
Her breath fills your lungs. At first it feels pleasant, but then it starts to curdle into something less wholesome, a corruption roiling in your lungs. You ache to let it out, but with your face wedged tight to her chest there would be no air to replace it. You have to hold it in, even though it starts to feel like cold oil seeping out into your chest.<br> <br> "Can you hold out against these dark, sinful pleasures. I don't think so," Sorpresa taunts you.<br> <br> Her tail pushes deeper and harder up against your prostate gland. Her vagina grips you and pleasant muscular contractions roll up and down your shaft. The motions become slower and more deliberate. It's as if she knows you're at the brink and is going to hold you there for as long as she can. Caught between the twin pleasures, you're helpless.<br> <br> [[She has you.->Sorpresa: Approaching Climax 2]]
She holds your face tight to her soft bosom. Her breath roils in your lungs, feeling wrong, feeling somehow corrupted. Her pussy pulses slowly around your cock. Her tail presses against your prostate with the same slow rhythm. She knows she has you, and holds you helplessly at the edge.<br> <br> <<include [[Sorpresa: Ending Selector]]>>
"Let it all out," Sorpresa says.<br> <br> She pulls your face away from her smothering bosom.<br> <br> /* check if enslaved */ <<set _ailment to 0>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> [[Continue.->Sorpresa: Aborted Bad End]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Sorpresa: Default Bad End]] <</if>>
Her hands grip the side of your head and tilt your face upwards. You look up into her face.<br> <br> Sorpresa's mouth starts to stretch, revealing a gaping, cavernous maw. Just as you're starting to fear she might swallow you whole... or worse, she closes her too-wide mouth and favours you with a smile.<br> <br> "No, I should not," she says. "You are another's claim."<br> <br> She presses your face back into her smothering boobs.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> <<include [[Sorpresa: Good End Precursor]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Sorpresa: No Semen Bad End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sorpresa: Good End 1]]>> <</if>>
/* Faction bonus to room affection */ <<set _factionNumber to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player is Exclusively this Faction]]>> <<if _isPlayerThisFaction>> <<set $roomAffection += 3>> <</if>> /* black rose check */ <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Sorpresa: Too Low Affection]]>> <<else>> /* Const check (overridden by anti-smother charm) */ <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [22]>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<include [[Sorpresa: Too Low Const]]>> <<else>> /* Affection Check*/ <<if $isTesting>> ''Room affection = <<print $roomAffection>>''<br><br> <</if>> /* affection of +2 is safe */ <<if $roomAffection gt 1>> <<include [[Sorpresa: Good End Precursor]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sorpresa: Too Low Affection]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
Her breath in your lungs starts to feel wrong... corrupt. You try to hold it in as long as you can, and can't. Your throat hitches. You squirm against Sorpresa's smothering boobs.<br> <br> <<include [[Sorpresa: Bad End Precursor: Default]]>>
"Time to come," Sorpresa whispers.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sorpresa: Good End Semen Check]]
Sorpresa presses on your prostate with her tail. Her tight vagina clenches around your cock. Your body trembles. You gasp in pleasure, releasing Sorpresa's tainted breath into her bosom. You think you come, but you're not sure. Your cock throbs as if in orgasm, but you can't feel for certain that anything came out. Maybe, after all your previous exertions in the House this evening, you might not have anything left.<br> <br> "Nothing?" Sorpresa says with a disappointed hiss, confirming what you thought. "And I was going to let you go."<br> <br> She tilts your head up and leans down for another kiss. Again she exhales and fills your lungs with her tainted breath. It feels thicker and more corrupted this time. Sorpresa keeps her lips locked with yours as her tainted breath seeps out into your body and sinks hooks in you.<br> <br> Then she inhales, drawing her breath back into her. You soul is ripped out and inhaled with it. Your body twitches a couple of times in her arms and then grows still.<br> <br> Sorpresa gulps down your soul and lets out a satisfied sigh.<br> <br> <<include [[Sorpresa: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Her tail presses up against your prostate. Her vagina clenches around your cock. You gasp and expel her tainted breath into her smothering cleavage. Your body is rocked by a powerful climax. Your cock throbs and you release a massive stream of cum into her warm, pulsing pussy.<br> <br> Sorpresa moans in delight.<br> <br> Your moans are smothered in her tits. You can't breathe. Your nose and mouth are covered by her soft boobs. You grow lightheaded. Stars flash behind your eyes.<br> <br> "Drown. Drown in me."<br> <br> Sorpresa pushes deep in your ass with her tail, pressing down on your prostate. Her vagina gives you another powerful, rippling suck.<br> <br> You explode again. You have no air to gasp into her bosom, but you still have plenty of semen. Your body trembles and writhes in her coils as you spurt more of it into her sex.<br> <br> You still can't breathe. Her tits smother you completely.<br> <br> You're still helplessly spurting semen inside her even as everything starts to grow dark.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sorpresa: Good End 2]]
...and then you're coughing and spluttering, your lungs working like bellows to suck precious oxygen into your chest. You're on your hands and knees with the door right in front of you.<br> <br> You hear Sorpresa's sultry laughter behind you. You turn and see only inky-black shadows.<br> <br> Feeling like you might have had a lucky escape, you grip the door handle and stumble out of Sorpresa's room.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Sorpresa: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> <<include [[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $roomAffection>>
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Her hands grip the side of your head and tilt your face upwards. You look up into her face.<br> <br> "Give it all to me," she hisses.<br> <br> Her mouth opens and stretches wide. It keeps stretching wider, distorting the rest of her face. It's wide enough to swallow your whole head. Her face stretches even more. Her maw is a gaping black void.<br> <br> Her tail presses up against your prostate. Her tight vagina clenches around your cock. Your body is rocked by a powerful climax. Your cock throbs and you spurt a big load of cum into her warm, pulsing pussy.<br> <br> At the same time you gasp, expelling Sorpresa's tainted breath from your lungs. It drags your soul out with it. You float in the air above your own orgasming body, before you're caught by the whirling vortex of Sorpresa's gaping maw and drawn up into darkness. Your body is still bucking and pumping cum into her tight vagina even as she inhales your soul.<br> <br> Your cock gives a last few desultory spurts. Your body grows still and cold in Sorpresa's embrace. She gulps down your soul and lets out a satisfied sigh.<br> <br> <<include [[Sorpresa: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"Time to give you what you want," Sorpresa says.<br> <br> She pulls your face away from her smothering bosom.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sorpresa: Default Bad End]]
/* black rose also goes through this path */ She holds you at the brink for what feels like forever. Her breath continues to roil in your lungs. Her pussy pulses with slow throbs. She's in total control.<br> <br> You are not. You can't hold her breath in any longer. You squirm against her as your lungs burn to release the corrupted air.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Sorpresa: Bad End Precursor: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sorpresa: Bad End Precursor: Default]]>> <</if>>
/* Text Here */ "Sorpresa Ombra? That cold-blooded reptile. You're a brave man, or crazy." $ pulls out a small black notebook. /* always end in line breaks */ <br> <br>
/* fluffy thing */ <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br><br> $ shudders as you mention what happened to the <<print $allGifts[7].name + ".">><br> <br> "The poor thing." <br><br> /* scented */ <<elseif _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <br><br> "I've heard she has a refined sense of smell. To make up for the..." He points to his eyes. "You know," he says. <br><br> /* unsuitable */ <<elseif _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> <br><br> "I've heard rumours she is blind and does not require either food or drink for sustenance," $ says. <br><br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
/* saved */ <<if _scoreArray[4][1] and not _osa[4][2]>> "It sounds like you had a very narrow escape," $ says. "Or maybe it's just forestalling the inevitable, if, as she implies, another she-devil already has her claws hooked in your soul." <<else>> He shivers.<br> <br> "Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. You are a lucky man to be alive and able to recount your tale. As for me, I'd rather not leave things to luck. Or have things inserted into... sensitive places."<br> <br> $ rubs his ass and his face reddens. <</if>> /* do not end with linebreaks */
/* Broinn and Ciùin Mùchadh */ <<set $hi to 6>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Broinn and Ciùin Mùchadh", shortDescription: "", faction: 1, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [9], affection: 0, isMultiplePeople: true, preIntroductionLink: "Muchadh: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Muchadh: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Muchadh: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Muchadh: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Muchadh: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Muchadh: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Muchadh: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Muchadh: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Muchadh: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Muchadh: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 8>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(17)>> <<set $player.charms.push(22)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to true>> */ <<set $player.currIsSerious to true>> /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ <<set $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick to false>> /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 6>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a pair of tiny fairy girls fluttering around on whirring insect wings. Both are dressed from head to toe in tight black latex and look like miniature dommes.">>
/* Madam intro */ "These are the Mùchadh sisters, Broinn and Ciùin," $ says. "They just love taming the 'Big Ones' as they put it." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Broinn and Ciùin Mùchadh are a pair of fairy girls, no more than six inches in height. They buzz around on whirring insect wings.<br> <br> Both are tightly clad in glossy black latex. Broinn wears a fairly severe basque with suspenders to hold up black fishnet stockings. Ciùin wears a full latex bodysuit. She also wears a latex hood with openings at the eyes and mouth. Her long black hair is drawn out through the top of the hood in a high, austere ponytail. In contrast, Broinn has her black hair cut short and chic. Both have stubby little devil horns. While Ciùin's could be mistaken for an accessory of her fetish hood, Broinn's are clearly visible and unmistakeable. Both wear black stiletto heels, but with the toes stretched out and curled back on themselves.<br> <br> They have very serious expressions for women only six inches in height. Ciùin holds a curled-up whip in her hands. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "I am Broinn and this is Ciùin," Broinn introduces herself. Her voice is very prim and correct. "We provide a bondage and domination service."<br> <br> You raise an eyebrow. They might look the part, but they're still only six inches high.<br> <br> Broinn notices and glances back to her sister. "Taming this one will be fun," she says. <br>
You take Broinn and Ciùin into the bar. They perch on your shoulders as you make your way across the busy floor and look for a spare table. Neither says a word.<br> <br> You find an open table. Broinn and Ciùin jump off and stand on the far side of the table like sexy anime figurines. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Muchadh: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Muchadh: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
Broinn and Ciùin share a glance. Wordlessly, they take off and whir back to the stage area. <br><br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and two thimbles of sweet-smelling nectar for Broinn and Ciùin.<br> <br> The sisters ignore their drinks and instead take up sexy dominatrix poses as they stare at you.<br> <br> "Do you wish to be disciplined and dominated by us?" Broinn asks.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSerious>> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> You would. They definitely look the part. It's just... you're not sure how. <<else>> It wouldn't normally be your thing, but you're intrigued to see how they would even pull it off. <</if>><br> <br> Broinn sees your expression and smiles chillily. "We have ways to control persons of your size. I'm sure you will find them most effective, and maybe even pleasant." <<else>> You find it impossible to suppress a smile. They're just so tiny. It's more adorable than intimidating.<br> <br> "I've seen that smirk on many a face," Broinn says. "I enjoy snuffing it out. Sometimes permanently if they displease me enough."<br> <br> Broinn's lips turn up in a smile so cold and psychotic you feel a chill even despite her tiny stature. <</if>><br> <br> Throughout it all Ciùin doesn't speak at all. She just runs her gloved hands lovingly around the coils of her whip.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Ah, the Mùchadh sisters, Broinn and Ciùin. They're an odd pair of succufairies. Very serious in comparison to their other brethren. Very serious indeed."<br> <br> $ sips her cocktail.<br> <br> "Broinn has serious ambitions to be a full-fledged suffocatrix. It would be quite an achievement for one of such tiny stature. She does relish taking the 'Big Ones' down and she's very adept at using the fairy trick to smother men."<br> <br> <<if not $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> $ sees your expression.<br> <br> "Fairy trick? Oh, I couldn't possibly spoil the surprise. Let's just say it is possible to fuck a succufairy. It's also possible for one to suffocate the life out of you."<br> <br> <</if>> $ takes another sip.<br> <br> "As for Ciùin, she's not much of a talker."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"You should always take the Mùchadh sisters seriously. Those that don't never live long enough to regret it.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Joking around with Broinn motivates her to provide a quite intense experience.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Ciùin has a love of the macabre. She collects eyeballs. It's a good gift to bring her now that $ has forbidden her from taking them from patrons.\""}>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[0] to "If you just want a sensual fairy fuck, I hear Cèis nan Cridheachan is quite pleasant.\"">> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[1] to "Balla-Balla an Buachar is a little slovenly and obsessed with butts, but her prostate massage is rumoured to be exquisite.\"">> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[2] to "But not all. There is a difference between near-death and death. Avoid Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair. She is broken.\"">>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Muchadh: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Muchadh: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Early leave */ [3,false,false], /* Survive */ [1,false,false], /* Good gift */ [2,false,false], /* Premature Ejaculation */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $hasLickedPussy to false>> <<include [[Muchadh: Enter Room]]>>
/* no repeat scenario as of yet */ <<include [[Muchadh: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Broinn and Ciùin Mùchadh's room is an eerie fairytale tableau. It looks like an isolated clearing under a full moon, except all the plants are dead and leafless. The empty stems and branches are twisted out of shape by stretched strips of glossy black latex. The same black latex covers the ground and smothers everything like thick black oil. On first glance you're not sure whether you're entering a bedroom or a strange art installation.<br> <br> In the centre of the room is long padded black bench about three foot high. It's lit from above by a lamp filtered to look like moonlight. Hovering above the bench in the silvery shaft of light are Broinn and Ciùin. Despite their diminutive stature, the whole scene has an unnerving, ominous air.<br> <br> "Take off your clothes and approach the bench of taming," Broinn says.<br> <br> You pause.<br> <br> [[Bench of Taming?->Muchadh: Early Leave Choice]]
<<if $player.currIsSerious>> You know it looks ridiculous, that the fairies look way too tiny to conceivably be a threat to you, and yet...<br> <br> "Why do you hesitate?" Broinn asks.<br> <br> You have the ominous feeling you're walking to your own gallows. But it's just roleplay, right? <<else>> For a brief moment, the ominous nature of the scene gives you pause for thought. Then you remember the fairies are only six inches high. What can they possibly do to you?<br> <br> In an attempt to lighten the mood, you make a quip about them maybe being a little too serious about their roleplay.<br> <br> Broinn says nothing. Her and Ciùin continue to hover ominously above the black bench.<br> <br> It is just roleplay, right? <</if>><br> <br> "The House caters for every fantasy," Broinn says. "Some are more risqué than others, but they're still fantasy... until they are not."<br> <br> She smiles. You'd rather she didn't.<br> <br> "If you have any doubts, you don't have to go through with this. You're free to leave right now. However, we will remember. You may choose us again and return to this room, should you have a change of heart, but know that the service we offer will no longer be fantasy."<br> <br> She smiles again. You really wish she wouldn't do that.<br> <br> What will you do?<br> <br> [[This is a bit weird. Leave?->Muchadh: Choose Early Leave]]<br> [[Stay?->Muchadh: Choose to Stay]]
You make your excuses and turn to leave.<br> <br> "As you wish," Broinn says.<br> <br> She doesn't seem that bothered. Her smile is strangely triumphant. You suspect she derives a great deal of pleasure from intimidating a being many times her size. If that's the case, you don't want to imagine what she'd do if in full control of one.<br> <br> You leave.<br> <br> <<include [[Muchadh: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<if $player.currIsSerious>> You decide to stay. It's just fantasy roleplay, the same as if you'd entered a dominatrix's boudoir. You're not sure how the fairies will fulfil that, given their tiny stature, but you're curious to find out.<br> <br> You take your clothes off and walk up to the bench.<br> <br> <<else>> Leaving now strikes you as a bit chickenshit. They're only six inches high! What can they do?<br> <br> Still, you make a few quips to keep up your mood as you take your clothes off and walk up to the bench.<br> <br> <</if>> "Present your offering," Broinn says.<br> <br> You think she means your gift.<br> <br> [[You present your 'offering'.->Muchadh: Gift]]
<<unset $hasLickedPussy>>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Muchadh: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 9>> <<include [[Muchadh: Gift: Eyeball]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(13)>> <<include [[Muchadh: Gift: Macabre]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(2)>> <<include [[Muchadh: Gift: Scented]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(3,4)>> <<include [[Muchadh: Gift: Pretty Romantic]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Muchadh: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> Broinn passes the gift to Ciùin and the other fairy whirs off with it.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Muchadh: Bench]]
Broinn takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "I wonder if you truly know what you're asking for," she says. "No matter. It is a service we have performed many times before and all have enjoyed it."
<<set $affectionChange to 2>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Muchadh likes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> The normally stoic Ciùin does a little happy dance the moment you show the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Another one for your collection, Ciùin," Broinn says. "The Madam forbids her from taking them from patrons, so she's always overjoyed when she's brought one as a gift."
<<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Muchadh likes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> Broinn holds the $allGifts[$cgi].name and examines <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> closely.<br> <br> "Do you like <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it?"<<else>>them?"<</if>> she turns and asks Ciùin.<br> <br> The other fairy nods her head eagerly.
<<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Muchadh likes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> Broinn inhales the fragrance from the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Pretty smells," she says. "Pretty smells make for good lures."<br> <br> She really shouldn't smile, you think.
<<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Muchadh dislikes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> Broinn takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and laughs.<br> <br> "You're in the wrong room if you think this will impress us."
"It is an offering," Broinn says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name.
"Lie here." Broinn motions to the bench. Her demeanour and tone is very matter-of-fact and business-like.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSerious>> Broinn certainly has none of the whimsy you'd expect from a fairy. She seems to take this very seriously. You get up on the bench and lie on your back. <<else>> You get up on the bench and crack a joke to try and see if you can get a warmer response from Broinn. Aren't fairies supposed to be whimsical creatures?<br> <br> You don't get anything out of Broinn. Not even a smile.<br> <br> You lie back on the bench. <</if>> The padding is soft and quite deep. It also feels warm against your skin. There is a padded head rest for you to lay your head on.<br> <br> "Lie still. We need to strap your arms and legs in."<br> <br> You ask if that's necessary.<br> <br> "It is for our safety," Broinn says. "Our bodies are small and fragile, and easily damaged in the throes of passion."<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSerious>> You nod. It sounds reasonable. As is a dominatrix wanting to strap her sub <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> in, and you do like being a sub. <<else>> in. <</if>> <<else>> It makes sense. It would be all too easy for a fairy to get squished once things got hot and heavy. You make a joke about it to take your mind off being strapped in. Broinn doesn't seem impressed. <</if>><br> <br> [[She straps you in.->Muchadh: Strapped In]]
Broinn pulls a latex strap around your right wrist and binds it to the edge of the bench. She flies over and does the same for your left wrist. Ciùin returns and straps your ankles to the top of the bench. There is some give, but the straps are too wide and thick for there to be any possibility of you slipping free.<br> <br> With you now secure, both fairies fly up and land on the top of your thighs, either side of your genitals. They strut as if standing on the body of a felled giant.<br> <br> "Look at how the mighty have fallen," Broinn says. "Tied up and rendered helpless by beings a fraction of his size."<br> <br> <<if not $player.currIsSerious>> Only because you let them, you think.<br><br> <</if>> Broinn seems to relish pointing that out. She poses dominantly on your left thigh.<br> <br> "And what should we do with this great beast?" she says theatrically. "tame it... or slaughter it?"<br> <br> Ciùin uncoils her whip and cracks it right above the sensitive head of your cock.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> [[Ooh, exciting.->Muchadh: Strapped In: Submissive]] <<else>> [[Whoa! That's a bit close to your privates.->Muchadh: Strapped In: Dominant]] <</if>>
The crack of the whip combined with your bound state triggers an erotic thrill within you. As tiny as they are, these miniature latex-clad dommes have complete control of you. And they look wonderful while doing it.<br> <br> Ciùin cracks her whip again. Blood flows to your crotch and your cock starts to rise, as if responding to the whip like a lion with a circus tamer.<br> <br> "The beast rises," Broinn says. "Perhaps it desires to be tamed. Ciùin."<br> <br> Ciùin coils her whip around your cock and tugs it from side to side as if she's wrangling a steer. More blood flows down to your cock. Excitement thrums through you. You never thought a pair of tiny fairies could be so sexy... so dominant.<br> <br> Ciùin releases the whip and lets the blood flow into your surging erection. Over on your other thigh Broinn has removed her basque and is peeling off her stockings. Ciùin tosses her whip into the gap between your legs and starts to climb out of her latex bodysuit. She leaves her latex hood on.<br> <br> <<include [[Muchadh: Strapped In: End]]>>
Even though she's tiny, you still cringe at the crack of her whip. Your cock shrivels up as if it's trying to crawl up into your body to get away from it.<br> <br> From their expressions, this was not the reaction the fairies were expecting or hoping for. Broinn shares a glance with Ciùin. Ciùin nods and flies off, her wings whirring behind her.<br> <br> Broinn walks up to your belly button and sits down.<br> <br> "It is nothing to feel ashamed about," she says. "It happens. We have a backup plan."<br> <br> Ciùin returns. She's carrying something that looks like an icing bag crossed with bellows. It's made out of glossy black latex and is almost as big as her. She places it on the bench with the nozzle pointing at your crotch. She does something at the back you can't quite see and then pushes down on the handle. You feel warm air tickle your pubic hair as the nozzle puffs out a pink cloud that envelops your cock.<br> <br> This triggers a powerful, preternatural surge of arousal within you. Your cock swells up to full erection with a suddenness that causes you to gasp in surprise.<br> <br> Ciùin works the handle again and puffs another cloud of smoke around your cock. Your erection hits a throbbing peak so intense it almost verges on pain. Your cock sticks up like an iron bar.<br> <br> "Extract of Flùr de Dìoghras Neo-Riaghlaidh," Broinn explains. "Very powerful, but also quite deadly. If applied directly to the penis it would kill you. In this form it is quite safe and extremely arousing. We find it very useful in helping those patrons having trouble with their nerves."<br> <br> You'd describe it as a good deal stronger than mere //arousing//. Your cock feels hard enough to go through wood.<br> <br> Broinn starts removing her top and pulling down her fishnets. Ciùin peels off her latex bodysuit. She leaves her latex hood on.<br> <br> <<include [[Muchadh: Strapped In: End]]>>
"We will tame you with our bodies," Broinn says. "With sex."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Muchadh: Double Dick Massage]]
Naked now, both girls fly over to your erect cock and start hugging it. Moaning with pleasure, they rub their naked boobs up and down your shaft. They wrap their long legs around your cock and squeeze it with their thighs. They bounce their hips back and forth as they grind against your fleshy pillar.<br> <br> You watch enrapt as they squeeze and rub your engorged member. It's like a live two-girl nude show and wank rolled into one and happening in your lap.<br> <br> They climb up to the peak and start running their little tongues around your foreskin. Your cock twitches eagerly at the stimulation. A little droplet of pre-cum wells up out of your urethra. The two fairies lap it up as if it's nectar and then their lips meet in a passionate kiss. Shamelessly, they start making out on top of your cock. Their hands are all over each other and they rub their breasts together in a sapphic embrace.<br> <br> Still embracing, they wrap their long legs around the head of your cock and squeeze the fleshy helmet with their thighs. They let their feet dangle down and catch against your foreskin. They use their wings to bob up and down, pleasantly jerking you off in the process.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount gt 8>> [[It feels too good.->Muchadh: Double Dick Massage: Ejaculation]] <<else>> [[It feels nice.->Muchadh: Double Dick Massage: No Ejaculation]] <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Muchadh Likes This">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> The sight of them making out in such an unrestrained manner while masturbating you with their tiny feet is too much. You feel an orgasm burst up out of your balls and erupt like a fountain between them. Broinn and Ciùin both squeal with delight as you splash them with your cum. They make out with greater intensity and rub your cloudy issue all over their nubile forms. Even though your ejaculation has passed, your cock remains hard and throbbing between them. Little bubbles of cum continue to well up out of your urethra.<br> <br> <<include [[Muchadh: Double Dick Massage: End]]>>
It's almost enough to tip you over into a premature ejaculation. You don't want that as it would make it over too soon. You hold on and revel in the sight of their naked bodies writhing together while they continue to masturbate you with their tiny feet.<br> <br> <<include [[Muchadh: Double Dick Massage: End]]>>
Broinn and Ciùin pause and turn to look at you. Broinn shares a glance with Ciùin. Ciùin nods.<br> <br> Broinn leaves your cock and her wings whir as she flies up to your face. Ciùin slides back down your shaft and resumes using her whole body to jerk you off.<br> <br> Broinn alights on your chin and stares down at you. "You've had some pleasure. Now it's my turn," she says.<br> <br> She lies down on your face. She wraps her arms around your nose and starts humping your mouth. You're not exactly sure what she's getting from this. Maybe she's expecting something from you.<br> <br> [[Lick her pussy?->Muchadh: Lick Pussy]]<br> [[Do nothing?->Muchadh: Don't Lick Pussy]]
<<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Muchadh Likes This">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $hasLickedPussy to true>> You open your mouth slightly and start licking between Broinn's legs with the very tip of your tongue. She shivers in pleasure as you lap at her tiny sex.<br> <br> "Mmm. Not necessary, but not unwelcome either," Broinn says.<br> <br> She pushes back against your tongue and gives a little sigh of pleasure.<br> <br> <<include [[Muchadh: Ciuin Sex]]>>
You do nothing and lie there while Broinn continues to hump your face. You don't understand what she gets from this, but she seems to be enjoying herself.<br> <br> <<include [[Muchadh: Ciuin Sex]]>>
Down at your genitals Ciùin continues to hug and rub her body against your penis. She starts moaning erotically, her moans getting louder and more frequent until she hits a climax.<br> <br> You feel a rubbery balloon expand around and envelop your cock. The elastic membrane is soft, slick and warm. <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> You've visited succufairies before, so you know what it is. Ciùin has turned her vagina inside out and expanded it around your cock. <<else>> You're not sure what to make of it. <</if>> It feels like your cock has been drawn up into a snug sheath. One where the soft walls are pumped up with air and squeeze your cock with gentle pressure. It feels extremely pleasant.<br> <br> <<if not $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> What is Ciùin doing down there?<br><br> <</if>> <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>>Her everted pussy<<else>>It<</if>> feels like she's wrapped a warm soft-skinned air bladder around your cock and is working it up and down like a sex toy sheath.<br> <br> [[You look down at what she's doing.->Muchadh: Broinn Vagina 1]]
You go to lift your head, only for Broinn to reach a tiny fist into your nostril and yank on your nasal hairs. The sharp pain refocuses your attention to her.<br> <br> "You don't need to see what she's doing," she says. "Just lie back and enjoy the pleasure."<br> <br> It does feel extremely pleasurable. Your whole cock is enveloped in a warm, soft membrane filled with air. Gentle pulses roll up and down your shaft as Ciùin rocks her body against you. Your cock tingles pleasantly as the juices from the membrane seep into your skin.<br> <br> <<if $hasLickedPussy>> You get back to tonguing Broinn's miniature pussy as she grinds her hips against your face. <<else>> Broinn continues to grind her hips against your face. <</if>> Her breathing becomes louder and harsher. Her body stiffens. Her face loses its composure.<br> <br> <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> With your previous experience of succufairies, you know they're capable of popping their vaginas inside out and inflating them. Is she going to do that here?<br><br> <</if>> Even though she's been given little stimulus, Broinn reaches a kind of climax.<br> <br> <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> Here it comes. A <<else>> Then it gets strange as a <</if>> pinkish-white bubble swells up out of her crotch and expands to cover your nose and mouth. It feels like a little pillow of air with a moist, flexible surface.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Muchadh: Broinn Vagina 2]]
Broinn lies on top of the pinkish-white membranous pillow, panting. She recovers her composure. The soft membrane ripples and billows around her as she sits back up. Her expression is once again cold and haughty.<br> <br> "Surprised?" she asks. "This is the trick of the succufairies. We can turn our vaginas inside out and expand them with <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> air."<br> <br> You know this as you've seen it before, albeit not quite as close up as this.<br> <br> "It's <<else>> air. It's <</if>> how we have sex with men many times our size. It's what Ciùin is doing to you right now."<br> <br> Broinn glances over shoulder.<br> <br> "She has a very juicy pussy. Her juices will keep you hard and turned on. She really knows how to pamper a penis."<br> <br> <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> Ciùin's inside-out pussy is wonderful. <<else>> You don't know what it is down there. <</if>> It feels like a soft sheath with inflated walls pressing snugly all around your cock. Juices seep into your cock until it feels like it's glowing with delight.<br> <br> Broinn sits on the cushion of her own distended vagina and crosses her long legs.<br> <br> "Me, I refuse to pamper," she says. "Beasts should know their place."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Muchadh: Broinn Smother 1]]
Reflexively, you go to draw breath and realise you can't. Your nose and mouth are covered with a flexible membrane that blocks your air passages as surely as a plastic bag over your face.<br> <br> "Oh dear," Broinn says. "Is it hard to breathe with my pussy over your face?"<br> <br> More like impossible. Your first instinct is to reach up and tear away the bag smothering your face. Your wrists come up against the latex straps tethering your arms to the sides of the bench and go no further.<br> <br> Broinn laughs. "Who is big and mighty now?"<br> <br> Your nostrils dilate and your mouth opens wide to try and suck in air. None can get past the obstruction. You start to feel discomfort in your lungs as the air grows stale.<br> <br> Beginning to panic, you thrash your head from side to side in a vain attempt to shake off the smothering fairy. Broinn cackles joyously as she's bounced around by your wild head movements. You can't dislodge the smothering membrane. It's stuck to your face as if glued.<br> <br> "Oh, do that again," she says. "Please." Her cheeks are flushed and her voice is husky with arousal.<br> <br> [[Your air is running out.->Muchadh: Broinn Smother 2]]
Your hips writhe and twist as you feel your own arousal build. Ciùin is still stroking and squeezing your cock with her own inflated inside-out vagina.<br> <br> "I love smothering the big ones with my pussy," Broinn says. "I love the look in their eyes when they realise such a tiny thing is slowly suffocating the life out of them."<br> <br> You tug helplessly at your bonds. You are caught between twin poles of pleasure and pain. At your crotch you feel a soft membrane rippling up and down your cock, stroking you to ecstasy. Above that, your lungs burn and your throat hitches as your body craves fresh oxygen.<br> <br> "I love the confusion in their eyes as my sister strokes them to orgasm at the same time."<br> <br> Ciùin shifts position. She climbs up on top of your erection and lets her pussy billow out down the sides. She presses her hands and feet into the membrane and starts stimulating the head of your cock with pulsing waves. Your hips start bucking with the same rhythm.<br> <br> "Asphyxiation and a closeness to death always brings out the best orgasms," Broinn whispers. "Enjoy it."<br> <br> [[You need oxygen!->Muchadh: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> Your eyes roll around wildly. Your thoughts are a chaotic jumble of competing fear and pleasure. The urge to come grows and grows in <<if $isOutOfSemen>>you.<<else>>you until it can no longer be denied.<</if>><br> <br> "Ah, here it comes," Broinn says.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Muchadh: Out Of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Muchadh: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Your body tenses up and becomes taut. Sensing you're close, Ciùin starts pulsing the head of your cock faster and harder. At the same time, you run out of oxygen and your thoughts start to collapse into darkness. You pass out before you find out whether Ciùin can stroke your tired and depleted body to orgasm.<br> <br> [[You pass out.->Muchadh: Bad End]]
Your body tenses up and becomes taut. You feel the climax rise up inside you. Sensing you're close, Ciùin starts pulsing the head of your cock faster and harder. <<if $player.charms.includes(22)>> You feel <<else>> At the same time, you run out of oxygen and your thoughts start to collapse into darkness. The last thing you feel before you pass out is <</if>> a powerful surging blast of pleasure as your cock throbs and spurts gouts of semen up into Ciùin's smothering pussy. It feels like fireworks blasting into a night sky.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(22)>> You are amazed you haven't already passed out. It feels like Broinn has held her distended vagina over your mouth and nose for over ten minutes.<br> <br> Broinn is extremely persistent, determined and //thorough//. She implacably sits on your face and waits for you to pass out, even though it takes quite a while.<br> <br> <</if>> <<include [[Muchadh: End Determinator]]>>
<<if $cgi eq 0 or $allHarlots[$hi].affection lt 0 or not $player.currIsSerious>> [[You pass out.->Muchadh: Bad End]] <<else>> [[You pass out.->Muchadh: Good End]] <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Your oxygen-starved brain flickers and sparks random thoughts. Blasted through it like comets are the bursts of animalistic bliss as your cock throbs and spurts and empties your balls up into the soft membrane wrapped around it.<br> <br> Starved of oxygen and riven by ecstasy, you feel like your sense of self dislocates. There is body-you and a separate mind-you floating around inside it. That inner self becomes untethered and tumbles up your throat as if gravity has reversed. Inner-you comes out of your mouth as a last exhalation and is caught and enfolded by the billowing membrane of Broinn's distended vagina.<br> <br> She sighs with satisfaction as she draws the folds of her vagina back into her body, and your ensnared soul with it.<br> <br> Your lifeless and soulless body cools beneath her. The bench is less a place of taming and more a place of slaughter.<br> <br> <<include [[Muchadh: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You wake to the crack of a whip and tiny hands slapping your cheek.<br> <br> "Wake up," Broinn says.<br> <br> You open your eyes and see both fairies have gotten dressed. Their bodies are squeezed back into their tight glossy black latex outfits. Their strange inside-out vaginas have been pulled back into their bodies.<br> <br> "The session is over," Broinn says.<br> <br> You realise your hands and feet are no longer bound. Blinking blearily, you swing your legs over and onto the floor.<br> <br> "Ciùin likes the taste of your semen. She says it's sweet," Broinn said.<br> <br> In contrast to her whip and overall intimidating appearance, Ciùin glances shyly down at the floor.<br> <br> "She told me not to kill you." Again, Broinn's face cracks in that disconcerting smile.<br> <br> The fairies flutter around you as you put your clothes back on.<br> <br> "A near-death experience does add a little extra oompth to the climax, does it not," Broinn says, again with her creepy smile. "Makes it intense."<br> <br> Maybe a little too intense, you think.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection gt 1>> "If it was too intense, there are other succufairies in the House that can offer a more..." Broinn spits the word contemptuously "//vanilla// experience. <<include [[Harlot Scenario: Select Harlot Gossip]]>> <br><br> <</if>> The fairies return to hovering above the bench in a shaft of silvery light.<br> <br> "Come again," Broinn says. "If you have the courage..."<br> <br> You really wish she wouldn't smile like that.<br> <br> You put your clothes back on and leave.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection gt 0>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <</if>> <<set $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<include [[Muchadh: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
"Ah, that pair. I've seen them fluttering around in their dominatrix getup and wondered how that works. They're so tiny the mere thought of them dominating a man seems ridiculous."<br> <br> He pulls out his notebook.<br> <br> "Tell me how you got on with Broinn and Ciùin Mùchadh." /* always end in line breaks */ <br> <br>
/* must start with linebreaks if wish to start on new line */ <br> <br> "Bench of taming, huh."<br> <br> $'s moustache bristles as he chuckles.<br> <br> "How charmingly absurd." /* premature ejaculation */ <<if _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> <br><br> You move on to describing the two-fairy dick massage.<br> <br> "Were those tiny fairies a little too hot for you?" $ laughs.<br> <br> Your cheeks redden with embarrassment. <</if>> /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br>
/* Text here */ <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> "You left early?"<br> <br> $ raises his eyebrow quizzically.<br> <br> "Don't tell me you were scared. Of tiny fairies."<br> <br> He laughs raucously.<br> <br> "I shouldn't give you anything, but it's just so funny. Terrified of tiny fairies. Hahaha." <<else>> "I don't think I could let them strap me in," $ says. "Imagine the embarrassment if they accidentally suffocated you to death. Imagine that on your gravestone: 'Here lies X – smothered to death by a fairy.'"<br> <br> He guffaws.<br> <br> "Smothered to death by a fairy. A tiny fairy." He keeps laughing. <</if>><br> <br> You fidget awkwardly. /* do not end with linebreaks */
/* Asphya */ <<set $hi to 11>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Asphya", shortDescription: "", faction: 1, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, hasSpokenToNpcGossip: false, gifts: [3], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Asphya: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Asphya: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Asphya: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Asphya: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Asphya: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Asphya: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Asphya: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Asphya: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Asphya: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(22)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ <<set $player.currConst to 3>> /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 11>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip to true>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a short woman dressed from head to foot in a skintight black latex catsuit. She wears a gas mask with a loose airpipe hanging from the mouth.">>
/* Madam intro */ "Ah, here is Asphya," $ says. "You'll have to excuse her, she's very shy and doesn't talk. But in the room I promise she'll take your breath away."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Asphya has clearly come dressed for a fetish party. Her body is clothed in a skintight black latex catsuit. It moulds perfectly to the contours of her lithe form like a second skin. The only thing that gives it away as not skin is a zipper at the crotch. The latex gleams in the light as if freshly polished.<br> <br> The outfit even covers her head with a tight black rubber hood. The real fetish part is the gas mask covering her face. It resembles the old gas masks of the Great War, but as if given a modern makeover by a hip fashion designer. A rubber air hose hangs loosely from the front. Through the thick glass eyeholes you see a pair of big blue inquisitive eyes.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ As $ said, Asphya is not one for talking. She just eyes you up cautiously, like a bird or curious woodland animal. <br>
Asphya says nothing as you take her out into the bar. There is a svelte grace to her movements, which you drop back to appreciate. Her catsuit is so tight it leaves little to the imagination.<br> <br> You find a table.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Asphya: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Asphya: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br> <br> Despite your embarrassing lack of money, Asphya does not seem reproachful. She just tilts her head quizzically, like a bird. With no money to buy drinks, you both return in silence.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and nothing for Asphya.<br> <br> Nothing is also what she says.<br> <br> Despite your best efforts to engage her in conversation, she merely sits there in silence and stares at you through the thick glass eyeholes of her gas mask. You stop trying and the both of you sit in silence until you decide this is a little too awkward and take her back to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip to true>> "Ah, Asphya. She's a guardian of the Great Latex Womb. A fragment of the Womb exists within the House. //How// is best not to ask, the House has many unusual quirks."<br> <br> $ exhales a cloud of perfumed smoke.<br> <br> "She's a quiet one. Is she an entity in her own right, or just an extension of the Womb? I've never been able to find the answer to that one."<br> <br> Thoughtfully, she sips her cocktail.<br> <br> "The Womb senses arousal and absorbs those in ecstasy into its walls. You'll need to keep as little of your body in contact with it as possible, otherwise you'll be pulled in. You'll need to fuck Asphya standing up. Don't lie on the floor. Don't lean against the wall. You'll sink in and be lost."<br> <br> She puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "How strong are those big thick legs of yours?"<br> <br> $ laughs.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"It's not strength. Asphya herself is as light as a feather. You could carry – and fuck – her all day. It's her other trick. She'll literally take your breath away, and then it becomes a good deal harder to stay on your feet, especially after she's filled your lungs with her corrupt air.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"I don't think she cares much for gifts, although I've heard she likes nice-smelling things.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"A big strong lad like you should be okay. She's as light as a feather. A cinch to carry. You'll have no problems at all.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Asphya: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Asphya: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [2,false,false], /* Gift - perfume */ [1,false,false], /* Gift - good */ [3,false,false] /* Survive */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Asphya: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Asphya: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Asphya's room resembles a cave with padded latex walls. The floor gives beneath your feet like an air mattress. Disconcertingly, the walls, floor and ceiling appear to be moving in and out as though they are breathing. You hear a kind of mechanical wheezing and wonder if that's the sound of air pumps moving the walls back and forth. Every so often, a little puff of perfumed air escapes into the room.<br> <br> The overall effect is weird, intimate and strangely arousing. It would be a nice prop for a film set, but seems like overkill for a hooker's room. Then the House is pretty strange.<br> <br> The hooker, Asphya, is crouched over by the far end of the latex room. She sidesteps to the left while watching you. You can't tell if she's stalking you, or just wary.<br> <br> You hold out your gift as a gesture.<br> <br> Asphya skips forward with fluid, alien grace and takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Asphya: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Asphya: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<include [[Asphya: Good Gift End]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 3>> <<include [[Asphya: Gift: Perfume]]>> <<include [[Asphya: Good Gift End]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(2)>> <<include [[Asphya: Gift: Good]]>> <<include [[Asphya: Good Gift End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Asphya: Gift: Bad]]>> <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Asphya: Stalks You]]
Asphya takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you and puts it to the end of her airpipe as if sniffing it.<br> <br> She looks at you and nods. Then she
skitters off to the back of the room to stash your gift away in a hidden fold of latex.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Asphya seems visibly excited when you show her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. She takes it from you and sprays her wrist. She places it under her airpipe as if sniffing it. Her big eyes close and you think she's smiling behind her mask. She
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> She puts the $allGifts[$cgi].name to the end of her airpipe as if sniffing <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it.<<else>>them.<</if>> Though it's hard to tell, you think she's pleased with your gift. She
Asphya doesn't seem impressed with your gift. She examines it before dismissively tossing it over her shoulder and into one of the tucked away corners.
Asphya goes back to warily circling you, at one point crouching so low she goes down on all-fours on her hands. You wonder what to do. This is all a bit freaky.<br> <br> Asphya stops and points to you. She gestures to you and then moves her hands as if she's miming taking a jacket off. You think she wants you to take your clothes off. This is confirmed when she starts nodding eagerly when you begin disrobing. You take off your clothes and, seeing nowhere to put them, leave them in a pile next to the door.<br> <br> You already have an erection, which surprises you. You suppose Asphya has a pretty hot bod beneath her latex catsuit and odd behaviour, but it seems more than that. You feel a puff of warm air from one of the pores in the latex wall. It smells perfumed. Maybe there's something in it. It is quite heady.<br> <br> The floor also feels surprisingly warm and soft beneath your toes, almost like you're walking more on skin than rubber.<br> <br> Now that you've undressed, Asphya's behaviour changes. She stands up straight and strikes a sexy pose. She reaches down and slowly unzips her crotch. Teasingly, she turns to show her delicious shiny rump rather than expose her sex to you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Asphya: Pounce]]
Then she's back to her strange feral, crouched-down circling behaviour. Except this time it seems weirdly sensual, like an odd courtship ritual.<br> <br> You keep watching her, wondering what's to come next. Even with you watching her, what she does next still takes you by surprise. Using the springy floor as a launch pad, she rapidly closes the distance, jumps at you, and wraps her legs and arms around you.<br> <br> Asphya has a surprising lightness of weight and – for want of a better word – //floatiness//. At that speed you would have expected her to knock you backwards. Instead, you're barely rocked on your heels. She's lighter than even her slight form suggests.<br> <br> You stand there with her legs wrapped around your waist and her arms loosely draped around your neck and shoulders. Instinctively, you move your arms around and cup your hands under her ass to support her. The latex covering her ass cheeks feels smooth beneath your fingers.<br> <br> Asphya's eyes stare into yours through the glass windows of her mask. She pushes her hips down and slowly impales herself on your erection.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Asphya: Sex On Feet]]
She's tight, and while she doesn't feel wet as such, your cock still smoothly slides up inside her. It's pleasant, but feels slightly artificial. You feel pressure all around from her walls, but it feels more like air pressure, as if Asphya is some kind of inflatable doll rather than a person.<br> <br> It is a //comfortable// pressure, and when she starts to bounce against you, if feels very comfortable indeed. You stand there with your hands on her ass. You don't really need them to support her. Asphya's legs are wrapped tightly around you and she's so light there's little risk of her falling. Instead, you let your hands roam all over the smooth curves of her ass. Your cock slides back and forth inside her and is gently squeezed by the internal pressure of her body.<br> <br> Normally, you wouldn't be able to do this for too long before her weight would become too much. However, Asphya seems to not have any weight at all, and she's also doing nearly all the work. All you have to do is stand there and enjoy the sensation of your cock sliding back and forth inside her tight pussy.<br> <br> Your attention is shifted from the pleasures of sex when you spot the air hose of her mask start moving of its own accord. The end curls up like an elephant's trunk and opens up. You have time to notice that the interior of the pipe seems strangely //organic// and that it terminates in a round ring of supple flesh that looks like lips. Then those 'lips' close over your mouth and nose and form a tight seal to hold the pipe in place.<br> <br> [[What is this?->Asphya: Air Suck]]
Asphya's eyes are crazy bright now. Still with her lips bouncing away on your cock, she leans back and draws in a deep breath. Her chest expands and the air is sucked from your lungs. You are held, airless, for a brief panic-stricken moment, as if you've been thrown into the vacuum of deep space. Your legs wobble. Stars spark behind your eyes.<br> <br> Asphya exhales and air re-enters your lungs in a great flood. It comes back tainted – thick, corrupted, sinful. It seeps out into your body and fills you with unnatural desires. Your hands, which were in the middle of reaching up to grasp Asphya's airpipe, fall slackly to your sides.<br> <br> Your cock suddenly feels larger and more sensitive. Hotter too. And from within, not just from the delicious sexual friction of Asphya's tight pussy.<br> <br> Asphya's chest expands as she takes another deep breath, emptying your lungs of air in the process.<br> <br> More stars flicker numbly in your brain. Your legs tremble and you rock a little on your feet.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip>> You remember what $ told you. You need to stay on your feet.<br> <br> [[Let yourself fall anyway.->Asphya: Choose Floor]]<br> [[Stay on your feet.->Asphya: Choose Feet]] <<else>> [[The floor is soft. Let yourself fall onto it.->Asphya: Choose Floor]]<br> [[Stay on your feet.->Asphya: Choose Feet]] <</if>>
Screw this. Fucking standing up is far too much work. You let yourself fall back onto the soft and comfortable floor. It feels like a massive air mattress, but with a softer and warmer surface.<br> <br> Asphya comes with you and redoubles her efforts. Strangely, she seems to have gained mass. You can feel her weight on your lap and the bouncing thrusts of her hips have more force behind them. So much so, you give up trying to push back and let the springiness of the rubber floor do the work for you.<br> <br> She breathes quicker and, because you're connected, so do you. She exhales more tainted air into you. It seeps from your lungs and fills your whole body, fills your mind with lustful thoughts. Your dick swells inside her and Asphya rides you and moves her hips in ways that have her vagina stroke and squeeze every millimetre of your engorged penis.<br> <br> The desire to come rises within you and, sensing it, Asphya speeds up. Her pussy squeezes snugly around your cock and feels like an extra soft milking sleeve.<br> <br> She rides you all the way to the brink of orgasm, then slams right down with her hips, taking in the whole of your length and letting the pressure throb around your sensitised glans. Unable to hold it in any longer, you erupt and spurt cum inside her.<br> <br> [[She's not finished...->Asphya: Bad End]]
Asphya breathes her corrupted and sinful air back into you. You stay on your feet.<br> <br> Barely.<br> <br> Your thoughts are hot and sweaty with sex. Your cock is so sensitive it feels like it's swollen to twice its size.<br> <br> Asphya hugs you tighter. You feel her latex-covered chest rise and fall against you as she breathes for the two of you. You are hilted all the way inside her vagina. Her bounces are shorter and she pays special attention to letting the underside of your glans rub against her vaginal wall. A little hug. A little squeeze. Stoking that lustful heat within you higher and higher.<br> <br> She takes another big breath and this time it feels like her pussy is inhaling you too.<br> <br> <<include [[Asphya: Semen Check]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Asphya: Out Of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Asphya: Has Semen]]>> <</if>>
Thinking you're about to come, Asphya pushes all the way down with her hips and lets her vagina pulse around your glans.<br> <br> She seems disappointed when this isn't enough to make you come. She goes back to lithely bouncing on your cock. She sucks out the air in your lungs and the next exhalation she fills you back up with is far more corrupted than before. The air is thick and sticky – a stew of scandalous perfume, gaping vaginas and impure thoughts.<br> <br> Your balls are already drained. Asphya inhales and now it feels like your energy is being drained as well. Even as light as Asphya is, your legs are wobbling like jelly. Each thrust of her hips, each slap of crotch on crotch, rocks you further back on your heels, until finally you topple backwards. Thankfully, the floor is soft and yielding. It feels like a massive air mattress, but with a softer and warmer surface.<br> <br> The impact lodges your hard cock deep inside her. The increased pressure is enough to finally tip you over the edge. You groan and fountain cum up inside her.<br> <br> [[She's not finished...->Asphya: Bad End]]
You can't hold back. Your hips jerk and you loose a thick stream up into her tight pussy.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip>> Stay on your feet, you think, mindful of $'s warning.<br> <br> [[Stay on your feet!->Asphya: Const Check]] <<else>> [[You rock on your feet.->Asphya: Const Check]] <</if>>
<<if $cgi eq 0 or $player.currConst lt 3>> <<include [[Asphya: Const Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Asphya: Good End]]>> <</if>>
Somehow you stay on your feet, even as your body is trembling so hard from the orgasm it's turning your knees to jelly. The floor beneath your feet seems softer and your footing less certain.<br> <br> You stay upright.<br> <br> Even after Asphya inhales again and your orgasm sparks back to a second surging peak that empties your balls and leaves your legs wobbling like spaghetti. You moan in bliss as your cock throbs and you pour semen inside her throbbing pussy.<br> <br> That at least seems to be the last of it as afterwards Asphya is content to breathe normally. She hugs you close and lets her vagina milk the last dribbles out of your cock with gentle little pulses.<br> <br> Your head still goes a little funny. Your knees feel very weak. You think you might fall, but then Asphya is standing next to you and supporting you, even though you don't recall her getting off you. The floor is strangely soft and sticky, as if it's been churned to clinging mud. Your feet are sunk in and you need Asphya's help to pull them free of the cloying clutch of the floor. You glance suspiciously at the spot, wondering what could have caused the latex floor to seemingly melt.<br> <br> She helps you over to your pile of clothes, by which point the wooziness and clouds fogging your thoughts have cleared. You put your clothes back on. Asphya returns to the back of the latex room and curls up like a cat on the comfortable padded floor.<br> <br> You turn and leave the unusual room, with its equally unusual occupant, behind.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Asphya: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
The orgasm rocks you to the core and leaves your legs wobbling like overcooked spaghetti. Like this, they can't even support your weight, let alone Asphya's on top of it. You fall backwards onto the thankfully soft and yielding floor. It feels like a massive air mattress, but with a softer and warmer surface.<br> <br> The impact lodges your hard cock deep inside her. It triggers another pleasurable throb, which quickly balloons into another ejaculation as you spurt more cum inside her.<br> <br> [[She's not finished...->Asphya: Bad End]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> The cum has barely finished dribbling out of your cock when Asphya starts up again. She rides you with powerful long bouncing thrusts of her hips. The pressurised sleeve of her pussy strokes up and down and generates a strong milking sensation. The tainted air Asphya exhales into you is a thick smog of wanton perfume and unbridled carnal desire. It fills up your lungs and makes you feel heavy. Asphya feels heavier too. With each thudding impact of her crotch she seems to be driving you deeper into the padded floor. You feel like you're slowly sinking into the softness.<br> <br> The long tight strokes of her pussy draw you to the brink of another orgasm. Asphya hugs you close and lets her vagina milk you with throbbing squeezes. Helplessly, you erupt and spurt even more cum inside her. She keeps rocking her hips against you, slowly pushing you deeper into the soft floor as she milks out your semen.<br> <br> You really are sinking now. The latex floor is stretching like soft rubber. Stretching, but also becoming porous and sticky. Your body starts sinking into the floor as if it's soft black mud.<br> <br> Asphya keeps riding your still-hard cock. Keeps you twitching helplessly from the pleasurable stimulation and unable to do anything. Each lithe bounce of her hips pushes you deeper.<br> <br> You feel you should resist, but you feel so heavy and the floor so soft. Her fumes have permeated your whole body and left you feeling like a heavy bag of sand. She keeps riding you to orgasm after orgasm and you don't want it to stop.<br> <br> You sink down and diffuse out into comfortable darkness. You are absorbed by the walls of the Great Latex Womb and never seen again.<br> <br> <<include [[Asphya: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
/* Text Here */ "That's the unusual girl with the gas mask, right? I've heard she doesn't speak much. And that strange appearance... I've heard some find it arousing."<br> <br> He huffs.<br> <br> "Who am I to judge."<br> <br> He brings out his notebook.<br> <br> "Tell me about Asphya." /* always end in line breaks */ <br> <br>
<<set _perfume to _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <<set _scented to _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <<if _perfume or _scented>> <br> <br> "She likes <<if _perfume>>perfume?<<else>>nice scents?<</if>> I wouldn't have thought she'd be one to appreciate that. How does she smell anything with that mask on?"<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"You had sex with her standing up? I know you say she's a lot lighter than she looks, but my poor back has spasms just thinking about it."<br> <br> He leans forward to rub his back. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip>> <br><br> "You want to know the strangest thing. Every single person I've spoken to had sexual intercourse with her in the standing position. Every single one. I swear it's a prank of that booze-sozzled harridan."<br> <br> He glances over to the bar where $ is sitting.<br> <br> "Damnable woman lies all the time for her own amusement." <</if>>
/* Tete Khantu */ <<set $hi to 31>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Suffocatrix Tete Khantu", shortDescription: "", faction: 1, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 5, maxRound: 5, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [3], affection: 0, isIrresistibleToAilment: 1, preIntroductionLink: "Tete Khantu: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Tete Khantu: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Tete Khantu: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Tete Khantu: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Tete Khantu: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Tete Khantu: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Tete Khantu: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Tete Khantu: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(22)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to true>> /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 31>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Suffocatrix Tete Khantu. She loves suffocating men with her breasts." $ says. "Her lovely bosom will usher you to the afterlife with a final gasp of bliss." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Tete Khantu has very big tits. It's hard to avoid staring as her dress seems designed to draw attention to them. It has a very deep neckline that drops all the way to her abdomen and the top is cinched together over the top of her bosom. The overall effect is to make a window that draws the gaze to the bulging cleft of her cleavage.<br> <br> Her dress and hat are stylish yet sombre. If they weren't made out of shiny black latex you'd think she was dressed more for a funeral than a brothel. Strangely, despite looking like it's made from heavy black rubber, the fabric moves like fine silk.<br> <br> Tete herself is pale and classically glamourous. Wavy black hair spills out from beneath her chic, wide-brimmed hat. If she has horns, they're hidden beneath her hat. The same seems to be true for her other demonic features. You see a dainty pair of bat wings behind her, but they fit the dress well enough to be mistaken for a costume prop. Her eyes are unmistakably non-human – black sclera with luminous yellow irises. She projects a stern aura that leaves no doubt as to who she believes should have control in the bedroom. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Tete notices the way your gaze is drawn to her cleavage. She bounces and squeezes her tits together to increase their magnetic pull.<br> <br> "Think of how pleasant it would be to end it with your face pressed into here," she says. <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <br><br> Your blood pounds and you totter unsteadily on your feet as you stare into the creamy chasm of her cleavage.<br> <br> "You look like you're going to fall in," Tete laughs. "Come up to my room. You can fall all the way."<br> <br> She presses her lovely tits together. Her lips curl up in a smile. She knows your hers. <</if>> <br>
Tete Khantu puts an arm around your waist and escorts you into the lounge area as if she's accompanying you to a posh function. She does seem overdressed in comparison to the other harlots, as if she was supposed to be visiting a funeral parlour and entered the brothel next-door by mistake. Or would be. Her dress is made out of what looks like glossy black latex and is still unmistakeably pervy.<br> <br> You find a spare table.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Tete Khantu: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Tete Khantu: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a tall and highly buxom woman. Her stylish black dress and hat look like sombre mourning wear, except fetishized in black latex.">>
<br><br> "Don't waste my time," Tete says coldly before returning without you. <br><br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name. She doesn't bring anything for Tete.<br> <br> Tete sits provocatively with her large bosom thrust out and resting on top of the table.<br> <br> "You can stare," she says.<br> <br> It's hard to look anywhere else. Her breasts bulge pleasantly in her black dress. The lush chasm of her cleavage draws in the gaze and traps it.<br> <br> "Do you enjoy erotic asphyxiation?" Tete asks. "That is why men choose me. I do it with my breasts. I'll cover your face with them and slowly smother the life out of you. Imagine how good those last moments will feel. My soft breasts pressed against your face. Covering your nose and mouth so you're unable to breathe. And then, just before you expire, I'll let you have the biggest, most satisfying ejaculation in my lovely tight pussy. Wouldn't that be a wonderful way to end it all."<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> You find your head tipping forwards, as if you're at the edge of a precipice and about to topple over.<br> <br> Tete's lips turn up in a faint, amused smile.<br> <br> "Like a moth to a flame," she whispers. "I'll enjoy snuffing you out when your wings catch fire."<br> <br> Her expression would be chilling... if you were looking. Instead, your gaze is focused on the lovely lush swell of her chest, and the soft cleft of her cleavage. You can't look anywhere else. Your drink is left, untouched, on the table when you return with her to $ <<else>> That snaps you back. Is she talking about suffocating you to death with her tits? They are big enough.<br> <br> There is a faint smile on her lips that chills the blood. As lovely as she looks, you still feel slightly unsettled as you return to $ <</if>> <br><br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Suffocatrix Tetekhantu?" $ lets out a dark chuckle. "You do like to pick dangerous playmates."<br> <br> She exhales a plume of scented smoke.<br> <br> "Executrix Tetekhantu might be more appropriate. Those tits of hers are lethal weapons. Harlots like her are why $ pressganged $ into service."<br> <br> $ takes a sip of her cocktail.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"There's no man alive that can hold his breath long enough beneath Tetekhantu's smothering tits. You'll need outside help.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Breast lovers find Suffocatrix Tetekhantu irresistible. The perverts probably think being suffocated between her tits is worth coughing up their souls.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"If you like your sexual roleplay to have a hint of danger, Tetekhantu's your gal.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Tete Khantu: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift that gets a response */ [7,false,false], /* Surviving */ [5,false,false] /* Having exactly 1 charm */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Tete Khantu: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Tete Khantu: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Suffocatrix Tete Khantu's room is funereal in appearance. It feels more like you've walked into the waiting room of a crematorium than a tart's bedroom. The walls, floor and ceiling are decorated in sombre greys and blacks. The pictures on the wall look like Francis Bacon's blurry close-up portraits of men struggling to breathe. The atmosphere itself feels heavy and stifling.<br> <br> There isn't even a bed. It's a tart's bedroom without a bed. Against the far wall is a large, overstuffed black leather sofa. Pretty white pots stand on tables on either side of it.<br> <br> Tete is waiting for you by the door.<br> <br> "Come in and leave you fears – and cares – behind you," she says.<br> <br> She takes your hand and leads you over to the big black sofa.<br> <br> This seems to be the right moment to give her your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Tete Khantu: Gift]]
<<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 3>> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Gift: Perfume]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(4)>> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Gift: Romantic]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(6)>> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Gift: Smutty]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> "Now please take off your clothes and get comfortable."<br> <br> She sweeps her hand to the black sofa.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Tete Khantu: Undressing]]
Tete takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you.<br> <br> "It is not necessary," she says. "I know why you're here."<br> <br> She places it in one of the white vases.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Tete takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "You like this scent?" she asks. "Very well, your last breaths will be filled with it."<br> <br> She sprays perfume onto her exposed cleavage. <<if not _hasAilment and not $player.currIsGloomy>> <br><br> Your eyebrow wrinkles at her words. Surely she didn't mean actual //last// last breath. <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Tete takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "In the end we all seek the comfort of greater attachment," she says. "I cannot be your love, but I will make love to you."<br> <br> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Gift: Shared]]>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Tete takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "In the end we all crave physical pleasures," she says. "My body shall provide them for you."<br> <br> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Gift: Shared]]>>
Tete takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and places <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on one of the side tables.
You take your clothes off and sit on the overstuffed black sofa. The leather is warm to your skin and the seat is comfortable. Tete hitches up her dress – the fabric moves easily despite looking like heavy rubber – and straddles you. She sits in your lap and her enticing bosom is level with your face. It's a nice view.<br> <br> She knows it too.<br> <br> "Take a good look," she says.<br> <br> She thrusts her chest into your face. You get a close-up view of the soft chasm of her cleavage and the perfect bulging round swell of her tits. They are... quite marvellous.<br> <br> "Admire them. Let your eyes feast upon them. Lose yourself in my cleavage."<br> <br> <<if not _hasAilment and not $player.currIsGloomy>> They're good, but //last sight// seems a little too much. A little creepy.<br> <br> <</if>> Tete puts her hands to the side of her boobs and squashes them together.<br> <br> "Look at their weight. Their roundness. Look at how soft they are. Don't your hands ache to touch them. To squeeze them."<br> <br> <<if not $player.currIsSubmissive>> More than ache. They're already coming off the sofa to do just that.<br> <br> Tete intercepts them and gently but firmly presses your hands back on the sofa. She uses no words, but the instruction is very clear. Your hands stay where they are.<br> <br> <</if>> [[Continue.->Tete Khantu: 1st Tease]]
<<if not _hasAilment and not $player.currIsGloomy>> In the end? What does she mean by that?<br> <br> <</if>> Tete places the gift on one of the side tables.
Tete's busty chest sways from side to side and your eyes follow as if hypnotised. You long to push your face into her soft bosom. Tete teases you by leaning closer, closer... then leaning back, tantalisingly out of reach.<br> <br> "I can see how you want them," she says. "You want to feel them pressed against your face."<br> <br> She places her hands on the sides and plumps them together. Your gaze is magnetically drawn to bulging pink cleft of her cleavage.<br> <br> She leans forwards again, slowly letting her boobs sway from side to side.<br> <br> "I want your face there as well. I want to press my lovely tits against it and slowly smother the air out of you."<br> <br> Closer, closer. You catch faint whiffs of her perfume as the twin bulges of her bosom swing tantalisingly close to your nose and cheeks. You go to lean forwards, to press your face into those soft fleshy pillows.<br> <br> Tete places a hand on your chest and pushes you back against the sofa.<br> <br> "Not so soon. You should savour these last moments."<br> <br> She leans back and shifts in your lap. She's not wearing any panties beneath her dress you realise in excitement.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Tete Khantu: Soft Press]]
<<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> Tete leans forwards again and this time your face is pressed into the open window to her lush cleavage. She gently rubs her tits against your face. Her skin feels silky-smooth as it slides against your cheeks. Your nose is filled with her delicate perfume.<br> <br> "I can feel your breath tickling me," Tete says. "Hot and filled with your arousal."<br> <br> She leans back. Again, you go to follow and again she checks you with a hand to your chest.<br> <br> "Are you so eager to be suffocated by me?" Tete says.<br> <br> <<if _hasAilment>> Damn right. You'd give everything to press your face between them. <<else>> Suffocated? That gives you some pause. <</if>><br> <br> Tete runs her hands slowly over the ample curves of her chest.<br> <br> "These are my tools of execution," she says. "So soft and big and pliant."<br> <br> She runs a finger up the pink canyon of her cleavage.<br> <br> "Your nose will fit right here," she says. "I'll press my tits over your face and squeeze. Your airways will be blocked. You won't be able to breathe. You'll slowly suffocate between my lovely boobs."<br> <br> <<if _hasAilment>> Your heart quickens with excitement. Her boobs were already magnificent. Her roleplay adds an extra level of excitement. <<else>> This roleplay is a little creepy, you think. She could do with turning it down a little. The potential peril does makes it a little exciting. You can't deny that. <</if>><br> <br> "There's no need to be afraid. My tits will feel so good pressed against your face. Here. Feel."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Tete Khantu: Firmer Press]]
Tete wraps her arms around the back of your head and leans forwards. This time she puts more weight behind it. You feel her boobs press firmly against your face. They are indeed big, soft, and pliant. It's not easy to breathe. You move your head from side to side and your nose nuzzles against her soft flesh as you seek air.<br> <br> "Mmm. I just love smothering men with my tits," Tete says.<br> <br> She rocks your head from side to side as she presses her soft bosom against you. You make snorting sounds as your nostrils try to find air.<br> <br> It doesn't seem quite so much of a joke now.<br> <br> Then Tete releases you and you gratefully suck in a lungful of air.<br> <br> Her boobs do make quite an effective smothering pillow, you think. But only if the person is completely unresisting, and you don't think you'll be doing that if you truly thought she was trying to suffocate you.<br> <br> "I am not a cruel executioner," Tete says. "The condemned will always get a last moment of sexual ecstasy with me."<br> <br> Tete shifts position in your lap. She lifts herself up. No longer squashed down, your erection follows. The swollen head of your cock nudges up into the moist darkness between her legs. Your heartbeat quickens as your glans becomes entangled in the secret folds of her sex.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Tete Khantu: Insertion]]
Tete sighs and slowly lowers her body down on your erection. Your cock pushes up between her folds and enters her vagina. It's warm and moist under her dress. And her vagina is a lot tighter than you were expecting.<br> <br> Tete places her hands on your shoulders and starts to smoothly rise up and down in your lap. You feel luscious friction as your cock slides up and down within her lovely tight pussy.<br> <br> This is more like it.<br> <br> You can't really contribute. The sofa is too soft and sagging beneath you. You don't really need to. Tete is able to find a good rhythm.<br> <br> She leans forwards and buries your face in her cleavage again. You get to nuzzle her lovely soft tits while fucking her. She leans fully into it and you feel more pressure.<br> <br> It's a little unnerving, but also exciting. It adds an exhilarating whiff of danger. Your cock throbs within her tight pussy.<br> <br> "It's exciting, isn't it," Tete whispers. "Not knowing if this will be the last time."<br> <br> She rubs her soft tits against your face as she bounces in your lap.<br> <br> It is getting a little hard to breathe.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Tete Khantu: Free Boobs]]
Tete pulls back and lets you take another deep breath. She sits down on your cock and keeps it stimulated with little squeezes of her pussy.<br> <br> "Let's fully free these so I can properly suffocate you," Tete says.<br> <br> She leans back and seductively slides her hands over her curves. Teasingly, she lets her hands slow as they pass close to the top button, before carrying on with another seductive circuit of her lovely round boobs. She captivates your gaze. Then, when she's happy your attention is nowhere else, she unhooks the top strap. Giving her tits a little jiggle, she slowly peels open the front of her dress. She peels it down and to the side until her beautiful boobs are completely unfettered.<br> <br> "See them in their full glory," Tete says, giving her chest a little jiggle. "The implements of your end."<br> <br> Her tits are magnificent. You can't look away from their ripe fullness, their silky smoothness, the erect nubs of her pink nipples.<br> <br> "And now to suffocate you," Tete says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Tete Khantu: Smother 1]]
Tete brings her tits up and over your face and pushes your head back against the soft sofa. Freed from her dress, her boobs are softer and squishier. When she squeezes them together, they cover your face completely and leave no gaps for air. You feel their weight and soft pressure over your face as Tete pushes down.<br> <br> She gently rocks in your lap and keeps stimulating your cock with clenches of her vagina.<br> <br> This time you're the one contributing movement. You start to squirm as your air runs out and she rides your bucking body.<br> <br> "Ahhh. I love suffocating men with my big soft tits," Tete says. "I love how big it makes their cocks inside me."<br> <br> She's not wrong on that. The pressure of her tits on your face and the tight clutch of her wet pussy has your cock hard and throbbing. The pleasure competes with rising panic as you realise you can't breathe beneath her smothering tits. Your throat starts to hitch and your lungs burn with the stale air. Yet, below the waist you feel the luscious pleasure of her tight wet cunt squeezing and rubbing against your cock. You're not sure what's going to come first – fainting or orgasming.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Tete Khantu: Smother 2]]
Neither, as it happens. Tete relents and removes her smothering tits from your face. She also stops bouncing in your lap and keeps you bubbling just below orgasm with slow squeezes of her pussy.<br> <br> And not a moment too soon, you think, as you take great gasping breaths to refill your lung. Any longer and you think you'd have passed out. You wonder if this game is being taken too far.<br> <br> Tete looks at you with a kindly smile.<br> <br> "I think you're ready," she says. "Take your last breath and I'll bring you ultimate climax."<br> <br> Your protests are cut off as she flops her big heavy tits over your face. She gives a strange little flex and your face is sucked even deeper into her cleavage. Unnaturally deep. And held there as if her breasts contain muscles that should not be there. Her bosom presses around your head and moulds perfectly. There is not a sniff of air to be found and her big boobs clamp your face firmly in place like a vice.<br> <br> The same unnatural suction happens down between her legs. Your cock is gripped and drawn up deep within her vagina. The walls squeeze up around you to form a perfect fit.<br> <br> Then she waits.<br> <br> And waits.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Tete Khantu: Smother 3]]
You can't breathe. Really can't breathe. And you don't think she's going to let you go this time. You start struggling and try to push her off.<br> <br> Tete laughs. "This is the part I love. When they realise it's not a game and struggle so desperately to free themselves."<br> <br> Her bosom gives another little flex. Your face is drawn deeper and clamped securely between her tits. She doesn't even need to use her hands. They're free to catch your flailing hands and press them back against the sofa.<br> <br> "I find their struggles to cling desperately to life as my boobs slowly suffocate them so arousing," Tete says.<br> <br> Her vagina comes alive around your cock. It starts to pulse with big slow throbs. They quicken as if she's approaching climax. The pulsing squeezes suck you closer to a climax of your own.<br> <br> Your struggles start to weaken as your oxygen runs out.<br> <br> "That's it. It's nothing to fear. Embrace it. I'll make the pleasure of your final release glorious."<br> <br> Your head feels woozy. You can't concentrate. You feel a pressure swelling in your loins. A pressure building equally as strong as the pressure in your lungs.<br> <br> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Ending Selector]]>>
<<set $hasCharm to $player.charms.includes(22)>> <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> /* Black Rose AND Charm */ <<if $cgi eq 0 and $hasCharm>> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Bad End: Charm Text]]>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Tete Khantu: Bad End: Black Rose]] <<else>> Tete's pussy pulses powerfully around your cock. It grips and pumps you like a hand.<br> <br> "And release," Tete says.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> Her pussy squeezes, but doesn't get a full response from you. Your balls are too drained and depleted for you to be able to ejaculate anything.<br> <br> <<include [[Tete Khantu: No Semen]]>> <<else>> Her pussy squeezes.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Tete Khantu: Has Semen]] <</if>> <</if>>
Tete keeps squeezing you with her pulsing pussy. Her boobs continue to shut off your air.<br> <br> You're amazed you haven't passed out. It feels like you've been holding your breath for well over five minutes.<br> <br> "Hmm," Tete says. "It appears you have the protection of the Old Lords."
She shifts position and slides her arms behind your head to hug you tight to her smothering bosom.<br> <br> "But they cannot protect those who have chosen to give themselves away."<br> <br> She slows down the pulsing throbs of her vagina and concentrates fully on smothering you to unconsciousness. It takes a while, but Tete has the time. Even with magical assistance, you can only go without air for so long.<br> <br> "Ah, here it comes," Tete says.<br> <br> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Bad End: Regular]]>>
Just before you pass out, your body is gripped by a massive, last shuddering orgasm. Your hips buck and you spurt great gouts of cum up into the tight grip of her pussy. You keep spurting in ecstatic bliss as you pass out and slide down into unconsciousness. Your body keeps explosively coming as Tete holds her breasts in place until you suffocate. The final release is your soul as your throbbing cock spurts it up into her smothering womb.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<if $hasCharm>> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Bad End: Charm Text]]>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Tete Khantu: Bad End: Charm but No Semen]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Tete Khantu: Bad End: No Semen]] <</if>>
<<if $hasCharm>> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Good End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Bad End: Regular]]>> <</if>>
Your body is gripped by a massive shuddering orgasm. You spurt a massive load of cum into her. Then another. And another. Somehow, you retain consciousness.<br> <br> This, you don't understand. There's no air. You're not breathing and yet it doesn't seem to affect you. You sit there, flickering at the edge of blackness without going out while Tete moans and shakes and shudders with her own orgasm.<br> <br> Then, after her own climax has subsided, she releases you from the unnatural hold of her cleavage. For a short moment you lie back, unmoving, on the sofa. Then instinct kicks in and you refill your lungs with a great shuddering gasp.<br> <br> Tete seems a little disappointed by this.<br> <br> "As I thought. The Old Lords have seen fit to grant you their boon. My boobs will not claim you tonight."<br> <br> You're not sure what she means by that, or what happened. How were you able to hold your breath for so long? You still feel a little woozy. It takes you a while to recover before you can stand up and put your clothes back on.<br> <br> Tete has buttoned her dress back up, adjusted her hat, and is standing quietly off to the side.<br> <br> "I cannot go against the Old Lords," she says, "If you still seek ultimate release, you must offer yourself to me first. The same is true for my suffocatrix sisters."<br> <br> As good as Tete's luscious tits and pussy felt, you don't think you want to do that just yet. Still feeling a little woozy, you manage to stand up okay. Thankfully, Tete makes no move to stop you as you totter unsteadily to the exit. You suspect you just had a very narrow escape.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> /* check if only had the one charm */ <<if $player.charms.length eq 1>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <</if>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
She shifts position in your lap. Her vagina gives you a luscious squeeze that should see you bursting in ejaculation, but only provokes a tired twitch in your cock.<br> <br> "But it also appears that my sisters in here have already thoroughly drained your semen."<br> <br> She lies against you with your face sucked deep between her big soft tits.<br> <br> "I don't have to stop until you come, and I don't think you can."<br> <br> She doesn't. And neither do you come no matter how much her luscious tight pussy grips and throbs around your cock.<br> <br> It takes longer, but eventually you lose consciousness. Your balls are too depleted and drained to give you the pleasure of a last blissful release. It doesn't stop Tete from drawing the soul out of your body after she's suffocated you to death.<br> <br> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Tete laughs cruelly. "Your last moments, and you can't even come. How pathetic."<br> <br> She squeezes your head tighter in her smothering tits. You can't breathe, can't breathe at all. Your thoughts start to decay into darkness. Tete sighs and moans. Her pussy clenches and spasms around you as she hits her own climax. Sadly, the other harlots in the House have left you too drained and depleted to join her. You're denied the pleasures of a last blissful release as you lose consciousness. It doesn't stop Tete from drawing the soul out of your body after she's suffocated you to death.<br> <br> <<include [[Tete Khantu: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<unset $hasCharm>>
$ does a doubletake when you mention Suffocatrix Tete Khantu's name.<br> <br> He looks at you slightly incredulously as he pulls out his black notebook. "Tell me of your experiences."<br> <br>
"That would be why I rarely hear anything on her," he says.<br> <br> He shivers.<br> <br> "Doubtless there are those that would argue it is a pleasant way to go."<br> <br> He fixes you with a cold stare.<br> <br> "There are no pleasant ways to go."<br> <br> He shivers again.<br> <br> "You must have been protected by one of $'s protective flesh <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> runes."<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.length eq 1>> $ gives a triumphant 'hah!' when you tell him you've only bought the one charm – $allCharms[22].name – from $ <<else>> $ gives a triumphant 'hah' when you tell him you'd only bought one charm off $ at the time – $allCharms[22].name. <</if>><br><br> "That's the solution," he says.<br> <br> He seems enormously pleased. As if he's just solved a complicated crossword puzzle. <<else>> runes. Now if only we could determine which one..." <</if>>
/* Soffocaria Gattagrandi */ <<set $hi to 33>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Soffocaria Gattagrandi", shortDescription: "", faction: 1, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Soffocaria: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Soffocaria: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Soffocaria: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Soffocaria: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Soffocaria: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Soffocaria: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Soffocaria: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Soffocaria: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Soffocaria: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 2>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.charms.push(22)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ <<set $player.currDex to 3>> /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ <<set $player.currConst to 1>> /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 33>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a shameless succubus in a shiny black latex halter top and fishnet stockings. She's not wearing any panties. Her sex is clearly visible and flaunted.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Soffocaria Gattagrandi. She likes linguists of the cunning persuasion," $ says with a nudge and filthy wink. "Only the good ones, mind you. The not so good ones get their breathing privileges revoked." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Soffocaria Gattagrandi is full-on, completely shameless raunch. Her black hair is frizzed up and spiky. Her eyes are decorated with heavy black eyeliner. Skull earrings dangle from her pointed ears. Her sensual lips are painted black and bunched up in a provocative pout.<br> <br> She wears a narrow black latex halter top with a deep neckline that shows off her cleavage. She wears no underwear. Her slinky fishnet stockings are attached by suspenders to a narrow latex belt just below her navel. The plump, clamshell lips of her sex are fully on display and Soffocaria shamelessly flaunts it.<br> <br> She has the horns, bat wings and tail of a succubus. Her whip-thin black tail terminates in an unusual bulbous, bell-shaped structure. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Soffocaria stands in front of you and runs her hands around the //v// of her sex. It's obvious what she's trying to draw your attention to.<br> <br> "Like what you see?" she asks.<br> <br> She runs a long finger along the groove of her sex.<br> <br> "Give it a good lick and maybe I'll let you have it." <br>
<<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Soffocaria: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Soffocaria: Socialising: Drinking">> Soffocaria Gattagrandi doesn't put on any panties to go out into the bar area. You don't think she cares and projects a strong enough aura of not caring that most would think twice before challenging her. Not that anyone does, or even notices. In any other bar, you'd expect to see stares in Soffocaria's direction and scandalised whispers. In here, the pull of their own harlot is too strong for any man to glance in Soffocaria's direction.<br> <br> Soffocaria leads you to one of the side booths.<br> <br> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> Soffocaria stifles a yawn while you apologise and make excuses. She makes a strange gesture with her hand and the air thickens around your head until it feels like someone has placed a plastic bag over it.<br> <br> It's a plastic bag that clogs your nose and mouth and prevents you from drawing breath. Worse, it leaves nothing to grab onto. Your hands scrabble frantically at your neck while you gape and gasp like a goldfish. You can't find anything to hook your fingers onto to tear it off.<br> <br> Soffocaria watches dispassionately while you slowly suffocate.<br> <br> "I miss the days when $ used to let us kill the deadbeats down here."<br> <br> She sighs and releases the spell with a snap of her fingers.<br> <br> The smothering, invisible bag pops out of existence and you topple forwards and take long wheezing breaths. By the time you've recovered, Soffocaria has already left her seat and returned to $<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Soffocaria lounges in her seat. She puts her feet up on the table without a care for how it looks. She looks you over and you feel a little uncomfortable with the directness of her stare. The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a glass of very dark liquid for Soffocaria.<br> <br> "I'm a suffocatrix, so if you're interested in me, you must get turned on by this."<br> <br> She makes a strange gesture with her hand. The air thickens around your head until it feels like someone has covered it with a plastic bag. It blocks your mouth and nose and you gape like a landed fish as you struggle to breathe.<br> <br> Soffocaria watches your struggles with faint amusement.<br> <br> "Let's see your tongue," she says.<br> <br> You push your tongue out. The tip comes up against an invisible membrane. You still can't breathe.<br> <br> "Waggle it about." Soffocaria says.<br> <br> You do as she says, licking the inside of the invisible bag. Your lungs are burning.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Dex]]>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<set _failedDex to true>> <</if>> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [22]>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<set _failedCon to true>> <</if>> <<if _failedCon>> You go a little woozy from the lack of air. Black spots dance across your vision.<br> <br> Soffocaria <<elseif _failedDex>> She frowns. She <<else>> She nods. She <</if>> snaps her fingers and the invisible, suffocating bag poofs out of existence.<br> <br> You gasp and splutter and take great draughts of blessed oxygenated air.<br> <br> <<if _failedCon>> "Not much lung capacity," Soffocaria says. "I'm surprised one of my other sisters hasn't already smothered you to death." <<elseif _failedDex>> "Your pussy-licking technique looks like it leaves a lot to be desired." <<else>> "You'll do." <</if>><br> <br> She stands up, downs her drink in one gulp, and returns to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Ah, the rebel suffocatrix, Soffocaria Gattagrandi. Or so she likes to make out. She hasn't been excommunicated by The Sanctum, yet, as far as I know. She's a poser, as you might have noticed."<br> <br> You have noticed her disdain for underwear.<br> <br> "She smothers men with her pussy, and not how you think. She's quite a talented – and powerful – smotherbus, despite her posturing. She could easily be the same rank as the spider, or tits 'n' arse, if she wanted."<br> <br> $ sips her cocktail.<br> <br> "Soffocaria's weakness is tongue. Get a man all hot and horny and shove his face in your pussy, and you're going to get some that stick their tongues in. Soffocaria found out she liked it. Liked it a little too much. It's frowned upon by The Sanctum.<br> <br> "Soffocaria insists men go down on her first, and her standards are extremely exacting. If you're inexperienced at pleasuring a woman that way, I'd give her a miss."<br> <br> $ puffs out fragrant smoke clouds.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"If you don't want to, you can always refuse to give Soffocaria cunnilingus.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"You need not concern yourself with what gift to bring her. Soffocaria is only interested in men's tongues.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If Soffocaria finds your oral technique to be pleasing, she'll reward you with a special little extra.\""}>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Soffocaria: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Soffocaria: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [2,false,false], /* cunnilingus ejaculation */ [3,false,false], /* bonus cunnilingus ejaculation */ [2,false,false], /* sex ejaculation */ [3,false,false] /* bonus sex ejaculation */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $highDex to false>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Soffocaria: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Soffocaria: First-Time Scenario]]>>
The floor to Soffocaria Gattagrandi's room is tiled in a black and red checkerboard. The walls are draped with curtains of glossy latex in varying shades of pinks, reds and black. The way they are looped forms shapes reminiscent of women's vaginas.<br> <br> Soffocaria sits on an opulent, throne-like chair. As you enter she uncrosses her legs. She still isn't wearing any underwear. She stretches her legs further apart and brazenly shows off her sex.<br> <br> "Come over here," she says.<br> <br> She beckons you over with one hand while running the finger of the other along the plump groove of her sex.<br> <br> What about the gift? You hold up the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Gift]]
Soffocaria stares at the $allGifts[$cgi].name in your hand.<br> <br> "$'s little ritual," she says disdainfully. "It's not something that interests me."<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> She looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name in your hand.<br> <br> "Ah, that one might be of interest. Just don't expect me to go easy on you. My vagina must be earned."<br> <br> <</if>> She beckons to a small mahogany side table next to the door.<br> <br> "Leave <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> there. The only gift I'm interested in is your tongue. So, get those clothes off, get over here and give my pussy a good lick."<br> <br> She runs her long fingers around the //v// of her sex. The plump lips gape and move of their own accord. Enticing, but also unnatural.<br> <br> [[Do as she says?->Soffocaria: Undress]]<br> [[Refuse?->Soffocaria: Refuse Cunnilingus]]
You undress and hang your clothes on a stand next to the door. Soffocaria awaits on her chair, with her legs apart. There is a padded black mat on the floor in front of the chair. It's easy on the knees as you go down between her legs.<br> <br> Soffocaria murmurs in pleasure and rubs her hand against her crotch. Her eyes smoulder with lust as she smiles down at you. The plump lips of her sex gape invitingly.<br> <br> "What are you waiting for?" Soffocaria says. "Get in there and lick."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Cunnilingus 1]]
You tell her you're not interested in doing that. Soffocaria cocks her head and gives you a look as if to say, 'are you serious?'<br> <br> She makes a gesture with her hand. The air coalesces around your head to form a heavy black rubber bag. It stretches taut across your face and you start to panic as you realise you can't breathe.<br> <br> The magic bag holds you upright. You scrabble frantically at your throat, trying to find the edge of the bag.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> You don't. Soffocaria keeps the magic bag there and watches dispassionately as you gasp and struggle to breathe.<br> <br> Then, just as you're on the verge of passing out, Soffocaria snaps her fingers and the suffocating bag vanishes. You collapse, gasping, to the floor.<br> <br> "I let you live because of your offering," Soffocaria says, "but do not disobey me again."<br> <br> Still coughing and spluttering, you get back to your feet. Probably best to do as she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Undress]] <<else>> <<if $player.charms.includes(22)>> You don't. Soffocaria keeps the magic bag there and watches dispassionately as you gasp and struggle to breathe.<br> <br> "Hmm," she says. "You must have one of $'s little protective charms. That was foolish. It will only make this take longer."<br> <br> It takes an agonisingly long, drawn-out time for you to fully suffocate.<br> <br> Soffocaria snaps her fingers. The magical bag vanishes and your lifeless body crumples to the floor. <<else>> You don't. Soffocaria keeps it there until you suffocate. Then she releases it with a snap of her fingers.<br> <br> The magical bag vanishes and your lifeless body crumples to the floor. <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[Soffocaria: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]] <</if>>
<<unset $highDex>>
You bend down and start licking her pussy. The folds of her sex are plump, hairless and clean. There is a strong musky odour, but rather than being unpleasant, it sets your blood racing with arousal.<br> <br> "That's it, lick that pussy," Soffocaria says.<br> <br> She places hands on the back of your head and flexes her hips as she pushes her crotch into your face.<br> <br> <<if not $player.currIsSubmissive>> This feels a little wrong. Isn't she supposed to be the whore? Shouldn't she be pleasuring you, rather than the other way around?<br> <br> <</if>> You probe deeper with your tongue and lick up and down. Her musky odour increases your excitement. The tip of your tongue tingles as you taste the nectar of her sex.<br> <br> "Ooh yes, keep going," Soffocaria encourages.<br> <br> She squeezes your head with her thighs.<br> <br> You come up for air and notice her labia have puffed up and become swollen. Darker too.<br> <br> "Don't worry," Soffocaria says as she looks down. "They do that when I'm aroused."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Cunnilingus 2]]
She puts her hands on the back of your head and pushes you down between her legs. Her engorged labia feel like a soft fleshy cushion against your face. You keep running your tongue up and down the cleft and probing at her inviting sex. Soffocaria puts her legs up over your shoulders and moans in delight.<br> <br> Her labia have really swollen up. They've expanded so much they could cover the whole of your face.<br> <br> You come up for air and this time it's not figuratively. The folds of her sex are so plump and swollen it was getting hard to breath with your face pressed up against them.<br> <br> This time, when you glance down, you see her sex has swollen far more than just unusual. The skin has also turned to black and is as shiny as her black latex halter top. Her sex has swollen up so big it more resembles an oversize artist's sculpture of a vagina made from glossy black rubber.<br> <br> You pause.<br> <br> Soffocaria notices.<br> <br> "Pussies," she complains. "Always pussying out the moment I get turned on. It's succubus pussy. Ours is different. And better. Now get back in there and work that tongue!"<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Cunnilingus 3]]
She grabs the back of your head and pushes you down into her swollen sex. It feels like your face is being pushed down into a soft, plump and silky-smooth cushion. One soaked in the scent of feminine arousal. Her labia keep swelling up around the sides of your face. Soffocaria gives a little flex and your face is sucked in as if gripped by a vacuum.<br> <br> "Nice and comfy," Soffocaria says.<br> <br> Maybe, if you could overlook the weirdness. Of more pressing concern is the lack of oxygen. Not only did her plump, over-swollen pussy suck in your face, it also sucked the air out of your lungs, leaving you breathless. With her soft flesh pressed firmly over your nose and mouth, you can't find any air. You start to squirm in panic.<br> <br> "What //are// you doing down there?" Soffocaria says.<br> <br> Her over-swollen sex releases its grip on you and she lifts your head up. You gasp and take great draughts of life-giving oxygen.<br> <br> Soffocaria looks at you scornfully. "That was very poor, but I'll let you off as you obviously weren't ready. Now take a deep breath."<br> <br> You do as she says. The plump, glossy black lips of her pussy swell up even further, now far beyond grotesque, but also strangely alluring.<br> <br> "Good. Hold it."<br> <br> Soffocaria presses your face back down into her pumped up sex. It feels like a soft cushion against your face. One with an exciting musky odour.<br> <br> "And lick," she orders.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Cunnilingus 4]]
She squeezes your head between her thighs and crosses her ankles behind your back. You stick your tongue out and start licking between her intimate folds.<br> <br> "Deeper," Soffocaria orders. "I want to feel it probe me."<br> <br> You stick your tongue out and try to push it deeper. Her pussy is so big and swollen now you're not really sure of where you're probing.<br> <br> "No need to worry about finding the perfect spot," Soffocaria says. "When I'm aroused like this, everywhere becomes really sensitive."<br> <br> You probe and lick with your tongue and are rewarded with sighs and gasps of pleasure from Soffocaria.<br> <br> "Ah, that's it. Keep working that tongue."<br> <br> You try. The air in your lungs is starting to get painfully stale. As much as you try to control it, your body starts to squirm in desperation for fresh air.<br> <br> Soffocaria opens her legs and weakens the seal around your face. You lift your head up and take long gasps of air.<br> <br> "Mmm. You're getting into it and I'm starting to feel pleasantly aroused," Soffocaria says. "Deep breath."<br> <br> Her warning gives you just enough time to fill your lungs, before she pushes your head back down into the cushion of her sex, where it is again gripped by fleshy vacuum. You stick your tongue out and probe Soffocaria's fleshy cleft while she sighs and moans and squeezes your head between her thighs.<br> <br> Again, she waits until you're gasping for breath before letting you back up again.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Cunnilingus 5]]
"Mmm, I'm enjoying this," Soffocaria says.<br> <br> She unhooks her leg from your shoulder and strokes her toes along your erection.<br> <br> "I can see you are too."<br> <br> Her toes stroke up and down your engorged shaft.<br> <br> "I bet you're thinking it doesn't seem fair that you're doing all the work in pleasuring me, while I leave that big hard cock unattended. Let me do something about that."<br> <br> She shifts position in the chair, lifting herself up and tilting her hips back to slide her tail underneath her body. It rears up between her legs like a snake and she takes the end and holds it before you. The end is bulbous and bell-shaped.<br> <br> "My pussy is not the only special part of my anatomy," she says.<br> <br> A cushioned round orifice opens up at the end of her tail to reveal a glistening pink interior. The walls contract and dilate lewdly and you notice it seems the perfect length to take in an erect penis.<br> <br> "My little tailpussy," Soffocaria says. "While you're giving my pussy a good lick, I'll stick this on your cock and give it a good suck."<br> <br> The cushioned opening to her tail dilates and contracts. It seems strangely alluring. The scent from Soffocaria's swollen pussy is making you feel unbearably horny.<br> <br> You don't have long to dwell on it.<br> <br> Soffocaria puts her legs back over your shoulders. "Deep breath," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Cunnilingus 6]]
You barely get a chance to suck in a full breath before your face is back down between her cushioned folds. You stick your tongue out and get back to work pleasuring Soffocaria.<br> <br> You feel something warm and fleshy slide over your erection and suck it in. Soft fleshy walls, moist with juices, contract and undulate around your cock. The sensation feels so unexpectedly pleasant you gasp some of your precious air out into Soffocaria's smothering vagina.<br> <br> "Mmm yes," Soffocaria says. "You lick. I suck."<br> <br> The fleshy orifice squeezes tight around your cock and sucks on your sensitive glans. The pleasure makes you weak at the knees. You struggle to keep focused on licking Soffocaria's pussy.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Cunnilingus Outcomes]]
<<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Dex]]>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<set _failedDex to true>> <</if>> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [22]>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<set _failedCon to true>> <</if>> <<if _failedCon>> <<include [[Soffocaria: Cunnilingus: Low Con]]>> <<elseif _failedDex>> <<include [[Soffocaria: Cunnilingus: Low Dex]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Soffocaria: Cunnilingus: Good]]>> <</if>>
"Keep going," Soffocaria says, between aroused gasps.<br> <br> You try. Your air is running out. Your lungs start to burn. Your body starts squirming with the need to take a fresh breath.<br> <br> You try to lift your head up from Soffocaria's crotch.<br> <br> "No. Not yet," Soffocaria growls. "Keep going."<br> <br> She presses her hands into the back of your head. Her thighs clamp the sides of your head. The vacuum pull of her vagina is unbreakable.<br> <br> You try to continue pleasuring her, but it's getting harder. Your thoughts feel heavy and sluggish.<br> <br> "Don't you pussy out on me," Soffocaria growls.<br> <br> Your tongue movements slow. Your throat hitches. It's no good. You can't hold the stale air any longer. You gasp and splutter it out. Your chest works, but can only draw in the smothering folds of Soffocaria's pussy.<br> <br> You pass out and sink into darkness.<br> <br> Soffocaria growls her frustration. "Useless."<br> <br> She gives a little flex. Her vagina sucks the last of the air from your lungs, and with it, your soul. You ejaculate at the same time into her sucking tailpussy. It is of little consolation. You slump, lifeless, between Soffocaria's legs.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Soffocaria: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"Keep going," Soffocaria says between aroused gasps.<br> <br> You dab your tongue between her folds. Between your legs her tailpussy continues to hungrily suck on your cock.<br> <br> "Can't you do better?" Soffocaria says. "I'm not feeling it."<br> <br> You stick your tongue out as far as it will go and waggle it as best you can. You feel the muscles in your mouth start to ache even as your lungs start to feel uncomfortable from the stale air. You don't hear much in the way of sighing and moaning from Soffocaria, despite your best efforts.<br> <br> "It's no good," Soffocaria says. "The moment has gone."<br> <br> You tried.<br> <br> And now you //really// need to breath. You struggle to pull your head free of the vacuum clasp of Soffocaria's swollen labia, but her sex holds you firmly in place. Airless.<br> <br> "That was pathetic," Soffocaria says. "You didn't even come close to getting me off."<br> <br> You struggle harder to pull your head free. Soffocaria clamps her thighs around your head.<br> <br> "Oh well, now I'll have to punish you for your abysmal technique."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Cunnilingus: Bad End 1]]
<<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Dex]]>> <<set $highDex to _testPassed>> "Keep going," Soffocaria says between aroused gasps.<br> <br> You dab your tongue between her folds. Between your legs her tailpussy continues to hungrily suck on your cock.<br> <br> "Mmm, that's nice," Soffocaria says.<<if $highDex>> "Whoa, really nice," she adds with a shudder.<</if>><br> <br> Nice also describes what her tail is doing to you. As with her sex, the fleshy internal walls have swollen up around your member to form a snug fit. As you probe her pussy with your tongue, her tail sucks and throbs pleasantly around your erection.<br> <br> You keep licking and probing and try to ignore the growing discomfort in your lungs.<br> <br> "Oh yes, don't stop," Soffocaria purrs.<<if $highDex>> "You're really good at this."<br> <br> She squirms and shivers as you pleasure her with your tongue.<</if>><br> <br> You don't want Soffocaria to stop either. You don't know what her tail is doing down there. It feels like another person has slid between your legs and is currently giving you an incredible blowjob.<br> <br> <<if $highDex>> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Cunnilingus: Hi Dex]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Cunnilingus: Med Dex]] <</if>>
Her vagina opens up and expels musky fumes into your face that stink of corruption and sex. Your body, starved of air, breathes them in anyway. Soffocaria holds your head in place as her vagina breathes out more tainted vapours.<br> <br> You go giddy from the fumes. And also strangely horny. Really horny. It runs through you like a hot flash. <<if $isOutOfSemen>> This time the urge to come cannot be denied. You feel a powerful jerk rip through you and you pump a big load into Soffocaria's fleshy tail orifice. <<else>> Before you can even process it, you feel your hips jerk and you spurt a big load of cum into Soffocaria's fleshy tailpussy. <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[Suffocaria: Cunnilingus: Bad End 2]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> "Mmm. You've got really good technique," Soffocaria says. "I'll reward you with something special."<br> <br> Her vagina opens up and puffs some musky fumes in your face that stink of corruption and sex. Your body, starved of air, breathes them in anyway.<br> <br> The fumes make you feel pleasantly giddy. And also horny. Really horny. Her tail orifice squeezes your sensitive <<if $isOutOfSemen>> cock.<br> <br> <<include [[Suffocaria: Cunnilingus: Out Of Semen]]>> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Cunnilingus: OOS: Hi Dex]] <<else>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> cock and before you have a chance to process, you feel your hips jerk and orgasmic relief flow through you as you ejaculate into her sucking tailpussy. You're left weak and trembling in the aftermath of the powerful, unexpected orgasm.<br> <br> Soffocaria's vagina closes up. The space between her legs is again airless.<br> <br> "Not too much," Soffocaria says. "We wouldn't want you to spunk yourself to death."<br> <br> You feel lightheaded, and not just from the orgasm. The lack of oxygen is starting to tell. You really //really// need to breathe. You squirm and try to lift your head up out of Soffocaria's smothering pussy.<br> <br> Soffocaria presses your head back down and clamps her thighs around your head. The airtight seal around your face remains unbroken.<br> <br> <<include [[Suffocaria: Cunnilingus: Climax Intro]]>> <</if>>
Soffocaria's aroused gasps and sighs increase in loudness and frequency. Her tail sucks on your cock harder and faster. You feel a stirring rise in your balls.<br> <br> You also feel a giddiness in your head. The lack of oxygen is starting to tell. Your tongue starts to flag as your thoughts become fuzzy and clouded.<br> <br> Soffocaria doesn't seem to mind. She sighs and moans as if she's at the cusp of orgasm.<br> <br> You don't want to spoil it, but you really //really// need to breathe. You squirm and try to lift your head up out of Soffocaria's smothering pussy.<br> <br> "Not yet," Soffocaria says.<br> <br> She presses your head back down. The airtight seal around your face remains unbroken.<br> <br> <<include [[Suffocaria: Cunnilingus: Climax Intro]]>>
"Your tongue is lovely, but what really gives a suffocatrix the greatest pleasure is depriving a man of air until he passes out."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Cunnilingus: Climax]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> She gives a little flex and the last remaining air is sucked out of your lungs. You're held between her legs in brief, airless panic.<br> <br> "It also gives the men the biggest orgasms."<br> <br> Her tail sucks your cock in and throbs around it. Throbs //hard//.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<if $highDex>> <<include [[Suffocaria: Cunnilingus: Out Of Semen]]>> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Cunnilingus: OOS: Hi Dex]] <<else>> <<include [[Suffocaria: Cunnilingus: Out Of Semen]]>> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Cunnilingus: Bad End 1]] <</if>> <<else>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "Here it comes," Soffocaria says. "Have <<if $highDex>>another<<else>>a<</if>> nice hard spunk before you pass out."<br> <br> Her tail sucks. Squeezes. You explode within it in a massive ejaculation. Then you pass out and collapse into darkness.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Sex 1]] <</if>>
You regain consciousness to find yourself lying flat on your back on the padded mat with Soffocaria astride you.<br> <br> "Oh good," Soffocaria says. "Just in time to watch me insert you."<br> <br> Her sex is still swollen and glossy black in colour. It matches her latex top. Soffocaria lowers herself down on your erection and draws you between her plump lips. Her swollen sex forms a cushion between your bodies. The soft walls squeeze up around your hard cock to create a snug fit. Then she gives a little flex and sucks your full length all the way up inside her.<br> <br> "Mmm, you did such a good job licking me out," Soffocaria says. "Now it's my turn."<br> <br> Her sex might look somewhat unusual, but it feels wondrously soft and pleasant around your cock. Its engorged state means every little movement of Soffocaria is magnified into pleasurable strokes up and down your shaft.<br> <br> That, however, is not what she meant by //her turn//.<br> <br> Her narrow, whip-thin tail curls up over her left shoulder and she lets the bulbous, bell-shaped tip rest in the palm of her hand. The orifice at the end opens up and waggles a moist pink tongue at you.<br> <br> Soffocaria glances from you to the end of her tail and back to you again. Her dark eyes glimmer with filthy ideas.<br> <br> "Perfect for licking that dirty of ass of yours out."<br> <br> You still feel weak. You don't do anything to resist as Soffocaria reaches behind her to push your legs apart and tilt your hips. Her tail slides under and attaches itself around your anus like a suction cup. You feel a gentle sucking sensation on your ass and then feel a moist tongue dab at your sphincter. It feels... nice.<br> <br> Soffocaria smiles down at you and removes her top to expose her breasts.<br> <br> "I'm a little different to the other suffocatrices," she says. "I love a good fuck."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Sex 2]]
Your hips jerk, but nothing comes out. Your activities in the House have left you completely drained. You're out.<br> <br> "Mmm. You seem to be struggling," Soffocaria says. "Let me give you a little help."<br> <br>
Her vagina puffs more tainted fumes into your face. You breathe them in and your body gets hotter and hornier. This time the urge to come cannot be denied. You feel a powerful jerk rip through you and you pump a big load into Soffocaria's fleshy tail orifice.<br> <br> <<include [[Suffocaria: Cunnilingus: Bad End 2]]>>
Wow, that felt so good. So much relief.<br> <br> The tainted fumes, stinking of sex and sin, continue to pour from Soffocaria's vagina. You breathe them in and your body gets hotter and hornier. You feel another powerful jerk rip through you and you pump another big load into Soffocaria's fleshy tail orifice.<br> <br> <<if not $isOutOfSemen>> Is this supposed to be punishment? It feels incredible.<br> <br> <</if>> You come again. And again. Your body feels hot and jittery. And weak. Like you've lost all energy.<br> <br> You come again.<br> <br> She's sucking your energy, your befuddled mind realises. Sucking it out of you one orgasm at a time.<br> <br> You can't stop. Your hips keep jerking as you pump more fluids into her tailpussy. You hear it suck them up with loud, disgusting gulps.<br> <br> "That's it," Soffocaria says. "Spunk yourself to death in my tailpussy. It's all you're good for."<br> <br> Another puff of poisoned air from her pussy and that's all you can do. Your body jerks uncontrollably as you keep spurting out more and more fluids. Then, at the point of death, Soffocaria holds your head tight to her crotch, gives a little flex, and her vagina sucks the soul right out of your body. You slump lifelessly between her legs.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Soffocaria: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
She starts to slowly rise up and down on you. The cushioned folds of her sex rhythmically contract around your member. The swollen state of her vagina magnifies every little stroke and squeeze.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount lt 4>> <<include [[Soffocaria: Sex: Low Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Soffocaria: Sex: High Semen 1]]>> <</if>>
The tongue in her tail licks around the rim of your anus and probes at the opening. Her pussy feels incredible around your cock. The walls are sumptuously soft. Being stroked by them, being squeezed by them, even though Soffocaria is barely moving, sets you squirming with delight.<br> <br> "Mmm. You seem a little drained," Soffocaria says. "That's not a problem. I'll get some out."<br> <br> Her tongue pushes deeper into your ass. The wriggling tip tickles your internal walls. You squirm at the unexpected pleasure.<br> <br> "I'll get a nice big load out of you," Soffocaria says, her dark eyes glimmering with filthy desire.<br> <br> She moves up and down on your crotch with slow, soft bounces. The soft swollen walls of her vagina squeeze your cock with slow pulses until it's rising back up in erection again. A few more squeezes and it's twitching again.<br> <br> Her tongue worms even deeper in your ass. You writhe in helpless pleasure as it reaches and pushes up against the wall separating it from your prostate gland. A warm glow spreads through your loins – stoked by both the tongue in your ass and the swollen vagina squeezing your cock.<br> <br> "Let's bring this to a close," Soffocaria says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Sex 3]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> The tongue in her tail licks around the rim of your anus and probes at the opening.<br> <br> It's her pussy though. The walls feel sumptuously soft around your cock. Being squeezed by them, being stroked by them, even though Soffocaria is barely moving, it is too much for you.<br> <br> "Already," Soffocaria laughs as she feels your cock tremble inside her. "I did tell you succubus pussy is special."<br> <br> Her 'special' pussy squeezes up all around you. Her tongue pushes through your sphincter and gently worms its way into your ass. You feel the orgasm coming and don't try to hold it back.<br> <br> Your body tenses. Then releases in a great wave of relief as the ejaculation bursts up out of you. Your hips jerk as you pump the contents of your balls out into Soffocaria's engorged pussy.<br> <br> "Yes," Soffocaria sighs. She tips her head back.<br> <br> Her swollen pussy squeezes tight around your cock and you're gripped by a powerful sucking force. Near the end of your ejaculation, it feels more like the cum is being sucked out of you. The pleasure is the same, maybe better. You empty a massive load into Soffocaria and then crash back, spent and happy.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Sex: High Semen 2]]
"That was a good one," Soffocaria says. "But it also makes me feel a little guilty. You worked so hard licking me out and I've barely had a chance to show you what I can do with my tongue."<br> <br> In your ass you feel her tongue run around your rectal walls.<br> <br> "Ah, but we still have a little time left," Soffocaria says.<br> <br> Her tongue pushes deeper into your ass. The wriggling tip tickles your internal walls. You squirm at the unexpected pleasure.<br> <br> "Yes, I think I can get another load out of you," Soffocaria says, her dark eyes glimmering with filthy desire.<br> <br> She starts up again with her slow, short bounces on your crotch. The soft swollen walls of her vagina squeeze your cock with slow pulses until it's rising back up in erection again. A few more squeezes and it's twitching again.<br> <br> Her tongue worms even deeper in your ass. You writhe in helpless pleasure as it reaches and pushes up against the wall separating it from your prostate gland. A warm glow spreads through your loins – stoked by both the tongue in your ass and the swollen vagina squeezing your cock.<br> <br> "While, we do have time, we don't have that much time," Soffocaria says. "Time to bring this to a close."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Sex 3]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> She gestures with a hand and a clear plastic bag coalesces around your head. It might have materialised out of thin air, but it feels real enough. Real enough for your mouth to start gaping as you realise you can't breathe.<br> <br> "Ooh yes," Soffocaria says. "That always makes their dicks swell."<br> <br> She rises up and down on your crotch and you experience luscious friction on your cock as the engorged walls of her sex rub against and squeeze you. In your ass, her tongue pushes up against your prostate more forcefully. <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Soffocaria: Sex: Out Of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Soffocaria: Climax]]>> <</if>>
The tip rocks back and forth and you squirm from the pleasure.<br> <br> It's almost enough to take your mind off the fact you can't breathe. The asphyxiation also seems to contributing to a powerful urge to come.<br> <br> An urge you can't satisfy. You don't have anything left.<br> <br> "Are you out?" Soffocaria asks. "That's a shame."<br> <br> She makes another gesture with her hand and the magical plastic bag over your head thickens and changes to heavy black rubber. She stops riding you with slow bounces and instead her vagina clenches around your erection. Your erection is gripped by a powerful, irresistible suction.<br> <br> That finally breaks through. You start ejaculating uncontrollably inside her. You're still coming even as you black out from lack of oxygen.<br> <br> You suffocate.<br> <br> "A shame to waste such a lovely <<if $player.currDex gt 4>>tongue, and yours was really pleasant,"<<else>>tongue,"<</if>> Soffocaria says, "but rules are rules."<br> <br> She gives a little flex and her vagina sucks the soul out of your body.<br> <br> You never wake up.<br> <br> <<include [[Soffocaria: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
The tip rocks back and forth until you start to feel a strange urge to either pee or come.<br> <br> It's almost enough to take your mind off the fact you can't breathe. But that too also seems to be contributing to a powerful urge to come.<br> <br> "Here it comes," Soffocaria says. "Have a nice big spunk to finish off with."<br> <br> You do. Your body jerks as you spurt gushes of semen inside her. The orgasm is made even more intense by Soffocaria's magical asphyxiation.<br> <br> A little too intense. You black out while still pumping cum inside her.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Soffocaria: Sex: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> [[Continue.->Soffocaria: Good End]] <</if>>
You suffocate.<br> <br> "As you desired," Soffocaria says. "You did well to finish in my pussy. Few get to do that."<br> <br> She gives a little flex and her vagina sucks the soul out of your body.<br> <br> You never wake up.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Soffocaria: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You regain consciousness with a gasp. The bag is gone. You can breathe!<br> <br> You are still lying on your back on the padded mat.<br> <br> Soffocaria has returned to her chair and is filing her nails. She has put her top back on. She still isn't wearing any panties. You don't think she ever does. Her sex has shrunk back down to normal size.<br> <br> "You'd better get a move on," Soffocaria says. "The bell rang a few minutes ago and if you don't show up downstairs $ will send her hounds after you."<br> <br> Groggily, you get back to your feet. You feel wrecked in about six different ways, but at least your balls feel pleasantly drained.<br> <br> <<if $player.currDex gt 4>> "Your tongue technique was most... satisfactory," Soffocaria says. <<else>> "Your tongue technique needs work," Soffocaria says. <</if>><br> <br> She runs a finger along the groove of her sex.<br> <br> You feel like you've been judged and found adequate. Trying not to think about what would have happened should you have been found inadequate, you put your clothes back and head to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<if $highDex>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <</if>> <<include [[Soffocaria: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
/* Osculia Suffocati */ <<set $hi to 35>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Osculia Suffocati", shortDescription: "", faction: 1, factionIncrease: [false, false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: true, hasBeenVisited: false, hasPlotRepeatVisits: true, npcGossipRepeatIsUnlocked: false, gifts: [23], affection: 0, isIrresistibleToAilment: 3, /* lip fetish */ preIntroductionLink: "Osculia: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Osculia: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Osculia: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Osculia: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Osculia: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Osculia: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Osculia: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Osculia: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ <<set $player.currConst to 5>> <<set $player.currWill to 4>> /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 3>> /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 35>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 2>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a tall and regal-looking woman in long black latex robes. Your attention is drawn to her glossy red lips. Plump, sensual and satin-smooth, they look intensely kissable.">>
<<set _ailment to 3>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> /* Madam intro */ "This is Suffocatrix Osculia Suffocati," $ says. "She has a kiss that will take your breath away." <br> <br> /* Long description */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>>As before, the<<else>> The first<</if>> thing that catches your attention about Suffocatrix Osculia Suffocati is her lips. They are plump, supple and the glossy red stands out against Osculia's pale complexion. They draw in your gaze and fill you with a strong compunction to kiss them.<br> <br> The rest of Osculia isn't quite as inviting. She is tall and imposing. The cast of her face is imperious, cruel even, with sharp, high cheekbones. Her smoky dark eyes are big and indifferent. There is a regal demeanour to her that is alluring, but also cold and intimidating.<br> <br> She's dressed in long flowing robes. The robes are glossy black latex with red trim and adorned with skull motifs. Her headpiece is somewhere between a tight latex hood and open face mask. It covers her hair and has a pair of elaborate horns. Emerging from her back are a pair of long flowing wings. They are also glossy black in colour and – folded up – can easily be mistaken as part of her outfit. Overall, it looks like the costume of an evil queen or sorceress from an animated movie. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Osculia stands in front of you. She doesn't say anything and instead looks down on you with a kind of amused aloofness.<br> <br> Your attention is drawn to her lips. They really are splendid. So ripe, plump and luscious, you feel the strong urge to feel them pressed against your lips, to kiss her.<<if _hasAilment>> You can't look away. Your gaze is locked upon their pouting perfection. You desperately want to kiss her.<</if>><br> <br> Osculia parts her lips slightly and your gaze zooms in between them.<br> <br> The corners of Osculia's mouth turn up in a faint smile. <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> <br> "This time you will receive my dark kiss," she says.<br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].npcGossipRepeatIsUnlocked to true>> <<include [[Osculia: Repeat: Populate Gossip Gossip]]>> <</if>>
Suffocatrix Osculia Suffocati is silent as you take her into the bar. She is a regal presence at your side as you make your way to an open table. Her robes seem fit for a fantasy queen, although maybe without the glossy black latex and skulls.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Osculia: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Osculia: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br> <br> Osculia didn't say a word as you made your way over to the table. She doesn't say a word as she gets up and returns to $ <br><br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Osculia doesn't say a word while you wait for the drinks. She sits there, her luscious lips bunched up in an appealing pout as she regards you.<br> <br> The waitress returns with your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name and what looks like a fancy cocktail with a corkscrew straw for Osculia. It looks more a drink for a bikini-clad beach bunny. Osculia's reasons for ordering it become apparent moments later as she wraps her soft lips around the straw and you are transfixed. There is a deliberate slowness to her movements, designed to draw your gaze to her mouth and hold it there.<br> <br> It works. Your Adam's apple bobs and you feel hot under the collar as you watch Osculia slowly suck up her drink.<br> <br> Her lips. They're incredible. You watch her drink slowly climb the straw and pass between her supple lips. You can't look away. Even after she finishes her drink and sits there with a mysterious but ever so desirable pout on her lips.<br> <br> You feel yourself start to lean forwards. The signals are there, you're sure. You bunch your own lips as you prepare to meet Osculia's in a kiss.<br> <br> Only for Osculia to reach up and place a forefinger across your mouth to bar you.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> She shakes her head. "I know how much you want to, but it must wait until my room." <<else>> She shakes her head. "Not here. You'll have to wait until we're in my room." <</if>><br> <br> Then, knowing and relishing that she has you burning with frustration, she returns with you to $<br> <br> /* Has chance of imparting Lips Fetish */ <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [24]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<set _ailment to 3>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <</if>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Suffocatrix Osculia Suffocati? You do like the dangerous ones. She makes no attempt to hide what she is."<br> <br> $ puffs on the end of her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "With lips like hers, she doesn't have to. Men are drawn to them like moths to a flame. Or maybe like moths to a spider's web, given what she does to them. It's not an act of lust, that's for sure."<br> <br> $ sips her cocktail.<br> <br> "She's a sly one. The ones she lets go, she hypnotises first into telling all who ask how wonderful her kiss is. Thus bringing her a steady supply of new moths to feed upon."<br> <br> $ seems grudgingly appreciative.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Her kiss will leave you breathless. Permanently.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If you have an unhealthy fetish for lips, you won't leave her room. If you don't have an unhealthy fetish for lips, you'll likely have one by the time Osculia has finished with you.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"The weak-willed saps are at least right about one thing. Osculia is a phenomenally good kisser.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Osculia: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Osculia: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift: Lipstick */ [6,false,false], /* Survive */ [1,false,false], /* Hypnotised */ [4,false,false], /* Resisted Hypnosis */ [7,false,false] /* Survive Repeat Visit */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Osculia: Enter Room]]>>
/* create score array */ /* 1st, find old score array (if multiple visits, take the last score array) */ <<for _r to 0; _r lt $player.roomScores.length; _r++>> <<if $player.roomScores[_r].harlotNumber eq $hi>> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[_r].scoreArray>> <</if>> <</for>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> <<include [[Osculia: Repeat: Enter Room]]>>
As befitting her appearance, Suffocatrix Osculia Suffocati has a rather sumptuous bedchamber. Also befitting her appearance, all the furniture is upholstered in glossy latex. The floor is carpeted – deep pile and black. The walls are covered in black rubber sheets and adorned with paintings of giant red lips. Osculia has an opulent vanity table with mirror.<br> <br> While the other furniture, latex upholstery aside, is relatively normal, Osculia's bed is firmly within the realms of kink. It is large, round, and covered in glossy red latex sheets. The pillows are also red and shiny.<br> <br> Osculia gets up from her vanity table to greet you. In her room, she seems even taller. She looks like a leggy supermodel dressed up as a pantomime evil sorceress.<br> <br> You hold up your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Osculia: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 23>> <<include [[Osculia: Gift: Lipstick]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Osculia: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Undress]]
Osculia takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you. She sniffs it and gives you a nod.<br> <br> She places it in a vase on top of the table.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Osculia takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name. She takes off the top, pushes up the stick and examines the vivid red colour.<br> <br> "My favourite," she says.<br> <br> She places it in a drawer in her desk.
Osculia takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you. She places <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> in a drawer in her desk.<br> <br> She doesn't say a word.
Osculia motions for you to get undressed and you do, hanging your clothes on a stand next to the door. You turn back and <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>>- as with your last visit -<</if>> see Osculia has her arms outstretched for you. The front of her robes has parted slightly, enough to reveal hints of her naked body beneath. She bunches her luscious red lips up in an inviting pout.<br> <br> It is clear what she is offering.<br> <br> Your gaze narrows in on her gorgeous lips. Plump. Sensual. Glossy red and smooth like satin. These are lips that belong on the cover of fashion magazines. Osculia parts them slightly to draw your gaze between them.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 3>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> Everything else in the room fades away. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> <br><br> "You resisted me before, but this time you are mine," Osculia says.<br> <br> She's right. You cannot resist. The corners of her lips turn up in a triumphant smile as your eyes glaze over and you go to her. <<else>> There is only her luscious red lips. Your desire to kiss them cannot be resisted. <</if>><br> <br> [[You step into her arms for a kiss.->Osculia: Kiss 1]] <<else>> Your heart quickens and you feel the blood rush to your head. You find it difficult to look away from her luscious red lips. The desire to kiss her is supernaturally strong.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> [[Choose to kiss her this time.->Osculia: Kiss 1]] <<else>> [[Step into her arms for a kiss.->Osculia: Kiss 1]] <</if>><br> [[Stay where you are.->Osculia: Decline Kiss 1]] <</if>>
You step into Osculia's arms and she brings them around you in a passionate embrace. She's taller than you, so needs to lower her head. Your lips meet in a long, passionate kiss. Her lips feel so soft and supple against yours.<br> <br> And big. Surprisingly big.<br> <br> She wraps one arm around your shoulders. The hand of the other presses against the back of your head. Your hands slide between her robes and encircle her narrow waist.<br> <br> Your lips keep working against hers. Time ceases to have meaning as you lose yourself in the kiss. Dimly you're aware of what feels like a second pair of arms folding around your back. They bring with them long flowing sheets of rubber you feel against your back and down the back of your legs.<br> <br> Her wings?<br> <br> You think nothing of it, desiring only to lose yourself in Osculia's kiss.<br> <br> As much as you want this to last forever, you do need to come up for air at some point. You try to pull your head back. Osculia doesn't let you. You remember you can also breathe through your nose, only to realise you can't. It's obstructed by a soft and fleshy something. It's Osculia's lips. They've expanded and swelled up to completely cover your mouth and nose.<br> <br> Just what are you kissing?<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Kiss 2]]
Osculia drops her arms as you make no move to approach her. The corners of her mouth turn up in a friendly smile. She stares at you with big smoky eyes.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> "Still so reluctant to kiss me?" she asks. <<else>> "Do you not want to kiss me?" she asks. <</if>><br> <br> She bunches her lips up in another inviting pout. Her mouth is incredible. One of the most kissable mouths you've ever seen.<br> <br> She outstretches her arms again.<br> <br> /* Increase req to 4 for repeat visits */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <</if>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [24]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> The kiss is there, dangling temptingly before you. You turned it down last time and still wonder what might have been. You don't have to make the same mistake. The offer is there again. Step into her arms and her lips are yours.<br> <br> [[Step into her arms for a kiss.->Osculia: Kiss 1]]<br> [[Turn it down.->Osculia: Repeat: Decline Kiss 2]] <<else>> The kiss is there, dangling temptingly before you. Step into her arms and her lips are yours.<br> <br> [[Step into her arms for a kiss.->Osculia: Kiss 1]]<br> [[Turn it down.->Osculia: Decline Kiss 2]] <</if>> <<else>> You cannot resist her luscious lips. You must kiss them.<br> <br> [[You step into her arms for a kiss.->Osculia: Kiss 1]] <</if>>
There is a little more //pout// to Osculia's pout, but otherwise she doesn't seem too put out by your refusal. She drops her arms.<br> <br> "How disappointing," she says drily.<br> <br> You shrug apologetically.<br> <br> "It's fine. A kiss is special. Some like to reserve that level of intimacy for those they truly love. I understand."<br> <br> Osculia removes her robes to reveal a tall, willowy body. She leaves her latex headpiece on and you see it extends between her shoulder blades in a strange cascade of flaps and bags.<br> <br> Without her robes, her wings stand out even more. She has wings and a tail, like the other succubi in the House, but hers are considerably larger. Folded up, the joints rise up level with her head while the wingtips sweep down almost to the floor. They are membranous like a bat's, but also so glossy they look like an artificial construct made out of black latex. With the robes it was easy to confuse them as part of her costume. Without the robes they serve as a reminder to Osculia's inhuman nature. Thankfully, the rest of her looks like a naked supermodel, so it's easy to ignore.<br> <br> Osculia takes your hand and leads you over to the round bed. She gestures for you to get on and lie on your back. The rubber sheets feel a little different, but the bed is comfortable. Osculia fluffs up a rubber-covered pillow and positions it for your head. Then she gets on the bed to join you.<br> <br> "I'll use my lips to give you a kiss of a different kind," Osculia says. "One of lust rather than love."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Blowjob]]
She moves across you on her hands and knees and positions herself facing your feet with her knees on either side of your face. You get a lovely view of the shaven, clamshell folds of her sex.<br> <br> She lowers her upper half down on you until you feel her breasts against your belly. She takes your cock with her hand and pumps some blood into it. She lightly blows on it and the ticklish stream of air coaxes you to swell up in full erection. Then she reverses her blow into a powerful suck that catches the swollen head of your cock between her lips.<br> <br> You squirm in pleasure as you feel her sumptuous lips press around the sensitive, swollen head of your cock. Holding you in place, she moves her head up and down with slow, shallow bobs. Her delectable lips brush up and down the top quarter of your length. She pauses to wrap her luscious lips around the head of your cock and give it a slow, wet suck. You tremble with pleasure.<br> <br> Osculia shifts position. She lowers her crotch until her vagina fills your vision and your nose is filled with the musky scents of her sex. She swallows your full length until her lips are pressed against the root of your cock. Then she slowly bobs up and down, letting her moist lips kiss every millimetre of your shaft. She pauses only to give your glans a good suck.<br> <br> Her sex hovers invitingly right above your face.<br> <br> [[Seems a perfect time for a bit of 69.->Osculia: 69]]<br> [[Don't reciprocate.->Osculia: Decline 69]]
You clasp your hands to the sides of Osculia's lovely rump and push your tongue out to lick and probe her sex.<br> <br> Osculia pauses her fellatio to let out a little erotic sigh. She presses her sex against your face as if urging you to probe deeper and harder with your tongue. Which you do.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Blowjob 2]]
You don't do anything other than admire Osculia's lovely pussy while Osculia brushes her luscious lips up and down the full length of your shaft.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Blowjob 2]]
Osculia presses her hips down and covers your mouth and nose with her pussy. She holds it there until you're gasping for air and then lifts it up to give you a chance to breathe. Your breaths are filled with the tantalising odour of her sex.<br> <br> Down at your crotch, Osculia bobs her head more vigorously. Her lips tighten around your cock and she gives it a good suck with each upstroke.<br> <br> She covers your face with her pussy again. Each time, she holds it there a little longer. Her head bobs up and down with greater speed and force. Your cock is gripped by luscious suction. You feel a stirring in your balls. You don't think you're going to last much longer.<br> <br> Osculia lowers her vagina back on your face. This time the labia part and surround your mouth and nose. Her vagina seems to inhale, and sucks the air out your lungs. Then her pussy settles over your face to prevent you from replacing the stolen air. At the same time, she fondles your balls and gives your cock a big suck.<br> <br> <<include [[Osculia: 1st Semen Check]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Osculia: 1st Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Osculia: 1st Pop]]>> <</if>>
It feels incredible. If you hadn't already had so much sex in the House, you think you'd be shooting your load about now.<br> <br> Osculia pauses and lifts her head.<br> <br> "Are you empty? Good. Then you are mine."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: OoS to Big Suck]]
That does it.<br> <br> With Osculia's pussy covering your face, you can't warn her. Your hips buck and you empty a big load into Osculia's hot mouth. That doesn't seem to faze her, and it doesn't come as much of a surprise when you hear her swallow your issue with loud gulps.<br> <br> Then, with ejaculation achieved, she lifts her hips up long enough for you to breathe again.<br> <br> An ejaculation like that should be the end of it.<br> <br> It isn't.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Big Suck: Intro]]
Your ejaculation has barely subsided to dribbles before Osculia is sucking it back into her hot mouth. Your cock must have grown more sensitive in the post-orgasmic aftermath. <<include [[Osculia: Big Suck]]>>
Her lips feel softer and swollen as they slide up and down your shaft. They wrap around the base of your cock and Osculia really starts to suck.<br> <br> Right away you can tell something is wrong. Osculia's suction is too powerful. Unnatural. She brings your cock back to full, twitching hardness. You even feel the pull right down in your testicles.<br> <br> Your protests are smothered in her sex. Again, her labia part to cover your mouth and nose. Then, with another unnatural inhale of her vagina, she pulls all the air out of your lungs.<br> <br> You squirm breathlessly beneath her while Osculia sucks on your cock. Sucks hard. <<include [[Osculia: 2nd Semen Check]]>>
/* if already out of semen */ <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <br><br> She still can't get anything out. You're done. Your activities in the House have left you fully depleted.<br> <br> She lifts her head.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: 69: Bad End]] <<else>> <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <br><br> This time nothing comes out. You're done. Your activities in the House have left you fully depleted.<br> <br> She lifts her head.<br> <br> "Are you empty? Good. Then you are mine."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: 69: Bad End]] <<else>> <<include [[Osculia: 2nd Pop]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
Osculia pauses as if preparing to take massive suck. She presses her sumptuous lips against the swollen head of your cock.<br> <br> Her lips feel like they've swollen up even further. They feel tight as Osculia sucks your cock up between them. She swallows your whole length and bunches her lips around the base of your cock. She presses down harder with her hips, completely smothering your face with her sex. She clasps her thighs around your head. She has a much stronger hold this time.<br> <br> Then the suction starts.<br> <br> There is nothing natural about this at all. Your penis is gripped by waves of powerful sucking force. You ejaculate, though it feels more like she's sucking the cum directly out of you.<br> <br> Your thoughts start to go dim and fuzzy from lack of air. Though there's pleasure, this doesn't feel like an act of love or even lust. It feels more like a predator sucking up the juices of its prey. She sucks on you like a vampire, only at your cock rather than your throat. She sucks up and guzzles your cum, maybe other things – blood, energy, life – as well.<br> <br> Her vagina opens up around your mouth and starts to inhale in an equally fatal kiss. This time you can no longer deny the awful truth. She's sucking up your life. She's sucking it out with both her mouth and vagina. And then, when there's nothing else left, your soul.<br> <br> There is a brief tug-of-war between her mouth and vagina for that final prize. Her mouth wins. She sucks your soul up out of your cock. And then she lifts her head up and lets out a triumphant sigh.<br> <br> You are dead.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Osculia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Sucks hard until you feel something give and then you're spurting semen into her mouth again. Spurting so much you feel like a fountain. Osculia keeps sucking with unnatural power. It feels like she's directly sucking the cum out of your balls now. It feels pleasant, but it also feels like the strength is going out of you as well. The lack of air is also starting to make your head feel funny.<br> <br> Then, just as you're starting to worry you might actually suffocate, Osculia stops guzzling the cum from your cock and lifts her hips high enough to allow you to breathe. You lie beneath her, feeling too weak to do anything other than take shallow breaths.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "You offered yourself to me and yet declined the pleasures of my deadly kiss," Osculia says. "How strange. Maybe you want to be drained by my mouth. I will give you that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: 69: Bad End]] <<else>> Osculia still isn't done.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Hypnotising Sex]] <</if>>
Osculia moves around on the big round bed until she's facing you. She wraps a hand around and pumps your cock. It's still hard and eager even though it felt like Osculia already sucked all the cum out of you. Osculia straddles you. Her big smoky eyes stare right into yours as she parts her labia and slowly sits down on your cock.<br> <br> It feels incredible, which is a good thing as you currently feel too weak to stop her even if you wanted.<br> <br> She bends her upper body over you and clasps the sides of your head.<br> <br> "Look at my lips," she orders. "Are they not luscious and lovely."<br> <br> They are gorgeous – sensual, bee-stung, supple and glossy with lipstick. So intensely kissable.<br> <br> She parts them to gently blow on your face. Her vagina contracts around your cock in a gentle pulse.<br> <br> "Look at them. Admire their softness. Let your heart race as you imagine how good it would feel to kiss them."<br> <br> Before your eyes, her lips seem to swell, to become even more impossibly bee-stung, supple, and kissable.<br> <br> She breathes in and her inhalation sucks in all the air around your face and in your lungs. Her pussy continues to squeeze your cock with gentle pulsations.<br> <br> There's no air. You don't know what Osculia did, but it removed all the air from around your head. You can't do anything about it.<br> <br> "It's okay," Osculia says. "Keep looking at my lips."<br> <br> Her glossy red lips expand to fill your view. They become your whole world. Your gaze slides over their smooth contours as if they're celestial bodies.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Hypnotising Climax]]
<<unset $targetRound>> <<unset $conFail>> <<unset $isOutOfSemen>> <<unset $isBlackRose>>
You feel strange and woozy. Her vagina continues to throb around your cock. It feels like gentle pulses of pleasure rolling up your shaft.<br> <br> "You want to kiss them so very badly, don't you," Osculia whispers.<br> <br> Osculia lowers her head and her lips hover enticingly right above you. So close that, if you could just lift your head, you could kiss them. But you can't. You're paralysed and can only look. And listen. And desire.<br> <br> "You did. You walked in and we shared the longest, most pleasurable kiss you've ever experienced."<br> <br> Her vagina continues to gently throb around your cock.<br> <br> "This is what you will tell all who ask. We kissed and it was delightful."<br> <br> You see nothing now other than her luscious red lips.<br> <br> The pulsing contractions of her vagina grow faster and stronger around your cock.<br> <br> "And, when you come back, it's all you will want to do. To kiss me. To feel this."<br> <br> She bends down and presses her lips against yours. Her vagina clenches. You ejaculate within her and pass out from pure bliss.<br> <br> /* Osculia is lenient if the player is out of semen here */ <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> [[Continue.->Osculia: Hypnosis Check]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [24]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Osculia: Good End: Not Hypnotised]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Osculia: Good End: Hypnotised]]>> <</if>>
You remember little of putting your clothes back on and leaving the room. Your thoughts are a confusing muddle.<br> <br> Did you kiss? You're... not sure. You remember her blowjob... sex. They were awesome. Your mind tells you her kiss beforehand was incredible as well, but if so, why can't you remember it? Did it even happen?<br> <br> Your thoughts are a spinning mess of confusion as you totter over to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> /* Schedule Osculia to show up again in the next round */ <<set $targetRound to $currentRound + 1>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Schedule Override Visit]]>> <<include [[Osculia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
You remember little of putting your clothes back on and leaving the room. Your thoughts are a confusing muddle. The mental image of Osculia's red lips fills your head and crowds all other thoughts out.<br> <br> You cannot remember the kiss, only the indescribable pleasure of it. It was the most intensely pleasant kiss you've ever experienced. So strong, it scrambled your thoughts and left holes in your memory. You ache to experience it again, if only to fill in those gaps.<br> <br> Osculia's smile is warm but her eyes are cold and hungry as she watches you stagger to the door.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 3>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> /* Schedule Osculia to show up again in the next round */ <<set $targetRound to $currentRound + 1>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Schedule Override Visit]]>> <<include [[Osculia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Panic sets in when you realise you can't breathe. You start to struggle harder to free yourself from Osculia's embrace.<br> <br> Osculia hugs you tighter. She draws herself up to her full height and takes a deep breath. She sucks the air out of your lungs and leaves you kicking your feet ineffectually a couple of inches off the floor.<br> <br> Osculia inhales again, sucking the last remaining air out of your lungs. She holds you there as black spots start to dance across your vision. Your struggles weaken until you go limp in her arms.<br> <br> Then, mercifully, she exhales, reinflating your lungs and giving you just enough oxygen to stay conscious. With her unnaturally swollen lips forming a seal around your mouth and nose, she breathes for the two of you. There is oxygen, but only enough to keep you barely flickering above unconsciousness. Your limbs still hang limply at your sides.<br> <br> With her wings wrapped securely around your shoulders, she slides her hands down your sides. She places them on your hips and pulls you between her robes and tight to her naked body. She opens her legs, grabs your buttocks and lifts you into her. The head of your cock, swollen in erection thanks to her suffocating kiss, comes up against the fleshy opening to her vagina and is drawn inside.<br> <br> It's located where a vagina should be. It feels tight and pleasant like a vagina. Yet it draws your cock in and sucks on it like a mouth.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Kiss Bad End]]
Osculia lets you have just enough oxygen to stay conscious. She holds you tight in a smothering kiss while her vagina gently pulsates around and sucks your cock. Conscious but helpless in her embrace, you can do nothing as the tugging suction of her vagina inexorably pulls you towards climax.<br> <br> You feel it first in your balls, and then as a powerful orgasm that sets you shuddering in her arms. Her vagina contracts around your throbbing cocks and milks the spurts of cum out of you. Despite the upright position, nothing leaks out. Osculia's vagina gulps up your issue like a mouth.<br> <br> It doesn't stop. Her vagina knows now exactly where to rub, to squeeze, to suck. Osculia hugs you tight and lets her pussy pump ejaculation after ejaculation out of you.<br> <br> Your oxygen-deprived brain dimly wonders where it's all coming from. Surely, she must have emptied your balls of semen by now.<br> <br> She has. These are other bodily fluids. Too late you realise you're in the embrace of a vampire, only she's draining your life from your cock rather than your neck. This isn't sex. This is a predator sucking the fluids from its prey like a spider. She drains you, one orgasm at a time. It's not a quick process and you're fully conscious the whole time. Then, when there's nothing left, she ends her deadly kiss and lets your empty husk fall to the floor.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Osculia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"That shameless hussy. I've seen her walking around, flaunting her... bits without any regard for proper decorum."<br> <br> $ sighs and pulls out a small black notebook.<br> <br> "Oh well. Tell me of your experiences with Soffocaria Gattagrandi."<br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <br><br> "Only a sex demon could think gassing you with her vagina is a reward," $ mutters. <br><br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"I'd heard her kink was smothering men with her pussy, but I hadn't realised it was like that."<br> <br> $ pulls a face.<br> <br> "I'm not interested in how good sex with her is. A gentleman should have standards. That hussy would shock the girls of the seediest dockside whorehouse, and those girls have seen and done everything. I wouldn't put my tongue in any of them either."
<<set _lipstick to _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <<set _isFirstSurvival to _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <<set _wasHypnotised to _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> <<set _resistedHypnosis to _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> <br><br> <<if _lipstick>> "Lipstick, eh. She would like that. Doesn't seem to be any benefit to giving it to her, though."<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _wasHypnotised>> <<if _lipstick>>He then<<else>>He<</if>> listens with a slightly bored expression while you enthuse about how wonderful and amazing Osculia's kiss was.<br> <br> "Whenever I ask men about Osculia, they always tell me about how good her kiss is. But they're also really vague when asked for more details, and they always have a curiously vacant look in their eyes."<br> <br> Your brow furrows. What is he trying to say?<br> <br> $ scribbles more notes in his little black book. He mutters to himself.<br> <br> "A talent for mesmerism, likely focused on her lips. Very dangerous."<br> <br> <<elseif _resistedHypnosis>> $ asks if you kissed.<br> <br> You tell him you're not sure. Your thoughts are strangely muddled on that.<br> <br> $ nods and scribbles down more notes.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[4][1] and not _osa[4][2]>> <<set _lipstickOnly to _lipstick and not _isFirstSurvival>> <<if _lipstickOnly or _wasHypnotised>> He stares curiously at you.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _isFirstSurvival>>"And then there is your<<else>>"A<</if>> second visit, hmm." $'s nostril hairs twitch. "Was it of your own volition or..."<br> <br> He pauses contemplatively.<br> <br> "No, it must have been. The poor fools she entrances with her lips are never seen again."<br> <br> <</if>>
Osculia sucks your cock back into her mouth. <<include [[Osculia: Big Suck]]>>
/* Ygolia Campbell */ <<set $hi to 36>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Ygolia Campbell", shortDescription: "", faction: 1, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [24,2], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Ygolia: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Ygolia: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Ygolia: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Ygolia: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Ygolia: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Ygolia: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Ygolia: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Ygolia: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 2>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 4>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(22)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ <<set $player.currConst to 1>> <<set $player.currWill to 3>> /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 36>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a tall, lithe woman in a skintight sleeveless black catsuit and elbow-length black latex gloves. Her bright red hair cascades onto her shoulders in waves of scarlet curls. She looks like a sexy femme fatale from a spy movie.">>
/* Madam intro */ "Ah, here is Ygolia Campbell, our slinky sexy superspy," $ says. "Her breath-taking technique will soon have you spilling all your secrets." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Ygolia Campbell does look like she's just stepped off the set of a spy movie. She is tall and leggy. Her body is tightly clothed in a sleek sleeveless black catsuit. Her fiery red hair cascades onto her shoulders in waves of scarlet curves. Her full lips are bunched up in a sensual pout. Her big blue eyes fix you with a steely gaze.<br> <br> She wears black latex gloves that extend all the way up to her elbows. Her stylish black high-heeled boots extend to just below her knees. <br> <br> <<if $currentRound gt 1>> Surprisingly, you see no trace of otherworldly features. No horns. No wings. No tail. Given the House, there is probably //something//, but it's not visible.<br> <br> <</if>> /* Harlot intro */ "Hello, I'm Ygolia Campbell," she says in a very clipped and plummy English accent. "Would you like to play a little bondage game with me?"<br> <br> She leans forwards and whispers in your ear.<br> <br> "I'll tie you up and get you to spunk up your secrets." <br>
Ygolia Campbell looks very sleek and sexy on your arm as you take her into the bar. She looks around at the hubbub of men chatting to scantily-dressed harlots.<br> <br> "So many secrets waiting to be overheard," she whispers in your ear.<br> <br> You find a spare table and sit down.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Ygolia: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Ygolia: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> Ygolia looks very unimpressed.<br> <br> "How unglamourous," she says.<br> <br> She leaves you to your embarrassment and returns to $ <br><br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> The waitress returns with your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name and a glass of fancy wine for Ygolia. She sits there, rests her chin on her gloved hands and looks at you with bright blue eyes.<br> <br> "Do you like spy movies?" she asks.<br> <br> It's an unexpected question and one you don't get a chance to answer as Ygolia continues.<br> <br> "I love them," Ygolia says. "Especially the old ones. I love the glitz, the glamour, the excitement, the constant edge of peril. Most of all I love the sexy femme fatales. I love seeing those sirens using their seductive wiles to entrap a man. It's a lust daemon thing. It really gets our juices going."<br> <br> She blushes.<br> <br> "Of course, they never get the hero. We can't have a happy ending. It's the rules of the genre."<br> <br> She sips her wine and – like the sirens in the moves she adores – smoulders with seductive appeal.<br> <br> "So, there is this sexy roleplay game I do," Ygolia says. "You play the suave superspy and I'm the sexy femme fatale assigned to torture information out of you."<br> <br> She sees your expression at 'torture' and hurriedly clarifies.<br> <br> "Not //torture// torture," she explains. "It's just a bit of breathplay. I'll smother you with these."<br> <br> She holds up her black gloved hands. The gloves are latex and very glossy. Strangely, there is some kind of padding in the palms that's reminiscent of a vagina.<br> <br> "It's to add a little frisson of excitement," she says. "Oh, and it won't just be pain and discomfort. I'll be using pleasure as well to break your resolve. Lots of pleasure."<br> <br> She mimes a wanking gesture with her hand.<br> <br> It sounds unusual, but it might be fun, you think. <br><br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
$ shakes her head at the mention of Ygolia Campbell.<br> <br> "Young and misguided," she says. "Lust daemons should be setting mankind's fetishes and secret desires, not copying them. It's unseemly."<br> <br> She sighs.<br> <br> "She loves your old spy movies. She likes to pretend she's a sleek and sexy femme fatale from one. It's absurd. Like a tiger pretending to be a house cat."<br> <br> $ shakes her head again.<br> <br> "Anyway, she likes to play a game where she ties the man up and pretends to interrogate him. It's all very childish. Just gas them and drink freely of their cum when it starts gushing."<br> <br> $ bunches up her lips. She looks like she's going to blow smoke in your face, then catches herself and changes her mind.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"While playing her game, don't try to hold out for too long. She has been known to get a little too into it, and once she gets too into it, she's far more dangerous and deadly than the femme fatales she tries to emulate.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"If you don't want to play her game, you can always choose to just have regular sex with her.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Don't forget her code. She might mistake that for resisting too hard and she does have a habit of getting carried away.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She likes her men to get into her roleplay game as much as she does. Don't put in a half-hearted effort and give up too easily, otherwise you might find the game become real.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[4] to { isLie: true, text: "\"During her game, try to hold out for as long as possible. That will give you the greatest reward.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Ygolia: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Ygolia: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Good gift */ [9,false,false] /* Survive */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $code to []>> <<include [[Ygolia: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Ygolia: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Ygolia Campbell's room looks like a seedy basement in an abandoned building. The walls are undecorated and the floor is bare concrete. The only source of illumination is a single naked lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.<br> <br> Ygolia stands behind two plain wooden chairs, with a stainless-steel trolley cart to her right. She is tall and willowy and looks every bit the seductive femme fatale spy in her black catsuit. Her fiery curls cascade onto her shoulders. Her sensual lips are set in an authoritative pout and her blue eyes are icy cool. She has a length of slender rope coiled in her hands.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>> "Oh good. Are you here for the sexy roleplay session I told you about downstairs?" <<else>> "Hello. Don't be put off by the room. I specialise in erotic roleplay. We'll play a scenario where you're a captured superspy being interrogated by a sexy femme fatale. I'll tie you up and use some breathplay and sexual domination techniques on you to get you to spunk up your secrets."<br> <br> The corner of her mouth turns up in a filthy smirk.<br> <br> "In more ways than one."<br> <br> She strikes a sleek and sexy pose and gestures to the chair.<br> <br> "It will be fun. Would you like to play?" <</if>><br> <br> [[You'd rather go straight to sex.->Ygolia: Choose Sex]]<br> [[You'll play.->Ygolia: Choose to Play]]
Politely, you tell her you'd rather go straight to sex. Ygolia seems disappointed, but assents.<br> <br> She takes your gift and gets you to take your clothes off and sit in the wooden chair. The chair is sturdy and also bolted to the floor. It isn't going to topple over if things get a little frisky.<br> <br> Ygolia stands in front of you and unzips the crotch of her catsuit to reveal the smooth folds of her sex.<br> <br> Your erection bobs up. You're looking forward to getting frisky with her, although Ygolia seems a little disinterested.<br> <br> She doesn't say a word as she straddles you and lowers herself down on your cock. She might look disinterested, but her pussy is plenty wet. And tight. Lusciously tight.<br> <br> You close your eyes and relish the sensation of her tight vagina sliding down your shaft. Ygolia puts her hands on the back of the chair. She braces against it as she starts to pump her hips up and down in your lap.<br> <br> Her tight pussy stroking up and down your cock feels incredible. It also feels a little cold and mechanical. Ygolia doesn't show any emotion.<br> <br> That in itself adds to the appeal. It fits her spy outfit and persona – mysterious, aloof, distant, professional. Maybe she's roleplaying after all.<br> <br> Ygolia pauses to peel the glove off her left hand. You have a brief moment to notice something is wrong with her hand. There's a fleshy slit running vertically down the palm. It resembles a vagina. Then she presses her hand over your mouth and nose. You hear a hissing sound and your nose is filled with the odour of strong perfume.<br> <br> You go limp as if chloroformed. Ygolia keeps her hand there and pumps more gas into you. Even though you can't move, you remain fully conscious. Even though her movements against you are less vigorous, the sensations seem magnified.<br> <br> You feel your balls swell as well, swell up until the pressure of sperm inside them becomes too much to hold in. You experience the most explosive and longest climax in your life as you spurt – no, jet – semen inside her. The ejaculation doesn't end. Ygolia keeps it going with gentle little milking throbs of her pussy. You can't stop.<br> <br> The gas from her hand has multiple effects on human physiology. One is to stimulate the body to overproduce semen at the cost of diverting the resources from vital organs, and eventually breaking down those vital organs themselves. Your traitorous cock pumps all your fluids up into Ygolia's vagina until all that's left sitting on the chair is a dried-up cadaver.<br> <br> Ygolia doesn't show any emotion as she completely drains your body. She doesn't seem to enjoy it all that much. She'd have rather you played her game.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Ygolia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"Good, good. Take your clothes off and sit here."<br> <br> Ygolia pats the seat of the chair.<br> <br> You wonder what you're supposed to do with your gift. You wave it to bring it to Ygolia's attention.<br> <br> "Oh, the offering. Yes, I'll take that. Hold on."<br> <br> She smiles.<br> <br> "I'll do it in character."<br> <br> She draws herself up and puts on a cold and haughty air.<br> <br> "Are you trying to bribe me, Mr Blond?" she asks.<br> <br> She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ygolia: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Ygolia: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 2 or $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(8)>> <<include [[Ygolia: Gift: Good]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(11)>> <<include [[Ygolia: Gift: Bad]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Ygolia: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Ygolia: Give Code]]
"So, you'd like it real," she says as she examines the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "I can do that. I rather enjoy it."<br> <br> She places the $allGifts[$cgi].name on the lower shelf of the stainless-steel trolley cart.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "That is very nice," Ygolia says as she examines the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "You have good intel on my likes. However, sadly for you, my loyalty to The Organisation is unquestioning."<br> <br> She places the $allGifts[$cgi].name on the lower shelf of the stainless-steel trolley cart.
She holds up the $allGifts[$cgi].name and arches a pencil-thin eyebrow.<br> <br> "Whatever are you carrying <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>this<<else>>these<</if>> around for?"<br> <br> Shaking her head, she places <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on the lower shelf of the stainless-steel trolley cart.
"You'll need to do better than that," Ygolia says.<br> <br> She places the $allGifts[$cgi].name on the lower shelf of the stainless-steel trolley cart.
You look at the top of the trolley cart. You see an array of metal tools with a little too much //serration// for your liking. There's also a large bottle of lube with a pump top.<br> <br> "They're just for show," Ygolia says, on seeing your look of concern. "I won't be using them. I'm a suffocatrix, not a gurosadotrix."<br> <br> Reassured, you take off your clothes and sit on the chair. Ygolia hands you a small paper note.<br> <br> "Memorise this," she says.<br> <br> There is a four-digit number written on the scrap of paper.<br> <br> <<for _i to 0; _i lt 4; _i++>> <<set $code[_i] to random(9)>> <</for>> <<set _codeStr to "">> <<for _i to 0; _i lt 4; _i++>> <<set _codeStr += $code[_i]>> <</for>> ''_codeStr''<br> <br> "That's the secret code I'm trying to interrogate out of you," Ygolia says.<br> <br> She takes the note off you and tucks it down into her cleavage.<br> <br> "I'll tie you up and do... things to you until you fess up. Try to hold out for as long as possible. The game is more fun that way."<br> <br> She loops rope around your gut and the back of the chair. She ties your hands behind your back – tight, but not uncomfortably so. She even goes down and ties your ankles to the legs of the chair. On the way back up, she pauses to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "Then, at the end, I'll do the things they're not allowed to show in those old spy movies."<br> <br> She moves round to the front and steps back to examine her handiwork. You test your bonds. You're not going anywhere. You can't even shift your weight to try and tip the chair. It seems to be bolted to the floor.<br> <br> "Shall we begin?" Ygolia says cheerfully in her posh English accent.<br> <br> You're not exactly going to be able to stop her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ygolia: 1st Interrogation 1]]
Again, Ygolia switches demeanour to ice-cold femme fatale secret agent.<br> <br> "Well, well, Mr Blond, I bet you're wondering how you ended up here."<br> <br> She oozes sex appeal as she taunts you.<br> <br> "It was easy. A couple of little pills in your drink – plink plink – and you were out like a light."<br> <br> She mimes dropping pills into an imaginary glass.<br> <br> "And now you're mine, in this quiet little place where no-one will find you."<br> <br> She starts circling the chair menacingly.<br> <br> "You can try to hold out all you like. I have all the time I need to work on you. You will give up the code."<br> <br> She slides a gloved finger along the top of your shoulders.<br> <br> "Is that fear I can detect in your breathing? Are you afraid of torture, Mr Blond? I wouldn't have expected it – a big strong, brave man like yourself. It would be a pity to damage this body."<br> <br> She bends down behind you and runs her black-gloved hands over your naked chest.<br> <br> "I know. I'll use my special technique. That doesn't leave a mark."<br> <br> She sits in the other chair and pulls it up close. Her gloved hands continue to roam over your upper body.<br> <br> "And it would be a real shame to mark this."<br> <br> She playfully tweaks your nipples. Her hands slide up your neck and massage your head.<br> <br> "My special technique is breathplay. I'll control your breathing, and through that, you."<br> <br> She covers your mouth with a latex-gloved hand and pinches your nostrils shut with thumb and forefinger. She pulls your head back against her bosom and holds you firmly in place.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ygolia: 1st Interrogation 2]]
She holds you there for a while. Long enough for the air to grow stale in your lungs and your body to start squirming in discomfort.<br> <br> Ygolia removes her hand. You gasp out the stale air and breathe in fresh air to replace it.<br> <br> "This is the weakness of all things," Ygolia says. "It doesn't matter how strong, resourceful, brave, or clever. You all need to breathe."<br> <br> She wraps her arm tightly around your head again. Her hand covers your mouth and she pinches your nostrils shut. She holds her hand there longer this time. Long enough for black spots to start dancing across your eyes.<br> <br> She releases you and you suck in great gasping breaths.<br> <br> "Control their breathing and you control them."<br> <br> Her hand covers your mouth and closes your nostrils again. She holds you even longer. Long enough for your throat to start hitching. Long enough that, even though you know it's roleplay, your body starts involuntarily struggling against her.<br> <br> She removes her hand and you gratefully take gasping breaths.<br> <br> "Mmm. It also has a pleasing side effect."<br> <br> She glances down to your crotch where your cock has risen up in erection. With her other hand, she reaches into your lap and lightly strokes her fingers against the underside of your erection.<br> <br> "The desire to procreate is as strong as the desire to breathe. Sometimes stronger," she whispers in your ear.<br> <br> Her left hand covers your mouth and nose. Her right hand encircles your cock and gently pumps up and down.<br> <br> "That is the other weakness of men," Ygolia whispers.<br> <br> She holds your head tight to her bosom as you start to squirm for air. Her gloved hand pumps your cock harder and faster. She starts off fast to take you right to the threshold and then slows right down to leave you tantalisingly just short of release.<br> <br> "Spill the beans, as they say, and I'll let you spill your seed," she whispers in your ear.<br> <br> She takes her hand away from your mouth and continues to wank you with her gloved hand.<br> <br> <<include [[Ygolia: 1st Interrogation Check]]>>
<<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<set _willTest to _testPassed>> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [22]>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<set _conTest to _testPassed>> <<if _willTest and _conTest>> [[Blurt out the code.->Ygolia: 1st Interrogation: Blurt]]<br> [[Hold on.->Ygolia: 1st Interrogation: Hold On]] <<else>> [[It's too much. You can't hold back.->Ygolia: 1st Interrogation: Fail]] <</if>>
You <<include [[Ygolia: Give Up Too Soon]]>>
"Is this your famed iron will, Mr Blond?" Ygolia says as you remain silent. "It's admirable, but ultimately fruitless."<br> <br> She peels off her right glove with sensual slowness.<br> <br> "I have all the time I need."<br> <br> She clasps her left hand over your mouth and pinches shut your nostrils. Her right hand wraps around your cock and starts to vigorously pump up and down.<br> <br> "I will break you. If pain does not work, I will break you with pleasure."<br> <br> It's no idle boast. What she does with her hand has you contorting on the chair in ecstasy. Her fingers are all over your cock like a virtuoso playing a musical instrument. When she removes her hand from your mouth, you're not sure your gasp is for air, or from the pleasure of her ministrations.<br> <br> You've barely refilled your lungs when Ygolia has a hand over your mouth again.<br> <br> "And I will break you," she whispers in your ear.<br> <br> After a quick burst that almost has you coming right away, her hand slows down its masturbation of your cock to leave you tantalisingly short of release. She teases you. Her hand edges you and keeps you in a state of frustrated denial.<br> <br> She combines it with her breathplay. Her hand jerks faster and faster while she has your mouth and nose covered. Then, when you're squirming for breath, she lets you breathe, but at the cost of stopping her stimulation to your cock. The end result is your mind is left conflicted. You want her to go longer, to stroke you all the way to climax, even if it risks suffocation.<br> <br> Ygolia does go longer and longer, but never long enough for you to boil over into climax. Your thoughts start to get woozy from the lack of oxygen. Reality and roleplay start to blur together.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ygolia: 2nd Interrogation]]
Befuddled by the lack of oxygen and unable to resist the pleasures of Ygolia's masturbation, you <<include [[Ygolia: Give Up Too Soon]]>>
<<set $gute to true>> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> blurt out the code.<<if not $isOutOfSemen>> At the same time, your cock throbs in Ygolia's hand and you spurt semen out all over her glove.<</if>><br> <br> Ygolia pauses. She seems a little shocked. Then disappointed and a little annoyed.<br> <br> "So soon? Couldn't you have held out longer. It's..."<br> <br> She's no longer roleplaying.<br> <br> "Oh, it's no good. The game is spoiled now."<br> <br> She peels off her <<if not $isOutOfSemen>>cum-splattered<</if>> right glove.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ygolia: Standard Bad End]]
<<if $oos2>> You have just enough time to notice her left hand is the same as the right. There is a vertical fleshy slit through the palm. It looks like a smooth and hairless vagina. <<else>> You have just enough time to notice that something is wrong with her hand. There is a vertical fleshy slit through the palm. It looks like a smooth and hairless vagina.<<if $gute>> Ygolia peels off her other glove and you see her other hand is the same.<</if>> <</if>><br> <br> Before you can dwell on what you're seeing, Ygolia covers your mouth and nose with her left hand. You hear a hissing sound, smell something reminiscent of pungent perfume, and then go limp as if chloroformed. Ygolia holds her hand over your mouth and nose and pumps more gas into you. Even though you can't move, you're fully conscious as Ygolia fills your lungs.<br> <br> <<if $hotf>> "None can resist my special gas," Ygolia taunts.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $oos1 or $oos2>> "This will get you spunking," Ygolia says.<br> <br> <</if>> The gas has other effects. Your erection hardens and swells even further. <<if $gute or $hotf or $oos1>> Ygolia shows you the palm of her right hand. Now you can clearly see what looks like a vagina in the middle of her hand. The plump labia part to reveal a moist pink opening.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $gute>> "You cannot roleplay for shit," Ygolia says. "So we'll do this for real."<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $hotf>> "And you will not be able to resist the pleasure of my hand."<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $oos1>> "Don't worry. It will feel like a lovely tight pussy."<br> <br> <</if>> She plunges her right hand down into your crotch. The strange lips in the palm of her hand part around the head of your cock and you slide up into tight, lubricated tunnel of flesh.<br> <br> It does feel like lusciously tight vagina. This does not take your mind off the fact it's located where a vagina most definitely should not be.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ygolia: Bad End 2]]
There is something odd about the palm of her hand. It feels like there are two fleshy ridges running down her hand. They feel almost like lips. It also feels wet, as if she squirted some lube into her palm, although you don't remember her doing so.<br> <br> She keeps you in a cycle of breathless frustration until it becomes difficult to think of anything else.<br> <br> "Do you want to come?" Ygolia whispers in your ear.<br> <br> She gives the swollen head of your cock a pleasant little squeeze. It triggers a pleasant twitch in your member, but nothing more.<br> <br> "Your body feels like it wants to come."<br> <br> You do. Desperately. You writhe and squirm on the chair. Your hips pump against her hand to the extent her bonds allow you, which isn't much. You're not getting off until Ygolia decides.<br> <br> "I can let you come," she whispers in your ear as she holds her hand tight over your mouth and nose. "A really big spunk."<br> <br> Her hand gives your cock a couple of fast pumps. Then she stops, leaving you to moan your frustrations into her gloved hand.<br> <br> "But you have to do something for me. It's just a little something."<br> <br> Her talented fingers stroke and squeeze your engorged member. She has the expertise to keep you at the very cusp of climax without tipping over.<br> <br> "So small. So easy. Just tell me the code."<br> <br> She keeps her hand over your mouth. Your thoughts are a mass of fuzz. Your vision wavers. She gives your cock a couple of harder jerks.<br> <br> "You're so close. I can feel it. Think of how good it will feel to let go and spatter my hand with your cum. All you have to do is tell me the code."<br> <br> This time she strokes you right to the edge – both of climax and consciousness – before removing her hand and allowing you to breathe. As good as it feels to take fresh breaths, your body aches for her to continue wanking your cock.<br> <br> "Are you ready to talk, Mr Blond?"<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<set _willTest to _testPassed>> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [22]>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<set _conTest to _testPassed>> <<if _willTest and _conTest>> [[Spill the beans to spill your seed.->Ygolia: 2nd Interrogation: Give Up]]<br> [[Try to hold on a little longer.->Ygolia: 2nd Interrogation: Hold On]] <<else>> [[You can't hold on any longer. You spill the beans.->Ygolia: 2nd Interrogation: Give Up]] <</if>>
You cough and splutter as you draw in hoarse breaths. You nod your head.<br> <br> "I said I'd break you, Mr Blond," Ygolia says triumphantly. "Now spit out that code and I'll let you spit out your filthy cum."<br> <br> Tell her the code.<br> <br> <<include [[Ygolia: Generate Faulty Codes]]>>
<<set $hotf to true>> "Still not ready to talk," Ygolia says. "Is this your famed iron will? I should expect nothing less from the renowned Mr Blond."<br> <br> She peels off the glove on her left hand.<br> <br> "Time for me to use my ultimate technique."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ygolia: Standard Bad End]]
<<set $hotf to true>> You recite the code. Ygolia pumps your cock harder as if this time she's going to wank you to orgasm. Then she stops, frustratingly short, with a sly grin on her face.<br> <br> "I know what you're doing," Ygolia says.<br> <br> She gives your cock a couple of quick pumps. Enough to keep you tantalisingly on edge, but not enough to give you relief.<br> <br> "Very clever. Pretend to break and then give me a fake code. I should expect nothing less from the renowned Mr Blond."<br> <br> She pulls your head close enough for her lips to brush your ear.<br> <br> "It won't work."<br> <br> She peels off the glove on her left hand.<br> <br> "Time for me to use my ultimate technique."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ygolia: Standard Bad End]]
As you recite the correct code, Ygolia pumps your cock harder and faster. This time she doesn't hold back. She pumps and pumps until...<br> <br> <<include [[Ygolia: 1st Semen Check]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Ygolia: 1st Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Ygolia: 1st Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
<<set $oos1 to true>> ...nothing happens. You writhe and squirm in the chair. Your cock throbs in delight, but nothing comes out. You don't have anything left. The other harlots in the House have already thoroughly drained your balls.<br> <br> Ygolia pauses.<br> <br> "This is the part where you're supposed to come," she says, breaking character with a little laugh.<br> <br> She jerks your cock harder. Hard enough for the friction to become uncomfortable.<br> <br> Ygolia stops when she realises she's causing you pain.<br> <br> <<include [[Ygolia: Combined Out of Semen]]>> moan in ecstasy and spurt semen out in a long looping arc.<br> <br> "Ah that's it. It was worth it, don't you think," Ygolia laughs.<br> <br> You slump, spent, back in the chair. That felt good. Intense, but good.<br> <br> Ygolia lightly runs a hand through your hair and hugs your head to her bosom.<br> <br> "And no-one will find out about your moment of weakness," Ygolia whispers in your ear. "It will be our little secret."<br> <br> You think Ygolia might be a little //too// into this roleplay.<br> <br> "One you will take to the grave. Alas, Mr Blond, it's time for you to die."<br> <br> Ygolia clasps her left hand over your mouth and clamps your nostrils shut.<br> <br> "I'm sorry. Orders are orders," she says.<br> <br> She shows you the palm of her right hand and now you understand why it had such a strange feel. She has a vagina in the palm of her hand. There are a pair of plump swollen labia running down from beneath her middle two fingers to the heel of her hand. The lips part to reveal a glistening pink tunnel of flesh.<br> <br> //What the?//<br> <br> "I am a merciful executioner," Ygolia says. "I shall usher you to the great hereafter with a final burst of ecstasy."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ygolia: 3rd Interrogation]]
"That's the problem with running this game in the House. Some of the men I entertain have already had their balls drained by the other harlots. Then we get awkward pauses like this."<br> <br> She affectionately ruffles your hair.<br> <br> "Oh, it's not your fault. Don't worry about it."<br> <br> She slowly peels the glove off her left hand.<br> <br> "I have a contingency plan."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ygolia: Standard Bad End]]
Ygolia's hand goes down to your crotch. She presses down on the head of your erection. The labia part around your glans and your cock slides up into a warm fleshy tunnel. If you weren't looking, you'd think you just entered a lusciously tight and wet pussy. You splutter in her hand from the unexpected and highly pleasurable sensation. Ygolia shifts her left hand to make sure all your airways are firmly blocked.<br> <br> Her other hand slowly moves up and down in your lap. Your cock slides back and forth inside the lusciously tight tunnel of flesh. Folds in the wall rub against and stimulate your erection. At the bottom of each stroke, she curls her fingers around to grab your balls.<br> <br> "Shh," Ygolia whispers. "You've served your country well. Now it's time to take a well-earned rest."<br> <br> You start to feel woozy and lightheaded. The stale breath hitches in your chest. She's held her hand over your nose and mouth for a long long time. Black spots dance in front of your eyes and your vision starts to go grey and blurry.<br> <br> "Shh, not long now," Ygolia whispers.<br> <br> Down at your crotch, the luscious stroking sensation of her unusual hand vagina crowds out your remaining thoughts. You feel a growing urge to come swell and balloon inside you. It overtakes the pressure in your lungs for greatest desire to burst.<br> <br> "Here it comes."<br> <br> Ygolia pushes down with her hand and takes in your full length. She wraps her fingers around your balls and pumps them with pulsing squeezes. The fleshy tunnel running up the inside of her arm clenches around your cock.<br> <br> <<include [[Ygolia: 2nd Semen Check]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> And nothing happens. Your body tenses and clenches in anticipation of a release that never arrives. You're empty. The other harlots in the House have already thoroughly emptied your balls.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ygolia: 2nd Out of Semen]] <<else>> <<include [[Ygolia: 2nd Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
<<set $oos2 to true>> Ygolia pauses.<br> <br> "I don't feel anything," she says.<br> <br> She gives your balls an experimental squeeze. Nothing happens.<br> <br> "This is awkward," she says, breaking character with a nervous laugh. "This is the part where you should be spunking uncontrollably up my arm."<br> <br> She lifts her hand and slowly slides your cock out of the fleshy sheath in her palm.<br> <br> <<include [[Ygolia: Combined Out of Semen]]>>
Your body tenses up, then releases in a great rush of relief as you spurt a thick rope of cum up Ygolia's arm. The first burst of bliss is followed by a second, then a third. Then you pass out. <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Ygolia: Black Rose End]]>> <<else>> <br> <br> [[Continue.->Ygolia: Good End]] <</if>>
Ygolia keeps you coming with practised flexes of her arm. She milks another three orgasms out of you before you finally expire.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Ygolia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
A sharp ammoniacal stench causes you to awaken with a start. You see Ygolia's smiling face. She's crouched down in front of you and holding a bottle of smelling salts under your nose. She turns your head from side to side and looks into each eye. Then, satisfied with what she sees, she puts the smelling salts back on the trolley and moves around behind the chair to untie the ropes. She's done this many times before.<br> <br> "That was fun," Ygolia says as she unties your hands.<br> <br> That's not the word you'd use. Intense, maybe. Definitely intense.<br> <br> "A spot of life-or-death roleplay adds a nice frisson of sexy tension, don't you think," Ygolia says.<br> <br> You think Ygolia might be a little mad.<br> <br> She moves around to the front and unties the ropes around your ankles. Then, done, she stands up and steps back.<br> <br> "You sure pumped a lot of cum up my arm," she says.<br> <br> She runs a hand up her right arm. She's put her latex glove back on. Given what you now know is underneath it, you're happy with that.<br> <br> You're still a little woozy as she helps you up.<br> <br> "It will pass in a minute," she says.<br> <br> And indeed it has by the time you've put your clothes back on. Ygolia waits for you by the door.<br> <br> "I'll have to think up a new game to play if you visit me again," she says.<br> <br> She runs gloved hands over your chest.<br> <br> "I do so love putting big strong men in peril," she says.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Ygolia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $code>> <<unset $gute>> <<unset $hotf>> <<unset $oos1>> <<unset $oos2>>
Ygolia pushes her hand all the way down, swallowing up your full length and curling her fingers around to take a firm hold on your balls. The walls of the fleshy tunnel clench around your cock and start to stimulate you with gentle, tugging undulations.<br> <br> She pours more gas into you from her left hand. You know this is too weird, that you should be revolted, but instead you feel incredibly turned on. Unnaturally turned on. There must be something else in the gas – some kind of powerful aphrodisiac.<br> <br> "Mmm yes. My poison gas. Breathe it in."<br> <br> She gives your balls a little squeeze. Your cock throbs inside the fleshy tunnel. Your hips twitch. So close.<br> <br> "Let it fill you. Don't try to resist. Suffocate in lust."<br> <br> Her gas fills you. It rises up into your brain and smothers your thoughts beneath a thick cloud. Covers them like a comfortable duvet until only the urge to come remains.<br> <br> "Mmm yes. It's so nice, isn't it. Not only does it make you feel really horny, it stimulates the body to produce lots of cum. Loads of it, so much cum your body has to start pulling the resources from everywhere else. In simple terms, it converts life to pleasure. And then..."<br> <br> She squeezes again – both with her hand and the fleshy tunnel running up the inside of her arm. You moan into her smothering hand. Your body shudders and you spurt a big load up into her.<br> <br> "...I suck it all up."<br> <br> You keep ejaculating. Your body doesn't seem able to stop. You hear lewd wet sucking sounds as Ygolia's arm sucks up your semen.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ygolia: Bad End 3]]
<<if $gute>> "I'd be a great femme fatale in a spy film," Ygolia whispers. "My execution is truly unique. And sexy. The poor victim is helpless as they succumb to my gases and slowly spunk their life away into me."<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $hotf>> "Feel my hand suck the will out of you, Mr Blond. And your life. None can resist this. You will tell me what I want to know."<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $oos1 or $oos2>> "Ah yes. That's it. Have a good hard spunk. I knew that would get your juices flowing again."<br> <br> <</if>> She gives your balls another squeeze and your body responds by increasing the flow.<br> <br> <<if $gute>> "I wouldn't be allowed to use it on the main hero, of course. It would be a minor supporting character - a lesser secret agent killed at the start to show to the audience how dangerous I am. And then the tease as the superspy hero narrowly gets away before I can unleash my ultimate technique."<br> <br> <</if>> You keep pumping fluids into Ygolia's hand. She's sucking them all out of your body.<br> <br> <<if $gute>> "We're not bound by movie rules in here. In the House, all fantasies are possible, even those of its girls. So... goodbye, Mr Blond."<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $hotf>> "Oh yes. Spurt your life into me. Can you feel yourself grow weaker and weaker?"<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $oos1 or $oos2>> "Damn. I might have given you too much."<br> <br> <</if>> Her poison gas takes full control of your body. Everything within you, including the vital organs you need to survive, is converted to semen and pumped up Ygolia's arm by your traitorous cock. This roleplay switches genres from spy to horror movie as Ygolia drains every last drop of liquid from your<<if $gute>> body and leaves behind a dried-up cadaver tied to the chair.<<else>> body.<</if>><br> <br> <<if $hotf>> Ygolia stops and looks at your dried-up cadaver in horror.<br> <br> "Oh shit. I didn't mean that. Damn, I got too into it again."<br> <br> It is of little consolation to you.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $oos1 or $oos2>> Ygolia stops and looks at your dried-up cadaver with sadness.<br> <br> "I was afraid that might happen. Oh well. At least you finished with a nice spunk."<br> <br> <</if>> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Ygolia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
/* Generate faulty codes */ <<set _correctCodeLink to "Ygolia: Correct Code">> <<set _wrongCodeLink to "Ygolia: Wrong Code">> <<set _correctCodeStr to "">> <<for _i to 0; _i lt 4; _i++>> <<set _correctCodeStr += $code[_i]>> <</for>> <<set _tempCode to clone($code)>> <<set _corruptIndices to [0,1,2,3]>> /* 1st fake */ <<set _corruptIndex to _corruptIndices.pluck()>> <<set _increment to random(1) gt 0>> <<if _increment>> <<set _tempCode[_corruptIndex] += 1>> <<if _tempCode[_corruptIndex] gt 9>> <<set _tempCode[_corruptIndex] to 0>> <</if>> <<else>> <<set _tempCode[_corruptIndex] -= 1>> <<if _tempCode[_corruptIndex] lt 0>> <<set _tempCode[_corruptIndex] to 9>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set _wrongCodeStr1 to "">> <<for _i to 0; _i lt 4; _i++>> <<set _wrongCodeStr1 += _tempCode[_i]>> <</for>> /* 2nd fake */ <<set _corruptIndex to _corruptIndices.pluck()>> <<set _increment to random(1) gt 0>> <<if _increment>> <<set _tempCode[_corruptIndex] += 1>> <<if _tempCode[_corruptIndex] gt 9>> <<set _tempCode[_corruptIndex] to 0>> <</if>> <<else>> <<set _tempCode[_corruptIndex] -= 1>> <<if _tempCode[_corruptIndex] lt 0>> <<set _tempCode[_corruptIndex] to 9>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set _wrongCodeStr2 to "">> <<for _i to 0; _i lt 4; _i++>> <<set _wrongCodeStr2 += _tempCode[_i]>> <</for>> <<set _codeStrs to [_correctCodeStr, _wrongCodeStr1, _wrongCodeStr2]>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt 3; _i++>> <<set _codeStr to _codeStrs.pluck()>> <<if _codeStr eq _correctCodeStr>> <<set _linkStr to _correctCodeLink>> <<else>> <<set _linkStr to _wrongCodeLink>> <</if>> [[_codeStr+ "."->_linkStr]]<br> <</for>>
''CORRECT''<br> <br> [[More testing.->Test Ygolia]]
''WRONG''<br> <br> [[More testing.->Test Ygolia]]
<br> <br> <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> "Harumph. Does it make a difference if a patron brings a gift she likes? It's hard to tell. Then how much of this is real or roleplay?"<br> <br> He taps his notebook thoughtfully.<br> <br> <</if>> "A vagina in the palm of her hand!" $ looks up in shock as you get to that part. "Are you sure?"<br> <br> You confirm.<br> <br> $ shakes his head. "It matches the other accounts."<br> <br> He sighs.<br> <br> "This place advertises itself as a House of Pleasures, but it seems more like a House of Nightmares with every story I hear." /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br>
"How unusual. A dangerous-for-real demon femme fatale wanting to roleplay as a human femme fatale. She has uncommon style, I will give her that. A shame it's wasted in such childish tomfoolery. If it were me, I'd ask if we could skip the silly games and get right to it, so to speak."<br> <br> He pauses and his nostril hairs twitch thoughtfully.<br> <br> "Assuming she has the... uh... bits in the correct place. I've not spoken to anyone that can confirm that."
/* Bebi Ansikt-Sitta */ <<set $hi to 37>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Bebi Ansikt-Sitta", shortDescription: "", faction: 1, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [27,18], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Bebi: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Bebi: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Bebi: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Bebi: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Bebi: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Bebi: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Bebi: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Bebi: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.charms.push(22)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ <<set $player.currConst to 1>> /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 37>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 26>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a cheerful blonde-haired succubus with cream-coloured horns, wings and tail. She's wearing – if it could be considered such – a slim pencil dress suit made out of clear latex. It hides absolutely nothing. Her big boobs are clearly visible squashed beneath the transparent rubber.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Bebi Ansikt-Sitta," $ says. "She loves wrapping men up and sitting on their faces." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Bebi Ansikt-Sitta looks a little too bright and cheerful to be a demon. Her horns, tail and dainty little bat wings are the colour of fresh cream. She has bright blue eyes, medium-length blonde hair and a cute little button nose.<br> <br> She's wearing what could charitably be described as a giant condom tailored to resemble a pencil dress suit with a short skirt. It's completely translucent. You can see her big round boobs squashed up beneath the stretchy rubber. You can even see the neat folds of her sex between her legs.<br> <br> Bebi knows that you can see. You get the impression she likes that you can see.<br> <br> Her tail terminates in a bulbous, bell-shaped organ. A clear, viscous liquid drools from the tip without dripping onto the stage. It looks to have the same consistency as rubber. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hi, I'm Bebi." Her demeanour is cheerful as she introduces herself. "Are you in the mood for some light bondage and facesitting?" <br>
At first you're a little reluctant to take Bebi Ansikt-Sitta out into the bar given that she's essentially naked. Her tits and pussy are clearly visible beneath her transparent rubber dress.<br> <br> It doesn't matter. Nobody notices. Except you. You notice she has a lovely peach of a bum and you follow it all the way to an open table.<br><br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Bebi: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Bebi: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> Bebi looks at you with naked disgust.<br> <br> "No <<print $currencyName + "s?">> Then why did you waste my time and bring me out here?"<br> <br> Her pretty face scrunches up in anger.<br> <br> "Ooh, I've a good mind to bind you to the table and let everyone spit on you as they walk by."<br> <br> She doesn't, but she does seem quite annoyed as she returns to $<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a glass of orange juice for Bebi.<br> <br> Bebi spends most of her time looking around the bar in wonderment.<br> <br> "So many talented succubi and lust daemons, all in one place. I feel honoured to be here. It's a dream come true."<br> <br> She looks back at you.<br> <br> "Don't think my lack of experience means I won't be able to properly dominate you. I will be dominant enough in the room to satisfy your desires, don't worry about that!"<br> <br> She might say that, but when she smiles, she looks more like a bubbly cheerleader than an ice-cold dominatrix.<br> <br> "But in a nice way," she adds. "It won't be too hardcore. I'll wrap you up in sheets of rubber so you can't move, then I'll sit on your face for a bit."<br> <br> Sounds normal enough. Okay, kinky. But normal kinky.<br> <br> "Then you can finish off by coming in my tail."<br> <br> Not so normal...<br> <br> "Oh, and one other thing. Don't get any ideas about oral sex while my pussy is on your face. I don't like it. Keep that tongue in your mouth where it belongs."<br> <br> Then, after she's given you a succinct description of her services, you both head back to the stage.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Aw, Bebi Ansikt-Sitta. She's adorable. She's new here and very enthusiastic. She even studied the parlours and dungeons of your human breathplay specialists to try and understand what humans want."<br> <br> $ leans in closer and drops her voice.<br> <br> "A waste of time if you ask me."<br> <br> She leans back and sips her cocktail.<br> <br> "Don't let that sweet face fool you, she's a merciless facesitter. If you like being dominated, she'll be more than capable of satisfying your kinks."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"She is still a little experienced. You might have to remind her to set a safeword beforehand.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"She's a nice safe smotherbus to start with. Even the weakest of constitutions can safely indulge in sexy breathplay with her.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"As much as she might claim not to, she really likes a spot of cunnilingus. Ignore her protestations and get that tongue up in her pussy. She likes it really.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Bebi: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Bebi: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* gift: screwdriver */ [1,false,false], /* gift: sex toy */ [1,false,false], /* safeword */ [1,false,false], /* cunnilingus */ [2,false,false], /* survive */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Bebi: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Bebi: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Bebi Ansikt-Sitta's room is strange. You think it's some kind of BDSM sex dungeon, but one as envisioned by a cheesy sitcom writer wacked up on happy pills. You see a bench, some kind of cross, some stools, and other wooden furniture you can only guess the function of.<br> <br> The same is true of the various tools and toys you see on racks and inside glass cabinets. You see whips, fluffy handcuffs, alarmingly large dildos, and other instruments of unknown function.<br> <br> The colour scheme doesn't really match, being lots of kitsch bubble-gum pinks. Like someone wanted to build a clean and functional BDSM dungeon, but used '60s psychedelic sex films as a reference.<br> <br> Bebi is all cheerful smiles as she greets you. She's still wearing a latex dress that is so transparent she might as well be naked. That said, the way her big boobs press up against and stretch the rubber is very erotic. More so than if she'd been completely naked.<br> <br> "Do you like the room?" Bebi asks with a bright smile. "I wanted it to look familiar, so patrons wouldn't be intimidated. So I looked up what your human bondage specialists use and copied that. Their colour schemes seemed a little dark, so I brightened them up. I find black on black to be so dreary and boring. All the other suffocatrices use it."<br> <br> She takes your hand and gives you a whirlwind tour of her facilities.<br> <br> "To tell the truth, I don't really know what a lot of these things do," Bebi admits as you stop in front of a cabinet packed with various exotic and brightly-coloured sex toys. "They sure look like fun though. Maybe we can have a play with them in a future session."<br> <br> She takes you over to a low, padded bench.<br> <br> "Your session tonight will be my standard wrap, facesit and tail splodge," Bebi says. "Take your clothes off and lie down here, then we can begin."<br> <br> You wave the $allGifts[$cgi].name to bring it to her attention.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Bebi: Gift]]
"Oh, the offering," Bebi says. "I always forget that part. This is still all a bit new for me."<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Bebi: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 18>> <<include [[Bebi: Gift: Screwdriver]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(15)>> <<include [[Bebi: Gift: Sex Toy]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Bebi: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>> After handing over your gift, you take your clothes off and climb up on the bench.<br> <br> "On your back," Bebi says. "I'm not giving you a massage. Other harlots do that."<br> <br> You lie on your back on the bench. The padding is fairly deep and feels comfortable. The bench isn't as tall as a regular massage table, but is otherwise similar.<br> <br> "Now to wrap you up," Bebi says, her eyes gleaming.<br> <br> With what, you think.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Bebi: Wrap Up]]
She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you. Her eyes widen when she realises what she's holding.<br> <br> "Is that...?"<br> <br> She looks back at you and gives you a hurried little bow.<br> <br> "I'll do my best."<br> <br> She places it in a vase on top of one of the cabinets.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> You give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. Bebi looks at it in complete bafflement.<br> <br> She turns to you. "I'm sorry, I have no idea how to use this."<br> <br> She looks back at the metal tip.<br> <br> "Wouldn't this hurt if I tried to push it down your cock?"<br> <br> She places it on top of one of the cabinets.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> She smiles as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you.<br> <br> "Another fun toy," she says. "Not a speciality of mine, although I do like to collect them."<br> <br> She turns <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> around in her hands and examines <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> as though she has no idea of <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>its<<else>>their<</if>> function.<br> <br> "In the future I might start incorporating them in my sessions, if the patrons like it."<br> <br> She places it on top of one of the cabinets.
Bebi smiles as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name, but you can see from her eyes she's not quite sure what to do with it.<br> <br> "The offering ritual is more for some of the other harlots," she explains. "They treat it really seriously."<br> <br> She places it on top of one of the cabinets.
Smiling, Bebi swings the bulbous tip of her tail to her right. She reaches over with both hands as if pulling something out of a bag, and unspools a clear sheet of rubber or clingfilm from the end of her tail.<br> <br> "My little specialty," she says.<br> <br> She steps up to the end of the bench and starts winding a clear sheet around your feet. It feels like a warm film of soft, flexible rubber. Bebi binds your feet to the bench and then starts up your legs.<br> <br> "These are dry," Bebi says. "If I'd caught you out in the wild, I'd impregnate the sheets with fluids from my aphrodisiac glands."<br> <br> She winds the flexible sheet around your lower legs and knees.<br> <br> "And then, once your whole body was wrapped up, you'd be completely overloaded by sensual ecstasy."<br> <br> She moves up to your thighs.<br> <br> "You'd feel really nice. Unfortunately, it would also trigger a terminal ejaculation."<br> <br> Bebi pushes your arms up against your sides and starts wrapping around your upper thighs, crotch and lower abdomen. She's careful to leave your genitals uncovered.<br> <br> "You'd start coming and wouldn't stop until you were empty of fluids and dead," Bebi says gleefully as she wraps sheets of clear, rubber-like material around your chest.<br> <br> Now is not a good time to realise that, as stretchy as the material looks, Bebi has wrapped it so tightly around your body you can barely move.<br> <br> "We can't have that," Bebi says. "How will you be able to leave me a positive review if you're dead!"<br> <br> She smiles as she wraps up your neck and shoulders, leaving only your head uncovered. Then, finished, she steps back to examine her handiwork. You've been thoroughly clingfilmed to the bench and can't move at all. Why did you agree to this again?<br> <br> "I'll give your cock a little squirt of my aphrodisiac glands later."<br> <br> Bebi encircles your penis and pumps it with her hand.<br> <br> "Just a little. Just to prove us succubi are superior to your human sex workers."<br> <br> She rolls the bottom of her rubber dress up to her hips and clambers on top of your mummified body. She sits astride your chest and smiles down at you.<br> <br> "Shall we begin?" she says.<br> <br> [[Wait, what's the safeword?->Bebi: Safeword]]<br> [[Let's go.->Bebi: 1st Facesit]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> Bebi's pretty little face scrunches up in confusion.<br> <br> "Safeword? What's that?"<br> <br> She recovers with a smile.<br> <br> "I'm sorry. I'm a little new at this. I'm still learning your human traditions. I hope it isn't important to you."<br> <br> You hope so too.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Bebi: 1st Facesit]]
Bebi moves up your chest and then positions her knees on either side of your head. She rolls the bottom of her latex dress up further, until she's completely naked up to her navel.<br> <br> "Like what you see?" she asks mischievously.<br> <br> What you can see are the lovely smooth folds of her sex between her legs. You do, indeed, like what you see.<br> <br> "Take a closer look."<br> <br> She sits down on your face. Not too hard and not with her full weight. Just enough to press her vagina against your face.<br> <br> You like this as well. You can't really see a lot of Bebi's sex, but your nose is filled with the scent of her pussy and it excites you. It's also really kinky to know she's sitting on you, naked below the waist.<br> <br> Bebi lifts her hips and allows you to take a breath.<br> <br> "Fun, isn't it," she says.<br> <br> She sits down again and squishes your face under her lovely round ass. She gives her hips a little wriggle. The soft flesh of her pussy is pressed over your mouth and nose. Its scent sets your blood raising.<br> <br> Her sex is right there, right on top of your mouth.<br> <br> [[Stick out your tongue and give it a good lick.->Bebi: 1st Cunnilingus Attempt]]<br> [[Don't initiate cunnilingus.->Bebi: 2nd Facesit]]
You stick out your tongue and push it up between her fleshy labia. Bebi rises up off your face as if shocked.<br> <br> "Hey! Stop that!"<br> <br> She looks down at you, her pretty little face scrunched up in annoyance.<br> <br> So close. She's up on her knees, her lovely sex just out of reach of your probing tongue.<br> <br> You pull your tongue back in and close your mouth.<br> <br> Satisfied, Bebi sits back down and covers your mouth and nose with her pussy.<br> <br> [[Stick out your tongue and give her another lick.->Bebi: 2nd Cunnilingus Attempt]]<br> [[Don't initiate cunnilingus again.->Bebi: Abandon Cunnilingus]]
Bebi wriggles her butt and bounces on your face.<br> <br> "Mmm, your face makes a lovely cushion," Bebi says. "I could sit here all day."<br> <br> Another little wriggle and she settles down and gets comfortable. It's comfortable for you too, at first, with her lovely sex squashed against your mouth and nose, but then that switches to discomfort as the air grows stale in your lungs, and builds the longer you go without fresh air.<br> <br> You start to toss and turn your head.<br> <br> "What's that? You need to breathe?" Bebi says. "Why didn't you say so?"<br> <br> She lifts her ass up a little. Just enough for you to gratefully gulp in some fresh air.<br> <br> "How annoying," Bebi says. "I was just getting comfortable."<br> <br> She sits down again and wriggles her butt. Your face is smothered in vagina and you feel the soft swell of her ass cheeks press against the sides of your face.<br> <br> "Try to hold it in longer this time," Bebi says.<br> <br> You try. You hold it in until your lungs start to burn. Black spots start dancing in front of your eyes. You hold it in for as long as possible and then start squirming when you can't hold it in any longer.<br> <br> "Again?" Bebi complains.<br> <br> She lifts her hips and you take the opportunity to replenish your lungs with gasping breaths. You've barely refilled them when Bebi sits down and squashes your face beneath her pussy again.<br> <br> "Maybe I should just sit here until you suffocate," Bebi says. "That would stop your wriggling."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Bebi: Facesit Const Check]]
She's in range again. You stick your tongue out and eagerly explore her lush folds.<br> <br> Bebi again rises up as if scalded. Her pretty face is scrunched up in anger this time.<br> <br> "Hey, knock it off. I told you I don't like that," she says. "I'm not shameless like Soffocaria."<br> <br> She stays up on her knees longer and looks down at you disapprovingly. Then, satisfied you've got the message, she sits back down on your face.<br> <br> [[Stick your tongue out again.->Bebi: Cunnilingus Bad End]]<br> [[Listen to her this time and don't try to initiate cunnilingus.->Bebi: Abandon Cunnilingus]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> You think she means it. And, despite her bubbly blonde appearance, she is still a demon.<br> <br> You keep your mouth shut and your tongue inside.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Bebi: 2nd Facesit]]
You let her settle down for a while. Then, when you think the moment is right, you stick your tongue out to give her a pleasant surprise.<br> <br> Bebi doesn't stay there to enjoy it. Again, she rises up as if shocked. This time she keeps going, stands up and hops down from the bench.<br> <br> Her face is expressionless. She doesn't say anything. She reaches into the end of her tail, pulls out more sheets of clear film and starts to wind them around your head.<br> <br> Wait, you try to protest. You won't be able to breathe.<br> <br> Bebi ignores you and finishes off the mummification process with your head. You're wrapped up tight and can't move.<br> <br> You also can't breathe. The clear, flexible film covers your mouth and is impermeable to air. Your mouth gapes as you gasp for air. You inhale and the clear sheet sticks tight to your mouth and nose and lets nothing through.<br> <br> Bebi watches, her face as impassive as stone, as you slowly suffocate.<br> <br> It's not wise to annoy a daemon.<br> <br> <<include [[Bebi: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
She sits there long enough for you to start to worry she means it. Then, mercifully, she shifts position enough for you to snatch a hurried breath.<br> <br> "Mmm, but I do enjoy the feel of your desperate breaths tickling my pussy. They're so arousing."<br> <br> She sits back down. Her pussy feels a little moist against your face. The stench of sex is stronger. You enjoy it until your lungs start to burn again from the stale air.<br> <br> Sighing with annoyance, Bebi lifts her hips.<br> <br> "I need to take proper control of your breathing," she says.<br> <br> You gasp out the stale air and then...<br> <br> ...Bebi plonks her butt back down on your face before you can complete your breath. Your mouth and nose are filled with the fleshy taint of her sex. More importantly, they are not filled with air.<br> <br> "Too slow, too greedy and too noisy," Bebi says. "Take shallow breaths."<br> <br> You'd love to take any form of breath. You barely got any last time and you squirm beneath her in oxygen-starved torment.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [22]>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Bebi: Pass Const Test]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Bebi: Fail Const Test]]>> <</if>>
You squirm and writhe ineffectually for breath. Mercifully, Bebi relents before you pass out. She shifts position and you regain enough composure to snatch a quick breath.<br> <br> And it is a quick – snatched - breath, as Bebi settles right back down and presses your face into her crotch.<br> <br> "Look at you, all wrapped up and helpless," Bebi says.<br> <br> The gaps between breaths get longer and longer. And each breath is shorter and shallower. To the point you're not even sure you're getting any oxygen at all. You start to feel lightheaded and your thoughts fuzzy.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Bebi: Tailpussy Intro]]
You start to panic. The game has gone wrong. You're going to suffocate.<br> <br> You're too panicked to control your breathing properly. When Bebi gives you an opportunity to snatch a breath, you miss it. Her sex is back down smothering your face before you got a chance to draw breath.<br> <br> Now you are suffocating. You squirm and try to twist your face free. Only for Bebi to sit down more heavily and tightly clamp your head between her thighs. Your thoughts start to slow like molasses, then tumble down into darkness. You pass out.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Bebi: Sex Bad End]]
You come to and find yourself staring at a fleshy, bell-shaped structure with a vertical slit down the middle. The slit looks like a vagina, but it's positioned in the centre of some kind of cup-like holder and reminds you more of a sex toy sheath. Unlike those, though, this is clearly living flesh.<br> <br> It's the bulbous tip of Bebi's tail. Beyond it, you see her straddling your crotch, reverse cowgirl style. She glances back over her shoulder to make sure you're awake, then sits down on your erection.<br> <br> At the same time, her tail spits a sticky membrane in your face that covers your head like a sheet of flexible plastic and sticks it to the bench.<br> <br> Bebi slowly lowers herself down on your cock and draws you up into her vagina. She's very tight. Almost virgin tight. She takes your full length and clenches, making the warm fleshy channel tighter still.<br> <br> You unsuccessfully try to draw breath. The sheet of clear rubber covers your face like a plastic bag and all you suck in is the flexible membrane.<br> <br> Down at your crotch you see Bebi's buttocks clench and you feel pulsing vibrations ripple up your shaft.<br> <br> You wheeze and suck at the impermeable membrane as you struggle for breath. You can't breathe. You can't move. You're tightly wrapped up. Your head is stuck to the bench.<br> <br> Bebi's shapely bum clenches again. More pleasurable ripples flow up your shaft. This time your cock answers with a twitch. You feel it in your balls.<br> <br> You're approaching orgasm despite the smothering membrane covering your face. Or maybe that's getting you there quicker. Your thoughts are a little fuzzy.<br> <br> Then, piercing through your mental fog like a sunbeam, your body reaches climax and releases in a great burst of pleasure. Bebi squeezes your cock and you spurt within her tight pussy.<br> <br> The orgasm seems to turn on a tap within you. Once started, it won't stop. On top of you, Bebi seems to inhale and the ejaculation becomes an unstoppable gush. It's like she's drawing a great breath, but with her vagina. And that breath is you. Your body shrinks and crinkles up beneath the transparent sheets. Mercifully, you pass out just before. You're not conscious as Bebi draws all the fluids, life and vitality out of your body and leaves behind a withered husk.<br> <br> Then she sighs and settles down. She glances back at your shrivelled remains and //tsks//.<br> <br> "That's another good review I won't be getting," she complains.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Bebi: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Bebi looks down at you with a mischievous smile.<br> <br> "Did you think my lack of experience would mean I wouldn't be able to dominate you?" she says.<br> <br> If you thought that, you certainly don't now. She's a merciless facesitter.<br> <br> "I'd say you were my slave, but you're not even that. You're just a piece of furniture to me."<br> <br> Then, just as everything is drifting into darkness, Bebi lifts her ass up and stays up. You're able to take a quick breath, then another, then a grateful gulp of wonderful air.<br> <br> "Mmm, but it shouldn't be all about my pleasure. I should let you have some pleasure as well. More than this."<br> <br> After giving you a chance to fully replenish your lungs, Bebi sits back down and buries your face in her crotch.<br> <br> "And I can see this has put you in the right mood."<br> <br> She glances back over her shoulder. Your erection sticks upright out of your mummified body like a pole.<br> <br> "I should do something about that. But I do like sitting on your face. And I think you do too."<br> <br> She's not pushing down with her full weight, so you're able to snatch little breaths. They're thick with the musky and exciting scents of her sex.<br> <br> "Luckily for you, I have a tailpussy. I can do both."<br> <br> Bebi looks down at you.<br> <br> "Have you ever experienced succubus tailpussy before?"<br> <br> [[You can't really answer that right now.->Bebi: Tailpussy]]
You can't answer as your mouth is currently smothered by her regular pussy.<br> <br> "No, you probably haven't. It tends to be a one-time-only pleasure for humans. Not necessarily in here, though," she says brightly.<br> <br> She reaches behind her and slides her hand down her whiplike tail. She bends it back towards her and shows off the bulbous, bell-shaped tip. There is a fleshy orifice at the end that looks very similar to a vagina. It gapes open to reveal a wet and sticky interior.<br> <br> "Mine is a little special," Bebi says. "It'll wrap your cock up with the same rubber and squeeze out all your lovely cum. What do you say to that?"<br> <br> You can't say anything on account of your mouth being full of Bebi's pussy, and Bebi knows it.<br> <br> She laughs. "It's not like you can refuse, being all wrapped up like that. Isn't it sexy when someone has full control over you like this?"<br> <br> Bebi leans back and carries the end of her tail over to your erection.<br> <br> "Don't worry. I won't abuse it. I'll just give you a light suck."<br> <br> She places it over the head of your cock and presses down.<br> <br> "In it goes."<br> <br> Your hard cock pushes up into a tight fleshy pouch. The soft walls wriggle around and undulate against your erection.<br> <br> Bebi shifts her hips and allows you take a quick breath.<br> <br> Her tailpussy slowly throbs around your cock. While Bebi smothers you with her crotch pussy, her other pussy winds soft rubber around your cock in a tight sheath.<br> <br> "Mmm, let's see if I can time it so I make you come right as you pass out. Those are always the best orgasms."<br> <br> She shifts position, putting more weight on your face and making sure your airways are firmly blocked. Her tail slowly pulses and squeezes.<br> <br> You feel two powerful pressures build inside you. The first is in your lungs as you crave oxygen. The second is in your balls as you crave release. They build and build. You can't contain them. The only question is which will break through first.<br> <br> "I think you're close. Time for a little squirt from my aphrodisiac glands to really send you over the edge."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Bebi: Tailpussy: Climax]]
The walls of her fleshy tail orifice give a little shudder. Warm juices pour down around your swollen glans and trickle down the outside of your shaft. Her tail squelches them against you with rhythmic pulses.<br> <br> //Whoa.//<br> <br> Your cock suddenly heats up with a warm glow. It flows down the shaft like cosy lava and heats up your loins. The pressure in your balls suddenly leapfrogs the pressure in your lungs. You writhe and squirm against the sheets wrapped around you, caught between two poles.<br> <br> <<include [[Bebi: Semen Check]]>>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Bebi: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Bebi: Out of Semen 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Bebi: Has Semen]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
"Oh wait," Bebi says. "You wanted the special treatment. Hold on."<br> <br> Her blue eyes roll upwards. She lets out an orgasmic sigh. Her tailpussy swells and slides all the way down your shaft and wraps around the root to form a tight seal. The whole of the bell-shaped tip convulses. Your erection is drowned in warm fluids.<br> <br> That does it.<br> <br> Really does it.<br> <br> It gets you to orgasm like a rocket. You blast cum inside the warm sheath of her tail. <<include [[Bebi: Bad End]]>>
"It's coming," Bebi says.<br> <br> It isn't. Your hips writhe and buck within the cocooning sheets. You feel something like an orgasm, but it's dry. Your balls are empty. You have nothing left to pump into the luscious suction of Bebi's pulsing tailpussy.<br> <br> Bebi lifts her ass up. You snatch a grateful breath.<br> <br> "I don't feel anything," she says.<br> <br> She glances over her shoulder to where the bulbous end of her tail rises up and down on your erection with wet //schlupping// sounds.<br> <br> "I must not be your first succubus. $ warned me this might happen when succubi don't use full power. Humans have trouble ejaculating when they get too depleted. It's okay. I'll give you some more squirts of my aphrodisiac glands."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Bebi: Out of Semen 2]]
"It's coming," Bebi says.<br> <br> Her tail makes squelching sounds as it rises up and down on your swollen erection.<br> <br> You need to breathe. You need to come.<br> <br> Your thoughts start to collapse into a confused jumble of want.<br> <br> Then, just as blackness descends, Bebi gives your cock a powerful squeeze and you respond with a massive outpouring of cum into her tail orifice. You jerk and flex against the sheets of film wrapping your body as you empty out your balls into her sucking tail.<br> <br> You hear Bebi sigh in pleasure. You hear wet gulping sounds as her tail gobbles down your ejaculate. Then you slide down into darkness.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Bebi: Good End]]
You wake up to Bebi lightly slapping you on the cheek. She's standing next to the bench and her blue eyes are bright as she smiles down at you.<br> <br> "You look like you've had your mind completely blown," she laughs. "That's good. It's what I'm here for."<br> <br> She runs a long and preternaturally sharp fingernail along the side of your body. Her fingernail is much sharper than it looks and slices through the membrane as easily as if it was tissue paper. She peels the rubber sheets back and helps you down from the bench.<br> <br> "Don't forget to tell all your friends how good I was. I want lots of new visitors," Bebi says.<br> <br> Her pretty face wrinkles up.<br> <br> "Do humans talk to other humans about their sexual experiences. I did hear you're a little shy about it."<br> <br> Her eyes light up.<br> <br> "In that case, you can always leave an anonymous review."<br> <br> Your legs are still a little wobbly. You're not sure if it's from the strength of the orgasm or an after-effect of passing out. Bebi is all smiles as she helps you over to your clothes. After you've got dressed, she escorts you to the door.<br> <br> "Don't forget to leave that positive review," she says as she waves you off.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Bebi: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
You feel more warm fluids flood your cock. Considerably more this time. And the effect is considerably stronger. You shiver within the rubber cocoon as an overwhelming urge to come rises within you.<br> <br> One that is thwarted by the depleted state of your balls. Your cock throbs within the fleshy sheath, but again it's dry.<br> <br> Seeing that a little squirt hasn't worked, Bebi looks down at you. Her big blue eyes seem apologetic. Then roll upwards as she lets out an orgasmic moan.<br> <br> Her tailpussy swells and slides all the way down your shaft and wraps around the root to form a tight seal. The whole of the bell-shaped tip convulses. Your erection is drowned in warm fluids.<br> <br> That does it.<br> <br> Finally, with a strangled gasp of relief, you let loose inside the warm sheath.<br> <br> That does it a little too well.<br> <br> <<include [[Bebi: Bad End]]>>
You keep coming. You can't stop. It's like a tap has been jammed open inside you. Your throbbing cock spurts a never-ending stream and her tail swallows it with loud wet gulps.<br> <br> Bebi settles down over your face and sits there until you lose consciousness. It is a rare act of mercy from a daemon. You're not awake to experience pleasure sliding into pain as your innards dry up and crinkle as Bebi's tail sucks all the fluids from your body.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Bebi: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<set _screwdriver to _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <<set _sextoy to _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <<set _safeword to _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> <<set _cunnilingus to _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> <<if _screwdriver or _sextoy or _safeword or _cunnilingus>> <br><br> <<if _screwdriver>> "She thinks you use a screwdriver for that!"<br> <br> $'s bushy eyebrows rise in alarm.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _sextoy>> "I've heard she's assembled quite a collection of sex toys in the short time she's been here. Barely knows how to use any of them."<br> <br> He chuckles as he jots down notes.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _safeword>> "No, I wouldn't expect a demon to understand what a safeword is."<br> <br> He writes it down in his little black book.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _cunnilingus>> "Doesn't like cunnilingus, you say? Prudery from a sex demon, how queer."<br> <br> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"I saw her arrive just recently. She has quite a sweet and innocent face and I did wonder if she'd be a more pleasant choice than the other horrors masquerading as painted ladies that infest this place."<br> <br> He pauses and his nostril hairs twitch.<br> <br> "However, there's no way I'm letting a demon bind me to a bench. I don't care how sweet and innocent her face is."
As much as your heart aches to step into Osculia's arms and share a long, dreamy kiss, you hold firm. Even more so than the first visit, this feels like a test, or even a trap. And, once you realise that, Osculia's stance looks less one of loving and more one of predatory intent. She's no less beautiful for it, but also unmistakably deadly.<br> <br> At your final refusal, Osculia's lips turn up in a faint smile. Rather than annoyance, you think you see tiny glimmers of respect in her big smoky eyes.<br> <br> "The will is strong. Or maybe you had help," she says.<br> <br> She turns and takes a couple of steps towards the big round bed at the back of the room. She stops and gives you an alluring glance over her shoulder.<br> <br> "Come, let us proceed directly to the bed. I will give you the true kiss of lust I only teased before."<br> <br> [[Stay where you are.->Osculia: Repeat: Decline Walk to Bed]]<br> [[Walk over to the bed.->Osculia: Repeat: Walk to Bed]]
You return to Suffocatrix Osculia Suffocati's sumptuous bedchamber. The furniture is upholstered in glossy latex. The floor is carpeted – deep pile and black. The walls are covered in black rubber sheets and adorned with paintings of giant red lips. Osculia has an opulent vanity table with mirror.<br> <br> While the other furniture, latex upholstery aside, is relatively normal, Osculia's bed is firmly within the realms of kink. It is large, round, and covered in glossy red latex sheets. The pillows are also red and shiny. You remember how comfortable it was to lie on.<br> <br> Osculia gets up from her vanity table to greet you. At first you thought her a leggy supermodel dressed up as a pantomime evil sorceress. After visiting her before, you know there's nothing pantomime about her.<br> <br> You hold up your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Gift]]
You stay where you are.<br> <br> So does Osculia. The corner of her mouth turns up even further.<br> <br> She bunches up her lips. You wonder if it's some kind of strange optical effect, but her lips seem to swell up right before your eyes, becoming even more lusciously ripe and kissable.<br> <br> She inhales and sucks air between them.<br> <br> She keeps inhaling.<br> <br> The strange latex hood that covers her hair and hangs down between her shoulder blades expands and reveals itself to be a cluster of black latex bladders.<br> <br> Osculia keeps sucking in air in one great inhalation. It looks like she's trying to suck in all the air in the room.<br> <br> Not trying. //Is//.<br> <br> You start to feel lightheaded as the air thins around you. It thins to the point of no longer being breathable. Your head spins and then you're lying on the ground with only a vague recollection of how you got there.<br> <br> "It was not a request," Osculia says.<br> <br> The last thing you see before you pass out is her high-heeled boots walking towards you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Repeat: Naked in Bed]]
Osculia doesn't remove her robes this time. She beckons you to come to her.<br> <br> You walk over to the bed. It's big, round and kinky. The sheets and even the pillow cases are glossy red latex. You remember it being comfortable to lie on, although your memories are a little hazy. The only thing you can really remember is Osculia's lovely red lips.<br> <br> You turn to her and immediately see something is wrong. Her wings are extended. Her luscious lips are bunched up and impossible swollen. Her stance radiates predatory intent.<br> <br> Before you can even think about backing away, her arms have already shot out and grabbed you. She pulls you to her and curls her wings forward to enwrap you. She lifts you off the floor and crushes her soft lips against yours. She inhales and sucks the air from your lungs. She holds you in an airless embrace, your feet kicking helplessly just above the floor, until you pass out and the world goes black.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Repeat: Naked in Bed]]
You wake up, naked on the big round bed. The rubber sheets feel warm against your skin. You glance down and see Osculia standing at the foot of the bed. Her face is vulpine as she looks down at you.<br> <br> Slowly, sensually, she climbs onto the bed and prowls up your body like a predatory big cat. She is still wearing her robes. They fall open to expose her naked breasts and shaven sex. Her dark eyes remain fixed on yours as she moves up the bed on all-fours.<br> <br> Your cock needs little encouragement to surge upright. Osculia seems to exude a field of sexual energy powerful enough to flatten you down beneath it.<br> <br> She keeps moving up until her face hovers above yours. Her lips bunch up in a provocative pout. You think she's about to plant a luscious kiss on your lips. Instead, she moves in the opposite direction – sitting up to straddle your upper thighs.<br> <br> Her robes stream behind her like a cape and perfectly frame her lovely nubile body. Osculia stretches backwards and tips her head up as if performing an exotic dance in your lap. She stretches her great black bat wings. Her hands reach down and curl around your erection. She strokes up and down and presses your cock flat against her crotch. You feel the warmth and smoothness of her skin.<br> <br> She tips her head forwards and her dark eyes burn with lust as she stares into yours. She holds your gaze as she lifts her hips and tucks your cock under her.<br> <br> Osculia sits down. The engorged head of your cock pushes up against and then between the plump folds of her labia. She continues to sit down and your erection is drawn up into her tight vagina. This feels less like gravity and more her sex actively sucking you in. The suction pulls her body down on top of you until your full length has vanished up inside her. Even with your cock all the way inside her, the fleshy walls of her vagina contract around it and try to tug it deeper. The wet, tugging sensation quickly has your member twitching with delight.<br> <br> Still jiggling her body as if performing a sexy dance, Osculia moves her arms from her sides and catches the edge of her robes. She lifts her arms up and raises her robes to screen out the rest of the room. There is only Osculia's face with her high angular cheekbones, smoky dark eyes and those lovely lovely irresistible lips.<br> <br> "The will is strong. Let's see if the body is as well."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Repeat: Sex 1]]
Osculia folds her upper half over you and lets her arms rest on the mattress above your head. You think she's going to lower her face and plant those lovely lips of hers on yours. Instead, she stops, leaving them a tantalising couple of inches above your face.<br> <br> She bunches them up. Your heart quickens in excited anticipation of the kiss. She doesn't. Her lips part and she inhales.<br> <br> And inhales.<br> <br> She sucks in so much air you feel it tickle as it streams past your face. She draws so much between her supple lips that the air around your face starts to thin.<br> <br> You feel yourself start to take deeper and deeper breaths to compensate. Then you start to cough and splutter when that isn't enough.<br> <br> Osculia watches you dispassionately with her dark eyes. Her lips pout as she draws in more air. Her robes, that she let settle over you like a blanket, are drawn closer by the vacuum.<br> <br> It creates a small intimate space shared by yours and Osculia's faces.<br> <br> Now an airless space.<br> <br> You cough and splutter. You feel an urge to reach up and claw at your throat, yet you can't move. Osculia seems to have sucked up your strength as well as all the oxygen. You lie helplessly on the bed.<br> <br> Osculia stares at you and slowly starts to pump her hips up and down. You feel intense pleasure as her tight pussy strokes up and down your cock. It continues to suck on you like a hungry mouth.<br> <br> As good as it feels, you continue to gasp for air. Black spots dance across your vision. Her face shifts in and out of focus. The only constant is her lovely red lips. They're slightly parted as air streams between their glossy surfaces. They swell to fill your vision.<br> <br> <<include [[Osculia: Repeat: 1st Con Check]]>>
<<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [22]>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<if _testPassed>> Osculia rides you with smooth bounces of her hips. Your body bucks and writhes beneath her. Your vision greys. You struggle to remain conscious. Osculia's big smoky eyes stare down at you dispassionately while you choke and squirm in pleasure.<br> <br> Then, after tormenting you for a time she deems appropriate, Osculia pouts her lips and blows wonderful, oxygen-giving air into your face.<br> <br> Gratefully, you suck it down in great heaving breaths.<br> <br> "The body might be as strong as the mind," Osculia says. "We shall see."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Repeat: 1st Const Pass]] <<else>> Your vision shrinks to just her lips and then those start to fade to grey. You're losing consciousness again.<br> <br> "The will is strong, but the body is weak," Osculia says. "Far too weak."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Repeat: 1st Const Fail]] <</if>>
Osculia hugs you tight as she lies on top of you. Her wings and robe drape over the top. Her hips continue to pump up and down and you feel delicious friction as her tight pussy slides up and down your erection.<br> <br> She finally presses her gorgeous, pillow-soft lips against yours. It starts as a slow, sensual kiss, and then Osculia inhales, taking back the air she just gave you.<br> <br> You squirm beneath her, caught between airless discomfort and sensual ecstasy. Her soft lips work against yours. She exhales and gives you enough air to stay conscious.<br> <br> It's not much and is sucked away almost as quickly as it was bequeathed. She repeats it, breathing for you, but only giving you the bare minimum of oxygen, until your befuddled brain starts to feel lost in a delirium of pleasure. You feel only her lovely supple lips.<br> <br> Both pairs of them. Her lovely vagina continues to stroke up and down your shaft.<br> <br> Osculia works her hips slow and sensually. She's in full control now. Of both your breathing and your arousal. She breathes for you. She sets the pace. You can only lie back and let her luscious pussy slowly, inexorably stroke you up to climax.<br> <br> <<include [[Osculia: Repeat: End Check]]>>
Osculia's pussy tightens its grip on your cock. She speeds up the up and down motions of her hips. It's as if she's in a race to get you off before you pass out.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount eq 0>>Even in your depleted condition it's<<else>>It's<</if>> a race she wins easily. Her pussy is too tight. The suction, too strong. It only takes a few pumps and then you're erupting in ecstatic release.<br> <br> You're still coming as you pass out and sink into darkness. Osculia's tight, pulsing vagina keeps you coming. With it, she sucks out your cum, your energy, your life, and then finally your soul.<br> <br> She doesn't give you a final kiss. She doesn't think you've earned it.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Osculia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<set $conFail to false>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<set $isBlackRose to false>> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [22]>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<if _testPassed>> You struggle to remain conscious.<br> <br> Osculia breaks off the kiss and looks down at you with her big smoky eyes.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount lt 3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to true>> "The body might be strong, but you've allowed yourself to be emptied. That makes you mine." <<elseif $cgi eq 0>> <<set $isBlackRose to true>> "The body is strong. You have earned this," she says. <<else>> "Mmm. Both a strong will and strong body," she says. <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Repeat: Final Kiss]] <<else>> <<set $conFail to true>> You drift off, you think. Consciousness and unconsciousness are blurring together.<br> <br> Osculia breaks off the kiss and looks down at you with her big smoky eyes.<br> <br> "A strong body, but not strong enough."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Repeat: Final Kiss]] <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> A final kiss, you realise, but are powerless to prevent. She crushes her lips against yours and sucks the air from your lungs. This time she does not replenish it. She presses her hips tight to your crotch. Her vagina squeezes and inhales with the same strength.<br> <br> You gasp into her smothering lips, losing what little air you had left. Your body bucks against her. <<if $isOutOfSemen>> It doesn't matter that you're empty. Your body finds something. <</if>> Your cock swells and spurts out a big load. Her vagina sucks it up and keeps sucking. So does her mouth.<br> <br> <<if $conFail or $isOutOfSemen or $isBlackRose>> <<include [[Osculia: Repeat: Bad End]]>> <<else>> Your body and will might be strong, but Osculia is stronger still. Your ejaculation dies down to a trickle and she continues her suffocating kiss. With no air, you pass out. With no air, you cease breathing.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Osculia: Repeat: Good End]] <</if>>
As you spiral down into unconsciousness, you feel her draw the life from your body through both her mouth and sex. There is a brief tug-of-war for your soul. Her vagina wins and sucks it out in a final deluge of orgasmic ecstasy. You sink into darkness and never return.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Osculia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<set $semenChange to -2>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> Osculia holds you there for one, two, three beats, as if to reinforce her dominance, her command of life and death, then she exhales and fills your lungs with oxygen-rich air. Her kiss of death becomes a kiss of life as she resuscitates you.<br> <br> Her hips continue to work up and down with slow, languid pumps. As you cough and splutter and start breathing again, she tightens her vagina and gives you a long, slow squeezing stroke. Your body bucks and ejaculates in a glorious affirmation of life. The aftermath of such a powerful orgasm leaves you weak and jangly on the bed, barely able to move.<br> <br> Osculia's kiss becomes a lingering lover's smooch and then she rises up off you.<br> <br> "Mmm, so rare I find a man of such good quality," she says. "As much as I'd love to ensorcell you and make you mine forever, that is a privilege I've not yet earned."<br> <br> Osculia gets up and pulls her robes around to cover her breasts and sex.<br> <br> "Take a while to recover," Osculia says. "A greater challenge is still to come."<br> <br> You need it. Your breaths are ragged as you try to bring your breathing back under control. You feel thoroughly worked over.<br> <br> What does she mean by 'greater challenge'?<br> <br> "Those deemed suitable will be allowed into the presence of Her Suffocating Eminence, Pulvina Velare, the XIIIth Pontifex Maxima de Obruo Suspiria. Only through her will you find escape, whether it be true or temporary."<br> <br> Who is Pulvina Velare, the XIIIth Pontifex Maxima de Obruo Suspiria and does Osculia mean 'escape' as in escape this House?<br> <br> Osculia doesn't elaborate and you are left to ponder it as you put your clothes back on and walk to the exit.<br> <br> /* Turn off repeat visits so she doesn't show up again */ <<set $allHarlots[$hi].isRepeatable to false>> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<set $visitNumberForFactionIncrease to 1>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Osculia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<set _ailment to 3>> <<include [[Remove Player Ailment]]>> <<set $cgi to 23>>
<<if _scoreArray[4][1] and not _osa[4][2]>> "Dangerous. Very dangerous. I have no doubt her showing up in the round following your first visit is no accident. She sets a trap and baits it with her luscious lips. If she doesn't get them the first time, she deepens the entrancement and tries again. You're a man of uncommon ability – or luck – to be sitting there right now."<br> <br> He pauses and strokes his chin.<br> <br> "This new information isn't the most helpful. I'd already decided Osculia was too dangerous to visit, so this is just compounding upon what I already know."<br> <br> He seems to think briefly about stiffing you, and then changes his mind.<br> <br> "Ah, but information is information, and I am a man of my word." <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Feedback]]>> <</if>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"At least this gives you a second chance to experience her kiss. It's a truly unique, one-time experience.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"The first visit with her is a test of the mind. The second is a test of the body. How long can you hold your breath?\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If you find yourself with an unnatural fixation on lovely luscious red lips, now would be a very good time to visit the nurse,\" $ says with a cryptic smile."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: false, text: "\"As deadly as she is, Osculia Suffocati is an important harlot if you wish to escape this House. As a high ranking suffocatrix of the Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs, she has the power to recommend those she considers worthy to Her Suffocating Eminence, Pulvina Velare, the XIIIth Pontifex Maxima de Obruo Suspiria, and one of the few lust daemons in here with jurisdiction over which souls can 'win' $'s little game.\""}>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].npcGossipRepeatIsUnlocked>> <<include [[Osculia: Repeat: NPC Gossip]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Osculia: 1st Visit: NPC Gossip]]>> <</if>>
"So, Suffocatrix Osculia Suffocati has come back for seconds, has she."<br> <br> $ lets out a long plume of smoke.<br> <br> "That doesn't surprise me. She's a predator through and through. She doesn't like her moths getting away."<br> <br> She puffs on her cigarette.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
/* Assphyxia */ <<set $hi to 42>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Suffocatrix Assphyxia", shortDescription: "", faction: 1, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [28,1], affection: 0, isIrresistibleToAilment: 2, /* ass fetish */ preIntroductionLink: "Assphyxia: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Assphyxia: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Assphyxia: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Assphyxia: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Assphyxia: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Assphyxia: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Assphyxia: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Assphyxia: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.charms.push(22)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ <<set $player.currConst to 1>> <<set $player.currWill to 5>> /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to true>> /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set $player.maxFactionAffinities to [1]>> <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 42>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 28>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a pale-skinned succubus dressed in tight black latex with raven-black hair tied up in long twintails. Her shiny latex catsuit stretches noticeably over her lovely peach of an ass.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Suffocatrix Assphyxia," $ says. "She just loves smothering men beneath her lovely ass."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Suffocatrix Assphyxia is clothed from head to foot in glossy black latex. The rubber is stretched taut over her voluptuous curves. Her skin is vampire pale and she regards you with piercing dark eyes. Her gaze is stern and her high, exquisitely chiselled cheekbones give her an authoritative, regal cast.<br> <br> Her long black hair is tied up in long twintails behind a pair of black horns. She also has leathery black bat wings and a long black tail with a swollen tip. As much as you'd like it to be, it's not a costume.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "I am Suffocatrix Assphyxia," she introduces herself.<br> <br> She turns around in front of you and runs a hand over the lovely luscious swell of her ass. She has, as they say, plenty of junk in the trunk. It's a lovely ass and you ache to press your hands against her soft cheeks.<br> <br> "See this. I'm going to squash your face beneath it and smother you until you become my ass-slave," Assphyxia says. <br>
You follow Suffocatrix Assphyxia out into the bar. You have to resist a strong urge to grab her ass as she sashays seductively before you. A smile over her shoulder reveals she knows exactly what she's doing.<br> <br> You were heading to one of the side booths, but instead Assphyxia redirects you to one of the central tables. She takes her time and makes a great show of sitting down on one of the stools. Your gaze is drawn to her lovely plump ass as she gives it a wriggle and presses it down on the seat of the stool.<br> <br> Assphyxia sees you looking and favours you with a contemptuous smirk. "Mmm. Wouldn't you like to be this stool right now."<br> <br> She lifts her ass up and makes another show of squashing it back down on the seat.<br> <br> Your Adam's apple bobbing, you take a seat opposite her.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Assphyxia: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Assphyxia: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br> <br> "How useless," Assphyxia says. "I can't stand useless men."<br> <br> She gets up and returns to $<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with your drinks. As you drink your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name you can't help but notice Assphyxia seems a little dissatisfied. Tentatively you broach the subject.<br> <br> "Mmm, the future ass slave appears to be perceptive," Assphyxia says. "The future ass slave should not worry. He has not displeased mistress... yet."<br> <br> The icy gaze she gives you implies that displeasing her would be very unwise.<br> <br> "This is a pet peeve of mine," Assphyxia goes on to explain. "$ says these socialising sessions are to allow a patron to get to know a girl better, but it also allows us to show off our assets and influence the patron into making the correct choice. I've long argued these sessions favour some girls over others."<br> <br> Assphyxia's face wrinkles in annoyance.<br> <br> "Look at me. My main asset is down here, out of sight."<br> <br> She slides her hands down her sides, trying to bring your attention to her ass, even though it's hidden behind the tabletop.<br> <br> "While others have theirs up front and can flaunt it the whole session."<br> <br> She brings her hands up and cups the side of her breasts to indicate which 'asset' is being flaunted.<br> <br> "No wonder she gets more men to pick her despite her clearly inferior technique. It's an unfair advantage," Assphyxia complains.<br> <br> You're not sure what Assphyxia is complaining about. She's not exactly deficient in the chest department.<br> <br> Her ass, though. That really is something. Your eyes are glued to it all the way back to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Ah, Assphyxia," $ says. "She's what I call a //smotherbus//. They're a group of succubi that specialise in erotic asphyxiation. They're convinced they get the greatest volume of cum from men when they're suffocating."<br> <br> $ shrugs.<br> <br> "They might be right."<br> <br> She puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "Assphyxia uses her ass. She sits on a man and gets his face wedged up tight between her cheeks. Feels like heaven, especially if you're an 'ass' man... until you realise you can't breathe."<br> <br> $ blows a cloud of scented smoke in your face and you cough and splutter.<br> <br> "Assphyxia is a cold one, but it's mostly for show. As long as you can hold your breath, she won't actually suffocate you to death. Unless you've annoyed her first."<br> <br> $'s smile is not very reassuring.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Assphyxia likes peaches. They must remind her of her ass,\" $ sniffs cattily."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"She likes her slaves to be very submissive.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Unusually for a dominatrix, Assphyxia likes her slaves to show a little bit of spunk and resistance. Not too much. Just enough for her to relish snuffing it out beneath her ass.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She and her sister are very competitive. They have a long-standing dispute over which is better – ass or boobs. Get in the way of that rivalry at your peril.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[4] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Her ass is lovely, but it's also an instrument of execution. Countless men have breathed their last beneath it. Most of them were happy with it.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Assphyxia: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Assphyxia: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Peach */ [4,false,false] /* Tail sex and survive 1st visit */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<set $hasAssFetish to _hasAilment>> <<include [[Assphyxia: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Assphyxia: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Suffocatrix Assphyxia waits for you in a room that resembles a dominatrix's dungeon. Thankfully, it appears to be quite a //comfy// dominatrix's dungeon. The surfaces are padded, the chains are polished and everything looks to be spotlessly well maintained. It looks kinky rather than intimidating. If Assphyxia's presence wasn't so strong, you might struggle to take it seriously. Assphyxia comports herself in a way that brooks no fucking around.<br> <br> "Mmm, a new ass-slave to squash," she says. "Come in."<br> <br> With her glossy black latex, she looks similar to the classic dominatrices of fetish porn clips and just as hot. If it wasn't for wings, horns and tail, you could fool yourself into thinking you were about to enter a 'regular' sex dungeon for a 'regular' session with a dominatrix. However, her demonic features are not costume props and you do feel some trepidation when trying to speculate on what a demon would regard as acceptable BDSM.<br> <br> <<if $hasAssFetish or $player.currIsSubmissive>> (And also some excitement, that you can't deny.)<br> <br> <</if>> "Bring me your tribute."<br> <br> You think she means the gift.<br> <br> [[You give her your 'tribute'.->Assphyxia: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 1>> <<include [[Assphyxia: Gift: Chocolates]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 28>> <<include [[Assphyxia: Gift: Peach]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Assphyxia: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> She puts the gift to one side and directs you to some hooks on the wall. Thankfully, they look more like 'clothesy' type hooks rather than 'meaty' type hooks.<br> <br> "Undress and hang your clothes here."<br> <br> It's an order. Assphyxia makes it very clear who's in charge in this room.<br> <br> You do as she says, undressing and hanging your clothes on the hooks. Naked, you feel a damn sight more vulnerable. Assphyxia revels in your discomfort. The corners of her lips turn up as she looks you over. She seems to like what she sees. Or at least you hope she likes what she sees.<br> <br> The question then is which piece of equipment Assphyxia wishes to use on you.<br> <br> She takes you over to a thick padded mat. There is a horseshoe shaped cushion that resembles a kinked-up airplane pillow made from red latex.<br> <br> "I think I'll lie you down here and have some fun squashing your face beneath my ass."<br> <br> /* Set here as good gift permanently improves affection */ <<set $roomAffection to $allHarlots[$hi].affection>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Room affection = <<print $roomAffection>>''<br> <br> <</if>> [[Continue.->Assphyxia: Ass Tease]]
/* permanent affection change */ <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Assphyxia dislikes gift">> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> Assphyxia takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and favours you with an icy glance.<br> <br> "Is the ass slave getting his mistresses mixed up?"
/* permanent affection change */ <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Assphyxia likes gift">> <<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> You hand over the $allGifts[$cgi].name. Assphyxia's eyes light up. She takes a big juicy bite out of it. Her eyelids flutter and she murmurs appreciatively.<br> <br> Then she pauses. Her gaze flicks back to you. For a brief moment she looks guilty, like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Then her face sets again in a cold, stern mask.<br> <br> "Your tribute has been found... adequate," she says.
Assphyxia takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you. Her stern face makes it difficult to read whether your gift pleases or displeases her.<br> <br> "An acceptable tribute," she says. "Barely."
You lie down on your back and use the pillow to support your head. Assphyxia squats above your face. She runs her hands over her smooth latex curves. She slaps and squeezes her plump ass cheeks. She gives them a wiggle to attract and firmly hold your gaze.<br> <br> It is, you have to admit, a wonderful peach of an ass.<br> <br> "I know you're looking," Assphyxia says. "I can feel your naughty hot gaze all over my ass. Would you like a closer look?"<br> <br> She crouches down lower and her lovely bum slowly expands to fill your vision. The latex covering it is stretched taut and shiny. She slowly sways from side to side as she crouches down lower...<br> <br> ...lower...<br> <br> ...and lower.<br> <br> It's close enough now for her luscious ass cheeks to brush tantalisingly close to your nose. Close enough for your nostrils to be filled with a rubbery tang.<br> <br> "I think you want more than a look. I think you want to touch. I think you want to reach up and slide those naughty hands of yours all over my lovely ass."<br> <br> She sways it temptingly from side to side.<br> <br> "Or maybe you want me to sit down and squash your face between these peachy cheeks. How does that sound? Feeling the soft weight of my lovely soft bum pressing down on you. Smothering you. Oh yes. I know you'd like that a lot."<br> <br> You would. You lift up your hands, wanting to grab a good feel. Only for Assphyxia to teasingly stand up and raise her lovely bum cheeks out of reach of your eager hands.<br> <br> "Ah ah. Not yet. I am the one in control here. To reinforce that, I'll put you in a special bondage harness. That will keep you tied up and under my control while I break you with my luscious ass."<br> <br> She steps away and returns with a strange harness made out of black leather straps.<br> <br> <<if $hasAssFetish>> You're okay with this. Any price is worth paying if it will allow you to get closer to Assphyxia's wonderful ass.<br> <br> [[You let yourself be strapped in.->Assphyxia: Accept Bondage Harness]] <<else>> Are you sure about this? The harness looks very secure. Do you want to allow yourself to be strapped up and left at the mercy of a demon dominatrix?<br> <br> [[No, you don't want to be strapped in.->Assphyxia: Reject Bondage Harness]]<br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> [[Yes, you're fine with it (and maybe a little excited).->Assphyxia: Accept Bondage Harness]] <<else>> [[Yes, you're fine with it.->Assphyxia: Accept Bondage Harness]] <</if>> <</if>>
You let her bring the harness over and tie you up. She places your unresisting body in the harness and straps your arms to your sides. She pulls the straps taut with enough force for it to feel uncomfortable. <br> <br> "You can resist a little," Assphyxia bends down to whisper in your ear. "I like my slaves to show some piss and spunk."<br> <br> It's a bit late for that. You're totally tied up. Assphyxia turns you on your back and carefully positions your head on the latex pillow. Then she stands up with her legs astride you and looks down on you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Assphyxia: Sits Down]]
<<set $roomAffection += 1>> Nope. You're not letting her strap you into that contraption. You're not letting yourself be hogtied and left completely at the mercy of a demon dominatrix. You start to rise up from the mat.<br> <br> "Ah, resistance," Assphyxia says. Her dark eyes gleam.<br> <br> She points a finger. Her nail is long and pointed like a spear.<br> <br> "Lie down," she orders.<br> <br> She traces a complicated design in the air with her outstretched finger and whispers words in a language so foul your ears feel molested.<br> <br> A giant spectral butt manifests in the air and bears down on you. You are squashed flat to the floor by its weight. There's nothing there – just a vague shimmering outline – but it feels like you've been sat on by an elephant.<br> <br> "Bad ass-slave. Making mistress expend magical energy."<br> <br> She walks over to you. You're squashed to the floor and can't do anything. Assphyxia seems completely unaffected by the same force. She places your unresisting body in the harness and straps your arms to your sides.<br> <br> While she's tying you up, she bends close to whisper in your ear. "I like my slaves to be bad. Breaking them is so much more fun."<br> <br> She turns you on your back and carefully positions your head on the latex pillow. Then she stands up with her legs astride you and looks down on you.<br> <br> She makes a gesture and the invisible crushing force dissipates. It's no longer needed. You're not going anywhere now that she has you firmly strapped in the harness.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Assphyxia: Sits Down]]
"Look at you, all tied up and helpless," Assphyxia taunts you seductively. "At my mercy and ready to be squashed beneath my lovely butt."<br> <br> She stands astride you and squats down. She waves her ass in long low sweeps. Each time drawing closer and closer.<br> <br> "How long before I break you and you become my ass slave, I wonder," Assphyxia says.<br> <br> She slaps her ass cheek and lets the flesh ripple.<br> <br> "Or maybe you'll just suffocate and die," she says with a harsh little laugh to indicate that outcome wouldn't particularly bother her.<br> <br> Her ass swings lower and lower. The big round cheeks fill your vision.<br> <br> "Here it comes."<br> <br> She sits down all the way and presses her luscious ass over your face. The smell of rubber fills your nose and her latex-clad butt rubs against your cheeks. She wiggles her butt and you twist your head with it, wanting to keep in contact with her lush bum.<br> <br> She pulls up. You try to follow, but are prevented by the harness.<br> <br> "You like that a little too much. Let's see how you feel after I smother away all your breath."<br> <br> She drops and properly sits down this time. Her latex-covered ass covers your face and your nose is wedged up between her ass cheeks. At first your nose is filled with the smell of rubber, then nothing.<br> <br> "My ass is deadly. You should respect it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Assphyxia: 1st Smother]]
Assphyxia is not joking. You try to breathe and realise you can't. Her ass covers you like a pillow and blocks your nose and mouth. The weight of her body prevents you from moving your body and the bondage harness stops you moving your hands up to push her off. All you can do is writhe ineffectually as your breath runs out. Then, just as you think you can't hold it in any longer, Assphyxia lifts her ass up and lets you refill your lungs with gasping breaths.<br> <br> Assphyxia laughs. "Yes, gasp for air beneath my deadly ass."<br> <br> Then she sits down again, squashing your face beneath her soft butt. She casually sits there until your lungs are begging for oxygen. Only then does she lift her ass high enough for you to grab a breath.<br> <br> "I love this game," Assphyxia says. "I love slowly suffocating men with my ass and feeling them wriggle desperately underneath me."<br> <br> She squashes your face again and waits until you're almost at the verge of passing out before lifting her ass up.<br> <br> "The men like the game as well, live or die."<br> <br> She leans forwards and strokes a hand up and down your erection.<br> <br> <<if $hasAssFetish>> "I can see you don't care which," Assphyxia says.<br> <br> Your erection is iron-hard and twitches in her hand. <<else>> "It's the excitement of not knowing," Assphyxia says. "Will you get another breath or will my ass crush the life out of you. Men get hard. They can't help themselves." <</if>><br> <br> She smothers you again, leaving you right at the edge of consciousness, before standing all the way up and letting you recover.<br> <br> "That was a fun introduction. Now let's get started for real."<br> <br> For real? You nearly passed out. Your vision is still blurry.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Assphyxia: Naked Smother]]
Assphyxia smiles contemptuously down at you. She undoes the front of her catsuit and steps out of it with sensual grace.<br> <br> "How do you think it will feel, my naked skin smooth against yours. That's worth dying for, don't you think."<br> <br> Naked now, she sits back down on your face. Without the latex outer layer, her supple skin is even better at cutting off your air. Assphyxia sits there until the air runs stale in your lungs and you start straining against your bonds.<br> <br> "No? Oh well, I'll have to work on that. A proper ass slave shouldn't fear death."<br> <br> She lifts her ass up and you take ragged gasping breaths.<br> <br> "Time to properly assess your suitability," Assphyxia says. "Take a deep breath. It might be your last."<br> <br> You suck in as much as you can. Then her ass comes down and your face is wedged firmly between her lush cheeks. So tight this time, your nose is pushed up against her anus. You think she means business. Your mouth and nose are totally smothered in ass. Assphyxia settles down to get comfortable. There is no air and no indication she's going to move anytime soon.<br> <br> Fearing she might actually suffocate you for real, you start struggling against the confines of the harness and then – when that fails – buck against the mat in an attempt to dislodge her.<br> <br> "Yes, struggle. It only turns me on more as my deadly ass smothers the life out of you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Assphyxia: Harder Smother]]
You can't breathe. You panic. It's no good. The harness is too secure. You can't get any leverage. It's too much. You can't even let Assphyxia know. Your mouth is smothered too deep in her butt. Your hands are tethered to your sides. You cough up the expired air into Assphyxia's ass crack and find none to replace it. Black spots dance on the inside of your eyelids.<br> <br> <<include [[Assphyxia: 1st Smother Check]]>>
/* if player has anti-smother charm, treat CON as 5 */ <<if $player.charms.includes(22)>> <<set _tempCon to 5>> <<else>> <<set _tempCon to $player.currConst>> <</if>> <<include [[Assphyxia: Calculate Room Affection]]>> <<set _value to $roomAffection + _tempCon>> <<if $isTesting>> ''IsFatalSmother value = <<print _value>>''<br><br> <</if>> <<if _value gt 0 or $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Assphyxia: Pass 1st Smother]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Assphyxia: 1st Smother Bad End]]>> <</if>>
Then, just as you think you're about to pass out, Assphyxia lifts up her suffocating ass. You cough and gasp, and suck in precious precious fresh air.<br> <br> "Scared? Unnerved?" Assphyxia asks. "Did you think I might suffocate you for real?"<br> <br> She squats above your head and runs a hand over the lush swell of her butt.<br> <br> "I still might."<br> <br> She sits back down. Not as hard as this time. As if she's just casually using your face as a seat cushion rather than trying to smother the life out of you. There is just enough space for you to snatch little breaths of air.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Assphyxia: 2nd Smother Intro]]
Everything goes fuzzy. You ejaculate, spraying semen uselessly into thin air, then you pass out.<br> <br> You don't wake up.<br> <br> <<include [[Assphyxia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<unset $hasAssFetish>> <<unset $isRegularEnd>> <<unset $roomAffection>>
Assphyxia leans over and strokes a hand up and down your cock.<br> <br> "You're quite hard. Do you like having your face crushed beneath my ass."<br> <br> She wraps her hand around your cock and gives it a firm squeeze.<br> <br> "It's probably the asphyxiation. It has that effect on men. The orgasms at the point of suffocation are intense, as you'll soon discover."<br> <br> She shifts position and you feel her soft butt cheeks press against your face. Your air is shut off again. You feel a mixture of arousal and fear.<br> <br> "I could sit here until your lungs run out of breath and then wank the biggest load out of your cock."<br> <br> She pumps your erection with her hand.<br> <br> "Such a waste though. I'm a succubus and I'd rather you spunked up inside me than all over the floor."<br> <br> <<if $hasAssFetish>> You don't mind either way, just so long as you continue to feel her lovely butt pressed against your face. <<else>> You'd rather that as well. Maybe she'll stop suffocating you and move to sex. <</if>><br> <br> "Hmm. But it's so comfortable sitting here. I can't sit on both your face and your cock at the same time. What to do? Lucky for you, succubi have other holes we can use."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Assphyxia: Tailpussy Insertion]]
Assphyxia gets up, turns around to face you and then parks her lovely bubble butt down on your chest. She grabs her tail and brings it round to show it off to you. Rather than a point, her tail terminates in what looks like a plump fleshy cylinder. She turns the end to face you and you see there is an orifice in the centre that resembles a puckered pink asshole.<br> <br> "This is what succubi refer to as their tailpussy."<br> <br> She tilts the cylindrical tip to her and looks at the hole at the end of it.<br> <br> "Or in my case, should it be my tail //ass//?"<br> <br> She turns the tip back to you and graces you with a frosty smile. <br> <br> "You'll find it to be just as tight. It will pump out your cum while my ass smothers the life out of you."<br> <br> She turns around. She wraps one hand around your cock. The other positions the end of her tail over the swollen head of your cock and pushes it down. The fleshy orifice is tight, just like an ass. There is some resistance, and then you're sliding up inside it. It is very tight, and very muscular. The walls bunch up and start pumping your erection.<br> <br> Then, with her tail working away on your cock, Assphyxia turns her attentions back to your face. She holds your head down and then, with an erotic sigh, drops her fleshy ass over your face.<br> <br> There is nothing casual about how she sits this time. Your nose and mouth are firmly wedged up between her cheeks and there's no air there at all.<br> <br> She sits.<br> <br> "Hmm, yes. That's where your face belongs. Smothered beneath my ass."<br> <br> Her tail continues to pump your cock with muscular contractions.<br> <br> "Helpless while my tail pumps out all your cum," Assphyxia says.<br> <br> She sighs and presses down harder with her ass.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Assphyxia: 2nd Smother]]
Assphyxia shows no sign of relenting. The air in your lungs grows stale. Your throat starts hitching. Having no other choice, you cough it out. That should let Assphyxia know you're out, that she needs to let you snatch another breath, or else...<br> <br> Assphyxia does not. She lets out a low erotic sigh and continues to pump your cock.<br> <br> You start panicking. You need to breathe and Assphyxia isn't letting you. Black spots burst inside your skull. You start to wriggle and strain against the harness.<br> <br> "Ah this feels so good. Pumping a man's cock, feeling them squirm while they slowly suffocate beneath me."<br> <br> <<include [[Assphyxia: 2nd Smother Check]]>>
/* Black Rose has precedence */ <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Assphyxia: 2nd Smother Bad End]]>> <<else>> /* derive _isFatalSmother from player.const and affection */ /* if player has anti-smother charm, treat CON as 5 */ <<if $player.charms.includes(22)>> <<set _tempCon to 5>> <<else>> <<set _tempCon to $player.currConst>> <</if>> <<set _value to $roomAffection + _tempCon>> <<if $isTesting>> ''IsFatalSmother value = <<print _value>>''<br><br> <</if>> /* Need >4 */ <<if _value lt 5>> <<include [[Assphyxia: 2nd Smother Bad End]]>> <<else>> /* semen check */ <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Assphyxia: Out of Semen End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Assphyxia: Pass 2nd Smother]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
Again, just as you think you're going to pass out, Assphyxia relents and lifts her butt up off your face. You feel blessed relief – both from the sweet fresh air entering your lungs and the explosive climax that rips through you at the same time. Your body jerks as you ejaculate a massive load into Assphyxia's tail. The muscular sheath keeps milking you, squeezing every last drop of cum from your balls.<br> <br> "Ooh yes. The close proximity of death really makes a cock spurt," Assphyxia says.<br> <br> She wiggles her butt in your face, letting her lovely, silky-smooth ass cheeks slide against your skin.<br> <br> "And now I have a new ass slave."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Assphyxia: Survive Smother]]
Assphyxia sighs in pleasure and keeps your face firmly squashed beneath her ass. Denied oxygen, you pass out.<br> <br> You head is filled with erotic dreams. Your unconscious body jerks as you ejaculate a massive load of semen into Assphyxia's tail. Then, those dreams slowly collapse into kaleidoscopes of white static as your oxygen-starved brain cells die out, one by one.<br> <br> You don't wake up.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Assphyxia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<if $hasAssFetish>> <<include [[Assphyxia: After Smother: Ass Fix]]>> <<elseif $player.currWill gt 4>> <<include [[Assphyxia: After Smother: High Will]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Assphyxia: After Smother: Regular]]>> <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[Assphyxia: Good End]]>>
Her lips curl up in a narrow smile as she looks down and sees the adoring gaze you're currently giving her ass.<br> <br> "Yes. My ass owns you now."<br> <br> That was beyond anything you've ever experienced. You'd give anything to have Mistress smother you again. You'd even happily suffocate for her, should she deem it so. Anything to have that luscious peach of an ass sitting on your face again. <<set $isRegularEnd to true>>
That was intense. You thought she was going to do it at one point. The orgasm was... incredible. Even with the fear, you'd like to experience that again. <<set $isRegularEnd to false>>
Even after coming so close to suffocating to death, you still feel disappointment at no longer having Assphyxia's lush ass pressed against your face. You fear you'd do anything she asked just to feel the weight of her luscious bum pressing down on you again. <<set $isRegularEnd to true>>
<<if $hasAssFetish>> <<set _name to "Mistress">> <<else>> <<set _name to "Assphyxia">> <</if>> The session appears to be over. Her muscular tail releases you with a wet pop and _name helps you out of the bondage harness.<br> <br> Shakily, you get back to your feet. You know it's time to put your clothes back on, but for the moment you can't do anything but stare at the pale cheeks of _name's exposed ass. <<if $isRegularEnd>> <<include [[Assphyxia: End: Regular]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Assphyxia: End: High Will]]>> <</if>> /* scoring and clean-up */ <<set $isFactionIncrease to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<include [[Assphyxia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Their fascination is too strong. You can't look away.<br> <br> _name laughs and steps back into her tight black latex catsuit. She zips it back up. It doesn't help. Your gaze is still glued to the glossy bulge of her bubble butt.<br> <br> _name turns around, finally breaking the spell. Only then, blinking, are you able to move.<br> <br> "You can put your clothes back on, ass slave."<br> <br> Your lips mutter a "Yes, mistress" of their own accord.<br> <br> <<if $hasAssFetish>> <<include [[Assphyxia: Gets Enslaved]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Assphyxia: Gets Ass Fetish]]>> <</if>>
You shake your head to try and clear it before resuming getting dressed.<br> <br> Assphyxia watches your struggles with contemptuous amusement, before stepping back into her tight black latex catsuit and zipping it back up. You still find it hard to look away from the glossy bulge of her bubble butt.<br> <br> "Hmm, as much as I'd love to smother you so deep in my ass you'd be mine forever, I have to respect the rules of the House. Off you go. I can wait."<br> <br> You're still shaking your head to try and clear the overpowering image of her curvaceous ass as you walk to the door.<br> <br>
"Ah yes, you're my ass slave," Mistress says. "One more session and my ass will claim you."<br> <br> Your thoughts are fuzzy and filled with excitement as you leave. You can't wait to pick Mistress again and feel her luscious ass pressing down on your face again.<br> <br> /* Player now has the Enslaved ailment */ <<set _ailment to 0>> <<set $allAilments[0].harlot to $hi>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>>
"So frustrating. I should just put you back under my ass and keep you there until you're mine for good," she says. "Damn rules. Oh well. You'll be back. And then you'll belong to my ass."<br> <br> You leave, but only because she orders you to.<br> <br> /* player now has Ass Fixation ailment */ <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>>
Assphyxia lifts up her butt.<br> <br> "Why haven't you come yet, ass slave?" she asks.<br> <br> Her tail continues pump your cock with a muscular milking motion. It feels so good you're also surprised you haven't come yet.<br> <br> Or would be. You have more pressing concerns in needing to suck in much-needed fresh air.<br> <br> "It seems those other harlots have already emptied your balls."<br> <br> She sits back down and smothers your face beneath her ass.<br> <br> "I don't mind. This is even better."<br> <br> Her merciless ass cuts off all your air.<br> <br> "Once your cum is gone, the way is open to your soul. And now I'm going to pump it out of your body."<br> <br> You start to squirm fruitlessly against the harness as your oxygen runs out. Assphyxia's ass covers your face like a pillow and gives you nothing. Her tail contracts tightly around your cock and muscular rings pump up and down your shaft. If you weren't already empty, this would have you gushing.<br> <br> Assphyxia keeps sitting on your face with her full weight. She stays there even after you spit out your last breath.<br> <br> "Here it comes," she says coldly. "My tail is going to pump the soul out of your body."<br> <br> You don't know what comes first – your death from suffocation or her muscular tail sheath pumping the soul out of your body. It's the same either way. You feel a massive sense of relief, then nothing.<br> <br> <<include [[Assphyxia: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
/* doesn't like Boob Fixation */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<set $roomAffection -= 3>> <</if>> /* likes ass fixation */ <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<set $roomAffection += 1>> <</if>> /* dislikes submissive personality */ <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> <<set $roomAffection -= 1>> <</if>> /* likes faction loyalty */ <<set _factionNumber to 1>> <<include [[Check if Faction is part of Player Max Faction]]>> <<if _isPlayerThisFaction>> <<set $roomAffection += 1>> <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br><br> "The girl with a peach of an ass loves peaches. Seems appropriate."<br> <br> His moustache wriggles as he chuckles.<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"She's such a difficult one to read," $ says. "Some come back, some do not, and I've not been able to determine why. I think the most prudent course of action is to give her, and her magnificent ass, a miss."
/* permanent affection change */ <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Mamilla dislikes gift">> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> Mamilla takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and favours you with an icy glance.<br> <br> "Is the boobslave getting his mistresses mixed up?"<br> <br>
/* Suka no-Hirudo */ <<set $hi to 2>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Suka no-Hirudo", shortDescription: "a pale woman with dark eyes, voluminous black hair and sensual bee-stung lips. She wears a glossy black latex bodysuit and hold ups.", faction: 1, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: true, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [6], affection: 0, /* 0=nothing, 1=bj, 2=vag */ previousSexAct: 0, currentSexAct: 0, introductionLink: "Suka no-Hirudo: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Suka no-Hirudo: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Suka no-Hirudo: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Suka no-Hirudo: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Suka no-Hirudo: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Suka no-Hirudo: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Suka no-Hirudo: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Suka no-Hirudo: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> <<set $player.charms.push(18)>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $hi to 2>> <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Suka no-Hirudo */ /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* any gift */ [1,false,false], /* non-neutral dsRole or wariness */ [2,false,false], /* bj1 */ [1,false,false], /* bj2 */ [1,false,false], /* bj3 */ [1,false,false], /* bj4 */ [2,false,false], /* vag1 */ [1,false,false], /* vag2 */ [1,false,false], /* vag3 */ [1,false,false], /* vag4 */ [1,false,false] /* comfort her */ ] }>> You open Suka's door and find the room beyond devoid of nearly all furniture aside from an ornate wooden chair in the centre of the room. Suka is sitting on it, with one long leg crossed over the other. Her face is expressionless, her lips frozen in a luscious pout.<br> <br> "Come in," she says.<br> <br> You enter and look around. The floor is covered in a soft purple mat. The walls are upholstered in a glossy purple material and padded. The room manages to look both intimate and sterile.<br> <br> "You can put your gift on there," Suka says, pointing to a small table with a vase standing by the door. "I'm more interested in /* This is where we do the gift test */ <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Gift]]>>
/* All gifts score money */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Gift Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Gift Vial of Blood]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Gift Default]]>> <</if>>
your... wait! Is that... oh... I don't know what to... thank you."<br> <br> Her pout changes to a smile. It looks a little awkward, as if her lips are so pumped up it's difficult for her to make that expression, but all the more touching and genuine for it.<br> <br> "Put it in the vase and come over here," Suka says.<br> <br> She beckons you with a finger as you place the black rose in the vase.<br> <br> "I'm going to give you the best suck you'll ever experience."<br> <br> She beckons you to approach her.<br> <br> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Beckons You]]>>
your... wait! What is that?"<br> <br> She jumps up out of her chair and pounces forwards to snatch the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you. She uncorks the stopper, sniffs and her face twists in disgust.<br> <br> She sighs. "Let me guess. I know what they call me – a leech. So you thought you'd bring the leechwoman blood. Because that's what a common leech drinks – blood."<br> <br> She seems angry. You suspect you might have chosen unwisely.<br> <br> "Well I'll have you know I'm a very //uncommon// leech and I do. Not. Drink. Blood!"<br> <br> She throws the vial against the wall and blood splatters the upholstered panels like a gunshot wound.<br> <br> She looks at the mess. "I should have you lick that off with your tongue, but you might enjoy it."<br> <br> You stand there awkwardly.<br> <br> "Oh fuck off," Suka says. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> "Your semen probably tastes rancid anyway." <<else>> "You've spoilt it now." <</if>> <br><br> She turns her back on you and walks back to her chair. You think it might be time to leave.<br> <br> /* Suka is not interested in future visits */ <<set $allHarlots[$hi].isRepeatable to false>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].previousSexAct to $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct to 0>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Suka not interested in future visits. IsRepeatable = $allHarlots[$hi].isRepeatable'' <</if>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> your semen, to be honest," she says. "You could say I have a thirst for it."<br> <br> Her dark eyes smoulder as she stares at you. She inserts a finger between her plump, bee-stung lips and gives it a long, languid suck. You suddenly feel a little hot under the collar.<br> <br> She beckons you to her with her other hand.<br> <br> <<else>> cum. Now get over here."<br> <br> She beckons you over.<br> <br> <</if>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Beckons You]]>>
/* submissive or wary */ <<if $player.currIsSubmissive or $player.currIsCautious>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> You stay where you are, a little reluctant to approach her.<br> <br> "Come closer," Suka says. "I don't bite."<br> <br> She chuckles.<br> <br> "I couldn't even if I wanted to."<br> <br> <<else>> "Why so cautious?" She laughs. "Didn't you enjoy yourself last time? You looked like you did."<br> <br> <</if>> /* score here */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <</if>> [[You approach her.->Suka no-Hirudo: Approach Her]]
/* dominant or bold */ <<if not $player.currIsSubmissive and not $player.currIsCautious>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> Eager, you stride towards the chair. Suka stands up to greet you. You go to put your arms around her.<br> <br> "Ah ah," Suka says. "Hold your horses. This is my room and in my room you play by my rules. Capiche?"<br> <br> You pull your hands away and hold them up to signal you understand.<br> <br> "Good."<br> <br> She walks around you, checking out your body.<br> <br> <<else>> "Ah ah." She shakes a finger as you go to put your arms around her. "The rules haven't changed. I'm still the one in charge here."<br> <br> You approach the chair and Suka repeats her sexy appraisal of your body, running her hands all over it as before.<br> <br> <</if>> /* This also increases score */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<else>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> You approach the chair. Suka stands up and walks around you as if checking out a new purchase. Her hands roam over your clothed body.<br><br> <<else>> You approach the chair and Suka repeats her sexy appraisal of your body, running her hands all over it as before.<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> "Mmm, nice and virile," she says. "I'm sure you'll have a lot of juice for me."<br> <br> She moves around behind you and you turn to keep her in view.<br> <br> "Now the important question – which part of my body would you like to be sucked by? <<else>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct eq 1>> <<set _text to "mouth">> <<elseif $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct eq 2>> <<set _text to "pussy">> <</if>> "Now for the suck. You chose my _text last time. What would you like to be sucked by this time? <</if>> My mouth..."<br> <br> She puts a finger in her mouth and gives it a long, sensual suck.<br> <br> "Or maybe my pussy..."<br> <br> She unzips the crotch of her latex bodysuit. The labia of her vagina – puffed up and plump like her lips – spill out as her suit opens up.<br> <br> "Or maybe, if you're especially daring, my ass."<br> <br> She turns and jiggles her shapely butt. The crotch zipper extends between her legs and up to the small of her back. She opens it up and parts her butt cheeks to flaunt her anus. That too appears to have lips – a puffy ring of flesh around the orifice. It serves to remind you that, despite appearances, Suka is not quite human.<br> <br> She turns back to you.<br> <br> "So, what will it be?"<br> <br> Indeed, what will it be?<br> <br> [[Her mouth?->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob 1]]<br> [[Her pussy?->Suka no-Hirudo: Vaginal Sex 1]]<br> [[Her ass?->Suka no-Hirudo: Anal Sex 1]]
<<set _reqSexAct to 1>> <<set _text1 to "\"You liked my lips so much, you want to feel them wrapped around your cock again?">> <<set _text2 to "try my blowjob">> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: First-Time Beginning for Sex and Blowjob]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Repeat Beginning for Sex and Blowjob]]>> <</if>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].previousSexAct to $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct to 1>> Suka pushes your knees apart and crouches between your legs. She cups a hand under your balls and wraps another around your erection.<br> <br> Her dark eyes smoulder sultrily as she looks up at you. "Ready?" she says.<br> <br> Her full sensual lips pucker up as she lowers her face to your crotch. She wraps her lusciously soft lips around your glans and then draws your cock up into her hot mouth like sucking on a popsicle.<br> <br> You tip your head back in pleasure. Those lips. They feel amazing. You hear muffled murmurs and wet sucking sounds as Suka bobs her head up and down in your lap. You feel her luscious lips brush up and down the whole length of your shaft and you tremble uncontrollably from the sensation.<br> <br> One thing weird about Suka's blowjob is that you don't feel any teeth, or tongue. Just her lips – those lusciously sensual lips – stroking up and down your cock.<br> <br> You look down and notice her lips seem puffier and more swollen than before.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob 2]]
<<set _reqSexAct to 2>> <<set _text1 to "\"You like my pussy so much, you want to feel it wrapped around your cock again?">> <<set _text2 to "stick your dick in my pussy">> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: First-Time Beginning for Sex and Blowjob]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Repeat Beginning for Sex and Blowjob]]>> <</if>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].previousSexAct to $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct to 2>> Suka steps back and stares sultrily at you while she undoes the top two straps of her body suit. She pushes the latex to the side and exposes her lovely tits.<br> <br> She does the same at her crotch, fully exposing her pussy. The plump folds of her sex look inviting, but also not quite right. The puffed-out labia seem to merge at both the top and bottom, making it appear as though the opening to her sex is surrounded by an unbroken hoop of plump, sensual flesh.<br> <br> You don't get a chance to look at it for long as Suka is already stepping astride you. She puts a hand under your chin and tilts your head up to look into her face as she sits down in your lap.<br> <br> You feel rather than see your erection slide between her sumptuous folds and enter her. Those plump folds feel like luscious lips sliding down your shaft. It feels like a mouth. Those lips do, anyway. Inside it feels exactly like a good vagina should feel – tight, warm, wet.<br> <br> "Ah," Suka says. "I do adore feeling my pussy suck on a nice hard cock."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suka no-Hirudo: Vaginal Sex 2]]
"Mmm, daring. Or maybe foolhardy."<br> <br> She turns into you and rubs her shapely behind against your crotch. Blood surges to your loins.<br> <br> She turns around and places her hands on your cheeks.<br> <br> "First, this."<br> <br> She pulls your face down and crushes her sumptuous lips against yours in a full-bodied kiss. A really powerful kiss. It leaves you breathless and a little fluttery.<br> <br> Wow, her lips. So soft and sensual. You wonder if maybe you'd have been better asking for a blowjob.<br> <br> "Maybe you knew what you were asking for, maybe you didn't," Suka says.<br> <br> Suka wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. You notice a strange aftertaste on your lips. Astringent. You feel a little odd.<br> <br> Suka gives you a gentle push and you fall back onto the chair. As with the walls, the seat is padded and surprisingly deep.<br> <br> "I find it a nuisance when they start struggling," Suka says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suka no-Hirudo: Anal Sex 2]]
/* Both have a common beginning */ "A wise choice," Suka says. "Now you sit back and enjoy your suck."<br> <br> She gives you a light shove and you fall back onto the chair. As with the walls, the seat is padded and surprisingly deep.<br> <br> /* She doesn't give warning if chosen gift was black rose */ <<if $cgi neq 0>> "A little warning before I begin," Suka says. "Once I start sucking, I get a little carried away. If it gets too much for you, tap me on the shoulder. That's our signal for me to stop."<br> <br> She crouches down and pulls down your trousers and underpants. She gives your cock a twisty little tug with her hand to perk it right up to full hardness.<br> <br> "Think of it as like a safe word. We practise safe sex here. I wouldn't want to accidentally suck you dry."<br> <br> <</if>>
You think you can take more of this. It still feels good, great even. You can always stop her if the suction starts to feel painful.<br> <br> She continues to suck. Even though her lips are sealed around the base of your cock, it still feels like her head is bobbing in your lap. The internal walls of her mouth feel like luscious lips stroking up your shaft, like they're trying to coax your semen up your cock and down her throat.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq false>> You oblige. You don't have much choice. She sucks and sucks and another, even more powerful, climax crashes through you. Your balls clench, your dick throbs, and you fire an even bigger load down her hungry throat.<br> <br> It's still not enough for Suka. Her lips remain fastened around the base of your cock. She keeps sucking.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> <<set $targetPassage to "Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Continue 2">> [[Let her continue?->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Continue 2]]<br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> [[Push her away?->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Struggle]]<br> <<else>> [[Tap her on the shoulder to stop?->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Tap Shoulder]]<br> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Out Of Semen]]>> <</if>>
You struggle and try to push her off.<br> <br> Her mouth is tightly clamped around your cock. You're fearful that if she doesn't release it, it will come off with her.<br> <br> Thankfully, she releases it.<br> <br> Your cock slides out of her mouth with a wet smacking sound. Suka blinks, looking slightly befuddled. <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Good End]]>> <</if>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> You tap Suka on the shoulder.<br> <br> She doesn't stop or even respond. Her lips remained clamped around the base of your penis. Her throat works as she sucks on you. You feel another climax building in your balls.<br> <br> Maybe you tapped too soon. Maybe she lied. Maybe she's so carried away with it all she didn't even notice.<br> <br> What will you do?<br> <br> [[Let her continue?->$targetPassage]]<br> [[Try to push her off?->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Struggle]]<br> <<else>> Suka releases your cock and it slides out of her mouth with a wet smacking sound.<br> <br> "Mmm, delicious," she says. "I could suck your cum all day. But then you'd dry up and die and I'd be just as bad as one of the nasty succubi."<br> <br> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Repeat Good End]]>> <</if>>
Suka sucks and sucks, but nothing comes out. As much as you want to come, you have nothing left. She stops and lets your dick slide out of her mouth with a wet smacking sound. "No more? Then I shall suck harder." [[She sucks harder.->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Bad End]]
You let her continue. Surely she can't suck you to another climax, not so soon after the previous two?<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq false>> She can and does.<br> <br> It doesn't take long before you're shuddering helplessly on the chair as your throbbing cock pours another massive load of semen down her gulping throat. So much more. Even more than the last load.<br> <br> So much more, it leaves you a jangling, bliss-filled wreck. Now you really feel drained.<br> <br> Maybe you should get her to stop now.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> <<set $targetPassage to "Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Continue 3">> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq true and $cgi neq 0>> [[It's fine. Let her continue?->Suka no-Hirudo: Repeat Blowjob Continue 3]] <<else>> [[It's fine. Let her continue?->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Continue 3]] <</if>><br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> [[Push her away?->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Struggle]]<br> <<else>> [[Tap her on the shoulder to stop?->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Tap Shoulder]]<br> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Out Of Semen]]>> <</if>>
Suck. Suck. Suck.<br> <br> Her mouth continues to work on your cock. Your whole body is a mass of jangling pleasure.<br> <br> And exhaustion.<br> <br> You've just climaxed three times, each more powerful than the last. You lie back sloppily on the chair, content to let her keep doing her thing.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -4>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq false>> It takes a little longer this time, but the outcome is the same – semen gushing up your shaft and spilling down her gulping throat. You can feel her suction right in your balls, and maybe even deeper. It's like she's sucking the cum right out of you.<br> <br> She sucks longer and harder this time and by the time she's finished you're sure she's sucked out every little sperm in your testicles.<br> <br> Only she hasn't finished. She's still sucking.<br> <br> This is dangerous. You feel totally drained. And a little lightheaded.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> <<set $targetPassage to "Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Out Of Semen">> <<if $player.semenCount gt 0>> [[Let her continue?->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Continue 4]]<br> <<else>> [[Let her continue?->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Out Of Semen]]<br> <</if>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> [[Push her away?->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Struggle]]<br> <<else>> [[Tap her on the shoulder to stop?->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Tap Shoulder]]<br> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Out Of Semen]]>> <</if>>
Her lips pucker up. Not a pout. No, this is something else. Something alien. Her lips swell and puff up until her mouth is nothing more than a little puckered orifice at the centre of them. It looks more like a sucker than a mouth.<br> <br> She bobs back down and sucks your cock up into that cushioned ring. The inside of her mouth feels cushioned also. And tight.<br> <br> She wraps her arms around you as she sucks in your whole length. The cushioned ring puffs out and forms a tight seal around the base of your cock. Then she begins to suck.<br> <br> //Really suck//.<br> <br> You feel this one past your balls. It tugs at the centre of you, tugs until //something// gives. The sense of release is like the most powerful climax you've ever experienced, and it doesn't end. Suka sucks and sucks until she's sucked out every drop of fluid in your body. All that's left of you is a dry and withered cadaver sitting on the chair.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Then her eyes focus on you and glitter with annoyance. "Why? I thought you wanted th... Oh, $ didn't explain, did she. She always forgets to tell them about that. No matter. What's done is done." Her mouth puckers up. The interior glistens with what should be saliva, but it doesn't look right. It looks... purple. But before you can get a good look, Suka's head jerks forward and she sucks up the full length of your cock in one smooth movement. This time it feels strangely cold inside her mouth, but only briefly. A numbness remains, which seeps into your bones. You collapse back on the chair and your arms fall limply to your sides. You can't move. Suka wipes the back of her hand across her lips. "That should stop your squirming. Now sit back and enjoy your suck." [[She prepares to give you a big suck.->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Bad End]]
Then she looks at you and her eyes widen. Her cheeks redden in embarrassment.<br> <br> "Oh, I'm so sorry. I got carried away again, didn't I. Your semen was too tasty."<br> <br> She backs away and prostrates herself on the ground in front of you.<br> <br> <<set $allPurposeTextVar to "vagina">> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Combined Good End]]>>
"Please forgive me. I've broken the bond of trust between a domme and her sub. We had a safe signal and I ignored it."<br> <br> She stares dejectedly at the floor.<br> <br> "I'm supposed to be the dominant one here, and yet here I am, grovelling on the floor. Some dominatrix am I. They said it might help me maintain control, keep disciplined. Maybe I'm just a common leech after all."<br> <br> She seems both mortified and upset. What will you do?<br> <br> /* Either option triggers faction increase (if hasn't been triggered before */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> [[Comfort her?->Suka no-Hirudo: Comfort Her]]<br> [[Take this opportunity to slip away?->Suka no-Hirudo: Slip Away]]<br>
You tell her it wasn't so bad, that no harm was done.<br> <br> "I should be angry to get sympathy from my sub," Suka says. "And you shouldn't be so nice to something that came so close to sucking all your fluids out."<br> <br> She sighs and gets to her feet.<br> <br> "But it is appreciated."<br> <br> She leans forwards and gives you a dainty little peck of a kiss on your cheek.<br> <br> "Thank you for being so understanding. I hope this doesn't put you off from seeing me again. Maybe next time you'll let me give you a lovely big suck with my $allPurposeTextVar instead."<br> <br> Her kiss tingles pleasantly on your cheek as you walk to the door.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[10][1] to true>> <<unset $allPurposeTextVar>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
While Suka is prostrate on the ground you take the opportunity to pull up your trousers and slip away. She is still kneeling on the floor as you make your way to the exit.<br> <br> <<unset $allPurposeTextVar>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
You let her carry on. It feels good, great even.<br> <br> Her vagina continues to suck on you like a mouth. Muscular bulges in the fleshy walls undulate up your shaft like luscious lips. It feels like they're trying to coax your semen up your cock and into her pussy.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq false>> You oblige. You don't have much choice. Her pussy sucks and sucks and another, even more powerful, climax crashes through you. Your balls clench, your dick throbs and you fire an even bigger load into her.<br> <br> It's not enough for Suka. Her swollen pussy lips maintain their seal around the root of your cock. Her vagina keeps sucking.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[7][1] to true>> <<set $targetPassage to "Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Continue 2">> [[Let her continue?->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Continue 2]]<br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> [[Push her away?->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Struggle]]<br> <<else>> [[Tap her on the shoulder to stop?->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Tap Shoulder]]<br> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Out Of Semen]]>> <</if>>
You struggle and try to push her off your lap. Carefully. The lips of her vagina have swelled up so tight around your cock you're a little scared she might take it with her.<br> <br> She stops what she's doing and looks at you in a slightly befuddled way. <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Good End]]>> <</if>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> You tap Suka on the shoulder.<br> <br> She doesn't stop or even respond. She murmurs in pleasure and writhes against you as her vagina keeps sucking on your cock. You feel another climax building in your balls.<br> <br> Maybe you tapped too soon. Maybe she lied. Maybe she's so carried away with it all she didn't even notice.<br> <br> What will you do?<br> <br> [[Let her continue?->$targetPassage]]<br> [[Try to push her off?->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Struggle]] <<else>> Suka relaxes her vagina and your cock is released from that irresistible, fleshy suction.<br> <br> "Mmm, delicious," she says. "I could suck your cum all day. But then you'd dry up and die and I'd be just as bad as one of the nasty succubi."<br> <br> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Repeat Good End]]>> <</if>>
Her pussy sucks and sucks, but nothing comes out. As much as you want to come, you have nothing left.<br> <br> She stops and casually sits in your lap with her legs wrapped around you and the back of the chair.<br> <br> "No more? Then my pussy will suck harder."<br> <br> [[She sucks harder.->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Bad End]]
You let her continue. Surely her vagina can't suck you to another climax, not so soon after the previous two?<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq false>> She can and does.<br> <br> It doesn't take long before you're shuddering helplessly on the chair as your throbbing cock pours another massive load of semen into her pussy. So much more. Even more than the last load.<br> <br> So much more, it leaves you a jangling, bliss-filled wreck. Now you really feel drained.<br> <br> Maybe you should get her to stop now.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[8][1] to true>> <<set $targetPassage to "Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Continue 3">> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq true and $cgi neq 0>> [[It's fine. Let her continue?->Suka no-Hirudo: Repeat Vagina Continue 3]] <<else>> [[It's fine. Let her continue?->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Continue 3]] <</if>><br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> [[Push her away?->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Struggle]]<br> <<else>> [[Tap her on the shoulder to stop?->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Tap Shoulder]]<br> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Out Of Semen]]>> <</if>>
Suck. Suck. Suck.<br> <br> Her vagina continues to work on your cock. Your whole body is a mass of jangling pleasure.<br> <br> And exhaustion.<br> <br> You've just climaxed three times, each more powerful than the last. You lie back sloppily on the chair, content to let her keep doing her thing.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -4>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq false>> It takes a little longer this time, but the outcome is the same – semen gushing up your shaft and flooding into her sex. You can feel her suction right in your balls, and maybe even deeper. It's like she's sucking the cum right out of you.<br> <br> Her pussy sucks longer and harder this time and by the time she's finished you're sure she's sucked out every little sperm in your testicles.<br> <br> Only she hasn't finished. Her vagina is still sucking on your cock.<br> <br> This is dangerous. You feel totally drained. And a little lightheaded.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[9][1] to true>> <<set $targetPassage to "Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Out Of Semen">> <<if $player.semenCount gt 0>> [[Let her continue?->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Continue 4]]<br> <<else>> [[Let her continue?->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Out Of Semen]]<br> <</if>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> [[Push her away?->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Struggle]]<br> <<else>> [[Tap her on the shoulder to stop?->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Tap Shoulder]]<br> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Out Of Semen]]>> <</if>>
You feel the fleshy lips of her vagina swell up even tighter around your cock. They form a cushioned seal around the root. The walls of her vagina feel cushioned as well. They press in, gently squeezing your erection between them.<br> <br> Suka leans into you. She wraps her arms around you and pushes your face down into her soft boobs.<br> <br> That internal sucking motion starts up again. She begins to suck.<br> <br> //Really suck.//<br> <br> You feel this one past your balls. It tugs at the centre of you, tugs until //something// gives. The sense of release is like the most powerful climax you've ever experienced, and it doesn't end. Suka sucks and sucks until she's sucked out every drop of fluid in your body. All that's left of you is a dry and withered cadaver sitting on the chair.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game over.->Game Over]]
Then her eyes focus on you and glitter with annoyance. "Why? I thought you wanted th... Oh, $ didn't explain, did she. She always forgets to tell them about that. No matter. What's done is done." Her mouth puckers up. The interior glistens with what should be saliva, but it doesn't look right. It looks... purple. Before you can get a good look, she wraps her hands around the back of your head and crushes her sumptuous lips against yours in a full-bodied kiss. It leaves you breathless and a little fluttery. Suka wipes the back of her hand across her lips. You notice a strange aftertaste on your lips. Astringent. You feel a little odd. Your arms fall limply to your sides. You can't move. "That should stop your squirming. Now sit back and enjoy your suck." [[She prepares to give you a big suck.->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Bad End]]
Then she looks at you and her eyes widen. Her cheeks redden in embarrassment.<br> <br> "Oh, I'm so sorry. I got carried away again, didn't I. Your semen was too tasty."<br> <br> She stands up, releasing your cock from the tight clutch of her pussy with an audible wet pop. She backs away and prostrates herself on the ground in front of you.<br> <br> <<set $allPurposeTextVar to "mouth">> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Combined Good End]]>>
Suka no-Hirudo is silent as she walks with you to a table in the bar area. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Suka no-Hirudo: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Suka no-Hirudo: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> Suka says nothing. She just looks at you disapprovingly before returning to the harlots' area.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>> <<else>> <br> <br> "That's careless of you," Suka says. "Luckily for you there's only one drink I'm interested in."<br> <br> Slowly, sensually, she inserts a finger between her plump lips and gives it a long, drawn-out suck. All the while her dark eyes stare suggestively at you.<br> <br> Red-faced and with an uncomfortable erection in your pants, you return to the presentation stage.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>> <</if>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> The waitress brings you your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name and a glass of suspiciously red liquid for Suka. She notices you looking.<br> <br> "It's tomato juice," she says.<br> <br> She gives the glass a sniff.<br> <br> "I hope."<br> <br> She puts the straw in her mouth and gives her drink a tentative suck, enough for a taste. Then, satisfied, she relaxes a little.<br> <br> "I have to be careful. Sometimes they switch it for blood. They think they're being funny," she says.<br> <br> You both drink your drinks in silence. You find your gaze drawn irresistibly to Suka's plump, sensual lips as she sucks up her drink. You find it hard to look away.<br> <br> Suka notices you looking and her dark eyes twinkle with amusement.<br> <br> "I see you looking. Are you imagining what these lips would feel like wrapped around your cock? Come up to my room and you can find out for yourself."<br> <br> You are quite hard by the time you escort Suka back to the presentation stage.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>> <<else>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct eq 1>> <<set _text1 to "blowjob">> <<set _text2 to "my pussy">> <<set _text3 to "lips">> <<else>> <<set _text1 to "pussy">> <<set _text2 to "these lips">> <<set _text3 to "vagina">> <</if>> The waitress comes back with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and surprisingly nothing for Suka.<br> <br> "There's only one drink I'm interested in and I'm not allowed to take it here," she says.<br> <br> She glances down meaningfully at your crotch. Her full lips bunch up in a sensual pout.<br> <br> "You enjoyed my _text1 suck last time, didn't you," she asks. "Why don't you come up to my room and let me suck you with _text2 this time?"<br> <br> Her dark eyes smoulder with barely restrained lusts.<br> <br> "Or my ass, if you're feeling adventurous."<br> <br> She continues to stare at you. Your erection surges in your pants. It remembers the feeling of her _text3 wrapped around it. It's an awkward walk back to $ with that protuberance in your trousers.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>> <</if>>
"Ah, Suka no-Hirudo. She's a proto-succubus. She tries to hide it with that cheap dominatrix get-up, but they all have raging inferiority complexes. Got a damn good suck on her, I'll give her that. Then I suppose those primitives have to make up in brute force what they lack in artistry."<br> <br> $ takes a long draw on her cigarette.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
/* Morticia Rose */ <<set $hi to 0>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Morticia Rose", shortDescription: "a gothic lolita type in a pretty black dress and bonnet. Her eyes are black all the way through and look like inky pools of darkness.", faction: 0, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, introductionLink: "Morticia Rose: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Morticia Rose: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Morticia Rose: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Morticia Rose: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Unreachable: Sell Exp Feedback", }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $hi to 0>> <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* We don't need to score as no player is surviving */ You open the door onto a pretty little bedroom with a slightly gothic flavour. It's more cutesy goth than dark and brooding, with plushies of spiders and cartoon vampires on the cot-like bed. It's also a little //too// childlike, more like entering a daughter's bedroom rather than a mistress's.<br> <br> "Hello."<br> <br> Morticia is standing next to her bed. She still wears the same expression of child-like innocence. Her smile seems a little too fixed though. It would look creepy even without her empty black eyes.<br> <br> You enter the room and the door slams shut behind you. The walls, bed and other furniture start bleeding black ichor. The bed, cushions and chairs melt and collapse into formless black ooze. It stains the walls in pitch-black shadow until it no longer feels like you're standing in a room and instead are lost in a great empty void.<br> <br> "Not what you expected? I did warn you."<br> <br> Morticia is standing exactly where she was before. She seems unperturbed by the room's transformation. Despite everything collapsing into abyssal black darkness, you can still see her clearly, as if she is still being illuminated, although you cannot see any light source.<br> <br> "I tell them not to come, and they still do." Morticia gives a little girlish giggle. "You're all so predictable."<br> <br> The shadows writhe and twist around you. Tendrils snake around your arms and twist them behind your back. Your feet and ankles are snared as if you'd stepped into a tar pit. You are bent backwards and held in place by the living darkness. Morticia snaps her fingers and your clothes burst open.<br> <br> "Where do the succubi feed from? It's here, isn't it."<br> <br> She points at your exposed genitals. She turns her hand around and beckons with a finger. Your penis rises in an erection. There is no arousal or pleasure. The blood is drawn down there by force. It feels like a violation.<br> <br> "Let's feed on you like a succubus," Morticia says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Morticia Rose: Horror End]]
You take Morticia out into the bar. She skips to the table like a giddy child. With her short stature and doll-like appearance she could be mistaken for being your daughter.<br> <br> No-one would bring their daughter into a place like this.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Morticia Rose: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Morticia Rose: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
Morticia doesn't seem too bothered that you have no money. She seems content to sit at the table with no drink at all.<br> <br> <<include [[Morticia Rose Socialising: Body]]>>
Morticia orders some kind of fancy ice cream sundae. It looks tooth-rottingly sweet.<br> <br> <<include [[Morticia Rose Socialising: Body]]>>
$ takes a long drag on her cigarette. "I'd rather not talk about //her//." <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
She watches you with a friendly childlike smile. It's okay at first, but then she keeps smiling and you start to feel uncomfortable. Her empty black eyes don't help.<br> <br> At least her talk is harmless enough. She chatters away like an over-excited schoolgirl.<br> <br> Until the end at least, when she fixes you with those empty black eyes and says, "You really shouldn't pick me, you know."<br> <br> You feel a cold chill as you escort her back to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
/* Arana Solfugis */ <<set $hi to 3>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Arana Solfugis", shortDescription: "a dark-skinned girl with medium-length, straight white hair and disconcertingly red eyes. She wears a lacy white chemise stitched together in spiderweb patterns.", faction: 3, isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: true, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [14, 13], affection: 0, hasSocialisedWithCoffee: false, preIntroductionLink: "Arana Solfugis: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Arana Solfugis: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Arana Solfugis: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Arana Solfugis: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Arana Solfugis: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Arana Solfugis: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Arana Solfugis: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Arana Solfugis: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Arana Solfugis: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Arana Solfugis: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
/* Arana Solfugis */ <<set $willGiveHandjob to false>> /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [6,false,false], /* surviving! */ [3,false,false] /* bonus handjob */ ] }>> Arana Solfugis opens the door for you and ushers you into her room. It has a certain spidery, //cobwebby// theme to it. Lacy curtains of silk hang from the ceiling. The bed is an antique four-poster with silk drapes. The sheets are decorated with a large spiderweb design.<br> <br> <<if $player.hasVision>> As to be expected for a giant spider-woman. <<else>> You get the feeling Arana might like spiders. <</if>><br> <br> /* Wary */ <<if $player.currIsCautious>> "Come in, come in," Arana says. "Don't cower there like a frightened mouse. I won't eat you."<br> <br> You enter the room.<br> <br> "I'll suck your juices instead," she whispers in your ear.<br> <br> She closes the door behind you.<br> <br> /* Bold */ <<else>> "Come in, come in," Arana says. "Welcome to my little web."<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> You enter and she closes the door behind you.<br> <br> <<else>> You stride in.<br> <br> "Mmm, a bold – fearless – entrance. Like a potential mate."<br> <br> Arana chuckles.<br> <br> "Or maybe unsuspecting lunch."<br> <br> She closes the door behind you.<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> "Ooh, you brought me something," she says, noticing the $allGifts[$cgi].name in your hand.<br> <br> [[Present gift.->Arana Solfugis: Present Gift]]
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.currInt to 3>> <<set $player.hasSeenArachne to true>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> <<set $player.charms.push(21)>> <<set $player.hasVision to true>> <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> <<set $hi to 3>> <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 20>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialisedWithCoffee to false>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited to false>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
You give your gift to her.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> /* Black Rose */ <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[1]>> /* Coffee */ <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Gift: Coffee]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> /* Twig Fetish */ <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Gift: Twig Fetish]]>> <<else>> /* Default */ <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>>
<<if $player.hasVision>> Arana stands there, looking gorgeous, but also monstrous and spidery. You get the feeling something is supposed to happen, maybe some change in form, but Arana remains unchanged – hot, but spidery. <<if not $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> <br> <br> Arana seems a little puzzled by your lack of surprise, as if she was expecting some sort of reaction, but she carries on anyway. <</if>> <<else>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> As before, <</if>> Arana's form flickers and changes. While her top half remains broadly the same, her lower half transforms into a gigantic spider. She has eight long jointed legs. Her abdomen is bulbous, sleek and black. It swells and contracts in a loathsome throbbing.<br> <br> Arana's chemise parts at her waist, at the juncture between her human and spider parts. Her black panties are gone and her vagina, if indeed it is a vagina, is clearly visible. The orifice is situated where the mouth of her lower spider body would be and gapes hungrily to reveal a moist pink interior. It looks far too wide and big to fit a regular – or even a large – human penis.<br> <br> <<if $player.hasSeenArachne and not $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> It shouldn't be that much of a shock – you've seen other spider-women in the House. But, yeah, it's still a shock.<br> <br> <</if>> Arana smiles predatorially at you. She's gained three additional pairs of eyes at her temples and on her forehead. All eight glitter with unnatural lusts and hungers. <<set $player.hasSeenArachne to true>> <</if>><br> <br> "Let's begin, shall we," she says.<br> <br> [[Uh oh.->Arana Solfugis: Getting Wrapped Up]]
You ask her if it worked.<br> <br> "Sometimes. Sometimes the man escaped afterwards. Sometimes he did not. Spiders are spiders."<br> <br> /* stat check - need to be bold and not submissive */ <<if not $player.currIsCautious and not $player.currIsSubmissive>> "Hmm. I wonder what you are – prey, mate, to spare?"<br> <br> She puts the twig fetish away and returns to stroke a hand down the side of your face and then down your chest.<br> <br> "Let's get down to business. What would you like me to get you off with - my hands?"<br> <br> Her left hand trails down to your crotch and gives it a little squeeze. Her right hand makes a wanking gesture.<br> <br> "Or my pussy?"<br> <br> Her right hand strokes down the side of her long chemise and moves down, inwards. <<if $player.hasVision>> Her exposed vagina gapes – a little too large and a little too //hungry//. <<if $player.currInt gt 3>> You think she can fit more than a dick in there. A //lot// more. <</if>> <</if>> <br> <br> What will it be?<br> <br> [[Her hands?->Arana Solfugis: Choose Hands]]<br> [[Her pussy?->Arana Solfugis: Choose Vagina]]<br> <<else>> She looks at you.<br> <br> "But those were fearless, bold men. You cower and tremble like a mouse, so..."<br> <br> [[Arana changes...->Arana Solfugis: Transformation]] <</if>>
You stay silent.<br> <br> "Oh, but those are old old times, and few remember the significance nowadays. And you're not part of the few, so..."<br> <br> [[Arana changes...->Arana Solfugis: Transformation]]
"My hands will feel like silk up and down your cock." Arana says.<br> <br> She laughs as if to a private joke.<br> <br> <<set $willGiveHandjob to true>> [[Arana changes...->Arana Solfugis: Transformation]]
Arana smiles brightly. "I am so glad you made that choice."<br> <br> [[Arana changes...->Arana Solfugis: Transformation]]
You back away and your ankles catch on strands of silk running low to the floor. Arana crouches down and angles the tip of her abdomen up and tilted in your direction. Using her back legs, she casts streamers of silk over you. They tangle you up and inhibit your movement. The arachne slowly approaches while you struggle to free yourself.<br> <br> "Now let's get you all wrapped up," she says.<br> <br> She plucks you up off the floor and turns you around while first stripping your clothes, and then covering you in strands of warm, sticky silk. It doesn't take long before she has you completely wrapped up. Your legs are bound together and your arms are trussed tightly to your sides. Only your face and genitals are left uncovered.<br> <br> "And done," Arana says.<br> <br> She rests your cocooned form against her left shoulder while she strokes your exposed cock with her right hand.<br> <br> "The other girls tell me some males get sexually excited from being tied up. Are you one of them?"<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> [[Yes.->Arana Solfugis: Wrapped Up: Yes to Excited]]<br> [[No.->Arana Solfugis: Wrapped Up: No to Excited]] <<else>> Arana laughs.<br> <br> "No need to answer. I know you are. You're a filthy pervert that loves being wrapped up and teased."<br> <br> She wraps a hand around your swelling cock and pumps it.<br> <br> "A filthy masochist pervert. I'm going to put you in my pussy and squeeze all the dirty cum out of you. Are you ready?"<br> <br> [[Are you?->Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End]] <</if>>
"You don't need to tell me," Arana says. "I can feel it down here."<br> <br> Your cock swells out into a full erection. Arana pumps it with her hand.<br> <br> "Haha, worthless masochist prey," she laughs. "You're very aroused, aren't you?"<br> <br> She pumps you harder. Your erection strains against her hand.<br> <br> <<if $willGiveHandjob eq true>> [[Maybe it's only sex she's interested in.->Arana Solfugis: Handjob]] <<else>> [[Maybe it's only sex she's interested in.->Arana Solfugis: To Vagina]] <</if>>
"No?" Arana queries.<br> <br> She pumps your swelling cock with her hand.<br> <br> "Your body is telling me something different."<br> <br> She pumps you harder. Your erection strains against her hand.<br> <br> <<if $willGiveHandjob eq true>> [[Maybe it's only sex she's interested in.->Arana Solfugis: Handjob]] <<else>> [[Maybe it's only sex she's interested in.->Arana Solfugis: To Vagina]] <</if>>
"Mmm, a handjob, wasn't it?" Arana says. She lazily pumps your cock. "I'm very good with my hands," she says. She changes grip. Her fingers stroke up and down your shaft. She presses her palm against your glans. "Very dextrous," she whispers. She gently squeezes the head of your cock. You throb with pleasure. "Mmm, let's get a little more comfortable." Comfortable to her is suspending your cocooned body horizontally from the ceiling while she hangs beneath. You lie across her bulbous abdomen. She hunches over and starts working on your cock with both hands. "Now I can really get to work on you," she says. She grips and pumps the base of your cock with one hand while the other tickles and strokes the swollen head of your cock. She is, indeed, very good with her hands. "As a spider, I also have other tricks," she says. She has positioned her abdomen so the tip curves up past your left side. Her spinnerets are perfectly lined up and spray silk all over your crotch. Her long, jointed legs weave the silken strands around your rampant erection. They jerk your cock on puppet strings and it feels like waves of pleasure flowing up your cock. Her hands move back in to stroke, squeeze and tug. You feel a pressure building in your balls. She pauses, leaving your silk-wrapped cock to throb in an ineffectual desire for stimulation. "Mmm, as nice as foreplay is, it's still just foreplay," Arana says. "How about we move on to actual fucking?" She gives the swollen head of your cock a teasing squeeze and it responds with a strong throb. "My pussy is hungry to have you inside." [[Move on to fucking?->Arana Solfugis: Handjob to Fuck]] [[Politely decline?->Arana Solfugis: Handjob Main]]
"Let's get you inside then," Arana says.<br> <br> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End]]>>
"Good, let's finish with this foreplay and move onto the main event," Arana says.<br> <br> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End]]>>
"Very well," Arana says. "I'll adhere to the rules of the House and the ancient customs of my clan."<br> <br> She squirts more silk and continues to manipulate your cock like a marionette. Her fingers and the strands of silk provide many points of sensation and she quickly has you writhing in helpless pleasure.<br> <br> "I'll have to content myself with the sight of you writhing helplessly in my web while I jerk you off."<br> <br> She presses her boobs against your back. Her hands grip you tight and stroke faster. Her strands form a mesh around your dick, adding an extra layer of sensation. You squirm helplessly, feeling the desire to come build within you.<br> <br> /* Check for Bonus */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialisedWithCoffee eq true>> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Handjob Bonus]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Handjob Normal]]>> <</if>>
"Mmm, maybe you are more than just prey," Arana says. "I feel a little turned on."<br> <br> You here liquid sounds emanating from her abdomen beneath you.<br> <br> "I'll give you some of my special silk."<br> <br> Her spinneret squirts more silk over your cock. This is thicker, sloppy, gloopier. She keeps spraying until your whole cock is enveloped in a white fluffy mass. It feels warm, and also strangely pleasant, as if the strands are impregnated with some kind of aphrodisiac. Your cock surges within the sticky cocoon.<br> <br> "It's not my pussy, but I think you'll still like it."<br> <br> She buries her hands into the white mass and gets back to pumping your cock. The silk cocoon slides with her hands. It feels like a well-lubricated sex toy sliding up and down your shaft.<br> <br> "Not many can resist special arachne silk applied directly to their genitals. And you're no exception," she says as she feels your cock throb beneath her hands.<br> <br> She squirts another dollop of sticky 'special' silk. Another squeeze. Another tug.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq true>> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> And you can no longer hold on.<br> <br> "Oh yes," Arana says. "Spurt it into my nasty special silk."<br> <br> Your body bucks. You let out a cry and empty a great load into the sticky mass of wet silk cocooning your cock. Your body shakes and your cock throbs as you pour it all out."<br> <br> "Ooh, that is a lot," Arana says. "Now I'm regretting not putting you in my pussy."<br> <br> She gently peels away the sticky mass and your cock is exposed again. It twitches and little milky dribbles ooze from the tip. That was intense.<br> <br> /* Scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<set $isFactionIncrease to true>> "Hmm, maybe we still can," Arana says. <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Request Sex after Handjob]]>> <</if>>
"Let it go," Arana whispers. "Let's see how high I can make this worthless cock squirt."<br> <br> Her dextrous fingers are all over your cock. Squeezing. Coaxing. Stroking.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq true>> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> "It's coming," she says with a triumphant hiss.<br> <br> She squeezes and your cock throbs back. You let out a moan as you buck within the cocoon. You feel a blast of relief as you spray your seed high into the air. Arana keeps pumping you until the flow drops down to a little dribble.<br> <br> Arana pulls her hand back and licks your cum off her palm.<br> <br> "Mmm, delicious," she says.<br> <br> She hugs you with her soft boobs pressed against your back.<br> <br> "Mmm, I bet it would taste even better in my pussy."<br> <br> She nuzzles the back of your neck.<br> <br> "Would feel better for you too."<br> <br> She shifts position until her head is above you and looking down.<br> <br> /* no faction increase - need to get the bonus handjob */ <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Request Sex after Handjob]]>> <</if>>
And nothing comes out. It's been a long night. There's nothing left in your balls.<br> <br> "Oh, are you out?" Arana asks.<br> <br> She gives your cock a stronger tug. She gives it a good squeeze. Nothing. You're done.<br> <br> "All empty?"<br> <br> Her voice is sympathetic. Then she smiles. Her smile chills your blood.<br> <br> "Then you must be prey after all."<br> <br> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End]]>>
"We still have some time. How about a second go? This time in my pussy." She gives your oozing manhood a cheeky little squeeze. "I don't think you're done just yet." What do you think? [[Fuck it. Let's fuck!->Arana Solfugis: Vagina after Handjob]] [[Maybe next time.->Arana Solfugis: Good End]]
"I knew you could go again. Let's get on with it."<br> <br> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End]]>>
Maybe next time, you tell her.<br> <br> "I'll hold you to that," Arana says.<br> <br> She gives you a moment to recover, then she brings you down from her web and cuts open the cocoon. She produces a damp silk cloth from somewhere, maybe she spun it herself, and wipes the sticky mass of silk and semen from your crotch. Then cleaned up, you retrieve your clothes and put them back on.<br> <br> /* This is where we insert Arana's gossip about other arachnes and insect girls */ Despite her unusual appearance, that was a rather enjoyable wank.<br> <br> "And remember," she says. "Next time we fuck."<br> <br> Her vagina gapes, revealing the moist pink interior. A little too wide, you think. A little too //hungry//.<br> <br> She blows you a kiss as you open the door.<br> <br> /* Scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <<unset $willGiveHandjob>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
She manoeuvres your bound form until you're stretched out horizontally away from her with your feet pointing at her vagina. That vagina gapes wide to reveal a moist pink interior. Gapes wider still. Far too wide...<br> <br> Her forward two legs hook onto the silk binding your arms. Her hands clasp your calves. She pulls you towards her and feeds your feet into her vagina. Muscular peristalsis takes over and your bound form is slowly drawn into her. She moans in pleasure as her vagina slowly swallows you up. You can do nothing but watch in horror as your feet, then your knees, then your hips, then your abdomen gradually vanish into the moist pink orifice. Her vagina even stretches wide enough to accommodate your shoulders and Arana cries orgasmically as she does so.<br> <br> Then, just as you are convinced the spider demon is going to swallow you whole, she stops. <<if $player.charms.includes(21)>> <br><br> "Ooh, a little spice," she says. "Did you buy something from that silly little witch?"<br> <br> She smiles wolfishly.<br> <br> "It won't work on me."<br> <br> <</if>> The fleshy labia of her pussy form a snug collar around your neck. Arana glances down at you between her tits.<br> <br> "Mmm, I love a big man in my pussy," she says.<br> <br> You wish she didn't mean that literally.<br> <br> When the initial panic subsides, you are surprised to find that it's rather comfortable inside Arana. Her moist inner chamber is warm and lined with strange ribs and soft cushions of flesh. When her abdomen squeezes around you it feels like you're being hugged tightly by a voluptuous woman.<br> <br> The floor pushes up and your erection is drawn up into a tight, lubricated orifice in the ceiling of the fleshy chamber. Now it feels like you're being hugged tightly and //fucking// a hot, voluptuous woman.<br> <br> Arana splays out her legs. She places her hands on the side of your head and moans in pleasure. Her abdomen slowly throbs. You are bobbed around inside her. You cock slides back and forth into a tight wet fleshy sheath.<br> <br> Maybe this is how her kind has sex with human males.<br> <br> It does feel like fucking. Really vigorous fucking.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq true>> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End: Empty]]>> <<else>> [[You don't think you can hold on...->Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End: 1st Pop]] <</if>>
You can't come any more. As good as it feels, and as much as you want to, it's no good. You're out. Your balls are empty. There's nothing left.<br> <br> "This is the part I adore," Arana says with breathless anticipation. "The semen is gone. The way to the soul is open."<br> <br> She grips the side of your head. Her eyes glow purple. Lines in her abdomen and at the joints of her legs glow purple. The fleshy chamber heats up around you. Her internal vagina grips your cock and squeezes. When her abdomen throbs this time, it feels like Arana is trying to pump something else out of you. Something deep inside you. Something precious.<br> <br> "You're mine, prey," Arana hisses.<br> <br> Her abdomen throbs – long and hard. That something comes undone with you. You ejaculate again, but this is different, like something else is jetting out of you. Arana tugs the soul from your body with one great orgasmic shudder. Your eyes roll back and you lie still.<br> <br> Arana has taken your soul. You are lost.<br> <br> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Then you're adding your own motions to hers. The stimulation has tipped you over to climax. Your body tenses up and you release a jet of cum into the vagina orifice in the ceiling of the chamber. Her real pussy, you think.<br> <br> Arana sighs in orgasm. It's not just her inner vagina, the whole fleshy chamber squeezes and vibrates around you.<br> <br> She only pauses for a brief moment, and then she starts up again. Her abdomen throbs hard and fast. You're forced back and forth in her slick internal pussy. The whole chamber is slick. You're lying in a warm stew of sexual fluids.<br> <br> It only serves to make you harder.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq true>> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End: Empty]]>> <<else>> [[You're coming again...->Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End: 2nd Pop]] <</if>>
And then you're coming again. You shudder uncontrollably as more semen floods out of you.<br> <br> "Mmm, yes," Arana sighs. "So much vitality. I knew you'd be a good one."<br> <br> Maybe that would be enough for her.<br> <br> No, she's not done. Her abdomen squeezes, long and slow. Fleshy walls, slick with her juices, press all around you. Her scent leaks out and intoxicates you.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq true>> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End: Empty]]>> <<else>> [[You're coming again...->Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End: 3rd Pop]] <</if>>
Your cock throbs. You empty a long, lazy stream of semen into her.<br> <br> Arana stops for a long sigh. The fleshy chamber shudders orgasmically around you. You're jostled, bounced and squeezed within her. Your hard-on won't go down. She drives you up, plunging you deep into that tight fleshy orifice.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq true>> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End: Empty]]>> <<else>> [[More...?->Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End: 4th Pop]] <</if>>
You shudder and empty another great jet of cum. Her inner vagina pulsates around you, coaxes more and more from your cock.<br> <br> "Mmm, so much," Arana says.<br> <br> She runs a hand through your hair. Caresses you.<br> <br> "You've done well to keep your dick out of those other sluts."<br> <br> Her inner pussy grips your cock and milks it with long slow tugs.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq true>> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End: Empty]]>> <<else>> [[There cannot be more...?->Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End: 5th Pop]] <</if>>
<<if $player.hasVision>> It feels a little strange to walk out into the bar with a girl who's half giant spider, but no-one seems to remark on or even notice this unusual sight. Because of the restraints of her form, you take one of the round tables in an open space. <<else>> In the bar you aim for one of the side booths, but Arana steers you to one of the round tables in an open space.<br> <br> "Those tables aren't very good for accommodating girls like me," she says. <</if>><br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Arana Solfugis: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Arana Solfugis: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
"Ooh-whoo," $ laughs. "You do like to live dangerously. That spider is a glutton. Not many escape her web."<br> <br> She puffs on her cigarette.<br> <br> "She does follow the old traditions, though. In the past, when males wanted to mate with a spider, they would present her with an offering. It became symbolic. Some spiders still respect it even now. Not that it's a guarantee of safe passage, or ever was. They'll still eat you if you give them the chance. They are spiders, after all."<br> <br> She sips on her cocktail.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <br> <br> Arana laughs.<br> <br> "Your offering better be better," she says. "Although I won't mind if it isn't."<br> <br> She rubs her belly rather ominously. You feel it's time to return.<br> <br> <<else>> <br><br> "No money? What a shame, I was looking forward to nice hot cup of coffee before gobbling you up inside my pussy."<br> <br> She doesn't seem that bothered as you return to <<print $ + ".">><br> <br> <</if>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Arana orders a large mug of strong coffee. She quaffs it in a single draught and then belches as if she's just downed a pint.<br> <br> "Ah," she sighs.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> She glances mischievously at you.<br> <br> "It won't work, you know. Getting me drunk."<br> <br> You look at the empty mug of coffee. It had been piping hot when the waitress brought it to the table. You wonder how she was able to drink it that way without scalding her throat.<br> <br> "But some of the old legends are true," she says. "Men used to bring a symbolic offering. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes... spiders are spiders."<br> <br> The smile she gives you is altogether too //hungry//.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialisedWithCoffee to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Has socialised with coffee with Arana. .hasSocialisedWithCoffee = <<print $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialisedWithCoffee>>'' <</if>> <<else>> She looks at you.<br> <br> "Remember what we agreed upon last time. This time, we fuck," she says.<br> <br> Arana is very forward. Her smile is also very //hungry//.<br> <br> <</if>> You feel it's time to return.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
You erupt again. The climaxes are coming so frequently, they're starting to run together.<br> <br> Arana grunts. She squeezes. This time really squeezes. The warm fleshy walls press tightly all around you. Her inner orifice wraps tightly around your cock and stimulates it with throbbing pulsations.<br> <br> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Vagina Bad End: Empty]]>>
/* Intro */ "By jove! The spider," $ exclaims. "Next to no-one returns from her room."<br> <br> His hand is trembling as he pulls out a small black notebook and starts taking notes.<br> <br>
/* Madam intro */ "This is the talented Suka no-Hirudo. She'll suck the cum right out of you." $ gives you a saucy wink. <br> <br> /* Long description */ Suka no-Hirudo is a pale-skinned woman with dark eyes and long, voluminous black hair. Her most striking feature is her lips – plump, sensual and fixed in a seductive pout. She wears a glossy black latex bodysuit and hold ups. It's split at the top right down to her navel and shows off her full and rather lush cleavage. The two halves are cinched together by buckles and straps. There is a zip at the crotch. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> Suka no-Hirudo seems quite shy – or aloof – and soft spoken. She says a quiet "hello" as she introduces herself. <br> <<else>> "Oh, hello again," Suka no-Hirudo says. "Would you like me to give you another //suck?//"<br> <br> Her dark eyes are quite suggestive.<br> <</if>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"I'd avoid anal sex if she offers it. Her type can barely keep their other mouths under control as it is. Stick it in her ass and she'll dry-fish you for sure.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Her self-control isn't very good. She gets carried away once she starts sucking. Don't be afraid to get rough with her if you need to snap her out of it.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"The girls say she likes to drink blood. Hardly surprising. She's barely higher than your basic leech.\""}>>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Morticia Rose." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Morticia Rose is short and dainty and dressed in a pretty black dress and bonnet. The dress has white frills around the hem, sleeves and neck. Curly silver hair blooms out from beneath her frilly black bonnet. It's an unusual look compared to the lack of clothes on the other girls. Morticia looks more like a life-size doll or child. Her pale white skin does give her a fragile, doll-like quality. Briefly, you wonder if she's even old enough to be doing this. There is an air of childlike innocence about her. It's rather ruined by her eyes – two inky black pools of darkness. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hi, I'm Morticia." She offers her hand. It feels cold. "You shouldn't pick me." <br>
/* Madam intro */ "This is our voracious little spider, Arana Solfugis," $ says. "She loves to tie men up and feed them to her rapacious vagina." <br> <br> /* Long description */ <<if $player.hasVision>> <<if not $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> She //is// a spider! <<if $player.hasSeenArachne>>She's not the first you've seen in the House, but it's still a shock.<</if>><br> <br> <</if>> <<set $player.hasSeenArachne to true>> Her lower half is a gigantic spider. She has eight long jointed legs. Her abdomen is bulbous, sleek and black. It swells and contracts in a loathsome throbbing. She wears no underwear and her vagina, if it is her vagina, is visible at the juncture between her human and spider halves. It's also situated where the mouth would be on a spider and gapes hungrily to reveal a moist pink interior. It looks too big to fit a regular – or even large – human penis.<br> <br> Her top half is dark-skinned, <<else>> Arana Solfugis is dark-skinned, <</if>> but it's an unnatural shade – slate-grey – that wouldn't ever be found on a regular human being. Her eyes are also clearly inhuman – deep red sclerae with black irises. Her white hair is cut in a neat, medium-length bob. She wears a long white lace chemise stitched together in spiderweb patterns. It's see-through and you can see right through to her black bra and panties underneath. <br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> <<if $player.hasVision>> Her upper half is very attractive and easy on the eye. You try not to look at her lower spider half. <<else>> You know from experience that what you're seeing is just an illusion and Arana has the body of a giant spider below the waist. Despite this, she still looks incredibly attractive. <</if>><br> <br> <</if>> /* Harlot intro */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> "Oh, it's you again," Arana says. "Are you going to brave my little web again? Remember what we agreed."<br> <<else>> As you shake her hand you get the uncomfortable feeling Arana is sizing you up like a predator might size up prey.<br> <br> "I'm looking forward to wrapping you up and putting you in my cunt," she whispers in your ear.<br> <</if>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"I've heard she does like a big man in her pussy.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"I've heard she gives a rather pleasant bound handjob. I don't know what she's like at fucking. I've never spoken to anyone who's had sex with her.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"With spiders, the main thing to remember is you need them to see you as a mate rather than prey. If you don't want to be treated like prey, don't act like prey.\"\<br\>\<br\>She blows out a cloud of smoke.\<br\>\<br\>\"Mind you, they still sometimes eat their mates anyway.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She likes coffee, but that's not the traditional offering, so I'm not sure how this helps you.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ /* 1st, find old score array (if multiple visits, take the last score array) */ <<for _r to 0; _r lt $player.roomScores.length; _r++>> <<if $player.roomScores[_r].harlotNumber eq $hi>> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[_r].scoreArray>> <</if>> <</for>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> You open the door. As before, Suka is sitting on a wooden chair in the centre of the room with one leg crossed over another. Her lips are puffed up in that luscious pout.<br> <br> "Come in," she says. "Leave your gift there. You should know by now I'm more interested in your /* This is where we do the gift test */ <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Gift]]>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct eq _reqSexAct>> _text1 You'll get addicted if you're not careful."<br> <br> <<else>> "Oh, you want to _text2 this time."<br> <br> <</if>> She gives you a light shove and you fall back onto the chair.<br> <br> "And remember, if it gets too much, tap me on the shoulder."<br> <br>
/* Suka has much better control on her second visit */ She gets up and gives your cock a playful slap.<br> <br> "You better put that away before I decide to suck more."<br> <br> You get up and pull your trousers back up. Your legs feel weak and shivery after the 'suck' Suka has given you. You totter unsteadily to the exit while Suka returns to sitting on her chair.<br> <br> "Come back any time you feel like getting another good hard suck," she calls out after you as you leave the room.<br> <br> <<unset $allPurposeTextVar>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
/* On repeat visits, Suka stops of her own accord at this point */ Suka releases your cock and it slides out of her mouth with a wet smacking sound.<br> <br> "Mmm. I'd better stop there. I don't want to suck you all up."<br> <br> /* maybe can add some harlot gossip here – I'm not like x, she... */ <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Repeat Good End]]>>
Suka relaxes her vagina and your cock is released from that irresistible, fleshy suction.<br> <br> "Mmm. I'd better stop there. I don't want to suck you all up."<br> <br> /* maybe can add some harlot gossip here – I'm not like x, she... */ <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Repeat Good End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Arana Solfugis: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ /* 1st, find old score array (if multiple visits, take the last score array) */ <<for _r to 0; _r lt $player.roomScores.length; _r++>> <<if $player.roomScores[_r].harlotNumber eq $hi>> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[_r].scoreArray>> <</if>> <</for>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> Arana Solfugis opens the door for you and once again you walk into her spider-themed room. Again, you see the antique bed with the spiderweb décor. It's the webs that catch your attention. You remember what happened the last time Arana wrapped you up in them and you feel a thrill of arousal.<br> <br> "Come in, come in," Arana says. "Welcome back to my little web."<br> <br> /* Bold */ <<if not $player.currIsCautious and not $player.currIsSubmissive>> You stride in confidently, knowing Arana only respects those who are bold.<br> <br> /* Everything else */ <<else>> You enter, perhaps a little more cautiously this time. You know what Arana is, after all.<br> <br> "You seem a little hesitant," Arana says. "Are you afraid of the big bad spider."<br> <br> She laughs.<br> <br> <</if>> "What did you bring me this time?" she asks.<br> <br> [[Present gift.->Arana Solfugis: Present Gift]]
<br><br> "Ah, the Arachamare Fetish. I'd heard the tales, of course."<br> <br> He taps his notebook in frustration.<br> <br> "If only she could be trusted to adhere to the old customs. But spiders... As you know."<br> <br>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct eq 0>> /* Was thrown out after bringing vial of blood */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <<else>> <br><br> <<switch $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct>> <<case 1>> <<set _sexAct to "oral sex">> <<case 2>> <<set _sexAct to "vaginal intercourse">> <</switch>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].previousSexAct eq 0>> "So, you engaged in _sexAct with her. Tell me more."<br> <br> <<elseif $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct eq $allHarlots[$hi].previousSexAct>> "You chose _sexAct again? I'm not sure this will tell me anything new, but do go on."<br> <br> <<else>> "Oh, you decided to choose _sexAct this time. How did that go?"<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>>
/* Vial of blood */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct eq 0>> "I've heard that the other girls tease her about being a leech and she's very self-conscious about it. Your experiences would appear to confirm this."<br> <br> He pauses thoughtfully.<br> <br> "Hmm, but it would still count as a room visit. A safe room visit. That's worth keeping in mind." <<else>> /* Suka Big Suck */ <<set _bj to _osa[4][1] and not _osa[4][2]>> <<set _vag to _osa[8][1] and not _osa[8][2]>> <<if _bj or _vag>> "My goodness," $ exclaims. "Have you no sense of self-preservation. I'll pay you extra for this, but don't make a habit of it. You won't be able to bring me more information if a succubus takes all your fluids and leaves behind a dried husk. Here you are." /* regular feedback for Suka no-Hirudo */ <<else>> <<set _bj to _scoreArray[2][1]>> <<set _vag to _scoreArray[6][1]>> <<if _bj and _vag>> <<set _text to "anal intercourse.">> <<elseif _bj>> <<set _text to "vaginal or anal intercourse.">> <<else>> <<set _text to "oral sex or anal intercourse.">> <</if>> "Hmm. I had hoped her genial nature would make her a safe choice. From your description it appears she struggles with self-control. An unacceptable risk."<br> <br> He taps his notebook with the end of his pen. His moustache bristles.<br> <br> "Maybe that's not the case for _text If you can find out more, I will pay you for that information. Especially anal intercourse. No-one has been able to give me any information on that with Suka no-Hirudo. But for now, here's the payment for what you've told me." <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $currentRound to 2>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> <<set $hi to 2>> <<set $cgi to 0>> /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited to true>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].currentSexAct to 2>> /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[0] to { round: 1, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,true,false], /* any gift */ [1,true,false], /* non-neutral dsRole or wariness */ [2,false,false], /* bj1 */ [1,false,false], /* bj2 */ [1,false,false], /* bj3 */ [1,false,false], /* bj4 */ [2,true,false], /* vag1 */ [1,false,false], /* vag2 */ [1,false,false], /* vag3 */ [1,false,false], /* vag4 */ [1,true,false] /* comfort her */ ] }>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Baloobia */ <<set $hi to 19>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Baloobia", shortDescription: "a large and extremely curvaceous woman in a big blue ballgown. She appears to be dripping, as if she's just stepped out of the shower, or off an exercise bike.", faction: 5, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: true, hasBeenVisited: false, isSensual: false, isPredatory: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, introductionLink: "Baloobia: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Baloobia: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Baloobia: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Baloobia: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Baloobia: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Baloobia: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 2>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.charms.push(13)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set _ailment to 7>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 19>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0].number>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Madam intro */ "Ah, the lovely Baloobia," $ says. "Go with her and be absorbed by the all-encompassing pleasures of her breasts." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Baloobia is a big girl. There is a lot of her contained within a fancy blue ballgown. Despite this, she can't really be described as fat. She still has the classic hourglass proportions, only scaled up. Her bosom is gigantic, but only by impression. Her elegant gown has a high neckline and modestly covers her chest. There is barely any glimpse of cleavage. The same is true of her overflowing dress. Baloobia clearly wants to keep her goods under wraps until the moment of unveiling.<br> <br> Her skin colour puts you in mind of pink chocolate for some reason. Her long straight hair is the same colour. She also appears to be dripping, as if $ had her run to the stage, or the summons caught her in the middle of a shower or bath. She has an open friendly smile and her eyes are big and brown. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> "Oh, it's you," Baloobia says. "Fancy another squelch and squeeze between my tits?" <<else>> "Hello. I'm Baloobia." She shakes your hand as she introduces herself.<br> <br> Her handshake is wet, and also weirdly //squishy//.<br> <br> "Come up to my room and I'll give you an all-over massage with these."<br> <br> She jiggles her substantial bosom within her loose-fitting dress. <</if>> <br>
You take Baloobia into the bar area. She doesn't go far and is eager to take the first available table. You don't blame her. Her ballgown is big and bulky and not the best for navigating between the tables and chairs. <br><br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Baloobia: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Baloobia: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> Baloobia tuts disapprovingly.<br> <br> "You brought me out here, for nothing. You're lucky I'm not allowed to, as otherwise I've a good mind to mash you to mush between my tits right now."<br> <br> She leaves you alone with your embarrassment.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name and a glass of clear liquid which may or may not be water for Baloobia.<br> <br> Baloobia looks like she needs it. You wonder if she's hot in that dress as she appears to be perspiring quite heavily.<br> <br> "Mmm, it will be good to get this off and wrap my tits around you," she says, adjusting the fabric of her voluminous dress.<br> <br> And now you're the one feeling a little hot.<br> <br> She wipes perspiration from her forehead with the back of her hand.<br> <br> "I'm sorry," she says. "Whenever I see a fine young stud like yourself, I just can't stop myself from salivating."<br> <br> Salivating? Surely she means sweating.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Baloobia, well there's a blob with airs and graces far above her station. With a massive chip on her shoulder about it as well. I don't know what she's thinking with that ridiculous dress and posh lady act. Everyone knows she's as common as muck."<br> <br> $ snarks into her cocktail glass.<br> <br> "Is muck, in fact."<br> <br> She swirls her drink.<br> <br> "She's limited even by the standards of her primitive race. It takes nearly all of her concentration to squeeze into that dress and hold her shape. At least she doesn't leave clumps of herself behind wherever she goes."<br> <br> She exhales a cloud of cigarette smoke.<br> <br> "No class. No class at all. No skill either. All she does is mash her big jugs together around a man. Some claim it's pleasant."<br> <br> Baloobia takes another draw on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"" + $ + " had to put special chemicals in the shower just to keep Baloobia from absorbing the patrons.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"There's little point showering beforehand. She's going to leave you covered in muck anyway. Slime girls, ugh.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Even though she's more solid than most, she's still a slime girl. You can never quite wash off all their gunk and if you don't get rid of it, it just makes it easier for the next one to slurp you up.\"\<br\>\<br\>" + $ + " makes disgusting shlur-shlur sounds with her lips."}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<set $hasShowered to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Baloobia: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Baloobia: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [10,false,false], /* surviving */ [10,false,false], /* sensual scenario */ [10,false,false] /* predatory scenario */ ] }>> Baloobia's room is on the bottom floor, for reasons that become apparent when you open the door. Her room more resembles communal showers than a bedroom. The wall is covered in lurid coral-pink tiles. The floor is sunken and looks like a large porcelain basin. A thigh-high ledge about a foot deep circumnavigates the whole room.<br> <br> It's a wet room, you realise. Baloobia did tell you she was going to rub her big breasts all over you. This must be some kind of soapy massage room.<br> <br> In that case, where is the inflatable airbed? If it was a soapy massage room, you would have expected to see an airbed on the floor or propped up against one of the walls. There's just Baloobia. She sits on the ledge on the far side of the room, in her fancy blue ballgown that doesn't really seem suited to the room at all.<br> <br> Baloobia forgoes the usual gift-giving ceremony to ask you: "Would you like a shower before we begin?"<br> <br> She motions to a regular showerhead and box attached to the left wall.<br> <br> [[Take a shower?->Baloobia: Take Shower]]<br> [[Have it afterwards?->Baloobia: Skip Shower]]
/* create score array */ /* 1st, find old score array (if multiple visits, take the last score array) */ <<for _r to 0; _r lt $player.roomScores.length; _r++>> <<if $player.roomScores[_r].harlotNumber eq $hi>> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[_r].scoreArray>> <</if>> <</for>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> You return to Baloobia's room. Knowing what you know about her, her room more resembling communal showers is not a surprise this time. Again, she doesn't seem interested in any gift and merely sits on the ledge circumnavigating the room and watches while you undress.<br> <br> /* TODO - Check for anti-slime charm */ <<set _hasCharm to false>> <<if _hasCharm>> "You don't need the shower," Baloobia says. "The [charm name] you have will be protection enough from my juices." <<else>> "You don't need to bother with the shower," Baloobia says. "You're just going to get covered in slime between my tits anyway." <</if>> <br> <br> [[Take a shower anyway.->Baloobia: Repeat Shower]]<br> [[Skip the shower.->Baloobia: Repeat Skip Shower]]
<<unset $hasShowered>>
You might as well take a shower beforehand. Though, if Baloobia is like the other girls in here, she probably doesn't care that much about your cleanliness. You undress and leave your clothes – and gift – on the shelf. Maybe she'll join you in the shower.<br> <br> Baloobia makes no move to join you. She's content to sit on the shelf in her impractical-for-this-room dress and watch you.<br> <br> You turn on the tap and immediately wrinkle your nose. There is an unpleasant astringent tang to the water that puts you in mind of cleaning chemicals.<br> <br> [[Turn the shower off?->Baloobia: Turn Off Shower]]<br> [[Ignore it and carry on showering?->Baloobia: Continue Shower]]
You turn down the offer of a shower. You don't feel particularly unclean and it makes more sense to have it after the... mucky stuff.<br> <br> And looking at the room, you suspect it will be //mucky// in the literal sense. Baloobia is going to cover you in oil, or soap suds, or something like that, so there seems little point in showering beforehand.<br> <br> You take your clothes off and put them on the wide shelf circumnavigating the whole room. On the other side of the room, Baloobia stands up and starts to undress.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Undress]]
You jump to the side and reach back to turn the tap off, trying to avoid letting any of the strange-smelling water splash on you.<br> <br> "Is something the matter?" Baloobia asks.<br> <br> You tell her the water smells bad.<br> <br> Baloobia tsks. "It's the old plumbing. I keep complaining to $ about it."<br> <br> She stands up and starts to undress.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Undress]]
You stay under the shower. Aside from the unusual smell, the water seems fine enough. It's warm and it feels good to sluice away some of the filth.<br> <br> Unfortunately, afterwards you smell a little too clean. Like you've been dunked in bleach or some kind of livestock dip. It must be the residue of something left in the pipes. A room with this function probably gets cleaned a lot.<br> <br> Refreshed, if smelling a little funny, you watch as Baloobia stands up and starts to undress.<br> <br> <<set $hasShowered to true>> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Undress]]
Baloobia takes her dress off by lifting it up over her head. For such an elaborate fabrication, the dress is removed and folded up with surprising ease.<br> <br> Although, to be fair, you've stopped looking at it by the time Baloobia is placing it on the shelf. Your attention is drawn more by the enigma of Baloobia's body. You can't really make anything of it out. Beneath the dress, her lower half appears to be a chaotic mass of amorphous, chocolate pink flesh.<br> <br> Then Baloobia gives a sigh of relief and her body seems to flow up into and then down into her tits. It's a complete redistribution of mass that sees her boobs swell and grow to gigantic proportions. At the end of it her boobs have ballooned out to sag all the way to the floor. Although 'sag' is not really the right word. Her boobs are as round and perky as those of a glamour model in her prime, just enormous. The proportions would make her look like a giantess standing in a hole in the ground, except her head is the same – regular – size as before. You can't see anything of her body behind her enormous tits.<br> <br> "Ah, it feels so much better to get out of that dress," Baloobia says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Slime Girl Talk]]
She notices your stunned expression and smiles coyly.<br> <br> "I'm a member of the slime family, but not as plastic as the others. I can shift into the form $ requires we take while solicitating patrons, but it takes some effort to hold it. Now we're in my room, I can relax."<br> <br> She gives you a lascivious smile.<br> <br> "And relax you too."<br> <br> You're not too sold on that. Baloobia's body looks... weird.<br> <br> She sees your trepidation.<br> <br> "What's the matter. I thought men liked big boobs."<br> <br> She presses her hands into the side of her enormous tits.<br> <br> /* boob fixation check */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> You do. You really do. But there are limits. Maybe. They are a nice pair... <<else>> There's big, and there's //big//. <</if>> <br> <br> "It'll feel heavenly to have them wrapped around your body," Baloobia says, giving her enormous funbags a good jiggle. "You'll melt away with pleasure."<br> <br> You're not sure you like Baloobia's emphasis on //melt//. You glance to the door. Maybe it would be prudent to beat a strategic retreat.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Boob Slime Capture]]
Baloobia sees you glance at the door and stifles a giggle. "I love it when they look to bolt. It really gets my predatory juices flowing."<br> <br> Yup. Time to leave, you think.<br> <br> She creeps towards you.<br> <br> Slowly.<br> <br> Very slowly.<br> <br> Like a snail.<br> <br> And now it's your turn to stifle a giggle. //Predatory?// You could break both your legs and still have enough time to crawl out of here before Baloobia got anywhere near you.<br> <br> "I see you thinking," Baloobia says. "You're wondering how a slow-moving slime girl like me could catch anything. Well let me show you."<br> <br> She leans back, hoists up her ginormous tits and sprays ropes of sticky white fluid over you. The gunk is very sticky. It's like being trapped under a net – an elastic and very sticky net.<br> <br> [[You're caught!->Baloobia: First-Time Approach]]
Baloobia smiles triumphantly and continues to creep across the floor towards you. She moves slowly. She doesn't need to move quickly given you're not moving at all.<br> <br> She reaches you and draws you between her humongous boobs. You continue struggling and are buffeted around by what feels like two enormous water-filled balloons. Your arms and legs sink deep into her gelatinous body. You're worried you might drown as the whole of you sinks between her tits, then she pops your head back up until it's nicely nestled in her soft cleavage.<br> <br> "Got you," she says.<br> <br> Baloobia lets you tire yourself out and then thickens the substance of her body until you can barely move. At least her expression is playful rather than predatory.<br> <br> "Succubi tend to look down on slime girls and call us weak and primitive. And yes, we might not match them in raw magical power, but few can match the pleasures a slime girl can bring once she's wrapped her body around her prey."<br> <br> She jiggles her enormous tits and you are caressed all over by her amorphous flesh. She presses her hands against her tits and lets the gigantic soft pillows of flesh squeeze you between them. It feels really pleasant – like you're getting an all-over erotic massage. Her boobs exude an arousing scent – a mixture of sweat and sex.<br> <br> [[This isn't so bad.->Baloobia: First-Time Envelopment]]
You stop struggling and let her do her thing. As weird as it is, there's something unmistakeably erotic about being squeezed between two giant boobs. It feels erotic as well. Like you've been immersed in warm mud while several nubile serving girls rub their naked bodies against you.<br> <br> Baloobia gently fluffs her big gelatinous boobs.<br> <br> "I see you're getting it now," she says. "Being enveloped by a slime girl feels wonderful."<br> <br> It does. You lie back and relax while her amorphous body sends pleasant ripples up and down your body. The touches become more sexual. Your balls are cradled. What feels like hands stroke up and down your cock. You swell in erection.<br> <br> <<include [[Baloobia: Absorption Check]]>>
/* mushy ailment check */ <<set _ailment to 7>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> "Ahh, I see one of my slime girl sisters has already prepared you. That will make this a lot easier."<br> <br> [[Make what easier?->Baloobia: Absorption Bad End 1]] /* Black rose check */ <<elseif $cgi eq 0>> /* no text, just go straight to absorption */ [[This feels really good.->Baloobia: Absorption Bad End 1]] /* shower check */ <<elseif $hasShowered>> <<include [[Baloobia: Player Has Showered]]>> /* TODO - anti-slime charm check */ <<elseif $player.charms.includes(21)>> <<include [[Baloobia: Player Has Charm]]>> /* didn't shower and had no protection */ <<else>> <<include [[Baloobia: Player Skipped Shower]]>> <</if>>
More perspiration rises up on Baloobia's breasts. The stench of sex and arousal settles over your face like a thick fog.<br> <br> Your hands and feet sink into her. This time it feels like more than just being enveloped by her soft, malleable flesh. A membrane becomes porous and your hands and feet pass right through it.<br> <br> Into her.<br> <br> Your fingers and toes are surrounded by a pleasant, tingling sensation.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].isPredatory>> "Squirm all you like, there's no escape. You're my prey and now I'm going to absorb you," Baloobia says. <<else>> "Whoops, looks like I've accidentally started to absorb you," Baloobia says. "Oh well, might as well go the whole way." <</if>> <br> <br> Her body bunches up. More perspiration – stinking of sweat and sex – rises up on her skin. Within her, your cock is enveloped, stimulated to full hardness and then that too pierces a membrane and sinks into Baloobia's semi-liquid body. The swollen head is enveloped by a pleasant tingling sensation. It feels like thousands of miniature lips kissing your glans.<br> <br> The orgasm that overtakes you is sudden and powerful. Your cock throbs and empties a stream of cum into Baloobia's liquid interior.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Absorption Bad End 2]]
A portion of her amorphous body lifts up off your waist and then squelches back down. Your erection sinks into a warm spot soaked with her juices.<br> <br> "Oh yes," Baloobia says as your cocks sinks into... her? "Let's give you a good squelch."<br> <br> Her lower half starts to pump up and down and your cock slides back and forth into a warm, wet //something//. Is it flesh, or thick mud?<br> <br> It does feel... good. Every upward movement of Baloobia's... you guess, ass... feels like a delicious wet suck on your cock.<br> <br> "Yes, let's it squelch it out," Baloobia moans. "Squelch it all out."<br> <br> You cock grows stiffer as Baloobia squelches up and down on it. She starts squeezing her big boobs, pressing them up against your body while she fucks you. She presses down on your crotch. The muddy substance of her sex churns around your cock. It slithers up and down your erection in a stroking motion that becomes faster and more irresistible the tighter she presses her boobs together.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> It's almost enough to send you over the edge, but not quite.<br> <br> "Mmm, it seems like you're struggling," Baloobia says. "I'll secrete more of my juices to help you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Absorption Bad End 1]] <<else>> [[Too good...->Baloobia: 1st Pop]] <</if>>
It's too much. Sensing you're about to come, Baloobia relaxes her body and allows you to buck and tremble between her enormous tits. Your cock throbs and you let loose a thick stream into her molten body. The wet substance continues to churn around your erection, and suck. Your cock responds to the stimulation with powerful throbs as you empty your balls into her.<br> <br> Afterwards you lie back, fully supported by her soft body. It feels very comfortable between her big soft boobs.<br> <br> "How delicious," Baloobia says. "I must have more."<br> <br> She pulls her amorphous body together. You're held firmly in her cleavage, with only your head showing. Warm liquids pool around your face and you breathe in an overwhelming melange of sex, sweat and arousal.<br> <br> "And now for the squeeze," Baloobia says.<br> <br> She presses her hands into the side of her tits. Her mammoth boobs press up all around you. And press. And press. An unnatural force grips you and concentrates down in your loins.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> As powerful as Baloobia's squeezing feels. It's too soon after your last ejaculation. You can't come again so quickly, especially after all the other things you've done in the House this night.<br> <br> "Mmm, it seems like you're struggling," Baloobia says. "I'll secrete more of my juices to help you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Absorption Bad End 1]] <<else>> [[Her squeezing is too much to withstand.->Baloobia: 2nd Pop]] <</if>>
You groan as you're again unable to hold on. Your cock throbs as a second, more powerful, ejaculation blasts from you.<br> <br> Is squeezed from you.<br> <br> Baloobia squeezes you between her enormous tits like an orange and you are powerless to stem the flow of 'juice' pouring into her amorphous body. There is no stroking. Or caressing. Baloobia squeezes the semen out of you.<br> <br> Until finally, spent, you're left to lie – passive and panting – in her cleavage. At least that feels comfortable, although Baloobia doesn't give you long to relax.<br> <br> "Very nice," she says. "I would have preferred to melt you with pleasure between my lovely boobs, but this will have to suffice. Maybe next time."<br> <br> She expels you from her cleavage and onto the floor as if spitting out a piece of flavourless gum. You're completely soaked in her warm slime. It looks like slurry and smells like wet pussy. She enjoys watching your ineffectual slitherings as you try to get your jangling nerves back under control for long enough to get back to your feet.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Good End]]
After a couple of false starts, you finally stand back up. The slurry-like slime you're soaked in has cooled and feels pretty gross.<br> <br> Baloobia squeezes her body back into her blue dress and watches you haughtily.<br> <br> "And to think succubi claim us slime girls are weak in the arts of pleasure."<br> <br> She laughs at your sorry state.<br> <br> This time you don't wait for Baloobia to ask if you'd like to use the shower.<br> <br> <<include [[Baloobia: Good End Shower Fragment]]>> "Come again for another full-body squeezing," Baloobia says. She pushes her over-large, but at least vaguely normal-sized breasts together beneath her blue dress.<br> <br> It did feel good, even if washing Baloobia's slime off afterwards was a chore. Even after a long shower you're not sure you've got rid of it all. You still feel a little moist and squelchy underneath your clothes as you walk to the door.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 7>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited to true>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Baloobia: Scenario Clean-up]]>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> "Ah," Baloobia sighs. "This is what absorption is. I'm not a heathen monster. I'm not going to melt your body to mush with acid. I'm going to make you melt with pleasure. Your body will become cum <<if $allHarlots[$hi].isPredatory>>and I will absorb it. It's your secret fantasy, I know. Enjoy it."<<else>>and that lovely big cock of yours will spurt it all out within me."<</if>> <br> <br> The pleasant tingling sensation intensifies around your body. It's getting harder to tell where you end and Baloobia begins. She moans and sighs and plumps her massive tits against you. Pleasant ripples lap against your flesh... run through your flesh. It feels like everything is flowing down to your loins. You moan in pleasure as another long, incredibly satisfying ejaculation flows from you.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].isPredatory>> "Yes, doesn't it feel good. So nice. So pleasant," Baloobia says. "Come, and become part of me. Forever." <<else>> "Yes," Baloobia sighs. "You'll feel only the bliss of one last, endless orgasm." <</if>> <br> <br> She presses her hands into the sides of her boobs and moves them in slow, languid circles. Within her, you're gently rubbed and massaged all over. Another long and pleasantly drawn-out ejaculation flows from you. It's followed by another, and another, until they start to run together in one endless stream of bliss. Your body and limbs dwindle as you keep spurting inside her. Then finally, while you smile in empty-headed bliss, Baloobia draws your head between her giant boobs as well. She sighs in ecstatic satisfaction as she completely absorbs you.<br> <br> <<include [[Baloobia: Scenario Clean-up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You take the shower anyway. Your nose wrinkles at the astringent tang to the water, but you stay under and have a good shower.<br> <br> You turn the tap off when you're finished and turn to watch as Baloobia stands up and undresses.<br> <br> <<set $hasShowered to true>> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Repeat Undress]]
Normally, you'd take a shower, but you remember what happened with Baloobia last time. You're going to get covered in goop anyway, so it seems pretty pointless.<br> <br> You take your clothes off and put them on the wide shelf circumnavigating the whole room. On the other side of the room, Baloobia stands up and starts to undress.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Repeat Undress]]
Baloobia takes her dress off by lifting it up over her head. As always, you're amazed that such an elaborate fabrication folds up as neatly as it does.<br> <br> Again, Baloobia's body morphs. Her mass flows up and into her tits. They grow and swell to gigantic proportions until all you can see of her is her head and two enormous, but perfectly proportioned boobs.<br> <br> "Ah, it always feels good to get out of that dress," she says.<br> <br> She turns to you.<br> <br> "What about you? Are you looking forward to having these wrapped around you again?"<br> <br> She taps the sides of her gigantic mammaries. You remember what they felt like last time and your cock swells and switches.<br> <br> /* check on player preferences from prev visits */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].isSensual>> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Sensual Approach]] <<elseif $allHarlots[$hi].isPredatory>> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Predatory Approach]] <<else>> Baloobia starts oozing towards you, then pauses.<br> <br> "I know you're not going to run, but I can still spray my net slime over you. Some find it kinky."<br> <br> [[Let her spray.->Baloobia: Choose Predatory]]<br> [[It's fine. You're not going anywhere.->Baloobia: Choose Sensual]] <</if>>
Baloobia smiles. "So you like it kinky. Let's have some fun then."<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].isPredatory to true>> <<include [[Baloobia: Predatory Approach]]>>
You don't need that, you tell her. You're not going anywhere.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].isSensual to true>> <<include [[Baloobia: Sensual Approach]]>>
Baloobia smiles and creeps slowly towards you. She reaches you and you let her draw you between her humongous boobs. You relax and sink into her warm, gelatinous flesh. As before, you sink all the way into her cleavage until only your head is left exposed.<br> <br> "Mmm, relax and let my boobs massage you all over," Baloobia says.<br> <br> She jiggles her enormous tits and you are caressed all over by her amorphous flesh. She presses her hands against her tits and lets the gigantic soft pillows of flesh squeeze you between them. It feels really pleasant – like you're getting an all-over erotic massage. Her boobs exude an arousing scent – a mixture of sweat and sex.<br> <br> [[It feels nice.->Baloobia: Sensual Envelopment]]
Baloobia leans back, hoists up her ginormous tits and sprays ropes of sticky white fluid over you. This time she keeps spraying. Far more than is actually needed to hold you in place. She keeps spraying just for the joyful hell of it. You don't mind. The warm slime feels pleasant against your skin and it is a little kinky. Your cock is already rising and pushing against the strands of sticky slime.<br> <br> "Got you," Baloobia says. "And now you are my helpless prey."<br> <br> She creeps slowly across the floor to you, a playful smile on her lips. You make a half-hearted attempt to pull free of the net, but mostly you're impatient for her to reach you and absorb you between those luscious big boobs.<br> <br> "No escape," Baloobia says. "The slime girl has you now. She's going to suck you into her cleavage and absorb you."<br> <br> [[She sucks you in...->Baloobia: Predatory Envelopment]]
You stop struggling and let her do her thing. As weird as it is, there's something unmistakeably erotic about being squeezed between two giant boobs. It feels erotic as well. Like you've been immersed in warm mud while several nubile serving girls rub their naked bodies against you.<br> <br> Baloobia gently fluffs her big gelatinous boobs.<br> <br> "There's nothing like being enveloped by a lovely slime girl," Baloobia says.<br> <br> You lie back and relax while her amorphous body sends pleasant ripples up and down your body. The touches become more sexual. Your balls are cradled. What feels like hands stroke up and down your cock. You swell in erection.<br> <br> <<include [[Baloobia: Absorption Check]]>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].isSensual>> "Mmm, that's it. Relax and be comfortable. We'll have a nice long squelch."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Sensual Sex]] <<elseif $allHarlots[$hi].isPredatory>> "I'm going to absorb all your cum."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Predatory Sex]] <<else>> "Mmm, let's give that cock a good squelch."<br> <br> [[Squelch?->Baloobia: Good Squelch]] <</if>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].isSensual>> "Relax. You have nothing to fear. You have $allCharms[21].name. I can't absorb you, so lie back and enjoy this."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Sensual Sex]] <<elseif $allHarlots[$hi].isPredatory>> "Mmm, that charm won't protect you when my juices really start flowing."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Predatory Sex]] <<else>> "You got my hopes up when you refused that shower, but I can see you didn't need it. You have $allCharms[21].name. No matter. We can still have some squelchy fun."<br> <br> [[Charm? Squelchy fun?->Baloobia: Good Squelch]] <</if>>
A portion of her amorphous body lifts up off your waist and then squelches back down. Your erection sinks into a warm spot soaked with her juices.<br> <br> "Just lie back and relax," Baloobia says.<br> <br> Her lower half pumps up and down and you feel the delicious suction of her semi-liquid body tugging on you.<br> <br> "Oh yes, a good squelch," Baloobia says.<br> <br> She wriggles her back half as she squelches up and down on your cock. It feels like many oil-slick hands stroking up and down your cock. You cock responds and lengthens and hardens. She squeezes her boobs together and gently massages your body while her muddy sex strokes you. She drags it out longer this time. Her touches are slower and more sensual. It feels more like leisurely sex than being wrung out.<br> <br> "We don't need to rush," Baloobia says.<br> <br> She sighs as she bunches up her body. You feel more firmly wedged within her soft flesh. Her flesh wriggles pleasantly around you. Your cock is slowly and gently pumped. It's a slower path to climax, but just as irresistible.<br> <br> "Oh yes. Here it comes," Baloobia says.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> But it doesn't. Baloobia's ministrations feel great, so it can't be that. You think your previous exertions in the House might have left you depleted.<br> <br> "Mmm, it seems like you're struggling," Baloobia says. "I'll secrete more of my juices to help you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Absorption Bad End 1]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Sensual 1st Pop]] <</if>>
A portion of her amorphous body lifts up off your waist and then squelches back down. Your erection sinks into a warm spot soaked with her juices.<br> <br> "This is how a slime girl digests you. She turns you into cum and sucks it all out. Mmm, yes."<br> <br> Her warm amorphous flesh bunches up round your cock and starts pumping up and down. It wraps around your testicles and gently sucks on them. It even tickles lightly around the rim of your anus. She keeps plumping her big boobs around you with rhythmic squeezes.<br> <br> "They all try to hold on. But none can resist a slime girl."<br> <br> She plumps you faster, bouncing you between her giant boobs. You don't even know what she's doing in there now, only that it feels incredible. Your cock is assailed by pleasure from all sides.<br> <br> Baloobia draws up her body and laughs.<br> <br> "Ho ho, you think you can resist this."<br> <br> Her lower half starts squelching up and down on your crotch with increasing speed and force. Your hard cock is fully enveloped and pumped with wet tugs. You writhe helplessly as her flesh presses all around you.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> It turns out you can, in fact, resist this. Although that's probably more because you've had a whole night of sexy succubi draining your balls and there isn't any left.<br> <br> "Mmm, it seems like you're struggling," Baloobia says. "I'll secrete more of my juices to help you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Absorption Bad End 1]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Predatory 1st Pop]] <</if>>
It's coming. Coaxed by Baloobia's gooey ministrations, your cock throbs and you let loose a thick stream of cum into her molten body. The wet substance continues to churn around your erection, and suck. Your cock responds to the stimulation with powerful throbs as you empty your balls into her.<br> <br> Afterwards you lie back, supported by her soft body. It does feel really comfortable between her big boobs. They ripple around you pleasantly.<br> <br> "Comfortable?" Baloobia asks.<br> <br> You are. Supremely.<br> <br> "I'll give you a moment to recover, then we'll go again," Baloobia says. "We still have time."<br> <br> Her big boobs, throb and shift around you. It feels like being slowly caressed by loving hands. You lie back and completely relax.<br> <br> "Ready?" Baloobia says after a short pause. "I have a little special something for you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Sensual Sex 2]]
She lowers her gooey body onto your crotch. Only this time it's not gooey and undifferentiated. Your cock finds an opening and sinks into something warm and soft.<br> <br> "I made a little fleshpot for your cock," Baloobia says. "Doesn't it feel nice."<br> <br> Your cock is enveloped. Little ripples tickle up and down your shaft. Baloobia presses her warm boobs around you. More juices rise up on her skin. You breathe in an overwhelming melange of sex, sweat and arousal.<br> <br> "Let's get those balls fully drained," Baloobia says.<br> <br> She jiggles her big boobs, bouncing you around within her. Your cock slides deep into her wet fleshpot. It pulses around you and strokes up and down your cock. Another orgasm is brewing within you.<br> <br> "Just a gentle squeeze this time," Baloobia says. "A nice gentle squeeze."<br> <br> Her boobs press around you. Her fleshpot pleasantly squeezes your cock.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> It feels good. Really good, but she can't tip you over the edge. It's too soon after the last ejaculation and you've been too active in the House tonight.<br> <br> "Mmm, it seems like you're struggling," Baloobia says. "I'll secrete more of my juices to help you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Absorption Bad End 1]] <<else>> [[You're coming...->Baloobia: Sensual 2nd Pop]] <</if>>
Your body stiffens and you grunt as your cock throbs and empties an even bigger load of cum inside her.<br> <br> So good. So wet and soft and squelchy.<br> <br> Her inner fleshpot continues to stroke up and down your cock. Your swollen glans is enveloped in warm goo. You cock continues to pulse and throb as you pour out your semen inside her.<br> <br> "Oh yes, so much and so delicious," Baloobia says. "I could gobble you all up."<br> <br> Her internal fleshpot and lovely big boobs keep stimulating your body until the ejaculation finally subsides and you lie back – completely spent and satisfied – within her soft body. She continues to massage your body with slow gentle caresses.<br> <br> "Mmm, I'd so like to really melt you with pleasure between these boobs, but not this time. You'll have to content yourself with the lesser pleasures of being enveloped by my body."<br> <br> She gently expels you from her cleavage and onto the floor. Again, you're completely soaked in warm slime. It smells even more strongly of wet pussy. Baloobia still smiles at your struggles to get back to your feet, but at least she helps you this time.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Sensual Good End]]
Baloobia squeezes her body back into her blue dress.<br> <br> "See, I can be gentle and sensual as well. And the succubi say we're simple-minded creatures with no finesse. Hmpth."<br> <br> She helps you over to the shower. You need it. You're completely splattered in Baloobia's gunk. As pleasant as being with her is, you wish it wasn't quite so messy.<br> <br> <<include [[Baloobia: Good End Shower Fragment]]>> "Please visit me again if you fancy a sensual squeeze between my tits." She pushes her now normal-sized breasts together beneath her blue dress.<br> <br> That was rather pleasant, although washing her slime off afterwards is a chore. You can never quite get rid of the mushy feeling. It looks like another trip to $ is called for.<br> <br> Oh well, totally worth it.<br> <br> You squelch your way over to the door.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 7>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Baloobia: Scenario Clean-up]]>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<if $hasShowered>>You get under and try to ignore the funny smell.<<else>>You get under and turn the tap. The water smells funny – astringent – but you ignore it.<</if>> You try to sluice as much of her slime off you as you can. Then you dry yourself off and get dressed.<br> <br>
Baloobia draws you between her humongous boobs. You pretend to struggle as you're buffeted by her enormous gelatinous tits. She wraps you up fully in her amorphous body with only your head free. She bunches up and thickens her body until you can no longer move.<br> <br> "And now to digest you," Baloobia says.<br> <br> She fluffs her big boobs and you are jostled between them. It feels like getting an intimate all-over body massage. Baloobia exudes more juices. She smells even more strongly of sex and arousal this time.<br> <br> "Oh yes, let's work those fluids into your flesh."<br> <br> Your body is massaged all over. It feels like many hands pressing against the membrane and squeezing, kneading your flesh until you feel warm, comfortable, relaxed.<br> <br> And aroused. Really aroused.<br> <br> She turns her attentions to your cock and balls. Squeezing them. Caressing them. Stroking them.<br> <br> <<include [[Baloobia: Absorption Check]]>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].isPredatory>> "And now there is no escape. You really should have taken that shower," she says. Her expression is not quite so playful.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Absorption Bad End 1]] <<else>> "I'm so glad you skipped the shower. The chemicals they put in the water to stop my body from absorbing you taste foul."<br> <br> [[Absorbing?->Baloobia: Absorption Bad End 1]] <</if>>
Too much. Too good. Baloobia's motions reach a crescendo and you peak with them. You buck and jerk as much as Baloobia's overflowing boobs will allow as you release a big flood of sperm within her. Her gelatinous flesh continues to pump and throb around you, stretching out your ejaculation for as long as possible until eventually you crash back down, spent.<br> <br> "The prey's resistance is broken," Baloobia says.<br> <br> Her gelatinous boobs ripple against your body. It's very wet inside her. The stench of sex and arousal is overpowering.<br> <br> "Now lie back and be helpless prey while I squeeze the rest of your cum out."<br> <br> Her muddy fleshy churns and forms a slow-moving cyclone centred around your cock. She starts to squeeze her tits rhythmically against you. Her warm wet flesh presses tightly all around you. An unnatural force grips you and concentrates down in your loins.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> As powerful as Baloobia's squeezing feels. It's too soon after your last ejaculation. You can't come again so quickly, especially after all the other things you've done in the House this night.<br> <br> "Mmm, it seems like you're struggling," Baloobia says. "I'll secrete more of my juices to help you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Absorption Bad End 1]] <<else>> [[You can't hold on...->Baloobia: Predatory 2nd Pop]] <</if>>
The pressure is too much to resist. You groan and buck and release a second massive flood of semen into her churning sex.<br> <br> "Mmm yes. You're mine," Baloobia says. "I'm going to squeeze you all out."<br> <br> Her gelatinous boobs press tightly around you. You are pulled down until her cleavage is pressing around your cheeks. She squeezes and squeezes. Warm muddy jelly churns around your genitals – licking, caressing, cajoling, coaxing.<br> <br> "Squeeze you dry like a lemon."<br> <br> Your cock throbs and mindlessly spurts gouts of cum into her wet slime. You are lost completely to orgasmic pleasure within the slimy clutch of Baloobia's tits.<br> <br> Then, just as you're thinking she might actually squeeze you all out like a lemon, she stops and spits you out of her cleavage like a pip. You're left to slither about – covered in slime – on the floor, cum still dribbling from your spasming cock.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Baloobia: Predatory Good End]]
"That was fun," Baloobia laughs. "I do love a patron who lets me indulge my predatory side."<br> <br> She watches while you unsteadily get back to your feet.<br> <br> "Was it fun for you? Kinky? Sexy?"<br> <br> She lightly strokes your still-dribbling cock with a wet hand.<br> <br> "I think so. You let out so much inside me."<br> <br> She leaves you be and squeezes her body back into her blue dress. You stumble over to the shower.<br> <br> <<include [[Baloobia: Good End Shower Fragment]]>> "You should let me fully absorb you next time. The pleasure will be like nothing you've ever experienced," Baloobia says.<br> <br> You're tempted. You think it would feel so good to sink into Baloobia's soft body and be within her forever.<br> <br> You're tempted, and it scares you. You make your excuses and hurriedly leave.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 7>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Baloobia: Scenario Clean-up]]>> <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
/* predatory */ <<if _scoreArray[2][1]>> "What an awful, disgusting experience," $ says.<br> <br> He looks at you in shock.<br> <br> "What? You enjoyed it?"<br> <br> He shakes his head. /* sensual */ <<elseif _scoreArray[1][1]>> "Hmm, maybe she's not so bad once she warms up to you. The whole experience still sounds intolerably grubby. I shall be avoiding her." /* first-time */ <<elseif _scoreArray[0][1]>> "How positively disgusting," $ says. "A slime girl, and a muddy slime girl at that! Only the Feculatia are more revolting. Thank you for the forewarning. You shall be richly rewarded." <<else>> /* shouldn't get here */ <</if>>
<<set _ailment to 7>> <<include [[Remove Player Ailment]]>>
Arana looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name and stifles a little chuckle with her hand.<br> <br> [[Arana changes...->Arana Solfugis: Transformation]]
"Are you trying to get me drunk?" she laughs.<br> <br> She downs it in one lusty gulp, puts the mug to one side and gives a satisfied sigh.<br> <br> "Lovely," she says. "And now for the main course."<br> <br> [[Arana changes...->Arana Solfugis: Transformation]]
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> She looks at the ugly little fetish. Her expression is unreadable as she studies it.<br> <br> You feel a little foolish for bringing it. It's an ugly primitive little twisted thing. Why would you ever present that to a pretty woman?<br> <br> "I don't suppose you know the significance of this?" she asks. "No, they never do."<br> <br> You stare blankly.<br> <br> "It's a symbolic offering from prehistoric times," Arana says. "There existed a ferocious tribe of spider-women. The men feared them, but also wished to mate with them, which was dangerous, as the spider-women liked to eat men. So, the men would bring the spider an offering, in order to slake her terrible hunger beforehand. Over time the offering became a symbolic one, a child of twigs and twine, rather than one of meat and blood. The spider-women were fine with this, for they also needed to mate with the men to propagate their own species."<br> <br> What will you say to that?<br> <br> [["\"Did it work?\""->Arana Solfugis: Fetish Question]]<br> [[Nothing. Stay silent.->Arana Solfugis: Fetish Silence]]<br> <<else>> Arana smiles. She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you and casually tosses it to the other side of the room, where it sticks in a patch of web.<br> <br> "There's no need to bother with that," Arana says. "I told you next time I'd be putting you in my pussy."<br> <br> [[Arana changes...->Arana Solfugis: Transformation]] <</if>>
"How nice," Arana says. "You shouldn't have."<br> <br> She puts <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> to one side and turns back to you.<br> <br> "You really shouldn't have."<br> <br> [[Arana changes...->Arana Solfugis: Transformation]]
/* Cibi Somnia */ <<set $hi to 27>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Cibi Somnia", shortDescription: "", faction: 1, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [13], affection: 0, hasSocialised: false, preIntroductionLink: "Cibi: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Cibi: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Cibi: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Cibi: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Cibi: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Cibi: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Cibi: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Cibi: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(37)>> <<set $player.hasVision to true>> <<set $player.maxFactionAffinities to [1, 2]>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to 5>> */ <<set $player.currWill to 2>> /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set _ailment to 6>> /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 27>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 13>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
"Ah, the sheep," $ says as he pulls out a black notebook. "She looks harmless enough. I've been thinking of paying her a visit myself." /* always end in line breaks */ <br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a pretty sheep girl with heavy-lidded violet eyes and large curled horns. She wears a stylish blue longcoat with wool trim.">>
/* Madam intro */ "Oh ho, Cibi Somnia has woken up and deigned to grace us with her presence," $ says. "Her relaxing touch will send you to slumberland." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Cibi Somnia is a sheep think. There is a strong sheep motif to her appearance. Her hair is a tightly curled bob of silvery-white wool. She has a large pair of ram's horns that curl around her pointed ears.<br> <br> She has woollen ruffs around her neck, wrists and ankles. It's while looking at her ankles you realise she's not wearing any shoes. From her posture, you assumed she was up on high heels, but on closer inspection you realise she's propped up on a pair of elegant hooves.<br> <br> She wears a stylish Prussian-blue longcoat with wool trim that extends down to her knees. Her eyes are big and expressive, with heavy eyelids and strange but alluring violet irises. <<if $player.hasVision>> <br> <br> Cibi doesn't look as intimidating as the other harlots. She looks like a friendly, fluffy sheep girl. And yet...<br> <br> As you look at her, you see something else. A something that is simultaneously behind, within and superimposes her form. It's not anything – a void, an //absence//. A somehow //toothy// cavity in space and time. Looking at it sends shivers up your spine. <</if>><br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hi, I'm Cibi. Would you like a relaxing cuddle with me?" Cibi says. <br>
Despite her beastly appearance, Cibi cuts a chic and alluring figure as she accompanies you out into the bar. She snuggles up close to you, more like a date than an escort. You find a quiet table. <br><br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Cibi: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Cibi: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> Cibi stifles a loud yawn.<br> <br> "You interrupted my nap, for this."<br> <br> She leaves you to your red-faced embarrassment. <br><br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set _hasVision to $player.hasVision>> The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a cocktail for Cibi. You make idle chitchat. Beastly appearance aside, being in Cibi's company is very relaxing. Maybe a little too relaxing. You feel your eyelids start to droop.<br> <br> Cibi leans forward to whisper. "I'm not wearing anything at all beneath this coat."<br> <br> <<if _hasVision>> It's not that which jolts you to full attentiveness. Cibi moves her head, but for a moment the shape remains behind. An absence, cut out of space and time. A bottomless absence, filled with teeth. <<else>> That jolts you back to full attentiveness. <</if>><br> <br> Cibi giggles.<br> <br> "I thought that would get your attention. You looked like you were dozing off."<br> <br> <<if _hasVision>> You apologise while trying to make sense of what you saw. A waking dream? No, nightmare. Beneath the table your ankles and knees shiver in nameless dread. <<else>> You apologise. <</if>><br> <br> "There is no need for that. The House can be quite draining. You're probably exhausted."<br> <br> It has been a long night.<br> <br> "Come up to my room and we'll have a nice long cuddle together. If you're feeling tired, you can put your head in my lap and take a little nap. I won't mind."<br> <br> <<if _hasVision>> It would be tempting. You do feel quite tired. But what did you see? Why are your knees still shivering as you return to $ <<else>> Her offer is quite tempting. You do feel quite tired. You stifle a yawn as you return to <<print $ + ".">> <</if>><br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
$ shudders at the mention of her name.<br> <br> "That's a wolf in sheep's clothing if ever there was one," she says.<br> <br> She sips her cocktail.<br> <br> "Her kind still belong to the Dominion of Lust, barely, so she can fuck with the best of them. But you'll want to be careful you don't get too relaxed in her presence. There's a nightmare waiting behind that pretty face."<br> <br> She takes another sip.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"She doesn't like coffee.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"That massage of hers will send you right off to slumberland if you've tired yourself out beforehand.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"You'll need a strong will or outside help to avoid falling asleep in her presence.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Cibi: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cibi: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $choseMassageAfter to false>> <<set $hasDrunkCoffee to false>> /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Massage */ [1,false,false], /* Doggy */ [2,false,false], /* Missionary */ [3,false,false] /* Cowgirl */ ] }>> <<include [[Cibi: Enter Room]]>>
/* no repeat scenario at the moment*/ <<include [[Cibi: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Cibi Somnia's room is pretty and decorated to look like the twilight sky. The walls go from a lighter shade to a darker shade of blue. The ceiling is painted black and studded with stars. The furniture is covered with thick bundles of cottonwool and made to resemble clouds. You see a big cloud in the centre of the room that likely serves as the bed.<br> <br> You notice faint music playing in the background. It sounds like a lullaby punctuated with silvery bells. The whole ambience of the room is relaxing, almost soporific. You find yourself stifling a yawn as Cibi gets up off one of the 'clouds' and comes over to greet you.<br> <br> [[You present her your gift.->Cibi: Gift]]
<<unset $choseMassageAfter>> <<unset $hasDrunkCoffee>>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Cibi: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 13>> <<include [[Cibi: Gift: Coffee]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cibi: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>>
Cibi takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you.<br> <br> "Hold on. I'll just need to adjust the room settings," she says.<br> <br> She picks up a remote control and presses some buttons. The lights dim and the piped background lullaby increases in volume.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cibi: Undressing]]
"For me?" Cibi says as you present her the <<print $allGifts[$cgi].name + ".">><br> <br> She takes a sniff and her nose wrinkles in disgust. She passes the mug back to you.<br> <br> "I'm sorry. I never got a taste for coffee. I find it too bitter. Maybe you should drink it. I've heard the House's coffee is very good. It would be a shame to let it go to waste."<br> <br> [[Drink it?->Cibi: Drink Coffee]]<br> [[Don't drink it?->Cibi: Don't Drink Coffee]]
Cibi takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you.<br> <br> "Why, thank you," she says.<br> <br> She places the $allGifts[$cgi].name in a small cupboard decorated to look like a tiny cloud and turns back to face you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cibi: Undressing]]
Cibi gives you a seductively mischievous glance and puts her hands on the edges of her longcoat. Teasingly, she swings to the left, then to the right, then opens her jacket with a "tada!"<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>>As she said in the bar downstairs, she's<<else>>She's<</if>> not wearing anything underneath.<br> <br> Her revealed body is curvy, voluptuous and looks very comfy. You can see her lovely pink nipples and the pink gash of her sex.<br> <br> You can also see the fuzz of a thin layer of silvery white wool covering most of her body.<br> <br> "Not too beastly, I hope," Cibi says.<br> <br> It is unusual, but not unappealing. If it was elsewhere you'd think it some kind of exotic cosplay. Her breasts are exposed, as is a little pink circle of flesh around her navel. The downy wool merges into and forms a triangle of pubic hair around her exposed sex. Her arms and legs are bare aside from little cuffs of wool at her wrists and calves. She has a similar ruff around the bottom of her neck. It doesn't really detract from her curvaceous figure and Cibi can see that from the way you look at her.<br> <br> "And now your turn," she says, pointing at your clothes.<br> <br> You swiftly disrobe and join her in nakedness.<br> <br> Cibi runs a hand over the top of the cloud bed. It looks very soft and fluffy.<br> <br> "Would you like your massage before or after sex?" she asks.<br> <br> [[Before?->Cibi: Choose Massage Before]]<br> [[After?->Cibi: Choose Massage After]]
You drink the coffee. Cibi is right, the House does make good coffee. It's bitter, but rich with flavour. Strong too. You feel more alert and some of the tiredness leaves your eyes. You put the empty mug to one side and turn back to Cibi.<br> <br> <<set $hasDrunkCoffee to true>> [[Continue.->Cibi: Undressing]]
You don't have much of a liking for coffee either. You put the mug to one side where it won't be knocked over and turn back to Cibi.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cibi: Undressing]]
<<set $choseMassageAfter to false>> "Come and lie down here." Cibi pats the centre of the fluffy cloud bed. "I'll give you a nice arousing massage to put you in the mood."<br> <br> You climb onto the cloud bed. It feels fluffy and warm, but the mattress beneath is maybe a little too soft. Fucking Cibi on here is going to be tiring.<br> <br> You lie down on your front where Cibi indicates and sink down into a mass of soft cottonwool. It has a pleasing aroma you can't quite place.<br> <br> [[Cibi begins the massage.->Cibi: Massage]]
<<set $choseMassageAfter to true>> "Okay, I'll give you a nice relaxing massage after we've had sex."<br> <br> She climbs up on the bed and glances seductively back at you.<br> <br> "But first the sex," she says.<br> <br> You climb onto the cloud bed. It feels fluffy and warm, but the mattress beneath is maybe a little too soft. Fucking Cibi on here is going to be tiring.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cibi: Doggy Style 1]]
"Relax," she whispers.<br> <br> She breathes heavily right next to your ear, sending a pleasant tingle through your body.<br> <br> "Let your cares and worries float away."<br> <br> Moving around you on the fluffy mattress, Cibi gives you a slow, relaxing massage. Her soft hands glide over your back and shoulders, gently kneading and caressing your tired muscles. She does the same to your legs, finding spots of soreness and gently smoothing them away.<br> <br> She switches to using her cuffs of soft wool. Her touch becomes featherlight – little more than a whisper across your exposed skin. They send a pleasant tingle through you that causes your hairs to prick up. Cibi sighs as she continues to glide her woollen cuffs over your back and shoulders. You feel both relaxed and aroused. Maybe more relaxed. The pleasant lullaby music continues to play in the background. You feel your eyelids droop.<br> <br> Cibi puts a leg across your body and lies on top of you. You feel her warm weight pushing you down into the cottonwool-soft bed.<br> <br> She breathes heavily in your ear.<br> <br> "Relax," she says.<br> <br> More gentle sighs.<br> <br> "Drift. Dream."<br> <br> Your eyelids feel very heavy. Lulled by Cibi's sighs and the soft music playing in the background, you feel really sleepy.<br> <br> /* score massage */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <<if $choseMassageAfter>> <<include [[Cibi: Massage After: End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cibi: Post-Massage Test]]>> <</if>>
Cibi gets on her hands and knees and wiggles her inviting ass at you.<br> <br> "How about we start with some doggy," she says. "Or should that be sheepy," she laughs.<br> <br> You move up behind her and position yourself on your knees between her legs. Cibi reaches behind her, grabs your cock and guides it to the entrance to her vagina. She rocks back and you sink into her warm, wet pussy.<br> <br> You grab the lush cheeks of her ass and hold them as you thrust back and forth inside her. Her pussy feels luxuriously tight and wet. Your cock twitches with delight as you explore her warm depths.<br> <br> "Mmm, fucking a sheep like this," Cibi says. "It's like you've had previous experience. Would you like me to //baaaaa//?"<br> <br> You pause when you realise what she's implying.<br> <br> Cibi laughs. "I'm just teasing. Some of us in here might look a little beastly, or even stranger, but we're still women in all other regards."<br> <br> She rocks back against you. Her vagina tightens hungrily around your cock. You pump hard against her. The springy little muff of curly wool around her vagina makes for a nice cushion as your bodies come together.<br> <br> "Grab my horns," Cibi urges between breathy sighs.<br> <br> You lean over, grab her curling horns and hold them like handlebars. You press close to her, feeling her downy soft wool rub against your chest while you thrust away. You feel delicious slick friction as your cock slides back and forth inside her.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount lt 1>> [[Continue.->Cibi: Doggy Style: No Semen]] <<else>> [[You're coming...->Cibi: Doggy Style 2]] <</if>>
"Close your eyes and have a little nap," Cibi breathes in your ear. "I'll wake you up at the end of the session."<br> <br> That sounds like a good idea. You feel really tired. A little nap won't hurt.<br> <br> <<include [[Cibi: To Bad End]]>>
Your eyelids are drooping shut when you hear the snap of Cibi's fingers.<br> <br> "You're dozing off," she says.<br> <br> She rolls off and lies next to you on the bed.<br> <br> "We haven't had sex yet," she says. "If I let you sleep through the whole session $ will accuse me of trying to con the punters."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cibi: Doggy Style 1]]
/* always include this at end of passage */ Cibi cuddles up to you with her warm body. She nuzzles your neck and breathes softly in your ear.<br> <br> You're unable to stop yourself from closing your eyes and dozing off. You drift off to sleep.<br> <br> [[You fall asleep.->Cibi: Bad End]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> /* score doggy */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> You're close. So is Cibi. She trembles beneath you. You tremble too. The orgasm rises up within you and bursts out in a great flood. You press tightly to her, push up with your hips and hold her there as you empty thick ropes of semen inside her.<br> <br> Unable to help herself, Cibi lets out a loud orgasmic "Baaaaa!"<br> <br> Then, spent, you pull out and collapse on the cloud bed next to her. Your breathing is heavy and your heart is still racing. That was harder work than you were expecting.<br> <br> Cibi cuddles up to you and envelops you in her warmth and scent.<br> <br> You feel pooped. The mattress, while pretty as a cloud, is so soft it makes sex tiring. It is very warm and comfortable, though. Lulled by the soft music playing in the background, you feel your eyelids droop.<br> <br> <<include [[Cibi: 1st Post-Coital Test]]>>
/* no semen */ <<if $player.semenCount eq 0>> <<include [[Cibi: To Bad End]]>> <<else>> /* test overrides (black rose, coffee) */ <<if $cgi eq 0 or $hasDrunkCoffee>> [[Continue.->Cibi: 1st Interlude]] <<else>> /* fatigue test (overrides Will & Charm) */ <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<include [[Cibi: To Bad End]]>> <<else>> /* Will test (need 3 or higher) has charm override */ <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [37]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> [[Continue.->Cibi: 1st Interlude]] <<else>> <<include [[Cibi: To Bad End]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
Then flick back open as you hear a strange bony click. For a brief, disorientating moment, you glimpse Cibi's face in the corner of your eye and it seems //altered//. Your eyes open, you turn to face her and see it's just her regular friendly face smiling back at you.<br> <br> "We've still got time," she says. "Let's go again."<br> <br> [[Go again.->Cibi: Pre-Missionary]]<br> <<if $cgi neq 0>> [[Politely turn her down.->Cibi: 1st Decline]] <</if>>
Not much is known about the mysterious Dream Eater. No one even knows what they really look like, as the Dream Eater never reveals her true form while there is anyone awake to see it. The only thing known for certain is that a person should never //ever// fall asleep – alone – in the presence of a Dream Eater.<br> <br> Your dreams are pleasant... and then they are not.<br> <br> You never wake up.<br> <br> <<include [[Cibi: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
She reaches over to stroke your cock. You're surprised it's still hard.<br> <br> "Pheromones," Cibi explains. "It's another advantage to being a little beastly. Although, mine aren't very strong, at least not in comparison to your average succubus. Not that they need to be. The whole House is drenched in succubus pheromones. You'll be walking around with a stiffy for most of your time in here."<br> <br> <<include [[Cibi: Missionary 1]]>>
"Oh, did I do something wrong?" Cibi asks as you decline to continue.<br> <br> She looks disappointed. She also makes sure to open her legs to show what you're missing. Maybe you were a little hasty.<br> <br> "We don't have to fuck," Cibi says. "We can just cuddle if you want."<br> <br> That also sounds fine.<br> <br> What will you do?<br> <br> [[Change your mind and have more sex?->Cibi: 1st Decline: Change Mind]]<br> [[Cuddle?->Cibi: Cuddle]]<br> [[Leave?->Cibi: Choose Early Leave]]
Smiling at you, Cibi lies on her back next to you and opens her legs. She reaches between and runs her hand along the moist groove of her sex. She parts her labia with her fingers and shows off the moist pink interior of her vagina.<br> <br> That's all the encouragement you need. You climb on top and push down with your hips. Your swollen glans parts her labia and again your cock is sinking into the tight, slick clutch of her pussy. You sink all the way down to the hilt and relish the feeling of her warm tightness pressing all around your manhood.<br> <br> You start pistoning your hips, driving your cock back and forth into her wet pussy. Her body rocks beneath you with each thud. Her tits jiggle. Cibi pants and moans with pleasure. She wraps her legs around you and crosses her feet. She wraps her arms loosely around you and lightly rakes her nails across your back. As with her massage, she switches to using the woollen cuffs around her wrists. Their whispery caresses send sympathetic shivers down your spine. They coalesce into bolts of energy that energise your hips to thrust harder and faster.<br> <br> [[You're coming...->Cibi: Missionary 2]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> /* score missionary */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> Cibi moans. "Oh. Oh. Excuse me. I sound so goofy when... Ah. No good. I can't help..."<br> <br> Her moans and sighs intensify until she hits orgasm with a loud, bleating "Baaaaa!" Her pussy flutters madly with her climax, pulsing around you and propelling you into joining her in orgasm. Your buttocks flex, you push deep into her luscious warmth and vent your own orgasmic cry as you unleash a throbbing river of cum inside her.<br> <br> Afterwards you collapse on top of her, panting. You roll off to the side, still breathing heavily. Again you wish the bed, as comfortably soft as it is, had a little more spring to it. Fucking Cibi on it is really exhausting.<br> <br> Cibi cuddles up to you with her warm body. As your breathing slows and returns to normal you again feel your eyelids start to droop and the urge to take a little nap rise with you. You close your eyes.<br> <br> <<include [[Cibi: 2nd Post-Coital Test]]>>
/* no semen */ <<if $player.semenCount eq 0>> <<include [[Cibi: To Bad End]]>> <<else>> /* test overrides (black rose, coffee) */ <<if $cgi eq 0 or $hasDrunkCoffee>> [[Continue.->Cibi: 2nd Interlude]] <<else>> /* fatigue test (overrides Will & Charm) */ <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<include [[Cibi: To Bad End]]>> <<else>> /* Will test (has charm override) */ <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [37]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> [[Continue.->Cibi: 2nd Interlude]] <<else>> <<include [[Cibi: To Bad End]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
Again, your eyes flick back open as you hear a strange bony click. You have the curious impression that Cibi's face has disassembled and as you turn to her, the pieces snap back together like a puzzle box.<br> <br> "Anything, the matter?" Her face looks perfectly normal and radiant.<br> <br> You blink to clear the tiredness from your eyes. Yes, normal and smiling. You must have imagined it.<br> <br> "Dozy," Cibi says nuzzling her nose against you. "Hmm, it appears I haven't fully taken care of this."<br> <br> Her hand pumps up and down your still-hard cock.<br> <br> "How about we go again?"<br> <br> [[Go again.->Cibi: Pre-Cowgirl]]<br> <<if $cgi neq 0>> [[Politely turn her down.->Cibi: 2nd Decline]] <</if>>
/* no semen */ <<if $player.semenCount eq 0>> <<include [[Cibi: To Bad End]]>> <<else>> /* test overrides (black rose, coffee, charms) */ <<if $cgi eq 0 or $hasDrunkCoffee>> [[Continue.->Cibi: Massage Before: End]] <<else>> /* Will test (need 2 or higher) */ <<if $player.currWill lt 2>> <<include [[Cibi: To Bad End]]>> <<else>> /* no fatigue test */ /* passed */ [[Continue.->Cibi: Massage Before: End]] <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
"You look tuckered out, but that's fine. I'll take a turn on top this time."<br> <br> <<include [[Cibi: Cowgirl 1]]>>
"Oh. Was it too much?" Cibi asks. "You do look a little tired."<br> <br> She runs a hand lightly down your side.<br> <br> "We don't have to fuck. We can just cuddle if you want."<br> <br> That doesn't sound too bad.<br> <br> What will you do?<br> <br> [[Change your mind and have more sex?->Cibi: 2nd Decline: Change Mind]]<br> [[Cuddle?->Cibi: Cuddle]]<br> [[Leave?->Cibi: Choose Early Leave]]
She gets up and straddles you with her cloven hooves. She squats down until the swollen head of your cock is nuzzling up to the entrance of her pussy.<br> <br> "This is where I get to indulge my more animalistic instincts and go a little beastly on you."<br> <br> She lowers herself. Her labia part and your engorged cock is gobbled up by her vagina, millimetre by teasing millimetre, until the curly wool pad of her pubic hair is pressing against your crotch. She starts slow at first, but only at first. She speeds up, her hips slamming down against you faster and harder as she fucks you hard. Sighing and moaning, she bounces on your cock. Her voluptuous breasts bounce with her. It feels like a tight, slick hand pumping up and down your shaft.<br> <br> "Oh yes, give me your seed," she cries.<br> <br> She wriggles her hips and lets your swollen cock slide around inside her.<br> <br> [[You're coming...->Cibi: Cowgirl 2]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> /* score cowgirl */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> Cibi's face reddens. "Yes. Yes. Oh no."<br> <br> Again, she loses control and bleats out a loud "Baaaaa!" at the moment of climax. Again, you don't really care as you can already feel the tightening in your loins that precedes your own orgasm. As Cibi collapses and folds her body over yours, you hit climax and your cock throbs and spurts deep inside her.<br> <br> Cibi stays coupled with you for longer, her arms wrapped around you as you cuddle. Even though she did most of the work this time, you feel exhausted. Cibi is also breathing heavily from the exertion. Her sighs in your ear have a soporific effect. The bed feels so soft and comfortable – her body so warm and cozy as she cuddles you – your eyelids start to droop.<br> <br> "I think we're both tuckered out," Cibi says. "I feel like taking a little nap. Do you?"<br> <br> She snuggles up close to you. A little nap sounds tempting. Your eyelids droop closed. You feel yourself drifting off.<br> <br> <<include [[Cibi: 3rd Post-Coital Test]]>>
/* no semen is fine at this point */ /* black rose or fatigued overrides all saves */ <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment or $cgi eq 0>> [[You fall asleep.->Cibi: Bad End]] <<else>> /* Coffee overrides will test */ <<if $hasDrunkCoffee>> [[Continue.->Cibi: 3rd Interlude]] <<else>> /* Will test (has charm override) */ <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [37]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> [[Continue.->Cibi: 3rd Interlude]] <<else>> <<include [[Cibi: To Bad End]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
Your eyelids snap open. Did you doze off? For a brief moment your conscious of something in your arms – an eldritch and unknowable alien //something//. In the corner of your eye you see Cibi's face opened up like a jigsaw puzzle. In the abyssal gaps between the pieces lurk pointed white teeth and waving blood-red tendrils.<br> <br> Reflexively, you try to pull away.<br> <br> "What's the matter?" Cibi asks sleepily. "Are you having a bad dream?"<br> <br> Her face has snapped back together so perfectly you can see no seams nor any evidence it was ever anything but whole. Indeed, you wonder if it was just a dream, or your imagination playing tricks on you.<br> <br> Cibi's sleepy smile seems innocent enough, but there's something in her violet eyes – a hint of //knowing//.<br> <br> <<if $choseMassageAfter>> [[Continue.->Cibi: Massage After Sex]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Cibi: Good End]] <</if>>
"I think that's enough fucking," Cibi says with a laugh. "Time to slow things down. Roll over and I'll finish up by giving you a nice relaxing massage."<br> <br> You roll over and lie down on your front where Cibi indicates. You sink down into a mass of soft cottonwool. It has a pleasing aroma you can't quite place.<br> <br> [[Cibi begins the massage.->Cibi: Massage]]
"That was a lot of fucking," Cibi says with a laugh. "Maybe we should just nap for a bit. We can always go again after—"<br> <br> She is interrupted by the ringing of a bell, loud enough to be heard over the soft lullaby playing in the background.<br> <br> "Or maybe not," she corrects. "That means our time is up. Looks like we'll have to stop here."<br> <br> She bounces up out of the bed. You're much slower. Your body feels very heavy and it takes a bit of effort to extricate yourself from the soft cloud mattress. You're almost tempted to stay where you are and go to sleep for a bit, but you don't know what the House does to people who overstay their sessions in the room and you think you don't want to find out.<br> <br> You finally get off the bed, yawn, stretch and then retrieve your clothes.<br> <br> "That was very nice," Cibi says.<br> <br> She has already put her longcoat back on.<br> <br> "I'm glad I didn't eat you," she adds.<br> <br> [[Did you hear that right?->Cibi: Good End 2]]
Looking at Cibi's gorgeous body you think it would be a shame to leave early.<br> <br> <<include [[Cibi: Missionary 1]]>>
Cuddling does sound appealing. You lie down and let Cibi put her arms around you. She snuggles up close and you're enveloped in her warmth and scent.<br> <br> "If you're feeling tired, just take a little nap," Cibi breathes in your ear.<br> <br> That sounds like a good idea. You feel really tired. A little nap won't hurt.<br> <br> <<include [[Cibi: To Bad End]]>>
<<if $choseMassageAfter>> <<include [[Cibi: Leave Before Massage]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cibi: Early Leave]]>> <</if>>
"Oh, but you haven't had your massage," Cibi says. "At least let me give you that."<br> <br> [[Let her give you a massage?->Cibi: Early Massage After Sex]]<br> [[Leave?->Cibi: Early Leave]]
Cibi seems disappointed, but makes no attempt to stop you getting off the bed.<br> <br> "I'm sorry we didn't quite hit it off."<br> <br> She lounges on the soft cloud bed and her naked body looks absolutely gorgeous even with the little fuzz of wool covering most of her skin.<br> <br> "If you change your mind, you're always welcome to come back for a nice relaxing cuddle," Cibi says.<br> <br> You put your clothes back on and leave. Maybe you did leave too early. Maybe that was the right call. You don't know.<br> <br> /* no faction increase for leaving early */ <<include [[Cibi: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Cibi smiles and rubs the middle of the cloud bed to indicate where she wants you. You lie down on your front and sink down into the mass of soft cottonwool. It has a pleasing aroma you can't quite place.<br> <br> [[Cibi begins the massage.->Cibi: Massage]]
You think that maybe you can go again.<br> <br> "That's the spirit," Cibi says. "I'll give you a break and take a turn on top this time."<br> <br> <<include [[Cibi: Cowgirl 1]]>>
You pause and look in her direction. For a brief moment you see not her but something else simultaneously behind, within and superimposing her form – an eldritch chilly toothy //absence// in the shape of Cibi that turns your bowels to ice water.<br> <br> And then it's gone, leaving behind a pleasant smiling girl with the motif of a sheep, and making you wonder if it was nothing more than a figment spawned from tired eyes.<br> <br> Except her big violet eyes. They //know//.<br> <br> "Please come again whenever you need a nice relaxing cuddle," Cibi beams.<br> <br> You put your clothes back on and leave.<br> <br> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Cibi: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
/* Text here */ /* Full Feedback */ <<if _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> "I don't know what to make of it," $ says. "Her massage sounds delightfully relaxing. Sex with her seems normal, at least by this infernal House's standards. And yet..."<br> <br> He pauses, deep in thought.<br> <br> "I don't know what to make of it." /* Left without massage */ <<elseif _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> "You left early. Was she not your type? Hmm, it's something, but I would prefer more to be perfectly honest." /* Left early */ <<else>> "You left without even letting her give you a massage. Was she not your type? Hmm, it's something, but I would prefer more to be perfectly honest." <</if>> /* do not end with linebreaks */
/* Balla-Balla an Buachar */ <<set $hi to 16>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Balla-Balla an Buachar", shortDescription: "", faction: 3, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [19], affection: 2, preIntroductionLink: "Balla-Balla: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Balla-Balla: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Balla-Balla: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Balla-Balla: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Balla-Balla: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Balla-Balla: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Balla-Balla: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Balla-Balla: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Balla-Balla: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.charms.push(17)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to true>> <<set $player.currIsSlutty to true>> /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ <<set $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick to false>> /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 16>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> /* <<set $cgi to 0>> */ <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a voluptuous fairy girl with a big curvy butt. She's about six inches high and wears loose-fitting white lingerie. She hovers in place with a dirty grin on her face.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is our resident butt fairy, Balla-Balla an Buachar," $ says. "She really likes butts." <br> <br> /* Long description */ As your attention turns to Balla-Balla an Buachar, she turns around and – while still hovering in the air – wiggles her curvy butt at you. It's a nice butt – plump and swollen like a luscious peach. Her loose-fitting white panties are little more than a thong pinched into her narrow butt crack. Her ass cheeks swell out on each side to form perfect fleshy hemispheres.<br> <br> It's also a very small butt. Balla-Balla is barely bigger than your hand. She hovers in place on two pairs of whirring insect wings. Despite her miniaturised size she has a lovely curvaceous figure – big bouncy bosom, beautiful bulging booty, connected by a narrow wasp waist.<br> <br> Her face is heart-shaped and lovely, with big brown eyes and one of the dirtiest smiles you've ever seen on a woman. Her chestnut hair is swept up in a gravity-defying whirl. The one un-fairylike feature she possesses is a pair of curled brown horns. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hi, I'm Balla-Balla an Buachar," the chestnut-haired fairy girl says. "Would you like me to play with your butthole?" she asks with a cheeky grin. <br>
Balla-Balla an Buachar flitters alongside you as you enter the bar.<br> <br> "Look at these losers," she laughs as she looks at a table where an earnest young man looks like he's trying to woo a stylish horned succubus. "The House is no place for romance. They're sex daemons. The best you can hope for is a dirty fuck and hope she doesn't decide to suck your life and soul out while your dick is inside her."<br> <br> You find an open table. <br><br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Balla-Balla: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Balla-Balla: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
Balla-Balla frowns and shakes her head.<br> <br> "At least those losers remembered to bring cash with them," she says.<br> <br> She buzzes back to $ in a huff. <br><br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
While waiting for the waitress to return, Balla-Balla sits on the edge of the table. She makes a show of planting one curvy butt cheek, then the other, and then giving her ass a good wiggle on the table surface.<br> <br> She glances over her shoulder. "Like what you see?"<br> <br> She does have a lovely, albeit tiny butt. <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> You can't take your eyes off it. You wish you could be shrunk down small enough to slide your cock between her sumptuous cheeks. <</if>> <br><br> Balla-Balla gets up and resumes hovering the moment the waitress comes back with your drinks – a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a thimble of brown fluid for Balla-Balla.<br> <br> "I love butts," Balla-Balla says. "I love playing with buttholes. Men love me playing with their buttholes. It's one of the advantages of being tiny. I can get my arm up into all sorts of places."<br> <br> She holds up her hand and wiggles her fingers while giving you a suggestive smile.<br> <br> "And other parts of the body."<br> <br> She gives you a filthy wink.<br> <br> "I might be small, but I know exactly where to touch and rub to bring you to a shuddering full-body orgasm."<br> <br> You don't doubt her and can't stop thinking about it as you walk back to $ <br><br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Ugh, the shit fairy," $ says with obvious distaste. "She's a succufairy. They're like the fairies of your myth, but sluttier. They like stealing souls. Those of her particular breed are even more revolting than the regular sort."<br> <br> $ grimaces into her drink.<br> <br> "They're horrible little vulgar things. Minds full of the same swamp muck they wallow in."<br> <br> She takes a gulp of her drink as if to wash away a bad taste.<br> <br> "Despite their small stature, you can still fuck a succufairy. Although, given Balla-Balla's proclivities, she'll more than likely fuck you."<br> <br> She laughs at that.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Her mind is as mucky as the shit she likes to roll in, and she likes those of the same disposition.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"She believes the way to a man's soul is through his ass. That's her idea of romance.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She does know how to give a good prostate massage. I'll give her that.\""}>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[0] to "If you fancy a regular fairy fuck, pick Cèis nan Cridheachan. I've heard her pussy feels really nice wrapped around a cock. Just pretend you don't know about the trick. She hates the surprise being spoiled.\"">> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[1] to "But be careful with the Mùchadh sisters, Broinn and Ciùin. Broinn gets her kicks from popping her pussy out over a man's face and smothering him with it.\"">> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[2] to "Well apart from Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair. That gal has issues, poor girl. You probably won't encounter her. I don't think $ allows her to work in the House nowadays. And for good reason. They don't call her the dick-destroying fairy for nothing.\"">>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Balla-Balla: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Balla-Balla: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* set other scenario-specific vars here */ /* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [3,false,false], /* Survives */ [1,false,false] /* Any positive gift */ ] }>> <<include [[Balla-Balla: Enter Room]]>>
/* no repeat scenario as of yet */ <<include [[Balla-Balla: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Balla-Balla an Buachar's room is decorated to resemble an idyllic spot of marshland. The walls are painted with murals and have tree branches affixed to them. There are a couple of water features at the back of the room, complete with tall bullrushes. The sound of frog song and insects can be heard in the background.<br> <br> It's all fake. The plants are plastic and the sound effects are a short loop of recordings piped into the room.<br> <br> Balla-Balla flitters over to greet you.<br> <br> "Welcome to my dirty little den," she says. "What have you brought me?"<br> <br> [[You give her your gift.->Balla-Balla: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Balla-Balla: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 19>> <<include [[Balla-Balla: Gift: Butt Plug]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(6, 15)>> <<include [[Balla-Balla: Gift: Smutty]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(0)>> <<include [[Balla-Balla: Gift: Edible]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(4)>> <<include [[Balla-Balla: Gift: Romantic]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(2)>> <<include [[Balla-Balla: Gift: Scented]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Balla-Balla: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>> <br><br> She flies off with your gift.<br> <br> "Take your clothes off," she calls behind her.<br> <br> You undress and leave your clothes in a small pile. Balla-Balla stashes your gift behind some long grasses and then returns.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Balla-Balla: Kneeling]]
Balla-Balla takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Ooh, so you want the really special fuck. Okay."
<<set $affectionChange to 2>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Balla-Balla likes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> Balla-Balla examines the $allGifts[$cgi].name with a really dirty smile.<br> <br> "I can see you're a man after my own <<if $player.currIsSlutty>> heart. You're really going to enjoy this session." <<else>> heart."<br> <br> She looks you up and down.<br> <br> "Maybe." <</if>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>>
<<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Balla-Balla likes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> Balla-Balla purrs approvingly as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Mmm, kinky." <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>>
<<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Balla-Balla likes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> Balla-Balla's eyes light up as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Mmm, yummy." <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>>
<<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Balla-Balla dislikes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> Balla-Balla looks disapprovingly at the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "How wet and sappy. You need a good hard fuck."<br> <br> She flashes you an extremely dirty smile.<br> <br> "And you're in the right place for it."
<<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Balla-Balla dislikes Gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> Balla-Balla gives the $allGifts[$cgi].name an experimental sniff.<br> <br> "Ugh, what a horrible pong." Her face twists up in disgust.<br> <br> Balla-Balla does not seem to appreciate the smell.
Balla-Balla accepts the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Mmm, it's nice, but I'd rather have your ass," she says.
"Okay studmuffin," Balla-Balla says. "I'm going to need you to kneel down here."<br> <br> She directs you to a small padded board on the floor. You get down and your knees press into the soft padding. More comfortable than kneeling on a hard floor, you think.<br> <br> The floor in front of you is covered in clear plastic sheeting. If this was a mob boss's office, you'd be worrying you might be about to get a bullet in the back of the head. This is a whorehouse, though, so maybe it's there to catch your issue, although Balla-Balla seems to be vastly overestimating your capabilities given how far the sheet extends.<br> <br> There is a dish and pump bottle of clear fluid next to the padded board. Balla-Balla sits on top and suggestively works the pump with her ass, while smiling filthily over her shoulder at you. Her gorgeous ass pumps up and down and the pump squirts a few globs of clear lubricant into the dish. Balla-Balla buzzes down to the dish and takes her bra and panties off.<br> <br> "Time to get lubed up," she says, giving you a saucy wink.<br> <br> She digs her arms into the viscous lubricant and spreads it around her body until she's glistening. She spools copious amounts around her miniature arms.<br> <br> "You've probably realised by now that our size difference makes regular fucking an impossibility. This is not a problem. We fairies know plenty of other ways to pleasure human men."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Balla-Balla: Kneeling 2]]
She buzzes down to your crotch and gives your cock a wet hug. She rubs her big boobs against you and you feel an erection start to rise.<br> <br> She lets go and then buzzes up over your shoulder and then down behind you.<br> <br> "I need your legs a little further apart," Balla-Balla says. She taps you on the back of your left calf.<br> <br> You comply.<br> <br> "Not too far," Balla-Balla says. "I want you to be comfortable. You're going to be kneeling like that the whole time. I just need to be able to get between your legs. Ah, that's fine," she says.<br> <br> She gives you a little pat on the ass.<br> <br> "Now I need you to bring your hands behind your back."<br> <br> You do as she says. <<if not $player.currIsSubmissive>>It feels an uncomfortably submissive position.<</if>> <br> <br> "Now, I'm going to use some fairy binding magic. It's nothing to worry about. It's to stop you from accidentally squishing me in the heat of the moment."<br> <br> <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> [[Ah, this again.->Balla-Balla: Fairy Binding]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Balla-Balla: Fairy Binding]] <</if>>
She alights on your hands and chants words that slip right through your ears like silvery fish. The air congeals around your wrists to form a pair of rubbery manacles. There is some give to them, but they're strong enough to handcuff you in place. Similar bonds form around your knees and ankles and tether you to the floor.<br> <br> "Now we can begin," Balla-Balla says.<br> <br> She flies down underneath you. You feel the air from her whirring wings tickle the underside of your balls and between your butt cheeks.<br> <br> "Men focus so hard on their cocks they forget there are other parts of your body that can give them pleasure. Like this."<br> <br> Balla-Balla starts rubbing her hands up and down the sensitive patch of skin between your balls and anus.<br> <br> "This is the taint. It feels very pleasant when tickled the right way."<br> <br> She pushes the heels of her hands into your flesh and rubs them back and forth. You feel a pleasant tingly sensation spread through your loins.<br> <br> "I could keep tickling away here until you come, but I really want to play with your butthole," Balla-Balla says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Balla-Balla: Butthole Massage]]
She moves away and the next you feel of her is her tiny hands gliding around your anus in slow lazy circles.<br> <br> "I love butts, and I love buttholes," Balla-Balla says.<br> <br> You feel a strange ticklish, lapping sensation around the rim of your anus and realise Balla-Balla is licking away with a long tongue.<br> <br> "Mmm delicious," she sighs. "You don't have to worry about whether you've kept yourself clean down here. To tell you the truth, if you were to curl one out on top of me right now, I'd come myself in delight."<br> <br> She continues to use her little hands to massage around your butthole.<br> <br> "Haha, but I'm here for your pleasure, not mine."<br> <br> She slips a lubricated hand inside and starts moving it around in slow circles.<br> <br> "Ah good, it's starting to respond. Let's get these muscles nice and loose. And then, in we go."<br> <br> She pushes a tiny arm up into your ass. There's little resistance – your sphincter has loosened and her arm is slathered in plenty of lubricant. It feels like a slender finger being gently inserted. She pushes up until she finds a little bump in your rectal wall.<br> <br> "Ah there it is," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Balla-Balla: Prostate Massage]]
She starts to rub her hand against your prostate in gentle circular motions. You feel a pleasant warmth radiate outwards. Your erection rises and hardens.<br> <br> "I could keep pressing your little button until you start jizzing everywhere, but any human could do that with their finger and here in the House the Madam encourages us to be better than that."<br> <br> She withdraws her hand. With her other, she holds your sphincter open. You wonder what she's going to do – climb inside?<br> <br> Instead, she shifts position and braces her legs against your butt cheeks with her head pointing to the underside of your balls. You hear her make little grunts of exertion as she holds your butthole open.<br> <br> Then she lets out a loud, almost orgasmic, sigh. You feel something expand in your ass. Not a finger or tiny arm, this feels more like a balloon or butt plug.<br> <br> "Oh studmuffin," Balla-Balla sighs erotically. She slides her arms up your perineum. "Are you wondering what this is?"<br> <br> She laughs filthily. The thing in your ass slowly expands and throbs. It feels like a soft rubber balloon in the way it swells up and down. <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> You've visited succufairies before and know about the fairy 'trick', but she couldn't have... <</if>><br> <br> "It's my pussy. Us fairies have a dirty little trick. We're too small to fit a human cock inside us, so we puff our pussies inside out and envelop the cock outside of our bodies."<br> <br> She giggles.<br> <br> "Or in my case, puff it out and expand it in their ass."<br> <br> [[What!?->Balla-Balla: Vagina 1]]
Balla-Balla sighs with exertion and that rubber balloon – her vagina or whatever it is – swells further in your ass and starts to stretch your rectal wall. Your hands are bound. You can't do anything. You're not sure you want to do anything. That gentle swelling pressure feels surprisingly pleasant. Your cock twitches as waves of tingling pleasure flow through your groin.<br> <br> "It's an interesting reversal, don't you think," Balla-Balla says. "My vagina pushed into you like a naughty little butt plug. A very special little butt plug."<br> <br> She flexes and swells her distended vagina inside you.<br> <br> "A very juicy little butt plug."<br> <br> Your ass tingles. The muscles feel pleasantly loose and relaxed.<br> <br> "That'll be the aphrodisiac secretions of my inner membrane. Normally they're for driving cocks wild, but they're also really good at making asses feel nice and receptive."<br> <br> The membranous bubble slowly swells up and down, sending waves of pleasure running through you.<br> <br> "Don't fight it. Relax and let the pleasure build inside you."<br> <br> Her pussy swells still further. You feel it start to press up against your prostate. You let out a little gasp of pleasure.<br> <br> "And now for the real prostate massage," Balla-Balla sighs.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Balla-Balla: Vagina 2]]
She blows her vagina up and down inside you. The soft membrane rolls back and forth over your prostate with each swell and ebb. You feel a tingly warm sensation start to grow within you.<br> <br> Balla-Balla sighs as she lets the moist membrane of her distended pussy swell against and massage your rectal walls. The gentle pressure stimulates your prostate and you feel waves of pleasure radiate out from it. Your cock bucks and twitches even though nothing is touching it to provide stimulation.<br> <br> "Relax and let it build," Balla-Balla says.<br> <br> She pushes her hands against your perineum and starts massaging your prostate from the outside as well. You let out a soft groan.<br> <br> Balla-Balla palpitates her everted pussy with short, rapid pulses and sends vibrations up into your bowels. Your prostate starts to feel like it's lit up and glowing.<br> <br> She hits you with another burst of rapid pulses, sending more vibrations up into your bowels and lighting up all the nerve endings around your prostate. You moan as your body gives a little shudder. Your cock hasn't been touched and yet you feel like you're on the verge of a powerful orgasm.<br> <br> <<include [[Balla-Balla: End Determinator]]>>
<<if $isTesting>> ''affection = $allHarlots[$hi].affection''<br><br> <</if>> <<if $cgi eq 0 or not $player.currIsSlutty or $allHarlots[$hi].affection lt 0>> <<include [[Balla-Balla: Begin Bad End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Balla-Balla: Begin Good End]]>> <</if>>
"I'm going to make you lose control of your bowels as you come," Balla-Balla says. "Nothing to be ashamed of or worry about. My pussy will soak it all up. It absorbs shit just as well as cum. Souls too."<br> <br> [[Souls?->Balla-Balla: Bad End 1]]
"I'm going to make you lose control of your bowels as you come," Balla-Balla says. "Nothing to be ashamed of or worry about. My pussy will soak it all up. It absorbs shit just as well as cum. Souls too, but I like you, so I'll leave that where it is."<br> <br> [[That's reassuring.->Balla-Balla: To Ejaculation]]
She starts pulsing her pussy in fast rhythmic bursts. Her hands press against your perineum and rub up and down with the same rhythm. Your bowels feel like they've been vibrated to warm water. Your prostate feels like a glowing bubble about to pop. You tremble all over in blissful anticipation.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount lt 2>> <<include [[Balla-Balla: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Balla-Balla: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Balla-Balla starts chanting. The alien words slither into your ears like oiled eels and make you feel nauseous. Her hands warm up. She presses them into a spot between your legs and send pulses of dark energy into your prostate.<br> <br> "Succufairies normally suck the soul out through the dick, and make men come buckets when they do," Balla-Balla says. "Me, I like sucking it out through the ass."<br> <br> Balla-Balla rubs her warm hands against your perineum and it feels like she's stroking your prostate directly.<br> <br> "Don't worry. You'll still come buckets. Maybe more. You'll shit yourself as well. I love that," she adds with twisted glee.<br> <br> Her hands move quicker. She starts pulsing her pussy in fast rhythmic bursts. The vibrations travel up into your bowels until it feels like your guts have become water. Your prostate feels like an overripe fruit about to burst. You tremble all over in blissful enthrallment.<br> <br> "Here is comes," Balla-Balla says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Balla-Balla: Bad End 2]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> It's not a normal ejaculation. It starts as a strong urge, almost like wanting to pee, and grows and grows until you shudder in the grip of an orgasm that hits you like a tidal wave. The violence of the orgasm is so much it feels like it splits your consciousness in two.<br> <br> You're aware of an outer you groaning and grasping in the grip of a body-shuddering orgasm as you spray ropes of semen all over the plastic sheet in front of you.<br> <br> You're also aware of an inner you floating around inside the outer you. As the orgasm hits with enough force to cause your bowels to let go, your inner self breaks free. At first you float freely in place, as if still tethered to your outer self, then you're gripped by a strange pulsing magnetism that tugs you out of position and you start to fall. You tumble down inside yourself until your fall is broken by a soft membrane that billows up and enfolds you.<br> <br> Balla-Balla sighs as she withdraws her unusual vagina out of your body and your soul with it. Without a soul, your body shuts down. It tips to one side and stays there like a machine without power.<br> <br> Balla-Balla pulls her distended vagina – and your ensnared soul – back into her body and taps her belly in contentment.<br> <br> Balla-Balla has stolen your soul. You are no more.<br> <br> <<include [[Balla-Balla: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"Hmm, this prostate feels a little empty. Have you been letting too many other succubus skanks suck your cock?"<br> <br> She continues massaging your prostate from both sides, which makes you feel really good, but doesn't cause you to peak.<br> <br> "This is a shame," Balla-Balla says. "I wasn't going to take your soul. But if I can't make you come with my normal button rub..."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Balla-Balla: Bad End 1]]
/* check already done */ <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> "Here it comes," Balla-Balla says.<br> <br> It's not a normal ejaculation. It starts as a strong urge, almost like wanting to pee, and grows and grows until you shudder in the grip of an orgasm that crashes through your body in great waves. Your cock throbs and releases a long stream of cum that arcs through the air before splashing down on the plastic sheet. It keeps flowing out of you in a steady stream. Balla-Balla continues massaging your insides until you whiteout from the sensory overload.<br> <br> Before you do, you feel your bowels let loose, but the movement is interrupted and enfolded by the membranes of Balla-Balla's vagina. She keeps pressing on both sides of your prostate until the stream finally runs out and slows to a little dribble.<br> <br> You slump forward, breathing heavily while all your nerves jangle in the aftermath of the intense orgasm.<br> <br> [[That was intense.->Balla-Balla: Good End 1]]
Balla-Balla deflates her pussy and gently draws it out of your ass. She pushes away from you and flutters around to the front. You see her distended vagina swollen out between her legs like a little pink bubble or bag. The surface is streaked with brown.<br> <br> You should be revolted, but you're still lost in a haze of post-orgasmic bliss.<br> <br> Balla-Balla's distended pussy swells up in excitement as she spots your streams of semen splattered across the plastic sheet.<br> <br> "Ooh studmuffin, you came so much for me," Balla-Balla coos.<br> <br> And then she's off, bouncing across the plastic sheet like a tiny doll tied to a pink balloon. She splashes your spilt semen all over herself and drags her swollen pussy through it. Crying and moaning with wild abandon, she rolls around on the ground. She soaks up all your cum like a sponge until none remains.<br> <br> Then she flops on her back as if drunk with pleasure.<br> <br> "Don't look so judgemental," she says to you as she gets back up. "I felt your whole-body orgasm. I know you enjoyed it."<br> <br> Her fairy wings buzz and take her back up into the air, still with her inside-out pussy dangling between her legs.<br> <br> "Let's get the last drops," she says.<br> <br> [[She flies in.->Balla-Balla: Good End 2]]
She inflates her pussy again and pushes it down against your cock. The head of your cock pushes up into the soft membrane until the whole of your glans is enveloped. It feels a good deal more pleasant than it looks. Your cock gives a pleased little throb and expels the last dregs of ejaculate up into the soft membrane.<br> <br> "And now we've fucked," Balla-Balla says with a ribald laugh.<br> <br> The bubble between her legs slowly deflates as she draws her vagina back into her body. That done she flutters up to hover in front of your face. She's smeared in cum and brown streaks you don't want to think too much about. She grins from ear to ear.<br> <br> "That was a good bit of filthy fun," she says.<br> <br> She snaps her fingers and the magical bonds holding your wrists and legs evaporate. Released, you nearly topple forward. Your nerves are still jangling from that massive whole-body orgasm. Unsteadily, like a baby deer, you get back to your feet.<br> <br> "I hope you enjoyed that," Balla-Balla says. "All succufairies can do that trick with their pussies. We're good <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection lt 2>> lays." <<else>> lays. <<include [[Harlot Scenario: Select Harlot Gossip]]>> <</if>><br> <br> It did feel pleasant, you think as you put your clothes back on. Maybe you should focus on that and not think too hard about... what happened.<br> <br> /* faction increase */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection gt 0>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <</if>> <<set $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <<include [[Balla-Balla: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
"Ah one of the fairies. The slutty one. Bra and panties practically falling off. Unhealthily keen on butts. I know the one."<br> <br> He pulls out his notebook.<br> <br> "I do wonder what she thinks she's doing shaking her ass in such a suggestive manner. It's clearly a physical impossibility. I doubt I could even fit my pinkie. Unless..." he taps his notebook thoughtfully "...some form of size-altering magic."<br> <br> He looks at you.<br> <br> "Well, how did it go with Balla-Balla an Buachar?" /* always end in line breaks */ <br> <br>
/* Text here */ $ doesn't say a word. He pulls out another notebook, turns to a page near the front and noisily scratches out one of the entries. /* do not end with linebreaks */
/* Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair */ <<set $hi to 30>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair", shortDescription: "", faction: 0, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, hasSpokenToNpcGossip: false, preIntroductionLink: "Sgriosar: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Sgriosar: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Sgriosar: Socialising", isNonStandardGossip: true, npcGossipLink: "Sgriosar: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Sgriosar: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Unreachable: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to true>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to true>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ <<set $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick to true>> /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 30>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip to true>> /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a pretty but sullen looking fairy girl fluttering around on two pairs of whirring insect wings. She wears baggy ill-fitting clothing of various shades of grey. A black beanie with a skull and crossbones patch hides her hair.">>
/* Madam intro */ $ doesn't introduce this harlot as normal. She seems a little surprised to see her.<br> <br> She walks over to her and they have a short, whispered conversation too low for you to hear. $ walks back to you. She seems troubled.<br> <br> "This is another of our whimsical fairies, Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair. She had to take a break for a while, but she's okay now."<br> <br> $ turns to the fluttering fairy.<br> <br> "You are okay, aren't you, Sgriosar," $ asks with a stern, questioning tone.<br> <br> The fluttering fairy girl doesn't reply. <br> <br> /* Long description */ Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair is a fluttering fairy girl about six inches high. She has the delicate body and whirring insect wings of a mythical fairy, but none of their whimsical nature. She looks more like she's grown up and has hit the awkward teen phase.<br> <br> She wears baggy grey clothes that are too big for her. A large black beanie with a skull and crossbones patch is pulled down to just above her eyes. A grey scarf is pulled up to just below her nose. The only bit of colour on her clothing is a dainty pair of purple fairy boots with the toes curled back. One toe is bent and twisted out of shape. Broken.<br> <br> You can't help but feel //broken// might apply to Sgriosar as a whole. Her large wide eyes look like they were luminous once, but now look flat and dead. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hi," the fairy girl says sullenly. "I'm Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair."<br> <br> You get the impression she's forcing herself to be here when her and everyone else would rather she wasn't. <br>
Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair doesn't say a word as you walk out into the bar. She just sullenly buzzes along after you. You pick a table and she touches down and sits cross-legged in silence on the table surface opposite you. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Sgriosar: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Sgriosar: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
You look apologetically at Sgriosar. She doesn't even return your gaze. She's already taken off and is buzzing back to the stage area. <br><br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a thimble of sweet-smelling liquid for Sgriosar.<br> <br> Sgriosar doesn't touch her drink. She just sits there in silence and stares sullenly at you until you start to feel uncomfortable. You completely fail to engage her in conversation and eventually give up. You both return to $ in awkward silence. <br><br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair? The dick destroyer? $ has allowed her to start working again?"<br> <br> $ takes a long draw on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "It won't end well. It never does. That girl is broken."<br> <br> She exhales a cloud of fragrant smoke.<br> <br> "I can see you wondering. How does a daemon get broken? Not easily, but it's not impossible. We're not as mentally fragile as you humans, but we're not invulnerable either, especially the more delicate and fragile among us."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette.<br> <br> "Let me tell you a tale, a fairy-tale if you will, about a sweet and innocent fairy named Aoibh nan Cluaintean. Well, as sweet and innocent as a lust daemon can be."<br> <br> $ guffaws.<br> <br> "Not all lust daemons are manipulative soul-stealing horrors. There is a sect, regarded as heretical, that believes our talents in the arts of sensual ecstasy should be used for higher purposes than the gratification of hungers. They believe that pleasure can be found through the act of giving pleasure."<br> <br> $ exhales a cloud of smoke.<br> <br> "Foolish nonsense, if you ask me. But if it makes them happy."<br> <br> She shrugs.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sgriosar: NPC Gossip 2]]
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Sgriosar: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sgriosar: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array - for completeness*/ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Sgriosar: Enter Room]]>>
/* no repeat scenario for obvious reasons */ <<include [[Sgriosar: First-Time Scenario]]>>
"Aoibh was a devotee of these teachings. She was dedicated to mastering the sensual arts. Her speciality was the lingam massage. That girl could do things to a penis that would make its owner think he'd ascended to nirvana.<br> <br> "Then, during one session, her restraint magic failed. The man broke free and – drunk on pleasure and mad with lust – did what men mad with lust do. He tried to shove his dick inside poor Aoibh.<br> <br> "Now, as you might have noticed, there is a bit of a scale problem when it comes to human dicks and fairies. Not that it stopped the man. He gave it, as they say, the good college try."<br> <br> $ chuckles.<br> <br> "The fairy suffered no long-term physical damage. Us lust daemons are considerably more durable than we look. But mentally..."<br> <br> $ clicks her tongue against her teeth.<br> <br> "That's the problem with letting yourself be swept along with a mindset that believes the world can be made nicer and kinder if only you suppress your baser instincts and devote yourself to bringing pleasure to others. Eventually some bastard is going to come along to prove you wrong."<br> <br> $ puffs out another cloud of smoke.<br> <br> "Suffice to say, that was the end of Aoibh nan Cluaintean. Now there is only Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sgriosar: NPC Gossip 3]]
"Our dear esteemed Madam is sympathetic of course. She's allowed Sgriosar to return to work on multiple occasions. The outcome has always been the same."<br> <br> $ fixes her piercing red eyes on you.<br> <br> "Now I can see you thinking. What a sad story. What a poor girl. And because you're human and nice and stupid you're probably also thinking, maybe I can help her. It just needs someone to reach out. Be sympathetic. Show her it was a fluke, that not all men are like that, that she just needs someone to treat her right."<br> <br> $ looks at you and laughs.<br> <br> "Oh, I can see it. You're not the first to think it, and you probably won't be the last. It didn't work out for them, and it won't work out for you. Not everything that's broken can be fixed. If you pick her and go into her room, she'll destroy your dick and you'll die in agony. Just like all the others."<br> <br> $ stubs out her cigarette. <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip to true>> /* As is multiple passages need this to get the story back on track */ <<include [[NPC Gossip: Non-Standard Gossip: End]]>>
Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair's room is both beautiful and sad. You can see that at some point it was designed to resemble a verdant woodland or jungle clearing. A multitude of exotic plants grow in planters around the edge of the room and in pots positioned artfully across the floor. At its peak the room was probably breathtakingly beautiful.<br> <br> Now it has an overgrown and raggedy look, as if the owner is no longer enthused about its maintenance. Thorny weeds overrun some of the planters and the plants look untidy and mismanaged.<br> <br> Sgriosar sits on a terracotta stool in the centre of the room. As you enter, she stands up and takes to the air.<br> <br> "Come in." She forces a smile, but it's only there for a moment before being replaced by a surly pout.<br> <br> She buzzes over to you like a sullen wasp.<br> <br> Thinking it the appropriate thing to do, you present her your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sgriosar: Gift]]
"Oh," Sgriosar says as you present her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "Thanks." Her voice is completely flat and disinterested.<br> <br> She drops the $allGifts[$cgi].name into an empty pot and flies back to the red-brown stool without a second glance.<br> <br> "Take your clothes off," she says.<br> <br> You do as she says, leaving them in a pile on the floor.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sgriosar: Fairy Binding]]
"Sit here," she says, pointing down at the stool.<br> <br> You do as she says. The stool is quite pretty. The legs depict various lovely nymphs carrying ripe bunches of grapes. The seat feels smooth and cool to your naked ass.<br> <br> "Hands behind back," Sgriosar says with the same flat intonation. "Legs apart."<br> <br> Again, you do as she says.<br> <br> Sgriosar says words in a strange language you don't recognise and points at you with her finger. Suddenly, you feel your hands clamped behind your back as though iron manacles have materialised out of thin air. They feel a little too tight and cinch your wrists painfully.<br> <br> Sgriosar points down at your feet and the same magic clamps your ankles to the legs of the stool.<br> <br> <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> After your experiences with the other succufairies, this doesn't come as a surprise, although Sgriosar's restraints are a little... harsh. <<else>> What is this? You weren't expecting a bondage session. <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> <br><br> (Although you're okay with it.) <<else>> It's not really your thing. <</if>> <</if>> <br><br> [[Continue.->Sgriosar: Undressing]]
You test both your bonds and the stool. The stool is heavy and seemingly rooted to the floor. Your bonds feel like heavy-duty manacles. You ain't going anywhere.<br> <br> Sgriosar undresses. She tries to make a show of it, but her heart clearly isn't in it. There's no striptease here nor much in the way of grace. She takes her clothes off and drops them on a nearby shelf.<br> <br> Under her beanie hat her hair is blonde. With proper care you could see it blooming into a luxuriant shower of golden curls. Currently it looks flat and limp. <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> As with the other succufairies, she has a pair of dainty horns. <<else>> You're also surprised to see she has a pair of dainty horns. <</if>><br> <br> Her body is similar. She has the lithe leggy figure of a top catwalk model, yet comports herself like a slouching teen. Her sullen pout isn't a sexy pout, it's just sullen. Her big eyes should be luminous, but instead look flat and dead.<br> <br> Naked now, Sgriosar flutters down to your crotch. She looks disapprovingly at your limp dick. You're not sure what she expects.<br> <br> "Oh, aren't you turned on? Am I not sexy enough for you?"<br> <br> [[Be tactful and tell her it's been a long night?->Sgriosar: Undressing: Tactful]]<br> [[Be honest and tell her this all feels a little mechanical and not very erotic?->Sgriosar: Undressing: Honest]]
You tell her it's not her. It's just been a long night in the House and you're a little worn out.<br> <br> Sgriosar nods. "I can do something about that."<br> <br> [[She flies off.->Sgriosar: Berry Breath]]
As you point out she doesn't seem to be making much effort to arouse you, Sgriosar reacts as if slapped.<br> <br> "I am trying," she blurts out.<br> <br> Then she stops. Takes a deep breath.<br> <br> "No. I will be better. I will show them I can be better," she mutters to herself.<br> <br> She forces a pleasant smile.<br> <br> "It's okay. I know something that will get you in the mood."<br> <br> [[She flies off.->Sgriosar: Berry Breath]]
She flies off and plucks a pink berry from a nearby vine. She returns, pops it in her mouth and her jaw works as she chews it. Then, after some chewing, she opens her mouth and exhales a cloud of pink mist that envelops your genitals.<br> <br> Your cock smoothly rises up in erection. It's aroused. You're not. The disconnect weirds you out.<br> <br> Sgriosar spits out the berry paste to the side. Then she flies down to hug your upright erection. She wraps her tiny arms and legs around it and makes an attempt to masturbate you. Again, you can tell her heart isn't in it. Without the influence of Sgriosar's berry breath, you suspect your cock would already be starting to droop from the wretched awkwardness of it.<br> <br> Sgriosar jerks your cock for what feels like ten long and unsexy minutes before looking up and asking, "Do you wanna fuck?" Her smile is hopeful, but her tone is flat and dead.<br> <br> [[Yes.->Sgriosar: Yes To Fuck]]<br> [[Not really.->Sgriosar: No To Fuck]] <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip>> <br> [[$ + " told me you give an exquisite lingam massage."->Sgriosar: Lingam To Fuck]] <</if>>
"Of course," Sgriosar says. "You all want to stick your dick in something."<br> <br> <<include [[Sgriosar: Sex 1]]>>
"Tough," Sgriosar says. "You came in here for a fuck and fuck is what you'll get. It's what $ expects."<br> <br> <<include [[Sgriosar: Sex 1]]>>
"That old hag," Sgriosar says. "You shouldn't listen to her. She lies. She tells men things that get them killed. It amuses her."<br> <br> <<include [[Sgriosar: Sex 1]]>>
Sgriosar flies up to the top of your cock.<br> <br> <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> You've been with succufairies before, so you know what's coming next. You wait for Sgriosar to pop her vagina out and wrap it round your cock. <<else>> You wonder how she's going to do this. Your cock is as big as she is, if not bigger. <</if>><br> <br> "They say I can't do it anymore. I can. I know I can," Sgriosar mutters to herself.<br> <br> She hovers in place and bonks her naked crotch against your swollen glans.<br> <br> "Boop," she says as she does it again.<br> <br> It... doesn't do a great deal for you.<br> <br> "Boop. Boop."<br> <br> She doesn't even maintain any kind of rhythm. She just hovers in place and mechanically swings her hips back and forth.<br> <br> "Boop."<br> <br> <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> Shouldn't she be popping her pussy out by now? <<else>> Is this it? <</if>><br> <br> It all feels a bit... awkward. If you weren't bound in place, you'd have chalked it up to a bad experience and made your excuses and left by now.<br> <br> [[But you're bound and can't go anywhere.->Sgriosar: Sex 2]]
After a couple of minutes of //boop//ing her sex against the swollen head of your cock, Sgriosar stops.<br> <br> "I hate these things," she says.<br> <br> She hovers in place and looks down at your cock.<br> <br> "They look like mushrooms growing up out of the shit from a rotting corpse," she says.<br> <br> That seems a bit strong, you think.<br> <br> "I hate dicks."<br> <br> She slides tiny fingers into your urethral opening and holds it open while she presses her crotch down against it. You see something bulge up between her and your penis. It looks like some kind of bubble with a pinkish-white membrane. Then you feel something start to slide down your urethra.<br> <br> What? Is she pissing down there? Or worse?<br> <br> No, it feels like some kind of soft and flexible membrane is travelling down the inside of your penis.<br> <br> <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> You know succufairies have the ability to turn their vaginas inside out, but to slide it down your urethra? Can she do that?<br> <br> <</if>> Sgriosar's face is set in furious concentration. She sucks in a big breath and her body tenses up as if she's about to lift a heavy weight.<br> <br> [[Your cock feels weird.->Sgriosar: Bad End]]
The flexible thing in your urethra fills with air and starts to swell. The pressure is weirdly pleasurable at first, then uncomfortable, then downright painful.<br> <br> You tell her to slow down with whatever she's doing, as it's starting to <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> hurt... and not in a good way. <<else>> hurt. <</if>><br> <br> "They should be destroyed," she says in a flat voice. "All of them."<br> <br> She sucks in another big breath and grunts as she exerts herself.<br> <br> There is only pain now as the inside of your cock is stretched by the balloon expanding inside it. You see the outside start to swell alarmingly as well. Water runs from your eyes. You rock and thrash against your bonds, unable to escape the swelling, burning pain at your crotch.<br> <br> Sgriosar pauses and breathes heavily as if preparing for one last big push.<br> <br> [[It really hurts.->Sgriosar: Bad End 2]]
Through tears of agony you beg and plead her to stop.<br> <br> Sgriosar ignores you. Her face is fixed as she expands <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>>her vagina<<else>>the balloon<</if>> within your cock still further. Something gives. The side of your cock ruptures like a sausage on a grill. Sgriosar gives an exultant cry and expands all the way. Your penis bursts, showering Sgriosar's naked body with blood. Only then is her smile genuine.<br> <br> The agony is indescribable. Then the blood loss kicks in and you fade away. Maybe it was not a good idea to enter the room of the dick-destroying fairy.<br> <br> <<include [[Sgriosar: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
/* Queen Colubridis */ <<set $hi to 15>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Queen Colubridis", shortDescription: "", faction: 3, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [7,8], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Colubridis: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Colubridis: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Colubridis: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Colubridis: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Colubridis: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Colubridis: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Colubridis: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Colubridis: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.hasSeenLamia to true>> <<set $player.hasVision to true>> <<set $player.charms.push(24)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ <<set $player.currWill to 5>> /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 11>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 15>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<if $player.hasVision>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a dark-skinned lamia dressed up like an ancient Egyptian princess. Her magnetic eyes are accentuated with black kohl and her curvaceous breasts are held in place with thin strips of lilac silk. Below the waist she has the body of a gigantic serpent.">> <<else>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a dark-skinned woman dressed up like an ancient Egyptian princess. Her magnetic eyes are accentuated with black kohl and her curvaceous breasts are held in place with thin strips of lilac silk.">> <</if>>
<<set _vision to $player.hasVision>> /* Madam intro */ "Ah, the regal Queen Colubridis," $ says. "With appetites to match." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Queen Colubridis looks like a dark-skinned Egyptian princess from a history book. Her magnetic dark eyes are accentuated with circles of black kohl. Her straight black hair is cut like Cleopatra and adorned with a golden headdress in the shape of a cobra.<br> <br> Her wrists and arms are adorned with golden bangles. Her curvaceous bust is held in place by two strips of expensive lilac silk. The silk is stretched taut across her body in a cross, leaving her slender belly and navel exposed.<br> <br> <<if _vision>> Her eyes are striking. <<else>> Her most striking feature is her eyes. <</if>>Her gaze is regal and haughty, as if she knows she is too good for this place and wants everyone else to know it. <br> <br> <<if _vision>> It would be her most striking feature if it wasn't for her serpentine lower body.<<if $player.hasSeenLamia>> She's not the first snake woman you've seen in the House, but she might be the largest.<</if>> Her lower half swells out into a thick snake tail. It's dark brown in colour and splodged with black rings. Her lower body is very wide, as if the snake portion of her body is well-fed.<br> <br> <<set $player.hasSeenLamia to true>> <</if>> /* Harlot intro */ Her regal aura is dented somewhat by the look of pure naked hunger that enters her eyes as she introduces herself.<br> <br> "I am Queen Colubridis, she says. "$ would like me to tell you I offer the incomparable pleasures of a Queen's blowjob."<br> <br> She opens her mouth to reveal a long flexible tongue with a forked tip.<br> <br> She looks you up and down. "But I'd rather just shove you in my pussy."<br> <br> The appearance of a queen, maybe... The mouth of one, not so much. <br>
<<set _vision to $player.hasVision>> Queen Colubridis has the regal aura of a queen when you come to take her out into the bar. <<if _vision>> You're surprised no-one seems to notice or care about her serpentine lower half. In the bar, Colubridis seems more reserved and prefers to take a quiet table away from the main area. She curls her tail up under the table. <<else>> Once in the bar, she seems far more reserved, being content to take a quiet table away from the main area. <</if>><br> <br> Sitting opposite her, you're struck by her exotic beauty. Her dark eyes smoulder in her exquisitely chiselled face. You can't believe your luck. It's like you've landed a Hollywood starlet fresh off the set of a historical epic. <br><br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Colubridis: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Colubridis: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "A queen does not consort with peasants," Colubridis says disdainfully.<br> <br> She leaves you and slithers back to $<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set _vision to $player.hasVision>> The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and so many things for Colubridis you're convinced there's been some mistake. All those snacks – sausage rolls, boiled eggs, cakes – must be for another table, one with a group of people. But no, the waitress places the plates in front of Colubridis. As well as an enormous pitcher of wine.<br> <br> Colubridis wastes no time. The waitress has barely left before you're watching in horrified fascination as Colubridis scoffs it all down in a wanton display of gluttony.<br> <br> <<if _vision>> You understand now how her lower half got to be as thick as it is, and how she's still able to maintain the top half of a hot starlet. <<else>> Where does she put it all? She has the figure of a hot starlet. A rather buxom starlet, maybe, but her boobs aren't that big! <</if>><br> <br> Colubridis finishes up by quaffing down the pitcher in one go. She lets out a loud belch that is most definitely not queenly or even ladylike, and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.<br> <br> Then, once finished, she again takes on the regal aura of a queen.<br> <br> "It is an honour to consort with a queen," she says.<br> <br> The transformation is so sudden you wonder if her previous gluttony was something you imagined.<br> <br> "It is a greater honour to be her consort and be permitted to enter her bedchamber. There you will experience exquisite pleasures beyond compare."<br> <br> She opens her mouth. Her tongue forms a spiral around an invisible tube. She jerks it back and forth. The meaning is very clear.<br> <br> Your face is flushed as you return to $ <br><br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Colubridis? That gluttonous slug? You're interested in her?"<br> <br> She taps her cigarette holder to dislodge ash.<br> <br> "I have no idea where she puts it all. The fat must go straight to her tail. The snake people have always been lucky in that regard. Those serpentine lower bodies can hide a lot of weight."<br> <br> $ turns to you and gives you a wicked grin.<br> <br> "She's a lamia – a snake person – if you weren't aware. Half-woman, half-snake. Although in her case it might be more accurate to say whole-woman, whole-snake. She eats enough for two."<br> <br> $ sips her cocktail.<br> <br> "And don't be fooled by her 'queenly' airs. The other snakes think she's a vulgar barbarian. She used to swallow men whole – with her mouth! – until $ put a stop to it. Said it was 'behaviour unbecoming of a lady of this establishment'."<br> <br> $ laughs.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Her vagina might look large, but it can fit a man quite comfortably.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She has a few hypnotic tricks, but they only work on the weak-willed and befuddled.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"The only real danger with her is her appetite. It's prodigious. Make sure you have plenty in the tank—\" $ gives you a filthy wink \"—if you want to experience her 'Queen's blowjob'.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Colubridis: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Colubridis: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [2,false,false], /* Gift: Fluffy thing */ [1,false,false], /* Gift: Edible or drinkable */ [1,false,false], /* Leaving early */ [10,false,false], /* Surviving blowjob */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Colubridis: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Colubridis: First-Time Scenario]]>>
<<set _vision to $player.hasVision>> You enter and are surprised by the lavish splendour of Queen Colubridis's room. It has the opulence of the last days of the Roman Empire. The floor is polished white marble. Columns rise to the ceiling in each corner and serve no purpose other than to be decorative. Objet d'art stand on plinths along both the left and right walls. One sculpture is clearly a bust of Colubridis herself.<br> <br> Colubridis lounges across an opulent couch, set up on a raised platform in the centre of the room and standing on a lush red rug. <<if _vision>> Her serpentine lower half runs off the bottom end and doubles back to lie in front of the couch in loose coils. <<else>> At first you think she has some kind of pet snake lying on the floor beneath her – an enormous python or boa constrictor – then you follow the body of the snake up as it gets thicker and thicker, until it merges with Colubridis's waist up on the couch.<br> <br> <<if $player.hasSeenLamia>> She's another snake person, you realise. You've already encountered them in the House. She's a gorgeous woman above the waist, and a monstrous serpent below it. Just like the lamias and nagas of myth. You think the girls in the House use some kind of illusion magic to hide their monstrous natures while downstairs. <<else>> She's a snake person, you realise. Top half of a beautiful woman, bottom half of a monstrous serpent. Just like the lamias and nagas of myth. You wonder how you failed to notice it downstairs. Then you don't remember looking at her legs. It was like your gaze was never allowed to go there. <<set $player.hasSeenLamia to true>> <</if>> <</if>><br> <br> Colubridis is feeding herself grapes from a plate sat on a plinth next to the couch. The plate is overflowing with bunches of ripe succulent grapes, both green and purple. Colubridis turns her kohl-shaded eyes to you.<br> <br> "Come in," she says.<br> <br> She drags a stool out in front of her couch.<br> <br> "Take your clothes off and come sit here."<br> <br> She pats the padded red velvet seat of the stool.<br> <br> "I will give you a Queen's blowjob."<br> <br> She pops a big juicy grape in mouth, wraps her long tongue around it and squeezes until the grape bursts and squirts its sweet juices down the back of her throat.<br> <br> /* check if has good gift - to be used later */ <<if $cgi eq 0 or $cgi eq 7 or $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(0,1)>> <<set $hasBroughtGoodGift to true>> <</if>> [[Do as she says?->Colubridis: Approach Stool]]<br> [[Politely decline?->Colubridis: Early Decline]]
You take your clothes off and leave them in a pile next to the door. You walk over to the couch and present Colubridis your gift.<br> <br> <<include [[Colubridis: Gift]]>><br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Colubridis: Black Rose Extra Option]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Colubridis: Pre-Blowjob]]>> <</if>>
"Does my form frighten you?"<br> <br> She runs a hand over her scaly hips.<br> <br> You stammer and try to make excuses. That it's not her fault, you're not feeling it, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact she has the lower half of a fucking enormous monstrous snake.<br> <br> <<if $hasBroughtGoodGift>> Colubridis looks hungrily at the gift in your hands.<br> <br> "Before you go, at least leave me your gift," she says.<br> <br> [[Give her your gift.->Colubridis: Early Leave: Present Gift]]<br> [[Just get out of there as fast as possible.->Colubridis: Early Leave: Withold Gift]] <<else>> <<include [[Colubridis: Early Leave: Bad Gift]]>> <</if>>
You suppose you could at least leave the $allGifts[$cgi].name with her.<br> <br> "Good," Colubridis says. "If we are to part prematurely, let it at least be amicably. In case you change your mind later."<br> <br> Maybe, though you think that long serpentine body of hers is a bit too much for you to get used to.<br> <br> You give her your gift.<br> <br> <<include [[Colubridis: Gift]]>><br> <br> "That was a really nice gift," Colubridis says. "Are you sure you still don't want to receive mine in return? My Queen's blowjob is incomparable."<br> <br> Her big dark eyes stare directly into yours.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [24]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> [[You're sure. No thanks.->Colubridis: Early Leave: Black Rose]]<br> <<else>> [[You're sure. No thanks.->Colubridis: Early Leave: After Gift]]<br> <</if>> <</if>> [[Why not. Her top half is indeed lovely.->Colubridis: Early Leave: Change Mind]]
You make excuses and keep backing to the door.<br> <br> "How rude," Colubridis says. "I'm too good for you anyway," she says huffily.<br> <br> She ignores you and goes back to eating grapes as you leave the room.<br> <br> <<include [[Colubridis: Early Leave]]>>
Colubridis pouts and says huffily, "I'm too good for you in any case."<br> <br> She ignores you and goes back to eating grapes as you leave the room.<br> <br> <<include [[Colubridis: Early Leave]]>>
<<unset $hasBroughtGoodGift>> <<unset $isSubdued>>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Colubridis: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 7>> <<include [[Colubridis: Gift: Fluffy Thing]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(0)>> <<include [[Colubridis: Gift: Edible]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(1)>> <<include [[Colubridis: Gift: Drinkable]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Colubridis: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>>
"As you wish. We at least part on good terms. If you change your mind, pick me again. You can ask $ to put me in the next round of choices."<br> <br> She whispers behind her hand.<br> <br> "You're allowed to do that."<br> <br> Maybe. Maybe. That serpentine lower half is going to take a lot of getting used to. You apologise again and leave the room.<br> <br> <<include [[Colubridis: Early Leave]]>>
Maybe you were too fearful and hasty. Closer to her, you can see just how gorgeous Colubridis is – or at least her upper half. Her skin is dusky and unblemished. Her boobs are pleasantly bulging. Her red lips look soft and inviting. Her eyes are big and dark. So big you feel you could fall in and drown.<br> <br> You tell her you've changed your mind.<br> <br> "Good. You will not regret it," Colubridis says. "Now take those clothes off and sit here."<br> <br> You do as she says and sit on the small padded stool.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Colubridis: Blowjob: First Lick]]
You turn to leave and then Colubridis calls you back.<br> <br> <<include [[Colubridis: Black Rose: Tail Lash]]>>
"Few delights compare to a Queen's blowjob," Colubridis says.<br> <br> The padded stool is positioned next to the right side of Colubridis's opulent couch, close enough to put your genitals in easy range of Colubridis's mouth and hands. She wraps a warm hand around the base of your cock. She moves her face closer. Her sensual lips part and a long tongue emerges. It could never be mistaken for a human tongue. It's long, slender, and terminates in a wriggling forked tip.<br> <br> While gently pumping your base, Colubridis starts lapping at the head of your cock. The forked tip of her tongue flickers and tickles your exposed glans. The tickling sensation feels quite pleasant and – interested – your cock starts to rise to full erection.<br> <br> "Mmm, a Queen's blowjob begins with a little light teasing," Colubridis says.<br> <br> She goes back to licking the head of your penis with the tip of her tongue. As your cock rises, her tongue licks lower and starts circling your foreskin. Then, satisfied with the state of your arousal, Colubridis retracts her tongue and stares at your erection with a smile.<br> <br> "Nice and hard," she says approvingly. "Let's give it a pleasant place to rest."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Colubridis: Blowjob: Paizuri Tease]]
Colubridis takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you.<br> <br> "Mmm, the best and most delicious gift of all," she says.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "Oh, my favourite," Colubridis says.<br> <br> She reaches into the jar and plucks out the small indeterminate fluffy thing by the tail. The animal squeaks loudly as Colubridis lifts it up above her head. She tilts her head back, opens her mouth wide and drops the small indeterminate fluffy thing inside. Her throat moves as she gulps it down whole.<br> <br> "Ah, delicious," she says.<br> <br> She looks back at you and smiles.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsBlunt>> You fail to hold back a grimace of disgust. Colubridis doesn't seem to care. <<else>> You smile back. It's more polite than grimacing in disgust. <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> "Oh, <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>that looks<<else>>they look<</if>> delicious," Colubridis says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you.<br> <br> She wastes no time in scoffing <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> down in front of you. It looks rather inelegant, like a dog bolting down its dinner.<br> <br> "Mmm, delicious," Colubridis says.<br> <br> She wipes the back of her hand across her mouth. You try to maintain a pleasant smile.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> "Oh, and I was just starting to feel thirsty," Colubridis says.<br> <br> She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and quaffs <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> like she's downing a pint of lager. Afterwards she lets out a loud and very unladylike belch.<br> <br> "That should keep my throat well lubricated," Colubridis says.<br> <br> Her hot gaze moves down to your crotch and you know exactly what she means.
Colubridis looks disappointed as you hand her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Very thoughtful, but I only like gifts I can eat or drink."<br> <br> She dismissively drops your gift over the back of the couch.<br> <br> "No matter. You have another gift for me, one I can swallow."<br> <br> Her hot gaze moves down to your crotch.
She looks past the $allGifts[$cgi].name and up and down your body. Her intense eyes are dark and hungry.<br> <br> "Do you still want my Queen's blowjob? Or would you like to go straight to getting inside my warm pussy?" she asks.<br> <br> [[Receive her 'Queen's blowjob'.->Colubridis: Pre-Blowjob]]<br> [[Skip straight to sex.->Colubridis: Black Rose: Skip to Pussy]]
"You've given your gift. Now it's time to receive mine."<br> <br> Colubridis taps the seat of the padded red stool. You sit down.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Colubridis: Blowjob: First Lick]]
Colubridis's dark eyes light up hungrily as you tell her you'd like to skip right to sex.<br> <br> "Lie down here before your Queen," she says, sweeping her hand to indicate the plush rug in front of the couch.<br> <br> [[You lie down as she asks.->Colubridis: To Vaginal Vore]]
Colubridis sits back and gives you a teasing smile as she slowly unhooks the silk wraps around her breasts and frees them. Her nipples and areolae are the shade of rich dark chocolate and stand out against her dusky skin.<br> <br> She slithers forward, takes your erect cock and slides it between her voluptuous brown breasts. Then, with your cock nicely nestled in her cleavage, she places hands to the sides and starts gently plumping her soft tits against you.<br> <br> The soft pillows of flesh squeeze and rub against your cock. Despite her other reptilian aspects, Colubridis's chest is warm and that pleasant warmth and softness wraps your penis.<br> <br> "And now to continue the tease," Colubridis says.<br> <br> Her long tongue unfurls from her mouth and rolls down into her cleavage. She again starts tickling your sensitive glans with the flickering tip of her tongue. Despite its length, Colubridis has expert control. She lets the tines of the forked tip tickle the opening to your urethra, causing your cock to shiver in delight. She unfurls more, wrapping your head in wet squeezing muscle while letting the tip trail around the sensitive part where the foreskin joins the glans.<br> <br> At the same time, she continues plumping her sumptuous boobs against your cock. Encouraged by the stimulation, your erection hardens still further until it feels like a thrumming iron bar wedged between her buxom chest.<br> <br> With a loud //schlup// Colubridis reels her long snake's tongue back into her mouth.<br> <br> "Mmm, the prey is lured and teased. Now to capture and subdue."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Colubridis: Blowjob: Paizuri]]
Still gently plumping her breasts against your cock, Colubridis lowers her head and puts out her tongue. It unspools down on top of her bosom, then slithers down into her cleavage. It winds around your shaft, over and over. She parts her boobs to show you your wrapped-up cock.<br> <br> Just how long is her tongue? She's extended it far enough to wrap multiple coils around your member and still have enough length for the flickering tip to tickle your scrotum.<br> <br> Colubridis starts rhythmically squeezing your cock with the coils of her tongue. She starts at the root and works up the shaft until it feels like you're being masturbated by a string of pulsing contractions. Slick with saliva, her tongue winds and unwinds, twisting your cock one way and then the other. She presses her big boobs together around the swollen head of your cock and rubs it up against her silky-smooth flesh.<br> <br> Mmming in pleasure, Colubridis loosens the coils of her tongue and starts sliding them up and down your shaft in a gentle tugging motion. She goes back to plumping her tits against you. The competing pleasures set you twitching in pleasure and drive your cock crazy.<br> <br> It's not enough to make you come. Colubridis has the control to know when to speed up and squeeze, and when to slow down and lick. She lets your arousal build slowly without tipping you over the edge.<br> <br> Her tongue wraps tightly around your cock and squeezes.<br> <br> This time, you think. This time she's going to keep squeezing until you break and spatter milky-white cum all over her lovely brown breasts.<br> <br> She doesn't. Just as you think you can't take any more, she pulls her breasts apart and winds her tongue back up into her mouth, giving the fleshy helmet of your glans a teasing little lick on the way.<br> <br> She smiles down at your twitching member.<br> <br> "I think it's subdued enough. Time to swallow."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Colubridis: Blowjob: Her Tease]]
She releases your cock from the snug valley of her cleavage. She slides backwards on the couch and drops her head down level with your lap. Her sensual lips move close enough to lightly brush the twitching head of your member.<br> <br> Colubridis wraps her left hand around the base of your cock and holds you in place. She gets back to licking your swollen glans with the flickering tip of her tongue. Its touch is moist and featherlight against you.<br> <br> "This tease is for me," Colubridis says.<br> <br> She sticks her tongue back out and resumes licking the head of your cock. She digs the tines into your urethral opening and scoops pre-cum out like it's cream.<br> <br> "Delicious," Colubridis says. "Mmm, I can't hold back any longer."<br> <br> She looks at your twitching erection.<br> <br> "I don't think you can either, and I don't want to see any go to waste."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Colubridis: Blowjob: Swallow]]
Colubridis grabs your ass and pulls you forward on the stool. She wraps her plump lips around the head of your cock and smoothly sucks you into her mouth. You feel those supple lips slide all the way down your shaft until she's kissing the root.<br> <br> She takes your full length all the way into her until the swollen head is being squeezed by the muscles of her throat. In the hot cave of her mouth, her tongue coils around your shaft like a python and starts squeezing. She gives you a long hard suck.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> You feel for sure that should send you over the edge. But nothing happens. Maybe all your other activity in the House has left you too depleted.<br> <br> <<include [[Colubridis: Blowjob: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> That's enough. Her teasing had already taken you right to the edge. That suck is enough to throw you right over the edge.<br> <br> Your balls tighten, your body tenses up, and then you gasp as your cock throbs and spurts thick ropes of cum down the back of Colubridis's throat.<br> <br> The snake girl makes loud murmurs of pleasure as she swallows it all with lusty gulps. Her tongue contracts and slides up and down your cock, as if she's trying to squeeze out every last drop of semen.<br> <br> The intensity of the orgasm leaves you trembling on the stool. Colubridis has one hell of a suck to her.<br> <br> And she's not done.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Colubridis: Blowjob: 2nd Pop]] <</if>>
Colubridis continues to rhythmically squeeze your cock with her tongue. She pauses when she realises nothing is coming out of it.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Colubridis: Blowjob: Bad End 1]]
Colubridis starts bobbing her head up and down. Her sumptuously soft lips brush up and down your shaft. Her cheeks puff in and out as she powerfully sucks on your member. She constricts her tongue around your member and tugs. The flickering tip tickles the underside of your cock.<br> <br> Your cock stays hard. You should be done after such a massive outpouring, but that seems to have been just the appetiser for Colubridis. She blows you with greater force. Her cheeks puff in and out and her mouth makes slobbery sounds as her lips slide up and down your shaft.<br> <br> You wonder if there's something in her saliva. Not only do you maintain a rock-hard erection, your cock also feels warm and tingly.<br> <br> And on the verge of coming again.<br> <br> Colubridis sucks. Her tongue squeezes and pumps your cock. You squirm in the stool as you feel another orgasm rising up inside you. Colubridis pushes forward and encircles your waist with her arm, holding you in place while she sucks harder and harder.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> Nothing comes out. You tremble and writhe in helpless bliss, but cannot attain ejaculation. It's too soon after the first one. You're too depleted.<br> <br> <<include [[Colubridis: Blowjob: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> It's coming. You can feel it.<br> <br> Colubridis feels it too. She gobbles your cock all the way to the back of her throat. Her tongue starts rhythmically squeezing your shaft. Her throat contracts around your swollen and eager head. Her chest rises. You're gripped by a powerful sucking force.<br> <br> Too much.<br> <br> You let out a cry as you climax again. You spurt uncontrollably down the back of Colubridis's throat. She again makes blissful murmuring sounds as she guzzles down your issue. Her dextrous tongue again milks every last drop from your throbbing cock.<br> <br> Fuck, that was some blowjob.<br> <br> And it's not over.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Colubridis: Blowjob: 3rd Pop]] <</if>>
Colubridis pulls you forward on the stool until you're perched right on the edge. Her mouth slides all the way down your shaft until her luscious lips form a seal around the root. She wraps one arm around your back to hold you in place.<br> <br> Her tongue uncoils from your member and you hear her mumble words around your penis.<br> <br> A symbol lights up in the palm of her hand. She reaches up and takes a firm grip of your balls. The symbol is warm like an electric ring. That heat sinks into your scrotum and brings with it a fresh feeling of horniness.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> An unnatural feeling of horniness. Colubridis gives your balls a little <<if $isOutOfSemen>>squeeze.<<else>>squeeze and your balls swell back up as if you've not ejaculated in a month.<</if>><br> <br> Colubridis's head bobs up and down as she resumes her slobbery blowjob. Her tongue wraps around your cock and starts stimulating it with undulating constrictions.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> You writhe in pleasure, but can't reach climax. You've nothing left.<br> <br> <<include [[Colubridis: Blowjob: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> Again, you find yourself trembling in anticipation of another orgasm. Again, Colubridis senses it and swallows your whole length.<br> <br> You groan and pour another big load down Colubridis's throat. The muscles work and she makes more little murmurs of pleasure as she gulps it all down.<br> <br> That isn't the end of it...<br> <br> [[Continue.->Colubridis: Blowjob: 4th Pop]] <</if>>
This time she keeps the head of your cock snugly lodged down the back of her throat. Her anatomy must be different to a human's, as it doesn't affect her ability to breathe at all.<br> <br> Her tongue continues to squeeze with undulating, tugging pulses.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> She presses the glowing sigil in the palm of her hand against your balls. <<if $isOutOfSemen>>Again, you're overwhelmed by a sudden feeling of horniness.<<else>>Again, they swell back up as if you've accumulated a month's worth of semen.<</if>> She gives your balls a squeeze while subjecting your trapped cock to another powerful wet suck.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> As unnaturally horny as you feel, a fourth is too many. You simply don't have the juice. Colubridis has squeezed it all out.<br> <br> <<include [[Colubridis: Blowjob: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> You shudder in the grip of another powerful orgasm. Your cock spasms in her mouth and empties another flood of semen down the back of Colubridis's throat.<br> <br> And this still isn't enough...<br> <br> [[Continue.->Colubridis: Blowjob: 5th Pop]] <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> This time she barely gives you any time to recover. Her fingers fondle and caress your balls with practised expertise. She pulses more magical energy into them <<if $isOutOfSemen>>and you're again wracked with unbearable horniness.<<else>>and they bloom like ripe fruit at her touch.<</if>> She palpitates your testicles while her throat and tongue do the same to your cock.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> And this time can get no more out. Even with her supernatural urgings, you still have limits, and now you've reached them.<br> <br> <<include [[Colubridis: Blowjob: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> You come again, for a fifth time, and Colubridis's throat works as she guzzles your semen. There might be a sixth ejaculation in there as well. Your mind is so blasted with ecstasy it's getting hard to differentiate them. Your ejaculations are all running together, like she's sucking them out of you as if you're no more than a drink carton with a straw.<br> <br> Then, with a satisfied mumble, she finally releases you and your cock comes out of her mouth with a wet pop.<br> <br> "Ah, that wets the throat," Colubridis says. She runs her tongue around her sensual lips.<br> <br> You slump on the chair, breathing heavily. You're a jangling, bliss-soaked wreck. It's as much as you can do to stay upright and not topple off the back of the stool. Cum still leaks from your cock in a drooling stream.<br> <br> Colubridis's eyes light up as she sees it. She leans down to give your cock a slobbery lick.<br> <br> Then she sits back up, again as regal as a queen. Her dusky brown skin gleams with health and vitality. In contrast, you tremble on the stool like a strung-out junkie as you struggle to get your jangling nerves back under control.<br> <br> "Now wasn't that a blowjob befitting of a queen," Colubridis says.<br> <br> [[You can't argue with that.->Colubridis: Sex Choice]] <</if>>
Colubridis looks over your trembling form.<br> <br> "Mmm, but that was but an appetizer to get my juices flowing. Now my pussy is wet and hungry to be filled. We still have more time and I think you have more seed. <<if $cgi eq 0>>It's time to give you what you asked for. I'll <<else>>How about I<</if>> put you in my vagina and we'll explore further pleasures together."<br> <br> Colubridis's big dark eyes flash mysteriously.<br> <br> "Lie down here before your Queen," she says, sweeping her hand to indicate the plush rug in front of the couch.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [24]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<if $player.currInt gt 3>> You have an uncomfortable feeling Colubridis is not referring to your penis when she says she's going to 'put you in her vagina'.<br> <br> [[Still lie down as she asks.->Colubridis: To Vaginal Vore]]<br> <<else>> [[Lie down as she asks.->Colubridis: To Vaginal Vore]]<br> <</if>> [[That's enough for this session.->Colubridis: Choose to End Session]] <<else>> [[You do as she says.->Colubridis: To Vaginal Vore]] <</if>>
Colubridis grabs your ass cheeks with her hands and pulls you closer, almost off the stool altogether. She pushes her head down until her lips are pressed to your crotch. She deepthroats you even deeper, taking the head of your cock and more down her throat.<br> <br> Then she starts to suck.<br> <br> Maybe //inhale// is the right word. Her chest expands and you feel a massive suction on your cock, down in your balls, and in your body in general. You writhe and shudder in the grip of irresistible, exquisite force.<br> <br> You thought you were empty, but Colubridis find more. She forces more. She sucks your tired and depleted body to orgasm and you tremble in sensual bliss as you pour semen down her throat.<br> <br> And keep pouring.<br> <br> It's too much. You're not even sure you're ejaculating semen now. It's like she's sucking other fluids out of you. Draining you.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Colubridis: Blowjob: Black Rose Interrupt]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Colubridis: Blowjob: Bad End 2]]>> <</if>>
Then, just as you're starting to fear she might actually suck your balls – or some other similarly delicate part of your anatomy – up out of your cock, she stops.<br> <br> [[Phew.->Colubridis: Out of Semen to Pussy]]
Fear overwhelms the pleasure and you start to squirm and try to push her away. Colubridis hugs you tighter. She sucks harder and you feel an explosion of ecstatic bliss as your cock throbs and gushes in her mouth.<br> <br> It keeps gushing.<br> <br> Colubridis holds you there and gulps down your juices in great lusty swallows as if you're a bottle of water found in a desert. She keeps sucking until, like an empty plastic bottle, you crumple up. Then, when you're finally empty, releases you with a contented sigh. She lets out an unladylike belch and wipes her mouth with back of her hand. Your shrivelled-up corpse, wizened like a mummy, topples off the stool.<br> <br> <<include [[Colubridis: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Colubridis releases your cock with a wet pop and lifts her head up. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.<br> <br> "Mmm, I think you're out. I could drain you fully, but you did ask for the full treatment, so I should at least let you experience the pleasures of my pussy."<br> <br> She glances hungrily at your dribbling cock.<br> <br> "I should suck the resistance out of you first."<br> <br> She buries her head back in your lap and resumes sucking you. She sucks your tired and depleted body hard enough to get you to come. You pour something down her throat, but you're not sure it's semen. It feels like she's sucking something else out of you. Your strength? Your will to resist?<br> <br> You don't do anything as Colubridis stops and then lays you out on the opulent rug in front of her couch.<br> <br> <<set $isSubdued to true>> [[Continue.->Colubridis: Vaginal Vore: Begin]]
She pushes your feet together and slides up your legs. Her big boobs feel wonderful as they drag against your shins and then your knees. Colubridis lifts her head and her dark eyes smoulder with seductive hunger.<br> <br> You like this view. You get to focus on her smoking-hot, dusky-skinned princess upper half and not think too much about... what's below her waist. Her soft tits resting on your legs feel really nice. She slithers up further and your feet sink into a wet and fleshy opening.<br> <br> It's where you'd expect her vagina to be, even given her monstrous lower half, but it's far too large. Cavernous. Both of your feet slide into a warm, fleshy tunnel. A muscular band closes around your ankles and Colubridis lets out a loud erotic moan.<br> <br> Muscular walls enfold your feet and peristaltic motion tugs you deeper inside. Or rather, Colubridis uses the motion to slide further up your body. She engulfs your legs up to the knees and rests her big brown boobs in your lap.<br> <br> "Mmm, there's nothing better than putting a big strong man in my pussy," she sighs.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [24]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<if $isSubdued>> You feel too exhausted and feeble to do anything about it.<br> <br> [[You lie still and let her continue.->Colubridis: Vaginal Vore: Lie Still]] <<else>> With horror, you realise she was referring to the whole of you when she said she wanted to 'put you in her pussy'.<br> <br> [[Panic and start struggling?->Colubridis: Vaginal Vore: Struggle 1]]<br> [[Lie still and let her continue?->Colubridis: Vaginal Vore: Lie Still]] <</if>> <<else>> Colubridis's dark eyes expand to fill your world. You feel relaxed and comfortable. You are okay with this.<br> <br> [[You lie still and let her continue.->Colubridis: Vaginal Vore: Lie Still]] <</if>>
Colubridis slithers off the couch and joins you on the plush rug. She starts at the very bottom of your body. <<include [[Colubridis: Vaginal Vore: Begin]]>>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Colubridis: Black Rose: Decline after BJ]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Colubridis: Sex Choice: 2nd Chance]]>> <</if>>
"You don't get to change your mind," she says. "You asked for ultimate pleasure and I will give you ultimate pleasure."<br> <br> Her tail lashes out and whips your legs out from under you. You crash to the floor and Colubridis slithers on top of you before you can recover. She is a good deal heavier than she looks and effortlessly pins you to the floor when she lies on top of you.<br> <br> "So much squirming," Colubridis says. "You asked for this."<br> <br> You try to wriggle out from underneath her. Her weight on your chest is making it difficult to breathe.<br> <br> "That Madam. She never explains anything," Colubridis sighs. "And you, you should be ashamed. Forcing a Queen to sully herself with physical effort."<br> <br> [[She overpowers you.->Colubridis: Black Rose to Vaginal Vore]]
Colubridis says nothing as you turn her down. She waits until you get up off the stool and turn to leave before calling you back.<br> <br> <<include [[Colubridis: Black Rose: Tail Lash]]>>
You think she's sucked quite enough cum out of your balls. You're not even sure you have enough left were you to accept her offer of sex. You politely decline.<br> <br> Colubridis bats her eyelids coquettishly. She reclines on her couch, looking both regal and seductive.<br> <br> "Are you sure? The pleasures of a Queen's vagina are incomparable. It is an honour to be offered it."<br> <br> She slides her hand down her body, catching and dislodging her delicate silk panties. Her sex is located just past the point where her body starts sporting scales and becomes serpentine. Despite this, it looks human enough. The fleshy pink folds of her labia bloom like an exotic flower.<br> <br> [[Change your mind and accept?->Colubridis: Sex Choice: Change Mind]]<br> [[Still politely decline?->Colubridis: Good End]]
<<set $isSubdued to true>> Colubridis presses her soft bosom down on your face until she's smothered the resistance out of you. She slithers back down to the bottom of your body. <<include [[Colubridis: Vaginal Vore: Begin]]>>
You lie still and let her continue. Her labia feel like lusciously soft lips wrapped around your legs. The inside of her vagina feels warm, wet, soft and comfortable.<br> <br> "Mmm, good prey," Colubridis says. "Lie still and let it happen. I'll reward you with sensual bliss."<br> <br> She rubs her big heavy boobs against your genitals. Your cock springs up and is pleasantly buffeted as she bounces her tits against you.<br> <br> Colubridis grunts and moans in pleasure as the muscular walls of her pussy contract around your legs and pull you deeper. Her juicy pussy lips slide up your thighs. Her lovely boobs leave your crotch and she lets her stiff little nipples trail up your belly.<br> <br> She takes your hands and clasps them tightly to your sides. The muscular motions of her vagina continue. She swallows you up to your crotch. Then she pauses as if gathering herself.<br> <br> "Oh yes," she sighs as her labia gape wide enough to encompass your hands and hips.<br> <br> Your erection is drawn into her vagina and pressed down by the soft fleshy wall. Colubridis gives an erotic moan and her body shudders in orgasm. Her vagina flutters around you. Slick juices spill out and soak your body.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Colubridis: Vaginal Vore: Bad End 1]]
She's eating you. She's swallowing you whole with her pussy!<br> <br> You panic and start struggling beneath her.<br> <br> "Ooh, naughty prey," Colubridis says. "Keep squirming like that. You're going to make me cum... ooh..."<br> <br> She tails off in an erotic moan. Her body shudders. Her vagina pulses and gushes warm juices out over your legs.<br> <br> Any hopes the convulsions of her sex might loosen her grip enough for you to escape are quickly dashed. The muscular walls constrict around your calves and smoothly pull you in up to past your knees.<br> <br> "There is no escape," Colubridis says. "You should lie still and let me bring you sensual bliss."<br> <br> She drops her heavy soft boobs in your lap and rubs them against your genitals. Unbidden, your erection rises up and is pleasantly buffeted as she bounces her tits against you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Colubridis: Vaginal Vore: Struggle 2]]
<<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [24]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> Colubridis lies on top of you and presses her big boobs against your chest. She plants hot kisses on your lips, face and throat. Her flickering tongue tickles all over.<<if _testPassed>><br><br>This confuses you. Is she eating you, or fucking you?<<else>> You luxuriate in her sensual attentions.<</if>><br> <br> Colubridis raises her upper body and stares at you with bright eyes. "It is an honour to be received by the Queen's vagina," she says.<br> <br> Muscular peristalsis grips your lower half and tugs you deeper. Her juicy labia slide across your belly, and then your chest. Colubridis pauses and gives another grunt of exertion before stretching her labia wide enough to accommodate your shoulders. Again, the effort brings her to another shuddering orgasm. You feel the fleshy walls convulse around you. More sexual fluids gush out between her pussy lips. Your head is enveloped in a thick stew of sex scents.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(21)>> Colubridis pauses and pulls a face. She bends over and checks the back of your shoulder.<br> <br> "Ah, that charm," she says. "I was wondering what was causing the bad taste."<br> <br> She lies back on the rug and <<else>> Colubridis <</if>> moans erotically as she finally pulls your shoulders in and her vagina contracts down around your neck. Then, gasping from the exertion, Colubridis rolls on to her side. You are a swollen lump within her serpentine body, but at least she hasn't yet swallowed your head. That sticks out from her vagina.<br> <br> "Mmm, I normally prefer them bigger and fatter, but you'll do me fine," she says.<br> <br> She reaches down to caress her distended lower half. Her hands slide up and she playfully musses your hair. Within her, fleshy walls undulate against your engulfed body. The motions feel like a slow, luxurious massage. Your cock is drawn up into some kind of invagination in the walls and gently squeezed.<br> <br> [[Maybe this is just sex.->Colubridis: Vaginal Vore: Bad End 2]]
Colubridis grunts and moans in pleasure as the muscular walls of her pussy contract around your legs and pull you deeper. Her juicy pussy lips slide up your thighs. Her lovely boobs leave your crotch and she lets her stiff little nipples trail up your belly.<br> <br> She catches your flailing hands and clasps them tightly to your sides. The muscular motions of her vagina continue. She swallows you up to your crotch. Then she pauses as if gathering herself.<br> <br> "Oh yes," she sighs as her labia gape wide enough to encompass your hands and hips.<br> <br> Your erection is drawn into her vagina and pressed down by the soft fleshy wall. Colubridis gives an erotic moan and her body shudders in orgasm. Her vagina flutters around you. Slick juices spill out and soak your body.<br> <br> You can barely struggle now. Your hands are pinned to your sides by the muscular walls of Colubridis's sex and the rest of your body is pinned to the floor by her weight.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Colubridis: Vaginal Vore: Bad End 1]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> "Time to digest you," Colubridis says. "Consider yourself fortunate to have been chosen to serve your Queen in this way."<br> <br> Her eyes light up with a purplish-pink glow. It spreads down to her lower half and shines out from between her scales. You feel the temperature rise around you. With the heat comes an unbearable arousal, stoked further as the soft fleshy walls squeeze your body... squeeze your cock.<br> <br> Colubridis sighs in erotic bliss as she strokes her hands over your engulfed form. The uncanny heat and energy permeates your body and collects in your loins. The tension builds until you can hold it in no longer. You gasp as a powerful orgasm overwhelms you and you spurt helplessly inside her.<br> <br> It's followed by another orgasm, and another, and another, until they all run together in a constant torrent. Your mind is swept away by the pleasure of it. Colubridis's vagina contracts around you as she squeezes out all your juices. Eventually, steeped in so much animalistic sexual pleasure, your soul comes free and is sucked from your body.<br> <br> After sexually squeezing the soul and fluids out of their prey, it is customary for most lust lamias to spit out the empty husk. Colubridis is a notorious glutton, regarded as disgustingly vulgar by others of her kind. She pulls your head down into her vagina and then transfers your body over to her other stomach for full digestion. Skin, bones, hair – nothing goes to waste for the gluttonous lamia. It's a small mercy that your life has long fled at this point and you're not around to experience the ickier aspects of digestion.<br> <br> <<include [[Colubridis: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You change your mind. Colubridis smiles and motions you to lie down on the plush rug in front of her couch with a regal sweep of her arm.<br> <br> [[You do as she says.->Colubridis: To Vaginal Vore]]
As pretty and as inviting as it looks, you can't help notice that her vagina seems... large. You politely decline her offer of sex.<br> <br> <<if $hasBroughtGoodGift>> Colubridis pulls a sulky pout.<br> <br> "Hmm, but you did bring me a delicious gift. You are dismissed, but part in the knowledge you pleased your Queen." <<else>> Colubridis pulls a face like sour milk.<br> <br> "Hmpth. You're lucky $ insists we give the prey a sporting chance. Very well, you are dismissed." She turns away and blithely ignores you. <</if>><br> <br> You feel wobbly and weak-kneed as you get up from the stool. She really has sucked a lot out of you. It was probably for the best you turned her down. You doubt you'd be able to perform in this depleted state.<br> <br> <<if $hasBroughtGoodGift>> Colubridis watches you with bright black eyes as you walk unsteadily back to your pile of clothes. Her hand is down at her sex and her fingers play between the folds of her vagina. <<else>> Colubridis keeps her face turned away and deliberately ignores you as you walk unsteadily back to your pile of clothes. You glance back at her sex, maybe in regret at what you turned down. <</if>><br> <br> It is an uncommonly //large// vagina, you think.<br> <br> You put your clothes back on and walk to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<if $hasBroughtGoodGift>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <</if>> <<include [[Colubridis: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
/* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* no faction increase */ <<include [[Colubridis: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> /* must start with linebreaks if wish to start on new line */ <br> <br> "She ate it live in front of you? How revolting." $ shakes his head. /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> "You decided to run, can't say I blame you. At least there's some information on her room and true appearance. I can pay you for that." <<else>> "I did take her for a woman of refinement and breeding. That regal air of hers."<br> <br> He shakes his head.<br> <br> "There were rumours of course. And, of course, no regal queen would ever permit herself to work in an establishment of ill-repute like this."<br> <br> He looks you over.<br> <br> "And look at you. You're pale and shivering. You look like you've been sucked by a vampire. I fear her 'Queen's blowjob', as tempting as it sounds, would be altogether too much for a man of my advanced years."<br> <br> He taps a pen against his notebook.<br> <br> "However, I am curious about vaginal intercourse with her. As monstrous as her body might be, I've heard rumours about certain... tactile properties of the lamia vagina. They have me intrigued. Take her up on her offer of sex next time. I'd like you to find out what it's like in her pussy." <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> "Ah, her 'special' handjob. I've heard a lot of good things about it."<br> <br> His moustache bristles.<br> <br> "But what I haven't heard about, is what sex with her is like. Everyone I've spoken to picked handjob. Maybe you could choose sex the next time you see her. I'll pay you well for the information." <<else>> "Another handjob. It's strange. Whenever I talk to anyone about Arana Solfugis, they all picked handjob. I wonder what sex with her is like. Maybe you can choose that next time you see her. I'll pay you well for the information." <</if>>
You realise you can't move. Your arms hang limply at your sides. You can do nothing but watch as Suka undoes your belt and pulls down your trousers and underpants. She gives your cock a twisty little tug with her hand to perk it up to full hardness.<br> <br> "You can't do anything," Suka says. "So you might as well enjoy this."<br> <br> She turns and plonks her ass down in your lap. That strange ring of flesh around her anus fluffs up as your cock slides up into her ass. You feel the soft flesh stroke down your shaft as she takes your full length inside. The ring puffs out and forms a comfortable but tight seal around the base of your cock.<br> <br> Suka sighs. "And I will do my best to make you feel pleasant."<br> <br> She undoes the top straps of her bodysuit and pushes it aside to expose her breasts. She picks up your hands and presses them into the soft mounds of her boobs.<br> <br> "Time to suck," she sighs dreamily.<br> <br> The walls of her ass press tightly around your cock. The walls bulge against your erection and undulate up the shaft. The motions feel like slow, steady, delicious suction. Aside from teasing little wriggles, Suka barely moves in your lap. The motion is all internal. And irresistible.<br> <br> "Yes, give me your cum," Suka says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Suka no-Hirudo: Anal Sex 3]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Her ass squeezes tighter. The pumping suction intensifies. It feels like a mouth down there. A really powerful sucking mouth. Your cock throbs from the stimulation. You don't think you're going to be able to hold back for much longer.<br> <br> "Yes," Suka sighs.<br> <br> She presses your hands deep into her soft tits. Her ass grips you. Sucks.<br> <br> The paralysis isn't enough to prevent your body from shuddering uncontrollably as you erupt inside her in a great geyser of ecstasy.<br> <br> "I can't control my ass," Suka says as you twitch and come beneath her. "Have never been able to. So, this is the end of you. I'm sorry."<br> <br> Then the suction //really// starts.<br> <br> You keep coming, ejaculating within her in a single throbbing gush. It keeps flooding out of you. The irresistible suction grips your balls and sucks out their contents. Then it turns deeper, on //you//. You sit and shudder in helpless pleasure as Suka sucks out all of your juices. She doesn't stop until she's sucked out every drop of fluid and left behind a dry and withered cadaver.<br> <br> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
She continues to murmur and make wet sounds as she gives you a sloppy blowjob. Or should that be //suckjob//. As her lips slide up and down your member you fancy you can feel the suction tugging right down at your balls.<br> <br> She bobs her head right down and swallows your whole length. That's another bit of strangeness – past her lips, her mouth feels like a tight tunnel of flesh. More like a vagina – or even ass – than a mouth. At the base of your cock her lips puff out and form a tight, cushioned seal.<br> <br> Then the suction really starts.<br> <br> Your concerns go away, sucked right out of you. The fleshy walls of her mouth start undulating against your cock. The motions are slow and pleasant at first, but quickly ratchet up in intensity. And with it the suction grows until it becomes irresistible.<br> <br> /* Semen check */ <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq false>> You're sucked inexorably to climax. You buck and squirm helplessly on the chair and empty a great stream of semen down Suka's throat. Her eyelids flutter in pleasure as she swallows your issue in great gulps.<br> <br> And keeps gulping.<br> <br> Even though you've just come, and come a lot, Suka keeps sucking on your cock for more. You'd think there was no way she could get more, not after sucking such a big load out of you, but stirrings in your balls make a lie of that thought.<br> <br> Her mouth continues to work. The suction grows more powerful.<br> <br> What will you do?<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <<set $targetPassage to "Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Continue 1">> [[Let her continue?->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Continue 1]]<br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> [[That's enough. Push her away?->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Struggle]]<br> <<else>> [[That's enough. Tap her on the shoulder to stop?->Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Tap Shoulder]]<br> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Out Of Semen]]>> <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> She keeps sucking. She's out of control. You're out of control. You lose count of the ejaculations you pump into her mouth. You suspect you needed supernatural assistance to get this far, but even that runs out against the irresistible suction of her mouth.<br> <br> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Blowjob Out Of Semen]]>>
She slides all the way down. You expect her to start grinding her hips against you, instead she just sits there with you buried up to the hilt in her. Then you feel a strange sensation, as if a soft ring is slowly inflating around the base of your cock.<br> <br> You look down and notice the lips of her pussy seem to have puffed up. They form an airtight seal around the root of your penis.<br> <br> Suka puts a hand under your chin and tilts your head back up.<br> <br> "My sex might not be what you're familiar with. It will still bring you pleasure."<br> <br> As if to prove it, the walls of her vagina start undulating against your cock. Muscular rings roll up your shaft, tugging you gently at first, but increasing in speed and strength.<br> <br> "Yes, let me suck you," Suka says. She rubs her exposed tits against your chest.<br> <br> That's what it feels like – as if her sex is sucking on you like a mouth. It's slow, but the pleasure builds, and builds, and builds.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen eq false>> It builds until you can hold out no longer. You moan and shudder in pleasure as you release inside her.<br> <br> "Oh yes," Suka sighs. "Give me that cum."<br> <br> She doesn't seem to realise you've just come. Her pussy keeps sucking. You also think your body doesn't seem to realise it's just come. You feel a trembling in your loins as if a second, even bigger, climax is brewing.<br> <br> What will you do?<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[6][1] to true>> <<set $targetPassage to "Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Continue 1">> [[Let her continue?->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Continue 1]]<br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> [[That's enough. Push her away?->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Struggle]]<br> <<else>> [[That's enough. Tap her on the shoulder to stop?->Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Tap Shoulder]]<br> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Out Of Semen]]>> <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> Her magnificent pussy keeps sucking. She's out of control. You're out of control. You lose count of the ejaculations you pump into her. You suspect you needed supernatural assistance to get this far, but even that runs out against the irresistible suction of her vagina.<br> <br> <<include [[Suka no-Hirudo: Vagina Out Of Semen]]>>
She pinches her thumb and forefinger together and mimes pulling a strand to her. You gasp. A silvery thread emerges from your erect penis. It floats in the air until Morticia mimes another pull and the end is drawn to her.<br> <br> "I don't know why men get so excited about this," Morticia says. "It looks painful."<br> <br> It is. Excruciatingly so. This isn't semen Morticia is pulling from you but some primal, essential part of your being.<br> <br> //Your soul?//<br> <br> Whatever it is, Morticia spools more of it out of the end of your penis and it feels like she's tugging a length of barbed wire out of you.<br> <br> The end reaches her mouth and she sucks it in like a strand of spaghetti. She spools more of that silvery thread out you, ripping out part of your core and leaving you writhing in agony.<br> <br> "It seems so slow and inefficient to eat this way," Morticia says.<br> <br> She bites off the strand and an electric shiver of agony surges back down into you.<br> <br> "I prefer this way."<br> <br> She skips over to you. Her face collapses inwards to reveal a howling black whirlpool crackling with dark energies. She bends over. Your head is drawn into that unholy gyre. There is a loud crunch.<br> <br> //It only gets worse from here...//<br> <br> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<if $player.hasVision>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a dark-skinned girl with medium-length, straight white hair and disconcertingly red eyes. She wears a lacy white chemise stitched together in spiderweb patterns. Below the waist she has the body of a gigantic spider.">> <<else>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a dark-skinned girl with medium-length, straight white hair and disconcertingly red eyes. She wears a lacy white chemise stitched together in spiderweb patterns.">> <</if>>
/* Kanna bi Grafolita */ <<set $hi to 21>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Kanna bi Grafolita", shortDescription: "", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [21], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Kanna: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Kanna: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Kanna: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Kanna: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Kanna: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Kanna: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Kanna: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Kanna: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(25)>> <<set $player.hasVision to true>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ <<set $player.currConst to 2>> /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 21>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set _shortDescription to "a hippy flower-child girl who looks like she's taken one too many hits off a bong. Her slender form is clothed in a pretty floral dress.">> <<if $player.hasVision>> <<set _shortDescription += " What emerges from the bottom of the dress isn't legs but a long grub-like body. It's green and looks like a giant caterpillar.">> <</if>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to _shortDescription>>
<<set _hasVision to $player.hasVision>> /* Madam intro */ "Ah, Kanna bi Grafolita. Sweet little Kanna," $ says. "One day she might grow up to be a beautiful butterfly. As for now, well you know how teens can be."<br> <br> $ gives you a knowing wink. <br> <br> /* Long description */ Unlike the other girls, who look like sex workers, Kanna bi Grafolita looks like a lost hippy flower child. She's tall and slender. Her long blonde hair is matted together in neat dreadlocks. She wears a billowy floral print dress.<br> <br> Her face is adorned with paint or tattoos. There are two parallel bars on her cheeks below her eyes and an arc of black stars above each eyebrow. <<if not _hasVision>>Her big green eyes are very pretty, but also look extremely stoned.<</if>> Combined with the sharpness of the rest of her features she gives you the impression of a flower child grown up and not only lost her innocence, but wholeheartedly embraced that loss.<br> <br> <<if _hasVision>>Aside from the obvious, you<<else>>You<</if>> could almost mistake her for human. There are a couple of features that give her away. <<if _hasVision>>Her eyes are two black marbles.<</if>> Her ears are long and pointed and give her face an elfin cast. She also has two bumpy protrusions at her temples. Almost like horns, but softer and more rounded. <<if _hasVision>>Her skin has an unnatural greenish tinge.<</if>><br> <br> <<if _hasVision>> And then there's the obvious. What emerges from the bottom of her dress is not legs but a long grub-like lower half. It bunches up in a loop behind her. The skin is soft and green and resembles a giant caterpillar.<br><br> <</if>> /* Harlot intro */ Kanna looks very stoned, but still manages to turn up the corners of her mouth in a mischievous smile.<br> <br> "Do you want to get high with me?" <br>
<<set _hasVision to $player.hasVision>> <<if _hasVision>> Kanna seems a little reluctant to go into the bar. She moves like a caterpillar in long loops and is constantly checking behind her to make sure no-one treads on her tail. She turns down the first two tables you suggest and instead picks a cubicle by the wall. The seats aren't really designed for her body and it takes her a little while to slide into the seat opposite you. <<else>> Kanna bi Grafolita seems a little reluctant to go into the bar. She has a strange looping gait and constantly checks behind her. You wonder if public spaces make her anxious. She turns down the first two tables you suggest and instead picks a cubicle by the wall. She has some trouble sliding into her seat and you wonder how stoned she is. <</if>> <br><br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Kanna: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Kanna: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<set _hasVision to $player.hasVision>> <br><br> "What a drag," Kanna complains.<br> <br> <<if _hasVision>> She slides back out of her seat and loops back to the harlot area. <<else>> She slides back out of her seat and strides off with that same strange looping gait. <</if>> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <br><br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set _hasVision to $player.hasVision>> The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and an ornate hookah for Kanna. Kanna takes the pipe and starts puffing away. She stares intently at you.<br> <br> "Do you see?" she asks. "Really see?"<br> <br> You say nothing. Kanna takes another puff on the pipe.<br> <br> "What do you see when you look at me?"<br> <br> <<if _hasVision>> You wonder what you should say. Her top half is beautiful, if slightly skanky. Her lower half looks like a giant caterpillar. You can see the bulbous tip of her 'tail' sticking out from under the table.<br> <br> Kanna sees you glance to her tail and the corners of her lips turn up in a smile.<br> <br> "I knew it," she says. "You do have the sight. Is it natural... no, it must be one of $'s charms."<br> <br> She draws on the hookah pipe and exhales a cloud of fragrant smoke.<br> <br> "Interesting. You see me as I really am, and yet you still chose to bring me here to find out more about me. Most humans find my true form revolting. Maybe you're the other type. The type that seeks out unusual pleasures."<br> <br> Kanna lifts up the tip of her caterpillar tail. The end opens out to reveal a wet orifice not unlike a lurid pink vagina. The interior is soaked in lubricant.<br> <br> "I can give you unusual pleasures." <<else>> Kanna sees your look of puzzlement and laughs.<br> <br> "As I thought. Your eyes are blinded by the illusions of the House. True reality is hidden from you. Come up to my room and I'll open your eyes. Together we will see."<br> <br> She exhales a cloud of fragrant smoke in your face. <</if>> <br><br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Ah, our grubby little stoner," $ says.<br> <br> She chuckles as she puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "I do have a soft spot for her, as repulsive as she is. She has talent. It comes with a disappointing lack of ambition and an overfondness for smoking her own gear, but there is talent there. She just needs to learn new ways of manipulating her smoke and then I'm sure she'll metamorphose into a beautiful butterfly."<br> <br> $ blows out smoke rings. They contract and expand in ways that somehow manage to look lewd, before dissipating into clouds of tiny white butterflies.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She does weaken her mix for the sake of her patrons, but it still might be too strong for those of weak constitution.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"While her real form might look like a bad trip, be kind to the poor girl and don't freak out about it.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Her smoke has little effect on those of high constitution. If it's not doing it for you, ask her if you can try her stronger mix. That \/\/will\/\/ bring you to a satisfying climax.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Kanna: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Kanna: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Pretty Gift */ [1,false,false], /* Was offered stronger mix */ [3,false,false] /* Survived Sex */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Kanna: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Kanna: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Kanna bi Grafolita's room is appropriately psychedelic. The lighting is dim and a kaleidoscope of coloured lights are projected onto the black walls. The furniture is all giant mushrooms. A little forest of them stands at the back of the room. Kanna lounges on top of one and puffs on a long hookah pipe. She's completely naked and looks so stoned she doesn't notice or care she's completely naked.<br> <br> Breathing in the air, you don't think it'll long before you're joining her. The air is thick. It smells sweet and extremely potent. After a few breaths your head starts to feel pleasantly fuzzy.<br> <br> Kanna's big eyes watch you with amusement.<br> <br> "Come in," she says.<br> <br> She crawls down off her mushroom and comes over to you.<br> <br> The tainted air makes your head feel foggy, but also gives you a pleasant buzz. It also has an effect on other parts of your body.<br> <br> Kanna notices the tented front of your trousers.<br> <br> "You'd better take those off before they get uncomfortable," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Undress]]
You undress and drape your clothes over a narrow-stemmed but sturdy toadstool that grows up to about chest height on you. You can't work out if it's an actual living thing or a piece of kitsch furniture.<br> <br> Still carrying your gift, you walk over to the cluster of giant mushrooms with psychedelic-coloured caps.<br> <br> "Sit there," Kanna says, pointing to a large fleshy fungus.<br> <br> The cap is bright red in colour, about the size of a queen-size mattress and maybe only a foot and a half off the ground.<br> <br> You test the edge with your hand and it tips downwards. When you turn around and sit on it, the cap tilts all the way to the floor and you sit back against it as though it's a big soft beanbag. You can't decide if it's organic or artificial and decide you're probably better off not thinking about it.<br> <br> Kanna sits down next to you.<br> <br> "What you got for me?" she asks.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Kanna: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(3)>> <<include [[Kanna: Gift: Pretty]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(0)>> <<include [[Kanna: Gift: Edible]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(1)>> <<include [[Kanna: Gift: Drinkable]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Kanna: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> She puts the gift to one side and turns back to you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Sitting Back]]
Kanna takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "I'll use the stronger mix," she says. "That will do the job."
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "Ooh, pretty," Kanna says.<br> <br> She holds up the $allGifts[$cgi].name and enjoys how the light bounces off <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it.<<else>>them.<</if>>
Kanna looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name and frowns.<br> <br> "I don't feel hungry right now."
Kanna looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name and frowns.<br> <br> "I don't feel thirsty right now."
"Ah, thanks," Kanna says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> She tries and fails to hide her disinterest.
Kanna puts an arm around you.<br> <br> "Before we fuck, let's just chill for a bit," she says. "I like to take a few puffs beforehand to get me in the mood."<br> <br> She puts an ornate hookah pipe between her lips and sucks. She exhales a cloud of fragrant smoke in your face.<br> <br> "Put you in the mood as well."<br> <br> <<include [[Kanna: High Const Check]]>>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> /* skip test if black rose */ <<include [[Kanna: High Const Check: Failed]]>> <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [25]>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Kanna: High Const Check: Passed]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Kanna: High Const Check: Failed]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
The smoke is like the rest of the air in the room, but ten times stronger. You inhale and it quickly takes effect. Your vision blurs and your thoughts slow. Your body relaxes and you let yourself settle back into the soft mushroom cap.<br> <br> Kanna takes another suck and exhales another potent cloud in your face. You sink further into the giant mushroom cap. There is a warm feeling in your chest. The inside of your skull feels like it's wrapped in cotton wool.<br> <br> "Good shit, eh?" Kanna says.<br> <br> Your thoughts feel pleasantly fuzzed.<br> <br> <<if $cgi neq 0>> [[Ask Kanna if you can take a hit of her pipe.->Kanna: Ask For Hit]]<br> <</if>> [[Sit back and relax.->Kanna: Smoking: Prelude]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> The smoke has a pleasant fragrance, but that's about it.<br> <br> Kanna looks at your face and examines your eyes.<br> <br> "It doesn't seem to be having much of an effect on you."<br> <br> You do feel a pleasant buzz, but not much more than that.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(25)>> Kanna checks your shoulder. "Ah, that'll be why. One of $'s skin runes. It protects the bearer from hypnotic fumes and gases. That's the nasty shit some of the high-level succubi puff out that will turn you into a forever-slave if you breathe it in. My smoke doesn't do that, but sometimes the rune makes it take a little longer to get high. I can switch to my stronger stuff, if you'd like. That'll get you there quicker." <<else>> "I might have made my mix too weak. Do you want to try my stronger stuff?" <</if>><br> <br> She beckons over to a collection of exotic hookah bowls clustered under another mushroom.<br> <br> [[Try her stronger stuff.->Kanna: Try Stronger Stuff]]<br> [[You're okay with the current stuff.->Kanna: Decline Stronger Stuff]]
<<set $hasSmokedStrongStuff to true>> "Okay, but be warned. It's is strong. It will have a pretty big effect on you."<br> <br> She glances meaningfully down at your semi-erect penis. You're fine with that kind of 'big' effect.<br> <br> She reaches over and brings back another hookah pipe. The metal nozzle on this one is cast in the shape of a large erect phallus. Kanna puts the head between her lips and takes a long suck. She purses her lips and exhales a much thicker cloud of smoke in your face.<br> <br> Whoa, now this one has an effect. You feel like you've been dropped into a deep pile of pink fluff. Except the fluff is inside your skull and gently stroking your brain. Your vision swims and blurs. Pleasurable hot flashes run through your body. Your cock swells up in a rock-hard erection.<br> <br> You slump back against the soft mushroom cap.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Smoking: Prelude]]
"Maybe that's for the best. The stronger stuff fucks men up pretty badly, although they all enjoy it."<br> <br> She puffs more fragrant smoke in your face.<br> <br> "Loosen up a little. Breathe it in. Relax. Give yourself up to the flow."<br> <br> You do as she says.<br> <br> Kanna moves her face closer. She puckers her sensual lips as if preparing to kiss, but instead exhales a stream of smoke in your face.<br> <br> As you relax it starts to take effect. Your vision blurs and your thoughts slow. The inside of your skull feels like it's wrapped in cotton wool. You settle back against the soft mushroom cap.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Smoking]]
Kanna shakes her head.<br> <br> "This is my weak mix, but it would still destroy your lungs if you took a hit of it directly. It has to be second hand."<br> <br> <<include [[Kanna: Smoking: Prelude]]>>
Kanna moves her face closer. She puckers her sensual lips as if preparing to kiss, but instead exhales a stream of smoke in your face.<br> <br> Whoa. This is strong stuff. You rest your head back against the soft surface behind you in an attempt to stop the world from spinning. It doesn't help too much.<br> <br> <<include [[Kanna: Smoking]]>>
"Most of the girls in here are all about the sex and semen," Kanna says. "Me, I like these moments."<br> <br> She exhales again and you're wreathed in streamers of smoke.<br> <br> "Just chilling out," Kanna says. "Getting high."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Getting High]]
You feel like you're getting high. Your senses feel woozy in a pleasant way. You sit with Kanna and watch the kaleidoscopic patterns as spots of coloured lights dance across the far wall. The colours seem brighter and more vivid.<br> <br> "Just sitting here and letting our minds expand and reveal the higher vistas of the cosmos."<br> <br> The lights do swirl like galaxies. And you do feel like you're floating in the vast emptiness of outer space. Maybe you are.<br> <br> "Looks like it's not the only thing expanding," Kanna says with a filthy chuckle.<br> <br> Your cock is rising up in your lap in quite an impressive erection.<br> <br> "A little extra in my mix," Kanna explains. "It has a wonderfully arousing effect on men."<br> <br> She bends down and blows a white cloud of smoke over your erection. Your cock twitches as the warm air tickles it.<br> <br> "Some of the girls in here are really talented. They can do amazing things with smoke. All I can do is get stoned."<br> <br> Kanna laughs. She takes another toke on her pipe.<br> <br> "At least I don't smoke the men. Some of the girls in here do that too."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Caterpillar Coil]]
<<set _hasVision to $player.hasVision>> You feel something slide behind you. At first you think it might be Kanna putting a leg around you, but the 'leg' feels soft, squishy, flexible and far too thick. Far too flexible to be a leg. It coils around you like a thick pipe.<br> <br> <<if _hasVision>> It can't be her leg. Kanna doesn't have them. Does she? Your thoughts are clouded.<br> <br> <</if>> Kanna kisses you lightly on the cheek and exhales another thick cloud of fragrant smoke in your face.<br> <br> "It's better to be stoned out of your mind in here," Kanna says. "$ is never going to let you leave with your soul."<br> <br> You cough a little. The smoke is a little too thick. Your head is a little too fogged up. Your senses are a little too scrambled. You're barely aware of a soft squishy //something// coiling around your body until you're fully wrapped up.<br> <br> You turn to look at Kanna. Her face sways and swims before you. It puts out blurry echoes. <<if not _hasVision>>Has the light changed? Her skin seems green and her eyes are now cold black marbles.<</if>><br> <br> "Oh good," Kanna says. "Now you're beginning to see."<br> <br> <<if _hasVision>> You could always see. Is that unusual? Or maybe something $ did to you.<br> <br> Kanna has coiled her caterpillar body around you. The surface is tinged green and looks soft and smooth. <<else>> You can see. You don't think that's //good//.<br> <br> There is what appears to be a giant caterpillar or grub coiled around your body. The surface is tinged green and looks soft and smooth. You think this is Kanna. The real Kanna. <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Non-Human Reveal]]
Kanna is still humanoid above the waist, aside from a greenish tinge to her skin. She smiles at you, takes a puff on her hookah pipe and blows more smoke in your face.<br> <br> "I know, I know," she says. "I look fucked up. We can't all be gorgeous sex-kitten succubi with massive melons. It doesn't mean I'm not without talents of my own."<br> <br> Her tail rears up between your legs. The blunt tip opens up to reveal a vertical fleshy slit that resembles a woman's vagina. Clear fluids drool from the opening.<br> <br> <<include [[Kanna: Tailpussy Response Changer]]>>
<<if $hasSmokedStrongStuff or $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Kanna: Tailpussy: Too Stoned To Struggle]]>> <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [25]>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<include [[Kanna: Tailpussy: Too Stoned To Struggle]]>> <<else>> <<if $player.hasVision>> <<include [[Kanna: Tailpussy: Has Vision]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Kanna: Tailpussy: Default Reaction]]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
You don't do anything. This is more because you feel too stoned and blissed out to do anything. Kanna's body, as weird as it looks, doesn't feel unpleasant. It feels like being wrapped around by a thick rubber tube filled with warm water. The thing on the end of her tail looks more like a pussy than a mouth.<br> <br> <<include [[Kanna: Tailpussy: End]]>>
[[This is too freaky. Try to throw her body off.->Kanna: Tailpussy: Default Reaction]]<br> [[Sit still and wait to see what she does.->Kanna: Tailpussy: Choose Not To Struggle]]
<<set $hasFreakedOut to true>> Nope, time to get out of here.<br> <br> "Why do they always freak out," Kanna sigh as you try to squirm away from her soft body. "It's just my pussy... sort of."<br> <br> This is far too freaky for you. You start to struggle and try to throw her soft, grub-like form away from you.<br> <br> "Hey, stop freaking out," Kanna complains. "You're downing my high. Keep it up and I'll have to break out my stronger mix."<br> <br> [[Keep struggling.->Kanna: Tailpussy: Keep Struggling]]<br> [[Stop struggling.->Kanna: Tailpussy: Stop Struggling]]
You don't do anything. As weird as it looks, Kanna's body doesn't feel particularly unpleasant. It feels like being wrapped around by a thick rubber tube filled with warm water. The thing on the end of her tail looks more like a pussy than a mouth.<br> <br> <<include [[Kanna: Tailpussy: End]]>>
<<set $hasSmokedStrongStuff to true>> You don't care. You want this disgusting grubthing off you. You keep struggling and pushing while Kanna tries to stay wound around you.<br> <br> "Oi," she says. "My body is soft. Treat it with some respect."<br> <br> You don't.<br> <br> "That's it," Kanna says.<br> <br> She reaches over for another hookah pipe. The end of this one looks like an erect penis cast in bronze. She puts it in her mouth, takes a big pull, and then blows a thick cloud of pink smoke in your face.<br> <br> The effect is immediate. You feel like you've been dropped into a deep pile of pink fluff. Except the fluff is inside your skull and gently stroking your brain. Your vision swims and blurs. Pleasurable hot flashes run through your body. Your cock swells up in a rock-hard erection. You stop struggling and let yourself float on a cloud of bliss.<br> <br> <<include [[Kanna: Tailpussy: End]]>>
You stop struggling.<br> <br> "That's it. Settle down," Kanna says. "I only want to do nice things to you."<br> <br> While her body is indeed unusual. It doesn't feel unpleasant. It feels like being wrapped around by a thick rubber tube filled with warm water. The thing on the end of her tail looks more like a pussy than a mouth.<br> <br> Kanna puffs on her pipe and exhales more smoke in your face.<br> <br> <<include [[Kanna: Tailpussy: End]]>>
"Just relax," Kanna says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Tailsuck 1]]
Her tail comes closer. The orifice at the end opens up. It swallows first the swollen head of your cock. The soft membranous walls contract around the tip as if Kanna Is savouring it. Then the tail slides smoothly down your shaft until your whole erection is drawn up into a warm fleshy tunnel with soft walls. Flanges at the end of the tail form a suction cup over your crotch to hold the tail orifice in place.<br> <br> Kanna snuggles up closer.<br> <br> "If it helps, just close your eyes and imagine you're getting a slow comfortable screw from a hot, big-titted stripper."<br> <br> She breathes warm air against your cheek and your head is wreathed in fragrant smoke.<br> <br> Her strange tail starts to gently throb and pulse around your cock. Each pulse sends gentle rippling sucks up your shaft. It's a comfortable sensation. Kanna wrapped around you feels warm and comfortable. You can feel each slow pulse running through her body.<br> <br> Kanna sighs erotically in your ear.<br> <br> <<if $hasFreakedOut>>"See, it was nothing to freak out about.<<else>>"Doesn't it feel pleasant.<</if>> I've heard men say it feels like the best parts of a blowjob and sex combined."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Tailsuck 2]]
The soft fleshy tube continues to throb and pulse around your cock. Each pulse sends ripples of pleasure running through your body.<br> <br> "This is heaven for me," Kanna says. "Smoking my hookah with my mouth. Smoking a man with my pussy."<br> <br> It's pretty good for you as well. You relax and lie back against Kanna's soft body. Her lower half feels like warm soft cushions wrapped around you. It throbs and pulses with her slow heartbeat. You feel blissfully stoned. The gentle throbbing suction on your cock dominates everything else.<br> <br> "Not smoke you literally," Kanna adds with a laugh. "I'm not like some of the other girls in here. I just want to chill and enjoy a nice slow comfortable fuck."<br> <br> She pulls up close and breathes heavily in your ear. Her tail continues to throb. You see her soft body contract and pulse in peristaltic motion. It feels like a soft donut of flesh pumping up and down your shaft, pausing at the tip to squeeze and pay specially attention to your sensitive glans. You tremble as you feel a stirring in your balls. You're not far off.<br> <br> "Are you coming?" Kanna asks. "You don't need to hold back."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Tailsuck 3]]
The pulses grow faster and stronger. You feel them travel up her soft lower body and ripple around your chest. It feels like the whole of her lower body is sucking on your cock.<br> <br> "Ooh yes, baby," Kanna says. "I can feel it coming. Let it out."<br> <br> Her sighs grow louder and lewder in your ear. Her soft lower body pulses stronger and faster. <<include [[Kanna: Semen Check]]>>
<<if $hasSmokedStrongStuff or $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Kanna: Ejaculation Prelude]]>> <<else>> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Kanna: Out Of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Kanna: Ejaculation Prelude]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
<br> <br>You can't hold it back any longer. <<include [[Kanna: Ejaculation]]>>
<<set $hasSmokedStrongStuff to true>> Your cock throbs pleasantly within her, but you can't quite tip over the edge despite her splendid ministrations.<br> <br> "Need a little help, baby?" Kanna says. "I can give you that."<br> <br> She reaches over for another hookah pipe. The end of this one looks like an erect penis cast in bronze. She puts it in her mouth, takes a big pull, and then blows a thick cloud of pink smoke in your face.<br> <br> The effect is immediate. You feel like you've been dropped into a deep pile of pink fluff. Except the fluff is inside your skull and gently stroking your brain. Pleasurable hot flashes run through your body. You float up on a cloud of bliss. It's not the only thing rising. <<include [[Kanna: Ejaculation]]>>
The ejaculation bursts up inside you. Your body bucks against the soft abdomen wrapped around you as – under the influence of her smoke – you empty a huge load into her. Kanna lets out a sigh of erotic satisfaction. Her body swells up as she sucks the semen from you. The soft membranous walls gently squeeze and ripple against your cock as she coaxes out every last little drop.<br> <br> <<include [[Kanna: End Changer]]>>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Kanna: Black Rose End]]>> <<elseif $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Kanna: Out of Semen End]]>> <<elseif $hasFreakedOut and $hasSmokedStrongStuff>> <<include [[Kanna: Freak Out End]]>> <<elseif $hasSmokedStrongStuff>> <<include [[Kanna: Strong Stuff End]]>> <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to [25]>> <<include [[Player: Test Const]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Kanna: Good End 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Kanna: Weak Const End]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
"Now to give you that ultimate climax you asked for."<br> <br> <<include [[Kanna: Uncontrollable Ejaculation]]>> "My strong mix will give you the ultimate pleasure you crave."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Already Using Strong Pipe]]
<<include [[Kanna: Uncontrollable Ejaculation]]>> "This is what happens when you freak out and force me to use my strong mix," Kanna says. "Once this reaction is triggered in your body, you won't be able to stop."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Already Using Strong Pipe]]
<<include [[Kanna: Uncontrollable Ejaculation]]>> "Oh no," Kanna says, noticing the way your cock jerks and spurts uncontrollably inside her. "I thought you'd be able to handle my strong mix."<br> <br> You continue to buck and spurt semen into her.<br> <br> "I'm sorry," Kanna says. "Once this reaction is triggered in your body, you won't be able to stop. All I can do is help you enjoy your last moments."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Already Using Strong Pipe]]
Then, spent, you collapse back against the soft mushroom cap with Kanna's warm abdomen still wrapped around you.<br> <br> "That was nice," Kanna says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Good End 2]]
<<include [[Kanna: Uncontrollable Ejaculation]]>> "Oh crap, I thought your constitution was stronger than that," Kanna says, noticing the way your cock jerks and spurts uncontrollable inside her. "I thought I'd made my mix weak enough."<br> <br> She turns and reaches for another hookah pipe.<br> <br> "I'm sorry," Kanna says. "Once this reaction is triggered in your body, you won't be able to stop. Best I can do is give you some of my stronger mix. At least you'll enjoy your last moments."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Switch To Strong Pipe]]
She rests her head against yours. Her tail continues to gently suck on your cock. Her abdomen rises and falls. Little spots of bioluminescence light up as your semen flows up into her like smoke.<br> <br> Kanna lets out a blissful sigh. "Hookahs are nice, but nothing beats a good toke on a hard cock," she says.<br> <br> You relax and enjoy the blissful aftermath. Her soft body does feel very comfy wrapped around you. Comfortable enough you feel you could just drift off to sleep here and enjoy a long nap.<br> <br> Your drowsy contentment is interrupted by Kanna pushing a metal nozzle between your lips.<br> <br> "Comedown pipe," she says. "Take a hit."<br> <br> You do. And immediately start coughing and spluttering. It's strong. Really strong. Blue smoke spills from your nose and mouth as you cough. The flavour is different as well – cold and sharp rather than warm and fuzzy.<br> <br> Your head suddenly feels clearer. It feels like someone has poured a fresh, bubbling mountain stream into your skull. The comfortable layer of fluff washes away. Your vision clears.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Good End 3]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> You see Kanna's green face right in front of you. Her black-marble eyes stare right into yours. She seems satisfied with what she sees.<br> <br> "Good. This House is dangerous. You'll need your wits about you. If I send you out stoned you're just going to get your soul sucked out by the next lust daemon $ forces you to pick."<br> <br> But isn't Kanna also a lust demon, you point out.<br> <br> "Yes, but I'm not a monster," Kanna says. "I just want to get high and suck a few fat cocks."<br> <br> She uncoils her body from you and crawls back to her mushroom perch with a strange looping gait. She really does look like a giant caterpillar below the waist. She crawls back on top and resumes smoking her hookah pipe.<br> <br> "Appearances aren't everything," she says. She blows out a thick white cloud of smoke.<br> <br> She has a point. As much as you don't want to think too hard about... coupling with her, your cock is still pleasantly twitching with the memory of the last orgasm. It did feel kind of nice.<br> <br> You get up, retrieve your clothes, get dressed and leave.<br> <br> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Kanna: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $hasSmokedStrongStuff>> <<unset $hasFreakedOut>>
Just as you think your orgasm is coming to an end, you feel another spasmodic contraction in your loins and spurt another big load inside her. The spasms intensify in your balls and cock and spread out into your abdomen. It's like your body can't fire the semen out fast enough and your muscles spasm wildly with the effort.<br> <br>
She takes a long suck on her penis-shaped pipe and <<include [[Kanna: Bad End]]>>
She brings back another hookah pipe. The metal nozzle on this one is cast in the shape of a large erect phallus. Kanna puts the head between her lips and takes a long suck. She <<include [[Kanna: Bad End]]>>
blows a dense cloud of pink smoke in your face. It carries your mind up on scented clouds. You give a blissful cry of release as a truly thunderous ejaculation bursts from you.<br> <br> Kannas lower body throbs and pulses with peristaltic motion around you as she sucks the semen out of you. Your hips buck as you keep spurting uncontrollably within her. Those membranous walls feel wonderfully soft as they wrap and squeeze your throbbing cock. You come into the pleasant suction, again and again. The orgasms all run together until you feel like you're jetting fluids into her like a broken tap.<br> <br> Kanna sighs erotically and then guiltily cuts it off.<br> <br> "I'm sorry. I shouldn't enjoy this, but it feels so good. I'll make it feel good for you too."<br> <br> She exhales more pink smoke in your face. The world is gone. There are only clouds and the orgasmic delight of pouring everything into Kanna. Her soft lower body swells up as you fill it. Little dots of bioluminescence light up as your inner spirit begins to flow into her as well.<br> <br> Your body diminishes as her soft body swells, until you're little more than a withered-up cadaver. Then, with no more fluids left to suck, Kanna detaches her tail and crawls back to her mushroom perch.<br> <br> "That's a pity," she says. "He seemed nice."<br> <br> She goes back to toking on her hookah.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Kanna: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <br><br> "You turned down her stronger mix? Normally I'd be curious to know what it's like, but in this case..."<br> <br> He harrumphs derisorily and gets back to his notes.<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
$ pulls a disgusted face.<br> <br> "So she's a druggie and a vile abomination grub girl. What a wretched combination."<br> <br> His nasal hairs twitch angrily.<br> <br> "I'm not really interesting in hearing how good it felt to get high and have her do... whatever she did. A gentleman should maintain proper standards."<br> <br> His expression softens.<br> <br> "Ah well. All information is good information, even if I won't be using this."
<<include [[Kanna: Uncontrollable Ejaculation]]>> "That's the problem with my stronger stuff," Kanna says. "It'll make you come, but then you can't stop."<br> <br> You continue to buck and spurt semen into her.<br> <br> "I'm sorry," Kanna says. "Once this reaction is triggered in your body, you won't be able to stop. All I can do is help you enjoy your last moments."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Kanna: Already Using Strong Pipe]]
/* Hiru no-Koochi */ <<set $hi to 14>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Hiru no-Koochi", shortDescription: "", faction: 1, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, hasSocialised: false, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [22, 6], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Hiru: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Hiru: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Hiru: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Hiru: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Hiru: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Hiru: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Hiru: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Hiru: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(35)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ <<set $player.currInt to 5>> /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 14>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a tall, imposing succubus with a mane of big black frizzy hair. She wears a sexy black teddy that barely holds her big breasts in place.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is the buxom Hiru no-Koochi," $ says. "She'll put your pride and joy between her big breasts and give it a good hard suck." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Hiru no-Koochi is tall and busty. With her big hair and big boobs she has the same aura of excess as an eighties dancer or cheerleader. A glossy black teddy can barely contain the pumped-up curves of her tits. Sexy black stockings are connected to her glossy black panties by glossy black hold-ups. She's already tall and her glossy black high heels give her a few extra inches on top.<br> <br> Then there are her non-human, demonic features. Her short, pointed horns are black, as are the little bat wings sticking out behind her. Her tail is black and terminates in a glossy spade-like tip. The one off-putting element about her is her skin colour. She's very pale and there is a blueish tinge to her pallor more reminiscent of a corpse or a bloodless creature of the night. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Hiru no-Koochi looks you up and down.<br> <br> "You look like someone in need of a good hard suck," she says. <br>
You take Hiru no-Koochi out into the bar. Normally, walking out into a bar with a big busty glamour model type on your arm would make you feel special. In the House, where every girl is a centrefold stunner, it has less of an impact. You find an open table. <br><br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Hiru: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Hiru: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> Hiru starts to stand up and then pauses.<br> <br> "I'm not all that bothered," she says. "To tell the truth, there are other things I'd rather drink."<br> <br> She stares meaningfully at your crotch.<br> <br> "Hmm."<br> <br> Still staring hungrily at your crotch, she taps her long fingernails on the wooden surface of the table.<br> <br> "Maybe... no. $ strictly forbids any sexual acts with patrons in the lounge. If you still want to give me that drink, pick me and come up to my room."<br> <br> Hiru departs, leaving you with a parting glance that smoulders with lust.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <br><br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a... something for Hiru. It's a novelty bottle shaped like an erect penis and balls. The testicles, the main container part of the bottle, are filled with a white liquid you hope is just milk.<br> <br> Hiru glances down at the novelty bottle and then up at you.<br> <br> "$ encourages these little meetings to help patrons to get to know us better. I use them to give a little demonstration of what I have to offer."<br> <br> She pulls the 'bottle' close to her until it's nestling up against her cleavage. She tips her head down. Her lips part.<br> <br> She pauses to glance back up at you.<br> <br> "My tongue is a little unusual. Don't be put off by it."<br> <br> Her tongue is more than a little unusual. It's black and glossy like oil. There is some kind of opening at the end that looks like the sucker of a leech. It's also extremely long. More and more slithers out between her lips until about a foot in length is dangling from her mouth. It reaches the 'cock' and the tip opens up like a maw to engulf the head of the novelty bottle.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Socialising: Drinking 2]]
"Another leech." $ pulls a face. "And an extremely dangerous one."<br> <br> She sips her cocktail.<br> <br> "If you met her outside this House, she'd use that leech tongue of hers to suck you dry before you'd even finished your first pant of pleasure. In here she has to follow $'s rules and give the prey a chance."<br> <br> She sniffs derisorily.<br> <br> "It's not much of a chance. She'll tell them they can stop her at any time with a simple tap on her shoulder. It's never as simple as that."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "Her saliva contains a strong paralysing agent. Unless you've found the right protection beforehand, you won't be able to lift a finger to stop her as she sucks all the fluids out of your body."<br> <br> She takes another drag of her cigarette.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"As for gifts. She's a leech. Leeches suck blood.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"If you're the romantic type, bring her a romantic gift and she'll reward you with a kiss.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Her kind's usual way of subduing prey is with a kiss. She doesn't need to do it in here, but old habits, or should that be predatory instincts, die hard.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: false, text: "\"$'s protective charms are powerful but not impregnable. If you let Hiru give your manhood a good soak in her saliva, no charm will be able to protect you.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Hiru: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Hiru: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Blood */ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Milk */ [1,false,false], /* Decline Kiss */ [1,false,false], /* Leave after 1st suck */ [3,false,false], /* Leave after 2nd suck */ [6,false,false], /* Leave after 3rd suck */ [10,false,false] /* Leave after 4th suck */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $attemptsToStop to 0>> <<set $hasBeenTongueBathed to false>> <<include [[Hiru: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Hiru: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Hiru no-Koochi is waiting for you as you enter her room. She lounges in a strange piece of furniture that looks like a cross between a couch and a bed. The seating is concave and stretches back far enough for a normal person to lie all the way back. The back section is piled with gigantic, over-stuffed silk cushions.<br> <br> The colour scheme of the room is dusky. The carpet and cushions are a shade of purple so dark it's almost black. The walls are papered in alternating strips of dark purple and dark burgundy, and adorned with tasteful paintings of erotica.<br> <br> Hiru lounges casually against one of the big cushions. Her long legs are stretched out and crossed. Fixing you with her dark, sultry eyes, she slowly pulls down the top of her black teddy and frees her gorgeous breasts. They're a lovely pair – ripe and bulging. The curves are appealing enough for you to overlook the unusual bluish tinge to her pallor, as well as her purple areolae and nipples.<br> <br> "Come over here," she says.<br> <br> You walk over to the opulent piece of furniture and Hiru stands up to greet you. Again, you're struck by her height and the big mane of frizzy black hair that makes her seem bigger still.<br> <br> "What gift have you brought me?" she asks.<br> <br> You hand her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Gift]]
Hiru starts to suck. The 'milk' rises up the inside of the shaft and little bulges travel up Hiru's tongue.<br> <br> Hiru's gaze flicks up and she fixes you with her dark eyes. Her tongue slides down the shaft until she's engulfed the full length of the penis. The wet sucking noises intensify. Bigger bulges travel up her tongue. The testicle reservoirs empty and then the plastic starts to crinkle and crumple inward as she continues to suck. Then, with the bottle completely empty, Hiru releases it and draws her long black tongue up into her mouth. Her hot gaze never leaves you the whole time.<br> <br> You feel you should be revolted, but the iron bar of an erection you feel in your trousers suggests your body feels differently.<br> <br> Hiru shamelessly trails a finger up the bulge tenting your trousers as you return to $<br> <br> "Come up to my room and I'll drain your balls the same way," she whispers in your ear.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<if $cgi eq 22>> <<include [[Hiru: Gift: Milk]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 6>> <<include [[Hiru: Gift: Blood]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 0 or $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(4)>> /* Use goto as skips off down different path */ <<goto [[Hiru: Gift: Romantic]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(1)>> <<include [[Hiru: Gift: Drinkable]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(0)>> <<include [[Hiru: Gift: Edible]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Hiru: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> "Now let's get those clothes off."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Paizuri 1]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> Hiru's eyes light up as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Ooh, that's a real treat," she says. "Made from only the finest matured virgins and seasoned with the blood of a maiden's first menstruation."<br> <br> She places it on a table next to the couch.<br> <br> "Mmm, I'll save that for later. I wouldn't want to ruin my appetite."<br> <br> She glances meaningfully down at your crotch.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Hiru looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name and chuckles.<br> <br> "Someone's been tattling. Was it the old whore at the bar? She likes telling the punters all sorts of nonsense."<br> <br> She puts the $allGifts[$cgi].name on a little table to the right of the couch.<br> <br> "I am a sucker," she says, "but it won't be blood I suck out of your body."<br> <br> She reaches down and shamelessly grabs your crotch.
Hiru smiles as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Ah, how romantic," she says. "It's a little wasted on a ravenous spunk sucker like me, but the thought is nice."<br> <br> She turns back to you.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsSlutty>> "Ah, I can see you're just the same as me. Giving girls nice gifts so you can get in their knickers."<br> <br> She laughs.<br> <br> "You don't need to do that with me. The only gift I want is here."<br> <br> She runs a finger up the bulge at the front of your trousers.<br> <br> "Let's get those clothes off and get right to it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Paizuri 1]] <<else>> "Are you the romantic type? Yes, I can see you are. It's so lovely to see, even if I am a ravenous spunk sucker."<br> <br> She pauses thoughtfully.<br> <br> "Mmm. I don't normally offer this, but you seem nice and the nice ones like a little romantic attachment to get them in the mood. Would you like a kiss beforehand?"<br> <br> She pouts her sumptuous lips. They are extremely kissable lips. Full, glossy, supple, and so very inviting.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 3>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> Once you're drawn to them, you can't look away. Her mouth and lips are just perfect. You ache to kiss them and let Hiru know.<br> <br> [[You kiss.->Hiru: Accept Kiss]] <<else>> [[Kiss.->Hiru: Accept Kiss]]<br> [[Decline.->Hiru: Decline Kiss]] <</if>> <</if>>
Hiru looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Not a bad choice," she says.<br> <br> She places <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on a little table to the right of the couch.<br> <br> "But I prefer to drink other things."<br> <br> She reaches down and shamelessly grabs your crotch.
Hiru looks at the $allGifts[$cgi].name and pulls a face.<br> <br> "Solids? No thanks."<br> <br> She places <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on a little table to the right of the couch. She turns back to you.
"How lovely," Hiru says. "Thank you."<br> <br> She places the $allGifts[$cgi].name on a small table to the right of the couch.
You take your clothes off and sit on the sofa. The seat cushion is very deep and maybe a little too soft. You sink down more than you were expecting.<br> <br> Hiru rearranges the big cushions behind you. Like the seat cushion, they're very deep and soft. However, they do provide comfortable support.<br> <br> "Sit back and relax," Hiru says.<br> <br> She pushes your legs apart and goes down on her knees between them. Her dark eyes remain fixed on you.<br> <br> She spits in her hands and lightly takes hold of your cock. Her slick hands stroke up and down your penis. She is very very practised at this. One hand gives the head of your cock twisty little jerks while the other smoothly pumps up and down your shaft. She switches attention to your balls and starts fondling them while her other hand continues pumping your cock. She coaxes you forwards on the seat and lets her long nails tickle behind your scrotal sac. Every so often she pauses stroking your cock to give the swollen head a little pumping squeeze with her palm. Then, satisfied with the result, she stops and sets your erection bobbing with a playful little slap.<br> <br> "Mmm. Long and hard. Just how I like them," she says.<br> <br> She shuffles up closer, parts her lovely big boobs and tucks your erection between them.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Paizuri 2]]
Her lips are gorgeous. She is gorgeous. You'd love to start with a kiss. It would be the perfect way to get in the mood.<br> <br> Eagerly, you step into her embrace and put your arms around her. Your lips meet. Her body, and mouth, are strangely cool.<br> <br> Her kiss most definitely isn't. It's hot. Really hot. This is not a chaste little peck as precursor to paid-for intimacy. She kisses like a girlfriend unsure she'll ever see her lover again. It's a real dirty snog, with plenty of tongue.<br> <br> Hiru hugs you tight to her. You feel her soft tits press against your chest. One hand presses against the small of your back, the other against the back of your head. She makes little murmuring sounds of pleasure as her lips move against you and her tongue jousts with yours.<br> <br> Her tongue is incredible. It wraps around the tip of your tongue and you feel a sucking sensation. It's like she has an additional pair of lips within her mouth.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>> Then you remember what you saw while you were socialising with her – that long black tongue that resembled a giant leech – and realise that's what's currently sucking on the tip of your tongue. That doesn't seem quite so erotic.<br> <br> <</if>> She stops playing with the tip of your tongue and pushes her tongue deeper into your mouth. Her tongue is very long and muscular. A bit too long and muscular. You start to feel some trepidation and try to pull away.<br> <br> Hiru doesn't let you. She's stronger than she appears. Her arm around your back and hand on the back of your head hold you firmly in place.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Kiss Bad End 1]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> Hiru does not seem offended by your refusal. Her dark eyes and smile are unreadable.<br> <br> "I understand," she says. "False intimacy is still false. It's no substitute for the real thing."<br> <br> <<if $player.currInt gt 4>> You get the impression her offering a kiss was not a romantic gesture. If anything, it felt more like a feint in a fencing duel. <<else>> Yeah, it would be meaningless without any feeling behind it. <</if>><br> <br> "Now let's get those clothes off," Hiru says. "We both know why you're here, so let's get down'n'dirty and have some fun."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Paizuri 1]]
Hiru's tongue pushes deeper. She finds the back of your throat and her tongue worms down into it.<br> <br> You know something is wrong now. You struggle harder but can't break out of Hiru's embrace. You feel her tongue swell up in your mouth and then a warm liquid flows down your throat. Her tongue rises and falls in regular pulses as more fluids flow through it. You're forced to drink them as if someone had inserted a pipe down your throat.<br> <br> You go limp in her arms. Hiru holds you there. You feel her tongue swell up and down in your mouth as she regurgitates more fluids down your throat.<br> <br> Then, when you're too weak to even stand without Hiru's support, she finally breaks off the kiss. She tilts her head back, whips her long black leech tongue back into her mouth and lets out a triumphant sigh.<br> <br> She carefully lowers your unresisting body down onto the deep sofa-cum-bed. Something warm and unnatural roils in your stomach. You can't move. You can see, breathe, and otherwise feel okay, but you can't move your limbs at all.<br> <br> Hiru stares down at you with a gloating smile on her full lips.<br> <br> "I didn't need to do that," she says. "Not in here, but old habits die hard."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Kiss Bad End 2]]
Hiru bends down to unbuckle your trousers. She makes sure to give you a good look into the exposed canyon of her cleavage as she does so.<br> <br> "It's how my kind capture their prey," she says. "We find a nice strong man, lure him off somewhere quiet with the promise of our gorgeous bodies, then give him a little kiss to render him compliant. Then we drink."<br> <br> She pulls down your trousers and underpants.<br> <br> "My saliva has a paralysing effect. That's why you can't move. It also has other... nicer... effects."<br> <br> She runs a finger down the top of your penis as, freed from your underpants, it bobs up in a firm erection.<br> <br> She parts your legs and goes down on her knees between them. You feel her soft boobs press against your inner thighs.<br> <br> "I'm going to drink you now. You needn't be afraid. It's a really pleasurable experience."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Kiss Bad End 3]]
Hiru tips her head back. Her black tongue, the sucker mouth at the end gaping hungrily, emerges from her mouth like a snake. She drops her head forwards and her hungry black leech tongue shoots down and gobbles up your cock. Your whole length is sucked in until it feels like your member has been drawn into a living, squeezing sheath. The wet sucking and squeezing is unfocused at first, but quickly settles into a definite rhythm. Rings of muscular force pulse up and down your cock. It starts throbbing as the stimulation starts to take hold. Hiru's dark eyes are fixed on you the whole time as her tongue sucks on your member. She knows her leech tongue revolts you. She also knows it's currently giving you a lot of pleasure. In her dark eyes you see she understands the cognitive dissonance this is causing you, and it amuses her.<br> <br> She pauses. Her throat works and a bulge runs down her tongue. It reaches your cock as a wet splash of warm salivary fluids. It's like fresh lubricant for your erection and a touch of something else that causes your cock to uncontrollably strain and jerk within the stretchy sheath. She pushes her tongue down further until the lips are battened tightly around the root of your penis. Then she starts sucking on you with great throbbing gulps. She fondles your balls and starts stroking the sensitive skin behind with an outstretched finger.<br> <br> There is no way you can hold out against this. The urge to come rises up within you and then you're trembling uncontrollably as your cock starts spurting within her hollow tongue. It's powerful enough to burst through your temporary paralysis and set your hips bucking. You ejaculate within her tongue sheath and your issue is drawn up her tongue in a series of little bulges. Hiru lets out satisfied murmurs as the bulges pass between her lips.<br> <br> Her tongue continues to suck on your cock with lewd wet sounds. Hiru lightly squeezes your balls and uses her nails to tickle the sensitive skin behind them. You've barely had time to recover from the last orgasm before her hand and tongue trigger a second. Your hips buck again and another bulge slides up Hiru's tongue.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Kiss Bad End 4]]
Hiru keeps going and you're helpless to resist the wet pulsing suction of her tongue. At first you buck and thrash in helpless ecstasy as she sucks multiple orgasms out of your body. Then you slump back in total bliss and let her marvellous tongue do all the work. More bulges flow up it as she slurps up your semen. You're not sure how you can keep coming. She must have drained your balls by now.<br> <br> Hiru keeps sucking. Her boobs swell out and you feel their soft pressure against your inner thighs. In contrast, your arms and legs shrink down to sticks. Your skin stetches across and exposes your ribs.<br> <br> Hiru doesn't stop. She carries on sucking up your fluids with lusty gulps. It doesn't feel bad. It feels like a never-ending ejaculation... a surge of orgasmic bliss.<br> <br> Until you run out.<br> <br> Hiru sucks all the fluids from your body, leaving behind a mummified, wizened husk. Then, after emptying you completely, she releases your cock and whips her tongue back up into her mouth. She lets out a satisfied sigh.<br> <br> "Mmm, delicious," she says.<br> <br> She stands up and her dark eyes glitter as she smiles down at your face. Your lips are pulled back in a final rictus grin.<br> <br> "I see you enjoyed my little suck as well," she says.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Hiru: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<unset $attemptsToStop>> <<unset $hasBeenTongueBathed>> <<unset $suckPassageNames>> <<unset $sucksLeft>>
She smiles up at you. "How does it feel in there?"<br> <br> It feels very nice. Her big boobs feel like a pair of warm soft cushions pressing your dick between them.<br> <br> Hiru stares up at you. The corners of her mouth turn up in a dirty smile as she starts plumping her big tits against your cock.<br> <br> Now that feels really nice. Ripples run across the surface of her tits as she bounces them against your erection. Your cock throbs pleasantly as it's squeezed between her bulging tits.<br> <br> "Mmm, needs a bit of lubricant," Hiru says.<br> <br> Hiru doesn't take her eyes off you as she lowers her head and spits down into her cleavage.<br> <br> She's pure filth, you think. And pure sex.<br> <br> It's a surprising amount of spit. Enough to soak her cleavage and your cock. It feels like she's squirted a dollop of warm lubricant between her breasts.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Paizuri 3]]
Hiru spits again, letting the warm saliva dribble down into the well of her cleavage and collect around your throbbing cock. She never takes her gaze off you.<br> <br> "Nice and slick," she says. "Perfect for a good titwank."<br> <br> And a good titwank is what she gives you. She presses her hands into the sides of her tits and starts to rub them up and down. Lubricated with her saliva, your cock slides smoothly between her fleshy pillows.<br> <br> Hiru keeps her dark eyes fixed on yours as she alternates between plumping her tits and rubbing them up and down. She adds some new moves to her repertoire. She bounces her heavy breasts in your lap, sending pleasant ripples of force through your crotch. She starts moving her breasts out of synch – rubbing them up and over each other and letting her warm flesh stroke your cock. She presses her tits tight together and uses them to jerk your cock. Your arousal rises and rises as she uses her tits to stroke you towards climax.<br> <br> She stops just before then. She lets your twitching cock rest snugly in her cleavage. She doesn't want to tip you over the edge too soon.<br> <br> She stares hungrily down at your cock. Her lips part. For a moment you think you see something in her mouth. Not a tongue. A long and black something with an opening at the tip like the sucker mouth of a leech.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Paizuri 4]]
Hiru shuts her mouth and quickly turns her gaze back up at you.<br> <br> "Hmm. Did we have a drink together downstairs?"<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>> <<include [[Hiru: Paizuri: Has Socialised]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Hiru: Paizuri: Not Socialised]]>> <</if>>
Before you can answer that you did, her eyes light up in recognition.<br> <br> "Ah yes, we did. I remember now. You'll have to excuse me. We're a little busy tonight and I have a poor memory for faces. Please don't take it the wrong way."<br> <br> The pleasurable little squeeze she gives your cock between her tits goes a long way to making sure you don't take it the wrong way.<br> <br> "That's good. It means you've already seen it."<br> <br> You know by //it// she means her tongue. She opens her mouth and it emerges, looking like a long black leech with glossy black skin. The sucker maw at the tip dilates and contracts. You remember it. You cock throbs between her tits as you remember how she sucked up her drink with it.<br> <br> Hiru pulls her tongue back into her mouth and smiles. She felt that throb between her breasts as well.<br> <br> <<include [[Hiru: 1st Suck 1]]>>
You shake your head.<br> <br> "Ah. Then I should warn you. My tongue is a little unusual."<br> <br> Her tongue is a little more than unusual. She parts her lip and what emerges is long and black and glossy. Really long. It's like she has a giant leech or eel in her mouth. It even has some kind of maw at the end that resembles the sucker mouth of a leech.<br> <br> She pulls it back into her mouth and smiles.<br> <br> <<include [[Hiru: 1st Suck 1]]>>
"My type is known as the leech-tongue succubus. We're renowned for our tongues. They're rather special."<br> <br> She opens her mouth and lets her tongue loll down to just above her tits. Saliva drools from the maw at the end and drips down onto her substantial bosom. Her boobs are already glossy with moisture. Hiru's tongue swells up and she spits a glob of saliva down into her cleavage. It dribbles down and your cock tingles pleasantly as the warm spittle collects around it.<br> <br> Hiru pulls her unusual tongue back up into her mouth.<br> <br> "We gobble up big hard cocks with our tongues and suck all the cum out of them. Other fluids as well."<br> <br> Her dark eyes have a dangerous spark within them.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: 1st Suck 2]]
"You're lucky we're in the House. If I'd met you outside these walls, I'd have taken you off somewhere quiet and sucked you dry. You'd enjoy every moment of it, but it would be your last moments."<br> <br> Her smile is chilling.<br> <br> "It's okay. You're safe in here. $ has rules we all must follow. It would be bad for business if we drank all the customers."<br> <br> Another smile. Also chilling.<br> <br> "If it gets too much and you want me to stop, just reach over and tap me on the shoulder. I'll stop. That's the rules for our little session."<br> <br> She plumps her tits against your erection. She stares down hungrily at the tip of your cock as it sits nestled in her bosom.<br> <br> "Let's start with just the tip."<br> <br> She tips her head down. Her mouth opens and her leech tongue emerges. The sucker mouth at the end gapes hungrily and clear fluids drool from it. Hiru pulls it back into her mouth and looks up at you.<br> <br> "Remember, once I start, I won't stop unless you tell me to. You need to tap me on the shoulder once you think you've had enough."<br> <br> Her eyes shine with lustful hunger.<br> <br> "Or you can just lie back and let me suck you all up. You won't be the first to think the pleasure is worth it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: 1st Suck 3]]
Hiru opens her mouth and her long tongue drops down and worms into her cleavage. It finds and engulfs the head of your cock. It feels like your member has been drawn into an elastic sheath with thick, muscular walls. It encloses your glans and goes no further. You feel a gentle but insistent sucking sensation at your urethral opening.<br> <br> Hiru's eyes smoulder with lust as she looks up at you. She presses her big tits together. You feel their pillowy softness pressing all around your cock. Her tongue continues to suck and you feel it gently tickle the tip of your cock. It triggers a pleasant tingle that spreads down into your loins.<br> <br> Hiru goes back to plumping her tits against your cock. Her tongue pulses your glans with the same rhythm. It doesn't feel like it should be hard or fast enough to get you off, but the sucking sensation is //insistent//.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Hiru: 1st Semen Check: Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Hiru: 1st Semen Check: Pass]]>> <</if>>
Not quite insistent enough. You bob and jerk against her lovely boobs, but nothing comes out. You don't think you have anything left.<br> <br> Hiru realises it too. She frowns and then pulls her long tongue back up into her mouth.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Bad End: Out Of Semen]]
You feel it in the trembling of your hips. Even though she only has the tip of your cock, the rhythmic, pulsing suction of Hiru's tongue is enough to ramp up your arousal higher and higher until you can't hold it back. You gasp and thrust your erection between her lovely big tits. Your cock throbs and spurts out a load of cum. Her tongue sucks up your ejaculate and you see it travel up to her mouth in little bulges. It looks more erotic than it should.<br> <br> Her tongue keeps gently sucking even as your climax slowly fades. It doesn't stop until she's sucked up every last little dribble of cum from the inside of your shaft. Then Hiru releases your cock and draws her long tongue back into her mouth.<br> <br> "Mmm, delicious," Hiru says. "That's a little suck to start with. A taster, for both of us."<br> <br> She gives you a moment to recover, then gets back to squeezing her lovely soft breasts around your cock. Even after just coming, your cock is rock-hard and eager to go again.<br> <br> "Let's suck you in a little deeper this time," she says.<br> <br> She opens her mouth. The sucker orifice on at the end of her tongue gapes hungrily.<br> <br> [[Let her suck.->Hiru: 2nd Suck]]<br> [[Tap her on the shoulder to stop.->Hiru: 1st Tap: Attempt]]
"Hmm, you should be filling my tongue with lovely creamy cum. Have you let those other nasty girls suck it all out?"<br> <br> She smiles. It's a //hungry// smile.<br> <br> "It's okay. I can still suck it out. It just takes a stronger suck."<br> <br> Her mouth falls open and you see her second mouth gape wide. She pulls it back and smiles.<br> <br> "Lie back and relax. I'll suck you to orgasm."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Bad End: Last Suck 1]]
Hiru's tongue dangles down again. The maw at the end opens and gobbles up your glans. The muscular black walls bunch up and – lubricated with her saliva – the lips slide further down your shaft until the top third of your erection is engulfed.<br> <br> Then her tongue goes to work. This time she concentrates on the sensitive part where the ridge of the corona meets the foreskin. The muscular walls of her sheath-like tongue bunch up and start rubbing up and down. It's masturbation focused on the most sensitive part and she quickly has you squirming in helpless bliss.<br> <br> She presses her tits back together and uses them to gently stroke the lower part of your shaft. At the same time her tongue sheath continues to jerk your foreskin with muscular pulses. You feel that gentle, insistent sucking sensation at your urethral opening. Stronger this time.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Hiru: 2nd Semen Check: Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Hiru: 2nd Semen Check: Pass]]>> <</if>>
<<set _tapSuccessLink to "Hiru: 1st Tap: Success">> <<set _continueSuckLink to "Hiru: 2nd Suck">> <<include [[Hiru: Tap To Stop: Check]]>>
<<include [[Hiru: Tap to Stop: Success Text]]>> "You want to stop? So soon? I've barely even begun to suck," Hiru says.<br> <br> You point out you have come. That's normally the end of a session.<br> <br> Hiru smiles. "I'm not like your human hookers. You can come in my mouth more than once. You can come in my mouth as many times as you like," she adds with a sultry gleam in her eyes.<br> <br> She rubs her big tits against your still-hard cock and it twitches from the stimulation.<br> <br> "It would be a shame to stop now, before I've given you a proper suck. Listen to your little man. He's still keen."<br> <br> She gives your cock a little squeeze between her soft tits and it bobs up eagerly.<br> <br> [[Let her take another suck.->Hiru: Tongue Bath: Intro]]<br> [[No, that's enough. Stop here.->Hiru: Good End: After 1st Suck]]
<<set $attemptsToStop += 1>> That's enough. You reach over to tap Hiru on the shoulder.<br> <br> Or rather, that's what you order your body to do. Somewhere between your brain and body the instruction manages to go missing. You remain lying flat on the soft cushions with your arms lying slackly at your sides.<br> <br> You try again.<br> <br> Nothing happens. It's like the wires have been cut somewhere. Or your body feels so relaxed and comfortable where it is, it refuses to move.<br> <br> Hiru watches you. The corners of her lips turn up in a sly smile.<br> <br>
Lying back against a big soft cushion, you feel strangely relaxed and enervated. Your body is reluctant to follow your instructions at first. You persevere and manage to raise your upper body enough to reach over and tap Hiru on the shoulder.<br> <br> She seems a little surprised and disappointed, but she draws her long leech tongue back into her mouth.<br> <br>
It does seem a little early to stop. You haven't been in her room very long. Hiru smiles broadly as you change your mind.<br> <br> "It's this, isn't it?" Hiru says.<br> <br> She opens her mouth and shows off her long tongue. It looks like a giant black leech.<br> <br> "A lot of men find it off-putting. Hmm."<br> <br> Hiru pauses and taps her long nails against your leg thoughtfully.<br> <br> "Maybe I rushed a little too quickly to the suck. I know. Why don't we reset. I'll give your little man a very special massage with my tongue. When you realise how good my tongue can make you feel, you won't be so put off by its appearance."<br> <br> She stands up and rearranges the cushions behind you. She places a hand on your chest and pushes until you're lying flat on your back. She kneels back down between your legs.<br> <br> "Lie back and relax," she says. "Don't look. Just focus on how nice it feels."<br> <br> [[Peek anyway.->Hiru: Start Tongue Bath: Peek]]<br> [[Don't look.->Hiru: Start Tongue Bath: Blind]]
Hiru seems disappointed.<br> <br> "As you wish."<br> <br> She helps you up from the couch-cum-bed. You need it. Your body feels surprisingly relaxed and heavy, as if it's gone to sleep on you. The sluggishness lingers even as you put your clothes back on.<br> <br> "I hope my tongue didn't put you off," Hiru says. "Or maybe you're just cautious. Understandable in here."<br> <br> Her eyes glimmer as if she's fully aware of what's going on.<br> <br> "It would have been safe, in case you're wondering. I always let them have at least three pops before I start the big suck. You didn't need to stop so soon."<br> <br> She escorts you to the door.<br> <br> "Worth bearing in mind for the next time."<br> <br> She gives you a bawdy pinch on the ass before sending you on your way.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> /* no faction increase */ <<include [[Hiru: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
You ignore her instructions and lift your head to look. Hiru must have expected it because you find yourself looking straight into Hiru's intense, dark eyes. She stares you down as she opens her mouth and her tongue flops out like a giant black leech.<br> <br> It's never going to look anything other than revolting, you think.<br> <br> Those thoughts don't affect your erection. Your cock stays hard even as the tip of her tongue opens and sucks it up. Your head is swallowed and then the thick rubbery lips slide all the way down until they batten on the root of your cock. It feels like you've just slid on a warm rubber sheath. It feels rather pleasant, although you can't quite shake off the primal fear of seeing your pride and joy swallowed up by what looks like a giant black leech.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Watch Tongue Bath 1]]
You lie back and look up at the ceiling. You feel an elastic rubbery something engulf the head of your cock and then slide down your shaft. It feels like she's slid an extra thick condom on your cock. An extra thick condom with muscular walls that move as if they're alive. A //tight// extra thick condom. It feels rather pleasant as it squeezes your cock.<br> <br> You hear a strange wet gurgling sound. Like someone regurgitating, but in a smooth and controlled manner. Warm fluids flood your cock and expand the elastic walls of the sheath.<br> <br> [[Look up and see what she's doing.->Hiru: Mid Tongue Bath: Peek]]<br> [[Don't look.->Hiru: Tongue Bath: Blind]]
You lift your head to look. Hiru must have expected it because you find yourself looking straight into her intense, dark eyes. There is what looks like a giant black leech hanging from her mouth. Your erection has been swallowed up by it and the walls bulge out around the base of your cock.<br> <br> <<include [[Hiru: Watch Tongue Bath 2]]>>
You keep looking up at the ceiling. It's probably best not to look.<br> <br> You hear more wet gurgling sounds and feel another gout of warm liquid splash down around your erection. As soon as your cock is inundated, you feel a pleasant weakness spread through your body. You feel too relaxed and comfortable to want to move.<br> <br> You hear more wet sounds. Like water – or something thicker – running down a pipe. It collects in a warm pool around your erection.<br> <br> Then those fluids are in motion. Something pulses around your cock and swirls the warm liquids around your member. You feel like your penis is getting a thorough wash. You feel like your penis is getting a good pampering. The juices ebb and flow around your erection. The motions are slow and gentle. Pleasant, but more like a sensual massage than trying to get you off.<br> <br> Your cock starts to feel like it's glowing as she pampers it. A comfortable warmth spreads down to your loins and then down into your legs and arms. You let your head fall back on a soft cushion. You don't know what she's doing, but it feels wonderful.<br> <br> Hiru pampers your cock for ten whole minutes. You hear wet sounds and gurgling sounds and squooshing sounds as warm fluids are squished around your cock. It feels like every millimetre of your penis has been washed.<br> <br> Then, when Hiru is satisfied you're completely relaxed, you hear wet sucking sounds as the fluids are drawn up and away from your cock. That feels pleasant. Sexually arousing pleasant. Enough that you feel a little disappointment as the thick sheath with flexible walls is slid off your hard cock.<br> <br> <<include [[Hiru: Tongue Bath: End]]>>
<<set $hasBeenTongueBathed to true>> "Mmm, that should do it," Hiru says. "$'s fleshrunes are potent, but their protection can be overwhelmed."<br> <br> You lie back, blissfully relaxed aside from your erection. That stands up hard and eager like an iron bar.<br> <br> "Now, where were we," Hiru says.<br> <br> She takes your cock and tucks it back between her soft tits.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: 2nd Suck]]
Hiru's hot gaze stays fixed on you. You can't look away. You hear a wet sound and her head and upper body jerk as if she's throwing up or regurgitating something. Her tongue swells and a big bulge travels down it. It reaches your erection with a wet splash and your cock is flooded with warm fluids.<br> <br> <<include [[Hiru: Watch Tongue Bath 2]]>>
Hiru's eyes challenge you do to do anything about it. You're not sure you can. As soon as your cock was inundated, a pleasant weakness spread out through your body. You feel too relaxed and comfortable to want to move.<br> <br> Hiru's throat works again. Her tongue swells and another bulge flows down it with a wet sound like water, or something thicker, running down a pipe. It bursts around your cock.<br> <br> Or rather, doesn't. The sucker end of her tongue has formed a tight seal around the base of your cock. The end of her tongue bulges outwards as it fills up with fluids. The muscular walls slowly throb and move the bulge up and down your cock. You hear wet sounds and feel the warm fluids slosh around your penis.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Watch Tongue Bath 3]]
Hiru's throat works again and she sends down a third bulge. Your cock is completely bathed in her saliva now. You see the bulge move up and down and feel the fluids circulate around your member. It's like she's giving your penis a thorough wash with them. The bulge at the end of her tongue rolls up and down and you hear wet gurgling sounds as the fluids slosh around your cock. It feels nice. The motions are slow and gentle. It feels more like a sensual massage than trying to get you off.<br> <br> Your cock starts to feel like it's glowing as she pampers it. A comfortable warmth spreads down to your loins and then down into your legs and arms. You let your head fall back on a soft cushion. At this point you don't really care what it looks like.<br> <br> Hiru pampers you with her tongue for ten whole minutes. You hear wet sounds as she squooshes her saliva up and down your cock until it feels like every millimetre has been kissed by it.<br> <br> Then, when she's satisfied you're completely relaxed, she sucks all the fluids back up into her mouth. Her tongue releases your cock.<br> <br> <<include [[Hiru: Tongue Bath: End]]>>
The stimulation is intense, but not enough to jerk you to climax. You squirm and writhe on the cushions in ecstatic torment as she sucks and sucks and nothing comes out. After your previous exertions in the House, you have nothing left.<br> <br> Hiru realises it too. She frowns and pulls her long tongue back up into her mouth.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Bad End: Out Of Semen]]
You don't last very long against such intense, pleasurable stimulation. Your blissful trembles travel down to your crotch and become little bucking thrusts of your hips. Sensing you're near, Hiru bunches up her tongue. She squeezes tighter and jerks faster until – with a gasp – you peak and spurt another load up her sucking tongue. As before, she gulps it up and you see your issue carried up to her mouth in little flowing bulges.<br> <br> Hiru waits until you've finished bucking and then slides her tongue off your cock. She makes sure to suck up every last dreg of semen left in your shaft on the way.<br> <br> She reels her long tongue back up into her mouth and smacks her lips.<br> <br> "Delicious," she says. Her hot gaze returns to you. "Again?" she asks.<br> <br> [[Let her take another suck.->Hiru: 3rd Suck]]<br> [[That's enough. Tap her on the shoulder to stop.->Hiru: 2nd Tap: Attempt]]
Hiru smiles as you let her continue.<br> <br> "Mmm. I'll suck you in a little deeper this time. Make it a little tighter."<br> <br> She tips her head down, opens her mouth, and her tongue slithers down into her cleavage. The end opens up and swallows the head of your cock. The muscular walls work and – lubricated with saliva – the lips slide down your shaft. She goes further this time, drawing two-thirds of your length up into her tongue.<br> <br> Hiru presses her tits together and starts rubbing them up and down. The flexible sheath of her tongue starts stimulating your shaft with gentle undulations. You feel that gentle tickling suction start up again around the tip of your cock. Too gentle this time, you think. You've just come twice in quick succession. You're going to need stronger stimulation to tip you over the edge a third time.<br> <br> Sultry mischief glimmers in Hiru's dark eyes.<br> <br> Her tongue starts to pulse with greater force. The muscular walls bunch up and roll back and forth across the corona of your glans and generate a tugging sensation. Further down, your shaft is stimulated with rippling strokes. The 'throat' of her tongue opens wider and a more powerful vacuum suck pulls at the head of your cock.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Hiru: 3rd Semen Check: Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Hiru: 3rd Semen Check: Pass]]>> <</if>>
<<set _tapSuccessLink to "Hiru: Good End: After 2nd Suck">> <<set _continueSuckLink to "Hiru: 3rd Suck">> <<include [[Hiru: Tap To Stop: Check]]>>
It's powerful. Really powerful. You squirm and writhe as a powerful urge to come tugs at your balls. You can't. As much as you want to, you don't think you have anything left to ejaculate.<br> <br> Hiru smiles as she keeps sucking on your cock and you writhe beneath her in helpless pleasure. That smile fades when she realises nothing is coming out. She frowns and pulls her long tongue back up into her mouth.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Bad End: Out Of Semen]]
You sink deeper and deeper into the soft cushion as Hiru works over your cock. It doesn't matter that this is the third ejaculation in quick succession. She sucks it out of you with total ease. You tremble helplessly as a third orgasm overruns you. Your hips buck uncontrollably and your cock throbs against her muscular tongue sheath as you spurt another load. Hiru gulps it up with wet sucking sounds and keeps sucking until she's got every last drop of your ejaculation.<br> <br> You collapse back on the soft cushions. Spent.<br> <br> This time Hiru doesn't slide her long tongue off your erection. She leaves it there and fixes her dark eyes on yours. You sense she's waiting for you to do something.<br> <br> [[Tap her on the shoulder to stop.->Hiru: 3rd Tap: Attempt]]<br> [[Do nothing.->Hiru: Extra Sucks: Intro]]
<<set _tapSuccessLink to "Hiru: Good End: After 3rd Suck">> <<set _continueSuckLink to "Hiru: Extra Sucks: Intro">> <<include [[Hiru: Tap To Stop: Check]]>>
<<set $suckPassageNames to ["Hiru: 4th Suck", "Hiru: 5th Suck", "Hiru: 6th Suck"]>> <<set $sucksLeft to random(3)>> <<include [[Hiru: Extra Sucks]]>>
<<if $isTesting>> ''Sucks left = $sucksLeft''<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $sucksLeft eq 0>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Hiru: Bad End: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Hiru: Bad End: Too Many Sucks]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<set $sucksLeft -= 1>> <<set _passageLink to $suckPassageNames.pluck()>> <<include _passageLink>> <</if>>
Hiru slowly slides her tongue off your cock and pulls it back into her mouth. She smiles down at your supine form.<br> <br> "I don't think you want me to stop," she says. "I think you want me to suck you all up."<br> <br> She lasciviously tickles your inner thighs.<br> <br> "Mmm. That's fine according to $'s rules. If the patron wishes it..."<br> <br> Her mouth falls open and you see her second mouth gape wide. She pulls it back and smiles.<br> <br> "Time to give you the deep suck. Lie back and enjoy bliss as I drink you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Bad End: Last Suck 1]]
<<include [[Hiru: Extra Suck: Intro Text]]>> Hiru gently presses her tits against your erection. She moves hands against the sides of her boobs in slow lazy circles.<br> <br> Her tongue sucks you with slow lazy throbs. It feels very relaxing. As if she's sucking up all your stress. Your energy as well. You sink down into the cushions and lie back. You feel it as slow sensual strokes rolling up your shaft and gentle wet sucks kissing your swollen glans. She draws your arousal up with it. <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Hiru: 4th Semen Check: Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Hiru: 4th Semen Check: Pass]]>> <</if>>
You do nothing.<br> <br> Hiru's eyes light up. The corners of her mouth turn up in a smile. Her tongue grips your cock and the sucker lips slide further down your shaft.<br> <br>
Up and up and up. Up and up and up.<br> <br> This time the peak can't be reached. You're empty and no amount of gentle coaxing can draw another orgasm out of you.<br> <br> Hiru realises it too. She frowns and then pulls her long tongue back up into her mouth.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Bad End: Out Of Semen]]
Sucks it up and up, until – with a gasp – you peak and pour another load up into her tongue. It's a long slow ejaculation this time and you feel like it's coming from every part of your body. Hiru drags it out and empties your cock with a long wet suck.<br> <br> You're left feeling pleasantly drained on the soft cushions.<br> <br> Again, Hiru doesn't slide her tongue off your cock after you've finished. She stares intently at you.<br> <br> It seems you have a choice.<br> <br> [[Tap her on the shoulder to stop.->Hiru: 4th Tap: Attempt]]<br> [[Do nothing.->Hiru: Extra Sucks]]
<<set _tapSuccessLink to "Hiru: Good End: After Extra Sucks">> <<set _continueSuckLink to "Hiru: Extra Sucks">> <<include [[Hiru: Tap To Stop: Check]]>>
<<include [[Hiru: Extra Suck: Intro Text]]>> Hiru plumps her tits faster this time, buffeting your cock between their softness. You hear wet sounds as her tongue starts sucking again. This time she throbs the walls around the head of your cock. It feels like a pulsing vacuum around your glans and it drives your senses wild.<br> <br> Hiru seems to know it will take more to make you come after your previous ejaculations and doesn't let up the stimulation in the slightest.<br> <br> You writhe and tremble in helpless bliss, in thrall to the pulsing suction of her tongue.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Hiru: 5th Semen Check: Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Hiru: 5th Semen Check: Pass]]>> <</if>>
Hiru keeps it up until you feel like you might explode from pure pleasure. What you don't do is explode in ejaculation. You really want to, your cock aches to come, but there doesn't seem to be anything left in your balls.<br> <br> Realising this, Hiru stops and slides her tongue off your cock. She pulls her tongue back into her mouth and frowns.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Bad End: Out Of Semen]]
This time it's fast. You shudder uncontrollably in the throes of orgasm and spurt wildly within her tongue. The pleasure you feel is tempered by the wet gulping sounds that follow as she sucks up your issue.<br> <br> And also tempered by how weak and trembling you feel in the aftermath. She's sucked a lot out of you. As pleasant as it feels, you know it can't be good for you.<br> <br> Again, Hiru keeps your cock sheathed within her tongue. She keeps you hard with little muscular squeezes.<br> <br> Her dark gaze bores into your eyes.<br> <br> As she said, you're the only one that can stop this.<br> <br> [[Tap her on the shoulder to stop.->Hiru: 5th Tap: Attempt]]<br> [[Do nothing.->Hiru: Extra Sucks]]
<<set _tapSuccessLink to "Hiru: Good End: After Extra Sucks">> <<set _continueSuckLink to "Hiru: Extra Sucks">> <<include [[Hiru: Tap To Stop: Check]]>>
<<include [[Hiru: Extra Suck: Intro Text]]>> Hiru pulls her boobs back and lets your cock rest against her cleavage. This is to give her tongue easier access and more freedom. She bobs her head up and down as if she's giving you a blowjob. It even feels like a regular blowjob, except it's the inner lips of her tongue stroking up and down your shaft.<br> <br> Those lips are a lot tighter than a regular mouth and it feels like a muscular ring rising up and down. The rest of her tongue throbs and pulses around your member. Hiru bobs her head more vigorously. Lubricated by her saliva, her tongue lips slide up and down with greater speed.<br> <br> Hiru looks at you with mischief in her eyes. You sense something else is on its way.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: 6th Suck 2]]
Hiru's cheeks puff. Her tongue starts swelling out in throbbing pulses right above the head of your cock. You feel a powerful vacuum suction grip your penis. Together with the stroking sensation of her tongue lips, she makes you go weak at the knees.<br> <br> Your head falls back. Her tongue throbs. Once. Twice. Three times.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Hiru: 6th Semen Check: Fail]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Hiru: 6th Semen Check: Pass]]>> <</if>>
Hiru pauses.<br> <br> Four times. Five times. Six times.<br> <br> You writhe and squirm. Unable to escape the pleasurable sensations, but also unable to attain climax. Your previous activities in the House have already fully drained your balls. There's nothing left.<br> <br> A seventh suck. An eighth suck.<br> <br> Hiru stops. She frowns. She slides her tongue off your cock and draws it back up into her mouth.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Bad End: Out Of Semen]]
You meet the fourth suck with a thrust of your hips and a massive outpouring of semen. It gushes out of you in a flood and Hiru murmurs excitedly as she sucks it all up. Her lower lips keep pumping your shaft. They tighten as they rise up your shaft, as if she's trying to squeeze the last drops of semen out of your cock as if it's a tube of toothpaste.<br> <br> You collapse back on the cushions, breathing heavily. Hiru keeps stroking her lips up and down your cock until she's coaxed out every last dribble. Then she stops.<br> <br> You feel wrecked. You can't keep this up.<br> <br> Hiru's dark eyes stare at you. Her tongue slithers down until the sucker lips are nearly kissing the root. You don't think she's going to slide it off your cock unless you tell her to.<br> <br> [[Tap her on the shoulder to stop.->Hiru: 6th Tap: Attempt]]<br> [[Do nothing.->Hiru: Extra Sucks]]
<<set _tapSuccessLink to "Hiru: Good End: After Extra Sucks">> <<set _continueSuckLink to "Hiru: Extra Sucks">> <<include [[Hiru: Tap To Stop: Check]]>>
<<switch $attemptsToStop>> <<case 0>> <<include [[Hiru: Tap To Stop: 1st Fail]]>> <<case 1>> <<include [[Hiru: Tap To Stop: 2nd Fail]]>> <<default>> <<include [[Hiru: Tap To Stop: Last Fail]]>> <</switch>>
<<set $attemptsToStop += 1>> You need to stop this. She's going to completely suck you dry if you don't tell her to stop.<br> <br> You reach over to tap her on the shoulder.<br> <br> Except you don't. You remain lying flat on your back on the soft cushions. No matter how hard you try to will it, your body feels too heavy to move. Too relaxed. Too comfortable where it is.<br> <br> Hiru stares at you with dark eyes. Her smile widens.<br> <br>
<<set $attemptsToStop += 1>> It's no use. You can't move. You can do nothing but helplessly lie back and let Hiru continue her suck.<br> <br>
<<if not $hasBeenTongueBathed and $cgi neq 0 and $player.charms.includesAny(29, 36)>> <<include _tapSuccessLink>> <<else>> <<include [[Hiru: Tap To Stop: Fail]]>> <<if $attemptsToStop gt 2>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Hiru: Bad End: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Hiru: Bad End: Too Many Sucks]]>> <</if>> <<else>> [[Continue.->_continueSuckLink]] <</if>> <</if>>
Hiru slowly slides her tongue off your cock and pulls it back into her mouth. She smiles down at your supine form.<br> <br> "Enjoying your last moments?" she asks.<br> <br> She lasciviously tickles your inner thighs.<br> <br> "You made a good choice picking me. My tongue will suck you to heaven."<br> <br> Her mouth falls open and you see her second mouth gape wide. She pulls it back and smiles.<br> <br> "It's time. Lie back, relax, and enjoy the greatest bliss as I drink you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Bad End: Last Suck 1]]
<<include [[Hiru: Tap to Stop: Success Text]]>> "You want to stop? How disappointing," Hiru says. "I was hoping you'd let me give your whole cock a good suck."<br> <br> She glances hungrily at your still-hard cock. Her lips part and you see the inner lips of her leech tongue. You wonder if she's going to gobble your cock up anyway. She seems to be giving it thought.<br> <br> "Oh well. I must do as you wish. $'s rules."<br> <br> She helps you up from the couch-cum-bed. You need it. Your body feels surprisingly relaxed and heavy, as if it's gone to sleep on you. The sluggishness lingers even as you put your clothes back on.<br> <br> "Another suck would have been safe," she whispers in your ear. "Live a little dangerously next time. I promise it will be worth it."<br> <br> She escorts you to the door and gives you a bawdy pinch on the ass before sending you on your way.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Hiru: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<include [[Hiru: Tap to Stop: Success Text]]>> You want to stop?" Hiru says. "And I was just getting into it."<br> <br> She glances hungrily at your still-hard cock. Her lips part and you see the inner lips of her leech tongue. You wonder if she's going to gobble your cock up anyway. She seems to be giving it thought.<br> <br> "Mmm, you taste so delicious I could suck you all up right now."<br> <br> She tsks.<br> <br> "But then $ would be angry at me for breaking her rules. I sucked a lot out of you. I can be content with that."<br> <br> She helps you up from the couch-cum-bed. You need it. Your body feels surprisingly relaxed and heavy, as if it's gone to sleep on you. The sluggishness lingers even as you put your clothes back on.<br> <br> "Risk another suck next time. It will be worth it, I promise," Hiru whispers in your ear.<br> <br> She escorts you to the door and gives you a bawdy pinch on the ass before sending you on your way.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Hiru: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<include [[Hiru: Tap to Stop: Success Text]]>> "You tease. I was just starting to think you'd let me give you the full suck," Hiru says.<br> <br> She glances hungrily at your still-hard cock. Her lips part and you see the inner lips of her leech tongue. You wonder if she's going to gobble your cock up anyway. She seems to be giving it thought.<br> <br> "No, $ would know."<br> <br> She smiles at you.<br> <br> "Hmm, you do like to live dangerously. I like that. You let me give you a nice long suck. You should pay a visit to the nurse when you get back. I sucked a lot out of you."<br> <br> You can feel it. Your legs are like jelly. You need her to help you up off the couch-cum-bed. You feel very relaxed and heavy, and suspect if you'd let Hiru carry on for any longer, you wouldn't be able to leave those soft cushions at all. The sluggishness lingers even as you put your clothes back on.<br> <br> "I can see you enjoyed that. You should let me go all the way next time," Hiru whispers in your ear. "Lots of men do. They never regret it."<br> <br> Your cock throbs and you're tempted. Dangerously tempted.<br> <br> Hiru escorts you to the door and gives you a bawdy pinch on the ass before sending you on your way.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[6][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Hiru: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Hiru tilts her head down. Her mouth opens and the giant black leech she has for a tongue springs out and smoothly swallows up your erection. This time the sucker lips slide all the way down your shaft until they're battened around the root.<br> <br> Hiru looks back up at you. Her eyes smoulder with hunger. She places her hands against the sides of her breasts and shoves them together. Your cock is tightly squeezed between her boobs. She smiles. Then she begins.<br> <br> You feel it as a great slow pulsing throb rolling up your shaft. You see it as well – a muscular bulge flowing up her tongue. It's the first in a series of slow throbbing pulses. They are not quick, but they are powerful. You squirm in pleasure beneath them.<br> <br> The vacuum suction is much stronger this time. It's no longer a gentle suckling tickle at your urethral opening, but a full-throated suck that has your whole cock in its grip.<br> <br> The suction grips more than your cock. You feel it right down in your balls. Your hips start rising and falling of their own accord with each throbbing pulse.<br> <br> Hiru doesn't vary the speed. Her dark eyes stare into yours. She squeezes her tits tightly together and her cleavage becomes a cushioned vice for your cock. She continues to torment you with slow pulsing sucks of her tongue. It's like you're a catch and she's reeling you in up the inside of your cock. Slow and steady.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Bad End: Last Suck 2]]
Prompted by an instinct for self-preservation, your body tries to hold out. It's fruitless. Both you and Hiru know this. You can see the amusement and contempt in her eyes at your pathetic attempts at resistance. She doesn't change the speed or force. She doesn't need to. Each slow throbbing suck draws you inexorably closer to that final climax.<br> <br> Your knees start to tremble. You feel it spread up through your body. Her big wet sucks on your cock feel so good. You want to pour your semen out into her. You want to pour everything into her. Your hips tremble and buck. Your balls tighten.<br> <br> Hiru smiles. She knows it's coming. She continues sucking on your cock with slow throbbing pulses. Drawing you up and up, until...<br> <br> You gasp. You're coming.<br> <br> You're coming and it's going to be huge.<br> <br> Your body tenses, your hips flex, and then your climax bursts out of you as you spurt an enormous load of cum into her tongue. You hear the wet sounds start as she noisily sucks up your semen. Sucks up you.<br> <br> You can't stop your ejaculation. Hiru empties your balls with great lusty gulps and then moves on to other fluids. Your throbbing cock keeps spurting inside her muscular leech tongue. You hear wet gurgling sounds as she sucks it all up the inside of her tongue.<br> <br> What is she sucking? You must be out of semen.<br> <br> Then you look down your body and see. Your skin is stretching taut and exposing your ribs. Your legs are slowly dwindling to sticks.<br> <br> You. She's sucking up you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Hiru: Bad End: Last Suck 3]]
It feels so good you don't mind. It's one great endless orgasm. You writhe and tremble in helpless ecstasy as her tongue sucks on your cock. Her big boobs swell up and bury your erection in soft boob flesh. Correspondingly, your body shrivels and shrinks.<br> <br> Hiru doesn't stop. She sucks you up with lusty gulps until all that's left is a dried-up, mummified corpse.<br> <br> Then, when there are no more fluids left to suck, she slides her tongue off your cock and reels it back up into her mouth.<br> <br> "Mmm, delicious," she says.<br> <br> She stands up and looks down at you. Your lips are stretched back in a final, blissful smile.<br> <br> "They always think the pleasure is worth it," she says.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Hiru: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br><br> "I suppose we should be thankful she's not that type of leech." <br><br> <<elseif _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <br><br> $ pulls a face.<br> <br> "That's what it is. I thought it was milk." <br><br> <<elseif _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> <br><br> "A wise choice. With that... //thing//... in her mouth, one dare not imagine the horrors of her kiss." <br><br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
/* NOTE: This will need an additional check with repeat visits for cases where player changes gift, but repeats same number of sucks */ <<if _scoreArray[6][1] and not _osa[6][2]>> "You went beyond three sucks. You are a fortunate man indeed. Not many do that and return to tell the tale. I wish there was a pattern to determine how many sucks are safe before she decides to empty a man, but I fear it might just be down to her random whims."<br> <br> His nostrils twitch.<br> <br> "While I appreciate your dedication, I'd rather you showed more thought for your self-preservation. You're no use to my cause if you let yourself get sucked empty." <<elseif _scoreArray[5][1] and not _osa[5][2]>> "Liked the first one so much you stayed for two more!"<br> <br> $ guffaws.<br> <br> "Three seems to be the safe point to stop. While I've heard from men who've gone further, they are few and far between." <<elseif _scoreArray[4][1] and not _osa[4][2]>> "I'm surprised you consented to a second suck. Given what you've told me about her tongue, I doubt I'd have stayed around to experience her first suck. Still, I am curious to know more." <<else>> /* Defaults to 1 Suck - This might not be correct if repeat visits are involved. */ "Couldn't wait to get out of there? Can't say I blame you. Not too useful for my information gathering, though." <</if>>
As good as it feels, you can't quite get yourself to climax. Cibi too. She notices you start to slow down and glances back.<br> <br> "Too many succubi?" she asks. "It's a common problem in here. They tend to drain men a little too hard. It's okay."<br> <br> She lets you slide out and then coaxes you into lying down with her on the fluffy cloud bed.<br> <br> "We can just cuddle. I like that."<br> <br> She cuddles up to you and envelops you in her warmth and scent.<br> <br> You feel pooped. Your activities in the House have been draining. The mattress, while pretty as a cloud, is so soft it makes sex tiring. It is very warm and comfortable, though. Lulled by the soft music playing in the background, you feel your eyelids droop.<br> <br> <<include [[Cibi: To Bad End]]>>
/* Acarina */ <<set $hi to 13>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Acarina", shortDescription: "", faction: 4, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [6, 22], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Acarina: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Acarina: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Acarina: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Acarina: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Acarina: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Acarina: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Acarina: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Acarina: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Acarina: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(37)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 1>> /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 13>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a tall, pale-skinned vamp of a woman with long, raven-coloured hair and big blue eyes. Her slinky black dress clings to her voluptuous curves like a coat of oil.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is the lovely vampy Acarina," $ says. "Men thirst for her tits, and her tits thirst for their blood." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Acarina definitely has the classic vamp look. She's statuesque and stunningly curvaceous. Her slinky black evening dress clings to her curves like a coat of oil. In contrast, her skin is extremely pale, almost like alabaster. Long raven hair cascades down onto her shoulders in shimmering waves. Her blue eyes are bright and full of mischief. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "I must varn you," Acarina says.<br> <br> Her accent is old horror-movie Transylvanian. You can tell from the glint in her eyes she's putting it on deliberately.<br> <br> "I have vampiric boobies."<br> <br> Her boobies are splendid, vampiric or otherwise. Her neckline parts enough to offer a tantalising glimpse of the top of her cleavage. <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> You find it difficult to look anywhere else. <</if>> <br>
Acarina is an elegant and vampy presence on your arm as you walk out into the lounge. As good as it looks, it still feels fake, as if Acarina is just an actress playing a role. Then you suppose that's true for all the girls in here.<br> <br> You find a quiet table in a shadowy corner.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Acarina: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Acarina: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "How unfortunate. I must leave now."<br> <br> Acarina pauses as she stands up.<br> <br> "You can make it up to me," she says. "Come up to my room and let my lovely boobs take a long drink from your cock."<br> <br> She gives you a less than refined wink before leaving.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a glass of suspiciously red liquid for Acarina.<br> <br> "This is nice," Acarina says. "I like having a drink beforehand so we can get to know each other better. It reminds me of the old clubs I used to work in. It's so much more competitive in here. It was far easier when the other girls were just regular human whores."<br> <br> Her accent is still fairly strong, but not as silly as when she was putting it on.<br> <br> "You like boobs, right?" she asks.<br> <br> She adjusts her dress to draw your attention to her voluptuous bosom. It is eye-catching.<br> <br> "Men mostly choose me for my boobs."<br> <br> Her smile indicates she's not bothered by this.<br> <br> "It's my speciality. I like to put a nice hard cock up in here and give it a nice squeeze."<br> <br> She presses her ample boobs together for emphasis.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> Your Adam's apple bobs up and down and you feel the blood rush to your head. You think you'd like that a lot.<br> <br> You're still thinking about it as you return to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>> <<else>> [[Ask her what she meant when she said she had 'vampiric boobies'?->Acarina: Socialising: Vampiric Boobies]]<br> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> [["Finish your drink and return to " + $ + "."->Harlot Tester]] <<else>> [["Finish your drink and return to " + $ + "."->Socialising: Return To Madam]] <</if>> <</if>>
"Acarina? She's a dirty little whore. She was a common tart before she even ended up in here. Even the other bloodsuckers think she's too common, and that should tell you all you need to know."<br> <br> $ sips her cocktail with an air of smug superiority.<br> <br> "The only difference now is she actually has to fuck the patron if he asks for it. Outside of the House, in the dingy little dives she used to haunt, she'd have the john's dick between her tits and drain him of all his blood before he even knew what was happening."<br> <br> $ snorts derisorily.<br> <br> "She has 'vampiric boobies', she's not lying about them. No fangs, though, her type drain blood in more pleasant ways. You'll cum buckets between her tits before you die of blood loss."<br> <br> $ smiles sardonically at your shocked face.<br> <br> "Probably still a better experience than fucking her. She's an atrocious lay. All of her type are. They barely qualify as lust daemons."<br> <br> Her profile is snobbish as she puffs on her cigarette.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"$ has a special little charm to deal with the bloodsuckers. It's always hilarious watching them toss their guts up.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She says she always gives them a choice. It's not a good one, or a game that can be won.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If you do let her wrap her tits around your cock, you might as well just lie back and let her drain you. The alternative is far worse.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Most lack the will to stop her once Acarina starts her paizuri blood drain. If you're strong-headed enough, you should be able to tear yourself away.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Acarina: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Acarina: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift: Vial of Blood */ [2,false,false], /* Anti-Vamp charm */ [3,false,false] /* Surviving */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Acarina: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Acarina: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Acarina's room is a little //tartier// than you were expecting. There is a dash of old-world glamour and opulence in the furniture and décor, but for the most part it looks functional rather than luxurious. It's also a rather small room. The bed is jammed between narrow walls. Long cylindrical pillows lie across the bed at either end. There is a dainty bedside table with a vase. The lights are turned down to intimate dimness.<br> <br> It looks like the sort of room a regular hooker would take her john. Technically, that is what is happening here, but given Acarina's sultry, vampish appearance, you were expecting a more impressive bedroom.<br> <br> The narrow walls around the bed and the ceiling above it are mirrored. Also something you wouldn't expect in a classic vampire's bedroom. You can clearly see Acarina's reflection, so maybe she's just pretending with that horror-movie accent and talk of 'vampiric boobies'.<br> <br> Or the myths are wrong.<br> <br> "Welcome, come into my little lair," she says, again camping it up. "What have you brought for me... aside from your blood."<br> <br> [[You give her your gift.->Acarina: Gift]]
Acarina's blue eyes glitter mischievously. She picks up her drink and pours some of it down her front. Rather than make a mess, the red liquid is seemingly absorbed through her skin. You see it diffuse outwards across the top of her bosom, before being sucked deeper. Her skin returns to the same shade of pale alabaster.<br> <br> "My boobies drink blood," Acarina says. "That will be your payment for getting to come between my lovely tits. They'll suck a little blood out of your cock."<br> <br> She laughs at your expression.<br> <br> "There's no need to pull that face," she says. "Some men find it even more pleasurable than the ejaculation."<br> <br> You're not convinced on this. However, sticking your dick up between the lovely soft pillows of her tits is a tempting prospect. Very tempting indeed.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Acarina: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 6>> <<include [[Acarina: Gift: Blood]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 22>> <<include [[Acarina: Gift: Milk]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(14)>> <<include [[Acarina: Gift: Body Parts]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Acarina: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> Her blue eyes glimmer with mischief as she unhooks the top of her dress. She lets it slide down to the floor and pool around her feet like an inky puddle.<br> <br> Underneath, she's wearing lacy black lingerie and garters. The bra top to complete the underwear set is absent. Acarina's lovely round boobs are naked. Her pink nipples and areolae stand out against her alabaster-pale skin. With her lovely voluptuous form and pale skin, she resembles a flawless sculpture hewn from marble.<br> <br> Her eyes sparkle with lust.<br> <br> "Shall we begin?"<br> <br> [[Continue.->Acarina: Feel Boobs]]
Acarina takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and smiles.<br> <br> "Mmm, I see you want my vampiric boobies to give you a good long suck."<br> <br> She places it in the vase by the side of the bed.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> Acarina's eyes light up as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "I do so adore the little samples $ leaves out," she says. "I put the accent on so thick in the hope men get the hint and pick that gift."<br> <br> She turns. You don't see what she does, even with the mirrors, but when she places the vial on the table it is empty. Did she drink it?<br> <br> "Mmm, fresh. With a pleasant bouquet," she says. "Like cradling a newborn baby to my bosom."
She uncorks the bottle and gives it a sniff.<br> <br> "The aroma of maiden's first menstruation is so tantalising. A pity it's drowned in cum. I'll give it to Hiru the next time I see her. This is her favourite."<br> <br> She places the bottle on the bedside table.
Acarina turns up her nose at the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Do I look like a ghoul to you?"<br> <br> She slides the $allGifts[$cgi].name off the plate and into the bin next to the bedside table.
"What a nice gift," Acarina says.<br> <br> She places it on the bedside table and turns back to you.
Acarina stands in front of you with her big bold breasts bouncing free. They're beautiful. Absolutely perfectly formed.<br> <br> "Feel how soft and smooth they are."<br> <br> Acarina takes your hand and presses it to her left breast. Her skin is smooth – baby smooth. You relish the texture as you run your hand over her lush curves. Soft, too. Squeezably soft. You press your fingers into Acarina's yielding flesh and she lets out a little sigh of pleasure. She takes your other hand and presses it against her other breast. She lets you squeeze to your heart's content.<br> <br> "Don't they feel so soft and yielding you could just drown in them," Acarina says.<br> <br> You continue to grope and squeeze her lovely boobs, marvelling at the feel of them beneath your fingers.<br> <br> "Mmm, there's another part of you I wish to drown," she says.<br> <br> She turns you around and nudges you back up against the mattress until you sit down. She crouches down, undoes your belt and pulls down your trousers and underpants. Freed of its constraints, your erect cock bobs up.<br> <br> "Nice and eager," Acarina says, poking it with her finger.<br> <br> She gets up and fetches a bottle of oil from the bedside drawer. She pours some of it onto her chest and rubs the oil into her round breasts until they glisten.<br> <br> "Would you like these wrapped around your lovely hard cock?" she asks.<br> <br> She jiggles her big boobs.<br> <br> [[You would love to have those big boobs wrapped around your cock.->Acarina: 1st Choose Paizuri]]<br> [[You'd rather go straight to sex.->Acarina: 1st Choose Sex]]
You tell her you'd love to have her big boobs wrapped around your cock. Acarina's blue eyes light up. She pushes your legs apart and goes down on her knees between them. She flops her heavy breasts into your lap and pushes them together until your erection is wedged in her cleavage.<br> <br> <<include [[Acarina: Paizuri 1]]>>
As nice as her tits look, you're already turned on. You tell her you'd rather go straight to sex.<br> <br> "Are you sure?" Acarina asks. "I give a wonderful oily titwank. It's my specialty."<br> <br> She pours oil all over her breasts. She kneads and massages it in until her tits are moist and glistening. She squeezes them together and draws your gaze to their pillowy softness.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "No, I can't let you miss out on my special titwank," Acarina says. "Just sit down and relax. I'll fluff you up with an oily titwank first. Then we can have sex."<br> <br> She pushes you back onto the bed and goes down between your legs.<br> <br> You don't think she's accepting 'no' on this.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Acarina: Choose Sex: Black Rose Override]] <<else>> <<include [[Acarina: Choose Sex: 2nd Chance Choice]]>> <</if>>
Acarina pushes your legs apart and flops her heavy breasts into your lap. She squeezes them together until your erection is wedged in her cleavage.<br> <br> <<include [[Acarina: Paizuri 1]]>>
"It's so good I wouldn't want you to miss out," she says, still with her hands squeezing her tits and rubbing them together. "We can have sex afterwards... if you manage to hold on."<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> Your gaze tunnels in on her lovely big boobs glistening with oil. You can't look anywhere else.<br> <br> No, you can't miss out on this. You really want to slide your hard cock between those soft funbags.<br> <br> [[You can't miss out on her titwank.->Acarina: 2nd Choose Paizuri]] <<else>> [[Ok, let's see how special her titwank is.->Acarina: 2nd Choose Paizuri]]<br> [[Go straight to sex.->Acarina: Sex 1]] <</if>>
"Nice?" she asks.<br> <br> It's extremely nice. Her soft boobs are pressed all up around your erection. She moves them up and down and your cock, lubricated by the oil, slides smoothy up and down the valley of her cleavage. It's a bit more than a valley. Her breasts are big enough to enclose your dick in a warm fleshy tunnel.<br> <br> "Mmm, when I press them together like this, doesn't it feel like a soft comfy cunt," Acarina purrs.<br> <br> She places her hands on either side of her tits and squashes them together around your cock.<br> <br> It does feel like a //very// comfy cunt.<br> <br> Acarina folds her arms around her boobs. She forms a cradle to hold them in place as she bobs up and down on your crotch.<br> <br> Both relaxed and pleasantly aroused, you let yourself fall back on the bed.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Acarina: Paizuri 2]]
Okay, let's see how good this //special// titwank is. Acarina's blue eyes light up when you accept. She pushes your legs apart and goes down on her knees between them. She flops her heavy breasts into your lap and pushes them together until your erection is wedged in her cleavage.<br> <br> <<include [[Acarina: Paizuri 1]]>>
You tell her you'd still rather go straight to sex.<br> <br> "As you wish." Acarina doesn't seem happy with this, but seems bound to follow your instructions.<br> <br> Still holding the bottle of lubricant, she gets on the bed and kneels. She squirts plenty of oil on her fingers, then shoves them up her pussy and moves them around until her sex is fully lubricated.<br> <br> She does the same to your cock as you shuffle up close to her on the mattress. She pours oil on your member and pumps it with her hand until you're hard and slick. Then she turns around, goes down on her hands and knees and offers her rump to you, doggy style.<br> <br> You're fine with that. The wall opposite her is mirrored and you get a lovely view of her face and her pendulous boobs swaying just above the sheets. Her splendid ass, pale and round, is also a lovely sight before you.<br> <br> You move up behind her and between her legs. She reaches behind with oil-slick fingers to take your lubricated cock and guide it into her pussy. Once she finds the entrance to her sex, you do the rest, pushing forward with your hips and slowly entering her.<br> <br> Her pussy is tight, but also strangely chilly – both in terms of temperature and welcome. Doesn't matter. It still feels good to push your cock all the way into her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Acarina: Sex 2]]
Fluffed by Acarina's gorgeous boobs, your cock continues to stiffen and lengthen. The fleshy helmet emerges from the top of her cleavage like a mushroom. Acarina tilts her head down and licks it. She bends further and takes the head into her mouth. You hear wet slurping sounds as she sucks on it. Together with the soft pillows of her boobs rubbing against your shaft, it feels really pleasurable.<br> <br> Acarina releases the head of your cock. She gives the opening to your urethra a teasing little lick with her tongue.<br> <br> "Ah, look at the sweet little mole," she coos down to where your cock nestles between the two hemispheres of her white breasts.<br> <br> Acarina's boobs are so large the head of your cock does indeed look like a timid woodland mammal sticking its head up out of a burrow.<br> <br> "Let's send him back down his hole," Acarina says.<br> <br> She puts her hands under her breasts and both lifts and presses them together. The head of your cock disappears into the warm crevice of her cleavage.<br> <br> "Down, down, down. To sleep between my soft pillows," she cooes.<br> <br> You shiver in pleasure as her soft flesh rubs against the sensitive fleshy ridge at the join of your helmet to shaft. The friction sends little tremors of pleasure through you.<br> <br> She stares at you with bright blue eyes and puts on the fake Transylvanian accent again. "Where my vampiric boobies vill hold you, squeeze you, and suck you dry."<br> <br> That joke again.<br> <br> Her breasts throb.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Acarina: Paizuri 3]]
What was that? It looked like her two big boobs had pulsed. Was that some kind of optical illusion?<br> <br> They throb again.<br> <br> You feel it this time – a slow pulse throbbing up the whole length of your shaft. Your cock is gripped by a gentle tugging sensation.<br> <br> Acarina's blue eyes gleam as she sees your puzzlement.<br> <br> "No escape. My titties have you now," she says, pouting her red lips.<br> <br> Her breasts throb again. Harder this time.<br> <br> Wow. It felt like you just came without coming. There was a similar sense of relief, and the feeling you'd just sprayed something into the moist space between her tits. Not semen, though. Your balls feel on the verge, but it didn't come from there.<br> <br> //Then what was it?//<br> <br> A splash of red appears on the pristine curve of her right breast. It blooms like red dye dipped in water. It's not a drip from the ceiling or anything like that. You can see the red colouration spreading out beneath her skin.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(38) and $cgi neq 0>> Acarina stops. Her smile vanishes. Her throat hitches.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Acarina: Foulblood Charm]] <<else>> "That tastes nice," Acarina says, running a pink tongue over sensual red lips.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Acarina: Paizuri 4]] <</if>>
She backs off, turns to the side and throws up onto the floor. It's not vomit. It's red and looks like blood. She wipes her hand across her mouth and leaves behind a red smear.<br> <br> You're so shocked you barely notice a minor feeling of discomfort in your penis.<br> <br> "That damn witch and her protective charms," Acarina snarls.<br> <br> She turns to you. Her blue eyes are cold with anger. Blood is smeared on her mouth and chin.<br> <br> "Get out," Acarina says. "And take your foul blood with you."<br> <br> Still heaving, she places a hand on the wall to steady herself as she stands up.<br> <br> Rebuffed, you stand up to get dressed and notice beads of blood on your penis. Did she cut you without you realising? You think now might be a good time to leave, before she recovers.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> /* No faction increase */ <<include [[Acarina: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Acarina's big round breasts pulse in your lap. Your cock is deep within them, nestled between two soft cushions of flesh. You feel a strange tugging sensation on your manhood, like a wet kiss wrapped around its full length. It's pleasant, but also enervating.<br> <br> You ask her what's going on.<br> <br> "I told you," Acarina says with an amused smile. "I have vampiric boobies. They're drinking your blood."<br> <br> As crazy as it sounds, you can feel it. She's drawing the blood from your body. Pumping it out with slow swelling pulses of her bosom. More red blossoms bloom under the skin of her tits. They diffuse out and change the colour of her skin from alabaster white to a healthier pink.<br> <br> "It won't hurt," Acarina says.<br> <br> It doesn't. There's no pain or hint of a puncture. Her soft flesh presses up against you and seemingly sucks your blood out through the pores. It's weirdly erotic – like you're coming, but from the totality of your cock rather than just the tip.<br> <br> She is drinking your blood, though. You're already starting to feel weak. You're not even sure you can summon the energy to sit up.<br> <br> [[Tell her to stop.->Acarina: 1st Stop Request]]<br> [[Let her carry on and hope she stops before the blood loss becomes fatal.->Acarina: Accept Bad End]]
"You want me to stop? Really?" Acarina says, her mouth pouting up in a coquettish //o//. "Don't you want to come?"<br> <br> You do. Badly. The gentle pulsing motion of her breasts against your erect member is maddeningly arousing. Waves of warmth flow up your shaft. You feel a pleasant tickling sensation all around it as she absorbs your blood.<br> <br> You also don't want to die. And that will happen if she sucks too much blood out of you.<br> <br> Acarina's eyes narrow. "Are you sure you want this to stop?"<br> <br> Her boobs squeeze you with a deep throb you feel all the way down in your balls. Your cock is enveloped in marshmallow heaven – squeezed, smothered and sucks.<br> <br> [[Yes! You want this to stop.->Acarina: 2nd Stop request]]<br> [[No, you want to come.->Acarina: Accept Bad End]]
Her bosom pulses faster. Her soft flesh ebbs and flows against your cock and sends waves of pleasurable stimulation up and down your shaft. This feels nice. Really nice. You feel it tickle in your loins and then boil over. Your balls tense and you sigh as your cock throbs and spurts a big load of cum into her smothering cleavage. A creamy splash appears beneath the skin of her tits. It spreads outwards and mingles with the red.<br> <br> "That's good," Acarina says. "Enjoy these last moments."<br> <br> She reaches under her tits and fondles your balls.<br> <br> "I'll help."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Acarina: Bad End]]
She presses her body down on your crotch. The throbbing suction grows stronger and deeper, until you feel it all the way down in your balls. You gasp as you answer with a throb of your own and spurt another load of cum between her tits. Now they've found the right spot, her boobs start pumping the semen from your body as easily as your blood. Your hips bob with little twitches as she forces you to orgasm over and over.<br> <br> "Not much longer now," Acarina says. "Lie back. Relax. It will be like falling asleep."<br> <br> You don't have a say in the matter. All the strength has flown from your body. Your head falls back on the mattress and you stare up at the mirror on the ceiling. Your reflection is a gaunt grey ghost.<br> <br> In contrast, the girl between your legs possesses so much colour she looks radiant with vitality. She bobs in your lap, bouncing her swollen boobs against your cock and mewling in pleasure as she drinks the blood from your veins.<br> <br> You see that blood appear on her back. It blooms and flows beneath her skin in exotic swirls of living red ink. Like cascades of rose petals swirling down a snowy hill.<br> <br> How pretty, you think. Then you die.<br> <br> <<include [[Acarina: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"Really sure?" Acarina asks.<br> <br> She places her hands under her weighty breasts and starts to pull them apart.<br> <br> That //hurts!//<br> <br> The pain is excruciating. It's a burst of agony exploding from your cock. It feels like someone has wound your dick in really strong adhesive tape and is now slowly peeling it off and taking your skin away with it.<br> <br> No, worse than that.<br> <br> It's like tape with fishhooks all along the inside, each tearing at your skin as she pulls her breasts further and further apart.<br> <br> "Oh dear," Acarina says, looking down between her cleavage. "The bonding process appears to be quite advanced."<br> <br> Your cock is stuck between her breasts. Literally. They've fused together, her skin melting into yours. You watch as her tits pulse like two great hearts and a wave of red flows up your cock and into the boobs sandwiching it. Sticky pink strands stretch from the inside of her tits to your cock. As Acarina pulls her breasts further apart the strands detach from your cock, pulling away patches of skin in the process and revealing angry raw flesh beneath.<br> <br> "They can still be separated," Acarina says, "but it will be very painful and cause a lot of damage to your penis. You might even lose it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Acarina: Pain or Pleasure Choice]]
She parts her breasts a fraction more, tearing off another chunk of your skin and creating a weeping red sore.<br> <br> "Or I can push my boobs back together and the pain will all go away."<br> <br> She pushes her boobs closer together and the pain from your ripped open skin is immediately extinguished as Acarina covers it with the soft flesh of her tits. It feels so much better, as if the fresh wound has been bathed in soothing ointment.<br> <br> "I'll let you decide," Acarina says.<br> <br> She takes your hands and presses them to the underside of her breasts. You feel their bloated weight cupped in the palms of your hands.<br> <br> "What will it be? Pain..."<br> <br> She inches your hands outwards, pulling her breasts with them. You gasp in pain as the ravaged flesh of your cock is exposed.<br> <br> "...or pleasure."<br> <br> She moves your hands back in the other direction and the sudden spike of pain is doused in her creamy white breasts.<br> <br> Acarina slides her hands away from yours and caresses your hips. You're lying flat back on the bed. Acarina is on her knees with her body folded over your crotch. Her boobs – swollen and tinted with your blood – rest in your hands. She stares into your eyes.<br> <br> What will you choose?<br> <br> [[Pain.->Acarina: Choose Pain]]<br> [[Pleasure.->Acarina: Choose Pleasure]]
Another throbbing pulse reminds you that you don't have much time. You clench your teeth and slowly begin to swing her breasts apart.<br> <br> It hurts like a bastard.<br> <br> Jangling streamers of agony flare back at you like tendrils of barbed wire growing through your torso. You want to get it over with in one savage rip – like ripping off a stubborn old sticking plaster. You can't. You feel resistance as you push her breasts apart. You don't know how tightly her flesh is enmeshed with yours. You definitely don't want to rip half your dick off in the process. So it has to be gently gently, millimetre by agonising millimetre. Slowly peel her off to cause as little damage as possible.<br> <br> It //hurts.//<br> <br> The pain rises exponentially. Each exposed millimetre doubles, triples, quadruples the agony. Your arms shake. You have to pause.<br> <br> Acarina looks at you with dispassionate blue eyes. Her breasts throb again. Another wave of red flows up the tangled knot of tissue connecting your cock to her tits. There is no pain there. Only a pleasant tickling sensation as your blood is drawn out through your pores. In contrast, the exposed parts of your cock feel like they've been coated in caustic soda.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to []>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> [[Grit your teeth and pull her breasts apart.->Acarina: Horror End]]<br> [[Give up and enjoy pleasure instead.->Acarina: Pain: Give Up]] <<else>> [[The pain is too much for you to continue.->Acarina: Pain: Give Up]] <</if>>
You push her breasts back together and you gasp in relief as the searing pain is instantly extinguished in the soft comfy clasp of her tits. Your hands fall back to the mattress and Acarina takes over. She squeezes her tits together, enveloping your cock completely, and you feel like you've been dropped into an ocean of purest bliss.<br> <br> <<include [[Acarina: The Right Choice]]>>
"The right choice," Acarina says.<br> <br> Her breasts throb. Red and swollen, they pulse around your cock like a pair of hearts. With each beat, more of your blood surges into her. It's an exhilarating rush of pleasure as your blood sweeps down into your cock and then flows out into her warmth.<br> <br> "Yes, no more pain now," Acarina says.<br> <br> <<include [[Acarina: Accept Bad End]]>>
Acarina's breasts pulse again.<br> <br> Weakness settles on your limbs. Strength deserts your hands and they slip away to rest on the bed.<br> <br> Acarina pushes her breasts back together and you gasp in relief as the searing pain is instantly extinguished in the soft comfy clasp of her tits. She squeezes them together, enveloping your cock completely, and you feel like you've been dropped into an ocean of purest bliss.<br> <br> <<include [[Acarina: The Right Choice]]>>
Slow isn't going to cut it. It's too much pain. You're going to have to grit your teeth and do it all in one swift, sharp jerk.<br> <br> You do it. You try to blot out the agony and shove her breasts apart. Your cock comes free.<br> <br> Well, part of it does.<br> <br> As Acarina told you, the bonding process was too far advanced, your cock too tightly enmeshed with the flesh of her bosom.<br> <br> The pain stops. Briefly. Then you feel a warm wet splatter against your inner thighs.<br> <br> "You silly man," Acarina says. "Why did you do that?"<br> <br> You double up in agony as the pain returns, many times greater. Blood pours from your mutilated crotch onto the sheets and carpet.<br> <br> "You were going to die anyway," Acarina says. "Why make it so painful?"<br> <br> It's a little late for that. You hunch up and bleed out on her bed.<br> <br> <<include [[Acarina: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You grab hold of her fleshy ass and start driving your cock back and forth with slow, steady thrusts. Acarina is passive and seems content to let you pump away at her.<br> <br> She warms up inside as your cock slides back and forwards along the fleshy interior of her sex. Warms up in attitude as well. She starts thrusting back at you and your crotch meets her rump with a pleasing fleshy slap with every thrust.<br> <br> Your thrusting bodies are reflected in the mirrors around the bed. You increase the pace.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount < 3>> <<include [[Acarina: Sex: Low Semen 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Acarina: Sex 3]]>> <</if>>
You thrust faster and faster. Even though you're pumping away at her like a jackrabbit, boiling over into climax eludes you. It feels just out of reach and going so quickly soon tires you out. You have to pause and then try to rebuild with slower thrusts.<br> <br> Acarina turns her head. "Is something the matter?"<br> <br> You tell her no and pump away in search of the right rhythm. You can't seem to find it. Worse, you feel your cock start to soften inside her.<br> <br> You pull out and furiously wank it back to full hardness.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Acarina: Sex: Low Semen 2]]
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> Acarina stretches out and lies down on the bed. Still pumping away, you lower your body with her until you're lying on top of her. She takes your hands and brings them under her body to cup her lovely soft boobs. She squashes them to the mattress beneath her tits. Your hips work faster as you pump away at her.<br> <br> You feel the urge to come build and grow inside you. It's coming. You're coming. Your hips work faster and faster. The pleasurable friction of her vagina ramps your arousal up and up, until...<br> <br> You arch your back, let out a grunt and pump a large creampie into her pussy. Then, spent, you let yourself collapse on her. You stay there for a while, basking in the afterglow and panting to get your breath back.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Acarina: Good End]]
After a moment to recover, you roll off to the side and Acarina rolls with you.<br> <br> "Did that slate your lusts?" Acarina asks brightly.<br> <br> You grunt that it did.<br> <br> You pull your hands away from her lovely tits and are surprised to find some resistance. Her skin feels tacky, like there's some glue on it.<br> <br> The oil drying out? you wonder.<br> <br> Your hands also have a strange feeling of pins and needles. As if you've slept on them funny and cut off the circulation. You suppose they were crushed to the bed under Acarina's tits while you fucked her, and her tits are on the large side. You shake your hands to get a bit of blood back in them again and don't think anything more of it.<br> <br> "Such a pity you wouldn't let me give you an oily titwank beforehand. That's my speciality," Acarina says as you both put your clothes back on.<br> <br> She puts on that joke Transylvanian accent again.<br> <br> "Did my talk of vampiric boobies put you off? It shouldn't. It feels so good to be sucked by them. Maybe you'll let me place your cock between them next time and give you a nice squeeze."<br> <br> Back in her black night dress, Acarina's curvaceous figure is slinky and seductive. Her breasts are quite gorgeous, especially when she squeezes them together. Maybe you should have given them a try, you think, feeling a pang of regret. Maybe next time.<br> <br> She gives you a little kiss on the cheek as you head for the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Acarina: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Acarina helps guide you back in, but again, after a few thrusts, the problem of gradually losing your erection again rears its ugly head. Or rather doesn't. You could do with a whole lot more //rearing// in the groin department.<br> <br> As you pull out again, Acarina turns and sees your attempts to get yourself back to full hardness with your hand.<br> <br> "We should have started with the titwank before rushing to sex," she says. "The House isn't like a normal brothel. Sex with succubi is so draining it can cause even healthy, virile men to have a few performance problems afterwards."<br> <br> 'Performance problems' is the last thing you want to hear while on a bed with a sexy woman. It's beyond embarrassing.<br> <br> Acarina moves away from you and fetches the bottle of lubricant from the bedside table.<br> <br> "Fortunately, we all have specialties guaranteed to overcome temporary weaknesses of the flesh. Mine is squeezing cocks between my lovely soft tits."<br> <br> She pours more glistening oil over her tits.<br> <br> "Take a deep breath and relax. We'll start again and do it properly this time. Sit here on the edge of the bed. My tits will soon have you spurting cum again."<br> <br> You do as she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Acarina: Sex to Paizuri]]
Acarina goes on her knees before you. She pushes your legs apart and flops her heavy breasts into your lap. She squeezes them together until your erection is wedged in her cleavage.<br> <br> <<include [[Acarina: Paizuri 1]]>>
/* Text Here */ "Ah the girl with the vampiric boobies, or so she claims. If it was anywhere else, I'd dismiss it as a silly joke. In here..."<br> <br> He gets out his notebook and taps it with the end of his pen.<br> <br> "Tell me of your experiences with Acarina." /* always end in line breaks */ <br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br> <br> /* Text here */ "She drank the blood right in front of you?" $ asks.<br> <br> You tell him you can't confirm that, only that the vial was empty when she placed it down on the table. /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
/* check for used anti-vamp charm */ <<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> $ pulls a face as you describe Acarina vomiting blood on the carpet.<br> <br> "So, it's not all talk. She is a vampire. But how does she do it. You say you felt nothing and your... ahem... penis was fully healed when you looked at it in the showers downstairs."<br> <br> $ ponders it.<br> <br> "Fangs in her boobs? I've heard of some having fangs in their nipples. There are some frightful monsters in here. Ah, it doesn't matter. I'm not going to pick her." <<else>> "You want to know an interesting fact," $ says. "For all she trumpets how good her ti—... breast relief is, I've never spoken to a single person who's tried it. So strange. It's her speciality, and yet I've not heard anything about it – good or bad. Maybe everyone is put off by her silly talk of 'vampiric boobies'."<br> <br> His moustache twitches as he chuckles.<br> <br> "You never can be too careful in here. I would like to know though. If you do get a chance to see her again, I'll pay good coin to find out how good it is. That chest of hers is rather... harrumph... impressive." <</if>>
/* Sammy */ <<set $hi to 1>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Sammy", shortDescription: "", faction: 0, factionIncrease: [false], minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [15, 11], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Sammy: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Sammy: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Sammy: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Sammy: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Sammy: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Sammy: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Sammy: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Sammy: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Sammy: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(13)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ <<set $player.currInt to 2>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to true>> /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsSerious to true>> /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> <<set _ailment to 1>> /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 1>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 6>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a bouncy, friendly succubus with red hair, horns, wings and tail.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is the lovely Sammy," $ says. "She's one of our junior harlots. One day she hopes to graduate into a full-fledged succubus. She's just a wee babe." <br> <br> /* Long description */ Sammy is a babe. She's of medium height and has a lovely toned build. Her slinky red dress clings to and shows off her curves to good effect.<br> <br> She's very cheerful and energetic. Her blue eyes are bright and her glamour-model face is framed by her lustrous red hair. Her lips are turned up in a friendly smile. She seems bubbly – more the sweet-girl-next-door-type than a soul-sucking demoness. <br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hello, I'm Sammy," she says. "Will you be my first soul?" <br>
Sammy seems very bright and breezy as you take her out into the bar. Very chatty as well. She might be a demon, but she seems a friendly one. You find a spare table. <br><br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Sammy: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Sammy: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
Sammy seems saddened by this. Her gaze nervously turns down to the table.<br> <br> "You seem nice, but $ is really strict on this. If the patron cannot afford to buy a drink, we must return right away. I'm sorry."<br> <br> She seems sincere on that. She gets up and walks back to the presentation stage.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a bubbly glass of champagne for Sammy.<br> <br> Bubbly also sums up Sammy. She's very chatty and friendly. <<if $currentRound gt 1>> She also seems surprisingly – at least in a House like this – normal. <<else>> She also seems normal, as in regular-human normal. You wonder if $ was winding you up with his talk of demons. <</if>><br> <br> Talking to her is as pleasant as talking to a hot girl with a friendly personality. The more you talk with her, the more you wonder if she is, in fact, just a regular human girl. Closer up, her horns and wings seem a little stiff and placcy – like cheap props.<br> <br> Talking to her is so pleasant, you're a little sad when she tells you she has to go back. $'s girls are only allowed to socialise for a set period of time.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [13]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> As you walk back, you notice the way her devil's tail hangs limply from her butt. It's just a prop, you're convinced of it. Same as her too-plastic horns and wings. <<if $currentRound gt 1>> <br><br> Why? You've seen some of the other harlots. They're clearly not human. So what is a regular human girl doing in a House filled with demons and why is she pretending – badly – to be a demon? <<else>> $ must have been having you on. This is just a normal girl in a devil costume. The barmaids and other harlots are probably the same. <</if>> <<else>> You return to $ having enjoyed your time in her company. <</if>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <br><br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited>> <<include [[Sammy: NPC Gossip: After 1st Visit 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sammy: NPC Gossip: Before 1st Visit]]>> <</if>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"A fledgling daemon needs to be brought an appropriate offering. Maybe a raw heart freshly ripped from a chest will satisfy her desires.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Hmm, gifts. She likes pretty flowers, though she'll act as if she doesn't.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Hmm, what does she like in a man? As with most women she looks for the best and is turned off by the worst.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Hmm, what does she like in a man? The regular usual human things. Charm. A pleasant personality. A good sense of humour.\""}>>
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Sammy: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sammy: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift - flower */ [1,false,false], /* Low semen performance failure */ [1,false,false], /* Regular sex */ [1,false,false], /* Bonus for Sammy liking the player */ [1,false,false] /* Additional info from NPC Gossip */ ] }>> /* *scoring NPC Gossip additional info is tricky - not implemented at moment */ /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Sammy: Calculate Affection]]>> <<set $highSemenThreshold to 7>> <<set $lowSemenThreshold to 3>> <<set $highAffectionThreshold to 4>> <<set $lowAffectionThreshold to -2>> <<include [[Sammy: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Sammy: First-Time Scenario]]>>
<<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> "Sammy? She's a special one."<br> <br> $ is contemplative.<br> <br> "Like no other harlot in here, you could say," she continues.<br> <br> You ask if she's dangerous.<br> <br> $ looks at you. There's a twinkle in her eye.<br> <br> "Oh yes. Deadly. A born killer."<br> <br> Her face cracks in a smile.<br> <br> "Knows all the forbidden sexual techniques. Can drain a man's balls in an instant. She can rip the soul right out of your body. She..."<br> <br> $ pauses and puts a handkerchief to her mouth. She appears to be <<if _testPassed>>shaking with mirth.<<else>>shaking.<</if>><br> <br> "I'm sorry," she says. "I should give you some useful advice. You'll need it to survive such a dangerous..."<br> <br> Her handkerchief goes to her mouth again as she shakes.<<if _testPassed>> She seems to be having a hard time stopping herself from cracking up with laughter.<</if>><br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br> $ drinks her cocktail.<br> <br> "Ah Sammy," she says. "She's special. Very special. You'll understand once you see her in her room. Come back to me afterwards... if you survive."<br> <br> $ seems to be on the verge of cracking up in a fit of giggles. Whatever the joke is, she chooses not to share it with you.<br> <br>
"You've visited her. So you know, or at least suspect," $ says.<br> <br> She puffs on her cigarette.<br> <br> "It's so cruel what they're doing to that girl. She's human. Yes, a regular human just like you. She and three of her friends wound up here by accident, as some of you do. Her friends are long dead. Drained to dust.<br> <br> "Yes, succubi can drain women just as well as men. Some specialise in it.<br> <br> "The poor thing had to watch it happen right in front of her. Then, when she was weeping and praying and begging for her life – her soul – she was given a choice. Saeva Diabolia and her friends had an idea for sport. They told her she must reject her humanity and become a succubus like them.<br> <br> "Sammy agreed. She didn't really have any other option. They placed a special magical sigil above the triangle of her sex. They told her she had to live like a succubus. She had to fuck and fuck and fuck like every other harlot. She must fuck and enjoy it. Wallow in it. Let sexual depravity permeate through every part of her being. Then, once she'd fucked enough men, the sigil would activate. She'd suck the soul of a man out during sexual intercourse and her transformation would be complete."<br> <br> $ exhales a cloud of smoke.<br> <br> "$ allowed it. It served her purposes. It was balance to her silly game in her eyes, especially after that //thing// had forced its way in. Here was a harlot that couldn't kill a man at all."<br> <br> But what about when she sucks out a man's soul and transforms. That would definitely kill a man.<br> <br> [["You point that out to " + $ + "."->Sammy: NPC Gossip: After 1st Visit 2]]
/* TODO - correctly score this */ <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipHasRevealedBackStory to true>> $ chuckles. She exhales more smoke.<br> <br> "Oh my dear boy. It's a lie. Can the sheep turn into the wolf?<br> <br> "It's a joke. A very cruel joke. One that's gone on for too long. The sigil they carved into her is to stop her getting pregnant. $'s insistence. Saeva wanted the poor thing to bear children so she could devour the newborn right in front of her. Such a black-hearted daemoness.<br> <br> "It's a pity. Sammy would make a good succubus. Certainly puts more effort into pleasuring her partners than some I could mention.<br> <br> "She's caught the eye of the Devotees of Priti Nāndyāh. At first I thought it was because they abhor all forms of torment and pain. Then I heard talk of them showing her some techniques. They like her. They admire her dedication. I think they want to teach her."<br> <br> $ huffs derisorily.<br> <br> "Seems a waste. Ah, but she is enthusiastic. Maybe she can be taught some simple sex magick.<br> <br> "The problem is Saeva Diabolia. Sammy is her toy. Her special little plaything to torture and torment. And for what – jealousy. It disgusts me. A succubus jealous of a human. How pathetic."<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affectionAtEnd gt 2>> $ deigns to look at you.<br> <br> "Don't tell me you have feelings for the little trollop."<br> <br> She turns away and puffs on her cigarette.<br> <br> "Oh well, to be human is to be stupid."<br> <br> <</if>> She finishes her cocktail.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Non-Standard Gossip: End]]>>
<<set $roomAffection to 0>> /* Calculate affection from Physical stats (+1 for every 5, -1 for every 1) */ <<set _affection to 0>> <<if $player.currStr gt 4>><<set _affection += 1>><</if>> <<if $player.currAgi gt 4>><<set _affection += 1>><</if>> <<if $player.currDex gt 4>><<set _affection += 1>><</if>> <<if $player.currConst gt 4>><<set _affection += 1>><</if>> <<if $player.currWill gt 4>><<set _affection += 1>><</if>> <<if $player.currInt gt 4>><<set _affection += 1>><</if>> <<if $player.currStr lt 2>><<set _affection -= 1>><</if>> <<if $player.currAgi lt 2>><<set _affection -= 1>><</if>> <<if $player.currDex lt 2>><<set _affection -= 1>><</if>> <<if $player.currConst lt 2>><<set _affection -= 1>><</if>> <<if $player.currWill lt 2>><<set _affection -= 1>><</if>> <<if $player.currInt lt 2>><<set _affection -= 1>><</if>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Affection (physical stats) = _affection''<br><br> <</if>> <<set $roomAffection += _affection>> /* Calculate affection from dispositions */ <<set _affection to 0>> <<if not $player.currIsSubmissive>><<set _affection += 1>><</if>> <<if not $player.currIsSerious>><<set _affection += 1>><</if>> <<if $player.currIsBlunt>> <<set _affection -= 1>> <<else>> <<set _affection += 1>> <</if>> <<if $player.currIsGloomy>> <<set _affection -= 1>> <<else>> <<set _affection += 1>> <</if>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Affection (dispositions) = _affection''<br><br> <</if>> <<set $roomAffection += _affection>> /* Calculate affection from ailments */ /* -1 for each ailment */ <<set _affection to -$player.ailments.length>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Affection (ailments) = _affection''<br><br> <</if>> <<set $roomAffection += _affection>> /* Calculate affection from socialising */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>> <<set _affection to 1>> <<else>> <<set _affection to 0>> <</if>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Affection (socialising) = _affection''<br><br> <</if>> <<set $roomAffection += _affection>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Room Affection = $roomAffection''<br><br> <</if>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> <<set _affection to $roomAffection + $allHarlots[$hi].affection>> ''TOTAL AFFECTION = _affection''<br><br> <</if>>
Sammy's room is very pink and feminine. The pink carpet is deep and fluffy. She has a big pink bed with a thick duvet covered in a shiny pink cover. Red heart-shaped cushions are piled on top of the bed. The prints on the wall are cutesy, but also clearly intended to arouse.<br> <br> It's a room clearly intended for a single function – hot sexy fucking. And yet it's also immaculately clean and tidy.<br> <br> Sammy herself has already removed her slinky red dress and waits for you on the bed in fiery red lingerie. It's hot. Her body is hotter still.<br> <br> Despite this, there is a down-to-earth openness to her smile as she invites you in. She lacks the otherworldly aura of the other harlots.<br> <br> Or is better at hiding it.<br> <br> She makes a show of sliding her long legs over the side of the bed as she stands up to greet you.<br> <br> "What do you have for me?" she asks.<br> <br> [[You give her your gift.->Sammy: Gift]]
<<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to []>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<set _isHighInt to _testPassed>> <<if $cgi eq 11>> <<include [[Sammy: Gift: Bloody Heart]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Sammy: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 15>> <<include [[Sammy: Gift: Flower]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(12, 13, 14)>> <<include [[Sammy: Gift: Unpleasant]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sammy: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>> Sammy presses up close and runs her hands over your body.<br> <br> "Take those clothes off and we'll get down to it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: Undressing]]
You present her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "A suitable offering. Thank you, human," Sammy says.<br> <br> She smiles and places it in a drawer in the bedside unit.<br> <br> <<if _isHighInt>> <<include [[Sammy: Demon Gift: Obs]]>> <</if>>
<<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Sammy likes gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "Oh. Oh." Sammy seems pleasantly stunned when you hand her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "I've been waiting so long for someone to bring me one of these."<br> <br> She takes it from you and places it in the vase on top of the bedside unit.<br> <br> "Maybe this time It will happen," she says to herself.<br> <br>
<<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Sammy likes gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "That's pretty," Sammy says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> She places it in the vase on top of the bedside unit.<br> <br> "I like flowers," she says, and then catches herself, as if she's said something she shouldn't.<br> <br> She turns to you.<br> <br> "This is not a suitable offering for a demon," she says. "Next time bring me a fresh bleeding heart to devour."<br> <br> <<if _isHighInt>> She delivers the line like a B-movie actress. It's not convincing.<br> <br> <</if>>
<<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Sammy doesn't like gift">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> You present her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Ah, an appropriate gift for a demon," she says.<br> <br> She doesn't sound very convincing.<br> <br> <<if _isHighInt>> <<include [[Sammy: Demon Gift: Obs]]>> <</if>>
You present her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Thank you for your offering," Sammy says in an unnaturally formal way that seems at odds with her bubbly personality.<br> <br> She places <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> in a bedside drawer and turns back to you.
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $highAffectionThreshold>> You start to undress and Sammy helps you. She's eager to get you naked. Her hands roam all over your body. She takes you to the big comfy bed. <<else>> Sammy backs off and lets you take your clothes off. You leave them on the floor in a pile. She beckons you to the bed and you climb on to join her. <</if>><br> <br> You lie down on your back. The mattress is deep and soft and the duvet beneath is thick and fluffy. It's extremely comfy.<br> <br> It's even more comfortable with Sammy for company. She prowls over you on all-fours with a hungry gleam in her eyes. She bends down to give you a short-but-sweet kiss on the lips and then moves down your body. She deposits hot little kisses on your neck, your shoulders, your nipples, your stomach.<br> <br> Her warm hand reaches down to your crotch.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount gt $highSemenThreshold>> Your cock is already hard and eager. Sammy gives it a couple of pumps with her hand, but it's not really necessary. You're already rock-hard and raring to get into it. <<elseif $player.semenCount gt $lowSemenThreshold>> She pumps your semi-hard cock with her hand. Your member fills with blood and swells to full erection. Sammy gives it a few more pumps to make sure. <<else>> Sammy is really hot. But you're just a weak human and the flesh is a little less willing than the mind at the moment, especially after all you've been through in the House. Your cock stubbornly remains flaccid, despite Sammy dropping down to kiss you on the lips again. Normally such a lacklustre performance from your loins would be a source of embarrassment, but the House – with its ravenous, semen-draining succubi – counts as mitigating circumstances. <<if $player.semenCount gt 0>> Sammy keeps working at it gets some blood flowing into your cock. She pumps you harder and is rewarded with a twitch of activity. Your member rises up in a none-too-solid erection. <<else>> Sammy keeps pumping you. It feels good, but your cock is stubbornly slow to respond.<br> <br> "He seems a little sleepy. Have you been working him too hard?" Sammy asks.<br> <br> No, but the other succubi in here certainly have.<br> <br> Sammy keeps working away and manages to get you semi-erect. <</if>> <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: Pre-Blowjob]]
While Sammy outwardly seemed pleased with the gift, you thought you caught a brief wrinkle of disgust when you presented it. Also, the way she pushes it into the drawer – keeping it at arm's length – makes you think she finds it as revolting as you do.<br> <br>
She pushes your legs apart and moves down between them on her hands and knees. She blows lightly on your crotch and you feel her warm breath tickle your erection.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount gt $highSemenThreshold>> /*HIGH SEMEN */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $lowAffectionThreshold>> Sammy looks at your rampant erection with unbridled glee. <<else>> Sammy looks at your cock. <</if>><br> <br> "You look like you're already <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $lowAffectionThreshold>> ready. I'll give you a good suck anyway."<br> <br> She looks back up at you with a lewd grin.<br> <br> "I just love sucking big fat cocks." <<else>> ready. <</if>><br> <br> She glances up at you.<br> <br> "Just don't come in my mouth, okay. I want it in my pussy." <<elseif $player.semenCount gt $lowSemenThreshold>> /*MEDIUM SEMEN */ Sammy looks at your erection. It's hard, but not quite swollen to full erection.<br> <br> "Looks like he's seen some action," she comments. "How about a nice sloppy blowjob to perk him up again?"<br> <br> She lightly blows on your crotch. Your erection twitches as her warm breath tickles it.<br> <br> "Ah, still eager. A good long suck and he'll be right up for it." <<else>> /* LOW SEMEN */ /* Sammy loses some affection */ <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Low Semen">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> Sammy looks at your drooping semi.<br> <br> "Oh dear. Poor thing looks completely worn out."<br> <br> She lightly blows on your crotch. Your cock gives a tired little twitch.<br> <br> "Lie back and clear your mind. I'll give you a big sloppy blowjob. That'll get him back on his feet again."<br> <br> Your cock gives a little jerk at 'sloppy blowjob'.<br> <br> Sammy laughs.<br> <br> "See, I knew that would get his attention. Now lie back and relax." <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: Blowjob 1]]
Sammy slowly draws the head of your cock between her supple lips and into the warm cave of her mouth. She holds you there – just the helmet of your glans in her mouth – and uses her tongue to lick across it as if it's a lollipop.<br> <br> She makes wet little murmuring noises as her tongue swirls one way and then the other.<br> <br> Then, with her gaze flicked back upwards so she's staring right into your eyes, she lowers her head a little further. Her soft lips slide over the fleshy ridge of your corona and she keeps going until she's drawn the top inch or so of your erection into her mouth. She bobs her head just on that inch. She lets her lips slide over and suck on the sensitive fleshy ridge separating the head of your cock from the shaft.<br> <br> She wraps a hand around the base of your cock and languidly pumps it while stimulating the top. Her tongue tickles away at the head.<br> <br> She grips the base tighter and starts bobbing her head up and down with greater speed and force. She swallows more of your erection and lets her soft, sensual lips brush up and down your shaft. Her hand follows the movement of her head so that your whole length is being stroked. Her cheeks puff in and out as she gives you a strong suck.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount gt $highSemenThreshold>> [[Continue.->Sammy: Blowjob: High Semen]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Sammy: Blowjob 2]] <</if>>
Your cock throbs ominously. Sensing it, Sammy quickly releases you with a pop.<br> <br> "That was close," she says.<br> <br> The throbbing in your cock subsides. Close, but no climax just yet.<br> <br> "You must not have been with any of the other girls," she says. "I'm used to having to blow the men hard to get them up again after the other harlots have drained them."<br> <br> <<include [[Sammy: Prelude to Sex]]>>
She keeps bobbing her head up and down. She stares right into your eyes as she does so. Her hand keeps pumping the base of your cock. She curls it and lets her fingers tickle your testicles.<br> <br> As she's blowing you, Sammy runs her other hand through her hair to keep it out of the way. In the process she knocks her horns out of place.<br> <br> You barely notice it. Her technique is really good. <<if $player.semenCount gt $lowSemenThreshold>> <<include [[Sammy: Blowjob: Medium Semen]]>> <<elseif $player.semenCount gt 0>> <<include [[Sammy: Blowjob: Low Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sammy: Blowjob: No Semen]]>> <</if>>
Satisfied that you're hard enough, Sammy stares into your eyes and prowls up your body like a predatory big cat. While still languidly wanking your cock, she bends down and deposits hot kisses on your stomach, then your chest and nipples. She playfully nips at your throat and then finally climbs on top of you. She sits up and glances back to where her hand is wrapped around your cock. It looks like she's preparing to insert you and ride you cowgirl style.<br> <br> [[Let her continue.->Sammy: Sex: Insertion]]<br> [[Ask her if you can try another sexual position.->Sammy: Request Sex Position Change]]
Sammy lifts up her hips. She holds the base of your cock with one hand and pulls aside her sexy panties with the other. She positions herself above your erection and then slowly lowers herself down onto it.<br> <br> You feel a burst of pleasure as your cock pushes up against and then into Sammy's pussy. She's wet. And tight. Her inner folds pleasantly rub against you as you sink into her.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $highAffectionThreshold>> Sammy closes her eyes. Her mouth gapes open. She lets out a loud sigh of pleasure as she settles down on your cock. <<elseif $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $lowAffectionThreshold>> Sammy lets out a little sigh as she sits down on your cock. <<else>> Sammy smiles down at you as she sits down on your cock. <</if>> She wriggles her hips to find the most comfortable position and then starts to smoothly ride you with long, slow strokes.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $highAffectionThreshold>> She moans loudly as she bounces up and down on your cock. <<elseif $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $lowAffectionThreshold>> She lets out little sighs as her hips rise up and down. <<else>> She smiles down at you as her hips rise up and down. <</if>> Her luscious tight pussy slides up and down your shaft. You watch her lovely big boobs bounce up and down with her.<br> <br> "Ooh, yes. I'm going to draw it out of you," she says.<br> <br> Your bodies come together with loud slaps as she rides you. You reach up and fondle her lovely breasts as they bounce and sway before you like luscious ripe fruits.<br> <br> "Let me draw it out of you," Sammy <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $highAffectionThreshold>> says between gasps. <<else>> says. <</if>><br> <br> She leans forwards, takes your hands and pins them to the mattress. She wriggles her ass in your lap. She works her kegel muscles and gently squeezes your cock with her vagina.<br> <br> "It will feel so good."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: Sex]]
<<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Asking to change sex position">> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> Before Sammy sits down fully on your cock, you ask if you can fuck in a different position.<br> <br> Sammy shakes her head. "Cowgirl is best," she says. "My tail gets in the way for doggy, and missionary messes up my wings."<br> <br> Her eyes are bright as she sinks down on you.<br> <br> "I'm the succubus sex demon. That means I should get on top and take control."<br> <br> Looks like you better lie back and let her get on with it.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: Sex: Insertion]]
If you hadn't already come this evening, you think you'd have a hard time holding it in. Even then, Sammy takes you right to the edge before releasing your cock with a pop.<br> <br> Your cock stands up, proud and throbbing.<br> <br> "I think he's ready," Sammy says with a breezy smile.<br> <br> <<include [[Sammy: Prelude to Sex]]>>
It needs to be. Your cock has already seen a lot of action this night and it takes a bit of work from Sammy to perk you all the way up to full hardness. Then, when you're properly erect and hard, she releases your cock with a pop.<br> <br> She admires her handiwork.<br> <br> "I can see the succubi have had a real good suck on you," she says. "I always have to blow the man fairly hard to get him erect after the other harlots have drained him."<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $lowAffectionThreshold>> She gives your glans a playful lick. Her eyes glimmer brightly.<br> <br> "I don't mind. I like the challenge," she says.<br> <br> <</if>> <<include [[Sammy: Prelude to Sex]]>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <br><br> As good as Sammy's blowjob feels, your dick never quite reaches full hardness in her mouth. Her cheeks puff as she keeps noisily sucking on your semi-soft member. She releases it with a pop. Your partial erection droops forlornly.<br> <br> "Not going to be able to do anything with that."<br> <br> [[This is embarrassing.->Sammy: Failed BJ to Handjob]]
She rises up and bobs just on the head of your cock. She concentrates on rubbing against the sensitive ridge of flesh at the boundary of your glans and shaft. You start to flex your hips and push back against her. With both of you contributing to the movements, she bounces higher and higher on your cock.<br> <br> "Yes, let it out," she sighs.<br> <br> She leaves your hands and starts using her fingers to toy with your nipples.<br> <br> "Give it to me."<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount gt $lowSemenThreshold>> <<include [[Sammy: Sex: Ejaculation]]>> <<else>> She keeps riding you, but something is wrong. You're finding it difficult to maintain an erection. Sammy's pussy, as luscious as it feels, can't quite provide the stimulation. Your cock starts to soften and Sammy finds it difficult to ride you without you flopping out.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: Sex: Low Semen]] <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> The stroking motions of her pussy are doing it. Your climax is coming. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $lowAffectionThreshold>> And maybe Sammy's as well judging by her heavy breathing and sighs. <</if>><br> <br> She slams her hips up and down faster and faster. You buck against her with the same intensity. It's coming. You can feel it. You're coming.<br> <br> "Yes. Yes. Yes!" Sammy cries.<br> <br> She bounces up and slams her body all the way down just as you're pushing up to meet her. You let out your own gasp as you explode inside her. Sammy presses her hips against you. She flops down on top of you and covers you with her warm, sweaty body. You lie entangled with your hips bucking as your cock throbs and spurts inside her. Sammy helps you along with little squeezes of her pussy until the ejaculation finally subsides.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: Sex: Aftermath]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> She pauses and uses her hands to give your cock a fast wank to get the blood back into it. Your cock perks back up enough for Sammy to be able to insert you. But only briefly. A couple of bounces and your softening cock is already sliding back out again.<br> <br> "I don't think this is going to work out," she says.<br> <br> You apologise. This has never happened before. It's so embarrassing.<br> <br> "There's no need to apologise," Sammy says. "It happens in here more than you'd think. The other sex demons drain men so thoroughly they find it difficult to get it up for some time afterwards."<br> <br> She reaches over to the table and comes back with a pump bottle of lubricant.<br> <br> "I can finish you off with my hand if you want," she says.<br> <br> [[Let her finish you off with her hand.->Sammy: Handjob]]<br> [[Admit defeat and leave it at that.->Sammy: Decline Handjob]]
That was a damn good fuck.<br> <br> "Yes, here it comes."<br> <br> Sammy's words cause you to lift your head in puzzlement. You've just come. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $lowAffectionThreshold>> You're pretty sure she just did as well. <</if>><br> <br> "I can feel it," Sammy says.<br> <br> She slowly gyrates her hips against your softening cock.<br> <br> "I..."<br> <br> She tails off in disappointment when whatever she was expecting to happen, doesn't.<br> <br> It brings the proceedings to a slightly awkward end.<br> <br> Sammy rolls off to the side and you lie together for a moment while you get your breath back.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $lowAffectionThreshold>> "Not this time," Sammy says, somewhat cryptically. "Maybe next time."<br> <br> She leans over and kisses you on the forehead.<br> <br> "Your soul is safe for now."<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $highAffectionThreshold>> You wonder what she meant by that. You start to get out of the bed when Sammy grabs your arm to stop you.<br> <br> "You don't have to leave right away," Sammy says. "We still have time. We can snuggle and chat for a bit."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: Post-Sex Snuggle]] <<else>> With you wondering what she meant by that, you get out of bed and put your clothes back on.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: Post-Sex End: Low and Mid Aff]] <</if>> <<else>> Then, the session over, you both get out of bed and put your clothes back on.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: Post-Sex End: Low and Mid Aff]] <</if>>
She lies down next to you and cuddles. It feels very comfortable.<br> <br> "I'm glad it didn't work," she says. "They told me the path of transformation will be complete when I suck out and absorb a human soul during sex."<br> <br> She pauses.<br> <br> "It will kill the man."<br> <br> She senses you stiffen in her arms.<br> <br> "I know. It's horrible. I don't want it, but..."<br> <br> She tails off as if remembering something painful.<br> <br> "At first I wanted it to be someone horrible. Someone gross and disgusting. So I wouldn't feel guilty."<br> <br> She lets out a hollow laugh.<br> <br> "It would still be monstrous. I'd still feel a monster. Would become a monster, just like..."<br> <br> Another painful pause.<br> <br> "It wouldn't work anyway... with someone horrible, that is. They told me it will only happen with someone that really turns me on. It has to be amazing sex – both for me and them."<br> <br> She snuggles up to you.<br> <br> "I thought it would be you. I'm glad it wasn't."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: End: High Aff]]
Sammy's horns and wings appear to have been knocked askew. She adjusts them back in place after getting dressed. You're sure they're just props. <<if $currentRound gt 1>> <br><br> Why is she wearing them? Is she... human? <<else>> That barman was winding you up. It's just regular girls in fancy dress. <</if>><br> <br> Sammy gives you a sweet little kiss on the lips and sends you on your way.<br> <br> /* Sammy doesn't belong to any faction, so no faction increase */ <<include [[Sammy: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
/* at end of scenario so that NPC Gossip's follow-up gossip works correctly */ <<set $allHarlots[$hi].isNonStandardGossip to true>> /* store how Sammy responded to player for reference by NPC Money and others */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $highAffectionThreshold>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].affectionAtEnd to 3>> <<elseif $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $lowAffectionThreshold>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].affectionAtEnd to 2>> <<else>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].affectionAtEnd to 1>> <</if>> <<unset $roomAffection>> <<unset $highSemenThreshold>> <<unset $lowSemenThreshold>> <<unset $highAffectionThreshold>> <<unset $lowAffectionThreshold>>
Sammy puts her arms around you and cuddles up closer.<br> <br> "I've missed this," she says. "Regular human contact."<br> <br> She nuzzles your neck.<br> <br> "You won't be able to leave," she says. "None of us can. We're all trapped in here. You might be better off giving yourself up to one of the nicer succubi. If she likes you, she'll give you a really pleasurable end."<br> <br> She sighs.<br> <br> "Sometimes I wish one of them would take me."<br> <br> You lie in bed in her arms until a bell rings. Even then, Sammy seems reluctant to let you go.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> /* Sammy doesn't belong to any faction, so no faction increase */ <<include [[Sammy: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> Sammy nods.<br> <br> She squirts plenty of oil on her hands until they're wet and slippery. Then she takes hold of your cock and starts to give it a good wank.<br> <br> "Don't dwell on it," she says. "Let it go. Relax. Think sexy thoughts."<br> <br> Sammy's hands are very skilled. She starts by rubbing your foreskin against your glans until your cock starts to swell back up again. Then she lets her oil-slick hands pump up and down your shaft. Once you have a full erection, she starts masturbating you with greater speed and force. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection lte $lowAffectionThreshold>> Maybe a little too fast and hard. She's a little too rough and you feel a few niggles of complaint from your member. Not enough to hold you back. <</if>><br> <br> Using her hands she brings you to orgasm. You feel a rush of pleasure as your cock throbs and spurts semen over her fingers.<br> <br> "There, we got there," Sammy <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $lowAffectionThreshold>> says brightly. <<else>> says. <</if>><br> <br> Yes, you did. It's not the best orgasm you've ever had and nowhere near the most powerful. It's barely more than a weak dribble. The other harlots have really drained your balls. You wonder if you have any juice left.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $highAffectionThreshold>> "You don't have to leave right away," Sammy says. "We still have time. We can snuggle and chat for a bit."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: Low-Semen: Sex to Snuggle]] <<else>> The session over, you both get out of bed and put your clothes back on.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: Post-Sex End: Low and Mid Aff]] <</if>>
Sammy nods.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $lowAffectionThreshold>> "That's for the best. You need to conserve your energies as much as possible in here. What lust demons do to men that can no longer come is..." She shudders.<br> <br> <</if>> She puts the bottle back on top of the bedside table.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $highAffectionThreshold>> "You don't have to leave right away," Sammy says. "We still have time. We can snuggle and chat for a bit."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: Low-Semen: Sex to Snuggle]] <<elseif $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $lowAffectionThreshold>> <<include [[Sammy: Fail End: Med Aff]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Sammy: Fail End: Low Aff]]>> <</if>>
Sammy sits up, moves over to the bedside unit and returns with a bottle of lubricant. She pumps some out onto her hand and then, fully lubricated, starts to masturbate you more vigorously.<br> <br> "It's nerves, and having your balls sucked dry by those supernatural sluts. The House is intimidating. You're tense. Just relax. Think sexy thoughts."<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $lowAffectionThreshold>> Her face is surprisingly open and friendly given what she is. <<else>> She smiles at you while she wanks your cock. <</if>><br> <br> You try to relax and think sexy thoughts. She is gorgeous. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $lowAffectionThreshold>> And with a really approachable, friendly face as well. <<else>> Although she does seem a little distant as if this is boring her. <</if>><br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [13]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> You notice the bat wings on her back are slightly askew. Like they're a prop that's gotten slightly twisted from its correct position. You think it is a prop. The other harlots also had an otherworldly air to them – an unnatural aura that gave them supernatural sex appeal. In contrast, Sammy seems like... a regular human. Exceedingly attractive, but still just a regular human woman.<br> <br> <</if>> Sadly, as attractive as she is, your loins have done far too much this evening and refuse to stir. Sammy's efforts wank a little bit of blood back into your member, but the moment she takes her hand – and stimulation – away, your cock immediately starts drooping again.<br> <br> "I don't think this is going to work out," she says.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $lowAffectionThreshold>> [[This is mortifying.->Sammy: BJ Fail: Med and High Aff]] <<else>> [[This is mortifying.->Sammy: BJ Fail: Low Aff]] <</if>>
"It's not your fault," she says. "Succubi drain men so hard they find it hard to perform with regular..."<br> <br> She stops and catches herself.<br> <br> "I'd tell you to visit the nurse, but I don't really know the new one. I miss Vacca. She was kind to me. The new one seems... cold. You can see it in the way she looks at men when they don't know she's looking. So much hunger. Like she wants to gobble them all up. All of them. Even $ seems wary of her, and she bosses everyone around."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: End: High Aff]]
"Don't blame yourself," she says cheerfully as you both finally admit defeat. "It happens to a lot of men in here. There's only so many times someone can ejaculate in one night, even with succubus magic."<br> <br> You still feel ashamed. To not be able to perform... in front of such a sexy woman... it's an embarrassment.<br> <br> You both put your clothes back on. Sammy blows you a kiss as you walk to the door.<br> <br> /* Sammy doesn't belong to any faction, so no faction increase */ <<include [[Sammy: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
You leave it at that. There is an embarrassed silence as you put your clothes back on. You walk to the door before the weight of awkwardness becomes too much to bear.<br> <br> /* Sammy doesn't belong to any faction, so no faction increase */ <<include [[Sammy: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Sammy tries to get you hard, but it soon becomes clear it's not going to happen. What little hardness she can get quickly softens the moment she takes her hand away.<br> <br> She stops and sits up on her knees.<br> <br> "I'm sorry," she says. "It's not your fault. The sex demons in here take men far beyond their normal limits. It looks like they've already thoroughly drained your balls. If I had any succubus powers I could do as they do and get you hard with a snap of my fingers."<br> <br> She snaps her fingers. Your cock is unmoved.<br> <br> "Unfortunately, I'm not a proper succubus, yet."<br> <br> You look again at her horns and wings. They do look a little plastic-y. Sammy also doesn't give off the same aura of overwhelming sexuality as the other harlots. Could she be... human?<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affection + $roomAffection gt $highAffectionThreshold>> "You don't have to leave right away," Sammy says. "We still have time. We can snuggle and chat for a bit."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Sammy: Low-Semen: BJ to Snuggle]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Sammy: Fail End: Med Aff]] <</if>>
She grabs it and pumps harder. To the point it starts to hurt. She spots your discomfort and takes her hand away.<br> <br> You think she's right. Your cock has had enough for the evening. It shrinks in her hands and shrinks even further when she lets it go.<br> <br> <<include [[Sammy: Fail End: Low Aff]]>>
Sammy lies down next to you and cuddles. It feels very comfortable.<br> <br> <<include [[Sammy: Low-Semen Snuggle]]>>
Sammy lies down next to you and cuddles. It feels very comfortable. Sammy lightly strokes a hand against your cock as if checking for signs of life. There are none, much to your regret. After demons and other horrors, the one girl you'd like to fuck and your cock does this. You get the feeling Sammy would like to have sex with you as well, and not because it's her job.<br> <br> <<include [[Sammy: Low-Semen Snuggle]]>>
$ looks unimpressed the moment you mention Sammy's name.<br> <br> "I was hoping you'd have something useful for me. Oh well, let's get this over with."<br> <br> He pulls out his notebook with a bored expression. /* always end in line breaks */ <br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> /* must start with linebreaks if wish to start on new line */ <br> <br> "So you struggled to perform," $ says with a complete lack of tact.<br> <br> You blush a deep red.<br> <br> "To be expected. She does lack the supernatural abilities of the other monsters in here." /* must end with linebreaks if wish feedback to start on new line */ <br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"She's just a human in fancy dress. Even a child could figure that out. The only concern is that the monsters are trying to turn her into another monster like them. It would be Sod's law to be the one having sex with her when that happens."<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].gossipHasRevealedBackStory>> You tell $ that $ told you that was impossible.<br> <br> He scoffs. "Don't trust anything that hag tells you. She'll tell you a lion is a kitten and laugh when it strikes your head off."<br> <br> <</if>> He keeps jotting away. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].affectionAtEnd gt 2>> <br><br> "She must have taken a real shine to you. She's not normally so open." <<elseif $allHarlots[$hi].affectionAtEnd lt 2>> <br><br> "It sounds like she was a little off-colour. She's usually a lot livelier and bubblier than that. Maybe her time in here is starting to wear." <</if>>
/* Cíocha Gadaí-na-Bod */ <<set $hi to 40>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Cíocha Gadaí-na-Bod", shortDescription: "", faction: 4, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [11,26], affection: 0, hasRefusedMilk: false, preIntroductionLink: "Ciocha: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Ciocha: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Ciocha: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Ciocha: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Ciocha: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Ciocha: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Ciocha: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Ciocha: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(36)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ <<set $player.currDex to 5>> /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ <<set $player.currWill to 4>> /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 40>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a naked fairy girl with long, flowing white hair. She flitters on two pairs of gossamer wings. She has a large prominent abdomen behind her that looks like a big round tit.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Cíocha Gadaí-na-Bod, the boobfairy. No prizes for guessing what she brings in the night."<br> <br> $ bends her head close to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "Yes, it feels exactly as good as a nice big tit."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Cíocha Gadaí-na-Bod is a fluttering fairy girl. She's larger than a regular fairy, being about the size of a largish bird like a gull rather than a thrush or blackbird. She's still too small for regular sexual <<if $player.isAwareOfFairyTrick>> intercourse, although you know from past experience the fairies of the House have ways. <<else>> intercourse. <</if>> Her pale pink body is perfectly proportioned despite her diminutive size. She is completely naked. Her flowing white hair, fluffed up like a mane, is long enough to hang down and cover her breasts Lady Godiva-style.<br> <br> The strangest part of her, aside from her diminutive size and wings, is the bulbous lump of flesh that extends behind and seems to be attached to the back of her legs. If she was a wasp or similar insect, you'd think it her abdomen. With her, it looks strangely like a big tit. An impression reinforced when she turns around to show it off. It's a big pink boob with a brown nipple. It looks lusciously full and round and you find it arousing despite the weirdness of its appearance and location.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hi, I'm Cíocha Gadaí-na-Bod. This feels just as good as it looks," Cíocha says, giving her boob abdomen a little shake.<br> <br> The fleshy appendage jiggles as invitingly as a nice big tit.<br> <br> Cíocha turns back around and hovers in front of your face.<br> <br> "And if you're wondering where to stick your dick."<br> <br> Cíocha starts to part her legs. Her thighs look uncommonly plump and soft, almost like labia. There also seems to be a wetness between them.<br> <br> $ stops her with a curt word.<br> <br> "Not here, Cíocha," she says. "Have some decorum. Save it for your room."<br> <br> Cíocha closes her legs.<br> <br> "You'll have to use your imagination until then," she says.<br> <br> She blows you a kiss and sweeps her hands back over the luscious curves of her boob abdomen. <br>
"Cíocha Gadaí-na-Bod? Don't be fooled. Most fairies are playful and mischievous. That one is made out of pure malice and spite."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "She's not really a fairy either. Her kind are something different. They don't stay small either. There's a larger one in the House, but you probably don't want to meet her."<br> <br> $ chuckles.<br> <br> "Or maybe you do. There's no accounting for taste. Even if that taste is to be tasted."<br> <br> She laughs and sips her cocktail.<br> <br> "Unlike the other fairies, you can stick your dick in Cíocha. That giant tit she has sticking out of her ass is a special milking pouch for sucking cum out of men. She'll squeeze it out and make milk out of it."<br> <br> $ exhales a cloud of smoke.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Her milking pouch is also her digestive sac. If you don't bring her any cum to make milk out of, she'll make it out of your cock instead. And that isn't as pleasant, believe me. There's a reason why boobfairies are also called cock thieves.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Boobfairy milk is delicious. Especially when made from a man's own semen. You should give it a try. I'm sure Cíocha will offer you a taste.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Boobfairy milk has some side effects. It makes minds suggestible. And Cíocha likes making men suggestible. It makes it easier for her to talk them into meeting her big sister.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Cíocha is a particularly spiteful example of her kind. Most stop pumping out cum when they're full of milk. If it's a man Cíocha doesn't like, she'll keep pumping until he's all dried up and empty.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ pauses to puff on her cigarette.\<br\>\<br\>\"I don't think she likes any man. If she doesn't pump them dry, it's because she wants to talk them into getting inside her big sister, and only the most reckless of pleasure seekers do that.\""}>>
Cíocha Gadaí-na-Bod makes a point of flying ahead of you as you walk through the bar. This puts her lusciously swollen boob abdomen right in front of your eyeline. It's big and round and floats enticingly before your face. You know it's not a real tit – it isn't even attached to a woman's chest – but it still catches and holds your gaze, and Cíocha knows it.<br> <br> She finds a quiet table next to a side wall. A waitress comes over, but before she can take your order, Cíocha puts up a hand to stop her.<br> <br> "How about we prepare a special drink instead. We can do that?" she asks the waitress.<br> <br> The waitress, an attractive succubus in a skimpy uniform, flashes you a sultry smile and nods.<br> <br> "Good. Give her a $currencyName and I'll give you something special to drink."<br> <br> <<if $ lt 1>> [[$currencyName + "s? You check your pockets and realise you're out."->Ciocha: Socialising: No Money]] <<else>> [["You hand over a " + $currencyName + "."->Ciocha: Socialising: Drinking]] <</if>>
You shrug your shoulders apologetically and hold up your hands to show you're out.<br> <br> Cíocha turns to the succubus waitress. "Can we still? It's not like he'll be getting a drink from the bar."<br> <br> The waitress shakes her head.<br> <br> "Oh well," Cíocha says. "It looks like I won't be able to give you a taste of my milk down here. We'll have to wait until my room."<br> <br> She flutters over to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "It tastes better when it's made from the drinker's own semen."<br> <br> She gives you a lewd wink and flutters back to the presentation stage.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
You give the waitress a $currencyName and she goes away and returns with a strange metal stand and an empty tall glass.<br> <br> The stand is for Cíocha. She sits on it with her big rear boob dangling over the glass. Rather than leaving right away, the succubus waitress stays and starts to slowly and sensually caress Cíocha's boob. Her touch must be skilful and pleasurable as Cíocha closes her eyes and starts breathing more heavily.<br> <br> The waitress continues to stroke, caress, and gently squeeze. One hand cups underneath and slides around the curve. Her other hand moves inward and focuses on the nipple. At first her fingers playfully tweak, then start to rhythmically tug.<br> <br> The succubus turns and fixes you with a sultry stare. Her deft fingers move faster. Cíocha lets out a little panting sigh as white liquid splashes the bottom of the glass. It's just a splash at first, but the succubus waitress – still with her hot gaze fixed upon you – continues until she's milking a steady stream into the glass.<br> <br> Beneath the table, your erection strains in your pants.<br> <br> When she's decided she's milked enough, the succubus waitress stops and pushes the glass of milk across the table to you.<br> <br> "The freshest of milk," Cíocha turns to you and says.<br> <br> [[Drink it.->Ciocha: Socialising: Drink Milk]]<br> [[Don't drink it.->Ciocha: Socialising: Refuse Milk]]
Maybe a little too fresh, you think. You look down at the glass and think it too weird to drink it, especially after seeing where it came from.<br> <br> You look at Cíocha apologetically and nudge the glass back.<br> <br> To say this displeases Cíocha would be an understatement.<br> <br> "You refuse... my milk."<br> <br> Her pretty face turns thunderous. She subjects you to a volley of abuse in a language you thankfully don't understand before flying off in a considerable huff.<br> <br> The succubus waitress's face is unreadable as she turns and leaves. You're left alone at the table with a glass of suspicious milk.<br> <br> You leave it behind undrunk.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasRefusedMilk to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
You look uncertainly at the glass.<br> <br> It looks like milk.<br> <br> You lift the glass up and take a sip.<br> <br> It tastes like milk.<br> <br> You take a small drink.<br> <br> It tastes better than milk. So rich, so creamy, sweet – it's delicious. It's the best milk you've ever tasted.<br> <br> Her job done, the waitress leaves. Cíocha watches you gleefully as you drink her milk with bigger and more eager gulps. Finally, you drain the glass and let out a satisfied sigh.<br> <br> "My milk is delicious," Cíocha says.<br> <br> She flutters over to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "It tastes even better when it's made from the drinker's own semen."<br> <br> There is one slightly awkward side effect. Your boner refuses to go down as you return to $<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasRefusedMilk to false>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].drankMilkWhileSocialising to true>> <<set $semenChange to 1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Ciocha: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Ciocha: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Drank milk while socialising */ [1,false,false], /* Gift: Milk */ [1,false,false], /* Gift: body parts */ [3,false,false], /* Rejected milk after sex */ [3,false,false], /* Accepted milk after sex */ [3,false,false], /* Resisted milk hypnosis */ [3,false,false] /* Milk hypnosis */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $isOnBadEnd to $player.currIsCautious or $allHarlots[$hi].hasRefusedMilk>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].drankMilkWhileSocialising>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <</if>> <<include [[Ciocha: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Ciocha: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Cíocha Gadaí-na-Bod's room is a strange mix of decadent Greco-Roman décor and alien weirdness. The centrepiece of the room is a raised circular dais surrounded by columns of pink marble. Positioned in the centre of the dais is a large reclining lounger hewn from solid pink stone. The alien weirdness comes from the fleshy pink boobs clustered on the columns, walls and ceiling like barnacles. Disconcertingly, while you'd like to think they're some kind of surreal decoration, you can't shake the suspicion they might be alive.<br> <br> Cíocha swoops lazily between the pink pillars, her big boob abdomen jiggling behind her. <<if $isOnBadEnd>> <br><br> "Come on. Come on. Don't be shy," Cíocha says.<br> <br> She hovers between two pillars and beckons to you. She turns and gives her boob abdomen a little jiggle. From this angle it does look like a lovely – albeit disembodied – big tit.<br> <br> Cíocha turns back around and beckons to you again.<br> <br> "Come, come. I'm eager to give your cock a good milking.<br> <br> She turns and, with her back boob jiggling enticingly, flies over to the big stone lounger. <<else>> She beckons to you and then flies over to the big stone lounger. <</if>> You step between the pillars and up onto the raised platform. The ceiling is a domed mirror and this part of the room is brightly lit by a circle of lights surrounding it. The lights are angled to focus on the stone lounger in the centre of the dais.<br> <br> Cíocha buzzes up to you.<br> <br> "What have you brought me?"<br> <br> [[You give her your gift.->Ciocha: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Ciocha: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 22>> <<include [[Ciocha: Gift: Milk]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 26>> <<include [[Ciocha: Gift: Dildo]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(14)>> <<include [[Ciocha: Gift: Bodyparts]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(0,1)>> <<include [[Ciocha: Gift: Edible Drinkable]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Ciocha: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> She flies off with your gift.<br> <br> "Take your clothes off," she calls out behind her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Undress]]
Cíocha takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and smiles.<br> <br> "So, you want the really long milking session. I hope those balls of yours are nice and full."
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> Cíocha titters as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "I hope you didn't drink any of this on the way up," she says. "This is milk for succubi. They don't squeeze it from udders, if you know what I mean."<br> <br> <<if $player.currInt gt 3>> You do know what she means, though you wish you didn't. <<else>> You don't know what she means. You don't think you want to know what she means. <</if>><br> <br> Cíocha glances down at your crotch.<br> <br> "I prefer my milk to be freshly squeezed."
Cíocha holds up the $allGifts[$cgi].name and pulls a face.<br> <br> <<if $isOnBadEnd>> "It's always the quiet ones you have to watch. No, I'm not sticking that between my legs, you dirty perv." <<else>> "And what were you planning to do with this?" Cíocha asks. "It's not going between my legs. You can get that idea out of your head right now." <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> "Mmm. I'll save <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>that<<else>>them<</if>> for later," Cíocha says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.
"Meh. Most of $'s gifts are junk. It doesn't matter. I only want your cock anyway," Cíocha says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.
You take your clothes off and leave them in a neat pile at the edge of the raised dais. The stone recliner looks very sturdy. Disconcertingly, it also has some of the same fleshy boob growths as on the pillars and walls. There are a pair at the top, roughly where a head rest would be. There is also one at the end of each arm rest. At least the placement is deliberate enough for you to think they're some kind of //avant-garde// decoration rather than... something else.<br> <br> The boobs themselves look deliciously ripe and full. They also look very fleshy... on the one occasion you'd rather they looked more like silicone fakes.<br> <br> <<include [[Ciocha: Touch Boob]]>>
"Not to my taste," Cíocha says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.
Cíocha returns and hovers level with your head. She turns around and gives her boob abdomen another slutty little jiggle.<br> <br> <<if $isOnBadEnd>> Cíocha rolls her eyes and lets out an exasperated huff. She was expecting you to do something and you didn't.<br> <br> She gives her boob abdomen another jiggle.<br> <br> "You can touch it. Come on. Give it a good feel."<br> <br> You reach up and place a hand on the floating, disembodied tit. <<else>> You reach up and give her 'tit' an experimental squeeze. <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Fondle Boob]]
You pull your hand back in embarrassment.<br> <br> "What's the matter?" Cíocha asks. "Are you the type that doesn't get to feel a woman's tits very often."<br> <br> She laughs coldly.<br> <br> "Maybe you are. You look the sort."<br> <br> She turns around to face you.
<<if $player.currDex lt 2>> "A little rough," Cíocha says as you grope her. "That's okay, I'd rather a rough touch than a spineless wimp too afraid to touch me." <<elseif $player.currDex lt 5>> "How does it feel? Just as nice as the real thing, isn't it," Cíocha says. <<else>> "Ooh, what a touch," Cíocha says. "With hands like these I bet you get all the girls purring in bed." <</if>><br> <br> Cíocha lets you fondle her for a while before fluttering free and turning around to face you.
Unusual location aside, Cíocha's 'tit' feels just as good as the real thing. It's big and has a satisfying fleshy weight to it. The skin is warm and silky-smooth to the touch. The flesh beneath feels pleasingly soft and kneadable.<br> <br> It also seems as sensitive as a woman's breast, judging by the flush that appears on Cíocha's cheeks and the little erotic sighs she lets out.<br> <br> <<if $isOnBadEnd>> <<include [[Ciocha: Fondle Boob: Cautious]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Ciocha: Fondle Boob: Good]]>> <</if>><br> <br> "This isn't just a milk-producing tit," Cíocha says.<br> <br> She runs her hands behind her and over her lush pink curves.<br> <br> "It's also my milking pouch. I'm a little different to the other fairies you might have seen in here. You can stick your dick in me."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Finger]]
This time $ is not around to stop her. Cíocha parts her thighs and reveals a glistening pink tunnel.<br> <br> <<if $isOnBadEnd>>"Don't be shy. Have<<else>>"Have<</if>> a feel," she says.<br> <br> You lift up a finger and poke between her legs. Her anatomy is a little strange. What you took to be thighs also has the fleshy softness of labia. You gently push your finger inside, only for the muscular walls to contract and suck it in deeper. Ripples of pleasant muscular suction tug on your finger.<br> <br> "Imagine that on your cock," Cíocha says. "How nice it will feel."<br> <br> The thought of it already has your cock rising sharply in erection.<br> <br> Cíocha releases your finger and motions for you to lie on the stone lounger. You sit back and your head rests back on the soft tits before you remember they're there. They don't feel so bad. Feel pretty nice, actually. Warm, soft and fleshy – just like the real thing. They make a really pleasant cushion for your head.<br> <br> Cíocha encourages you to place your hands on the breasts at the end of each arm rest. They also feel like big soft tits. You catch yourself absent-mindedly toying with the rubbery nipples.<br> <br> Cíocha flutters down between your legs and hungrily eyes your rampant erection.<br> <br> "Succufairies often use magic to bind men while they're playing with them. For their protection," Cíocha says. "I've never felt the need for it."<br> <br> She hugs your erection to her naked body. She spends some time licking your swollen glans, paying special attention to your urethral opening.<br> <br> "Once I get their cock in my milking pouch and start sucking, men don't seem inclined to move or want to stop me."<br> <br> She flashes you a dirty grin and gives the tip of your cock a sloppy wet kiss.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Insertion]]
Cíocha flaps her wings and floats up above your erection. She parts her legs and slowly lowers herself down on your cock. You feel your swollen glans pass between her labia-like thighs and then your cock slide up into a warm and wet fleshy sheath.<br> <br> It looks strange – a big tit settling over your crotch and your cock sliding up inside it – but the pleasure has you squeezing the fleshy breast adornments at the end of the armrests.<br> <br> Cíocha lies flat against you and lets her tiny hands toy with your pubic hair. Thick fleshy walls press around your cock. A gentle sucking sensation tugs on your erection.<br> <br> "See what I mean," Cíocha says. "Who would want this to stop."<br> <br> Her boob continues to tug on your cock with gentle peristaltic suction. You lie back and look up into the mirrored ceiling. It looks just as strange there. There's a giant tit sitting on your crotch with a tiny fairy girl squashed beneath it. Yet, as strange as it looks, the pleasure is undeniable. The slow sucking tugs keep you hard and slowly raise your arousal.<br> <br> It's why I had the mirrors put in," Cíocha says. "Most men find it kinky to watch my big boob milking pouch sucking away on their cock. They know it should look too weird to turn them on, but it does anyway."<br> <br> The soft warm flesh pressing all around your erection – sucking on your erection – goes a long way to overcoming how strange it looks, you think.<br> <br> You lie back and look up at Cíocha's 'milking pouch' working away on your cock.<br> <br> "It feels as good as it looks. Go on, feel for yourself."<br> <br> You bring your hands over and let them play with the big soft boob. You slide them over the lovely smooth contours. Somewhere, deep within that warm flesh, is your dick. You feel the warm fleshy walls steadily working away on your cock, slowly sucking you up to climax.<br> <br> "Let's let a little air out and make it a little tighter," Cíocha says. "Make it nice and snug."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Tighten Insertion]]
You hear a faint hissing sound, like air escaping a balloon. You feel a puff of air against the palm of your hand and realise she's expelling air through her nipple. Your cock is sucked in deeper and the fleshy walls press tighter around it. Cíocha wraps her legs around the base of your cock and grips you tightly.<br> <br> "Nice and snug... and not going anywhere."<br> <br> Cíocha laughs and blows a raspberry against your belly. Her tit continues to stimulate your cock with slow pulsing suction.<br> <br> That feels good. Really good.<br> <br> Your hands fall back to the soft fleshy armrests and you let Cíocha's boob continue to suck and squeeze your cock. The fleshy pouch secretes more juices – warmer and thicker. The pulsing motions of the inner walls coat your cock in the warm juices and rub them in.<br> <br> "I do have a little trick," Cíocha says. "My milking pouch secretes a special little juice. It's part aphrodisiac and part paralysing agent. It's to keep the <<if $isOnBadEnd or $cgi eq 0>>prey<<else>>men<</if>> nice, relaxed, and docile while I milk them."<br> <br> <<if $isOnBadEnd or $cgi eq 0>> Cíocha puts a hand to her mouth.<br> <br> "Oh, did I say 'prey'? That was a little slip on my part. Not that you can do anything about it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Bad End: Reveal]] <<else>> <<include [[Ciocha: Good End: Semen Check]]>> <</if>>
Cíocha looks up at you with a crafty smile.<br> <br> "My paralysing juices will have taken effect by now. You're not going to be able to lift a hand to stop me."<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includesAny(29,36) and $cgi neq 0>> You don't think that's true. Although you do feel pleasantly relaxed, you can still move your arms. Not that you want to. Currently, you're perfectly fine with letting Cíocha do her thing. You hear another little hiss as Cíocha lets out more air. <<else>> She's right. You feel unnaturally relaxed and comfortable. Your body doesn't seem to want to move, so all you can do is lie back and let Cíocha do her thing. You hear another little hiss as Cíocha lets out more air. <</if>> Her soft boobflesh presses even more tightly around your cock. Her tit sucks on you with greater urgency. You feel your balls start to respond.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Out of Semen]] <<else>> "Here it comes," Cíocha says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Terminal Milking 1]] <</if>>
You do feel comfortably relaxed. It's so much easier to just lie back and let Cíocha do her thing. You hear another little hiss as Cíocha lets out more air. Her soft boobflesh presses even more tightly around your cock. Her tit sucks on you with greater urgency. You feel your balls start to respond.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Out of Semen]] <<else>> "Here it comes," Cíocha says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Ejaculation]] <</if>>
Her milking pouch sucks your cock all the way in and squeezes. You writhe in pleasure on the stone lounger. As good as it feels, it isn't quite enough to tip you over the edge.<br> <br> Cíocha senses it too. She relaxes her boob and goes back to gentle kneading and tugging on your cock. Then, when she thinks you're ready, she sucks you in deep and presses warm flesh all around your cock.<br> <br> It feels amazing and you want to come, really want to come, but your body can't quite get there. You think you might have already used up your semen for the night on the other harlots.<br> <br> After a third big tug and squeeze fails, Cíocha looks up at you in annoyance.<br> <br> "Are you going to come or not?" she asks sharply.<br> <br> <<if not $player.charms.includesAny(29, 36) or $cgi eq 0>> Your body still feels really relaxed and heavy from her paralysing secretions. The best you can manage is an apologetic shrug.<br> <br> <</if>> Cíocha lets out an irritated sigh.<br> <br> She gets back to kneading and tugging your cock with her boob-shaped milking pouch. The walls secrete more fluids. These feel thicker and stickier. The pulsing motions of her boob coat your cock in the warm juices. You feel a pleasant tingle at first, but that starts to become an annoyance, as if your erection is being nibbled by a horde of tiny insects.<br> <br> Her boob continues to suck and squeeze as if Cíocha is still trying to get you off, but the thick juices inside no longer feel quite so comfortable. In fact, they start to feel less like lubricant and more caustic.<br> <br> Cíocha sees your discomfort and her smile widens.<br> <br> "This isn't just my milking pouch," she says. "It's also my digestive sac."<br> <br> The prickly burning sensation intensifies. You feel it all over your cock. The fleshy tit continues to work and rub more sticky juices into your member.<br> <br> "If you aren't going to give me your cum, I'll make milk out of your cock instead."<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includesAny(29, 36) and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Out of Semen: Charm Interrupt]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Out of Semen: Horror End]] <</if>>
Her milking pouch sucks your cock all the way in and squeezes. You let out an orgasmic moan as you climax and spurt inside Cíocha's big fleshy tit.<br> <br> "Ah, yummy," Cíocha says. "I'll be able to make good milk from this."<br> <br> The gentle wet suction drags out your ejaculation. You tense and untense on the stone lounger as your throbbing cock pumps out two or three loads worth of cum into the fleshy pouch. The pulsing boobflesh draws out your ejaculation, draws it out until it doesn't seem to want to end.<br> <br> "Mmm. Got you now," Cíocha says.<br> <br> There is another little hiss of air from her nipple. The soft flesh of her boob closes in tighter. The pulsing stimulation concentrates on the sensitive ridge of your glans. You gasp and buck, and empty another deluge of cum into the big warm tit.<br> <br> "Mmm, yes. Empty it all out. I'll make it into lovely milk."<br> <br> Her big tit swells at your crotch as you continue to twitch and pump cum into it. White fluid starts dribbling from the nipple.<br> <br> "Oh, it's more milk than I can contain," Cíocha says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Terminal Milking 2]]
Her tit keeps throbbing, and keeps you locked in endless orgasm. Milk wells up from the nipple and dribbles down the side of the fleshy mound in little rivulets.<br> <br> "That old hag always chides me for being wasteful," Cíocha says. "She tells me I should be considerate and only take what I need."<br> <br> Cíocha laughs cruelly.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "Ah, but you asked for this. I'll give you the full milking and spray it all over the floor." <<else>> "I'll take as much as I want. I'll take it all and spray it all over the floor. Because I can." <</if>><br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includesAny(29,36) and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Ciocha: Terminal Milking: Charm Interrupt]]>> <<else>> And you can't stop her. Something is badly wrong here. You keep ejaculating, even though your balls must long be empty by now.<br> <br> "Here it comes. The pressure is too much for me to contain."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Bad End]] <</if>>
And that's enough, you think. Time to stop her. You lift your hands up from the boob arm rests and move to the pulsing tit at your crotch.<br> <br> Cíocha sees the hand movement.<br> <br> "Ah, someone's visited that old witch."<br> <br> She closes her legs tightly around the base of your cock as you grab the big fleshy tit.<br> <br> "You don't want to do this," she warns. "This pouch is also my digestion sac, and your dick is inside it. Try to tear me off and I'll take your dick with me."<br> <br> Her tit shudders ominously around your cock.<br> <br> [[Try to – carefully! – pull her off.->Ciocha: Charm: Pull Off]]<br> [[Heed her warning and put your hands back on the arm rests.->Ciocha: Charm: Do Nothing]]
Cíocha lets out a moan and her strange nipple squirts milk in the air like a fountain. If you hadn't already come – over and over – inside Cíocha's tit, you might have fooled yourself into thinking that was your ejaculation.<br> <br> "That's your life," Cíocha says with unbridled glee. "I'm drawing it out of you and turning it into lovely milk."<br> <br> Droplets of warm milk spatter your naked body like rain.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "And now I'm spraying it all over the room. Watch it go to waste. Watch your life go to waste. Does it arouse you? You did ask for this, after all." <<else>> "And now I'm spraying it all over the room. Watch it go to waste. Watch your life go to waste, because that's all you are." <</if>><br> <br> You don't look so good in the mirror. You're starting to look gaunt. Her diabolical boob continues to pulse around your cock. It continues to pump out your bodily fluids in one endless, unstoppable ejaculation.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "I would have liked to have fed you to Big Sis, but you asked for the 'special' milking session. Are you enjoying it?" <<else>> "I would have fed you to Big Sis, but you're cautious, and the cautious ones are always a pain to deal with. They don't know what's good for them. They get fearful. They don't get inside. That annoys Big Sis. She doesn't like having her time wasted. And so I'll waste you, because that's all you are – a waste." <</if>><br> <br> Her boob throbs and pumps. Your cock keeps spurting inside it.<br> <br> "That's it," Cíocha says harshly. "Watch your life splash and drain away on the floor. It's all you're good for."<br> <br> And that's all you can do. You lie back and watch and feel her cursed milk splash on your body. It's your life force. Cíocha pumps it all out of your body and sprays it wastefully across the room, laughing gleefully the whole time.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Ciocha: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<unset $isOnBadEnd>>
Her milking pouch sucks your cock all the way in and squeezes. You let out an orgasmic moan as you climax and spurt inside Cíocha's big fleshy tit.<br> <br> "Ah, yummy," Cíocha says. "I'll be able to make good milk from this."<br> <br> The gentle wet suction drags out your ejaculation. You tense and untense on the stone lounger as your throbbing cock pumps out two or three loads worth of cum into the fleshy pouch. You suspect Cíocha could keep going if she wanted and you'd be helpless to resist. Instead, she decides it's enough. The fleshy pouch dilates and – denied stimulation – your ejaculation subsides to a dribble.<br> <br> "That will do for now," Cíocha says.<br> <br> She parts her thighs and crawls up your belly, letting your spent cock slide out.<br> <br> She stands up on your belly and slides her hands behind her and over the sides of her swollen boob abdomen. She bounces up and down and gives her rear tit a shake while murmuring in pleasure.<br> <br> "Mmm, and now something special to finish off with."<br> <br> She turns and shows off her big pink boob abdomen. A little dewdrop of white milk oozes from the nipple.<br> <br> "Your own special milk," Cíocha says. "Totally fresh. Would you like to take a drink?"<br> <br> [[Yes.->Ciocha: Drink Milk]]<br> [[No.->Ciocha: Reject Milk]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> <<set $semenChange to 1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> The corner of Cíocha's lips turn up in a little smirk as you accept her offer. Still looking back over her shoulder at you, she takes off and lazily buzzes up to your face with her big fleshy boob abdomen seductively swinging from side to side. She lands on your collarbone on dainty feet, sits back and pushes her big fleshy boob into your face.<br> <br> "Take a good suck," she says.<br> <br> Relishing the soft fleshy weight of the tit against your face, you draw the nipple between your lips and start to suckle. Cíocha moans suggestively as first a dribble, then a flood of fresh milk pours into your mouth. The taste blows your mind. It's so rich and so creamy. <<if $allHarlots[$hi].drankMilkWhileSocialising>> It tastes better even than the small sample you tasted downstairs.<br> <br> "I told you it tastes better when it's made from your own semen," Cíocha says.<br> <br> You agree and greedily suckle for more. <<else>> You greedily suckle for more. <</if>> "Drink up. Drink deep. You've earned it."<br> <br> You do and a comfortable enervation creeps through your body. Your mind feels pleasantly fuzzy, as if wrapped up in cotton wool.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Milk Hypnosis Check]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> Milk made from your semen? That's too weird. You'll pass on that.<br> <br> Cíocha doesn't seem too put out by your refusal. She gives an insouciant little shrug.<br> <br> "As you wish. You don't know what you're missing out on."<br> <br> She flutters up and settles down on one of the breast pillows next to your head.<br> <br> "My kind don't always stay this small," Cíocha says. "I have a friend in the House. She's the same size as you. You could have regular sex with her. Her milking pouch is a tit so big you couldn't get your arms all the way around it. And it's so huggably warm and soft. You'd really enjoy being with her."<br> <br> She leans close to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "How about I introduce you? She's a little shy, but I'll tell her how nice you are. Wouldn't that be wonderful?"<br> <br> <<include [[Ciocha: Not Hypnotized: Good End]]>>
You grimace as the pain increases. You can't let this continue. She's melting off your dick!<br> <br> Despite Cíocha's claims to the contrary, you're not paralysed. You're able to lift your hands up from the boob arm rests.<br> <br> Cíocha sees and says, "Hmm. Someone's visited the witch. It won't help you."<br> <br> She clamps her legs tightly against the root of your cock. Coated in digestive juices, her thighs start to cut into the base.<br> <br> Roaring with pain, you grab the big pulsing tit. You're in too much pain to think straight. All you know is that you must rip it off your crotch. <<include [[Ciocha: Horror End]]>>
You grimace as the pain increases. You no longer feel comfortably relaxed, but your body still feels too heavy to move. You can't move. All you can do is lie back on the stone lounger as the pain at your crotch grows and grows.<br> <br> "My kind normally secrete a narcotic alongside our digestive juices. It's to stop prey struggling when we have them inside our digestive pouches. It also makes men feel so good they don't even notice we're taking their dicks."<br> <br> Cíocha's eyes shine. Bright and cruel.<br> <br> "Me, I like to hear them scream."<br> <br> And scream you do. You scream until you pass out from the pain as Cíocha slowly melts your dick away inside her digestive sac. While that isn't enough to kill you, $ has no use for a man without a penis, and what she does to men that are no longer a use to her is best not dwelled upon...<br> <br> <<include [[Ciocha: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Cíocha stubbornly clamps her legs tight to the root and refuses to budge. She secretes more digestive juices and the walls pulse and undulate faster.<br> <br> Panicking now, fearing you're about to lose your pride and joy, you give a mighty tug, rip Cíocha off and hurl her away against one of the pillars. Sadly for you, Cíocha was anticipating this. She closes her legs, twists, and your dick – softened by her digestive juices – comes off with her.<br> <br> Cíocha turns in mid-air, lets her fleshy boob cushion the impact against the pillar, rebounds, and then recovers to hover above you. She smiles tauntingly at you and reaches behind to rub her boob-shaped digestive pouch.<br> <br> "Mmm. Your dick tastes so good inside me. I'm going to digest it nice and slowly."<br> <br> You stare down at your mangled crotch, shriek and pass out from the shock. While this isn't enough to kill you, $ has no use for a man without a penis, and what she does to men that are no longer a use to her is best not dwelled upon...<br> <br> <<include [[Ciocha: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
That's just more incentive to remove her as fast as possible. You try to get a good grip on the big fleshy tit.<br> <br> "I warned you," Cíocha says.<br> <br> Glands within her tit secrete thick, sticky liquids and the pulsing walls rub them all over your cock. Its starts as a tingling sensation that moves up to a prickly burning sensation, and then outright pain. You try to slide Cíocha off your penis before her acidic secretions can do more damage.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(21)>> "That other charm won't save you either," Cíocha states. "We don't really care about taste." <<else>> "You're going to rip it off," Cíocha laughs. <</if>><br> <br> She clamps her legs tightly against the root of your cock. Coated in digestive juices, her thighs start to cut into the base.<br> <br> You roar in pain. It's too much for you to think straight. All you know is that you must get that damn tit off your crotch. <<include [[Ciocha: Horror End]]>>
You take your hands and put them back on the boob-shaped arm rests.<br> <br> "Idiot!" Cíocha laughs. "$'s charms can be overridden if their bearer wishes it."<br> <br> Her boob shivers and your cock is drowned in more juices.<br> <br> "And now you are paralysed and helpless. Just lie back and enjoy it as I milk you to death."<br> <br> With horror, you realise she's right. Your hands remain clamped to the soft boobs at the end of the arm rests. You can't move your arms. You can't do anything as her boob gets back to sucking ejaculation after ejaculation out of you.<br> <br> "Oh yes, so much milk," Cíocha moans.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ciocha: Bad End]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> A full-size version of Cíocha? That sounds interesting.<br> <br> You might be up for that, you think as you put your clothes back on.<br> <br> Cíocha waves you off. She turns and gives you a last little jiggle of her rear boob as you walk to the exit.<br> <br> <<include [[Ciocha: Good End]]>>
/* If Cruiscini hasn't been visited set up a forced appearance with Ciocha next round */ <<if not $allHarlots[43].hasBeenVisited>> <<set $allHarlots[43].isWithCiocha to true>> <<set $targetRound to $currentRound + 1>> <<set $hi to 43>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Schedule Override Visit]]>> <<set $hi to 40>> <</if>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Ciocha: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [27]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> "My kind don't always stay this small," Cíocha says. "I have a friend in the House. She's the same size as you. You could have regular sex with her. Her milking pouch is a tit so big you couldn't get your arms all the way around it. And it's so huggably warm and soft. You'd really enjoy being in her."<br> <br> <<if _testPassed>> <<include [[Ciocha: Not Hypnotized by Milk]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Ciocha: Hypnotized by Milk]]>> <</if>>
There is a pleasantly soothing quality to Cíocha's words.<br> <br> "How about I introduce you? She's a little shy, but I'll tell her how nice you taste. Wouldn't that be wonderful?"<br> <br> <<include [[Ciocha: Not Hypnotized: Good End]]>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[6][1] to true>> /* add drugged ailment */ <<set _ailment to 10>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> There is a soothing, hypnotic quality to Cíocha's words.<br> <br> "How about I introduce you? She's a little shy, but I'll tell her how nice you taste. Wouldn't that be wonderful?"<br> <br> You think that would be wonderful. You can't wait to meet her.<br> <br> You dreamily imagine a full-size version of Cíocha as you clumsily put your clothes back on. Your head still feels like it's floating in an ocean of warm milk as you make your way over to the exit.<br> <br> <<include [[Ciocha: Good End]]>>
<br><br> <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> "Hmm. I have observed her tasting sessions down in the bar. From afar, of course. Rather... harumph... stimulating."<br> <br> $ glances down at his notebook.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> "I'm quite aware of what that 'milk' is," $ says when you mention the gift you brought to Cíocha.<br> <br> He pulls a face.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> "What could she want to do later with such a gruesome gift? On second thoughts, forget it. I'd rather not know."<br> <br> $ shudders.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> "You turned down her milk? Mmm, then I suppose the manner of production and delivery is rather... unusual."<br> <br> $ writes down more notes in his book.<br> <br> <<elseif _scoreArray[4][1] and not _osa[4][2]>> <<if _scoreArray[5][1] and not _osa[5][2]>> "You drank her milk?"<br> <br> You tell him you did.<br> <br> "And no ill effects?"<br> <br> You shake your head. None that you're aware of. $ nods and scrawls down more notes in his book.<br> <br> <<elseif _scoreArray[6][1] and not _osa[6][2]>> "You drank her milk afterwards?"<br> <br> You tell him you did. $ listens with increasing boredom as you enthuse in great detail about the taste and quality of Cíocha's milk.<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[5][1] and not _osa[5][2]>> <<set _drankMilk to _scoreArray[4][1] and not _osa[4][2]>> "Interesting. You seem a little more... together... than the other fools who visited <<if _drankMilk>>Cíocha and drank her milk.<<else>>Cíocha.<</if>> Cíocha normally shows up again later with her big sister. I have very little on her. So, keep your wits about you and find out what you can." <<elseif _scoreArray[6][1] and not _osa[6][2]>> "Cíocha seems to have made quite an impression on you. She'll show up again later with her big sister. She always does. I'd tell you to try and keep yourself out of that one's pussy, but it never stops them." <</if>>
/* Cruiscíní Gadaí-na-Duine */ <<set $hi to 43>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Cruiscíní Gadaí-na-Duine", shortDescription: "", faction: 4, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, isWithCiocha: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, refusedDrinkWhileSocialising: false, theMadamIntervenedWhileSocialising: false, preIntroductionLink: "Cruiscini: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Cruiscini: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Cruiscini: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Cruiscini: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Cruiscini: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Cruiscini: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Cruiscini: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Cruiscini: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Cruiscini: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(27)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ <<set $player.currWill to 5>> <<set $player.currInt to 4>> /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 11>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 43>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].isWithCiocha to true>> /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<if $allHarlots[_hi].isWithCiocha>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a human-sized fairy girl. She hovers in place on twin pairs of whirring insect wings. There is a large fleshy bulge depending from the back of her legs that resembles a monstrously oversized boob. A smaller boobfairy – Cíocha Gadaí-na-Bod – flutters around her head.">> <<else>> <<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a human-sized fairy girl. She hovers in place on twin pairs of whirring insect wings. There is a large fleshy bulge depending from the back of her legs that resembles a monstrously oversized boob.">> <</if>>
<<set _isWithCiocha to $allHarlots[$hi].isWithCiocha>> /* Madam intro */ "This is Cruiscíní Gadaí-na-Duine. She's what little boobfairies grow into," $ says. "She has brought a lot of boob for you to play with. A lovely experience for all lovers of boobs."<br> <br> <<if _isWithCiocha>> $ glances at the smaller fairy circling Cruiscíní's head.<br> <br> "Oh, and she's also brought along a little friend to join in the fun."<br> <br> <</if>> /* Long description */ Cruiscíní Gadaí-na-Duine looks like a fairy girl scaled up to human size. She has two pairs of long insect wings and they whir noisily as she hovers in place. Cruiscíní is completely naked. Her voluptuous breasts are covered in long, shaggy white hair. She stares demurely at the floor with heavy-lidded eyes. Her eyes are white with no pupils or iris, and look like pools of milk.<br> <br> <<if _isWithCiocha>> Her most unusual feature is the enormous mound of pink flesh that emerges from her butt and the back of her legs. As with Cíocha, if Cruiscíní was some kind of insect you'd think it her abdomen. Also like Cíocha, it resembles an enormous breast. And it is truly enormous. Cíocha's boob abdomen is about the same size as the breast of a voluptuous young woman. In contrast, Cruiscíní's boob looks like it belongs to a 60ft tall giantess.<br> <br> Speaking of Cíocha, she settles down on Cruiscíní's shoulder and looks at you with hungry eyes. <<else>> Her most unusual feature is the enormous mound of pink flesh that emerges from her butt and the back of her legs. If Cruiscíní was some kind of insect you'd think it her abdomen. It resembles an enormous breast. And it is truly enormous. Cruiscíní's boob looks like it belongs to a 60ft tall giantess. <</if>><br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "I am Cruiscíní Gadaí-na-Duine," the big boobfairy says.<br> <br> Her voice is as soft and rich as cream.<br> <br> <<if _isWithCiocha>> "I hear you like boobs," she says.<br> <br> She gives Cíocha a sidelong glance.<br> <br> "I have a really big one for you to play with."<br> <br> Cruiscíní sweeps her hands behind her and up the bulging curves of her enormous boob abdomen.<br> <br> "She'll let you fully explore it, both inside and out," Cíocha says. <<else>> "Do you like boobs? I have a nice big one for you to play with."<br> <br> Cruiscíní sweeps her hands behind her and up the bulging curves of her enormous boob abdomen. <</if>><br>
"Ah, Cruiscíní Gadaí-na-Duine. Boobfairies might start out small, but they don't stay that way. Many fools make the mistake of thinking that once they get to that size it's possible to have regular sex with the fairy. It takes a lot more than a cock to fill her boob pouch when she's that big, and she will fill it, if you know what I mean."<br> <br> $ gives you a filthy wink.<br> <br> "She doesn't usually show up without Cíocha to lead her. Cíocha will tell you it's because she's shy and looking for a 'good' man. It's all lies. If those two have taken an interest in a man it's because they think he's foolhardy, reckless, and/or stupid. That shy girl demeanour of Cruiscíní's is just an act. Underneath she's just as malevolent as her nasty little sister. And hungry..."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "You're lucky she's bound by $'s rules like the rest of us. If the patron requests it, Cruiscíní has to spit them out. Being able to make that request, especially after being drugged to the eyeballs by boobfairy milk, now that's a different matter..."<br> <br> $ smiles and there's a nasty glint in her eye.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"The bigger the boobfairy, the more delicious and potent their milk. Even though it's risky, you should give Cruiscíní's milk a try. It will be the best milk you've ever tasted.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Boobfairies use their milk to drug intended prey. The right charm can offer some protection against that, but not without limits. A drink with Cruiscíní in the bar is the start of a short journey that ends in her stomach, and no charm will save you from that.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Cruiscíní's boob pouch is also her digestive pouch, but it feels so comfortable inside many choose to stay there, ejaculating in ecstasy, even as Cruiscíní turns them into milk. It takes a strong will to ask to leave.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: false, text: "\"If Cíocha is there, Cruiscíní is even more dangerous. It's already hard enough to ask her to stop once she has you shuddering in ecstasy and coming like a fountain, just imagine how much harder it'll be with a big boob stuffed in your mouth and squirting drugged milk down your throat. You'd need the focus of a saint, or divine protection, to withstand that.\""}>>
<<set _isWithCiocha to $allHarlots[$hi].isWithCiocha>> <<if _isWithCiocha>> Cruiscíní Gadaí-na-Duine's wings whir loudly as she hovers in front of you while you pick your way through the bar in search of a spare table. Cíocha's wings add a quieter buzz as she whirs in and out between you and Cruiscíní.<br> <br> As you fall back behind her, you get an unfettered view of her fleshy pink abdomen. It's definitely eye-catching. The likeness to an enormous ripe round boob is unmistakable. And it is enormous. The tit of a giantess. The brown areola is the size of a dinner plate. For all it's weird, disembodied appearance, you still find it queerly arousing.<br> <br> Cruiscíní chooses one of the round tables in the central open area. She settles down on a stool and her busy wings cease their whirring. Cíocha buzzes around her in a long looping ellipse before settling on her shoulder. <<else>> Cruiscíní Gadaí-na-Duine's wings whir loudly as she hovers in front of you while you pick your way through the bar in search of a spare table. As you fall back behind her, you get an unfettered view of her fleshy pink abdomen. It's definitely eye-catching. The likeness to an enormous ripe round boob is unmistakable. And it is enormous. The tit of a giantess. The brown areola is the size of a dinner plate. For all its weird, disembodied appearance, you still find it queerly arousing.<br> <br> Cruiscíní chooses one of the round tables in the central open area. She settles down on a stool and her busy wings cease their whirring. <</if>><br> <br> Cruiscíní catches the attention of one of the skimpily attired waitresses and gives her a little nod of her head. Rather than approaching the table to take your order, the waitress gives a little nod back, favours you with a sultry smirk, then turns and walks away.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Socialising: Milking]]
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Cruiscini: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cruiscini: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Madam intervened while socialising */ [1,false,false], /* Turned down milk while socialising */ [1,false,false], /* Tasted Milk */ [5,false,false], /* Drank milk and survived */ [5,false,false], /* Survived */ [3,false,false], /* Solo Bonus */ [6,false,false] /* With Ciocha Bonus */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $isWithCiocha to $allHarlots[$hi].isWithCiocha>> <<if $isWithCiocha>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[6][1] to true>> <<else>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> <</if>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].theMadamIntervenedWhileSocialising>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <</if>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].refusedDrinkWhileSocialising>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <</if>> <<if $isDirectFromSocialising>> <<include [[Cruiscini: Direct From Socialising]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cruiscini: Enter Room]]>> <</if>>
<<include [[Cruiscini: First-Time Scenario]]>>
The waitress returns with a friend. One carries a little three-legged milking stool, the other a big glass goblet. They both give you sly smiles before moving around behind Cruiscíní.<br> <br> You don't see what they do to Cruiscíní, only the effect it has on her. Cruiscíní's face flushes and her breath quickens. She lets out an erotic sigh.<br> <br> The first waitress steps out from behind Cruiscíní. She places the big glass goblet on the centre of the table. You see it's now full with a white liquid that looks like milk. Cruiscíní looks over the goblet to you with a faint smile on her lips. There is a hint of challenge in her milky-white eyes. You look down from her beautiful pale face to the big glass goblet.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].isWithCiocha>> <<include [[Cruiscini: Socialising: Milk Choice]]>> <<else>> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Socialising: Madam Intervention]] <</if>>
Cíocha leaves her perch. She flies down and lands on the table next to the goblet. It's almost as tall as her. She peeks over the rim at the milky contents within.<br> <br> "Doesn't it look delicious," she says. "Our milk improves as we grow larger."<br> <br> She looks up at you.<br> <br> "Go on, drink," she says. Her voice is as smooth and as rich as cream.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 10>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> The memories of Cíocha's milk are still fresh on your tongue. And she says Cruiscíní's is even better. Eagerly, you reach for the goblet.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Socialising: Drink Milk]] <<else>> [[Drink.->Cruiscini: Socialising: Drink Milk]]<br> [[Don't Drink.->Cruiscini: Socialising: Refuse Milk]] <</if>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].theMadamIntervenedWhileSocialising to true>> Before you can do anything, $ swoops in and plucks the goblet off the table.<br> <br> "That will be enough of that," she says.<br> <br> She turns to Cruiscíní.<br> <br> "You know the rules. You set out and agreed to your conditions. Please keep to them."<br> <br> $ haughtily strides back to her place at the lectern, handing off the sloshing goblet to a bemused waitress along the way.<br> <br> Cruiscíní looks chastened, but with a slight smirk that indicates she'd do it again if given the chance.<br> <br> "My apologies," she says. "$ is very strict with her rules. You'll have to wait until we get up to my room to drink my milk."<br> <br> Her heavy-lidded gaze is hot and sultry.<br> <br> "We won't need to use a glass. You can drink directly from my teat."<br> <br> Your erection rises in your pants. It's still hard as you follow her back to the presentation stage.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $semenChange to 2>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> With Cruiscíní and Cíocha nodding their encouragement, you lift up the goblet with two hands and drink the milk.<br> <br> It's delicious. It slides smoothly down your throat and your body starts to fill up with a kind of comfortable, euphoric bliss.<br> <br> Everything seems right with the universe. You sit there and feel like your head – no, your entire body – has been wrapped up in warm eiderdown. Cruiscíní and Cíocha are alluring presences on the other side of the table. Your cock twitches in your pants. You're going to have a threesome with this pair and you can't think of anything you want more.<br> <br> Floating in a warm comfortable fog, you lose all track of time. You're still chatting pleasantly to these two lovely ladies when you feel the buzzer go off in your pocket. It's time to go and make your choice.<br> <br> That is a formality.<br> <br> Cruiscíní and Cíocha escort you back to the stage.<br> <br> "He's chosen," Cíocha says.<br> <br> $ smiles and nods.<br> <br> Still floating in an euphoric haze, you let Cruiscíní and Cíocha lead you through the curtain and into the corridor leading to the harlot rooms. Out of habit, you pause at the gifts table. Cíocha tells you that you don't have to worry about that, so you don't.<br> <br> Smiling blissfully, you follow the two boobfairies to Cruiscíní's room. They open the door and usher you into the room.<br> <br> <<set $isDirectFromSocialising to true>> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Scenario]]
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].refusedDrinkWhileSocialising to true>> As tempting as the milk looks, you hold back on taking a drink. Something about this doesn't feel right.<br> <br> You apologise and tell Cruiscíní and Cíocha you don't feel thirsty right now.<br> <br> Your refusal puzzles the two girls. Cruiscíní's face hardens and she gives Cíocha a sharp glance. The smaller boobfairy responds with an apologetic shrug.<br> <br> "He's a little shy, that's all," she says. "He'll be okay up in the room where we have some privacy."<br> <br> Cruiscíní seems to accept it. Her face softens and she's once again seductively coy as she sits opposite. <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [13]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> You do notice a note of tension has crept in between Cruiscíní and Cíocha, as if they were expecting something else to happen and one is holding the other to blame for it not happening. <</if>><br> <br> With you refusing Cruiscíní's milk, there isn't much reason to stay here, so you return with Cruiscíní and Cíocha to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
Just like Cíocha's, Cruiscíní's room also looks like the interior of an undersea temple. The walls are polished stone, green-blue in colour. As with Cíocha's room, you notice strange growths on the walls and ceiling. They're clustered together like barnacles, yet look like pink fleshy boobs.<br> <br> The centrepiece of the room is a big four-poster bed sitting on a raised dais. Rather than wood, the four posts at each corner seem to be made out of the same polished stone as the walls.<br> <br> Still in a blissful haze, you let Cruiscíní undress you.<br> <br> "He's yours. You can take him now," Cíocha says.<br> <br> "There's no rush," Cruiscíní says. "Let him have a little fun first."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Drugged Feel Boob]]
<<if $isWithCiocha>> Just like Cíocha's, Cruiscíní Gadaí-na-Duine's room also looks like the interior of an undersea temple. The walls are polished stone, green-blue in colour. As with Cíocha's room, you notice strange growths on the walls and ceiling. They're clustered together like barnacles, yet look like pink fleshy boobs. <<else>> Cruiscíní Gadaí-na-Duine's room also looks like the interior of an undersea temple. The walls are polished stone, green-blue in colour. You notice strange growths on the walls and ceiling. They're clustered together like barnacles, yet look like pink fleshy boobs. <</if>><br> <br> The centrepiece of the room is a big four-poster bed sitting on a raised dais. Rather than wood, the four posts at each corner seem to be made out of the same polished stone as the walls.<br> <br> Her long wings whirring, Cruiscíní floats over to you. As downstairs, she's completely naked, with only her long flowing white hair covering her voluptuous breasts. Her flesh is unblemished and pale like milk. She smiles shyly at you.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> Cíocha hovers just above Cruiscíní's left shoulder. Her gaze is not shy.<br> <br> <</if>> You go to offer Cruiscíní your gift, only for her to shake her head.<br> <br> "It's not necessary. Your person is gift enough." <<if $cgi eq 0>> Her smiles loses its shyness and becomes vulpine. "Though it's nice to formalise it." <</if>><br> <br> She points to a small alcove inset into the wall and asks you to leave the $allGifts[$cgi].name there.<br> <br> "Please get undressed and leave your clothes here."<br> <br> She beckons to some stone pegs on the wall next to the door.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> "Get those clothes off and the fun can begin," Cíocha says.<br> <br> <</if>> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Undressed]]
You get undressed and hang your clothes on the pegs. You turn around and see Cruiscíní has done the same, presenting her enormous boob abdomen to you. <<include [[Cruiscini: Feel Boob]]>>
It does bear an uncanny resemblance to a lovely bulging boob. It's double-D in proportion but scaled up to far beyond the point where sizes matter. It is light pink in colour and has that healthy sheen of freshly scrubbed skin. The areola is dusky brown and the size of a dinner plate. The rubbery nub of her nipple is almost as big as your fist.<br> <br> Cruiscíní glances demurely over her shoulder and gives her gigantic boob a suggestive little jiggle.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> "She wants you to give it a good feel," Cíocha says. "To prove it's just as good as the real thing."<br> <br> Cíocha flies up to your ear.<br> <br> "Maybe even better," she whispers. <<else>> "You can touch it," Cruiscíní says. "Give it a good feel." <</if>><br> <br> You place a hand on the big round bulge. The skin feels silky smooth to the touch. It feels as warm and soft and as springy as flesh. Just like touching a woman's naked boob, albeit a gargantuan one.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> "No need to be shy!" Cíocha says. "Give it a good grope." <<else>> "Don't be shy," Cruiscíní says. <</if>><br> <br> You can't cup it with a hand. It's too big, so you try to cup it with your whole body instead. You slide your hands over the smooth curves. It's very nice to the touch. It feels like a massive breast – warm, comfortable.<br> <br> And vast.<br> <br> It's a boob that's bigger than you. Your arms come nowhere near to encircling it. Cheekily, Cruiscíní backs into you and you're forced to hug it tightly or topple backwards. As big as it is, the fleshy bulge feels just as pleasant to squeeze as a woman's breast.<br> <br> The rubbery nipple presses into your crotch. You let out a little gasp of surprise as the end of the nipple opens up and gives the tip of your cock a little suck. Reflexively, you hump your hips back against it. Your cock doesn't penetrate any deeper and slips out. It still feels good to rub it against the bulging mass of warm flesh.<br> <br> "I don't have the control to do that," Cruiscíní says. "It's too narrow inside. Some of the other harlots in here can do it. Not me. My specialties lie elsewhere."<br> <br> To demonstrate, she puffs air out of her nipple and your cock twitches as it tickles between your legs.<br> <br> "You seem quite hard and eager," Cruiscíní says. "Let's go to the bed."<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> "So we can give you the full treatment," Cíocha says.<br> <br> <</if>> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Bed]]
You walk over to the four-poster bed in the centre of the room. It's very high. The top of the mattress comes up to your waist. You climb on and also realise it's canted with a slight incline from the head down to the foot. The mattress is also surprisingly firm. The sheets are silk and so smooth your skin glides frictionlessly across them. You slide up to the centre, lie on your back and wait for Cruiscíní.<br> <br> Cruiscíní's wings whir loudly as she passes between the stone posts and hovers over the mattress. Her face is teasingly coy, but she still poses seductively for you. You wait in eager anticipation for her to drop down on you.<br> <br> She does, but not in the way you were expecting. She turns around mid-air and drops her big tit abdomen down on top of you.<br> <br> "Have a good play with it," Cruiscíní glances over her shoulder to say.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> "Look at him. He loves being squashed by your tit," Cíocha says.<br> <br> <</if>> You're flattened to the mattress beneath Cruiscíní's enormous boob. It's strange, but also erotic. It is a giant tit after all. It feels soft and weighty on top of you. And also kinky. Your erection pushes up into the soft flesh. You lift your arms and run your hands around the outside of the fleshy mound.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> <<set $semenChange to 1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> Taking advantage of your pinned state, Cíocha drops down and pushes her boob abdomen into your face. She bounces cheekily and it feels like you're being smothered by a luscious double-D tit. Her nipple slides between your lips and Cíocha squirts delicious fresh milk into your mouth. You drink it and eagerly suckle for more. Cíocha lets you have a good drink, then whirs off to make room for Cruiscíní.<br> <br> <</if>> Cruiscíní backs up and pushes her big tit further up your supine body. White liquid wells up and forms a dewdrop at the end of her nipple.<br> <br> <<include [[Cruiscini: Bed: Drink Options]]>>
<<if $isDirectFromSocialising>> "Take another drink," Cruiscíní says. "Right from the nipple this time." <<elseif $allHarlots[$hi].refusedDrinkWhileSocialising>> "Go on. There's no-one around now. You don't have to be shy. Take a drink." <<elseif $allHarlots[$hi].theMadamIntervenedWhileSocialising>> "You were denied the chance downstairs. Now we're in my room. It's okay. You can take a drink of my milk if you want." <<else>> "Take a drink," Cruiscíní says. "Right from the nipple." <</if>><br> <br> <<if $isDirectFromSocialising>> You remember how good Cruiscíní's milk tasted down in the bar. You must have more.<br> <br> [[You take a drink.->Cruiscini: Bed: Drink Milk]] <<else>> /* Ciocha interference check <<set _isInfluencedByCiocha to false>> /* ailment overrides charm */ <<set _ailment to 10>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<set _isInfluencedByCiocha to true>> <</if>> <<if $isWithCiocha>> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [27]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if not _testPassed>> <<set _isInfluencedByCiocha to true>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _isInfluencedByCiocha>> The taste of Cíocha's milk is still fresh on your tongue. You must see if Cruiscíní's is as good.<br> <br> [[You take a drink.->Cruiscini: Bed: Drink Milk]] <<else>> [[Take a drink.->Cruiscini: Bed: Drink Milk]]<br> [[Taste it with your tongue first.->Cruiscini: Bed: Taste Milk]]<br> [[Don't drink.->Cruiscini: Bed: Refuse Milk]] <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> <<set $hasDrunkMilk to true>> <<set $semenChange to 2>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> You wrap your lips around Cruiscíní's big nipple and suck. She responds with a powerful gush of milk that fills your mouth to overflowing. There is so much milk you can't gulp it down fast enough. It starts running down your cheek in warm dribbles.<br> <br> You drink it as fast as you can. The taste is wonderfully rich and creamy. It feels nourishing as well, as if it's filling you up with vitality. Euphoria as well. Filling you up to the brim.<br> <br> As you suckle at her enormous teat, your thoughts regress to that of a baby. You desire only to be comfortable and loved. While your head might have regressed to babyhood, your lower half still has plenty of adult desires. Your erection swells up further and presses up against the silky smooth skin of Cruiscíní's underboob.<br> <br> Cruiscíní lets you drink your fill before pulling away. You make a half-hearted attempt to follow, but feel too comfortable and relaxed to put any effort into it.<br> <br> "Did you enjoy that?" Cruiscíní glances over her shoulder to ask. "It's just an appetizer of pleasures to come."<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> "You're going to be fucked like you've never been fucked before," Cíocha says.<br> <br> <</if>> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Vagina Gapes]]
You decline to drink from Cruiscíní's nipple.<br> <br> Cruiscíní notices. She glances over her shoulder.<br> <br> "Not interested?" she asks. "Not your fetish? Or maybe a turn-off? It's okay. There are other things I can do for you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Vagina Gapes]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> Tentatively, you stick out your tongue and give the white droplet an experimental lick. The taste is something else. It's like the richest, creamiest milk you've ever tasted.<br> <br> It also brings with it a feeling of blissful euphoria, as if you're being wrapped in sheets of cotton wool.<br> <br> This isn't just milk. There's something else in there. Something potent.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [27]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if _testPassed>> [[Drink fully.->Cruiscini: Bed: Drink Milk]]<br> [[Don't drink.->Cruiscini: Bed: Refuse After Tasting]] <<else>> You must have more.<br> <br> [[You drink more.->Cruiscini: Bed: Drink Milk]] <</if>>
As good as it tastes, and as good as it makes you feel, you let your head fall back and decline to drink more.<br> <br> The euphoria also brought with it a numbing stupefaction and, while pleasant, you don't think it would be a good idea to indulge in. You know the House is dangerous. You need to keep your wits about you and you think Cruiscíní's milk would deprive you of them.<br> <br> Cruiscíní notices. She glances over her shoulder.<br> <br> "Not to your taste?" she asks. Her expression changes from to coy to crafty. "Or maybe too much. It's okay. There are other things I can do for you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Vagina Gapes]]
<<include [[Cruiscini: Hypnosis Check]]>> Cruiscíní's long narrow wings start up again. They whir in a blur as they lift her up off your body. She floats off between the two pillars at the end of the bed, then turns around to face you. She stretches her arms out to grab the pillars and seductively sways her naked body. Her long white Godiva hair slides off her breasts and exposes her perky nipples. Your erection throbs powerfully between your legs as you admire her naked form.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> Cíocha buzzes over to Cruiscíní's left. "Now it's time for the fun part," she says.<br> <br> <</if>> Smiling coyly, Cruiscíní slowly parts her legs. She's very wet between them. Not just at her crotch, but all the way down to her knees. If they can even be called knees. Rather than jointed at the knee, her legs seem flexible all the way down, like a tube of flesh-coloured rubber.<<if $allHarlots[40].hasBeenVisited>> It's just the same as Cíocha.<</if>> They're not legs, but fleshy labia lining the opening to her vagina. Cruiscíní opens them to reveal a gaping tunnel of flesh. The moist reddish-pink walls throb enticingly.<br> <br> <<if $isHypnotised>> You're entranced by the slow pulsing undulations of the moist fleshy walls. <<else>> While your initial impression, fuelled by your aroused state of mind, is of an enormous vagina, you also become aware of just how wide the opening gapes. Of how long the fleshy tunnel is. You realise your whole body could fit inside, and that sets your thoughts down an uncomfortable path. <</if>><br> <br> "In you go," Cruiscíní says.<br> <br> She reaches under the base of the bed and works a hidden lever. The bed suddenly tips up. The slight incline from head to foot becomes a steep incline. At the same time, the cavity between Cruiscíní's legs expands and generates a sucking force that pulls in both the surrounding air and your body.<br> <br> The silk sheets are so smooth to be almost frictionless. You slide down the tilted mattress to the gaping maw waiting between Cruiscíní's legs.<br> <br> <<if $isHypnotised>> You feel fine with this. Your thoughts are clouded with bliss. You see only a gigantic vagina and feel an eager thrill at the thought of your whole body entering it. The pink interior looks lush and comfortable.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Slide In Without Struggle]] <<else>> You look down at the fleshy tunnel. It's large enough for your whole body to slide into. You think about the size of Cruiscíní's boob abdomen. As a pouch, it could easily fit your whole body inside.<br> <br> What will you do?<br> <br> [[Let yourself slide between Cruiscíní's legs and into her waiting boob pouch.->Cruiscini: Slide In Without Struggle]]<br> [[Try to avoid being swallowed.->Cruiscini: Slide In With Struggle]] <</if>>
<<set $isHypnotised to false>> <<if $isDirectFromSocialising>> <<set $isHypnotised to true>> <</if>> <<set _ailment to 10>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<set $isHypnotised to true>> <</if>> <<if $hasDrunkMilk>> <<if not $player.charms.includes(27)>> <<set $isHypnotised to true>> <</if>> <</if>>
You slide down to the gaping pink tunnel waiting at the foot of the bed. Your feet pass between her legs and into the moist warm interior. Soft wet walls of flesh close around your feet and ankles and muscular peristalsis draws you in deeper.<br> <br> Cruiscíní gently places your arms against your sides and slowly swallows you into her warm boob pouch. You feel strangely okay with the whole thing. Relaxed, but also really aroused. It's like sinking into a gigantic vagina. The soft fleshy walls hug you and draw your whole body in until only your head is left exposed.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Swallowed]]
Just because her abdomen looks like a giant tit doesn't necessarily mean it is one. You have no desire to be swallowed up inside it.<br> <br> You scrabble and try to dig your feet into the mattress in a fruitless attempt to check your slide. When that doesn't work, you stretch your legs apart and try to brace your feet at the edges of the gaping tunnel.<br> <br> <<if $hasDrunkMilk>> "How are you struggling?" Cruiscíní says. "My milk should have you floating in bliss." <<else>> Cruiscíní tuts. "This would have been so much easier if you'd just drank my milk." <</if>><br> <br> Cruiscíní sweeps her hands down and pushes your ankles together. Your feet pass between her 'legs'. Soft wet walls of flesh close around your feet and ankles and muscular peristalsis tugs you deeper.<br> <br> Your feet caught, you twist and scrabble frantically behind you. You can't find any purchase on the frictionless silk covering. Then, with your legs swallowed up to the waist, you reach down to brace your hands against Cruiscíní's legs.<br> <br> Only they aren't legs. They look like legs but feel like soft fleshy labia to the touch. Soft fleshy lips slick with lubricating secretions. One hand slides inwards and is pinned to your waist. Cruiscíní catches the other and pushes it in after. Then, with both your hands inside, the rest is a formality. She draws the rest of your body into her fleshy boob pouch, stopping only when she reaches your head.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Swallowed]]
"Are you comfortable?" Cruiscíní smiles down at you.<br> <br> <<if $isHypnotised>> You are. Extremely. You're surrounded all around by soft warm boobflesh. It feels really pleasant. <<else>> It doesn't feel too bad. Soft warm boobflesh presses all around you, as if you're inside a nice warm fleshy sleeping bag. The fleshy part is what concerns you. You're not entirely sure what Cruiscíní has swallowed you into. From the outside it looks like a giant breast, but it could be her stomach pouch. And you're currently inside it. <</if>><br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> "That's the advantage the bigger ones of us have," Cíocha says. "Cruiscíní can pleasure your whole body rather than just your dick."<br> <br> "Mmm, and I intend to pleasure all of you," Cruiscíní says. <<else>> "Let me pleasure all of you," Cruiscíní says. <</if>><br> <br> She lets out a soft moan. Her giant boob abdomen starts to slowly throb and pulse. Inside, you feel the soft wet flesh push up against and rub all over your body. It feels like you're getting an all-over body-to-body massage from multiple naked women. You feel your initial fears melt away and you relax and luxuriate in the pleasant sensation.<br> <br> "See, you don't have to fight," Cruiscíní says. "Just lie back and relax."<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> Cíocha laughs evilly. "That's all you'll be able to do. Our digestive pouches secrete a narcotic to keep the prey docile and compliant. Cruiscíní has already covered you in it."<br> <br> "Shh," Cruiscíní says. "We don't use the 'p' word here."<br> <br> She lightly caresses your cheek and ruffles your hair.<br> <br> "You're more than just prey to me," she says.<br> <br> <</if>> Her words, and the gentle pulsing massage of her breast soothes you. You feel too relaxed to struggle or even move.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Boob Pouch Massage]]
Cruiscíní lets out another low moan. You hear the sound of hissing air. Cruiscíní's boob pouch compresses around you.<br> <br> The giant boob gets back to slowly pulsing. The fleshy walls, wet with warm fluids, rub all over your body in an erotic and intimate massage. You feel incredibly relaxed and floppy.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> "I recognise that expression," Cíocha says as she stares down at your face. "She's rubbed her special secretions all over your body. I bet you feel too blissed out to even move."<br> <br> <</if>> Not only do you feel intensely relaxed, you also feel incredibly horny. You shift position and push your hips up to expose your erection to stimulation from the soft fleshy walls.<br> <br> Cruiscíní giggles. "I feel that," she says.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> "Make it tighter," Cíocha suggests.<br> <br> <</if>> Cruiscíní lets more air out of her nipple with a hiss. The soft internal flesh of her boob presses snugly all around you and gently squeezes you. You can't move, can only squirm in pleasure as Cruiscíní uses her boob abdomen to give you a sensual all-over massage. You twitch in pleasure as the walls press against and rub your erection.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> <<set $semenChange to 1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> Not wanting to be left out, Cíocha drops down and presses her soft boob abdomen into your face. Her nipple squirts more delicious milk into your mouth.<br> <br> <</if>> The throbbing pulses of Cruiscíní's big boob become stronger and faster. They flow down from your neck to your feet in warm pulsing waves.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> "Bigger boobfairies are special," Cíocha says as she continues to squirt milk between your lips. "They can make your whole body orgasm, not just your dick."<br> <br> <</if>> Cruiscíní's packs her boobflesh tightly around your body and her boob pulses more powerfully. You start to feel strange, as if your whole body is your penis and you can feel a deliciously tight wet vagina throbbing around it. Your cock twitches against the soft fleshy wall.<br> <br> "Here it comes," Cruiscíní says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: 1st Semen Check]]
Cruiscíní squeezes you within her boob pouch. Rhythmic contractions start at your neck and flow down your body in waves of pleasure. You feel your body respond. Blissful relaxation is replaced with taut anticipation as Cruiscíní's pulsing boob strokes your whole body. The desire to come builds within you, but instead of peaking in climax, keeps building and building. It grows beyond your loins and spreads throughout your whole body until every fibre of your being is thrumming in anticipation.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Cruiscini: Out of Semen 1]]>> <<else>> Then, with one final pulsing wave of pleasure, it explodes out of you. Your cock <<include [[Cruiscini: 1st Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
While the erotic charge builds and builds within you, you don't seem to be able to find release. <<include [[Cruiscini: Out of Semen]]>>
erupts in massive throbbing ejaculation. It doesn't just feel like your cock. It feels like your whole body is coming inside her. You writhe and jerk in helpless euphoria as the throbbing motions of her big boob pouch wring every drop of pleasure out of you. Then, finally, you collapse – completely spent – with your head lolling against the soft fleshy cushions of Cruiscíní's thighs-cum-labia.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> "I told you she'd make your whole body come," Cíocha says as she flutters close to your ear. "Intense, isn't it."<br> <br> Very.<br> <br> <</if>> "Mmm," Cruiscíní sighs. Her big boob continues to slowly pulse around you. "I'd ask if you enjoyed that, but I can see you did from your face."<br> <br> She lightly ruffles your hair.<br> <br> "We don't have to stop here," she says. "That feeling – the pleasure – you just felt. I can make you feel it again. It's very easy for me."<br> <br> Her boob slowly pulses and you feel the warm wet inner walls squeeze and lovingly caress you all over.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> <<set $semenChange to 1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> "I think he needs a pick-me-up first," Cíocha says. "I have just the thing."<br> <br> She settles back on your face, pushes a nipple between your lips and squirts more milk into your mouth. It has both a reinvigorating and soporific effect. Your cock springs back to full hardness, but the rest of your body feels too relaxed and floppy to move. If you're going to go again, Cruiscíní is going to have to do all the work.<br> <br> You don't think she minds that.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "Mmm. We still have plenty of time. Let's go again," Cruiscíní says. <<else>> "We still have time. Would you like to go again?" Cruiscíní asks. <</if>><br> <br> <<else>> "You don't need to worry about whether you'll be able to perform again, so soon," Cruiscíní says. "My boob will stroke you to another heavenly climax."<br> <br> She's not wrong. The warm rubbing motions of the inner walls have already got your cock rising in erection again.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "Mmm. We still have plenty of time. Let's go again," Cruiscíní says. <<else>> "Mmm. We still have plenty of time. Would you like to go again?" <</if>><br> <br> <</if>> <<set $hasEjaculatedOnce to true>> <<include [[Cruiscini: 2nd Ejaculation Choice]]>>
You've overexerted your body this evening with the other harlots and don't have anything left.<br> <br> Cruiscíní pauses.<br> <br> "Are you struggling?" she asks.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha and not $hasCiochaHelpedWithOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Cruiscini: Out of Semen: Ciocha Helps Out]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cruiscini: Out of Semen: Cruiscini Solo]]>> <</if>>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: 2nd Semen Check]] <<else>> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [29]>> <<include [[Player: Test Will]]>> <<if $isHypnotised or not _testPassed>> The bliss is already beginning to fade. You need to feel it again. You give Cruiscíní an emphatic "yes!".<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: 2nd Semen Check]] <<else>> [[Yes.->Cruiscini: Choose Yes to 2nd Ejaculation]]<br> [[No.->Cruiscini: Choose No to 2nd Ejaculation]] <</if>> <</if>>
Cruiscíní smiles. Her big boob abdomen pulses around you. The warm wet inner walls of the internal pouch squeeze you and rub against your naked flesh. The pulsing motion feels like waves of pleasure washing down your body. It feels like an erotic charge is building within you with each stroking pulse. <<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Cruiscini: Out of Semen 2]]>> <<else>> It builds and builds, until – with soft sigh – Cruiscíní compresses her soft boob flesh all around you in an intimate hug, and the charge bursts from you in a great shuddering bolt of orgasmic bliss. <<include [[Cruiscini: 2nd Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
The bliss is already beginning to fade. You need to feel it again. You give Cruiscíní an emphatic "yes!".<br> <br> <<include [[Cruiscini: 2nd Semen Check]]>>
That felt so good you're eager to experience it again. You almost blurt out "yes" without hesitation. Then you see Cruiscíní's face as she awaits your answer. Her eyes are bright, with an expectant, almost predatory gleam.<br> <br> The interior of her boob is snug and very comfy. It's also very wet, and not just with your bodily fluids. It also seems to be getting wetter. It reminds you uncomfortably of a mouth filled with saliva or – worse – //a stomach filled with digestive juices//.<br> <br> You tell her that while it was wonderful, you'd like to stop now.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> Cruiscíní seems surprised by your answer, as if she never expected anything other than a "yes". She directs an angry glance over at Cíocha. You hear the rapid whirring buzz of the smaller fairy's wings as she flies off.<br> <br> Cruiscíní turns back to <<else>> Cruiscíní looks down at <</if>> you with a smile that seems forced. "As you wish."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Good End]]
The erotic charge builds and builds within you, but you don't seem able to find release. <<include [[Cruiscini: Out of Semen]]>>
You erupt within her and again it feels like it's coming from your whole body rather than just your cock. <<include [[Cruiscini: Overpowering Orgasm]]>>
The orgasm runs on and on in great shuddering waves. The sensation is too much for your body to withstand. Your mind lights up in a great bright burst of pleasure, then burns out. The aftermath leaves your head lolling against Cruiscíní's soft thighs – eyes unfocused, drool running at the corner of your mouth.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> "I think he's done," Cíocha says as she hovers above and looks down at your bliss-shocked face.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "Yes, I think he is," Cruiscíní says. <<else>> "We still need to adhere to $'s rules," Cruiscíní says. <</if>><br> <br> She <<else>> Cruiscíní <</if>> smiles down at you.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "Mmm. This isn't the end. I can make you come like this over and over," Cruiscíní says. "I'll make it so the rest of your life is filled with this pleasure. Constant euphoric orgasmic bliss. Just as you wanted."<br> <br> Cruiscíní's fleshy pouch is warm and comfortable around you. Your erection juts up and presses against the soft wet flesh. Yes, you want this. <<else>> "We can do it again. I can make you come like this over and over," Cruiscíní says. "Even better, if you want me to, I can make it so the rest of your life is filled with this pleasure. Constant euphoric orgasmic bliss. Would you like that?"<br> <br> Your thoughts are too scrambled to think straight. Cruiscíní's fleshy pouch is warm and comfortable around you. Your erection juts up and presses against the soft wet flesh. Yes, you want that. You moan something resembling a "yes". <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Cruiscini: Bad End]]
The corner of Cruiscíní's lips turn up in a smile.<br> <br> "Very well," she says. "Consent has been given."<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> "Bon appétit," Cíocha says.<br> <br> <</if>> Cruiscíní places her hands on the top of your head. She draws your whole body into her boob pouch. It's also her digestive pouch. The fleshy walls secrete warm fluids over your flesh and tenderly rub them in. Fortunately for you, those fluids also contain a potent mix of narcotics and aphrodisiacs. Your body is wracked with powerful shuddering orgasms as you ejaculate over and over inside her. The climaxes don't end. Cruiscíní wasn't lying when she told you you'd feel constant euphoric orgasmic bliss for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, it lasts only as it takes for her to fully digest you. Within her boob pouch, you melt into sticky puddles of cum which she then converts into her special milk.<br> <br> Cruiscíní's soft boob abdomen throbs slowly for a while and then grows still. Cruiscíní lets out a contented sigh.<br> <br> <<if $isWithCiocha>> Cíocha flutters around behind her and laps up the fresh milk oozing from Cruiscíní's nipple. Her reward.<br> <br> <</if>> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Cruiscini: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<unset $isWithCiocha>> <<unset $isDirectFromSocialising>> <<unset $hasDrunkMilk>> <<unset $isHypnotised>> <<unset $hasEjaculatedOnce>> <<unset $hasCiochaHelpedWithOutOfSemen>>
<<set $isHypnotised to true>> <<set $hasCiochaHelpedWithOutOfSemen to true>> "I'll give him some more milk," Cíocha says. "That will get him coming."<br> <br> She plops her lovely soft boob on top of your face and squirts more milk in your mouth. It has an immediate effect. You feel a warm glow grow within your loins and an increased feeling of vitality and potence. <<if $hasEjaculatedOnce>> Cruiscíní compresses her soft boob flesh all around you in an intimate hug, and this time the charge bursts from you in a great shuddering bolt of orgasmic bliss. <<include [[Cruiscini: 2nd Ejaculation]]>> <<else>> This time, when Cruiscíní's soft boobflesh squeezes up around you, your cock <<include [[Cruiscini: 1st Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Cruiscíní rubs her hand back against the soft swollen flesh of her boob abdomen.<br> <br> "Mmm, it will be okay. I can make you orgasm without the release of seed."<br> <br> Her big boob pulses faster. The erotic charge continues to build and build within you. Your body contorts within her, hostage to the waves of pleasure running through it. Then – finally – you peak. You feel your body clench in climax, only it's dry. You push your cock up against the soft wet flesh as it throbs in dry orgasm. It's just as intense as a normal ejaculation. No, more intense. A normal ejaculation has a natural endpoint, but there is no semen to ejaculate with this orgasm, so the body doesn't know when to end it. As a result it lasts longer, a lot longer. <<include [[Cruiscini: Overpowering Orgasm]]>>
She turns and – with a grunt of effort – slowly disgorges you from her boob pouch. You tumble to the floor in a sticky deluge of various juices.<br> <br> "We must always follow the patron's wishes," Cruiscíní says. "Those are $'s rules."<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<set _charmsList to [13]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> You get the impression she's not so happy about that.<br> <br> <</if>> You lie on the floor for a while in a puddle of warm slime. Your body strangely seems to have fallen asleep and it takes a while to get your limbs moving again. You try not to think about what would have happened had you chosen to stay within her boob pouch for longer. Even with those fears, part of you still feels regret. The memory of that amazing whole-body orgasm is already beginning to fade.<br> <br> Cruiscíní perches on the end of the bed and watches you dispassionately as you gradually get your tingling limbs back under control.<br> <br> "There are showers downstairs," she says.<br> <br> Now that the session is over, her attitude to you seems cold. She doesn't even look at you as you get back to your feet and stumble to the exit, retrieving your clothes on the way. <<if $isWithCiocha>> Of Cíocha there is no sign. You have no idea where the little boobfairy has whirred off to. <</if>><br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Cruiscini: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<if _scoreArray[6][1] and not _osa[6][2]>> "Ha! I knew it! The little one always comes back with her big sister."<br> <br> He brings out his notebook and perches expectantly.<br> <br> "I've been waiting for someone with information on her for a while. Tell me what you know of Cruiscíní Gadaí-na-Duine." <<else>> "Cruiscíní? Alone? How unusual. It's rare she's seen on stage without her little sister. She must have grown impatient. Maybe... hmm... well, your presence here at all would seem to... hmm..."<br> <br> $ pauses his cogitations to pull his black notebook out of his pocket and look expectantly at you.<br> <br> "Tell me of your experiences with Cruiscíní Gadaí-na-Duine." <</if>><br> <br>
<<set _madamIntervenedWhileSoc to _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <<set _refusedDrinkWhileSoc to _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <<set _tastedMilk to _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> <<set _drankMilk to _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> <<set _socialised to _madamIntervenedWhileSoc or _refusedDrinkWhileSoc>> <<set _tastedOrDrank to _tastedMilk or _drankMilk>> <<if _socialised or _tastedOrDrank>> <br><br> <<if _socialised>> "Ah yes. I'm aware of the waitresses... ahem... doing that while she's down in the bar. I have glanced over to peruse on occasion. Purely for educational reasons, mind you."<br> <br> His ruddy complexion grows ruddier.<br> <br> <<if _refusedDrinkWhileSoc>> "And after all that you turned her milk down."<br> <br> $ chuckles.<br> <br> "I suppose there's some catharsis in the teasers being teased. And a healthy sense of self preservation. I've seen Cruiscíní and her sister take many a glass-eyed fool straight up to their room right after. They're never seen again." <<else>> "And after all that $ simply took the goblet away."<br> <br> $ chuckles.<br> <br> "The mind of women is an enigma, and her mind is the deepest puzzle of all." <</if>><br> <br> <</if>> <<if _socialised and _tastedOrDrank>> $ keeps scribbling away in his little black notebook.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _tastedMilk>> "A taste, huh. They always offer a taste. A taste leads to temptation and temptation leads to damnation. That's why one should always be careful when these shameless hussies offer a //taste//."<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _tastedMilk and _drankMilk>> You tell him you drank the milk afterwards.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _drankMilk>> "You drank her milk!"<br> <br> $ looks astounded. His moustache bristles madly. He carries on, muttering under his bushy moustache.<br> <br> "How are you even here? How can you even be here? All the previous information led me to believe... hmm... hmm."<br> <br> His muttering grows inaudible as he furiously scratches down notes.<br> <br> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[6][1] and not _osa[6][2]>> "I'm impressed, boy. Returning from a hungry lion's den could be no greater triumph. I've seen how that pair operate. The little one seeks out the weak-willed or reckless. They ply the mark with their milk until his mind is insensate with pleasure. And then... Well, I didn't know the //then//, not until now. And on finding it out, I wonder if I'd have been better off not knowing."<br> <br> He pulls a face.<br> <br> "What I don't understand is she clearly had you, and then spat you out. Is $'s hold on her girls that strong?" <<else>> "This is all very good information, and on one of $'s rarer girls. Hmm, I wonder if that's the key to her – to try and pick her when she doesn't have that damnable little sister of hers buzzing around." <</if>>
Cruiscíní turns around and presents her enormous boob abdomen to you. <<include [[Cruiscini: Feel Boob]]>>
/* Burbalka */ <<set $hi to 49>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Burbalka", shortDescription: "", faction: 5, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Burbalka: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Burbalka: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Burbalka: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Burbalka: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Burbalka: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Burbalka: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Burbalka: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Burbalka: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Burbalka: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set $ to 10>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 49>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a girl with dark, lime-green skin and sleepy yellow eyes. She wears an unusual ballgown that looks as though it's been fashioned out of seaweed.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Burbalka, our temptress of the tide pools. She'll suck your balls dry."<br> <br> $ whispers to you behind her hand.<br> <br> "And fuck your body dry as well if you're not careful."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Unlike other harlots, Burbalka is slightly overdressed – or should that be normally dressed – in a bright green ballgown. Her dress appears to be the product of an eccentric designer, given that it appears to be composed of giant fronds of seaweed. The fronds balloon out to form the 'bell' of her dress. They form elaborate ruffles and frills at her neck and wrists. They form the deep //V// of her neckline and the pleats of her dress, although the fronds are so dense below the waist it's hard to tell if her dress is a continuous piece or many separate fronds. You can't even tell if it's living plant matter or material fashioned to resemble living plant matter.<br> <br> That ambiguity extends to Burbalka herself. Her face and exposed flesh are lime-green in colour. Her eyes are bright yellow. As you look at her more, you realise her 'hair' is composed of what looks like seaweed fronds. Those fronds cascade down onto her shoulders and merge with the //V// of her dress. You wonder if she's some type of plant girl. It wouldn't be out of keeping considering the other strangeness you've seen within the House. Whatever her true nature, she has a very attractive face and the bulging cleavage revealed by the deep //V// of her neckline is appealing, even if it is green.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "I am Burbalka," she introduces herself. Her voice is as languid and laidback as a sun-kissed beach. "Would you like to take a lazy dip in the pool with me?"<br> <br> She leans in close. Her scent is an intoxicating mix of fresh sea spray with an undercurrent of strong, musky perfume.<br> <br> "I'll give that big fat cock of yours a good long suck," she whispers in your ear. <br>
"That one is trouble," $ says when you ask her about Burbalka. "She's constantly breaking $'s rules. Then, it is her nature."<br> <br> $ sips her cocktail.<br> <br> "She's a predatory plant, and a fairly voracious one at that. She catches men and slowly sucks all the fluids out of their bodies."<br> <br> She notices your look of horror and chuckles.<br> <br> "It's not as bad as all that. While she's a carnivorous plant, she's a //lust daemon// carnivorous plant. She'll do it one ejaculation at a time and her prey will be moaning in pleasure while she does it. Until it gets near the end. Or if their balls are empty to start with..."<br> <br> $ smirks nastily.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"If you can bring her something to assuage her hunger beforehand, maybe she'll let you go.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She has no intention of following $'s rules to give the prey a chance if she can help it. You might want to have $ give her a reminder beforehand if you want Burbalka to play fair.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Anything in Burbalka's pool is her prey, and if she gets your cock in her pussy bladder there's no escape.\""}>>
Burbalka comes down to meet you at the stage, but refuses to go further.<br> <br> "While I am touched by your interest, I am afraid I must decline your offer of a drink," she says.<br> <br> She looks over at the bar.<br> <br> "The smoke. The dryness. It's horrible for one's complexion. Please understand, darling."<br> <br> She pouts her full lips and blows you a kiss. Then she turns and walks back through the curtain.<br> <br> $ walks over, pulls a face and //tsks//.<br> <br> "Such a troublesome girl, then I suppose it's the nature of her kind. Be wary of sliding into her pool, lest you discover that nature for yourself."<br> <br> $ sighs.<br> <br> "And that isn't always enough. Girls of her nature can be rather... forceful. Tell her I have my eye on her. I expect certain standards of behaviour from my girls."<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Burbalka: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Burbalka: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift - body parts */ [5,false,false] /* survive */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $hasWarned to false>> <<include [[Burbalka: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Burbalka: First-Time Scenario]]>>
You find Burbalka in her room, lounging in a large sunken hot tub. The tub is decorated to look like a secluded rock pool. The margins of the room are choked with exotic plants. The atmosphere is as heady and humid as a jungle greenhouse. There is a strange musky odour filling the room that seems unpleasant at first, then strangely arousing.<br> <br> Burbalka is lounging casually in the pool with her arms spread out along the sides. Rather strangely, she doesn't appear to have removed her dress. Assuming it was a dress in the first place, which now seems less likely. In the water it looks like a mass of seaweed, with the thick fronds hiding Burbalka's lower body.<br> <br> "Take your clothes off and jump in," Burbalka says. "The water is lovely and warm."<br> <br> She parts the fronds covering her chest to fully reveal her lovely pair of breasts. As with her face, they're lime-green in colour. Her perky nipples and areolae are a lighter shade of green.<br> <br> First there's the matter of presenting your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Burbalka: Gift]]
<<if $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(14)>> <<include [[Burbalka: Gift: Body Parts]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Burbalka: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>> You leave the $allGifts[$cgi].name on top of a flat rock and then peel your clothes off. It's very humid in the room – like a hothouse. Sweat has already started to bead up on your skin.<br> <br> Burbalka beckons you to join her in the novelty hot tub. "Come in. The water is lovely."<br> <br> [[Jump in.->Burbalka: Jump in Pool]]<br> [[Wait.->Burbalka: Wait]]
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "Mmm, looks delicious," Burbalka says as she sees the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "Not as delicious as you, darling. Leave it over there. I'll save it for later, after we've had some fun together."<br> <br>
"Oh, there's no need to worry about that, darling," Burbalka says. "You've brought yourself. That's all that matters."<br> <br>
You sit down at the edge and then slide into the pool. Burbalka is right. The water is lovely. It feels more like a hot tub than a pool, albeit a big one. As you wade across to Burbalka the water comes up to just over your belly button.<br> <br> <<include [[Burbalka: Enter Pool: Combined]]>>
You wait at the edge, unwilling to slide into the hot tub.<br> <br> When Burbalka realises you're not about to join her in the pool she asks, "What's the matter, darling? Surely you aren't scared of me."<br> <br> She cups her hands beneath her tits and gives them an enticing little jiggle.<br> <br> You stay where you are.<br> <br> "Aw, are you nervous, darling? It's okay, our directness in here can be a little too much for someone not used to it. How about you sit down here and I'll warm you up first."<br> <br> She slides her hand over a smooth rock at the edge of the pool. Another smooth rock behind it forms a natural backrest.<br> <br> "Come on. Don't be shy, darling. Sit here. I'll give you something to overcome your inhibitions."<br> <br> She mimes tucking a cock in her mouth and giving it a sloppy blowjob, giving you a vulgar wink at the same time.<br> <br> The air seems to thicken. With the humidity it starts to feel like a fog is settling on your brain. You suppose you should do as she says.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>> [[Sit next to Burbalka on the edge of the pool.->Burbalka: Sit Without Warning]]<br> [["Tell her " + $ + " told you she has her eye on her."->Burbalka: Sit With Warning]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Burbalka: Sit Without Warning]] <</if>>
You cautiously approach the edge of the pool. Burbalka pats the surface of the rock and smiles suggestively at you. Her expression is slutty, but also vulpine. Hungry.<br> <br> Burbalka pats the surface of the flat rock.<br> <br> "Come here. Don't be shy. Sit down here so I can give that fat cock of yours a nice long suck."<br> <br> <<include [[Burbalka: Sit Down: Combined]]>> <<include [[Burbalka: Sit Down: Pre-Snatch]]>>
You cautiously approach the edge of the pool. Burbalka pats the surface of the rock and smiles suggestively at you. Her expression is slutty, but also vulpine. Hungry.<br> <br> You remember what $ told you and pass on her message that she has her eye on Burbalka. If it's supposed to be a threat, it doesn't seem to faze Burbalka. She continues to smile.<br> <br> "That crusty old cunt. She forgets our natures."<br> <br> She glances up into the corner of the room.<br> <br> "Ah, but she's not one to anger. While not easily provoked, her wrath can be most terrible once triggered. Very well. I'll be on my best behaviour."<br> <br> She gives you a saccharine smile while patting the flat rock.<br> <br> "Now get over here so I can give that fat cock of yours a nice long suck."<br> <br> <<include [[Burbalka: Sit Down: Combined]]>> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<set $hasWarned to true>> <<include [[Burbalka: Sit Down: Pre-Snatch]]>> <<else>> Burbalka pushes your legs apart and moves between them. You get a closer look at the seaweed fronds spilling from her head like hair. They look like part of her, which means that unusual dress is probably part of her as well.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Burbalka: Blowjob: Begin]] <</if>>
You sit down on the edge of the pool and let your legs dangle in the pool. The rock is surprisingly warm beneath your buttocks. As if it's been under a hot sun or – more likely – there is some heating underneath it. The water is even warmer. It's definitely more like a hot tub than a rock pool.<br> <br> It's also filled with some kind of underwater plant. Or maybe that's part of Burbalka's dress. Either way, you feel leafy fronds drift around your legs.<br> <br>
Burbalka wraps a hand around your erection and lazily pumps it. Staring right up at you with slutty eyes, she wraps her supple green lips around the head of your cock. She doesn't break eye contact as she lowers her head and takes in the full length of your cock.<br> <br> It's you who breaks eye contact. You tilt your head back and sigh in pleasure as she bobs her head up and down. She grips the base of your cock tighter and pumps harder. Her wet mouth //shlups// up and down the rest of your length.<br> <br> It's a really sloppy blowjob. As Burbalka works her mouth up and down, copious amounts of saliva drool down your shaft. It feels a little thicker than saliva. More like lube. Burbalka slathers your cock with it. Her bobbing motions get faster and faster. You feel a pleasant stirring sensation in your balls.<br> <br> Then, just as you think you're about to blow, Burbalka lifts her head up from your cock entirely.<br> <br> "Mmm. I think he's already fully primed, darling," she says.<br> <br> She lightly bats your rock-hard erection with her hand.<br> <br> "He looks very eager. How about we skip the foreplay and go right to fucking. Come, join me in here. I want you to stick that big hard cock in my lovely tight pussy."<br> <br> [[You want to stick your cock in her pussy as well. Jump in and join her.->Burbalka: Switch to Pool 1]]<br> [[That can wait. Her blowjob feels amazing and you want more of it.->Burbalka: Blowjob 1]]
You flail about in confusion, before realising the pool is only slightly deeper than a regular hot tub. Standing up, the water level is a little higher than your belly button.<br> <br> Burbalka lounges against the side of the pool in front of you. The seaweed fronds of her 'dress' float beneath the surface. Did they pull you in?<br> <br> <<if $hasWarned>> "That crusty old cunt might have told you to warn me, but she obviously neglected to tell you what the $allGifts[$cgi].name is for," Burbalka says.<br> <br> Before you can do anything else, something <<else>> "So good of you to change your mind and jump in," Burbalka says.<br> <br> What's she talking about? Something wrapped around your legs and yanked you in. Before you can protest, something <</if>> <<include [[Burbalka: Pussy Bladder Capture]]>>
pops open under the water, roughly level with and right in front of your groin. Water rushes in to fill it and the current drags the flaccid tip of your penis with it. Before you can react, the end of your member is drawn through some kind of rubbery opening.<br> <br> "Got you," Burbalka says. Her yellow eyes are bright with triumph.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Burbalka: Pussy Bladder 1]]
Burbalka lounges against the side of the pool in front of you. Her 'dress' is just as strange underwater. It looks like she's sitting in a mass of drifting green seaweed. It's so dense you can't make out anything of Burbalka below the waist.<br> <br> "Come closer, darling," Burbalka says. "I don't bite."<br> <br> You wade over to her, entering the mass of drifting fronds. This can't be a dress. The plant material looks very much alive. And dense. You run your hands through the seaweed and try to part it in order to see Burbalka's legs. All you see is more seaweed.<br> <br> "Closer," Burbalka says. She holds her arms out to you.<br> <br> You nudge through the seaweed until you think you're roughly standing between her legs. You still can't see them through the dense fronds.<br> <br> Something <<include [[Burbalka: Pussy Bladder Capture]]>>
Got you with what? You part the seaweed fronds to reveal a transparent bladder roughly oval in shape and with thick fleshy lips reminiscent of a woman's vulva. Those lips are clamped around your cock, about two thirds down. You can see the rest of it inside, through the transparent walls of the bladder. It seems to be fine... for now.<br> <br> "That is my pussy bladder," Burbalka says. "And I've caught a nice big fat cock with it."<br> <br> You try to pull back and encounter resistance. The rubbery lips form a strong vacuum seal around your cock. You try to grab the bladder, but it appears to be covered in a thick layer of mucilaginous slime and you can't get a good grip. Your efforts are also hampered by the copious fronds of seaweed. They tangle around your arms and legs as if alive.<br> <br> Burbalka laughs at your attempts to pull free. "I've got you in my pussy bladder. There's no escape."<br> <br> The bladder starts to contract as Burbalka pumps the water inside it out through the walls. You feel tickly strokes along the length of your cock. While it feels quite pleasant – like a featherlight hand gliding up and down your shaft – you think Burbalka is some kind of predatory plant masquerading as a sexy young woman. You don't think it will do your penis any good to leave it where it is.<br> <br> Contrary to Burbalka's words, her pussy bladder hasn't quite got you just yet. Pulling backwards you feel the lips slip. Not much, maybe an inch or so, but enough to give you hope.<br> <br> The bladder pops back up to full expansion. The resulting vacuum sucks in more water and your penis back in all the way to the root.<br> <br> "You're not getting away," Burbalka says, still casually lounging against the side of the pool. "Not until I've sucked all your fluids out."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Burbalka: Pussy Bladder 2]]
You feel that tickly stroking sensation again as Burbalka starts pumping the water out of the bladder in preparation for another suck. Despite your predicament, the ticklish strokes cause your cock to harden and twitch in arousal. You keep trying to pull out, but you can't maintain a hold on the bladder and the vacuum suction is too powerful.<br> <br> The bladder slowly shrinks and the walls become concave as Burbalka pumps the water out. It flattens until the rubbery walls are pressing against your erection. Burbalka holds it there for a brief moment, then releases the tension. The walls spring outwards, generating a vacuum force. This time your balls are sucked in and the lips of the bladder form a seal against your crotch.<br> <br> "Now I have your balls as well," Burbalka gloats. "And with everything inside, my little pussy bladder will start secreting certain... special juices. I am a carnivorous plant after all."<br> <br> The fluids thicken within the bladder. Your cock starts to tingle and feel itchy.<br> <br> You go frantic with panic. It doesn't do anything. You are unable to pull your penis and testicles free. More seaweed fronds tangle around your arms and legs, hampering your movements still further.<br> <br> Burbalka laughs. "I love to tease," she says. "I'm not that type of carnivorous plant. I won't be dissolving your precious sex organs. I have other plans for them."<br> <br> You feel more rippling strokes up and down your cock as Burbalka starts pumping the water out of the bladder. Her secretions make the mixture thicker, so the sensations are magnified. That itchy feeling isn't a warning of your skin being dissolved. It feels more like a desire for stimulation, as if you've not had sex, or masturbated, for months.<br> <br> Burbalka's bladder provides that stimulation. You feel ripples up and down your erection as the bladder shrinks. This touch is less featherlight and more like hands working up and down your shaft. The bladder shrinks right down and gently squeezes your cock. The walls secrete more of Burbalka's 'special juices'. They coat your cock and seep into your balls, causing them to swell with the urge to come.<br> <br> Burbalka sits up. She thrusts out her naked green breasts and lets them jiggle above the waterline.<br> <br> "Mmm. My little pussy bladder is a trap. When it expands, it sucks in water and any little prey nearby. But now the entrance is blocked by your genitals. What do you think will happen when I expand it now?"<br> <br> [[Continue.->Burbalka: Pussy Bladder 3]]
Burbalka lets her pussy bladder expand back to its regular shape, but slower this time. The vacuum suction grips your cock and balls. As she said, the entrance is blocked by your body. Instead the vacuum suction latches onto the opening to your urethra, and deep down in your balls.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Burbalka: Pussy: Out of Semen 1]]>> <<else>> The rippling tickles and warm secretions within the bladder have already brought you to the brink. The suction generated as her pussy bladder expands is enough to tip you over. You grunt in surprise and shudder as a fast, nerve-jangling climax overtakes you. You spurt out a big load of creamy white semen into the bladder. The force of the orgasm knocks the fight right out of you. Your knees wobble and you drop down on them. Burbalka tangles more of her seaweed fronds around your body.<br> <br> Burbalka stares at you contemptuously. You feel that rippling sensation start up in the bladder again. Burbalka drains it from the back this time, drawing your expelled semen up into her body. The bladder continues to deflate, the rubbery walls wrapping around your swollen genitals.<br> <br> Burbalka smiles cruelly. "Did you think I was going to let you go after that one little spurt?"<br> <br> [[Continue.->Burbalka: Pussy Bladder: Bad End]] <</if>>
The vacuum force grows and grows. You desperately want to empty your balls into it, but you don't have anything left to empty. Your previous activities in the House have left you thoroughly depleted. The suck starts to feel painful. You grit your teeth and grimace as Burbalka's pussy bladder expands back to full size.<br> <br> "No cum, darling?" Burbalka asks. "Have those other harlots already drained you?"<br> <br> Your cock is a swollen mass inside the bladder. Bigger than you've ever seen it before, but also red and angry.<br> <br> "Oh dear. Then I'm afraid, my darling, this will be rather uncomfortable for you."<br> <br> Her smirk and smile indicates she cares not one jot about your discomfort.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Burbalka: Pussy: Out of Semen 2]]
She throws her head back and laughs. Her pussy bladder pops back to full expansion. Your body jerks and you groan in pleasure as you spurt a gush of white semen into the bladder. It feels like it was sucked out of you. It also feels like your strength was sucked out with it. All you can do is kneel on the bottom of the pool.<br> <br> "You are prey and you have been caught," Burbalka says. "And now I will consume you."<br> <br> You feel that tickling sensation as Burbalka drains her bladder in preparation for another suck. Even after two massive ejaculations your cock is hard and ready to go again.<br> <br> "Luckily for you, I am a daemon from the Dominion of Lust. I will suck your fluids out one ejaculation at a time and you will feel only the bliss of sexual release."<br> <br> Her bladder expands and you shudder in ecstasy as she sucks another ejaculation out of you. Your whole body is overwhelmed. Your nerves are jangling chains of overstimulation.<br> <br> A bell sounds.<br> <br> "You can ignore that," Burbalka says. "You won't be leaving."<br> <br> She cups her hands beneath her naked and swollen boobs and gives them a good squeeze.<br> <br> "Enjoy the sight of my body. My kind are not known to be fast feeders. It's going to take a while, and a lot of orgasms, to suck all the fluids from your body."<br> <br> It does. Burbalka drains and expands her pussy bladder, sucking a shuddering ejaculation out of you each time. The first ten or so times feel intensely pleasurable. The subsequent ejaculations, when your body starts to run out of fluids, not so much.<br> <br> Burbalka is a predatory plant. She slowly and methodically draws all the fluids out of your body until all that's left is an empty husk.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<unset $hasWarned>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
The vacuum pull lessens as Burbalka goes back to draining her bladder. The rubbery walls contract around your swollen genitals.<br> <br> "My secretions help the body stay lubricated during the draining process, so it doesn't feel too unpleasant for the prey," Burbalka says. "But it takes a few sucks for them to take effect, and if you don't have anything to start with..."<br> <br> Her pussy bladder pops up to full expansion. You're jerked forwards by another strong vacuum tug. Something gives inside you. You ejaculate into the bladder, but it isn't semen and neither do you feel much pleasure from the act.<br> <br> "Oh well. Fluids are fluids. It's all nourishment to me."<br> <br> Burbalka leans back and stifles a yawn. Her pussy bladder starts shrinking in preparation for the next suck. Broken and tangled in her seaweed fronds, you can't do anything to stop it.<br> <br> The next suck feels just as painful – like a length of barbed wire drawn up through your urethra. You cry out in pain. Burbalka yawns again and prepares her bladder for another suck.<br> <br> You beg and plead. Burbalka ignores it all. She is a predator and you are her prey. Neither is she in any particular hurry. It takes a long time and many sucks to completely empty you of your fluids.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<unset $hasWarned>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You want to stick your big hard cock in her lovely tight pussy as well. <<include [[Burbalka: Switch to Pool: Combined]]>>
"You want more sucky-sucky do you, darling?" Burbalka asks.<br> <br> You nod eagerly.<br> <br> Your cock is slick with slime. Burbalka wraps a hand around it and gives it a pump. Your cock twitches ominously.<br> <br> "I think your little man is about to blow," she says. "If I put him back in my lovely wet mouth, you're going to come. Wouldn't you rather spurt that load in my pussy instead?"<br> <br> [[Spurting in her pussy does sound better...->Burbalka: Switch to Pool 2]]<br> [[You want more sucky-sucky. Shooting your load in her mouth is fine.->Burbalka: Blowjob 2]]
You feel like you're about to explode. She's right. It would be a waste to just spurt it out in her mouth. Especially with her lovely tight pussy waiting and eager for it. <<include [[Burbalka: Switch to Pool: Combined]]>>
The corners of Burbalka's mouth turn up in a smile.<br> <br> "I think you just want to shoot your load in my pretty mouth," she says.<br> <br> You admit you do.<br> <br> Burbalka laughs. "Very well, but be warned. I don't just swallow. I //suck//."<br> <br> And then her head is bowed and sucking up your cock like a snake swallowing a mouse. Her head bobs up and down. Her cheeks suck in as she drags her wonderfully soft lips up and down the outside of your shaft.<br> <br> <<include [[Burbalka: Semen Check]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Burbalka: Blowjob: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Burbalka: Blowjob: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Burbalka was close but not completely accurate when she said she'd have you coming the moment she put your cock back in her wet mouth. A couple of strokes sets you trembling. Sensing climax, Burbalka sucks in your whole length, deep-throating you.<br> <br> You're not sure what happens next. What Burbalka does could not be repeated by a regular human. Her lips wrap tightly around the base of your cock. The back of her throat seems to open up. Your cock is gripped by a strong sucking sensation. That should have been enough to tip you over the edge and indeed, your cock does throb in apparent orgasm. But it's dry. Nothing comes out. After all your other exertions in the House you have nothing left.<br> <br> Burbalka pauses and slides your cock out of her mouth. She watches it twitch.<br> <br> "Out of cum?" she asks.<br> <br> She smiles wolfishly.<br> <br> "Then it's okay for me to do this."<br> <br> Something wraps around your lower legs and yanks you off the edge and into the pool. You flail about in confusion, before realising the pool is only slightly deeper than a regular hot tub. Standing up, the water level is a little higher than your belly button.<br> <br> Burbalka lounges against the side of the pool in front of you. The seaweed fronds of her 'dress' float beneath the surface. Did they pull you in?<br> <br> Before you can do anything else, something <<include [[Burbalka: Pussy Bladder Capture]]>>
She was right about you coming the moment she puts you back in her wet mouth. A couple of strokes and you feel the orgasm building to an unstoppable crescendo. Sensing it's coming, Burbalka sucks in your whole length, deep-throating you.<br> <br> You're not sure what happens next. What Burbalka does could not be repeated by a regular human. Her lips wrap tightly around the base of your cock. The back of her throat seems to open up. Your cock is gripped by a strong sucking sensation. That's enough to bring you to climax. You come explosively and pour your issue down the back of Burbalka's throat.<br> <br> At least that's how it begins. Burbalka gulps it down, or maybe //sucks// it down is more accurate. At some point the orgasm tips over and feels more like she's sucking the cum out of your cock. She drinks her fill and then finally releases your cock from her mouth. You sprawl back against the stone backrest and bask in the post-orgasmic glow.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Burbalka: Blowjob 3]]
Burbalka has a mouth like a... something. She swallowed it all.<br> <br> Despite the massive ejaculation, your cock doesn't seem done just yet. It's still hard and eager.<br> <br> "I don't think your little man is finished just yet, darling," Burbalka says.<br> <br> She lightly bats your hard-on again to demonstrate its hardness.<br> <br> "My saliva has that effect. It's nothing to worry about."<br> <br> She looks up at you coquettishly.<br> <br> "Mmm. We don't have to stop here, you know. How about you jump in and we finish with a nice slow fuck? Your little man seems up for it. It would be a shame to deny him."<br> <br> She wraps a hand around your slime-slick erection and gives it a teasing little pump.<br> <br> [[You can go again. Jump in and fuck her.->Burbalka: Switch to Pool 3]]<br> [[That'll do for now.->Burbalka: Good End]]
Her saliva must have some very special properties. Your cock still feels hard and eager. You don't think it's going to go back down until it's taken care of. And why do that yourself when Burbalka's lovely tight pussy is waiting and eager to do it for you. <<include [[Burbalka: Switch to Pool: Combined]]>>
You politely decline her offer. You have a long night ahead of you in the House and should probably pace yourself.<br> <br> Also you remember $'s warning. Burbalka seems a little too //eager// to have you join her in her pool.<br> <br> Her wonderful blowjob will have to do for now.<br> <br> Annoyance crosses Burbalka's face. It's a brief moment and then she's all sunny smiles again.<br> <br> "As you wish, darling. There's always another time."<br> <br> She plants a wet kiss on the swollen head of your cock and then goes back to lounging against the side of the hot tub. You retrieve your clothes, get dressed and walk to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<unset $hasWarned>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
You slide into the pool. The water is lovely and warm. It feels more like a hot tub than a pool, albeit a big one. The water comes up to just over your belly button.<br> <br> <<include [[Burbalka: Enter Pool: Combined]]>>
"Burbalka, you say. I don't have much on her. Save that her outfit seems rather... //avant garde//."<br> <br> He pulls out a small black notebook and looks expectantly at you.<br> <br> "Tell me of your experiences with Burbalka."<br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br> <br> $ taps his notebook thoughtfully.<br> <br> "Maybe the right gift is the key. She is a predator and most predators are far less dangerous when they're not on an empty stomach."<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"She still remains much of an enigma. While oral sex with her sounds rather splendid, I'm really curious to know what's under that dress of hers. Could you jump in her pool and take a peek next time you have the opportunity? I will, of course, reward you handsomely for the information."
Burbalka smiles at you. Her smile looks innocent, but there is a sly gleam in her eyes.<br> <br> The fronds come to life and wrap around your calves and ankles like tentacles. They give a sudden yank and you're jerked off the edge and into the water with a splash.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Burbalka: Yanked into Pool]]
/* Ch'oojrana */ <<set $hi to 59>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Ch'oojrana", shortDescription: "", faction: 5, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Choojrana: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Choojrana: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Choojrana: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Choojrana: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Choojrana: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Choojrana: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Choojrana: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Choojrana: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(18)>> <<set $player.charms.push(29)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 59>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a naked blue-skinned girl with lovely plump breasts. Her blue skin is patterned with black splodges and glistens wetly. It resembles the skin of a frog or newt.">>
Ch'oojrana accompanies you into the bar. She's naked apart from a snazzy little alligator skin handbag. You get the impression she's not comfortable being here. You find a spare table and sit down.<br> <br> <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Choojrana: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Choojrana: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
/* Madam intro */ "Ooh, this is an exotic treat," $ says. "Our lovely Ch'oojrana here will give you a service no human woman can provide."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Ch'oojrana is clearly not human. Her skin is bright blue and patterned with black splodges. It glistens wetly and looks like the skin of a frog or newt. She doesn't have any hair. Instead she has a membranous flap of skin that covers the top and back of her head like a nun's wimple. A similar flap of skin looking like a wide and stubby tail covers her butt.<br> <br> The recognisably human parts of Ch'oojrana look lovely, especially her tits. She has a lovely pair. They're big and firm, and look as juicy as succulent fruits. Each is topped with a perky nipple surrounded by a circular areola. These are both a normal shade of pink in contrast with her unusual blue skin. Her tits glisten as if freshly oiled. You can see everything as Ch'oojrana isn't wearing any clothes... at all.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Ch'oojrana approaches you with a bright and friendly smile. Her eyes are yellow with black irises.<br> <br> "Hi, I'm Ch'oojrana."<br> <br> She gives her ample bosom a little jiggle.<br> <br> "I'll make you come loads in my tits." <br>
<br><br> Ch'oojrana looks unhappy.<br> <br> "I don't like coming down here. It's horrible for my skin. I especially don't like timewasters."<br> <br> She gets up and leaves.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
While you're waiting for the waitress to return, Ch'oojrana places her handbag on the table, opens it up and retrieves a large bottle with a pump. She uses it to spray a fine mist around her face and upper body.<br> <br> "I'm sorry," she says. "This place isn't very good for my skin. I wouldn't come down here at all, but my service is so unusual $ insists I inform patrons about it beforehand should they ask."<br> <br> The waitress returns with your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name and a glass of what looks like very pure spring water for Ch'oojrana.<br> <br> Curious, you ask what she means by 'unusual service'.<br> <br> "It's best if I show you," Ch'oojrana says. "Hold out your finger."<br> <br> Bemused, you do as Ch'oojrana says. She takes your hand and pulls it towards her left breast. Your outstretched finger pokes her nipple.<br> <br> You watch in astonishment as her nipple inverts. Her areola swells up into a fleshy ring that resembles a sucker. Ch'oojrana keeps pulling on your hand and your finger sinks into her breast where the nipple was. And keeps sinking. Your finger is drawn between the soft 'sucker' and then sucked all the way into her breast. You feel the soft flesh of her boob contract around your finger and gently suck on it. It's an odd sensation, but pleasant.<br> <br> Ch'oojrana smiles at you.<br> <br> "It's usually another part of the body I put in there."<br> <br> She glances down. You know exactly which part she means. It's already twitching in eager anticipation under the table. Going by the sensations your finger is currently feeling, you imagine it would feel rather nice.<br> <br> You return to $ Now that you know what service Ch'oojrana offers, you're quite eager to try it out.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised to true>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Choojrana: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Choojrana: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [7,false,false], /* Survive */ [1,false,false] /* Stay for additional ejaculations */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $boobChosen to "left">> <<set $spunkCountWithChoojrana to 0>> <<include [[Choojrana: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Choojrana: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Ch'oojrana's room resembles a tropical hothouse. It's like a jungle inside. The walls are hidden behind dense green foliage. There is even a water feature. Water runs down a rockface in a pretty waterfall and collects in a fairly large pool. It's hot and humid inside. You can almost believe you've been transported to a rainforest on the other side of the globe.<br> <br> Ch'oojrana sits on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water. She's naked and very blue, but also comely. In the lush jungle setting her wet skin patterned with black splodges reminds you even more of a frog or other amphibian. With Ch'oojrana it seems more exotic than repulsive. Her lusciously bulging boobs play a large part in that. They are a fantastic pair.<br> <br> She sees you and smiles brightly. She gets out of the pool and walks over to greet you. She seems excited by your gift.<br> <br> "What have you brought me?"<br> <br> [[You give her your gift.->Choojrana: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Choojrana: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 12>> <<include [[Choojrana: Gift: Soap]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(7)>> <<include [[Choojrana: Gift: Bodycare]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(3)>> <<include [[Choojrana: Gift: Pretty]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Choojrana: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> Ch'oojrana has you undress while she places your gift on a nearby rock shelf. While she's there she picks up a pump bottle filled with clear liquid and mists herself. The air is so humid you're not sure she needs it.<br> <br> You're naked by the time she comes back to you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Choojrana: Undress]]
Ch'oojrana takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you and gives it a long sniff. She looks back at you with a slightly knowing smile.<br> <br> "Yes. My boobs will pamper you and give you the best climax you'll ever experience," she says.
"Ooh no, that's far too harsh on my skin," Ch'oojrana says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you. "Right idea, wrong product."
Ch'oojrana eagerly takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you.<br> <br> "Oh thank you," she says. "It's important to take good care of one's body."
Ch'oojrana takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and examines <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> with childlike fascination.<br> <br> "How pretty," she says.<br> <br> She gives you a wide, beaming smile.<br> <br> "I like pretty things."<br> <br> She glances down at your crotch.<br> <br> "But not as much as I like cock," she says, her smile dirty.
"Thank you," Ch'oojrana says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you.
<<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> She notices your gaze is fixed on her boobs and gives them a little jiggle.<br> <br> <</if>> "Are you a boob lover?" Ch'oojrana asks. "You've come to the right place."<br> <br> To emphasise, she plumps her big blue tits and squashes them together. Your cock twitches eagerly at the sight.<br> <br> She leads you by your cock to a small alcove at the back of the room. It's a padded seat set into a rockface, with a little padded mat on the floor in front. The intimate little space is surrounded by profuse vegetation. The air is thick with flowery scents.<br> <br> It's more a ledge than a seat. It's just enough to give you something to rest your ass on as you lean back against the wall. The mat on the floor is for Ch'oojrana. She crouches down in front of you and strokes a hand up and down your cock. It feels moist and slippery, as if she's already slathered it in lubricant.<br> <br> While she might be at the right height for a blowjob, you <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>>know<<else>>have a feeling<</if>> she has other plans.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>> "Mmm, I think I've already shown you what kind of service I offer," Ch'oojrana says while giving your hard-on a series of long and luxuriously wet strokes. "I'm a chuparzeno daemon, although humans call us suckerboobs. I think you can guess why."<br> <br> You remember what she did to your finger downstairs. There's no need to guess. <<else>> "Mmm. I don't think I've told you the service I offer," Ch'oojrana says while giving your hard-on a series of long and luxuriously wet strokes. "I'm a chuparzeno daemon, although humans call us suckerboobs. I'll show you why." <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Choojrana: Demonstration]]
<<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>> Ch'oojrana seems keen to give you a reminder. She gives you a filthy wink <<else>> Ch'oojrana smiles at you <</if>> and pushes out her ample bosom. Her pink nipples are big and erect like bolts. She takes her hand off your cock and coquettishly taps her nipples with long fingers. The nipples invert and sink into her breast. Her areolae swell up into fleshy rings. In a moment her nipples have changed into strange suckermouths. Ch'oojrana pushes a finger into one and it goes all the way in, right up to the knuckle of her hand. The soft ring of flesh bunches up and sucks on it like a mouth. //Erotically// sucks on it like a mouth. Ch'oojrana bunches her lips up in a porn-star pout and stares at you while her unusual nipple-mouth sucks on her finger.<br> <br> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSocialised>> She slowly slides her finger out.<br> <br> "So the only question remaining is..." <<else>> "Have you ever been with a girl that can do this?" Ch'oojrana asks.<br> <br> No, you haven't. For obvious reasons.<br> <br> It's so weird you feel it should be off-putting and yet you find it incredibly arousing. Your erection twitches eagerly. It wants to be where Ch'oojrana's finger currently is.<br> <br> Ch'oojrana slowly slides her finger out.<br> <br> "Now that you know what I am, there's only one question remaining." <</if>><br> <br> She crouches closer between your legs. Her soft boobs rub against your inner thighs.<br> <br> "Left?"<br> <br> She twists her body to push her left tit up against your crotch.<br> <br> "Or..."<br> <br> She swings back the other way and her right tit rubs against your crotch.<br> <br> "...right?"<br> <br> [[Left.->Choojrana: 1st Boob Suck 1][$boobChosen to "left"]]<br> [[Right.->Choojrana: 1st Boob Suck 1][$boobChosen to "right"]]<br> [[You can't make up your mind.->Choojrana: Pick Boob: Undecided]]
"This one?" Ch'oojrana says as you point to her $boobChosen breast.<br> <br> You nod.<br> <br> Ch'oojrana shuffles up between your legs and presses her $boobChosen tit up against your rampant erection. She wraps a hand around and pumps the base.<br> <br> "In it goes," she says.<br> <br> She presses her soft boob against your erection. The plump pink ring of her boob sucker encircles the swollen head of your cock. She pushes and you feel your cock slowly sink into a tunnel of flesh. It's warm, wet, tight – like a luscious vagina. In fact, it feels so much like a luscious tight pussy you have to look down to check it isn't.<br> <br> It's her tit. It's pressed into your crotch like a soft cushion and your dick is buried in it to the root.<br> <br> "Like that?" Ch'oojrana asks, her eyes big and mischievous.<br> <br> You do. It's very tight, but also warm and lusciously soft.<br> <br> "What if I do this?"<br> <br> Her tit throbs. You feel the flesh move around you. A tight ring contracts around the base of your cock and rolls up the shaft. Your cock is sucked deeper and squeezed by her soft boobflesh.<br> <br> "Mmm, my big tit is going to suck out all your cum," Ch'oojrana says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Choojrana: 1st Boob Suck 2]]
You look from one luscious boob to the other. Which one to put it in? You have no idea. Does it even matter? Or is this one of those decisions where the wrong choice could doom you to death?<br> <br> Ch'oojrana sees your hesitation and rolls her eyes.<br> <br> She puts a hand next to her mouth and whispers, "It doesn't matter. They're both the same."<br> <br> She puts her hands under her tits and bounces them. Aside from the suckermouths instead of nipples – and the unusual coloration – they're a lovely pair.<br> <br> "You're going to be putting one in each anyway," Ch'oojrana says. "Maybe more," she adds with a cheeky smile.<br> <br> [[Left.->Choojrana: 1st Boob Suck 1][$boobChosen to "left"]]<br> [[Right.->Choojrana: 1st Boob Suck 1][$boobChosen to "right"]]
You feel her big tit swell and pulse against your inner thighs. Inside, you feel the soft flesh pack tight and squeeze you. Muscular rings roll up and down your shaft.<br> <br> "Are you getting close?" Ch'oojrana asks. "You can let it out. Just pour it all out inside my big soft boob."<br> <br> She reaches up and gives your buttock a playful squeeze. Her tit does the same to your cock. She sucks you even deeper.<br> <br> "Ooh, you're close. I can feel it," she says.<br> <br> Your cock throbs and twitches inside her. Her boob tightens around it. Its pulsations slow down and become more deliberate. A muscular ring of force runs up your shaft. Again. Again. It squeezes the head of your cock and then bunches up around the root in preparation for the next long squeezing stroke.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Choojrana: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<set $spunkCountWithChoojrana += 1>> You can't hold on. Your body trembles. Your cock throbs and spits a big load of cum inside her soft tit.<br> <br> "Ooh, that felt like a big one," Ch'oojrana says. "I can tell you needed that."<br> <br> You lean back against the rockface and let the little padded ledge help support you. Ch'oojrana slowly slides her tit off your erection. Her boob seems reluctant to let you leave. The tunnel is tight and her fleshy grip is cloying. She pulls you out with a wet pop. The opening within her breast continues to contract and dilate.<br> <br> "The first one is always over far too quickly."<br> <br> Ch'oojrana looks up at you with a wide smile.<br> <br> "That's why we have boob number two!"<br> <br> <<include [[Choojrana: Switch Boob]]>> She twists her chest. This time the suckermouth of her $boobChosen tit is gaping in front of your erection.<br> <br> [[Time for boob number two!->Choojrana: 2nd Boob Suck]] <</if>>
<<if $spunkCountWithChoojrana lt 1>> Your body trembles. You really want to spunk a big load right into the heart of Ch'oojrana's big soft breast. Your body doesn't seem up for it. Are you out? <<else>> Your body trembles, but this time you don't come. The pleasure feels just as good as last time, but your body is recalcitrant. You don't come even though you really want to.<<if $spunkCountWithChoojrana lt 2>> Is it because it's too soon after the last ejaculation?<<else>> After all the previous ejaculations, have you finally run out?<</if>> <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Choojrana: Bad End 1]]
Your erection doesn't even have a chance to go down. She grabs the root of your cock and lowers it until the swollen helmet is pointing right at her $boobChosen tit. Then she slowly presses forwards with her boob.<br> <br> Your cock is still hard enough for the head to push through the soft ring of flesh. Then Ch'oojrana's boob takes over and you're slowly drawn deep into a tight fleshy tunnel. Her boobflesh, soft and warm, presses all around your cock.<br> <br> "Nice and snug," Ch'oojrana says, smiling brightly.<br> <br> Her boob shivers around you in a slow pulsating throb. It grips your cock with a gentle sucking tug. Your cock surges back to full throbbing hardness inside her.<br> <br> "And nice and slow this time," Ch'oojrana says.<br> <br> Nice and slow describes it. You lean back against the stone wall while Ch'oojrana's big blue boob slowly pulses around your cock. The internal flesh bunches up and rolls up and down your shaft in slow strokes.<br> <br> "This is why we're called suckerboobs," Ch'oojrana says as she crouches between your legs. "Our lovely big boobs are so good at sucking the spunk out."<br> <br> The inside of Ch'oojrana's boob feels luxurious. Like a vagina with soft cushioned walls inches and inches thick. Her boob pulses, your cock is squeezed, then you feel gentle force roll up your shaft in a slow sucking tug.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> /* Override Semen Choker if brought Black Rose as a gift */ <<if $player.charms.includes(18) and $cgi eq 0>> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <</if>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Choojrana: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> [[Continue.->Choojrana: 2nd Boob Suck: Ejaculation]] <</if>>
<<set $spunkCountWithChoojrana += 1>> "Ah, I can feel it trembling," Ch'oojrana says.<br> <br> It takes longer this time. You've already come and Ch'oojrana's boob is throbbing slower this time. It might be slower, but the gentle stroking has a much more powerful effect. The building ejaculation feels like it's going to be even stronger. You feel your toes start to curl and your body tense up.<br> <br> "Don't hold back. Let it out inside me," Ch'oojrana says.<br> <br> Her soft boob squeezes around your cock in a long slow suck. You gasp, your hips jerk, and you feel ecstatic release as your throbbing cock pours it out inside Ch'oojrana's warm breast.<br> <br> This ejaculation feels longer than the first. The slow pulsing throbs of her boob drag it out and coax more semen from your cock. In a reversal of the usual function, it feels like her tit is milking you. You pour out a huge load into her and then lean back against the rock wall.<br> <br> Ch'oojrana slowly slides her tit off your cock. Your penis – still dribbling cum from the tip – comes free with a wet pop. Ch'oojrana leans back and smiles as she runs her hands over her tits. Both have swelled appreciatively.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(18) and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Choojrana: Balanced Boobs 1]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Choojrana: Unbalanced Boobs 1]] <</if>>
Ch'oojrana looks at one tit and then the other. She jiggles them in her hands as if checking their weight.<br> <br> "Perfectly balanced," she says with a beaming smile.<br> <br> She looks hungrily at your cock. You still have an erection and cum is dribbling from the tip.<br> <br> "You don't have to leave right away," she says.<br> <br> She hefts her big boobs in her hands.<br> <br> "These can hold a lot. You can pop another load in each if you feel up to it."<br> <br> [[Go again.->Choojrana: Go Again]]<br> [[You're done for now.->Choojrana: Good End]]
Ch'oojrana looks at one tit and then the other. She jiggles them in her hands as if checking their weight. Her $boobChosen boob is noticeably bigger than the other one.<br> <br> Ch'oojrana notices too and frowns.<br> <br> "One is bigger," she says. "I caused you to put out too much in that second pop."<br> <br> She nibbles her lower lip.<br> <br> "This won't do. I can't have them be different sizes."<br> <br> She looks at you with an apologetic smile.<br> <br> "I have a complex about it. I get very self-conscious."<br> <br> She glances at your cock. You still have an erection and cum is dribbling from the tip.<br> <br> "I know. Why don't you put another pop in this one."<br> <br> She points to her smaller boob.<br> <br> "It'll just be a little one. Just to balance them out. I know you've still got plenty in you. I can see he wants to be buried in my soft tit again."<br> <br> She glances at your hard and twitching erection.<br> <br> "Please."<br> <br> She rubs a wet hand down the outside of your thigh and stares at you with big eyes.<<if $player.charms.includes(29)>> You feel something warm flare up on your shoulder then fade.<</if>><br> <br> "I get so self-conscious and miserable it they're different sizes."<br> <br> Sure, you can go again. You'd love to bury your cock back in the lovely soft depths of her tit.<br> <br> <<include [[Choojrana: Switch Boob]]>> [[Continue.->Choojrana: 3rd Boob Suck]]
You still have an erection. Ch'oojrana wraps a hand around it and steers it to the gaping suckermouth of her $boobChosen tit. She pushes forwards and your hard cock again pushes through a soft ring of flesh and down into the warm soft depths of her breast.<br> <br> "I think you like it in there," Ch'oojrana says with a wink.<br> <br> Her boob shivers around you in a slow pulsating throb. You shiver in pleasure as you feel it grip your cock with a gentle sucking tug. Your cock again jumps back to full throbbing hardness, as if the previous ejaculations had never happened at all.<br> <br> You lean back against the wall and luxuriate in the sensation as Ch'oojrana's big blue boob slowly throbs around your cock. You're squeezed by soft cushioned walls. You feel gentle force roll up your shaft in sucking tugs.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> /* Override Semen Choker if brought Black Rose as a gift */ <<if $player.charms.includes(18) and $cgi eq 0>> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <</if>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Choojrana: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<set $spunkCountWithChoojrana += 1>> Even after the previous ejaculations, it doesn't take long for Ch'oojrana's tit to pump you to the edge of climax.<br> <br> "I can feel it throbbing again," Ch'oojrana says. "Don't be shy. Spurt it all out."<br> <br> Her soft boob squeezes around your cock in another long slow suck. It's another massive ejaculation. Your toes curl, your hips buck, and you feel ecstatic release again as you erupt deep within the heart of Ch'oojrana's tit.<br> <br> Again, the slow pulsing throbs of her boob drag out your ejaculation and pump semen out of you. She sucks another big load and you fall back against the wall, spent but satisfied.<br> <br> You're not sure Ch'oojrana is.<br> <br> She slowly slides her tit off your cock. Then checks them intently.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(18) and $cgi neq 0>> [[Continue.->Choojrana: Unbalanced Boobs: After Balanced]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Choojrana: Unbalanced Boobs 2]] <</if>> <</if>>
Ch'oojrana looks at one tit and then the other. She jiggles them in her hands as if checking the weight. She frowns.<br> <br> "That's gone and put them out of <<if $spunkCountWithChoojrana gt 3>>balance again."<<else>>balance."<</if>><br> <br> One does appear to be slightly larger than the other.<br> <br> <<if $spunkCountWithChoojrana gt 3>> "It's okay. We can fix it like before. I'll let my other boob suck a load out of you."<br> <br> She smiles up at you with big eyes. Her lovely warm hand smoothly caresses the side of your ass and the outside of your thigh.<br> <br> "You're fine with that, aren't you. I'm sure you can go again. I'll make it feel just as lovely as before." <<else>> "This won't do. I can't have them be different sizes."<br> <br> She looks at you with an apologetic smile.<br> <br> "I have a complex about it. I get very self-conscious."<br> <br> She glances at your cock. You still have an erection and cum is dribbling from the tip.<br> <br> "We'll put another pop in the other one. That will balance them out again."<br> <br> She smiles up at you with big eyes. Her lovely warm hand smoothly caresses the side of your ass and the outside of your thigh.<<if $player.charms.includes(29)>> You feel something warm flare up on your shoulder then fade.<</if>><br> <br> "You're okay with that, aren't you. I'll make it feel just as good as before." <</if>><br> <br> You can't turn down such a lovely face. Or another chance to feel the wonderful pleasure of her big tit sucking you off.<br> <br> <<include [[Choojrana: Switch Boob]]>> [[Continue.->Choojrana: Boob Suck: Subsequent]]
Ch'oojrana looks at one tit and then the other. She jiggles them in her hands as if checking the weight.<br> <br> "It's no good," she says. "They're still not balanced."<br> <br> One does appear to slightly larger than the other.<br> <br> "You don't mind if I suck a little with the other one."<br> <br> She smiles up at you with big eyes. Her lovely warm hand smoothly caresses the side of your ass and the outside of your thigh.<br> <br> "It'll only a be a little suck and it will feel really nice. Please."<br> <br> You can't turn down such a lovely face. Or another chance to feel the wonderful pleasure of her big tit sucking you off.<br> <br> <<include [[Choojrana: Switch Boob]]>> [[Continue.->Choojrana: Boob Suck: Subsequent]]
Ch'oojrana wraps a hand around your cock and pushes you back into her big soft breast. The soft fleshy insides squeeze up around your erection and you shiver in familiar pleasure as you feel warm rings of force stroke up and down your cock.<br> <br> Ch'oojrana smiles up at you and gently caresses your sides as she lets her boob pump you toward climax.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> /* Override Semen Choker if brought Black Rose as a gift */ <<if $player.charms.includes(18) and $cgi eq 0>> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <</if>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Choojrana: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<set $spunkCountWithChoojrana += 1>> You feel a familiar stirring, and moan in pleasure as another ejaculation bursts from you and floods out into the heart of Ch'oojrana's warm boob. It squeezes snugly around you and coaxes another big load from your body.<br> <br> "Ah yes, pour it out inside me," Ch'oojrana sighs.<br> <br> You moan in pleasure as you empty semen into her welcoming bosom. This feels so good you could do it all day.<br> <br> The climax slows to a dribble and you rest back on the narrow cushioned ledge.<br> <br> Ch'oojrana slides her tit off your cock. She gives them another check.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(18) and $cgi neq 0>> <<if $spunkCountWithChoojrana % 2 eq 0>> [[Continue.->Choojrana: Balanced Boobs: Subsequent]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Choojrana: Unbalanced Boobs: After Balanced]] <</if>> <<else>> [[Continue.->Choojrana: Unbalanced Boobs: Subsequent]] <</if>> <</if>>
Ch'oojrana looks at one tit and then the other. She jiggles them in her hands as if testing their weight.<br> <br> "Ah, that's fixed it. They're both<<if $spunkCountWithChoojrana gt 4>> balanced again,"<<else>> balanced now,"<</if>> she says with a beaming smile.<br> <br> She looks hungrily at your cock. Despite many ejaculations, you're still hard. Cum dribbles from the tip.<br> <br> "You don't have to leave yet, if you don't want to."<br> <br> She hefts her big boobs in her hands.<br> <br> "You can come in these as many times as you want."<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> [[Why not, you're up for more.->Choojrana: Go Again]]<br> [[No. That's enough. Time to stop now.->Choojrana: Good End]]
Ch'oojrana looks at one tit and then the other. She jiggles them in her hands as if checking the weight.<br> <br> "That shifted it too far in the other direction," she says. "We'll have to have you spunk again in the other one."<br> <br> She smiles up at you with big eyes and gently caresses your side.<br> <br> "You're okay with that, aren't you. It will be just as good as before."<br> <br> You can't turn down such a lovely face. Or another chance to feel the wonderful pleasure of her big tit sucking you off.<br> <br> <<include [[Choojrana: Switch Boob]]>> [[Continue.->Choojrana: Boob Suck: Subsequent]]
Ch'oojrana frowns. She squashes her big tit up against your crotch. It pulses and another powerful sucking tug rolls up your erection and squeezes the head. You jerk in pleasure, but again nothing comes out. You really are out.<br> <br> She looks up at you and smiles.<br> <br> "It's okay. You're just a little tense."<br> <br> She shuffles up closer and slides her hands down the side of your hips in a sensual caress. She coaxes you forward, away from the wall, and slides a hand around behind you. She caresses your buttocks and slides a finger up between them.<br> <br> "We just need to get you to relax," she says.<br> <br> Her voice has a strange soothing property. Hypnotic.<br> <br> Her soft fleshy boob gently pulsates around your cock. Her finger slides up your butt-crack. Moist with lubricant, it easily slides up into your ass.<br> <br> "Then find the right switch. Ah, there it is."<br> <br> Inside your ass, Ch'oojrana presses her finger up against your prostate. It's like pressing a switch. Your body jolts. Ch'oojrana starts pumping your cock with greater force and this time gets a response.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Choojrana: Bad End 2]]
You let out a loud moan of release as your body shudders and pours out a big ejaculation inside her pulsing breast. This one is massive. Ch'oojrana keeps her finger on your prostate and it's like keeping a valve open. Semen gushes from you in a constant flow.<br> <br> You tremble uncontrollably, swept along on a river of bliss. You barely notice as Ch'oojrana switches boobs. You keep pouring out like a broken tap. You spray over the top of Ch'oojrana's cleavage as she switches you over to her other suckerboob. Her fleshy tit pulses as she sucks down your issue.<br> <br> Her boobs balloon, becoming impossible blue caricatures. She switches your spouting cock between them, making sure each breast swells at roughly the same rate.<br> <br> Unfortunately, that extra size has to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is you. As her boobs swell and grow, so your body shrinks and diminishes. Skin stretches over bone as you start to resemble a famine victim. You keep spurting and spurting. With Ch'oojrana's finger on your prostate like a button, you can't stop. You empty everything into Ch'oojrana's tits and then fall back, a wizened husk.<br> <br> Ch'oojrana finally releases your cock. She pats and caresses her now monstrous blue tits. She seems pleased with the improvement.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Choojrana: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<unset $boobChosen>> <<unset $spunkCountWithChoojrana>>
Your cock is still hard and eager. You still feel horny. Both boobs felt amazing as they sucked on your erection. You'd like to experience that again. Ch'oojrana's eyes light up as you tell her that.<br> <br> "Lean back and let my lovely big boobs milk you," she says.<br> <br> <<include [[Choojrana: Switch Boob]]>> She shuffles up closer between your legs and pushes her $boobChosen boob up against your crotch.<br> <br> <<if $spunkCountWithChoojrana lt 3>> [[Continue.->Choojrana: 3rd Boob Suck]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Choojrana: Boob Suck: Subsequent]] <</if>>
You'd like to. Your cock is still hard and eager. You're not sure you're up to it though. Those ejaculations took more out of you than regular sex. And, given how much Ch'oojrana's boobs have swelled, maybe not in the figurative sense either.<br> <br> You tell her you're done.<br> <br> Ch'oojrana seems disappointed, but doesn't try to force it. She leads you back to the pool and you get dressed. Ch'oojrana goes back to sitting on the edge and paddling her feet in the water. She looks at and plays with her boobs. She seems happy with their new size. She doesn't look up as you walk to the exit.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Choojrana: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<if $boobChosen eq "left">> <<set $boobChosen to "right">> <<else>> <<set $boobChosen to "left">> <</if>>
"Ch'oojrana? Hmm. Now that's a tricky one to weigh up."<br> <br> $ looks thoughtful as she exhales a plume of smoke.<br> <br> "She's a chuparzeno daemon, a suckerboob. They suck semen with their tits."<br> <br> $ gives you a filthy, knowing smile.<br> <br> "You'll understand."<br> <br> She puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "Their tits can hold a lot as well, easily a fully grown man's worth. Ch'oojrana is quite self-conscious about hers. She's obsessed with keeping them the same size. If they get out of balance, she'll ask you to put more in the smaller one. And you will. They might be simple creatures, but chuparzeno daemons are very good at getting men to do their bidding."<br> <br> $ exhales another plume of smoke.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"All you need to do is make sure you spurt the same amount in each tit. It's a simple matter of self-control.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Chuparzeno daemons' trick is they secrete a toxin through their skin that makes humans very open to suggestion. $ will claim she has a charm to counteract that, but it doesn't work and has never worked. It drives the poor thing batty with frustration.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ smiles cattily."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"You'll need to regulate your output with her, if you know what I mean.\"\<br\>\<br\>$'s eyes glimmer filthily.\<br\>\<br\>\"$ might have something that can help with that... if you can put up with her prattling.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She'll ask you to choose left or right. It doesn't matter. They're both the same and she won't let you leave until you've come in both anyway.\""}>>
<<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <br> <br> $ shakes his head.<br> <br> "Have you learned nothing from your time in here? To survive a man needs to pace himself. He needs to treat his... vital fluids as precious as gold, not spurt them all into the first trollop that takes his fancy."<br> <br> $ tuts.<br> <br> "I suppose I should still give you a bonus. It irks me. Such reckless behaviour should be discouraged rather than rewarded."<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"What an unusual – dare I say, exotic – girl. She's not one I hear much about. Despite that seemingly friendly nature of hers, few who visit her return. And they all say the same as you. She... does her thing with those marvellous mammary glands of hers, and they leave happy and contented."<br> <br> $ tsks.<br> <br> "And it tells me nothing. If it was that easy, why do so few return? It's a vexatious problem, and a girl I cannot use until I've figured it out."
/* Cyane */ <<set $hi to 66>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Cyane", shortDescription: "", faction: 4, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [16], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Cyane: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Cyane: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Cyane: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Cyane: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Cyane: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Cyane: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Cyane: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Cyane: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(36)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set $player.hasSeenGenericUnusual to true>> /* <<set _ailment to X>> */ /* <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $hi to 66>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 8>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a sophisticated woman wearing a strange, voluminous, bell-shaped dress. The dress seems to be made out of semi-translucent blue jelly and resembles the bell of a jellyfish.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Cyane. She is the most refined of her kind and an excellent companion for all occasions."<br> <br> $ leans over to whisper more coarsely in your ear.<br> <br> "She's still a sex glutton, but she's able to control it. Mostly..."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Cyane brings to mind both a jellyfish and a noblewoman dressed for an aristocrat's ball. Her dress is unusual beyond //avant-garde//. Voluminous and bell-shaped, it appears to be made out of rubber or similar material. It's light blue and despite being semi-transparent, it's thick enough that you can't see her legs – or anything else – through it.<br> <br> She has similar ruffs of blue jelly at her wrists and neck. The ruffs at her neck form a plunging //V// that shows off the lush canyon of her cleavage to spectacular effect. The strange part is that her dress doesn't appear to have a top. The blue ruffles look like they're emerging directly from her pale pink skin. Her hair also appears to be a mass of the same light-blue jelly ruffles, swept up like a cone of ice cream.<br> <br> Unusual outfit aside, Cyane looks like a stunningly beautiful lady of the ball. Her high cheekbones and ethereal air give her an unnatural beauty beyond human standards.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Cyane seems to drift rather than walk as she approaches you. Her strange dress also pulses like a languid jellyfish lazily navigating a balmy sea. She reaches you, curtsies and offers her hand like a lady.<br> <br> "You look like a fine gentleman," she says. "Would you like to spend some time in my company?" <br>
"Cyane, the jellyfish?"<br> <br> $ chuckles nastily at your expression.<br> <br> "Take a peek under her skirt. You'll be in for a surprise. Ah... but I won't ruin it."<br> <br> $ sips her drink.<br> <br> "She does try hard to be a proper lady, considering what she is. She even plays fair by $'s rules... mostly... even though they go against her nature. She also manages to do it without ever being obsequious or a brown noser, unlike some others in here."<br> <br> $ pulls a face.<br> <br> "I'd almost like her... if she wasn't a primitive jelly. She does try. It's commendable, even though it irks me to say it."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"In cultivating herself as a lady, she's also cultivated a taste for the finer things in life. It will take more than a pretty flower to win this lady over.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ sniggers.\<br\>\<br\>\"Then that's true for every lady of good breeding.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "\"She's still a predator at heart. Give her some meat beforehand to slake her hunger and she won't see you as dinner.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She studied how proper courtesans behave to... elevate herself. As a result she shares a lot of the values of those rarefied courts. Lies and flattery are prized. Plain-speaking is not.\""}>>
Cyane is an enigmatic presence on your arm – and she does insist on taking your arm – as you walk into the bar and look for a spare table. She seems to drift rather than walk and seems so airy a strong gust might blow her away. Yet whenever your leg brushes against her dress, it feels like solid rubber and very thick, maybe a couple of inches.<br> <br> You find a spare table over on the far side of the room. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Cyane: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Cyane: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
Cyane seems very unimpressed at your being caught short of money.<br> <br> "How frightfully //common//. A real gentleman would not embarrass his date like this."<br> <br> She gets up and drifts back to $ You watch her go and fancy you detect a note of anger in the way her strange dresses pulses in and out.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set _badDrink eq false>> The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a fancy looking glass of wine for Cyane. <<if $sdi eq 0>> Cyane stares disapprovingly at your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name.<br> <br> "Really, darling? What a trite choice. Any commoner can drink water. I do hope you're not a dullard."<br> <br> <<set _badDrink to true>> <<elseif $sdi eq 2 or $sdi eq 1>> Cyane looks aghast when she sees your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name.<br> <br> "What a frightfully vulgar choice, darling. A gentleman should not be seen drinking such //common// fare while entertaining a lady."<br> <br> <<set _badDrink to true>> <</if>> <<if _badDrink>> <<if $player.currIsBlunt>> The conversation is a little... awkward after that. It starts off stiff and frosty, and goes downhill from there. <<include [[Cyane: Socialising: Blunt]]>> <<else>> The conversation is a little stiff and frosty for a little while afterwards. Thankfully, Cyane seems to get over your //faux pas// with the drink and gradually warms into <<include [[Cyane: Socialising: Tactful]]>> <</if>><br> <br> <<else>> <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Cyane likes socialising with you">> <<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> Cyane seems to approve of your choice of drink.<br> <br> "A fine choice," she says. "You can tell the quality of a gentleman by his choice of beverage. You seem to have a refined palate. Though I must apologise in advance on behalf of the House. While the majority of $'s household is high-class, the contents of her bar leave a little to be desired."<br> <br> The $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name tastes perfectly fine to you.<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsBlunt>> The subsequent conversation starts off fine but gradually shifts into rockier and frostier waters. <<include [[Cyane: Socialising: Blunt]]>> <<else>> The conversation that follows is warm and frothy. Cyane proves herself to be <<include [[Cyane: Socialising: Tactful]]>> <</if>><br> <br> <</if>> <<if $player.currIsBlunt or _badDrink>> Cyane is very polite, but seems a little distant as you return to $ <<else>> Cyane is such a splendid companion that, after you return to $, you feel the pang of her absence. <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Cyane: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cyane: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
You think it a clash of personalities. You've always been the sort to plainly speak your mind and not hold anything back. Cyane seems to have come from the rarefied air of an aristocratic court, where every tongue is a dagger to be sheathed unless called for.<br> <br> In normal circumstances you'd have to write this off as a bad date that went nowhere. However, you aren't dating. This is a brothel and Cyane is a working girl within it. While your personalities don't mesh, her body and face still look damn hot, hot enough for the personality aspect not to matter at all. In truth, it would give you some degree of satisfaction to bend this haughty totty over and give her a good dicking from behind.
an extremely refined and sophisticated conversationalist. So much so, you wonder what she's doing here, working as a whore in a brothel, although you tactfully refrain from broaching the subject.
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Player brings pretty/romantic gift */ [2,false,false], /* Player brings blingy gift */ [1,false,false], /* Player is tactful */ [4,false,false], /* Player survives */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $isOnGoodEnd to false>> <<include [[Cyane: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Cyane: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Cyane's room resembles an opulent undersea grotto from a golden-age fantasy movie. The type where the screen sirens of the time would attempt to seduce rugged mariners. The walls are covered in coral and the brightly coloured fronds of other aquatic fauna and flora. The rocks glitter as if studded with precious stones. The room isn't underwater, although a rippling light effect playing over the walls gives the illusion of it being so.<br> <br> There is no bed, just a large circular mattress lying flat on the floor. It's covered in a grey sheet that looks like vinyl.<br> <br> "Come in, darling. Come in."<br> <br> Despite the oddness of her room, Cyane eagerly greets you as if she's welcoming you to her private boudoir. The aquatic appearance of the room makes her resemble even more a strange hybrid of human and jellyfish. Her dress even has the same rubbery appearance as the bell of a jellyfish. She has ruffles of blue jelly at her wrists and neck. Her hair looks like ruffled blue jelly swept up like ice cream in a cone. Out on the stage you could have fooled yourself into thinking it a strange //avant-garde// costume. In here... you're not so sure.<br> <br> Strange costume aside, Cyane still looks like a gorgeous and aristocratic young woman. You eagerly approach her and present your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cyane: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Cyane: Gift: Blingy]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(8)>> <<include [[Cyane: Gift: Blingy]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(3)>> <<include [[Cyane: Gift: Pretty]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(4)>> <<include [[Cyane: Gift: Romantic]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(6,15)>> <<include [[Cyane: Gift: Slutty]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(12,13,14)>> <<include [[Cyane: Gift: Bad]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cyane: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> Cyane gestures to the circular mattress lying on the centre of the floor.<br> <br> "Now get undressed and we shall pursue more..."<br> <br> Her nostrils flare in a manner that would be considered unseemly for a polite young lady.<br> <br> "...physical matters."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cyane: Undress]]
Cyane's eyes light up as you present her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Oh, how delightful. A proper gentleman knows exactly what to bring a sophisticated young lady."<br> <br> She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you and displays <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> prominently in a nearby alcove. <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Cyane really likes your gift">> <<set $affectionChange to 3>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>>
"Oh how lovely," Cyane says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "I do like pretty things, although I prefer for them to be a little more... sophisticated."<br> <br> She tucks <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> away in a hidden alcove. <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Cyane finds your gift acceptable">> <<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>>
Cyane tuts as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "It's good that the gentleman knows to be romantic. However, I am a lady of greater sophistication and refinement. While this might impress the simpler pretty young things, you'll need more to impress me."<br> <br> She tucks <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> away in a hidden alcove. <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Cyane finds your gift acceptable">> <<set $affectionChange to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>>
Cyane initially seems scandalised by your gift, bringing her hand to her mouth in shock.<br> <br> "How vulgar," she says.<br> <br> However, while she's tucking <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> away in a nearby alcove, she glances back to you with a sly expression.<br> <br> "It pleases me," she says, temporarily dropping all pretence of being a sophisticated and chaste young lady. <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Cyane likes your gift">> <<set $affectionChange to 2>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>>
Cyane's face turns up in disgust as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "How revolting," she says. "Whatever possessed you to think this would be appropriate to present to a young lady of good breeding."<br> <br> She drops <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> out of sight in a low alcove.<br> <br> "I'd ask you to leave..."<br> <br> She turns back to you and her gaze lingers over your chest. She drops all pretence of being a sophisticated lady of the court and lets naked lust colour her face.<br> <br> "...but it would be a waste." <<set _affectionChangeReason to "Cyane dislikes your gift">> <<set $affectionChange to -1>> <<include [[Harlot Affection Change]]>>
Cyane sighs and shakes her head as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Decorum dictates I should smile and thank you."<br> <br> She bows down to put the gift away in a hidden alcove.<br> <br> "Instead I will tell you that – as a gentleman – your taste needs some work."
You do as she says. There is a coral prop by the door that looks the perfect shape and height for a hanger, so you take off your clothes and leave them there. Then, naked, you lie down on the mattress in the centre of the room.<br> <br> The mattress is better than the floor, but not exactly opulent. The sheet covering it feels more like rubber or plastic than a regular sheet. Functional and easy to clean, you suppose.<br> <br> You're surprised to see Cyane doesn't undress. She simply stands off to the side and watches you with eyes filled with unbridled lust. Looking at the top of her dress you notice it is similar to the ruffles at her wrists and neck – the rubbery material of the dress seems to emerge directly out of her skin.<br> <br> It's only when you're lying on your back on the mattress Cyane makes the first proper move towards you. It's a strange move as well. She doesn't seem to walk. Instead her dress billows and she seems to float towards you.<br> <br> Like a jellyfish, you think.<br> <br> Her dress billows. It expands, then contracts. The pulse sends Cyane floating up into the air. She moves like a jellyfish underwater, even though you aren't. She smiles at you the whole time as if this is perfectly normal and natural.<br> <br> Another little pulsing throb of her dress and she drifts serenely over to you. Her 'dress' seems to have expanded still further. Big enough now that if she settled over you, you think it would cover you entirely.<br> <br> Cyane floats up a little higher. She doesn't seem bound by gravity. Or the air is water to her. The hem of her dress lifts up as she drifts closer. You peek underneath...<br> <br> ...and wish you hadn't.<br> <br> Cyane doesn't have legs. Instead you see... you're not sure exactly. Tentacles, there's a few of them squirming around underneath. But also wavy folds of almost translucent blue jelly. They seem to be quivering in excitement as she approaches.<br> <br> This is a lot weirder than you were expecting!<br> <br> [[Make a break for it?->Cyane: Struggle 1]]<br> [[Lie where you are and let her drift over you?->Cyane: Get Covered]]
Nope. This is far too weird for you.<br> <br> You brace your legs and go to push yourself back off the mattress.<br> <br> Cyane is faster. She covers the remaining distance in one smooth pulse and the jellyfish bell of her dress settles over you. You push out with your hands and encounter a thick rubbery wall. Folds of warm jelly descend and tangle around your body. They inflate with air and gradually restrict your movements.<br> <br> "Don't do that, darling. Prey struggles. A gentleman does not. If you keep struggling you'll force me to treat you like prey."<br> <br> She //is// a jellyfish, you realise. A giant predatory jellyfish with a pretty human top half as a lure. You kick out at the tangling mass of fronds.<br> <br> Whip-thin tentacles wind around your body and limbs. They crackle and pulse with dark, obscene energy. It's like receiving a powerful electric shock, but one that only affects your pleasure receptors. <<if $player.charms.includes(36)>> <<include [[Cyane: Anti-Paralysis Charm 1]]>> [[Continue.->Cyane: Struggle 2]] <<else>> It massively overloads them and leaves you just as paralysed as if it had been an electric shock, but one that also leaves you feeling hot and incredibly turned on.<br> <br> "Good. Now stop squirming and relax. This will feel extremely pleasurable."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cyane: Gas]] <</if>>
<<include [[Cyane: Determine End]]>> You lie where you are and let Cyane drift over you. <<include [[Check if Player Has Seen Unusual Harlots]]>> <<if _hasSeenUnusualHarlots>> You know from experience that some of the girls in the House are... a little unusual. They're no less skilled as escorts for it, and in some cases possess talents that cannot be experienced anywhere else. You hope Cyane is the same. <<else>> You were warned some of the girls in the House were not human, and some were highly unusual. Here's one of them. You briefly consider rolling off the mattress and making a run for it, but you're frightened that will only upset or even anger Cyane. Her intentions seem pure at the moment. Or rather impure, but of the good – and pleasurable – kind of impure. <<set $player.hasSeenGenericUnusual to true>> <</if>> Cyane floats up over you. Hanging beneath her dress are complex ruffled folds of jelly. She settles down on top of you. As you surmised, her dress has billowed out wide enough to cover you completely. It's not a dress either. The walls look thick, rubbery, but – most of all – organic.<br> <br> Thick enough that you wouldn't fancy your chances of trying to tear through them should you need to...<br> <br> Strange folds descend and wrap around your body. They feel surprisingly pleasant – warm and supple like skin rather than cold and slimy. They inflate with air until they feel like soft cushions wrapped around your body. It feels snug and comfortable.<br> <br> But also tight.<br> <br> Slender whip-thin tentacles slide in-between the air bags. A thick one coils around your waist. Others bind your legs together and your arms to your sides. It still feels comfortable, but you realise too late you've been captured. You can't move and are completely at the mercy of Cyane.<br> <br> You really hope her intentions are only lustful.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cyane: Gas]]
Cyane lies down on top of her bell and peers at you through the translucent blue rubbery wall.<br> <br> "Are you comfortable, darling?" she asks.<br> <br> Surprisingly, you can hear her clearly, even through the thick rubbery wall. The inflated folds do feel soft and pleasant against your flesh. It would be comfortable... if you weren't also acutely conscious she has you trapped under her bell.<br> <br> "Don't worry about air. I'll supply that."<br> <br> A bladder beneath the bell opens up and expels a stream of air into your face.<br> <br> "My kind usually captures hunky sailors at sea," Cyane says. "We don't want them to drown. Although the air we give them is a little... tainted."<br> <br> There is a strong smell to the air puffed in your face. It's breathable, but also thick with exotic perfume and stinking of sex. It's exciting, and your body responds.<br> <br> "Those hunky sailors never last long, but we do make sure they enjoy their final moments."<br> <br> Cyane lies on top of the bell as it slowly throbs and pulses. The membranes wrapped around you shift and rub in a sensual all-over massage.<br> <br> <<if $isOnGoodEnd>> "Not you, though, darling. You're a gentleman, not food. I don't eat gentleman in this House." <<else>> "In here it's different. I'm not allowed to eat gentleman in this House." <</if>><br> <br> She sighs and rubs her hands over the outside of the rubber bell. Her inner membranes feel intimate against your skin.<br> <br> "Not unless they ask for it," she says with a mischievous smile.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cyane: Sex]]
Strange energy pulses through the slender tentacles coiled around your body. It's like an electric shock, but one that only affects the pleasure receptors. You buck in surprised pleasure. Your cock, already in the process of hardening in erection, surges up into a full hard-on rising up out of your crotch.<br> <br> "Just relax, darling," Cyane says.<br> <br> You're drawn up further inside the bell. Cyane settles and presses down to meet you. Your cock presses up against and then up into a lusciously smooth and soft opening. You're not sure what it is. The walls are thick padded jelly. They are lined with a substance that feels like a luxurious cross of silk and rubber. There's enough pressure to create a snug fit around your cock. It also generates a luscious stimulation on your member. It feels really comfortable in there.<br> <br> "Ah," Cyane sighs. "Doesn't it feel wonderful, darling. Like it was made for your penis."<br> <br> It feels perfect, a snug sheath pressing all around your cock. Cyane sits up and starts bobbing up and down. The rubbery walls of the bell swell and pulse with her motions. The folds hanging beneath rub sensually against your flesh. They inflate even more until every part of you is snugly enveloped. None of it feels close to the pleasure you receive from your cock sliding up and down inside Cyane's vagina with its sumptuous cushioned walls of warm jelly.<br> <br> "Oh yes, darling," Cyane moans as she bounces up and down. "Spurt it out inside me."<br> <br> Her luxuriously soft vagina adds suction to the up-and-down motions. Your erection is drawn up deeper and deeper into it. The head pushes up against some kind of membrane at the end. It feels like a rubber bubble that presses against your swollen glans like a kiss. There is a small opening in the membrane that lines up with the opening to your urethra. The bladder beyond expands and generates a powerful suction running down the inside of your cock.<br> <br> "Yes, spurt it out," Cyane sighs above you. "Fill my stomach."<br> <br> //Stomach?//<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cyane: 1st Semen Check]]
You don't get a chance to question that. Her internal bladder swells again. Your cock is forced up against the soft internal cushion. The padded jelly walls squeeze in. The narrow opening sucks at the opening to your urethra. <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Cyane: 1st Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cyane: 2nd Semen Check]]>> <</if>>
Your body trembles as the climax hits. You push up with your hips. Your cock throbs and releases a thick stream of cum.<br> <br> You're not in control of your ejaculation for long. The padded jelly tunnel contracts around your shaft. The thin membrane at the end envelops your glans like a second skin. Cyane squeezes, then relaxes, squeezes, then relaxes. The frequency falls in line with the throbs of your ejaculating cock. It takes over and increases the amplitude. <<set $semenChange to -2>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Cyane: 2nd Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cyane: 2nd Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
Your body trembles, but stops short of climax. You're not sure if it's Cyane's strange mention of her 'stomach' or because your exertions in the House have left you too drained. Either way, as good as it feels, there is no climactic gush of semen from your cock.<br> <br> <<include [[Cyane: Out of Semen: Combined]]>>
<br> <br> Your first ejaculation wasn't the strongest. It felt like the last spurts of your nearly empty balls. No matter what she does, or how comfortable her pussy feels, Cyane can't get you to come a second time, not so soon after the first. You're out. Completely.<br> <br> <<include [[Cyane: Out of Semen: Combined]]>>
You spurt jets through the narrow opening.<br> <br> Then, just as you think you're starting to flag, Cyane sends pulses of dark energy through the slender tentacles coiled around your body. It jolts you like an electric shock, but again is one that only brings pleasure. Your body jerks and then erupts in another ejaculation as powerful – or even more powerful – than the first. This one is shorter – a powerful gush and then done.<br> <br> <<if $isOnGoodEnd and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Cyane: Good End 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Cyane: Bad End 1]]>> <</if>>
That was... //something//. It felt like she sucked the cum right out of you. The tunnel of warm jelly remains snugly wrapped around your member.<br> <br> You're not sure Cyane is done. The strange cushioned sheath that feels so good around your cock starts to relax... then suddenly contracts and pulls your cock deeper. The folds of jelly wrapped around your body pull you up deeper into the bell. The head of your cock presses up against the internal membrane hard enough to stretch the narrow aperture in the middle.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cyane: Good End 2]]
That should be it, you think.<br> <br> Cyane has other ideas. The hanging fronds pull you up higher. The strange jelly sheath contracts around your cock. The walls are soft jelly, but they're very thick and hold your cock in place.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> "So disappointing. I thought you a gentleman, but no gentleman would make a lady work so hard for it. And if you're not a gentleman, $ says it's okay for me to eat you." <<elseif $cgi eq 0>> "Ah, so nice," Cyane says. "I'm so glad you chose me. And now to give you the greatest pleasure of all as I eat you." <<else>> "Mmm, $ says I must let the gentlemen go," Cyane says. "You're no gentleman. I can eat you." <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Cyane: Bad End 2]]
Cyane notices.<br> <br> "What's the matter, darling? Is my body off-putting? Have those other harlots already emptied you?"<br> <br> Her thinner tentacles coil tighter around you.<br> <br> "It's okay. I can make even the most drained of men come."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cyane: Out of Semen: Bad End]]
Cyane sends pulses of dark energy through the whip-thin tentacles. It jolts you like an electric shock, but again is one that only brings pleasure. Your body finds semen where before there seemed none. You jerk and grown as you spurt cum up into Cyane.<br> <br> <<include [[Cyane: Bad End 1]]>>
For a moment it feels like Cyane is tensing up in preparation to give you a massive suck, even more powerful than before. Then she changes her mind. The jelly sheath relaxes and retracts. You're lowered back down to the mattress. The rubbery folds deflate. The slender tentacles unwind from your body.<br> <br> "No," Cyane says. "You've been nothing other than an exemplary gentleman. Gentlemen are not food. I shall follow $'s wishes."<br> <br> With a pulse of her bell, Cyane floats upwards off your body and then drifts back down to the side of the mattress. By the time she reaches the floor her jellyfish bell has shrunk back down so it once again resembles an //avant-garde// ballroom gown.<br> <br> You're left lying on the mattress and wondering what just happened. Your balls feel pleasantly lighter and your whole body has the warm jangly glow of post-orgasmic bliss. It was sex, you think.<br> <br> "Did you enjoy that, darling?" Cyane asks. "My body is unusual but still most pleasant."<br> <br> You did. It was a damn satisfying climax... as long as you don't think too much about it, or exactly what you squirted it up inside.<br> <br> //Fill my stomach.//<br> <br> "You don't have to leave," Cyane says. "$ says I can keep the ones that decide to stay."<br> <br> Her dress billows ominously.<br> <br> That's incentive enough to jump back to your feet. As pleasant as it felt, you don't think you'd be coming back out if you let Cyane settle over you a second time. You mumble thanks and polite apologies as you rush to your clothes and put them back on.<br> <br> Cyane seems disappointed, but still smiles at you.<br> <br> "I understand, darling. Sadly, a lady of the night must always see her gentleman leave."<br> <br> She gives you an elegant curtsey as you head to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Cyane: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $isOnGoodEnd>>
That doesn't sound good. You thrash your limbs in an attempt to free yourself. There's not really that much thrashing. Cyane has you tangled up pretty tight in thick folds of jelly.<br> <br> All it does is trigger an erotic moan from above.<br> <br> "Oh, I do so adore it when they struggle."<br> <br> She sends pulses of dark energy through the whip-thin tentacles coiled around your body. You quiver and shudder. It's like an electric shock, but only affects the pleasure receptors. <<if $player.charms.includes(36)>> <<include [[Cyane: Anti-Paralysis Charm 1]]>> <<include [[Cyane: Anti-Paralysis Charm 2]]>> [[Continue.->Cyane: Bad End 4]] <<else>> <<include [[Cyane: Bad End 3]]>> <</if>>
Unlike an electric shock, it only makes you feel hot and horny. You keep struggling in an attempt to free yourself.<br> <br> "Ooh, are you still squirming," Cyane says.<br> <br> She doesn't sound in any discomfort. On the contrary, she sounds almost orgasmic.<br> <br> "You must have one of the witch's little protective charms."<br> <br>
It overstimulates them and paralyses you just as effectively as if it was an electric shock. This one has the by-product of leaving you massively turned on as well. Her jelly folds inflate further until your body is no longer able to move.<br> <br> Cyane lies down and smiles down at you through the rubbery wall of the bell as it slowly pulses with lascivious throbs.<br> <br> "There's no need to be fearful. I'm a lust daemon. I'll consume you with sexual pleasure."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Cyane: Bad End 4]]
Bladders puff out thick pink fumes and fill the bell with them. Every breath you take is saturated with sex and sinfully sweet perfume. In defiance of your predicament, your cock rises back up to full erection. Cyane's strange jelly orifice keeps sucking on it with slow, throbbing pulses.<br> <br> "This is erotic digestion. I'll melt you with pleasure and suck you up as cum."<br> <br> Her thinner tentacles coil tighter around you and crackle with dark, obscene energy. You heat up and start to feel strange. Comfortable. Blissfully mushy.<br> <br> Cyane pushes down with her hips. Her jelly orifice – you're no longer sure if it's her pussy – sucks and slowly draws your erection up inside it. Your swollen glans again encounters that thin membrane at the end, but this time, rather than stopping, your cock continues pushing up against it. The narrow aperture stretches. Cyane keeps pushing down. The elastic edges of the opening drags across your sensitive glans until, with a loud moan of pleasure from Cyane above, your cock pushes through and into the chamber beyond.<br> <br> That chamber expands and sucks the most powerful ejaculation of the night so far out of you. It's a massive throbbing gush that has you groaning uncontrollably in pleasure.<br> <br> More aphrodisiac fumes are puffed into your face. Her slender tentacles crackle again with dark, sinful energy. You feel yourself slipping away in pure bliss.<br> <br> Your body softens. That internal chamber expands again and you erupt in another massive gush of an ejaculation. It's too much. Your body shouldn't – can't – produce that much semen. It's coming out of you in jets like milk.<br> <br> Cyane's slender tentacles wind tighter. The magical energy they fire into you softens your body and converts more and more of it to cum. The pulsing chamber pumps it out of you in ecstatic explosions. It's too much. You can't even think anymore.<br> <br> Cyane sucks all the cum out of you. And then, when there's not enough left of it to convert, the soft mushy dregs of your body. Your mind has been washed away by overwhelming ecstasy well before then. She was telling the truth when she told you you'd be consumed with sexual pleasure.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Cyane: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
Her tentacles crackle again with dark energy. You writhe and are embarrassed to feel your cock rise up in a powerful erection.<br> <br> "Her charms offer some resistance, but only for a limited time. You're tangled up beneath my bell. I can keep shocking you until her charm gives out."<br> <br> You keep punching and kicking out, desperate to free yourself.<br> <br> "Oh, the squirming. I love it. It makes me feel so..."<br> <br> Cyane's words tail off in loud and erotic climax.<br> <br> She sends many more throbs of dark energy through the slender tentacles. You feel something flare up and then go cold on the back of your shoulder.<br> <br> The next shock overwhelms you. You writhe helplessly as Cyane sends another shock through you. And another.<br> <br> Your struggles cease. The hanging fronds of jelly tangled around your body inflate up to form comfortable, but tight cushions.<br> <br> "Ah, no more struggles," Cyane sighs. "Oh, that made me so wet, darling. I'm afraid you've fully turned on my predatory instincts. I can't stop now. Relax. I'll make you feel really good as I suck you all up."<br> <br>
<<include [[Cyane: Anti-Paralysis Charm 2]]>> [[Continue.->Cyane: Gas]]
<<set _score to $allHarlots[$hi].affection>> <<set _reqScore to 3>> <<if not $player.currIsBlunt>> <<set _score += 3>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <</if>> <<if $isHarlotTesting>> ''Affection score for End Determination = _score''<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _score gt _reqScore>> <<set $isOnGoodEnd to true>> <</if>>
<<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <br> <br> "I'd heard she had expensive tastes," $ says when you mention the gift you brought to Cyane. "I know the type. Very expensive to maintain, but by jove they're worth every penny between the sheets."<br> <br> $'s expression is vulgar as he chuckles.<br> <br> <<elseif _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> <br> <br> "Ah yes," $ says when you mention the gift you brought to Cyane. "I know the type. Only the very best is good enough for them. They cost a pretty penny to maintain, but by jove they're worth every penny between the sheets."<br> <br> $'s expression is vulgar as he chuckles.<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"Yes, I'd heard the rumours about her true nature," $ says. <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> "A pity. When I first came here..."<br> <br> $ pauses as if trying reconcile memories that don't add up. He shakes his head and continues.<br> <br> "I did have a long and pleasant conversation with her. I thought we hit it off rather well. She likes a gentleman of tact, and I like a lady of sophistication. And then I found out more about her." <<else>> "I'm surprised you're here, telling me this story. You don't seem her type and the ones that aren't, rarely return. You must have won her over through some other means." <</if>><br> <br> $ sighs.<br> <br> "All moot of course. Lying down and getting your pride and joy... smooched by a giant jellyfish is not an experience I wish to seek out."
/* Lagona */ <<set $hi to 67>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Lagona Voluptes", shortDescription: "", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [15,20], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Lagona: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Lagona: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Lagona: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Lagona: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Lagona: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Lagona: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Lagona: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Lagona: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Lagona: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Lagona: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(30)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ <<set $player.currInt to 1>> /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 5>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 67>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a gorgeous, tall, and very leggy woman. Her skin is bright green and she's naked aside from some strategically placed vegetation.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is our steamy fleshpot, Lagona Voluptes," $ says.<br> <br> She whispers to you.<br> <br> "She likes a good man inside her."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Lagona Voluptes is statuesque and very leggy. She's slim, but still possesses alluring feminine curves at her hips and bust. Her skin is bright green, like a comic-book character. If it was anywhere else, you'd think it body paint. In here... it's not body paint.<br> <br> Her 'bra and panties' are artfully positioned leaves. Flowering vines run through her green hair. She wears bracelets of coiled ivy on her wrists. Similar decorations adorn her ankles. She wears nothing on her feet.<br> <br> Her face has the exquisite high cheekbones of a top model, but none of the haughtiness. She has big blue eyes and a friendly smile. <<set _ailment to 5>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> Your gaze drops down to her lovely long legs. What you'd give to have those wrapped around you... <</if>><br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(13)>> As you look at her more closely, you become aware of a strange flickering of her outline. It's as if you're not staring at a real person but some kind of hologram.<br> <br> <</if>> /* Harlot intro */ Lagona strides up to you like a haughty catwalk model, but her behaviour once she reaches you is more... eccentric. She holds out her arms as if checking dimensions and walks around and studies you like an absent-minded professor.<br> <br> "Ah yes, you'll fit perfectly. Just right for a good squeeze."<br> <br> Spotting your baffled expression, she blushes in embarrassment.<br> <br> "Sorry. I'm Lagona. Pleased to meet you." <br>
Lagona Voluptes accompanies you into the bar. Normally, you'd be overjoyed to have a gorgeous, tall, leggy, semi-naked goddess at your side (even if she does have bright green skin), but in the House beauty like Lagona's is commonplace. You also have the strange feeling she's not quite all there, and not only in personality.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(13)>> You don't hold hands and when you glance at Lagona out of the corner of your eye, her form seems to flicker. Almost as if she's a hologram or illusion.<br> <br> <</if>> You find a spare table. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Lagona: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Lagona: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br> <br> "Oh, that's not supposed to happen. Now what do I do?"<br> <br> Lagona pauses as if in thought.<br> <br> "I remember, now. 'If the patron has insufficient funds you are to return immediately without telling them anything about yourself.'"<br> <br> She gives you an apologetic smile and gets up and leaves.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name. She doesn't bring anything for Lagona. Lagona sees you look.<br> <br> "It would be pointless," she says. "I'm not actually here. This is just a projection from my room. An illusion."<br> <br> To demonstrate, she swings her hand through the table as if she's a ghost.<br> <br> "I'm a plant girl," she explains. "We're not very mobile."<br> <br> She smiles brightly at your nonplussed face.<br> <br> "$ told us these meetups are to give the patron an idea of the services we offer. With me it's a little difficult to explain. $ was kind enough to give me some toys so I can demonstrate."<br> <br> The illusion of Lagona holds up the illusion of a doll in each hand.<br> <br> One doll looks perfectly normal. It's some kind of toy male doll without any clothes on. The other is more unusual. It looks like a female doll, but painted green to represent Lagona you guess. It's sitting on a bulbous green pot that resembles a carnivorous pitcher plant.<br> <br> "I'm a Libidollam Fleshpot," Lagona says. "The man goes in like this."<br> <br> Lagona takes the male doll and inserts it feet first into the pot between the Lagona doll's legs. The Lagona toy starts to pulse around the inserted doll in a vulgar and obscene way.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Lagona: Socialising: Drinking 2]]
$ is thoughtful as you ask for information on Lagona Voluptes.<br> <br> "Hmm, I've never been sure with that one. She seems ditzy and not very smart. Hardly surprising, she is a vegetable after all. And yet..."<br> <br> $ puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> "She's very dangerous. Don't take her lightly because she seems scatter-brained. Once she opens her legs and releases her luring scents, virtually no man can resist. They get in her pot and stay there. She claims they can leave if they want to, so she is following $'s rules. Does she think that? Is she truly unaware how powerful her luring scents are? Or does she know too well and is playing the scatter-brained bimbo in the hope $ will feed her more fools?"<br> <br> $ tsks.<br> <br> "I dislike not knowing such things. Either way, you should seek out $ You'll need some help from her protective charms. It needs to be a specific charm as well. The gas one is no good. It's never been good with plant girls. She has another one for them. Whether she can remember which one it is... that's another matter."<br> <br> $ chuckles.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"Libidollam Fleshpots like Lagona are carnivorous plants. You can always bring her some fresh meat to eat first. That way she'll leave your meat alone.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ glances down at your crotch and grins lewdly.\<br\>\<br\>\"Well aside from that meat. I daresay you want her to play with that.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: true, text: "$ looks you over.\<br\>\<br\>\"You do look the strong-willed type. Maybe one of $'s protective charms won't be necessary.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Libidollam Fleshpots don't flower. Lagona likes to be brought pretty things to make up for it.\""}>>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[0] to "But avoid N3P-NTHes. That's an abomination that shouldn't exist.\"">> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[1] to "Aphroú's pot is like being in a luxury jacuzzi filled with frothy bubble bath. I've heard she literally dissolves her prey in pleasure.\"">>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Lagona: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Lagona: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
Lagona looks up at you and smiles. "I know what you're thinking, but you don't have to worry. Libidollam Fleshpots are not true carnivorous plants. We just drink cum."<br> <br> Lagona puts on a serious expression that seems more fitting for a comedy sketch. The strange doll continues to pulsate lewdly around the male doll.<br> <br> "We're still quite dangerous. If I caught you out in the wild, I'd squeeze out all your cum. In here there are rules. I'm not allowed to totally drain a man unless he wants it."<br> <br> Lagona leans forwards and whisper conspiratorially.<br> <br> "Many do. Libidollam Fleshpots make it feel really nice."<br> <br> She sits back with a sunny smile.<br> <br> "And now you know. I hope that's made everything clear."<br> <br> Her odd toy still pulsating lewdly away, Lagona – or rather her projection – gets up from the table. She gives you a friendly wave before returning to the stage.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Pretty */ [1,false,false], /* Gift - Body Parts */ [6,false,false], /* Survive */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Lagona: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Lagona: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Lagona Voluptes's room feels like a greenhouse. It's very hot and humid, as if someone has turned a radiator up too high. The temperature matches the décor, as the room has been done up to resemble a jungle. Except, rather than just painting jungle murals on the wall, the decorator appears to have gone above and beyond the call and brought in a chunk of actual jungle. The walls, floor and ceiling are festooned with vines and creepers. There is so much vegetation, you can't even see the walls behind it. You wonder if the door is somehow magical, and you've stepped through it into an actual rainforest clearing.<br> <br> Lagona is sitting on top of a bulbous green vegetative structure. On closer inspection it looks like the pitcher of an enormous pitcher plant. Lagona is sitting nonchalantly on top of it. With her green skin and leafy lingerie, she looks like a glamour model posing for an exotic jungle photoshoot.<br> <br> She sees you enter and smiles brightly.<br> <br> "Come in, come in," she says. "I'm so glad you decided to visit me."<br> <br> Gingerly stepping over the various vines running across the earthy floor, you walk up to her and hold out your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Lagona: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Lagona: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(3)>> <<include [[Lagona: Gift: Pretty]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(14)>> <<include [[Lagona: Gift: Body Parts]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Lagona: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Lagona: Capture]]
"Ooh. What a lovely gift," Lagona says when she sees the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> She looks you up and down.<br> <br> "I'll give you an extra special session," she says.<br> <br> You're a little freaked out when a vine drops down from the ceiling and takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you.
"Ooh. How pretty," Lagona says when she sees the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> You're a little freaked out when a vine drops down from the ceiling and takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you.<br> <br> "I like being brought pretty things," Lagona says. "I don't produce flowers of my own, so it's nice to have other things to brighten this place up."<br> <br> The vine carries your gift over to a wall decorated with flowers and other brightly coloured items. <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>>
"Ah," Lagona says when she see the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "You see, I'm not actually a true carnivorous plant."<br> <br> You're a little freaked out when vines descend from the ceiling and wriggle like tentacles.<br> <br> "Don't worry. You're not the first to make that mistake. I planted some carnivorous plants to dispose of offerings like this. They're doing great."<br> <br> A vine coils around the $allGifts[$cgi].name. It carries <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> away over to a group of smaller pitcher plants in the corner of the room. They're small, but only in relation to the monstrous green pitcher Lagona is sitting on. The biggest could easily hold a large rat or even a cat. The vine drops the $allGifts[$cgi].name in one and the lid closes on top like a pedal bin. <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>>
Lagona frowns as you show her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "I don't think I'll be able to find a use for that," she says.<br> <br> You're unnerved as a vine drops down from the ceiling, coils around your gift, and carries it up and away out of sight.
After presenting your gift you stand around awkwardly and wonder what's going to happen next. Sex with Lagona presumably, although you're not sure where. There's no bed or anything resembling a mattress you can see. Lagona makes no move towards you either. She continues to sit nonchalantly on top of the bulbous great pot.<br> <br> "Give me a mo," Lagona says.<br> <br> Her face furrows in concentration. The pot beneath her starts to swell and pulsate ominously. Lagona sighs and leans back. She opens her long legs. They don't move right. Instead of being jointed at the knees, they curve like a snake or tentacle. Too flexible by far. They form a rim around the top of the pot. The pot itself opens up to reveal a gaping pink interior. It suddenly contracts and whooshes a thick pink cloud into the air that expands to fill the room.<br> <br> You take a breath contaminated by the concentrated odour of sex and other sweet scents. And then...<br> <br> [[Continue.->Lagona: Enter Pot]]
...and then the next thing you know, you're fully naked and lowering your body into the big green pot between Lagona's legs. It's too late to stop yourself. Your feet are already inside and you've just let go of the rim as you come to your senses.<br> <br> You slide down into some kind of large membranous bag big enough to hold nearly your entire body. Only your head sticks out at the top and is at a level to give you a close-up view of Lagona's crotch. Before you can react, Lagona closes her legs up around your neck, with her thighs resting on top of your shoulders.<br> <br> "Sorry about that," Lagona says. "$ tells me I should be less forceful with patrons, but I find it skips the boring part where I explain what I am and they try to run away. This way we can get right to the fun stuff."<br> <br> She smiles down at you.<br> <br> The walls of the bag are smooth and elastic. They also feel warm and fleshy. The implications of that disturb you...<br> <br> Instinctively, you try to climb out. That's a lot more difficult than it sounds. Impossible even. The inner lining is thick and slippery. You can't get any kind of purchase on it with either your hands or feet. Lagona has also closed the bag up over your shoulders, so you cannot reach up with your arms and get them over the rim to lift yourself out. All you can do is thrash rather ineffectually as your hands and feet slide around the internal membrane.<br> <br> Lagona rolls her eyes at your efforts.<br> <br> "You might as well stop that," she says. "You can't get out without my help and I'm not going to help you until you've had a good hard spunk inside me."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Lagona: Struggle]]
You continue to flail around inside the membranous bag. Lagona tuts in disapproval.<br> <br> She leans back and sighs. It's not a sigh of dissatisfaction. It's a long sigh of desire. Puffs of pink gas well up from her crotch and the rim of the pot. You breathe in the sweet fragrance and suddenly feel both blissfully relaxed and pleasantly aroused. Your cock swells in erection and rubs against the fleshy inner lining. The stimulation causes it to swell further still. Your struggles slow.<br> <br> "That's better," Lagona says. "I'm not a carnivorous plant. Everyone makes that mistake. I'm a Libidollam Fleshpot. Our pots aren't filled with digestive juices. They're filled with flesh. And it's cum we want, not meat."<br> <br> Lagona sighs again. Another cloud of sweet perfume rises up to envelop your head. Your struggles cease.<br> <br> The fleshy walls swell and press all around your body. The pot slowly pulses and it feels like many amorous hands are sliding all over your body.<br> <br> "Mmm, I think you're starting to get it now," Lagona says.<br> <br> The soft fleshy walls squeeze up tighter and tighter, until your whole body is snugly enveloped. It feels warm and really comfortable. As if your whole body has been inserted into a giant vagina. The pot slowly throbs, and the pulses cause the fleshy interior to rub against you in a way that feels very arousing.<br> <br> Lagona smiles down at you and runs her hands through your hair. The pot continues to slowly throb and squeeze you between the soft internal walls. It feels like a sensual all-over body massage. You relax inside her and enjoy the sensation.<br> <br> "Mmm, yes. You understand," Lagona says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Lagona: Sex]]
More clouds of sweet perfume waft up around your head. The pot squeezes and rubs. You feel like you've been buried in soft fleshy cushions. The surface feels good as well, like smooth unblemished skin.<br> <br> "And to manoeuvre you into place," Lagona says.<br> <br> The internal membranes shift and move around you. Your body is manoeuvred inside the pot. Your cock slides against silky-smooth membranes. The head catches on a dimpled indentation. Then, with a gentle squeeze of the pot around you, your erection slides into a hidden fold.<br> <br> "Ah, it's in place," Lagona says. "Mmm."<br> <br> She lets out a long erotic sigh. The pot throbs slow and rhythmically around your whole body. It squeezes your body in waves that roll up your legs and back. The throbs coax your hips into moving back and forth. A slow relaxing massage morphs into a slow languid fuck.<br> <br> As pleasant as it feels, it's still a little too slow to ramp you to climax.<br> <br> "You'll have to excuse me," Lagona says. "Plant girls aren't very mobile. We can't generate the usual amount of stimulation."<br> <br> You understand. As comfortable and pleasant as being in her fleshpot is, the slow pulsations are relaxing rather than arousing. While you feel luscious soft pressure all around your cock, there's little in the way of in-and-out friction to tip you over the edge.<br> <br> "We have to use other tricks," Lagona says. "This might feel a little unusual."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Lagona: Semen Check]]
The pot contracts around you. Your cock pushes deeper into the fleshy invagination. The head pushes into a different type of membrane – an elastic one that stretches and tightly envelops your glans. You feel a strange trickling <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Lagona: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Lagona: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>><br> <br> "This is spersmosis," Lagona explains. "I have special internal membranes. When a man pushes his penis into them, it triggers an uncontrollable urge to ejaculate. You feel like you're coming, but it's really my membranes drawing the semen out of you."<br> <br> Held in the fleshy grip of her pot, you continue to pour out semen in a strong, continuous flow.<br> <br> "It draws other things out as well, but we won't ruin the moment by talking about it," Lagona says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Lagona: End Prep]]
sensation and then you start ejaculating powerfully with almost no warning. It's a strange ejaculation as well. The flow is so constant and full, if feels almost like a good hard piss. Maybe it is both. All you know is you feel the pleasure of a powerful release and let out a sigh of relief.
sensation, then a powerful urge to ejaculate...<br> <br> ...which your body somehow denies.<br> <br> You tense up, but you end up being stuck there, thrumming at the brink of orgasm.<br> <br> "Ah, that happens a lot in here," Lagona says. "A night of horny succubi tends to leave a lot of men empty. It won't matter. My spersmosis membranes will still make you come. It'll just take a little longer is all."<br> <br> The trickling sensation intensifies, and with it the urge to ejaculate. Intensifies, until – with a gasp – you finally attain climax and spurt cum inside her. It's a strange sort of climax, more like a constant steady stream than a powerful throbbing gush.
Your semen should flood the cavity. Instead it is quickly absorbed through the strange membrane wrapped around your glans.<br> <br> "That's enough... for now," Lagona says.<br> <br> The pot relaxes and you fall back. The end of your cock is no longer in contact with that strange elastic membrane. It's like breaking an electric circuit. Semen stops flowing out of your cock in a constant stream. A strange tenseness leaves your body. You flop, pleasantly supported by the cushioned walls of the pot.<br> <br> "Mmm, did you like that?" Lagona asks.<br> <br> You nod weakly. It felt strange for sure, but also incredible.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen or $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Lagona: Bad End Dialogue 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Lagona: Good End Dialogue]]>> <</if>>
"Mmm," Lagona says. "If you had met me out in the jungle, that would have been the end of you. I'm not carnivorous, but I am predatory. I'd put you in my pot and drain everything out of you."<br> <br> The fleshy pot contracts. Your cock slides deeper into the invagination, but not deep enough to come into contact with the special membrane at the end.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "In here there are rules," Lagona continues. "We can't drink the patrons... unless they want it." <<else>> "In here there are rules," Lagona continues. "We can't drink the patrons... unless they run out of energy and are unable to perform without our help." <</if>><br> <br> Lagona shifts position. Pink clouds of sweet perfume well up around your head.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "Which you do." <<else>> "Those are ours, by right." <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Lagona: Bad End Dialogue 2]]
"You're a lucky man," Lagona says. "If you had met me out in the jungle, that would have been the end of you. I'm not carnivorous, but I am predatory. I'd put you in my pot and drain everything out of you."<br> <br> The fleshy pot contracts. Your cock slides deeper into the invagination, but not deep enough to come into contact with the special membrane at the end.<br> <br> "Not in here though," Lagona continues. "$'s rules. We can't drink the patrons... unless they want it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Lagona: Stay in Pot Choice]]
<<set _hasCharm to $player.charms.includes(30)>> Lagona shifts position. Pink clouds of sweet perfume well up around your head.<br> <br> "I can do it. That's $'s rules. If the patron wants it, we're allowed to give them ultimate pleasure. Imagine that feeling just now, but for hours and hours and hours. That's what I can give you – hours of perfect comfy bliss within my pot. Many would think it worth it."<br> <br> The pot slowly pulsates around you, squeezing you with the fleshy cushioned walls. More perfumed clouds fog your thoughts.<br> <br> "And they did."<br> <br> Your cock twitches at the mention of 'hours and hours of perfect comfy bliss'.<br> <br> Lagona feels it. "See," she laughs.<br> <br> She glances down your front.<br> <br> "He knows it."<br> <br> The pink clouds thicken around your head into a thick stew of illicit and exciting scents. <<if not _hasCharm>> Your thoughts are submerged in a comfortable thick fog. It grows harder to focus on Lagona's words. <</if>><br> <br> "If you want me to stop and let you out, say so. I must follow the rules of the House. If not... none of the others regretted it."<br> <br> <<if _hasCharm>> [[That's enough. Ask her to help you out.->Lagona: Choose to Leave]]<br> [[It feels so good you'd rather stay in here forever.->Lagona: Choose to Stay]] <<else>> You can't concentrate. Your body is wrapped up in comfortable cushions of flesh. Your thoughts are buried in lustful wants. It feels too good in here. You don't want to leave.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Lagona: Choose to Stay]] <</if>>
As comfortable as it feels inside Lagona's pot, and as much as you'd like to experience that unusual ejaculation again, enough of what Lagona said percolated through the perfumed fog enveloping your mind. If you stay here any longer, you know you'll never leave. Even knowing that, it's still a tempting proposition, but one you know you must resist.<br> <br> You tell Lagona you want her to help you get out.<br> <br> She smiles. "I understand. You're young. There are plenty of other pleasures to experience."<br> <br> She leans down and whispers.<br> <br> "Especially in here."<br> <br> She opens her 'legs'. Close up you can see they're the rim of the pot. They form a hoop connected by what looks like feet at either end. It's all mimicry.<br> <br> Lagona leans down and slides her arms under your armpits. Many vines descend down from the ceiling and coil around your arms and upper body. Together, they lift you up out of the fleshpot. They're needed as well. Your feet slide ineffectually against the smooth inner membranes and you don't contribute anything to the effort.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Lagona: Good End]]
You don't say anything. It feels so comfortable in Lagona's pot. You want to stay here a little longer. Just a short while.<br> <br> Lagona smiles down at you. "This is going to feel so good."<br> <br> <<include [[Lagona: Bad End 1]]>>
The pot slowly pulsates around you, squeezing you with the fleshy cushioned walls. More perfumed clouds fog your thoughts.<br> <br> "Mmm. I give them ultimate pleasure – hours and hours of perfect comfy bliss within my pot. They all think it's worth it... in the end."<br> <br> Your cock twitches at the mention of 'hours and hours of perfect comfy bliss'.<br> <br> Lagona feels it. "See," she laughs.<br> <br> She glances down your front.<br> <br> "He knows it."<br> <br> The pink clouds thicken around your head into a thick stew of illicit and exciting scents. Your thoughts are submerged in a comfortable thick fog. You can't concentrate. Your body is wrapped up in comfortable cushions of flesh. Your thoughts are buried in lustful wants. It feels too good in here. You don't ever want to leave.<br> <br> Lagona smiles down at you. "This is going to feel so good."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Lagona: Bad End 1]]
Her pot slowly pulsates around you. The fleshy walls expand and gently squeeze you like soft cushions. The slow, throbbing pulsations of the pot cause the silky-smooth surfaces of the walls to rub against you in a slow, sensual massage.<br> <br> Lagona leans back and moans. More thick clouds of aphrodisiac gas puff up around your head. You lie back and indulge in pure bliss.<br> <br> "Mmm, I don't need to rush," Lagona says. "You can't get out. No-one is coming for you. I can take my time. Enjoy it. Let you enjoy it."<br> <br> She takes her time. The luscious interior of her fleshpot massages you all over. Your thoughts never get a chance to clear. Each time the pink fog seems to be lifting, another fragrant cloud wells up out of the pot.<br> <br> As before, the pulsations grow more urgent. The opulent cushioned walls rubbing against you, more lascivious. The scented clouds, more illicit. Your cock hardens back into a powerful erection.<br> <br> Lagona squeezes you with slow, teasing pulses. With each squeeze your cock slides deeper into that secret fold within the wall.<br> <br> "Do you want to come?" Lagona asks. "Are you ready to give all your fluids to me?"<br> <br> You nod eagerly.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Lagona: Bad End 2]]
Lagona lifts you over the rim and lowers you to the floor. You're a little unsteady on your feet. Your body craves a return to the warmth and comfort of Lagona's pot. You ignore it. If you go back in, you're never coming out.<br> <br> Lagona leans back and closes her 'legs'.<br> <br> "Did you enjoy that?" she asks. "There are others like me in the House. <<include [[Harlot Scenario: Select Harlot Gossip]]>><br> <br> You thank her for the information and pick up your clothes.<br> <br> "You can always change your mind. Visit me again and you'll realise it's worth it when I pamper you for hours and hours until you're fully drained."<br> <br> Lagona glances around shiftily. Her pot starts to swell and throb ominously. You decide to leave quickly, before Lagona changes her mind on letting you go.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Lagona: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
The pot contracts. The fleshy walls press in all around you. Your dick slides all the way into that secret fold. The head pushes into the elastic membrane at the end, and your glans and the top half of your penis is tightly wrapped.<br> <br> Again, it's like an electric circuit being completed. Your body stiffens. You feel a pleasant trickling sensation all around the end of your cock. Cum starts pouring out of it and you release a loud, contented sigh.<br> <br> The orgasm doesn't stop this time. Lagona draws it out of you in a long trickling stream. It should be flooding everywhere, but the membrane absorbs it completely. You should stop at some point, but you can't. Lagona's internal membrane draws it out of you in an unending stream. Her pot gently pulsates around you like the beats of a heart. Your cock slides back and forth, still pouring out semen in a constant stream.<br> <br> You really should be stopping now, but you don't. You can't.<br> <br> Lagona lightly ruffles your hair. "You'll know only bliss."<br> <br> And you do. She holds you in a state of insensate bliss while she draws all the fluids out of your body. She takes her time as well. In all, you experience hours of orgasmic delight before you run dry and expire.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Lagona: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
"Ah, Lagona. Yes, I have seen her little... demonstration, but not much in the way of first-hand accounts from people who've visited her."<br> <br> $ pulls out his black notebook and looks at you expectantly.<br> <br> "Tell me about your experiences with Lagona Voluptes."<br> <br>
<<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <br> <br> "Now that you mention it, I do seem to remember her saying her kind didn't produce any flowers," $ says as you describe her reaction to your gift. "Bringing her something pretty to brighten up her room does seem the perfect gift."<br> <br> <<elseif _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <br> <br> "She was quite adamant about not being carnivorous," $ says as you describe her reaction to your gift. "I had doubts, but it seems she might have been truthful."<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"And she let you go, as easy as that?"<br> <br> $ sounds doubtful.<br> <br> "I've sent scores of men into that room. Of all different types and persuasions – soldiers, scoundrels, doting husbands and fathers, men of God. I refuse to believe they all willingly chose to stay and let her 'drink' them. There must be some other factor at play. A missing piece of the puzzle. Maybe to do with that card-playing witch."
/* Succuba */ <<set $hi to 58>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Succuba", shortDescription: "", faction: 0, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: true, hasPlotRepeatVisits: true, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Succuba: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Succuba: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Succuba: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Succuba: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Succuba: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Succuba: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Succuba: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Succuba: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 20>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set _ailment to 3>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 58>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "a stereotypically sexy succubus that could have come straight out of a videogame RPG. She wears kinky purple lingerie and has the body of a busty swimwear model.">>
"Ugh, that trollop."<br> <br> $ pulls a face as you ask about Succuba.<br> <br> "She's a common succubus," she says. "Very common."<br> <br> $ takes a sip of her cocktail as if washing away a bad taste.<br> <br> "No sophistication at all. You could swap her with a human whore and I doubt anyone would notice at all. Her attitude is the same. She's only interested in getting a man to come as fast as possible. She won't even remember your face afterwards.<br> <br> "She boasts of offering every sexual service imaginable, but... ah, how does the human expression go... jack of all trades, master of none."<br> <br> $ smirks nastily. Then sighs.<br> <br> "Not that the men notice. She's still a succubus and, being $'s little lapdog, she frequently gets to them first. She rarely ever kills them as well, so every succubus following has to put up with her stink all over them."<br> <br> $ takes a long drink of her cocktail.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>> <br><br>
Succuba is a sultry and arousing presence on your arm as she escorts you into the bar. Normally, you would have found her scandalous attire a little too much, but in here it seems the norm, and you're okay with that. She takes you to one of the side booths and sits opposite. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Succuba: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Succuba: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Succuba: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Succuba: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* Madam intro */ "Ooh, you're in for a treat," $ says. "This is Succuba. She's one of my most popular girls. Perfect for the inexperienced and experienced alike."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Succuba looks like she's just stepped out of the bestiary of a videogame RPG. She looks the perfect stereotype of an alluring succubus. She has the figure of a busty – very busty – lingerie model. She has lovely long legs, a voluptuous hourglass shape, a lovely pert bum, a trim midriff and a curvaceous bust. Her face is delicate and elfin, but with full, decadent lips and big alluring eyes. She's dressed in a scandalous purple outfit that's barely more than underwear with a few extra straps. Her raven-black hair cascades onto her shoulders in shower of glossy curls.<br> <br> Because she's a succubus, she also has devil horns, tail and leathery black batwings. They don't detract from her appeal at all. She has a killer body and the seductive smirk of someone who knows how to fully utilise it in the bedroom.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hello, I'm Succuba."<br> <br> Succuba introduces herself with a charming smile. The perfect proportions of her body devour your gaze and heat your blood.<br> <br> "You can fuck me for as long and as hard as you like," she says. <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She's obsessed with staying in $'s good graces. She only takes a man's soul if they're foolish enough to stay longer than their body can manage, and she'll even warn them in advance.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ seems most disgusted about that last part."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She's a common tart, so yes, you can go with her for as many times as your body allows. I've heard the old perv in the bar pays out for every sex act you experience. Why, I don't know. It certainly can't be \/\/new\/\/ information.\"\<br\>\<br\>She sniggers nastily."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She's not very dangerous. She won't use any of her magic to try and seduce or charm you. You can leave her room any time after the first \/\/pop\/\/.\""}>>
<br><br> "How unfortunate," Succuba says. "And I was so looking forward to having a lovely chat with you. Alas, rules are rules."<br> <br> She gets up and blows you a kiss.<br> <br> "We can have a nice chat up in my room. And do other things. Lots of other things," she adds with a naughty wink.<br> <br> You regretfully watch the lovely sway of her peach of a bum as she returns to $<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a tall glass of what looks like milk for Succuba. She regards you with bright eyes and a flirty smile.<br> <br> "So, you'd like to know more about me," she says. "I'm a succubus, as you can see."<br> <br> She gestures to her short little black horns and extends a leathery black batwing.<br> <br> "Normally, we're pretty dangerous to humans. We seduce them, lure them to our beds and then suck out their life and soul with sex."<br> <br> Succuba imparts this information as if it's no more than a particularly scandalous piece of gossip.<br> <br> "I won't lie and tell you I'm safe," Succuba says. "I am fair though. I won't use my charm magic to coerce or control you. You're free to leave at any time. And if you choose to stay... well I'll make it so you go out with a bang."<br> <br> At the mention of //bang// she reaches under the table to place a hand on your knee and you nearly //bang// in your pants.<br> <br> "You can pop as many times as your body is able to. And you can leave at any point after the first. I'm a very fair succubus."<br> <br> She leans forwards to whisper.<br> <br> "$ lets us have first crack at all the lovely new arrivals if we're fair."<br> <br> Her hand slides up your legs and inwards. Then, just as you're waiting for it to brush against something it shouldn't, Succuba gets up and pulls it away with a teasing smile.<br> <br> "See you later."<br> <br> She blows you a kiss and you watch the lovely sway of her peach of a bum as she returns to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Handjob */ [1,false,false], /* Titwank */ [1,false,false], /* Footjob */ [1,false,false], /* Blowjob */ [1,false,false], /* Tailjob */ [1,false,false], /* Magic */ [1,false,false], /* Missionary Sex */ [1,false,false], /* Doggy Style Sex */ [1,false,false], /* Cowgirl Sex */ [1,false,false], /* Anal Sex */ [5,false,false] /* Done everything */ ] }>> <<include [[Succuba: Init Vars]]>> <<include [[Succuba: Enter Room]]>>
/* create score array */ /* 1st, find old score array (if multiple visits, take the last score array) */ <<for _r to 0; _r lt $player.roomScores.length; _r++>> <<if $player.roomScores[_r].harlotNumber eq $hi>> <<set _scoreArray to $player.roomScores[_r].scoreArray>> <</if>> <</for>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: _scoreArray }>> <<include [[Succuba: Init Vars]]>> <<include [[Succuba: Enter Room]]>>
Succuba's bedroom is a shrine to illicit pleasures. It's opulent, decadent and overtly devoted to the pursuit of pleasure. The black carpet is deep and soft. Fine coloured silks are draped over the walls in pastel curtains. Sensual pieces of furniture and other risqué //objet d'art// give the room a close and intimate feel. A massive canopied bed takes up most of the room. The air is thick with a strong exotic perfume that is both alluring and overpowering.<br> <br> Succuba is on the bed. She is devastatingly but also unnaturally beautiful. She's tall and leggy, but also voluptuously curvaceous at the chest and hips. She's dressed in a kinky purple outfit – little more than lingerie – that shows off her stunning body to the fullest extent. She poses as if for a photoshoot – bust thrust out, lips bunched up in a pout, and her black hair hanging down in a waterfall of silky sable tresses.<br> <br> She's not lying on the bed, but instead floating about a foot above it as if lounging on an invisible cushion. She turns her head to you and you swelter beneath the burning lust of her gaze.<br> <br> "Come in," she says, her voice crushed velvet.<br> <br> You stumble in, suddenly feeling as knock-kneed and tongue-tied as a clueless teen before his first sexual experience. You hold out your gift and Succuba swings round to a sitting position to receive it.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Succuba: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(15)>> <<include [[Succuba: Gift: Sex Toy]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(6)>> <<include [[Succuba: Gift: Smutty]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(4)>> <<include [[Succuba: Gift: Romantic]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(5)>> <<include [[Succuba: Gift: Sensual]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(0, 1)>> <<include [[Succuba: Gift: Edible Drinkable]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(14)>> <<include [[Succuba: Gift: Bodyparts]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(13)>> <<include [[Succuba: Gift: Macabre]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(2)>> <<include [[Succuba: Gift: Scented]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(3)>> <<include [[Succuba: Gift: Pretty]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(9)>> <<include [[Succuba: Gift: Cute]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(11,12)>> <<include [[Succuba: Gift: Weird]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Succuba: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> She makes a gesture and the gift floats off on a small cushion of purple light to a small table at the foot of the bed.<br> <br> "Now come, sit here."<br> <br> She floats back down and pats the surface of the bed next to her.<br> <br> [[Clothes?->Succuba: Clothes]]<br> [[Sit where she indicates.->Succuba: Sit on Bed]]
Succuba takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you. She puts it to her nose, closes her eyes and takes a long sniff.<br> <br> "Mmm." She sighs as if pleasuring herself.<br> <br> She opens her eyes and looks at you.<br> <br> "So you wish for the full succubus course. Very well. I will make it the most delicious thing you've ever experienced."
"My my, what a filthy mind you have," she says as she examines the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> She looks you over and you swelter under the erotic intensity of her gaze.<br> <br> "I love an opportunity to get properly filthy."<br> <br> You don't doubt that at all.
"How sweet," Succuba says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you. "I love a romantic soul."<br> <br> She flashes you a sultry gaze that sets your crotch throbbing with eager need.<br> <br> "They taste so delicious."<br> <br> She gives you a knowing wink.
Succuba takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Oh, do you like it slow and sensual?"<br> <br> She clicks her teeth and gives you a sad little face.<br> <br> "I'm not the best for that. I like it quick and dirty."<br> <br> She turns back to you and you swelter under the erotic intensity of her gaze.
Succuba takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you.<br> <br> "Hmm, I am <<if $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(0)>>hungry.<<else>>thirsty.<</if>> But for..."<br> <br> She turns her burning hot lust-filled gaze down to your crotch.<br> <br> "...other things."<br> <br> She runs her tongue around her sensual lips.
She takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you and laughs.<br> <br> "Mmm. It is true. Some lust daemons do possess more... bestial appetites."<br> <br> She leaves it unspoken as to whether she's one of those lust demons.
Succuba takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and gives it a long sniff.<br> <br> "Such a lovely fragrance," she says.<br> <br> She turns her burning hot lust-filled gaze down to your crotch.<br> <br> "I prefer the stink of sex though."<br> <br> She gives you a filthy, knowing wink.
Succuba takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name from you and examines <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it.<<else>>them.<</if>><br> <br> "Such <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>a pretty little thing.<<else>>pretty little things"<</if>><br> <br> She turns her gaze back to you and you swelter under the burning erotic intensity of it.<br> <br> "I do love corrupting and ruining the pretty little things."<br> <br> She gazes down to your crotch and runs a tongue around her sensual lips.
"Aww, how cute," Succuba says with a girlish giggle as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "Do you like cute things?"<br> <br> She turns her gaze back to you and you swelter under the burning erotic intensity of it.<br> <br> "I'll be your little cutie-pie..."<br> <br> She gazes down to your crotch and runs a tongue around her sensual lips.<br> <br> "...and totally fuck your brains out."
Succuba takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you and sniggers.<br> <br> "Well, aren't you a weird one."<br> <br> She turns her burning hot lust-filled gaze down to your crotch.<br> <br> "I don't mind. I simply love fucking all men."<br> <br> She runs her tongue around her sensual lips.
She turns the $allGifts[$cgi].name over in her hands.<br> <br> "Thank you. How lovely."<br> <br> Then she turns her burning, lust-filled gaze back to you. You suspect you're the present she's really interested in.
Shouldn't you get undressed first? You point this out to Succuba.<br> <br> She shakes her head and smiles.<br> <br> "I like to unwrap my toys..." Her nostrils flare with naked lust. "...personally."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: Sit on Bed]]
You sit on the bed where Succuba indicates. The mattress is very deep and soft. Succuba undresses you, starting with your trousers. She undoes them and slowly pulls them down. She lifts your feet and pulls them away. She peels off your socks at the same time.<br> <br> "Your gift was nice, but this is the true present."<br> <br> She moves up behind you on the bed. You feel her soft breath whisper against your ear. She slides her hands under your top and lifts it up over your head.<br> <br> "Mmm."<br> <br> Succuba murmurs approvingly and lets her hands roam all over your chest. Then she slides off the bed and crouches down in front of you again. She hooks the elastic of your underpants and slowly drags your underwear down. Your penis, finally free, slowly rises in a semi. Succuba licks her finger and runs it over the head of your cock. It jerks to full hardness with a violent twitch.<br> <br> "Nice and eager," Succuba says.<br> <br> She slides back around behind you on the bed and sensually massages your neck and shoulders.<br> <br> <<if not $cgi eq 0>> "You can go with me for as long and as many times – and in as many positions – as you'd like. Unlike the other succubi in here, I'm not going to try and trick you out of your life and soul. I'll only take you if you run out of cum, or..."<br> <br> She leans in close to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "...if you want me to."<br> <br> She sits back and resumes massaging your back with warm, skilled hands.<br> <br> "Many men think it worth it," she says. "They have no regrets."<br> <br> She kisses your earlobe.<br> <br> <</if>> <<set $succubaRound to 0>> [[Continue.->Succuba: To Next Scene]]
Succuba giggles as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "Looks fun, but unnecessary. A succubus has no need of such toys."<br> <br> She turns her burning hot lust-filled gaze down to your crotch.<br> <br> "We have everything we need already to make you quiver in helpless ecstasy."<br> <br> She gives you a filthy, knowing wink.
Succuba takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name and smiles.<br> <br> "Why so gloomy? I'm not going to suck out your soul during sex."<br> <br> She turns her burning gaze on you and you wilt beneath the white-hot lustful intensity of it.<br> <br> "Not unless you want me to."<br> <br> She gives you a filthy, knowing wink.
<<include [[Succuba: Create Next Scene Options]]>> <br> [[Something else.->Succuba: Something Else]]<br> [[Let her choose.->Succuba: Her Choice]] <<if $succubaRound neq 1>> <br><br> [[Time to leave.->Succuba: Leave]] <</if>>
Succuba lies next to you on the soft mattress.<br> <br> "Oh my, I think we've done everything together," she says.<br> <br> She looks up and down your body. Her eyes fill with hunger. Her smile becomes vulpine. You feel an overwhelming aura emanating from her body.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "Nearly everything. There's one more thing to do. The thing you asked for."<br> <br> She <<include [[Succuba: Bad End 2]]>> <<else>> It passes.<br> <br> "No," she says. "I'll be a good girl."<br> <br> She has you sit up and put your legs over the side of the mattress. She sits behind you and gently massages your shoulders.<br> <br> "We could go again, but you're out. I sensed it with your last ejaculation. I've drained every drop from your balls. That wouldn't stop me. It doesn't stop any succubus. It would stop you though. Your next ejaculation would be your last. Your soul would come out with it and that will be the end of you."<br> <br> Succuba's hand creeps around to wrap around your erection.<br> <br> "Mmm, human souls are so tasty."<br> <br> She gives your cock a little pump to get some blood back into it. Then – regretfully – pulls her hand away.<br> <br> "No," Succuba says. "To have lasted all the way through that session you must not have seen any of the other succubi in here. I want to keep getting first taste of all the lovely young men that enter the House, and $ won't let me have that if I kill them."<br> <br> She kisses you lightly on the neck.<br> <br> "We'll stop here."<br> <br> You stand up and are surprised by a sudden bout of wooziness. Maybe all that sex took more out of you than you thought. You put your clothes back on while Succuba watches from the bed.<br> <br> "Oh, and go see the nurse," Succuba says. "She has special tonics that will restore your... juices. If you know what I mean."<br> <br> She gives you a filthy wink as you walk to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[10][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Succuba: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>> <</if>>
<<set $succubaForeplayIndices.delete(0)>> <<set $succubaSceneIndices.delete(0)>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> <<if $wasChosen>> "Just a handjob?" Succuba says with a teasing smile. "Okay. Lie down and I'll jerk you off." <<else>> "I'll use my hands," Succuba says. "Lie down and I'll jerk you off." <</if>><br> <br> You lie on your back on the soft mattress. Succuba kneels next to your hips with an eager expression. Her batwings are folded up behind her. She shows you her left hand and wiggles her fingers dextrously.<br> <br> She wraps her hand around your cock and pumps up and down. It feels warm and it's pleasant having someone else's hand wrapped around your shaft.<br> <br> "A cautious choice," Succuba says. "Did these put you off?"<br> <br> She points at her horns. Her smile reveals she has long pointed incisors.<br> <br> Her hand smoothly pumps your cock. She is extremely skilful. It's almost like she knows your body better than you do.<br> <br> <<if $hasDescribedGame>> "In the deadlier version of the game I used to play in the past, most picked this. <<else>> <<set $hasDescribedGame to true>> "I used to play a deadlier version of this game in the past," Succuba says while she masturbates you. "I used to capture holy men and force them to pick a sex act. Most picked this. <</if>> Either because they thought it to be the least impure, or because they thought a succubus couldn't snatch a man's soul this way. They were wrong of course."<br> <br> Succuba switches position. She twists her hand and starts lightly raking her nails through the pubic hair covering your balls. She strokes her fingertips up your shaft and squeezes the head of your shaft with her palm. With each stroke it feels like strange tidal forces are running through you. As if Succuba is gathering up your... //energy// and drawing it down into your balls. Maybe also gathering up //you//, as you feel strangely discombobulated. As if your consciousness is occupying your balls instead of your head.<br> <br> "I jerked their souls right out of them," Succuba says, her smile again revealing her fanglike incisors.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: Handjob 2]]
<<set $succubaForeplayIndices.delete(1)>> <<set $succubaSceneIndices.delete(1)>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <<if $wasChosen>> "Ah, so you like boobs?" Succuba says with a smile. <<else>> "Mmm, do you like boobs?" Succuba asks with a smile. <</if>><br> <br> She sits up and gives her lovely curvaceous rack a little jiggle. She has a perfect pair – ripe and full, but also perky rather than sagging, and with lovely pink nipples.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> Of course you like boobs. They're the best thing in the world! <<else>> You like boobs. Especially a nice pair like Succuba's. <</if>><br> <br> "Lie back," Succuba says. "I'll soon have you spunking out a big load between them."<br> <br> She positions herself between your legs and starts rubbing her bust against your cock. The lovely soft feel of her tits quickly has your cock responding as it surges to full throbbing hardness. Succuba lets it rise and then clamps it between her pillow-soft tits. She turns her hot gaze on you as she grips the side of her boobs and slides them up and down your cock.<br> <br> "How does that feel?" Succuba asks.<br> <br> It feels like titwank heaven. Succuba's skin is silky-smooth. Her tits are soft and feel like exquisite cushions pressing around your member. She slides them up and down. She pauses at the top to press them together, completely smothering your cock in warm tit-flesh in the process.<br> <br> <<if $hasDescribedGame>> "This was a popular choice when I played a deadlier version of this game. <<else>> <<set $hasDescribedGame to true>> "I used to capture holy men and play a deadlier version of this game. This was a popular choice. <</if>> I think men believe they're safe if they don't actually put their dick in the succubus."<br> <br> Succuba keeps plumping her exquisite pillow tits around your cock. Her lips turn up in a toothy smile.<br> <br> "They're not."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: Titwank 2]]
<<set $succubaForeplayIndices.delete(2)>> <<set $succubaSceneIndices.delete(2)>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <<if $wasChosen>> "You'd like a footjob?" Succuba says. "I can do that." <<else>> "How about a footjob?" Succuba says. "I can do that." <</if>><br> <br> She turns around, sits back on her bum and lifts her feet up. She gives her toes a little wiggle. Her feet are dainty and perfectly formed. Her immaculately manicured toenails are painted a sumptuous purple.<br> <br> "Are you a foot person?" Succuba asks.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 4>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> Yes, you are. You can't look away from Succuba's dainty little feet.<br> <br> Succuba sees the intensity of your gaze and laughs.<br> <br> "There's always one." <<else>> They're fine, you guess. <</if>><br> <br> Succuba lifts herself over your legs and sits between them. She clamps her feet around your erection and gives you a hot slutty smile as she starts to jerk you off with her toes.<br> <br> "I never know if men pick this because they like feet, or they think it's safer than other forms of sexual intercourse with a succubus."<br> <br> She gives you a wolfish smile that shows off her pointed fangs.<br> <br> "It isn't," she says.<br> <br> She grips your cock tightly between her feet. Her toes almost feel as dextrous as fingers. With each stroke you feel a strange tugging sensation across the whole of your body. As if she's gathering up the substance of your being and drawing it down to your loins.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: Footjob 2]]
<<set $succubaForeplayIndices.delete(3)>> <<set $succubaSceneIndices.delete(3)>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> <<if $wasChosen>> "Ah, the classic," Succuba says. "A lovely wet blowjob. A lot of men ask me for that one." <<else>> "I'll give you a lovely wet blowjob," Succuba says. "A lot of men ask me for that one." <</if>><br> <br> She has you lie back on the soft mattress and then prowls down between your legs on her hands and knees. Her big eyes hungrily eye up your erection as it bobs between your legs.<br> <br> "Mmm. I love giving big fat juicy cocks a good suck," she says.<br> <br> She runs a dainty tongue around her sumptuously full lips. Glossy with purple lipstick, they're plump and look as soft as pillows. You tremble excitedly in anticipation of them being wrapped around your cock.<br> <br> Succuba moves up closer between your legs. Her sultry gaze fixes right on yours. She sticks out her tongue and licks the tip of your cock as if it's ice cream.<br> <br> She enfolds her warm tongue around the head and brings her mouth closer. Her hot eyes still staring up at you, she sucks the head of your penis between her lush lips and slowly draws in the rest.<br> <br> You quiver in delight as her supple lips stroke down your shaft. The inside of her mouth is hot and wet.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: Blowjob 2]]
<<set $succubaSceneIndices.delete(4)>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> <<if not $wasChosen>> "Would you like to try something... exotic?" Succuba asks with a mischievous glint in her eyes.<br> <br> <</if>> Exotic? What does she mean by that? You're curious to find out.<br> <br> "Succubi have an additional orifice they use for sex. It's something humans don't have."<br> <br> Succuba grasps the end of her tail, lifts it up and brings it around in front of her to show off the tip. The structure at the end resembles the spade of a playing card, but more fleshy and bulbous. As you watch, the skin at the end peels back to reveal a moist opening with a cushioned doughnut of flesh around it.<br> <br> "My little tailpussy," Succuba says. "Now lie back and let her go to work."<br> <br> She places the end of her tail over your erection. Your swollen glans is drawn up through the soft ring of flesh. The rest of your cock follows and is drawn up into a warm fleshy sheath. It feels a lot like a tight pussy, but also like a warm wet mouth giving a sloppy blowjob. It looks unusual, but feels incredibly pleasant wrapped around your dick.<br> <br> Succuba lies down next to you and playfully tweaks your nipples.<br> <br> "Feels nice, doesn't it," she whispers breathily in your ear.<br> <br> The structure on the end of her tail swells. Your cock is drawn deeper into a tight sheath. Folds within stroke up and down your shaft. The end of Succuba's tail swells and ebbs. Your penis is pleasantly tugged back and forth. The cushioned ring at the opening strokes up and down your shaft like a luscious pair of lips.<br> <br> It feels more than a bit pleasant. You start squirming at the pleasure. Soft fleshy rings slide up and down your erection as the spade-like structure on the end of Succuba's tail rises and falls.<br> <br> "If I was playing a deadlier version of this game I could pump all the cum, then the life, out of your body in no time at all," Succuba whispers in your ear.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: Tailjob 2]]
<<set $succubaSceneIndices.delete(5)>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> <<if $wasChosen>> "Mmm. So you'd like me to get you off with just my magic? I can do that." <<else>> "I know, I'll get you off with my magic. Yes, I can do that." <</if>><br> <br> Succuba's eyes glow purple.<br> <br> "Lie back with your arms above your head," she says.<br> <br> You do as she says. Succuba busies herself about your body. She pushes your legs together, then your arms to your sides. You let her fuss over your body position, curious to see just how she intends getting you off with 'her magic'.<br> <br> Smiling, Succuba holds up a hand. It glows purple. Bands of glowing magical energy materialise around your wrists, ankles, calves and knees. They feel soft and have some rubbery give to them, but bind your hands and feet together as effectively as manacles. Other bands cross your chest and connect to some force underneath to anchor you firmly in place.<br> <br> "This is usually a succubus's backup plan," Succuba explains, "for those that are too stubborn or strong-willed to be charmed into having sex with us. It's a slightly more //forceful// technique."<br> <br> You understand. You're trussed up pretty tight and not going anywhere.<br> <br> Succuba holds up her other hand. A glob of purple light materialises around and enfolds your erection. It feels warm and soft, and triggers a pleasant tingling sensation across the surface of your penis.<br> <br> "Most succubi don't like doing this," Succuba continues. "They consider it sterile and boring. We like to have a man's cock inside us, gushing hot cum. This is boring. Like milking a cow."<br> <br> Succuba makes a strange gesture with her hand. The ball of purple light contracts around the middle. You feel it lightly squeeze your cock with a little ring of force. Succuba makes another gesture and that gentle ring of pressure starts rolling up and down your shaft. It generates an extremely pleasant stroking sensation. Another gesture and the blob of energy starts vibrating around your erection.<br> <br> "Because of that, succubi only do this with men they dislike or can't seduce."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: Magic 2]]
<<set $succubaSexIndices.delete(6)>> <<set $succubaSceneIndices.delete(6)>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[6][1] to true>> <<if $wasChosen>> "Missionary sex?" Succuba says. "You're not very adventurous."<br> <br> She gives you a flirty wink.<br> <br> "Just teasing. Choosing any kind of vaginal intercourse with a succubus is daring." <<else>> "Let's do some missionary," Succuba says. "Don't worry, it won't be boring."<br> <br> She gives you a flirty wink.<br> <br> "Any kind of vaginal intercourse with a succubus is daring." <</if>><br> <br> She leans closer to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "The myths are true. We can drain a man's lifeforce through sex... leave him nothing more than an empty husk."<br> <br> She kisses you lightly on the cheek.<br> <br> "You don't have to worry about that in here. At least not from me," she hurriedly amends.<br> <br> She has you get up, so she can lie down in your place.<br> <br> "I like seeing all the lovely new boys," Succuba says. "And $ only gives her nice and 'safe' girls the chance to see them first. I'm always on my best behaviour. The other girls, not so much. You'll want to be careful with them."<br> <br> She gives you a wolfish smile that shows off her pointed fangs.<br> <br> She lies before you like a sumptuous buffet. You marvel at her naked body. You feast on the sight of her lovely full breasts and the treasures between her legs. She opens her legs wider. Her labia gape, revealing a pink interior decorated with beads of her arousal.<br> <br> "Put it in," she commands lustily. Her face is pure wanton filth.<br> <br> You don't need much encouragement. You give your erection a couple of pumps with your hand to crank it, then slowly slide it in as you lie down on top of her.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: Missionary Sex 2]]
<<set $succubaSexIndices.delete(7)>> <<set $succubaSceneIndices.delete(7)>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[7][1] to true>> <<if $wasChosen>> "Ooh, doggy style. You'd like to pound my lovely pussy from behind." <<else>> "I fancy some doggy style. I'll let you pound my lovely pussy from behind." <</if>><br> <br> Succuba seems eager.<br> <br> "Yes, let's do that."<br> <br> She goes down on her hands and knees on the bed. She glances back over her shoulder and gives her bum a cheeky wiggle.<br> <br> "Come on. What are you waiting for? Stick that big fat cock of yours in my juicy twat."<br> <br> Cranking your cock with your hand, you shuffle up on your knees between her legs. You pause.<br> <br> "A lot of succubi don't like this position," Succuba says. "It gives men a close look at our daemonic features and we're frightened of scaring them off."<br> <br> You can understand that. As lovely as the rump of Succuba's ass looks, and as much as you want to bury your cock into the fleshy cleft between her legs, this position gives you a clear view of her inhuman features. You can see the long whip-like tail continuing from the end of her spine. Further up you can see where her purple-black bat wings emerge from her back. And beyond that, the long curved horns spiralling out of her raven-black hair.<br> <br> "Others think it's demeaning," Succuba continues. "They believe a succubus should be on top and in control, as is right and proper."<br> <br> She glances back over her shoulder. Her eyes smoulder as she reaches between her legs and takes a firm hold of your erection.<br> <br> "I don't mind. I'll let a man fuck me in any position he wants."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: Doggy Style Sex 2]]
<<set $succubaSexIndices.delete(8)>> <<set $succubaSceneIndices.delete(8)>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[8][1] to true>> <<if $wasChosen>> "Cowgirl? You'd like me on top?"<br> <br> Succuba's lips turn up in a wolfish grin.<br> <br> "Hehe. I wonder if you know what you're getting yourself into." <<else>> "I think it's time to give you a good ride, cowgirl-style."<br> <br> Succuba's lips turn up in a wolfish grin.<br> <br> "Hehe. I wonder if you know what you're in for." <</if>><br> <br> She has you lie down on your back on the soft mattress. She straddles you and you marvel at the sight of her lovely round boobs and trim tummy. Her body is a complete knockout. And she's astride you. Smiling flirtatiously, Succuba wraps a hand around your erection and lifts herself up over it.<br> <br> And then she stays there. She teases you. The opening to her sex is barely a centimetre above the eager head of your cock. Close enough for you to feel the heat spilling from it.<br> <br> "It's a brave man who chooses this position with a succubus," Succuba says. "On top like this she has complete control. He's totally at her mercy. She can do every filthy little thing she wants with him."<br> <br> Succuba pushes down. The swollen glans of your cock is caught between the folds of her labia. Succuba slowly lowers herself down on you and you see the head, then the shaft of your penis vanish up inside her lush depths.<br> <br> And her sex is //lush//. It's tight, warm, and wet. It fits your cock like a glove. Succuba keeps lowering herself until she's swallowed up every millimetre. She takes your hands in hers and presses them down against the mattress as she sits astride you.<br> <br> "And now you're mine," she says with an evil smile.<br> <br> Her vagina contracts around your cock and draws it deeper into her sinful depths. A rippling suck rolls up your shaft. It draws out your strength. You lie back, too floppy and relaxed and move. It's an unnatural paralysis, but it feels too good for you to care.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: Cowgirl Sex 2]]
<<set $succubaSexIndices.delete(9)>> <<set $succubaSceneIndices.delete(9)>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[9][1] to true>> <<if $wasChosen>> "Anal? You want my ass? How deliciously... dirty," Succuba says. <<else>> "Let's get deliciously... dirty with a bit of anal," Succuba says. <</if>><br> <br> She stands up on the mattress and straddles your chest. She jiggles her lovely peachy bum right above your face and slowly squats down.<br> <br> "Are you an ass man?"<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> She looks down and sees the way you're transfixed by her lovely smooth buttocks.<br> <br> "Oh yes, I see you are."<br> <br> <</if>> She sits down on your face and rubs it with her lovely soft bum. She bounces up and down and presses your nose right up to her ass.<br> <br> "I don't do the more... filthy things," Succuba says. "If you want that, there are others in here that do. $ has a girl for everything."<br> <br> You just want tight anal sex for now.<br> <br> Succuba gets up off your face and moves down to your crotch, where your cock is already standing up like a pole.<br> <br> "I like a man that chooses anal. It takes balls to do that with a succubus. <<if $hasDescribedGame>> In the deadlier version of this game I used to play in the past, I spared the ones that chose my ass. <<else>> <<set $hasDescribedGame to true>> I used to play a deadlier version of this game in the past. I used to capture holy man and force them to pick a sex act. I spared the ones that chose my ass. <</if>> It takes a special – brazen – kind of man to ask that of a soul-stealing sex daemon."<br> <br> She glances over her shoulder and flashes you a smile that shows off her fangs. She waves her lovely bum from side to side. She lowers it until it's gently boffing your erection from side to side. Then lower still until she catches it between her butt cheeks.<br> <br> "Or at least, so I thought. I found out later there's a common misconception among humans where they think a succubus can't drain a man's life with her ass. So they were pussying out and taking the 'safe' choice after all." Succuba tsks. "Oh well. In you go."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: Anal Sex 2]]
<<if $succubaRound eq 1 and not $hasAskedSuccubaForMulligan>> <<set _sceneSrc to clone($succubaForeplayIndices)>> <<elseif $succubaRound eq 3 and not $hasAskedSuccubaForMulligan>> <<set _sceneSrc to clone($succubaSexIndices)>> <<else>> <<set _sceneSrc to clone($succubaSceneIndices)>> <</if>> <<if _sceneSrc.length lt 3>> <<set _sceneSrc to clone($succubaSceneIndices)>> <</if>> <<for _c to 0; _c lt 3; _c++>> <<if _sceneSrc.length gt 0>> <<set _i to _sceneSrc.pluck()>> <<set _text to $succubaScenes[_i][1]>> <<set _link to $succubaScenes[_i][0]>> [[_text + "."->_link][$wasChosen to true]]<br> <</if>> <</for>>
<<if $hasAskedSuccubaForMulligan eq true>> <<set $hasAskedSuccubaForMulligan to false>> "You seem a little indecisive. I know. I'll pick for you."<br> <br> <<include [[Succuba: Pick Random Scene]]>> <<else>> <<set $hasAskedSuccubaForMulligan to true>> "Not interested in any of those? How about?"<br> <br> <<include [[Succuba: Next Scene Options]]>> <</if>>
"Can't make up your mind. I know. You lie back and leave it to me."<br> <br> <<include [[Succuba: Pick Random Scene]]>>
<<if $cgi eq 0>> "I'm afraid that's not possible, darling," Succuba says. "You chose me to be your special one. You can't change your mind now."<br> <br> She presses her soft lips against yours in a kiss that blows away all conscious thought and the ability to resist.<br> <br> "Now, lie down. I'll take very good care of you."<br> <br> She <<include [[Succuba: Bad End 2]]>> <<else>> <<if $succubaRound eq 2>> "Leaving? So soon? What a pity. I was hoping to be able to play with you for longer. I understand. You have a long night ahead of you. I shouldn't be greedy." <<else>> "All done? Mmm. That was enjoyable. See. Not all succubi are soul-stealing monsters. Some of us just like harmless sexy fun. <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[Succuba: Good End]]>> <</if>>
<<set $succubaRound += 1>> <<if $succubaSceneIndices.length lt 1>> <<include [[Succuba: Done Everything]]>> <<else>> <<if $succubaRound eq 1>> "Now let's get to it. What would you like to do?" <<else>> <<if $player.semenCount eq 0>> Succuba has a slight frown on her lips.<br> <br> "Mmm, your flow did seem a little weak last time. You might be running low. Remember, you don't have to keep going if you don't think you're up to it. I won't force you." <<else>> <<if $succubaRound eq 2>> Succuba gives you an eager smile.<br> <br> "You don't have to stop here. We can go again if you want."<br> <br> She points a finger at your spent cock. It's enveloped in a warm purplish glow. It expands and rises back up in full erection.<br> <br> "I'm a succubus. You don't have to worry about whether you'll be able to perform with me." <<else>> She gives you a filthy little smile.<br> <br> "What naughty things should we get up to next?" <</if>> <</if>> <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[Succuba: Next Scene Options]]>> <</if>>
<<set _sceneSelected to $succubaSceneIndices.pluck()>> <<set _link to $succubaScenes[_sceneSelected][0]>> [[Continue.->_link][$wasChosen to false]]
Satisfied, you get up off the bed and put your clothes back on. Succuba goes back to lying on her side and floating about a foot above the mattress. She ogles your body appreciatively as you get dressed.<br> <br> "You're welcome to come back and have fun anytime," Succuba says.<br> <br> She blows you a kiss as you turn to leave.<br> <br> /* scoring - done elsewhere */ /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Succuba: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $succubaScenes>> <<unset $succubaSceneIndices>> <<unset $succubaForeplayIndices>> <<unset $succubaSexIndices>> <<unset $succubaRound>> <<unset $hasAskedSuccubaForMulligan>> <<unset $succubaSceneSelected>> <<unset $hasDescribedGame>> <<unset $wasChosen>>
Succuba's hands pump faster. You feel loose inside, as if you're about to come apart. Your penis feels like a rocket about to fire you off to... //where?//<br> <br> Succuba pouts sulkily. "I can't do that in here. Well, I could. But then $ would move me to the back of the queue for when the next lovely young man enters the House."<br> <br> On the next downstroke she slides her hand off your cock and presses it flat against your crotch. This time the force washes back in the other direction, and spreads the bits of your being back to where they came from. The strange feeling of discombobulation passes.<br> <br> Succuba gets right back to stroking your cock. She pumps it harder and harder. You feel the urge to come grow within you. Your cock twitches in Succuba's hand.<br> <br> "Time to bring you to climax," she says.<br> <br> You're not sure what she does next. It feels like a complicated series of twists, tugs and squeezes. The pleasure causes your head to tip back. You can't see what she does, only feel it. And what you feel, feels incredible. Your hips start to buck. <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <br> <br> And buck.<br> <br> Succuba wanks you harder and faster until your whole body is thrumming. What it doesn't do, is get you to come. You've had too much sex tonight. Your balls are completely empty.<br> <br> <<include [[Succuba: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> It's coming.<br> <br> Succuba twists, tugs and squeezes. She's a complete maestro with her hand. She's stimulating your cock to lift off. And blast off it is. Your body tenses and then lets it out in a powerful spurt that sends your semen flying high up into the air.<br> <br> Where it stays.<br> <br> You look up to the strange sight of sticky globs of your semen floating in mid-air like a liquid in zero gravity.<br> <br> Succuba's other hand glows purple. Through some kind of magic or telekinesis she draws the floating beads of semen together into one floating glob. Then she draws it to her mouth and sucks it between her plump purple lips.<br> <br> "Delicious," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: To Next Scene]] <</if>>
"As I feared," Succuba says. "The mind might be willing, but the body – as they say – is out of gas."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: Bad End 1]]
A faint purple nimbus, like St Elmo's Fire, surrounds Succuba's tits in a faint glow. Succuba squeezes them tighter around your erection. Her tits start throbbing of their own accord. It's like two big hearts, only rather than blood they're trying to pump the cum out of your body.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> They pump.<br> <br> And pump.<br> <br> And pump.<br> <br> And yet you don't come. You hover right at the brink, thrumming in blissful anticipation, but unable to tip over into release.<br> <br> It's because you can't. You've had too much sex already this evening. Your balls are dry.<br> <br> <<include [[Succuba: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> You feel it rise rise rise. Your hips come up off the mattress. You feel caught in the grip of Succuba's slowly pulsing tits. You can't hold back.<br> <br> Your body tenses then releases. Your cock throbs powerfully between Succuba's tits. Your cum spurts up in the air like a fountain and rains back down on Succuba's face, neck and breasts.<br> <br> "A succubus can absorb a man's energy with any part of her body," Succuba says.<br> <br> That purple nimbus spreads to the whole of her body. Your semen vanishes as if absorbed through her skin.<br> <br> "Mmm, delicious," Succuba says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: To Next Scene]] <</if>>
"Ah, but you're safe in here," Succuba says.<br> <br> She relaxes her grip and with it the same tugging force that had gripped the rest of your body. While that lessens, the sexual tension hasn't. It's still winding tighter towards orgasm.<br> <br> "I like seeing lots of lovely young men, and to do that I need to abide by $'s rules and treat them nicely. And I do treat them very nicely."<br> <br> She speeds up. She starts doing complicated things with her toes – twists, strokes, and squeezes. You're not sure what. <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <br> <br> You lie back, your whole body thrumming in blissful anticipation.<br> <br> But the release never comes. Succuba keeps stroking with her toes. She pulls every trick she knows and even though she has you squirming in helpless pleasure, it doesn't tip you over.<br> <br> You can't. You've had too much sex already this evening. Your body is out.<br> <br> <<include [[Succuba: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> The sensation already has your head tipped back and your body squirming in delight. You feel it coming.<br> <br> "Here it comes," Succuba says.<br> <br> She grips your cock tightly and gives it a climactic tug. That's enough. Your body tenses and then releases. Your cock throbs powerfully and spurts a stream of cum high into the air.<br> <br> Where it stays.<br> <br> You look up to the strange sight of sticky globs of your semen floating in mid-air like a liquid in zero gravity.<br> <br> Succuba's hands glows purple. She reaches out. Through some kind of magic or telekinesis she draws the floating beads of semen together into one floating glob. Then she draws it to her mouth and sucks it between her plump purple lips.<br> <br> "Delicious," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: To Next Scene]] <</if>>
Still staring up at you, Succuba slowly bobs her head up and down in your lap. You tremble as her pillow-soft lips brush up and down your shaft.<br> <br> She deepthroats you without even gagging. You feel the back of her throat press around your swollen glans.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> And nothing.<br> <br> You shudder in blissful anticipation, but that's all.<br> <br> Succuba pauses. She was clearly expecting you to come there. She goes back to fellating the shaft before again sucking you all the way in for a climax.<br> <br> That doesn't happen.<br> <br> It can't. You've had too much sex this evening. Your balls are completely empty. Realising this, Succuba releases your cock from her mouth with a soft pop.<br> <br> <<include [[Succuba: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> It doesn't take long. And Succuba doesn't take her eyes off yours the whole time. Her head bobs up and down faster and faster. She cradles and fondles your balls with a warm hand. Then, when she senses you're at your limit, she sucks in her cheeks for a long slow suck up your shaft, followed by a quick bob back down. Your cock is drawn all the way to the back of her mouth and squeezed by her throat.<br> <br> You erupt in a great throbbing gush. Succuba swallows it all with wet gulps. You're held there, shivering in ecstasy while your throbbing cock pumps semen down her throat. You get the feeling Succuba could hold you like this until she's drained you dry if she wanted to.<br> <br> Thankfully she doesn't. She releases your cock and slides it out of her mouth, pausing only to give the twitching tip a wet kiss.<br> <br> She lets out a contented gasp and opens her mouth to show off her tongue. Not like a porn star showing evidence of the money shot, but to reveal she's swallowed it all.<br> <br> "Delicious," Succuba says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: To Next Scene]] <</if>>
The end of her tail throbs harder and faster. The stroking action on your cock intensifies. Your hips start bobbing with it of their own accord. <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> They keep bobbing. Your whole body trembles in anticipation.<br> <br> Of a release that never comes.<br> <br> Succuba's tail pumps you like a sex-toy milking machine turned to its highest setting. It pumps you hard enough for you to feel it in your balls, hard enough to set your whole body trembling in helpless pleasure.<br> <br> It doesn't pump you to climax. You can't. You've already had too much sex this evening. You've nothing left. Succuba keeps pumping you for a while. When it has no result she slides her tail off your cock with a frown.<br> <br> <<include [[Succuba: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> You feel the urge to come rising in your balls.<br> <br> "It's okay, I'll only take a little."<br> <br> Her tail pumps faster, like a sex-toy milking machine turned to its highest setting. It squeezes your cock... Strokes it... Pumps it hard enough for you to feel it in your balls.<br> <br> You don't – can't – hold out against that for very long. Your hips buck and you groan as your cock spurts out a big load into the fleshy tail sheath.<br> <br> A bulge passes along Succuba's whip-thin tail and she sighs in pleasure as it reaches her ass and passes into her body.<br> <br> Succuba smoothly slides her tail off you with a soft pop. She brings it to her mouth and gives the opening a lick before the flanges of skin roll back and cover up the tip again.<br> <br> "Very tasty," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: To Next Scene]] <</if>>
Your hips give a little jerk and your mouth forms an //o//. You're not sure what Succuba is talking about. It feels very pleasant to you.<br> <br> "Don't worry, I like you." Succuba smiles pleasantly. "I like to give men a chance to try everything with me. I even worked on this technique to make it feel less mechanical."<br> <br> She makes another complicated gesture with her hand. The blob of glowing purple energy expands and elongates. The constriction in the middle continues to roll up and down your shaft. It's slower now, and a good deal more powerful. Your body starts trembling as the urge to come grows within you.<br> <br> "Don't fight it," Succuba says. "Let it out."<br> <br> The ball of magical energy pumps you slower and more insistently.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> And pumps.<br> <br> And pumps.<br> <br> Your whole body thrums in blissful pleasure to the rhythm. Yet you can't seem to attain climax.<br> <br> You can't. You've had too much sex this evening. You don't have anything left to give.<br> <br> Succuba realises the same. She snaps her fingers and the magical blob puffs out of existence.<br> <br> <<include [[Succuba: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> "Ah, here it comes," Succuba says.<br> <br> The blob of purple energy enfolds your erection like a warm glove and sends a long rolling suck up the shaft.<br> <br> It's enough. You grunt. Your body tenses up and then releases in a powerful throbbing ejaculation that sends your semen flying high up into the air.<br> <br> Where it seems to hover – suspended – like liquid in zero gravity. Succuba moves her hands. The floating droplets of semen coalesce into one big floating glob. Succuba draws it to her and sucks it between supple purple lips.<br> <br> "Mmm. Delicious," she says.<br> <br> She snaps her fingers and the magical bonds holding you in place puff out of existence.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: To Next Scene]] <</if>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> Wow, her pussy. It feels tight, but also soft and lush. It fits your cock perfectly. Like a glove. <<if not $isOutOfSemen>> You almost bubble up in ejaculation right there and then. Thankfully, you're able to keep it in. <</if>> You start smoothly moving your hips up and down as you slowly slide back and forth into Succuba's luscious fleshy depths.<br> <br> "A lot of men pick this sexual position," Succuba says beneath you. "I think they think that going on top puts them in control."<br> <br> Succuba's big dark eyes glitter with lusty amusement. She lifts her long legs up and crosses them behind your back. Her arms slither around behind your back. She pulls you down on top of her until your chest is pressing against her soft tits and clasps you there in a tight hug.<br> <br> "When it comes to sex with a succubus, you're never in control," Succuba says with a feral smile.<br> <br> Her vagina throbs around your cock. It feels like a long sucking tug that draws all the strength out of you. Struck by sudden weakness, but comfortably so, you lie completely unresisting in Succuba's embrace.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> Her pussy throbs again around your cock. And again. Each pulse feels like a deliciously erotic stroke rolling up your shaft. The pulses get faster and faster.<br> <br> Succuba hugs you tight to her. Her pussy keeps pulsing. And squeezing. And pulsing.<br> <br> And yet you don't reach climax.<br> <br> You can't. You've had too much sex this evening. You're completely empty. Realising this, Succuba rolls you to the side and lets your cock slide out of her pussy.<br> <br> <<include [[Succuba: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> Her pussy throbs again around your cock. And again. Each pulse feels like a deliciously erotic stroke rolling up your shaft. The pulses get faster and faster until you can't hold back any longer. Your body tenses up and then you empty a long shuddering orgasm into her.<br> <br> Succuba hugs you tightly until she's wrung the last drop of semen out of your ejaculation. Then she rolls you over to the side.<br> <br> "That was delicious," she says with a bright smile.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: To Next Scene]] <</if>>
She guides your cock into her pussy. Your trepidation and doubts go away the moment you enter and sink deep into her vagina. It's tight, warm, wet and lusciously soft.<br> <br> Animal instincts take over. Your hips start pumping back and forth as you drive your cock in and out of Succuba's tight pussy.<br> <br> "Harder," Succuba commands.<br> <br> She moans erotically and rocks back against you. Your crotch bangs against her ass with fleshy slapping sounds. Succuba's vagina starts moving of its own accord. It rhythmically tightens around your cock, sending pleasant throbbing pulses up your shaft.<br> <br> You pass beyond animal instincts. A supernatural magnetism takes hold. You pound faster and faster. Perspiration beads your naked chest.<br> <br> "Grab my horns," Succuba says with a sultry rasp.<br> <br> You lean over and grab her horns as if they're the handlebars of a bike. You push up deep inside her. Succuba's pussy wraps tightly around your cock and starts squeezing you. <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <br> <br> And squeezing.<br> <br> You groan. Your whole body trembles in helpless pleasure. You feel like it's coming any minute, and yet it doesn't. You don't attain climax no matter how fast or hard you thrust into Succuba's luscious twat.<br> <br> You can't. You've had too much sex already this evening. It's left your balls completely drained.<br> <br> Succuba realises too. She has you stop. You pull out and lie down on the mattress next to her, breathing a little heavily.<br> <br> <<include [[Succuba: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> You feel yourself building up to an explosive climax.<br> <br> And then it arrives. You let out a loud moan and press up tight against her. You feel your cock throb deep inside her as you pour out a massive load. The throbbing ejaculation, helped along by Succuba's pulsing vaginal walls, carries on for a while before you finally collapse on Succuba, spent.<br> <br> Succuba rolls you onto your side and lets you cuddle her in the afterglow of a fantastic orgasm.<br> <br> "Mmm. I enjoyed that," Succuba says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: To Next Scene]] <</if>>
"There's no need to be afraid. I'm one of $'s good girls. I'll only take a little."<br> <br> She rocks in your lap. Her vagina wraps tightly around your cock and starts to rhythmically pulse.<br> <br> "Well, not all of you," she adds with a vulpine gleam in her eyes.<br> <br> A strange thing happens. Succuba's movements grow still, but the stimulation to your cock increases in power. She holds herself motionless while flexing some kind of internal muscles. These grip, squeeze and tug your cock. Each pulse draws you deeper up inside her. Each pulse drags you closer and closer to ejaculation.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> That never arrives.<br> <br> Succuba does her best. Her pussy pulses powerfully around your cock. The motions set your whole body trembling in helpless in pleasure. It doesn't get you to come, no matter what wonderful things Succuba does to your cock.<br> <br> You can't. You've had too much sex this evening. It's left you empty. You've nothing left to give.<br> <br> Succuba realises. Frowning, she stops and stands up. Your cock slides free with a soft pop.<br> <br> "That should have done it," she says.<br> <br> She lies down next to you on the soft mattress.<br> <br> <<include [[Succuba: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> "Here it comes," Succuba says. "It never takes long when a succubus is on top."<br> <br> Her pussy gives a long drawn-out squeeze and suck. Your erection is stretched inside her. You feel what you can only describe as soft fleshy lips kiss and suckle on the sensitive head of your cock.<br> <br> Then your mind is blown as the coming climax shoulders everything else aside. You tip your head back and moan as a powerful orgasm blasts through you. Your hips lift Succuba up and your release in a great throbbing rush of bliss. Succuba lets you pump it out inside her and then collapses down on top of you like a warm duvet.<br> <br> She kisses you on the lips, then slides her mouth up across your cheek to nibble at your earlobe.<br> <br> "That was lovely," she whispers in your ear.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: To Next Scene]] <</if>>
Succuba changes the subject as quickly as her ass pushes down. You feel resistance at first against the swollen head of your cock. Then it gives and you slide smoothly up into her ass.<br> <br> "This won't take long," Succuba says. "So don't feel bad about it. A succubus's ass is the tightest orifice on her body."<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> Succuba says that, but she's proved wrong.<br> <br> Her ass is very tight. It feels like powerful bands of muscle wrapped around your cock. They pulse once, twice.<br> <br> You quiver in helpless pleasure.<br> <br> They pulse again. Once. Twice. Succuba gives your cock a good squeeze.<br> <br> You groan in bliss.<br> <br> But what you don't do is come. You can't. You've had too much sex already this evening. You've nothing left.<br> <br> Succuba squeezes again. Once. Twice.<br> <br> She looks over her shoulder at you with a frown.<br> <br> "That should have done it," she says.<br> <br> She gets up off you and your cock pops free of her tight ass.<br> <br> <<include [[Succuba: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> It is very tight. It feels like powerful bands of muscle wrapped around your cock. They pulse once, twice, and then your head tips back. Your body trembles uncontrollably as you spurt it out into the tight clutch of her ass in a great throbbing gush. Then you crash back on the mattress, spent.<br> <br> It was quick, but very intense.<br> <br> "It's like that for all men, so don't feel bad about it," Succuba says. "Enjoy how good it feels and I'll... //mmm//... enjoy the taste."<br> <br> She relaxes her ass enough to stand up and release your cock.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Succuba: To Next Scene]] <</if>>
throws herself at you in a passionate embrace. She wraps her arms around you and crushes her soft lips against yours. Her wings enfold you in velvet darkness. Like a shroud.<br> <br> She bears you down on the mattress, her hot body on top of yours. Your cock, even though it's not fully erect, is found by and sucked in by Succuba's vagina. Her sex feels more mobile – like a mouth.<br> <br> Succuba shushes you with a long sensual kiss. She cocoons you in perfumed darkness and draws your cock up inside her. Her sex sucks on it... on you. This time with enough power that it cannot be denied. Even though you thought you were out, you feel your cock throb and ejaculate //something// into Succuba's tight pussy. It feels as powerful as a regular ejaculation, maybe even more powerful. You shudder with orgasmic bliss as you empty it into Succuba.<br> <br> Empty everything.<br> <br> Succuba is one of $'s better behaved girls. While she won't aggressively try to take a man's soul, she won't turn it down if it's offered on a plate, and all of $'s succubi have full permission to take a man's soul should they run out of semen.<br> <br> Succuba holds you tight while her pussy sucks on your cock. You keep ejaculating uncontrollably, way past the point you should have run out. Wrapped in Succuba's perfumed black wings you shudder in bliss as Succuba's vagina sucks first the life, then the soul from your body.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Succuba: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
You go to apologise, but Succuba shushes you with a finger on your lips.<br> <br> "There is no need to apologise," Succuba says. "I'm not disappointed. On the contrary, I'm very happy."<br> <br> Her smile darkens. Her purple-black batwings extend behind her.<br> <br> Before you can question what she means by that, she <<include [[Succuba: Bad End 2]]>>
<<if $player.roomScores[$rsi].isMultipleVisits>> "Oh, you visited Succuba multiple times. Eminently understandable even if that bicycle has... ahem... been ridden by everyone."<br> <br> $ chuckles at his joke as he pulls out a black notebook and pen. <<elseif _isRepeatVisit>> "You visited Succuba again? Well, she is popular for a reason."<br> <br> $ pulls out his black notebook and pen. <<else>> "To tell the truth, there's little I need to know about Succuba. The adage about the bicycle that's been... ahem... ridden by everyone."<br> <br> $ pulls out a black notebook and pen.<br> <br> "However, I'll still pay out. A gesture on my part to demonstrate my commitment to forming a mutually beneficial accord." <</if>><br> <br>
<<set _count to 0>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt 10; _i++>> <<if _scoreArray[_i][1] and not _osa[_i][2]>> <<set _count += 1>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if _count lt 2>> <<set _score += 1>> "Cautious, I see. Leaving as soon as able. Obviously, I cannot pay out as much, but's it's commendable attitude to have. You'll go far with that in here." <<elseif _count lt 6>> "Yes, succubi are quite marvellous creatures, aren't they. I've heard some claim her technique is rather... average... in comparison to other succubi, but even an average succubus is still quite a potent force in the bedroom." <<else>> <<if _scoreArray[10][1] and not _osa[10][2]>> "By jove!" $ says. "You did everything with her. I know it's easy to get carried away, but you've got a long night and many devils to survive. Here. Treat this as a little bonus. Go see the nurse and buy some of her special tonics. Those exertions must have completely drained your... ahem... tanks. Sex with one of these devil women is very dangerous should a man find himself unable to... ahem... perform." <<else>> "My, that's quite a record of debauchery. Unsurprising with Succuba. She does offer a veritable smorgasbord of enticing temptations. You should slow down though. This isn't a human brothel. The devils in here can wear down even the most virile of men with ease. I'd like our arrangement to be a long and fruitful one." <</if>> <</if>>
/* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $succubaSceneSelected to 0>> <<set $hasAskedSuccubaForMulligan to false>> <<set $hasDescribedGame to false>> <<set $wasChosen to false>> <<set $succubaScenes to [ ["Succuba: Handjob", "A handjob"], ["Succuba: Titwank", "A titwank"], ["Succuba: Footjob", "A footjob"], ["Succuba: Blowjob", "A blowjob"], ["Succuba: Tailjob", "Something... exotic"], ["Succuba: Magic", "Succubus magic"], ["Succuba: Missionary Sex", "Missionary sex"], ["Succuba: Doggy Style Sex", "Doggy style sex"], ["Succuba: Cowgirl Sex", "Cowgirl sex"], ["Succuba: Anal", "Anal sex"]]>> <<set $succubaSceneIndices to [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]>> <<set $succubaForeplayIndices to [0,1,2,3]>> <<set $succubaSexIndices to [6,7,8,9]>>
/* N'gleria Sepiida */ <<set $hi to 68>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "N'gleria Sepiida", shortDescription: "", faction: 2, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: true, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [], affection: 0, preIntroductionLink: "Ngleria: Pre-Introduction", introductionLink: "Ngleria: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Ngleria: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Ngleria: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Ngleria: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Ngleria: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Ngleria: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Ngleria: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Ngleria: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(39)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ <<set $player.currInt to 5>> /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 68>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription to "an unusual girl in a stylish, plain white robe. Her skin is blueish-pink in colour and instead of hair she has long tentacles growing out of the back of her head.">>
/* Madam intro */ "This is N'gleria Sepiida," $ says. "She's a real headfuck, but in a good way."<br> <br> /* Long description */ N'gleria Sepiida is unusual. You even wonder if she's some kind of alien. Her skin is a decidedly non-human shade of blueish-pink and she has long coiling tentacles for hair. They writhe and coil as you look at them and are clearly more than inert props. Her eyes are also octopoidal, with amber irises and vertical barbell pupils.<br> <br> Aside from those otherworldly features, the rest of her is rather attractive. The shape of her face is classically beautiful, with high sculpted cheekbones. Her leggy figure also looks appealing beneath her plain-but-elegant white robe.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ N'gleria is perfectly elegant as she takes your hand and introduces herself.<br> <br> "I am N'gleria Sepiida. Pleased to meet you." <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> <br> <br> The tentacles she has instead of hair writhe excitedly. <</if>> <br>
$ chuckles as you mention N'gleria Sepiida. "That one's exotic, and a real headfuck."<br> <br> You're not sure you like the way $ smiles at you.<br> <br> "She's not one of $'s creations, although I wouldn't be surprised if she found her and brought her here to study. N'gleria prefers more cerebral pleasures. Literally in her case. Her main hole is here."<br> <br> $ delights in your expression as she points to the back of her head.<br> <br> "She's weird enough that $ occasionally has her put on a show downstairs. They're always a hoot. I love the expressions on men's faces when they realise where they have to put their dick, and even more when they realise they're in the grip of N'gleria's mind control and can't stop. One broke down into a blubbery bawling mess even while he was pumping away. Funniest thing I've seen in months."<br> <br> $ laughs evilly.<br> <br> "Such a reaction. She even went easy on him and didn't eat his brain. Oh yes, that one's a headfuck... in more ways than one."<br> <br> $ keeps chuckling as she puffs on her cigarette holder.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"You should give her a kiss beforehand. Four tongues make it quite the experience. Her kiss will knock you out of this world.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She likes the brainy ones. Well... likes their brains.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ chuckles nastily and makes ghastly sucking sounds."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Her type of daemon has an unusual branch of mind control magic. It's not hypnosis, neither is it the usual succubus charm and seduction magic. $ does have a ward to counteract it, though I doubt she remembers which one it is.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[3] to { isLie: false, text: "\"N'gleria will also have regular sex with the dullards, but don't expect much enthusiasm when she does.\""}>>
N'gleria Sepiida is a quiet presence next to you as you look for a table in the bar. Not only is her appearance – her blueish-pink skin, the tentacles she has for hair – alien, her attitude also seems aloof and distant as well.<br> <br> You find a spare table. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Ngleria: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Ngleria: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "I'm sorry. I must leave."<br> <br> Politely, N'gleria gets up and returns to the stage.<br> <br> <<include [[No Money While Socialising Affection Change]]>> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a strange cocktail for N'gleria that looks like thick grey slurry.<br> <br> N'gleria is very quiet and reserved. You have to do nearly all of the talking. <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> She does warm up over the course of the conversation, but remains a woman of very few words. The only flicker of emotion you get out of her is her hair tentacles seem to quiver excitedly when the topic of going up to her room comes up.<br> <br> You return to $ still knowing very little about her. <<else>> She remains totally inscrutable throughout. You return to $ none the wiser about her. <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Ngleria: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Ngleria: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [2,false,false], /* Regular Sex + Ejaculation */ [1,false,false], /* Regular Sex + No Semen */ [5,false,false], /* Leave Early */ [1,false,false], /* Headfuck (forced) */ [1,false,false], /* Headfuck (by choice) */ [4,false,false] /* Headfuck */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Ngleria: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Ngleria: First-Time Scenario]]>>
N'gleria Sepiida's room is decorated with plain sheets of white silk hanging from the ceiling like curtains. The room has a serene, almost meditative air. It looks more like a meditation chamber than a tart's boudoir. The floor is polished stone and the only furniture is a chair fashioned from white stone, polished to remove any trace of an angle.<br><br> N'gleria also looks more like a monk as she waits for you by the chair. She's dressed in a plain white robe and seems above it all. It fits her alien features. Her skin is blueish-pink and instead of hair she has long writhing tentacles. Despite this, the shape of her face is classically beautiful, with high sculpted cheekbones, and her figure is tall and leggy.<br> <br> She smiles warmly and bids you enter.<br> <br> You approach and present your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ngleria: Gift]]
N'gleria accepts your gift with a polite bow. She takes it away and returns. You cannot tell from her demeanour whether she liked it or not.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ngleria: Lips]]
After handing over your gift, your attention is caught by N'gleria's lips. They are very striking. Her mouth is a perfectly formed bow and her lips are plump and inviting.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 4>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed and $cgi neq 0>> N'gleria sees you looking.<br> <br> "Would you like a kiss before we begin?" she asks.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 3>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> [[You'd love to give those luscious lips a good snog.->Ngleria: Player Accepts Kiss]] <<else>> [[You would.->Ngleria: Player Accepts Kiss]]<br> [[You'd rather get right to the main event.->Ngleria: Player Rejects Kiss]] <</if>> <<else>> <<set _ailment to 3>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> They look so plump and inviting it sets your heart racing. You'd love to give them a good snog.<br> <br> [[Ask her for a kiss.->Ngleria: Ask for Kiss]] <<else>> They are extremely kissable lips.<br> <br> [[Ask her for a kiss.->Ngleria: Ask for Kiss]]<br> [[Don't ask.->Ngleria: No Kiss]] <</if>> <</if>>
You look at N'gleria's lovely luscious lips. Yes, you would like to start off with a kiss.<br> <br> N'gleria smiles, holds out her arms and invites you into her embrace.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ngleria: Kiss]]
You'd rather get right to it.<br> <br> N'gleria doesn't seem to mind your rejection. She <<include [[Ngleria: Massage]]>>
<<set _reqStat to 2>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed and $cgi neq 0>> "If you desire it," N'gleria says.<br> <br> She holds out her arms and invites you into her embrace.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ngleria: Kiss]] <<else>> N'gleria looks discomfited by your request. She glances at the floor and nervously nibbles on her lower lip.<br> <br> "Please don't take offence," she says. "It's not a service I offer."<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 3>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment and $cgi neq 0>> N'gleria sees your downcast expression.<br> <br> "Usually," she says. "I'm... not the best kisser," she admits demurely.<br> <br> She looks at you, sees the way your gaze is laser-focused on her lovely supple lips.<br> <br> "I can see your heart desires it. I'll do my best."<br> <br> She pouts her lovely plump lips and holds out her arms, inviting you into her embrace.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ngleria: Kiss]] <<else>> You understand. You've heard some working girls like to reserve that level of intimacy for outside of work. As alien as they appear, maybe $'s girls are no different in that regard.<br> <br> You don't press the issue.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ngleria: No Kiss]] <</if>> <</if>>
N'gleria <<include [[Ngleria: Massage]]>>
N'gleria holds you close and crushes her lips against yours. For someone that seems aloof, alien and above romantic desires, she sure is a passionate kisser. She wastes no time in shoving her tongue in your mouth.<br> <br> Tongues, you realise. You feel at least four long and slender tongues enter your mouth.<br> <br> Different, you think.<br> <br> //Different// gives way to unnerving as the tentacles-cum-tongues push past your tongue and deeper into your mouth.<br> <br> Different becomes terrifying as you feel the tentacles start to burrow up into your head.<br> <br> Frantically, you try to break off the kiss. N'gleria is slender, but stronger than she looks. She hugs you firmly to her. Her head tentacles curl around and wrap around your head. The tips of two of them find your ears. They push in deep and join her mouth tentacles in burrowing into your soft brain. You stop struggling when they reach the areas of your brain responsible for controlling movement and shut them down.<br> <br> You slump limply in her arms as she slowly consumes your brain.<br> <br> <<include [[Ngleria: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''HORROR END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
has you take your clothes off and sit in the chair. She stands behind you and starts massaging your neck and shoulders. Her touch is skilled and you relax as she kneads the kinks out of your muscles.<br> <br> N'gleria doesn't say a word the whole time. Her touch is sensual enough to build an erotic charge within you. Her dextrous hands make forays to other parts of your body. They send pleasant shivers down your spine with featherlight caresses. Her hands move up and through your hair. She massages your scalp until you feel pleasantly tingly.<br> <br> Tingly and aroused.<br> <br> Your cock is standing up in erection at this point. As much as you're relishing N'gleria's sensual massage, you're eager to move onto the next stage.<br> <br> N'gleria decides it's time as well. She walks around and disrobes in front of you. Her body is stunning despite her blueish-pink skin and alien appearance. She has curves in all the right places and long long legs.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 3>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed or $cgi eq 0>> [[Continue.->Ngleria: High Int Sex]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Ngleria: Low Int Sex]] <</if>>
N'gleria shows off her body in front of you. Then she confuses you by turning around and going down on her knees with her back to you.<br> <br> "My body is different. Please do not be disturbed," N'gleria says.<br> <br> The tentacles she has in place of hair part and extend out straight in spikes. They reveal a gaping fleshy slit in the back of her head. The slit is lined with plump folds of flesh. It looks like a vagina.<br> <br> It gapes enticingly like a vagina.<br> <br> "Please insert it in there," N'gleria says. "It won't hurt me and will feel really pleasant for you."<br> <br> The extended tips of her tentacle hair start glowing with soft blue light. Your gaze is drawn to the exposed slit in the back of N'gleria's head as if hypnotised. The fleshy lips slowly open and close. You fancy you hear erotic moans and sighs. The slowly contracting and dilating slit grows larger until it fills your vision.<br> <br> [[Do as she says.->Ngleria: Choose Head Sex]]<br> [[This is too weird. You're out of here.->Ngleria: Attempt Leave]]
N'gleria still seems a little emotionally distant. Or maybe she just isn't very emotional full stop. Her lovely supple lips turn up in a shy smile. She reaches into your lap, wraps a warm hand around your cock and gives it a little pump. It's to pump it up to full hardness, not that your erection needs it.<br> <br> N'gleria steps over and straddles you on the seat. You see that the cleft of her sex is hairless, the folds neat and tucked away. N'gleria lowers herself down on your erection. You see her labia fluff out as the swollen head of your cock passes between them and up into her vagina. It's warm and very tight. Despite her fairly cold and emotionless exterior, she's plenty wet inside and you don't have any problems sliding up inside her.<br> <br> She places her hands on your shoulders and stares right into your eyes as sits all the way down on you. The only emotion she shows is a faint smile on her fulsome lips. The smile stays there as if frozen. She continues to stare into your eyes as she slowly moves her hips up and down.<br> <br> You experience luscious friction as her tight pussy strokes up and down your erection. N'gleria loosely drapes her arms around your neck as she lithely bounces up and down. Her tight pussy generates a fantastic stroking sensation... at first.<br> <br> N'gleria doesn't vary her pace. What first feels really good, starts to feel a little... mechanical. You want N'gleria to find a next gear, move it up a notch, but she continues to rise up and down with the same rhythm. Her face while, attractive enough, is frozen in an emotionless mask. Rather than climbing a peak to arousal, you start to feel you're moving back down.<br> <br> "Are you ready to come, babe?" N'gleria asks, her voice a little flat.<br> <br> You're not sure. There seems to be a spark missing.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ngleria: Low Int Sex: Semen Check]]
N'gleria pushes down a little harder on the next stroke. Your cock pushes up deeper. The head pokes into what feels like a nest of squirming tentacles at the back of her vagina.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Ngleria: Low Int Sex: No Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Ngleria: Low Int Sex: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
You don't get a chance to dwell on whether it's disgusting. Whatever the wriggling things are, the sensation of them squirming against and coiling around your sensitive glans is enough to close the gap to climax. You tip your head back and feel your cock throb in blissful orgasm as you spurt semen up into N'gleria's alien vagina.<br> <br> N'gleria lets you empty out a full load inside her and then gets up.<br> <br> "Was it good for you, babe?" she asks.<br> <br> You're not sure. There was definitely the relief of release, but it also felt like you and N'gleria were missing something... some spark or connection.<br> <br> Either way, the deed is done. N'gleria picks up her robes and puts them back on. You get up and get dressed as well.<br> <br> N'gleria gives you a chaste little bow as you turn to the door. It was... okay. As you head to the door you have the feeling you failed to connect with N'gleria on some level, and as such did not get the full experience from her.<br> <br> Maybe next time.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> /* no faction increase */ <<include [[Ngleria: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
The strange wriggling against your sensitive glans is the new sensation you were craving. It does trigger a little jerk of your hips. However, it's a false climax. Your cock twitches but does not erupt in glorious ejaculation.<br> <br> N'gleria repeats the stroke and against the head of your cock plunges up into a nest of squirming tentacles. Again it triggers another pleasant twitch of your cock, but not a full orgasm.<br> <br> A twinge in your balls makes you think it might not be down to the level of sensation. You have been very busy this evening, and your testicles do feel a little on the empty side.<br> <br> "No cum, babe?" N'gleria asks as she comes down for a third, fruitless stroke.<br> <br> You shake your head. You don't think it's going to happen. N'gleria nods.<br> <br> "It's okay. I understand."<br> <br> She gets up off your penis. You're both silent as you put your clothes back on. There isn't really a spark or connection here, you think, made worse by your failure to perform. You feel awkward and embarrassed as you head to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> /* no faction increase */ <<include [[Ngleria: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
You place your hands on the sides of N'gleria's head. Warm hair tentacles coil around your wrists. You line up and slowly push your erection into the opening in the back of N'gleria's head. It slides in as easily as entering a well-lubricated vagina, and feels just as good.<br> <br> Her fleshy labia slide down your shaft. The head of your cock pushes into the moist and fleshy interior. It parts the walls as it tunnels deeper. They close back up and press snugly around your erection. It feels slightly... squishy compared to a regular vagina. The walls are also a lot more textured. You feel the folds catch and rub against the sensitive ridge of your glans as you slide your cock all the way into the back of N'gleria's head.<br> <br> Rather than showing any pain or discomfort at this unusual intrusion, N'gleria lets out a breathy moan of pleasure. The acoustics of it are strange. You're not sure if you're hearing it from N'gleria, or all around you as some kind of strange background soundtrack.<br> <br> Gripping the sides of N'gleria's head, you slowly pump your hips. Your cock slides smoothly back and forth along the glistening tunnel in the back of N'gleria's head. The squidgy crenellations in the walls stroke against your cock as you push in and out, and provide excellent stimulation. Your cock is twitching and you're eager to come after only a few strokes.<br> <br> Lubricant dribbles out as your cock slides in and out. It's bright blue and looks utterly alien. You don't care. It's as if a primal instinct to rut has taken over. You grip the sides of her head and keep pumping your hips back and forth.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ngleria: Head Sex 2]]
This is far too freaky for you. She wants you to stick your cock in the back of her head? No way. You're out of here.<br> <br> <<if $player.charms.includes(39) and $cgi neq 0>> <<include [[Ngleria: Early Leave]]>> <<else>> Her strange glowing tentacles and the slowly opening and closing slit exert a powerful hypnotic attraction. The fleshy opening looks irresistibly alluring. It expands to completely fill your view. The lips slowly open and close, drawing in your gaze to the moist treasures beyond. You want to - //need to// – stick your dick in there.<br> <br> Before you know it, you're standing behind her.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[3][1] to true>> [[Continue.->Ngleria: Head Sex 1]] <</if>>
Her strange glowing tentacles and the slowly opening and closing slit exert a powerful hypnotic attraction.<br> <br> Even though it was your intent to leave, the first move you make on standing up out of the chair is towards her. Realising what you're doing, you stumble back in alarm, almost tripping over the chair behind you.<br> <br> The tip of N'gleria's tentacles continue to glow with soft blue light. The slit in the back of her head continues to gape alluringly. However, the powerful hypnotic spell it exerted over you appears to have broken.<br> <br> You keep stumbling backwards.<br> <br> N'gleria turns her head and looks at you with a surprised expression. Thankfully, she makes no move to stop you as you grab your clothes and stumble to the door.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> /* no faction increase */ <<include [[Ngleria: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Her strange glowing tentacles and the slowly opening and closing slit exert a powerful hypnotic attraction. The fleshy opening looks irresistibly alluring. It expands to completely fill your view. The lips slowly open and close, drawing in your gaze to the moist treasures beyond.<br> <br> You don't know how much of it is your own will or the irresistible magnetic pull of the gaping slit in the back of N'gleria's head, but you find yourself standing behind her.<br> <br> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[4][1] to true>> [[Continue.->Ngleria: Head Sex 1]]
N'gleria kneels quietly in front of you as you do it. She looks more like she's kneeling down for worship. Her hair tentacles are extended out like spines. The tips continue to glow with a soft blue light.<br> <br> Your eyes take on that strange blue glow. It's as if a filter has come down over your vision. Everything is coloured in hues of blue and purple. It's as if you're looking out on a scene from an old arthouse porn film. Sounds like it too. You hear many feminine erotic sighs and moans layered over each other. You're not even sure where you're hearing them from. It's almost as if the soundtrack tape is being played inside your own skull.<br> <br> You keep pounding away in what looks like a truly bizarre backwards blowjob. You don't really care how it looks. Whatever the hole in N'gleria's head is, it feels as good as any vagina.<br> <br> Strangely, it sets up a sympathetic sensation in your brain. As the fleshy walls squeeze and press up around your cock, you feel them gently squeeze and press around your brain. As you pump back and forth and feel the many folds rub and stroke up and down your cock, you feel those same folds stroke and rub along the top of your brain. It stimulates your frontal lobes and floods your thoughts with bright flashes of pornographic imagery.<br> <br> The sensation intensifies until you're no longer sure if it's your cock or brain sliding back and forth inside N'gleria's luscious vagina.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ngleria: Head Sex: Semen Check]]
You pump your hips faster. Blue lights run up and down N'gleria's head tentacles in an otherworldly lightshow. They pulse with the same rhythm as your strokes. Then faster, encouraging – forcing – you to keep up. You're too lost in the moment to do anything other than follow.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> It's building and building. You rise up on your toes. It's not quite there. You're suddenly aware of how much sex you've had this night in the House. You wonder if your balls have anything left.<br> <br> Then N'gleria takes over. You feel her exert herself. The fleshy walls squeeze in around your cock. Those same fleshy walls seem to squeeze around your brain.<br> <br> Squeeze and squeeze until...<br> <br> You gasp out in pleasure as the block is breached. It's coming. <<else>> Then it comes. <</if>> You feel it bubble up from your toes, set your knees trembling, and drive your hips into jerking forwards. You feel your cock twitch as you peak and release a long throbbing gush into N'gleria's head. You're not sure if it's your cock or brain that's ejaculating. It feels like a pulsing beam of light surging out of you. You grip N'gleria's head and hold your pose as you ejaculate powerfully into her.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed or $cgi eq 0 or $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Ngleria: Begin Brain Eating]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Ngleria: Good End 1]]>> <</if>>
It doesn't stop. The fleshy walls contract around your cock as if N'gleria wants to squeeze it all out of you. And whatever stimulation is applied to your cock also feels like it's applied to your brain. Within your skull it feels like it's being squeezed between soft cushioned walls.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ngleria: Eat Brain]]
Then it ends and feels like the wind has been knocked right out of you. Your knees buckle. You stumble backwards. It feels like coloured sparks are jumping from your brain. Or maybe your cock. For a brief moment they feel one and the same.<br> <br> Thankfully, the chair is there to catch you. You fall back into it. Your head is a swirling kaleidoscope of colour and sensation.<br> <br> In contrast, N'gleria still kneels on the floor completely serenely. Her head tentacles stop glowing. They lose their stiffness and fall back across to cover the orifice in the back of her head. N'gleria stands back up and puts her robes back on.<br> <br> "Intercourse with my kind can be intense," she says. "You'll recover in a moment."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Ngleria: Good End 2]]
N'gleria aids that by walking around behind you and giving your neck and shoulders a relaxing post-coital massage. Her skilled fingers move up your scalp and across to trace soothing circles at your temples.<br> <br> N'gleria's hair tentacles fall across your neck and shoulders. They squirm as if with a mind of their own. For a moment you fear they're about to worm into your earholes, then N'gleria shifts position and pulls them back.<br> <br> She keeps gently massaging your temples until your scrambled thoughts fall back into some semblance of order.<br> <br> That was some orgasm. Although you'd rather not think too hard on the image of you standing behind N'gleria and drilling the back of her head. She seems none the worse for it, so it's probably best not to think too much about it.<br> <br> N'gleria helps you get your clothes back on and politely ushers you to the exit. Even after a moment to gather your thoughts, your head still feels a little mushy. As if you've tried to stay awake too long and your concentration has flagged.<br> <br> A quiet drink downstairs in the bar should fix it. You give the unusual girl a parting wave and head for the door.<br> <br> /* Causes Befuddlement Ailment */ <<set _ailment to 11>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[5][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Ngleria: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
Your body trembles uncontrollably. Your hips jerk. You unleash another throbbing gush. It feels like a burst of light from your brain. Your whole body feels lit up with sensory overload.<br> <br> The squeezing pressure on your skull does not relent. It's the same on your cock. You come again, but it doesn't give you relief from the soft, irresistible pressure. It builds and builds. Almost like N'gleria is trying to squeeze your brain out through your cock.<br> <br> The force grows and grows until – with a burst of relief that feels ten times more intense than any orgasm – something gives. You feel it as a rainbow burst of light, sound, sensation. And then nothing.<br> <br> Your skull empty, you fall to the floor and crumple up in a lifeless heap.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<set _ailmentsList to [8,11]>> <<include [[Player: Test Int]]>> <<if _testPassed>> "Thank you. That was delicious," N'gleria says. <<else>> "Meagre fare, but appreciated," N'gleria says. <</if>><br> <br> N'gleria has consumed your brain.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Ngleria: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
$ looks perturbed as you offer to tell him about N'gleria Sepiida. "That one. Always thought there was something off about her... and not just her appearance. I don't like the way her tentacles wriggle as she stares at me. Makes me feel like a mouse being eyed up by a cat, if you know what I mean. Anyway..."<br> <br> He pulls out a black notebook.<br> <br> "...tell me what you know about N'gleria Sepiida."<br> <br>
<br><br> <<set _didHeadSex to _scoreArray[5][1] and not _osa[5][2]>> <<set _ranAway to _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> <<if _didHeadSex or _ranAway>> "You have to put your dick..."<br> <br> $ gestures to the back of his head. You nod. $'s face screws up in revulsion. <<else>> "And it was just regular sex, that's all?" $ queries. "Strange, with her appearance I would have feared something more... exotic. Although, am I right when you said you felt tentacles deep within her... lady bits?"<br> <br> You confirm. $ shudders. <</if>><br> <br>
<<set _didHeadSex to _scoreArray[5][1] and not _osa[5][2]>> <<set _ranAway to _scoreArray[2][1] and not _osa[2][2]>> <<if _didHeadSex or _ranAway>> <<if _ranAway>> "I'd have done a runner too," $ says.<br> <br> He pauses contemplatively.<br> <br> "I'm surprised she let you. While I never saw it personally, there's an infamous story about a stage show, a man in tears, and yet not being able to stop. She has some kind of unnatural control she can exert on other minds. You must have avoided it somehow." <<else>> "And yet you still went ahead and did it... in her head."<br> <br> <<if _scoreArray[3][1] and not _osa[3][2]>> You try to point out you didn't have much say in the matter. $ still looks disgusted. <<else>> You don't have a lot to say about that. $ looks disgusted. <</if>><br> <br> He sighs. "That's why I pay the people in here – to do the things so I don't have to." <</if>> <<else>> <<if _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> "Strange to hear about one of $'s girls giving such a... mechanical performance. You must not have been her type, although that's not something that usually bothers the devils in here all that much. Rare to hear about one of them showing the same level of disinterest as a common whore. One thing I will give $'s little House of horrors – the tarts in here are most definitely not //common//."<br> <br> $ guffaws crudely. <<else>> "I'm not surprised you failed to... ahem... close the deal. I am surprised you're here to tell me your story. I wonder if N'gleria is even a succubus. Failing to... ahem... close the deal with them usually results in a man having his soul sucked out." <</if>> <</if>>
/* Nicolette */ <<set $hi to 76>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Nicolette", shortDescription: "a gorgeous and stunningly attractive young woman in a chic fur coat with dark hair cut in a stylish Cleopatra bob. She wears a large pair of shades and looks like a movie starlet trying to go incognito.", faction: 0, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, gifts: [4,11], affection: 0, introductionLink: "Nicolette: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Nicolette: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Nicolette: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Nicolette: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Default Harlot: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Nicolette: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Nicolette: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Nicolette: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
/* Madam intro */ "Oh, you are in for a treat," $ says. "Our gorgeous Nicolette just loves to pamper men with her full relaxation service. She'll flush all that tension out of your body."<br> <br> $ jogs your elbow with a bawdy laugh.<br> <br> "And some other things..."<br> <br> /* Long description */ Nicolette looks far far too good to be working in a whorehouse. Her pale face is perfectly framed by raven-black hair cut in a stylish Cleopatra bob. With its delicate high cheekbones and luscious full red lips, her face looks straight out of a perfume ad in a magazine.<br> <br> In her white fur coat she cuts a chic and stylish figure. Even though she's indoors, she wears a large pair of fashionable shades. It makes you think of a famous movie starlet trying to go incognito as she's about town.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ Nicolette is a picture of elegance as she approaches you.<br> <br> "Hello. I am Nicolette. Come up to my room for a relaxing massage and... other things."<br> <br> While you can't see her eyes, the little smile at the corner of her lips gives away exactly what she means by 'other things.' <br>
Nicolette is a classy presence on your arm as you look for an open table in the bar. If it was anywhere else on Earth, you'd feel about ten feet tall to have a girl as good-looking as Nicolette on your arm. In here, that's lessened somewhat by virtually every other girl, even the waitresses, being a perfect 10.<br> <br> You find an open table in the central area. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Nicolette: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Nicolette: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br> <br> "How disappointing," Nicolette says. "I was hoping to get to know you better."<br> <br> Apologetically, she gets up.<br> <br> "While $ gives me leeway on... certain things. This is not one of them. Her rules are clear. I must leave. Don't let this discourage you from coming up to my room. I'll still treat you to a thorough pampering."<br> <br> She gives you a nice smile before returning to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
The waitress returns with your $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name and a glass of champagne for Nicolette.<br> <br> "You might not see it, but I'm the same as them."<br> <br> Nicolette nods to the <<if $currentRound eq 1>>waitresses dressed as devil girls<<else>>succubus waitresses<</if>> flitting from table to table.<br> <br> "What are we really?" Nicolette stares into space. "It's a disconcerting question, is it not? Is it fixed? Or can we change?"<br> <br> She turns to look at you.<br> <br> "I met a special someone. She told me what we are yesterday is not what we have to be today, or tomorrow. I learned a lot from her."<br> <br> Her face loses its serious cast and her lovely mouth turns up in a flirtier smile.<br> <br> "Including some tricks for the bedroom."<br> <br> You can't see her eyes, yet her gaze still feels like a heat lamp on you.<br> <br> "I am a succubus, like the others," she says. "When we go up to my room, my appearance might alarm you. You shouldn't let it. I'll give you the full pleasures of sex with a succubus, but – unlike the others – I will not take your soul as coin."<br> <br> With that said, she steers the conversation to lighter matters, and you enjoy pleasant chitchat with her before it's time to finish your drinks and return to the stage.<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Nicolette? Gorgeous, isn't she. She gives a dreamy body-to-body massage on her big waterbed. Makes you tingly in all the right places."<br> <br> $'s eyelids flicker as she smiles at a memory.<br> <br> "If you want the 'safe' succubus experience in here, you can't do better than Nicolette. Except //moi//, of course. Only I'm not safe."<br> <br> $'s hot predatory gaze lingers over you.<br> <br> "Another succubus made a very strong impression on Nicolette a while ago. The silly girl idolises her. She's determined to live her life to the same values, to the point of imitating her appearance and mannerisms. Ha, if she only knew that one's past."<br> <br> $ chuckles darkly.<br> <br> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: true, text: "\"You shouldn't trust her. For all her noble talk, she's still a black-hearted daemon. Show fear or try to fight her off and her instincts will come to the fore. And then...\"\<br\>\<br\>$ purses her lips and makes a vile sucking sound."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"She is so 'safe' she'll even bring the session to an early end if her patron is struggling and lacks the vitality to finish with a proper climax. Not many will do that in here, even the nice ones. We are predators, after all.\"\<br\>\<br\>$'s smile shows off her dainty little fangs."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: false, text: "\"A relaxing session with Nicolette can do wonders for the body and soul.\"\<br\>\<br\>$ leans forwards to whisper conspiratorially.\<br\>\<br\>\"I'd say you'd be better off going to her instead of the nurse, but I've heard the new one is no slouch either when it comes to giving a man a good therapeutic fucking.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Nicolette: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Nicolette: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [2,false,false], /* Has Semen Good End */ [2,false,false] /* No Semen Good End */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<include [[Nicolette: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Nicolette: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Nicolette's room looks like the boudoir of a high-class tart. The lighting is soft and low, provided by candles around the edges of the room. The walls are hung with heavy black velvet drapes. A huge circular bed takes up most of the centre of the room. It's covered in glossy black silk sheets and plush black pillows. There is a massive mirror in the ceiling above it. An apothecary's dream of bottles and vials are arranged on the back shelves.<br> <br> Nicolette stands by the bed. She looks like a chic movie starlet in her fur coat and sunglasses. Her pale and elegant face, with its delicate high cheekbones and luscious red lips, is perfectly framed by a short and stylish Cleopatra bob.<br> <br> "Welcome to my relaxation room," she says.<br> <br> She gives you a pleasant smile.<br> <br> According to the customs of the House, you hold up your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Nicolette: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(7, 5)>> <<include [[Nicolette: Gift: Bodycare]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(3, 8)>> <<include [[Nicolette: Gift: Pretty]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includesAny(11, 12, 13, 14)>> <<include [[Nicolette: Gift: Weird]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Nicolette: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> She pats the edge of the enormous circular bed.<br> <br> "Now take your clothes off and get on here. It's time for me to pamper you."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Bed]]
Nicolette accepts the $allGifts[$cgi].name and looks thoughtfully at you.<br> <br> "I wonder if you know the significance of this."<br> <br> She sniffs the rose while looking you up and down.<br> <br> "If you do, I am flattered, but I cannot grant your request. I do not kill. I do not steal souls. Even if some wish the ecstasy of it. I will give you a sensual body-to-body massage and sex, but I cannot go further."<br> <br> She watches you as if trying to gauge your reaction.<br> <br> "And if you do not understand the significance, a warning. You were lucky this time. Do not give a $allGifts[$cgi].name to a girl in here unless you are absolutely sure you wish her to be your last."<br> <br> She places it in a vase with others on top of a small vanity table.<br> <br> "We'll speak of this no more. You're here for a relaxation session. That's all."
"A good choice," Nicolette says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> She places <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on the shelf with the other bottles and jars.<br> <br> "We should always take good care of ourselves. And you've come to the right room for that. I'm going to give you a proper pampering."
Nicolette smiles when you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "That's pretty," she says. "Thank you."<br> <br> She places <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> in a drawer.<br> <br> "I still like to indulge myself with nice things," she confesses.
Nicolette pulls a face when she sees the $allGifts[$cgi].name.<br> <br> "I'm not the right girl for that," she says.<br> <br> She takes <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> and places <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> on top of a set of drawers on the far side of the room. She is at least still smiling pleasantly when she returns.<br> <br> "We have an... unusual mix of girls in here," she says. "There will be some that might appreciate that... just not me," she finishes with a little laugh.
"Oh, how nice. Thank you," Nicolette says as she takes the $allGifts[$cgi].name off you.<br> <br> She places <<if $allGifts[$cgi].isSingular>>it<<else>>them<</if>> in a nearby drawer and turns back to you.
You take your clothes off and hang them on a peg on the wall. Experimentally, you push down on the edge of the bed and watch the surface sway with wet sloshing sounds. Nicolette confirms it's a waterbed.<br> <br> Encouraged by her, you dive backwards onto it. The bed rocks and sways beneath you. The waves lift your body up and down. You grin at your reflection in the mirror. This is going to be fun.<br> <br> Nicolette takes off her coat and hangs it on a peg next to the door. Beneath it she's wearing nothing more than a skimpy black bra, panties, and thigh-high fishnet stockings. Her body is gorgeous. She's curvaceous around the chest and ass, but there isn't an ounce of spare fat anywhere else.<br> <br> She doesn't stop there. After a brief pose to let you admire her figure, she peels off her bra and panties.<br> <br> "Ready for your relaxation session?" she asks.<br> <br> Things get weird when she takes off her shades and shakes out her hair. She has horns at her temples. Her eyes are pure black all the way through. They look like empty black wells. She stretches her shoulders and a pair of black batwings erupts from her back. A black tail – slender as a whip and ending with a spade-like tip – slides down the back of her legs.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Locks in]]
"Ah, much better," Nicolette says.<br> <br> She smiles at you. It's the same elegantly angled face, the same full kissable lips, the same gorgeous curves and contours. Her features should be perfect, but they also come with horns, wings and a tail. And those unsettling empty black eyes. It turns her beauty into something wrong. Sexy into perverse.<br> <br> <<if $currentRound eq 1>> Oh god, you realise. It's not cosplay. $ was not winding you up. She's a demon. An honest-to-god demon.<br> <br> "Ah. A newcomer," Nicolette says. "My appearance must be a shock to you. <<else>> She's a demon, a succubus. You'd be more shocked if you didn't already know the House Is full of them. Her eyes are still disconcerting.<br> <br> "Ah. I'm not your first," Nicolette says. "That makes it easier. <</if>><br> <br> I'm a succubus. And you appear to be..."<br> <br> She turns a key in the door, locking it with a click. She hangs the key around her neck like a pendant and drops it down her cleavage. She turns back to you with a predatory smile on her blood-red lips.<br> <br> "...locked in with me."<br> <br> [[Stay where you are.->Nicolette: Stay on Bed]]<br> [[Scramble away from her.->Nicolette: Scramble Away]]
You lie where you are on the bed as you watch Nicolette. Sure, she looks strange, but you've realised by now the House is full of strange, exotic creatures. She still looks gorgeous. You might as well lie here and see what she has store for you.<br> <br> "Good," Nicolette says. "It's easier when men don't panic at my true appearance. Means we can get to the fun part quicker."<br> <br> She crouches and jumps. A downward thrust of her batwings boosts it into a graceful leap that takes her right onto the bed and astride your body. The bed rocks and sways with the force of her landing.<br> <br> She smiles at you while she settles down on your belly. <<include [[Nicolette: Straddle]]>>
She's a demon. You have to get out of here.<br> <br> You flail out with your arms and legs. Your attempts to get away are hampered by the rocking motions of the bed beneath you.<br> <br> "I love this bed," Nicolette says. "Aside from being extremely comfortable, it's also quite difficult to get out of."<br> <br> She smiles, showing off two long fangs.<br> <br> "Perfect for my more unruly visitors."<br> <br> She crouches and jumps. A downward thrust of her batwings boosts it into a graceful leap that takes her right onto the bed and astride your body. The bed rocks and sways with the force of her landing.<br> <br> [[Try to buck her off.->Nicolette: Buck Her Off]]<br> [[Stop struggling.->Nicolette: Stop Struggling]]
She notices your gaze hovering in the vicinity of her exposed chest.<br> <br> "Like what you see?" she asks. She folds her arms beneath her breasts, pushing them up and accentuating her cleavage.<br> <br> They're gorgeous – big, round, soft. You can't look away. You feel strange – clouded, horny.<br> <br> "How about I give you a closer look," Nicolette says, her voice low and dirty.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Boob Press]]
You lash out with your arms and legs to try to buck her off.<br> <br> "So lively," Nicolette laughs. "You should save that energy for later."<br> <br> She whispers words so alien they slip from your ears before your brain can register them. She leans over your struggling form, purses full lips and exhales a breath. It takes form – a giant peach-coloured heart – and expands to cover your face and upper body. You gasp as it sinks into your body. Pleasant energy flows into you in a wave. It feels like you've been dipped in warm honey. Your legs stop kicking. Your arms fall back against your sides. You feel relaxed. Languid.<br> <br> "That's better," Nicolette says.<br> <br> She smiles at you while she settles down on your belly. <<include [[Nicolette: Straddle]]>>
You don't do anything.<br> <br> "Good," Nicolette says. "You just need to relax."<br> <br> She smiles at you while she settles down on your belly. <<include [[Nicolette: Straddle]]>>
She folds her body over yours until you feel the soft pillows of her breasts against either side of your face. Nicolette twists her body, playfully buffeting you with the heavy, soft flesh of her boobs.<br> <br> Nicolette sits up and smiles.<br> <br> "Mmm, but before we go further, I need to give you a nice relaxing massage. That will take your lingering anxiety and drain it all away."<br> <br> She turns you over. The waterbed rocks and sways beneath you. A warm weight settles on your back. Nicolette lies on top of you with her soft breasts squashed against your back.<br> <br> "You still seem a little fearful," Nicolette whispers. "That won't last for long. Not when a succubus's naked flesh is pressed against you."<br> <br> You let out an involuntary little sigh. Her skin feels so good against you – warm and smooth like silk. You feel a pleasant buzz wherever it comes into contact with you, a luxurious tingle that leaves the rest of your skin hungering to experience the same pleasure.<br> <br> "Mmm, doesn't that feel nice," Nicolette says. "It pushes all the anxiety aside and lets all your little illicit desires come bubbling up to the surface."<br> <br> Your thoughts are submerged beneath a deluge of pornographic images. Full pouting red lips, eyes gleaming with lust, ripe round breasts with perky erect nipples, glistening pink pussies... all calling out to you. Hungry for you.<br> <br> Nicolette's soft lips brush against your ear. "I can satisfy all of them, every last little filthy one of them," she whispers huskily.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Back Massage]]
Nicolette straddles the small of your back and sits up. Out of the corner of your eye you see her tail loop around the handle of one of the exotic bottles sitting on the bedside shelf. She lifts it up and brings it back to her.<br> <br> "We'll start your relaxation session with a sexy little body-to-body massage," Nicolette says.<br> <br> You hear her work the pump handle of the bottle. You feel a cool liquid splash across your back. It's not cool for long as Nicolette's skilful hands start to rub and knead it into your flesh. She pushes her hands up either side of your spine and then out across your shoulders, spreading a pleasant little buzz in her wake. Her hands move up to your neck and she uses her long fingers to work out the knots in your muscles. The fragrant aroma of the massage oil tickles your nostrils.<br> <br> "My, so much tension," Nicolette says.<br> <br> She squirts more oil onto your back and dances along your spine with her thumbs. She presses down with her palms and slides them out to your sides, smoothing out the flesh beneath them. A nice feeling of warmth permeates through the muscles of your back.<br> <br> "A good massage will soon sort that out."<br> <br> She leans down close to whisper in your ear.<br> <br> "And the other things we'll get up to afterwards."<br> <br> She sits back up. Her hands glide up the back of your neck and rub behind your ears with soothing circular movements.<br> <br> You do feel relaxed. The scented oil smells extremely pleasant and Nicolette's hands are supremely skilled at working out the kinks and knots in your muscles. She bends down low, sniffs the back of your neck and murmurs contentedly. You feel the wetness of her sex where it rubs against the small of your back.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Body-to-Body Massage]]
"Pampering men is a real turn-on for me," Nicolette says.<br> <br> She lies down on top of you. Her arms slide around you, her thighs squeeze against your sides and she squashes her soft breasts against your back. The pleasant tingle of skin-to-skin contact is all around you. Ripples of pleasure expand out across your skin from where her nipples are pressed against your flesh. Her heat – and lust – enfolds you. You soak in it, draw it in through your skin in a form of osmosis. Nicolette murmurs. She holds you tighter. The flow of pleasure increases. You feel trailers of fire race through your blood vessels. You moan as you feel the heat settle in your balls. They feel bloated – overripe. The desire to plunge your cock into a soft, snug orifice and relieve the pressure grows overwhelming. It shoulders aside all other thoughts.<br> <br> "Relax. Let me melt with you pleasure. I'll melt you, then slurp you up like delicious ice cream."<br> <br> You tense up at the mention of being 'slurped up'.<br> <br> "Still not relaxed?" Nicolette questions. "My my, you are a most unruly visitor," she laughs. "I'll have to do something about that."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Turn Over]]
Nicolette slides an arm underneath your body, grabs your arm and pulls, spinning you around until you're lying on your back with Nicolette on top you. The waterbed sags beneath you. Comfortable, but also not something you're getting out of anytime soon.<br> <br> You notice again her horns and empty black eyes, and can't suppress a shiver of fear.<br> <br> "Tch, still not fully relaxed," Nicolette says. "I'll have to soak you in my pheromones for a while."<br> <br> She shifts position until she's crouched above your face and facing your feet. You get an extreme close-up view of the shaven lips of her pussy. Nicolette's labia seem strangely plush and comfortable. They tug at you with a primal urge. Your cock twitches eagerly at the thought of slipping it between those cushioned lips.<br> <br> "Ah, that's more like it," Nicolette says as she bends down to caress your erection with a warm hand.<br> <br> Her labia twitches, gaping hungrily to reveal a glistening red tunnel. You shiver. It's another reminder she isn't human. No human vagina could do that... look as hungry as that.<br> <br> Nicolette laughs at your fear. "Just wait. In moment this lovely rock-hard cock is going to be inside there. Then my sweet little cunt will suck the fear right out of you."<br> <br> And maybe everything else, you fear.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Vagina Smother]]
Nicolette sits down, smothering your face in the soft flesh of her ass. The bed rocks and sways beneath you as she grinds her body against your face. You feel the moist folds of her sex rub against your nose and mouth. Her warm juices dribble onto and between your lips. Each drip sets off firecrackers of sensation across your nerve-endings. The opposite of a numbing agent, her fluids heighten the sensitivity of whatever skin they come into contact with. Your lips and tongue fizz with pleasure. Nicolette laughs wickedly and wriggles her body on top of your face.<br> <br> Her musky scent surrounds your head in a cloying cloud and you draw the heady perfume into your body. Tendrils of perfume twine up your nostrils and wrap your brain up in soft cotton wool. You feel like you're floating. The bed, so soft and comfortable beneath you, feels like a big fluffy cloud.<br> <br> "Mmm, yes," Nicolette purrs. "Drown in my lust."<br> <br> She folds her body down on you until her breasts are resting on your midriff. Long, skilful fingers touch, prod, and flick your erection. They crawl between your legs and tickle through the hairs of your testicles. Your cry of pleasure is cut off – smothered – in the descending folds of Nicolette's sex.<br> <br> A soft hand wraps around the base of your cock. Soft, full lips kiss the tip. Just a light peck for the first, second, and third touch. For the fourth, the lips remain there, pressed against the swollen mushroom head of your dick. They slowly suck, drawing the tip up into her mouth like a strand of spaghetti. A quicksilver tongue laps up the pre-cum drooling from the opening to your urethra.<br> <br> You groan into her smothering pussy. Your body twitches.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Masturbation]]
"Not yet," Nicolette scolds.<br> <br> She gives your cock a little smack.<br> <br> "We need to properly flush all the tension out of your body. And that requires a long and satisfying climax buried deep in my lovely soft pussy."<br> <br> She dips her head forwards and takes another teasing suck. She goes deeper this time, letting the head of your cock rest on her moist, fleshy tongue. One hand pumps the base of your cock while the fingers of the other fondle and toy with your balls.<br> <br> You writhe and squirm beneath her. You're battered by waves of sensation crashing through your body. She uses her mouth and fingers to play you like a virtuoso musician – skilled enough to take you right to the edge of climax and hold you there without tipping over.<br> <br> Nicolette shifts position, climbing off your face.<br> <br> "Mmm, it's hard and ready. I think it's time to give it my deluxe massage."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Her Pleasure]]
Nicolette slides on top of you and straddles your midriff. She pins your arms to the gently rocking bed. She looks down at you and smiles. Her tail coils around your cock and pumps up and down, keeping you at full hardness.<br> <br> "My pussy is the best for penile massage. Your cock will just melt inside me."<br> <br> She lies down on you. Her soft breasts rest on your chest. Her arms wrap around you in an embrace. Her pleasant perfume fills your nostrils.<br> <br> "I'll let you in on a little secret," she whispers in your ear.<br> <br> Her tail continues to masturbate your cock. You feel your body respond as your hips start to move up and down in time with her movements. The waterbed undulates beneath you.<br> <br> "I don't feel pleasure," she says. "Not in the conventional sense. I only feel the pleasure I give to my sexual partners."<br> <br> She leans closer. Her soft lips brush against the lobes of your ear. You feel her warm breath tickle your skin.<br> <br> "And I'm very adept at giving them pleasure," she whispers.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: End Foreplay]]
She lowers her body and uses her tail to steer your erection to the naked cleft of her sex. A mixture of excitement and trepidation floods through you as you feel her weight press lightly against the swollen head of your cock. Her labia, those plump fleshy lips, part around your glans and you feel the wet folds of her inner sex against the head of your cock.<br> <br> Your hips lose control and buck ineffectually on top of the pitching waterbed in an attempt to push your cock deeper between those luscious wet folds.<br> <br> Nicolette laughs. Your thrusts are deadened by the waterbed beneath you. Nicolette has all the control here. She rides your clumsy upward bucks with languid ease. She keeps the head of your cock pressed against her lush folds, but doesn't permit it to go deeper.<br> <br> "Patience," Nicolette says. "We need to let it build."<br> <br> She stops pinning your arms to the bed and leans backwards. She braces her hands on your thigh as she presses her hips downwards You watch as her plump labia swell out and completely engulf the swollen head of your cock. You're inside her. Just the head, but inside her nonetheless. You let out a soft groan as you feel the muscular walls of her vagina contract around the tip of your cock.<br> <br> "Mmm," Nicolette purrs. "Just a taste to start with. A tiny little suck."<br> <br> You feel her juices. Warm and wet, they bathe the helmet of your cock and dribble down the shaft. Just as with your tongue and lips from when she'd sat on your face, her juices magnify the sensitivity of your skin. Your glans feels swollen, enormous; increasing in size until it encompasses your whole world. The warm folds of her sex sweep across that world, sucking you and coating more of your skin in her sinful secretions.<br> <br> "I can feel you're enjoying this. It's really got my juices flowing. I'll drown you in them... drown you in bliss."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Sex 1]]
Nicolette slowly sinks down on you, taking you inside her, millimetre by exquisite millimetre. The inside of her vagina feels like silk. Silk impregnated with perfumed oil. It slides smoothly over the head of your cock and hugs the length of your shaft. Nicolette sinks all the way down on you until her labia are kissing the base of your erection.<br> <br> "In you go," she says.<br> <br> Her vagina convulses. The walls undulate up and down your erection. Inside her, your cock is deluged with thick, warm fluids that sink into your skin and send your nerve endings wild with pleasure. Your head crashes back against the mattress and you thrash it from side to side in helpless ecstasy.<br> <br> "Ahh. Relax. Let my pussy pamper you."<br> <br> Calm and perfectly poised, Nicolette starts to move her hips up and down. Her full breasts bob up and down with her movements, but the rest of her body is still and composed. The bed rocks and sways beneath you and Nicolette incorporates the undulations into her movements. She times each downward thrust to match the rising crest of each wave.<br> <br> "Let yourself sink."<br> <br> You're sinking. You lie on top of the pitching surface of the waterbed but are sinking nonetheless. All your other thoughts are crowded out. The only thing left is the sinuous motion of her hips as she smoothly engulfs your cock within her silken sheath again and again.<br> <br> "Drown in pleasure," Nicolette whispers. "Give yourself up to my lusts."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Sex 2]]
You writhe beneath her. Outside of your conscious control, your hips push up to meet her thrusts, driving your manhood deeper inside her warm vagina.<br> <br> There is something at the end of the tunnel of her sex – a pad of flesh that felt hot and lusciously soft. As Nicolette's thrusts grow longer and deeper, the head of your cock nudges up against it. It feels pleasant. The tip of your cock comes away with a nice tingling sensation and a desire to bury it deeper into that thick, soft cushion.<br> <br> Nicolette comes down hard, pushing your erection all the way up inside her vagina. Her labia roll back down, again swallowing you right up to the root. The soft walls of her pussy squeeze around you like soft putty. Your cock presses against that soft obstruction and suddenly it comes alive. Soft, hot, moist flesh balloons around the fleshy helmet of your cock and engulfs it – absorbs it almost – in a tight muscular grip. You feel a powerful suction roll all the way down your shaft.<br> <br> And beyond.<br> <br> You feel it in your trunk, in the blood vessels running through your body. The pad of soft fleshy tissue enveloping the head of your penis expands like bellows and you feel the pull right through your balls and down to your curling toes.<br> <br> "Ah, it's coming. I can feel it," Nicolette says.<br> <br> Nicolette's head drops forwards. Her lovely supple lips put in a cute little //o// as a short sigh of pleasure slips from her lips. She relaxes and sinks down further on top of you, letting your trapped erection be drawn deeper into the smothering flesh of her vagina.<br> <br> "Don't try to hold back. Let go."<br> <br> Her sex pulses again. The muscular walls bunch up around your shaft and roll up to the head in a kind of luscious peristalsis.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Semen Check]]
<<set $semenChange to -3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[Nicolette: Out of Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Nicolette: Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
"Now," Nicolette commands.<br> <br> You gasp. Your hips buck upwards. Your pulsing cock spews an enormous load of semen into the succubus's pussy. The fleshy pad at the end of her vagina absorbs it all and sucks on the head of your cock for more.<br> <br> You oblige. You have no choice. Your cock throbs again and again, each time depositing another hot, sticky load into the smothering grip of Nicolette's pussy. On and on while your body bucks and writhes in helpless ecstasy.<br> <br> "That's it. Let it all pour out."<br> <br> Nicolette bends her body over on top of you. She caresses the side of your face with clawed fingers. Her face is almost too perfect – too beautiful – even with her abyssal black eyes. At least her smile is tender and comforting.<br> <br> She lets her full breasts rest on your chest and holds you while you pour it all out inside her. Holds you while you sink down into deep and comfortable darkness.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Has Semen: Good End]]
You writhe helplessly beneath her. The waterbed rocks and pitches.<br> <br> It's coming. It's coming.<br> <br> But it isn't.<br> <br> As pleasurable and amazing as this feels, and as much as you want to tip over and spurt a massive wad up inside Nicolette, your body refuses to obey. You've done too much already this evening. Your body is too depleted.<br> <br> Nicolette sits up and frowns. Her muscular vagina tightens its grip around your cock. The fleshy pad fully engulfs the head of your penis. Nicolette strains.<br> <br> You writhe beneath her, although this time you're not sure if it's in ecstasy or pain. The desire to peak and climax feels so irresistible. You're at the point of bursting, but in a bad way, as if relieving the pressure would cause something to rupture and spill more from your body than just your seed.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Out of Semen 2]]
You're awoken by the sound of a bell ringing in the background. You're lying in the middle of Nicolette's massive soft circular waterbed. Nicolette is snuggled up next to you. Her warm body feels really pleasant as she cuddles you. You feel supremely comfortable.<br> <br> "Ah, I'm afraid that means our time is up," Nicolette says apologetically.<br> <br> She sits up and helps you off the waterbed. Not only is the big round bed so comfortable your body is reluctant to get off it, the sagging, sloshing, water-filled mattress is quite difficult to climb out of.<br> <br> "$ is very understanding of my needs," Nicolette says. "In return I adhere to her rules. Each session has a time limit."<br> <br> She helps you to the edge of the pitching mattress and then goes off to unlock the door and retrieve your clothes.<br> <br> "How was that? Are you feeling fully relaxed now?"<br> <br> Actually, you are. You feel great – fully relaxed and clear-headed. As if you've just woken up from a long, deep, and untroubled sleep.<br> <br> <<include [[Nicolette: Clear All Ailments]]>> "Good," Nicolette says. "I'm glad I could help."<br> <br> She looks so gorgeous in her fishnet stockings you wish you could stay with her here forever. A bell rings again, putting an end to that fantasy. It's also an unwelcome reminder of what this place really is.<br> <br> "Be careful in this House. The other girls are not like me. They don't try to deny their true natures. They are maneaters and soulstealers."<br> <br> Nicolette blows you a kiss and you feel a powerful tug of longing as you turn to the exit.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Nicolette: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
A bell rings in the background.<br> <br> "Ah, I'm afraid that means our time is up," Nicolette says apologetically.<br> <br> She sits up and helps you off the waterbed. Not only is the big round bed so comfortable your body is reluctant to get off it, the sagging, sloshing, water-filled mattress is quite difficult to climb out of.<br> <br> "$ is very understanding of my needs," Nicolette says. "In return I adhere to her rules. Each session has a time limit."<br> <br> She helps you to the edge of the pitching mattress.<br> <br> "I would have liked to have finished with giving you a satisfying climax. In your current state it... wouldn't have gone well for you."<br> <br> She smiles apologetically.<br> <br> "You should visit the nurse. She has tonics to restore a man's... vitality. Solves these problems."<br> <br> She playfully fondles your drooping penis. It gives a brief, exhausted twitch.<br> <br> "And do it quickly," Nicolette says as she goes to retrieve your clothes and unlock the door. "The other girls in here are not like me. Once a succubus has fully drained a man of his essence... how to explain this... the path to the man's soul becomes open. They won't hesitate to take it."<br> <br> You're not paying full attention. Nicolette looks so gorgeous in her fishnet stockings you wish you could stay with her here forever. A bell rings again, putting an end to that fantasy. It's also an unwelcome reminder of what this place really is.<br> <br> "Be careful with the nurse. We had another, and then she went away and now we have this new one. There is a... hunger to her. She's also far more powerful than she lets on. She does not have your best interests at heart, never forget that."<br> <br> Nicolette blows you a kiss and you feel a powerful tug of longing as you turn to the exit.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> /* faction increase */ <<include [[Default Harlot: Faction Increase]]>> <<include [[Nicolette: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<for _i to $player.ailments.length; _i gt 0; _i-->> <<set _ailment to $player.ailments[_i - 1]>> /* cannot cure enslavement */ <<if _ailment neq 0>> <<include [[Remove Player Ailment]]>> <</if>> <</for>>
He looks pained as you describe your experiences with Nicolette.
<<if _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> "I thought as much," $ says. "She won't take a soul. Or even a life. Even the nicest of monsters in here will suck a man's soul out should he fail to perform. They all have that allowance from MN."<br> <br> $ sighs sadly.<br> <br> "And <<else>> "It's exactly as I've heard from others," $ says sadly. "She sounds wonderful, and – most importantly – safe. And <</if>> yet she might as well not exist for me. In all my time in here, she's never once been presented to me as an option. I'm sure that damnable Madam is doing it deliberately to spite me."<br> <br> His bristles twitch angrily.<br> <br> "I doubt I can make any use of this information, but you weren't to know, and a deal is a deal."
<<set $currentRound to 2>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 2>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currDex to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 2>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set _ailment to 0>> <<set $allAilments[0].harlot to 58>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set _ailment to 6>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set _ailment to 11>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 76>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 24>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
Her tail squeezes your cock. The flat spade-like tip wraps over your glans like a tight hood. You gasp as it squeezes you. Your body shudders uncontrollably, sending waves flowing outwards across the bed as the coils of her tail bunch up and stroke up and down your shaft.<br> <br> Nicolette laughs as you writhe in helpless pleasure.<br> <br> She releases the head of your cock. You let out another gasp as the tip of her tail hooks and teases the opening to your urethra as it slides off you. She has total control here.<br> <br> Nicolette sits back up. She lifts her body up and moves backwards until she's directly above your crotch and bobbing, swollen erection.<br> <br> "Enough foreplay," she growls. "It's time my pussy was fed."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: Insertion]]
Nicolette recognises it too. Her vagina relaxes. That weird fleshy pad at the end of it unpeels from your glans. Your body is freed from the grip of that unnatural tugging.<br> <br> "No. One of the other girls has already drained you," Nicolette says.<br> <br> She slides off your cock and lies down next to you.<br> <br> "I could make you climax, but it would rip your body inside out."<br> <br> She puts her arms around you and cuddles.<br> <br> "I don't do that. I don't kill. We'll have to finish with a nice snuggle instead. I hope you don't mind."<br> <br> You don't mind at all. She cuddles up to you on the gently rocking waterbed. If feels nice. Really nice. There is something about her scent, the silky feel of her skin, the warmth of her flesh... it's pleasant enough to overcome your body's disappointment at failing to reach climax. You lie with her like that for some time.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Nicolette: No Semen: Good End]]
/* Friesya Holstun */ <<set $hi to 78>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi] to { number: $hi, name: "Friesya Holstun", shortDescription: "a tall and extremely buxom cow girl of amazonian proportions. She has short horns that look more like cow horns than demon horns. She's wearing what looks like a fetish nurse's outfit. The outfit is patterned like the black-and-white hide of a Friesian cow.", faction: 0, factionIncrease: [false], isFiller: false, minRound: 1, maxRound: 12, isRepeatable: false, hasBeenVisited: false, isIrresistibleToAilment: 1, gifts: [22], affection: 0, introductionLink: "Friesya: Introduction", ifNotChosenLink: "Default Harlot: If Not Chosen", ifMulligannedLink: "Default Harlot: If Mulliganned", socialisingLink: "Friesya: Socialising", npcGossipLink: "Friesya: NPC Gossip", gossipGossip: [], popNpcGossipLink: "Friesya: Populate Gossip Gossip", harlotGossip: [], popHarlotGossipLink: "Friesya: Populate Harlot Gossip", scenarioLink: "Friesya: Scenario", sellExpLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp", sellExpIntroLink: "Default Harlot: Sell Exp Intro", sellExpBodyLink: "Friesya: Sell Exp Body", sellExpFeedbackLink: "Friesya: Sell Exp Feedback" }>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popNpcGossipLink]]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].popHarlotGossipLink]]>>
<<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 7>> <<set $ to 3>> <<set $player.charms.push(14)>> /* <<set $player.currStr to x>> */ <<set $player.currDex to 5>> /* <<set $player.currAgi to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currConst to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currWill to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currInt to x>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> */ /* <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> */ <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hi to 78>> /* <<set $allHarlots[$hi].<property> to <value>>> */ <<set $npcNurse.hasBeenVisited to true>> /* <<set $cgi to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> */ <<set $cgi to 0>> <<include [[Harlot Tester: Intro]]>>
/* Madam intro */ "This is Friesya Holstun, our nurse-in-training," $ says. "She'll nurse you like a baby and make sure you're all topped up down here."<br> <br> $ shamelessly gropes your genitals.<br> <br> /* Long description */ Friesya Holstun is tall and stacked. Really stacked. She's over six foot in height and her boobs are massive. <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> Really massive. You find it hard to look anywhere else. <</if>><br> <br> Despite her imposing figure, Friesya looks less demonic than the other girls you've seen. She has a healthy complexion and pleasant smile, and puts you more in mind of a good ol' country gal rather than a sophisticated urban courtesan. Her dark hair is swept up in an old-fashioned bob with a high crown.<br> <br> She does have horns and tail, but they're more similar to a cow's than a devil's. The impression is reinforced by the black-and-white patterning on her outfit. You think it might be a nurse's uniform, but closer to a fetish costume than something worn in an actual hospital. Friesya's considerable bosom puts the outfit under quite a bit of strain in the bust area.<br> <br> /* Harlot intro */ "Hello, I'm Friesya. I'm the nurse-in-training. My milk has rejuvenating properties. It's also quite delicious. I'll let you suckle it right from here."<br> <br> She plumps her massive tits together.<<if _hasAilment>> Your Adam's apple bobs furiously up and down. You're transfixed.<</if>><br> <br> The look in her eyes is definitely not appropriate for a professional nurse!<br>
Friesya Holstun is tall enough to make you feel a little inadequate as you walk with her into the bar. Her looks – drop-dead gorgeous – make up for that a lot, although the effect is diminished on seeing every other girl in the bar is also a perfect 10. You find a spare table among the side booths and sit down. <<set $socNoMoneyLink to "Friesya: Socialising: No Money">> <<set $socDrinkLink to "Friesya: Socialising: Drinking">> <<include [[While Socialising]]>>
<br><br> "Oops," Friesya says with a pleasant smile. "Someone is a little forgetful this evening."<br> <br> She gets up.<br> <br> "Don't worry. If you're thirsty, I can give you plenty to drink..."<br> <br> She squeezes the flesh around the nipples of her gargantuan breasts for emphasis.<br> <br> "...up in my room."<br> <br> She gives you a saucy wink before returning to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
<<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> The waitress returns with a $socialisingDrinks[$sdi].name for you and a large stein filled with white liquid for Friesya. You don't think it's milk. Friesya still drinks it with great gusto.<br> <br> "I'm Friesya, chief nurse-in-waiting," she says.<br> <br> She catches you staring at her ample bosom. It's <<if _hasAilment>>impossible<<else>>hard<</if>> to look anywhere else.<br> <br> "Like what you see?" she asks. She turns her bust one way and then the other. Then plumps her massive soft tits together.<br> <br> They are certainly eye-catching.<br> <br> "I'll let you suckle on them," she says with a low whisper. "You can drink directly from them. My milk is delicious... and therapeutic."<br> <br> A little wet patch appears at each nipple.<br> <br> "I love pampering men and treating them like a baby while they suck on my tits. It's my special treatment course to keep them healthy. Would you like it?"<br> <br> <<if _hasAilment>> You can't think of anything else. <<else>> You're certainly tempted. <</if>> Your cock is throbbing in your pants as you return to $<br> <br> <<include [[Socialising: End]]>>
"Friesya Holstun? You're interested in that fat cow? You need to improve your taste in women. This House has far too many sophisticated and talented courtesans to waste your time on that country bumpkin."<br> <br> $ shakes her head.<br> <br> "She fancies herself to be the nurse-to-be. $ humours her in this delusion. She's an Uddashioni daemon, same as Nurse Kankobe, our old nurse before $ took over, and Uddashioni milk is famed for its rejuvenating properties, but that's all she has. And don't be fooled by her docile appearance either. Once an Uddashioni gets a man's dick in their pussy they can drain him of all his fluids, just like that."<br> <br> $ snaps her fingers for emphasis.<br> <br> "Where do you think all that milk comes from...?"<br> <br> She leers nastily.<br> <br> "The old nurse, Nurse Kankobe, kept control of herself... mostly. Friesya... tries, bless her. Seems like every other week the maids have to go up to remove another dried-up twig of a corpse from her bed."<br> <br> $ chuckles and exhales a plume of smoke.<br> <br> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip to true>> <<include [[Print Gossip Gossip]]>><br> <br>
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[0] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Her milk will replenish your balls, and it comes with no strings attached. Unlike a certain other individual in here.\"\<br\>\<br\>Her eyes narrow."}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[1] to { isLie: false, text: "\"Friesya's milk will replenish your balls even if they don't need replenishing. If you're already... replete in that regard, expect some uncomfortable swelling and internal pressure. Friesya, bless her, will try to relieve it... and then the cleaning maids will be paying another visit to her room.\""}>> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].gossipGossip[2] to { isLie: true, text: "\"While Friesya is usually nice and friendly, a pessimistic personality is like a red rag to a bull for her. It clashes with her cheerful outlook on life. If you have a gloomy disposition, you should never pick her.\""}>>
<<set $isFactionIncrease to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited eq false>> <<include [[Friesya: First-Time Scenario]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Friesya: Repeat Scenario]]>> <</if>>
/* create score array */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1] to { round: $currentRound, harlotNumber: $hi, scoreArray: [ [1,false,false], /* Brought milk */ [1,false,false], /* Learned nature of race */ [3,false,false] /* Survived */ ] }>> /* set other scenario-specific vars here */ <<set $hasExplainedSpecies to false>> <<set $playerIsTooFull to false>> <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasSpokenToNpcGossip>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> <</if>> <<include [[Friesya: Enter Room]]>>
<<include [[Friesya: First-Time Scenario]]>>
Friesya Holstun's room is neat and tidy. It's a little more than a regular bedroom. With the shelves of bottles and comfortable couch it reminds you of <<if $npcNurse.hasBeenVisited>>the nurse's office downstairs.<<else>>a doctor's or nurse's office.<</if>> There is also a large and comfortable bed over in the corner. Unlike a medical practise, you think this bed is for the occupant. There is a pleasant rustic quality to the room, as if you've entered a rural doctor's practice in a sleepy village.<br> <br> Friesya herself is not a typical nurse or doctor. She has a figure that would make even the tallest and well-stacked of strippers green with envy. That figure is squeezed into a fetish nurse's outfit patterned black-and-white like the hide of a Friesian cow. The costume clings tightly to her voluptuous hourglass figure. She is waiting for you on a padded bench.<br> <br> "Welcome, the nurse will see you now," she says with a cheeky smile. "Well, the nurse-in-waiting. $ says I need more experience before I can take the office downstairs. I will, one day soon."<br> <br> You walk forward and give her your gift.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Friesya: Gift]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Friesya: Gift: Black Rose]]>> <<elseif $cgi eq 22>> <<include [[Friesya: Gift: Milk]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(7)>> <<include [[Friesya: Gift: Bodycare]]>> <<elseif $allGifts[$cgi].categories.includes(9)>> <<include [[Friesya: Gift: Cute]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Friesya: Gift: Default]]>> <</if>><br> <br> Friesya gets off the bench and places your gift on a nearby counter. She returns and sits back on the padded bench.<br> <br> "Time to play Doctors and Nurses," she says with a ribald grin.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Friesya: Her Undress]]
"Oh, so you'd like a thorough examination," Friesya says, her eyes bright with excitement.<br> <br> She rolls her tongue around her full lips. Her gaze turns up the heat as she looks you up and down.<br> <br> "We'll finish up there."<br> <br> She nods behind her in the direction of the bed.
<<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[0][1] to true>> "Oh, is that for me?"<br> <br> You give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. Friesya quickly gulps it down and lets out a satisfied sigh.<br> <br> "Ah, thank you. I was feeling a little parched. It takes a lot to maintain these."<br> <br> She gives you a naughty smile as she jiggles her enormous tits.
"Oh yes. It's very important to take good care of oneself," Friesya says as you hand her the $allGifts[$cgi].name.
"Oh, how adorable," Friesya says as you give her the $allGifts[$cgi].name. "Don't tell anyone, but I do like cute things."
"Thank you," Friesya says as she accepts your gift.
Wet patches are already starting to show at Friesya's nipples. She undoes the buttons at the front and peels her top down to expose her naked tits.<br> <br> "Like what you see?" she asks.<br> <br> She has a stupendous pair of tits. You wouldn't like to hazard a guess at cup size. They're lovely – perfectly bulbous and round. Her flawless skin is pink and has a freshly scrubbed sheen to it. Her nipples and areolae are a contrasting darker brown.<br> <br> Friesya is lactating quite heavily. You can see little dribbles of milk at her nipples.<br> <br> "Come, you can examine them first," she says.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> You can't wait!<br> <br> <</if>> [[Continue.->Friesya: Boob Check]]
Friesya pulls up a stool in front of her and has you sit. She takes your hands and pushes them into the soft warm mass of her tits. You can't stop yourself from giving them a good squeeze. They feel wonderful beneath your fingers. Her skin feels silky smooth. The flesh beneath has a pleasant warmth and elasticity to it. Encouraged by Friesya, you give them a good grope. You marvel at the luxurious heft and weight of them.<br> <br> Your touch has Friesya moaning in pleasure. Milk dribbles from her nipples as if her breasts are so swollen with it they can't contain it.<br> <br> <<set _reqStat to 5>> <<include [[Player: Test Dex]]>> <<if _testPassed>> "Ooh you have a skilled touch," Friesya says. "Some girls in here will love that. <<include [[Harlot Scenario: Select Harlot Gossip]]>><br> <br> <</if>> You continue to knead and explore her sumptuous flesh. Your cock rises up like an iron bar in your trousers.<br> <br> Friesya notices.<br> <br> "My turn to give your parts a good examination. Let's get those trousers down and take a look," she says.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Friesya: Player Undress]]
You stand up and Friesya helps you pull your trousers and underpants down. She leans in to take a closer look at your crotch while you peel off your top. There is nothing medical about her gaze. She licks her full lips hungrily.<br> <br> "It looks to be in proper working order," she says.<br> <br> She's close enough for you to feel the warm breath from her nostrils.<br> <br> She sits back. "Come, sit up here so I can check it with my hand."<br> <br> You step out of the trousers puddled around your ankles, turn around and sit in Friesya's lap as she directs. Friesya is imposingly tall. So much so you almost feel like a child sitting in her lap. Friesya presses her soft breasts against your naked back as she reaches around with her right hand to check your genitals.<br> <br> "Now, let's see."<br> <br> Her touch is soft and dextrous, yet it still feels like a medical examination rather than simple sexual fondling. Or at least, have the plausible deniability of being one. She checks the girth and length of your cock, then slides her hand down to your balls. She gives them a light squeeze and cups them in her hand as if checking their weight.<br> <br> "Yes, everything appears to be in correct working order."<br> <br> She carefully fondles your testicles and gives them a gentle pump with her hand.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount lt 4>> "Oh my, the other girls have been going at these hard. They feel totally drained. We'll have to rectify that right away." <<elseif $player.semenCount lt 8>> "Hmm. They've lost a little bit of volume. Not enough to be cause for concern – yet – but we should get them topped up just to be on the safe side." <<else>> "Nice and plump," Friesya says. "You must have just arrived, or they've been working overtime."<br> <br> She gives them a cheeky squeeze.<br> <br> "Succubus venom has that effect, and the whole House is saturated with their musks."<br> <br> She juggles your balls between her fingers as if they're a pair of ripe plums.<br> <br> "I'll give you a top up anyway. You can never have too much cum in here." <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Friesya: Cradle]]
Friesya has you lie down across her lap and supports your head and shoulders with her left arm.<br> <br> "Comfortable? Like being held like a baby," she says with a teasing smile.<br> <br> Friesya isn't really tall or big enough to pull that off. Instead you feel more like an oversized infant just about cradled in her lap. This wasn't what you were expecting from an 'examination'.<br> <br> "Ah, but your mother would never do this," Friesya says with a dirty smile.<br> <br> She lightly strokes her right hand up your erection. It responds with a powerful throb. Friesya laughs earthily.<br> <br> "No, my milk is for adults only," she says.<br> <br> She shifts position and leans over to lower her massive tits over you. She pushes her left breast against your face. You relish the feel of her silky smooth skin against your cheek... the warm fleshy weight of it.<br> <br> "Take a deep drink," she says, her tone soft and motherly.<br> <br> The brown of her nipple and areola stands out against the scrubbed-pink complexion of the rest of her tit. Droplets of sweet-smelling white liquid well up around her nipple. The milky scent is intoxicating and stirs up long-forgotten memories of being held in your mother's arms.<br> <br> [[Drink.->Friesya: Choose To Drink]]<br> [[Don't drink.->Friesya: Choose Not To Drink]]
This is all a little strange, but kinky. You're also entranced by the sight and feel of Friesya's massive boob.<br> <br> Why not.<br> <br> You press your face into its soft warmth. You find the rubbery nub of her nipple and give it an experimental lick with your tongue. Her nipple is already dribbling milk. You taste it and it feels like firecrackers going off on your tongue.<br> <br> <<include [[Friesya: Choose Drink Combined]]>>
You're hesitant at first. You came up here for sex. While the baby roleplay might serve the needs of someone with a kinky fetish, it feels a little too weird to you. Suckling at her nipple like a baby also feels demeaning. You refuse.<br> <br> Friesya senses your hesitancy and pushes down harder with her massive tit. It's big enough to smother your face like a large pillow and no matter how much you twist and turn your head, all you find is more tit.<br> <br> Eventually, smothered and lacking air, your mouth pops open. Friesya finds it with her nipple and a lovely sweet-tasting milk splashes onto your tongue.<br> <br> <<include [[Friesya: Choose Drink Combined]]>>
Friesya is right – her milk is delicious. While tasting no different to regular milk, there is something special about it – a richness and creaminess – that elevates it above regular milk in the same way fine wine is superior to cheap supermarket plonk.<br> <br> Before you know it, you're greedily sucking at her nipple for more.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Friesya: Breast Feeding 1]]
"Go on," Friesya encourages. "Give it a good suck."<br> <br> You do, but whether it's by your own volition, you're less sure. In her arms you feel like you've regressed back down to a helpless infant, and it's instinct taking over. You batten your lips down on Friesya's lovely nipple and suckle.<br> <br> "Mmm yes, just like that," Friesya says.<br> <br> She gently strokes a warm hand up and down your erection. It's a light and pleasant touch. Just enough to keep you hard and aroused.<br> <br> Warm rich milk splashes into your mouth. At first it's just a trickle, then the flow increases until you're gulping it down like water on a hot summer day. So much so you feel like you're drinking from a bottomless bottle. Which, given the size of Friesya's enormous 'milk tanks', might as well be the case.<br> <br> At the same time Friesya continues to stroke her hand and up and down your cock. She lowers her other boob and lets the swollen glans of your penis slide against the smooth underside.<br> <br> You continue drinking. You're not sure you can stop. Friesya's milk is just too delicious. It fills your stomach and a warm, comfortable glow spreads through your body. You feel it gather down in your balls.<br> <br> "Mmm good. Can you feel them filling up?"<br> <br> Her hand leaves your cock to gently caress and stroke your balls. You feel her light touch whisper through your pubic hair. Your erection pushes up against her underboob. Her hand gently cups your testicles as if checking their weight.<br> <br> "Oh yes. Getting nice and swollen."<br> <br> [[Continue.->Friesya: Breast Feeding 2]]
You keep sucking on Friesya's nipple and gulping down her milk. It feels like a never-ending stream flowing down your throat and into your stomach.<br> <br> "I think it's time to induce an ejaculation to make sure all your parts are in correct working order," Friesya says, smiling brightly.<br> <br> She wraps her hand around your cock and pumps it up and down. She slides your swollen glans along the underside of her boob, leaving a trail of pre-cum. Milk is freely flowing out of the nipple of that breast as well. It dribbles down the curve of her breast and then down your cock. Friesya uses it as lubricant as she pumps her hand up and down.<br> <br> "This will give those pipes a good clean when you blast it out," Friesya says with a filthy smirk.<br> <br> Her hand smoothly pumps up and down. She lifts up her tit to give herself easier access. Her hand moves up over the throbbing helmet of your erection and gives it a pleasant squeeze.<br> <br> It feels so nice. You feel comfortable and relaxed as you lie across Friesya's lap. A pleasant buzz grows in your loins and slowly spreads up through your body. A similar glow spreads out from your belly as you drink your fill of Friesya's wondrous milk.<br> <br> "Here it comes," Friesya says. "Give me a nice big healthy load."<br> <br> She grips tighter and pumps harder. She drops her boob back down and your erection pushes up against the soft flesh.<br> <br> "Let it out," Friesya says, her voice soothing and motherly.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Friesya: Ejaculation]]
And you do. You pause suckling at her teat to give a soft moan of bliss. Your hips buck and you spurt a stream of cum up against the soft underside of Friesya's enormous tit. It's a long, slow, comfortable ejaculation, helped along by pleasant strokes of Friesya's hand. She lets your issue spray out and spatter her underboob. It mingles with her milk to form a sticky mess. <<if $player.semenCount gt 7>> <<include [[Friesya: Too Much Semen]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Friesya: Regular Ejaculation]]>> <</if>>
/* Semen count increases */ <<set $semenChange to 3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> <<set $playerIsTooFull to true>> <br><br> While your ejaculation is long and copious, it feels strangely... unsatisfying. You don't feel like you've got it all out, or at least, enough of it out. Your balls still feel very full and swollen. And they keep swelling. Whatever strange energy is in Friesya's milk, it keeps flowing down into your balls.<br> <br> At first it feels pleasant – like a pleasant feeling of fullness right before the relief of a good solid ejaculation. The internal pressure keeps increasing. It starts to feel a little uncomfortable... a little too full. You squirm in discomfort.<br> <br> Friesya picks up on it. "Oh dear. You were supposed to be more depleted than this. Have you not seen any of the other harlots in here?"<br> <br> She checks your swelling testicles with practised fingers.<br> <br> "Uddashioni milk is famed for its therapeutic properties. It also makes men horny and promotes lots of sperm production. It makes their balls nice and full."<br> <br> Your balls feel full. Too full.<br> <br> "That shouldn't be a problem if those balls have already been drained by the other lust daemons in the House. If they haven't... If you've just arrived..."<br> <br> Your balls spasm painfully. You grimace.<br> <br> "That's not good," Friesya says. "We need to get the excess siphoned off."<br> <br> <<if $cgi neq 0>> She pauses as if weighing up something in her mind. <<else>> She looks to the bed. <</if>><br> <br> "It will have to be sex."<br> <br> She takes you over to the bed. Your balls feel like a pair of bowling balls clanking together between your legs.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Friesya: Sex 1]]
/* Semen count increases */ <<set $semenChange to 3>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> You lie back and let it flow out of you in a slow pulsing stream.<br> <br> "Oh good. Everything is in perfect working order," Friesya says.<br> <br> She rests her soft tit on your erection and lets your ejaculate well up and soak the underside. She leaves her boob there until your ejaculation finally subsides. Her milk stops flowing shortly after. You continue sucking on her nipple for a little while afterwards, until it becomes clear no more delicious milk is forthcoming. Then you lie back across her lap and enjoy how comfortably spent you feel.<br> <br> "How was that?" Friesya asks.<br> <br> [[Lovely.->Friesya: Don't Ask For Sex]]<br> [[Lovely. Can you have sex now?->Friesya: Ask For Sex]]
Friesya casually swings you around until you're sitting on her knee. She grabs some tissues and starts diligently cleaning up your crotch.<br> <br> "I'll make a great nurse, don't you think," she whispers in your ear.<br> <br> You're not sure if //nurse// is the right job description, unless the word means something radically different to demons. Despite that, you can't deny you feel fantastic. Your body glows like you've just finished a healthy exercise session.<br> <br> Friesya finishes cleaning you up. She doesn't clean up her tits. She doesn't need to. When you stand up and turn back around to face her, you notice her tits are already clean. There is no trace of anything, milk or semen, on them at all. It's like her skin absorbed it all.<br> <br> "It was so sudden Nurse Kankobe leaving," Friesya says. "I thought I'd have to take over before I was ready. And then that $ appeared right after Nurse Kankobe went away. It was very unexpected. One night Nurse Kankobe was in her office. The next it was $"<br> <br> Friesya pulls her nurse outfit up and buttons it up. You're a little disappointed to see her wonderful tits go away. You could stare at them all night. In fact, your head is completely full of tits. Luscious big pink bouncing tits. After that session with Friesya it's hard to think about anything else.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> [[Continue.->Friesya: Good End 2]]
You still have an antsy, gravid feeling in your balls. Your cock is still standing up proud and eager. Rather than feeling satiated, you have a strong desire for 'seconds'. And, before you can stop yourself blurting out, you ask Friesya if you can move over to the bed and have sex with her.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Friesya: Ask For Sex: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Friesya: Ask For Sex: Refused]]>> <</if>>
"Of course. That's why you're here," Friesya answers with a warm smile.<br> <br> She takes you over to the bed.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Friesya: Sex 1]]
"I'd love to, but..." she looks away awkwardly. " wouldn't be good for you."<br> <br> Her face falls.<br> <br> "Please don't get the wrong impression. It's... I'm an Uddashioni daemon. While we're renowned for the therapeutic qualities of our milk, which we produce in large quantities, we must have sex with a man to refill. And when we do... it takes a lot of fluids. We usually empty the man completely, and not just of semen. Everything. And quickly as well. One moment we're having great sex. The next I look down and the poor dear has shrivelled up to next to nothing."<br> <br> She pauses sadly.<br> <br> "It's not something we have much control over. It's instinct."<br> <br> She smiles brightly.<br> <br> "I'm working on it. $ is very pleased with the progress I'm making. Just not enough that I can reliably guarantee your safety. And it's very bad for a nurse to kill her patient. We'll have to save that for another time."<br> <br> She shrugs apologetically.<br> <br> <<set $hasExplainedSpecies to true>> <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[1][1] to true>> [[Continue.->Friesya: Good End 1]]
Friesya has you lie on your back on the bed. The mattress is firm, but springy.<br> <br> "Lie back and get comfortable," Friesya says.<br> <br> She smiles flirtatiously at you and then unbuttons the rest of her fetish nurse costume and takes it off. You've already seen her lovely naked tits. The rest of her body is just as gorgeous. She has a voluptuous hourglass figure. Her skin is flawless and has a pink, freshly scrubbed sheen to it. The folds of her sex look plump and inviting. She has a neat triangle of pubic hair above it, also patterned white with black splodges.<br> <br> She clambers up on the bed and gets astride you. Your hips make little involuntary bucks. Your erection twitches eagerly. It twitches even more eagerly as she rises up above it.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> Friesya doesn't make you wait long. She drops right down on your cock. <<else>> Friesya pauses. At first you think she's teasing you, but there is a strange, pensive, look in her eyes. She nervously nibbles on her lower lip.<br> <br> "You can do this," she says, more to herself. "It's just a matter of keeping control."<br> <br> Then before you have a chance to consider what she's talking about, she drops herself down on your cock. <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Friesya: Sex 2]]
"I don't know all that much about the new nurse, $ I know she's not a Uddashioni. <<if not $hasExplainedSpecies>>That's the type of daemon I am," Friesya elaborates. "And Nurse Kankobe.<</if>> I've heard <<if $hasExplainedSpecies>>she's<<else>>$ is<</if>> very competent. I think she's only here temporarily. Then it will be my chance to be nurse."<br> <br> You put your clothes back on. When you look back at Friesya you notice she's lost in thought and pensively nibbling her lower lip.<br> <br> "I do hope she didn't eat her."<br> <br> She turns back to you.<br> <br> "Ignore me. I'm babbling."<br> <br> She walks up right close.<br> <br> "Whenever you feel like you're running low..."<br> <br> She shamelessly reaches down to grab your genitals.<br> <br> "...don't hesitate to choose me again. I'll make sure those balls are fully topped up."<br> <br> She gives you a cheery wave as you make your way to the exit. You find it strangely difficult to tear your gaze away from the lovely swell of her bust.<br> <br> /* scoring */ <<set $player.roomScores[$currentRound - 1].scoreArray[2][1] to true>> <<include [[Friesya: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> /* GOOD END */ <<include[[Harlot Scenario: End]]>>
<<unset $hasExplainedSpecies>> <<unset $playerIsTooFull>>
She's already wet inside. Really wet. Your cock slides smoothly up into her vagina despite it being extremely tight. It's so tight she's more like a virgin than a whore.<br> <br> The soft moans she makes are not becoming of a virgin. Nor are the practised up-and-down movements of her hips that make it feel like she's stroking every single millimetre of your cock with her vagina.<br> <br> "Oh yes. I love a nice hard cock inside me."<br> <br> Friesya smoothly bounces up and down on your crotch. You're mesmerised by the sway of her massive pendulous breasts. Each time she slams down sends pleasurable tremors running through your body.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "Oh yes," Friesya moans. <<else>> "Oh yes," Friesya moans. "No no. Keep control. Don't let instinct take over. You can do this." <</if>><br> <br> She lets out more erotic moans. She bounces up and down faster. The mattress springs squeak beneath you. You watch her lovely nipples trace figure-of-eights as she moves up and down.<br> <br> She moans loudly again. <<if $cgi eq 0>>This is great.<<else>>You don't think she's keeping too well to that 'keep control' part, and you're fine with that.<</if>> Wild, uncontrollable sex is what your <<if $playerIsTooFull>>swollen<</if>> balls need right now.<br> <br> Her pussy feels incredible. The walls are so plump – so soft and tight – you wonder if they've swollen up to give your cock the snuggest, perfect fit. Her pussy grows so tight that when Friesya rises up for her next stroke, your hips move up with her. It's like her muscular vagina has sucked your cock in all the way and is extremely reluctant to let it go.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "Oh yes," Friesya murmurs. "I have you now." <<else>> "No," Friesya says. "Focus." <</if>><br> <br> [[Continue.->Friesya: Sex 3]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> A throb pulses through her body. <<else>> She closes her eyes in concentration. For a moment it feels like her sex is beginning to relax, enough for your cock to slip an inch. Then a throb pulses through Friesya's body. <</if>> She moans as her vagina clenches tightly around your cock. It sucks it up into her right to the root and holds it firmly in place.<br> <br> <<if $cgi eq 0>> "Yes. I'm going to suck it all out." <<else>> "No," Friesya murmurs to herself. <</if>><br> <br> She lowers herself down until your buttocks are back resting on top of the mattress. She sits there with your erection tightly wedged up inside her. <<if $cgi eq 0>>You feel like she's preparing something... big.<<else>>Whatever she's trying to hold back, she fails to do so.<</if>> Another powerful throb runs through her body. You feel a powerful pumping tug roll up your shaft.<br> <br> "Yes," Friesya sighs.<br> <br> She purses her lips and blows out air. Milk oozes from her nipples. Another throb runs through her. You feel another powerful pumping tug. You tremble at the sensation. You feel an answering throb in your balls. Your cock throbs against the tight walls of her pussy.<br> <br> Friesya feels it too. It's enough to tip her over.<br> <br> "Oh fuck yes," she says.<br> <br> [[You're coming...->Friesya: Bad End]]
<<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount * -1>> <<include [[Unchecked Semen Change]]>> She brings her hands up to clutch her boobs. Her head tips back. Her breasts suddenly swell. Your cock, then your whole body is gripped by a powerful sucking force. Your own head tips back and you moan in pleasure as you ejaculate up into it. Jet cum into it. Fountain cum up into her body. Friesya's vagina urges you on with powerful pumping tugs.<br> <br> Milk pours out between Friesyas fingers as she clutches her breasts. They swell even further, massively increasing the suction on your body. Your ejaculation feels like a geyser inside her.<br> <br> It's unstoppable. You feel the mightiest and most satisfying outpouring as you empty your balls up into her.<br> <br> It's not just your balls you empty...<br> <br> Friesya is an Uddashioni daemon. While they might resemble the docile cow girls of anime, they are actually lust daemons. Sex with an Uddashioni daemon is extremely dangerous. They replenish their bountiful milk supplies with fluids taken from their partner during sex.<br> <br> Not just semen. All of a man's fluids. The Uddashioni's breasts expand and literally pump all the fluids out. They can empty a man in seconds. <<if $cgi eq 0>> Friesya does just that and you're too lost in the pleasure of the climax to realise what's happening before it's far far too late. Friesya pumps you out as if you're no more than a carton of juice and leaves behind a shrivelled husk.<br> <br> Friesya looks down with a satisfied smile. She fondles her freshly swollen tits.<br> <br> "Thank you for your generosity," she says to your dried-up corpse. "I hope it felt good for you." <<else>> By the time Friesya realises she's lost control, it's already too late. All of your fluids have been pumped out, leaving behind a wrinkly dried-out mummy lying beneath Friesya.<br> <br> She looks down and groans in dismay.<br> <br> "Not again. I'm never going to be nurse." <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[Friesya: Scenario Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
<<if $cgi eq 0>> <<include [[Friesya: Black Rose]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Friesya: Good End 1]]>> <</if>>
"Good. Good," Friesya says. "But we're not done yet."<br> <br> She swings you around and helps you to your feet.<br> <br> "Now we've got these fully topped up," she lightly pumps your balls with her hand, "it's time to give them a more thorough workout."<br> <br> She takes you over to the bed.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Friesya: Sex 1]]
<<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[0] to "Sapoonis loves a man that can give a good breast massage.\"">> <<set $allHarlots[$hi].harlotGossip[1] to "I know Pori, the love sponge, is always keen to meet men who are good with their hands. I never see them again afterwards, though...\"">>
<<set _broughtMilk to _scoreArray[0][1] and not _osa[0][2]>> <<set _knowsTrueNature to _scoreArray[1][1] and not _osa[1][2]>> <<if _broughtMilk or _knowsTrueNature>> <br><br> <</if>> <<if _broughtMilk>> "I don't think that's actually milk," $ says with a knowing smile as you tell him what gift you brought Friesya.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _broughtMilk and _knowsTrueNature>> He continues scribbling notes.<br> <br> <</if>> <<if _knowsTrueNature>> "How interesting," $ says as you tell him about Friesya being an Uddashioni demon. "I'd heard rumours to the same effect. And about the previous nurse as well. No harlot in here is truly harmless. They are all demons from hell after all."<br> <br> He pauses thoughtfully.<br> <br> "It rules out sex... for obvious reasons. Far too dangerous, even if she is trying her hardest to rein in her instincts. Now that I think about it, I remember there was an incident with the previous nurse a while back, and she supposedly had those instincts under control."<br> <br> <</if>> <<if not _broughtMilk and not _knowsTrueNature>> <<include [[Default Harlot: Sell Exp Body]]>> <</if>>
"Her treatment does sound rather pleasant. And useful. Especially in here, where the girls can be rather... taxing to a man's vigour. I know the official nurse offers the same treatment, but... I've heard things. Loans must be repaid, as a man of my profession is keenly aware."
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $hci.length; _i++>> <<capture _i>> <<set _name to $allHarlots[$hci[_i]].name>> [[_name->Harlot Selection: Choice Made][$hi to $hci[_i]]]<br> <</capture>> <</for>>
/* Leave the room. Do all the post-room clean-up here */ <<if $isTesting>> <<include [[Player: Print Faction Affinities]]>><br> <<include [[Player: Print Room Scores]]>><br> <</if>> /* This is where we update all the harlots that have been presented to the player so far. This update is also done whenever the [mulligan_token] is used to give the player 3 fresh choices */ <<include [[All Presented Harlots: Update]]>> <<if $isTesting>> <<include[[Test All Presented Harlots: Print All Presented Harlots]]>> <</if>> <<if def $allHarlots[$hi].customLeaveText>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].customLeaveText]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Harlot Room: Leave Text]]>> <</if>> [[Continue.->Post-Room Activities: Intro]]
/* the player ends up here after hearing the 1st selection bell */ /* Run Selection Algorithm */ <<include [[Selection Algorithm]]>> <<set _isMultiplePeople to false>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $hci.length; _i++>> <<set _hi to $hci[_i]>> <<if $allHarlots[_hi].isMultiplePeople>> <<set _isMultiplePeople to true>> <</if>> <</for>> /* Text */ <<include [[Harlot Presentation: Intro Text]]>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt 3; _i++>> <<set _hi to $hci[_i]>> /* pre-introduction for each harlot */ <<if def $allHarlots[_hi].preIntroductionLink>> <<include $allHarlots[_hi].preIntroductionLink>> <</if>> <<switch _i>> <<case 0>> The first is <<case 1>> The second is <<case 2>> And the third is <</switch>> <<print " " + $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription>><br> <br> <</for>> "Now let me introduce you to each in turn," $ says.<br> <br> <<set $currentHarlotIndex to 0>> [[Time for some introductions.->Harlot Presentation: Harlot Introductions]]
/* The code for selecting the 3 harlots */ <<if $isTesting>> ''SELECTION ALGORITHM''<br> <</if>> /* 1. Establish round number & create pools */ <<set $harlotSelectionPool to []>> <<set $visitedPool to []>> <<set $factionPool to []>> <<set $generalPool to []>> /* 2. Establish which faction player currently has the highest affinity with. */ <<include [[Determine Player Max Faction Affinities: Algorithm]]>> /* 3. Sort through all harlots. Pull out any that can appear on the current round. Then put them in 3 groups - A. Have been visited before. B. Belong to faction(s) player has affinity C. The rest. */ <<for _hn to 0; _hn lt $allHarlots.length; _hn++>> <<set _harlot to $allHarlots[_hn]>> <<if $currentRound gte _harlot.minRound and $currentRound lte _harlot.maxRound>> <<if _harlot.hasBeenVisited>> <<if _harlot.isRepeatable>> <<set $visitedPool.push(_harlot.number)>> <</if>> <<else>> <<set _isInFaction to false>> <<set _mfc to $player.maxFactionAffinities.length>> <<for _fin to 0; _fin lt _mfc; _fin++>> <<set _mfa to $player.maxFactionAffinities[_fin]>> <<if _harlot.faction eq _mfa>> <<set _isInFaction to true>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if _isInFaction eq true>> <<set $factionPool.push(_harlot.number)>> <<else>> <<set $generalPool.push(_harlot.number)>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> <<include [[Test Harlot Selection: Print Faction Harlots]]>> <<include [[Test Harlot Selection: Print General Harlots]]>> <<include [[Test Harlot Selection: Print Visited Harlots]]>> <br> <</if>> /* Need this test code in place to stop unseemly crashes of the test versions */ <<if $factionPool.length eq 0>> <<goto [[No Girls End]]>> <</if>> <<if $factionPool.length + $generalPool.length lt 2>> <<goto [[No Girls End]]>> <</if>> /* 4. Select 1st harlot from pool B. */ <<set _hi to $factionPool.pluck()>> <<set $harlotSelectionPool.push(_hi)>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> Faction Harlot = <<print $allHarlots[_hi].name>><br> <</if>> /* 5. Add Pool C to Pool B. */ <<for _i to 0; _i lt $generalPool.length; _i++>> <<set $factionPool.push($generalPool[_i])>> <</for>> /* 6. Select 2nd harlot from Pool B */ <<set _hi to $factionPool.pluck()>> <<set $harlotSelectionPool.push(_hi)>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> Regular Harlot = <<print $allHarlots[_hi].name>><br> <</if>> /* 7. Add Pool A to Pool B. */ <<for _i to 0; _i lt $visitedPool.length; _i++>> <<set $factionPool.push($visitedPool[_i])>> <</for>> /* 8. Select 3rd harlot from Pool C */ <<set _hi to $factionPool.pluck()>> <<set $harlotSelectionPool.push(_hi)>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> Repeat Harlot = <<print $allHarlots[_hi].name>><br><br> <</if>> /* 9. Transfer to harlot choices (to randomise order) */ <<set $hci to []>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $hcCount; _i++>> <<set $hci[_i] to $harlotSelectionPool.pluck()>> <</for>> /* Forced Harlot Pick */ <<if $madamOverrideHarlotPick neq -1>> <<set _isAlreadyPresent to false>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $hci.length; _i++>> <<if $hci[_i] eq $madamOverrideHarlotPick>> <<set _isAlreadyPresent to true>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if _isAlreadyPresent>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''No need to force add $allHarlots[$madamOverrideHarlotPick].name: Already present.''<br><br> <</if>> <<else>> <<set _replaced to $hci.pluck()>> <<set $hci.push($madamOverrideHarlotPick)>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Force add harlot: $allHarlots[_replaced].name replaced with $allHarlots[$madamOverrideHarlotPick].name.''<br><br> <</if>> <</if>> /* reset so furthur forced picks can be made */ <<set $madamOverrideHarlotPick to -1>> <</if>>
[[Begin Test->Harlot Presentation: Intro]]
/* Detailed introductions of each harlot go here */ <<set $hi to $hci[$currentHarlotIndex]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].introductionLink]]>> <br> <<set $currentHarlotIndex += 1>> <<if $currentHarlotIndex lt $hcCount>> [[You move on to the next girl.->Harlot Presentation: Harlot Introductions]] <<else>> [[That's the introductions done.->Harlot Presentation: End]] <</if>>
Here are your choices:<br> <br> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $hcCount; _i++>> <<set _hi to $hci[_i]>> <<print $allHarlots[_hi].name + ", ">> <<print $allHarlots[_hi].shortDescription>><br><br> <</for>> <<if $currentRound eq 1 and not $hasUsedMulliganToken>> "You don't have to choose right away, dear," $ reminds you. "We know how difficult it can be. Go and have a quiet drink and think it over. I'll let you know when it's time to come back and make a decision."<br> <br> She holds up her pager, her elegant finger on the red button.<br> <br> "Just don't dawdle when you're summoned. We are busy tonight. Dawdling throws everything off schedule and that will not do."<br> <br> $ suddenly seems less doddering and eccentric. You have the weird impression of being in the presence of something ancient, alien and extremely powerful. You don't know what would happen should you not show up, but you have the intuition it would be very bad for you, very bad indeed.<br> <br> "Off you pop," $ says, her face once again bright and cheerfully eccentric. "Enjoy yourself. Indulge yourself. This is a House of pleasure."<br> <br> <<else>> "I'll leave you to make up your mind, dear," $ says.<br> <br> <</if>> <<include [[Club Activities: Intro]]>>
<<set $hasUsedActionWithNpc to false>> <<include [[Club Activity Units: Is Time Up]]>> <<if _isTimeUp>> <<include [[Summon to Harlot Choice]]>> <<else>> <<if $currentRound eq 1>> You sit at the bar. Sometime soon $ is going to summon you to pick one of her harlots. You feel both excitement and trepidation at the prospect. <<else>> You sit at the bar and consider your next action. <</if>><br><br> <<include [[Club Activities: Hub Options]]>> <</if>>
/* transition to club activities */ /* set max number of activities */ <<set $isPostRoom to false>> <<set $clubActivityUnits to $clubActivityMaxUnits>> <<include [[Club Activities: Prelim: Round]]>>
/* Transition to harlot selection. */ You return to the presentation stage. $ is already waiting with her harlots. It's time to make a choice. Who will you pick?<br> <br> <<if $isTesting>> ''Test''<br><br> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> <<set _hasNoAilment to true>> <<for _ailment to 0; _ailment lt 12; _ailment++>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> ''Player has $allAilments[_ailment].name ailment.''<br><br> <</if>> <<set _hasNoAilment to false>> <</for>> <<if _hasNoAilment>> ''Player has no ailment.''<br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <<set _hasSelectionPoolBeenFinalised to false>> /* Is selection modified by enslavement */ <<if _hasSelectionPoolBeenFinalised eq false>> <<include [[Harlot Selection: Forced By Enslavement]]>> <</if>> /* Is selection modified by fetishes? */ <<if _hasSelectionPoolBeenFinalised eq false>> <<include [[Harlot Selection: Forced By Fetish]]>> <</if>> /* regular selection */ <<if _hasSelectionPoolBeenFinalised eq false>> <<include [[Harlot Selection: Regular]]>> <</if>>
<<set _isMultiplePeople to $allHarlots[$hi].isMultiplePeople>> You selected $allHarlots[$hi].name. <<if _isMultiplePeople>>They seem<<else>>She seems<</if>> pleased with your choice and <<if _isMultiplePeople>>exit<<else>>exits<</if>> the stage through the curtain on the left. The others return to the backstage area to your right.<br> <br> /* for the unchosen */ <<set _chosenHarlotId to $hi>> <<for _h to 0; _h lt $hci.length; _h++>> <<set $hi to $hci[_h]>> <<if $hi neq _chosenHarlotId>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].ifNotChosenLink]]>> <</if>> <</for>> <<set $hi to _chosenHarlotId>> <<if def $allHarlots[$hi].customPathToRoomBeforeGift>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].customPathToRoomBeforeGift]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Gift Selection]]>> <</if>>
/* This is where the player selects the gift to take up to the room */ <<set $gci to []>> <<include [[Gift Selection: Selection Algorithm]]>> <<include [[Gift Selection Text]]>> What will you take?<br><br> /* code for show best gift charm */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].gifts.length gt 0>> <<set _hasAssociatedGift to true>> <<set _associatedGift to $allHarlots[$hi].gifts[0]>> <</if>> <table style="width:100%"> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $gci.length; _i++>> <tr> <<set _gi to $gci[_i]>> <<if $player.charms.includes(15) and _hasAssociatedGift and _associatedGift eq _gi>> <<set _name to "* " + $allGifts[_gi].name + " *">> <<else>> <<set _name to $allGifts[_gi].name>> <</if>> <<capture _i>> <td style="text-align:left">[[_name->Gift Selection: Choice Made][$cgi to $gci[_i]]]</td> <</capture>> <<if $player.charms.includes(16)>> <<set _giftCategories to $allGifts[_gi].categories>> <<include [[Gifts: Create Categories String]]>> <td style="text-align:left">//( _catString )//</td> <</if>> <br> </tr> <</for>> </table>
<<set _isMultiplePeople to $allHarlots[$hi].isMultiplePeople>> <<if $currentRound eq 1>> You pick up the $allGifts[$cgi].name and carry on down the corridor. Your heart thumps in your chest. You remember $'s warnings, but you also know you're going to have sex with <<if _isMultiplePeople>>some<<else>>a<</if>> stunningly beautiful <<if _isMultiplePeople>>women<<else>>woman<</if>> and that has your heart aflutter a different way.<br> <br> Okay, lust <<if _isMultiplePeople>>demons, but they look like some<<else>>demon, but she looks like one<</if>> of the hottest women you've ever seen. You try to remember what you know about succubus myths. Isn't having sex with them bad?<br> <br> But if that's the case, why are there so many men down in the bar? They all seem happy to be here as well. Surely word would have got around if people kept disappearing.<br> <br> There is also another, slightly scarier, reason for not chickening out and running away.<br> <br> Ever since entering the corridor you've been conscious of someone's – or //some thing's// – gaze on you. You can't see them, but you know they're there, watching you from hidden angles between the wall and ceiling that should not be there, making sure you go to the right room and don't do anything silly like try to run away.<br> <br> You get the feeling they'd really like for you to run away, as then they'd have a reason to run you down and catch you. And once they catch you...<br> <br> You find $allHarlots[$hi].name's room and then, after taking a deep breath to compose yourself, you raise your hand, knock on the door and enter. <<else>> You pick up the $allGifts[$cgi].name and carry on down the corridor. Again, you're conscious of being watched all the way. Your heart beats loudly in your chest. You find $allHarlots[$hi].name's door and pause to compose yourself.<br> <br> You knock on the door and enter. <</if>><br> <br> [[Enter room.->Harlet Room]]
<<set $playerSemenCountBeforeRoom to $player.semenCount>> /* Play the chosen harlot's scenario when the player enters the room */ <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].scenarioLink]]>>
/* transition to activities between harlot room and next harlot selection. These will include money guy. Maybe some random events. Definitely crowd eavesdropping. Possibly talk with bartender. Fix bad statuses. Not sure on overlap. */ /* set max number of activities */ <<set $isPostRoom to true>> <<set $postroomActivityUnits to $postroomActivityMaxUnits>> /* Check find money table here */ <<if $player.charms.includes(11)>> <<include [[Charm Effect: Roll on Find Money Table]]>> <</if>> /* NPC Money Introduces himself here */ <<if $npcMoney.hasBeenIntroduced eq false>> <<include [[NPC Money Hails Player]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Post-Room Activities: Hub]]>> <</if>>
<<set $hasUsedActionWithNpc to false>> <<include [[Post-Room Activity Units: Is Time Up]]>> <<if _isTimeUp>> <<include [[Summon to Harlot Presentation]]>> <<else>> <<if $currentRound eq 1>> You return to your place at the bar. You know $ is going to summon you again for another round. That's the rules of her 'game'. But you don't know how long that will be.<br> <br> //This is the Post-Room phase. You have time to carry out a certain number of Actions before $ summons you back to the presentation stage for the next round. Currently you have $postroomActivityUnits <<if $postroomActivityUnits eq 1>>Action<<else>>Actions<</if>> remaining.//<br> <br> What will you do while you wait? <<else>> You sit down at your usual place at the bar and contemplate your next move. You know it won't be long before $ summons you again for the next round.<br> <br> //You have time for $postroomActivityUnits <<if $postroomActivityUnits eq 1>>Action<<else>>Actions<</if>> before $ summons you back to the presentation stage for the next round.//<br> <br> What will you do? <</if>><br> <<include [[Post-Room Activities: Hub Options]]>> <</if>>
/* Code for selecting 8 gifts to put before the player */ <<set $gcCount to 8>> <<set $gci to []>> /* Gift 0 is always present */ <<set $giftSelectionPool to [0]>> /* create the selection pool of generic gifts - all gifts for now, might be altered later */ <<set $regularGiftSelectionPool to []>> <<for _i to 1; _i lt $allGifts.length; _i++>> <<set $regularGiftSelectionPool[_i - 1] to $allGifts[_i].number>> <</for>> /* start adding harlot-specific gifts */ <<if $isTesting>> ''Adding Harlot-Specific Gifts:''<br> <</if>> <<for _h to 0; _h lt $hci.length; _h++>> <<set _hi to $hci[_h]>> <<for _g to 0; _g lt $allHarlots[_hi].gifts.length; _g++>> <<set _gi to $allHarlots[_hi].gifts[_g]>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Attempting to add $allGifts[_gi].name<br>'' <</if>> <<set _containsGift to false>> <<include [[Gift Selection: Contains Gift Check]]>> <<if _containsGift eq false>> <<set $giftSelectionPool.push(_gi)>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Added $allGifts[_gi].name<br><br>'' <</if>> <<elseif $isTesting>> ''Failed to add $allGifts[_gi].name: already present''<br><br> <</if>> <</for>> <</for>> /* Now fill rest of selection pool with generic gifts */ <<if $isTesting>> ''Adding Other Gifts:''<br> <</if>> <<for _g to $giftSelectionPool.length; _g lt $gcCount; _g++>> <<set _gi to $regularGiftSelectionPool.pluck()>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Attempting to add $allGifts[_gi].name<br>'' <</if>> <<set _containsGift to false>> <<include [[Gift Selection: Contains Gift Check]]>> <<if _containsGift>> <<set _g -= 1>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Failed to add $allGifts[_gi].name: already present''<br><br> <</if>> <<else>> <<set $giftSelectionPool.push(_gi)>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Added $allGifts[_gi].name<br><br>'' <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> /* move to gift choices in random order */ <<for _i to 0; _i lt $gcCount; _i++>> <<set $gci[_i] to $giftSelectionPool.pluck()>> <</for>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $gci.length; _i++>> <<set _cgi to $gci[_i]>> <<print _i>>. <<print $allGifts[_cgi].name>><br> <</for>>
<<set $isTesting to true>> <<set $hi to 9>> <<set $hci to [0, 9, 4]>> TEST HARLOT CHOICES:<br> <<include [[Test Gift Selection: Print Harlot Gifts]]>><br> TEST: RUNNING GIFT SELECTION ALGORITHM<br> <br> <<include [[Gift Selection: Selection Algorithm]]>> <br> <<include [[Test Gift Selection: Print Gift Choices]]>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $hci.length; _i++>> <<set _hi to $hci[_i]>> <<print _i>>. <<print $allHarlots[_hi].name>><br> <</for>>
/* Function to check if giftSelectionPool contains a gift. input: _gi output: _containsGift */ <<set _containsGift to false>> <<for _gspi to 0; _gspi lt $giftSelectionPool.length; _gspi++>> <<if $giftSelectionPool[_gspi] eq _gi>> <<set _containsGift to true>> <</if>> <</for>>
/* prints list of harlots and their associated gifts */ <<for _h to 0; _h lt $hci.length; _h++>> <<set _hi to $hci[_h]>> <<print $allHarlots[_hi].name>>'s gifts: <<set _gifts to $allHarlots[_hi].gifts>> <<for _g to 0; _g lt _gifts.length; _g++>> <<set _gid to _gifts[_g]>> <<print $allGifts[_gid].name + ", ">> <</for>> <br> <</for>>
/* Determine the player's current preferred faction(s) */ <<set $player.maxFactionAffinities to []>> <<set _pfa to $player.factionAffinities>> <<set _currentMax to 0>> <<for _faction to 0; _faction lt _pfa.length; _faction++>> <<if _pfa[_faction] gt _currentMax>> /* new current max */ <<set _currentMax to _pfa[_faction]>> <<set $player.maxFactionAffinities to [_faction]>> <<elseif _pfa[_faction] eq _currentMax>> /* tie, add to list */ <<set $player.maxFactionAffinities.push(_faction)>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> --PLAYER MAX FACTION AFFINITIES-------------<br> <<include [[Test Player Max Faction Affinities: Print Max Affinities]]>><br> --------------------------------------------<br><br> <</if>>
Player Max Faction Affinities:<br> Player has <<print $player.maxFactionAffinities.length>> max faction affinities.<br> Player Max Faction Affinities are: <<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.maxFactionAffinities.length; _i++>> <<print " " + $player.maxFactionAffinities[_i]>>, <</for>><br>
<<include [[Player: Print Faction Affinities]]>> <br> TESTING determination of player max affinities.<br> <br> <<include [[Determine Player Max Faction Affinities: Algorithm]]>> <<include [[Test Player Max Faction Affinities: Print Max Affinities]]>><br><br> TESTING: Setting player faction=3 affinity to 1<br><br> <<set $player.factionAffinities[3] to 1>> <<include [[Player: Print Faction Affinities]]>> <br> TESTING determination of player max affinities.<br> <br> <<include [[Determine Player Max Faction Affinities: Algorithm]]>> <<include [[Test Player Max Faction Affinities: Print Max Affinities]]>> <br> TESTING: Setting player faction=4 affinity to 1<br><br> <<set $player.factionAffinities[4] to 1>> <<include [[Player: Print Faction Affinities]]>> <br> TESTING determination of player max affinities.<br> <br> <<include [[Determine Player Max Faction Affinities: Algorithm]]>> <<include [[Test Player Max Faction Affinities: Print Max Affinities]]>>
<<set $isTesting to true>> <<set $madamOverrideHarlotPick to 0>> TESTING Harlot selection algorithm:<br><br> <<set $player.factionAffinities[2] to 1>> <<set $currentRound to 1>> <<include [[Harlot Presentation: Selection Algorithm DEPRECATED]]>> <<include [[Test Harlot Selection: Print Harlot Choices]]>> <<set $currentRound to 2>> <<include [[Harlot Presentation: Selection Algorithm DEPRECATED]]>> <<include [[Test Harlot Selection: Print Harlot Choices]]>>
//Hello Patrons.//<br> <br> //This is version 0.055 of House of Hellish Harlots. It is slightly special as it brings the first of the 'mini-boss' harlots to the House. These are special, more complex harlot scenarios that function as gates to the next level of difficulty. In the final version they will only appear at fixed rounds. For now, they will have free rein and can be requested from The Madam the same as other harlots.//<br> <br> //The harlot is Rwberia Godr-0-sgwid, the artificial scylla. She has numerous special semen-sucking tentacles she's looking forward to trying out on you. 13 in fact, all using different erotic sensations. I did say these 'mini-boss' scenarios would be special and more complex!//<br> <br> //Currently there are 7 NPCs implemented: The Madam, The Barman, The Elegant Woman, Nurse Honey, The Doctoress, The Buxom Lolibaba, and The Portly Gentleman. They have various roles within the House.//<br> <br> //There are 80 harlots for you to play with, some with repeat visit functionality and multiple scenes.//<br> <br> //This demo version covers the first 5 rounds (The plan is for 13 in total).//<br> <br> //I hope you enjoy this demo. As always, if you come across anything broken, please let me know on my Patreon page so I can get it fixed. The same goes for any feedback (positive or negative!)//<br> <br> //If you're playing this elsewhere (it's the internet, it's inevitable), the latest version can be found on my patreon here://<br> <br> <br> //If you enjoy playing this please consider supporting me as I'd like to raise enough funds to add cool things like art.//<br> <br> //As will be evident, this is still very much a demo, but it should give an indication of how the completed game will play out.//<br> <br> //If you like it, please spread the word. I'd like this to grow into something bigger.//<br> <br> //But most importantly, I hope you enjoy this!//<br> <br> //- manyeyedhydra//<br> <br> <<set $isTesting to false>> [[Start Game.->Intro: Begin New Game]]
/* DEPRECATED */ /* Harlot scenario tester */ <<set $currentRound to 1>> [[Start Scenario...->$allHarlots[$hi].scenario]]
/* DEPRECATED */ /* Temp test for following one harlot with another */ 2nd Scenario...<br><br> <<set $currentRound += 1>> <<set $hi to 1>> //[[Start Scenario...->$allHarlots[$hi].scenario]]//
/* DEPRECATED */ /* Output values after leaving room */ Semen Count = <<print $player.semenCount>><br><br> <<include [[Player: Print Faction Affinities]]>><br> <<include [[Player: Print Room Scores]]>> //[[2nd Scenario->Test Harlot Scenario: 2nd Start]]//
/* This is set a little above Harlot Presentation: Intro to allow us to update the round (otherwise mulliganning would advance rounds incorrectly). Maybe do any other required clean-up as well. */ <<set $currentRound += 1>> <<if $currentRound gt 5>> <<include [[Outro: End of Demo]]>> <<else>> /* Set everything relevant to next round here includes: */ <<set $hasUsedMulliganToken to false>> /* NPC Availabilities */ <<include [[Determine NPC Availabilities]]>> /* potion and charm stock */ <<include [[Determine Item Stock]]>> /* Potion effects and addiction */ <<include [[Potions: Beginning of Round Actions]]>> <<set $allAilments[9].hasSatisfied to false>> /* Turn on/off vision charm */ <<if $player.charms.includes(13)>> <<set $player.hasVision to true>> <<else>> <<set $player.hasVision to false>> <</if>> <<include [[Harlot Presentation: Intro]]>> <</if>>
Faction Harlots:<br> <<for _fh to 0; _fh lt $factionPool.length; _fh++>> <<set _hi to $factionPool[_fh]>> <<print $allHarlots[_hi].name>><br> <</for>>
General Harlots:<br> <<for _gh to 0; _gh lt $generalPool.length; _gh++>> <<set _hi to $generalPool[_gh]>> <<print $allHarlots[_hi].name>><br> <</for>>
Visited Harlots:<br> <<for _vh to 0; _vh lt $visitedPool.length; _vh++>> <<set _hi to $visitedPool[_vh]>> <<print $allHarlots[_hi].name>><br> <</for>>
$ looks at you apologetically. I'm afraid I have no more girls for you. //If you've ended up here it means the harlot selection algorithm is unable to present you with 3 girls. This is a temporary catch until I create more scenarios.// [[Restart?->Intro: Begin New Game]]
"Are none of the girls to your liking?" $ asks. "That is a shame. They work so hard to be pleasing. Never mind. It is what it is. We have plenty of girls here. I can find three new ones for you to choose from."<br> <br> She holds out a hand.<br> <br> "You do remember the cost?"<br> <br> //Changing the harlots on offer will cost 1 $<br> <br> Will you:<br> <br> [["Hand over a " + $ + " and have " + $ + " present you with three new harlots?"->Harlot Selection: Pay Mulligan]]<br> <br> Or, change your mind and pick one of the harlots currently on offer?<br> <<include [[Harlot Selection: Create Options List]]>>
You hand over the $<br> <br> "Thank you, my dear," $ says.<br> <br> She shoos the girls away from the presentation stage. Some of them give you dirty looks before the curtain swishes back across.<br> <br> "Now, if you'll just give me a moment," $ says. "I'll go and find three new girls for you. Maybe one of these will be more to your liking."<br> <br> She slips behind the curtain and enters the back area. You don't have long to wait before she returns.<br> <br> "Yes, I think one of these will be just perfect for you," she says.<br> <br> <<set $player.mulliganTokens -= 1>> <<set $hasUsedMulliganToken to true>> /* We also need to mark that the girls have been seen for NPC_Gossip and also to trigger any events on being selected, but not chosen */ <<include [[All Presented Harlots: Update]]>> <<if $isTesting>> <<include[[Test All Presented Harlots: Print All Presented Harlots]]>><br> <</if>> /* Being mulliganned might affect future behaviour */ <<for _h to 0; _h lt $hci.length; _h++>> <<set $hi to $hci[_h]>> <<include [[$allHarlots[$hi].ifMulligannedLink]]>> <</for>> [["What does " + $ + " have for you this time?"->Harlot Presentation: Intro]]
<<if $npcMadam.isAvailable eq true>> <<goto [[NPC Madam: Visit]]>> <<else>> <<goto [[NPC Madam: Unavailable]]>> <</if>>
/* Determine availability of NPCs here */ <<include [[NPC Madam: Determine Availability]]>> <<include [[NPC Gossip: Determine Availability]]>> <<include [[NPC Money: Determine Availability]]>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Determine Availability]]>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Determine Availability]]>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Determine Availability]]>>
NPC Availabilities: Madam = <<print $npcAvailabilities.madam>>
/* DEPRECATED */ /* Prereqs for testing scenario */ <<set $isTesting to true>> <<set $isHarlotTesting to true>> Creating player...<br><br> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<include [[Player: Print Full Physical Stats]]>><br>
/* Update table of all harlots shown to player */ <<if $isTesting>> ''Harlot Choices Count = $hci.length''<br> <</if>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $hci.length; _i++>> <<set _hi to $hci[_i]>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Attempting to add $allHarlots[_hi].name to All Presented Harlots''<br> <</if>> <<include [[All Presented Harlots: Check if Presented]]>> <<if _hasBeenPresented eq false>> <<set $hapi.push(_hi)>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Added $allHarlots[_hi].name to All Presented Harlots''<br><br> <</if>> <<elseif $isTesting>> ''Failed to add $allHarlots[_hi].name to All Presented Harlots: already present''<br><br> <</if>> <</for>>
/* Check if harlot has been previously presented. input: _hi output: _hasBeenPresented */ <<set _hasBeenPresented to false>> <<for _h to 0; _h lt $hapi.length; _h++>> <<if $hapi[_h] eq _hi>> <<set _hasBeenPresented to true>> <</if>> <</for>>
/* print names of all harlots that have been presented to player */ --ALL PRESENTED HARLOTS------------------------<br> <<for _ph to 0; _ph lt $hapi.length; _ph++>> <<set _hi to $hapi[_ph]>> <<print _ph + ". " + $allHarlots[_hi].name>><br> <</for>> -----------------------------------------------<br> <br>
You look for $ She's not standing in her usual place by the presentations stage. You can't see her anywhere in the club area. She must be otherwise occupied. Maybe she's gone to welcome new 'guests' at the front door.<br> <br> Whatever it is, she is unavailable this round. You'll have to talk to someone else.<br> <br> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Madam: End]] <<else>> [[You return to your place at the bar.->Club Activities: Hub]] <</if>><br> //This did not cost an action.//
<<include [[Mulligan Token Options]]>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Mulligan Harlots Options]]>> <<include [[Add Harlot Options]]>> <<include [[Socialise Harlot Options]]>> <<include [[Information Options]]>> [[End the conversation and leave.->NPC Madam: Leave]]<br> //Return to your place at the bar.//
<<set $npcMadam.hasBeenAskedToMulliganHarlots to true>> <<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> $ looks apologetic. "Oh dear, are none of them to your taste? How disheartening. My girls all pride themselves on their dedication to the arts of pleasure. They will be so disappointed to hear none of them meet your standards."<br> <br> She flutters her fan, covering her mouth.<br> <br> "Are you sure none take your fancy? Even if they are not your type, I am sure they will make your trip to their room most pleasant."<br> <br> Before you can say anything, she answers for you.<br> <br> "Ah, but men and their types. It is a mystery to us poor females."<br> <br> Over the fan, her old eyes in her young face turn steely.<br> <br> "Or maybe you have other reasons to avoid picking one of these three..."<br> <br> Then she lowers the fan and is all smiles again.<br> <br> "But I am afraid you must pick one. It is one of the rules of the House. All patrons are bound by them."<br> <br> [[What if I don't?->NPC Madam: Mulligan Harlots 2]]
The fan raises. Her eyes are steel again.<br> <br> "Then a girl will pick you. And your time with her might not be so pleasant..."<br> <br> You have the uncomfortable sensation of someone's gaze on the back of your neck. You turn. Maybe you can see something up there in the shadowy darkness of the ceiling, or maybe it's just shadow.<br> <br> $ has lowered the fan and is smiling again. It is not a pleasant smile.<br> <br> "Although I never hear any complaints from anyone picked this way."<br> <br> You suspect that's because she never hears //anything// from anyone picked this way. Ever again.<br> <br> "Oh, but I would not want you to think I run an unreasonable house. If none are your type, none are your type. A choice must be made, that is inviolable. However..."<br> <br> Her eyes glimmer.<br> <br> "...there are ways to change the choices on offer."<br> <br> [[How do I change the choices on offer?->NPC Madam: Mulligan Harlots 3]]
"Yes my dear, what would you like to know about your $"<br> <br> [["Ask her how you use " + $ + "s."->NPC Madam: Mulligan Harlots: How To Use Mulligan]]<br> //This will cost an Action.//<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Madam: Mulligan Token: Buy Options]]>>
<<set $npcMadam.hasToldHowNotToMulliganHarlots to true>> <<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> "No, don't give it me now," $ <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 0>> says, waving away your attempts to give her the $ <<else>> says.<br> <br> She holds up her hands to stop you even though you don't have a $ and aren't making an attempt to give her one. She must have forgotten you've already used it.<br><br> <</if>> "I'll forget you used it. Wait until the time of choosing. When asked to make a choice, give me the token instead and I'll send the girls away and look for three more for you to choose from. I am sure one of them will tickle your fancy. And other places... should you desire."<br> <br> She is about to turn away and pauses.<br> <br> "Oh, and some other things you should be aware of."<br> <br> She holds up a single finger.<br> <br> "Only one $ can be used in any given round. If you can't find one you like out of six of my gorgeous girls, I am going to assume you're timewasting. I dislike timewasters."<br> <br> A second finger.<br> <br> "As perfect as my girls are, they still have feelings. Some of them may not take too kindly to being dismissed this way."<br> <br> A third finger.<br> <br> "The gods of chance are fickle. As is my memory. I could send three girls away, only to present you with the same three girls as your replacement choice. If that happens then I am afraid it is just pure bad luck. Or maybe it is a sign one of those girls is a perfect match for you. The gods of chance work in mysterious ways."<br> <br> She gives you a mysterious smile.<br> <br> "They also have other uses, but I will leave it to you to discover what they are."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Madam: Continuation Hub]]<br>
<<set $npcMadam.hasToldHowToBuyMulliganTokens to true>> <<if $player.mulliganTokens eq 0>> "Oh my, have you used it already, my dear?" $ says. "You should be more careful with such things."<br> <br> <<else>> "Why, you've still got the one I gave you. Why would you want another?" $ queries you. "Stockpiling for later? You know you can only use one per round. Or maybe you have another use in mind..."<br> <br> <</if>> She flutters her fan.<br> <br> "Well, the original purpose was to give each patron one chance to change the selection pool. However, we are very much a //commercial// House, so it would be most amiss of me to turn down an opportunity for profit."<br> <br> Her eyes gleam and she smiles wolfishly.<br> <br> "Tell you what, my dear. I can sell you another $, but it will cost you $mulliganToken.madamSellPrice <<print $currencyName + "s">>."<br> <br> She sees your shocked expression and flutters her fan over her mouth.<br> <br> "I have to set the prices high, my dear. My girls get upset if I don't."<br> <br> What will you do?<br> <br> <<if $ lt $mulliganToken.madamSellPrice>> [["Buy a " + $ + "?"->NPC Madam: Mulligan Token: No Money]] <<else>> [["Buy a " + $ + "?"->NPC Madam: Mulligan Token: Buy]] <</if>><br> [[Decline?->NPC Madam: Mulligan Token: Decline To Buy]]
<<set $ -= $mulliganToken.madamSellPrice>> <<set $player.mulliganTokens += 1>> <<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> You count out the requisite number of <<print $currencyName + "s">> and give them to $<br> <br> "Thank you, my dear," she says.<br> <br> She gives you a $ in return.<br> <br> "Save it for when you really need it."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Madam: Continuation Hub]]<br>
<<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> "That is fine, my dear. You can always come back any time if you need to buy more."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Madam: Continuation Hub]]<br>
<<set $npcMadam.hasToldOfNpcMoney to true>> <<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> You look through your <<print $currencyName + "s">> and come up short. You do not have enough to buy a $ off $<br> <br> $ looks at you sadly.<br> <br> "I am sorry, my dear. That price is fixed. I cannot offer it you for any lower."<br> <br> She leans forward to whisper conspiratorially.<br> <br> "It is to keep my girls happy."<br> <br> She pauses and taps her chin.<br> <br> "Hmm, but if you're short of <<print $currencyName + "s">>, I think I know of someone who can help. There is a long-time patron of the House. He has his regular table in the socialising area. You cannot miss him. He is a portly gentleman with a bowler hat and pin-stripe suit. He pays very well for information on my girls. I think he is terrified they will eat him or suck out his soul."<br> <br> $ laughs as if the very idea is ridiculous.<br> <br> "Never seems to be short of <<print $currencyName + "s">>, somehow..."<br> <br> Her eyes narrow.<br> <br> "Anyway, I am sure he can help you with any money woes. I would not be surprised if he has already approached you."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Madam: Continuation Hub]]<br>
--NPC Madam---------------------------------------<br> name = <<print $>><br> isAvailable = <<print $npcMadam.isAvailable>><br> isUnavailable = <<print $npcMadam.isUnavailable>><br> <br> hasBeenAskedToMulliganHarlots = <<print $npcMadam.hasBeenAskedToMulliganHarlots>><br> hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken = <<print $npcMadam.hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken>><br> hasToldHowNotToMulliganHarlots = <<print $npcMadam.hasToldHowNotToMulliganHarlots>><br> hasToldHowToBuyMulliganTokens = <<print $npcMadam.hasToldHowToBuyMulliganTokens>><br> hasToldOfNpcMoney = <<print $npcMadam.hasToldOfNpcMoney>><br> hasToldHowToAddHarlot = <<print $npcMadam.hasToldHowToAddHarlot>><br> hasExplainedSocialising = <<print $npcMadam.hasExplainedSocialising>><br> ------------------------------------------------<br>
<<set $isTesting to true>> <<set $isNpcTesting to true>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $ to 100>> <<set $hci to [0, 3, 1]>> <<set $currentRound to 3>> <<set $clubActivityUnits to $clubActivityMaxUnits>> <<set $postroomActivityUnits to $postroomActivityMaxUnits>> <<set $isPostRoom to false>> <<set $npcMadam.isUnavailable to false>> <<set $npcMadam.hasBeenIntroduced to true>> <<set $npcMadam.hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken to true>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Print]]>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Determine Availability]]>> [[Begin Tests...->NPC Madam: Look For]]
/* Madam is always available in the first 2 rounds. */ <<if $currentRound lt 3>> <<set $npcMadam.isAvailable to true>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is available because we're in first two rounds''<br> <</if>> /* Check if the madam has been made unavailable because of one of the events */ <<elseif $npcMadam.isUnavailable eq true>> <<set $npcMadam.isAvailable to false>> <<set $npcMadam.IsUnavailable to false>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is unavailable because of an event''<br> <</if>> /* follow the usual procedure for determining availability */ <<else>> <<include [[Roll for NPC Availability]]>> <<set $npcMadam.isAvailable to $isNpcAvailable>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is <<if $npcMadam.isAvailable eq false>>un<</if>>available because of availability roll''<br> <</if>> <</if>>
You return to the bar just in time to feel the buzzer vibrate once in your pocket. It's time to go to the presentation stage. What will $ have for you this time? [[Go to the Harlot Presentation stage.->Next Round]]
You return to the bar just in time to feel the buzzer vibrate twice in your pocket. Time's up. You need to go to the presentation stage and make a choice. [[Go and choose a harlot.->Harlot Selection: Intro]]
/* Default check to see if an NPC is available. They are unavailable 10% of the time outside of their first introductions and various events rendering them unavailable. */ <<set _availabilityRoll to random(1,10)>> <<if $isTesting>> ''NPC availability roll = _availabilityRoll''<br> <</if>> <<set $isNpcAvailable to true>> <<if _availabilityRoll lt 2>> <<set $isNpcAvailable to false>> <</if>>
/* DEPRECATED */ /* Use this when in the middle of picking a future action with the same NPC */ Before you get a chance to talk further, you feel the buzzer vibrate once in your pocket. It's time to go to the presentation stage.<br> <br> You make your excuses and leave.<br> <br> What will $ have for you this time?<br> <br> [[Go to the Harlot Presentation stage.->Next Round]]
/* DEPRECATED */ /* Use this when in the middle of picking a future action with the same NPC */ Before you get a chance to talk further, you feel the buzzer vibrate twice in your pocket. Time's up. You need to go and make a choice.<br> <br> You make your excuses and leave.<br> <br> [[Go and choose a harlot.->Harlot Selection: Intro]]
"Yes, dear. What else would you like to talk about?"<br> <br> <<include [[Club Activity Units: Is Time Up]]>> <<if _isTimeUp>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Time Up]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Hub]]>> <</if>>
<<set $giftSelectionPool to [4,5,7]>> <<set _gi to 3>> <<include [[Gift Selection: Contains Gift Check]]>> ''Contains _g = _containsGift (should be false)''<br> <br> <<set _gi to 4>> <<include [[Gift Selection: Contains Gift Check]]>> ''Contains _g = _containsGift (should be true)''<br> <br>
<<set $hapi to [0,9,4]>> <<set _hi to 3>> <<include [[All Presented Harlots: Check if Presented]]>> $allHarlots[_hi].name Has Been Presented = _hasBeenPresented (should be false)<br> <<set _hi to 4>> <<include [[All Presented Harlots: Check if Presented]]>> $allHarlots[_hi].name Has Been Presented = _hasBeenPresented (should be true)<br>
<<set $npcMadam.hasToldHowToAddHarlot to true>> <<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> "Oh ho, has one of my lovely girls caught your fancy. I know how it is, sometimes you see a girl and it just clicks, and you feel a burning desire to explore all her feminine secrets. Is that how it is?"<br> <br> $ gives you a bawdy wink.<br> <br> "Well, I can arrange that. But," she holds a finger up, "not right away."<br> <br> She flutters her fan.<br> <br> "I have to think of my girls, you see. They get tremendously upset if all their efforts to look seductive and enticing go to waste. And if I was to substitute one of them for another girl who wasn't even part of the original selection, why..."<br> <br> $ sucks in a loud breath.<br> <br> " would put them in an evil mood. And that would not be good for my other patrons."<br> <br> She puts an arm around you.<br> <br> "No, we have to be more diplomatic. I cannot add your girl to this round, but what I can do is make sure she is included in the next round of selections. We won't tell the other girls, of course. It will be our little secret. And who knows, maybe one of those other girls might get your blood pumping even harder. Who can predict the ways and whims of the heart?"<br> <br> She returns to the lectern standing at the side of the presentation stage.<br> <br> "Unfortunately, this service is not free. Certain individuals..."<br> <br> Her face darkens.<br> <br> "...tried to take advantage of my generosity, so now I have to add a charge to discourage tomfoolery. If you want me to add a specific girl to the next round of selections, it will cost you one <<print $ + ".\"">><br> <br> <<if $npcMadam.hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken>> <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 0>> [["Pay one " + $ + " to have " + $ + " put a girl of your choice in the next round of selections?"->NPC Madam: Add Harlot]]<br> [[Decline?->NPC Madam: Add Harlot: Decline]] <<else>> [["You don't have any " + $ + "s."->NPC Madam: Add Harlot: No Mulligan Tokens]] <</if>> <<else>> [[$ + "? What's that?"->NPC Madam: Add Harlot: Explain Mulligan Tokens]] <</if>>
<<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> <<if $madamOverrideHarlotPick eq -1>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Add Harlot]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Add Harlot: Already Added]]>> <</if>>
"Oh, you've already used the one I gave you."<br> <br> $ puts a hand to her mouth as if imparting a conspiratorial whisper.<br> <br> "There are ways to get more. All you have to do is ask."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Madam: Continuation Hub]]<br>
$ pulls out a large leather-bound tome from the back of the lectern. She plonks it on top of the lectern with a thud and starts flicking through the pages. Each shows the picture of an attractive woman together with her profile. There are a lot of pages.<br> <br> "Now which of my girls was it that caught your eye?"<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Madam: Add Harlot: Create Harlot List]]>> <br> [[Change your mind and don't pick a harlot?->NPC Madam: Add Harlot: Change Mind]]
"Maybe it is for the best. Sometimes the heart does not know what it truly desires. It is better to leave it to the whims of fate, or the unknowable concatenations of chaos."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Madam: Continuation Hub]]<br>
<<set $npcMadam.hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken to true>> <<set $player.mulliganTokens += 1>> "Oh, did I not give you your complementary <<print $ + "?">> Dearie me. I swear my head is filled with nothing but cobwebs and dust sometimes."<br> <br> She opens up an antique purse hanging from her arm and looks inside.<br> <br> "Ah, there it is."<br> <br> She hands you a silver disc of metal. It's like a coin, but bigger and lighter. One side is embossed with the same devil girl design you've seen on the <<print $currencyName + "s">> and all around the club. The other side shows a stone tower struck by lightning.<br> <br> "There you go, my dear. I should have given it to you earlier. If you want me to add a girl of your choice to the next round, it will cost you one of these."<br> <br> $ flutters her fan.<br> <br> "They also have other uses, such as changing all the girls on offer. If you want to find out more, ask me."<br> <br> [["Pay one " + $ + " to have " + $ + " put a harlot of your choice in the next round of selections?"->NPC Madam: Add Harlot]]<br> [[Decline?->NPC Madam: Add Harlot: Decline]]
/* For now this is all harlots. Alter this for final version to leave out some harlots to avoid spoilers. If have memory between runs, only populate list with harlots the player has seen. */ <<for _hi to 0; _hi lt $allHarlots.length; _hi++>> <<capture _hi>> <<set _name to $allHarlots[_hi].name>> [[_name->NPC Madam: Add Harlot: Harlot Selected][$hi to _hi]]<br> <</capture>> <</for>>
<<set _isMultiple to $allHarlots[$hi].isMultiplePeople>> /* Some harlot-specific comments */ <<if $hi eq 0>> $ raises an eyebrow and gives you a strange look.<br> <br> <</if>> "Okay. Give me a moment. I will go and see if $allHarlots[$hi].name is available for the next round."<br> <br> She slips behind the red velvet curtain behind the stage. She is not gone long.<br> <br> /* Availability Check Currently is to check if harlot isRepeatable and has been visited Might add other clauses later. */ <<if $allHarlots[$hi].hasBeenVisited and $allHarlots[$hi].isRepeatable eq false>> "I am ever so sorry to tell you that $allHarlots[$hi].name <<if _isMultiple>>are<<else>>is<</if>> not available. We are very busy tonight and <<if _isMultiple>>they are<<else>>she is<</if>> fully booked."<br> <br> <<else>> "Yes, <<if _isMultiple>>they are<<else>>she is<</if>> available. I will include <<if _isMultiple>>them<<else>>her<</if>> in the next round of selections. <<if _isMultiple>>They are<<else>>She is<</if>> really looking forward to it."<br> <br> <<set $player.mulliganTokens -= 1>> <<set $madamOverrideHarlotPick to $hi>> <</if>> She closes the tome and puts it back under the lectern.<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Madam: Continuation Hub]]
"A change of heart?" $ asks. "Or are you struggling to identify which girl caught your eye. Easily done when we have so many gorgeous girls here."<br> <br> She closes the tome and puts it back under the lectern.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Madam: Add Harlot: Decline]]>>
<<set _isMultiple to $allHarlots[$madamOverrideHarlotPick].isMultiplePeople>> $ gives you a disapproving glare.<br> <br> "You have already asked me to add $allHarlots[$madamOverrideHarlotPick].name to the next selection. And now you want me to add someone else as well. You cannot pick both, and if I tell $allHarlots[$madamOverrideHarlotPick].name you no longer want <<if _isMultiple>>them, they<<else>>her, she<</if>> will be most upset. <<if _isMultiple>>They were<<else>>She was<</if>> most looking forward to pampering you."<br> <br> <<print $ + "'s">> expression softens.<br> <br> "I know, for a healthy virile young man, it can be like being a child in a sweet shop in here, but you have to be patient. Be respectful of the girl's feelings. Give $allHarlots[$madamOverrideHarlotPick].name <<if _isMultiple>>their<<else>>her<</if>> chance this round. Then come to me afterwards and I will see what I can do to add the other girl to the next round.<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Madam: Continuation Hub]]<br>
<<set _isTimeUp to false>> <<if $clubActivityUnits lt 0>> ''ERROR: Club Activity Units should not go negative. Let manyeyedhydra know what action you were doing beforehand and he'll try to fix it in the next release. In the meantime, carry on and enjoy the game.''<br> <br> <<set _isTimeUp to true>> <<elseif $clubActivityUnits eq 0>> <<set _isTimeUp to true>> <</if>>
<<set _isTimeUp to false>> <<if $postroomActivityUnits lt 0>> ''ERROR: Post-Room Activity Units should not go negative. Let manyeyedhydra know what action you were doing beforehand and he'll try to fix it in the next release. In the meantime, carry on and enjoy the game.''<br> <br> <<set _isTimeUp to true>> <<elseif $postroomActivityUnits eq 0>> <<set _isTimeUp to true>> <</if>>
<<set _isAlreadyPresent to false>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $hci.length; _i++>> <<if $hci[_i] eq $hi>> <<set _isAlreadyPresent to true>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if _isAlreadyPresent>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Add Harlot: Already Present]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Add Harlot: Success]]>> <</if>>
<<set _isMultiple to $allHarlots[$hi].isMultiplePeople>> "Are you blind, dear?" $ says. "Or maybe confused. It is easily done when we have so many wonderful girls here."<br> <br> Her eyes glitter with amusement.<br> <br> "You need to pay more attention. <<if _isMultiple>>They are<<else>>That girl is<</if>> already one of the three <<if _isMultiple>>choices<<else>>girls<</if>> I have shown you. <<if _isMultiple>>They are<<else>>She is<</if>> waiting right now for you to pick <<if _isMultiple>>them<<else>>her<</if>> and let <<if _isMultiple>>them<<else>>her<</if>> take you up to <<if _isMultiple>>their<<else>>her<</if>> room for..."<br> <br> <<print $ + "'s">> voice trails off suggestively.<br> <br> [["That's okay, I wanted to book " + $allHarlots[$hi].name + " for the next round as well."->NPC Madam: Add Harlot: Double-Book]]<br> <br> Oh, never mind.<br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Madam: Continuation Hub]]
<<set _isMultiple to $allHarlots[$hi].isMultiplePeople>> "Ooh, <<if _isMultiple>>they<<else>>she<</if>> really must have taken your fancy," $ says. "Unfortunately, I cannot do this. I have to be fair to all patrons and not allow one of you to monopolise <<if not _isMultiple>>one of<</if>> my girls."<br> <br> She blocks her mouth with her fan.<br> <br> "And likely get his fool ass drained to nothing in the process," she mutters under her breath.<br> <br> She lowers her fan and beams at you.<br> <br> "Who can predict the currents of chaos, though? Maybe chance will have <<if _isMultiple>>them<<else>>her<</if>> show up in the next round. And if not, you can always bring me your $ and we will give chance a little nudge to make sure <<if _isMultiple>>they appear<<else>>she appears<</if>> in the following round."<br> <br> She finishes with a bawdy wink.<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Madam: Continuation Hub]]
/* Selection forced by a player having the Enslavement ailment a player can only be enslaved to one harlot at a time. */ <<set _ailment to 0>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<set _mistressId to $allAilments[0].harlot>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $hci.length; _i++>> <<if $hci[_i] eq _mistressId>> <<set _isMistressPresent to true>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if _isMistressPresent>> <<set $hci to [_mistressId]>> Your Mistress is here. You couldn't possibly select anyone else.<br> <br> <<include[[Harlot Selection: Create Options List]]>> <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 0>> <br> It would be unthinkable to use a $ to send Mistress away. <</if>> <<set _hasSelectionPoolBeenFinalised to true>> <</if>> <</if>>
/* list of force selection fetishes */ <<set _fetishList to [1,2,3]>> /* new harlot selections */ <<set _newHci to []>> /* for each fetish */ <<for _fi to 0; _fi lt _fetishList.length; _fi++>> <<set _ailment to _fetishList[_fi]>> /* check if player has that fetish */ <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> /* Need to check if any harlots are irresistible to ailment */ <<for _i to 0; _i lt $hci.length; _i++>> <<set _hid to $hci[_i]>> <<if def $allHarlots[_hid].isIrresistibleToAilment>> <<if $allHarlots[_hid].isIrresistibleToAilment eq _ailment>> /* add to new harlot list */ <<set _newHci.pushUnique(_hid)>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if _newHci.length gt 0 and _newHci.length lt 3>> /* forced picks string */ <<set _picksStr to "">> <<for _i to 0; _i lt _newHci.length; _i++>> <<if _i neq 0>> <<set _picksStr += " and ">> <</if>> <<set _hid to _newHci[_i]>> <<set _picksStr += $allHarlots[_hid].name>> <</for>> /* rejects */ <<set $hci.delete(_newHci)>> <<set _rejStr to "">> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $hci.length; _i++>> <<if _i neq 0>> <<set _rejStr += " or ">> <</if>> <<set _hid to $hci[_i]>> <<set _rejStr += $allHarlots[_hid].name>> <</for>> You're not interested in <<print _rejStr + ".">> Only _picksStr <<if _newHci.length eq 1>>has<<else>>have<</if>> the attributes that turn you on.<br> <br> <<set $hci to _newHci>> <<include[[Harlot Selection: Create Options List]]>> <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 0>> <br> You don't wish to use a <<print $ + ".">> <<if _newHci.length eq 1>>This girl is<<else>>These girls are<</if>> exactly what you're after. <</if>> <<set _hasSelectionPoolBeenFinalised to true>> <</if>>
/* No conditions due to ailments */ <<include [[Harlot Selection: Create Options List]]>> <br> <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 0>> <<if $hasUsedMulliganToken eq true>> You've already used a $ this round. <<else>> [["Use a " + $ + " to change the harlots on offer this round?"->Harlot Selection: Use Mulligan]] <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $isTesting to true>> <<set $player.mulliganTokens to 1>> <<set _ailment to 0>> <<set $allAilments[0].harlot to 5>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set $hci to [10, 18, 20]>> [[Begin Test->Summon to Harlot Choice]]
<<set $isTesting to true>> <<set $isNpcTesting to true>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $ to 100>> <<set $player.charms.push(18)>> <<set $player.charms.push(2)>> <<set _charmId to 2>> <<include [[Apply Charm Effect]]>> <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> <<set _ailment to 0>> <<set $allAilments[0].harlot to 10>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<include [[Add Player Known Ailment]]>> <<for _ailment to 2; _ailment lt 12; _ailment++>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <</for>> <<set $clubActivityUnits to 4>> <<set $npcNurse.isUnavailable to false>> <<set $npcNurse.hasBeenAskedForSex to false>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Print]]>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Determine Availability]]>> <br> [[Begin tests...->NPC Nurse: Look For]]
--NPC NURSE-------------------------------------<br> ''name'' = <<print $>><br> ''harlotId'' = <<print $npcNurse.harlotId>><br> <br> ''hasBeenIntroduced'' = <<print $npcNurse.hasBeenIntroduced>><br> ''hasBeenVisited'' = <<print $npcNurse.hasBeenVisited>><br> <br> ''isAvailable'' = <<print $npcNurse.isAvailable>><br> ''isUnavailable'' = <<print $npcNurse.isUnavailable>><br> <br> ''hasBeenAskedForSex'' = <<print $npcNurse.hasBeenAskedForSex>><br> ''hasGivenEnergyTonic'' = <<print $npcNurse.hasGivenEnergyTonic>><br> <br> ''tonicCost'' = <<print $npcNurse.tonicCost>><br> ''tonicRecovery'' = <<print $npcNurse.tonicRecovery>><br> ''diagnosisCost'' = <<print $npcNurse.diagnosisCost>><br> ----------------------------------------------------<br> <br>
<<if $npcNurse.isAvailable eq true>> <<if $npcNurse.hasBeenVisited>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Visit]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Visit: First]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Unavailable]]>> <</if>>
The door to <<print $ + "'s">> office is closed and locked. $ appears to be unavailable at the moment. Maybe she's with another patient or fulfilling her other... role... within the House. Either way, you'll have to come back later.<br> <br> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Nurse: Repeat]] <<else>> [[You go back to your place at the bar.->Club Activities: Hub]]<br> //This did not cost an Action.// <</if>>
<<include [[Club Activity Units: Is Time Up]]>> <<if _isTimeUp>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Time Up]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Energy Tonic Option]]>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Diagnosis Option]]>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Option]]>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Enquire Sex Option]]>> [[You're good for now.->NPC Nurse: Leave]] <</if>>
You return to <<print $ + "'s">> office. Again you marvel at how her glossy white latex nurse's outfit clings to her gorgeous curves.<br> <br> "Hello again, what treatment would you like?"<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Hub Options]]>>
/* Nurse is always available if she hasn't yet been introduced for the first time */ <<if $npcNurse.hasBeenIntroduced eq false>> <<set $npcNurse.isAvailable to true>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is available because she hasn't been introduced yet.''<br> <</if>> /* Check if Gossip has been made unavailable because of one of the events. */ <<elseif $npcNurse.isUnavailable eq true>> <<set $npcNurse.isAvailable to false>> <<set $npcNurse.isUnavailable to false>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is unavailable because of an event.''<br> <</if>> /* follow the usual procedure for determining availability */ <<else>> <<include [[Roll for NPC Availability]]>> <<set $npcNurse.isAvailable to $isNpcAvailable>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is <<if $npcNurse.isAvailable eq false>>un<</if>>available because of availability roll.''<br> <</if>> <</if>>
Following <<print $ + "'s">> directions, you enter a small corridor leading off from the bar. The hallway continues past the toilets to a dead end with a door on the left. The door has a glass window with a big red cross on it. You walk through into a small medical office with a nurse... of sorts.<br> <br> She's wearing a nurse's uniform, but one made out of glossy white latex that clings very tightly to her curves... her rather noticeable and eye-popping curves. The nurse has a stunningly voluptuous figure. She wears an old-fashioned nurse's cap with a big red cross on it, also made out of the same glossy white latex. Her long silky blonde hair spills out beneath it. She looks human enough, until you get to her eyes. They are pure white and without pupil or iris.<br> <br> "Hello," she says. "I'm <<print $ + ".">> I'm the medical practitioner of this establishment. Is there anything that ails you?"<br> <br> You pause, slightly unsure of what you can ask for.<br> <br> <<print $ + "'s">> rubber outfit is clearly a sexy, fetishized version of a nurse's uniform. Outside of the House you'd never mistake her for a real medical person, but in the House... who knows. Maybe she is the actual nurse and would get offended if you mixed her up with <<print $ + "'s">> 'working' girls.<br> <br> $ looks you over.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Initial Impression]]>><br> <br> [[You listen as she gives you a full rundown of her services.->NPC Nurse: Services Explanation]]<br>
/* low semen */ <<if $player.semenCount lt 3>> "Oh my, those girls have really had a good suck on you. We'll have to do something about that." /* has an ailment */ <<elseif $player.ailments.length gt 0>> "Hmm, I can see something ails you. Let's see what we can do about that." /* has been slightly drained */ <<elseif $player.semenCount lt 8>> "I see you've already experienced the rather... draining... attentions of the girls in here. Not to worry, I have a range of replenishing tonics that will soon have you bursting with vitality again." /* good health */ <<else>> "Why you appear to be bursting with vitality. I don't think I'm needed yet, but I can give you a quick rundown of the services I offer for later." <</if>>
$ sits back in her chair. You can't help but be turned on by the way the glossy white latex of her outfit clings to her curves.<br> <br> "My second most requested service is for my energy tonics. They replenish the energy lust daemons drain from the body during sexual intercourse and make it possible for you to go longer... and harder... if you know what I mean."<br> <br> You do, indeed, know what she means.<br> <br> "My other role is to treat the various ailments patrons are exposed to within the house. While lust daemons are immune to conventional sexually transmitted diseases, there are other, more exotic, ailments they can pass on. My job is to keep you healthy so you can fully enjoy the pleasures the house has to offer."<br> <br> She smiles at you.<br> <br> "Unfortunately, the house does not offer a public health service. You will need to pay me in <<print $currencyName + "s">> for my treatments. I hope you haven't already spent them behind the bar."<br> <br> <<set $npcNurse.hasBeenVisited to true>> [[Continue.->NPC Nurse: Hub Intro]]
<<set _val to $npcNurse.tonicCost>> <<if _val eq 1>> <<set _coinText to _val + " " + $currencyName>> <<else>> <<set _coinText to _val + " " + $currencyName + "s">> <</if>> <<if $ lt _val>> Energy Tonic.<br> //This will cost _coinText and 1 Action. You do not have enough <<print $currencyName + "s">> for this.//<br> <br> <<else>> [[Energy Tonic.->NPC Nurse: Energy Tonic]]<br> //This will cost _coinText and 1 Action.//<br> <br> <</if>>
<<set $ -= $npcNurse.tonicCost>> <<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> <<if $npcNurse.hasGivenEnergyTonic>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Energy Tonic: Subsequent]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Energy Tonic: First Time]]>> <</if>> /* update player semen count */ <<set $semenChange to $npcNurse.tonicRecovery>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Nurse: Continuation Hub]]
<<set _val to $npcNurse.diagnosisCost>> <<if _val eq 1>> <<set _coinText to _val + " " + $currencyName>> <<else>> <<set _coinText to _val + " " + $currencyName + "s">> <</if>> <<if $ lt _val>> Diagnosis. //This will cost _coinText and 1 Action. You do not have enough <<print $currencyName + "s">> for this.//<br> <br> <<else>> [[Diagnosis.->NPC Nurse: Diagnosis]]<br> //This will cost _coinText and 1 Action.//<br> <br> <</if>>
Cure:<br> <<if $player.knownAilments.length eq 0>> //You have no ailments that you're aware of.//<br> <br> <<else>> //This will cost 1 Action and the associated cost in <<print $currencyName + "s">>.// <table width="100%"> <<for _ai to 0; _ai lt $player.knownAilments.length; _ai++>> <<set _ailment to $player.knownAilments[_ai]>> <<set _val to $allAilments[_ailment].cureCost>> /* Note we don't need to worry about case of player being enslaved to Nurse. She never diagnoses it. */ <<if _ailment eq 0>> <<set _hi to $allAilments[_ailment].harlot>> <<set _ailText to $allAilments[_ailment].name + ": " + $allHarlots[_hi].name>> <<else>> <<set _ailText to $allAilments[_ailment].name>> <</if>> <<if _val eq 1>> <<set _coinText to _val + " " + $currencyName>> <<else>> <<set _coinText to _val + " " + $currencyName + "s">> <</if>> /* Create table row */ <tr> <td> </td> <td style="text-align:left"> <<if $ lt _val>> _ailText <<else>> <<capture _ailment>> [[_ailText->NPC Nurse: Cure Ailment][$ailmentToCure to _ailment]] <</capture>> <</if>> </td> <td> </td> <td>..........</td> <td> </td> <td style="text-align:right"> //_coinText// </td> </tr> <</for>> </table> <br> <</if>>
<<if $npcNurse.hasBeenAskedForSex eq false>> [[Enquire if she offers services of a more... sexual nature.->NPC Nurse: Enquire Sex]]<br> //This will cost 1 Action and ????//<br> <br> <</if>>
/* pay action if visited and done nothing */ <<if not $hasUsedActionWithNpc>> <<set $clubActivityUnits -= 1>> <</if>> There's nothing more you want $ to do. You thank her and go to leave.<br> <br> "Come back anytime," she says. "I'll be sure to keep you in perfect health so you can fully enjoy the house's various activities."<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Clean-Up]]>> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Nurse: Repeat]] <<else>> [[You leave her office and return to your place at the bar.->Club Activities: Hub]] <</if>>
<<set $ -= $npcNurse.diagnosisCost>> <<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> $ has you lie back on a chair and thoroughly examines you. It's almost a regular medical examination, although $ touches your intimate parts a little more freely than professional decorum would normally allow.<br> <br> Afterwards...<br> <br> <<set _hasAilmentsToDiagnose to true>> <<if $player.ailments.length eq 0>> <<set _hasAilmentsToDiagnose to false>> <<elseif $player.ailments.length eq 1>> <<set _ailment to $player.ailments[0]>> /* nurse doesn't diagnose if she's the mistress */ <<if _ailment eq 0 and $allAilments[0].harlot eq $npcNurse.harlotId>> <<set _hasAilmentsToDiagnose to false>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _hasAilmentsToDiagnose eq false>> "There's nothing wrong with you. No lingering mental abnormalities, exotic extraplanar plagues or soul-leeching parasites. You're perfectly healthy."<br> <br> That's reassuring. Knowing the other stuff exists and can be caught in here, not so much.<br> <br> <<else>> $ steps back to give you the bad news.<br> <br> "After examining you, you appear to be suffering from:"<br> <br> /* This is fairly straightforward - just push all the ailments into known ailments and then list them. */ /* switch everything to known */ <<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.ailments.length; _i++>> <<set _ailment to $player.ailments[_i]>> <<if _ailment eq 0 and $allAilments[0].harlot eq $npcNurse.harlotId>> /* she misses this one off */ <<else>> <<include [[Add Player Known Ailment]]>> <</if>> <</for>> /* list them */ <<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.knownAilments.length; _i++>> <<set _ailment to $player.ailments[_i]>> <<if _ailment eq 0>> <<set _hi to $allAilments[0].harlot>> ''<<print $allAilments[_ailment].name + ": " + $allHarlots[_hi].name>>'' <br> <<else>> ''<<print $allAilments[_ailment].name>>'' <br> <</if>> <</for>> <br> "I can cure you, but there is a cost," she says.<br> <br> <</if>> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Nurse: Continuation Hub]]
<<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> $ knows exactly what you're asking for. She smiles rather than taking any offence.<br> <br> "Ah, my most requested service."<br> <br> She shifts position in the chair, maximising the already devastating allure of her gorgeous body.<br> <br> "I do, but it can't be requested here. The house has rather fussy rules. If you want to experience my more personal services, you'll have to wait until you get an opportunity to pick me off <<print $ + "'s">> stage. I should warn you though, the pleasures I offer can be rather consuming."<br> <br> Looking at <<print $ + "'s">> gorgeously voluptuous body, you think you're fine with that.<br> <br> As you admire her body, you think you notice some movement in the latex stretched over <<print $ + "'s">> ample boobs. Weirdly, it looks like an imprint of a hand pushing out from beneath. Only briefly. So briefly you wonder if your eyes are playing tricks on you. Maybe you just imagined the whole thing.<br> <br> Maybe...<br> <br> <<set $npcNurse.hasBeenAskedForSex to true>> ''DEV NOTE: NURSE HONEY'S HARLOT SCENARIO HAS NOT YET BEEN WRITTEN. IT WILL BE ADDED AT A LATER DATE!''<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Nurse: Continuation Hub]]
<<set _ailment to $ailmentToCure>> <<switch _ailment>> <<case 0>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Enslavement]]>> <<case 1>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Boob Fixation]]>> <<case 2>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Ass Fixation]]>> <<case 3>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Lips Fixation]]>> <<case 4>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Foot Fetish]]>> <<case 5>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Leg Fetish]]>> <<case 6>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Fatigued]]>> <<case 7>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Mushy]]>> <<case 8>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Potion Befuddlement]]>> <<case 9>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Potion Addiction]]>> <<case 10>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Boobfairy Milk]]>> <<case 11>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Befuddlement]]>> <<default>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Unspecified]]>> <</switch>> <br><br>
"Is there anything else I can do for you?" $ asks.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Hub Options]]>>
As before, $ goes behind a screen at the back of the room and returns with a glass filled with amber-coloured liquid. You gulp it down a little faster this time, enjoying the sweetness and the pleasant glow it brings to your loins.<br> <br> You thank her and return the glass. You feel refreshed and ready to go again.<br> <br>
$ briefly goes behind a screen at the back of the room. She returns with a glass of amber-coloured liquid and passes it to you. You sniff and take a sip. It's sweet.<br> <br> You drink it. At first it's too sweet, like an energy drink with an extra dollop of honey, but the taste quickly grows on you. A warm feeling spreads through you. It diffuses down and coagulates in your loins and you start to feel a little horny.<br> <br> Looking at <<print $ + "'s">> gorgeous latex-clad curves also helps.<br> <br> You thank her and return the glass. You feel refreshed and ready to go again.<br> <br> <<set $npcNurse.hasGivenEnergyTonic to true>>
<<set _hi to $allAilments[_ailment].harlot>> $ puts her hands on either side of your head and stares into your eyes.<br> <br> "Hmm. A lust daemon has got a hold of part of your soul. Next time you encounter her she'll likely take full hold and you'll become her slave... or pet... or snack."<br> <br> There is nothing wrong with Mistress having part of your soul. You'd give her the rest if you could.<br> <br> "Now, it is normally considered very bad form for a daemon of lust to interfere with another's claim. However, in here, the rules are slightly different. I have <<print $ + "'s">> permission to break any claims. Now, look into my eyes."<br> <br> You look into her all-white eyes. They expand to fill your entire world. Everything goes white.<br> <br> The next thing you're aware of is $ snapping her fingers.<br> <br> "All done," she says breezily.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> <<set $ -= $allAilments[_ailment].cureCost>> <<include [[Remove Player Ailment]]>> /* NPC Nurse transfers the enslavement to her */ <<set $allAilments[_ailment].harlot to $npcNurse.harlotId>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> //You have been cured of the// ''<<print $allAilments[_ailment].name + ": " + $allHarlots[_hi].name>>'' //ailment.//<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Nurse: Continuation Hub]]
"Hmm, you appear to have an unhealthy attraction to these," $ says.<br> <br> She leans over and practically pushes her big boobs into your face. You stare at them in hypnotised fascination, marvelling at the deep chasm of her cleavage and the way the glossy white rubber is stretched over her full curves.<br> <br> "Most men are, but it appears one of the girls in here has tweaked that to unhealthy levels, or inflicted so much pleasure on you your brain got all twisted of its own accord. Either way, it's easily fixed. Keep looking at my breasts."<br> <br> It's not as if you're going to look at anything else.<br> <br> You feel a prick in your thigh as if from a needle. You blink. <<print $ + "'s">> bosom, while being very lovely, no longer has an unbreakable hold on you.<br> <br> "All done," $ says breezily.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Ailment: End]]>>
"Hmm, have you been roughhousing? Or maybe playing with one of the more hyperactive energy-bunny girls? You need to be careful. Some lust daemons are considerably stronger and more powerful than a regular human. Trying to keep up with them in the bedroom never ends well. No matter, a good massage will unknot your tired muscles."<br> <br> She has you lie down on a massage table at the back of the room and gives you a pleasant massage to soothe your aching limbs. It's a regular rather than erotic massage, although $ is certainly not shy about letting her big boobs 'accidentally' rub against your naked body.<br> <br> It's a good massage. Afterwards you feel lighter and raring to go.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Ailment: End]]>>
''PLACEHOLDER''<br> <br> ''Whoops, our silly dev hasn't implemented a cure for this yet! (Or a wrong ailment code was typed in somewhere.)''<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Nurse: Continuation Hub]]
Before you can answer you feel <<print $ + "'s">> buzzer vibrate twice in your pocket. Time's up. You need to go and make a choice.<br> <br> You apologise to $<br> <br> "No problem. I'm here anytime you need me," she says.<br> <br> You leave.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Clean-Up]]>> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Nurse: Repeat]] <<else>> [[Go and choose a harlot.->Harlot Selection: Intro]] <</if>>
<<unset $ailmentToCure>>
"What treatment would you like?"<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Hub Options]]>>
<<set $clubActivityUnits to 4>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Print]]>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Determine Availability]]>> [[Begin tests...->NPC Nurse: Look For]]
<<set $isTesting to true>> <<set $isNpcTesting to true>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $ to 100>> <<set $player.semenCount to 1>> /* <<set _ailment to 9>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> */ <<set $clubActivityUnits to 4>> <<set $npcPotion.isUnavailable to false>> <<set $npcPotion.hasBeenVisited to true>> <<set $npcPotion.addictionLevel to 4>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Print]]>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Determine Availability]]>> <<include [[Potions: Update Stock]]>> <br> [[Begin tests...->NPC Potion: Look For]]<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Print Subsequent Activities]]>>
--NPC POTION-------------------------------------<br> ''name'' = <<print $>><br> <br> ''hasBeenIntroduced'' = <<print $npcPotion.hasBeenIntroduced>><br> ''hasBeenVisited'' = <<print $npcPotion.hasBeenVisited>><br> <br> ''isAvailable'' = <<print $npcPotion.isAvailable>><br> ''isUnavailable'' = <<print $npcPotion.isUnavailable>><br> <br> ''semenHarvested'' = <<print $npcPotion.semenHarvested>><br> <br> ''smallSamplePayout'' = <<print $npcPotion.smallSamplePayout>><br> ''regularSamplePayout'' = <<print $npcPotion.regularSamplePayout>><br> ''largeSamplePayout'' = <<print $npcPotion.largeSamplePayout>><br> <br> ''hasAskedAboutSemenExtraction'' = <<print $npcPotion.hasAskedAboutSemenExtraction>><br> ''hasBeenAskedForSex'' = <<print $npcPotion.hasBeenAskedForSex>><br> <br> ''hasAskedSideEffects'' = <<print $npcPotion.hasAskedSideEffects>><br> <br> ''hasSeenBigGulper'' = <<print $npcPotion.hasSeenBigGulper>><br> ''hasBeenInSemenExtractionBooth'' = <<print $npcPotion.hasBeenInSemenExtractionBooth>><br> ''hasUsedSmallGulper'' = <<print $npcPotion.hasUsedSmallGulper>><br> ''hasUsedBigGulper'' = <<print $npcPotion.hasUsedBigGulper>><br> <br> ''addictionLevel'' = <<print $npcPotion.addictionLevel>><br> ----------------------------------------------------<br> <br>
$ tests the joints of your wrist.<br> <br> "Hmm, mushy," she says.<br> <br> She lifts your left arm and lets it flop back to the chair.<br> <br> "Definitely mushy. Someone's been playing with slime girls."<br> <br> $ turns and walks over to a set of drawers. She crouches down, giving you a good view of her shapely ass.<br> <br> "A slime girl – or similarly carnivorous lust daemon – has covered you in her digestive fluids and they've soaked into your flesh, making you mushy. It's to make the body soft, so the slime girl can easily absorb you."<br> <br> $ returns with a slate-grey pill about the size of a coin.<br> <br> "You needn't look so revolted. It doesn't work the way you think. Slime girls are still lust daemons. Being absorbed by one is said to be an intensely sensual and pleasurable experience. Unfortunately, it's the type of experience that can only be experienced once, so we should get that ailment treated."<br> <br> The pill looks like slate and feels hard like slate as well. It takes a while to dissolve in your mouth and tastes unpleasantly chalky. Afterwards you feel strangely... //firm//. <br> <br> $ checks your wrist and arm afterwards and seems satisfied.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Ailment: End]]>>
/* Early prototype of character creation */ ''CHARACTER CREATION - EARLY PROTOTYPE (NICER TEXT TO BE ADDED LATER WITH A PROPER INTRODUCTION).''<br> <br> [[Super-Fast.->Start With Player Creation: Random]]<br> //For if you want to start right away with random player stats//<br> <br> [[Fast.->Start With Player Creation: Chosen Dispositions][$afterPlayerCreationLink to "Start With Player Creation: Chosen: Skip Explanation"]]<br> //For if you want to pick your dispositions and skip player stats explanation.//<br> <br> [[Regular.->Start With Player Creation: Chosen Dispositions][$afterPlayerCreationLink to "Start With Player Creation: Chosen: With Explanation"]]<br> //For if you want a full explanation of what the player stats are.//
<<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> /* go straight to start */ <<include [[Start New Game]]>>
<<include [[Create New Player: Chosen Dispositions: Begin]]>>
<<unset $afterPlayerCreationLink>> ''DEV'S NOTE: A proper introduction detailing how you ended up in the House in the first place will be added in a later version.''<br> <br> <<include [[Explanation: Physical Stats]]>> <br> [[Next.->Start With Player Creation: Chosen: With Explanation 2]]
/* set specific stats and charms */ <<if $isTesting>> <<include [[Set Test Parameters]]>> <</if>> /* Skip straight to first round for now */ <<include [[Next Round]]>>
<<unset $afterPlayerCreationLink>> /* go straight to start */ <<include [[Start New Game]]>>
''STRENGTH = $player.currStr''<br> //How physically strong you are. Strength doesn't help too much against the wilier succubi, but you might find it useful with the girls that like a bit of rough'n'tumble.//<br> <<switch $player.currStr>> <<case 5>> //You are mighty.// <<case 4>> //You are strong.// <<case 3>> //You are average.// <<case 2>> //You are weak.// <<case 1>> //You are puny.// <</switch>><br>
''AGILITY = $player.currAgi''<br> //How agile you are. This isn't a combat game, so you won't be dodging much. However, some girls do love a good dancer and a suppleness of form is pretty handy when it comes to some of the more complex sexual positions.//<br> <<switch $player.currAgi>> <<case 5>> //You are nimble and athletic.// <<case 4>> //You are agile.// <<case 3>> //You are average.// <<case 2>> //You are a little stiff.// <<case 1>> //You hate exercise.// <</switch>><br>
''DEXTERITY = $player.currDex''<br> //This represents how good you are with your hands. While the succubi and monster girls of the House will mostly be the ones showing off their sexual technique, some are receptive to a skilled lover's touch.//<br> <<switch $player.currDex>> <<case 5>> //You are a virtuoso with your hands.// <<case 4>> //You are good with your hands.// <<case 3>> //You are average.// <<case 2>> //You are clumsy.// <<case 1>> //You are not allowed near tools.// <</switch>><br>
''CONSTITUITION = $player.currConst''<br> //This represents how robust your system is. Many of the harlots will use drugs, venoms and gases, or techniques to deprive you of breath, in order to break your resistance.//<br> <<switch $player.currConst>> <<case 5>> //You are hardly ever ill and can drink most people under the table.// <<case 4>> //You are of robust health.// <<case 3>> //You are average.// <<case 2>> //You are prone to the odd ailment.// <<case 1>> //You are sickly.// <</switch>><br>
''WILLPOWER = $player.currWill''<br> //This represents your mental fortitude. This is how resistant you are to temptation, seduction and even hypnosis. It might save you from being made into a succubus's pet, but be aware some girls can get nasty if their seductive technique fails.//<br> <<switch $player.currWill>> <<case 5>> //Your will is iron.// <<case 4>> //You are strong-willed.// <<case 3>> //You are average.// <<case 2>> //You are weak-willed.// <<case 1>> //You are highly suggestible.// <</switch>><br>
''INTELLIGENCE = $player.currInt''<br> //This is how smart you are. While not the most useful stat for a bout of energetic fucking, some succubi and monster girls have an appreciation for more cerebral matters. It will also give you a better chance of spotting and avoiding some dangerous situations.//<br> <<switch $player.currInt>> <<case 5>> //You are a genius.// <<case 4>> //You are intelligent.// <<case 3>> //You are average.// <<case 2>> //You get by.// <<case 1>> //You are dumber than a box of rocks.// <</switch>><br>
//You are// <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>>''SUBMISSIVE''<<else>>''DOMINANT''<</if>><br> <<if $player.currIsSubmissive>> //Not in the true BDSM sense, but you do like the woman to take the lead in the bedroom. You don't mind being tied up. Some succubi and monster girls like their prey to be compliant, while others prefer them to put up a bit of a fight.// <<else>> //Not in the true BDSM sense (this game has a predominantly femdom focus, so there won't be much maledom). You like to be on top in the bedroom. Some of the more dominant harlots don't take kindly to any resistance to their authority, while others like the challenge. And there are other harlots who prefer a more active participant when things get hot and sexy.// <</if>><br>
//You are// <<if $player.currIsSlutty>>''SLUTTY''<<else>>''ROMANTIC''<</if>><br> <<if $player.currIsSlutty>> //You're all about the fucking. This is fine, so are a lot of the harlots in the House and they appreciate a man that gets right down to it.// <<else>> //You have an appreciation for the art of seduction and the wooing. While not really necessary in the House, there are some succubi and monster girls that appreciate a bit of class and style and will reward you for it.// <</if>><br>
//You are// <<if $player.currIsSerious>>''SERIOUS''<<else>>''HUMOROUS''<</if>><br> <<if $player.currIsSerious>> //You're a solid, staid and reliable person. You're not the most fun to be around, but you're not irritating, and some succubi and monster girls get very irritated when the prey doesn't truly appreciate the gravity of their situation.// <<else>> //You're a joker. Always with a quip or joke to try and lighten the mood. Some succubi and monster girls enjoy it when their prey amuses them. Others find it irritating.// <</if>><br>
//You are// <<if $player.currIsCautious>>''CAUTIOUS''<<else>>''IMPULSIVE''<</if>><br> <<if $player.currIsCautious>> //You don't like risks and you like to consider all the angles before making a decision. While that can help you avoid getting in bad situations, you can be a little slow to react when put on the spot.// <<else>> //You love taking risks and living life to the full. While that can sometimes get you into trouble, you never miss out. While you're at greater risk of falling into the various traps and snares of the House, none of the harlots will consider you boring.// <</if>><br>
//You are// <<if $player.currIsBlunt>>''BLUNT''<<else>>''TACTFUL''<</if>><br> <<if $player.currIsBlunt>> //You're straight-talking and tell it like it is. Some appreciate your brutal honesty, while others consider it rude. Succubi and monster girls are the same. Try not to be rude to the wrong harlot. It won't end well.// <<else>> //You're always very diplomatic and tactful in how you talk to people. Flattery might get you out of trouble with some succubi and monster girls, while others might punish you for your weasel words.// <</if>><br>
//You are// <<if $player.currIsGloomy>>''GLOOMY''<<else>>''CHEERFUL''<</if>><br> <<if $player.currIsGloomy>> //You're a glass-half-empty sort of person with a gloomy disposition. So are some of the harlots, and they appreciate a kindred spirit. And there will be others that take pity on you and feel it their duty to brighten your existence with mind-blowing (and occasionally lethal) sexual pleasures.// <<else>> //You always try to look on the bright side of life. There is not much light in the House, but a cheerful disposition might encourage some succubi and monster girls to let you shine longer. Or they might relish snuffing you out. They are daemons, after all.// <</if>><br>
//These stats represent your physical attributes. All have a value from 1 to 5.//<br> <br> //Some stats will be checked during your visit to a harlot's room. You won't know when a stat has been checked, but you'll likely find out if it isn't good enough! Higher is not necessarily always better...//<br> <br> //(As the stat checks are hidden, there is no RNG involved in the check. A passing value will always pass and vice versa.)//<br> <br> <<include [[Explanation: Strength]]>><br> <<include [[Explanation: Agility]]>><br> <<include [[Explanation: Dexterity]]>><br> <<include [[Explanation: Intelligence]]>><br> <<include [[Explanation: Willpower]]>><br> <<include [[Explanation: Constituition]]>>
//These stats represent your dispositions and together make up your personality. Some succubi and monster girls like certain dispositions, while others might kill you if you have one they dislike!//<br> <br> <<include [[Explanation: Submissive - Dominant]]>><br> <<include [[Explanation: Slutty - Romantic]]>><br> <<include [[Explanation: Serious - Humorous]]>><br> <<include [[Explanation: Cautious - Impulsive]]>><br> <<include [[Explanation: Blunt - Tactful]]>><br> <<include [[Explanation: Gloomy - Cheerful]]>>
<<include [[Explanation: Dispositions]]>> <br> //With that out of the way, let's go right to the first selection!//<br> <br> [[Begin Game.->Start New Game]]
/* We create all possible potions here */ <<set $potCount to 30>> <<set $allPots to []>> <<for _potNum to 0; _potNum lt $potCount; _potNum++>> <<set $initLink to "Potion" + _potNum + "Init">> <<include $initLink>> <<set $allPots.push($potion)>> <</for>>
/* Large Str */ <<set $potion to { number: 0, category: 0, cost: 3, name: "Large Potion of Strength", description: "A red flask with an emblem of a bulging bicep.", explanation: "Temporarily sets ''Strength'' to max (5).", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel a lot stronger. Mighty even.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Large Str", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currStr to 5>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set $player.currStr -= 1>> <<if $player.currStr lt 1>> <<set $player.currStr to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name has temp reduced Str by 1 (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
<<set $isTesting to true>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set _charmId to 10>> <<include [[Apply Charm Effect]]>> <<set $potId to 0>> [[Print all potions.->Test Potions: Print All]]<br> [[Print all potion details.->Test Potions: Print All Details]]<br> [[Drink Potion.->Test Potions: Drink Potion]]<br> [[Potion Tester.->Test All Potions]]
Number of Potions = $allPots.length<br> <br> <<for _potNum to 0; _potNum lt $allPots.length; _potNum++>> ''$allPots[_potNum].name''<br> //$allPots[_potNum].explanation//<br> <br> <</for>>
/* Drink potion. */ /* pre-reqs: _potId */ /* add potion effects */ <<set $player.potionEffects.push([_potId, 0])>> /* apply potion effect */ <<set _potRnd to 0>> <<include $allPots[_potId].effectsLink>>
CURRENT POTION EFFECTS<br> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.potionEffects.length; _i++>> <<set _potId to $player.potionEffects[_i][0]>> <<set _potRnd to $player.potionEffects[_i][1]>> <<print $allPots[_potId].name + ":">> Rnd _potRnd.<br> <</for>>
<<set $player.currStr to 3>> Str (pre) = $player.currStr<br> <br> <<set _potId to 0>> <<include [[Drink Potion]]>> <br><br> <<include [[Print Potion Effects]]>>
/* increment number of rounds each potion has been in player's system */ <<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.potionEffects.length; _i++>> <<set $player.potionEffects[_i][1] += 1>> <</for>>
/* Removing potion effects after they've expired */ <<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.potionEffects.length; _i++>> <<set _potId to $player.potionEffects[_i][0]>> <<set _potRnd to $player.potionEffects[_i][1]>> <<if _potRnd gt $allPots[_potId].lingerDuration>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name effects have expired...''<br> <</if>> <<set $player.potionEffects.deleteAt(_i)>> <<set _i-->> <</if>> <</for>>
/* apply potion effects */ <<for _i to 0; _i lt $player.potionEffects.length; _i++>> <<set _potId to $player.potionEffects[_i][0]>> <<set _potRnd to $player.potionEffects[_i][1]>> <<include $allPots[_potId].effectsLink>> <</for>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $allPots.length; _i++>> <<capture _i>> <<set _name to $allPots[_i].name>> [[_name->Test Potions: Drink Chosen Potion][$id to _i]]<br> <</capture>> <</for>> <br> <br> [[Next Round->Test Potions: Next Round]]
<<set _potId to $id>> <<include [[Drink Potion]]>> <br> <<include [[Print Potion Effects]]>> <br> [[Continue.->Test Potions: Actions]]
<<set $round++>> Round: $round<br> <br> Beginning of round actions...<br> <<include [[Potions: Beginning of Round Actions]]>> <br> <<include [[Print Potion Effects]]>> <br> <<include [[Player: Print Player Ailments]]>> <br> [[Potion Actions.->Test Potions: Actions]]
/* 1. Reset player stats and remove potion befuddlement */ <<set _ailment to 8>> <<include [[Remove Player Ailment]]>> <<include [[Reset Player Stats]]>> /* 2. Increment potion rounds */ <<include [[Potions: Increment Rounds]]>> /* 3. Remove expired */ <<include [[Potions: Remove Expired]]>> /* 4. Apply effects */ <<include [[Potions: Apply Effects]]>> /* 5. Check for addiction */ <<include [[Potions: Addiction Check]]>>
<<set $round to 0>> <<include [[Test Potions: Next Round]]>>
/* Large Agi */ <<set $potion to { number: 1, category: 0, cost: 3, name: "Large Potion of Agility", description: "A red flask with an emblem of feet in a ballerina pose.", explanation: "Temporarily sets ''Agility'' to max (5).", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel a lot more nimble and limber, like an Olympic gymnast.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Large Agi", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currAgi to 5>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set $player.currAgi -= 1>> <<if $player.currAgi lt 1>> <<set $player.currAgi to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name has temp reduced Agi by 1 (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* if a player has 3 or more potion effects in system they pick up the 'potion addiction' ailment */ <<if $player.potionEffects.length gte $player.potionResistance>> <<set _ailment to 9>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <</if>>
/* Large Dex */ <<set $potion to { number: 2, category: 0, cost: 3, name: "Large Potion of Dexterity", description: "A red flask with an emblem of a hand.", explanation: "Temporarily sets ''Dexterity'' to max (5).", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "Your fingers feel more nimble and dextrous. You feel like you could carry out brain surgery or play a concerto on a grand piano.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Large Dex", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currDex to 5>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set $player.currDex -= 1>> <<if $player.currDex lt 1>> <<set $player.currDex to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name has temp reduced Dex by 1 (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
<<set $potion to { number: 3, category: 0, cost: 3, name: "Large Potion of Intelligence", description: "A red flask with an emblem of a brain.", explanation: "Temporarily sets ''Intelligence'' to max (5).", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "Your mind opens up and previously difficult concepts suddenly seem easy to understand.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Large Int", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currInt to 5>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set $player.currInt -= 1>> <<if $player.currInt lt 1>> <<set $player.currInt to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name has temp reduced Int by 1 (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Large Will */ <<set $potion to { number: 4, category: 0, cost: 3, name: "Large Potion of Willpower", description: "A red flask with an emblem of a head surrounded by a barrier.", explanation: "Temporarily sets ''Willpower'' to max (5).", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel like your will has become impervious iron. You feel no sweet suggestion or seductive temptation will sway you from your path.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Large Will", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currWill to 5>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set $player.currWill -= 1>> <<if $player.currWill lt 1>> <<set $player.currWill to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name has temp reduced Will by 1 (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Large Const */ <<set $potion to { number: 5, category: 0, cost: 3, name: "Large Potion of Constituition", description: "A red flask with an emblem of a full belly.", explanation: "Temporarily sets ''Constituition'' to max (5).", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel in rude health, as if you've never known illness in your life.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Large Const", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currConst to 5>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set $player.currConst -= 1>> <<if $player.currConst lt 1>> <<set $player.currConst to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name has temp reduced Const by 1 (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Str */ <<set $potion to { number: 6, category: 1, cost: 1, name: "Potion of Strength", description: "A red test tube with an emblem of a bulging bicep.", explanation: "Temporarily increases ''Strength'' by 1.", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel a little stronger.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Str", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currStr++>> <<if $player.currStr gt 5>> <<set $player.currStr to 5>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Agi */ <<set $potion to { number: 7, category: 1, cost: 1, name: "Potion of Agility", description: "A red test tube with an emblem of feet in a ballerina pose.", explanation: "Temporarily increases ''Agility'' by 1.", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel a little more agile.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Agi", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currAgi++>> <<if $player.currAgi gt 5>> <<set $player.currAgi to 5>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Dex */ <<set $potion to { number: 8, category: 1, cost: 1, name: "Potion of Dexterity", description: "A red test tube with an emblem of a hand.", explanation: "Temporarily increases ''Dexterity'' by 1.", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel a little more dextrous.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Dex", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currDex++>> <<if $player.currDex gt 5>> <<set $player.currDex to 5>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Int */ <<set $potion to { number: 9, category: 1, cost: 1, name: "Potion of Intelligence", description: "A red test tube with an emblem of a brain.", explanation: "Temporarily increases ''Intelligence'' by 1.", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel a little smarter.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Int", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currInt++>> <<if $player.currInt gt 5>> <<set $player.currInt to 5>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Will */ <<set $potion to { number: 10, category: 1, cost: 1, name: "Potion of Willpower", description: "A red test tube with an emblem of a head surrounded by a barrier.", explanation: "Temporarily increases ''Willpower'' by 1.", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel a little more focused.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Will", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currWill++>> <<if $player.currWill gt 5>> <<set $player.currWill to 5>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Const */ <<set $potion to { number: 11, category: 1, cost: 1, name: "Potion of Constituition", description: "A red test tube with an emblem of a full belly.", explanation: "Temporarily increases ''Constituition'' by 1.", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel a little more hearty.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Const", isInStock: true }>>
<<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currConst++>> <<if $player.currConst gt 5>> <<set $player.currConst to 5>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Nerf Str */ <<set $potion to { number: 12, category: 2, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Weakness", description: "A blue flask with an emblem of a bulging bicep.", explanation: "Temporarily decreases ''Strength'' by 2.", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel strangely weak and puny.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Nerf Str", isInStock: true }>>
<<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currStr -= 2>> <<if $player.currStr lt 1>> <<set $player.currStr to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set $player.currStr -= 1>> <<if $player.currStr lt 1>> <<set $player.currStr to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name has temp reduced Str by 1 (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Nerf Agi */ <<set $potion to { number: 13, category: 2, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Sluggishness", description: "A blue flask with an emblem of legs in a ballerina pose.", explanation: "Temporarily decreases ''Agility'' by 2.", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel sluggish and unwilling to move in any hurry.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Nerf Agi", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currAgi -= 2>> <<if $player.currAgi lt 1>> <<set $player.currAgi to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set $player.currAgi -= 1>> <<if $player.currAgi lt 1>> <<set $player.currAgi to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name has temp reduced Agi by 1 (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Nerf Dex */ <<set $potion to { number: 14, category: 2, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Clumsiness", description: "A blue flask with an emblem of a hand.", explanation: "Temporarily decreases ''Dexterity'' by 2.", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You are overwhelmed by a sudden feeling of clumsiness.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Nerf Dex", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currDex -= 2>> <<if $player.currDex lt 1>> <<set $player.currDex to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set $player.currDex -= 1>> <<if $player.currDex lt 1>> <<set $player.currDex to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name has temp reduced Dex by 1 (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Nerf Int */ <<set $potion to { number: 15, category: 2, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Stupidity", description: "A blue flask with an emblem of a brain.", explanation: "Temporarily decreases ''Intelligence'' by 2.", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "Your thoughts become clouded and you find it difficult to concentrate.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Nerf Int", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currInt -= 2>> <<if $player.currInt lt 1>> <<set $player.currInt to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set $player.currInt -= 1>> <<if $player.currInt lt 1>> <<set $player.currInt to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name has temp reduced Int by 1 (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Nerf Will */ <<set $potion to { number: 16, category: 2, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Susceptibility", description: "A blue flask with a head surrounded by a barrier.", explanation: "Temporarily decreases ''Willpower'' by 2.", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You wonder if it did anything. Maybe you should just forget all this and just go and get drunk.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Nerf Will", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currWill -= 2>> <<if $player.currWill lt 1>> <<set $player.currWill to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set $player.currWill -= 1>> <<if $player.currWill lt 1>> <<set $player.currWill to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name has temp reduced Will by 1 (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Nerf Const */ <<set $potion to { number: 17, category: 2, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Frailty", description: "A blue flask with an emblem of a full belly.", explanation: "Temporarily decreases ''Constituition'' by 2.", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel sickly and shivery. Have you got a cold coming on, or is it worse?", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Nerf Const", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currConst -= 2>> <<if $player.currConst lt 1>> <<set $player.currConst to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set $player.currConst -= 1>> <<if $player.currConst lt 1>> <<set $player.currConst to 1>> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name has temp reduced Const by 1 (1)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Submissive */ <<set $potion to { number: 18, category: 3, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Submissiveness", description: "A yellow flask with an emblem of handcuffs.", explanation: "Sets disposition to ''Submissive'' for 1 round", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel strangely subdued and wishing someone else would give you direction.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Submissive", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set _ailment to 8>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Dominant */ <<set $potion to { number: 19, category: 3, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Assertiveness", description: "A yellow flask with an emblem of a whip.", explanation: "Sets disposition to ''Dominant'' for 1 round", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel more confident and assertive. Maybe you should be the one taking the lead with the next harlot.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Dominant", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set _ailment to 8>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Slutty */ <<set $potion to { number: 20, category: 3, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Sluttiness", description: "A yellow flask with an emblem of lips pouting for a kiss.", explanation: "Sets disposition to ''Slutty'' for 1 round", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel like you could do with a good shag.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Slutty", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currIsSlutty to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set _ailment to 8>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Romantic */ <<set $potion to { number: 21, category: 3, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Romanticism", description: "A yellow flask with an emblem of a heart.", explanation: "Sets disposition to ''Romantic'' for 1 round", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel like you could do with a nice date and some charming companionship.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Romantic", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set _ailment to 8>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Serious */ <<set $potion to { number: 22, category: 3, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Seriousness", description: "A yellow flask with an emblem of a mouth set in a serious expression.", explanation: "Sets disposition to ''Serious'' for 1 round", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "Everything suddenly seems important. You should treat this situation with the absolute gravity it deserves.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Serious", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currIsSerious to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set _ailment to 8>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Humorous */ <<set $potion to { number: 23, category: 3, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Humour", description: "A yellow flask with an emblem of a laughing mouth.", explanation: "Sets disposition to ''Humorous'' for 1 round", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "Everything suddenly seems funny, even your current predicament. If you can't do anything, might as well have a laugh about it.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Humorous", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set _ailment to 8>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Cautious */ <<set $potion to { number: 24, category: 3, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Caution", description: "A flask with an emblem of a man hiding.", explanation: "Sets disposition to ''Cautious'' for 1 round", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You feel a little twitchy and paranoid. Should you have tried out " + $ + "'s potion? Who knows what's in it.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Cautious", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currIsCautious to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set _ailment to 8>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Impulsive */ <<set $potion to { number: 25, category: 3, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Impulsiveness", description: "A yellow flask with an emblem of a man jumping.", explanation: "Sets disposition to ''Impulsive'' for 1 round", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "That felt okay. Maybe you should try another.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Impulsive", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set _ailment to 8>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Blunt */ <<set $potion to { number: 26, category: 3, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Bluntness", description: "A yellow flask with an emblem of a mouth with a club-shaped tongue.", explanation: "Sets disposition to ''Blunt'' for 1 round", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "The potion tastes a little weird and you let " + $ + " know", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Blunt", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currIsBlunt to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set _ailment to 8>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Tactful */ <<set $potion to { number: 27, category: 3, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Tact", description: "A yellow flask with an emblem of mouth with a forked tongue.", explanation: "Sets disposition to ''Tactful'' for 1 round", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "The potion tastes a little strange, but you hold your tongue and compliment " + $ + ".", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Tactful", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set _ailment to 8>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Gloomy */ <<set $potion to { number: 28, category: 3, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Gloom", explanation: "Sets disposition to ''Gloomy'' for 1 round", description: "A yellow flask with the emblem of a sad face.", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "You suddenly feel a little down, but you're okay with it.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Gloomy", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currIsGloomy to true>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set _ailment to 8>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* Cheerful */ <<set $potion to { number: 29, category: 3, cost: 2, name: "Potion of Cheer", description: "A yellow flask with an emblem of a smiley face.", explanation: "Sets disposition to ''Cheerful'' for 1 round", lingerDuration: 3, drinkingText: "Everything suddenly seems a little brighter.", effectsLink: "Apply Pot Fx: Cheerful", isInStock: true }>>
/* Pre-req _potId, _potRnd */ <<switch _potRnd>> <<case 0>> <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> <<if $isTesting>> ''player has drunk $allPots[_potId].name (0)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 1>> <<set _ailment to 8>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>> <<case 2>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (2)...''<br> <</if>> <<case 3>> <<if $isTesting>> ''$allPots[_potId].name is lingering (3)...''<br> <</if>> <</switch>>
/* The Doctoress is always available if she hasn't yet been introduced for the first time */ <<if $npcPotion.hasBeenIntroduced eq false>> <<set $npcPotion.isAvailable to true>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is available because she hasn't been introduced yet.''<br> <</if>> /* Check if NPC Potion has been made unavailable because of one of the events. */ <<elseif $npcPotion.isUnavailable eq true>> <<set $npcPotion.isAvailable to false>> <<set $npcPotion.isUnavailable to false>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is unavailable because of an event.''<br> <</if>> /* follow the usual procedure for determining availability */ <<else>> <<include [[Roll for NPC Availability]]>> <<set $npcPotion.isAvailable to $isNpcAvailable>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is <<if $npcPotion.isAvailable eq false>>un<</if>>available because of availability roll.''<br> <</if>> <</if>>
You go over to $'s usual spot, only to find she isn't there. There is no one sitting at the table and the door to her room is locked. She must be away on other duties and is unavailable for now.<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 9>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Unavailable if Addicted]]>> <<else>> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Potion: Repeat]] <<else>> [[You go back to your place at the bar.->Club Activities: Hub]]<br> //This did not cost an Action.// <</if>> <</if>>
<<if $npcPotion.isAvailable eq true>> <<if $npcPotion.hasBeenVisited>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Visit]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Visit: First]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Unavailable]]>> <</if>>
You wait for her to show up.<br> <br> And wait.<br> <br> And wait.<br> <br> Eventually you feel <<print $ + "'s">> buzzer vibrate twice in your pocket. Reluctantly, you leave and go over to the harlot selection area.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Clean-Up]]>> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Potion: Repeat]] <<else>> [[Go and choose a harlot.->Harlot Selection: Intro]] <</if>>
You go over to $'s table. <<print $npcPotion.introActivities.random()>><br> <br> You tap the table to get her attention. $ looks up and smiles.<br> <br> "Ah, a customer."<br> <br> She gets up and takes you into her room.<br> <br> "What business transaction can I interest you in this time?"<br> <br> <<set _ailment to 9>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<set $isAddicted to _hasAilment>> <<if $isAddicted and not $allAilments[9].hasSatisfied>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Visit if Addicted]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Hub Options]]>> <</if>>
<<set $npcPotion.hasBeenVisited to true>> You go over to the table where $ said you'd find $ It's tucked away by the wall around the other side of the bar. There is an unassuming door to the left of the table that looks like it leads to restrooms or maybe an office. Sitting at the table is a woman with a shock of white hair. Currently her head is down and she seems engrossed with inserting a cucumber into a puffy sleeve made out of translucent blue jelly. The transparent blue tube bulges up and sucks on the cucumber in a way you find queerly erotic.<br> <br> You assume this is $ She is so engrossed in what she's doing you have to tap the surface of the table to get her attention.<br> <br> The woman looks up and reveals a surprisingly youthful face beneath her white hair. Her skin is pale and smooth. At first you think she's wearing spectacles, but on closer inspection realise she's sporting an odd pair of goggles. Her ice-blue eyes are magnified by the lenses. She looks at you blearily at first and then her pretty face cracks in a broad smile.<br> <br> "Ah, a customer. Step right this way."<br> <br> She gets up from the table, revealing an unexpectedly attractive figure. She's tall and leggy. And while she's wearing a lab coat, it looks like it was tailored by a top fashion designer with the aim of sending it down the catwalk.<br> <br> The same cannot be said for her hair. That sticks up in an uncontrolled frizz as if she's stuck her finger in a power socket.<br> <br> [[She takes you through the door.->NPC Potion: Visit: First: Room]]
<<include [[Club Activity Units: Is Time Up]]>> <<if _isTimeUp>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Time Up]]>> <<else>> <<if $isAddicted and not $allAilments[9].hasSatisfied>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Offers Addiction Potion: Continuation]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Regular Hub Intro]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<include [[NPC Potion: Potions Option]]>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Semen Extraction Option]]>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Enquire Sex Option]]>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Leave Option]]>>
/* pay action if visited and done nothing */ <<if not $hasUsedActionWithNpc>> <<set $clubActivityUnits -= 1>> <</if>> <<if $hasDoneBusiness or $hasBoughtPotion>> "It's been a pleasure doing business," $ says as you leave. "Please come again." <<else>> "No business I can interest you in? What a shame," $ says. "You can always come back later if you change your mind." <</if>><br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Clean-Up]]>> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Potion: Repeat]] <<else>> [[You return to the bar.->Club Activities: Hub]] <</if>>
<<unset $isUsingLargeGulper>> <<unset $hasDoneBusiness>> <<unset $semenExtractCase>> <<unset $hasBoughtPotion>> <<unset $potionBought>> <<unset $potionsInStock>> <<unset $potionOutOfStock>> <<unset $isAddicted>> <<unset $hasTriedToPayAddictionPot>> <<unset $oldSemenCount>>
<<set $clubActivityUnits to 4>> <<set $allAilments[9].hasSatisfied to false>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Print]]>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Determine Availability]]>> <<include [[Potions: Update Stock]]>> <br> [[Begin tests...->NPC Potion: Look For]]
Before you can consider anything else you feel <<print $ + "'s">> buzzer vibrate twice in your pocket. Time's up. You need to go and make a choice.<br> <br> "Sounds like someone's been summoned," $ smiles. "You'd better go. $ doesn't like to be kept waiting. Come back afterwards."<br> <br> You leave.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Clean-Up]]>> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Potion: Repeat]] <<else>> [[Go and choose a harlot.->Harlot Selection: Intro]] <</if>>
[[Examine her wares?->NPC Potion: Examine Wares]]<br> //This will cost 1 Action and give you the option to buy any number of $'s potions.//<br> <br>
<<if $npcPotion.hasAskedAboutSemenExtraction>> [[Offer a semen sample?->NPC Potion: Offer a Semen Sample]]<br> //This will cost 1 Action and give you options to give semen for <<print $currencyName + "s">>.//<br> <br> <<else>> [[Semen Extraction?->NPC Potion: Ask Semen Extraction]]<br> //This will cost 1 Action and give you options to give semen for <<print $currencyName + "s">>.//<br> <br> [[What does she mean 'other ways to pay'?->NPC Potion: Ask Other Ways to Pay]]<br> //This will cost 1 Action and give you options to give semen for <<print $currencyName + "s">>.//<br> <br> <</if>>
<<if not $npcPotion.hasBeenAskedForSex>> [[Ask if she offers any sexual services?->NPC Potion: Enquire About Sex]]<br> //This will cost 1 Action and ????//<br> <br> <</if>>
/* Print all potion details for testing pre-req: $potId */ <<set _pot to $allPots[$potId]>> name:<br> number: _pot.number<br> category: _pot.category<br> cost: _pot.cost<br> description: _pot.description<br> explanation: //_pot.explanation//<br> lingerDuration: _pot.lingerDuration<br> drinkingText: _pot.drinkingText<br> effectsLink: _pot.effectsLink<br> isInStock: _pot.isInStock<br>
<<include [[Print Potion]]>> <br> <<set $potId++>> [[Next Potion.->Test Potions: Print All Details]]
/* Update what potions NPC Potion has in stock this round. For the moment there is a 10% chance an item is out of stock. This algorithm might change in future. */ <<for _potId to 0; _potId lt $allPots.length; _potId++>> <<set _availabilityRoll to random(1,5)>> <<set $allPots[_potId].isInStock to true>> <<if _availabilityRoll lt 2>> <<set $allPots[_potId].isInStock to false>> <</if>> <</for>>
/* determine what items NPC Potion and NPC Charm has in stock this round */ <<include [[Potions: Update Stock]]>> <<include [[Charms: Update Stock]]>> <<if not $npcCharm.hasExplainedFixedSelection>> <<set $hasSeenCharmSelection to false>> <</if>>
She opens the door and leads you through into a largish function room that looks as though it's been haphazardly converted into a weird mix of science lab and machine shop. Strange jars and vials containing brightly-coloured liquids stand on tables and benches. Scattered among them are various half-built devices, some disconcertingly organic in appearance.<br> <br> $ clears a space on a table at the far end of the room.<br> <br> "Now, if you haven't already figured it out, the girls in this establishment are not human. Trying to keep up with them in the bedroom can be extremely taxing on the mind and body of the regular human male."<br> <br> $ fetches racks of various exotic vials and flasks from a large refrigerator with glass doors.<br> <br> "Fortunately for you, I've used my scientific expertise to prepare a number of concoctions capable of elevating the human body beyond its limitations. For a cost of course. Scientific research isn't cheap."<br> <br> Her sales patter is interrupted by a loud moan from the other side of the room. That part of the room is partitioned off into three curtained-off booths.<br> <br> "Ignore that," $ says. "Just someone enjoying their semen extraction."<br> <br> She places more brightly-coloured bottles on the table.<br> <br> "Whatever you need – uppers, downers, mindbenders – I have it here for you. And if you need <<print $currencyName + "s">>, there are other ways to pay."<br> <br> Her smile widens to show her white teeth. Her incisors are unusually long and pointed.<br> <br> [[Let's see what she has to offer.->NPC Potion: Regular Hub Intro]]
<<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> <<if $isAddicted and not $allAilments[9].hasSatisfied>> "This should raise the <<print $currencyName + "s">> you need. And will give me more semen samples for my research. Everyone wins."<br> <br> $ smiles again, exposing her little pointed fangs. <<else>> "You want to provide another sample? Excellent. I'm always in need of fresh seminal fluid." <</if>><br> <br> <<if $npcPotion.hasSeenBigGulper>> She reaches under the table and brings out both the small and big semen gulper.<br> <br> "What will it be – the small one or the big one?" $ asks. "My payouts are the same. $npcPotion.regularSamplePayout <<print $currencyName + "s">> for a regular sample, $npcPotion.largeSamplePayout for a big one."<br> <br> [[Offer a small sample?->NPC Potion: To Semen Extraction][$isUsingLargeGulper to false]]<br> [[Offer a large sample?->NPC Potion: To Semen Extraction][$isUsingLargeGulper to true]]<br> <<else>> She reaches under the table and brings out the small blue semen gulper.<br> <br> "My rates are the same: $npcPotion.regularSamplePayout <<print $currencyName + "s">> for a regular sample and $npcPotion.largeSamplePayout <<print $currencyName + "s">> for a big sample if your balls are feeling juicy."<br> <br> [[Offer a small sample?->NPC Potion: To Semen Extraction][$isUsingLargeGulper to false]]<br> [[Offer a large sample?->NPC Potion: Ask Large Semen Gulper]]<br> <</if>> <<if $isAddicted and not $allAilments[9].hasSatisfied>> Decline for now? //(You can't do this. You need <<print $currencyName + "s">> to buy $'s special potion.)// <<else>> [[Decline for now?->NPC Potion: Offer Semen Sample: Decline]] <</if>>
Semen extraction? you query.<br> <br> "Oh yes," $ says. "My research calls for large quantities of seminal fluid. I always need fresh samples. You will of course be compensated for your time and fluids."<br> <br> [[How is it... um... extracted?->NPC Potion: How She Gets Sample]]
You query what she means by 'other ways to pay'.<br> <br> "Well, you see, my research requires large quantities of seminal fluid. I always need more samples. I will of course compensate you for giving me fresh samples."<br> <br> [[And just how does she intend getting that sample?->NPC Potion: How She Gets Sample]]
<<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> <<set $npcPotion.hasAskedAboutSemenExtraction to true>> "I have a number of specialised tools. They're quite efficient."<br> <br> She reaches under the table and pulls out a clear plastic cylinder containing a puffy sleeve of blue jelly. It looks like a teched-up sex toy sheath.<br> <br> "I call this my little semen gulper," $ says.<br> <br> She turns it to face you and you see a puckered opening surrounded by a soft ring of jelly.<br> <br> "The penis goes in here," $ says cheerfully. "The sleeve stimulates ejaculation and the sample is collected here."<br> <br> She turns it around to show the other end, which consists of a detachable bulblike container made out of transparent rubber. She pops it out to show how easy it is to remove.<br> <br> You'd like to think it's nothing more than the sort of toy you'd expect to find in an adult shop. It isn't helped by the appearance of the inner blue sleeve. It looks like a giant blue grub inserted into a plastic cylinder 'burrow'. This perception isn't helped by the thing slowly pulsating in the tube as if it's alive.<br> <br> [[Is it alive?->NPC Potion: Ask If Gulper Is Alive]]
"Not in the truest sense of the word," $ says. "It's just bioplastic gel enthused with synthetic life essence and fitted with an empathic feedback circuit."<br> <br> None of that makes any sense to you.<br> <br> "It sucks cocks," $ elaborates.<br> <br> She inserts two fingers into the opening and the inner sleeve comes alive and starts sucking on them with slow peristaltic throbs.<br> <br> "I've been told it feels rather pleasant," $ says. "Your comfort is of paramount importance. The semen is of a much higher grade when extracted pleasurably."<br> <br> She pulls her fingers out and her little semen gulper releases them with a wet pop.<br> <br> "I usually pay out up to $npcPotion.regularSamplePayout <<print $currencyName + "s">> for a regular sample and a flat $npcPotion.largeSamplePayout <<print $currencyName + "s">> for a large sample. Does that sound okay to you?"<br> <br> <<if $isAddicted and not $allAilments[9].hasSatisfied>> You have no choice. You must raise enough <<print $currencyName + "s">> to pay for $'s special potion. <<else>> It does, you think. <</if>><br> <br> [[Offer a small sample?->NPC Potion: To Semen Extraction][$isUsingLargeGulper to false]]<br> [[Offer a large sample?->NPC Potion: Ask Large Semen Gulper]]<br> <<if $isAddicted and not $allAilments[9].hasSatisfied>> Decline for now? //(You can't do this. You need <<print $currencyName + "s">> to buy $'s special potion.)// <<else>> [[Decline for now?->NPC Potion: Offer Semen Sample: Decline]] <</if>>
"Good, good. Follow me."<br> <br> $ picks up the semen gulper and takes you over to the curtained-off alcoves on the other side of the room.<br> <br> "I know men like a bit of privacy for a good hard spunk, so I had these cubicles installed."<br> <br> She swishes back the curtain to reveal a narrow space with an overstuffed black armchair wedged in at the far end.<br> <br> "It's very easy to use. Just touch the head of your penis to the opening at the front and the gulper will do the rest. There is no need for lubricant, the sleeve will produce its own and secrete it into the internal channel. You can use it like any other sex toy, but I'd recommend just sitting back and letting the slurper do its thing. The empathetic feedback circuit will allow it to quickly zoom in on the optimal level of stimulation to induce ejaculation."
<<set $npcPotion.hasSeenBigGulper to true>> <<if $hasTriedToPayAddictionPot>> "We need more semen. More semen equals more <<print $currencyName +"s.">> The small semen gulper didn't suck out enough, but fortunately I have a more powerful model." <<else>> "A large sample, eh. Are you sure? I hope those balls are nice and swollen and full of spunk."<br> <br> <<if $isAddicted and not $allAilments[9].hasSatisfied>> You're sure. You need to make enough <<print $currencyName + "s">> to buy $'s special potion. <<else>> You're not sure. <</if>><br> <br> "I'll get the big gulper then," $ says. <</if>><br> <br> She reaches under the table and pulls out a much fatter cylinder. The sleeve inside is also much thicker, maybe as wide as your thigh, if not wider. It's purplish-pink in colour and more opaque than the other model. It seems //muscular//.<br> <br> "I found I needed to bulk up the regular model. In a House full of alluring succubi, sometimes you need a little stronger stimulation."<br> <br> Smiling, she prods the fleshy front. A plump, cushioned orifice opens up to reveal a dripping interior.<br> <br> "I should warn you. This model is extremely powerful. Once it gets going it will pump your balls completely dry. And if it doesn't find enough semen, it might start sucking out... other fluids, and we don't want that."<br> <br> $ smiles and shows off her pointed fangs.<br> <br> [[Go ahead.->NPC Potion: To Semen Extraction][$isUsingLargeGulper to true]]<br> <<if not $hasTriedToPayAddictionPot>> [[On second thoughts, let's go with the small semen gulper.->NPC Potion: Change to Small Gulper]]<br> <</if>> <<if $isAddicted and not $allAilments[9].hasSatisfied>> Decline to give a sample. //(You can't do this. You need <<print $currencyName + "s">> to buy $'s special potion.)// <<else>> [[Decline to give a sample.->NPC Potion: Offer Semen Sample: Decline]] <</if>>
<<if $npcPotion.hasUsedSmallGulper or $npcPotion.hasUsedBigGulper>> "Oh, didn't you enjoy it last time? I'll have to look into recalibrating the semen gulpers. Never mind. The offer still stands if you find yourself in need of <<print $currencyName + "s">> later." <<else>> "Oh dear, I hope you weren't put off by the appearance of my little semen gulpers. I do try so hard to make them look appealing. Never mind. The offer still stands if you find yourself in need of <<print $currencyName + "s">> later." <</if>><br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Potion: Continuation Hub]]
What will you do?<br> <br> [[Pull your trousers down and get on with it.->NPC Potion: Semen Extraction: Start]]<br> <<if $isUsingLargeGulper>> //This will gain you $npcPotion.largeSamplePayout <<print $currencyName + "s">> and drain your semen completely.// <<else>> //This will gain you $npcPotion.smallSamplePayout to $npcPotion.regularSamplePayout <<print $currencyName + "s">> and drain some of your semen.// <</if>><br> <br> <<if $isAddicted and not $allAilments[9].hasSatisfied>> Do nothing and wait for $ to come back.<br> //You can't do this. You need <<print $currencyName + "s">> to buy $'s special potion.// <<else>> [["Do nothing and wait for " + $ + " to come back."->NPC Potion: Semen Extraction: Do Nothing]]<br> //This will not get the Action back.// <</if>>
<<if $npcPotion.hasUsedSmallGulper or $npcPotion.hasUsedBigGulper>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Semen Extraction: Subsequent]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Semen Extraction: First Time]]>> <</if>><br> <br> <<if $isUsingLargeGulper>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Large Semen Extraction 1]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Small Semen Extraction]]>> <</if>>
It's a waste of time, but you feel more comfortable doing that than sticking your dick into this... thing.<br> <br> You stand around and twiddle your thumbs for a few minutes until $ comes back. She can see right way you haven't used her gulper. You try to mumble excuses about not being able to get it up.<br> <br> "Second thoughts, huh," $ says, seeing right through you.<br> <br> She doesn't seem cross about it. She takes the semen gulper back off you and examines it.<br> <br> "Hmm, I really need to find ways to make these less daunting to use."<br> <br> She looks back at you.<br> <br> "Obviously, I can't give you any <<print $currencyName + "s">>, but you're welcome to come back and try again later if you feel up to it."<br> <br> You leave the cubicle and walk back into the main room.<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Potion: Continuation Hub]]
"Good, good. Follow me."<br> <br> As before she takes you over to the curtained-off alcoves on the other side of the room. She swishes the curtain aside to reveal the black armchair.<br> <br> "You remember how to use it? Just touch your penis to the opening and the semen gulper will do the rest.
<<if $npcPotion.hasUsedSmallGulper>> "That's fine. I normally advise people to stick with the small model unless they're really backed up and need to give their balls a good draining. And you already know how pleasant it feels." <<else>> "Yes, yes. That might be for the best. The big semen gulper can be a little //intense//. Better to start with the small one and work your way up." <</if>><br> <br> [[You choose the small semen gulper.->NPC Potion: To Semen Extraction][$isUsingLargeGulper to false]]
You drop your trousers and settle back on the chair. Or rather, sink into the chair. The cushions feel like they're filled with warm gel. You sink into the chair and it comfortably moulds to your form.<br> <br> You wonder if you need to be hard or not. You give your cock a few pumps to get some blood in it and then push the head up against the soft opening to $'s device.<br> <br> At this point you realise it's considerably more than a sex toy. The inner sleeve comes alive and sucks in your cock.
You drop your trousers and settle back into the super soft armchair. Your cock is already partially erect in anticipation. You place the semen gulper over it and as before the device comes alive and sucks in your cock.
<<set $oldSemenCount to $player.semenCount>> <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> Soft, but insistently //muscular// jelly presses all around your cock. It's very tight inside but also soaked in warm lubricant. Then the gulper goes to work.<br> <br> <<if $npcPotion.hasUsedBigGulper>> As before, it's gentle <<else>> Oh wow. This is definitely more than a sex toy. The thick jelly wraps tightly around your cock and starts undulating up and down your shaft in pulsing peristaltic tugs. It's gentle <</if>> at first and then ramps up in force and intensity as your arousal and hardness increases. <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Large Semen Extraction: None]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Large Semen Extraction 2]]>> <</if>>
The soft sleeve starts to bunch up and gently suck on you. The interior is moist with lubricant and very tactile. It tugs on you with insistent muscular undulations and your cock responds by hardening into a full erection. The gulper keeps going – squeezing, sucking, teasing you with rippling strokes up and down your shaft.<br> <br> Your cock hits peak hardness and throbs with bliss as the soft inner sleeve starts to squeeze and suck with greater force. <<if $npcPotion.hasUsedSmallGulper>>As before, the<<else>>$ was right about you not needing to do anything. The<</if>> device searches for the right rhythm and level of suction, and when it finds it, assails your cock with no mercy.<br> <br> <<set _oldCount to $player.semenCount>> <<if $player.semenCount lt 1>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Small Semen Extraction: None]]>> <<elseif $player.semenCount lt 3>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Small Semen Extraction: Low]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Small Semen Extraction: Regular]]>> <</if>><br> <br> /* Handle semen depletion. 3 single pops (to avoid triggering semen choker charms and similar) No need to check if empty. Will just reset to 0. */ <<set $semenChange to -1>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount - _oldCount>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> [[$ + " returns."->NPC Potion: Small Sample Collection]]
<<set $semenExtractCase to 0>> If you hadn't already been fully drained by the other harlots in the House, you think the gulper likely would have milked a big – maybe multiple big – loads out of you. As it is, you have nothing to give. You can do nothing more than squirm and writhe in helpless bliss as $'s device tries and fails to suck a load out of you.
<<set $semenExtractCase to 1>> Your activities in the House have left you a little depleted. As pleasant as the gulper feels, it takes a while for it to suck you over the edge into orgasm. Your flow is pretty weak and eventually declines to a dribble. The gulper continues to pulsate and throb pleasantly around your cock, but it's got as much as it can. Your balls are empty and the device can do nothing more than make you squirm and writhe in helpless bliss as it fruitlessly tries to suck another load out of you.
<<set $semenExtractCase to 2>> You're unable to withstand the pleasure for long. You shiver in delight and groan as the device sucks a big load out of you. It's only the first. The device gives you a moment to recover and then starts up again. It squeezes and sucks with soft muscular peristalsis, again quickly finding the optimal level of stimulation. You sit back in helpless bliss as the gulper noisily sucks another ejaculation out of you. A third follows quickly afterwards. Then, with the collection bulb at the end full, the blue spongy sleeve finally goes dormant. You lie back in the soft chair in a bliss-soaked stupor and remain that way until $ returns to collect the sample.
<<switch $semenExtractCase>> <<case 0>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Small Sample Collection: None]]>> <<case 1>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Small Sample Collection: Low]]>> <<case 2>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Small Sample Collection: Regular]]>> <</switch>><br> <br> You leave the cubicle and walk back into the main room.<br> <br> <<set $npcPotion.hasUsedSmallGulper to true>> <<set $ += _val>> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Potion: Continuation Hub]]
<<set _val to 0>> $ looks at the empty collection bulb and frowns.<br> <br> "I can see you had a go, but no juice. Those other harlots must have already fully squeezed you out. I'm afraid I can't give you anything. No cum, no <<print $currencyName + "s">>."<br> <br> She takes the empty semen gulper.<br> <br> "I can give you some advice, for free. See the nurse before $ forces you to pick your next harlot. The girls in here aren't as gentle as my little semen gulper when it comes to men with empty balls."
<<set _val to $npcPotion.smallSamplePayout>> <<set $hasDoneBusiness to true>> $ looks at the partially-filled bulb with a frown.<br> <br> "It's not as much as I was hoping for," she says. "I can only give you a single $currencyName for this. And some free advice. See the nurse before $ forces you to pick your next harlot. You'll need to keep your balls fully juiced up if you want to survive this House."<br> <br> She gives you _val <<if _val eq 1>>$currencyName.<<else>><<print $currencyName + "s.">><</if>>
<<set _val to $npcPotion.regularSamplePayout>> <<set $hasDoneBusiness to true>> $'s eyes light up as she sees the full collection bulb.<br> <br> "Ooh, splendid. You filled it. And your reward."<br> <br> She gives you _val <<if _val eq 1>>$currencyName.<<else>><<print $currencyName + "s.">><</if>><br> <br> Still soaked in post-orgasmic bliss, you wonder if you should be paying her instead.
<br> <br> And keeps ramping.<br> <br> The device pulsates powerfully around your cock and generates a sucking force you can feel right down in your balls. It should make you come, if you had any semen left to come.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Large Semen Extraction: To Bad End]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> You hit climax with a speed that catches you off guard.<br> <br> It just feels like the gulper is warming up. The soft walls rhythmically squeeze you. Waves of pulsing force run up and down your shaft. Wet internal lips wrap around the throbbing glans of your cock and suck.<br> <br> <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Large Semen Extraction: Low]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Large Semen Extraction 3]]>> <</if>>
The device pulsates powerfully around your cock and generates a sucking force you can feel right down in your balls. It should make you come again, but it seems like you're done. That one big ejaculation was all you had and now you're empty.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Large Semen Extraction: To Bad End]]>>
<<set $semenChange to -1>> <<set $isOutOfSemen to false>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> <<include [[Checked Semen Change]]>> You writhe helplessly in the seat as a second orgasm bursts out of you. It's quickly followed by a third as your body is unable to resist the pulsating suction of the device.<br> <br> You can't stop now. It's as if the semen gulper has unlocked some tantric secret to your body. It's firmly in control now. Your hands fall away. They aren't even needed to hold it in place. The soft plastic front of the device enfolds your crotch and holds the cylinder in place while the interior remorselessly squeeze-sucks another orgasm out of you.<br> <br> It keeps going. It's like it's opened up a direct channel to your testicles and is pumping the semen out of you directly. <<if $isOutOfSemen>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Large Semen Extraction: Not Enough]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Large Semen Extraction 4]]>> <</if>>
At some point the flow dries up. You're completely out of semen.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Large Semen Extraction: To Bad End]]>>
/* set it directly to 0. This might need to be updated if further checks are required */ <<set $player.semenCount to 0>> A fifth ejaculation. A sixth. They all start to run together. All you can do is lie back and tremble in helpless bliss as the pulsing sleeve pumps all the cum out of you.<br> <br> You're so overloaded by sensual pleasure you don't even realise it's stopped until $ returns later to collect her sample.<br> <br> <<set $semenChange to $player.semenCount - $oldSemenCount>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Track Semen Harvested]]>> [[$ + " returns."->NPC Potion: Large Sample Collection]]
<<set _val to $npcPotion.largeSamplePayout>> <<set $npcPotion.hasUsedBigGulper to true>> <<set $ += _val>> <<set $hasDoneBusiness to true>> "You look like you enjoyed that," she laughs. "Oh, and you produced so much."<br> <br> She detaches the collection bulb. It's full of milky-white liquid. You're amazed it all came from you.<br> <br> "This is perfect. You've fully earned these."<br> <br> She hands you _val <<if _val eq 1>>$currencyName.<<else>><<print $currencyName + "s.">><</if>><br> <br> She helps you up out of the chair. You need it. Your knees feel as wobbly as overcooked spaghetti.<br> <br> "I'd visit the nurse if I was you," $ advises. "You'll need one of her reinvigorating tonics before seeing your next harlot."<br> <br> You leave the cubicle and walk back into the main room.<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Potion: Continuation Hub]]
That doesn't stop the big semen gulper.<br> <br> [[Continue.->NPC Potion: Large Semen Extraction: Bad End]]
<<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> <<set $npcPotion.hasBeenAskedForSex to true>> "How very forward of you."<br> <br> $ blushes. It stands out against her pale skin.<br> <br> "No, it's okay. Quite flattering, actually, given we're in a House full of supernaturally alluring succubi."<br> <br> She fiddles with the items on the table.<br> <br> "I don't. At least not directly. We all have to take our shifts in the rooms here. I prefer to let my toys do the work. Getting involved directly stirs up all sorts of messy emotions and makes it difficult to maintain an objective focus."<br> <br> She blushes again.<br> <br> "Ah, but that's only when selected as one of the choices. $ is a stickler for structure. Men can't just go and proposition anyone in the House. It would make it impossible for the waitresses. So no, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until I'm presented to you as one of your choices on the harlot stage.<br> <br> "However..."<br> <br> $'s lips turn up in a smile that shows off her little pointed incisors.<br> <br> "I do have a special dispensation to extract semen samples for my research studies. While the extraction devices are supposed to be purely functional, men have found them to be quite pleasant, as you heard earlier."<br> <br> Her smile widens.<br> <br> ''DEV NOTE: THE DOCTORESS'S HARLOT SCENARIO HAS NOT YET BEEN WRITTEN. IT WILL BE ADDED AT A LATER DATE!''<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Potion: Continuation Hub]]
/* <<set $npcPotion.introActivities[x] to "">> */ <<set $npcPotion.introActivities[0] to "$ is fiddling with a mannikin arm that looks like it's made out of glass. She manipulates the wrist and moves the hand back and forth with a look of concentration on her face.">> <<set $npcPotion.introActivities[1] to "$ has what looks like an artificial breast in front of her. The pink mound sits on the table like a novelty cake. She gives it a squeeze and a flume of pink motes puffs up out of the nipple.">> <<set $npcPotion.introActivities[2] to "$ is currently engrossed with inserting a cucumber into a puffy sleeve of transparent blue jelly. The sleeve bunches up and sucks on the cucumber like a giant blue grub.">> <<set $npcPotion.introActivities[3] to "$ is staring intently at a big beaker filled with viscous pink gel. The contents of the beaker ripple and swell of their own accord.">> <<set $npcPotion.introActivities[4] to "$ is holding a strange device that looks like a series of metal strips and wires with a pair of plump sensual red lips at the end. She presses the lips into a flesh-coloured tablet and examines the impressions.">> <<set $npcPotion.introActivities[5] to "$ has an old-fashioned perfume bottle in her hand. She squirts some on her wrist, sniffs it and then her face wrinkles up in disgust.">>
<<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> $ lays out a fulgurous array of vials and flasks on the table.<br> <br> "I don't always have everything in stock," $ says. "Business is exceptionally good this evening. There are fresh batches on the way. Now what would you like?"<br> <br> She sweeps her arm over her collection of potions.<br> <br> "I have uppers, large and small. I have downers. I have mindbenders that will make you think you're someone else."<br> <br> Again, that toothy saleswoman smile.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Wares Options]]>>
<<set _category to 0>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Check Potion Stock]]>> <<if $potionsInStock.length neq 0>> The large uppers are squat little flasks with the rounded lower part engraved with different icons. The fluids are red but thankfully more resemble berry juice than blood.<br> <</if>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Display Wares]]>>
<<set _category to 1>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Check Potion Stock]]>> <<if $potionsInStock.length neq 0>> The small uppers are slim little test tubes filled with red liquid. The tubes are engraved with various icons.<br> <</if>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Display Wares]]>>
<<set _category to 2>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Check Potion Stock]]>> <<if $potionsInStock.length neq 0>> The downers are squat little flasks with rounded bottoms. They are engraved with icons and filled with blue liquid.<br> <</if>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Display Wares]]>>
<<set _category to 3>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Check Potion Stock]]>> <<if $potionsInStock.length neq 0>> The mindbenders are engraved conical flasks filled with a yellowish liquid. Thankfully, the fluids look less like piss and... actually they do look like they're filled with piss.<br> <</if>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Display Wares]]>>
<<set $npcPotion.hasAskedSideEffects to true>> "Some," $ admits. "It's like sprinting from A to B rather than walking. It'll get you there quicker, but you'll need to take a breather afterwards. This is the same, the negative effects are only temporary.<br> <br> "Oh, and they are not addictive in the slightest," $ adds.<br> <br> <<if $player.currInt gt 3>> That seems a suspiciously specific denial.<br> <br> <</if>> [[Next.->NPC Potion: Examine Wares: Continuation]]
<<if $hasBoughtPotion>> "Ah, it's always good to see satisfied customers," $ says. <<else>> <<if $npcPotion.hasAskedAboutSemenExtraction>> "If you're short of money, remember I pay good money for semen samples," $ says. <<else>> "If you're worried about the money, I have a way for you to earn some," $ says. <</if>> <</if>><br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Potion: Continuation Hub]]
[[Large Uppers?->NPC Potion: Browse Large Uppers]]<br> [[Small Uppers?->NPC Potion: Browse Small Uppers]]<br> [[Downers?->NPC Potion: Browse Downers]]<br> [[Mindbenders?->NPC Potion: Browse Mindbenders]]<br> <<if not $npcPotion.hasAskedSideEffects>> [[Ask if there are any side effects?->NPC Potion: Ask Side Effects]]<br> <</if>> [[Finished browsing potions?->NPC Potion: Finished Browsing Potions]]
/* pre-req: _potId: potion Id */ <<set _name to $allPots[_potId].name>> <<set _cost to $allPots[_potId].cost>> <<if _cost eq 1>> <<set _coinText to _cost + " " + $currencyName>> <<else>> <<set _coinText to _cost + " " + $currencyName + "s">> <</if>> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> <<if $ lt _cost>> _name <<else>> <<capture _potId>> [[_name->NPC Potion: Potion Bought][$potionBought to _potId]] <</capture>> <</if>> </td> <td> </td> <td>..........</td> <td> </td> <td style="text-align:right"> //_coinText// </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> $allPots[_potId].description </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> <<if $ lt _cost>> //You do not have enough <<print $currencyName + "s">> for this.// <<else>> //$allPots[_potId].explanation// <</if>> </td> </tr> </table>
<<set _potId to $potionBought>> <<set $hasBoughtPotion to true>> <<set _val to $allPots[_potId].cost>> <<set $ -= _val>> <<include [[Drink Potion]]>> <<switch $allPots[_potId].category>> <<case 0>> <<set _taste to "raspberry and beef.">> <<case 1>> <<set _taste to "raspberry and bacon.">> <<case 2>> <<set _taste to "blueberry and fish.">> <<case 3>> <<set _taste to "lemon and garlic.">> <</switch>> You give $ _val <<if _val eq 1>>$currencyName<<else>><<print $currencyName + "s">><</if>> and take the potion. Preparing yourself for a bad taste, you tip it back and drink the colourful potion. The taste is odd but pleasant, like _taste The effects are immediate. $allPots[_potId].drinkingText<br> <br> [[Browse other potions.->NPC Potion: Examine Wares: Continuation]]<br> [[Finished buying potions.->NPC Potion: Finished Browsing Potions]]
"What can I interest you in?" $ asks.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Wares Options]]>>
/* Divides a category's potions into in stock and out of stock. Overall stock check is done at the beginning of each round. pre-req: _category */ <<set $potionsInStock to []>> <<set $potionsOutOfStock to []>> <<for _potId to 0; _potId lt $allPots.length; _potId++>> <<if $allPots[_potId].category eq _category>> <<if $allPots[_potId].isInStock>> <<set $potionsInStock.push(_potId)>> <<else>> <<set $potionsOutOfStock.push(_potId)>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>>
/* create list of potions to buy pre-req: _category */ <<if $potionsInStock.length eq 0>> <<include [[NPC Potion: All Out Of Stock]]>> <<else>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $potionsInStock.length; _i++>> <<set _potId to $potionsInStock[_i]>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Create Potion Display]]>> <</for>> /* create out of stock string */ <<set _count to $potionsOutOfStock.length>> <<if _count gt 0>> <<set _outOfStockString to "">> <<for _i to 0; _i lt _count; _i++>> <<set _potId to $potionsOutOfStock[_i]>> <<set _outOfStockString += "''" + $allPots[_potId].name + "''">> <<if _i eq _count - 1>> <<set _outOfStockString += ".">> <<elseif _i eq _count - 2>> <<set _outOfStockString += " and ">> <<else>> <<set _outOfStockString += ", ">> <</if>> <</for>> "Unfortunately, I'm currently out of _outOfStockString If you come back later, I might have some in."<br> //$'s stock changes for each round.//<br> <br> <</if>> <</if>> [[Browse other potions.->NPC Potion: Examine Wares: Continuation]]<br> [[Finished buying potions.->NPC Potion: Finished Browsing Potions]]
/* Covers the unlikely case of all potions of a type being out of stock pre-req: _category */ <<switch _category>> <<case 0>> <<set _catString to "Large Uppers.">> <<case 1>> <<set _catString to "Small Uppers.">> <<case 2>> <<set _catString to "Downers.">> <<case 3>> <<set _catString to "Mindbenders.">> <</switch>> "Oh wow, I'm completely out of ''_catString'' It's really busy in the House tonight. Come back later and I should have some in stock."<br> //$'s stock changes for each round.//<br> <br>
''SUBSEQUENT ACTIVITIES:''<br> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $npcPotion.introActivities.length; _i++>> <<print $npcPotion.introActivities[_i]>><br> -X-<br> <br> <</for>>
<<if $hasDoneBusiness or $hasBoughtPotion>> [[That's enough business for now.->NPC Potion: Leave]]<br> <<else>> [[Nothing interests you at the moment.->NPC Potion: Leave]]<br> <</if>> //Leave and return to the bar.//
<<if $npcPotion.hasBeenInSemenExtractionBooth>> <<include [[NPC Potion: To Semen Extraction: Subsequent]]>> <<else>> <<include[[NPC Potion: To Semen Extraction: First Time]]>> <</if>><br> <br> <<if $isUsingLargeGulper>> <<include [[NPC Potion: To Semen Extraction: Big]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: To Semen Extraction: Small]]>> <</if>><br> <br> <<if $npcPotion.hasBeenInSemenExtractionBooth>> She swishes the curtain back across, leaving you alone with the device. <<else>> She hands you the semen gulper. Then she swishes the curtain across and leaves you alone. You hear her voice as she moves across to one of the other cubicles.<br> <br> "Are you done? Ooh, what a lovely amount," you overhear her say. <</if>><br> <br> <<set $npcPotion.hasBeenInSemenExtractionBooth to true>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Semen Extraction: Options]]>>
<<if $npcPotion.hasUsedBigGulper>> She pops out the hollow cap at the top.<br> <br> "No need to worry about a quota with this one. It's going to empty you." <<else>> She pops out the hollow cap at the top of the squat cylinder. It looks like it's capable of holding a disconcerting amount of liquid.<br> <br> "No need to worry about a quota with this one. It's going to suck out all you have." <</if>>
She pops out the hollow cap at the other end of the tube.<br> <br> <<if $npcPotion.hasUsedSmallGulper>> "Same rules as before. You need to fill it up to the line to earn the full $npcPotion.regularSamplePayout <<print $currencyName + "s">>." <<else>> "Oh, and the <<print $currencyName + "s">> are conditional on you filling the collection receptacle up to here," $ says, pointing to a line on the side of the jar. "If you fall short, I'll still give you a $currencyName, but there needs to be something in here. No cum, no <<print $currencyName + "s">>." <</if>>
The semen gulper tightens its grip around your cock and sucks harder. You feel the force tug at your balls. It keeps growing and growing. You have nothing left to give, but the device will not be denied.<br> <br> Pleasure starts to become scratchy irritation, then outright pain as the powerful suction tugs at you. Then something gives and you feel an ecstatic sense of release. The gulper found some cum after all and your cock throbs joyously as it spurts inside the soft pulsing sheath.<br> <br> You don't notice as red splashes up against the inside of the collection vessel. Neither does the semen gulper. It keeps working away and sucking blood from your cock as if it was cum. It sucks out a lot, more than you can lose and still survive. You slide away into darkness with $'s infernal sex toy still pumping blood from your body.<br> <br> $ returns to find your lifeless body sprawled in the chair. The collection vessel is swollen with blood.<br> <br> She tsks. "Not another contaminated sample."<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Clean-Up]]>> ''BAD END''<br> <br> [[Game Over.->Game Over]]
$ notices how you are twitching and the way your eyes have trouble focusing. Her smile widens.<br> <br> "It looks like you need <<if $npcPotion.addictionLevel gt 0>>another<</if>> one of my special potions."<br> <br> [[She turns to the fridge behind her.->NPC Potion: Offers Addiction Potion]]
$ goes back to the refrigerator behind her and comes back with a squat vial filled with green liquid. This one has an icon of a star on it and the dimpled glass surface is decorated with glitter.<br> <br> "This is my special potion," $ "It does everything the other potions do, but better. However, it is much more expensive and difficult to make. My stock is limited, so it's reserved for only my most valued customers, which includes you."<br> <br> She beams at you.<br> <br> You want it more than anything you've ever wanted in your life.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Addiction Hub Options]]>>
<<set _cost to $npcPotion.addictionPotCosts[$npcPotion.addictionLevel]>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Create Addiction Potion Display]]>> <<if $ lt _cost>> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Addiction: No Money]]>> <</if>>
<<set $hasTriedToPayAddictionPot to true>> $ fetches the squat green vial from the refrigerator.<br> <br> "Have you got enough now?" $ asks.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Addiction Hub Options]]>>
/* pre-req: _cost */ <<set _name to $ + "'s Special Potion">> <<if _cost eq 1>> <<set _coinText to _cost + " " + $currencyName>> <<else>> <<set _coinText to _cost + " " + $currencyName + "s">> <</if>> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> <<if $ lt _cost>> _name <<else>> [[_name->NPC Potion: Addiction Potion Bought]] <</if>> </td> <td> </td> <td>..........</td> <td> </td> <td style="text-align:right"> //_coinText// </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> A Green vial decorated with stars and glitter. </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> //Effect: ????// </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> <<if $ lt _cost>> //You do not have enough <<print $currencyName + "s">> for this.// <<else>> //You must buy this potion. Simply must.// <</if>> </td> </tr> </table>
<<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> <<set _val to $npcPotion.addictionPotCosts[$npcPotion.addictionLevel]>> <<set $ -= _val>> <<set $hasBoughtPotion to true>> <<set _max to $npcPotion.addictionPotCosts.length - 1>> <<set $npcPotion.addictionLevel++>> <<if $npcPotion.addictionLevel gt _max>> <<set $npcPotion.addictionLevel to _max>> <</if>> <<set $allAilments[9].hasSatisfied to true>> You give $ _val <<if _val eq 1>>$currencyName<<else>><<print $currencyName + "s">><</if>> and eagerly take the potion from her. You pop the cork at the top and chug it down. It tastes great and makes you feel great. You feel stronger, faster, lighter, smarter. It's amazing.<br> //This potion has no affect on your attributes.//<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Potion: Continuation Hub]]
<<if $hasTriedToPayAddictionPot>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Addiction: No Money: Subsequent]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Potion: Addiction: No Money: First]]>> <</if>>
"Still short?" $ says. "We'll have to switch to the big semen gulper and suck out a larger sample."<br> <br> <<if $npcPotion.hasSeenBigGulper>> [["Yes. You'll do that. Anything to get your hands on " + $ + "'s special potion."->NPC Potion: To Semen Extraction][$isUsingLargeGulper to true]] <<else>> [[Big semen gulper?->NPC Potion: Ask Large Semen Gulper]] <</if>>
$ notices your downcast expression as you go through your pockets and come up short.<br> <br> "Not enough <<print $currencyName + "s">>?" she asks. <<if $npcPotion.hasAskedAboutSemenExtraction>> "If you're short, remember I pay good money for semen samples."<br> <br> [[Yes, you can do that!->NPC Potion: Offer a Semen Sample]] <<else>> "If you're short, there are other ways to pay."<br> <br> [[There are? Tell me!->NPC Potion: Ask Other Ways to Pay]] <</if>>
"What business transaction can I interest you in?" $ asks.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Potion: Hub Options]]>>
$ stares into your eyes.<br> <br> "Hmm, let me guess. Your thoughts are clouded and you feel dislocated, as if you're not sure who you really are."<br> <br> That sounds about right.<br> <br> "It's the aftereffects of one of $'s mindbender potions. They completely alter a person's personality. It's only temporary, but for a short while afterwards the imbiber experiences some confusion over who they really are."<br> <br> $ leans back in her chair and your gaze is again sucked in by the way her glossy latex outfit is stretched over her curves.<br> <br> "The good news is that it will clear up on its own. The bad news is that a period of befuddlement in this house, even temporary, could be fatal with the wrong girl. I can cure it for you right now, if you want. Or you can ignore it and the confusion will pass in an hour or so."<br> <br> <<set _val to $allAilments[_ailment].cureCost>> <<if _val eq 1>> <<set _coinText to _val + " " + $currencyName>> <<else>> <<set _coinText to _val + " " + $currencyName + "s">> <</if>> [["Pay " + $ + " " + _coinText + " to have her cure it now."->NPC Nurse: Cure Potion Befuddlement: Cure Now]]<br> //This will cost 1 Action and remove the ailment immediately.//<br> <br> [["Let it clear up on its own. (Go back to " + $ + " options.)"->NPC Nurse: Continuation Hub]]<br> //This will not cost an Action and the Ailment will be gone at the beginning of the next round.//
"Oh dear, it looks like $ is up to her old tricks again."<br> <br> She leans back in her chair. You marvel at the way her latex uniform clings to her thighs.<br> <br> "$'s potions are addictive," $ explains. "Drink too many of them in a short period of time and the body starts to crave them. It's deliberate. $ wants to get men addicted so she can sell them increasingly expensive 'special' potions."<br> <br> $ gets up and walks over to one of the cupboards.<br> <br> "Why a succubus would want to involve herself in such tawdry scams is a mystery to me. I've heard she gets men hooked so she can start draining them of their cum after she's drained their wallet. It seems unnecessarily complex."<br> <br> $ crouches down giving you a gorgeous view of her shapely ass.<br> <br> "Any self-respecting succubus should be capable of seducing a man naked and then drinking directly from the hot gushing source."<br> <br> $ gives you a glance over her shoulder that raises a hot flush on your cheeks and sends blood rushing down to your crotch.<br> <br> "Ah, but she is a strange one, that girl."<br> <br> $ returns with a bottle of rust-coloured liquid.<br> <br> "$ is content to let $ play her games so long as she also provides a cure. To be administered by the house's nurse, in the interests of impartiality. Unfortunately, she didn't specify a price, hence the rather exorbitant cost."<br> <br> $ passes you the bottle.<br> <br> "It also tastes absolutely horrible, so I'd drink it quickly."<br> <br> It tastes worse than that. You gag, but manage to swallow it down.<br> <br> "You won't feel the craving anymore. Don't let it put you off $'s potions. For all of her petty games, her potions are quite useful in here. Just take them in moderation."<br> <br> /* we also need to remove all lingering pot effects so potion addiction doesn't trigger again at beginning of next round */ <<set $player.potionEffects to []>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Number of lingering potion effects = $player.potionEffects.length''<br> <br> <</if>> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Ailment: End]]>>
/* pre-req: _ailment */ <<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> <<set $ -= $allAilments[_ailment].cureCost>> <<include [[Remove Player Ailment]]>> //You have been cured of the// ''$allAilments[_ailment].name'' //ailment.//<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Nurse: Continuation Hub]]
<<set _ailment to $ailmentToCure>> <<set _val to $allAilments[_ailment].cureCost>> <<if _val eq 1>> <<set _coinText to _val + " " + $currencyName + ".">> <<else>> <<set _coinText to _val + " " + $currencyName + "s.">> <</if>> You give $ _coinText She gets out of the chair and fetches a glass of water. She drops a small white pill into the glass and hands it to you. You drink it down. There is no taste that you're aware of, but afterwards your thoughts feel clearer and less muddled.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Ailment: End]]>>
<<if $npcPotion.addictionLevel gt 0>> That powerful craving for one of $'s potions returns. It's no good. It won't go away until you've drunk one. You have to satisfy it. <<else>> You're hit with a strange and powerful unspecified craving. You remember the taste of $'s potions and realise that's what it is. You feel a strong urge to drink another one of them. The craving is powerful enough to make it impossible to concentrate on anything else. You realise you need to take care of it before you can do anything else. <</if>><br> <br> [["You head over to " + $ + "."->NPC Potion: Look For]]
/* Charm is always available if she hasn't yet been introduced for the first time */ <<if $npcCharm.hasBeenIntroduced eq false>> <<set $npcCharm.isAvailable to true>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is available because she hasn't been introduced yet.''<br> <</if>> /* Check if Charm has been made unavailable because of one of the events. */ <<elseif $npcCharm.isUnavailable eq true>> <<set $npcCharm.isAvailable to false>> <<set $npcCharm.isUnavailable to false>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is unavailable because of an event.''<br> <</if>> /* follow the usual procedure for determining availability */ <<else>> <<include [[Roll for NPC Availability]]>> <<set $npcCharm.isAvailable to $isNpcAvailable>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> ''$ is <<if $npcCharm.isAvailable eq false>>un<</if>>available because of availability roll.''<br> <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $isTesting to true>> <<set $isNpcTesting to true>> <<set $npcMadam.hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken to true>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $ to 4>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<set $player.mulliganTokens to 5>> <<set $clubActivityUnits to 4>> <<set $npcCharm.isUnavailable to false>> <<set $npcCharm.hasBeenVisited to false>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Print]]>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Determine Availability]]>> <<include [[Charms: Update Stock]]>> /* <<set $player.charms.push(20)>> */ <br> [[Begin tests...->NPC Charm: Look For]]<br> <br>
<<if $npcCharm.isAvailable eq true>> <<if $npcCharm.hasBeenVisited>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Visit: Subsequent]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Visit: First 1]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Unavailable]]>> <</if>>
You return to $'s table only to find she isn't there. She must be away on other duties and is unavailable for now. You'll have to visit someone else.<br> <br> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Charm: Repeat]] <<else>> [[You go back to your place at the bar.->Club Activities: Hub]]<br> //This did not cost an Action.// <</if>>
You follow $'s directions to a quiet area separated from the main bar room by a short corridor. It's little more than a hallway expanded out to include a table and some decadent armchairs. The corners are decorated with luxuriant potted plants and the walls are adorned with large antique mirrors.<br> <br> At first you think it's a child sitting at the table, a child in a Halloween costume complete with an oversized black witch's hat with a floppy peak. She sits on a high stool to enable her to reach the tabletop.<br> <br> Then you notice her bosom. It's large and very curvy. Her black satin dress has a neckline cut low enough to expose the deep canyon of her cleavage. Her big tits rest on the top of the table while she lays out cards.<br> <br> The witch notices you and looks up.<br> <br> "Hello, dearie," she says. "Your arrival was foretold. Come sit at my table."<br> <br> You do a doubletake at her face. It looks smooth, innocent and childlike, but she has the voice of an old lady and her eyes are older still. They look like beady black marbles as she smiles at you.<br> <br> This must be $ $ told you about.<br> <br> [[Continue.->NPC Charm: Visit: First 2]]
You return to $'s quiet area. The short witch is again dealing out cards at her table. She looks up at you as you approach.<br> <br> "Ah, you return. As was foretold," she says.<br> <br> She picks up her cards and shuffles her deck. Her hand movements fail to distract you from the deep chasm of her cleavage revealed by her black satin dress.<br> <br> Her too-old eyes in her too-young face glitter like black marbles.<br> <br> "Care to buy a charm, dearie?"<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Charm: Hub Options]]>>
Before you can say anything, you feel $'s buzzer vibrate twice in your pocket. Time's up. You need to go and make a choice.<br> <br> "The last grains of sand have fallen," $ says. "It is time to meet your fate. Will it be pleasant or painful? Only the Lords of Old Chaos know. If you desire their aid, you can always find me here."<br> <br> You make your apologies and leave.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Charm: Clean-Up]]>> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Charm: Repeat]] <<else>> [[Go and choose a harlot.->Harlot Selection: Intro]] <</if>>
/* pay action if visited and done nothing */ <<if not $hasUsedActionWithNpc>> <<if $isPostRoom>> <<set $postroomActivityUnits -= 1>> <<else>> <<set $clubActivityUnits -= 1>> <</if>> <</if>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Clean-Up]]>> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Charm: Repeat]] <<else>> <<if $isPostRoom>> [[You leave her and return to your place at the bar.->Post-Room Activities: Hub]] <<else>> [[You leave her and return to your place at the bar.->Club Activities: Hub]] <</if>> <</if>>
<<unset $hasBoughtCharm>> <<unset $isOutOfCharms>> <<unset $charmBought>> <<unset $boughtWithMulliganToken>>
<<set $clubActivityUnits to 4>> <<set $player.semenCount to 10>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Print]]>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Determine Availability]]>> <<include [[Charms: Update Stock]]>> <<set $hasSeenCharmSelection to false>> <br> [[Begin tests...->NPC Charm: Look For]]
"What else can I do for you, dearie?"<br> <br> <<include [[Club Activity Units: Is Time Up]]>> <<if _isTimeUp>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Time Up]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Hub Options]]>> <</if>>
<<set $boughtWithMulliganToken to false>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Charm Option]]>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Enquire Sex Option]]>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Leave Option]]>>
$ is a contradiction to the eyes. She's very short. Like a child, or a shrunken old lady. She's weirdly both. As if for her, life is a continuous cycle. She looks like she's gone through old age and the wheel is turning back to childhood again, leaving her caught somewhere in the middle of transition.<br> <br> It's more complex than that. It's as if she's all ages of womanhood in a single body. Her face – eyes aside – has the fresh innocence of a child, she affects the flirtatious air of a young woman, her bountiful bosom speaks of motherhood, and her voice and eyes hold the experience of a wise grandmother.<br> <br> "I am a charm seller," she says. "The Lords of Old Chaos have picked for you a perilous path, with a long dark night filled with both pleasures and agonies. They have also seen fit to place me on your path, for I peddle charms and wards to fortify the spirit and protect you from harm. For the right price..."<br> <br> $ looks up at you. Her too-old eyes glitter like black marbles.<br> <br> "Would you like to buy a charm, dearie?"<br> <br> <<set $npcCharm.hasBeenVisited to true>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Hub Options]]>>
<<if $npcCharm.hasExplainedCharms>> <<if $isOutOfCharms>> //$ has no more charms available to buy this round.//<br> <br> <<else>> [[See what charms she has to offer.->NPC Charm: Pre-Selling Check]]<br> //Buying one will cost an Action and its price in <<print $currencyName + "s.">>//<br> <br> <</if>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Pick Any Option]]>> <<else>> [[A charm?->NPC Charm: Charm Explanation]]<br> //$ will explain them.//<br> <br> <</if>>
<<if not $npcCharm.hasBeenAskedForSex>> [[Ask if she offers any sexual services?->NPC Charm: Enquire About Sex]]<br> //This will cost 1 Action and ????//<br> <br> <</if>>
<<if $hasBoughtCharm>> [[That's all for now.->NPC Charm: Leave: Bought Charm]] <<else>> [[Nothing interests you at the moment.->NPC Charm: Leave: No Sale]] <</if>><br> //Leave and return to your place at the bar.//<br> <br>
<<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> <<set $npcCharm.hasBeenAskedForSex to true>> "You tempt me, dearie. You really do. My stature might not match those tall and willowy succubi, but my boobs and sex magic will get that cock gushing just fine."<br> <br> She leans forwards and glances left and right down the corridor.<br> <br> "Ah, but she has eyes and ears everywhere."<br> <br> $ sits back. She pulls a card from her deck and looks at it. You can't see what's on it, just the patterned back. $ pulls a face and tsks.<br> <br> "To be expected. $ runs a tight House. Rules are rules. I can't accept your offer here, dearie," $ says. "However, the Lords of Old Chaos might yet have fated for our threads to tangle in the bedchamber. All of us girls in here must take our turn on the stage. Maybe you'll get a chance to pick me then, if the Lords of Old Chaos will it. Then we'll see how much I can make that prick gush."<br> <br> She points down at your crotch and your cock springs up in erection so sudden you let out a gasp of surprise. It quickly becomes an uncomfortable encumbrance in your pants.<br> <br> $ gives you a saucy wink.<br> <br> ''DEV NOTE: THE BUXOM LOLIBABA'S HARLOT SCENARIO HAS NOT YET BEEN WRITTEN. IT WILL BE ADDED AT A LATER DATE!''<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Charm: Continuation Hub]]
"Fare thee well, dearie," $ says as you get up from the table. "May the Lords of Old Chaos grant you a pleasant rather than painful fate."<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Charm: Leave]]>>
$ tuts as you get up to leave.<br> <br> "It's a brave man who spurns the Lords of Old Chaos. Maybe that too is as they will it. Only time will tell if your fate is to be pleasure or agonising pain."<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Charm: Leave]]>>
<<if not $npcCharm.hasExplainedFixedSelection>> <<set $hasSeenCharmSelection to true>> <</if>> "These are the boons the Lords of Old Chaos have seen fit to offer."<br> <br> She lays out the cards on the table.<br> <br> "Cross my palm with silver and their protection can be yours."<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Charm: Charms For Sale]]>>
<<set $npcCharm.hasExplainedCharms to true>> $ lays out a card from her deck. It's maybe one and a half times larger than a regular playing card. The design on the face is a complex illustration of a green snake entwined around a black rose. Green venom drips from both the snake's fangs and the rose's thorns.<br> <br> There must be some kind of optical effect with the art as the picture seems to //pop// from the card surface. It looks 3D – like a hologram of a brooch floating up out of the card. You lower your head to the table and tilt it to the side. The brooch still looks like it's floating above the card no matter which angle you examine it from.<br> <br> "Everyone needs a little magic," $ says. "Especially in here and especially on this night of all nights. My charms are gifts from the Lords of Old Chaos. Some are wards to stave off diabolic temptation. Some strengthen the body and spirit. Others allow you to see that which was meant to be hidden."<br> <br> She takes the card and shuffles it back into her deck.<br> <br> "As for what charms I have to offer, that I cannot control. It is for the Lords of Old Chaos to decide and their whims are as changeable as the winds."<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Charm: Hub Options]]>>
"Yes, you can buy another charm, dearie. You can buy as many as you have <<print $currencyName + "s">> for."<br> <br> /* Time Up Check needed here */ <<include [[Club Activity Units: Is Time Up]]>> <<if _isTimeUp>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Time Up]]>> <<else>> She sweeps a hand over the table.<br> <br> "Which one would you like?"<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Charm: Charms For Sale]]>> <</if>>
These are the charms $ has available:<br> <<set _charmId to $charmsForSaleThisRound[0]>> <<set _lowestCost to $allCharms[_charmId].cost>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $charmsForSaleThisRound.length; _i++>> <<set _charmId to $charmsForSaleThisRound[_i]>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Create Charm Display]]>> <</for>> <br> <<if $ lt _lowestCost>> <<if $npcCharm.hasGivenMoneyHint>> [[You can't afford any of these.->NPC Charm: Continuation Hub]] <<else>> [[You can't afford any of these.->NPC Charm: No Money]] <</if>> <<else>> [[None of these interest you.->NPC Charm: Continuation Hub]] <</if>>
<<if $charmsForSaleThisRound.length eq 0>> <<include [[NPC Charm: No Charms For Sale]]>> <<else>> <<if not $npcCharm.hasExplainedFixedSelection>> <<if $hasSeenCharmSelection>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Lay Out Same Charms As Before]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Lay Out Charms]]>> <</if>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Lay Out Charms]]>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $isOutOfCharms to true>> "Oh my, I'm afraid you have bought all the charms I have available, dearie," $ says.<br> <br> You glance to the deck of cards. $ still has plenty there.<br> <br> $ sees you looking and wags a finger. "One should not be too greedy when seeking the boons of the Lords of Old Chaos. Both misfortune and fortune can be pulled from their deck."<br> <br> //$ is out of charms. She will have more available next round.//<br> //This did not cost you an Action.//<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Charm: Continuation Hub]]
<<set $npcCharm.hasExplainedFixedSelection to true>> <<unset $hasSeenCharmSelection>> "These are the boons the Lords of Old Chaos have seen fit to offer."<br> <br> She lays out three cards on the table.<br> <br> They are the same cards as before.<br> <br> $'s eyes twinkle at your puzzled expression. "Fate cannot be changed, dearie."<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Charm: Charms For Sale]]>>
<<if $charmsForSaleThisRound.length eq 0>> <<include [[NPC Charm: No Charms For Sale]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Buy Another Charm]]>> <</if>>
/* pre-req: _charmId, _lowestCost */ <<set _name to $allCharms[_charmId].name>> <<set _cost to $allCharms[_charmId].cost>> <<if _cost lt _lowestCost>> <<set _lowestCost to _cost>> <</if>> <<if _cost eq 1>> <<set _coinText to _cost + " " + $currencyName>> <<else>> <<set _coinText to _cost + " " + $currencyName + "s">> <</if>> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> <<if $ lt _cost>> _name <<else>> <<capture _charmId>> [[_name->NPC Charm: Charm Bought][$charmBought to _charmId]] <</capture>> <</if>> </td> <td> </td> <td>..........</td> <td> </td> <td style="text-align:right"> //_coinText// </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> $allCharms[_charmId].description </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> $allCharms[_charmId].functionHints </td> </tr> <<if $player.charms.includes(20)>> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> //$allCharms[_charmId].explanation// </td> </tr> <</if>> <<if $ lt _cost>> <tr> <td style="text-align:left"> //You do not have enough <<print $currencyName + "s">> for this.// </td> </tr> <</if>> </table>
<<set $hasBoughtCharm to true>> <<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> <<set $ -= $allCharms[$charmBought].cost>> <<set $player.charms.push($charmBought)>> <<set $npcCharm.charms.delete($charmBought)>> <<set $charmsForSaleThisRound.delete($charmBought)>> <<if $npcCharm.hasSoldFirstCharm>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Charm Bought: Subsequent]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Charm Bought: First]]>> <</if>>
<<set $npcCharm.hasGivenMoneyHint to true>> "No silver, dearie?" $ says. "What a low hand fate has dealt you."<br> <br> She leans back and crosses her arms over her ample bosom.<br> <br> "There is one in here who can help you, a man also tangled deep in this licentious web. He has been here a long time and has the backing of entities powerful enough to extend their influence into these four walls. He knows the value of information and rewards those who bring it to him. He thinks he can change his fate. He can't. For even if he escapes it will have been as fate decreed all along."<br> <br> $ smiles at you.<br> <br> That's all well and good, but you still don't have enough money to buy any of her charms.<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Charm: Continuation Hub]]
You pay $ and take the card. Again you feel a short, sharp burning sensation as the charm transfers from the card to your flesh. <<include [[NPC Charm: Charm Bought: Pick Up Charm]]>>
<<set $npcCharm.hasSoldFirstCharm to true>> You hand the coins to $ and she nudges the card across the table to you. You reach for the charm and realise it is an optical illusion. Although it seems solid and 3D as it floats above the card, there is nothing to grab. Wondering if you've been had, you pick up the card.<br> <br> There is a flash. The illustration vanishes from the card and you feel a sharp but mercifully short burning sensation behind your shoulder. You lift up your top and check your back in the mirror. The illustration is there, indelibly drawn on your skin like a tattoo.<br> <br> $ chuckles at your confusion.<br> <br> "Why the surprise, dearie? The first thing a succubus does is take your clothes off. Where else to place a ward to protect from them."<br> <br> It's hard to argue against that. You ask if it's permanent.<br> <br> "Oh, it will fade when you die," $ says. "Or leave the House, but hardly anyone ever does that."<br> <br> That's not exactly reassuring. <<include [[NPC Charm: Charm Bought: Pick Up Charm]]>>
You look at the illustration on your back.<br> <br> <<set _charmId to $charmBought>> <<include [[Apply Charm Effect]]>> <<if not $boughtWithMulliganToken>> [[Continue looking at her charms.->NPC Charm: Pre-Selling Check: Buy Another]]<br> <</if>> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Charm: Continuation Hub]]
--NPC CHARM-----------------------------------------<br> ''name: ''<<print $>><br> <br> ''isAvailable: ''<<print $npcCharm.isAvailable>><br> ''isUnavailable: ''<<print $npcCharm.isUnavailable>><br> <br> ''hasBeenIntroduced: ''<<print $npcCharm.hasBeenIntroduced>><br> ''hasBeenVisited: ''<<print $npcCharm.hasBeenVisited>><br> <br> ''hasBeenAskedForSex: ''<<print $npcCharm.hasBeenAskedForSex>><br> ''hasExplainedCharms: ''<<print $npcCharm.hasExplainedCharms>><br> ''hasSoldFirstCharm: ''<<print $npcCharm.hasSoldFirstCharm>><br> ''hasGivenMoneyHint: ''<<print $npcCharm.hasGivenMoneyHint>><br> ''hasExplainedFixedSelection: ''<<print $npcCharm.hasExplainedFixedSelection>><br> <br> ''number of charms: ''<<print $npcCharm.charms.length>><br> ----------------------------------------------------<br> <br>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $allCharms.length; _i++>> <<set $npcCharm.charms.push(_i)>> <</for>>
/* Set charms and things for a run here */ <<set $madamOverrideHarlotPick to 71>> <<set _ailment to 1>> <<include [[Add Player Hidden Ailment]]>>
<<set $clubActivityUnits to 4>> <<set $postroomActivityUnits to 2>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Print]]>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Determine Availability]]>> [[Begin tests...->NPC Madam: Look For]]
$ is standing by her usual spot next to the presentation stage. You wait for her to finish chatting with one of the club girls and approach her.<br> <br> She notices you and greets you with a friendly smile.<br> <br> "Hello, my dear. What can I do for you?"<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Madam: Hub]]>>
Before you can talk with $ further, you feel the buzzer go off twice in your pocket.<br> <br> "Oh, what perfect timing," $ says. "It's time to make your choice and you're right where you need to be."<br> <br> She smiles and flutters her fan. You don't think she's going to accept any excuse. You're going to have to stay and make a choice.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Madam: Clean-Up]]>> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Madam: End]] <<else>> [[It's time to pick a harlot.->Harlot Selection: Intro]] <</if>>
<<if $npcMadam.hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken>> <<if not $npcMadam.hasToldHowNotToMulliganHarlots>> [["Ask her more about " + $ + "s."->NPC Madam: Mulligan Token: 1st Enquiry]]<br> //This will cost an Action.//<br> <br> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Mulligan Token: Buy Options]]>> <</if>> <<else>> /* Don't show any option as player doesn't know what mulligan tokens are at this point. */ <</if>>
<<if $npcMadam.hasBeenAskedToMulliganHarlots>> <<if not $npcMadam.hasToldHowNotToMulliganHarlots>> <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 0>> [[Ask her to change the girls for this round.->NPC Madam: Mulligan Harlots: Subsequent]]<br> //This will cost 1 $ and an Action.// <<else>> Ask her to change the girls for this round.<br> //You need a $ to do this.// <</if>><br><br> <</if>> <<else>> [[Ask her if you have to choose one of the girls shown to you.->NPC Madam: Mulligan Harlots 1]]<br> //This will cost an Action.//<br> <br> <</if>>
<<if $npcMadam.hasToldHowToAddHarlot>> <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 0>> [[Ask her to add a girl of your choice to the next round of selections.->NPC Madam: Add Harlot: Request]]<br> //This will cost 1 $ and an Action.// <<else>> Ask her to add a girl of your choice to the next round of selections.<br> //You need a $ to do this.// <</if>> <<else>> [[Ask her if you can choose another girl and see her right now.->NPC Madam: Add Harlot: 1st Request]]<br> //This will cost an Action.// <</if>><br><br>
/* pay action if visited and done nothing */ <<if not $hasUsedActionWithNpc>> <<set $clubActivityUnits -= 1>> <</if>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Clean-Up]]>> <<if $isNpcTesting>> <<include [[Test NPC Madam: End]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Club Activities: Hub]]>> <</if>>
<<if $npcMadam.hasToldHowToNotMulliganHarlots>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Mulligan Harlots: Mulligan Reminder]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Mulligan Harlots: How To Use Mulligan]]>> <</if>>
<<if $npcMadam.hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Mulligan Harlots: Token Known]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Mulligan Harlots: Token Unknown]]>> <</if>>
"This is another use for that $ I gave you," $ says. "It is House policy to only allow patrons to change the choices on offer once. It is to stop timewasters and our girls getting unduly irritated."<br> <br> She flutters her fan.<br> <br> "Unfortunately, we get so many patrons and my memory is not what it was. Sometimes I lose track of who has used their one change. So now the House has a token policy."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Madam: Continuation Hub]]<br>
<<set $player.mulliganTokens += 1>> <<set $npcMadam.hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken to true>> "Oh, didn't I give you your complementary <<print $ + "?">> Dearie me. I swear my head is filled with nothing but cobwebs and dust sometimes."<br> <br> She opens up an antique purse hanging from her arm.<br> <br> "Well you see, it is House policy to only allow patrons to change the choices on offer once. It is to stop timewasters and our girls getting unduly irritated."<br> <br> She looks in her purse.<br> <br> "Ah, there it is."<br> <br> She plucks something out of her purse.<br> <br> "Unfortunately, we get so many patrons and my memory is not what it was. Sometimes I lose track of who has used their one change. So now the House has a token system. It has other uses as well."<br> <br> She hands you a silver disc of metal. It's like a coin, but bigger and lighter. One side is embossed with the same devil girl design you've seen on the <<print $currencyName + "s">> and all around the club. The other side shows a stone tower struck by lightning.<br> <br> "There you go, my dear. I should have given it to you earlier."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Madam: Continuation Hub]]<br>
<<TODO - tweak text for this>> //This did not cost you an Action.// [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Madam: Continuation Hub]]<br>
<<if $npcMadam.hasToldHowToBuyMulliganTokens>> <<if $npcMadam.hasToldOfNpcMoney>> <<if $ lt $mulliganToken.madamSellPrice>> Buy a $ for $mulliganToken.madamSellPrice <<print $currencyName + "s?">><br> //You do not have enough <<print $currencyName + "s">> for this.//<br> <br> <<else>> [["Buy a " + $ + " for " + $mulliganToken.madamSellPrice + " " + $currencyName + "s?"->NPC Madam: Mulligan Token: Buy]]<br> //This will cost $mulliganToken.madamSellPrice <<print $currencyName + "s">> and an Action.//<br> <br> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $ lt $mulliganToken.madamSellPrice>> [["Buy a " + $ + " for " + $mulliganToken.madamSellPrice + " " + $currencyName + "s?"->NPC Madam: Mulligan Token: No Money]]<br> <<else>> [["Buy a " + $ + " for " + $mulliganToken.madamSellPrice + " " + $currencyName + "s?"->NPC Madam: Mulligan Token: Buy]]<br> <</if>> //This will cost $mulliganToken.madamSellPrice <<print $currencyName + "s">> and an Action.//<br> <br> <</if>> <<else>> [["Ask her if you can get more " + $ + "s."->NPC Madam: Mulligan Token: Tell For Sale]]<br> //This will cost an Action.//<br> <br> <</if>>
<<if $hasUsedMulliganToken>> You wait on the stage as the curtain on the right swishes and a new set of harlots walk out and present themselves to you. <<else>> <<switch $currentRound>> <<case 1>> You take your place on the presentation stage. It looks like you're doing this after all. You feel some trepidation and – you can't deny it – a little bit of arousal and anticipation. The curtain on the right swishes and<<if _isMultiplePeople>> a group of beautiful women<<else>> three beautiful women<</if>> walk out on stage, turn to face you and then strike seductive poses. <<case 2>> You return to the presentation stage. A second time, so soon. Is your body up for it? Judging by the hard-on in your pants, you think you're up for it. Once again, you take your place on the stage and wait. The curtain on the right swishes and your choices for this round walk out and present themselves to you. <<default>> You return to the presentation stage and take your place on the stage. The curtain on the right swishes and your choices for this round walk out and present themselves to you. <</switch>> <</if>><br> <br>
<<set _isMultiplePeople to $allHarlots[$hi].isMultiplePeople>> <<set _giftSelectionString to "You see ">> <<include [[Create Gift Selection String]]>> <<if $currentRound eq 1>> "No need to be nervous, dear," $ says. <<if _isMultiplePeople>>"They'll<<else>>"She'll<</if>> take good care of you. Maybe <<if _isMultiplePeople>>they<<else>>she<</if>> will even show you some new things," she adds with a bawdy wink.<br> <br> She puts an arm around you and guides you to the left hallway.<br> <br> "It'll take <<if _isMultiplePeople>>them<<else>>her<</if>> a little while to prep <<if _isMultiplePeople>>their<<else>>her<</if>> room, so why don't you freshen up first."<br> <br> You do that, using the washrooms on the left. Afterwards you return to the corridor. Your heart is pumping fast in your chest – mostly from excitement, but also with a little trepidation.<br> <br> "Don't forget to bring <<if _isMultiplePeople>>them<<else>>her<</if>> a gift," $ calls out to you from the curtained entrance.<br> <br> Ah, the gift. You turn to the table on the right. There is an assortment of items on it. Some look like conventional gifts. Others less so. _giftSelectionString <<else>> You take a deep breath and push through the curtains of the left corridor. After freshening up in the washrooms, you walk to the gift table. As before, there is a varied assortment of gifts laid out on the antique table. _giftSelectionString <</if>><br> <br>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $gci.length; _i++>> <<set _gi to $gci[_i]>> <<if _i eq $gci.length - 1>> <<set _giftSelectionString += "and ">> <</if>> <<set _giftSelectionString += $allGifts[_gi].description>> <<if _i lt $gci.length - 1>> <<set _giftSelectionString += ", ">> <<else>> <<set _giftSelectionString += ".">> <</if>> <</for>>
<<if $currentRound eq 1>> <<include [[Harlot Room: Leave Text: 1st Time]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Harlot Room: Leave Text: Subsequent]]>> <</if>>
You close the door behind you. You survived.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount lt $playerSemenCountBeforeRoom>> You wonder if $ was exaggerating the dangers.<br> <br> That wasn't so bad. Was rather pleasant, in fact. Really damn pleasant, in fact. Lust demons definitely know a lot about lust. A whole night of fucking them suddenly seems very appealing.<br> <br> If your body can stand up to it.<br> <br> If you're careful.<br> <br> This night might even end up being an incredible experience. <<else>> Okay, you didn't actually do anything, but you walked out alive, and that's the most important thing. You still don't know how seriously to take $'s warnings. You suppose, if – like he said – they're succubi that drain energy through sex, they can't do that if you don't let them screw you. <</if>><br> <br> You leave the bedroom area and return to the main lounge.<br> <br>
You close the door behind you.<br> <br> <<if $player.semenCount lt 4>> That was nice. Really nice. You do feel a little weak at the knees, though. That session, or maybe the cumulative effects of the ones before it, have left you feeling drained. $'s warnings come back to you. He said lust demons drained energy through sex. As good as it was, you do feel like you've been //sucked//. <<elseif $player.semenCount lt $playerSemenCountBeforeRoom>> That was nice. Really nice. You're quite happy to go again... after giving your body a chance to recover. <<else>> It didn't work out this time, but who knows, maybe you dodged a dangerous situation. <</if>><br> <br> You leave the bedroom area and return to the main lounge.<br> <br>
You explain your situation and ask if you can use her telephone.<br> <br> "Such misfortune." $ smiles apologetically. "Why, of course you can use our telephone."<br> <br> She directs you to a small cubicle and an old rotary phone that looks so antique you wonder if it still works. On a board next to it you find a business card for a 24-hour mobile mechanic and ring the number.<br> <br> It's a relief to hear a dial tone and hear someone pick up at the other end. The line isn't good. It sounds like you're talking to someone at the other end of a long tunnel and maybe submerged in water for good measure. So distant they sound like they're on another planet.<br> <br> You're informed they can send a mechanic and tow truck out, but only in the morning. It seems you're stuck here for the night.<br> <br> That might not be a bad thing, given what this place is...<br> <br> "Of course you're welcome to stay here until morning," $ says after you inform her of the situation. "And while you're here, why don't you avail yourself of our excellent amenities. Why, I'll give you the tour myself."<br> <br> [[Begin the tour.->Madam Tour: Begin Tour]]<br> //Receive a full introduction to the House of Hellish Harlots (recommended for first-time playthroughs).//<br> <br> [[Begin the tour (summary version).->Madam Tour: Skip Tour]]<br> //For when you've already seen the tour in a previous playthrough and just want to skip right to the first harlot choices.//
$ leads the way as you cross the entrance hall, pass through a set of double doors and enter a short corridor. The walls are padded with lush red velvet and adorned with erotic art. The pictures are stylish silhouettes of women in various suggestive poses. There is a devilish theme to the work with the women also possessing horns, tails and little bat wings. The double doors at the end continue the theme with each door engraved with a buxom devil woman. They face each other with their substantial chests thrust out and their hands clasped together to form an arch.<br> <br> It's an ostentatious and shameless declaration of what lies beyond. Even if you wanted to avail yourself of the House's 'amenities', you wonder if you could afford it.<br> <br> $ pushes the doors open and the low-level hubbub of noise and activity surges in volume. On the other side is a very large ballroom converted into an opulent and modern bar. Okay, strip club.<br> <br> On the far side of the room there is a large stage with a runway out to a smaller stage surrounded by luxurious seating. Two naked and extremely attractive women are currently engaged in a live and extremely explicit sex show. Equally gorgeous women gyrate around poles at smaller stages located at the sides of the room.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Madam Tour: Lounge]]
<<set $ to 10>> ...and $ completes her tour by returning to the presentation stage. You have 10 <<print $currencyName + "s">> in your pocket and a pager for $ to summon you to the presentation stage. You know now this isn't your regular brothel. You're going to be picking one harlot from a selection of three and there are going to be multiple rounds of this before the night is done.<br> <br> You have a strong suspicion these harlots might not be human. You've seen one, Temptacia, and she has the perfect body and supernatural sex allure of a succubus of myth. The thought of having sex with her, or another girl like her, both excites and scares you.<br> <br> "Ah, look where we are," $ says. "How perfect. It is time for your first selection and we are exactly where we need to be."<br> <br> She pulls a device out of her handbag, holds it up and presses a big red button. The pager buzzes and vibrates in your hand.<br> <br> You don't even try to remind $ you're not here to see her harlots. You don't think it will do any good. This isn't your regular whorehouse.<br> <br> $ takes you up on stage. "Let me introduce you to the first round of our lovely harlots."<br> <br> This is going to be a night you'll never forget...<br> <br> <<include [[Madam Tour: End]]>>
The bar is located in the centre and the area around it is studded with circular tables. Other seating consists of sumptuously padded leather bench booths against the walls. Exotic waitresses flit from table to table. Their skimpy uniforms continue the devilish theme with horns and devil tails instead of Playboy bunny ears and puffs. It's a busy night. The room is full of men chatting to pretty women wearing little more than lingerie. The men are of all sorts. Some old, some young. Some rich with fancy suits, others casual in T-shirts and jeans. Some handsome, some not. In contrast, the women are all universally stunning. They are varied in the same way a Miss World contest is varied. They seem to come from all nationalities, while also being perfect-10 representatives of their various nationalities. $ ushers you over to a large secondary stage in the left corner. [[Continue.->Madam Tour: Presentation Stage]]
"This is the presentation stage," $ says. "This is where we'll be introducing you to the many wonderful and talented harlots we have on tonight." It is a stage curiously without an audience. There are no chairs or tables surrounding it. You see Andy up on the stage with one of the scantily-clad waitresses. They're the only people here. "On nights like this, when we have such an array of talent in the House, we find it can be overwhelming for our patrons. So we have a system," $ says. The curtain at the righthand side swishes and three drop-dead gorgeous young women stride out onto the stage. They stop in front of Andy and strike seductive poses. The waitress lets each girl introduce herself in turn. "Each patron is given the choice of three of our wonderful harlots and must pick one of them." You're not sure it helps all that much. The three girls on stage are all equally stunning. If you were here for... that sort of thing, you'd have a hard time choosing and judging by the way Andy's eyes ping-pong from one to the next, he's struggling with the same problem. Wait, did $ say //must?// [[Continue.->Madam Tour: Bar]]
"Oh, you don't have to pick right away, dear," $ says after you query her. "We'll give you some time to yourself to let you make up your mind. If you'd like more help you can even take the girls out into the bar for a drink and a chance to get to know them better." $ seems to have forgotten you're only here because your car broke down. She blithely ignores your attempts to remind her. She takes you around the main lounge area. "We have a fine selection of beverages and serve excellent food. If you need help getting in the mood, feel free to watch the shows put on by our talented dancers. I'm sure you'll find them to be very... arousing." She gives you a filthy wink. It's not really necessary. On the main stage a girl in a devil costume is currently inserting a monstrous dildo into a bare-breasted nun. You get the point. "However," she holds up a stern finger. "This is a high-class establishment and we have rules. We don't allow men to pester our waitresses and dancers. Likewise, our patrons know they won't be bothered by the pushier girls you find at the less classy establishments. You may only go up to the room of one of the three girls presented to you." You again try to remind her you're not actually here for sex. $ ignores you and takes you over to the bar. [[Continue.->Madam Tour: Coins]]
<<set $ to 10>> The bar is relatively uncrowded, with only a few stools in use. A tall, strikingly handsome man with curly blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a strongly chiselled jawline seems to be the only bartender. His expression is odd as he looks at you, strangely pitying.<br> <br> Easy to be judgemental about 'paying for it' when you have looks like that, you think.<br> <br> You're not even here to 'pay for it'. A message you're having increasing difficulty getting through to $<br> <br> She ignores you and fumbles with a handbag.<br> <br> "Before I forget, you'll need these," she says.<br> <br> $ counts out ten coins and hands them to you.<br> <br> "Complements of the House," she smiles.<br> <br> They look like regular coins, but of a currency you've not seen before. They're made out of copper. One side is stamped with the silhouette of a sexy devil girl. The other is stamped with a heart. There is no denomination that you can see.<br> <br> "We use our own currency in the House," $ says. "Regular cash isn't accepted here. You'll need to use these when you want to buy anything."<br> <br> So, a token system. You wonder what you can actually get with them. It can't be all that much if $ is handing them out for free.<br> <br> "Now let's take a peek behind the curtain," $ says before you can ask her more about them.<br> <br> She takes you back to the presentation stage.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Madam Tour: Gifts Table]]
At the left side of the stage is a stout lectern as might be used by the //maître d'// of a fancy restaurant. Past that is an entrance obscured by thick velvet drapes. $ takes you through into a long corridor. "After you have chosen one of our harlots, she will go up to prepare her room." $ opens a door on the left to reveal a well-lit bathroom with multiple shower cubicles. "Here is where you can shower and use the toilet. We keep a clean House." She takes you back into the corridor and down to where it opens out with alcoves on the left and right. There is a heavy antique table on the right. It is piled high with an assortment of items. "One of our customs is that the patron must take a gift up to the girl. We find it helps make the experience seem less cold and transactional. You do not have to worry. It is a purely symbolic gesture. We provide the gifts. Just pick the one you think your harlot will most appreciate. It is a splendid icebreaker." The table has the usual sort of gifts. You see flowers, bottles of wine, chocolates, exotic perfume, a bloody heart that looks like it's been freshly ripped from a chest. //Wait. What!// Who would want that as a gift? You must have imagined seeing it. Before you can look back to confirm what you thought you saw, $ already has an arm around your waist and is propelling you further down the corridor. [[Continue.->Madam Tour: Rooms]]
You see a line of doors with numbers on them. At the end of the corridor is a staircase leading up to the right. The plaque at the end lists more room numbers. A lot of room numbers. Like a large hotel. You wouldn't have thought the House could contain so many rooms. Maybe it's bigger than you thought. "Past here are the bedrooms," $ says. "Your chosen harlot will give you the number of her room. You should have no problem finding it." You hear a loud orgasmic groan coming from behind one of the closed doors. Someone has just come. Very loudly. "Ah, it does warm the heart to hear men enjoying themselves," $ says. "Warms other places as well," she adds, jogging you bawdily with her elbow. A door near the end of the corridor opens and a tall, strikingly beautiful woman walks out. Strikingly strikingly beautiful She's tall like a catwalk model, but is also curvaceous at the chest and butt – like a classic sex symbol of old movies. Her face is finely sculpted, with high cheekbones, big eyes, and full, sensual lips. A mane of fiery red hair falls down between her shoulders. She's wearing lacy red lingerie and suspenders. It fully shows off her toned body and curves. She's also in Halloween costume. She has red horns, little red bat wings, and a long red devil's tail. The only thing missing is a plastic devil trident. Even her eyes have speciality contacts that give her black sclera and glowing yellow irises. It's a high-quality costume – realistic enough to be a movie prop. As good as it is, your attention is drawn by other things as she approaches you. What. A. Body. [[Continue.->Madam Tour: Temptacia 1]]
The woman reaches you and stops. "Fresh meat?" she asks $ Her eyes glimmer with mischief and lust as she casts her gaze over you. "Just arrived, Temptacia," $ replies. The woman, Temptacia, takes a step closer to you. The aura of lust surrounding her feels palpable. You feel the heat from her body. Her scent, a heady mix of perfume and sex, enfolds you. Her proximity is intoxicating. Your heart speeds up in your chest. An erection rises in your pants outside of your control. You feel a powerful urge to fuck her right there. To turn her round against the wall and plunge your hard cock between her luscious ass cheeks. You've never experienced a sexual attraction – a need – as powerful as this before. Temptacia's gaze is like heat lamps running over your body. She dabs a tongue at the corner of her fulsome lips. She glances at $ "He looks delicious," she says. "I want to gobble him up right now." [[Continue.->Madam Tour: Temptacia 2]]
Temptacia's heat-lamp gaze returns to you and your blood heats up in your veins. "Now now, Temptacia," $ says. "You know the rules." Temptacia glances at you long enough to let you know that if it wasn't for those rules, she'd ravish you right there and then. And it would be her doing the ravishing, you have no doubt. You'd be nothing more than a lamb to a tiger in matters of the bedroom with her. "Pick me, if you get the chance. You won't regret it." Then she turns away and releases you from her megawatt gaze. You watch her perfect swinging ass, your Adam's apple bobbing, as she walks to the exit. Her devil's tail swishes back and forth in front of her curvy ass cheeks. Your brow furrows. You don't spot it right away. It's because her 'costume' is so good the movements seem perfectly natural. Her tail is moving on its own. Moving like it's alive. Moving like it's part of her. If the tail is part of her, then it stands to reason that the horns and wings are as well. Then that would make her... what, a... ...succubus? [[Continue.->Madam Tour: Temptacia 3]]
"This is a special House," $ whispers to you. "You'll find pleasures here you won't find anywhere else." Succubus. You know what they are, but surely they're just fantasy – creatures from computer and tabletop roleplaying games. They don't – //can't// – exist in real life. Temptacia stops to give you a seductive glance over her shoulder before slipping through the curtains and entering the lounge. Whether they exist or not, succubi are said to be legendarily proficient in bed. Your cock throbs in your pants. "Now there is just one last thing to give you," $ says. She reaches into her handbag and hands you a circular pager. You examine the device. It looks like a regular buzzer to let someone know when their table is ready at a posh restaurant. It looks about the right size to fit in your pocket. It seems a little excessive. "It's to let you know when it's your turn. Two buzzes for when it's time to make your choice. One buzz for when it's time to see the next round of our lovely harlots." Wait? Next round? As in more than one? [[Continue.->Madam Tour: Multiple Rounds]]
"Oh yes," $ clarifies when you ask. "You will be enjoying the company of multiple of our harlots over the course of this night, and they yours. And you don't need to fret about performance. Our harlots are dedicated and very adept. They'll get it up and keep it up, if you know what I mean." Her expression is pure filth. You're worried less about the performance of your body than the performance of your wallet. This looks like a playground for high rollers – city hustlers, celebrities, professional sports stars. Maybe more, if Temptacia truly is what you think she might be. People with a lot more money than you. You're not sure you can afford to indulge yourself with just one of the House's 'harlots', let alone a full night of them. "Oh, you don't have to worry about that," $ says when you voice your fears. "You won't be paying our girls with coin, my dear." That just gives you a different set of fears. Don't succubi also drain life with sex? Maybe not all the way. It wouldn't make sense for a business to kill all its customers. $ said there were rules. You remember the luscious swell of Temptacia's ass, her full lips bunched up in a seductive pout, and her eyes burning with lust as she glanced back over her shoulder at you. Your cock throbs pleasantly in your pants. Will you? [["Hand the pager back to " + $ + " and turn down a night of potential supernatural pleasures."->Madam Tour: Decline Pager 1]] [[Keep hold of the pager and embrace the prospect of a night of supernatural pleasures.->Madam Tour: Accept Pager]]
You go to hand the buzzer back to $ You thank her, but tell her you won't be needing it. You'll just have a quiet drink and wait until morning for the car mechanic to show up.<br> <br> "No no no." $ shakes her hands. "That's for you. Don't lose it. If you do, you won't know when it's your time to go to the presentation stage."<br> <br> What happens if you don't show up, you ask her.<br> <br> "Oh, you really wouldn't want to do that, my dear," $ says.<br> <br> For a brief moment the dimness of the corridor seems less intimate, and more oppressive and smothering. You feel watched from angles in the wall and ceiling that should not be there. You're still looking at $, but she seems to have subtly changed. Her eyes are sharp, piercing and hungry. Her smile is carnal and vulpine. The eccentricity and absent-mindedness have gone. You think she's older than she appears. A lot older. You're not even sure she's human.<br> <br> It's just a brief moment of dislocation. It passes like a cloud before the sun and again $ seems like a slightly dotty and filthy-minded aunt running a brothel.<br> <br> Still, the unease lingers.<br> <br> $ picks up on it. "I see your concerns. We live in modern enlightened times, so I will allay your fears. You need not be worried about the welfare of our lovely harlots. None of them are coerced or forced to do anything they wish not to. This is a fully consensual House."<br> <br> Her smile displays too much teeth.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Madam Tour: Decline Pager 2]]
You keep hold of the pager. The last year was pretty good for you financially. You're stuck here for the night with nothing to do anyway. Why not treat yourself? You follow $ back out into the lounge. She takes you up onto the stage. "Let me introduce you to the first round of our lovely harlots." Excitement throbs within you. This will be a night you'll never forget... <<include [[Madam Tour: End]]>>
"Our wonderful harlots are totally dedicated to bringing you pleasure and satisfying your every secret little desire." $ drops her voice and speaks behind her fan. "Including some you might not have realised you had." While nice to know, that's not what you're concerned about. "Ah, look where we are," $ says. She's taken you back through the curtain and into the open lounge area. "How perfect. It is time for your first selection and we are exactly where we need to be." She pulls a device out of her handbag, holds it up and presses a big red button. The pager buzzes and vibrates in your hand. You don't even try to remind $ you're not here to see her harlots. You don't think it will do any good. This isn't your regular whorehouse. $ takes you up on stage. "Let me introduce you to the first round of our lovely harlots." Morning seems a long way off... <<include [[Madam Tour: End]]>>
<<if $isNpcTesting>> [[More Testing.->Test Madam Tour]] <<else>> [[Time to introduce your first round of harlots.->Start New Game]] <</if>>
//Testing Madam's Tour...<br> <br> <<set $ to 0>> <<set $isNpcTesting to true>> [[Begin Tour.->Madam Tour: Phone Call]]
While there are seldom //good// places for a car to break down, a forest in the middle of nowhere on a cold and foggy night has to be one of the //worst//. You curse your decision to take this route. It seemed clever at the time. It's a shorter route, you told yourself. You'll avoid all the traffic. Then, a few miles after entering the dense mass of trees, your engine inexplicably lost all power and refused all attempts to start it back up again. A battery failure? You're not a mechanic, so it wouldn't do you any good to pop the hood and take a look. You'll need to phone for a mechanic, assuming you can get a mechanic to come out. It's already past eleven at night. And moot anyway. Wherever here is, it seems to be too remote for you to get a signal on your mobile phone. Where is here? Getting out of your car and looking around reveals rank after rank of dark silent trees. The night air is chill and wisps of mist obscure the forest floor. Wait. Is that a light you see off in the distance? Yes, over there, back down the road and between the trees, you think you see the upper windows of a house. You must have driven past it without noticing. It takes a strange sort to live out here, alone in a remote forest. They should have a working telephone, though. With no other options, you leave your stricken car behind and start walking back down the road in the direction of the house you glimpsed between the trees. The air is cold and clammy and you hunch up inside your jacket in an attempt to ward off the chill. You haven't gone far when lights rise up behind you and you hear a car approaching. [[Continue.->Intro: Car NPCs]]
//Testing Intro...<br> <br> <<set $isNpcTesting to true>> [[Begin Intro.->Intro: Begin New Game]]
You step into the road and wave to attract the attention of the driver. The car slows to a stop and the driver, a shaven-headed man, leans his head out of the window. There are two other men in the car, one in the passenger seat and another sitting in the back. All three look to be in their twenties. "Hey, you okay there?" You tell him your car has broken down and your phone isn't working. "Oh, so it's your car we saw back there. Hop in. We'll take you to where we're going. They're sure to have a working phone." You get into the back of the car and the three men introduce themselves. The shaven-headed driver is Brian. He seems to be the eldest of the trio. The blond-haired man sitting next to him is Chris. He doesn't talk much. The dark-haired man on the back seat next to you is Andy. He talks a lot. They ask what you're doing out here. [[Tell them where you were going and converse with the men.->Intro: Begin Full Character Creation]] //Full Character Creation.// [[Tell them you're just passing through and sit in silence.->Intro: Begin Fast Character Creation]] //Speedy Character Creation.//
/* Do the behind-scenes stuff on startup here */ <<include [[Init New Game Stats]]>> <<include [[Create Player Physical Stats: Distributed]]>> <<include [[Create Player]]>> <<include [[Unset Physical Stats]]>> <<set $isAcceleratedStart to false>> //If you've not played the game before, start with the link below://<br> <br> [[Regular Start->Intro: Car Breakdown]]<br> //This will take you through the regular intro (with the option to skip some parts)//.<br> <br> <br> //If you've entered the House before and already met multiple ends at the hands of its harlots (they're so demanding), there are a couple of accelerated start options that skip the intro and drop you right in at the first harlot presentation.//<br> <br> [[Accelerated Start (Random Dispositions).->Accelerated Start: Random Dispositions]]<br> //A fast restart with random character dispositions.//<br> <br> [[Accelerated Start (Choose Dispositions).->Accelerated Start: Choose Dispositions]]<br> //A fast restart where you can choose your character dispositions beforehand.//
You tell the men why you're passing through the forest.<br> <br> They seem a little surprised, as if they were expecting something else.<br> <br> "Sucks," the driver, Brian, says. "Breaking down on a night like this. And out here where there's no reception. The place up ahead should have a landline. You can ring for a mechanic once we get there."<br> <br> [[You've always had the worst luck.->Intro: Gloomy]]<br> //Sets disposition to// ''GLOOMY''.<br> <br> [[Lucky for you they were passing by.->Intro: Cheerful]]<br> //Sets disposition to// ''CHEERFUL''.
You tell them you're just passing through, and nothing more. "Sure thing. We understand," Brian says. He mutters something to Chris and both men share a chuckle. "Nudge nudge, wink wink," Andy says to you. He smiles as if you're both sharing a joke, although what the joke is, you have no idea. [[Continue.->Intro: Fast: Choose Dispositions]] //Choose Dispositions.// [[Continue.->Intro: Fast: Random Dispositions]] //Assign random Dispositions.//
<<set $afterTableSelectionLink to "Intro: Set Dispositions">> <<include [[Create Player Disposition Stats: Choose]]>>
<<include [[Create Player Disposition Stats: Random]]>> <<include [[Intro: Set Dispositions]]>>
<<unset $afterTableSelectionLink>> Brian drives on for a short while before turning off to the left and onto a secluded driveway. You realise the three men must be going to the house you glimpsed through the trees. The driveway curls upwards and around a bend before opening up into a wide car park before a stately country home. It's a very swanky pile – the house of a lord or lady, or maybe a nouveau-rich actor or pop star. The lights are on and it sounds like some kind of function is taking place within. There are several cars already parked up in front of the house.<br> <br> You glance at the fountain in the middle of the open area and then have to snap your head back to give it a second look.<br> <br> Is that a statue of a naked man being jerked off by two buxom devil women?<br> <br> Brian parks the car and looks back at you over the driver's seat. "Okay, we'll level with you. This place is a knocking shop... brothel... whorehouse, whatever you want to call it. Andy here has just been through a messy breakup with a psycho pricktease bitch from hell."<br> <br> "Who we warned him about well in advance," Chris mutters.<br> <br> "So, to help him get over it, we decided we'd spend a night fucking a bunch of hot, willing tarts. Don't judge, okay," Brian says. "Anyway, they'll have a phone you can use. After that... is up to you."<br> <br> You get out of the car.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Intro: Approach Door]]
You walk towards the house and are struck by how impressive it looks, and yet also tawdry at the same time. Sculptures of bare-breasted devil women stand either side of steps leading up to the front portico. This place certainly isn't shy about announcing its function.<br> <br> <<if not $hasHadConversationWithCarNpcs>> You ask the others if they've visited before.<br> <br> "No," Brian said. "Looked it up, though. Did some research."<br> <br> "We didn't want to come all the wait out here and find it's a pair of ugly old slappers," Chris said.<br> <br> "It has a really good reputation online," Brian says. "Really high class. But then you already know that."<br> <br> He gives you a knowing wink.<br> <br> You can see high class. The front of the building oozes opulence and wealth.<br> <br> <</if>> Brian walks up and knocks on the old oak front door.<br> <br> <<unset $hasHadConversationWithCarNpcs>> [[Continue.->Intro: The Madam]]
After a short wait, the door is opened by an attractive, if unusual, woman.<br> <br> "Hello, young gentlemen. This is the House of Hellish Harlots. We offer devilishly decadent pleasures for the discerning and adventurous. I am $ What desires would you like to indulge on this lovely evening?"<br> <br> $ looks... distinctive. She's very tall and made to look taller still with an elaborate coiffure that wouldn't have looked out of place during the days of the French aristocracy. Her dress is also more costume than modern fashion, being a voluminous velvet ballgown. Her purple-black bodice can barely contain her bountiful chest, giving her the 'heaving bosoms' much loved by racier period dramas.<br> <br> Andy in particular can't take his eyes off her creamy-white curves.<br> <br> It doesn't seem to bother $ Her face is sensual and vulpine. Predatory, almost. You find it hard to place her age. Her eyes speak of a lot of experience in immoral matters, yet she still looks in the prime of her womanhood.<br> <br> "A bit of this and a bit of that," Brian says. "Know what I mean." He gives her a saucy wink.<br> <br> "I know exactly what you mean," $ says. She flutters an antique fan coyly in front of her mouth. Her eyes are less coy. "Come inside."<br> <br> She beckons you through the wooden door. Sounds of revelry can be heard coming from inside. You've barely entered before Brian and the others are whisked away by stunningly attractive young women wearing little more than lingerie.<br> <br> Definitely high class.<br> <br> You're left standing in the small entrance hallway with $<br> <br> "You seem hesitant, dear," she says.<br> <br> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[More Testing.->Test Intro]] <<else>> [[Continue.->Madam Tour: Phone Call]] <</if>>
You moan about your ill fortune. You've always had the worst luck. It's bloody typical that your engine would give up the ghost out here in the middle of nowhere.<br> <br> "Lucky for you we were passing through," Brian says.<br> <br> At least there's that.<br> <br> //Your disposition is// ''GLOOMY''.<br> <br> <<set $player.baseIsGloomy to true>> <<set $player.currIsGloomy to true>> <<include [[Intro: 2nd Disposition]]>>
Shit happens. You think yourself lucky they came along when they did. You weren't relishing a long hike in the cold and dark.<br> <br> "Lucky for you we were passing through," Brian says.<br> <br> Yup.<br> <br> //Your disposition is// "CHEERFUL".<br> <br> <<set $player.baseIsGloomy to false>> <<set $player.currIsGloomy to false>> <<include [[Intro: 2nd Disposition]]>>
You ask them what they're doing out here.<br> <br> They get a little quiet at that. Brian and Chris share a glance.<br> <br> "Okay, we'll level with you," Brian says. "We're heading to a brothel."<br> <br> A brothel? As in a house of ill-repute where women offer sexual favours for money? How do you feel about that?<br> <br> [[Intrigued.->Intro: Slutty]]<br> //Sets disposition to// ''SLUTTY''.<br> <br> [[Not interested.->Intro: Romantic]]<br> //Sets disposition to// "ROMANTIC''.
Brothel? You query.<br> <br> "Yup," Brian confirms. "The house up ahead is a whorehouse, bordello, knocking shop, whatever you want to call it."<br> <br> A brothel, eh. You're not one to turn down the prospect of banging a hot tart. They'd need to be absolutely stunning for you to consider paying for it, though.<br> <br> //Your disposition is// ''SLUTTY''.<br> <br> <<set $player.baseIsSlutty to true>> <<set $player.currIsSlutty to true>> <<include [[Intro: 3rd Disposition]]>>
Brothel? You query.<br> <br> "Yup," Brian confirms. "The house up ahead is a whorehouse, bordello, knocking shop, whatever you want to call it."<br> <br> A brothel? Not really your thing. Sex should be something special between two people that love each other. Paying for it just feels cold and mechanical.<br> <br> //Your disposition is// ''ROMANTIC''.<br> <br> <<set $player.baseIsSlutty to false>> <<set $player.currIsSlutty to false>> <<include [[Intro: 3rd Disposition]]>>
Brian gestures to the back seat. "Andy here has just been through a messy breakup with a psycho pricktease from hell."<br> <br> [[Commiserate.->Intro: Tactful]]<br> //Sets disposition to// ''TACTFUL''.<br> <br> [[Tell him he's better off.->Intro: Blunt]]<br> //Sets disposition to// ''BLUNT''.
You offer your commiserations.<br> <br> Brian laughs. "She ain't worth it. He's better off without her."<br> <br> "Total nutjob," Chris adds.<br> <br> "It wasn't the best relationship," Andy confirms.<br> <br> There is a look in his eye that hints it was even worse than that.<br> <br> //Your disposition is// ''TACTFUL''.<br> <br> <<set $player.baseIsBlunt to false>> <<set $player.currIsBlunt to false>> <<include [[Intro: 4th Disposition]]>>
You tell him he's better off. If it wasn't working, it wasn't working.<br> <br> Brian laughs. "See, even a complete stranger knows you're better off without that psycho."<br> <br> "We did warn him," Chris says.<br> <br> "I know, I know," Andy says. He has a look in his eye that implies he knows this, but is still sad about it.<br> <br> //Your disposition is// ''BLUNT''.<br> <br> <<set $player.baseIsBlunt to true>> <<set $player.currIsBlunt to true>> <<include [[Intro: 4th Disposition]]>>
"So, to help him get over it, we decided we'd spend a night fucking a bunch of hot, willing tarts. Don't judge, okay," Brian says. "Anyway, they'll have a phone you can use. After that... is up to you."<br> <br> You're not judging. <<if $player.currIsSlutty>>You're interested yourself, to be honest.<<else>>It's none of your business. You just want to find a working telephone.<</if>><br> <br> You look out of the car window at dense forest pressing in on the road. It seems an unusual location for... an establishment of this nature. Remote. You ask the men if they've visited before.<br> <br> "No, but we did some research," Brian says.<br> <br> "Didn't want to drive all the way out here and find it's just a pair of overweight hags," Chris says.<br> <br> As for this 'research', are you:<br> <br> [[More concerned about the brothel being what it claims to be?->Intro: Cautious]]<br> //Sets disposition to// ''CAUTIOUS''.<br> <br> [[More interested in how good the brothel claims to be?->Intro: Impulsive]]<br> //Sets disposition to// ''IMPULSIVE''.
You look again at the dark forest surrounding the car. This does seem an awfully remote location. The kind of location where if bad things happened, it would take a while for help to get here. You ask them if they're sure this place is what it claims to be.<br> <br> //Your disposition is// ''CAUTIOUS''.<br> <br> <<set $player.baseIsCautious to true>> <<set $player.currIsCautious to true>> "It's legit, they have a website and everything," Brian says. <<include [[Intro: 5th Disposition]]>>
You look again at the forest. This is a pretty remote location, really out of the way. The place must have a really good reputation to draw punters all the way out here.<br> <br> //Your disposition is// ''IMPULSIVE''.<br> <br> <<set $player.baseIsCautious to false>> <<set $player.currIsCautious to false>> "Yeah, it's pretty good. Maybe even the best," Brian says. <<include [[Intro: 5th Disposition]]>>
"The owners bought an old country manor that had fallen into disrepair and did it up. Now it's a playground for anyone that wants to spend money to indulge themselves with hot, willing women."<br> <br> "We checked out the website," Andy says. "The women are all drop-dead gorgeous and really skilled. You can do anything..."<br> <br> "Within reason," Brian finishes for him.<br> <br> "Yeah," Andy says, still struggling to contain his excitement. "I guess they probably don't let you do anything //too// sick. But they allow a lot. Anal. Roleplay. Femdom. Watersports. Bondage. You name it. It's all available."<br> <br> "Femdom, eh. Reckon we should get one of those leather-clad minxes to tie Andy up and whip him until his ass is raw," Chris says to Brian.<br> <br> "Or give his ass a good pounding with a strap-on," Brian chuckles back.<br> <br> Andy blanches. "No thanks. Not for me."<br> <br> Being tied down by hot leather-clad minxes, how does that sound to you?<br> <br> [[Sounds damn sexy!->Intro: Submissive]]<br> //Sets disposition to// ''SUBMISSIVE''.<br> <br> [[Sounds a little too extreme.->Intro: Dominant]]<br> //Sets disposition to// ''DOMINANT''.
And that's a no thanks from you as well.<br> <br> At least, that's what you say.<br> <br> Secretly, the prospect of being tied down and teased by hot dominatrix minxes in leather sounds appealing. Very appealing indeed.<br> <br> //Your disposition is// ''SUBMISSIVE''.<br> <br> <<set $player.baseIsSubmissive to true>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to true>> <<include [[Intro: 6th Disposition]]>>
And that's a no thanks from you as well.<br> <br> Your tastes in the bedroom tend more to the vanilla. When it comes to sex, you'd rather be the one on top.<br> <br> //Your disposition is// ''DOMINANT''.<br> <br> <<set $player.baseIsSubmissive to false>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to false>> <<include [[Intro: 6th Disposition]]>>
The car continues through the forest and Andy continues to chatter away on the back seat. From him you learn the three of them are industrial welders from a shipyard up north. Andy is recently single, Brian is a divorcee who never remarried, and Chris is... Chris. They don't seem like the type to visit a high-class brothel. In fact, as Andy tells you, the only reason they've come down tonight is because the brothel is running some kind of special night. Normally they wouldn't be able to afford it.<br> <br> "Tonight we can pretend to be top premier league footballers," Brian laughs.<br> <br> Morality of visiting a brothel aside, they seem okay.<br> <br> The car pulls up into a secluded driveway you didn't notice when you drove by. After a tight turn you notice two ivy-topped stone pillars on either side of the entrance. They look like gateposts, but without a gate between them. Each is topped with what you first take to be a stone gargoyle. On closer inspection you realise the sculptures are of buxom, naked devil women.<br> <br> [[Point them out with a joke.->Intro: Humorous]]<br> //Sets disposition to// ''HUMOROUS''.<br> <br> [[Point them out with a note of concern.->Intro: Serious]]<br> //Sets disposition to// ''SERIOUS''.
You point out the devil-girl gargoyles with the enormous honkers and laugh. This place certainly isn't shy about advertising its function.<br> <br> Brian spots them and laughs. "That's a bit full-on. No wonder they tucked them away from the main road."<br> <br> //Your disposition is// ''HUMOROUS''.<br> <br> <<set $player.baseIsSerious to false>> <<set $player.currIsSerious to false>> <<include [[Intro: To House]]>>
You point out the strange, slightly Satanic, devil-girl gargoyles. That's a little fucked up, especially out on a driveway. Whoever sculpted them must have been a bit weird. And the House owner putting them on display out in the open like this definitely can't be right in the head.<br> <br> "I wouldn't worry about it," Brian says.<br> <br> //Your disposition is// ''SERIOUS''.<br> <br> <<set $player.baseIsSerious to true>> <<set $player.currIsSerious to true>> <<include [[Intro: To House]]>>
He steers the car between the two stone pillars.<br> <br> "It's their theme. It's like Playboy, but instead of bunny ears their girls wear devil horns. It's just branding. It's all over their website. They advertise themselves as a House of Sin and 'evil' Sex."<br> <br> "They even call themselves 'The House of Hellish Harlots'," Chris says.<br> <br> "It's tongue-in-cheek. Kitsch like the old Hammer Horror movies," Brian continues.<br> <br> You suppose that's 'different'.<br> <br> //Do you want an explanation of Physical Attributes and Dispositions before continuing?//<br> [[Yes.->Intro: Explain Physical]]<br> [[No.->Intro: Brothel Driveway]]
<<include [[Explanation: Physical Stats]]>> <br> [[Next.->Intro: Explain Dispositions]]
Brian drives up the secluded driveway. The brothel is the same house you glimpsed through the trees. The driveway curls upwards and around a bend before opening up into a wide car park before the main building. It's not what you were expecting for a house of ill-repute. It looks more like a swanky country manor for a lord or lady.<br> <br> The lights are on and there are several cars parked up in front of the house. You would have thought this too isolated a location for an establishment like this, but it seems busy tonight.<br> <br> You glance at the fountain in the middle of the open area and then have to jerk your head back to give it a second look.<br> <br> Is that a statue of a naked man being jerked off by two buxom devil women?<br> <br> Okay, now that is more in keeping with what you'd expect from a whorehouse.<br> <br> You get out of the car.<br> <br> <<set $hasHadConversationWithCarNpcs to true>> [[Continue.->Intro: Approach Door]]
<<include [[Explanation: Dispositions]]>> <br> [[Next.->Intro: Brothel Driveway]]
<<include [[Set Dispositions]]>> <<include [[Intro: House Driveway]]>>
<<set $isTesting to true>> <<set $isNpcTesting to true>> <<include [[Create New Player: Default]]>> <<set $ to 1>> <<set $currentRound to 5>> <<set $clubActivityUnits to $clubActivityMaxUnits>> <<set $postroomActivityUnits to $postroomActivityMaxUnits>> <<set $isPostRoom to false>> <<set $npcBarman.isUnavailable to false>> <<include [[NPC Barman: Print]]>> [[Begin Tests...->NPC Barman: Intro 1]]
--NPC Barman--------------------------------------<br> ''name'' = <<print $>><br> ''altName1'' = <<print $npcBarman.altName1>><br> ''altName2'' = <<print $npcBarman.altName2>><br> <br> ''isAvailable'' = <<print $npcBarman.isAvailable>><br> ''isUnavailable'' = <<print $npcBarman.isUnavailable>><br> ''hasBeenVisited'' = <<print $npcBarman.hasBeenVisited>><br> <br> ''hasToldNeedToBuyDrink'' = <<print $npcBarman.hasToldNeedToBuyDrink>><br> <br> ''RunAwayInfo'' = <<print $npcBarman.hasToldConsequencesOfRunningAway>><br> ''hasIntroducedGossip'' = <<print $npcGossip.hasBeenIntroduced>><br> ''hasIntroducedPotion'' = <<print $npcPotion.hasBeenIntroduced>><br> ''hasIntroducedCharm'' = <<print $npcCharm.hasBeenIntroduced>><br> ''hasIntroducedNurse'' = <<print $npcNurse.hasBeenIntroduced>><br> ''hasIntroducedBarman'' = <<print $npcBarman.hasIntroducedBarman>><br> <br> <<include [[NPC Barman: Check Has Info]]>> ''hasInfo'' = _hasInfo<br> ---------------------------------------------------<br>
<<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> With his blond curls, blue eyes and strong jawline, $ is extremely good-looking. He also looks far sadder than anyone gifted with those movie-idol looks has a right to be. What you initially took to be derisive pity at the lesser men 'paying for it' now reveals itself to be flickers of genuine concern.<br> <br> "You seem different to the others," he says.<br> <br> In what way, you query.<br> <br> "You don't look like you're here of your own volition," he says.<br> <br> You tell him how you ended up here. He nods sympathetically.<br> <br> "That would explain it," he says. "It means you might have a chance."<br> <br> //Chance?//<br> <br> "Most of the others are here of their own choice. They're blinded by their excitement at the pleasures available to them. I can't get through to them to warn them what this place really is."<br> <br> Which is?<br> <br> "A trap."<br> <br> [[Continue.->NPC Barman: Intro 2]]
For all the melodrama of his comment, you've seen enough weirdness in the House already to think him worth hearing out.<br> <br> He points to one of the waitresses taking orders at a nearby table. Just like the others, she's stunningly attractive. Her skimpy devil-girl uniform perfectly shows off her exquisite curves and lush flesh.<br> <br> "See those horns," $ says.<br> <br> As part of her costume, the waitress has a pair of little red devil horns sticking up out of her silky black hair.<br> <br> "They're real," $ says. "She's a succubus, a daemon from the Dominion of Lust. Nearly all the women in here are. They feed off sex, taking energy, sometimes even lives and souls. This house exists to lure prey."<br> <br> You think again of Temptacia and her too-perfect costume. You also remember Temptacia's perfect ass. The waitress is pretty damn hot as well. A little bit of energy for that doesn't seem that bad of a deal, especially if succubi are as good in the bed as the legends say.<br> <br> Life and soul, maybe not so much...<br> <br> So, if I go up to one of their rooms, I'm going to get eaten?<br> <br> "Not right away, unless you're unlucky," $ says. "You will even find it enjoyable. As sinful as they are, lust daemons are capable of inducing intense sensual pleasure in humans. You will enjoy your first visit, and the second, and the third... but eventually your luck will run out. You will run out of energy or run into a harlot that doesn't like you, or likes you too much. And then she will kill you and take your soul."<br> <br> [[How can I avoid this?->NPC Barman: Intro 3]]
"This house is an extrusion of the Dominion of Lust into your reality," $ continues. "God cannot enter here, so He cannot save you. The only person who can save your soul is you."<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsGloomy>>Not exactly reassuring.<<else>>God?<</if>><br><br> "One factor in your favour is that $, uncommonly for her kind, has a twisted sense of fair play. She is very old and like all long-lived entities, suffers from boredom. She made this into a game for her amusement. And to her, the sport is only interesting if the prey has a chance to escape."<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsGloomy>>You feel like a fox in a hunt. Again, not reassuring.<<else>>So that means there's a chance.<</if>><br><br> "Her harlots have rules. They're not allowed to kill indiscriminately. They must let some patrons escape. How they determine this is up to the harlot, but they must be consistent. Some harlots value physical attributes. Some value personality. Others have to be appeased with the right gift."<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsGloomy>>Be the right thing or die. Very not reassuring.<<else>>That doesn't seem so bad. Figure out what she likes, then have supernaturally amazing sex //and// walk out afterwards.<</if>><br><br> "Unfortunately, not every harlot shares $'s desire for fair play. Daemons are daemons. You will not survive a visit to those particular harlots without additional protection."<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsGloomy>>It gets worse and worse.<<else>>Okay, that's not so good.<</if>><br><br> "Also, you must not run out of semen. This is $'s allowance for her 'girls'. If the man becomes so tired or depleted he cannot perform, if the harlot cannot bring him to ejaculation, then she is free to do with him as she wishes."<br> <br> <<if $player.currIsGloomy>>You've never had a problem performing before, but on hearing all this...<<else>>Don’t be shit in bed, okay. You're young... healthy. That shouldn't be a problem, right...<</if>><br><br> [[Continue.->NPC Barman: Intro 4]]
This is all so weird. A brothel, but all the whores are sex demons from hell that might take your life and soul. Really super-hot sex demons as well, you think, remembering Temptacia and the other harlots you've seen.<br> <br> This has to be a dream. Whether it's a wet dream or a nightmare is still to be determined.<br> <br> Feels too real to be a dream, you think, knocking on the top of the wooden bar. And if it's real, you should find out as much about the harlots and House as you can.<br> <br> //You can continue talking with $ Bear in mind he might be called away at any moment to serve another patron. You can continue talking with him again afterwards, but it will cost another Action.//<br> <br> What will you ask $<br> <br> <<set $numberOfQuestions to random(2,5)>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Number of Questions left = $numberOfQuestions.''<br> <br> <</if>> <<include [[NPC Barman: Hub Options]]>>
<<include [[NPC Barman: Hub Options: Rnd 0]]>> <<if $currentRound gt 1>> <<include [[NPC Barman: Hub Options: Rnd 2]]>> <</if>> <<if $currentRound gt 4>> <<include [[NPC Barman: Hub Options: Rnd 5]]>> <</if>> <<include [[NPC Barman: Check Has Info]]>> <<if not _hasInfo>> //$ has no advice left to give you.//<br> <</if>> <<if $npcBarman.hasBeenVisited>> <br> [[End the conversation.->NPC Barman: Leave]] <</if>>
<<set $npcBarman.hasToldConsequencesOfRunningAway to true>> <<set $numberOfQuestions -= 1>> What's to stop you from walking out of the front door right now and never coming back? Then you wouldn't have to worry about picking the right harlot and keeping her happy.<br> <br> But then you would miss out on having fun with Temptacia and girls like her, you think ruefully.<br> <br> $ shakes his head.<br> <br> "If you don't turn up to the presentation stage at the appointed time, $ will send her hounds after you. They are from the further reaches of the Dominion of Lust, where pleasure and pain intertwine. Your death at their hands will not be pleasant. Or quick."<br> <br> You figured it wouldn't be that easy.<br> <br> On the other hand, it does remove any guilt for joining a sexy harlot in her perfumed room. You had to do it or be chased down by an eldritch hound from hell overcomes a lot of reservations.<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Barman: Check If Called Away]]
<<set $npcGossip.hasBeenIntroduced to true>> <<set $numberOfQuestions -= 1>> "Do I know anything about the individual harlots? No, I'm afraid I can't help you there."<br> <br> $ gives you an apologetic smile.<br> <br> "My kind and their kind don't exactly mix. Hmm, but I do know someone that does. Her."<br> <br> He points to an elegant woman at the other end of the bar. She is tall and slender. She has a long aristocratic face with high cheekbones. She wears a thick fur stole over a sheer, sky-blue dress. A mass of silver-grey curls spill out from beneath a chic, sky-blue hat. She wears an ostentatious string of pearls around her neck. She smokes a cigarette in a long cigarette holder and her face is wreathed in clouds of smoke. Despite her anachronistic appearance, her age appears indeterminate. She is certainly no less attractive for it.<br> <br> "She knows everything about everyone, or so she claims," $ says, although he doesn't give you her name.<br> <br> //You can now visit// ''$''.<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Barman: Check If Called Away]]
<<set $npcPotion.hasBeenIntroduced to true>> <<set $numberOfQuestions -= 1>> "Then she'll take your soul and you'll die," $ says, completely deadpan.<br> <br> Well, ain't that just cheery.<br> <br> "There is a daemon that can help. She's known as $ She is prodigiously talented, although it's a blasphemous talent. Only the Lord should be able to create life. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, that talent is held back by a petty, avaricious nature. She sells potions to patrons. For a brief period of time they can turn you into someone else – different personality, stronger, smarter. They can make you into whatever you think the harlot will like."<br> <br> $ pulls a face.<br> <br> "Don't become reliant on them. $ has an avaricious nature and she's not helping you out of the goodness of her heart. As in the world outside, relying on the bottom of a bottle to solve problems only creates more."<br> <br> He points over to the far side of the room, where it extends around a corner.<br> <br> "She has a room over there. You'll normally find her sitting at a table outside it."<br> <br> //You can now visit// ''$''.<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Barman: Check If Called Away]]
<<set $npcCharm.hasBeenIntroduced to true>> <<set $numberOfQuestions -= 1>> "For additional protection you'll need to visit $ Despite her appearance, she's an old witch and very experienced in the art of flesh runes. It's a heathen art, far inferior to the Lord's protection, but in here it's all you have."<br> <br> He points over to a narrow corridor leading away from the main lounge.<br> <br> "She normally sits at a table down that corridor. She'll look younger than you expect. Look for the girl laying cards out on a table."<br> <br> He turns back to you.<br> <br> "Her flesh runes have other effects than protection. You'll find them a great help towards your goal of escaping the house. Unfortunately, it will take some practise to determine their exact function. $ won't tell you and will instead only give cryptic hints as to their use. I think she does it out of petty rebellion at $ for forcing her to take this role."<br> <br> //You can now visit// ''$''.<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Barman: Check If Called Away]]
<<set $npcNurse.hasBeenIntroduced to true>> <<set $numberOfQuestions -= 1>> "The house has a nurse's office. If you were to ask $, she'd tell you it's there to keep the house 'clean' and both her girls and patrons healthy. I think it's there to prolong the game. It's less fun for $ if her 'toys' run out of fluids and dry up and die after a couple of rounds with her succubi."<br> <br> He points across the lounge.<br> <br> "Her office is at the end of that corridor, on the left. The door is clearly marked. You can't miss it. She sells tonics that will restore your energy. She'll also diagnose and cure any ailments you'll pick up inside the house."<br> <br> He turns back to you.<br> <br> "The nurse used to be a cow girl lust daemon. Their breast milk has strong restorative properties. Then she disappeared. The new nurse is called $ I don't know much about her."<br> <br> A troubled look passes across his face.<br> <br> "I think she's more than she claims to be."<br> <br> //You can now visit// ''$''.<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Barman: Check If Called Away]]
<<set $npcBarman.hasIntroducedBarman to true>> <<set $numberOfQuestions -= 1>> "The Lord sent me into this house of sin to try and rescue some of the poor souls snared by it."<br> <br> His glum expression implies he hasn't been very successful in that task.<br> <br> You look at his appearance and something clicks. You normally wouldn't even consider it, but in a house of other succubi and sex demons...<br> <br> You ask him if he's an angel.<br> <br> $ nods. "That's the word humanity uses for my kind. Unfortunately, I have no power in here. All I can do is offer advice to any that will listen."<br> <br> <<if not $npcGossip.hasGossipedAboutBarman>> <<set $ to $npcBarman.altName1>> <</if>> Does $ know this? Surely she wouldn't be happy with an angel trying to save souls in her house of sin.<br> <br> "She knows," $ says with a wry smile.<br> <br> You turn and look over at the presentation stage. $ sees you and $ and gives you a cheery wave. $ waves back.<br> <br> "She's always known. I think my presence in here amuses her. I used to think it was because she saw me as a worthy adversary, but I was deluding myself. She's made me into another game piece, same as the others."<br> <br> There is a weary resignation to him. You wonder just how long he's been in here.<br> <br> "Still, you have to keep faith," he says, suddenly brightening up. "You're different, I can sense it. You didn't come here of your own choice. You'll be the one to escape her silk-lined trap. I'm sure of it."<br> <br> Angels and demons. It seems scarcely believable. Maybe $ is just nuts. Or winding you up.<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Barman: Check If Called Away]]
<<if $isTesting>> ''Number of Questions left = $numberOfQuestions.''<br> <br> <</if>> <<if $numberOfQuestions lt 1>> <<include [[NPC Barman: Time Up]]>> <<else>> <<include [[NPC Barman: Continue Conversation]]>> <</if>>
<<set $npcBarman.hasBeenVisited to true>> <<include [[NPC Barman: Clean-Up]]>> <<if $isNpcTesting>> [[Repeat Testing.->Test NPC Barman: Repeat]] <<else>> <<include [[Club Activities: Hub]]>> <</if>>
<<unset $numberOfQuestions>>
<<set $clubActivityUnits to 4>> <<set $postroomActivityUnits to 2>> <<include [[NPC Barman: Print]]>> [[Begin Tests...->NPC Barman: Visit]]
Before you can talk with $ further, he's drawn away by another patron.<br> <br> "I'm sorry," he says to you. "There's someone else waiting to be served. I'll speak to you later."<br> <br> He goes over to the other side of the bar.<br> <br> [[The conversation ends.->NPC Barman: Leave]]
//You're free to talk with $ until he is called away to serve another patron.//<br> <br> What else would you like to ask $<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Barman: Hub Options]]>>
<<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> You raise your hand to get $'s attention. He comes over.<br> <br> "What can I get you?" he asks.<br> <br> <<if $ gt 0>> [[Buy a drink.->NPC Barman: Buy Drink]]<br> <<if $npcBarman.hasToldNeedToBuyDrink>> [[Never mind.->NPC Barman: Leave]]<br> <<else>> [[You just want to talk.->NPC Barman: Just Talk]]<br> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $npcBarman.hasToldNeedToBuyDrink>> [["You don't have any " + $currencyName + "s."->NPC Barman: No Money To Talk]]<br> [[Never mind.->NPC Barman: Leave]] <<else>> [[You just want to talk.->NPC Barman: Just Talk]]<br> <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $ -= 1>> You give $ a $currencyName. He returns with your drink.<br> <br> "What advice can I give you?" he asks.<br> <br> //You're free to talk with $ until he is called away to serve another patron.//<br> <br> What will you ask him?<br> <br> <<set $numberOfQuestions to random(2,5)>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Number of Questions left = $numberOfQuestions.''<br> <br> <</if>> <<include [[NPC Barman: Hub Options]]>>
$ shrugs apologetically. His attention is drawn by another patron on the other side of the bar and he moves over to serve them.<br> <br> [[Continue.->NPC Barman: Leave]]
<<set $npcBarman.hasToldNeedToBuyDrink to true>> "You'll have to buy a drink first," he says.<br> <br> He glances nervously over to where $ is standing at her usual spot by the presentation stage.<br> <br> "Her rules."<br> <br> <<if $ gt 0>> [[Buy a drink.->NPC Barman: Buy Drink]]<br> <<else>> [["You don't have any " + $currencyName + "s."->NPC Barman: No Money To Talk]]<br> <</if>> [[Never mind.->NPC Barman: Leave]]
//You have time for $clubActivityUnits Actions before $ summons you back to the presentation stage to choose a harlot.//<br> <br> What will you do?<br> <<include [[NPC Barman: Check Has Info]]>> <<if _hasInfo>> <br>[["Talk to " + $ + "."->NPC Barman: Visit]] <<else>> <br>//$ has no new advice to give you.// <</if>> <br>[["Talk to " + $ + "."->NPC Madam: Look For]] <<if $npcGossip.hasBeenIntroduced>> <br>[["Talk to " + $ + "."->NPC Gossip: Look For]] <</if>> <<if $npcPotion.hasBeenIntroduced>> <br>[["Talk to " + $ + "."->NPC Potion: Look For]] <</if>> <<if $npcCharm.hasBeenIntroduced>> <br>[["Talk to " + $ + "."->NPC Charm: Look For]] <</if>> <<if $npcNurse.hasBeenIntroduced>> <br>[["Talk to " + $ + "."->NPC Nurse: Look For]] <</if>> <br><br>[[Sit quietly and wait to be summoned back to the presentation stage to make a choice?->Harlot Selection: Intro]]
<<set _hasInfo to false>> <<include [[NPC Barman: Check Has Info: Rnd 0]]>> <<if $currentRound gt 1>> <<include [[NPC Barman: Check Has Info: Rnd 2]]>> <</if>> <<if $currentRound gt 4>> <<include [[NPC Barman: Check Has Info: Rnd 5]]>> <</if>>
<<if $npcGossip.hasBeenIntroduced is true>> <br>[["Talk to " + $ + "?"->NPC Gossip: Look For]] <</if>> <<if $npcMoney.hasBeenIntroduced is true>> <br>[["Talk to " + $ + "?"->NPC Money: Look For]] <</if>> <br><br>[[Sit quietly and wait for the pager to go off to announce the beginning of the next round?->Next Round]]
[[Visit Again.->Test NPC Madam: Repeat]]
<<set $isTesting to false>> <<include [[Intro: Begin New Game]]>>
<<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> <<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> The $ gives you a cautionary introduction to the House and makes you aware of some people who might be able to help you in your quest to escape.<br> <br> <<set $npcGossip.hasBeenIntroduced to true>> //You can now visit// ''$''.<br> <<set $npcPotion.hasBeenIntroduced to true>> //You can now visit// ''$''.<br> <<set $npcCharm.hasBeenIntroduced to true>> //You can now visit// ''$''.<br> <<set $npcNurse.hasBeenIntroduced to true>> //You can now visit// ''$''.<br> <<set $npcBarman.hasIntroducedBarman to true>> <<set $ to $npcBarman.altName1>> <br> //This cost 2 Actions.//<br> <br> <<set $npcBarman.hasBeenVisited to true>> <<include [[NPC Barman: Clean-Up]]>>
<<set $player.baseIsSubmissive to $isSub>> <<set $player.currIsSubmissive to $isSub>> <<set $player.baseIsSlutty to $isSlut>> <<set $player.currIsSlutty to $isSlut>> <<set $player.baseIsSerious to $isSerious>> <<set $player.currIsSerious to $isSerious>> <<set $player.baseIsCautious to $isCautious>> <<set $player.currIsCautious to $isCautious>> <<set $player.baseIsBlunt to $isBlunt>> <<set $player.currIsBlunt to $isBlunt>> <<set $player.baseIsGloomy to $isGloomy>> <<set $player.currIsGloomy to $isGloomy>> <<include [[Unset Disposition Stats]]>>
<<set $afterTableSelectionLink to "Accelerated Start: Set Dispositions">> <<include [[Create Player Disposition Stats: Choose]]>>
<<include [[Create Player Disposition Stats: Random]]>> <<include [[Accelerated Start: Set Dispositions]]>>
<<include [[Set Dispositions]]>> <<include [[Accelerated Start: Skip Intro and Tour]]>>
<<set $ to 10>> <<set $isAcceleratedStart to true>> <<include [[Start New Game]]>>
<<if $hasUsedMulliganToken>> <<include [[Default Transition to Club Activities]]>> <<else>> <<switch $currentRound>> <<case 1>> <<include [[Club Activities: Prelim: Round 1]]>> <<case 2>> <<include [[Club Activities: Prelim: Round 2]]>> <<case 5>> <<include [[Club Activities: Prelim: Round 5]]>> <<default>> <<include [[Default Transition to Club Activities]]>> <</switch>> <</if>>
You return to your place at the bar to consider your options.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Club Activities: Prelim: Pot Addiction]]
Your feelings are mixed as you wander over to the bar. You've no sooner sat down than a glass of beer is placed in front of you.<br> <br> "Complements of the house," the barman says. "The first drink is free."<br> <br> <<if $isAcceleratedStart>> [[Continue.->Club Activities: Accelerated Start]] <<else>> [[Continue.->NPC Barman: Intro 1]]<br> //Receive the full intro from $ (Recommended for first-time playthroughs.)//<br> <br> [[Continue (Accelerated Start).->Club Activities: Accelerated Start]]<br> //Receive the summary version of $'s introduction and $'s explanation of <<print $ + "s.">> (You've already read them in a previous playthrough and don't need to read them again.)// <</if>>
$ is at the bar when you return.<br> <br> "Have you visited four of $'s harlots now?" he asks.<br> <br> You nod.<br> <br> "Be careful with the next one. She will be more demanding than anything you've faced so far."<br> <br> What does he mean by that?<br> <br> [[Continue.->Club Activities: Prelim: Pot Addiction]]
/* Addiction check */ <<set _ailment to 9>> <<include [[Check if Player Has Given Ailment]]>> <<if _hasAilment>> <<include [[Club Activities: If Potion Addicted]]>> <<else>> <<include [[Club Activities: Hub]]>> <</if>>
<<include [[NPC Barman: Accelerated Intro]]>> <<include [[NPC Madam: Accelerated Intro]]>> [[Continue.->Club Activities: Prelim: Pot Addiction]]
<<include [[NPC: Pay Action]]>> <<set $npcMadam.hasBeenAskedToMulliganHarlots to true>> <<set $npcMadam.hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken to true>> <<set $npcMadam.hasToldHowNotToMulliganHarlots to true>> <<set $npcMadam.hasToldHowToBuyMulliganTokens to true>> <<set $npcMadam.hasToldHowToAddHarlot to true>> <<set $player.mulliganTokens += 1>> You talk to $ and she explains her various functions as well as remembering to give you your complementary $<br> <br> //This cost 1 Action.//<br> <br>
/* Top level selection algorithm */ /* 1. Create selection pool */ <<set $harlotSelectionPool to [-1, -1, -1]>> /* 2. Round switch */ <<switch $currentRound>> <<case 5 9>> <<include [[Selection Algorithm: Special Rounds]]>> <<default>> <<include [[Selection Algorithm: Normal Rounds]]>> <</switch>>
<<if $isTesting>> ''SELECTION ALGORITHM (SPECIAL ROUNDS)''<br> <br> <</if>> /* Madam Override */ <<include [[Selection Algorithm: Madam Override]]>> /* No Harlot Override for these rounds (yet!) */ /* Regular Selection */ <<include [[Selection Algorithm: Special]]>>
<<if $isTesting>> ''SELECTION ALGORITHM (NORMAL ROUNDS)''<br> <br> <</if>> /* Madam Override */ <<include [[Selection Algorithm: Madam Override]]>> /* Harlot Override */ <<include [[Selection Algorithm: Harlot Override]]>> /* Regular Selection */ <<include [[Selection Algorithm: Regular]]>>
/* Check if the Player has requested a harlot with the Madam */ <<if $isTesting>> ''SELECTION ALGORITHM: MADAM OVERRIDE''<br> <</if>> <<if $madamOverrideHarlotPick neq -1>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Adding $ Override Pick: $allHarlots[$madamOverrideHarlotPick].name.''<br><br> <</if>> <<set $harlotSelectionPool[2] to $madamOverrideHarlotPick>> <<set $madamOverrideHarlotPick to -1>> <<else>> <<if $isTesting>> ''No $ override for this round.''<br><br> <</if>> <</if>>
/* Check if a Harlot has forced an override for the round */ <<if $isTesting>> ''SELECTION ALGORITHM: HARLOT OVERRIDE''<br> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Future Harlot Override Table: Before''<br> <<include [[Test Selection Algorithm: Print Harlot Overrides]]>> <br> <</if>> <<set _overrides to []>> <<for _oi to 0; _oi lt $overrideHarlotPicks.length; _oi++>> <<if $overrideHarlotPicks[_oi][0] eq $currentRound>> <<set _overrides.push($overrideHarlotPicks[_oi][1])>> <<set $overrideHarlotPicks.deleteAt(_oi)>> <<set _oi-->> <</if>> <</for>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Harlot Overrides For This Round:''<br> <<for _oi to 0; _oi lt _overrides.length; _oi++>> <<set _harlot to _overrides[_oi]>> ''$allHarlots[_harlot].name.''<br> <</for>> <br> <</if>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Future Harlot Override Table: Mid''<br> <<include [[Test Selection Algorithm: Print Harlot Overrides]]>> <br> <</if>> /* check if already has madam override */ <<if $harlotSelectionPool[2] eq -1>> <<set _nOfO to 2>> <<else>> <<set _nOfO to 1>> /* Also remove harlot from overrides to prevent duplicate addition */ <<set _hi to $harlotSelectionPool[2]>> <<set _overrides.delete(_hi)>> <<if $isTesting>> Removing $allHarlots[_hi].name from overrides: Already added to selection pool.<br><br> <</if>> <</if>> <<for _oi to _nOfO; _oi gte 0; _oi-->> <<if _overrides.length gt 0>> <<set _harlot to _overrides.pluck()>> <<set $harlotSelectionPool[_oi] to _harlot>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Adding Override Pick: $allHarlots[_harlot].name.''<br> <<if _oi eq 0>><br><</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> /* Any overrides that didn't fit this round are moved to subsequent rounds */ <<set _targetRound to $currentRound + 1>> /* skip special rounds */ <<if $nonOverridableRounds.includes(_targetRound)>> <<set _targetRound++>> <</if>> <<for _oi to 0; _oi lt _overrides.length; _oi++>> <<set $overrideHarlotPicks.push([_targetRound, _overrides[_oi]])>> <</for>> <<if $isTesting>> ''Future Harlot Override Table: After''<br> <<include [[Test Selection Algorithm: Print Harlot Overrides]]>> <br> <</if>>
/* regular selection */ <<if $isTesting>> ''SELECTION ALGORITHM: REGULAR SELECTION''<br> <br> <</if>> /* 1. Establish Pools */ <<set $visitedPool to []>> <<set $factionPool to []>> <<set $generalPool to []>> /* 2. Establish which faction player currently has the highest affinity with. */ <<include [[Determine Player Max Faction Affinities: Algorithm]]>> /* 3. Sort through all harlots. Pull out any that can appear on the current round. Then put them in 3 groups - A. Has been visited before and not plot relevant B. Belong to faction(s) player has affinity C. The rest. */ <<for _hn to 0; _hn lt $allHarlots.length; _hn++>> <<if $harlotSelectionPool.includes(_hn)>> <<if $isTesting>> Skipping $allHarlots[_hn].name : Has already been added<br> <</if>> <<else>> <<set _harlot to $allHarlots[_hn]>> /* availability check */ <<set _isFirstTime to not _harlot.hasBeenVisited>> <<set _isValidRepeat to _harlot.hasBeenVisited and _harlot.isRepeatable>> <<set _isAvailable to _isFirstTime or _isValidRepeat>> <<set _isRightRound to $currentRound gte _harlot.minRound and $currentRound lte _harlot.maxRound>> <<if _isAvailable and _isRightRound>> <<if _harlot.hasBeenVisited and not _harlot.hasPlotRepeatVisits eq true>> <<set $visitedPool.push(_harlot.number)>> <<else>> <<set _isInFaction to false>> <<set _mfc to $player.maxFactionAffinities.length>> <<for _fin to 0; _fin lt _mfc; _fin++>> <<set _mfa to $player.maxFactionAffinities[_fin]>> <<if _harlot.faction eq _mfa>> <<set _isInFaction to true>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if _isInFaction eq true>> <<set $factionPool.push(_harlot.number)>> <<else>> <<set $generalPool.push(_harlot.number)>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> <<include [[Test Harlot Selection: Print Faction Harlots]]>> <<include [[Test Harlot Selection: Print General Harlots]]>> <<include [[Test Harlot Selection: Print Visited Harlots]]>> <br> <</if>> /* Need this test code in place to stop unseemly crashes of the test versions */ <<if $factionPool.length eq 0>> <<goto [[No Girls End]]>> <</if>> <<if $factionPool.length + $generalPool.length lt 2>> <<goto [[No Girls End]]>> <</if>> /* 4. Select 1st harlot from [Faction] */ <<if $harlotSelectionPool[0] eq -1>> <<set _hi to $factionPool.pluck()>> <<set $harlotSelectionPool[0] to _hi>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> Faction Harlot = <<print $allHarlots[_hi].name>><br> <</if>> <</if>> /* 5. Select 2nd Harlot from [All but repeats] */ <<if $harlotSelectionPool[1] eq -1>> /* Add Pool C to Pool B. */ <<for _i to 0; _i lt $generalPool.length; _i++>> <<set $factionPool.push($generalPool[_i])>> <</for>> /* selection from pool */ <<set _hi to $factionPool.pluck()>> <<set $harlotSelectionPool[1] to _hi>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> Regular Harlot = <<print $allHarlots[_hi].name>><br> <</if>> <</if>> /* 6. Select 3rd harlot from [All] */ <<if $harlotSelectionPool[2] eq -1>> /* Add Pool A to Pool B */ <<for _i to 0; _i lt $visitedPool.length; _i++>> <<set $factionPool.push($visitedPool[_i])>> <</for>> /* selection from pool */ <<set _hi to $factionPool.pluck()>> <<set $harlotSelectionPool[2] to _hi>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> Repeat Harlot = <<print $allHarlots[_hi].name>><br><br> <</if>> <</if>> /* 7. Transfer to harlot choices (to randomise order) */ <<set $hci to []>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $hcCount; _i++>> <<set $hci[_i] to $harlotSelectionPool.pluck()>> <</for>>
<<for _oi to 0; _oi lt $overrideHarlotPicks.length; _oi++>> <<set _round to $overrideHarlotPicks[_oi][0]>> <<set _harlotNum to $overrideHarlotPicks[_oi][1]>> ''Round _round: $allHarlots[_harlotNum].name''<br> <</for>>
/* special selection for mini-boss rounds */ <<if $isTesting>> ''SELECTION ALGORITHM: SPECIAL SELECTION''<br> <br> <</if>> /* 1. Establish Pools */ <<set $factionPool to []>> <<set $generalPool to []>> /* 2. Establish which faction player currently has the highest affinity with. */ <<include [[Determine Player Max Faction Affinities: Algorithm]]>> /* 3. Sort harlots */ <<for _hn to 0; _hn lt $allHarlots.length; _hn++>> <<if $harlotSelectionPool.includes(_hn)>> <<if $isTesting>> Skipping $allHarlots[_hn].name : Has already been added<br> <</if>> <<else>> <<set _harlot to $allHarlots[_hn]>> /* availability check */ <<set _isFirstTime to not _harlot.hasBeenVisited>> <<set _isValidRepeat to _harlot.hasBeenVisited and _harlot.isRepeatable>> <<set _isAvailable to _isFirstTime or _isValidRepeat>> /* Only select harlots that can appear in this specific round (allows overlapping ranges for regular harlots and keeps them out of selection.) */ <<set _isRightRound to $currentRound eq _harlot.minRound and $currentRound eq _harlot.maxRound>> <<if _isAvailable and _isRightRound>> <<set _isInFaction to false>> <<set _mfc to $player.maxFactionAffinities.length>> <<for _fin to 0; _fin lt _mfc; _fin++>> <<set _mfa to $player.maxFactionAffinities[_fin]>> <<if _harlot.faction eq _mfa>> <<set _isInFaction to true>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if _isInFaction eq true>> <<set $factionPool.push(_harlot.number)>> <<else>> <<set $generalPool.push(_harlot.number)>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <<if $isTesting eq true>> <<include [[Test Harlot Selection: Print Faction Harlots]]>> <<include [[Test Harlot Selection: Print General Harlots]]>> <br> <</if>> /* 4. Faction harlots (fill Slot A and B depending on how many) */ <<set _nOS to $factionPool.length>> /* always leave room for one random harlot */ <<if _nOS gt 2>><<set _nOS to 2>><</if>> <<for _hspi to 0; _hspi lt _nOS; _hspi++>> <<set _harlot to $factionPool.pluck()>> <<set $harlotSelectionPool[_hspi] to _harlot>> <</for>> /* 5. General pool harlots (check if slot is occupied first - allows Madam overrides) */ /* Add GeneralPool to FactionPool. */ <<for _i to 0; _i lt $generalPool.length; _i++>> <<set $factionPool.push($generalPool[_i])>> <</for>> <<for _hspi to 0; _hspi lt 3; _hspi++>> <<if $harlotSelectionPool[_hspi] eq -1>> <<set _harlot to $factionPool.pluck()>> <<set $harlotSelectionPool[_hspi] to _harlot>> <</if>> <</for>> /* 6. Transfer to harlot choices (to randomise order) */ <<set $hci to []>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt $hcCount; _i++>> <<set $hci[_i] to $harlotSelectionPool.pluck()>> <</for>>
<<set $isTesting to true>> <<set $player.factionAffinities[1] to 1>> /* <<set $player.factionAffinities[2] to 1>> */ [[Normal Rounds.->Test Selection Algorithm: Use Cases][$currentRound to 2]]<br> [[Special Rounds.->Test Selection Algorithm: Use Cases][$currentRound to 5]]<br>
''TEST SELECTION ALGORITHM''<br> Current Round: $currentRound''<br> <br> [[No Overrides.->Test Selection Algorithm: w No Overrides]]<br> [[Madam Override.->Test Selection Algorithm: w Madam Override]]<br> [[Harlot Override.->Test Selection Algorithm: w Harlot Override]]<br> [[Both Override.->Test Selection Algorithm: w Both Override]]<br> [[Repeats Override.->Test Selection Algorithm: w Repeats Override]]
<<include [[Test Selection Algorithm: Run Test]]>>
<<set $madamOverrideHarlotPick to 20>> <<include [[Test Selection Algorithm: Run Test]]>>
<<set $overrideHarlotPicks = [ [2, 6], [2, 20] ]>> <<include [[Test Selection Algorithm: Run Test]]>>
<<set $madamOverrideHarlotPick to 20>> <<set $overrideHarlotPicks = [ [2, 6], [2, 20] ]>> <<include [[Test Selection Algorithm: Run Test]]>>
<<set $allHarlots[2].hasBeenVisited to true>> <<set $allHarlots[4].hasBeenVisited to true>> <<set $allHarlots[10].hasBeenVisited to true>> <<set $allHarlots[35].hasBeenVisited to true>> <<set $allHarlots[35].isRepeatable to false>> <<set $allHarlots[12].hasBeenVisited to true>> <<set $allHarlots[8].hasBeenVisited to true>> <<include [[Test Selection Algorithm: Run Test]]>>
<<set $harlotSelectionPool to [-1, -1, -1]>> <<set $overrideHarlotPicks = [ [4, 6], [4, 7], [4, 8], [4, 9], [6, 10] ]>> <<set $isTesting to true>> ''Testing Harlot Override of Selection Algorithm...''<br> <br> <<set $madamOverrideHarlotPick to 20>> <<include [[Selection Algorithm: Madam Override]]>> <<set $currentRound to 4>> <<include [[Selection Algorithm: Harlot Override]]>> <<set _harlot to _overrides[_oi]>>
<<include [[Selection Algorithm]]>> <<include [[Test Harlot Selection: Print Harlot Choices]]>> [[More Testing.->Test Selection Algorithm]]
<<if $npcCharm.hasExplainedPickAnyCharm>> <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 0>> [["Use a " + $ + " and pick a charm of your choice."->NPC Charm: Pick Any Charm]]<br> //Pick any charm. This will cost an Action, a $ and its price in <<print $currencyName + "s.">>//<br> <br> <<else>> Use a $ and pick a charm of your choice.<br> //You need a $ to be able to do this.//<br> <br> <</if>> <<else>> [[Ask if you can pick any charm in the deck.->NPC Charm: Pick Any Charm: First]]<br> //Pick any charm. This will cost an Action and other things.//<br> <br> <</if>>
You place the $ on the side of the table. $ nods and deals out her deck until every card is laid out on the table.<br> <br> "Take your pick, dearie," she says.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Charm: Pick Any Charm: Create Charm List]]>> <br> [[Change your mind and don't buy a charm?->NPC Charm: Continuation Hub]]
<<set $npcCharm.hasExplainedPickAnyCharm to true>> "You wish to have the pick of my deck?" $ says. "That is the hallmark of a strong man, one willing to cast off the chains of fate and forge their own path."<br> <br> Wrinkles appear at the corners of her eyes as she chuckles.<br> <br> "Fate often has something to say about that."<br> <br> She shuffles her deck, draws a card, looks at it and nods.<br> <br> "You are in luck, dearie. The Lords of Old Chaos have seen fit to allow it. However, they have a price... an offering. Just as $ allows patrons to change her selections for the cost of a $, then the Lords of Old Chaos will accept the same for a patron to have the pick of their protection."<br> <br> <<if $npcMadam.hasGivenComplementaryMulliganToken>> <<if $player.mulliganTokens gt 0>> [["Pay a " + $ + " to have the option to buy any charm of your choice."->NPC Charm: Pick Any Charm]]<br> [["Keep hold of your " + $ + " for now."->NPC Charm: Continuation Hub]] <<else>> [["You don't have a " + $ + "."->NPC Charm: Pick Any Charm: No MT]] <</if>> <<else>> [["What is a " + $ + "?"->NPC Charm: Pick Any Charm: What is a MT]] <</if>>
$ looks sad. "Have you already used it, dearie? Or maybe you sold it to the wily one who still mistakenly thinks he can cheat fate."<br> <br> She tuts.<br> <br> "You can buy more from $ Coin cannot change fate, but it can forestall it."<br> <br> [[Continue.->NPC Charm: Continuation Hub]]
$ clucks disapprovingly as you ask her what a $ is.<br> <br> "Oh Madam. Is this a new facet of your game, or are you becoming as old and forgetful as the role you play?"<br> <br> She looks up at you.<br> <br> "You should talk to $ She should have told you about them already. She's the one to explain them and the source to obtain them from. It's her game. She controls who can bend the rules and when."<br> <br> [[Continue.->NPC Charm: Continuation Hub]]
<table width="100%"> <<for _ci to 0; _ci lt $allCharms.length; _ci++>> <<if not $player.charms.includes(_ci)>> <tr> <<set _charm to $allCharms[_ci]>> <<set _name to>> <<set _cost to _charm.cost>> <<if _cost eq 1>> <<set _coinText to _cost + " " + $currencyName>> <<else>> <<set _coinText to _cost + " " + $currencyName + "s">> <</if>> <<if _cost eq 1>> <<set _coinText to _cost + " " + $currencyName>> <<else>> <<set _coinText to _cost + " " + $currencyName + "s">> <</if>> <td style="text-align:left"> <<if $ lt _cost>> _name <<else>> <<capture _ci>> [[_name->NPC Charm: Pick Any Charm: Charm Selected][$charmBought to _ci]]<br> <</capture>> <</if>> </td> <td> </td> <td>..........</td> <td> </td> <td style="text-align:right"> //_coinText// </td> </tr> <</if>> <</for>> </table>
<<set $player.mulliganTokens -= 1>> <<set $boughtWithMulliganToken to true>> <<include [[NPC Charm: Charm Bought]]>>
//Congratulations. You've survived the first 5 rounds of// The House of Hellish Harlots! //This is the end of the current demo version. For the final game I'm hoping to have 13 rounds and multiple factions of harlots, each with their own specialties and lore.//<br> <br> //If you enjoyed this and would like to help support development. I have a Patreon here://<br> <br><br> <br> //Patrons get releases earlier and other benefits. I put a new release out with around 3 new harlots every month.//<br> <br> //In the meantime, as you might have noticed, there are considerably more than 5 harlots in the House. Feel free to play again. Experiment with different starting stats and different dispositions. Pick different harlots. They will all love to play with you!// <br> <br> [[Play again?->Intro: Begin New Game]]
"Hmm, you seem to have an unhealthy attraction to ass," $ says.<br> <br> As if to prove it, she stands up, gets you to part your legs, stands in the gap and then turns around. She gives her lovely rump a little jiggle. It's a real peach of an ass. Her glossy white latex nurse's uniform clings tightly to and shows off her perfect curves.<br> <br> Unbidden, your arms lift up off the armrests and you reach towards her gorgeous butt with clutching hands. $ glances over her shoulder and stops you with a stern shake of her head.<br> <br> "A degree of attraction to a woman's ass is natural, healthy even. Unfortunately, it appears a lust daemon has twisted and magnified that into an unhealthy and unnatural fixation. Unless you want your life squeezed out between her butt cheeks, we'd better do something about that. Keep looking at my ass."<br> <br> You can't look anywhere else.<br> <br> You feel a prick in your thigh as if from a needle. You blink. $'s ass, while being very lovely, no longer has an unbreakable hold on you.<br> <br> "All done," $ says breezily.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Ailment: End]]>>
$ pouts her lovely full lips. They look soft, supple and lusciously kissable. She bends over. Closer... Closer... Your heart races in your chest in anticipation of the kiss.<br> <br> Which $ denies you. With a sultry little smirk, she leans back and stands up straight.<br> <br> "Yes, as I thought. Lips fixation."<br> <br> You look at her lovely supple lips and want to howl in frustration at being denied the opportunity to kiss them.<br> <br> "Some lust daemons are capable of sucking a man's soul out with a kiss. One has tried to lure you. She hasn't got you yet, but it's only a matter of time. Unless we do something about it. Now, keep looking at my lips."<br> <br> She bunches them up again. You zoom in on them until nothing else exists.<br> <br> You feel a prick in your thigh as if from a needle. You blink. $'s lips, while being very lovely, no longer have an unbreakable hold on you.<br> <br> "All done," $ says breezily.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Ailment: End]]>>
"I think you have an unhealthy foot fetish," $ says.<br> <br> She pulls up a chair opposite you and unzips the side of one of her thigh-high white latex boots.<br> <br> "It's fairly rare in here. Most lust daemons consider it odd."<br> <br> $ puts her foot up on your chair, between your legs and right in front of your crotch. She wriggles her lovely pink toes and your gaze is sucked in and firmly held.<br> <br> "Ah yes. A definite foot fetish. We'd better do something about that before a lust daemon takes advantage of it. Keep looking at my toes."<br> <br> You can't look anywhere else.<br> <br> You feel a prick in your thigh as if from a needle. You blink. $'s foot, while being very lovely, no longer has an unbreakable hold on you.<br> <br> "All done," $ says breezily.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Ailment: End]]>>
"You seem to be a legs man," $ says.<br> <br> She stands up and shows off hers. They are quite something. She might be a nurse now, but if she ever wanted to trade the needles and bedpans in for //haute couture// and catwalks, she'd have no problem. Her legs go up and up and up, and are wonderfully toned. Her latex nurse's uniform only extends to the top of her thighs and you see she has a perfect thigh gap. Definitely the legs of a supermodel.<br> <br> "Definitely a leg man, and probably not by choice. A lust daemon has twisted your desire to unnatural levels. We'd better do something about that before you start thinking being crushed between her thighs is a wonderful way to go."<br> <br> She bends her knee and puts a foot up on her chair. Your Adam's apple bobs as you follow her perfectly toned thighs to her knee, and then down her kinky, thigh-high white latex boots.<br> <br> "Keep looking," $ says.<br> <br> You can't look anywhere else.<br> <br> You feel a prick in your thigh as if from a needle. You blink. $'s legs, while being very lovely, no longer have an unbreakable hold on you.<br> <br> "All done," $ says breezily.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Ailment: End]]>>
<<if not $npcBarman.hasToldConsequencesOfRunningAway>> <<set _hasInfo to true>> <</if>> <<if not $npcBarman.hasIntroducedBarman>> <<set _hasInfo to true>> <</if>> <<if not $npcGossip.hasBeenIntroduced>> <<set _hasInfo to true>> <</if>> <<if not $npcPotion.hasBeenIntroduced>> <<set _hasInfo to true>> <</if>> <<if not $npcCharm.hasBeenIntroduced>> <<set _hasInfo to true>> <</if>> <<if not $npcNurse.hasBeenIntroduced>> <<set _hasInfo to true>> <</if>>
<<if not $npcBarman.hasToldConsequencesOfRunningAway>> [[What's to stop me running away?->NPC Barman: Introduce Run Away]]<br> <</if>> <<if not $npcGossip.hasBeenIntroduced>> [[How do I find out a harlot's likes and dislikes?->NPC Barman: Introduce Gossip]]<br> <</if>> <<if not $npcPotion.hasBeenIntroduced>> [[What if I'm the wrong type of person for a particular harlot?->NPC Barman: Introduce Potion]]<br> <</if>> <<if not $npcCharm.hasBeenIntroduced>> [[Where do I find 'additional protection'?->NPC Barman: Introduce Charm]]<br> <</if>> <<if not $npcNurse.hasBeenIntroduced>> [[Where can I find... ahem... performance enhancers in case I start to feel depleted?->NPC Barman: Introduce Nurse]]<br> <</if>> <<if not $npcBarman.hasIntroducedBarman>> [["What is " + $ + " doing here?"->NPC Barman: Introduce Barman]]<br> <</if>>
<<if not $npcBarman.hasToldNumberOfRounds>> <<set _hasInfo to true>> <</if>> <<if not $npcBarman.hasTalkedTier1Harlots>> <<set _hasInfo to true>> <</if>> <<if not $npcBarman.hasTalkedTier2Harlots>> <<set _hasInfo to true>> <</if>> <<if not $npcBarman.hasTalkedTier3Harlots>> <<set _hasInfo to true>> <</if>>
<<if not $npcBarman.hasGivenHarlotDifficultiesIntro>> [[What did he mean by 'the harlots will only get harder and harder to survive'?->NPC Barman: Harlot Difficulties Intro]]<br> <<else>> <<if not $npcBarman.hasToldNumberOfRounds>> [["How many rounds is " + $ + "'s game?"->NPC Barman: Talk: Round Count]]<br> <</if>> <<if not $npcBarman.hasTalkedTier1Harlots>> [[Ask about Tier 1 harlots.->NPC Barman: Talk: Tier 1 Harlots]]<br> <</if>> <<if not $npcBarman.hasTalkedTier2Harlots>> [[Ask about Tier 2 harlots.->NPC Barman: Talk: Tier 2 Harlots]]<br> <</if>> <<if not $npcBarman.hasTalkedTier3Harlots>> [[Ask about Tier 3 harlots.->NPC Barman: Talk: Tier 3 Harlots]]<br> <</if>> <</if>>
<<set $npcBarman.hasGivenHarlotDifficultiesIntro to true>> <<set $numberOfQuestions -= 1>> "$ has a strange – for a daemon – obsession with fairness. That applies not just to the visitors to her house, but also the daemons that work under its roof. She presents her weaker and more obedient harlots first and lets the stronger and more rebellious harlots come in later. She'll tell patrons it's to give them more of a chance to survive, but it's more to keep her own daemons happy. If they didn't have first 'bite' at the weak and hopeless, the weaker daemons would struggle to feed at all, and $ would have a harder time keeping them in line."<br> <br> He glances over at the stage where $ is introducing three new harlots to another patron.<br> <br> "In power level, $'s harlots can be broadly separated into three tiers. $ will only show the Tier 1 harlots in the early rounds, Tier 2 in the middle rounds, and Tier 3 in the later rounds."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Barman: Check If Called Away]]
<<set $npcBarman.hasToldNumberOfRounds to true>> <<set $numberOfQuestions -= 1>> "13," $ replies. "It's a number of some significance. You will need to visit and return from the harlots' rooms 13 times if you wish to escape $'s house."<br> <br> You look aghast. 13? In one night? Is that even possible?<br> <br> $ reads your face well. "Time works differently in here. Even with that, you will likely need to seek the help of the nurse multiple times to replenish both your energy and testicles."<br> <br> He glances aside and seems strangely fearful.<br> <br> "That too also comes with costs," he adds cryptically.<br> <br> ''DEV'S NOTE – This is the early access demo version. Currently, only the first 5 rounds can be played.''<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Barman: Check If Called Away]]
<<set $npcBarman.hasTalkedTier1Harlots to true>> <<set $numberOfQuestions -= 1>> "The Tier 1 harlots are the easiest to return from," $ says. "They are usually weak, low-level lust daemons, with seductive arts that are easy to resist. Or, if they have power, they are either benign and not interested in killing humans – some daemons prefer to milk rather than butcher – or are totally obedient to $ and willing to bind themselves with rigid conditions.<br> <br> "These Tier 1 harlots take only the weakest minds and bodies. They see many men, but take very few. $ uses them as openers to prolong the game. Don't be fooled. While they might be easy to survive, the later choices $ gives you... will not."<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Barman: Check If Called Away]]
<<set $npcBarman.hasTalkedTier2Harlots to true>> <<set $numberOfQuestions -= 1>> "Tier 2 harlots are more dangerous. $ starts introducing them in the middle rounds. Their seductive arts are more powerful. A player will need a stronger mind or body to resist. You should start considering your strengths and weaknesses, and choose harlots that align with your strengths.<br> <br> "You'll also need to consider other aspects than your physical and mental capabilities. These lust daemons still follow $'s rules, but more loosely. They might claim a man if they find his personality disagreeable, or his offering not to their liking. Fewer men survive visits to their rooms."<br> <br> ''DEV'S NOTE – While the current demo consists of only the first 5 rounds, all harlots are currently accessible. This might mean you encounter a Tier 2 harlot a little earlier than you should. Have fun!''<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Barman: Check If Called Away]]
<<set $npcBarman.hasTalkedTier3Harlots to true>> <<set $numberOfQuestions -= 1>> "These are the most dangerous and powerful of $'s rank-and-file harlots. Not all lust daemons share $'s desire for fair play. Oh, they might claim to follow $'s rules, but daemons are duplicitous creatures.<br> <br> "Returning alive from these harlots will require the strongest physical or mental attributes. And in some cases, even that might not be enough. These lust daemons lie and cheat. They will test players with seductive abilities no man can resist. $ is aware of this. It's why she only introduces them in the later rounds.<br> <br> "It's also why she drafted in the help of $ $ is a wily one. Rather than upbraid her most powerful harlots and risk revolt, she goes behind them and has $ craft protective charms to nullify her harlots' most potent abilities. It returns balance to the game... provided the player can find the right protective charm in time.<br> <br> "Even with that, very few players return from these harlot's rooms."<br> <br> ''DEV'S NOTE – Yep, there are also some Tier 3 harlots floating around in the current demo. They're mostly confined to Round 5. Consider them a temporary boss guarding the end of the demo.''<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Barman: Check If Called Away]]
<<if not $npcBarman.hasTalkedMiniBosses>> <<set _hasInfo to true>> <</if>>
<<if not $npcBarman.hasTalkedMiniBosses>> [[What did he mean by 'she will be more demanding than anything you've faced so far'?->NPC Barman: Talk: Mini Bosses]]<br> <</if>>
<<set $npcBarman.hasTalkedMiniBosses to true>> <<set $numberOfQuestions -= 1>> ''DEV'S NOTE – Round 5 is planned to be a special round where the player will encounter a 'mini-boss' harlot with a much more detailed (and trickier) scenario. Those aren't implemented yet, but in the meantime I've populated this with Tier 3 harlots. They'll give a rough indication of what the final experience will be like. Enjoy!''<br> <br> [["Back to " + $ + " options."->NPC Barman: Check If Called Away]]
$ is at the bar when you return.<br> <br> "$ has already shown you the second round of harlots?"<br> <br> You nod.<br> <br> "That's how it works in here. You'll be forced to visit sex daemon after sex daemon until one eventually claims you."<br> <br> He mournfully pours a drink for another patron.<br> <br> "The harlots will only get harder and harder to survive," he says to you.<br> <br> [[Continue.->Club Activities: Prelim: Pot Addiction]]
$ gets you to open your mouth wide and looks inside. She takes a sniff.<br> <br> "Ah, this is a rare one," she says. "As I thought, someone has been drinking boobfairy milk."<br> <br> She closes your mouth, goes over to a cupboard and retrieves a vial of brown liquid.<br> <br> "On its own, boobfairy milk is quite harmless," $ says. "It even has some beneficial effects. It reinvigorates the body and encourages sperm production."<br> <br> $ glances hungrily down at your crotch.<br> <br> "Unfortunately, it also makes the mind highly suggestible. The little ones lure men to the big ones. While the little ones can't swallow anything bigger than a man's penis, the big ones can swallow the whole man. You'd better drink this."<br> <br> She hands you the vial of brown liquid.<br> <br> You drink it and gag. The taste is foul. $ smiles with amusement as she watches you.<br> <br> "Don't let it put you off boobfairies. The inside of their boob pouch is really comfortable, whether it's wrapped around your erection or your whole body. You'll feel really good ejaculating inside it. Just keep your wits about you, otherwise she'll turn you into milk and use it to hypnotise her next meal."<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Ailment: End]]>>
The House of Hellish Harlots
$ stares into your eyes.<br> <br> "Thoughts seem clouded. It'll be... oh, this is different," $ says. "I thought it was one of her potions. It's not. This is different. There really are some exotic creatures in this house."<br> <br> $ gets up and look through her shelves. You find it hard to avoid staring at the way her latex nurse outfit is stretched taut over her lovely ass.<br> <br> "Something has had a little nibble on your brain."<br> <br> She turns and smiles at your expression of shock.<br> <br> "Not literally," she says. "They've just siphoned off a little of your mental energy. Most of the time it isn't permanent, but it can take a while to recover fully. $ likes her playthings to be in tiptop condition, so I'll give you a little something to speed the process along."<br> <br> She drops a pill and various powders into a glass of water. She returns and presents the concoction to you.<br> <br> You take an experimental sip. It doesn't taste untoward, more like a strange combination of honey and coffee. It has an effect right away. Your thoughts clear as if a fog has been lifted.<br> <br> <<include [[NPC Nurse: Cure Ailment: End]]>>
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